tendring business community magazine

We’ve got our network covered! Clacton Women in Business Why it Pays to Get Real Focus on: Jamesons Clacton Aero Club Tendring Enterprise Inside this issue The launch of a new business networking magazine for the Tendring Peninsular Issue 1 September / November 2012 FREE

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Issue 1 / Sept - Nov 2012


We’ve got our network


Clacton Women in Business

Why it Pays to Get Real

Focus on: Jamesons

Clacton Aero Club

Tendring Enterprise

Inside this issue

The launch ofa new businessnetworkingmagazine for the TendringPeninsular

Issue 1 September / November 2012


A welcome message from KevinBarnes, Managing Director TBCM

Hello and welcome to the very first issue of the TendringBusiness Community Magazine.

Firstly, I must thank all the advertisers and participants whoare shown in this our very first issue. Without them it wouldnever have happened.

The reasoning behind TBCM is one of a “feel good” factorabout the businesses that are based within the TendringPeninsular.

As myself and my team have been contacting companieswe have all been overwhelmed by the response andinterest shown.

The December issue is already taking shape with repeatand new advertisers already booking so please book earlyto avoid disappointment.

On our travels we never envisaged the sheer diversity andexpertise that is available to us in the Tendring area.

That’s why I want you to shout about your success and joinus on our quarterly mission to share all the greatopportunities that are in Tendring.

I must apologise if I, or my team, haven’t managed tocontact all companies within the area as there are 4,000plus registered businesses in Tendring.

However the majority will have had this, our first issue andhopefully enjoy reading a magazine that has only goodnews and no political content whatsoever in it.

We will be expanding the content and look forward tohearing from anyone who would like to submit anarticle/blog for consideration in the December issue.

It has been my goal to bring this publication out for quitesome time now, and with the team I have helping me, havemade it a reality.

By keeping the advertisement rates as low as possible(starting at £75.00 with no tie in’s) and giving a free ofcharge quarterly networking event to all advertisers I hopeit will appeal to the majority of businesses, from a soletrader to the larger corporate companies within Tendring.

I was asked by some companies what the benefit to themwould to advertise in the TBCM as they do not trade withlocal companies and in some instances export only.

The answer was simple, this is a chance to show how goodtheir companies are, and to share and celebrate theirsuccess and inspire other companies to go forward andachieve their goals.

I truly hope you like the magazine and welcome yourfeedback.

Our next issue is due out in the first week of December anddeadlines for advertisers, blogs, and of course payment,will be on or before Friday 23rd November.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you have anyexciting news about your company or would like moredetails about the magazine.

Kevin BarnesManaging DirectorTendring Business Community Magazine

email: [email protected]

Issue 1 September / November 2012 3


Clacton Women in Business 5

Why it Pays to Get Real 5

Focus on: Jamesons 8-9

Clacton Aero Club 10

Tendring Enterprise Studio School 10

Useful Numbers 15

In this issue

The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of theEditor or the Publishers. The Publishers cannot acceptresponsibility for the errors or omissions, although theutmost care is taken to ensure that the informationcontained is accurate and up to date.

All rights reserved. © Copyright Tendring Business Community Magazine.

Editor: Steve Huckleemail: [email protected]

Managing Director: Kevin Barnesemail: [email protected]

Design: Gyles Harden - Silverloopemail: [email protected]

Photography: David Gynn

Printed by: Colt PressTel: 01376 516260 www.colt-press.co.uk

Your Tendring regional representative for Colt Press is

Steve Huckle who can be contacted on 07956 399321

or [email protected] at anytime.

Clacton Women in Business was established in2011 and is a monthly networking group forwomen in and around the Clacton area.

Members are from a wide range of businessesincluding banking, hospitality, retail and legal.

The group was set up to with a view to bringing together agroup of like minded businesses women to shareknowledge and experience, and also to raise the profile ofthe local area. Founder member, Christine Brown ofJamesons, says “We are rightly proud of the businesses werepresent and the area in which we live and work. Inaddition to generating new business, our aim is to make apositive contribution to our area”.

In addition to networking meetings, the group nowundertakes quarterly events to raise funds in support oflocal charities. Their first event was in March when a teamconsisting of Anthea Gilgrass (Trust Financial), KarenHealy(Thompson Smith & Puxon Solicitors), Julie Searles(David Charles Financial Services), and Mel Spencer (SPSSwimming Pools and Spas) took part in the Pier-to-PierWalk in aid of St Helena Hospice, and raised over £650 forthis worthy cause. Three of the ladies walked from Clactonto Walton Pier, but Julie was the CWIB star and managed

to walk back again too,completing the 14 mileround trip.

