teleprinter model 1000 ca - crypto museum · 2019. 8. 19. · 1 teleprinter model 1000 ca 11 10 1 ....

SIEMENS Teleprinter Model 1000 CA Operating Instructions

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Page 1: Teleprinter Model 1000 CA - Crypto Museum · 2019. 8. 19. · 1 TELEPRINTER MODEL 1000 CA 11 10 1 . Keyboard 2. Manual device controls 3- Manual communications controls 4. Tape punch


Teleprinter Model 1000 CA

Operating Instructions

Page 2: Teleprinter Model 1000 CA - Crypto Museum · 2019. 8. 19. · 1 TELEPRINTER MODEL 1000 CA 11 10 1 . Keyboard 2. Manual device controls 3- Manual communications controls 4. Tape punch


1 T e l e p r i n t e r M o d e l T 1 0 0 0 C A 1 - 1

2 C o n t r o l e l e m e n t s 2 - 12 . 1 K e y b o a r d 2 - 12 . 2 M a n u a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s c o n t r o l s 2 - 22 . 3 M a n u a l d e v i c e c o n t r o l s 2 - 2

3 O f f - l i n e m o d e 3 - 13 . 1 B a s i c k e y 3 - 13 . 2 E n c i p h e r i n g , u s i n g t h e b u f f e r 3 - 23 . 3 E n c i p h e r i n g w i t h o u t b u f f e r 3 - 33 . 4 D e c i p h e r i n g , u s i n g t h e b u f f e r 3 - 43 . 5 D e c i p h e r i n g w i t h o u t b u f f e r 3 - 63 . 6 P l a i n t e x t 3 - 83 . 7 P r e p a r a t i o n o f a p e r f o r a t e d t a p e 3 - 93 . 8 V e r i fi c a t i o n o f a p e r f o r a t e d t a p e 3 - 1 13 . 9 D u p l i c a t i o n o f a p e r f o r a t e d t a p e 3 - 1 23 . 1 0 C o r r e c t i o n o f a p e r f o r a t e d t a p e b y o v e r p u n c h i n g 3 - 1 43 . 1 1 C o r r e c t i o n o f a p e r f o r a t e d t a p e b y d u p l i c a t i o n 3 - 1 5

4 . L i n e - c o n n e c t e d m o d e 4 - 14 . 1 T r a n s m i s s i o n o f a n e n c i p h e r e d m e s s a g e f r o m t h e t a p e 4 - 14.2 Transmission of an enciphered message from the cryptomemory 4-34 . 3 T r a n s m i s s i o n o f p l a i n t e x t 4 - 54 . 4 O p e r a t i o n o v e r d e d i c a t e d c i r c u i t s 4 - 74 . 5 R e c e p t i o n o f a t e l e p r i n t e r m e s s a g e 4 - 84 . 6 R e c e p t i o n o f e n c i p h e r e d t e x t 4 - 84 . 7 R e c e p t i o n o f p l a i n t e x t 4 - 9

5 O p t i o n s 5 - 15 . 1 F u n c t i o n o f C O R R b u t t o n 5 - 15 . 2 C o r r e c t i o n d u r i n g i n p u t f o r e n c i p h e r i n g , u s i n g t h e b u f f e r 5 - 15 . 3 C o r r e c t i o n d u r i n g i n p u t f o r d e c i p h e r i n g , u s i n g t h e b u f f e r 5 - 25 . 4 P l a i n t e x t i n s e r t e d a h e a d o f m e s s a g e 5 - 45 . 5 P l a i n t e x t a d d e d a t e n d o f m e s s a g e 5 - 45 . 6 F u n c t i o n o f Z e r o i z i n g b u t t o n 5 - 55 . 7 B a t t e r y d r a i n i n d i c a t o r 5 - 55 . 8 B r e a k - i n p r o c e d u r e 5 - 5

6 V a r i a n t - d e p e n d e n t f u n c t i o n s 6 - 16 . 1 M a n u a l l o a d i n g o f m e s s a g e k e y 6 - 16 . 2 P a g e i n f o r m a t i o n 6 - 26 . 3 O m i t t i n g N N N N a t e n d o f m e s s a g e 6 - 26 . 4 L o a d i n g p l a i n t e x t i n t o t h e s t o r a g e , u s i n g t h e p e d a l 6 - 26 . 5 P l a i n t e x t t r a n s m i s s i o n , u s i n g t h e p e d a l 6 - 3

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Page7 R e p l a c i n g t h e p a p e r r o l l 7 _ - |

8 A d j u s t i n g t h e l i n e s p a c i n g , p r i n t f o r c e a n d t e l e g r a p h s p e e d 8 - 1

9 R e p l a c i n g t h e p a p e r t a p e r o l l 9 _ 1

1 0 R e p l a c i n g t h e i n k r i b b o n 1 0 - 1

1 1 R e p l a c i n g t h e p r i n t w h e e l 1 1 _ 1

1 2 C l e a n i n g t h e t e l e p r i n t e r 1 2 - 1

1 3 F u n c t i o n a l t e s t w i t h t e s t t a p e 1 3 - 1

1 4 O r d e r i n g d a t a 1 4 _ 1

Z u s t . : 4 0 - 2 . A 2 2 7 1 3 - A 1 0 0 0 - Y 1 - * - 7 6 1 9

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11 10

1 . Keyboard2. Manual device controls3- Manual communications controls4. Tape punch5. Punch control buttons6. Tape reader7. Crypto module8. Securi ty lock 29. Zeroiz ing but ton

