technical technical sessions - society of ... meeting/2016...38 39 seg dallas 2016 official program...

38 39 SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program WITH OVER 1,100 PRESENTATIONS, THIS IS THE LARGEST TECHNICAL PROGRAM WE’VE EVER HELD. More than 1,500 abstracts received for review, this year’s Technical Program includes 140 diverse sessions. Geoscience professionals from all geophysical disciplines and all parts of the world are represented and will share the latest case histories, technological advancements, and research discoveries. The Technical Program will begin on Monday at 1:00 PM, following the SEG Opening Session and Presidential Address. It will include eight Special Sessions. Oral sessions, poster sessions, and oral discussion/e-presentation sessions will run consecutively through Thursday at noon. Immediately following, post-convention workshops will take place in the technical session area on Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. Luncheons with guest speakers will be held on Tuesday for Gravity and Magnetics and on Wednesday for Development and Production and Mining and Geothermal. Also, the Near-Surface Section will hold its annual reception on Tuesday evening. SPECIAL SESSION As in previous years, dedicated sessions will be offered to compliment the Technical Program, of which the following have been scheduled: • Progress in Applied Geophysics in China – Organizer: Chuck Peng • Recent Advances and the Road Ahead – Organizer: Sergio Chavez-Perez • SEG-AGU Hydrogeophysics – Organizer: John Lane • Surface Waves – Organizer: Julian Ivanov TECHNICAL PROGRAM RECORDINGS Every year, SEG compiles video recordings of all Technical Program presentations for which the presenter has authorized his or her recording; however, this year’s Technical Program presentations will all be streamed online. All you need is an internet connection! TECHNICAL PROGRAM SPEAKER ORIENTATION BREAKFAST Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, C3/C4 (Level 2) Monday-Thursday, 17-20 October, 7:00 AM -7:45 AM Note: Must have authorized speaker ribbon to attend. All Technical Program speakers for oral, oral discussion/e-presentation, and poster sessions are urged to attend the Speaker Orientation Breakfast on the morning of their presentation. Speakers for postconvention workshops scheduled for Thursday and Friday should attend the Thursday Speaker Orientation Breakfast. Session chairs are also urged to attend the orientation breakfast on the morning of their assignments. TECHNICAL • Engineering Geophysics – Organizer: Laurie Whitesell • Injection Induced Seismicity – Organizer: Azra Tutuncu • Humanitarian Geophysics – Organizer: Laurie Whitesell • Broadband Technology – Organizer: Jim Musser TECHNICAL PROGRAM TECHNICAL SESSIONS ARE LOCATEDLOWER LEVEL 1 / GROUND LEVEL PLEASE REFER TO OFFICIAL PROGRAM & SEG MOBILE APP FOR UP TO DAY TECHNICAL PROGRAM INFORMATION LOBBY “C” ROOMS LOBBY “D” ROOMS

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program


More than 1,500 abstracts received for review, this year’s Technical Program includes 140 diverse sessions. Geoscience professionals from all geophysical disciplines and all parts of the world are represented and will share the latest case histories, technological advancements, and research discoveries.

The Technical Program will begin on Monday at 1:00 PM, following the SEG Opening Session and Presidential Address. It will include eight Special Sessions. Oral sessions, poster sessions, and oral discussion/e-presentation sessions will run consecutively through Thursday at noon. Immediately following, post-convention workshops will take place in the technical session area on Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.

Luncheons with guest speakers will be held on Tuesday for Gravity and Magnetics and on Wednesday for Development and Production and Mining and Geothermal. Also, the Near-Surface Section will hold its annual reception on Tuesday evening.

SPECIAL SESSIONAs in previous years, dedicated sessions will be offered to compliment the Technical Program, of which the following have been


• Progress in Applied Geophysics in China – Organizer: Chuck Peng • Recent Advances and the Road Ahead – Organizer: Sergio Chavez-Perez • SEG-AGU Hydrogeophysics – Organizer: John Lane • Surface Waves – Organizer: Julian Ivanov

TECHNICAL PROGRAM RECORDINGSEvery year, SEG compiles video recordings of all Technical Program presentations for which the presenter has authorized his or her

recording; however, this year’s Technical Program presentations will all be streamed online. All you need is an internet connection!

TECHNICAL PROGRAM SPEAKER ORIENTATION BREAKFASTKay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, C3/C4 (Level 2)

Monday-Thursday, 17-20 October, 7:00 AM -7:45 AMNote: Must have authorized speaker ribbon to attend.

All Technical Program speakers for oral, oral discussion/e-presentation, and poster sessions are urged to attend the Speaker Orientation Breakfast on the morning of their presentation. Speakers for postconvention workshops scheduled for Thursday and Friday should attend the Thursday Speaker Orientation Breakfast. Session chairs are also urged to attend the orientation

breakfast on the morning of their assignments.


• Engineering Geophysics – Organizer: Laurie Whitesell• Injection Induced Seismicity – Organizer: Azra Tutuncu• Humanitarian Geophysics – Organizer: Laurie Whitesell• Broadband Technology – Organizer: Jim Musser









T E C H N I C A L S E S S I O N S A R E L O C A T E D L O W E R L E V E L 1 / G R O U N D L E V E L


L O B B Y “ C ” R O O M S L O B B Y “ D ” R O O M S

Room Mon 1:00 PM Tues 8:00 AM Tues 1:00 PM Wed 8:00 AM Wed 1:30 PM Thurs 8:30 AM

C140SPNA 1: Deblending and Marine Noise Attenuation

SPNA 2: Land Data Noise Suppression

SPNA 3: Imaging Enhancement

SPNA 4: Broadband Deghosting

INT 5: Chronostratigraphy and Interpretation for DHI

T E C H N I C A L P R O G R A M4 0

C142SPMUL 1: Methods in Development and Practice

SPMUL 2: Radon, Elastic, and Inverse Scattering

SVE 1: Case Histories SVE 2: Theory NS 1: Applications and Innovations

C144/145PS 1: Microseismic Location and Velocity Modelling

PS 2: Geomechanics and Source Mechanisms

PS 3: Imaging Methods

SS 6: Injection Induced Seismicity

PS 4: Signal Processing and Detection

PS 5: Case Studies and Applications

C146SS 1: Progress in Applied Geophysics in China

FWI 2: Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 1

FWI 4: Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 2

TL 1: Case Studies and Geomechanics

TL 2: Methods and Acquisition VSP 1: Case Studies

C147/154 ST 1: Interferometry SS 3: SEG-AGU Hydrogeophysics

SS 5: Engineering Geophysics

SS 7: Humanitarian Geophysics

SS 8: Broadband Technology

C155 SI 1: Case Studies SI 2: Theory and Application

SI 3: Wavelets, Q, Fractures, and Muons

SI 4: Theory and Uncertainty

SI 5: Tomography and Migration Veloc-ity Estimation

SI 6: Thin Bed and Facies Inversion

C156 RC 1: Case Studies 1

RC 2: Case Studies 2 RC 3: Inversion 1 RC 4: Inversion 2 RC 5: 4D and CO2

Development RC 6: Attributes

D162/164 FWI 1: Methodology and Development 1

FWI 3: Methodology and Development 2 FWI 5: Case Study 1 FWI 6: Case Study 2 FWI 7: Time-Lapse

and Joint InversionFWI 8: Overcoming Cycle Skipping

D166ANI 1: Anisotropic Inversion (Reflection and Borehole)

ANI 2: Azimuthal Anisotropy in Field Data

ANI 3: Anisotropy of Shales and Parameters Influenc-ing Anisotropy

SPIR 1: eismic Data Reconstruction 1

MS 1: Advances

D167RP 1: Pore Space Effects and Permeability

RP 2: Shale Rock Physics

RP 3: Stress Effects and Anisotropy

RP 4: Rock Charac-terization - Measure-ments and Models

RP 5: Models from Pore to Basin Scale

RP 6: Laboratory Analyses of Heterogeneous Rocks

D163/165SS 2: Recent Advances and the Road Ahead

ACQ 1: Land Acquisition 1

ACQ 2: Marine Acqui-sition 1

ACQ 3: Blended Acquisition Technologies

ACQ 4: Land Acquisition 2

ACQ 5: Marine Acquisition 2

D161GM 1: Gravity, Magnetic, and Gradient Inversion

GM 2: Interpretation and Instrumentation

SM 1: Frequency Domain

SM 2: Rock Physics Applications

SM 3: Finite Differences and Case Studies

D168BG 1: Borehole Acoustic Measure-ments, Analyses and Modeling

MG 1: New Methods and Developments MG 2: Case Histories

BG 2: Borehole Acoustic and Seismic Measurements, Analyses and Modeling

BG 3: Borehole Resistivity Measure-ments, Analyses nd Modeling

BG 4: Borehole Measurementsand Modeling for Porosity, Dipole Radiation and Gravity

D170/172INT 1: Interpretation Methods and New Techniques

INT 2: Spectral Decomposition Methods and Usage

INT 3: Channels, Thin Beds, and Pinch Outs INT 4: Case Histories INT 6: Case Studies

INT 7: Attribute Usage and Generation

D174 AVO 1: Workflows and New Indicators

SS 4: Surface Waves

EM 1: Imaging and Inversion EM 2: Exploration

EM 3: Monitoring Production Processes

D171/173 SPMI 1: Elastic Imaging

SPMI 2: Least Squares Migration

SPMI 3: Beyond Primaries Only

SPMI 4: Diffraction and Non-Specular Imaging and Sim Sources

SPMI 5: Beam and Parametric Methods and Applications

SPMI 6: Gathers and Image Decompositions















TECHNICAL PROGRAM KEY:ACQ Acquisition and Survey Design, ANI Anisotropy, AVO AVO, BG Borehole Geophysics, EM EM Exploration, FWI Full Waveform Inversion, GM Gravity and Magnetics,

INT Interpretation, MG Mining and Geothermal, MS Multicomponent Seismic, NS Near Surface, PS Passive Seismic, RC Reservoir Characterization, RP Rock Physics,

SI Seismic Inversion, SM Seismic Modeling, SPIR Seismic Processing: Interpolation and Regularization, SPMI Seismic Processing: Migration, SPMUL Seismic Processing:

Multiples, SPNA Seismic Processing: Noise Attenuation, SS Special Session, ST Seismic Theory, SVE Seismic Velocity Estimation, TL Time Lapse, VSP Vertical Seismic Profile

E-PRESENTATION SESSIONSRoom Mon 1:00 PM Tues 8:00 AM Tues 1:00 PM Wed 8:00 AM Wed 1:30 PM Thurs 8:30 AM

C141FWI E-P1: Methodology and Development 3

BG E-P1: Borehole Measurements and Modeling 1

BG E-P2: Borehole Measurements and Modeling 2

PS E-P1: Ambient Processing and Inter-ferometry

GM E-P1: Interpretive Methods

EM E-P1: 3D Modeling and Inversion Algorithms

C143/149INT E-P1: Fault Detec-tion and Enhancement Methods

RC E-P1: Miscellaneous

INT E-P2: Reconstruction, Restoration and Fault Models

FWI E-P2: Methodology and Development 4

SVE E-P1:Applications and Methods

INT E-P3: Miscellaneous Interpretation Topics

C148ACQ E-P1: New Acquisition Technologies

SPMI E-P1: Methods and Applications

SPIR E-P1: Seismic Data Reconstruction 2

SPNA E-P1: Algorithms SM E-P1: Theory SM E-P2:


C150NS E-P1: Shallow Seis-mic Statics, Inversion, and Tomography

TL E-P1: CO2 monitoring and OBN

RP E-P1: Fractures and Effective Media

ANI E-P1: Anisotropic Inversion and Modeling

RP E-P2: Advanced Models

RP E-P3: Heavy Oils and Novel Experiments

POSTER SESSIONSMon 1:00 PM Tues 8:00 AM Tues 1:00 PM Wed 8:00 AM Wed 1:30 PM

TL P1: Processing Methods, DAS, Continuous, Feasibility, Steam

ST P1: Seismic Filtering, Transformation, and Imaging

PS P1: MicroseismicINT P2: New Interpretation Methods

ANI P1: Modeling and AVO Analysis for TI and Orthorhombic Media

SPMI P1: Advances and Applications in Seismic Migration

NS P1: Effects of Near-Surface Variability on Seismic

SPNA P1: Case Study and Algorithm

GM P1: Interpretation and Parameter Deter-mination

SM P1: Applications

RC P1: Exploration and Development

AVO P1: Inversion Methods and Case studies

ACQ P1: Land and Marine Acquisition

RP P1: Fluids, Rocks, and their Interaction FWI P1: Methodology and Development 5

SI P1: Tomography and Inversion INT P1: Case Studies RC P2:

Unconventionals NS P2: Applications MG P1: Case Histories and New Developments

VSP P1: Data Acqui-sition and Processing Methods

SVE P1: Applications and Methods

SPMUL P1: Matching, Imaging, and ISS

MS P1: New Developments EM P1: Physics, Processing, and Modeling

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Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

ACQ: ACQUISITION AND SURVEY DESIGNACQ 1 ......... Land Acquisition 1ACQ 2 ......... Marine AcquisitionACQ 3 ......... Blended Acquisition TechnologiesACQ 4 ......... Land Acquisition 2ACQ 5 ......... Marine Acquisition 2ACQ E-P1 .... New Acquisition TechnologiesACQ P1 ....... Land and Marine Acquisition

ANI: ANISOTROPYANI 1 .......... Anisotropic Inversion (Reflection and Borehole)ANI 2 .......... Azimuthal Anisotropy in Field DataANI 3 .......... Anisotropy of Shales and Parameters Influencing AnisotropyANI E-P1 ..... Anisotropic Inversion and ModelingANI P1 ........ Modeling and AVO Analysis for TI and Orthorhombic Media

AVO: AVO AVO 1 ......... Workflows and New IndicatorsAVO 2 ......... Advances in AVO Inversion MethodsAVO P1 ....... Inversion Methods and Case Studies

BG: BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICSBG 1 ........... Borehole Acoustic Measurements, Analyses and ModelingBG 2 ........... Borehole Acoustic and Seismic Measurements,

Analyses and ModelingBG 3 ........... Borehole Resistivity Measurements, Analyses and ModelingBG 4 ........... Borehole Measurements and Modeling for Porosity, Dipole

Radiation an d GravityBG E-P1 ...... Borehole Measurements and Modeling 1BG E-P2 ..... Borehole Measurements and Modeling 2

EM: EM EXPLORATIONEM 1 ........... Imaging and InversionEM 2 ........... ExplorationEM 3 ........... Monitoring Production ProcessesEM E-P1 ..... 3D Modeling and Inversion AlgorithmsEM P1 ......... Physics, Processing, and Modeling

FWI: FULL-WAVEFORM INVERSIONFWI 1 .......... Methodology and Development 1FWI 2 .......... Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 1FWI 3 .......... Methodology and Development 2FWI 4 .......... Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 2FWI 5 .......... Case Study 1FWI 6 .......... Case Study 2FWI 7 .......... Time-Lapse and Joint InversionFWI 8 .......... Overcoming Cycle SkippingFWI E-P1 .... Methodology and Development 3FWI E-P2 .... Methodology and Development 4FWI P1 ........ Methodology and Development 5

GM: GRAVITY AND MAGNETICSGM 1 .......... Gravity, Magnetic and Gradient InversionGM 2 .......... Interpretation and InstrumentationGM E-P1 ..... Interpretive MethodsGM P1......... Interpretation and Parameter Determination

INT: INTERPRETATIONINT 1 .......... Interpretation Methodologies and New TechniquesINT 2 .......... Spectral Decomposition Methods and UsageINT 3 .......... Channels, Thin Beds and Pinch OutsINT 4 .......... Case HistoriesINT 5 .......... Chronostratigraphy and Interpretation Methods for DHIINT 6 .......... Case StudiesINT 7 .......... Attribute Usage and GenerationINT E-P1 ..... Fault Detection and Enhancement MethodsINT E-P2 ..... Reconstruction, Restoration and Fault ModelsINT E-P3 ..... Miscellaneous Interpretation TopicsINT P1 ........ Case StudiesINT P2 ........ New Interpretation Methods

MG: MINING AND GEOTHERMALMG 1 .......... New Methods and DevelopmentsMG 2 .......... Case HistoriesMG P1......... Case Histories and New Developments

MS: MULTICOMPONENT SEISMICMS 1 ........... AdvancesMS P1 ......... New Developments

NS: NEAR SURFACENS 1 ........... Applications and InnovationsNS E-P1 ...... Shallow Seismic Statics, Inversion, and TomographyNS P1 ......... Effects of Near-Surface Variability in SeismicNS P2 ......... Applications

PS: PASSIVE SEISMICPS 1 ........... Microseismic Location and Velocity ModellingPS 2 ........... Geomechanics and Source MechanismsPS 3 ........... Imaging MethodsPS 4 ........... Signal Processing and DetectionPS 5 ........... Case Studies and ApplicationsPS E-P1 ...... Ambient Processing and InterferometryPS P1.......... Microseismic

D A L L A S 2 0 1 6T
















RC: RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATIONRC 1 ........... Case Studies 1RC 2 ........... Case Studies 2RC 3 ........... Inversion 1RC 4 ........... Inversion 2RC 5 ........... 4D and for CO2 DevelopmentRC 6 ........... AttributesRC E-P1 ...... MiscellaneousRC P1 ......... Exploration and DevelopmentRC P2 ......... Unconventionals

RP: ROCK-PHYSICSRP 1 ........... Pore Space Effects and PermeabilityRP 2 ........... Shale Rock PhysicsRP 3 ........... Stress Effects and AnisotropyRP 4 ........... Rock Characterization - Measurements and ModelsRP 5 ........... Models from Pore to Basin ScaleRP 6 ........... Laboratory Analyses of Heterogeneous RocksRP E-P1 ...... Fractures and Effective MediaRP E-P2 ...... Advanced ModelsRP E-P3 ...... Heavy Oils and Novel ExperimentsRP P1 ......... Fluids, Rocks, and their Interaction

SI: SEISMIC INVERSIONSI 1............. Case StudiesSI 2............. Theory and ApplicationSI 3............. Wavelets, Q, Fractures, and MuonsSI 4............. Theory and UncertaintySI 5............. Tomography and Migration Velocity EstimationSI 6............. Thin Bed and Facies InversionSI P1 ........... Tomography and Inversion

SM: SEISMIC MODELINGSM 1 ........... Frequency DomainSM 2 ........... Rock Physics ApplicationsSM 3 ........... Finite Differences and Case StudiesSM E-P1 ..... TheorySM E-P2 ..... ApplicationsSM P1 ......... Applications

SPIR: SEISMIC PROCESSING: INTERPOLATION AND REGULARIZATIONSPIR 1 ........ Seismic Data Reconstruction 1SPIR E-P1 ... Seismic Data Reconstruction 2

SPMI: SEISMIC PROCESSING: MIGRATIONSPMI 1 ........ Elastic ImagingSPMI 2 ........ Least Squares MigrationSPMI 3 ........ Beyond Primaries OnlySPMI 4 ........ Diffraction and Non-Specular Imaging and Sim SourcesSPMI 5 ........ Beam and Parametric Methods and ApplicationsSPMI 6 ........ Gathers and Image DecompositionsSPMI E-P1 .. Methods and ApplicationsSPMI P1 ...... Advances and Applications in Seismic Migration

SPMUL: SEISMIC PROCESSING: MULTIPLESSPMUL 1 ..... Methods in Development and PracticeSPMUL 2 ..... Radon, Elastic, and Inverse ScatteringSPMUL P1 ... Matching, Imaging, and ISS

SPNA: SEISMIC PROCESSING: NOISE ATTENUATIONSPNA 1 ....... Deblending and Marine Noise AttenuationSPNA 2 ....... Land Data Noise SuppressionSPNA 3 ....... Imaging EnhancementSPNA 4 ....... Broadband DeghostingSPNA E-P1 .. AlgorithmsSPNA P1 ..... Case Study and Algorithm

SS: SPECIAL SESSIONSS 1 ........... Progress in Applied Geophysics in ChinaSS 2 ........... Recent Advances and the Road AheadSS 3 ........... SEG-AGU HydrogeophysicsSS 4 ........... Surface WavesSS 5 ........... Engineering GeophysicsSS 6 ........... Injection Induced SeismicitySS 7 ........... Humanitarian GeophysicsSS 8 ........... Broadband Technology

ST: SEISMIC THEORYST 1 ............ InterferometryST P1 .......... Seismic Filtering, Transformation, and Imaging

SVE: SEISMIC VELOCITY ESTIMATION SVE 1 ......... Case HistoriesSVE 2 ......... TheorySVE E-P1 .... Applications and MethodsSVE P1........ Applications and Methods

TL: TIME LAPSETL 1 ............ Case Studies and GeomechanicsTL 2 ............ Methods and AcquisitionTL E-P1 ....... CO2 Monitoing and OBNTL P1 .......... Processing Methods, DAS, Continuous, Feasibility, Steam

VSP: VERTICAL SEISMIC PROFILEVSP 1 ......... Case HistoriesVSP P1........ Data Acquisition and Processing Methods

4 4 4 5

SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016ANI 1 Anisotropic Inversion (Reflection and Borehole)Session Chairs: Andrey Bakulin and John Anderson Location: Room D166Synopsis: Papers in this session present methodologies for building anisotropic velocity models and estimate subsurface attributes using migration velocity analysis and waveform inversion.

1:00 PM ...... Semblance-based anisotropy parameter estimation using isotropic depth-migrated common image gathers (ANI 1.1) Fan Xia, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fan Xia

1:25 PM ...... Withdrawn 1:50 PM ...... Anisotropic waveform inversion for microseismic

velocity analysis and event location (ANI 1.3) Oscar Jarillo Michel and Ilya Tsvankin, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Oscar Jarillo Michel

2:15 PM ...... Elastic FWI for VTI media: A synthetic parameterization study (ANI 1.4) Nishant Kamath, Ilya Tsvankin, and Esteban Diaz, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nishant Kamath

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Geomechanics-based tilted orthorhombic modeling workflow for imaging (ANI 1.5) David Thanoon and Ran Bachrach, Schlumberger; Olga Zdraveva and Suyang Chen, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: David Thanoon

3:45 PM ...... Feasibility of waveform inversion in acoustic orthorhombic media (ANI 1.6) Hui Wang and Ilya Tsvankin, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hui Wang

4:10 PM ...... A recipe for practical full-waveform inversion in orthorhombic anisotropy (ANI 1.7) Tariq Alkhalifah, Nabil Masmoudi, and Ju-Won Oh, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tariq Alkhalifah

4:35 PM ...... Waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media (ANI 1.8) Tong Bai and Ilya Tsvankin, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Tong Bai

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016AVO 1 Workflows and New IndicatorsSession Chairs: Zakir Hossain and Stijn Pieter Marie Konings Location: Room D174Synopsis: New thoughts on AVO workflows and indicators.

1:00 PM ...... A theoretical note on converted wave amplitude variation with offset in viscoelastic media (AVO 1.1) Shahpoor Moradi and Kristopher Innanen, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shahpoor Moradi

1:25 PM ...... Nonlinear orthorhombic AVAZ inversion workflow (AVO 1.2) Edan Gofer, Ran Bachrach, and Michel Vie, Schlumberger; Robin Fletcher, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Edan Gofer

1:50 PM ...... Laboratory estimation of fracture compliance of a fluid-filled fracture using AVO response of a nonwelded interface (AVO 1.3) Shohei Minato and Ranajit Ghose, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Shohei Minato

2:15 PM ...... The relationship between coalbed-methane content and AVO attributes in the west coal mining area of Sihe coalmine (AVO 1.4) Guangui Zou and Suping Peng, China University of Mining & Technology; Wenfeng Du, China University of Mining and Technology–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Guangui Zou

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... A new hydrocarbon indicator derived from FAVO inversion (AVO 1.5) Rukang Chen, Xiaohong Chen, Jingye Li, and Zhikai Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Benfeng Wang, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Rukang Chen

3:45 PM ...... Frequency-dependent AVO modeling for the estimation of gas saturation in a thin layer (AVO 1.6) Zhaoyu Jin, Giorgos Papageorgiou, and Mark Chapman, University of Edinburgh; Xiaoyang Wu, British Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhaoyu Jin

4:10 PM ...... Withdrawn4:35 PM ...... Effect of random noises and inaccurate reflection

angle estimation on the amplitude of 3D RTM angle gathers: A numerical study (AVO 1.8) Yilong Qin, Marcel Nauta, and Scott Quiring, Acceleware Ltd (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yilong Qin

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016BG 1 Borehole Acoustic Measurements, Analyses, and ModelingSession Chairs: Arthur Cheng and Azra Tutuncu Location: Room D168Synopsis: Borehole measurements, processing, analyses, and modeling for acoustic waves.

1:00 PM ...... LWD unipole for probing azimuthally heterogeneous formation properties: Characterization through numerical modeling and field data (BG 1.1) Naoki Sakiyama, Denis Syresin, Ryohei Iritani, Hiroaki Yamamoto, and Hiroshi Nakajima, Schlumberger K. K. (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Naoki Sakiyama

1:25 PM ...... Characteristics of the collar wave in acoustic logging while drilling (LWD) (BG 1.2) Wei Guan, Yufeng Yang, and Hengshan Hu, Harbin Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Wei Guan

1:50 PM ...... Well-log lithology discrimination using elastic attributes only (BG 1.3) Elita De Abreu and John Castagna, University of Houston; Eric Da Silva Praxedes, Petrobras (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Elita De Abreu

2:15 PM ...... New physics-based method to efficiently mitigate noise in borehole sonic logs (BG 1.4) Elsa Maalouf and Carlos Torres-Verdín, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Elsa Maalouf

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Depth calibration for DAS VSP: Lessons learned from two field trials (BG 1.5) Andreas Ellmauthaler, Mark Willis, David Barfoot, Xiang Wu, Cemal Erdemir, Oscar Barrios-Lopez, Dan Quinn, and Simon Shaw, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mark Willis

3:45 PM ...... Shear slowness evaluation by parametric inversion of dipole waveforms (BG 1.6) Kentaro Torii, Shinichi Sunaga, Takeshi Endo, Henri-Pierre Valero, J Donald, and Erik Wielemaker, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Kentaro Torii

4:10 PM ...... Utilization of a combined monopole-dipole measurement mode for improved single-well imaging method (BG 1.7) Hao Gong, Hao Chen, Xiao He, Chang Su, and Xiuming Wang, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiao He

4:35 PM ...... Advanced real-time sonic logging data processing (BG 1.8) Ruijia Wang, Chung Chang, Gary Kainer, John Granville, Kristoffer Walker, Baichun Sun, and Joonshik Kim, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Brian Hornby

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016FWI 1 Methodology and Development 1Session Chairs: Andrew Brenders and Richard Coates Location: Room D162/164Synopsis: Recent development of FWI for elastic medium and irregular surface, and how to improve efficiency.

