term 1 activity booklet · term 1 activity booklet stage 2 name: _____ 5 hours of validated...

Term 1 Activity Booklet Stage 2 Name: ____________________ 5 hours of validated activities to try. Family support is encouraged to complete this booklet.

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Term 1 Activity Booklet

Stage 2

Name: ____________________ 5 hours of validated activities to try.

Family support is encouraged to complete this booklet.

Welcome to Children’s University, 2019!

We are so excited to be on this learning adventure with you!

What did you do in the holidays? What new skills do you have?













Can you think of three activities that you have always wanted to try?

(For example: Yoga, Ninja Park, Surfing, Skateboarding, creating a GIF).

Draw a picture of you doing one of these activities.

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things this year!

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Circle three words that you think best describe Children’s University.

Think about how you will get 30 hours in your passport. Draw a picture of

you doing one of the activities that you will put in your passport.

Research: “What is a career”?


In Children’s University, we provide you with learning opportunities that give you choice and

knowledge about different careers.

Do you have a dream job? Tell us what you would like to do and draw a picture.


Follow the link to view the courses at the University of Newcastle (https://www.newcastle.edu.au/course). Click

on a course that you haven’t heard of before.

Course: ___________________________________________________________________________________

What this course is about: __________________________________________________________________



Self-knowledge is important because it helps you to

understand yourself better. Through better self-understanding,

you are more able to be in control of your own life.

1. Things that interest me at home:

2. Things that interest me at school:

3. Things I am good at doing:

4. Subjects I have to work hard at:

5. Subjects that are easy for me:

6. I like to solve number problems: yes no

7. I like to write about my ideas: yes no

8. I am very organised: yes no

9. By using the link on the previous page, what careers might use some of these

interests and abilities?

The Future

Write a story and draw a picture about where you see yourself in 20 years from

now. What kind of job might exist in the future that you may wish to do? Where

will you live? What will your life be like and what responsibilities will you have?












Follow the link to discover what three courses are on offer at the University of

Newcastle that will prepare students for jobs of the future.

1. 2. 3.

My First Resume/CV

Your name:

A job you might want to have:


Abilities and talents (list positive things about yourself

and things you are good at. For example: I am good listener, I am reliable, etc.).

Achievement and Awards (list awards you may have received)

Work experience (list jobs you may do around the house or in the classroom)

Education (your year and school):

References (list two people who will say nice things about you):

Watch this video to get some tips on writing a resume/CV:


A resume/CV is a short

summary of a person’s

work experience and

qualifications. You can

create your first

resume by filling in the


Visit the My Big Tomorrow website: https://mybigtomorrow.com.au/

See which careers could be part of your big tomorrow! Try the Career-a-majig! Click

on ‘See a random career’

What career came up for you?

Describe this career:

Watch the video

What are some interesting facts you learnt about this career from watching the video?

What are some good things about this career?

What are some not so good things about this career?

What subjects would you need to do at school for this career?

Draw a picture of you in this career

Now find a possible career for you: https://mybigtomorrow.com.au/careers/discover

I want to be a LAWYER

As a Lawyer, you represent a client in legal proceedings.

It is your job to try and achieve the best possible outcome

for your client. You might represent clients in a court or you might deal with civil matters which

are usually settled privately.

Choose one of the arguments below:

- Students must wear uniforms

- Homework should be banned

- School should be 4 days a week

- Mobile phones should be allowed at school

- … Or create one of your own!

Chosen argument:



What are 5 reasons that could influence you to study Law?


I want to be an ARCHITECT

An Architect plans and designs different kinds of buildings, from residential

houses to schools or skyscrapers. Architects do lots of different jobs, so

there are a number of areas you

could work in, depending on your


As an architect, you will need

excellent maths skills to ensure

your design is safe. Builders will

work off your design so your

figures and measurements need to be accurate so that enough

materials are ordered. The builders will also need to know what

sort of budget they have to work to.

English is a big part of the job too as you will be writing reports to

explain your design. Writing emails is also part of being an

architect so your spelling and grammar should be correct.

If you are creative and have a keen eye for design, then a career

as an architect could be for you.

Sketch the floorplan of your dream home:

(See floorplan above for ideas)

What career opportunities does being an Architect give you?



____________________________________________________________________ Try designing your floorplan online: https://planner.roomsketcher.com/

I want to be a NURSE

As a nurse, you take care of patients who are sick, disabled or experiencing other health matters

like pregnancy. In your job you can help save lives and prevent complications. Write or draw what makes a good nurse

Visit the following website (https://mybigtomorrow.com.au/careers/details/nurse). Watch the video. What

do nurses have to do at the start of each procedure? (Hint: use words below to help you)


A ______________________ scrub

Put on a sterile ______________________ and two pairs of sterile ______________________

I want to work in FOOD SERVICES


A qualification in Food Services and Hospitality can lead to a lifetime

career in the industry. It also opens doors to flexible work hours and

picking up work when you travel. You can get real world experiences

in TAFE restaurants and cafés that are open to the public that may

lead you to want to be a chef, butcher, baker or a barista.

Create your own recipe. What ingredients are in your recipe? How

do you make it? Draw a picture of the end product.

Recipe: ________________________________

Ingredients needed:

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.







End Product:

Visit the following website:



List 5 courses are offered in this career area:

I want to be a Zookeeper

Zookeeping involves managing and maintaining zoo animals

and their environment. To discover more about the Australia Zoo,

enter links below in your internet browser.



Activity: You have just discovered a new animal species that you would like to live in your

zoo. Design a fact sheet highlighting this new animal discovery. Be sure to include

the following key pieces of information:

- Your animal’s name

- Your animal’s basic needs (food, shelter, etc.)

