tender for the design, manufacture, supply and


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November 2021



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Table of Contents

1. General tender information ....................................................................... 5

1.1 Scope of works ............................................................................................. 5

1.1.1 Site Location ........................................................................................ 5

1.1.2 Works Description ................................................................................ 5

1.2 Copies of tender documents ......................................................................... 5

1.3 Tendering schedule ...................................................................................... 6

1.4 Site visit / clarification meeting ..................................................................... 6

1.5 Joint venture and consortia .......................................................................... 7

1.6 Sub-contractors ............................................................................................ 7

1.7 Clarification ................................................................................................... 8

1.8 Addenda ....................................................................................................... 9

1.9 Submission of tender offers .......................................................................... 9

1.10 Content of tender offers - documentation required ....................................... 9

1.10.1 Tenderer’s Information and Technical Documents ............................. 10

1.10.2 Technical Proposal ............................................................................. 12

1.10.3 Project time frame .............................................................................. 13

1.11 Warranty ..................................................................................................... 13

1.12 Tenderer’s price offer ................................................................................. 13

1.13 Tender expenses ........................................................................................ 14

1.14 Time for completion .................................................................................... 14

1.15 Opening of tender offers ............................................................................. 14

1.16 Award of tender .......................................................................................... 15

1.17 Rejection of tenders .................................................................................... 15

2. Conditions of contract ............................................................................. 16

2.1 General conditions ...................................................................................... 16

2.2 Particular conditions of contract ................................................................. 16

2.2.1 Definitions .......................................................................................... 16

2.2.2 Laws and Language ........................................................................... 16

2.2.3 Documents for use by the Contractor ................................................. 17

2.2.4 Compliance with the Law and Regulation to be observed .................. 17



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

2.2.5 General responsibility of the Contractor ............................................. 17

2.2.6 Site Management ............................................................................... 17

2.2.7 Contractor Capability and/or Nominated Sub Contractor Capability. .. 18

2.2.8 Setting out .......................................................................................... 18

2.2.9 Safety ................................................................................................. 18

2.2.10 Quality Assurance .............................................................................. 19

2.2.11 Adverse physical obstructions or conditions ....................................... 19

2.2.12 Materials and Workmanship ............................................................... 20

2.2.13 Possession of Site and Limit of Site of Work ...................................... 20

2.2.14 Correctness of Documents ................................................................. 20

2.2.15 Drawings and specifications ............................................................... 21

2.2.16 Working Hours ................................................................................... 22

2.2.17 Reporting of Accidents ....................................................................... 22

2.2.18 Access to works ................................................................................. 22

2.2.19 Tests .................................................................................................. 22

2.2.20 Power of Engineer .............................................................................. 22

2.2.21 Responsibility ..................................................................................... 23

2.2.22 Completion Period .............................................................................. 23

2.2.23 Programme of Works ......................................................................... 24

2.2.24 Variations ........................................................................................... 24

2.2.25 Payment for Permanent Works only ................................................... 25

2.2.26 Measurement of work ......................................................................... 25

2.2.27 Payment to Contractor ....................................................................... 25

2.2.28 Insurance ........................................................................................... 25

2.2.29 Arbitration ........................................................................................... 26

3. New refueling station’s electrical / mechanical / information systems

and fuel storage specifications ............................................................... 27

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 27

3.1.1 Price schedule ............................................................................................ 27



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

3.2 Fuel & Additive Storage .............................................................................. 27

3.3 Pipework ..................................................................................................... 30

3.4 Fuel Filtration – On tanks’ outlet manifold .................................................. 31

3.5 Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Installation and Transfer Station ..................... 32

3.6 Dispensers ................................................................................................. 34

3.7 Compressed Air and Lubricants ................................................................. 37

a) Optional: Compressed Air Supply ............................................................. 37

b) Optional: Lubricants Distribution ............................................................... 37

3.8 Fire Fighting System ................................................................................... 38

4. Electrical & IT services specifications .................................................... 40

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 40

4.2 General Electrical Specifications ................................................................ 41

4.2.1 Electrical Cables ................................................................................ 41

4.2.2 Distribution Boards and Consumer Units (where applicable) ................. 41

4.2.3 Cable Trays ............................................................................................ 42

4.2.4 Cable Ladder .......................................................................................... 42

4.2.5 Lighting Control Auto-Switch .................................................................. 43

4.2.6 Cable Joints ............................................................................................ 43

4.2.7 Luminaires .............................................................................................. 43

4.2.8 Earth & Lightening protection equipment................................................ 43

4.2.9 Lighting ................................................................................................... 43

4.2.10 Installation conditions ........................................................................... 44

4.2.11 Other Installations ................................................................................ 45

4.3 IT Services Specifications .......................................................................... 45

4.3.1 Fuelling System Software ....................................................................... 46

4.3.2 Works to be done ................................................................................... 47



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

1. General tender information

1.1 Scope of works

1.1.1 Site Location

The area is located on the south-eastern boundary of the Terminal 1,

approximately 380m from the East gate. The site covers an area of

approximately 5,000 m2. The site is currently used for container stacking

and other engineering works.

1.1.2 Works Description

1. Design of the new refueling station facilities’ mechanical, electrical and

IT services, plus storage tanks.

2. Proposed design to be approved by the Engineer.

3. Supply, install & commission the four refueling & lubricants dispensing


4. Supply, install & commission all ancillary facilities, such as fuel/additive

storage tanks, (lubricants’ storage tanks – Optional), access

structures, fuel pumping equipment, measurement & information &

security systems / devices, etc.

5. Supply, electrical power, lighting, communications & other services in the

Fuel Station’s attendants’ room including their sanitary facilities.

6. Provide, install & commission, infrastructural services for the whole

new Fuel Station, such as electrical power, compressed air, IT

systems and related services via the “Electrical & IT Server” room.

1.2 Copies of tender documents

The Tenderer can obtain a complete set of the Tender Documents from

Malta Freeport Terminals website.




Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

1.3 Tendering schedule


Issuing of tender 1st December 2021

Deadline for Submission of Tender offers 7th January 2022 @16.00 hrs

Contract Award 20 days after tender

submission closes (Max)

Project Commencement Date Immediate from signing of


Commissioning & Completion of Project End of April 2022

1.4 Site visit / clarification meeting

A technical clarification meeting and site visit for Tenderers may be held at

any time within the submission deadline.

Tenderers will be asked to register prior to commencement of meeting by

providing their name, the Tenderer that they represent and the contact

details of the individual present during the meeting.

The Client’s Representative reserves the right to keep minutes of such

clarification meetings, which minutes will be made available to all Tenderers

through the clarification process.

The Engineer will not necessarily answer any queries during the meeting

but will be noted and answers will be posted through the clarification


Tenderers are advised, in their interest, to inspect the site of works, in order

to ascertain for themselves the conditions of the site itself in particular the

requirements of MFT operations. No claims arising from lack of ascertaining

the site condition shall be entertained later.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

1.5 Joint venture and consortia

Tender offers submitted by organizations forming a Joint Venture or

Consortium shall be acceptable as long as the requirements listed

hereunder are met in full.

Joint Ventures and Consortia must submit a single cohesive Tender offer

with the object of securing a single Contract as one organization and any

information and/or Forms required must be submitted accordingly. In this

respect, any Joint Venture or Consortium must submit only one set of

documents, forms and other information required under the Tender

Documents except where otherwise specifically indicated, in the same way

as if the Tender offer is being submitted by a single organization. Tender

offers submitted in a piecemeal and fragmented manner with repeated

information and forms submitted separately by individual constituents of a

Consortium or Joint Venture except where otherwise specifically permitted

under the Tender Documents may result in the rejection of the Tender offer.