1:00 PM ...... Acoustic full-waveform inversion in an elastic world (FWI 1.1) Oscar Calderon Agudo, Nuno da Silva, Michael Warner, and Joanna Morgan, Imperial College London (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Oscar Calderon Agudo

1:25 PM ...... Q-compensated full-waveform inversion using constant-Q wave equation (FWI 1.2) Zhiguang Xue, Tieyuan Zhu, Sergey Fomel, and Junzhe Sun, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhiguang Xue

1:50 PM ...... Salt model building by shape-based parameterization and global FWI (FWI 1.3) Debanjan Datta and Mrinal Sen, University of Texas–Austin; Faqi Liu and Scott Morton, Hess Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Debanjan Datta

2:15 PM ...... Optimal Green’s function estimation for FWI acceleration (FWI 1.4) Wenyi Hu, AGT (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wenyi Hu

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Irregular surface FWI in an auxiliary coordinate system (FWI 1.5) Yingming Qu, Zhenchun Li, Jianping Huang, and Jinli Li, China University of Petroleum; Bin Liu, Shengli Branch of Sinopec Oil Engineering Geophysics Corporation (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yingming Qu

3:45 PM ...... Full–waveform inversion using the excitation representation of the source wavefield (FWI 1.6) Mahesh Kalita and Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mahesh Kalita

4:10 PM ...... Checkpointing-assisted reverse-forward simulation: An optimal recomputation method for FWI and RTM (FWI 1.7) Pengliang Yang, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Metivier, and Jean Virieux, University Grenoble Alpes (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Pengliang Yang

4:35 PM ...... Withdrawn

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016GM 1 Gravity, Magnetic, and Gradient InversionSession Chairs: Edward Biegert and Luise Sander Location: Room D161Synopsis: Presentations on a number of techniques in inversion of potential field data.

1:00 PM ...... Inversion of an anomaly due to multiple magnetizations: An example from the Coompana survey, South Australia (GM 1.1) Clive Foss, CSIRO Mineral Resources; Gary Reed, Tim Keeping, Tom Wise, and Rian Dutch, Geological Survey of South Australia (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Clive Foss

1:25 PM ...... 3D inversion of gravity and gravity gradiometry data using multinary transformation of the model parameters (GM 1.2) Wei Lin and Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Wei Lin

1:50 PM ...... A hybrid fast 3D inversion algorithm of gravity data for basement relief definition (GM 1.3) Oscar Fabian Ladino and Amin Bassrei, Federal University of Bahia (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Amin Bassrei

2:15 PM ...... Application of fuzzy C-means clustering to discrete-valued inversion of gravity gradient data (GM 1.4) Elizabeth Maag and Yaoguo Li, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Elizabeth Maag

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Cooperative magnetic inversion (GM 1.5) Dominique Fournier, Kristofer Davis, and Douglas Oldenburg, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Dominique Fournier

3:45 PM ...... An unambiguous definition of the structural index (GM 1.6) Maurizio Fedi, University of Naples Federico II (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Maurizio Fedi

4:10 PM ...... Robust and flexible mixed-norm inversion (GM 1.7) Dominique Fournier, Douglas Oldenburg, and Kristofer Davis, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Dominique Fournier

4:35 PM ...... Compact inversion of gravity and gravity-gradient data based on cokriging (GM 1.8) Xiuhe Gao, Danian Huang, Siyuan Sun, Ping Yu, Shuai Zhou, and Zhongkun Qiao, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Xiuhe Gao

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016INT 1 Interpretation Methodologies and New TechniquesSession Chairs: Hongliu Zeng and George Adcock Location: Room D170/172Synopsis: A variety of new interpretation techniques to combine well and seismic data, extract rock properties, and identify stratigraphy, discontinuities, and salt boundaries.

1:00 PM ...... A novel geological interpretation methodology for derivation of formation lithology and mineralogy (INT 1.1) Qiong Zhang, Jean-Baptiste Peyaud, Alberto Mezzatesta, and Lena Thrane, Baker Hughes Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qiong Zhang

1:25 PM ...... A new brittleness prediction method based on quantitative interpretation using statistic rock physics (INT 1.2) Lin Wang, Feng Zhang, and Shuangquan Chen, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Pengyuan Sun, BGP,CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lin Wang

1:50 PM ...... Advanced self-organizing map facies analysis with stratigraphic constraint (INT 1.3) Tao Zhao, Fangyu Li, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tao Zhao

2:15 PM ...... Simultaneous multiple well-seismic ties using flattened synthetic and real seismograms (INT 1.4) Xinming Wu, Colorado School of Mines; Guillaume Caumon, University of Nancy (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xinming Wu

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Enhancement of geologic interpretation using a new poststack seismic attribute (INT 1.5) Surendra Barala and Priya Mohanty, Indian School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Surendra Barala

3:45 PM ...... A new 3D curvature attribute analysis method with an excellent antinoise property suitable for high-steep formation (INT 1.6) Qinggzhen Wang, Jinmiao Zhang, Bin Weng, and Jianjun Chen, CNOOC Research Institute; Xiudi Jiang, CNPC Keylab of Geophysical Prospecting (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Qinggzhen Wang

4:10 PM ...... A novel approach for salt dome detection in seismic surveys using a hidden Markov model (INT 1.7) Asjad Amin, Mohamed Deriche, and Bo Liu, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Bo Liu

4:35 PM ...... Methods to compute salt likelihoods and extract salt boundaries from 3D seismic images (INT 1.8) Xinming Wu, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xinming Wu

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016PS 1 Microseismic Location and Velocity ModelingSession Chairs: Theodore Urbancic and Jim Rutledge Location: Room C144/145Synopsis: Microseismic location methodologies form the core of the value proposition for precisely and accurately mapping stress change in the reservoir. The application of new methods to this problem is offering faster, more accurate, and more precise locations.

1:00 PM ...... Simultaneous inversion of multiple microseismic data for event locations and velocity model with Bayesian inference (PS 1.1) Zhishuai Zhang and Michael Nava, University of California, Berkeley; James Rector, University of California, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Zhishuai Zhang

1:25 PM ...... Joint inversion for microseismic event positions and velocity structures by combining multiscale deformable-layer tomography and master station earthquake location method (PS 1.2) Zhili Wei, Yingcai Zheng, Hua-Wei Zhou, Hu Hao, and August Lau, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhili Wei

1:50 PM ...... Deriving anisotropic-velocity models using borehole microseismic events with unknown locations (PS 1.3) Naser Tamimi, Janet McGuire, Suresh Dande, and Richard Van Dok, Sigma Cubed Inc (SIGMA3) (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Naser Tamimi

2:15 PM ...... Joint inversion for anisotropic velocity model and event locations using S-wave splitting measurements from downhole microseismic data (PS 1.4) Duo Yuan, Robert Stewart, and Aibing Li, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Duo Yuan

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Full-wavefield tomography for seismic monitoring (PS 1.5) Ben Witten and Jeffrey Shragge, University of Western Australia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ben Witten

3:45 PM ...... Relative location of microseismic events with multiple masters (PS 1.6) Vladimir Grechka, Marathon Oil Company; Zhao Li and Robinson Howell, Borehole Seismic, LLC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Vladimir Grechka

4:10 PM ...... Micro-seismic source location with a single seismometer channel using coda wave interferometry (PS 1.7) Youqian Zhao and Andrew Curtis, University of Edinburgh; Brian Baptie, British Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Youqian Zhao

4:35 PM ...... Microseismic event location by wave-equation traveltime inversion (PS 1.8) Zhao Li, Borehole Seismic LLC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhao Li

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016RC 1 Case Studies 1Session Chairs: Grant Byerley and Norbert Van De Coevering Location: Room C156Synopsis: Onshore case studies in reservoir characterization.

1:00 PM ...... Characterizing a Cardium waterflood via 3-C–3D land surface seismic: The Washout Creek experience (RC 1.1) Michael Perz, Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Sharma, and Peter Cary, TGS; Xinxiang Li and Wendy Ohlhauser, Arcis Seismic Solutions; Kimberly Pike, PennWest; Brian Creaser, Enerplus; M. Hossein Nemati, Arcis (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael Perz

1:25 PM ...... Seismic imaging of a thin unconventional reservoir in highly attenuating media: The case of the Macasty Formation, Anticosti Island, Canada (RC 1.2) Mathieu Duchesne, Zhuoheng Chen, and Denis Lavoie, Geological Survey of Canada (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mathieu Duchesne

1:50 PM ...... Seismic and sonic wave attenuation of carbonate rocks in an onshore Abu Dhabi oil field (RC 1.3) Fateh Bouchaala and Mohammed Ali, The Petroleum Institute; Jun Matsushima, University of Tokyo (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Fateh Bouchaala

2:15 PM ...... A novel workflow for seismic net pay estimation with uncertainty (RC 1.4) Michael Glinsky, Dale Baptiste, and Muhlis Unaldi, Geotrace Technologies, Inc.; Vishal Nagassar, Centrica E&P (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Dale Baptiste

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Seismic data conditioning for AVOAZ analysis: Case study from a north Kuwait unconventional reservoir (RC 1.5) Rajive Kumar and Talal Al-Mutairi, Kuwait Oil Company; Prashant Bansal, Cairn Energy India Pty Limited; Sagnik Dasgupta, Colin Sayers, Peck Hwa Ng, Andrew Hannan, Edan Gofer, and Charles Wagner, Schlumberger; Milton Walz, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Rajive Kumar

3:45 PM ...... Anisotropic stress field characterization for caprock integrity in the Athabasca oil sands (RC 1.6) Draga Talinga, Terra-IQ Ltd.; Carmen Dumitrescu, Terra-IQ Ltd. (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Draga Talinga

4:10 PM ...... Stress identification with an azimuthal inversion technique – a case study for a clastic oil field (RC 1.7) Ksenia Filippova, Irina Yakovleva, and Peter Mesdag, CGG; Yury Pavlovskiy, Gazpromneft NTC (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Peter Mesdag

4:35 PM ...... A case study of fracture detection in OVT domain based on full azimuth survey in ultra-deep carbonate rocks of Tarim basin, west China (RC 1.8) Qingning Dang, Tarim Oilfield Company; Meng Chen, Yongfu Cui, Wenjie Song, and Kaichi Xu, Tarim Oilfield Company (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qingning Dang

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016RP 1 Pore Space Effects and PermeabilitySession Chairs: Kyle Spikes and Manika Prasad Location: Room D167Synopsis: Rock physics of pore space texture and relationships between elastic and transport properties of porous media.

1:00 PM ...... Rock-physics properties of the Jimusar tight-oil core samples (RP 1.1) Minghui Lu, Xiaoming Li, Xian Wei, and Hong Cao, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Petrochina; Zhifang Yang, RIPED (Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Minghui Lu

1:25 PM ...... Measurement of dielectric properties (MHz–MHz) of sedimentary rocks (RP 1.2) Qifei Niu and Manika Prasad, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Qifei Niu

1:50 PM ...... Hydraulic tortuosity: From artificial packs to natural rocks (RP 1.3) Nattavadee Srisutthiyakorn and Gerald Mavko, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nattavadee Srisutthiyakorn

2:15 PM ...... Numerical simulation of flowing sand in porous flow for estimating the influence to permeability (RP 1.4) Naoki Tanimoto, Hitoshi Mikada, and Junichi Takekawa, Kyoto University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Naoki Tanimoto

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Permeability of dried and resaturated shaly samples and accompanying microstructural changes (RP 1.5) Marina Pervukhina and Dirk Mallants, CSIRO; Lionel Esteban, CSIRO Petroleum; Maxim Lebedev, Curtin University; Gerhard Schoning, DNRM (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Maxim Lebedev

3:45 PM ...... Scale dependency of pore-space topology and transport properties of sandstone CT scans (RP 1.6) Vadim Lisitsa, Tatyana Khachkova, and Dmitry Kolyukhin, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS; Boris Gurevich and Maxim Lebedev, Curtin University; Galina Reshetova, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS; Vladimir Tcheverda, Institute of Geophysics (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Vadim Lisitsa

4:10 PM ...... Rock-physics based prediction of hydraulic permeability and thermal conductivity of anisotropic clastic rocks from logging data (RP 1.7) Irina Bayuk, Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS; Gennady Goloshubin, University of Houston; Yuriy Tcimbaluk, West Siberian Research Institute of Geology and Geophysics; Fedor Borkun, ZapSibNIIGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Irina Bayuk

4:35 PM ...... Withdrawn

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SI 1 Case StudiesSession Chairs: Kevin Smith and Glenn Winters Location: Room C155Synopsis: The application of seismic inversion is demonstrated in several basins around the world.

1:00 PM ...... Prestack seismic inversion in presence of anisotropic unconventional reservoirs (SI 1.1) Jinming Zhu and Michael Lovell, Chesapeake Energy Corporation; Chuck Skidmore, Flamingo Seismic Solutions (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jinming Zhu

1:25 PM ...... Identifying unconventional potential using seismic inversion and neural networks: An Eagle Ford Shale study (SI 1.2) Xavier Refunjol, University of Houston and Swift Energy; Lennon Infante, University of Oklahoma; Alberto Bernaez, Shell (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lennon Infante

1:50 PM ...... Prestack inversion for porosity, shale volume, and sand probability in the Havert Formation of the Goliat Field, SW Barents Sea (SI 1.3) Honore Yenwongfai, Statoil ASA/University of Oslo; Nazmul Mondol and Jan Inge Faleide, University of Oslo; Isabelle Lecomte, NORSAR (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Honore Yenwongfai

2:15 PM ...... The application of frequency-dependent AVO inversion in tight reservoirs area (SI 1.4) Xilin Qin, Shuangquan Chen, Sheng Zhang, and Xiangyang Li, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yuanyuan Liu, Geophysical Institute of Henan Oilfield (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xilin Qin

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Application of prestack inversion attributes combined with statistical method to predict lithology: A case study in western China (SI 1.5) Weiwei He, Jin Jin Hao, Jing Zhang, Ming Lei, and Xi Zheng, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xinwei He

3:45 PM ...... Poststack depth-impedance inversion over the Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin (SI 1.6) Marianne Rauch-Davies, Devon Energy; Santi Randazzo, CGG GeoConsulting (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Marianne Rauch-Davies

4:10 PM ...... Establishing the precision sandstone reservoir model using geostatistical inversion: A case study in the South China Sea (SI 1.7) Bin Tao and Lin Li, CNOOC Panyu Operation Company; Wei Wang, Shu Lin Sun, and Feng Ping Mu, CGG (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wei Wang

4:35 PM ...... Utilizing a 3D-prestack seismic inversion for Wolfberry Reservoir rock property and facies predictions using multidisciplinary data integration, Howard County, Midland Basin (SI 1.8) Stephen Gardner, Lago Petroleum Consulting (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Stephen Gardner

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SPMI 1 Elastic ImagingSession Chairs: Matthew Brzostowski and Robert Nowack Location: Room D171/173Synopsis: Talks about progress on imaging elastic waves.

1:00 PM ...... Recursive integral time extrapolation of elastic waves using lowrank approximation (SPMI 1.1) Junzhe Sun and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin; Yanadet Sripanich, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas–Austin; Paul Fowler, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Junzhe Sun

1:25 PM ...... Elastic least-squares reverse time migration (SPMI 1.2) Yuting Duan, Paul Sava, and Antoine Guitton, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yuting Duan

1:50 PM ...... Postimaging condition polarity correction for elastic reverse time migration (SPMI 1.3) Robert Ferner, Nasser Kazemi, and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Robert Ferner

2:15 PM ...... Elastic least-squares reverse time migration (SPMI 1.4) Zongcai Feng and Gerard Schuster, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Zongcai Feng

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Vector-based image condition for 3D elastic reverse time migrations (SPMI 1.5) Wenlong Wang and George McMechan, University of Texas–Dallas (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wenlong Wang

3:45 PM ...... Imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration (SPMI 1.6) Gustavo Alves and Biondo Biondi, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gustavo Alves

4:10 PM ...... 3D angle decomposition for elastic reverse time migration (SPMI 1.7) Yuting Duan and Paul Sava, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yuting Duan

4:35 PM ...... An efficient q-RTM algorithm based on local differentiation operators (SPMI 1.8) Wenyi Hu, AGT; Tong Zhou and Jieyuan Ning, Peking University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tong Zhou

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SPMUL 1 Methods in Development and PracticeSession Chairs: Kai Zhang and Kevin Bishop Location: Room C142Synopsis: Learn of recent developments in methods relating to multiples, in research, prototype, and practice.

1:00 PM ...... Integrated receiver deghosting and closed-loop surface multiple elimination (SPMUL 1.1) Jan-Willem Vrolijk and Dirk Verschuur, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jan-Willem Vrolijk

1:25 PM ...... Extended imaging, deconvolution, and two-way wavefields: A comparison (SPMUL 1.2) Esteban Diaz and Paul Sava, Colorado School of Mines; Satyan Singh, University of the West Indies (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Esteban Diaz

1:50 PM ...... Coil demultiple improvement through reduction of input location error (SPMUL 1.3) William Sanger, Clement Kostov, Robert Bloor, Frederico Melo, Glenn Miers, Scott Slaton, and Jeff Thompson, Schlumberger; Carlos Espinoza and Nicolae Moldoveanu, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: William Sanger

2:15 PM ...... Withdrawn 2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Geophone-seabed coupling effect and its correction of OBC dual-sensor seismic data (SPMUL 1.5) Baoqing Zhang, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Baoqing Zhang

3:45 PM ...... Joint SRME and model-based water-layer demultiple for ocean-bottom node (SPMUL 1.6) Hui Huang, Ping Wang, Jing Yang, Hui Chen, and Pierre Olivier Ariston, CGG; Imtiaz Ahmed, and Nick Bassett, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hui Huang

4:10 PM ...... OBN multiple attenuation using OBN and towed-streamer data: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico case study, Thunder Horse Field (SPMUL 1.7) Aurora Rodriguez Castelan, Clement Kostov, Emmanuel Saragoussi, Frederico Xavier De Melo, Glenn Miers, Zhiming Wu, Khaled Abdelaziz, Onur Mataracioglu, Paal Kristiansen, and Scott Slaton, Schlumberger; Samarjit Chakraborty and Qingsong Li, BP (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Clement Kostov

4:35 PM ...... Time and offset domain internal multiple prediction with nonstationary parameters (SPMUL 1.8) Kris Innanen, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kris Innanen

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SPNA 1 Deblending and Marine Noise AttenuationSession Chairs: Cheng Zhan and Milos Cvetkovic Location: Room C140Synopsis: Sim-source deblending or other marine noise attenuation methodologies and examples.

1:00 PM ...... Inversion-based 3D deblending of towed-streamer simultaneous source data using sparse Taup and wavelet transforms (SPNA 1.1) Can Peng, CGG Services, Houston; Jie Meng, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Can Peng

1:25 PM ...... Focal deblending using smart subsets of towed streamer 5D data (SPNA 1.2) Apostolos Kontakis and Dirk Verschuur, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Apostolos Kontakis

1:50 PM ...... Towards better deblending: Application of wave equation based demigration (SPNA 1.3) Chao Peng and Yuan Yao, CGG (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Chao Peng

2:15 PM ...... Data studies of simultaneous source separation using robust linear algebra (SPNA 1.4) Ian Moore and Robin Fletcher, WesternGeco; Craig Beasley and Clara Castellanos, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Craig Beasley

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Rank-reduction deblending for record length extension: The example of the Carnarvon basin (SPNA 1.5) Margherita Maraschini, Audrey Kielius, and Sergio Grion, Dolphin Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Margherita Maraschini

3:45 PM ...... Attenuation of swell noise in marine streamer data via nonnegative matrix factorization (SPNA 1.6) Yoones Vaezi and Nasser Kazemi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yoones Vaezi

4:10 PM ...... Sparsity promoting morphological decomposition for coherent noise suppression: Application to streamer vibration related noise (SPNA 1.7) Pierre Turquais, Endrias Asgedom, and Walter Söllner, Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Pierre Turquais

4:35 PM ...... Attenuation of diffraction noise in marine surveys with mathematical morphology (SPNA 1.8) Yanxin Zhou, Runqiu Wang, Weilin Huang, Yimin Yuan, Xiaoqing Chen, and Lin Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Runfei Yang, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yanxin Zhou

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SS 1 Progress in Applied Geophysics in ChinaSession Chairs: Kenneth Tubman and To be determined Location: Room C146Synopsis: The target audiences are companies who are interested in doing business in China and government officials and analysts who are interested in policy, regulation, and investment opportunities in China.

1:00 PM ...... Progresses and challenges in oil and gas exploration in China (SS 1.1) Bangliu Zhao and Shitai Dong, CNPC/PetroChina (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bangliu Zhao

1:25 PM ...... Shale-gas geophysics in Sichuan Basin, China: Recent progress and road ahead (SS 1.2) Shouli Qu and Hailong Zhu, SINOPEC Geophysical Research Institute (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shouli Qu

1:50 PM ...... Reservoir geophysics in China: Recent progresses and road ahead (SS 1.3) Yun Ling, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yun Ling

2:15 PM ...... International cooperation and investment opportunities in China’s oil and gas exploration and development market under low oil price (SS 1.4) Yan Song and Jinming Zhou, SINOGEO (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mei Zhang

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Characteristic wave-inversion imaging and solutions of seismological and geological problems in Chinese-typical exploration areas (SS 1.5) Huazhong Wang, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Huazhong Wang

3:45 PM ...... Reflection imaging away from borehole: A paradigm shift (SS 1.6) Xiaoming Tang, China University of Petroleum–East (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker:Xiaoming Tang

4:10 PM ...... Advancement in computational geophysics in China (SS 1.7) Hong Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hong Liu

4:35 PM ...... Quantitative interpretation in China: Present and future? (SS 1.8) Xinwei He, CGG (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xinwei He

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016 SS 2 Recent Advances and the Road AheadSession Chairs: John Etgen and Sergio Chavez-Perez Location: Room D163/165Synopsis: Recent Advances and the Road Ahead (aka RARA) Special Session. Traditional, opening technical session. All speakers are invited, and all topics are innovative and enlightening.

1:00 PM ...... High-resolution seismic beamforming methods enhanced for geophysical applications (SS 2.1) Jacques Guigne, Pangeo Subsea Inc.; Shervin Azad, Adam Gogacz, Wiiliam Hunt, and James Stacey, Acoustic Zoom Inc (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Jacques Guigne

1:25 PM ...... Will new marine seismic acquisition based on autonomous immersed receiver nodes confirm sustainable production of unrivaled field data quality? (SS 2.2) Thierry Brizard, Jonathan Grimsdale, Risto Siliqi, and Habib Alkhatib, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Thierry Brizard

1:50 PM ...... Wolfspar®, an “FWI-friendly” ultralow-frequency marine seismic source (SS 2.3) Joseph Dellinger, BP; Allan Ross, Consultant; David Meaux, Andrew Brenders, Glenn Gesoff, John Etgen, and John Naranjo, BP America Inc; Graham Openshaw, TecPM; Mark Harper, Cambridge Applied Physics (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Joseph Dellinger

2:15 PM ...... Acoustic FWI applied to subsalt imaging: An illuminating case study from offshore Angola (SS 2.4) Paul Williamson, Total SA; Christian Rivera and Khalid Mansoor, Total (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Paul Williamson

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Extending the 3D primary image with multiples and mirrors (SS 2.5) Norman Whitmore, Petroleum Geo-Services (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Norman Whitmore

3:45 PM ...... Towards interactive QI workflows (SS 2.6) Laurie Weston Bellman, Canadian Discovery Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Laurie Weston Bellman

4:10 PM ...... Seismic interpretation in the age of big data (SS 2.7) Rocky Roden, Geophysical Insights (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Rocky Roden

4:35 PM ...... Lithology constrained elastic inversion: Application to Niobrara brittleness estimation (SS 2.8) Yacine Kiche and Ouhib Lyes, Go Geoengineering; David Balogh and Ahmed Ouenes, FracGeo (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: David Balogh

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016ST 1 InterferometrySession Chairs: Deyan Draganov and Sherif Hanafy Location: Room C147/154Synopsis: Presentations discuss how to create virtual shot gathers using Marchenko equations. Theory is discussed and result is shown with synthetic and experimental examples.

1:00 PM ....... Experimental Marchenko focusing in a variable diameter sound wave tube (ST 1.1) Theodor Becker, Patrick Elison, Dirk-Jan Van Manen, Carly Donahue, Stewart Greenhalgh, Filippo Broggini, and Johan Robertsson, ETH Zurich (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Patrick Elison

1:25 PM ....... From closed-boundary to single-sided homogeneous Green’s function representations (ST 1.2) Cornelis Wapenaar and Jan Thorbecke, Delft University of Technology; Joost Van Der Neut and Evert Slob, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium; Satyan Singh, University of the West Indies (INT.AUD.: 3) Speaker: Cornelis Wapenaa

1:50 PM ....... Marchenko wavefield redatuming, imaging conditions, and the effect of model errors (ST 1.3) Sjoerd de Ridder and Andrew Curtis, University of Edinburgh; Joost Van Der Neut and Cornelis Wapenaar, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Sjoerd de Ridder

2:15 PM ....... Marchenko equations for acoustic Green’s function retrieval and imaging in dissipative media (ST 1.4) Evert Slob, Cornelis Wapenaar, and Jan Thorbecke, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Evert Slob

2:40 - 3:20 PM ....... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ....... Beyond Marchenko: Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface (ST 1.5) Satyan Singh, University of the West Indies; Cornelis Wapenaar and Joost Van Der Neut, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium; Roelof Snieder, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Satyan Singh

3:45 PM ....... An interferometric interpretation of Marchenko redatuming including free-surface multiples (ST 1.6) Myrna Staring, Delft University of Technology; Joost Van Der Neut and Cornelis Wapenaar, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Myrna Staring

4:10 PM ....... Generating virtual interior point source traveltimes and redatuming using boundary control (ST1.7) Paul Kepley, Purdue University; Lauri Oksanen, University College London; Maarten De Hoop, Rice University (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Paul Kepley

4:35 PM ....... Merging active and passive seismic reflection data with interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution (ST 1.8) Abdulmohsen Alali, University of Oklahoma; Joost Van Der Neut, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium; Deyan Draganov, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Abdulmohsen Alali

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016ACQ 1 Land Acquisition 1Session Chairs: David Monk and Andreas Cordsen Location: Room D163/165Synopsis: Land seismic data acquisition concepts and case studies.

