terascale computing for flash

The University of Chicago Center on Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flash Center on Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flash Terascale Computing for FLASH Rusty Lusk Ian Foster, Rick Stevens Bill Gropp

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Terascale Computing for FLASH. Rusty Lusk Ian Foster, Rick Stevens Bill Gropp. Outline. Goals Requirements and objectives for FLASH computations Strategy Experiments, development, and research Accomplishments Results, tools, prototypes and demonstrations Interactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Terascale Computing for FLASH

The University of Chicago

Center on Astrophysical Thermonuclear FlashesCenter on Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

Terascale Computing for FLASH

Rusty LuskIan Foster, Rick Stevens

Bill Gropp

Page 2: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago


Goals Requirements and objectives for FLASH

computations Strategy

Experiments, development, and research Accomplishments

Results, tools, prototypes and demonstrations Interactions

Universities, ASCI labs, other ASCI centers, students

Page 3: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Why does FLASH Need Terascale Computing?

Complex non-linear physics on 109 zones Problem size determined by

3D nature of the physical problem (required by turbulence and magnetic field evolution)

Extended dynamic range required to distinguish microphysics from large-scale physics

Current methods require multiple TeraFLOPS per time step on grids of this size for tens of thousands of time steps

1 Tflop sustained required to complete full 10243 calculation (50,000 time steps) in ~60 hours and will generate TBs of output data

Page 4: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Requirements for Scientific Progress

Apply a scientific approach to code development for FLASH-1 Scalable performance of astrophysics

simulation code in next-generation computing environment

Develop and test on high-end machines Use scalable system and math libraries Use scalable I/O and standard data formats

Scalable tools for converting output into scientific insight through advanced visualization and data management

Ease of use for scientists in an environment with distributed resources


Ian Foster

Rick Stevens

Page 5: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Near-Term Strategy for Code Development

Capitalize on existing sophisticated astrophysics simulation code: ASTRO3D from U. of C. Astrophysics Already 3D, parallel, producing visualization output Not portable, not instrumented for performance studies

Use ASTRO3D as immediate tool for experimentation, to connect astrophysicists and computer scientists “probe” ASCI machines use as template and data source for new visualization

work and distributed computing framework use as test case for portability and code management

experiments, performance visualization tools

Page 6: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Long-Term Strategy for Scientific Code Development

Tools work in preparation for FLASH-1 code scalable performance visualization convenient and secure distributed computing advanced visualization, standard data

representations adapt numerical libraries (e.g., PETSc) as necessary adaptive mesh refinement research studies and implementation for standard parallel I/O

Research into fundamental questions for future code meshes, AMR schemes, and discretization strategies multiresolution volume visualization programming models for near-future architectures

Page 7: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

FY98 Accomplishments

ASTRO3D message-passing component ported to MPI (Andrea

Malagoli, Paul Plassmann, Bill Gropp, Henry Tufo I/O ported to MPI-I/O, for portability and performance

(Rajeev Thakur) Testing of source code control, configuration

management (Bill Gropp) Using large machines (more on Tuesday)

Use of all three ASCI machines (Henry Tufo, Lori Freitag, Anthony Chan, Debbie Swider)

Use of large machines at ANL, NCSA, Pittsburgh, others Scalability studies on ASCI machines using ASTRO3D

and SUMAA3d (scalable unstructured mesh computations) (Lori Freitag)

Page 8: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Accomplishments (cont.)

MPI-related work MPICH, portable implementation of MPI, with

extra features Improving handling of datatypes

Parallel part of MPI-2 on all ASCI machines MPICH-G, integrating MPICH and Globus

Program visualization for understanding performance in detail Jumpshot - new Web-based system for

examining logs New effort in scalability of program

visualization Joint project with IBM, motivated by Livermore


Page 9: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

FY99 Plans

Apply lessons learned with ASTRO3D to emerging FLASH-1 code.