In the event that the Contract is awarded to a Joint Venture or Consortium,

no changes in the constituents of said Joint Venture or Consortium shall be

permissible for the entire duration of the Contract, other than as may be

permitted or required by Law.

Information regarding Joint Ventures or Consortia shall be submitted on the

Tenderer’s Details form and any supporting information or documentation

outlined above shall be attached to same.

1.6 Sub-contractors

Particulars of sub-contractors proposed to be employed shall be submitted.


The Bidder shall submit a list of Sub-Contractors they intend to use for the

purpose of the Works although this list does not relieve them of any



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

responsibility to provide anything necessary for the proper execution and

timely completion of the Works.

The list must include at least the following information:

Description of


Name of Sub-


Address &

Phone No.

Value of Sub-


1.7 Clarification

a) Tenderer shall promptly notify the Engineer of any ambiguity upon

examination of the Tender Documents;

b) Tenderer requiring clarification or interpretations of the Tender

Documents shall make a written request to the engineering department’

prior to the deadline set in the Tender schedule.

c) Any interpretation, correction or change of the Tender Documents will be

made by Addendum. Interpretations, corrections or changes of the

Tender Documents made in any other manner will not be binding, and

the Tenderer shall not rely upon such interpretation, correction and




Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

1.8 Addenda

a) Any addenda will be e-mailed or delivered to the Bidder.

b) No addenda will be issued later than the award of Tender.

c) It is expected that the Addenda will be officially available at least a week

before closure of tender.

1.9 Submission of tender offers

a) All Tenders and any other document required to be submitted preferably

through a soft copy addressed to the Purchasing Manager

[email protected]

b) For any other documentation / brochures etc. that cannot be sent

through email can be delivered at the front desk at the Malta Freeport

Terminal Administration block reception addressed to the Purchasing


c) All Tender offers must be received not later than the closing date and

time indicated in the Tendering Schedule.

d) The outer package enclosing the Tender offer shall be marked with the

Tender Name and Reference, and the name of the Tenderer’s


1.10 Content of tender offers - documentation required

a) Tenderers are advised to ensure that all Submission Forms and

information submitted as part of their Tender offer should be presented

in the same order and sequence as they appear in the Tender




Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

b) Any inter-lineation, alteration or erasure must be initialed by the

signatory of

the Tender;

c) The Tender shall include the legal name of the Tenderer and a statement

that the Tenderer is a sole proprietor, a Joint Venture and/or Consortia

or a legal entity. A Tender by a Joint Venture and/or Consortia shall give

the place where this was registered, its registration number and where it

has its principal place of business and have the company seal or other

official certification affixed. A Tender submitted by an agent shall have

a valid power of attorney attached to the agent's authority to bind the


d) Tenderers shall submit their tender entirely at own risk and will be solely

responsible for expenses and losses incurred by them in the preparation

of their tender.

1.10.1 Tenderer’s Information and Technical Documents

The Tenderer shall submit all information as requested below:

Tenderer’s Details

Tenderer shall include all contact details, name of the Authorized

Representative, addresses and contact numbers.

Tenderer shall provide a detailed presentation of its organisation, its activity

and financial results for the past 5 years.

Data on Joint Ventures and Consortia shall be supplied, including any

supporting documentation in accordance with the respective section.

The Tenderer shall submit with their tender documents sufficient evidence

that they have carried out works of similar nature and maintenance as those

now being proposed in order that the Client may be in a position to assess

whether they are technically and financially capable of carrying out the

proposed works.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Tenderer’s Organisation Outline

Tenderer shall identify the management structure and hierarchy of the

Tenderer’s organisation and with an Organigram (or organisation chart) of

the said organisation.

Tenderers are to note that in the case of a Joint Venture or Consortium, a

single form must be filled and a single Organigram is submitted for the whole

Consortium or Joint Venture in the manner of a single organization.

Sub-Contracting Details

Each and every sub-contractor to be engaged on the works shall be

identified, regardless of the amount. The statement shall include, the name

of each Sub- Contractors’ organization, their address, contact numbers and

e-mail address, a description of the works to be carried out by each Sub-


Contractor’s experience

The Tenderer shall provide a list of projects of similar size, value and

complexity, carried out in the last ten (10) years including the following


Project Name, Value and Location

Nature and Value of Tenderer’s involvement/works

Project start date and completion

date (State of completion (if still


Client organisation and client references

In the case of a Joint Venture or Consortia, although any experience gained

as a single organisation is preferable, separate sheets giving details of the

general experience of each constituent may be submitted.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Technical Expertise

A list of the key experts to be engaged shall be given, including the years of

expertise in the said field and respective qualifications. The Project

Coordinator shall be specifically engaged full time upon the works and shall

be present at all times during the works.

Key experts positions to include:

Project Coordinator

Civil Engineer (Perit)

Health and Safety Supervisor

Quality Control Manager

Mechanical and Electrical Engineer

Prior to the award of the Contract, the Client will notify the Tenderer in writing

if the Company, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any

such person or entity. If the Company has a reasonable objection to any

such person or entity, the Tenderer must submit an acceptable substitute or

entity with an adjustment in his tender price to cover the difference in cost

occasioned by such substitution. The Company may at its discretion accept

the adjusted Tender sum or it may disqualify/ reject the Tender.

1.10.2 Technical Proposal

The Tender shall include a detailed technical proposal, including the Tender

technical specifications signed by the Tenderer.

Wherever possible, the Tenderer shall submit with his tender all possible

information such as descriptive literature, illustrations, pamphlets and any

other documents, the name of the manufacturers etc., regarding the

materials which are to be used in construction of structures.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

1.10.3 Project time frame

The Tender shall include a detailed Gantt chart of the project.

1.11 Warranty

Warranty for the entire project is for 5 years and include the following:

a) Equipment & material for excessive rust or corrosion

b) Craftsmanship which arise from bad working procedures and


c) Any other services and accessories that hinder it’s use in full or in


1.12 Tenderer’s price offer

a) Prices shall be submitted in accordance with the items and

requirements indicated in the Bill of Quantities. Items of the Bill of

Quantities against which no price is entered could be deemed to

invalidate the Tender. Alternatively the Company may set a pro rata

based on other priced items of the Bill of Quantities and the Tenderer

shall be obliged to accept such rate as established by the Company in

order not to forfeit the Tender Guarantee.

b) Prices shall only be submitted in Euro Currency.

c) Tenderers must inspect the Tender Documents and shall satisfy

themselves before tendering as to the correctness, sufficiency and

applicability thereof. If the Tenderer finds any errors etc., during the

Tendering Period it shall not amend the Tender Documents. No claim

will be considered should there be any omission, inaccuracy or

ambiguity therein.

d) All rates and prices inserted by the Tenderer in the Schedule of

Quantities shall be firm fixed prices and rates for the duration of the



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Contract. No adjustment will be allowed in the Contract Prices or

Contract Rates in respect of any changes which may take place in the

cost of labour and materials or of any other factors affecting such prices

between the date of submissions of Tenders and the date of Expiry of

the Contract.

e) The tendered prices shall be the rate per complete item and the tender

value shall be the sum total of the items in the Bill of Quantities. The

rates tendered shall be considered as covering all the works as specified

as well as any other works which are contingent or of an indispensable

nature for completing the works in their entirety.

1.13 Tender expenses

a) Tenderers shall bear all costs and expenses associated with the

preparation and submission of their respective Tender offer.

b) The Client shall not be responsible nor shall it entertain any claims in

regard of any expenses, costs or losses incurred by any Tenderer in

relation to the preparation and submission of a Tender offer, attendance

at the Site Visits and the presentation or inspections or any other aspect

of the Tendering process.

1.14 Time for completion

The Time for Completion of the Works in this Tender is indicated in clause


1.15 Opening of tender offers

The Evaluation procedure is confidential in its entirety. The Evaluation

Board’s decisions shall be collective and all its deliberations shall be held in

closed session and its members shall be bound by secrecy.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

1.16 Award of tender

It is the intent of the Company to award contracts on the basis of the most

favorable Tenders, provided that the Tender has been submitted in

accordance with the requirements of the Tender Documents. A tender is

deemed to be the most favorable not when considering solely the price

quoted but also when considering other factors which may deem

appropriate to the Company such as but not limited to the technical solutions

proposed, bidder’s experience and references, project time schedule, etc..

Following the adjudication period, a Letter of Intent will be sent to the

successful Tenderer notifying same of the intention of the Client to enter into

a Contractual Agreement for the provision of the Works envisaged in this


1.17 Rejection of tenders

The Company shall have the right to reject any or all Tenders and to reject a

Tender not accompanied by any data required by the Tender Documents or

to reject a Tender which is in any way incomplete or irregular. The Company

is not bound to accept any tender and shall not be bound to give any reason

for rejecting any or all tender



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

2. Conditions of contract

2.1 General conditions

The following clauses are intended to give a clear idea of the terms and

conditions the Agreement with the awarded tenderer would be negotiated

and concluded.

The list is not exhausted and both parties reserve the right to include other

clause into the negotiation.

2.2 Particular conditions of contract

As a general conditions all clauses within the EPC contract apply, except for the

following clauses. The Clause numbers refer to the equivalent Clauses in Part 1:

General Conditions. These clauses in the general conditions are to be substituted

by the text as shown below, unless otherwise noted in the respective clause.

2.2.1 Definitions

For the purpose of this sub-clause, the respective address is:

The Client: Mr. Alex Montebello - CEO

Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd. Kalafrana Malta

2.2.2 Laws and Language

a) The Ruling Language is English

b) The Law is that in force in Malta.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

2.2.3 Documents for use by the Contractor

When applicable, 2 complete sets of prints of all drawings referred to in the

list of drawings for this work and a copy of the specifications shall be

furnished to the Contractor, on request, provided that such request is made

within a reasonable time before it is necessary to execute such a work in

order to fulfil the contract.

2.2.4 Compliance with the Law and Regulation to be observed

The Contractor shall comply with and fulfil all obligations imposed by the

Code of Police Laws and shall give all notices, obtain all permits, pay all

fees that may be lawfully demanded by Public Offices in respect of works

and comply with all the requirements of the law and lawful authority.

2.2.5 General responsibility of the Contractor

All works included in this tender shall be considered as one whole unit. The

Tenderer who is awarded the contract shall be considered and held

responsible for all types of works, materials and construction employed as

hereinafter described.

All materials and methods (except where otherwise stated) shall conform to

the relevant EU or British Standard equivalent.

All materials and methods of construction shall be in form and nature as

specified herein or indicated in the drawings and no variations whatsoever

will be permitted unless it has been previously agreed to in writing with the


2.2.6 Site Management

The Project Engineer shall be available on site of works during all working

hours. Their Representatives shall be empowered to receive and act on the

instructions, directions or explanations as if given to the Contractor in

person. The representatives must be competent and acceptable to the



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Engineer in Charge

2.2.7 Contractor Capability and/or Nominated Sub Contractor Capability.

Specialist sub-contractors shall be employed for re-fuelling area and wash

bay facilities respectively, with proper portfolio background on similar


The Contractor shall furnish details at the time of tendering, of any

Subcontractors he intends to involve in the trades required to complete the


2.2.8 Setting out

The Contractor shall set out the works during the progress of the building

and shall amend at his own cost any errors arising for inaccurate setting out.

The Contractor shall provide without extra charge all labour and equipment

required by the Engineer for testing and measuring the works and for

weighing, measuring or testing the efficiency of any portion or portions of the

complete work and shall also at his own cost provide all planking, gangways

etc. necessary for affording access to every part of the works and all

assistance or attendance required by the Engineer to ascertain the

particulars and obtain the measurements of the work done.

2.2.9 Safety

The Contractor shall comply with all National Safety Regulations and shall be

solely responsible for the safety of his workmen and the general public. He

shall also be responsible for any damage caused to 3rd party property that

may be caused by him or his employees.

Contractor shall provide the following before works commence:

a) A Health and Safety risk assessment covering the works to be carried out

at Malta Freeport

b) Evidence that persons involved in the works have attended HSE



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Induction training provided by the Terminal

c) Copies of training records if work involves the following activities:

- work at heights

- work in confined spaces

- Crane driver license or evidence of training in lifting device operation

d) Copy of regulatory certificates of lifting device and/or lifting accessories

to be used in the works

2.2.10 Quality Assurance

The Client will have a quality assurance system in place to oversee all

quality control issues. Testing will be carried out on all items as indicated in

the Technical Specifications. Compliance with the quality assurance system

shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligations or

responsibilities under the Contract.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a quality plan,

prior to the commencement of works. The plan shall set out details of the

quality management system to be implemented by the Contractor in order

to control all design procurement and construction activities required by the

Contract in such a way as to ensure completion of the Works in accordance

with the Contract.

2.2.11 Adverse physical obstructions or conditions

The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for all climatic conditions,

physical obstructions and physical conditions foreseen or not foreseen or

costs incurred by the Contractor by reason of such obstruction or condition

having been encountered.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

2.2.12 Materials and Workmanship

a. All materials required for the completion of the works specified shall be

provided by the Contractor unless stated otherwise on the Drawings

and/or the Contract Documents.

b. The work shall be carried out in the best customary practice and the

Engineer/Engineers Representative are to be satisfied that the quality

of the materials conforms to that specified herein.

c. The Contractor shall provide without extra charge all labour and

equipment required by the Engineer for testing, measuring or proving the

efficiency of any of the materials used or of any portion or portions of the

completed works.

2.2.13 Possession of Site and Limit of Site of Work

Possession of the site shall be given to the Contractor only when given order

to start work. The work must be carried out with due diligence and expedition

in order to minimize disruption of operations and on site time and the whole

work must be completed within the period mentioned in the contract.

The Contractor shall limit his work and storage of materials to the areas that

will be shown to him on the tender drawings, as required for the purpose.

Under no circumstances shall works being carried out by him or storage of

materials be allowed to interfere with other works being carried out in the


The Contractor shall make good each particular trade and provision for such

works shall be made in respective rates. All rubbish shall be cleared and

carted away as it is accumulated from time during the progress of the works

and on completion.

2.2.14 Correctness of Documents

The Contractor shall investigate the nature of the Works, lines, levels and



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

quantities and shall conduct all necessary investigations, tests and the like to

verify the correctness of the Drawings, Specification, and Instructions

supplied to him. If he considers that any of the Drawings, Specifications, Bills

of Quantities and Instructions may jeopardize execution of the Works, or if

they are inconsistent with economical or technical standards or may be

restricted, he shall notify the Engineer accordingly. If the Contractor fails to

notify the Engineer as aforesaid or having notified the Engineer proceeds

with the execution of the Works without having received instructions to

continue, he shall be held to be responsible for proceeding with the execution

of the Works on the basis of the Drawings, Specifications, Bills of Quantities

and instructions supplied to him.

2.2.15 Drawings and specifications

The work shall be carried out in accordance with the directions and to the

satisfaction of the Engineer and Projects Manager, in accordance with the

drawings, specifications and Schedule of Quantities and such further

drawings and directions as may from time to time be given by the Engineer.

If the work shown on any such direction be, in the opinion of the Contractor

extra to that comprised in the Specifications, he shall, before proceeding with

such work, give notice to this effect to the Engineer; but if no notice is given

to the Engineer before the execution of the work, the Contractor shall have

no claim to any extra payment in respect thereof.

The Contractor shall provide everything necessary for the proper execution

of the works according to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and

specifications taken together provided that the same be reasonably inferred

here from, and if the Contractor finds any discrepancy in the drawings, or

between the drawings and the specifications, he shall immediately refer the

matter to the Engineer who shall decide which shall be followed and the

Contractor shall be held responsible for any errors that may occur in the work

through the neglect of precaution. Figured dimensions are to be followed in

the preference to scale dimensions, and all dimensions, and particulars are

to be taken from the actual work. It must be distinctly understood that the

whole specification is intended to be strictly enforced and that no extra

charge in respect of extra work will be allowed unless they are clearly



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

outside the spirit of specifications.

2.2.16 Working Hours

Subject to any provision to the contrary contained in the Contract, the

Contractor shall have the option to work continuously by day and night and

on locally recognized holidays or days of rest.

2.2.17 Reporting of Accidents

The Contractor shall report to the Engineer details of any accident as soon

as possible after its occurrence. In the case of any fatality or serious

accident, the Contractor shall, in addition, notify the Engineer immediately

by the available means.

2.2.18 Access to works

The Engineer and the Engineer’s Representative or any persons authorized

by them shall have at all times access to the works. They shall also have

access to workshops or other places where work or material are being


2.2.19 Tests

Tests on any materials may be taken at any time during the course of the

works and the Contractor shall be bound to provide the Engineer with all such

assistance, instruments, machines, labour and materials as are normally

required for examining, measuring and testing any work, and the quality,

weight or quantity of any materials used and shall supply samples of

materials before incorporation in the works, for testing as may be required

by the Engineer.

2.2.20 Power of Engineer

The Engineer shall have the power, during the course of the work, to order

the Contractor to remove from the site any materials which are considered



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

to be of an inferior quality. They shall also have the power to order the

removal and proper re-execution of any work executed with the rejected

materials in a manner contrary to the spirit of the Specifications. Such orders

shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense. In case of default

on the part of the Contractor to carry out such orders, the Client shall have

the power to employ and pay other persons to carry out same at

Contractor’s expense; such expenses shall be deducted from any monies

that may be due to the Contractor.

2.2.21 Responsibility

The Contractor will be responsible for the safety of the works (including the

materials and plant) until they are taken possession by the client and/or his

representative and shall stand the risk and be responsible for and must with


2.2.22 Completion Period

The works shall be completed within the agreed Time-Frames

Tenderers may not be considered if this clause is not accepted. In awarding

the contract, the time factor will be an important consideration. When a

Tenderer does not quote the period to complete the works in its entirety, it is

assumed that works will be completed within the maximum time specified


Before proceeding to execute any work, the Contractor shall obtain the

Engineer’s approval of the manner in which the Contractor proposed to

execute each portion of the work and shall furnish such drawings, program

of works or information as the Engineer or his representative shall require.

The Contractor shall take all risks of accident or damage to the works, from

whatever cause arising and shall be responsible for the sufficiency of all

means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract and shall not be relieved

from such responsibilities by any approval other than a written approval

which may have been given by the Engineer.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

2.2.23 Programme of Works

The Tenderer shall be required to submit a detailed program of works


how, week by week he proposes to proceed from the time of the award of

this contract up to completion date as herein described. The contractor shall

submit upon weekly bases, schedules of the main works, showing

quantitative work progress over the previous work and accumulative

progress to date.

Before proceeding with the execution of work, the Contractor shall obtain

the Engineer’s and projects Manager approval of the manner in which he

proposes to carry out each portion of the work and shall furnish such

drawings, programme of works or information as both the Engineer and

Projects Manager shall require.

2.2.24 Variations

The right is reserved to increase or decrease the quantity of any work

included in the contract or to omit any such work as necessary up to a

variance of 20%.

Increase or decrease of cost

The Contract Sum shall be a fixed amount and shall not be subject to

adjustment in the event of fluctuations in the cost of materials, labor,

affecting the cost of execution of the Contract

Tendered rates

The tendered rates shall be inclusive of all works as specified, as well as any

other works, which are congruent, or of an indispensable nature of

completing the work in its entirety. The rates shall be inclusive of all

materials necessary, profits, and payments of Customs Duty and Landing

Charges on all imported goods, all hire of plant and machinery required, and

also all transport of materials to the site of works and so on, and shall include

any taxes / charges that may be or become payable on any part of the works



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

covered by this tender/contract.

The Contract Sum includes all cost of mobilisation erecting a site office,

completion of all works within the contract and demobilisation.

Consequently the Contractor shall indemnify the Client for any claim arising

from the obligation to pay any such cost.

2.2.25 Payment for Permanent Works only

No advance payment will be made for the materials purchased and

available on site for form works, constructional plant, and temporary work.

Payments will only be effected in respect of actual permanent work


2.2.26 Measurement of work

The work shall be measured as detailed in the Bill of Quantities and as

specified by the appropriate clause in the attached specifications.

2.2.27 Payment to Contractor

An Interim Certificate of Payment may be issued at milestone intervals.

The interim payment shall be divided into stages, including:

- Design approval

- Further milestones dependent on the approved program

- Completion of works / commissioning

- End of defects liability period (if and where applicable)

2.2.28 Insurance

The Contractor shall be required to have a Contractor’s All Risk Insurance

Policy, prior to the commencement of works. The Contractor shall provide

the Client with evidence that any required policy is in force and that the

premiums have been paid.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

The Contractor shall provide insurance for Works and Equipment, including:

a) The Works, together with materials and plant for incorporation, to the

full replacement cost;

b) An additional sum to cover any additional costs of and incidental to the

rectification of loss or damage including professional fees and the cost

of demolishing and removing any part of the Works and of removing

debris of whatsoever nature;

c) Insure the Contractor’s Equipment and other things brought onto the

Site by the Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their

replacement at the Site.

d) Damage to the Client’s surrounding property arising out of the contract

works and business interruption as a result of such damage.

The Contractor shall also provide insurance against each Party’s liability for

any loss, damage, death or bodily injury which may occur to any physical

property (except for things insured under Works and Equipment).

2.2.29 Arbitration

Should a dispute arise between the Client and the Contractor, the

Engineers’ interpretation and first determination should be the guidelines for

amicable settlement. However, in the case of inability to come to terms, any

of the parties has the option to refer the matter to arbitration. The arbitration

body is the Malta Arbitration Centre, South Street, Valletta. This Arbitration

Centre is regulated by the Laws of Malta. The decision of the three (3)

Arbitrators, as duly constituted, will be final.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

3. New refueling station’s electrical / mechanical / information systems and fuel storage specifications

3.1 Introduction

The approved permit PA/4002/16 allows for a washing area, a fuel storage area, a

refuelling area and a tug/lifter service area. The project shall be divided into multiple

phases, with the fuel storage area and the refuelling area facilities constituting Phase

1. This specific phase includes the following works to be contracted:

1. Refuelling storage tanks, dispensers and accessories

2. Electrical and IT services

3. Steel Canopy

This specification document shall be read in conjunction with the approved PA

documents, and Phase 1 drawings.

3.1.1 Price schedule

To submit an itemized BOQ for all items listed in the following clauses:

a) 3.2 to 3.7 indicating prices for each requested item.

b) 4.2 to 4.3.2 indicating prices for each requested item.

3.2 Fuel & Additive Storage


The permit allows for a total of 5 above ground fuel / additive storage tanks. However,

for the first phase, 3 above ground storage tanks are to be installed, namely: - two (2)

with a capacity of 30,000 litres (L) each and one (1) with a capacity of 5,000 litres (L).

The offer for the supply, installation, testing plus commissioning of such storage tanks’

system, shall include all the necessary accessories and connections that will allow the

buyer to expand the proposed system, into a total of 4 in number 30,000 L tanks plus

1 in number 5,000 L tank when required. The first two 30,000 L tanks, that will be used

to hold diesel EN590, are to be double-skin, single compartment storage tanks while

the smaller 5,000 L storage tank, that will be used to hold Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

is also required to be double-skin but it shall have 2 independent compartments. Both

types of tanks shall conform to EN 12285-1. All tanks’ materials are to be offered in

either UV resistant Polyethylene or Stainless Steel 316L or spray painted steel

(provided that coating used is; (i) certified as suitable for the above intended use; (ii)

guaranteed to serve for 15 years or more and (iii) of thickness which is clearly

indicated). In this way, for the first phase, the total storage of fuel plus additive will be

60,000 L + 5,000 L respectively. The price of the 30,000 L tanks, quoted in this offer,

shall be declared valid till end of 2023.


Each tank will be located within its separate bund, raised and anchored to the ground

with non-corrosive fixture and/or straps. The bottom structure of each bund is

constructed from sulphate resisting concrete while the side walls are made of bricks

(dimensions of each bund are: 6.6 m by 4.4 m by 1.225 m deep => 35.574 m3). The

bund is lined by a fuel resistant (5 x 10-9 m3/s) self-healing geo-textile membrane, and

will be able to hold 35,570 L (which is more than 110% of the largest tank’s volume),

in the event of a spill from a tank.

The entire fuel storage area, as well as the refuelling area (both liquid fuel and Diesel

Exhaust Fluid [DEF]), will be under the cover of an open sided, light weight steel

canopy, with a maximum height of 8.91 m.

Accessories and Access

The above storage tanks, are required to be equipped with an interstitial leak detection

system and in the case of the diesel tanks, they are to be installed with 2 ½” to 3“,

Flame Arrestors and Over-Fill Prevention Device, according to EN 13160 Class 1.

Each fuel tank shall have an adequately sized venting system which incorporates a

flame arrestor in accordance with EN-ISO 16852.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

The installation is also to include the following:-

(a) An automatic ‘Fuel Tank Gauging Management System’ according to EN

13352, complete with continuous monitoring for inventory management,

printing options, audible alarm and LED indicators, ‘in-tank’ leak detection

facilities, stainless steel probes with float kits for clear water content indication,

wiring, communication ports and any other accessories as required for a

complete installation for the 2 in no. aboveground fuel storage tanks

(upgradeable in the future to 4 tanks) plus for the 2 additive compartments

inside the additive storage tank. This ‘Tank Gauging Management System’ shall

provide data/feedback to two computer terminals, one located at the fuel station

(operated via a 15” touch screen (KVM connected to a remote workstation)

suitable for outdoor use – ATEX compliant, Zone 1) and another at a remote

location, namely, at MFT main stores via MFT’s network infrastructure.

Computer Terminals will be provided by MFT.

(b) A variable speed ‘submersible turbine pump’ (STP) system suspended inside

each tank and additive compartment, having the following characteristics: -

peak flow of 35 m3 / hr at 3 bar pressure. Thus, 2 pumps made from 316L

stainless steel (SS 316L) for AD-Blue and 2 pumps in brass for diesel, each

complete with (i) suitably sized/sealed motor (in SS 316 L) casing & its Inverter

Controller in cabinet (SS 316 L); (ii)variable length pipe risers (in SS 316L for

AD-Blue or Brass for diesel); couplers, fittings & fasteners (in SS 316L for AD-

Blue or Brass for diesel) are to be offered. Any cast metal to have corrosion

protection coating – to be clearly specified.

(c) Top cover & access chamber for each tank and additive compartment, shall be

made from the same tank material, in order to house inside it the pump unit

mentioned in (b) and in accordance with BSI PAS 26 or equivalent, since tanks

are exposed.

(d) Access to the bunds and fuel tanks via a controlled access gate equipped with

a card reader (EXOS Kaba access control registration unit/reader – outdoor &

ATEX compliant) plus its controller (EXOS Kaba IDML - ATEX compliant).

(e) Galvanized steel hand railed (1.1 m high) staircases, walkways and vertical

ladders with back protection (for ladders reaching heights above 2.5 metres

from ground level) in order to access & reach safely each individual storage



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

tank plus its bund, on foot. The access to each tank’s bottom drain valves, shall

be via a raised galvanized steel flooring elevated 400 mm above the bottom of

the bund so as to make access easier when fluids are present inside the bund.

All walkways shall be equipped with galvanized steel toe boards and/or kick-


3.3 Pipework

The laying of underground and above ground pipework for fuel transfer has already

been awarded separately from this tender. The pipe work shall be made of double

skinned polyethylene (PE) pipes and therefore, a continuous interstitial monitoring

device will be installed to detect leakages, in accordance with EN 14125.

All electrical equipment within the storage and dispenser area will be ATEX certified.

(This shall vary depending on the works’ zone within the Fuel Station – as different

classes of ATEX protection apply – see examples in zones 0,1,2 :- Inside tank (zone

0) ATEX protection 1G is required ; below nozzle (zone 1) ATEX protection 2G is

required ; just under canopy such as lighting (zone 2) ATEX protection 3G is required.

The five (5) fuel inlet pipe lines intended for filling and topping up, separately each

storage tank from the fuel delivery bowser, have been laid, using polyethylene (PE)

double skinned pipes with diameters sized 110 mm / 125 mm. The fuel delivery bowser

driver, shall therefore just select which tank/tanks to fill (as instructed by MFT) by

simply connecting the bowser’s discharge hose pipe to the 4" inlet port with dry break

coupling (to prevent cross filling and contamination) and manually operate the quarter

turn valve numbered / marked like its corresponding storage tank. This system is

capable of delivering a maximum flow rate of 800-1,000 lts/minute, using the bowser’s

transfer pump. Each tank shall have a top entry point equipped with an ‘Overfill

Prevention Device’ in accordance with EN 13616 Type A, to match with a 110mm /

125 mm diameter double skinned PE pipe line.

The outlet of each fuel storage tank and additive compartment shall be via the tank’s

top cover, fed by the submersible turbine pump arrangement. Each tank outlet shall

be made from a double skin UV resistant PE pipe, sized 90 mm / 110 mm, which



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

connects, via a remotely / or manually (with over-ride) operated valve (using flanged

dismountable connections) to an overhead double skin common manifold of same pipe

material and diameter. The manifold shall then feed at one end, the inlet side of 2 fuel

filters described in more detail later, while at the other end, it shall have a manual valve

with a blanked flange end connection which would be utilised in the future when more

fuel storage tanks are added.

Each storage tank and additive compartment shall also have, at its lowest bottom

position, a remotely / or manually (with over-ride) operated ‘wash-out’ valve (using

flanged dismountable connections) to enable the emptying of every tank for cleaning

and inspection purposes. Downstream of the ‘wash-out’ valve, there shall be a

galvanised steel suction bowser spherical female connection fitting to enable every

tank to be emptied, whenever required.

The station operator shall have the means to manage any individual tank outlet valve,

to supply & operate the dispenser units either via remote operation from a dedicated

panel, with LED valve status indications showing ‘Open’ / ‘Closed’ / ‘Over-Ride’ or else

via localised manual valve operation. Delivery valves shall be of the normally closed

type, while all valves on the outlet and inlet sides of the storage tanks, shall have the

possibility to be locked in their closed position.