8:00 AM ...... Broadening the bandwidth of seismic data by shallow well excitation (ACQ 1.1) Hongxiao Ning, Donglei Tang, Baohua Yu, Yanhong Zhang, Haili Wang, and Yongqing He, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Hongxiao Ning

8:25 AM ...... ISS on ice: Seismic acquisition in the arctic (ACQ 1.2) Jan Kommedal, Gino Alexander, Sean Wagner, and Lawrence Wyman, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gino Alexander

8:50 AM ...... Using buried receivers for multicomponent, time-lapse heavy oil imaging (ACQ 1.3) Peter Cary and Hugo Alvarez, Arcis Seismic Solutions/TGS; Peter Vermeulen and Guoping Li, Brion Energy; Gary James, LXL Consulting Ltd (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Peter Vermeulen

9:15 AM ...... A variable frequency pseudorandom-coded sweep-control scheme for mini-SOSIE (ACQ 1.4) Li Na, Chen Zubin, Sun Feng, and Long Yun, Chaoyang Campus, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Li Na

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... A seismic acquisition technology to improve the production efficiency in big sand dune area (ACQ 1.5) Zhang Beibei, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Zhang Beibei

10:45 AM .... Linear low-frequency sweep vs customized low-frequency sweep (ACQ 1.6) Zhouhong Wei, INOVA Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhouhong Wei

11:10 AM .... Microseismic surface patch array: Modeling and velocity estimation using ambient noise (ACQ 1.7) Tianxia Jia, BP America ; Carl Regone and Jianhua Yu, Formerly with BP; Abhijit Gangopadhyay, Robert Pool, Colin Melvin, and Scott Michell, BP America (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tianxia Jia

11:35 AM .... Comparing seismic data recorded with three-geophone and six-geophone groups (ACQ 1.8) Kevin Woller, Pioneer Natural Resources (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kevin Woller

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016ANI 2 Azimuthal Anisotropy in Field DataSession Chairs: Heloise Lynn and Richard Verm Location: Room D166Synopsis: P-P azimuthal seismic field data analysis.

8:00 AM ...... Apparent azimuthal anisotropy resolved by depth imaging (ANI 2.1) Belguermi Cherif, Alexander Zarkhidze, Nabil Meddour, Hisham Fathi Zeidan, and Caterina Chironi, WesternGeco; Hakim Harkas, Sonatrach; Agus Widjiastono, Repsol (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Alexander Zarkhidze

8:25 AM ...... VVAZ analysis for seismic anisotropy in the Altamont-Bluebell Field (ANI 2.2) Khaled Al Dulaijan, CREWES, University of Calgary; Gary Margrave, CREWES, University of Calgary and Devon Energy (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Khaled Al Dulaijan

8:50 AM ...... Wide-area distribution of S-wave anisotropy estimated by airgun surveys around seafloor-cabled seismometers in the Nankai Trough, Japan (ANI 2.3) Toshinori Kimura, Japan Marine Science & Technology Center; Hitoshi Mikada, Kyoto University; Eiichiro Araki, Shuichi Kodaira, and Seiichi Miura, JAMSTEC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Toshinori Kimura

9:15 AM ...... Comparisons of azimuth-blind P-P amplitude variation with angle (AVA) to azimuth-dependent AVA at calibration points of known fracture azimuth and fracture density (ANI 2.4) Heloise Lynn, Lynn Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Heloise Lynn

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Effects of overburden and thin layers on fracture-induced azimuthal AVO response (ANI 2.5) Enru Liu, Mary Johns, and William Burnett, Exxonmobil; Jie Zhang and Xianyun Wu, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co; Gene Skeith, Zakum Development Company; Gregg Zelewski, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Enru Liu

10:45 AM .... Seismic-attenuation anisotropy and corresponding frequency versus azimuth (FVAZ) attribute (ANI 2.6) Fangyu Li, Bin Lyu, Jie Qi, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma; Huailai Zhou, Chengdu University of Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Fangyu Li

11:10 AM .... A new approach to quantitative azimuthal inversion for stress and fracture detection (ANI 2.7) Peter Mesdag, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Peter Mesdag

11:35 AM .... Anisotropy study of deep unconventional reservoir inverting walkaway VSP data, Argentina (ANI 2.8) Ana Curcio, Universidad de Buenos Aires/Petrobras; Adriana Grosso, Rafael Perez and Oscar Barrios-Lopez, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ana Curcio

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016FWI 2 Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 1Session Chairs: Changxi Zhou and How-Wei Chen Location: Room C146Synopsis: FWI in anisotropic media with surface and body waves.

8:00 AM ...... 3D orthorhombic elastic full-waveform inversion in the reflection domain from hydrophone data (FWI 2.1) Uwe Albertin, Chevron Energy Technology Company; Peng Shen, Anusha Sekar, Thor Johnsen, and Chunling Wu, Chevron; Kurt Nihei, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; Ken Bube, University of Washington (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Uwe Albertin

8:25 AM ...... Prestack elastic full-waveform inversion using a nonlinear least-square approach (FWI 2.2) Subhashis Mallick, University of Wyoming; Pradip Mukhopadhyay, Consultant (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Subhashis Mallick

8:50 AM ...... A practical comparison of different parameterizations for anisotropic elastic full-waveform inversion (FWI 2.3) Tore S. Bergslid, Espen Birger Raknes, and Børge Arntsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tore Bergslid

9:15 AM ...... Self-adjoint, energy-conserving second-order pseudoacoustic systems for VTI and TTI media for reverse time migration and full-waveform inversion (FWI 2.4) Kenneth Bube, University of Washington; John Washbourne, Raymond Ergas, and Tamas Nemeth, Chevron Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kenneth Bube

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... On the choice of material parameters for elastic waveform inversion (FWI 2.5) Ryan Modrak and Jeoren Tromp, Princeton University; Yanhua Yuan, Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ryan Modrak

10:45 AM .... Elastic full-waveform inversion with surface and body waves (FWI 2.6) Jia Shi and Maarten De Hoop, Rice University; Florian Faucher, INRIA; Henri Calandra, Total (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jia Shi

11:10 AM .... Three-dimensional frequency-domain elastic full-waveform inversion of Marmousi model (FWI 2.7) Guangdong Pan, Lin Liang, and Tarek Habashy, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Guangdong Pan

11:35 AM .... Reduction of noise effect on elastic full-waveform inversion by using plane-wave data (FWI 2.8) Taekhyun Kwon, Soon Jee Seol, and Joongmoo Byun, Hanyang University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Taekhyun Kwon

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016FWI 3 Methodology and Development 2Session Chairs: Dong Sun and Faqi Liu Location: Room D162/164Synopsis: Recent development of reflection FWI and RTM.

8:00 AM ...... Reflection FWI (FWI 3.1) Kenneth Irabor and Michael Warner, Imperial College London (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kenneth Irabor

8:25 AM ...... From classical reflectivity-to-velocity inversion to full-waveform inversion using phase-modified and deconvolved reverse-time-migration images (FWI 3.2) Chen Tang and George McMechan, University of Texas–Dallas (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chen Tang

8:50 AM ...... A parametric level-set approach for seismic full-waveform inversion (FWI 3.3) Ajinkya Kadu and Tristan Van Leeuwen, Utrecht University; William Mulder, Shell Global (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ajinkya Kadu

9:15 AM ...... Reflection-based waveform inversion (FWI 3.4) Dong Sun, Kun Jiao, Xin Cheng, and Denes Vigh, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Dong Sun

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Scattering angle-based filtering via extension in velocity (FWI 3.5) Vladimir Kazei, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Ekkehart Tessmer, Universität Hamburg; Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Vladimir Kazei

10:45 AM .... Approximate Gauss-Newton iteration for full-waveform inversion (FWI 3.6) Jie Hou and William Symes, Rice University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jie Hou

11:10 AM .... A unified 2D/3D software environment for large-scale time-harmonic full-waveform inversion (FWI 3.7) Curt Da Silva and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Curt Da Silva

11:35 AM .... Full-waveform inversion with steerable variation regularization (FWI 3.8) Lingyun Qiu, Nizar Chemingui, Zuihong Zou, and Alejandro Valenciano, Petroleum Geo-Services (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lingyun Qiu

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4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016GM 2 Interpretation and InstrumentationSession Chairs: Afif Saad and Estella Atekwana Location: Room D161Synopsis: Presentations on interpretation of data and instrument design.

8:00 AM ...... 3D inversion of heat flow data for thermal conductivity (GM 2.1) Andy McAliley and Yaoguo Li, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andy McAliley

8:25 AM ...... Time-lapse gravity data at Prudhoe Bay: New understanding through integration with reservoir simulation models (GM 2.2) Qian Yin, Richard Krahenbuhl, and Yaoguo Li, Colorado School of Mines; Sean Wagner and Jerry Brady, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qian Yin

8:50 AM ...... An approach for multilayer apparent magnetization mapping in the presence of remanent magnetization (GM 2.3) Lianghui Guo, China University of Geosciences–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Lianghui Guo

9:15 AM ...... Understanding the structure, extent, and potential source rocks of the syn-rift in Madagascar: Integrating potential field and tectono-thermal geohistory modeling into seismic interpretation (GM 2.4) Felicia Winter, Erika Tibocha, Honorata Rutkowska, Alex Birch-Hawkins, and Roel Dirkx, TGS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Felicia Winter

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Mapping Mcfaulds Lake ‘Ring of Fire’ crystalline basement architecture in Ontario, Canada from airborne gravity gradiometry (AGG) data using steerable filter and normalized-cut image segmentation (GM 2.5) Hassan Hassan, Subba Rao Yalamanchili, and Peter Kovac, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Subba Rao Yalamanchili

10:45 AM .... Joint analysis of time-lapse gravity and production data for gas reservoir (GM 2.6) Andrea Balza, Yaoguo Li, and Richard Krahenbuhl, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrea Balza

11:10 AM .... Comparison of gravity gradiometer designs using the 3D sensitivity function (GM 2.7) James Brewster, Bell Geospace (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: James Brewster

11:35 AM .... The study of several key parameters in the design of airborne superconducting full tensor magnetic gradient measurement system (GM 2.8) Wu Jun, and Xie Xiaoming, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wu Jun

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016INT 2 Spectral Decomposition Methods and UsageSession Chairs: Yuefeng Sun and Bruno Maldonado Location: Room D170/172Synopsis: This session provides some new algorithm to perform spectral decomposition as well as papers on how the spectral decomposition results can be utilized and calibrated.

8:00 AM ...... Data-driven time-frequency analysis of seismic data using regularized nonstationary autoregression (INT 2.1) Guoning Wu and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin; Yangkang Chen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Guoning Wu

8:25 AM ...... Coherency based inversion spectral decomposition of seismic data (INT 2.2) Adewale Amosu, Yuefeng Sun, and Devri Agustianto, Texas A&M University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Adewale Amosu

8:50 AM ...... Seismic time-frequency decomposition using a dipole-based matching pursuit strategy (INT 2.3) Bo Zhang, University of Alabama; Tengfei Lin, University of Oklahoma; Fangyu Li, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Bo Zhang

9:15 AM ...... Lateral consistency preserved variational mode decomposition (VMD) (INT 2.4) Fangyu Li, Tao Zhao, Xuan Qi, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma; Bo Zhang, University of Alabama (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fangyu Li

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Spectral decomposition based on multiple windows reassigned spectrum (INT 2.5) Yuanyuan Ma, Zhen Cui, Dian Yuan, and Siyuan Cao, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yuanyuan Ma

10:45 AM .... Delineating structural geology in poststack seismic data with the use of an adaptive signal decomposition technique (INT 2.6) Ahmed Adnan Aqrawi and Mats Ramfjord, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ahmed Adnan Aqrawi

11:10 AM .... Diffraction imaging enhancement using spectral decomposition for faults, fracture zones, and collapse feature detection in carbonates (INT 2.7) Gregg Zelewski, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company; William Burnett, Enru Liu, Mary Johns, and Jie Zhang, Exxonmobil; Gene Skeith, Zakum Development Company (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Gregg Zelewski

11:35 AM .... Calibration of frequency decomposition and RGB blends for stratigraphic-thickness estimation using interference patterns (INT 2.8) Tom Wooltorton, GeoTeric (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tom Wooltorton

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016MG 1 New Methods and DevelopmentsSession Chairs: Jean Legault and Jose Arce Location: Room D168Synopsis: A session with focus on new methods and developments in mineral exploration geophysics, featuring airborne, ground and borehole technologies.

8:00 AM ...... An experimental aeromagnetic survey with a rotary-wing unmanned aircraft system (MG 1.1) Michael Cunningham, and Claire Samson, Carleton University; Alan Wood, Ian Cook, and Buddy Doyle, Stratus Aeronautics (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Claire Samson

8:25 AM ...... A new method for aeromagnetic data interpolation with a focus on linear features (MG 1.2) Tomas Naprstek and Richard Smith, Laurentian University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tomas Naprstek

8:50 AM ...... Correcting for HTEM altitude variations by transmitter mutual inductance normalization (MG 1.3) Stephen Balch, Triumph Instruments; Claire Samson, Carleton University; Javier Lara Sanchez, Servicio Geologico Mexicano (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Claire Samson

9:15 AM ...... Reprocessing streaming MEGATEM data for square-wave EM, VLF, and AFMAG responses (MG 1.4) Daniel Sattel, EM Solutions LLC; Eric Battig, BHP Billiton (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daniel Sattel

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... A novel imaging method for crosshole radio imaging (RIM) data: Complex permittivity inversion (MG 1.5) Yongxing Li and Richard Smith, Laurentian University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Yongxing Li

10:45 AM .... Coupling of very low-frequency electromagnetic signals to long manmade conductors (MG 1.6) Maxim Ralchenko, Carleton University; Markus Svilans, and Mike Roper, Vital Alert; Claire Samson, Carleton University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Maxim Ralchenko

11:10 AM .... Geology differentiation with uncertainty estimation using inverted magnetization directions (MG 1.7) Yaoguo Li and Jiajia Sun, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yaoguo Li

11:35 AM .... Joint level set inversion of gravity and travel time data: Application to mineral exploration (MG 1.8) Polina Zheglova and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Polina Zheglova

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016PS 2 Geomechanics and Source MechanismsSession Chairs: Stephen Wilson and David Diller Location: Room C144/145Synopsis: The determination of microseismic focal mechanisms and their relationship to the geomechanical stress state in the reservoir has greatly improved the value proposition for microseismic monitoring. This session describes new insights into the meaning of these mechanisms in the context of the complexity of hydraulic fracturing.

8:00 AM ...... Microseismic and induced seismicity simultaneous location and moment tensor inversion: Moving beyond picks with a robust full-waveform method (PS 2.1) Junlun Li and Henning Kuehl, Shell International Exploration & Production Inc; Alexander Droujinine and Jan-Willem Blokland, Shell Global Solutions International (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Junlun Li

8:25 AM ...... Downhole microseismic data processing: Consistency of locations, source mechanisms, and stress state (PS 2.2) Zuzana Jechumtálová, Leo Eisner, and Jan Prochazka, Seismik Ltd; Fangdong Chu and Jiaojun Rong, BGP Inc, China National Petroleum Corporation (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zuzana Jechumtálová

8:50 AM ...... Quantifying the uncertainty in fault plane solutions inferred from S/P amplitude ratios (PS 2.3) Oleg Poliannikov, Michael Fehler, and William Rodi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Oleg Poliannikov

9:15 AM ...... The degree of uniformity of microseismic moment tensors and the question of complexity of hydraulic fracturing (PS 2.4) Adam Baig, Theodore Urbancic, Katherine Bosman, and Elahe Poureslami Ardakani, ESG Canada Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Adam Baig

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Bedding-plane slip as a microseismic source during hydraulic fracturing (PS 2.5) James Rutledge, Xiaowei Weng, Xin Yu, Chris Chapman, and Scott Leaney, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: James Rutledge

10:45 AM .... Tip-slip source mechanisms and hydraulic fracture microseismicity (PS 2.6) Stephen Wilson, Seismogenic; David Diller, NanoSeis (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Stephen Wilson

11:10 AM .... Numeric study of resolvability of rock-failure mechanism from seismic moment-tensor inversion (PS 2.7) Georgiy Loginov, Novosibirsk State University; Anton A. Duchkov and Yury P. Stefanov, IPGG SB RAS (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Georgiy Loginov

11:35 AM .... Microseismic geomechanical interpretation of asymmetric hydraulic fractures (PS 2.8) Shawn Maxwell, Drew Chorney, Mike Smith, and Mark Mack, IMaGE (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shawn Maxwell

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RC 2 Case Studies 2Session Chairs: Thomas Davis and Zakir Hossain Location: Room C156Synopsis: Reservoir characterization case studies.

8:00 AM ...... Quantitative seismic analysis of upper Neogene hierarchical fluvial reservoir architecture, Bohai Bay Basin (RC 2.1) Rui Zhai, John Pigott, and Kulwadee Pigott, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Rui Zhai

8:25 AM ...... A new approach to achieve high-precision depth prediction for underlying reservoir of shallow gas: A case study from Bohai Bay, China (RC 2.2) Jianhui Liu, Tongxing Xia, Xuefeng Zhou, and Xuetong Liu, CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin Branch ; Donghong Zhou and Jun Ming, CNOOC, China National Offshore Oil Corp–Guangzhou (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jianhui Liu

8:50 AM ...... Optimizing the reservoir model of delta front sandstone using seismic to simulation workflow: A case study in the South China Sea (RC 2.3) Lin Li and Bin Tao, CNOOC (China); Haihong Wang, Shulin Sun, Fengping Mu, Wanlong Zhang, and Jiapeng Ye, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Haihong Wang

9:15 AM ...... 3D seismic description for sublacustrine fan of Paleogene Dongying formation: A case study in Jinzhou a structure zone, northern Liaozhong subdepression (RC 2.4) Wei Gao, Hui-Huang Tan, Ben-Hou Jiang, and Yao Li, China National Offshore Oilfield Corporation (CNOOC) Ltd Tianjin Branch, Bohai Oilfield (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wei Gao

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Geostatistical reservoir characterization of deepwater channel, offshore Malaysia (RC 2.5) Trisakti Kurniawan and Jahan Zeb, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd; Jimmy Ting and Lee Chung Shen, CGG (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Ching Soon Ting

10:45 AM .... New fluid and Lithology indicator from seismic and rock physics: Malaysian offshore case study (RC 2.6) Maman Hermana, Deva Ghosh, and Chow Weng Sum, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Deva Ghosh

11:10 AM .... Seismic driven reservoir characterization, offshore Niger delta, Nigeria (RC 2.7) Kehinde Oyeyemi and Ahzegbobor Aizebeokhai, Covenant University, Nigeria; Mary Olowookere, Obafemi Awolowo University; Oladayo Ayinde, Danvic Petroleum Limited (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Kehinde Oyeyemi

11:35 AM .... Intelligent spectral decomposition method with application to real data of an offshore petroleum reservoir (RC 2.8) Amir Semnani, University of Tehran (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Amir Semnani

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RP 2 Shale Rock PhysicsSession Chairs: Colin Sayers and Zhijing Wang Location: Room D167Synopsis: Experimental, analytical, and numerical investigations of various types of mudrocks.

8:00 AM ...... Stress-path dependence of ultrasonic and seismic velocities in shale (RP 2.1) Rune Holt, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science & Technology); Andreas Bauer and Audun Bakk, SINTEF Petroleum Research; Dawid Szewczyk, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science & Technology) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rune Holt

8:25 AM ...... Two-stage rock-physics modeling of the elastic properties of organic-rich shales (RP 2.2) Liqin Sang and Yuefeng Sun, Texas A&M University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Liqin Sang

8:50 AM ...... Mylonites as shales? Experimental observations of P-wave anisotropy dependence on mineralogy, layering and scale (RP 2.3) Ludmila Adam, University of Auckland; Virginia Toy, University of Otago; Carolyn Boulton, University of Liverpool (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ludmila Adam

9:15 AM ...... A laboratory study of the elastic anisotropy in the Mancos Shale at seismic frequencies (RP 2.4) Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Maxim Lebedev, and Boris Gurevich, Curtin University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Maxim Lebedev

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Experimental investigation of water saturation on brittleness of synthetic shale with different diagenetic pressure (RP 2.5) Fei Gong, Bangrang Di, Jianguo Zhao, Chongna Liu, and He Li, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Jianxin Wei, CNPC Keylab of Geophysical Prospecting; Xinyuan Luan, University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fei Gong

10:45 AM .... Elastic properties of VTI and HTI shale samples as a function of stress: Laboratory measurements versus theoretical modeling (RP 2.6) Viacheslav Sviridov, Sibylle Mayr, and Serge Shapiro, Freie Universität Berlin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Viacheslav Sviridov

11:10 AM .... Correlations between the seismic anisotropy parameters for shales (RP 2.7) Fuyong Yan and De-Hua Han, University of Houston; Samik Sil, Occidental Oil & Gas International; Xuelian Chen, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fuyong Yan

11:35 AM .... Rock-property measurement and analysis of shale (RP 2.8) Shuhui Liu, Hongmei Luo, Changjiang Wang, and Peijie Yang, Exploration and Development Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shuhui Liu

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SI 2 Theory and ApplicationSession Chairs: Robert Hull and Simon Voisey Location: Room C155Synopsis: New methods in seismic inversion are demonstrated in several areas around the world.

8:00 AM ...... The stochastic elastic impedance inversion based on dynamic multi-chain metropolis-Hastings method (SI 2.1) Chen Zhao and Guangzhi Zhang, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chen Zhao

8:25 AM ...... The application of wide-band Ricker wavelet in the reservoir description of multiinterbedded formation based on spectral inversion (SI 2.2) Huihuang Tan, Donghong Zhou, and Zhijun Zhang, CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation) Ltd, Tian Jin Branch (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Huihuang Tan

8:50 AM ...... Application of predictive painting to well-log data interpolation and seismic inversion (SI 2.3) Rui Zhang, University of Louisiana–Lafayette (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rui Zhang

9:15 AM ...... Depth domain seismic reflectivity inversion with compressed sensing technique (SI 2.4) Rui Zhang, University of Louisiana–Lafayette (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rui Zhang

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Bayesian seismic multiscale inversion in Laplace-mix domain (SI 2.5) Kun Li, Xingyao Yin, and Zhaoyun Zong, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Kun Li

10:45 AM .... Reservoir characterization using prestack waveform inversion (SI 2.6) Josiane Pafeng Tchuindjang, Subhashis Mallick, and Hema Sharma, University of Wyoming (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Josiane Pafeng Tchuindjang

11:10 AM .... Prestack seismic data inversion for shale gas reservoir characterization in China (SI 2.7) Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, and Ximing Wang, BGP, Inc.; Xing Liang, Zhejiang Oilfield, CNPC; Uwe Strecker and Margaret Smith, Rock Solid Images (RSI) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gang Yu

11:35 AM .... A direct approach of obtaining density stability from seismic data (SI 2.8) Wei Deng, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wei Deng

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPMI 2 Least Squares MigrationSession Chairs: Bin Wang and Dimitri Bevc Location: Room D171/173Synopsis: Methods and applications of least-squares migration.

8:00 AM ...... An alternative to least-squares imaging using data-domain matching filters (SPMI 2.1) Adel Khalil, Henning Hoeber, Graham Roberts, and Francesco Perrone, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Adel Khalil

8:25 AM ...... Least-squares reverse time migration with Hessian preconditioning (SPMI 2.2) Wei Huang, Pan Deng, and Hua-Wei Zhou, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pan Deng

8:50 AM ...... Least-squares reverse time migration with radon preconditioning (SPMI 2.3) Gaurav Dutta, KAUST; Cyril Agut, Matteo Giboli, and Paul Williamson, Total SA (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Cyril Agut

9:15 AM ...... Least-squares RTM: Reality and possibilities for subsalt imaging (SPMI 2.4) Ping Wang, Adriano Gomes, Zhigang Zhang, and Ming Wang, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ping Wang

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Least-squares RTM with L1 norm regularization (SPMI 2.5) Di Wu and Youcai Tang, China University of Petroleum; Gang Yao, Imperial College London (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Di Wu

10:45 AM .... Least-squares migration in an extended image domain (SPMI 2.6) Tianqi Hu and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Tianqi Hu

11:10 AM .... Seismic time-lapse imaging using Interferometric least-squares migration (SSPMI 2.7) Mrinal Sinha and Gerard Schuster, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mrinal Sinha

11:35 AM .... Time-domain sparsity-promoting least-squares migration with source estimation (SPMI 2.8) Mengmeng Yang, Philipp Witte, Zhilong Fang, and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mengmeng Yang

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPMUL 2 Radon, Elastic, and Inverse ScatteringSession Chairs: Clement Kostov and Rongrong Lu Location: Room C142Synopsis: Learn of developments relating to the Radon transform and the inverse scattering series relative to multiples along with an extension of interferometric prediction to elastic media.