- Where your animal lives

- Your animal’s unique features…

… Don’t forget to draw a picture of your new animal


_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Did you know you can study Animal Care, Horse Industry, Vet Nursing and Zookeeping

at TAFE?

Find out more information at: https://www.tafensw.edu.au/courses/animal-care-and-horse-industry-


What is your favourite event of the year?

Tell us why this event is your favourite and draw a picture below.

My favourite event is _________________________________________

because ____________________________________________________




Did you know you can study Events Management at TAFE?


View the video snapshot.

What are 3 positive things about studying Events Management at TAFE?

• ________________ ready

• Good ________________ of ________________

• ________________ are always really ________________

Feel Good February is having the intention and taking the time to make others feel

good during February and beyond. Do a kind deed for a stranger!

What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?

Colour in the words to describe how it made you feel:

Write a thank you note to this person below:

Dear ______________________






From ______________________

5 kind things I will do this year…

How would you describe a ‘random act of kindness’?

What do you think ‘pay it forward’ means?

Watch the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ld9_p2bS0. What is your

favourite ‘random act of kindness’ from this video?

There are 12 Chinese zodiac animals used to represent years, with 2019 being the year of the Pig. Zodiac signs are a huge part of the Chinese culture, and can be used to determine many things.

Zodiacs originally had something to do with the worship of animals. A zodiac system has existed in Chinese culture for more than 2,000 years. Over time the zodiacs became more and more

integrated into everyday life, with different meanings and characteristics assigned to each animal.

In order, they are: rat (鼠—shǔ), ox (牛—niú), tiger (虎—hǔ), rabbit (兔—tù), dragon (龙—lóng),

snake (蛇—shé), horse (马—mǎ), goat (羊—yang), monkey (猴—hóu), rooster (鸡—jī), dog (狗—

gǒu), and pig (猪—zhū).

The zodiac cycle repeats every 12 years, making it easy to figure out whether it's your year- just check if your age is a multiple of 12!

Follow the link and find out what your Chinese Zodiac Sign is: https://chinesenewyear.net/zodiac/

Your Zodiac Sign:

Personality and Characteristics:




Lucky things:



Tuesday 5 February

Unlucky things:



Careers fit for your Zodiac Sign:



Health and Lifestyle:



Interesting facts about your Zodiac Sign:





The Confucius Institute at the University of Newcastle offers Student Workshops to learn about Chinese Language and

Culture. Visit their website: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/community-and-alumni/arts-and-culture/confucius-


14 February 2019


Where is your local Library? _________________________________________________

What’s an activity in March that you would like to attend? ____________________________

Newcastle: http://www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/Library/Connect/Visit/Our-Branches

Central Coast: https://www.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/libraries

Taree: https://library.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/Events

Port Stephens: https://www.portstephens.nsw.gov.au/your-council/council-venues/raymond-terrace-library

Cessnock: http://cessnock.spydus.com/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/OPAC/HOME

Singleton: https://www.singleton.nsw.gov.au/index.aspx?NID=1321

Lake Macquarie: https://library.lakemac.com.au/page.aspx?vid=16

Create a bookmark!


Can you find? 1. A book with 100 or more pages?

2. A book with an animal main character?

3. A book about Science?

4. A book with no words?

5. A book in another language?

6. A book about sports?

7. A book that is also a movie?

8. A book that rhymes?

9. A book you can’t wait to read?

10. A book about history?

11. A book you have read more than once?

12. A book by your favourite author?

Book Blind Date

Find a partner. Choose each other a

book and fill out the book report below.


w t




My favourite event was…




Character Setting My favourite character was…


Four words to describe this character:





One place where the story happened



Three words to describe this setting:




Beginning Middle End

The title of my book is…







Not my favourite

Did not enjoy

St Patrick’s Day is a global celebration of Irish culture on the 17th March. It

particularly remembers St Patrick, one of Ireland’s saints during the fifth century. St

Patrick’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world, especially by Irish communities

and organisations. Many people wear an item of green clothing on the day.

A wish for my family: A wish for the world:

A wish for a friend: A wish for myself:

Visit the following website https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/australia/st-patrick-day

What are two symbols that are worn on St Patricks Day?




St. Patrick's celebrators thought wearing green made one invisible to

leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone

not wearing green).

20th March 2019

Pick one of the pictures above. Use that picture to help you write a story. You may need to

continue this story on extra pieces of paper!












Dreamtime Stories

Dreamtime stories are the oral form of the spiritual Dreaming which comprises: Art: the visual form, Customs: the practical form, Dance: the physical form, Music: the acoustic form, Totems: the spiritual forms, Lore: the cultural form, Lands: the geographical forms. Altogether they form

an all-encompassing, mystical whole: The Dreaming. The Dreamtime stories are more than myths, legends, fables, parables or quaint tales. They are

definitely not fairytales for the amusement of children. Dreamtime stories are the oral textbooks of the Aborigines’ accumulated knowledge, spirituality, and wisdom, from when time began. The storyteller custodian’s role was really that of cultural educator.

With the help of the symbols below, create a visual story.

The Wollotuka Institute is located at the University of Newcastle.

Read more about the Wollotuka Institute here:


In the language of the Awabakal people, what does “Wollotuka” mean?


Summarising Term 1

Which worksheet did you enjoy most? Why?

What new learning did you discover that you didn’t know before?

Identify one area of knowledge you could find out more about. List five (5) people who you could

talk to continue your learning journey on this topic.

One area of knowledge:


Five people that could help you:




