technology school board proposal powerpoint 2003 version

Technology: How can we use it in our classrooms? Joe Wright- Educator

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Technology: How can we use it in our classrooms?

Joe Wright- Educator

Page 2: Technology school board proposal powerpoint 2003 version

Technology: How can we use it in our classrooms?Our Mission is…

Four Main topics with Technology Integration…1.Student Growth with Technology2.Student Engagement3.Professional Development4.Vision5.9 ways technology can help student learning6.Classifying Technology7.Putting it all together

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Our Fargo Schools Mission1. Demonstrate Academic Competency

2. Be self-reliant individuals

3. Exhibit essential life skills

4. Exhibit Citizenship

5. Demonstrate communication skills

6. Experience the arts

We will discuss how our technology plan can and will help our schools

to meet our mission statement.

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Student Learning Growth with Technology

Technology should enhance lessons, not change

it (Harvey-Woodall 2009)

Must have clear measurable objectives.

Students and Teachers (Cradler, et al 2002)Test the same way we teach (Babell, et al 2010)

- Studies show academic growth with consistency

Technology Specialist to enhance teaching and


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Student EngagementProblem Solving, Real Life Situations-High

Interest (Cradler, et al 2002)

Preparation for the workforce. Knowledge of different Applications (Cradler, et al 2002)

Cooperative Learning - Working with Others

Responsibility for Own LearningMain Menu

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Professional DevelopmentRole of teachers: Paramount to student learning

(Cradler, et al 2002)

Initial and Ongoing Professional Development (Peterson

2005)1. Basic of technology use2. Why technology is important3. Teacher Needs:Professional Development4. Technology Specialist

Collaborate as Professionals (Peterson 2005)

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VisionLeadership: Starts as an upside down triangle

- Align available technology resources with systemic

school improvement goals. (Cradler, et al 2002)

Technology Team: Research best practices with


-Guard against pitfall of new technology with no vision

or plan (Brabec, et al 2004)

Data- How can we record student growth through

technology? (Brabec, et al 2004)

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9 ways technology can help learning…

1.  Identify similarities and differences/ compare

and contrast

2.  Summarizing and note taking

3.  Reinforcing effort and providing recognition

4. Homework and practice

5.  Nonlinguistic Representations

(Brabec, et al 2004)Main Menu

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9 Ways Continued…

6.  Cooperative Learning

7.  Setting Objectives and Providing


8.  Generating and Testing Hypotheses

9.  Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

(Brabec, et al 2004)Main Menu

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2 Ways to Classify Technology

1.Teachers are using computer/technology to teach lessons.  (Babell, et al 2010)

2.Students are using computers/technology to learn in the classroom. (Babell, et al 2010)

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How does all of this match our vision?

1. Academic Competency- Presentations, project

based learning, data, real life problems

2. Self-reliant individuals- Using tools for 21st

Century Learning, inquiry

3. Exhibit Essential Life Skills- Cooperative

Learning, technology skills, reflective learning

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Vision cont.4. Citizenship- Digital Citizenship, project based learning5. Demonstrate Communication Skills- Projects, presentations, blogging, instant messaging6. Experience the Arts- Using technology to show plays, graphic design, presentations

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