3.4 Fuel Filtration – On tanks’ outlet manifold

Diesel fuel (EN590) pumped out from the storage tanks, shall be filtered through a

dual assembly of suitably sized leg mounted Racor RVFS SS Series filters with

reusable silicon treated or synthetic fibre (25 micron) fuel filters. Each filter assembly

shall be installed with its own differential pressure gauge, so as to monitor the need

for filter replacement / cleaning. A manual drain valve for each filter assembly is also

to be provided. Adoption of ‘reusable / cleanable’ filters is preferred to ‘throw away’

filter insert solutions.

Each filter assembly rating shall be such to enable a sustained flow rate of 300

lts/minute or 600 lts/minute when operating on 1 or 2 filters respectively.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

The fuel tanks’ outlet manifold layout, shall enable redundancy of each filter assembly

during either filter replacement or filter servicing intervals, such that normal fuelling

operations can be continued. This shall be achieved via the use of a manual valve

operated bypass system.

Bidders are also requested to refer to Project Description Statement: Fuel Storage

Area section.

3.5 Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Installation and Transfer Station

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Installation and Transfer Station

Tank compartments will have the following features where applicable:

1. Overfill protection system in accordance to EN 13616 Type A

2. Tank leakage sensor

3. Level Monitoring 1 - Tank compartment contents gauge with remote read out

4. Stainless steel fittings (SS 316 L for AD-Blue and Brass for diesel)

5. Inner tank /compartment in non-pigmented UV resistant polyethylene (PE) or

Stainless steel 316L

6. Outer tank in a colour to suit customer specification and branding (typically Blue

– RAL 5015) using a polyurethane coating of not less than 80 microns.

7. Tank/compartment contents and dispense equipment temperature control

(heating and ventilation)

8. Insulated from external heating and chilling

9. 4" inlet port with dry break coupling to prevent cross filling and contamination

10. Anti-evaporation tank/compartment breather with over pressure over-ride

11. Filtered air inlet

12. Integral / remote dispense pump

13. Bulk head light

14. Electrical control box and integral safety trips

1 A transfer system from IBC bulk tank to storage tank via an electric pump.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

The installation shall include:-

(a) A variable speed ‘submersible turbine pump’ (STP) system suspended inside

each tank, having the following characteristics: - peak flow of 2.4m3 / hr at 3 bar

pressure. Pump shall be made from 316L stainless steel (SS 316L) for AD-

Blue, complete with suitably sized motor in (SS 316L) casing with Inverter

Controller housed in (SS 316L) cabinet; variable length pipe risers in (SS 316L

for AD-Blue); couplers, fittings & fasteners in (SS 316L for AD-Blue). Any cast

metal shall be coated with suitable corrosion protection coating – which type

shall be clearly specified by the bidder.

(b) Top cover / chamber for each tank, made from the same tank material, in order

to house inside it the pump unit mentioned in (b), in accordance with BSI PAS

26 or equivalent since tanks are exposed.

The system offered should be suitable for handling Urea due to its corrosive low

viscosity nature which can crystallise and which tends to degrade the pump and

system. The design, therefore, should as an indication comply with the following


To keep strict purity requirements for DEF as per ISO 22241-3 or DN70070 and

the associated guidance notes from CEFIC - QAGD.

Have the same properties as fuel pumps: flow rate, pressure, technology.

Preferably has stainless steel construction with anti-seizing treatment (normally

a centrifugal pump) with the bearings resistant to dry running.

Be equipped with suitable strainers and all standard accessories made of

stainless steel 316L.

Have a pressure switch which activates the Urea once there is a demand in the

filling station.

Nozzles when activated would trigger the pressure switch, activating the pump

as necessary.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

3.6 Dispensers

All dispensers shall be equipped with current loop interface system. Preference shall

be given to the below mentioned brands of dispenser suppliers, provided it can be

proved that the company is well represented locally and capable of carrying out after

sales support through a service level agreement covering the first 5 years of operation.

Offered dispensers shall comply with EN13617.

4 in no. EN 590 dispensers shall be provided.

1st Dispenser - P01 / 02 / 03

1 x twin diesel dispenser with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) marked P01 / 02 / 03 shall

have: -

A dual dispenser configuration with one EN590 nozzle P01 x 4 metre length of hose

@130ltr/min plus one EN590 nozzle P02 x 4 metre length of hose @45-70ltr/min

(suitable for refuelling of vans and light vehicles) plus a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

nozzle P03 with 4 metre length of hose for dispensing.

All hoses are to be equipped with break-away couplings and all dispensers are to have

shear valves plus hydrocarbon sensors underneath / inside their sump.

Alternatively P01 /P02 / 03 as above but all independent.

2nd Dispenser - P04 / 05/ 06

1 x twin diesel dispenser with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) marked P04 / 05 / 06 shall

have: -

A dual dispenser configuration with one EN590 nozzle P04 x 4 metre length of hose

@130ltr/min plus one EN590 nozzle P05 x 4 metre length of hose @45-70ltr/min

(suitable for refuelling of vans and light vehicles) plus a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

nozzle P06 with 4 metre length of hose for dispensing.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

All hoses are to be equipped with break-away couplings and all dispensers are to have

shear valves plus hydrocarbon sensors underneath / inside their sump.

Alternatively P04 / 05 / 06 as above but all independent.

3rd Dispenser - P07 / 08 / 09

1 x twin diesel dispenser with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) marked P07 / 08 / 09 shall

have: -

A dual dispenser configuration with one EN590 nozzle P07 x 4 metre length of hose

@130ltr/min plus one EN590 nozzle P08 x 4 metre length of hose @45-70ltr/min

(suitable for refuelling of vans and light vehicles) plus a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

nozzle P09 with 4 metre length of hose for dispensing.

All hoses are to be equipped with break-away couplings and all dispensers are to have

shear valves plus hydrocarbon sensors underneath / inside their sump.

Alternatively P07 / 08 / 09 as above but all independent.

4th Dispenser – P10 / 11 / 12

1 x twin diesel dispenser with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) marked P10 / 11 / 12 shall

have: -

A dual dispenser configuration with one EN590 nozzle P10 x 4 metre length of hose

@130ltr/min plus one EN590 nozzle P11 x 4 metre length of hose @45-70ltr/min

(suitable for refuelling of vans and light vehicles) plus a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

nozzle P12 with 4 metre length of hose for dispensing.

All hoses are to be equipped with break-away couplings and all dispensers are to have

shear valves plus hydrocarbon sensors underneath / inside their sump.

Alternatively P10 / 11 / 12 as above but all independent.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited


As soon as all, above mentioned dispensers are commissioned and the new fuel

station is handed over, the existing Tatsuno twin dispenser at the old fuel station, shall

be dismantled complete with its sump / drip tray. This dispenser shall be handed over

to MFT’s Engineering Dept.

All EN 590 & DEF dispensers shall be fitted with an automatic cut-out system and

each equipped with an emergency stop button which will interrupt the fuel / fluid supply

in the event of an emergency.

All dispenser sumps shall have means of detecting fuel / fluid leakage from the

dispenser plus be able to trigger an automatic shutdown of the duty variable speed

submersible pump, located inside the fuel storage tanks, together with any related

outlet valves from same duty tanks, while sounding an alarm.

