teks learning target - brooks academy

Illegal to Copy LEVEL 4 207 Unit 13 Name: _______________________________________________ Getting Started Unit 13 TEKS LEARNING TARGET I will use print or digital resources to determine meaning, syllabication, and pronunciation. I will use context within and beyond a sentence to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple-meaning words. I will determine the meaning of and use words with affixes such as mis-, sub-, -ment, and -ity/-ty and roots such as auto, graph, and meter. Strive: I use effort and determination to focus on challenging tasks. When you strive, you determine the meanings of unfamiliar words as you read to better understand the text. Why might reading texts with unfamiliar words require effort and determination? Adapt: I adjust my actions and strategies to accomplish tasks. When you adapt, you use a variety of strategies to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. How might you know if you need to adapt your strategy for comprehending and understanding unfamiliar words while reading? Inquire: I seek information that excites my curiosity and inspires my learning. (Performance Task) When you inquire, you ask questions to learn information about a topic. What are important questions you might ask a person to learn about his or her life and work? Focus for 9 Traits of Critical Thinking™

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Getting Started

Unit 13TEKS LEARNING TARGETI will use print or digital resources to determine meaning, syllabication, and pronunciation.

I will use context within and beyond a sentence to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple-meaning words.

I will determine the meaning of and use words with affixes such as mis-, sub-, -ment, and -ity/-ty and roots such as auto, graph, and meter.

Strive: I use effort and determination to focus on challenging tasks.When you strive, you determine the meanings of unfamiliar words as you read to better understand the text.Why might reading texts with unfamiliar words require effort and determination?

Adapt: I adjust my actions and strategies to accomplish tasks.When you adapt, you use a variety of strategies to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.How might you know if you need to adapt your strategy for comprehending and understanding unfamiliar words while reading?

Inquire: I seek information that excites my curiosity and inspires my learning. (Performance Task)

When you inquire, you ask questions to learn information about a topic.What are important questions you might ask a person to learn about his or her life and work?

Focus for 9 Traits of Critical Thinking™

Page 2: TEKS LEARNING TARGET - Brooks Academy

Reader Tips

Authors develop informational texts using vocabulary words to support their topics. Many of these words may be unfamiliar to readers. But there are a variety of strategies you can use to determine word meanings.

Print and digital resources provide information about a word’s meaning, syllabication, and pronunciation.

The context, or words and/or sentences that provide clues, can offer hints that will help you determine a word’s meaning.

Example: Only pack what is essential for the hike because if you bring more than what is necessary, your pack will be heavy.

Explanation: In this sentence, the meaning of the word essential can be determined by using the context clue necessary, which provides a synonym of the word.

Example: The thunderstorm was destructive. Trees had fallen into the street, garbage cans had been knocked over, and several homes had roof damage.

Explanation: The meaning of the word destructive can be determined using the context of the examples in the second sentence.

In addition, your knowledge of the meanings of roots and affixes can assist you in analyzing the meaning of words.

Word Prefix and Meaning

Root and Meaning

Suffix and Meaning

Word Meaning

unhelpful un—not help —to assist ful—full not assisting

These questions will help you determine meanings of words in texts.1. Which words in the text are unfamiliar to me?

2. Do these words have roots or affixes that I am familiar with?

3. Does the context provide clues to the word’s meaning?

4. Will a print or digital resource provide additional information that will help determine the word’s meaning, syllabication, or pronunciation?

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________Instruction

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Read the text and answer the questions.


1 Aromatherapy is the use of aromas from plants and essential oils. The fragrances are used

to enhance healing and positive feelings. This treatment is used as a natural remedy. Stress,

muscle pain, and fatigue are just some of the many struggles that can be improved using

scent therapy. The technique is also used for its beneficial effects on the immune and

nervous systems.

2 The practice of using scents for their healing properties has been popular for more than

6,000 years. The Chinese burned herbs to promote harmony and well-being. The Egyptians

are best known for preserving their dead using oils. In Arabia, perfumes were used to help

heal injuries.

3 Today, aromatherapy is used in homes by burning candles and incense. Essential oils are

also used for massages and healing baths. Certainly, this ancient treatment will continue to

heal people throughout the world.

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Instruction

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1 Read this dictionary entry for the word stress.

stress \’strĕs\ noun 1. importance attached to an item 2. emphasis on a syllable 3. emphasis in a melody, rhythm, or beat 4. a response by the body to a stimulus

Which definition best matches the way the word stress is used in paragraph 1?