In June this year the groupran a Children’s CharityTea Party in support of theDiamond Jubilee hosted by member Lisa Alligan ofCharnalies Restaurant. This event was a great success andvery much enjoyed by all the children who attended. Onthis occasion a donation of £250 was made to Open Road(above photo).

The next event will be to host a coffee morning in supportof the Macmillan Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning. This willbe taking place on Friday 28 September atClacton Coastal Academy where,amongst other things, there will be aPampered Chef Demonstration, cakeand bag stalls. Everyone is welcome tocome along and meet us there – forfurther details contact ChristineBrown ([email protected]) orfollow us on Facebook (ClactonWomen in Business) or Twitter (CWIB1).

Clacton Women in Business

Acommon mistake many of us make is to thinkwe must be all things to all people. But bydoing so, we lose ourselves. When we start

to become more comfortable in our identity werealise that it serves us better to be our authenticselves instead.

It leads to more fulfilling connections with others. Ratherthan trying to please everyone for fear of losing someone’sinterest, we start forming meaningful relationships withpeople who are on the same wavelength as us. Businesscontacts become more rewarding, because they’re basedon friendship and mutual respect. We may even discovercontacts in places we didn’t expect to find any. Perhapsmost importantly, it becomes easier to maintain thoseconnections, because we’re allowing ourselves to beourselves, which is a lot less tiring than juggling our manymasks.

It’s tempting to think everyone has it together; that it’s onlyus who feels jittery about being open and approaching

others. These feelings of uncertainty can keep thatauthentic self hidden away, leaving many excitingopportunities and relationships unexplored. Yet they don’thave to!

Let’s start reflecting more on who we really are, rather thanwho we feel we should be. Be honest about the thingswe’re expert in, but also be forthcoming with the thingswe’re not. We may be surprised at the positive responseswhich can arise when we start being more authentic.Others can then truly get to know us (and like us!) andtogether we can move forward into creative solutions andpartnerships we couldn’t have ever forged otherwise.

JC Piech is an author and content writer. She runsworkshops which help people identify their limiting beliefsabout their creative abilities so they can move forwardwith more confidence. She also works with people 1-2-1.

For more info please visit her blog: jcpiech.blogspot.com,or contact [email protected]

Authentic NetworkingWhy it Pays to Get Real

Author: J C Piech

Issue 1 September / November 2012 5

Issue 1 September / November 20126

Issue 1 September / November 2012 7

Based in Clacton on Sea the company has now beenin existence for 77 years. Founded in 1935 over theyears it has now grown into the largest independent

accountancy firm in the Tendring area serving over 1500clients with a team headed by 5 Directors.

The services provided are truly diverse encompassing notonly the traditional accountancy and taxation services youwould expect but also Business Advisory Services, Taxplanning, Corporate Finance, a Payroll Bureau as well ashelp and support with IT systems and training. However,above everything else their business is about people notjust numbers.

The client base is as diverse as the services they offerextending beyond the Tendring and North Essexgeographic boundaries. These range from smaller ownermanaged businesses to large companies, some of whichhave been with Jamesons for generations.

They say first impressions count and as you enter thereception area of their modern offices you instantly feelrelaxed. On our visit we were welcomed by Christine Brownthe Practice Development Manager.

Once settled into the boardroom we were joined by two ofthe directors, Alan Brown and Simon Garner.

TBCM: How would you describe the last 12 months, and

how have you managed to grow during this period?

Alan Brown: We have a very healthy client base, but weoperate in an increasingly competitive market. Some yearsago we identified the need to offer our clients andprospective clients more in the way of ‘added value’services in addition to the traditional services our clientsexpect. This developed further with the launch of ourBusiness Advisory Service in June 2011 which offerssupport and advice whatever stage a business is at in itslife cycle. Of course we continue to work harder tomaintain and improve the level of service we provide toour clients thereby ensuring that we can exceed theirexpectations.

By doing just this as well asinvesting time to make surepeople know who we are andwhat we stand for we havemanaged to develop and growour business.

TBCM: How are you approaching this?

Simon Garner: We are working harder than ever topromote Jamesons by being more visible in the marketplace and community.

We regularly attend Business events in the area, such asthe Tendring Business Breakfast Club and other networkingevents throughout Essex. We have also hosted a number ofSeminars and Business Briefings often in conjunction withother professional firms and financial institutions.

Above everything else our business focuses on client careand delivery of a quality service. We aim to provide ourclients with what they want rather than saying this is whatyou are going to have. It is this bespoke service backed byunlimited telephone support which sets us apart.

Alan: The challenge has been to inform people who wouldotherwise not know that we could help them and theirbusiness. One of the best ways to achieve this is to givepeople a flavour of our services and recently, as part offurther developing our Business Advisory Service, we havelaunched a new Webinar programme which is free to viewand which covers many of the areas relevant to smallbusinesses.