Incorporate Multigrid computations in PETSc Continue research into discretization issues Explore component approach to building the FLASH

code FLASH code motivator, for flexible experimentation:

with multiple meshing packages (DAGH, Paramesh, SUMAA3d, MEGA)

with a variety of discretization approaches multiple solvers multiple physics modules

MPI-2: beyond the message-passing model Scalable performance visualization (with IBM and LLNL)

Page 10: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

FLASH Center Computer Science Interactions

With ASCI Labs LLNL: MPICH development, MPICH-G, MPI-IO for HPSS,

PETSc with PVODE LANL: MPICH with TotalView, MPI-IO on SGI, Visualization

SNL: SUMAA3d with CUBIT, URB with Allegra, MPI-IO With other ASCI centers

Caltech Level 1 center: parallel I/O Utah Level 1 and AVTC: visualization Princeton Level 2 center: visualization Northwestern Level 2 center: data management Old Dominion Level 2 center: parallel radiation transport

With University Groups NCSA: HDF5 data formats group, parallel I/O for DMF ISI: Globus

With Vendors IBM, SGI, HP, Dolphin

Page 11: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

A Course in Tools for Scientific Computing

CS-341: Tools for High-Performance Scientific Computing Graduate and advanced undergraduate Expected 10 students, got 35 From Chicago departments of Physics, Chemistry,

Computer Science, Social Sciences, Astrophysics, Geophysical Sciences, Mathematics, Economics

Hands-on (half of each class is in computer lab) Taught primarily by Argonne team

Features tools used by, and in many cases written by, Argonne computer scientists

Page 12: Terascale Computing for FLASH

The University of Chicago

Center on Astrophysical Thermonuclear FlashesCenter on Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

Visualization and Data Management

Mike Papka, Randy Hudson, Rick Stevens, Matt Szymanski

Futures Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory

and FLASH Center

Page 13: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Visualization and Data Management

Requirements for FLASH-1 simulation output Large-scale 3D datasets

2562 X128 10243 :-) Variety of data formats and data management scenarios

binary restart files HDF5 and MPI-IO

Our strategy for FLASH scientific visualization Scaling visualization performance and function

parallelism, faster surface and volume rendering higher resolution displays and immersion tests improving ability to visualize multiresolution data

Improve ability to manage TB class datasets standard data and I/O formats interfaces to hierarchical storage managers strategies for high-speed navigation

Page 14: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

FLASH Visualization and Data Management Accomplishments

Taught UC Course on Visualization CS-334 Scientific Visualization Tools and Technologies

Developed Parallel Multipipe Volume Renderer* Developed Scalable Isosurface Renderer*

Developed HDF/netCDF I/O Exchange Module Leveraging AVTC developments for FLASH

Integrated vTK library with CAVE environment* Desktop integration with high-end visualization tools* Developed a Prototype Tiled Wall Display*

Captured FLASH seminars with FL-Voyager

* funded in part by ASCI Advanced Visualization Technology Center

Page 15: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

UC Course on Visualization

CS-334 Spring Quarter, 1998 17 Students about 1/2 undergrad and 1/2 grad Course provide a base for more advanced

work in VR and Visualization Students constructed

VR and visualizationApplications

Students used high-endenvironment at ANLand workstations at UC

Argonne FL Group

Page 16: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Scientific Visualization for FLASH

Created FLASH dataset repository Currently five datasets in repository Use as challenge problems for rendering and viz

research Rendered all FLASH related datasets

ASTRO3D (multiple runs) PROMETHEUS (current largest-scale dataset)

Provided design input on visualization interfaces FLASH -1 code design

FY99 work closely with FLASH groups to produce visualizations of all large-scale computations

Page 17: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Developed Parallel Multipipe Volume Renderer

Accelerating volume rendering of 3D datasets using multiple Infinite Reality hardware pipes

Integrated into CAVE/Idesk environment Providing software for use of

SGI Reality Monster (FY98) Commodity Graphics Cluster (FY99)

Performance experiments FY99 goals

realtime exploration ~2563

offline movies up to ~10243


Page 18: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Developed Scalable Isosurface Renderer

Designed to scale to 10243 x N datasets surface rendered movies

Uses remote compute resources to compute isosurfaces realtime

Uses Globus FY99 plan to integrate with

ASCI compute resources viaGlobus FLASH dataset test other ASCI data


Page 19: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Integrated vTK library with CAVE Environment

Enabling high-functionality visualizations Builds on 600+ classes in vtk library Enables exploration of immersion vis within vTK

applications Enables very high-resolution offline rendering

FY98 basic prototype (collaboration with LANL) demonstrate on ASTRO3D/PROMETHEUS runs

FY99 parallel objects, performance tuning

Page 20: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

HDF4/5 and netCDF I/O Exchange Modules

FY98 developed two prototype interface modules Support portable I/O for visualization

FY99 plans to integrate these modules with FLASH codes to facilitate ease in visualization

Sim Restart Filter A VizFilter B

Visualization/Data Management Chain FY98


Visualization/Data Management Chain FY00


Page 21: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Integrated Visualization Tools with Desktop Tools for Remote Visualization