8:00 AM ...... Accelerated and automatic sparse parabolic radon transform in the mixed frequency-time domain with alternating split Bregman algorithm (SPMUL 2.1) Zhongxiao Li and Zhenchun Li, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhongxiao Li

8:25 AM ...... Accelerated and robust multichannel predictive deconvolution for shallow water demultiple based on alternating direction method of multipliers (SPMUL 2.2) Zhongxiao Li and Zhenchun Li, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhongxiao Li

8:50 AM ...... Fast hyperbolic radon transform by log-polar convolutions (SPMUL 2.3) Viktor Nikitin, Fredrik Andersson, and Marcus Carlsson, Lund University; Anton Duchkov, IPGG SB RAS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Viktor Nikitin

9:15 AM ...... Sparse radon transform in extended domain (SPMUL 2.4) Madhav Vyas, John Etgen, and Qingqing Liao, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Madhav Vyas

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Elastic internal multiple prediction using Marchenko and interferometric methods (SPMUL 2.5) Carlos Alberto da Costa Filho, Giovanni Angelo Meles, and Andrew Curtis, University of Edinburgh (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Carlos Alberto Da Costa Filho

10:45 AM .... The first inverse-scattering-series internal multiple elimination method for a multidimensional subsurface (SPMUL 2.6) Yanglei Zou, Chao Ma, and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Yanglei Zou

11:10 AM .... Inverse-scattering series internal-multiple prediction in the double plane-wave domain (SPMUL 2.7) Jian Sun and Kristopher Albert Innanen, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jian Sun

11:35 AM .... Examining the interdependence and cooperation of the terms in the distinct inverse-scattering subseries for free-surface multiple and internal multiple removal (SPMUL 2.8) Chao Ma and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Chao Ma

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPNA 2 Land Data Noise SuppressionSession Chairs: Carlos Calderon-Macias and Warren Ross Location: Room C140Synopsis: Technologies for noise suppression in land data processing.

8:00 AM ...... Application of supergrouping to land seismic data in desert environment (SPNA 2.1) Andrey Bakulin, Pavel Golikov, Maxim Dmitriev, and Victor Dolgov, Pierre Leger, Saudi Aramco; Dmitry Neklyudov, IPGG SB RAS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrey Bakulin

8:25 AM ...... Enhancement of seismic data gathered by floating ice acquisition: Application of local kinematic attributes (SPNA 2.2) Valery Khaidukov, Maxim Protasov, Dmitry Neklyudov, and Ilya Silvestrov, IPGG SBRAS; Vladimir Tcheverda, Institute of Geophysics; Evgeny Landa, Tel Aviv University; Galina Reshetova, ICMMG SBRAS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Maxim Protasov

8:50 AM ...... A single-trace singular-value decomposition method with application to the ground-roll removal (SPNA 2.3) Michelangelo Silva and Milton Porsani, Universidade Federal da Bahia; Bjorn Ursin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Milton Porsani

9:15 AM ...... Ground-roll suppression by EMD algorithm based on average value constraint (SPNA 2.4) Hezhao Li, Guaoquan Yang, Jiao Wang, and Jingjuan Jiao, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hezhao Li

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... The Borga transform and some applications in seismic-data analysis (SPNA 2.5) Todor Todorov, University of Calgary; Gary Margrave, University Of Calgary, The CREWES Project (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Todor Todorov

10:45 AM .... Sparsity-enabled ground-roll noise suppression using tunable Q factor wavelet transform (SPNA 2.6) Xin Chen and Wenchao Chen, Xi’an Jiaotong University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xin Chen

11:10 AM .... Seismic denoising using the redundant lifting scheme (SPNA 2.7) Afshin Aghayan, Oklahoma State University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Afshin Aghayan

11:35 AM .... Green’s theorem-based onshore preprocessing: A reduced data requirement assuming a vacuum/earth model for the air/earth interface and the evaluation of the usefulness of that assumption (SPNA 2.8) Jing Wu and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jing Wu

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SS 3 SEG-AGU HydrogeophysicsSession Chairs: Brady Flinchuml and Louise Pellerin Location: Room C147/154Synopsis: The session will include papers that report new methods for analysis and interpretation of hydrogeophysical data; development of cutting-edge instruments, and presentation of novel case studies.8:00 AM ...... Preliminary geophysical results of AEM mapping

of hydrogeology in the Peace River area of British Columbia for responsible resource development (SS 3.1) Andrea Viezzoli and Antonio Menghini, Aarhus Geophysics Aps; Carlos Salas, Geoscience BC; Melvyn Best, Bemex Consuting International (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrea Viezzoli

8:25 AM ...... Subsurface mapping with airborne electromagnetics in the Central Valley of California (SS 3.2) Rosemary Knight and Ryan Smith, Stanford University; Ted Asch, Jared Abraham, and James Cannia, Aqua Geo Frameworks, LLC; Andrea Viezzoli, Aarhus Geophysics ApS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rosemary Knight

8:50 AM ...... Near-surface geophysical imaging for groundwater exploration: La Marque, Texas (SS 3.3) Abigail M. Ross, Robert R. Stewart, and Li Chang, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Abigail Ross

9:15 AM ...... Impedance inversion of water column reflectivity in Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal (SS 3.4) Satish Sinha and Ankit Sharma, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology; Kalachand Sain, National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI Library); Pawan Dewangan, National Institute of Oceanography (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Satish Sinha

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Preliminary analysis of complex subsurface temperature variations in the Buckman well field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico (SS 3.5) Shari Kelley, New Mexico Bureau of Geology; Matthew Folsom, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Sierra Keller, University of California–Santa Cruz; George Jiracek, San Diego State University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shari Kelley

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SS 4 Surface WavesSession Chairs: Julian Ivanov and Sarah Morton Location: Room D174Synopsis: The Surface Wave special session will highlight most recent developments for shear-wave velocity (Vs) profiling and case histories for uses and applications.

8:00 AM ...... Imaging near-surface heterogeneities by natural migration of surface waves (SS 4.1) Zhaolun Liu, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Abdullah Altheyab, Saudi Aramco; Sherif Hanafy, Cairo University; Gerard Schuster, Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhaolun Liu

8:25 AM ...... The exploitation of Rayleigh wave inversion in seismic exploration (SS 4.2) Peiming Li, Xiaolong Liu, Yimeng Zhang, Zhang Kui, Zhi Hui Yan, and Fuhao Jiang, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yimeng Zhang

8:50 AM ...... Robust multimodal surface-wave inversion for shallow velocity and shear statics (SS 4.3) Xiaogui Miao, Dong Zheng, Libo Zi, Zhenyu Zhou, and Meng Gao, CGG (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiaogui Miao

9:15 AM ...... 3-C surface-waves detection and classification via unsupervised pattern recognition from seismic attributes (SS 4.4) Ivan Javier Sánchez Galvis, Yenni Villa-Acuña, Daniel Alfonso Sierra Bueno, and César Antonio Duarte Gualdrón, and William Agudelo, Universidad Industrial de Santander (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ivan Javier Sánchez Galvis

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... MASW analysis of bedrock velocities (Vs and Vp) (SS 4.5) Choon Park, Park Seismic LLC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Choon Park

10:45 AM .... Near-surface Qs estimations using multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) and the effect of nonfundamental mode energy on Q estimation: An example from Yuma proving ground, Arizona (SS 4.6) Daniel Feigenbaum, Julian Ivanov, Richard Miller, Shelby Peterie, and Sarah Morton, Kansas Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daniel Feigenbaum

11:10 AM .... Joint inversion of H/V spectral ratios and phase-velocity dispersion with active seismic data (SS 4.7) Gabriel Gribler and T. Dylan Mikesell, Boise State University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Gabriel Gribler

11:35 AM .... Comparison of dispersion curves and velocity models obtained by active and passive surface wave methods (SS 4.8) Koichi Hayashi, OYO (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Koichi Hayashi

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016EM 1 Imaging and InversionSession Chairs: Michael Frenkel and Zhijuan Zhang Location: Room D174Synopsis: The talks in this session investigate different aspects of electromagnetic imaging and inversion including parametric inversion, the application of constraints, approximate imaging using synthetic aperture techniques, resolution of EM inversion, and a comparison of different inversion/optimization techniques.

1:00 PM ...... Multiple body parametric inversion of frequency- and time-domain airborne electromagnetics (EM 1.1) Michael McMillan, Christoph Schwarzbach, Eldad Haber, and Douglas Oldenburg, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael McMillan

1:25 PM ...... Large-scale parallel 3D inversion of frequency and time-domain AEM data (EM 1.2) Martin Cuma and Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah; Leif Cox, TechnoImaging (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Martin Cuma

1:50 PM ...... Achieving depth resolution with gradient array survey data through transient electromagnetic inversion (EM 1.3) Patrick Belliveau and Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Patrick Belliveau

2:15 PM ...... A new data constraint for the effective inversion of CSEM data in the intermediate zone (EM 1.4) Seokmin Oh, Kyubo Noh, Soon Jee Seol, and Joongmoo Byun, Hanyang University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Seokmin Oh

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... 3D inversion of the towed streamer EM data using the seismic constraints (EM 1.5) Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah; Masashi Endo, David Sunwall, and Martin Cuma, TechnoImaging; Jenny-Ann Malmberg, Tashi Tshering, Allan McKay, and Jonathan Midgley, PGS Geophysical AS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Masashi Endo

3:45 PM ...... Comparing large-scale 3D Gauss–Newton and BFGS CSEM inversions (EM 1.6) Anh Kiet Nguyen, Janniche Iren Nordskag, and Torgeir Wiik, Statoil ASA; Astrid Kornberg Bjørke, Linus Boman, Ole Martin Pedersen, Joseph Ribaudo, and Rune Mittet, EMGS ASA (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Anh Kiet Nguyen

4:10 PM ...... Quantification of the resolution in the inversion results from towed streamer EM data (EM 1.7) Joel Skogman and Johan Mattsson, PGS Technology AB (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Johan Mattsson

4:35 PM ...... Rapid imaging of towed streamer EM data for reconnaissance offshore exploration using the optimal synthetic aperture method (EM 1.8) Michael Zhdanov and Daeung Yoon, University of Utah; Johan Mattsson, Petroleum Geo-Services (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daeung Yoon

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016FWI 4 Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 2Session Chairs: Richard Coates and Sheng Xu Location: Room C146Synopsis: Elastic and visco-elastic FWI in anisotropic media with applications to land and OBC data.

1:00 PM ...... Synthetic study of raw-data FWI applied to visco-TTI-elastic data (FWI 4.1) Jerome Krebs, ExxonMobil Upstream Research; Curtis Ober, Thomas Smith, James Overfelt, S. Collis, Gregory Von Winckel, Bart Van Bloemen Waanders, Nathan Downey, and David Aldridge, Sandia National Laboratories (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jerome Krebs

1:25 PM ...... Waveform inversion for acoustic VTI media in frequency domain (FWI 4.2) Zedong Wu, and Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zedong Wu

1:50 PM ...... Visco-TTI-elastic FWI using discontinuous Galerkin (FWI 4.3) Curtis Ober, Thomas Smith, JamesOverfelt, S. Collis, Gregory Von Winckel, Bart Van Bloemen Waanders, Nathan Downey, Scott Mitchell, Stephen Bond, and David Aldridge, Sandia National Laboratories; Jerome Krebs, ExxonMobil Exploration Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Curtis Ober

2:15 PM ...... Anisotropic wave-equation traveltime and waveform inversion (FWI 4.4) Shihang Feng and Gerard Schuster, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shihang Feng

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Application of an anisotropic elastic multiparameter waveform inversion on a land data set from north Kuwait (FWI 4.5) Satyam Bharti, Alexandre Stopin, Carlos Andres Perez Solano, Rene-Edouard Plessix, and Jos Lutz, Shell Global Solutions International; Bashar Al-Qadeeri, Qasem Dashti, Srinivasa Narhari, and Osuntola Olugesun Kolawole, Kuwait Oil Company (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Satyam Bharti

3:45 PM ...... 3D elastic-orthorhombic anisotropic full-waveform inversion: Application to field OBC data (FWI 4.6) Ju-Won Oh and Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ju-Won Oh

4:10 PM ...... Spectral-element based 3D elastic full-waveform inversion of surface waves in the presence of complex topography using an envelope-based misfit function (FWI 4.7) Dmitry Borisov, Ryan Modrak, Herurisa Rusmanugroho, Yanhua Yuan, Frederik Simons, and Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University; Fuchun Gao, Total Exploration Production (TEP) (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Dmitry Borisov

4:35 PM ...... From acoustic FWI to elastic prestack inversion (FWI 4.8) Reetam Biswas and Mrinal Sen, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Reetam Biswas

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016ACQ 2 Marine AcquisitionSession Chairs: Jean-Jacques Postel and Philip Fontana Location: Room D163/165Synopsis: Marine seismic data acquisition concepts and case studies.

1:00 PM ...... Assessing marine 3D seismic acquisition with new technology: A case history from Suriname (ACQ 2.1) Peter Aaron, Grant Byerley, and David Monk, Apache Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Peter Aaron

1:25 PM ...... On the anatomy of the air-gun signature (ACQ 2.2) Halvor Groenaas, David Gerez, and Ola Pramm Larsen, WesternGeco; Matthew Padula, Teledyne Bolt (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: David Gerez

1:50 PM ...... In situ test results obtained in the Mediterranean Sea with a novel marine seismic acquisition system (Freecable) (ACQ 2.3) Luc Haumonté, Kietta (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Luc Haumonte

2:15 PM ...... Seismic apparition dealiasing using directionality regularization (ACQ 2.4) Fredrik Andersson, Lund University; Kurt Eggenberger, Seismic Apparition GmbH; Dirk-Jan Van Manen and Johan Robertsson, ETH-Zurich; Lasse Amundsen, NTNU (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fredrik Andersson

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Which WATS? Design and evaluation of an efficient bi-WATS geometry (ACQ 2.5) Julien Colonge, Lucio Di Pietro, and Raphael Lencrerot, Total (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lucio Di Pietro

3:45 PM ...... Challenges to extending the usable seismic bandwidth at the seafloor in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico (ACQ 2.6) Joseph Dellinger, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Joseph Dellinger

4:10 PM ...... Source deghosting (ACQ 2.7) Johan Robertsson, Dirk-Jan Van Manen, and Kurt Eggenberger, Seismic Apparition GmbH; Fredrik Andersson, Lund University; Lasse Amundsen, NTNU (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Johan Robertsson

4:35 PM ...... Uses of near-field hydrophone measurements for shallow-water imaging and demultiple (ACQ 2.8) Haiyang Wang, John Anderson, Michael Norris, and Young Ho Cha, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Haiyang Wang

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016ANI 3 Anisotropy of Shales and Parameters Influencing AnisotropySession Chairs: Enru Liu and Jamie Rich Location: Room D166Synopsis: Various parameters that affect the anisotropy; anisotropy in shales.

1:00 PM ...... Experimental evaluation of dynamic Young’s moduli and anisotropy in shales (ANI 3.1) Andre Panfiloff and Manika Prasad, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Andre Panfiloff

1:25 PM ...... The effects of water saturation and diagenetic pressure on elastic anisotropy of synthetic shale (ANI 3.2) Fei Gong, Jianxin Wei, Xiao Pan, Dongqing Li, and Chongna Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Bangrang Di, CNPC Keylab of Geophysical Prospecting; Xinyuan Luan, University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Fei Gong

1:50 PM ...... Correction of sonic logs for anisotropy (deviation) effects and handling its nonuniqueness problems (ANI 3.3) Mehdi E. Far and Natasa Mekic, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Mehdi E. Far

2:15 PM ...... Controls on acoustic anisotropy observed in unconsolidated sands using laboratory measurements and digital rock technology (ANI 3.4) Lori Hathon and Michael Myers, University of Houston; Alon Arad, Shell International E&P, Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lori Hathon

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Mineralogical effects on elastic properties and anisotropies of organic shales (ANI 3.5) Xuan Qin, De-Hua Han, and Fuyong Yan, University of Houston; Luanxiao Zhao, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Xuan Qin

3:45 PM ...... Elastic anisotropy of the Wellington shale at seismic frequencies: Laboratory measurements (ANI 3.6) Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Maxim Lebedev, and Boris Gurevich, Curtin University; Marina Pervukhina, CSIRO; Setayesh Zandi, Total (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Maxim Lebedev

4:10 PM ...... Effective elastic properties of composites with microanisotropy (ANI 3.7) Priyanka Dutta and Gerald Mavko, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Priyanka Dutta

4:35 PM ...... Full data-driven azimuthal inversion for anisotropy characterization (ANI 3.8) Mengmeng Zhang and Peter Mesdag, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Peter Mesdag

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016FWI 5 Case Study 1Session Chairs: Matthew Brzostowski and Diana Sineva Location: Room D162/164Synopsis: Applications of FWI to land, shallow, and deep water and OBC data.

1:00 PM ...... 3D salt geometry inversion in full-waveform inversion using a level-set method (FWI 5.1) Winston Lewis, Schlumberger; Denes Vigh, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Winston Lewis

1:25 PM ...... Full-waveform inversion case study for shallow and deeper velocity anomalies on the Norwegian continental shelf (FWI 5.2) Ola Øye, Are Osen, Tor Erik Rabben, and Joachim Mispel, Statoil ASA (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ola Øye

1:50 PM ...... High-resolution radon preconditioning for land full-waveform inversion application (FWI 5.3) Xin Cheng, Kun Jiao, Denes Vigh, Zhen Xu, Dong Sun, and Amr El-Sabaa, Schlumberger; Adel El-Emam, Kuwait Oil Company (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Xin Cheng

2:15 PM ...... Full-waveform inversion with the reconstructed wavefield method (FWI 5.4) Chao Wang, David Yingst, Paul Farmer, and Jacques Leveille, ION (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chao Wang

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Revealing overburden and reservoir complexity with high-resolution FWI (FWI 5.5) Rongrong Lu, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rongrong Lu

3:45 PM ...... Joint full-waveform inversion of early arrivals and reflections: A real OBC case study with gas cloud (FWI 5.6) Wei Zhou, Romain Brossier, and Jean Virieux, Univ. Grenoble Alpes; Stéphane Operto, Géoazur, CNRS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wei Zhou

4:10 PM ...... Inversion of wide-azimuth multicomponent vertical seismic profile data for anisotropic subsurface properties (FWI 5.7) Tao Li and Subhashis Mallick, University of Wyoming; Naser Tamimi and Thomas Davis, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tao Li

4:35 PM ...... A robust FWI gradient for high-resolution velocity model building (FWI 5.8) Jaime Ramos-Martinez, Nizar Chemingui, Sean Crawley, Zuihong Zou, Alejandro Valenciano, and Elena Klochikhina, Petroleum Geo-Services (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jaime Ramos-Martinez

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016INT 3 Channels, Thin Beds, and Pinch OutsSession Chairs: Bradley Wallet and Cynthia Black Location: Room D170/172Synopsis: This session presents methods to better identify, isolate, and interpret channels, thin beds, and pinch outs.

1:00 PM ...... Withdrawn1:25 PM ...... Technologies of sedimentary information extraction

and intelligent interpretation based on 3D seismic data (INT 3.2) Mingjun Su and Zhong Hong, RIPED; Richen Liu, Center for Computational Science and Engineering (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mingjun Su

1:50 PM ...... Structural and stratigraphic diffraction imaging - applications on the Zhaodong Field, Bohai Bay, China (INT 3.3) Tijmen Jan Moser, MGS; Michael Pelissier and Changhua Yu, Dagang Zhaodong Oil Company of PetroChina; Alexander Popovici and Ioan Sturzu, Z-Terra Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Tijmen Jan Moser

2:15 PM ...... Withdrawn 2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Phase unwrapping for thin-bed seismic chronostratigraphy and facies analysis (INT 3.5) Hongliu Zeng, Bureau of Economic Geology (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Hongliu Zeng

3:45 PM ...... Stratigraphic pinch-out identification based on seismic DNA (INT 3.6) Hongmei Luo, Shuhui Liu, Changjiang Wang, and Xiaoyan Guan, Exploration and Development Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hongmei Luo

4:10 PM ...... Stratigraphic pinch-out boundaries comprehensive prediction under the restriction of geological contact relations: A real case study (INT 3.7) Zhang Xiaojie, China National Offshore Oilfield Corporation (CNOOC) Ltd Tianjin Branch, Tianjin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhang Xiaojie

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016MG 2 Case HistoriesSession Chairs: Sean Walker and Shari Kelley Location: Room D168Synopsis: A session with focus on mineral exploration case histories, featuring potential field, IP and EM applications.

1:00 PM ...... Using constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic field to produce a 3D litho-prediction model (MG 2.1) Omid Mahmoodi, Saskatchewan Geological Survey; Richard Smith, FUGRO; Bill Spicer, KGHM International Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Omid Mahmoodi

1:25 PM ...... Joint-clustering inversion of gravity and magnetic data applied to the imaging of a gabbro intrusion (MG 2.2) Jiajia Sun and Yaoguo Li, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jiajia Sun

1:50 PM ...... Geological characterization applying k-means clustering to 3D magnetic, gravity gradient, and DC resistivity inversions: A case study at an iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) deposit (MG 2.3) Aline Melo and Yaoguo Li, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Aline Melo

2:15 PM ...... Effective-medium inversion of induced-polarization data for mineral exploration and mineral discrimination: Case study for the copper deposit in Mongolia (MG 2.4) Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah; Masashi Endo, TechnoImaging; Vladimir Burtman and Martin Cuma, University of Utah; Leif Cox and David Sunwall, TechnoImaging (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Masashi Endo

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Fitting SPM and distributed Cole-Cole parameters to AEM data (MG 2.5) James Macnae, RMIT University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: James Macnae

3:45 PM ...... Evidence and identification of SPM in airborne TDEM data from Greenland (MG 2.6) Karl Kwan, Geoffrey Plastow, Jean M. Legault, Alexander Prikhodko, Nasreddine Bournas, and Marta Orta, Geotech Ltd; Sharon Taylor, North American Nickel Ltd (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jean M. Legault

4:10 PM ...... 3D modeling of highly conductive massive sulphides: A Voisey’s Bay case study (MG 2.7) Yves Lamontagne, Michal Kolaj, and Owen Fernley, Lamontagne Geophysics Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Owen Fernley

4:35 PM ...... Synthesizing time-domain electromagnetic data for graphitic fault zones and associated uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada (MG 2.8) Drew Jones, Seyedmasoud Ansari, and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Robert Hearst, AREVA Resources Canada, Inc (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Drew Jones

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016PS 3 Imaging MethodsSession Chairs: Ben Dando and Werner Heigl Location: Room C144/145Synopsis: Imaging methods have transformed the value proposition for microseismic technology over the past decade making automation feasible and surface monitoring and imaging a reality. A number of papers are presented here showing the latest work in this topic.

1:00 PM ...... Sparsity-promoting joint microseismic source collocation and source-time function estimation (PS 3.1) Shashin Sharan and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia; Rongrong Wang, Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling (SLIM); Tristan Van Leeuwen, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shashin Sharan

1:25 PM ...... Passive wavefield imaging using the energy norm (PS 3.2) Daniel Rocha and Paul Sava, Colorado School of Mines; Jeffrey Shragge, University of Western Australia (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Daniel Rocha

1:50 PM ...... Ambient passive seismic imaging with noise analysis (PS 3.3) Aleksandar Jeremic, Michael Thornton, and Peter Duncan, MicroSeismic, Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Aleksandar Jeremic

2:15 PM ...... Fundamental study of seismic-emission tomography in terms of fluid-pressure fluctuations (PS 3.4) Akitomo Watanabe, Hitoshi Mikada, and Junichi Takekawa, Kyoto University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Akitomo Watanabe

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Microseismic imaging using a source-independent full-waveform inversion method (PS 3.5) Hanchen Wang, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hanchen Wang

3:45 PM ...... Microseismic source localization using time-domain path-integral migration (PS 3.6) Yunzhi Shi, Dmitrii Merzlikin, and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yunzhi Shi

4:10 PM ...... Migration-based passive-source imaging for continuous data (PS 3.7) Norimitsu Nakata and Gregory Beroza, Stanford University; Junzhe Sun and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Norimitsu Nakata

4:35 PM ...... The structure-tensor analysis for optimal microseismic data partial stack (PS 3.8) Georgiy Loginov, Novosibirsk State University; Anton A. Duchkov, IIPGG SB RAS; Fredrik Andersson, Lund University (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Georgiy Loginov

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RC 3 Inversion 1Session Chairs: Cinzia Scotellaro and Norbert Van De Coevering Location: Room C156Synopsis: Inversion-related reservoir characterization papers.

1:00 PM ...... Effective workflow of Poisson impedance analysis for identifying oil reservoir with similar resistivity log response to neighboring medias (RC 3.1) Soyoung Kim, Jaewook Lee, Bona Kim, and Joongmoo Byun, Hanyang University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Soyoung Kim

1:25 PM ...... LIfe of an oil-sands project: Value added with time-lapse multicomponent seismic inversion (RC 3.2) Carmen Dumitrescu, Terra-IQ Ltd.; Glenn Larson, Devon Canada Corporation; Draga Talinga, Terra-IQ Ltd. (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Carmen Dumitrescu

1:50 PM ...... Geomechanical model for the Horn River Formation based on seismic AVA inversion (RC 3.3) Colin Sayers, Maria Lascano, Edan Gofer, Lennert Den Boer, Milton Walz, Andrew Hannan, and Sagnik Dasgupta, Schlumberger; William Goodway, Marco Perez, and Gregory Purdue, Apache Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Colin Sayers

2:15 PM ...... Facies modeling in unconventional reservoirs using seismic-derived facies probabilities (RC 3.4) Reinaldo Michelena, Omar Angola, and Kevin Godbey,, Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Reinaldo Michelena

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Detecting bypassed pay from 3D seismic data using a facies-based Bayesian seismic inversion, Forties Field, UKCS (RC 3.5) Kester Waters and Ana Somoza, Ikon Science Ltd; Grant Byerley and Phil Rose, Apache Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kester Waters

3:45 PM ...... Accounting for bias and uncertainty in facies estimations from deterministic inversions (RC 3.6) John Pendrel, Henk Schouten, and Raphael Bornard, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: John Pendrel

4:10 PM ...... Integrating of initial guess models into geostatistical seismic inversion methodologies (RC 3.7) Pedro Pereira, Leonardo Azevedo, Ruben Nunes, Amilcar Soares, and Hamid Sabeti, Instituto Superior Técnico (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pedro Pereira

4:35 PM ...... Geostatistical inversion leads to drilling success: A case history from north Kuwait (RC 3.8) Mohammed Hameed, Osman Khaled, Mohamed Jaseem, and Muneera Al-Awadhi, Kuwait Oil Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mohammed Hameed

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RP 3 Stress Effects and AnisotropySession Chairs: Mauricio Florez and Pascal Debec Location: Room D167Synopsis: Dependence of rock properties on effective stress and pore pressure — experimental analyses and predictive applications.