All Nozzles shall have the facility to be equipped with an RF ID detection unit in

the future. Nozzles will only dispense fuel and Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

provided the RF identifier of the vehicle being serviced is approved. All

dispensers shall employ current loop interface technology to enable the

necessary data to be communicated via wired connection. Data shall include as

a minimum:

Equipment Identifier number having been serviced

Amount of fuel / fluid dispensed, accuracy rounded to 3 decimal points

Identification of person carrying out operation

Start time & date of event

Finish time & date of event

Bidders are also requested to refer to Project Description Statement: Fuel Storage

Area section.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

3.7 Compressed Air and Lubricants

a) Optional: Compressed Air Supply

Compressed air supply shall be provided via a stand-alone Kaeser portable air

compressor unit - (Options are: either [i] M13E model, capable of providing 0.85

m3 @ 13 bar pressure or [ii] M31E, the larger variant model, capable of providing

2.3 m3 @ 12 bar pressure). Unit shall be connected via an industrial IP66, ATEX

Type 3ph 32A or 63A male plug (depending on compressor model chosen).

For mechanical protection, compressor and its 316L stainless steel, 500ltr

pressure vessel will be stowed on the kerb - with a removable louvered structure

so as to allow simple means of access for maintenance, while providing an

unrestricted airflow during operation with the louvered structure applied.

Compressed air supply shall be provided @ a pressure of 7 bar and 12 bar

through 2 outlets from the pressure vessel at the designated areas identified in

a separate drawing.

All compressed air pressure points supplied at 12 bar, for tyre inflation purposes

shall be connected to an automatic / digital tyre inflation gauge.

b) Optional: Lubricants Distribution

A system for distributing of Engine, Transmission plus Hydraulic oils and

Coolants shall be provided. Each system shall include a 230Vac rated electric

pump/motor mounted over a double skin galvanized steel oil reservoir rated @

1000ltr for each product.

Separate systems for the dispensing of Engine, Transmission plus Hydraulic oils

and Coolants shall be provided. Each system shall include a 1,000ltr reservoir,

suction line, filter, electric pump/motor with its output connected to the pipework

installation distributing the product at the separate dispenser points.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Each system shall have low and high level LED indication lights while the electric

pump/motor power ON/OFF, LED indication lights shall be switched off upon low

level alarm activation.

System must be rated and sized to suit the handling of the following products:

Engine Oil

Typical Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C - cSt 108 and @ 100°C - cSt 14.3

Transmission Oil

Typical Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C - cSt 34.6 and @ 100°C - cSt 7.6

Hydraulic Oil

Typical Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C - cSt 66.3 and @ 100°C - cSt 10.4


Antifreeze and Corrosion Inhibitor pre-mixed @ 50/50

The 4 in no. units shall be housed within a protection bund (size 2.6 m by 5.9 m

by 1.225 m deep which will hold a volume of 18.8 m3 or the spill of 18 full drums

in case of an accident i.e.18,000ltr. Each system shall be connected to the

individual dispensers P ‘A’, P ‘B’, P ‘C’ and P ‘D’ (as indicated in the attached

drawing) via the spring return 6 m length of reels located at these indicated

points. Underground services shall allow easy and simple hose replacement if


The bund wall has a geotextile membrane within it in order to restrict any

penetration of any liquid up to 5x10-9 cm/sec.

3.8 Fire Fighting System

A rain water reservoir with a storage capacity of 120 m3 shall have a pump room

build next to it in order to house inside it, two (2) centrifugal pumps with motors,

having the following characteristics :- Flow : 20 to 140 ltr/min with a Head of

56 m to 30 m ; 2900 rpm and each coupled with a single phase motor:- 1.5

KW at 220/230 volts (50 Hz), 10 amps and class F insulation / IP X4 plus



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

complete with starting panel to use each pump unit alternatively, every other

day.- in accordance to CEI EN 60439-1 / CEI EN 60204-1 / EN 12845:2009 /

UNI 10779:2007.

These pumps shall then feed two (2) Fire Hose (FH) reels – complete with metal

cabinet painted in Red. Each reel, having a length of 30 m, shall be supplied

complete with diffuser nozzle and brass isolation valves. The location of these

FHs is as indicated in the attached drawing 008 (pump room)



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

4. Electrical & IT services specifications

4.1 Introduction

The Complete Electrical Installation including Accessories shall be ATEX Certified.

The Contractor shall design the electrical infrastructure of the entire fuel station. The

Contractor shall determine the rating of the cable required to power the whole plant

(approximate distance from power source not more than 130 metres, however this has

to be confirmed) and also consider possible future development of the said station to

house 2 additional fuel tanks, a drive through power washing facility, vulcanising area

and a vehicle AC repair workshop, as per approved Planning Permit PA/4002/16.

The Contractor shall submit the electrical drawings for the whole project. This shall

include but is not limited to:

Wiring diagram of all circuits, that is, electrical, electrical essentials and data

circuits, showing details of: cables’ sizes, cable lengths, ratings of protection

devices and loads, socket outlets, lighting points etc

Detailed layout of all the distribution boards.

Itemised Bill of Quantities - Including offer prices.

Data sheets of all electrical hardware to be used and conformity certificates

including an indication on plan where these will be used.

Cable routes including those in underground ducts, in galvanised steel

conduits, and on cable trays.

A connection must be included for a standby diesel 3 phase generator to power

essential circuits. The standby generator shall be equipped with an automatic

changeover mechanism. The Contractor shall include a provisional sum for the supply

of the said generator.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

4.2 General Electrical Specifications

4.2.1 Electrical Cables

All cables shall have copper conductors and shall comply with the following British


BS 6004 for PVC insulated single core cables

BS 6346 for multicore PVC/SWA/PVC cables

BS 5467 for multicore XLPE/SWA/PVC cables

BS 6207, IEC 331 and/or BS 6387 for insulated mineral cables

VDE 0482-332-1-2, EN 60332-1-2 and EN 50264-1 for fire resistant type cables

IEC 60502-1 for all cables

Cables are to withstand 1000V and above ground cables are to be mechanically

protected. Where armoured cables enter switchgear and other equipment they shall

be terminated using the proper CW outdoor type brass glands with the overall PVC


Terminations on sizes from and including 16 sq. mm shall be by means of crimped

lugs. Bending radii of armoured cables shall be not less than that indicated on the IEE

Regulations and earth bonding to cable armour shall be made through the earth tag.

For underground cables, only XLPE/SWA cables are to be used. Armour cannot be

used as earth conductor but still has to be earthed to the system’s earth.

4.2.2 Distribution Boards and Consumer Units (where applicable)

All TP&N Distribution Boards and SP&N consumer units shall be provided with

appropriate protection devices and complete with an integral isolator, rated as

specified in the respective sub clause.

MCCBs/RCBOs shall be supplied from the same manufacturer as that of the

distribution boards. MCCBs, where necessary, are to be installed with shunt tripping

device for earth-leakage protection. These shall be manufactured and tested to comply

with BS 3871.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

Each circuit shall be protected with its own RCBO. All protection devices shall be of

one brand/from same manufacturer. All devices must have CE mark and provided with

certificate of origin.

The DB must not be a brand proprietary item. The DB design must be that any

protection device / accessories may be easily replaced by any other brand. The

installation shall have under / overvoltage and surge protection. Each circuit shall be

tested and final installation to be certified by warranted engineer.

Each component must be labelled, and DBs must also have the wiring diagram

attached on the inside of the panel door.

4.2.3 Cable Trays

The cable trays shall be manufactured from 2mm thick mild steel to BS 1449: Part 1

and shall be hot dipped galvanized to BS 729 after manufacture. All cable tray

accessories shall be manufactured by the same cable tray manufacturer.

Supports shall be of the trapeze type using threaded rods and shall be spaced in a

manner such that the forces exerted by the load of cables shall not exceed a flange

deflection of 10mm between any two supports. All supporting accessories shall be hot

dipped galvanized.