Provides desktop video view of immersive visualization

Enables remote desktop/CAVE/Idesk collaboration

FY99 plans tie to high-end visualization suite

Page 22: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Developed a Prototype High-Resolution Tiled Wall Display

ActiveMural Project (AVTC funded) collaboration with Princeton (Kai Li’s group) eight projector prototype 2500 x 1500 pixels (up to

date) twenty projector design 4000 x 3000 pixels (up

january 99) FY99 tie into visualization tools, validate on

high resolution output

Page 23: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Use of Voyager Media Recorder to Capture FLASH Seminars

Enabling remote collaboration (ANL-UC) Asynchronous playback for FLASH members FY99 make FLASH seminars available to ASCI


Distributed Multimedia Filesystem Nodes

Java-basedVoyager User Interface

Voyager Server

Recording Meta-data

Voyager RTSP Control Streams via Corba



RTP Encoded Streams Audio/Video

RTP Encoded Streams Audio/Video

Page 24: Terascale Computing for FLASH

The University of Chicago

Center on Astrophysical Thermonuclear FlashesCenter on Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

TerascaleDistance and

Distributed Computing

Ian Foster, Joe Insley, Jean Tedesco, Steve Tuecke

Distributed Systems Laboratory& FLASH ASAP Center

Argonne National Laboratory

Page 25: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Distance and Distributed Computing

Future simulation science (including FLASH & ASCI) requires “virtual” computers integrating distant resources Scientists, computers, storage systems, etc., are rarely colocated!

Hence, need “simulation grid” to overcome barriers of distance, heterogeneity, scale

Argonne, via its Globus toolkit and GUSTO efforts, provides access to considerable expertise & technology

Many opportunities for productive interactions with ASCI Access to distant Terascale computer and data resources End-to-end resource management (“distance corridors”) Security, instrumentation, communication protocols, etc. High-performance execution on distributed systems

Page 26: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

FLASHDistance and Distributed Computing Strategy

Build on capabilities provided by Globus grid toolkit and GUSTO grid testbed

Use desktop access to Astro3D as initial model problem Resource location, allocation, authentication, data access

Use remote navigation of terabyte datasets as additional research and development driver Data-visualization pipelines, protocols, scheduling

Outreach effort to DP labs LANL, LLNL, SNL-A, SNL-L

Page 27: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Globus Project Goals(Joint with USC/ISI [Caltech ASAP])

Enable high-performance applns that use resources from a “computational grid” Computers, databases, instruments,

people Via

Research in grid-related technology Development of Globus toolkit: Core

services for grid-enabled tools & applns

Construction of large grid testbed: GUSTO

Extensive application experiments

Resource allocation

Resource location



Code management


Remote I/O



Fault detection






Shock Tube

IP, MPI, shm ...

SGI, SP,...

Kerberos, PKI,...






Page 28: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Model Problem:Remote Execution of

Astro3D Prototype “global shell”

that allows us to Sign-on once via public key

technology Locate available computers Start computation on an

appropriate system Monitor progress of

computation Get [subsampled] output

files Manipulate locally

Page 29: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Performance Driver:Remote Browsing of Large Datasets

Problem: interactive exploration of very large (TB+) datasets

Interactive client VRUI with view management support

Data reduction at remote client (subsampling)

Use of Globus to authenticate, transfer data, access data

Future driver for protocol, quality of service issues

Page 30: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Outreach to ASCI Labs

Globus deployed at LANL, LLNL, SNL-L Pete Beckman, LANL: remote visualization Mark Seager, Mary Zosel, LLNL: multi-method MPICH Robert Armstrong, Robert Clay, SNL-L: clusters

Visits ANL<->LANL, LLNL, SNL-A, SNL-L DP lab participation in Globus user meeting Extensive work on multi-cluster MPI for Pacific

Blue Pacific (MPICH-G) Multi-method communication (shared memory, MPI,

IP): demonstrated better performance than IBM MPI Scalable startup for thousands of nodes

Page 31: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago

Challenges and Next Steps

Can we use Globus to obtain access to DP lab resources? Numerous enthusiasts within labs But clearly “different” and requires buy-in Smart card support may help with acceptance

Push further on “desktop Astro3D” driver; use to drive deployment

Use interactive analysis of remote TB datasets as performance driver

Incorporate additional Globus features: quality of service, smart cards, instrumentation, etc.

Page 32: Terascale Computing for FLASH

Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

The University of Chicago