1:00 PM ...... Estimation of the effective stress coefficient for multilithology (RP 3.1) Hongsheng Wang, Geophysical Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield; Tianyue Hu, Peking University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Hongsheng Wang

1:25 PM ...... Estimation of the Biot-Willis coefficient via rock-physics inversion (RP 3.2) David Cho and Evan Mutual, Qeye Labs; Mark Norton, David Miller, and David McHarg, Progress Energy (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: David Cho

1:50 PM ...... Orthotropic rock-physics based inversion for fracture and total organic carbon (TOC) characterization from azimuthal P-wave seismic survey: Case study from a northern Kuwait unconventional reservoir (RP 3.3) Rajive Kumar, Prashant Bansal, and Bader S. Al-Mal, Kuwait Oil Company; Sagnik Dasgupta, Colin M. Sayers, Peck Hwa David Ng, Andrew Hannan, Edan Gofer, Andy Walz, and Chuck Wagner, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sagnik Dasgupta

2:15 PM ...... Micro X-ray CT imaging of sediments under confining pressure (RP 3.4) Mandy Schindler and Manika Prasad, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mandy Schindler

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Experimental study of dynamic effective stress coefficient for ultrasonic velocities of Bakken cores (RP 3.5) Xiaodong Ma and Mark Zoback, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xiaodong Ma

3:45 PM ...... Pore space stiffness approach for a pressure-dependent rock-physics model (RP 3.6) Hung Dinh and Mirko Van Der Baan, University of Alberta; Brian Russell, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hung Dinh

4:10 PM ...... Nondestructive assessment of static and dynamic geomechanical properties of sandstone samples for geological CO2 storage monitoring (RP 3.7) Ismael Falcon-Suarez, Angus Best, and Laurence North, National Oceanography Centre; Fraser Browning, University of Southampton (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ismael Falcon-Suarez

4:35 PM ...... A laboratory study of dispersion and pressure effects in partially saturated tight sandstone at seismic frequencies (RP 3.8) Hanjun Yin, Shangxu Wang, Jianguo Zhao, Xiaoyi Ma, Liming Zhao, and Yingjiao Cui, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hanjun Yin

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SI 3 Wavelets, Q, Fractures, and MuonsSession Chairs: Rui Zhang and Robert Bodziak Location: Room C155Synopsis: New and novel approaches to seismic inversion and understanding the earth response will be presented in addition to new methods in estimating Q.

1:00 PM ...... Merging macro- and micromodels for a broadband estimation of the Q factor (SI 3.1) Aldo Vesnaver, and Rongzhi Lin, The Petroleum Institute; Gualtiero Böhm, Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rongzhi Lin

1:25 PM ...... Skeletonized wave-equation inversion for Q (SI 3.2) Gaurav Dutta, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gaurav Dutta

1:50 PM ...... Joint muon and seismic imaging of the subsurface (SI 3.3) Robert Mellors and George Chapline, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Alain Bonneville and Richard Kouzes, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Nedra Bonal, Sandia National Laboratory; Charlotte Rowe and Elena Guardincerri, Los Alamos National Laboratory (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Robert Mellors

2:15 PM ...... Skeletonized wave equation of surface wave dispersion inversion (SI 3.4) Jing Li and Gerard Schuster, KAUST (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Jing Li

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Prestack wavelet estimation for broadband data (SI 3.5) Robert Soubaras, CGG (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Robert Soubaras

3:45 PM ...... Interpolating wavelets (SI 3.6) Yuval Weiss, Dominique Mouliere-Reiser, Alex Malkin, Nimrod Grinberg, and Anat Canning, Paradigm (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Dominique Mouliere-Reiser

4:10 PM ...... Seismic characterization of fractures using exact localized waves: Gaussian wave packet (SI 3.7) Yinshuai Ding, Yingcai Zheng, Hua-Wei Zhou, and Hao Hu, University of Houston; Yu Zhang, Wuhan University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yinshuai Ding

4:35 PM ...... Normal moveout velocity ellipse inversion in tilted orthorhombic media (SI 3.8) Yuriy Ivanov and Alexey Stovas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yuriy Ivanov

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SM 1 Frequency DomainSession Chairs: Alexander Goertz and Erik Saenger Location: Room D161 Synopsis: Modeling of seismic waves in the frequency-domain is a well-established technique. This session will give an excellent overview about recent developments.

1:00 PM ...... A short note on a pipelined polarized-trace algorithm for 3D Helmholtz (SM 1.1) Leonardo Zepeda-Núñez, University of California–Irvine; Laurent Demanet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Russell Hewett, Total E&P; Adrien Scheuer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Leonardo Zepeda-Núñez

1:25 PM ...... 3D elastic frequency-domain iterative solver for full-waveform inversion (SM 1.2) Mikhail Belonosov, Aramco Overseas Company B.V.; Vladimir Tcheverda, Institute of Geophysics; Dmitry Neklyudov, and Victor Kostin, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS; Maxim Dmitriev, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mikhail Belonosov

1:50 PM ...... A compressed direct Helmholtz solver with minimal compression cost (SM 1.3) Xiao Liu and Maarten De Hoop, Rice University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xiao Liu

2:15 PM ...... A short note on a fast and high-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin solver for the 2D high-frequency Helmholtz equation (SM 1.4) Matthias Taus and Laurent Demanet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Leonardo Zepeda Nunez, University of California, Irvine (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Matthias Taus

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... A mesh-free finite-difference method for frequency-domain viscoacoustic wave equation (SM 1.5) Junichi Takekawa and Hitoshi Mikada, Kyoto University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Junichi Takekawa

3:45 PM ...... A new finite-difference scheme for frequency-domain seismic modeling on nonuniform grids (SM 1.6) Quanli Li and Wei Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China; Xiaofeng Jia, University of California–Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Quanli Li

4:10 PM ...... A new parallel direct solver for 2D frequency-domain modeling (SM 1.7) Wenhao Xu and Jinghuai Gao, Xi’an Jiaotong University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wenhao Xu

4:35 PM ...... Target-oriented automatic shot selection (SM 1.8) Mauricio Araya-Polo, Mark Verschuren, and Detlef Hohl, Shell International E&P Inc (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Mauricio Araya-Polo

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPMI 3 Beyond Primaries OnlySession Chairs: Daniel Ebrom and Mehmet Tanis Location: Room D171/173Synopsis: Techniques for imaging multiples and total wavefields.

1:00 PM ...... Optimal imaging of OBN data using all multiples (SPMI 3.1) Mikhail Davydenko and Dirk Verschuur, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mikhail Davydenko

1:25 PM ...... A practical crosstalk attenuation method for separated wavefield imaging (SPMI 3.2) Shaoping Lu, Norman Whitmore, Alejandro Valenciano, Nizar Chemingui, and Grunde Ronholt, PGS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shaoping Lu

1:50 PM ...... Least-squares reverse time migration of controlled order multiples (SPMI 3.3) Yike Liu and Xuejian Liu, Institute of Geology & Geophysics; Yu Shao and Are Osen, Statoil; Yingcai Zheng and Hao Hu, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yike Liu

2:15 PM ...... Closed-loop full-wavefield migration for high-resolution imaging of streamer data (SPMI 3.4) Genmeng Chen, Spectrum Geo; Richard Clarke, Spectrum; Dirk Verschuur and Mikhail Davydenko, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Genmeng Chen

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... The linearized inversion of the generalized interferometric multiple imaging (SPMI 3.5) Ali Aldawood, Ibrahim Hoteit, and Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ali Aldawood

3:45 PM ...... Image domain seismic interferometry for reverse time migration of OBS multiple reflections (SPMI 3.6) Kazuya Shiraishi, JAMSTEC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Kazuya Shiraishi

4:10 PM ...... Imaging the total wavefields by reflectivity inversion using amplitude-normalized wavefield decomposition: Field data example (SPMI 3.7) Alba Ordonez, Walter Soellner, and Tilman Kluever, Petroleum Geo-Services AS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Alba Ordonez

4:35 PM ...... The first migration method that is equally effective for all acquired frequencies for imaging and inverting at the target and reservoir (SPMI 3.8) Arthur Weglein, James Mayhan, Yanglei Zou, Qiang Fu, Fang Liu, Jing Wu, Chao Ma, and Xinglu Lin, University of Houston; Robert Stolt, Retired (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Arthur Weglein

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPNA 3 Imaging EnhancementSession Chairs: Paul Singer and William Burnett Location: Room C140Synopsis: Methods to remove random or coherent noise on images.

1:00 PM ...... RTM artifact removal via a fast algorithm for wavefield decomposition (SPNA 3.1) Meixia Wang and Sheng Xu, Statoil (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Meixia Wang

1:25 PM ...... Postmigration image optimization: A Gulf of Mexico case study (SPNA 3.2) Sergey Frolov, Samuel Brown, Sriram Arasanipalai, and Nizar Chemingui, Petroleum Geo-Services (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sergey Frolov

1:50 PM ...... Postmigration enhancement based on image decomposition and target dip fields (SPNA 3.3) Yue Wu and Hongyan Li, Schlumberger WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yue Wu

2:15 PM ...... Attribute-assisted footprint suppression with log filter (SPNA 3.4) Tengfei Lin and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma; Bo Zhang, University of Alabama (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tengfei Lin

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... A local morphological-component analysis-based acquisition footprint suppression method (SPNA 3.5) Lei Gao, Wang Xiaokai, and Wenchao Chen, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Wang Chao, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wang Xiaokai

3:45 PM ...... Advancements on the use of the nonlocal means algorithm for seismic data processing (SPNA 3.6) Carlo De Gaetani, Sergio Grion, and Samuel Winters, Dolphin Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Sergio Grion

4:10 PM ...... Local SNR estimation method for seismic data (SPNA 3.7) Bingxiu Li, Dian Wang, Yang Liu, and Cai Liu, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bingxiu Li

4:35 PM ...... Withdrawn

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SS 5 Engineering GeophysicsSession Chairs: Gabriel Gribler and Norman Carlson Location: Room C147/154Synopsis: This special session will highlight the application of near-surface geophysics to engineering and geologic problems associated with civil engineering and geotechnical investigations.

1:00 PM ...... Geophysical investigation to study the vulnerability to landslide of the Debre Sina-Armenia road sector, central Ethiopia (SS 5.1) Tigistu Haile and Lewam Tewold, Addis Ababa University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Lewam Tewold

1:25 PM ...... A TSP scanning technique based on seam wave for advanced detection in coal roadway: a feasibility study (SS 5.2) Jiang Jinpeng and Peimin Zhu, China University of Geosciences–Wuhan (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jiang Jinpeng

1:50 PM ...... Withdrawn 2:15 PM ...... Tunnel detection using SH-wave diffraction imaging

(SS 5.4) Shelby Peterie, Richard Miller, Sarah Morton, and Yao Wang, Kansas Geological Survey; Steven Sloan, XRI Geophysics; Mark Moran and Harley Cudney, CRREL (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shelby Peterie

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Synthetic modeling and joint inversion of gravity and seismic refraction data for overburden stripping in the Athabasca Basin, Canada (SS 5.5) Mehrdad Darijani and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mehrdad Darijani

3:45 PM ...... Combine prestack inversion and microseismic to understand hydraulic fracturing performance in gas shale of Sichuan Basin, China (SS 5.6) Long Teng, Xinchao Yang, and Zhengliang Lin, Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute; Jiubing Cheng, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Long Teng

4:10 PM ...... Withdrawn

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SVE 1 Case HistoriesSession Chairs: David Monk and Paul Sava Location: Room C142Synopsis: A selection of velocity estimation and earth model building case histories.

1:00 PM ...... Optimal supra-salt model building in the central Gulf of Mexico using full-waveform inversion and multiparameter anisotropic tomography (SVE 1.1) Hongyan Li, Lu Xin Zhang, Brian Weir, and Jarrod Hutson, Schlumberger; Arturo Ramirez-Cuellar, Suyang Chen, Betty Koechner, and Jason Gardner, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Hongyan Li

1:25 PM ...... High-resolution image-guided tomographic solution for improved imaging in ultrashallow water trench area of Gulf of Mexico (SVE 1.2) Sandip Chattopadhyay, TGS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker:Sandip Chattopadhyay

1:50 PM ...... Bound-constrained tomography for anisotropic and Q model building (SVE 1.3) Chaoguang Zhou, Samuel Brown, and Zijian Liu, PGS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chaoguang Zhou

2:15 PM ...... Improving subsalt image from multiazimuth TTI reprocessing at Kepler Field, Gulf of Mexico (SVE 1.4) Bunmi Elebiju, BP E&P; Kevin Pratt, BP; Weiping Gou and Yu Zeng, CGG (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Olubunmi Elebiju

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Monitoring variations of seawater average velocity by using WBM from 4-C–4D OBS in GOM (SVE 1.5) Yingping Li, Kevin King, and Tianrun Chen, Shell E&P Company (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Yingping Li

3:45 PM ...... Broadband acquisition and processing for high-resolution imaging in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (SVE 1.6) Stephen Alwon, Alan Minney, Rahul Dixit, and Ala Din Alxanarani, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Stephen Alwon

4:10 PM ...... Reducing subsalt velocity uncertainties using common offset RTM gathers (COR) (SVE 1.7) Gary Rodriguez, TGS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gary Rodriguez

4:35 PM ...... Azimuthal full anisotropic PSTM for image improvement and mapping of small scale discontinuities using anisotropic velocity attributes (SVE 1.8) Marianne Rauch-Davies and Scott Sutherland, Devon Energy (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Marianne Rauch-Davies

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016ACQ 3 Blended Acquisition TechnologiesSession Chairs: Craig Beasley and Peter Pecholcs Location: Room D163/165Synopsis: Papers related to simultaneous source and blended acquisition technologies in land and marine seismic.

8:00 AM ...... Accelerating deepwater seismic acquisition through continuous recording (ACQ 3.1) Tim Seher, Spectrum Geo Ltd.; Richard Clarke, Spectrum Geo Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tim Seher

8:25 AM ...... Using source ghost in blended marine acquisition (ACQ 3.2) Sixue Wu, TU Delft; Gert-Jan Van Groenestijn, ExxonMobil Corporation; Gerrit Blacquiere, TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Sixue Wu

8:50 AM ...... Efficient acquisition of deepwater node surveys (ACQ 3.3) Benjamin Lewis and Christopher Brooks, BP; Michael Pfister, Scott Michell, and Georgiy Astvatsaturov, BP America Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael Pfister

9:15 AM ...... Marine simultaneous-sourcing: Experiences and opportunities (ACQ 3.4) Dennis Willen, Xiujun Yang, Shangli Ou, Andrew Shatilo, and Fuxian Song, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiujun Yang

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Wavefield signal apparition: Simultaneous source separation (ACQ 3.5) Johan Robertsson, Johan Robertsson, Kurt Eggenberger, and Dirk-Jan Van Manen, Seismic Apparition GmbH; Lasse Amundsen, and Asmund Pedersen, Statoil; Fredrik Andersson, Lund University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Johan Robertsson

10:45 AM .... Simultaneous-source seismic acquisitions: Do they allow reservoir characterization? A feasibility study with blended onshore real data (ACQ 3.6) Ekaterina Shipilova, Total E&P; Ilaria Barone, Pierre Hugonnet, and Cyrille Dupinet, CGG; Jean-Luc Boelle, Matteo Giboli, and Jean-Luc Piazza, Total S.A. (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ekaterina Shipilova

11:10 AM .... A marine field trial for iterative deblending of simultaneous sources (ACQ 3.7) Shaohuan Zu and Hui Zhou, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Haolin Chen and Mingqiang Cao, Dagang Department, BGP Inc., CNPC; Chunlin Xie, E&D Research Institute, Daqing Oilfield Company (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Shaohuan Zu

11:35 AM .... Time-jittered marine acquisition: A rank-minimization approach for 5D source separation (ACQ 3.8) Rajiv Kumar, Shashin Sharan, Haneet Wason, and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rajiv Kumar

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016BG 2 Borehole Acoustic and Seismic Measurements, Analyses and ModelingSession Chairs: Ali Mese and Mark Kittridge Location: Room D168Synopsis: Borehole measurements, processing, analyses, and modeling for acoustic waves.

8:00 AM ...... A new workflow for geomechanical analyses in the Marcellus Shale Gas Basin (BG 2.1) Bikash Sinha, Lili Xu, Oluwaseun Magbagbeola, and Keith Macphail, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bikash Sinha

8:25 AM ...... Reliability of velocity measurements of monopole acoustic logging-while-drilling tool in fast formations (BG 2.2) Hua Wang, Mike Fehler, and Douglas Miller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Hua Wang

8:50 AM ...... Surface-seismic monitoring while drilling using diffractions: Concept and field data example (BG 2.3) Tijmen Jan Moser, MGS; Borge Arntsen, Ståle Johansen, Espen Raknes, and Sigbjørn Sangesland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Tijmen Jan Moser

9:15 AM ...... Waveform analysis of borehole acoustic dipole data in transversely isotropic medium with a tilted axis of symmetry (BG 2.4) Satoshi Fuse, Hitoshi Mikada, and Junichi Takekawa, Kyoto University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Satoshi Fuse

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... High-resolution, integrated 3D joint migration inversion of surface and VSP data (BG 2.5) Bouchaib El Marhfoul and D. J. Verschuur, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Bouchaib El Marhfoul

10:45 AM .... Numerical evaluation of sensor coupling of distributed acoustic sensing systems in vertical seismic profiling (BG 2.6) Sven Schilke, Daniela Donno, and Herve Chauris, MINES ParisTech–PSL Research University; Arthur Hartog, Alireza Farahani, and Yamid Pico, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sven Schilke

11:10 AM .... Modeling and imaging of multiply generated and scattered tube waves due to multiple hydraulic fractures (BG 2.7) Shohei Minato, and Ranajit Ghose, Delft University of Technology; Takeshi Tsuji, Kyushu University; Michiharu Ikeda, Shikoku Research Institute Inc; Kozo Onishi, Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shohei Minato

11:35 AM .... Proficient subsalt monitoring with 3D well seismic, deep-offshore West Africa (BG 2.8) Constantin Gerea, Pierre-Louis Pichon, Gary Geddes, Michel Verliac, and Vladislav Lesnikov, Total (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Constantin Gerea

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016EM 2 ExplorationSession Chairs: Sofia Davydycheva and Antony Price Location: Room D174Synopsis: These eight talks focus on using surface land and marine EM acquisition and processing methodologies to aid in petroleum, hydrate, groundwater, and geothermal exploration.

8:00 AM ...... The CSIMT method combining natural MT signals and cultural noise as sources (EM 2.1) Gudni Karl Rosenkjaer, University of British Columbia; William Cumming, Cummings Geoscience; Karen Christopherson, Chinook Geoconsulting, Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gudni Rosenkjaer

8:25 AM ...... Correlation between 2D seismic, magnetotelluric, and gravity data acquired in Norte Basin of Uruguay (EM 2.2) Pablo Rodriguez, Josefina Marmisolle, Pablo Gristo, and Héctor De Santa Ana, ANCAP; Karen Christopherson, Chinook Geoconsulting (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pablo Rodriguez

8:50 AM ...... Marine CSEM data constrained by seismic and synthetic studies for gas hydrates exploration (EM 2.3) Eric Attias, Karen Weitemeyer, and Tim Minshull, University of Southampton; Marion Jegen, and Sebastian Hölz, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; Christian Berndt, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; Angus Best, National Oceanography Centre (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Eric Attias

9:15 AM ...... Building starting model for full-waveform inversion using broadband CSEM-driven velocity model building to improve complex salt imaging (EM 2.4) Andrea Zerilli, Fabio Miotti, and Marco Mantovani, Schlumberger; Marco Buonora, Joao Crepaldi, and Paulo Menezes, Petrobras (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrea Zerilli

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Integrated inversion of seismic and MCSEM data for the estimation of petrophysical parameters (EM 2.5) Soocheol Jeong, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM); Joongmoo Byun Soon Jee Seol, Hanyang University; Myeong Jong Yi, Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists (KSEG); Gyesoon Park, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Soocheol Jeong

10:45 AM .... Application of 3D marine CSEM finite-element forward modeling to hydrocarbon exploration in the Flemish Pass Basin offshore Newfoundland, Canada (EM 2.6) Michael Dunham, Seyedmasoud Ansari, and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael Dunham

11:10 AM .... 3D near-surface velocity model building by joint seismic-airborne EM inversion (EM 2.7) Guy Marquis, Shell International E&P; Weizhong Wang, and Jide Ogunbo, GeoTomo LLC (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Guy Marquis

11:35 AM .... Seismic-airborne TEM joint inversion for near-surface velocity modeling in a complex wadi (EM 2.8) Daniele Colombo, Diego Rovetta, Ersan Turkoglu,

Gary McNeice, Ernesto Sandoval Curiel, and Armando Sena, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daniele Colombo

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016FWI 6 Case Study 2Session Chairs: Nizar Chemingui and Xuri Huang Location: Room D162/164Synopsis: Applications of FWI to carbonate reservoirs and FWI using wide-azimuth data.

8:00 AM ...... Multiparameter acoustic FWI: Marine carbonates case study (FWI 6.1) Fakhreddine Landolsi, Total E&P Research and Technology USA; Bertrand Duquet, Total SA; Christian Rivera, and Elies Bergounioux, Total E&P France (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fakhreddine Landolsi

8:25 AM ...... Efficiently using full-waveform inversion in the velocity model building flow (FWI 6.2) Denes Vigh, Kun Jiao, Xin Cheng, Dong Sun, and Jerry Kapoor, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Denes Vigh

8:50 AM ...... Dynamic-warping full-waveform inversion to overcome cycle skipping (FWI 6.3) Min Wang, Yi Xie, Wei Quan Xu, Fong Cheen Loh, Kefeng Xin, and Boon Leng Chuah, CGG; Ted Manning, and Simon Wolfarth, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Min Wang

9:15 AM ...... An optimal transport distance for full-waveform inversion: Application to the 2014 Chevron benchmark data set (FWI 6.4) Ludovic Metivier, UGA, CNRS; Romain Brossier and Edouard Oudet, UGA; Quentin Mérigot, Université Paris–Dauphine; Jean Virieux, ISTerre University Joseph Fourier (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Romain Brossier

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... WAZ OBC data velocity model building using FWI: New technologies to resolve imaging challenges, Gulf of Mexico shelf, Bay Marchand Field (FWI 6.5) Nathaniel Cockrell, Khaled Abdelaziz, Kun Jiao, Adrian Montgomery, David Dangle, Pal Kristiansen, and Denes Vigh, Schlumberger WesternGeco; Kai Zhang, Robert Shank, and King Lee, Chevron Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nathaniel Cockrell

10:45 AM .... Orthorhombic full-waveform inversion for wide-azimuth data imaging (FWI 6.6) Yi Xie, Ziqiang Zhou, Jiangtao Hu, Lei Xu, and Nina Lin, CGG; Bin Zhou, CNOOC – China National Offshore Oil Corp–Guangzhou; Xiaodong Wu, CGG Singapore; Zhiliang Wang, CNOOC – China National Offshore Oil Corp (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Yi Xie

11:10 AM .... FWI and PSDM of tunnel valleys in the southern part of the Nowegian North Sea (FWI 6.7) M. Bell, Hui Fan, and Chantelle Yhap, Geokinetics; Borge Rosland, Skagen44 (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Hui Fan

11:35 AM .... Attenuation or local wavefield amplification in the gas cloud? (FWI 6.8) Srichand Prajapati, Centre for Seismic Imaging (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Srichand Prajapati

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


7 0 7 1

SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016RP 4 Rock Characterization - Measurements and ModelsSession Chairs: Jingjing Zong and Anders Drage Location: Room D167Synopsis: Characterization of heterogeneous porous rocks through measurements and modeling.

8:00 AM ...... 4D synchrotron X-ray computed tomography as a tool for petroleum industry: Actual and future perspectives for the Brazilian synchrotron light source (RP 4.1) Nathaly Archilha, Francis O’Dowd, Gabriel Moreno, and Eduardo Miqueles, Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Nathaly Archilha

8:25 AM ...... Multiphysics modeling of carbonates calibrated with NMR and micro-CT (RP 4.2) Alireza Shahin, Micheal Myers, and Lori Hathon, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Alireza Shahin

8:50 AM ...... Experimental rock physics under micro-CT (RP 4.3) Nicola Tisato, University of Texas–Austin; Qi Zhao and Giovanni Grasselli, University of Toronto (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nicola Tisato

9:15 AM ...... Computation of effective elastic properties from digital images without segmentation (RP 4.4) Nicola Tisato and Kyle Spikes, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Nicola Tisato

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Ultrasonic anisotropic P-wave attenuation of shales under elevated pressures (RP 4.5) Liwei Ou and Manika Prasad, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Liwei Ou

10:45 AM .... Acoustic-emission geomechanics characterization of laboratory hydraulic fracturing (RP 4.6) Shawn Maxwell, Sebastian Goodfellow, Byungtark Lee, and Mark Mack, IMaGE; R. Young, University of Toronto (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shawn Maxwell

11:10 AM .... Permeability dependence of porosity and P-wave velocity in carbonate rocks (RP 4.7) Grazielle Oliveira, Marco Ceia, Roseane Missagia, and Victor Santos, North Fluminense State University (UENF); Irineu Lima Neto, Fundenor (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Grazielle Oliveira

11:35 AM .... Building a rock physics model for a carbonate reservoir in Saudi Arabia: Case study (RP 4.8) Omar Afif, Saudi Aramco; Jack Dvorkin, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Omar Afif

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SI 4 Theory and UncertaintySession Chairs: Michael Perrone and Robert Meek Location: Room C155Synopsis: The estimation of earth parameters is not exact. New methods of quantifying the uncertainty are examined as well as new approaches to seismic inversion.