A Definition 1

B Definition 2

C Definition 3

D Definition 4

2 In paragraph 1, the word technique means —

F a method

G a position

H a movement

J an accomplishment

3 In paragraph 1, the suffix -al helps the reader determine the word natural means —

A resembling nature

B in the direction of nature

C relating to nature

D without nature

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________Instruction

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Reflection on My Learning

What tips might you share with a peer for determining the meanings of unknown words?

Reflection on Critical Thinking – Strive and Adapt

How did you use the critical thinking traits strive and adapt to help you determine the meanings of unfamiliar words in this text?

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Instruction

Page 6: TEKS LEARNING TARGET - Brooks Academy

Read the text and choose the best answer to each question.

Alvin Ailey: A Legacy That Dances On1 A pioneer is one who applies new ideas and techniques to an industry. By this definition,

Alvin Ailey is a pioneer in the world of dance. He is best known for introducing new dance techniques in the modern dance genre. Many consider Ailey to be a founding father of modern dance, helping to increase its popularity.

Modern Dance

2 To best understand Ailey and his impact on American culture, it is essential to understand modern dance. Some consider this form of dance to be a rejection of the defined steps and techniques of ballet. In other words, ballet has a specific language that is applied to all ballet dances. But modern dance uses a different language for each new dance. More simply put, modern dance does not have set rules. Instead, choreographers and dancers explore moods and emotions through movement. Ballet dancers try to stay light on their feet. Modern dancers use their body weight as they move. They often allow gravity to impact their movement. In most other dance forms, such as ballet, tap, and jazz, dancers always orient themselves toward the audience. In modern dance, however, dancers face all directions as they explore ideas through dance.

Early Life

3 Ailey was born in Rogers, Texas, on January 5, 1931. As an African-American, his life was greatly influenced by the segregation that was present in America during his lifetime. But he was also impacted by the music he heard in his church and around the community. When he was 12 years old, he and his mother left Texas. They moved to Los Angeles, California. In Los Angeles, he showed great skill in learning languages as well as in gymnastics and football.

Discovering Dance

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Name: _______________________________________________Assessment

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4 Ailey’s interest in dance began when he attended a ballet performance. His passion for the art form grew even more when a friend took him to visit a modern dance school in Los Angeles. This school was run by Lester Horton. The school was the first in America to allow dancers of all ethnicities. Ailey was not sure he had a future in dance. After Ailey’s first year of college, Lester Horton invited him to dance with Horton’s company. Ailey performed with the company for several years. In 1953, Lester Horton died suddenly. At only 22 years old, Ailey became the company’s artistic director, but the company disbanded shortly after.

5 In 1954, Ailey moved to New York City and accepted an offer to dance on Broadway. This move was an important turning point for Ailey. He studied dance and choreography from some of the most prominent names in the modern dance world, such as Martha Graham. In 1958, Ailey secured his place in America’s dance culture by founding the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT).

6 A key component of the AAADT was diversity, so dancers represented the variety of cultures and races that make up America. The dances Alvin choreographed often explored his childhood. They drew from the African-American music he felt connected to as a child. They delved into the experience of growing up black in America. His dance “Cry” was dedicated to the experience of black women. Another dance, “Revelations,” communicated the struggles of African Americans. It drew from the music of his childhood—black spirituals and gospel music.

Dance Legacy

7 Although Alvin stopped performing in the mid-1960s, he continued to choreograph dances for the AAADT as well as other dance companies. During his career, he choreographed 79 pieces! In 1969, he formed the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center, which is now called the Ailey School. The school offers dance training to aid in the development of students as professional dancers. He also expanded the AAADT in 1974. He founded the Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble, now called Ailey II. The company provides opportunities for talented young dancers. This company also tours and performs.


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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Assessment

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8 Alvin Ailey passed away in 1989, but his legacy continues. The AAADT still performs throughout the world. The dance company has performed more than 150 dances in more than 67 countries for millions of people. And these numbers will only continue to grow. Through these many performances and those to come, Alvin Ailey’s vision to enrich American modern dance will continue to bring attention to important ethnic, social, and political issues through the universal language of dance.

Year Honor or Award

1975 Dance Magazine Award

1979 Spingarn Medal from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Capezio Award

1987 Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award

1988 Kennedy Center Honors Prize; New York City’s Handel Medallion for Achievement in the Arts

2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________Assessment

Page 9: TEKS LEARNING TARGET - Brooks Academy

1 In paragraph 7, the suffix -ment helps the reader know the word development means —

A after developing

B people who are developing

C before developing

D in the process of developing

2 Which of these best summarizes the section “Discovering Dance”?

F Alvin Ailey attended a ballet performance in Los Angeles and met Lester Horton. When Horton died, Ailey became the artistic director of the company. Then he formed his own company to choreograph dances to explore his experience as an African American.