10. Security lock 111. Bat tery dra in ind icator

Zust.: 5 1-1 A22713-A1000-Y1-*-7619

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2.1 Keyboard

Bell Run-out Carriage Return

The d i s tan t subsc r ibe ri s c a l l e d t o t h e t e l ep r i n t e r

The charac te r las tentered is repeated as longas th is bu t ton i s he ld depressed, except for New Line

New Line Line Feed Figures Shift


I d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e(answerback) o f d is tan ts t a t i o n i s s o l i c i t e dand pr in ted


I d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o fl o c a l s t a t i o n i s t r a n smit ted and s imul taneo u s l y p r i n t e d

Letters Shift

O n l y f o r c o r r e c t i n ga per fo ra ted tape


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2.2 Manual communications controls

E i a e a i

Line button KS. Off-line button Off button

Not assigned

2.3 Manual device controls

0"0 red red green white white red yel low green


Punch Standby buttonAll incoming messages are punchedinto tape

PROC buttonDepression of this button initiates theenciphering process. Its release terminatesthis process

P. S. buttonThe POST SCRIPTUM mode permits plaintext to be inserted at the end of theenciphered message

ENCI buttonBeginning of enciphering process

OUTPUT buttonThe message held in the crypto-memory is put out. Output is stoppedby operating this button duringmessage output

M. P. buttonThe message is transferred to the crypto-memory

PLAIN buttonPermits plain text operation in theoff-line mode

CORR buttonThe message put in for deciphering orenciphering, using the buffer, can becorrected character by character.

DECI buttonCut-over to the deciphering mode

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3 O F F - L I N E M O D E

Off-line operation is interrupted by an incoming telex message.At the end of the message, check the characters put in and re-insertmissing characters.

3.1 Basic key

Loading the basic key

VE i n E B I

1. Depress Off-line button Lamp comes on iPrinter carriage moves tobeginning-of-line position

Paper is advanced by onel ine

Internal illumination isturned on

V• c = 3 O C=o

V• c = 3 o C=o

2. Physical key S1has to be inserted andturned (for compartmentaddresses A-W and Z)

3. Physical key S2must be inserted in additionand turned(for compartmentaddresses X and Y)

INSERT is printed

Only i f required

No printout!

4. Enter compartment addressof basic key by means ofkeyboard or perforated tape

Selected address isprinted

5. Enter key number, basic keyand CR or check word bymeans of keyboard or perforated tape

6. Press Carriage Return key(only if a further basic keyis to be entered)

Key number and check wordare printed

No printout of basic key!

INSERT is printed

V Vo = 3 Q C = = o

7. Remove and store awayphysical keys S1 and S2

I I 2 LV

8. Press Off button


Lamp goes dark

If the basic key is entered by way of perforatedtape, the reader must be started several times.

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1. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on IPrinter carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e


2. Operate PLAIN button

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on

Lamp PLAIN comes on

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

3. Operate punch On/Offbutton

Lamp comes on 0H

4. Hold Tape Feed-out button depressed until several LTRScode combinations (5 x hole) have been punched

5. Enter address of basic keycompartment by means ofkeyboard

Selected address is printedand punched

6. Look up key number, basickey and check word of keylist and enter by means ofkeyboard

Key number, basic key andcheck word are printedand punched

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7. Hold Tape Feed-out button depressed until several LTRScode combinations (5 x hole) have been punched


8. Operate Carriage Return keyThe next basic key can nowbe processed

INSERT is printed

9. Tear off tape upwards



10. Operate PLAIN button

11. Operate Off button

Lampe PLAIN goes dark

Lamps in Off-line buttonand punch On/Off button |go dark

Note:LF and CR may not occur in the text.The individual basic keys must be clearly separatedby LTRS code combinations.Punch basic keys into a colored, durable tape.

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3.2 Enciphering, using the buffer



1. Operate Off-line button

2. Operate PROC button

Lamp comes on

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of- l ine post ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on

Lamp PROC lights up

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

SELECT is printed


3. Operate M. P. button

4. Enter address of basic keycompartment by means ofkeyboard

Lamp M.P. lights up

Key compartment address,number of key and checkword are printedCR and15 x LF are carried out


5. Press ENCI button Lamp ENCI comes on

Lamp PROC goes out

10 slants III HUH I arepr in ted

6. Enter text by means ofkeyboard or tape reader

Text is printed in plainform


7. Operate PROC button Lamp ENCI goes dark

10 slants 11IIII III I arepr in ted

Note:When the message memory is full, 10 slants 1111111111are automatically printed

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8. Output of encipheredmessage

9. Operate M. P. button

10. Operate off button

Transmiss ion (seeSec t i on 4 -2 ) o rpunch ing in to tape(act ivate punch andoperate OUTPUT button)

Lamp goes dark

Lamp goes dark

3.3 Enciphering without buffer

V 1. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

V 2. Operate PROC button

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n i sturned on

Lamp PROC lights up

PROC Paper is advanced by onel i n e

The word SELECT is printed

3. Enter address of basickey compartment bymeans of keyboard


4. Press On/Off button ofpunch

The address of the basickey compartment, the numberof the key and the checkword a re p r in tedCR and15 x LF are carried out

Lamp l ights up ©•

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5. Press ENCI button

6. Enter text by means ofkeyboard or tape reader

7. Operate PROC button

Lamp ENCI lights up

Lamp PROC goes dark

ZZZZZ and the message keyare printed and punched

Text is printed in enciphered form and punched

Lamp ENCI goes dark

Termination of message:

- the last character groupis filled up to 5 characters,, and

- ZZZZZ- BT- number of character

groups- 2 x CR, 8 x LF,

NNNN and 12 x LTRS areprinted and punched



8. Press Off button


Off-line operation is interrupted by an incoming message. The encipheringprocess must be started again from the beginning.

The lamps in the Off-linebutton and in the On/Offbutton of the punch goout

3.4 Deciphering, using the buffer

Vis iMisai

1. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on IPrinter carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on

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2. Operate DECI buttonand M. P. button

Lamps DECI and M.P. lit

Paper is advanced by onel ine

3. Enter crypto text by means of keyboard or tape reader(reader stops af ter 11th character group and mustbe s ta r ted aga in ) :

T1000 CA is ableto dec ipher

T1000 CA is able todec ipher

Keyboard is not locked outand/or reader can bes t a r t e d

Te x t i s p r i n t e d o u t i nenc iphered form

Lamp CORR is lit

Keyboard is not locked outand reader can be startedTe x t i s p r i n t e d i n e n c i p he r e d f o r m ( f o r a d d i t i o n a lfunct ions see Sect ion 5-3)

- T1000 CA can decipheronly when key S2 hasbeen inserted andtu rned :

Lamp CORR flashes rapidlyand warning signal sounds

/ / l \ S .

Keyboard and reader arelocked out

Basic key loaded in compartment X or Y

Vc = J Q C = o

Insert key S2 and turn it Lamp CORR goes dark

Keyboard and reader areun locked

Cont inue to en te r tex tby means of keyboard orreader

Te x t i s p r i n t e d o u t i nenciphered form

- T1000 CA is unable todecipher (no basick e y a v a i l a b l e )

Lamp CORR flashes slowlyand warning signal sounds

I x 7 l \ \ | ^Keyboard and reader arelocked out

The number of the key ispr inted i f compartment Zc o n t a i n s t h e c o r r e c t " Z " -key

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4. Press OUTPUT button

5. Operate DECI and M. P.buttons

6. Depress Off button


VE l I 0 H H3.5 Deciphering without buffer

Y ~ 7 1 . O p e r a t e O f f - l i n e b u t t o n


2. Press DECI button

Lamp OUTPUT is lit

The deciphered text isp r i n t e d

Lamp OUTPUT extinguished

Lamp M.P. and DECI go out

Lamp goes dark

Lamp comes on

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n i sturned on

Lamp DECI is l i t

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

3. Enter crypto text by meansof keyboard or tape reader:

- T1000 CA is able to

dec iphe r

- T1000 CA is able todec ipher

T1000 CA can decipheronly when key S2 hasbeen inserted andtu rned :

The deciphered text isp r i n t e d

Lamp CORR lit in the evento f f o rma t e r r o r s

Pr in tou t o f t he dec ipheredt e x t i s e r r o r e d

Lamp CORR flashesrap id ly and the warn ingsignal sounds \ \ i / / -

/ / r \ " s

Keyboard and reader arelocked out

Basic key contained in keycompartment X or Y

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Vc=d O C=o

Insert and turn key S2 Lamp CORR goes dark

The tex t i n t he c ryp to -memory is pr inted

Keyboard and reader areun locked


Cont inue to entercrypto text by means ofthe keyboard or thetape reader

- T1000 CA is not ableto dec ipher(bas ic key no t ava i lab le )


4. Operate DECI button

The dec iphered text isp r i n t e d

Lamp CORR flashesslowly and warning s ignals o u n d s i s w / i / s

|x7i\x| h*

The number of the key isprinted when compartment Zc o n t a i n s t h e c o r r e c t" Z " - k e y

Lampe DECI goes dark

V 5. Depress Off button Lamp goes dark

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3.6 Plain text

V 1. Operate Off-line button


Lamp comes on

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n l i t



2. Depress PLAIN button Lamp PLAIN lit

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

3. Enter text by means ofkeyboard or tape reader

Text is pr inted


V■ a n n u a l

4. Operate PLAIN button


5. Operate Off button

Lamp PLAIN goes dark

Lamp goes dark

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3.7 Preparation of a perforated tape

V 1. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on


2. Operate PLAIN button Lamp PLAIN is lit

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

3. Operate punch On/Offbutton

Lamp is lit o<

4. Hold Tape Feed-out button depressed untilseveral LTRS code combinations (5 x hole)have been punched

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or5. Operate New Line key

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e


Command for New Line signalis punched

and Operate Carriage Returnand Line Feed keys

6. Enter text by means ofkeyboard

Text is punched andpr in ted

7. Hold Tape Feed-out button depressed until the LTRS codecombination (5 x hole) has been repeatedly punched

8. Tear off tape upwards

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V 9. Operate PLAIN button Lamp PLAIN goes dark


Vaim E

10. Depress Off button The lamps in the Off - l inebutton and in the On/Offbutton of the punch god a r k

O f f - l i ne ope ra t i on i s i n t e r rup ted by an i ncom ingmessage.The te lex mode is act ivated.Punch disconnects when the Punch Standby buttonis not depressed.

Note:Af ter each actuat ion o f the Tape Feed-out but ton, thecorresponding Shift key £ J or | | must be pressed beforefur ther text entry by means of the keyboard.