8:00 AM ....... Application of LCSSI method in elastic impedance inversion based on orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm (SI 4.1) Guang Chen, Hui Zhou, Mingdi Liu, Yonghui Tao, and Haiyang Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Guang Chen

8:25 AM ....... Time-frequency analysis-based directional deconvolution through inversion (SI 4.2) Zi Liu, Guofa Li, Wei Wang, and Xiaolong Yin, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zi Liu

8:50 AM ....... Seismic inversion and uncertainty analysis using a transdimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo method (SI 4.3) Dehan Zhu and Richard Gibson, Texas A&M University (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Dehan Zhu

9:15 AM ....... Geostatistical seismic inversion for nonstationary patterns using direct sequential simulation and cosimulation (SI 4.4) Hamid Sabeti, Petroleum Group, CERENA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; Ali Moradzadeh and Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, School of Mining, College of Engineering, University of Tehran; Leonardo Azevedo, Pedro Pereira, and Ruben Nunes, Amilcar Soares, Petroleum Group, CERENA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hamid Sabeti

9:40 - 10:20 AM ..... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Robust elastic impedance inversion based on L1-norm misfit function and regularization (SI 4.5) Xinpeng Pan, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xinpeng Pan

10:45 AM ..... A two-stage Markov chain Monte Carlo method for velocity estimation and uncertainty quantification (SI 4.6) Georgia Stuart, Weihua Yang, Susan Minkoff, and Felipe Pereira, University of Texas–Dallas (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Georgia Stuart

11:10 AM ..... 2D random medium inversion algorithm using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm (SI 4.7) Zhiwei Xu and Peimin Zhu, China University of Geosciences–Wuhan (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhiwei Xu

11:35 AM ..... Three term AVO approximation of Kf-fm-r and prestack seismic inversion for deep reservoir (SI 4.8) Huixin Wang, Xingyao Yin, and Cao Danping, China University of Petroleum; Qijie Zhou, and Wenguo Sun, School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Huixin Wang

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016INT 4 Case HistoriesSession Chairs: Bernard Laugier and Jeremy Greene Location: Room D170/172Synopsis: Case histories from both clastic and carbonate environment illustrating workflows and techniques used to better reach the geologic objective.

8:00 AM ....... Linear velocity model limitations revealed by geological analysis of a tomographic velocity model (INT 4.1) Alan Atkinson, AA Geophysical Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Alan Atkinson

8:25 AM ....... Pitfalls in poststack data conditioning: Distinguishing enhanced geology from enhanced artifacts (INT 4.2) Bryce Hutchinson, Jie Qi, Fangyu Li, Oluwatobi Olorunsola, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Bryce Hutchinson

8:50 AM ....... Arctic glacial deposits: A comprehensive 2D seismic processing and interpretation workflow (INT 4.3) Thang Ha, University of Oklahoma; Moohee Kang, KIGAM - EBSCO Korea (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Thang Ha

9:15 AM ....... Geologically constrained PSTM and PSDM workflows for frontier areas exploration (INT 4.4) Milos Cvetkovic, Spectrum Geo Inc; Chris Benson and Paolo Esestime, Spectrum Geo Ltd (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Milos Cvetkovic

9:40 - 10:20 AM ..... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Integrated workflow for shallow hazard detection using imaging, inversion, pore-pressure prediction, and interpretation on 3D seismic data (INT 4.5) Bhaskar Deo, Dianna Shelander, Krishna Ramani, Tarek Nafie, Caleb Jennings, Mohamed Afia, Mohamed Sheneshen, Hany Hussein, and Nader Dutta, Schlumberger; Rajiv Srivastava, Rakesh Kumar, Tarlochan Singh, and Basant Pradhan, ONGC Videsh Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Dianna Shelander

10:45 AM ..... Control of marine geothermal field on the occurrence of gas hydrates in northern South China Sea (INT 4.6) Zhifeng Wan and Xianqing Wang, Sun Yat-sen University; Xing Xu, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey; Haoran Guo, Texas A&M University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhifeng Wan

11:10 AM ..... Recognition of minor faults in carbonate rock reservoirs (INT 4.7) Yugang Hong and Younane Abousleiman, University of Oklahoma; Lu Lize, Jiang Liping, and Yang Tao, Chengdu Research Center, Zhenhua Oil; Dian Wang, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yugang Hong

11:35 AM ..... Control modes of multi-type strike-slip fault systems on fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir development (INT 4.8) Jianwei Zhang, Peiling Ma, Yonglei Liu, Ling Dongming, Xiangwen Li, Luo Xin, Li Shuzhen, Bo Xu, Li Haifeng, He Yingfu, Xiongfei Wang, Li Zhenzhou, Lei Wang, and Wang Leli, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jianwei Zhang

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016RC 4 Inversion 2Session Chairs: Boris Gurevich and Yuefeng Sun Location: Room C156Synopsis: Inversion related reservoir characterization papers.

8:00 AM ...... Predication of super thin reservoir based on geostatistical inversion (RC 4.1) Hongtao Shen, Dehai Qin, and Dongjia Hou, Bohai Petroleum Research Institute, Tianjin Branch of CNOOC Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hongtao Shen

8:25 AM ...... Stochastic inversion of elastic impedance based on simulated annealing genetic algorithm (RC 4.2) Chanjuan Liu, Xingyao Yin, and Baoli Wang, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chanjuan Liu

8:50 AM ...... An efficient method of fluid discrimination using Poisson impedance and multiattribute inversion (RC 4.3) Jun Ming and Dehai Qin, CNOOC (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jun Ming

9:15 AM ...... Quantitative interpretation using facies-based seismic inversion (RC 4.4) Ehsan Zabihi Naeini, Ikon Science; Russell Exley, Summit Exploration & Production Ltd (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ehsan Zabihi Naeini

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Rock physics based facies classification from seismic-inversion results in unconventional reservoirs (RC 4.5) Zakir Hossain and Stefano Volterrani, ION (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Zakir Hossain

10:45 AM .... Geostatistical inversion of prestack seismic data for the joint estimation of facies and seismic velocities using stochastic sampling from Gaussian mixture posterior distributions (RC 4.6) Xiaozheng Lang, University of Wyoming; Dario Grana, Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xiaozheng Lang

11:10 AM .... Integration of uncertain well-log data into geostatistical seismic inversion (RC 4.7) Pedro Pereira, University of Lisbon; Fernando Bordignon, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Ruben Nunes, Leonardo Azevedo, and Amilcar Soares, Instituto Superior Técnico (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pedro Pereira

11:35 AM .... Combined AVO simultaneous inversion and rock physics inversion to characterize reservoir properties of a tight lithological reservoir (RC 4.8) Baohai Wu and Xiong Xiong, Kerogen Energy Services LLC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tian Lin

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SM 2 Rock Physics ApplicationsSession Chairs: Jeffrey Shragge and Yunyue Li Location: Room D161Synopsis: The session will give an insight to recent developments in the overlapping field of seismic modeling and rock physics.

8:00 AM ....... A rational series approach for solving poroelastic wave equation with dynamic permeability (SM 2.1) Zhao Li, Donald Kouri, and Evgeny Chesnokov, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhao Li

8:25 AM ....... Modeling scattering of crosswell seismic waves using radiative transfer theory (SM 2.2) Josimar Da Silva, Oleg Poliannikov, and Michael Fehler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Josimar Da Silva

8:50 AM ....... Propagation of wave in a viscous fluid-saturated porous solid and study of reflection and transmission from a boundary (SM 2.3) Wei Gao, China National Offshore Oilfield Corporation (CNOOC) Ltd–Tianjin Branch (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wei Gao

9:15 AM ....... Numerical modeling of seismic-wave propagation through fractures with nonuniform height and density in 3D (SM 2.4) Han Liu, Mrinal Sen, and Kyle Spikes, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Han Liu

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... The fractured calcilutite reservoir modeling and seismic wavefield propagation characteristics (SM 2.5) Zhiwen Deng, Xuming Bai, Shenghui Yuan, Ruizhen Wang, Jingguo Chen, and Xiaodong Wang, BGP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xuming Bai

10:45 AM ..... Sensitivity of seismic attenuation and phase velocity to intrinsic background anisotropy in fractured low-permeability formations (SM 2.6) Nicolas Barbosa, Eva Caspari, and Klaus Holliger, University of Lausanne; Germán Rubino, University of Western Ontario (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Nicolas Barbosa

11:10 AM ..... Source simulation for 3D poroelastic wave equation using finite-difference method (SM 2.7) Yijie Zhang and Jinghuai Gao, Xi’an Jiaotong University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yijie Zhang

11:35 AM ..... Using rock physics to improve Qp quantification in seismic data (SM 2.8) Yi Shen and Jack Dvorkin, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yi Shen

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SPIR 1 Seismic Data Reconstruction 1Session Chairs: Josef Paffenholz and Kenneth Stanton Location: Room D166Synopsis: This session contains novel seismic data reconstruction methods with fast and efficient industrial implementation of interpolation algorithms.

8:00 AM ...... Fast scattered data gridding (SPIR 1.1) Hongtao Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sergey Fomel

8:25 AM ...... Fast and memory-efficient singular spectrum analysis for seismic data reconstruction and denoising (SPIR 1.2) Jinkun Cheng and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jinkun Cheng

8:50 AM ...... High-resolution recursive stacking using plane-wave construction (SPIR 1.3) Kelly Regimbal and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kelly Regimbal

9:15 AM ...... Damped rank-reduction method for simultaneous denoising and reconstruction of 5D seismic data (SPIR 1.4) Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Dong Zhang, Weilin Huang, and Shaohuan Zu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Zhaoyu Jin, University of Edinburgh; Wei Chen, Yangtze University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Yangkang Chen

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Multidimensional seismic data reconstruction with multiple constraints (SPIR 1.5) Dong Zhang and Shuwei Gan, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Yangkang Chen

10:45 AM .... Multicomponent seismic reconstruction via modified inner product operator and weighted k-SVD (SPIR 1.6) Sian Hou, Feng Zhang, and Xiangyang Li, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sian Hou

11:10 AM .... Interpolation and regularization with the 3D CRS operator (SPIR 1.7) Yujiang Xie, Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg; Dirk Gajewski, Universität Hamburg (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yujiang Xie

11:35 AM .... Overcoming limitations of sparse spatial sampling and irregularity in 3D OBC seismic data (SPIR 1.8) Shotaro Nakayama, ADMA-OPCO; Glenn Kyaw Nyein, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shotaro Nakayama

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SPMI 4 Diffraction and Nonspecular Imaging and Sim SourcesSession Chairs: Carl Notfors and Richard Verm Location: Room D171/173Synopsis: Imaging and enhancing images of small-scale features in the subsurface. Application of migration methods to simultaneous source data.

8:00 AM ...... Super-resolution least-squares Kirchhoff prestack migration (SPMI 4.1) Shaojiang Wu, Yibo Wang and Xu Chang, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS; Yue Ma, ARAMCO Beijing Research Center, Aramco Asia (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shaojiang Wu

8:25 AM ...... How scatterings from small-scale near-surface heterogeneities affecting seismic data and the quality of depth image, analysis based on seismic resolution (SPMI 4.2) Xiao-Bi Xie, University of California–Santa Cruz; Hongxiao Ning, BGP, Inc; Bo Chen, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiao-Bi Xie

8:50 AM ...... A diffraction imaging method driven by antistationary phase Gaussian beam migration (SPMI 4.3) Peijun Liu, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Peijun Liu

9:15 AM ...... Diffraction imaging using azimuthal plane-wave destruction (SPMI 4.4) Dmitrii Merzlikin and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin; Andrej Bona, Curtin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Dmitry Merzlikin

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Enhancing stratigraphic and structural features in RTM-images employing phase crosscorrelation (SPMI 4.5) Jesse Costa, Federal University of Para; Walter Medeiros, Univ Fed Rio Grande do Norte; Martin Schimmel, Intitut de Ciencias de La Tierra Jaume Almera (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jesse Costa

10:45 AM .... Least-squares path-integral diffraction imaging using sparsity constraints (SPMI 4.6) Dmitrii Merzlikin and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Dmitry Merzlikin

11:10 AM .... Removing simultaneous source crosstalk with reverse time migration (SPMI 4.7) Clara Castellanos, Robin Fletcher, Ian Moore, and Craig Beasley, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Clara Castellanos

11:35 AM .... Preserving the discontinuities in least-squares reverse time migration of simultaneous-source data (SPMI 4.8) Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Kui Xiang, Hanming Chen, and Xiaohong Chen, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Yangkang Chen

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SPNA 4 Broadband DeghostingSession Chairs: Ping Wang and Bjorn Olofsson Location: Room C140Synopsis: Methodologies and examples of deghosting for broadband data.

8:00 AM ....... Wave height guided multishot receiver deghosting (SPNA 4.1) Gordon Poole, and Simon King, CGG (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Simon King

8:25 AM ....... 2D Green’s theorem receiver deghosting in the (x-omega) domain using a depth-variable cable towards on-shore and ocean-bottom application with variable topography (SPNA 4.2) Zhen Zhang and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhen Zhang

8:50 AM ....... Adaptive receiver deghosting for deep-tow pressure data (SPNA 4.3) Mehdi Aharchaou and John Anderson, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mehdi Aharchaou

9:15 AM ....... Broadband processing of 3D towed streamer data: A critical analysis of 2D and 3D plane-wave decomposition (SPNA 4.4) Hassan Masoomzadeh and Anthony Hardwick, TGS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hassan Masoomzadeh

9:40 - 10:20 AM ..... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Predicting deghosted reflection data for both pressure and multicomponent displacements at the ocean bottom (SPNA 4.5) Jing Wu and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jing Wu

10:45 AM ..... Phase-driven deghosting of slanted and horizontal streamer data (SPNA 4.6) Zheng-Zheng Zhou, BGP International, Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Zheng-Zheng Zhou

11:10 AM ..... Beamlet-domain premigration deghosting on variable-depth streamer seismic data (SPNA 4.7) Bangyu Wu, Guowei Zhang, Qingbao Zhou, and Jinghuai Gao, Xi’an Jiaotong University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Bangyu Wu

11:35 AM ..... The significance and impact of incorporating a 3D point source in Green’s theorem deghosting (SPNA 4.8) Xinglu Lin and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xinglu Lin

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


7 4 7 5

SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







11:35 AM .... Retrieval of near-surface properties of martian regolith using under-sampled repeating hammer source during the 2018 insight mission (SS 7.8) Sharon Kedar, Aaron Kiely, Troy Hudson, and Matthew Golombek, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Sharon Kedar

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SVE 2 TheorySession Chairs: Ruben Martinez and Raymond Abma Location: Room C142Synopsis: A selection of papers focusing on theoretical advances in velocity estimation.

8:00 AM ...... Adjoint stereotomography (SVE 2.1) Borhan Tavakolifaradonbeh and Alessandra Ribodetti, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis; Stephane Operto, CNRS Geosciences Azur; Jean Virieux, ISTerre University Joseph Fourier (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Borhan Tavakolifaradonbeh

8:25 AM ...... Inversion velocity analysis via approximate born inversion (SVE 2.2) Jie Hou and William Symes, Rice University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jie Hou

8:50 AM ...... The time delay exploding reflector method: An efficient approach to scenario testing and WEMVA (SVE 2.3) Mark Roberts, Waveseis (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Mark Roberts

9:15 AM ...... Full traveltime inversion (SVE 2.4) Yue Ma, Yan Wu, and Lei Cao, Aramco Beiijing Research Center; Yi Luo, Saudi Aramco; Hongwei Liu, EXPEC Advanced Research Center (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Yan Wu

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Interactive kinematic image processing (SVE 2.5) Pierre Hardy, Total, S.A. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pierre Hardy

10:45 AM .... Improving the resolution of wavefront tomography by utilizing diffractions (SVE 2.6) Alexander Bauer, Benjamin Schwarz, and Dirk Gajewski, University of Hamburg (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Alexander Bauer

11:10 AM .... Sensitivity kernel-based tomography using RTM angle image gathers in VTI media (SVE 2.7) Fan Xia, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fan Xia

11:35 AM .... Robust time-domain migration velocity analysis for initial-model building in a full-waveform tomography workflow (SVE 2.8) Henrique B. Santos, Joerg Schleicher, and Maria Amelia Schleicher, UNICAMP & INCT-GP; André Kurzmann and Thomas Bohlen, KIT (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Henrique B. Santos

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016TL 1 Case Studies and GeomechanicsSession Chairs: Cengiz Esmersoy and Colin MacBeth Location: Room C146Synopsis: Case studies from around the world. Geomechanics in TL studies.

8:00 AM ...... Offset-dependence of production-related 4D time shifts: Real data examples and modeling (TL 1.1) Asiya Kudarova, Shell Global Solutions International B.V.; Paul Hatchell and Jonathan Brain, Shell Global; Colin Macbeth, Heriot-Watt University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Paul Hatchell

8:25 AM ...... Prudhoe Bay reservoir model: Making the link between seismic and borehole data to gravity, electrical, and EM method (TL 1.2) Richard Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Li, and Anya Reitz, Colorado School of Mines; Sean Wagner, BP; Jon Konkler, Petrotechnical Resources of Alaska (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Richard Krahenbuhl

8:50 AM ...... Processing and repeatability of 4D buried receiver data in a desert environment (TL 1.3) Andrey Bakulin, Robert Smith, Michael Jervis, Christos Saragiotis, Emad Al-Hemyari, and Abdullah Alramadhan, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrey Bakulin

9:15 AM ...... First application of two multisensor towed-streamer acquisition systems for broadband 4D analysis: Case study from offshore Angola (TL 1.4) Patrick Charron, Enrico Zamboni, and Salvador Pou Palome, Total S.A.; Patrick Smith, Chris Cunnell, David Solorio, and Monika Wilk-Lopes, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Patrick Charron

9:40 - 10:20AM ..... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Drilling and 4D seismic calibrated geomechanical model: Enabling extended-reach drilling well design in complex subsalt GOM play (TL 1.5) Farid Mohamed, Schlumberger; Goke Akinniranye, K&M Technology; Zhao Chad Kong, Samarjit Chakraborty, Christopher Walker, Vasudev Singh, and Martin Albertin, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Farid Mohamed

10:45 AM .... Advanced subsalt imaging results and 4D seismic design evaluation, deep-offshore West Africa (TL 1.6) Constantin Gerea, Statoil; Hugues Baudon, Julien Colonge, Raphael Lencrerot, and Philippe Solans, Total (INT. AUD.:5) Speaker: Constantin Gerea

11:10 AM .... Understanding a 4D geomechanical model for time-lapse seismic calibration (TL 1.7) David Price, Doug Angus, and Samuel Parsons, University of Leeds (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: David Price

11:35 AM .... Validating 4D seismic with reservoir surveillance data: A practical example Offshore Equatorial Guinea, West Africa (TL 1.8) Chance Amos, Prabhdeep Sekhon, Mosab Nasser, and Jaime Casasus-Bribian, Hess Corporation (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chance Amos

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SS 6 Injection-induced SeismicitySession Chairs: Azra Tutuncu and Jacques Leveille Location: Room C144/145Synopsis: Recent research on injection-induced seismicity and its relation to stimulation, production, enhanced recovery, wastewater injection, fluid storage, and geothermal activities are covered in this special session.

8:00 AM ....... Performance test of the Seismogenic index model for forecasting magnitude distributions of fluid-injection-induced seismicity (SS 6.1) Carsten Dinske and Serge Shapiro, Freie Universität Berlin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Carsten Dinske

8:25 AM ....... An efficient repeating signal detector to detect and characterize induced seismicity (SS 6.2) Robert Skoumal, Michael Brudzinski, and Brian Currie, Miami University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Robert Skoumal

8:50 AM ....... Induced-seismicity monitoring: Broadband seismometers and geophone comparison (SS 6.3) Emrah Yenier, Nanometrics, Inc; Michael Laporte and Dario Baturan, Nanometrics Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Dario Baturan

9:15 AM ....... Patterns of induced seismicity in central and northwest Oklahoma (SS 6.4) Jeremy Boak, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Jeremy Boak

9:40 - 10:20AM ..... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Using depletion-zone microseismicity to understand producing volumes (SS 6.5) Jon McKenna, Michael Grealy, Mike Blaz, and Nathan Toohey, MicroSeismic, Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Jon McKenna

10:45 AM ..... Waveform-based Bayesian full moment tensor inversion and uncertainty quantification of the induced seismicity using a surface network in an oil/gas field in Oman (SS 6.6) Chen Gu, M. Toksoz, and Youssef Marzouk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Chen Gu

11:10 AM ..... Rate and state flow and deformation simulation of microseismicity with elastic emission wavefield synthesis (SS 6.7) Matthew McChesney, Susan Minkoff, and George McMechan, University of Texas–Dallas (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Matthew McChesney

11:35 AM ..... Scaling of seismicity induced after injection stop to better understand hydraulic fracturing processes (SS 6.8) Lisa Johann, Carsten Dinske, and Serge Shapiro, Freie Universitat Berlin (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Lisa Johann

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SS 7 Humanitarian GeophysicsSession Chairs: Louise Pellerin and Koya Suto Location: Room C147/154Synopsis: This special session will highlight case studies where humanitarian problems are approached from a geophysics perspective and how various geophysical methods can be utilized to address humanitarian need.

8:00 AM ...... An application of MASW survey to landslide risk area in Valjevo, Serbia (SS 7.1) Koya Suto, Terra Australis Geophysica Pty Ltd (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Koya Suto

8:25 AM ...... Locating and characterizing burials using 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) at the historic Mueschke Cemetery, Houston, Texas (SS 7.2) Azie Aziz, Robert Stewart, and Susan Green, University of Houston; Janet Flores, Lone Star College–North Harris Campus (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Azie Aziz

8:50 AM ...... Geophysical prospection over a tumulus in northern Greece using ground-penetrating radar and the historical and political importance of the findings (SS 7.3) Michael Arvanitis, Geophysical Survey Systems Inc. (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Michael Arvanitis

9:15 AM ...... Archaeological investigation of the San Marcos Pueblo, NM by the summer of applied geophysical experience (SS 7.4) Louise Pellerin, Green Geophysics, Inc; John Ferguson, University of Texas–Dallas; Darcy McPhee, US Geological Survey (USGS); Andrea Creighton, University of Wyoming; Gillian Goldhagen, SUNY–Binghamton; Matthew Skakun, San Diego State University; Daniela Farrugia, University of Malta (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Gillian Goldhagen

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Hydro/engineering shallow geophysical investigation for sustainable development in Ras Muhammed National Park, Sinai, Egypt (SS 7.5) Mohamed Khalil and Sherif Hanafy, Cairo University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mohamed Khalil

10:45 AM .... Saline hot spring in Krabi, Thailand: A unique geothermal system (SS 7.6) Wipada Ngansom and Helmut Dürrast, Prince of Songkla University (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Maytipa Phalakarn

11:10 AM .... Active and passive seismic monitoring of gas-induced fracturing (SS 7.7) Hansruedi Maurer, ETH Zurich; Thomas Spillmann and Paul Marschall, Nagra (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hansruedi Maurer

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WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016ACQ 4 Land Acquisition 2Session Chairs: Jason Criss and James (Tom) Thomas Location: Room D163/165Synopsis: Land seismic data acquisition concepts and case studies.

1:30 PM ...... Results from a large field test using 2D ring arrays to address backscattered surface noise in land seismic acquisition (ACQ 4.1) Christof Stork, Carolyn Dingus, Nick Bernitsas, and David Flentge, ION Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Christof Stork

1:55 PM ...... High-density 3D-nodal seismic acquisition in sub-Andean Mountains: An operational challenge (ACQ 4.2) Juan Uribe, Roberto Parrado, Luis Rodriguez, Nestor Sanabria, and Pedro Munoz, REPSOL (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Juan Uribe

2:20 PM ...... Suppression and amplification effects of array pattern to near-surface scattered waves (ACQ 4.3) Hongxiao Ning, Donglei Tang, Baohua Yu, Haili Wang, and Yanhong Zhang, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hongxiao Ning

2:45 PM ...... Reducing the operational cost of seismic vibrators (ACQ 4.4) Nicolas Tellier and Jean-Jacques Postel, Sercel (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jean-Jacques Postel

3:10 PM ...... Effects of wind noise on high-density seismic data and its field operation methods (ACQ 4.5) Yongguo Wu and Fengzhi Liu, Chengdu University of Technology; Yongqing He, BGP, Inc; Wuhai Yin and Jie Hu, Southwest Petroleum University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yongguo Wu

3:35 PM ...... The broadband response of a displacement sensor (ACQ 4.6) Elio Poggiagliolmi, Entec it; Aldo Vesnaver, Petroleum Institute Abu Dhabi; Flavio Accaino, OGS - Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Elio Poggiagliolmi

4:00 PM ...... Land broadband seismic exploration based on adaptive vibroseis (ACQ 4.7) Xianzheng Zhao, Xishuang Wang, Ruifeng Zhang, and Chuanzhang Tang, PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company; Zhikai Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhikai Wang

4:25 PM ...... Initial 3-C–2D surface seismic and walkaway VSP results from the 2015 Brooks SuperCable experiment (ACQ 4.8) Kevin Hall, Helen Isaac, Joe Wong, Kevin Bertram, and Malcolm Bertram, CREWES/University of Calgary; Donald Lawton, CaMI, CREWES/University of Calgary; Xuewei Bao and David Eaton, MIC/University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kevin Hall

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016BG 3 Borehole Resistivity Measurements, Analyses and ModelingSession Chairs: Teruhiko Hagiwara and Michel Verliac Location: Room D168Synopsis: Borehole measurements, processing, analyses and resistivity modeling.