Simon: By maintaining a high profile and having regularone to one meetings with existing and potential clients wealso have a platform to raise their awareness of any new orexisting services we offer.

TBCM: Do you think that there will be an upturn in the

economy within the next 6-12 months?

Alan: Personally, I think it will take a bit longer than that asthe financial indicators are sometimes confusing and giveconflicting messages.

TBCM: Has there been a slowdown in seeing new business

start-ups in the last year?

Simon: There has been an upturn in new business start-upsduring recent times, probably as a result of people beingmade redundant and taking the opportunity to go it alone.As part of our service we offer free consultations andadvice to all business start-ups as well as our ‘NewBusiness Kit’ which is an invaluable source of referenceand advice.

Issue 1 September / November 20128

“… our business focuses on client care and delivery

of a quality service”

Welcome to TBCM’s first spotlight.

Jamesons are a shining example ofa company based in Tendring thatis justifiably recognised for itssuccess. TBCM visited them to findout more...






Putting your figuresinto focus

We would be delighted to hear from anybusiness, regardless of size, to arrange ameeting with them, without obligation, todemonstrate the benefits that Jameson’scan provide and more importantly, howwe can work in partnership with them toimprove their business

During our time with the staff and directorsat Jamesons one thing stood out above all.

They have a refreshing approach to theirclients and work as a dedicated team, fromjuniors to senior management to provide afirst class, or maybe even a world class serviceto all their clients.

If you are interested in finding out more about Jamesons orparticipating in one of their free webinars please visit theirwebsite at www.thejamesonspartnership.co.uk ortelephone 01255 220044 for more information.

They epitomise the ethic that we at TBCM are trying toconvey to the Tendring Business Community. “Be proud of

your achievements and, above all else, make sure that as

many people as possible know about your success.”

Issue 1 September / November 2012 9

TBCM: Do you believe that banks and other financial

institutions are reluctant to lend to such businesses?

Alan: No, but I think that the problems in the financialsector over the past few years has brought an end to theflexibility the bank were able to offer businesses wantingfinance. Therefore many applications fail because they donot meet the strict criteria or because they are poorlypresented. We have a great track record of helpingbusinesses successfully obtain finance and can assist withthe preparation of forecasts and the all-important BusinessPlan.

Simon: There are other avenues for new and existingbusinesses which may need financial help. We are well placedto put our clients in contact with these alternative lenders.

Obviously we would be pleased to meet new and existingbusinesses who would like help making an application forfinance.

TBCM: Finally, to sum up, what do you attribute to

Jameson’s continued success and what do you feel that

you offer as standard that your competitors do not?

Alan: I think that our success comes from really getting toknow our clients and by listening to their requirements. Werecognise that no two clients are the same and thereforewe offer a tailored service best suited to their needs. Thisis borne out by the fact that 60% of our new businesscomes from personal recommendations by existing clients.We pride ourselves on delivery of a high quality serviceand strive to give added value. In short I like to think thatwe will always go that extra mile for our clients.

Simon: This high quality service is delivered usingtechnology and innovation to save our clients’ moneywherever possible. The aim is to always exceed theexpectations of our clients.

92 Station Road Telephone 01255 220044Clacton on Sea Fax 01255 220999Essex CO15 1SG Email [email protected]


From left to right:Directors - Rob Kerry, John Short, Simon Garner andManaging Director Alan Brown

“60% of our new business comes from personal

recommendations from existing


Most visitors come to Clacton for thebeaches, the sea the amusements and thePier, but tucked away between the Golf

Club and the sea is Clacton Aero Club - for over 25years home to a successful flying school.

The region’s first air passenger service, from Clacton toRomford, took place in 1931. This flight took 45 minutesand cost 25 shillings (£1.25) for the round trip.

In Clacton’s heyday as a progressive holiday resort,something like 100 holidaymakers a day would go for fliparound the town during the summer. Today, we still offer the same exciting experience.

Ever thought you would like to fly an aircraft? Then takethe opportunity to do so with a Trial Flying lesson, take thecontrols yourself and discover the exhilaration of pilotingyour own aircraft.

Over the years many students have gained their PrivatePilot’s Licence at Clacton and gone on to becomecommercial pilots for major airlines.

We also offer aunique form ofadvertising for localbusinesses whereyou can be surethat the money youare spending is getting your product or servicenoticed!

We can cover an entire area at the times and places mostbeneficial to you with an AIRBORNE BANNER with GIANTLETTERING putting your name in front of all the outdoorpopulation.