3.8 Verification of a perforated tape

V■ a n i s a i

1. Operate Off-line button L a m p i s l i t

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n i sturned on


2. Operate PLAIN button

3. Swing tape retainer lidupwards

4. Insert perforated tapeand press it downwards

Close tape retainerlid again

Lamp PLAIN is l i t

Observe d i rec t ion o f tapefeed

Two rows to the left andth ree rows to t he r i gh t o fthe feed hole row

The pins of the sprocketwheel must engage in thefeed ho les

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5. Operate On/Off buttonof tape reader

Lamp comes on

Tape is read and itscontents printed


Va me

6. Operate PLAIN button

7. Depress Off button

Lamp PLAIN goes dark

Lamp goes dark

3.9 Duplication of a perforated tape

V 1. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on

2. Operate PLAIN button

3. Depress On-Off buttonof tape punch

Lamp PLAIN is lit

Lamp lights up ©'

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4. Open tape retainer lid

5. Insert perforated tapeand press it down

Close tape lid again

6. Operate On/Off buttonof tape reader

Observe direction of tapefeed

Two rows of perforations atthe left and three rows atthe right of the feed holerow

Make sure that the pins ofthe sprocket wheel engagethe feed holes

Lamp liti l /

Tape is read, the text isprinted, and a new tapeis punched

7. Hold Tape Feed-out button depressed untilseveral LTRS code combinations have been punched

Note:If a second message follows the first, pressbuttons B and J | on the keyboard to seperatethe messages until several LTRS code combinationshave been punched

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8. Tear the tape off bypulling it upwards


9. Operate PLAIN button Lamp PLAIN goes dark

Vii .OH

10. Depress Off button The lamps in the Off-linebutton and in the punchOn/Off button go dark

3.10 Correction of a perforated tape by overpunching

1. Wrong character keyed here

I i e r n e b s 8 m u


i • • • • • • • •> • • • •>•••'•* *••*•••••\ . • • • • •^ • • i i t i

2. Wrong character detected here

3. Counting the character spaces from

Result: 9 character spaces

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4. Depress Backspacing button 9 times

Note: using the New Line key for shiftingto the next line:B

Depress Backspacing button 3 times

Using the CR and LF keys: B U

Depress Backspacing button twice

5. Depress LTRS key 9 times

6. Enter the correct character, repeatthe subsequent text andthen continue with the new text

3.11 Correction of a perforated tape by duplication

1. Open tape retainer lid

2. Insert perforated tapeand press it down

Close retainer lid again

Observe direction of tapefeed

Two rows of perforationsto the left and three rowsto the right of the feedholes

Make sure that the pins ofthe sprocket wheel engagethe feed holes

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V■ a n i s a i

3. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on

4. Operate PLAIN button

5. Depress punch On/Offbutton(not necessary when thePunch Standby button EHis operated)

6. Depress On/Off buttonof tape reader

Lamp PLAIN is lit

Lamp is lit o<

11/Lamp is lit

Tape is read, text istransmitted and printed

Character-by-charactertape feed:

Briefly touch On/Offbutton of reader


Depress button again severalcharacters ahead of thefirst unwanted character

Tape reader stops

7. Briefly depress On/Off button of tape reader as oftenas required (character-by-character feed-out) until thelast desired character has been printed.

Zust, 3-16 A22713-A1000-Y1-*-7619

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8. Operate punch On/Offbutton

Lamp goes dark

Tape feed is stopped

9. Briefly depress On/Off button of reader repeatedlyuntil the last unwanted character has been read

10. Operate punch On/Offbutton

Lamp comes on on

11. Enter the correct characters on keyboard

12. Operate On/Off buttonof tape reader

Reader continues to readthe tane

V 13. Depress PLAIN button Lamp PLAIN goes dark



14. Operate Off button The lamps in the Off-linebutton and in the punchOn/Off button go dark

Punch remains activatedwhen the Punch Standbybutton has been depressed

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The selection procedures may vary depending on the exchange(EDS or TWK) involved.

4.1 Transmission of an enciphered message from the tape

1. Open tape retainer lid

2. Insert perforated tapeand press it down

Close lid again

Observe d i rec t ion o ftape feed

Two rows on the left andthree rows on the r ighto f the feed ho le t rack

The pins of the sprocketwheel must engage in thefeed holes

V 3. Operate line button L a m p i s l i t oo r

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n i sturned on

4. Keyboard the call numberof the desired subscriberwithout making pauses

Subscr iber ca l l number ist ransmi t ted and s imu l tane o u s l y p r i n t e d

With a machine connected to an electronic data switching sys tem ( lamp [P* l i s l i t ) , add a "+" and wa i t un t i lt h e i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o f t h e d i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r h a sbeen pr in ted

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5. Connection is established Lamp is lit

Long tone s ignal

Lamp goes dark


Subscriber busy Lamp l igh ts up br iefly | Q-S h o r t a u d i b l e s i g n a l £ .

Lamp goes dark

Repeat select ion processaf ter three seconds

6. Depress Who-are-you ? key I d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o fd i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r i sp r i n t e d

Omi t ted in e lec t ron ic data swi tch ing sys temsI d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y p r i n t e d

7. Depress Here-is key L o c a l i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d ei s t r a n s m i t t e d a n d p r i n t e d


8. Operate New Line key

o r

Pr in ter car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

and Depress the CarriageReturn and Line Feed keys

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

9. Operate On/Off buttonof tape reader

After 15 character groupsthe pedal need no longerbe actuated


Lamp is lit

The enciphered text is read,p r in ted and t ransmi t ted

See p la in tex t t ransmiss ionus ing the pedal(Sec t ion 6 .5 )

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10. Depress Who-are-you? key T h e i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o ft h e d i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r i sprinted once more for checking purposes


11. Depress Off button Lamp goes dark r a

4.2 Transmission of an enciphered message from the cryptomemory

V 1. Operate Line button L a m p i s l i t 0or

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n i sturned on

2. Keyboard the call numberof the desired subscriberwithout making pauses

The call number of the subsc r i be r i s t r ansm i t t ed ands imu l t aneous l y p r i n ted