1:30 PM ...... Direct determination of dip and anisotropy using triaxial electric dipole logging (BG 3.1) Teruhiko Hagiwara, Aramco Services Company (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Teruhiko Hagiwara

1:55 PM ...... Rapid simulation of resistivity well logging using a hybridization of semianalytical and conventional finite-element schemes (BG 3.2) Shubin Zeng and Jiefu Chen, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shubin Zeng

2:20 PM ...... Fracture extraction from FMI based on multiscale mathematical morphology (BG 3.3) Xining Li, Jinsong Shen, Zhongmin Zhu, and Lei Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Zhenling Li, Huabei Divison of China Petroleum Logging Co Ltd (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xining Li

2:45 PM ...... Effect of crossbedding on triaxial induction measurements in high angle and horizontal wells (BG 3.4) Gong Li Wang and Aria Abubakar, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Aria Abubakar

3:10 PM ...... Resolving azimuthal ambiguity in borehole imaging using a 3D borehole RTM scheme (BG 3.5) Junxiao Li, Kristopher Innanen, and Laurence Lines, University of Calgary; Guo Tao, The Petroleum Institute (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Junxiao Li

3:35 PM ...... Total variation denoising of azimuthal resistivity inversion in geosteering (BG 3.6) Qiuyang Shen, Jiefu Chen, and Zhu Han, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qiuyang Shen

4:00 PM ...... Inversion-based interpretation of 3D borehole directional resistivity measurements acquired in high-angle and horizontal wells (BG 3.7) Vladimir Puzyrev, formerly Barcelona Supercomputing Center, presently Curtin University; Carlos Torres-Verdín, University of Texas at Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Vladimir Puzyrev

4:25 PM ...... A novel formation model for electromagnetic telemetry including surface and innovative casing antenna system (BG 3.8) Qiuzhao Dong, Weatherford International; Jiefu Chen, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qiuzhao Dong

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016EM 3 Monitoring Production ProcessesSession Chairs: Liam O’Suilleabhain and Louise Pellerin Location: Room D174Synopsis: The talks in this session focus on either imaging reservoir or mineral extraction process using surface and/or borehole DC resistivity and EM measurements, or modeling aspects of infrastructure such as steel well casings that need to be properly handled in order to interpret the data. The first four talks focus on using DC resistivity methods, and the second four on EM techniques.

1:30 PM ...... 3D DC resistivity modeling of steel casing for reservoir monitoring using equivalent resistor network (EM 3.1) Dikun Yang, Douglas Oldenburg, and Lindsey Heagy, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Dikun Yang

1:55 PM ...... Application of sensitivity analysis in DC resistivity monitoring of SAGD steam chambers (EM 3.2) Sarah Devriese and Douglas Oldenburg, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sarah Devriese

2:20 PM ...... Experiment design study in 3D DC resistivity: Adjoint sensitivities in a horizontal steel-cased borehole (EM 3.3) Chester Weiss, Hunter Knox, and David Aldridge, Sandia National Laboratories (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chester Weiss

2:45 PM ...... A statistical-data quality-control methodology for large, nonconventional DC resistivity data sets (EM 3.4) Michael Mitchell and Douglas Oldenburg, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael Mitchell

3:10 PM ...... Efficient 3D parametric inversion of hydraulic fractures with low-frequency borehole triaxial electromagnetic measurements (EM 3.5) Kai Yang, Ali Yilmaz, and Carlos Torres-Verdín, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Carlos Torres-Verdín

3:35 PM ...... Modeling electromagnetic fields in the presence of casing (EM 3.6) Eldad Haber, Christoph Schwarzbach, and Roman Shekhtman, UBC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Eldad Haber

4:00 PM ...... From exploration to reclamation: Using EM methods at SAGD sites in the Athabasca oil sands (EM 3.7) Sarah Devriese and Douglas Oldenburg, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sarah Devriese

4:25 PM ...... Time-lapse CSEM reservoir monitoring of the Norne field with vertical dipoles (EM 3.8) Terje Holten and Stefan Helwig, Petromarker; Xiaodong Luo, Iris (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Geir Nævdal

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016FWI 7 Time-Lapse and Joint InversionSession Chairs: Yang Liu and Yaping Zhu Location: Room D162/164Synopsis: Applications of time-lapse FWI to permanent reservoir monitoring; FWI with joint modeling and inversion.

1:30 PM ...... Time-lapse full-waveform inversion applied to permanent reservoir monitoring data from Grane, a Norwegian North Sea field (FWI 7.1) Severine Pannetier Lescoffit and Marianne Houbiers, Statoil ASA; Cris Henstock, Erik Hicks, and Karl-Magnus Nilsen, CGG; Henning Hoeber, Andrew Ratcliffe, and Vetle Vinje, CGG (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Severine Pannetier Lescoffit

1:55 PM ...... Joint reparametrized time-lapse full-waveform inversion (FWI 7.2) Wubshet Alemie and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wubshet Alemie

2:20 PM ...... Practical waveform inversion in anisotropic media: The natural combination of the data and image objectives (FWI 7.3) Tariq Alkhalifah and Zedong Wu, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Tariq Alkhalifah

2:45 PM ...... Combining wave-equation migration velocity analysis and full-waveform inversion for improved 3D elastic parameter estimation (FWI 7.4) Espen Birger Raknes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Wiktor Weibull, University of Stavanger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Espen Birger Raknes

3:10 PM ...... Joint inversion of velocity and density in preserved-amplitude full-waveform inversion (FWI 7.5) Botao Qin and Gilles Lambare, CGG (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Botao Qin

3:35 PM ...... Prestack full-waveform inversion constrained and joint modeling method and its application (FWI 7.6) Wang Xi-Ping, Wang Zhen-Tao, Shen Guo-Qiang, and Wang Yu-Mei, Geophysical Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wang Xi-Ping

4:00 PM ...... Prestack multiwave joint inversion for Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio based on stochastic kriging interpolation (FWI 7.7) Bo Yu, Hui Zhou, Xiaofeng Zou, Shaohuan Zu, Ning Wang, and Shucheng Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Bo Yu

4:25 PM ...... High-fidelity full-waveform inversion with an initial velocity model from multiple wells interpolation (FWI 7.8) Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Kui Xiang, Hanming Chen, and Xiaohong Chen, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yangkang Chen

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016INT 5 Chronostratigraphy and Interpretation Methods for DHISession Chairs: Geoffrey Dorn and Thomas Davis Location: Room C140Synopsis: The first half of this session has case history and workflow papers concerning chronostratigraphy, seismic sedimentology, and depositional history. The second half transitions to interpretation methods for direct hydrocarbon detection.

1:30 PM ...... Reservoir-scale chronostratigraphic significance of seismic reflections of a strongly prograding shelf margin: 3D outcrop-constrained seismic models (INT 5.1) Yawen He, Charles Kerans, Hongliu Zeng, and Xavier Janson, University of Texas–Austin; Sam Z. Scott, Whiting Petroleum Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yawen He

1:55 PM ...... A new perspective to understand the control of sea level on carbonate pore structure by seismic inversion (INT 5.2) Qifei Huang and Yuefeng Sun, Texas A&M University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qifei Huang

2:20 PM ...... Seismic sedimentology characteristics of platform marginal shoal: A case from Mesopotamia Basin, Persian Basin (INT 5.3) Xingfang Liu, Guangcheng Xu, Limin Zhao, Tianxiang Duan, and Xueling Wang, RIPED, PetroChina (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xingfang Liu

2:45 PM ...... Determining depositional history through use of cognitive interpretation workflows (INT 5.4) Ryan Williams and Rachael Moore, GeoTeric (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rachael Moore

3:10 PM ...... Phase decomposition as a hydrocarbon indicator: A case study (INT 5.5) Ramses Meza, BHP Billiton Petroleum; Gerard Haughey, BHP Billiton; John Castagna, University of Houston; Umberto Barbato and Oleg Portniaguine, Lumina Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Ramses Meza

3:35 PM ...... AVA compliant prestack spectral enhancement (INT 5.6) Arash Jafargandomi and Henning Hoeber, CGG (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Arash Jafargandomi

4:00 PM ...... Applications of low-frequency information in hydrocarbon detection: Two cases in Junggar and Tuha basins (INT 5.7) Fulei Li, Xiang Guo, Yong Deng, Liping Zhou, and Xiaohui Zhao, BGP, CNPC; Yu Baoli, China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Fulei Li

4:25 PM ...... Applicability study of difference frequency oil-gas detection technology (INT 5.8) Xiudi Jiang, CNOOC Research Institute (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiudi Jiang

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016INT 6 Case StudiesSession Chairs: Yang Xue and Christopher Thompson Location: Room D170/172Synopsis: Selection of primarily onshore case studies from Canada, United States, and China.

1:30 PM ...... New lower tertiary play trend identified in the west Orphan Basin, offshore Newfoundland (INT 6.1) Richard Wright, Ian Atkinson, James Carter, Deric Cameron, Erin Gillis, and Leona Stead, Nalcor Energy; Thomas Neugebauer, TGS; Jerry Witney, PGS; Michael Hall, and Daniel Hughes, Airbus D&S (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Richard Wright

1:55 PM ...... A multicomponent 3D seismic data study from an oil sands field, Alberta, Canada (INT 6.2) Bobby Gunning, Donald Lawton, and Helen Isaac, CREWES/University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bobby Gunning

2:20 PM ...... Seismic reservoir characterization of Duvernay shale with quantitative interpretation and induced seismicity considerations: A case study (INT 6.3) Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Sharma, TGS; Amit Ray, Reliance Industries Ltd; M. Hossein Nemati, Arcis Seismic Solutions, TGS; Ray Morin, Talisman Energy, Inc; Brian Schulte, Geokinetics Inc; David D’Amico, Repsol (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Satinder Chopra

2:45 PM ...... Seismic attribute illumination of the Moxa Arch: A probable site for carbon sequestration (INT 6.4) Sumit Verma, Erin Campbell-Stone, Hema Sharma, Subhashis Mallick, and Dario Grana, University of Wyoming (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Sumit Verma

3:10 PM ...... Multimeasurement exploration and interpretation in the southern Rocky Mountains (INT 6.5) Maria Velasco, Emmanuel Schnetzler, and David Alumbaugh, NEOS GeoSolutions (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Maria Velasco

3:35 PM ...... Multiattribute seismic-facies expressions of a complex granite wash formation: A Buffalo Wallow field illustration (INT 6.6) Oluwatobi Olorunsola, Jie Qi, Lennon Infante, Bryce Hutchinson, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Oluwatobi Olorunsola

4:00 PM ...... The low frequency analysis of petroliferous reservoirs in Bohai Bay Basin, China (INT 6.7) Guibao Liu, Petrochina (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Guibao Liu

4:25 PM ...... Frequency-division prestack time migration and its application in Tahe oilfield of China (INT 6.8) Xu Kai, Jinliang Tang, Shixing Wang, and Lin Zhang, SGRI; Yu Ji, Nanjing University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xu Kai

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016MS 1 AdvancesSession Chairs: Kristof De Meersman and Kenneth Stanton Location: Room D166Synopsis: Recent advances in rotation, processing, imaging, and interpretation of multicomponent seismic data.

1:30 PM ...... Orientation of multicomponent receivers via semblance analysis (MS 1.1) Paul E. Murray, FIP Geophysical Services; Gulia Popov and Bryan C. DeVault, Vecta Oil & Gas (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Paul E. Murray

1:55 PM ...... Converted-wave receiver statics in the tau-p domain (MS 1.2) Raul Cova, Xiucheng Wei, and Kristopher Albert Innanen, CREWES–University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Raul Cova

2:20 PM ...... Advances in rotational seismic measurements (MS 1.3) Bob Pierson and Darren Laughlin, Applied Technology Associates; Robert Brune, Consultant (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Bob Pierson

2:45 PM ...... Single-component elastic wavefield separation at the free surface using source- and receiver-side gradients (MS 1.4) David Sollberger, Cedric Schmelzbach, Cédéric Van Renterghem, Johan Robertsson, and Stewart Greenhalgh, Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: David Sollberger

3:10 PM ...... Multicomponent seismic data registration by nonlinear optimization: Part 1 (MS 1.5) Wenlei Gao and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wenlei Gao

3:35 PM ...... Collaborative deconvolution of PS-wave data: Part 2 (MS 1.6) Wenlei Gao and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wenlei Gao

4:00 PM ...... Event registration of converted-wave images using the inverted PS-wave section and dynamic time warping (MS 1.7) Zhikai Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhikai Wang

4:25 PM ...... Elastic least-squares reverse time migration (MS 1.8) Linan Xu, Aaron Stanton, and Mauricio Sacchi, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Linan Xu

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016NS 1 Applications and InnovationsSession Chairs: Michael Powers and Douglas Crice Location: Room C142Synopsis: Near-surface applications and advancements using a variety of seismic techniques.

1:30 PM ...... Fast matching pursuit decomposition based near-surface seismic-logging data Q estimate with shaping regularization (NS 1.1) Wei Song, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wei Song

1:55 PM ...... Parsimonious refraction interferometry (NS 1.2) Sherif Hanafy and Gerard Schuster, KAUST (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sherif Hanafy

2:20 PM ...... Detecting and delineating voids and mines using surface-wave methods in Galena, Kansas (NS 1.3) Julian Ivanov, Richard Miller, and Shelby Peterie, Kansas Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Julian Ivanov

2:45 PM ...... Feasibility study using surface wave attenuation and seismic quality factor for tunnel detection at the Yuma proving ground, AZ (NS 1.4) Sarah Morton, Shelby Peterie, Julian Ivanov, Richard Miller, and Daniel Feigenbaum, Kansas Geological Survey; Steven Sloan, U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center; Mark Moran and Harley Cudney, CRREL (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sarah Morton

3:10 PM ...... Shallow diffraction imaging in a crosswell configuration (NS 1.5) Ariel Lellouch and Moshe Reshef, Tel Aviv University (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Ariel Lellouch

3:35 PM ...... Depth estimation of voids using backscattered surface waves (NS 1.6) Steven Sloan and Harley Cudney, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Richard Miller and Julian Ivanov, Kansas Geological Survey; Mark Moran, CRREL (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Steven Sloan

4:00 PM ...... Detection and correction of surface- and acquisition-related inconsistencies: A case study in land vibrator data (NS 1.7) James Trousdale, Liuling Gong, Adam Searle, and Jiawei Mei, CGG; Jingfeng Zhang, Colin Melvin, Robert Pool, and Sheryl Land, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jiawei Mei

4:25 PM ...... Near-surface vibroseis signal enhancement using a fractional Fourier domain method (NS 1.8) Yao Wang, University of Kansas; Gregory Baker, University of Tennessee; Richard Miller, Kansas Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Yao Wang

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

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WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016PS 4 Signal Processing and DetectionSession Chairs: Shawn Maxwell and Julie Shemeta Location: Room C144/145Synopsis: Microseismic monitoring is always about digging into the noise. This session covers methods that help us improve signal to noise to dig down and uncover more meaning within microseismic signals.

1:30 PM ...... A better automatic body-wave picker with broad applicability (PS 4.1) Frédérick Massin and Alison Malcolm, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Alison Malcolm

1:55 PM ...... Effect of noise on microseismic event detection and imaging procedures using ICOVA statistical noise modeling method (PS 4.2) Claire Birnie, University of Leeds; Kit Chambers, Nanometrics Inc.; Doug Angus, University of Leeds; Anna L. Stork, University of Bristol (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Claire Birnie

2:20 PM ...... Separating weak surface microseismic events from noise (PS 4.3) Ted Shuck, David Diller, Robert Kowalsky, and Barry Fish, NanoSeis (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Edward Shuck

2:45 PM ...... Fast and novel microseismic detection using time-frequency analysis (PS 4.4) Seyed Mostafa Mousavi and Charles Langston, University of Memphis (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Seyed Mostafa Mousavi

3:10 PM ...... A multichannel convolution filter for correlated noise: Microseismic data application (PS 4.5) Jacek Trojanowski and Andrzej Górszczyk, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences; Leo Eisner, Seismik s.r.o. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jacek Trojanowski

3:35 PM ...... Improve sensor orientation using both drop-ball and microseismic events (PS 4.6) Yuanhang Huo, Wei Zhang, and Jie Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yuanhang Huo

4:00 PM ...... Do you truly know your geophone’s orientation and should you care? (PS 4.7) Richard Van Dok, Sigma3 (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Richard Van Dok

4:25 PM ...... Resonance in downhole microseismic data and its removal (PS 4.8) Zhishuai Zhang and Michael Nava, University of California, Berkeley; James Rector, University of California, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Zhishuai Zhang

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016RC 5 4D and for CO2 DevelopmentSession Chairs: Werner Heigl and Elmira Chabyshova Location: Room C156Synopsis: Reservoir Characterization with 4D and for CO2 Development.

1:30 PM ...... Integration of flow simulation and rock physics for improved reservoir characterization: A CO2-EOR and storage feasibility study in an Indian mature oil field (RC 5.1) Shib Sankar Ganguli, Nimisha Vedanti, and V. P. Dimri, National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI Library) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shib Sankar Ganguli

1:55 PM ...... Seismic modelling and imaging for a shallow CO2 injection project (RC 5.2) Davood Nowroozi, University of Calgary; Donald Lawton, CREWES/University of Calgary; Hassan Khaniani, Nexen Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Davood Nowroozi

2:20 PM ...... Using depth to surface resistivity for mapping CO2 (RC 5.3) Kristopher MacLennan, Gregory Nieuwenhuis, Vivek Ramadoss, and Mark Wilkinson, GroundMetrics, Inc; Paul Anderson, Denbury On; Trevor Richards, Denbury Resources, Inc (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Kristopher MacLennan

2:45 PM ...... Monitoring offshore reservoirs using 4D gravity and subsidence with improved tide corrections (RC 5.4) Hugo Ruiz, Remy Agersborg, Lars Hille, John Even Lindgård, Martha Lien, and Martin Vatshelle, Octio AS (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Hugo Ruiz

3:10 PM ...... Analysis of 4D time-lapse seismic responses integrated with 3D data products, production information, and laboratory data to characterize a bitumen-bearing carbonate reservoir (RC 5.5) Jason Nycz, Hellas 470; Dan Yang, Shell Canada; Douglas Schmitt, University of Alberta (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jason Nycz

3:35 PM ...... Monitoring steam chamber movement using time-lapse PP–PS joint inversion (RC 5.6) Jinling Zhang, Global Geophysical Services; Glenn Larson, Devon Canada (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Kyle McMillan

4:00 PM ...... Ensemble based 4D seismic history matching using a sparse representation of AVA data (RC 5.7) Tuhin Bhakta, Xiaodong Luo, and Geir Nævdal, International Research Institute of Stavanger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tuhin Bhakta

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016RP 5 Models from Pore to Basin ScaleSession Chairs: Cinzia Scotellaro and Daniel Ebrom Location: Room D167Synopsis: Rock physics models bridging the gap from the pore over the core-plug and well log to the seismic and basic scale.

1:30 PM ...... Preserving geology in rock physics depth trends (RP 5.1) Anders Drage, Statoil (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Anders Drage

1:55 PM ...... Net uplift estimation using both sandstone modeling and shale trends on the Horda Platform area in the Norwegian North Sea (RP 5.2) Henrik Gateman, University of Oslo; Per Avseth, Tullow Oil (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Henrik Gateman

2:20 PM ...... The effect of CEC, salinity, mineralogy, and grain-size distribution on resedimented mudrock strength obtained through multistage triaxial testing (RP 5.3) Mohab Dessouki, Michael Myers, and Lori Hathon, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Mohab Dessouki

2:45 PM ...... Effect of rock-physics parameters in the Simandoux model on inverted reservoir rock and fluid properties (RP 5.4) Josiane Pafeng Tchuindjang and Subhashis Mallick, University of Wyoming; Lucy MacGregor, Rock Solid Images Inc. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Josiane Pafeng Tchuindjang

3:10 PM ...... Least-squares optimized rock-physics models with variable data error estimates (RP 5.5) Kyle Spikes, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Kyle Spikes

3:35 PM ...... CPET mapping of Stybarrow field seismic-inversion results: Patchy or uniform saturation? (RP 5.6) Amrita Sen, Gary Mavko, and Jack Dvorkin, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Amrita Sen

4:00 PM ...... Saturation estimation from 4D seismic data from Sleipner Field by a capillary pressure-based rock-physics model (RP 5.7) Amrita Sen, Stanford University; Ranjana Ghosh, CSIR NGRI; Nimisha Vedanti, CSI NGRI (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Amrita Sen

4:25 PM ...... The equivalence between digital core and rock physics model for pure sandstones and shaly sandstones (RP 5.8) Ying Zheng, Xingyao Yin, and Zhaoyun Zong, China University of Petroleum–Huadong (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ying Zheng

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SI 5 Tomography and Migration Velocity EstimationSession Chairs: Faqi Liu and Jun Cai Location: Room C155Synopsis: The estimation of migration velocities using tomography and other methods will be presented.

1:30 PM ...... Differential semblance optimization method with angle-domain Cigs (SI 5.1) Ren Fang, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ren Fang

1:55 PM ...... Sparse-layer inversion with SPGL1 method (SI 1.2) Tao Liu, Yequan Chen, and Fengqi Zhang, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Tao Liu

2:20 PM ...... Imaging the model through the wave equation (SI 5.3) Esteban Diaz, Paul Sava, and Roelof Snieder, Colorado School of Mines; Satyan Singh, University of the West Indies (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Esteban Diaz

2:45 PM ...... First-arrival traveltime tomography for anisotropic media using the adjoint-state method (SI 5.4) Umair Waheed, Princeton University; Garret Flagg and Can Yarman, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Umair Waheed

3:10 PM ...... Elastic-wave residual curvatures tomography inversion application in Ken71 block (SI 5.5) Ruyi Zhang, Yan-Guang Wang, and Jianxin Shi, SINOPEC; Zhenchun Li, and Jian’En Xiao, China University of Petroleum–East (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ruyi Zhang

3:35 PM ...... Stereotomography in triangulated models (SI 5.6) Kai Yang and Wei-Dong Shao, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Wei-Dong Shao

4:00 PM ...... Least-squares reverse time migration with structure preconditioning (SI 5.7) Wei Dai, Winston Lewis, Kun Jiao, and Richard Coates, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wei Dai

4:25 PM ...... Well calibrated tomography in anisotropic model building (SI 5.8) Daoliu Wang, Statoil (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Daoliu Wang

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SM 3 Finite Differences and Case StudiesSession Chairs: Junichi Takekawa and Milos Cvetkovic Location: Room D161Synopsis: Case studies include very often tools of seismic modeling. Additionally, this session will present some new findings using the classical finite-difference technique.

1:30 PM ...... Elastic wave propagation on a staggered-grid using lowrank finite-difference method (SM 3.1) Dong Han, China University of Petroleum–East China; Qizhen Du, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Gang Fang, Institute of Marine Geology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Dong Han

1:55 PM ...... 2D scalar wave extrapolation using a new kind of mixed-grid finite-difference schemes (SM 3.2) Linghe Han, Wei Liu, Yuchao Wang, Ziduo Hu, and Shujiang Wang, Petrochina (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wei Liu

2:20 PM ...... Withdrawn 2:45 PM ...... A new predicted scheme for pseudoanalytical

operator differencing (SM 3.4) Qiang Zhao and Qizhen Du, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qiang Zhao

3:10 PM ...... Fault identification by diffraction separation from seismic reflection data using time slice SSA-based algorithm (SM 3.5) Rajesh Rekapalli, National Geophysical Research Institute; R. Tiwari, CSIR-NGRI; Mrinal Sen, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rajesh Rekapalli

3:35 PM ...... Applications of 3D elastic wavefield simulation to induced seismicity (SM 3.6) William Burnett, Christine Gans, Grant Gist, Martin Terrell, Joseph Reilly, Jelena Tomic, John Anderson, Sirui Tan, Nora Dedontney, and Darren Pais, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: William Burnett

4:00 PM ...... Validating earth models for depth imaging using 3D VSP information: A case study from the Green Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico (SM 3.7) Arturo Ramirez-Cuellar, Suyang Chen, Betty Koechner, and Olga Zdraveva, WesternGeco; Marta Woodward, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Arturo Ramirez-Cuellar

4:25 PM ...... Illumination, imaging, and 4D analysis of the Conger Field (GB 215) (SM 3.8) Theodore Stieglitz, Morton Scott, Donald Walker, Chao Shi, Wisley Martins, Kuntz Brad, and Pujiyono Pujiyono, Hess Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Donald Walker

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SPMI 5 Beam and Parametric Methods and ApplicationsSession Chairs: Shaosong (Tony) Huang and Michael Cogan Location: Room D171/173Synopsis: Beam migration, CRS, and other parametric methods. Seismic migration applications.

1:30 PM ...... Study of data-driven optimization strategy for beam migration (SPMI 5.1) Jidong Yang and Hejun Zhu, UT Dallas; Jianping Huang and Zhenchun Li, SWPI, China University of Petroleum (East China) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jidong Yang

1:55 PM ...... Depth migration by the delta packet summation method (SPMI 5.2) Jianguo Sun and Xiulin Shi, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Jianguo Sun

2:20 PM ...... Simultaneous estimation of the 3D CRS attributes by an evolutionary-based Nelder–Mead algorithm (SPMI 5.3) Yujiang Xie, Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg; Dirk Gajewski, Universitat Hamburg (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yujiang Xie

2:45 PM ...... Depth imaging of Mesozoic intervals in the Gulf of Mexico using broadband seismic (SPMI 5.4) Marcelo Benabentos and Mark Earley, Nexen Petroleum USA; Sissel Wilson and Paul Vascik, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Marcelo Benabentos

3:10 PM ...... Are we ready for offsets up to 50 km? Exploring very far and extremely far offsets in subsalt imaging (SPMI 5.5) Min Yang, Chi Chen, and Nicolas Chazalnoel, CGG; Ruey-Ching Ho, ExxonMobil Exploration Company; Bernard Laugier, ExxonMobil (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Min Yang

3:35 PM ...... Interpretation-guided image enhancement using reverse-time-migration vector-image partitions (SPMI 5.6) Ruoyu Gu, Olga Zdraveva, Mohamed Hegazy, and Stacey Buzzell, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ruoyu Gu

4:00 PM ...... Beamlet prestack depth migration on crosswell data (SPMI 5.7) Yueming Ye, Genshun Yao, and Xijin Zhuang, PetroChina; Zhenchun Li, China University of Petroleum; Lishen Li and Jinglin Zhang, Petrochina (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yueming Ye

4:25 PM ...... Elastic Fresnel beam migration for areas with irregular topography (SPMI 5.8) Jidong Yang and Hejun Zhu, UT Dallas; Jianping Huang and Zhenchun Li, SWPI, China University of Petroleum (East China) (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yang Jidong

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SS 8 Broadband TechnologySession Chairs: Paul Anderson and Victoria Sublette Location: Room C147/154Synopsis: This special session includes invited and selected papers representing advances in land and marine broadband acquisition, processing and QI technologies with applications and case studies.