G When Alvin Ailey moved to New York City, he was offered dance roles on Broadway. In 1958, he founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. The dancers represented the variety of cultures and races in America.

H Ailey discovered a passion for dance in Los Angeles and New York City, dancing with Lester Horton’s company and on Broadway. He founded his own dance company, ensuring that it was culturally diverse. The dances explored the experiences of African Americans.

J Alvin Ailey found a passion for dance when he and his mother moved to Los Angeles. Then he moved to New York City and started a dance company. He choreographed the dances “Cry” and “Revelations.”

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Assessment

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3 Read the excerpts from paragraphs 3 and 6.

As an African-American, his life was greatly influenced by the segregation that was present in America during his lifetime. But he was also impacted by the music he heard in his church and around the community.

The dances Alvin choreographed often explored his childhood. They drew from the African-American music he felt connected to as a child.

Which of the following best synthesizes the information in these excerpts?

A Alvin Ailey’s childhood experiences as an African-American affected the dances he later choreographed.

B The dances Alvin Ailey choreographed were based on the dances he learned as a child.

C Segregation was present during Alvin Ailey’s childhood, so those experiences helped him when he choreographed dances.

D Whenever he hears music, Alvin Ailey is reminded of his childhood and the community where he was raised.

4 The table included with the text emphasizes Alvin Ailey’s —

F dedication to his craft

G impact on American culture

H commitment to excellence

J influence on American dancers

5 Read the following information.

ject: Latin root meaning “throw”

This information helps the reader understand that the word rejection in paragraph 2 means —

A getting rid of

B offering to another

C moving to a new place

D informing in advance

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Name: _______________________________________________Assessment

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6 Why does the author include the information in paragraph 2?

F To express how ballet and modern dance use similar movements

G To detail how modern dancers’ bodies move differently from ballet dancers

H To describe how modern dance is choreographed

J To explain the differences between ballet and modern dance

7 Read the dictionary entry for the word piece.

piece \pēs\ noun 1. a section of something larger 2. a part that has been broken or cut from a whole 3. something written or created for the arts 4. a small object used in playing games

Which definition best matches the way pieces is used in paragraph 7?

A Definition 1

B Definition 2

C Definition 3

D Definition 4

8 The reader can infer that Alvin Ailey is —

F respected

G honest

H curious

J patient

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Name: _______________________________________________ Assessment

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9 Read these sentences from paragraph 2 of the text.

In most other dance forms, such as ballet, tap, and jazz, dancers always orient themselves toward the audience. In modern dance, however, dancers face all directions as they explore ideas through dance.

What does the word orient mean in this sentence? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

10 Read this sentence from paragraph 6 of the text.

A key component of the AAADT was diversity, so dancers represented the variety of cultures and races that make up America.

What is the best context clue within the sentence that helps the reader understand the meaning of the word diversity? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________Assessment

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Reflection on My LearningExplain how context clues can help you determine the meanings of unfamiliar words in a text.

Reflection on Critical Thinking – Strive and Adapt

Strive – I use effort and determination to focus on challenging tasks. Describe how you have used effort and determination to read a text with challenging


Adapt – I adjust my actions and strategies to accomplish tasks. What might you do if a print or digital resource does not provide the information you seek

about an unfamiliar word?

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Name: _______________________________________________ Assessment

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Writing: Revising/Editing

Read the text and choose the best answer to each question.

Jacqueline wrote the following literary text about a girl who has an accident. Read Jacqueline’s story and look for the corrections she should make. Then answer the questions that follow.

Last Dance

(1) Cassandra pulled her favorite T-shirt out of the drawer. (2) Dance

is Life was scrawled across the front in gold letters. (3) She hurriedly packed

it into her duffle bag, grabbed her tap shoes, and ran out the door. (4) She

didn’t want to be late for the last rehearsal. (5) Her final dance recital of the

year was scheduled for tomorrow night. (6) As soon as her parents pulled

up to the studio, Cassandra jumped out and bounded up the steps. (7) A

searing pain shot through her ankle, and she fell to the sidewalk below.

(8) Tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

(9) Her mother and father were by her side in an instant. (10) “Can you

walk?” Mom asked. (11) Dad graddually lifted Cassandra to her feet.

(12) “I think I can walk. (13) I know I can’t dance,” Cassandra replied,


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Name: _______________________________________________Assessment

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1 What change needs to be made in sentence 6?