With a machine connected to an electronic data switchi n g s y s t e m ( l a m p l O ^ i s l i t ) , a d d a " + " a n d w a i t u n t i li den t i fi ca t i on code o f t he d i s t an t subsc r i be r has beenp r i n t e d

3. Connection is established L a m p i s l i t

Long tone s ignal

Lamp goes dark


Subscriber is busy Lamp lights up briefly \Q

S h o r t a u d i b l e s i g n a l Q

Lamp goes dark

Call again after threeseconds

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4. Depress Who-are-you ? key I d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o f t h ed i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r i s p r i nt e d

Omi t ted in e lec t ron ic data swi tch ing sys temsI d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y p r i n t e d

5. Depress Here-is key

6. Depress New Line key

T h e l o c a l i d e n t i fi c a t i o ncode is t ransmit ted andp r i n t e d

Pr in te r car r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n


and Depress the CarriageReturn and Line Feed keys

Paper is advanced by onel i n e


7. Operate OUTPUT button Lamp OUTPUT comes on

The enc iphered text isp r i n ted and t r ansm i t t ed

Lamp goes dark


8. Depress Who-are-you ? key

9. Operate Off button

T h e i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o ft h e d i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r i sprinted once more for checking purposes

Lamp goes dark

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4.3 Transmission of plain text


1. Operate Line button L a m p i s l i t0

orPr in te r ca r r iage moves tob e g i n n i n g - o f - l i n e p o s i t i o n

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

I n t e r n a l i l l u m i n a t i o n i sturned on

2. Keyboard the call numberof the desired subscriberwithout making pauses

Subscr iber number is t ransmi t ted and s imu l taneous lyp r i n t e d

With a machine connected to an electronic data switchi ng sys tem ( l ampQQ^ j i s l i t ) , add a "+ " and wa i t un t i lt h e i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o f t h e d i s t a n t s t a t i o n h a sbeen pr in ted

3. Connection is established L a m p i s l i t

Long tone s ignal

Lamp goes dark

Subscriber is busy

C a l l a g a i n a f t e r t h r e eseconds

4. Operate Who-are-you ? key

Lamp l ights up br iefly i O

S h o r t a u d i b l e s i g n a l 4 ^

Lamp goes dark

T h e i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o ft h e d i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r i sp r i n t e d

Omi t ted in e lec t ron ic da ta sw i tch ing sys temsI d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y p r i n t e d

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5. Depress Here-is key L o c a l i d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d ei s t r a n s m i t t e d a n d p r i n t e d



6. Depress New Line key


Depress Carriage Returnand Line Feed keys

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of-line position

Paper is advanced by onel ine

7. Enter the text by meansof the keyboard or thetape reader

Tex t i s t ransmi t ted andp r i n t e d


8. Depress Who-are-you ? key

9. Operate Off button

I d e n t i fi c a t i o n c o d e o fd i s t a n t s u b s c r i b e r i sp r i n t e d

L a m p g o e s d a r k K S 9


An outgoing message may also be punched into tape.

With the connection set up, operate the punch On/Offbut ton (not requi red i f Punch Standby but ton EH isdepressed).

The punch is deact ivated by operat ing the Off but tonunless the Punch Standby button is depressed EH .

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4.4 Operation over dedicated circuits -' ..




1. Operate Line button

2. Depress New Line key

oLamp is lit

Printer carriage moves tobeginn ing-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In te rna l i l l umina t ion i sturned on

Printer carriage moves tobeginn ing-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e


Depress Carriage Returnand Line Feed keys

3. Enter text by means ofkeyboard or tape reader

Text is transmitted andprinted

V 4. Depress Off button


Lamp goes dark

Teleprinter is shut down automatically 32 s, 64 s,or 8,5 minutes after transmission of the lastcharacter (dependent on line interfacing equipment)

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4.5 Reception of a teleprinter message

Reception of a teleprinter message is possible at any time. With button EHdepressed, all telegraph signals are printed and punched. In an unattendedstation this button and the DECI button should always be depressed so thatmessages that cannot be deciphered (e.g. SPECAT messages) are available alsoin perforated tape form.

4.6 Reception of enciphered text


1. Depress DECI andPunch Standby buttons

2. Incoming call

3. Teleprinter message isreceived:

- Basic key in one ofthe compartments A-W


Standby condition

Lamps are lit

Lamp DECI lit

Audible signal

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on

The deciphered text isprinted and punched

Basic key in compartment X or Y(SPECAT)

The crypto text is printedand punched and may be subsequently deciphered in asecond step (e.g. deciphering wi thout buffer) .

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- Basic key not in compartments

The crypto text is printedand punched. If compartmentZ contains the correct "Z"basic key, the key numbermay be deciphered in asecond step (e.g. deciphering without buffer)

4. End of reception Lamps go dark

Lamp DECI goes dark

Audible signal


4.7 Reception of plain text


1. Depress DECI andPunch Standby buttons

2. Incoming call ©•

Standby condition

Lamps are lit

Lamp DECI lit

Audible signal

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In te rna l i l l umina t ion i sturned on

3. Message is received

4. End of reception

The text is printed andpunched

Lamps go dark

Lamp DECI goes dark

A u d i b l e s i g n a l 4 ^

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5 O P T I O N S

5.1 Function of CORR button

The correction CORR button permits:

- character-by-character correction of the entered text in the M.P. mode(using the buffer)

- indication of format errors (steady i l lumination)

- indication of lack of basic key (slow flash and warning signal)

- indication of enciphering under special conditions SPECAT(rapid flash and warning signal)

5.2 Correction during input for enciphering, using the buffer

Correction of the entered plain text is possible in the operating modesProcedure (PROC), Enciphering (ENCI) and Post Scriptum (P.S.).