The atmosphere here at the Aero Club is relaxed andinformal, so any newcomers will be immediately at ease.Whether you are looking for a pleasure flight, a trial flyinglesson, obtaining a PPL, buy a gift voucher, or maybe youwould just like to have a cup of tea and watch theaeroplanes - Clacton Aero Club is open to the public andthe staff will make you welcome.

Call us for more information on 01255 424671.

Clacton Aero Club

Tendring Enterprise Studio School is a new model of

UK school and the first of its kind in the east of

England. Situated in modern buildings with a £1

million pound investment in ICT based on mobile devices

it provides a future ready and highly personalised

learning experience.

All students are provided with a personal iPod touch tohelp with learning and a Personal Coach to assist with skillsdevelopment.

As a centre of academic excellence for young people aged14 - 19 it combines traditional exam courses, employabilityqualifications and enterprise skills with weekly workexperience.


Tendring Enterprise Studio School

Jaywick Lane, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO16 8BE

Tel: 01255 424 600 Fax: 01255 424 329

Email: [email protected]


Issue 1 September / November 201210

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Issue 1 September / November 2012 11

Issue 1 September / November 2012 13

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The Kingscliff Hotel

55 Kings Parade

Holland on Sea

Essex CO15 5JBwww.thekingscliffhotel.com

Are you a Charity orVoluntary

Organisation?If so, Tendring Business Community Magazine are giving you the opportunity to take a full page completely FREE of charge to highlight

your organisation.

The only thing we ask is that you supply your own advert.

Contact Kevin Barnes at [email protected] for more details

Issue 1 September / November 201214

Police, Fire, Ambulance & Coastguard DIAL 999

Non-emergency Police DIAL 101

Traveline 0871 200 22 33

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

NHS Direct 0845 4647

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Floodline 0845 988 1188

Issue 1 September / November 2012 15


Our professional team of volunteers offers free mentoring services for expanding localbusinesses and startups. We also offersignposting to specialist business services.

1-2 Davy Road, Gorse Lane Industrial Estate Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 4XD Tel: 01255 740020www.tendringenterprise.org.uk | [email protected]

Would you liketo advertise in

TBCM?If so, shout about your success and join

us on our quarterly mission to share all the great opportunities that are

in Tendring.

For more details on how TBCM canenhance your business please call:

Kevin Barnes on 01255 740021or email: [email protected]

In future issues of TendringBusiness Community Magazine:

Focus on Lifehouse Spa: How a dedicated team ofprofessionals have turned an ailing business into a trulyWorld Class Hotel and Spa.

A.J Woods Engineering Ltd This is a must read article tosee what one man is putting back into his local community.

Dura Composites A company that is doing exactly whatTBCM wants to shout about. SUCCESS!

We are delighted to announce the venue for the first networking event.

It will be held at The Kingscliff Hotel in Holland on Sea (now under newownership and part of the Surya Hotel Group) on Friday 26th October 2012.

7.30am Arrival and registration. Teas, coffees and juices, will beavailable.

8.00am Breakfast is served.

8.30am – 8.45am Kevin Barnes and the team will be giving a shortinformal update on the magazine and forthcoming spotlights.

8.45am – 10.00am Open networking . Don’t forget to bring anyadvertising collateral with you.

If you wish to continue networking after 10.00am please feel free tocarry on. Refreshments will be available (payable to Kingscliff Hotel).

Please e mail Kevin Barnes at [email protected] to book or confirm yourplace on or before Friday 19th October 2012 if possible as space will beof a premium.

All *advertisers are invited to attend the event absolutely free of chargebut can bring any number of guests with them at a charge of £15.00 perhead (payable in advance or on the door).

*Advertisers who took out a full page are entitled to two attendees free of charge.

*Advertisers who took out an ad up to half a page are entitled to one attendee free of charge.

Non advertisers and Businesses in Tendring are very welcome to attendat a cost of £20.00 per head.

TBCM free networking launch

AdvertisingDeadlines for advertising and payment for the Decemberissue is Wednesday 21st November.

The December issue is already filling up and we will befeaturing more blogs and spotlights as the magazine grows.

Bookings are already being taken by new and repeatadvertisers, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

There will be a minimum of 4 half page free blogs for alladvertisers.

As the TBCM grows with the support of you, the businesscommunity, we will be, at some stage, nominating a charity/charities and donating a cash sum from the proceeds of TBCM.

We really value your opinion and would love to hear yourviews and feedback and any ideas you may have that youthink may help to improve the publication.

Special thanks to John Williams and all at Colt Press for theirhelp in producing the Tendring Business CommunityMagazine. Tel: 01376 516260 or visit: www.colt-press.co.uk

Free Networking

Events for all advertisers

Nominated Charity