A Insert an apostrophe in the word parents

B Change pulled to pulling

C Change bounded to bownded

D No change needs to be made.

2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 9?

F Change and to a comma

G Insert a comma after the word side

H Change in an instant to they ran instantly

J No change should be made in sentence 9.

3 What change should be made in sentence 11?

A Change Dad to dad

B Change graddually to gradually

C Change her to herself

D Change feet to feat

4 What is the correct way to write sentences 12 and 13?

F “I think I can walk. While I know I can’t dance,” Cassandra replied, heartbroken.

G “I am thinking I can walk and knowing I can’t dance,” Cassandra replied, heartbroken.

H “I think I can walk, but I know I can’t dance,” Cassandra replied, heartbroken.

J “I think I can walk, I know I can’t dance,” Cassandra replied, heartbroken.

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Assessment

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Writing: CompositionREAD the information in the box below.

The purpose of physical education (PE) is to motivate children to live a healthy lifestyle through fun activities.

THINK about the activities you participate in during PE class at school.

WRITE about the reasons why PE is or is not important for fourth-grade students.

Be sure to —• clearly state your opinion• organize your writing• provide specific support for your opinion• choose your words carefully• use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and sentences

Writing Guide

Planning• Read the prompt.• Plan your draft by selecting a genre that matches the topic, purpose, and audience.• Use a planning strategy such as brainstorming, freewriting, or mapping.

Drafting• Develop a draft that is focused, structured, and coherent.• Organize your draft with a structure that includes an introduction, transitions, relevant details,

and a conclusion.• Incorporate genre characteristics and craft in your writing.

Revising• Is my opinion relevant and convincing?• Do the facts I chose to support my argument appeal to my audience?• Does the structure of my text support my purpose?

Editing• Are all words used correctly according to meaning, part of speech, and form?• Have I used homophones correctly in my writing?• Are all words with syllable division patterns spelled correctly?• Do all sentences with compound subjects and compound predicates, as well as compound

sentences, use coordinating conjunctions correctly?

Publishing• Ask a peer to review your draft before preparing the final version.• Make corrections as noted in your revising and editing. • Use cursive to write the final version.

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Name: _______________________________________________Assessment

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Performance Task

Inquire – I seek information that excites my curiosity and inspires my learning. When you inquire, you ask questions to learn information about a topic.

Select a living artist, musician, author, or dancer. Write a letter to that person requesting information you would like to know about him or her. Mail your letter to the person.

Performance Task Steps1. Read “Alvin Ailey: A Legacy That Dances On.”2. Use print and digital sources to research living artists, musicians, authors, or dancers.3. Select an artist, musician, author, or dancer as the topic of your research and letter.4. Conduct research, using primary and secondary sources if possible, to gain information

about your selected artist, musician, author, or dancer. Locate an address to send your letter.

5. Answer questions about your task.• What did you learn about Alvin Ailey while reading “Alvin Ailey: A Legacy That Dances

On”? • What information will be helpful to gather during your research in order to write an

appropriate and meaningful letter to your selected person? • What questions will you include in your letter to learn more about your selected artist,

musician, author, or dancer? • How will you organize your letter using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a

conclusion, along with the appropriate format?6. Write your letter.7. Request guidance and support from your peers or from an adult to improve your letter by

revising and editing your letter based on the feedback.8. Use technology to write the final copy of your letter. 9. Mail your letter to your selected artist, musician, author, or dancer.

Scoring CriteriaYour Performance Task will be evaluated using the following criteria: Evidence of Research, Quality of Letter, Organization of Letter, Accuracy of Language and Conventions.

Reflection on My Learning

How did you use the inquire critical thinking trait as you gathered information about your topic and composed a letter to that person requesting additional information?

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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________ Extension

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Reflection on Critical Thinking

During this unit, you used a variety of critical thinking traits. Which of the critical thinking traits did you use most often?

Explain how you used that critical thinking trait.

9 Traitsof CriticalThinking™

CreateI use my knowledge and imagination to express

new and innovative ideas

ExamineI use a variety of

methods to explore and to analyze

InquireI seek information

that excites my curiosity and inspires my learning

StriveI use e�ort and

determination to focus on challenging tasks

I adjust my actions and strategies to accomplish tasks


I work with others to achieve better



I review my thoughts and experiences to guide my actions

ReflectI apply knowledge

to reach new understandings


I use clear language to express my ideas and to share information


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Unit 13

Name: _______________________________________________Reflection