When a typing error occurs, the characters last entered may be erased individually. The erased character is printed. Characters entered after thewrong character must be deleted individually together with the wrong character by repeatedly depressing the CORR button. Input of the text may then becontinued.

Te x t e n t e r e d o n t h e P l a i n t e x t p r i n t o u t :keyboard:


P r e s s C O R R b u t t o n P r i n t o u t : E A Kthree times

K e y i n A K E P r i n t o u t : A K E

The cryptomemory now contains the corrected word MISTAKE

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5.3 Correction during input for deciphering, using the buffer

The T1000 CA is also capable of deciphering mutilated crypto messag "- Formaterrors (incomplete 5-character groups, no spaces between the groups and missing carriage return or line feed) may be corrected so that major errors maybe avoided during the deciphering process. The corrections required are carried out in the operating mode "Deciphering, using the buffer".

V 1. Operate Off-line button Lamp comes on

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Paper is advanced by onel i n e

In terna l i l l uminat ion isturned on


2. Depress DECI and M. P.buttons

3. Open tape retainer lid

4. Insert the perforated tapecontaining the mutilatedcrypto message

Lamps DECI and M.P. arel i t

Printer carriage moves tobeginning-of - l ine pos i t ion

Close retainer lid

Observe direction of tapefeed

Two rows on the left andthree rows on the right ofthe feed hole track

The pins of the sprocketwheel must engage in thefeed holes


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5. Operate On/Off buttonof tape reader

6. Press On/Off buttonof tape reader again

Lamp comes on 2S>

Reader stops after the11th character group

The crypto text is printedand transferred into thecryptomemory

7. Format error Lamp CORR comes on

Warning signal sounds Q

Tape reader stops

8. Enter the format-correcting character(fill group up to 5characters, insert aspace, key in carriagereturn or line feed)

Lamp CORR goes dark

9. Depress On/Off buttonof tape reader again

The crypto text is printed


10. Operate OUTPUT button Lamp OUTPUT lights up |

The plain text is printed

Lamp OUTPUT goes dark |

V■ a C C E B I

11. Operate Off button Lamp goes dark

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5.4 Plain text inserted ahead of message-

In the opera t ing modes "Enc ipher ing w i th o r w i thou t bu f fe r " i t i s poss ib leto i nse r t p l a i n t ex t ahead o f t he c r yp to t ex t .

Af ter se lect ion of the key compartment address and pr in tout of th is address,of the key number and of the check word, the plain text is placed ahead ofthe enciphered text , us ing e i ther the keyboard or the tape reader :

1. Enter the address ofthe key compartment

Key compartment address,number and check word arep r i n t e d15 x LF, CRare carried out

2. Enter plain text by meansof keyboard or tape reader

P l a i n t e x t i s p r i n t e d


3. Operate ENCI button

Lamp ENCI comes on

Lamp PROC goes dark

P r i n t o u t a n d f u r t h e r o p e rations depend on the operating mode selected

5.5 Plain text added at end of message

In the opera t ing modes "Enc ipher ing w i th and w i thout bu f fe r " i t i s poss ib leto add p la in tex t a f ter the crypto tex t , ahead of the end-of -message s igna lNNNN.


The plain text can be added by terminat ing the enciphered text wi th the aido f t he P.S . bu t t on :

1. Operate P.S.button Lamp P.S . i s l i t

Lamp PROC is lit

Lamp ENCI goes dark

W i t h o u t b u f f e r

W i t h bu f f e r

P r i n t o u t :Two more 5-charactergroups andCR, LF, BT, CR, LF,GR.. . (group), CR, LFa re ca r r i ed ou t

1 0 s l a n t s / / / / / / / / / /a r e p r i n t e d

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2. Enter plain text by means Plain text is printedof keyboard or tape reader

3. Operate PROC button Lamp PROC goes dark

Lamp P.S. goes darkP R O C W i t h o u t b u f f e r

With bufferPrintout: CR, 8 x LF, NNNN

No printout

If the added plain text is to be printed out after deciphering at the receiving end, at least 8 x must be keyed after pressing the P.S. buttonand ahead of plain text input. This procedure is only possible in theline-connected mode.

5.6 Function of Zeroizing button

Operation of the Zeroizing button causes the contents of the cryptomemoryand of all key compartments to be erased.

The Zeroizing button has another function:

In the event of a power outage, the storages are supplied from anemergency battery. This battery can be disconnected with the Zeroizing button and this results in the cancelling of the contents of allstorages.

5.7 Battery drain indicator

When the commercial power fails, a battery prevents the contents of the cryptomemory and of the key compartments from being cancelled. As long as thestorages are supplied from this emergency power source, the red battery drainindicator is l i t . This indication is deleted by depressing the Zeroizingbutton.

5.8 Break-in procedure

Tape transmissions can be interrupted from the distant station by the repeated operation of key Q or key Q .

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Specific customer requirements can be met by selecting the related functionswith the aid of straps.

6.1 Manual loading of message key

After selecting the address of the basic key compartment and pressingkey I | , the enciphering procedure can be continued (see sections "Enciphering with and without buffer").

After selection of the key compartment address and operation of the "/" key,the basic setting, from which the message key can be generated, can beobtained by keying 10 optional characters.