The cable trays are to be earthed and where a tray joins another, an earth link shall be

installed between the two. The same applies also to trunking.

4.2.4 Cable Ladder

The cable ladder shall be manufactured from mild steel and hot dipped galvanized to

BS729 after manufacture.

The cable ladder shall be earthed and where a ladder joins another, an earth link shall

be installed between the two.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

4.2.5 Lighting Control Auto-Switch

The light dependent control switch shall be designed to automatically switch loads on

and off at dusk and dawn respectively. Calibration shall be set to switch on at 70 Lux

and to switch off at 175 lux. When powered, lighting level should be from 320 – 400 lux.

The photocell shall be housed in a tough IP65 enclosure and shall include a build in

time delay circuit to prevent sporadic, unwanted switching as the result of


Specific lighting controls will apply for the service lines, the wash bay facility and under

the hut.

4.2.6 Cable Joints

Cable joints are not permissible throughout the whole installation.

4.2.7 Luminaires

All luminaires are to conform to BS 4533 or ICEL 1001.

4.2.8 Earth & Lightening protection equipment

Earth rods shall be of the solid copper type in order to offer resistance to corrosion due

to the salty ground conditions at the Terminal. All rods shall be 16mm in diameter and

purchased from an approved manufacturer. All couplers, spikes, cable clamps etc.

shall be provided from the same manufacturer of the copper rod and manufactured to

the same standards as the rod. All lightening / earth protection equipment shall comply

with BS 6651 materials requirements. All fuel / fluid storage tanks are to be earthed

via suitably sized copper electrodes. Earth installation shall be tested and certified by

a warranted engineer.

4.2.9 Lighting

The following standards are to be considered:

Outdoor Lighting to comply with BS EN 12464-2; Tables 5.1, 5.6, 5.7 & 5.10


Indoor Lighting to comply with BS EN 12464-1, Tables 5.1



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

To include Emergency Lights as per BS EN 5266-1

Any signage to comply with ISO 7010

Evidence of compliance with light levels has to be supplied by the designer.

Photometric simulation and tests results are to be supplied both in 2D/3D graphics and

in data format. Lighting shall be controlled via PLC from touch panel and/or individual

local switches.

LED lights colour temperature should be around 4000K.

4.2.10 Installation conditions

The Contractor shall carry out all of the installation, the bonding and earth in

accordance with the current edition of the IEE regulations and Maltese Government

electrical and safety regulations standards including but not limited to The Network

Code issued by Enemalta and approved by MRA and to EU IEC standards.

The electrical services installation shall comply with the latest edition of the IEE

regulations and latest regulations as issued by the Enemalta Corporation for electrical


Plastic warning tapes 150mm wide shall be laid along the cable duct run during

backfilling in order to minimise possible damage to services during any future

excavation works.

No joints shall be allowed in cable runs.

All tests for electrical installations and earth systems shall be carried out in accordance

to the current IEE regulations and relevant certificates shall be issued prior to final

commissioning by a warranted engineer.

The Contractor shall submit final detailed technical literature, in English, especially

about distribution boards, luminaires, lightening protection equipment and industrial



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

socket outlet. Literature to include product certificates, standards, certificate of origin

and CE mark.

The Contractor shall provide two hard copies of all “as fitted” wiring diagrams, cable

list (from & to), operations manuals, maintenance manual, parts and workshop

manual, upon completion. The Contractor shall provide also one soft copy in ACAD

version 2007.

The contract shall be regarded as incomplete unless all tests have been conducted

successfully and all drawings and manuals mentioned in this document have been

handed to the client.

4.2.11 Other Installations

Operator rooms shall be installed with the necessary electrical supply via a 15 Amp

rated Double pole isolator to allow a 12000Btu Unit split type heat Pump AC unit to be

installed (separate to tender).

Fire detection measures must be installed in order to detect any fire hazards within the

service station. Flame and fire detectors shall be installed in the canopy in line with the

fire safety report included within the Permit documents.

The Contractor shall ensure that industrial single phase 16A and three phase 32A

socket outlets are installed at strategic locations. In addition, the fuel station shall be

equipped with emergency stops at pumps and dispenser. The positions will be

confirmed by the client.

4.3 IT Services Specifications

The complete IT infrastructure installation within the new refuelling station, including

accessories shall be ATEX Certified.

The Contractor shall design the IT infrastructure of the entire new refueling station

and is required to submit a priced offer covering the supply, installation,

implementation, and support of an automated “fuel management and accounting



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

system.” The automated fuelling system will include the hardware and software

systems required to manage the refuelling of a fleet of vehicles, covering: - Trucks,

RTG cranes, small and large Lifters, RSTs (Reach Stackers), EHLs (Empty

Handlers), Cherry Pickers, Buses, Vans, Cars and other equipment. The system is

required to manage access for refuelling and traceability for fuel dispensed /

consumed plus be able to submit reports on current fuel inventories, consumption,

and related alerts.

The objective shall allow Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd, to (i) determine which vehicle

needs to be and can be refuelled, (ii) keep records of all refuelling transactions

(including - amount of fuel given, by whom, vehicle identification, date/time of

refuelling, stamp), (iii) maintain historical data and (iv) provide inventory processes

for fuel & additive storage.

Required Targets are: -

Improve the efficiency, security, and control of fuel dispensing.

Allow access for refueling only to authorised vehicles while denying access to

unauthorised vehicles and raise suitable alerts.

Automate the collection of and provide a method to transfer fuel usage


Provide appropriate reports.

Integrate tank / compartment level monitoring and inventory control to achieve

an end-to-end control plus audit of all fuel inventories and usage.

4.3.1 Fuelling System Software

The database management system will organise and structure the information

collected from the fuel control terminals and from user input where necessary.

Suitable reporting methods are to be provided. Additionally, administrative access to

the underlying DBMS shall be allowed.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

4.3.2 Works to be done

The Contractor shall familiarize himself with the existing IT software interface being

currently used and adopt the new equipment’s software in order to interface with the

existing one plus permit the new system integration to be as seamless as possible.

The Contractor shall determine the type of the cables plus lengths required to cover

the whole plant (This has to be confirmed with MFT’s IT Dept.) and also consider

possible future development of the same station, namely: - (i) to house 2 additional

fuel tanks, (ii) install a drive through power washing facility, (iii) have a vulcanising area

and (iv) have a vehicle AC repair workshop, as per approved Planning Permit


The Contractor shall submit the proposed network cabling drawings for the whole

project. This shall include but is not limited to:

Schematic wiring diagram of all data circuits, showing details of: cables’ sizes,

cable lengths, devices and type of outlets, etc.

Detailed layout of all IT distribution boards.

Itemised Bill of Quantities - Including offer prices.

Data sheets of all network hardware to be used and conformity certificates

including an indication on plan where these will be used.

Data sheets of all proposed network software.

Cable routes including those in underground ducts, in galvanised steel

conduits, and on cable trays.



Tender for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of mechanical, electrical & information systems at the new refuelling station at Malta Freeport Terminals Limited

(11 files attached)

Dwg 004 rev B – Proposed Layout Plan.pdf Dwg 004 rev B – Proposed Layout Plan DETAIL.pdf Dwg 005 rev A – Proposed Layout Roof Plan.pdf Dwg 007 – Proposed Sections AA & BB.pdf Dwg 008 – Pump Room Details.pdf Dwg 008 rev B – Proposed Services.pdf Dwg 010 – Proposed Cesspit.pdf Dwg 7415 – 1 Fuel Station Layout.pdf Dwg 7415 – 2 Fuel Storage Area Layout.pdf Fire Safety and Ventilation report.pdf Tank Details.jpg