1. Depress key A Printout: A.

Key number (A)

Check word (A)

2. Depress key "/" (slant) Printout: /

3. Key any 10 letters Pr in tou t :The 10 selected letters15 x LF, CR

Then continue with enciphering process as described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3'

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6.2 Page information

After addressing the key compartment and after the automatic printout:PAGE 1, an optional designation (title, etc.) consisting of a maximum of 17characters (LTRS and FIGS are each one character) may be entered. This designation appears at the beginning of every new page.

1. Operate the A key Pr intout : A

Key number (A)

Check word (A)



2. Enter designation of amaximum of 17 characters

Printout: the selecteddesignation

3. Depress CarriageReturn key

15 x LF, CR

6.3 Omitting NNNN at end of message

With the basic version of the teleprinter each message is automatically terminated with the character sequence NNNN.

If the related strap is omitted, NNNN will not be generated.

6.4 Loading plain text into the memory, using the pedal

Entering plain text into the memory after selection of the key compartmentaddress or operation of the P.S. button (see Sections 5.A and 5-5) is onlypossible if the pedal is actuated approximately every three seconds.

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6.5 Plain text transmission, using the pedal

For plain text transmission in connection with the pedal, the establishmentof a connection (subscriber call number, Who-are-you? and Here is...), plaintext transmission by means of the keyboard or the tape reader, and the subsequent exchange of identification codes is only possible if the pedal isactuated every three seconds.


tfhen an enciphered message is being transmitted by means of the tape reader(see Section 4.1), the pedal must be operated only during the first 1.5 character groups.

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If a colored stripe appears on the edge of the paper,the paper roll must be replaced before the next messageis sent or received

Open the top coverSwing the paper deflection frame to the front

2. Move paper pressure leverbackwardsRemove the old paper rolland pull the rest of thepaper backwards and outPull paper roll axle outof the old rol l

For mobile use only:Unlatch paper roll axleon both sides

Push the paper roll axleinto the new paper rolluntil it makes contactwith the wire clip

The paper must unwind asshown in the picture

The wire clip always restsin the outermost groove

Load the new paper rollinto the holder(Latch up the paper rollwhen the teleprinter isin mobile use)

Ring-shaped collar mustalways rest in the grooveof the le f t -hand ro l lholder

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5. Feed the paper over thepull rel ief rod and insertit under the platen

Swing the paper pressurelever to the front

Swing the paper pressurerod upwards

Wind the paper around theplaten and feed it underthe paper pressure rod

Swing the paper pressurerod downwards

6. Tear off paper along thetear-off edgeClose top cover

Move paper deflectingframe backward"

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1. Open the top cover

Swing the paper deflectionframe to the front

2. Line spacing

1 : s ingle l ine spacing

1,5'. 1 1/2 line spacing

2: double l ine spac ing

3. Print force

Left posi t ion of lever:

Right posit ion of lever:

single copy(no carbon copy)

up to four copies(up to three carbon copies)

4. Telegraph speed

50 bauds

75 bauds

100 bauds

lever to the lef t

lever in center posit ion

lever to the r ight

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When the colored warning stripe becomes visible whilethe tape is being unwound, the paper tape roll mustbe changed before the next message is sent or received

1. Swing guide rod upwards

Tear off paper tape

Remove the old tape rollfrom core

Press the Tape Feed-out buttonuntil the rest of the paperhas run out of the tapepunch

3. Place the new paper tape The tape must unwind asr o l l o v e r c o r e s h o w n i n t h e p i c t u r e

Swing guide rod backinto posi t ion

4. Advance paper tape in thetape punch until it hasreached the beginning ofthe tape guide

Open the cover

Press down on tape gate The tape gate swings upwards

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5. Push the tape furtheruntil it emerges fromthe punch at the front

Press down on the tapegate

Close the cover

Tear off punched tapeupwards

Pull chad waste box outto the front or sidewaysand empty(Do this every time thetape roll is changed)

The tape gate latchesThe tape is automaticallyfed forward by 32 spacesand punched(5-hole combinations)

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1. Open top cover

Swing paper deflectingframe to the front

2. Press the lever backwards and swing the printingmechanism up until it latches

Press lever in the direction of the arrow and pullribbon spools off the guide pins. Remove ink ribbonfrom lateral guide and pull upwards and out of guideplate s lot

4. Hook free ribbon end of new ribbon spool to an emptyspool just as you do when replacing a typewriterribbon spool. Place one ribbon spool in position.Ensure red side of ribbon points upwards. Insertink ribbon in the first lateral guide on the ribbonguide fork, in the guide plate slot and the secondlateral guide. Install second ribbon spool.

5. Press lever backwards Printing mechanism swingsdownwards and latches up

Tear paper off along thetear-off edgeClose the top cover

Zust.: 3 10-1 A22713-A1000-Y1-*-76l9

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1. Open the top cover

Swing paper deflectingframe to the front

2. Press lever backwards and swing the printing mechanism upwards until it latches

3. Disengage ribbon guide fork and swing upwards

4. Press down wire clip radially and pull off printwheel in the direction of the arrow

5. Push the new print wheel in until it locks inpos i t i on(The driver must engage in the appropriate openingof the print wheel)

Zust.: 3 11-1 A2271 3-A1 000-Y1-*-761 9

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C3= 6. Swing ribbon guide fork downwardsRibbon guide fork is locked inpos i t i on

7. Push lever backwards The printing mechanismswings downwards and locksin pos i t ion

8. Tear paper off along the tear-off edge

Close top cover

Zust.: 3 11-2 A22713-A1000-Y1-*-7619

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If required, the exterior of the teleprinter can becleaned

W h e n d u s t y : U s i n g d u s t c l o t h o r d u s tbrush

When contaminated slightly: Using soapwater or washing-up l iqu ids

When contaminated heavily: Using white spirit orFREON TF(manufacturer: Du Pont)

(Do not clean the see-through vision panel usingcleaning agents containing white spirit or alcohol)

Z u s t . : 3 1 2 - 1 A 2 2 7 1 3 - A 1 0 0 0 - Y 1 - * - 7 6 1 9

Page 52: Teleprinter Model 1000 CA - Crypto Museum · 2019. 8. 19. · 1 TELEPRINTER MODEL 1000 CA 11 10 1 . Keyboard 2. Manual device controls 3- Manual communications controls 4. Tape punch


Load printer paper and tape

Task: The essent ial funct ions of the crypto module are checkedw i th a s ing le pe r fo ra ted tape .

Testing aids: Test tape T1000 CA.. . (var iant-dependent)


- LE:

- BET:

- GE:

- LE:




I n s e r t t e s t t a p e

Press O f f - l i ne bu t t on CT

Press PLAIN button

Press On/Off but ton( a f t e r p r i n t o u t o f"KURZTESTT1000CA"s top the reader ! )

Press PLAIN button

Inser t and turn keys51 (INSERT) and52 (SPECAT)

- LE: Press On/Off button

Press On/Off button

LE: Press On/Off button

LE: Press On/Off button

LE: Press On/Off button

BET: Lamp CD lights

GB: Lamp in PLAIN button lightsDR: LF

LE: Operates

DR: "KURZTESTT1000CA"LE: Reader s tops

GB: Lamp PLAIN goes out


LE : Ope ra tesD R : ZL E : S t o p s

LE : Ope ra tesDR: Key number (Z)

Check word (Z)L E : S t o p s

LE : Ope ra tesDR: INSERTL E : S t o p s

LE : Ope ra tesD R : YL E : S t o p s

LE : Ope ra tesDR: Key number (Y)

Check wofd (Y)L E : S t o p s

- SZ: Turn back keys S1 and S2

Z u s t . : 4 13-1 A22713-A1000-Y1-*-7618

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- GB: Press DECI button GB: DECI lamp lightsDR: CR, LF

LE: Press On/Off button

- SZ: Turn key S2 (SPECAT)

LE: Press On/Off button

GB: Press DECI button

SZ: Turn back key S2







OperatesWarning signal and flashingof lamp CORRStops

Lamp CORR goes darkMASCHINE O. K.CR, LFKey number (Y)Check word (Y)

OperatesWarning signal and slowflashing of lamp CORRKey number (?)

Lamps DECI and CORR go dark

- BET: Press Off button Q BET: lampQ J goes dark

The key numbers (address) and check words (address)are variant-dependent.



12345 IRSED


P r i n tou t :Functional test for Arabic variant

^ * i 3 J S IM i l l S > J i j l



Zust. 13-2 A22713-A1OOQ-Y1-*-7618

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Paper roll

Roll as per DIN Std. 6720Paper width: max. 250 mmNumber of plies:max. 4 (when a multi-plyroll is used, make sure originalis outermost ply)

Outside diameter of roll:max. 170 mm

Paper tape roll

1. DIN ordering dataPaper L1 DIN 67200.08 mm thick, unoiled)o rpaper L3 DIN 6720(0.1 mm thick, oiled)

2. ISO ordering dataTape roll as perISO Rec 1729Paper tape:17.4 mm wide0.1 mm thick

3. General ordering datawithout reference to DINor ISO standards

Ink ribbon

1. DIN ordering dataInk ribbon SM 13x54 DIN 2103-N-sw(nylon ribbon, black)orink ribbon SM 13x54 DIN 2103-N-sw/rt(nylon ribbon, black/red)

2. Data for ordering the inkribbon from Siemens AG:C22136-Z14-C967(nylon ribbon, black)orC22136-Z14-C968(nylon ribbon, black/red)

Outside diameter of roll:max. 210 mm

Inner diametero f c o r e : 5 1 m mw i d t h o f t a p e 1 7 - 4 m mth ickness o f tape 0 .1 mm

Print wheel

Ordering data are stampedonto print wheel

Short test tape

Ordering number given ontest tapeP 2 2 7 1 3 - U 1 0 0 0 * - 5 5

Please address your orders to the nearest Siemens representatives

Zust.: 4 14-1 A22713-A1000-Y1-*-7619

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Crgplo Museum ^^


Page 56: Teleprinter Model 1000 CA - Crypto Museum · 2019. 8. 19. · 1 TELEPRINTER MODEL 1000 CA 11 10 1 . Keyboard 2. Manual device controls 3- Manual communications controls 4. Tape punch




Issued byBereich Fernschreib- und DatenverkehrPostfach 700072, D-8000 Munchen 70Telex 5 288-235 • Telefax (089) 7 22-63312


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©Siemens AG 1981

Proprietary data, company confidential. All rights reserved.Confie a titre de secret d'entreprise. Tous droits reserves.Comunicado como segredo empresarial. Reservados todos os direitos..QoBepneTCH hsh npOH3Bo,acTBeHHbiM cenper. Bee npaBa coxpaHRrOTCR 3a hbmhConfiado como secreto industrial. Nos reservamos todos los derechos.

Ref. no. A22713-A1000-Y1 -5-7619Printed in the Federal Republicof GermanyAG 03810.7 3/81 61204

Delivery subject to availability;right of technical modifications reserved