1:30 PM ...... An Oklahoma broadband land seismic case history (SS 8.1) Mike Yates, Grant Byerley, Richard Eden, David Monk, and Simon Voisey, Apache Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael Yates

1:55 PM ...... Benchmarking of seismic broadband acquisition and processing: A unique comparison of technologies on the Edvard Grieg and the Johan Sverdrup fields, offshore Norway (SS 8.2) Jan Erik Lie and Espen Nilsen, Lundin Norway (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jan Erik Lie

2:20 PM ...... What does broadband mean to an interpreter? (SS 8.3) David Monk and Grant Byerley, Apache Corporation (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: David Monk

2:45 PM ...... A closer look at hydrophone-only versus two-component deghosting in deep-tow streamer data (SS 8.4) Bjorn Olofsson, Adam Palermo, and Mehdi Aharchaou, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bjorn Olofsson

3:10 PM ...... Adaptive deghosting for complex geometries in the Gulf of Mexico (SS 8.5) Alexander Zarkhidze, Ebele Oraghalum, Carina Lansky, and Andrey Raskopin, WesternGeco; James Rickett and Robert Bloor, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Alexander Zarkhidze

3:35 PM ...... Rough sea estimation for phase-shift deghosting (SS 8.6) Sergio Grion, Rob Telling, and Seb Holland, Dolphin Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Sergio Grion

4:00 PM ...... Primary-preserving multiple attenuation for broadband data (SS 8.7) Ronan Sablon, Celine Lacombe, and Jean-Michel Deprey, CGG (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Ronan Sablon

4:25 PM ...... Advances in broadband quantitative interpretation (SS 8.8) Cyrille Reiser and Tim Bird, PGS Reservoir Limited (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Cyrille Reiser

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016TL 2 Methods and AcquisitionSession Chairs: Jean-Paul Van Gestel and David Johnston Location: Room C146Synopsis: Time-lapse processing and interpretation methods. Data acquisition.

1:30 PM ...... The impact of the acoustic approximation on time-lapse FWI (TL 2.1) Bram Willemsen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jun Cao and Baishali Roy, ConocoPhillips (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lucas Willemsen

1:55 PM ...... Climbing the staircase of ultralow-cost 4D monitoring of deepwater fields using DAS-VSP (TL 2.2) David Chalenski, Shell International Exploration and Production Inc; Maria Tatanova, Saint Petersburg State University; Yue Du and Albena Mateeva, Shell Oil Company; Jorge Lopez and Hans Potters, Shell Global (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: David Chalenski

2:20 PM ...... Maturing the buried cross-spread concept for land seismic monitoring: Borehole source tests (TL 2.3) Jon R. La Follett, Zhaohui Yang, and Jorge Lopez, Shell International Exploration and Production Inc; Samantha Grandi and Kees Hornman, Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jon R. La Follett

2:45 PM ...... Getting accurate time-lapse information using geology-constrained simultaneous joint migration-inversion (TL 2.4) Shan Qu and Dirk Verschuur, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Shan Qu

3:10 PM ...... Evaluation of the spurious time-shift problem (TL 2.5) Colin Macbeth and Maria-Daphne Mangriotis, Heriot-Watt University; Paul Hatchell, Shell P&T (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Colin MacBeth

3:35 PM ...... Investigation and correction of sources of 4D noise using modeled OBN data (TL 2.6) Mariana Gherasim, Elizabeth L’Heureux, and Zenaida Lorenzo, BP (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Mariana Gherasim

4:00 PM ...... Multiscale and iterative refinement optical flow (MSIROF) for seismic image registration and gather flattening using multidimensional shifts (TL 2.7) Qie Zhang and Bosen Du, BP (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Qie Zhang

4:25 PM ...... Seismic time-lapse image registration using amplitude-adjusted plane-wave destruction (TL 2.8) Mason Phillips and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mason Phillips

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4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016ACQ 5 Marine Acquisition 2Session Chairs: Shuki Ronen and Eivind Fromyr Location: Room D163/165Synopsis: Marine seismic data acquisition concepts and case studies.

8:30 AM ...... On the enhancement of low frequencies in marine seismic data (ACQ 5.1) Augustinus Berkhout, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium; Gerrit Blacquiere, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gerrit Blacquiere

8:55 AM ...... Marine seismic acquisition with 3D sensor arrays towed by wave gliders (ACQ 5.2) Nicolae Moldoveanu and Leendert Combee, Schlumberger WesternGeco; Everhard Muyzert and Sudhir Pai, Schlumberger; Philippe Caprioli, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Nicolae Moldoveanu

9:20 AM ...... Baxter: A high-resolution penta-source marine 3D seismic acquisition (ACQ 5.3) Ed Hager, Polarcus; Robert Kneale and Laurence Hansen, Quadrant Energy; Troy Thompson, DownUnder GeoSolutions (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Ed Hager

9:45 AM ...... Full-azimuth towed-streamer acquisition and broadband processing in an obstructed area of the Gulf of Mexico (ACQ 5.4) Carlos Espinoza, Olga Zdraveva, Nicolae Moldoveanu, Barbara Curd, and Eugene Gridnev, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Carlos Espinoza

10:10 AM .... Removal of Doppler effects from marine vibrator OBN seismic (ACQ 5.5) Chen Qi, University of Houston; Fred Hilterman, Geokinetics Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Chen Qi

10:35 AM .... Optimization of sea surface reflection coefficient and source geometry in conventional dual source flip/flop marine seismic acquisition (ACQ 5.6) Maksym Kryvohuz, Shell Global; Xander Campman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Maksym Kryvohuz

11:00 AM .... Ocean-bottom node acquisition optimization (ACQ 5.7) Vijay Singh and Anupama Venkataraman, ExxonMobil Exploration Company (Division ExxonMobil Corporation); Rachel Ho and Erik Neumann, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company; Bernard Laugier, ExxonMobil Development Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Vijay Singh

11:25 AM .... Optimal towing depth for marine seismic data minimizing the noise from normal modes (ACQ 5.8) Toan Dao and Martin Landrø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Toan Dao

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016AVO 2 Advances in AVO Inversion MethodsSession Chairs: William Leslie and Victoria Sublette Location: Room D174Synopsis: New thoughts on optimizing inversion for elastic parameters.

8:30 AM ...... Weak contrast inhomogeneous PP-reflection coefficient in low-loss attenuative media (AVO 2.1) Shahpoor Moradi and Kristopher Innanen, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shahpoor Moradi

8:55 AM ...... Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the Zoeppritz equations (AVO 2.2) Baoshan Song and Lixia Zhi, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Shuangquan Chen, CNPC Keylab of Geophysical Prospecting; Lianbo Zeng, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Xiang-Yang Li, British Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Baoshan Song

9:20 AM ...... Global optimization for AVO inversion: A genetic algorithm using a table-based ray-theory algorithm (AVO 2.3) Wanderson C. Ferreira, Henrique B. Santos, and Amelia Novais, UNICAMP & INCT-GP; Fred Hilterman, Geokinetics Inc.; Liliana A. Diogo, IAG/USP; Joerg Schleicher, UNICAMP & INCT-GP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Henrique B. Santos

9:45 AM ...... Regularized amplitude-versus-angle (AVA) inversion with traveltime information (AVO 2.4) Zhiyong Li and Guangmin Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Yunyue Li and Mike Fehler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Zhiyong Li

10:10 AM .... AVA classification as an unsupervised machine-learning problem (AVO 2.5) Ben Bougher and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ben Bougher

10:35 AM .... Elastic parameters estimation from two-parameter joint PP and PS waves AVO inversion by substep (AVO 2.6) Gang Chen, Chunxue Zhao, and Zongrui Xie, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sian Hou

11:00 AM .... The prestack seismic stochastic inversion based on quantum Metropolis–Hastings method (AVO 2.7) Chen Zhao and Guangzhi Zhang, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chen Zhao

11:25 AM .... AVO inversion based on Bayesian theory in ray-parameter domain and its application (AVO 2.8) Dongjia Hou and Jun Guo, CNOOC-China National Offshore Oil Corporation Ltd–Tianjin Branch (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Dongjia Hou

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016BG 4 Borehole Measurements and Modeling for Porosity, Dipole Radiation, and GravitySession Chairs: Bikash Kumar Sinha and Kurt-Martin Strack Location: Room D168Synopsis: Borehole measurements, processing, analyses, and modeling for porosity, neutron, dipole radiation, and gravity.

8:30 AM ...... Investigation of radiation and reflection on dipole logging-while-drilling remote acoustic reflection survey (BG 4.1) Zhoutuo Wei, Xiaoming Tang, and Jingji Cao, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhoutuo Wei

8:55 AM ...... Model-based inversion of multiple nuclear measurements in high-angle wells (BG 4.2) Hui Xie, Chris Morriss, John Rasmus, Bo Yu, Shahzad Asif, Koji Ito, and Aria Abubakar, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Hui Xie

9:20 AM ...... Wavefield simulation of 3D borehole dipole radiation (BG 4.3) Junxiao Li, Kristopher Innanen, and Laurence Lines, University of Calgary; Guo Tao, The Petroleum Institute (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Junxiao Li

9:45 AM ...... Radiation characteristics of an acoustic dipole source for single-well imaging (BG 4.4) Jing-Ji Cao, Xiaoming Tang, and Yuanda Su, School of Geosciences & Technology, China University of Petroleum–East China; Sheng-Qing Lee, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jing-Ji Cao

10:10 AM .... A multidetectors pulsed neutron logging technology and its application (BG 4.5) Feng Zhang, Lili Tian, Juntao Liu, Quanying Zhang, Xinguang Wang, and Qian Chen, China University of Petroleum (East China) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Juntao Liu

10:35 AM .... Finite aperture multipole sources, radiation, and impedance loading in fluid-filled boreholes (BG 4.6) Tim Geerits, Baker Hughes; Burkhard Kranz, Fraunhofer IWU (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Tim Geerits

11:00 AM .... Formation porosity evaluation using nonlinear acoustic second harmonic generation (BG 4.7) Xiaochu Yao, Hao Zhang, Wei Han, and Quming Zhou, Baker Hughes; Cliff Lissenden, Pennsylvania State University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiaochu Yao

11:25 AM .... Borehole gravity monitoring in the Aquistore CO2 sequestration well (BG 4.8) Andrew Black, Jennifer Hare, and Jeffrey Macqueen, Micro-g LaCoste, Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrew Black

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016FWI 8 Overcoming Cycle SkippingSession Chairs: Partha Routh and Ru-Shan Wu Location: Room D162/164Synopsis: Overcoming cycle skipping with improved low-frequency content of data for FWI.

8:30 AM ...... Seismic envelope inversion and renormalization group theory: Nonlinear scale separation and slow dynamics (FWI 8.1) Ru-Shan Wu and Jingrui Luo, University of California–Santa Cruz; Guoxin Chen, Zhejiang University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ru-Shan Wu

8:55 AM ...... Extrapolated full-waveform inversion (EFWI) with synthesized low-frequency data (FWI 8.2) Yunyue Li and Laurent Demanet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Yunyue Li

9:20 AM ...... Full-waveform inversion using smoothing kernels (FWI 8.3) Zhiguang Xue, Nick Alger, and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhiguang Xue

9:45 AM ...... Matched source waveform inversion: Volume extension (FWI 8.4) Guanghui Huang and William Symes, Rice University; Rami Nammour, Total Exploration Production (TEP) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Guanghui Huang

10:10 AM .... Layer stripping FWI for surface waves (FWI 8.5) Isabella Masoni, and Jean-Luc Boelle, Total SA; Romain Brossier, and Jean Virieux, University Grenoble Alpes (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Isabella Masoni

10:35 AM .... A novel envelope inversion method with frequency selection mechanism (FWI 8.6) Zhaoqi Gao, Zhibin Pan, and Jinghuai Gao, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Ru-Shan Wu, WTOPI Research Consortium, Modeling & Imaging Lab (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhaoqi Gao

11:00 AM .... Frequency down extrapolation with TV norm minimization (FWI 8.7) Rongrong Wang and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Rongrong Wang

11:25 AM .... Withdrawn

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016INT 7 Attribute Usage and GenerationSession Chairs: Arthur Barnes and Yingwei Yu Location: Room D170/172Synopsis: A collection of papers highlighting the usage and generation of attributes to solve interpretation problems.

8:30 AM ...... Attribute-assisted footprint suppression using a 2D continuous wavelet transform (INT 7.1) Abdulmohsen Alali, Gabriel Machado, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Abdulmohsen Alali

8:55 AM ...... The effect of color blindness on seismic interpretation (INT 7.2) Gaynor Paton, University of Aberdeen (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Gaynor Paton

9:20 AM ...... Application of seismic multiattributes in the prediction of the fractures of granite buried hill (INT 7.3) Chen Huajing, China National Offshore Oil Corporation China (CNOOC), Limited Tianjin Branch; Zhou Donghong, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), Guangzhou (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chen Huajing

9:45 AM ...... Why curvature attribute delineates subtle geologic features? A mathematical approach (INT 7.4) Pedro Mario Silva, Leonardo Martins, Patrícia Pampanelli, and Geisa Faustino, Tecgraf/PUC-Rio (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Pedro Mario Silva

10:10 AM .... Multiattribute fusion-based level sets for caves segmentation (INT 7.5) Zhining Liu, Chengyun Song, Zhiyong Li, Yao Xing Miao, and Guangmin Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zhining Liu

10:35 AM .... Seismic sedimentary analysis of the tight reservoir based on TT transform (INT 7.6) Mengli Zhang and Guanghong Du, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company; Weishi Man, Xi’an University of Technology; Da Xing Wang and Yu Hua Zhao, Changqing Oil Field (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Mengli Zhang

11:00 AM .... A3mark: A publicly available online web service for seismic attribute benchmarking (INT 7.7) Liyuan Xing, NTNU; Nader Salman and Victor Aarre, Schlumberger; Theoharis Theoharis and Egil Tjaland, Norwegian University of Science & Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Egil Tjaland

11:25 AM .... Depiction of delta boundaries using multiple seismic attributes based on 2D structure-oriented flitering and KL transform (INT 7.8) Da Peng and Cheng Yin, Southwest Petroleum University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Da Peng

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016PS 5 Case Studies and ApplicationsSession Chairs: Stephen Wilson and Robert Kidney Location: Room C144/145Synopsis: A selection of case studies and applications of microseismic analysis and interpretation, with papers examining the value proposition, fracture imaging, sweet spot determination, and shear wave splitting.

8:30 AM ...... Real-time microseismic monitoring in the North Sea with advanced noise removal methods (PS 5.1) Ben Dando, Kamran Iranpour, and Volker Oye, NORSAR; Sascha Bussat, Statoil; Louise Bjerrum, Octio (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ben Dando

8:55 AM ...... A Woodford case study comparing high-quality surface and downhole microseismic locations (PS 5.2) Jamie Rich, University of Oklahoma; Breanne Kennedy, Devon Energy Corp; Kara Rohan, Devon Energy (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Kara Rohan

9:20 AM ...... Determination of microseismic event back-azimuth from S-wave splitting analysis (PS 5.3) Duo Yuan and Aibing Li, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Duo Yuan

9:45 AM ...... Imaging hydraulic fractures by microseismic migration for downhole monitoring system (PS 5.4) Ye Lin and Haijiang Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Haijiang Zhang

10:10 AM .... Data-driven diffraction imaging of fractures using passive seismic data (PS 5.5) Tieyuan Zhu, Pennsylvania State University; Junzhe Sun, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Tieyuan Zhu

10:35 AM .... Long period, long duration (LPLD) seismicity observed during hydraulic fracturing of the Marcellus shale in Greene County, Pennsylvania (PS 5.6) Abhash Kumar and Richard Hammack, National Energy Technology Laboratory; Erich Zorn and William Harbert, University of Pittsburgh (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Abhash Kumar

11:00 AM .... 3D microseismic imaging for identifying shale sweet spot (PS 5.7) Congcong Yuan and Jie Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Congcong Yuan

11:25 AM .... Seeking real value: Quantitative estimation of permeability enhancement, production volumes, and drainage area from microseismic data (PS 5.8) Sudhendu Kashikar, Hasan Shojaei, and Peter Duncan, MicroSeismic, Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sudhendu Kashikar

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016RC 6 AttributesSession Chairs: Cyrille Reiser and Paul Anderson Location: Room C156Synopsis: Papers focused on using attributes for reservoir characterization.

8:30 AM ...... Determination of reservoir thickness and distribution using improved rescaled cokriging (RC 6.1) Hong Xu and Brian Russell, CGG; Kristopher Albert Innanen, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hong Xu

8:55 AM ...... The application of coherence cube technique based on curvelet transform for fracture detection (RC 6.2) Xiping Sun, Wen Tang, Yongcai Yu, and Hongwei Guo, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wen Tang

9:20 AM ...... The time-frequency analysis for delineating the thickness distribution of tight sandstones (RC 6.3) Wang Zhiguo, Bing Zhang, and Jinghuai Gao, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Xiaojie Cui and Da Xing Wang, Changqing Oil Field (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Wang Zhiguo

9:45 AM ...... Withdrawn 10:10 AM .... Seismic uncertainty estimation from seismic

attributes in reservoir structural modeling (RC 6.5) Vinicius Ramos Pinto and Garrett Leahy, Emerson Process Management; Carlos Eduardo Abreu, Rubens Caldeira Monteiro, and João Rosseto, Petrobras (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Vinicius Ramos Pinto

10:35 AM .... Reservoir fluid discrimination with an alternative fluid indicator based on rock physics templates (RC 6.6) Lei Wang, Jing Zhang, Zhongsheng Shi, and Weiwei He, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development-Northwest (NWGI), Petrochina (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Lei Wang

11:00 AM .... Seismic responses in two kinds of reservoirs: Condensate gas and light oil (RC 6.7) Ma Yuehua, Bai Yuhua, Wu Shuyan, Ren Jingxiong, Yang Shichao, Wang Shuo, and Zhu Jingjing, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ma Yuehua

11:25 AM .... Combining seismic waves of different classes to enhance the efficiency of seismic exploration (RC 6.8) Igor Chirkin, Ahmed Radwan, and Oleg Kuznetsov, State University Dubna; Samuel Leroy, Earthview Associates, Inc; Evgeny Rizanov, State University Dubna; Yury Lyasch, JYL, LLC (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Samuel LeRoy

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016RP 6 Laboratory Analyses of Heterogeneous RocksSession Chairs: Enru Liu and Mark Kittridge Location: Room D167Synopsis: Cutting-edge laboratory measurements of rocks including coal and salt - new techniques and experimental insights.

8:30 AM ...... The role of cracks in the nonlinear interaction of a P-wave with an S-wave (RP 6.1) Alison Malcolm, Memorial University of Newfoundland; James Tencate, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Mike Fehler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Alison Malcolm

8:55 AM ...... Elastic properties of salt: Ultrasonic lab measurements and the Gulf of Mexico well log analysis (RP 6.2) Jingjing Zong, Robert Stewart, and Nikolay Dyaur, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Jingjing Zong

9:20 AM ...... Ultrasonic measurements on thin samples: Experiment and numerical modeling (RP 6.3) Alexey Yurikov, and Maxim Lebedev, Curtin University; Marina Pervukhina, CSIRO (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Alexey Yurikov

9:45 AM ...... Withdrawn 10:10 AM .... Mechanical characterization of kerogen in black

siliceous shale via nanoindentation (RP 6.5) Qian Xie, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qian Xie

10:35 AM .... The analysis of temperature, pressure, salinity, and saturation effects on the electrical conductivity of soaked sandstone for geothermal exploration (RP 6.6) Hong Li, Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hong Li

11:00 AM .... Laboratory measurements of the acoustic velocities and elastic property of coal rocks and their link with microfeatures (RP 6.7) Qiong Li, Jie Chen, and Jianjun He, Chengdu University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jie Chen

11:25 AM .... Laboratory studies of cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing (RP 6.8) Swetal Patel, Carl Sondergeld, and Chandra Rai, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Swetal Patel

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4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016SI 6 Thin Bed and Facies InversionSession Chairs: Simon Payne and Haihong Wang Location: Room C155Synopsis: Methods of improving the seismic response from thin geologic layers are examined as well as methods of classifying facies through seismic inversion.

8:30 AM ...... Nonstationary sparse-reflectivity inversion using nonconvex constraint in frequency domain (SI 6.1) Benfeng Wang, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Benfeng Wang

8:55 AM ...... A fast stochastic impedance inversion under control of sedimentary facies based on geostatistics and gradual deformation method (SI 6.2) Yang Xiuwei amd Peimin Zhu, China University of Geosciences (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yang Xiuwei

9:20 AM ...... Lithology-type prediction in model-based seismic inversion (SI 6.3) Siyao Xu, Shell International E&P; Paul Gelderblom, Shell Global (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Detlef Hohl

9:45 AM ...... Time-variant wavelet extraction with spectral decomposition for seismic inversion (SI 6.4) Rui Zhang, University of Louisiana–Lafayette (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rui Zhang

10:10 AM .... Sparse reflectivity inversion with lateral constraint for nonstationary seismic data (SI 6.5) Zi Liu, Guofa Li, and Jizhen Wei, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Baoqing Zhang, Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting Inc, China National Petroleum Corporation (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zi Liu

10:35 AM .... The high precision of thin reservoir inversion using matching pursuit based on dipole decomposition (SI 6.6) Fuqiang Li, Bohai Oil Research Institute (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fuqiang Li

11:00 AM .... The application of spectral inversion based on high-order statistics in study of thin-interbed reservoir in Bohai Bay, P. R. China (SI 6.7) Jiangfeng Zheng, Gang Peng, and Jialin Sun, CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation) Ltd, TianJin Branch (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jiangfeng Zheng

11:25 AM .... Applications of the improved spectral inversion in the thin reservoir prediction (SI 6.8) Qiu Zhang, Junhua Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, and Hu Wen, China University of Petroleum–East China; Lei Liu, Sinopec Shengli Oilfield (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhangqiu Zhangqiu

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016SPMI 6 Gathers and Image DecompositionsSession Chairs: Robert Bloor and Francois Audeber Location: Room D171/173Synopsis: Methods for creating and applying image gathers and other decompositions.

8:30 AM ...... Kinematic artifacts in subsurface offset extended RTM (SPMI 6.1) Raanan Dafni and William Symes, Rice University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Raanan Dafni

8:55 AM ...... Dip-angle domain specularity filter design in relation with subsurface offset extended RTM (SPMI 6.2) Raanan Dafni and William Symes, Rice University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Raanan Dafni

9:20 AM ...... Time-slice wavefield decomposition (SPMI 6.3) Max Holicki, Cornelis Wapenaar, and Guy Drijkoningen, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Max Holicki

9:45 AM ...... A Poynting vector-based illumination and resolution analysis method for full-wave RTM (SPMI 6.4) Xiao-Bi Xie, University of California–Santa Cruz; Zhe Yan, China University of Geosciences (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiao-Bi Xie

10:10 AM .... Combining multidirectional-source vector with revised antileakage Fourier transform to calculate angle gathers from reverse time migration in two steps (SPMI 6.5) Chen Tang and George McMechan, University of Texas–Dallas (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chen Tang

10:35 AM .... A cost-effective scheme for reverse time migration angle gathers (SPMI 6.6) Qiang Fu and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston; Faqi Liu, Scott Morton, and Marion King, Hess Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qiang Fu

11:00 AM .... Two algorithms to stabilize multidirectional Poynting vectors for calculating angle gathers from reverse time migration (SPMI 6.7) Chen Tang and George McMechan, University of Texas–Dallas (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chen Tang

11:25 AM .... Precision beam migration for depth imaging and velocity analysis (SPMI 6.8) Lei Wang, Jiandong Liang, and Zhongping Qian, BGP CNPC; Bo Zhao and Xiaoyun Dai, BGP, Inc; Guoan Luo, University of Utah (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Lei Wang

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

Presentations to be recorded and available for purchase via online streaming. Visit Registration or to purchase or e-mail [email protected] for more details. Subject to change.







THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016VSP 1 Case HistoriesSession Chairs: Martin Karrenbach and Naser Tamimi Location: Room C146Synopsis: Case histories that span the range of VSP uses are presented including deep water, engineering, subsalt, and include examples from Asia, The Americas, and Europe.

8:30 AM ...... 3D VSP processing and imaging: A case study at Mad Dog, Gulf of Mexico (VSP 1.1) Chang-Chun Lee and Weiping Gou, CGG; Francis Rollins, Qingsong Li, Tianxia Jia, and Samarjit Chakraborty, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Changchun Lee

8:55 AM ...... Two record-setting subsalt 3D VSP acquisitions in the Gulf of Mexico 2015: Experience and learnings (VSP 1.2) Qingsong Li, Anya Reitz, Tianxia Jia, Kenneth Hartman, Francis Rollins, William Slopey, Gary Deren, Scott Michell, John Naranjo, and Raymond Abma, BP; Michael Mahnke, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qingsong Li

9:20 AM ...... Modeling and acquisition of an ultrahigh-pressure zero-offset VSP and 2D walkaway VSP to improve subsalt resolution of the reservoir section in a deepwater oil field: A case study (VSP 1.3) Peter Lanzarone, Tom Williams, Qingsong Li, and Brian Hornby, BP America; Michael Mahnke, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Peter Lanzarone

9:45 AM ...... Application of walkaway VSP multiwave imaging in eastern China (VSP 1.4) Yuanzhong Chen, Yanpeng Li, and Haiying Zhao, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yuanzhong Chen

10:10 AM .... Valhall dual-well 3D DAS VSP field trial and imaging for active wells (VSP 1.5) Tao Jiang, Ge Zhan, Thomas Hance, Setiawardono Sugianto, Sebastien Soulas, and Einar Kjos, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ge Zhan

10:35 AM .... The use of walkaway and walkaround VSP surveys to characterize HTI and VTI anisotropy at the Vaca Muerta Formation (VSP 1.6) David Curia, Wintershall AG; Luisely Linares, Antoine Pare, and Martin Paris, Baker Hughes; Eduardo Corti, Consultant Geophysicist (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: David Curia

11:00 AM .... Analysis of seismic diffractions from carbonate nodules in clay formations (VSP 1.7) Cinzia Bellezza, Flavio Poletto, Biancamaria Farina, and Giorgia Pinna, OGS; Elio Poggiagliolmi, Entec Energy Consultants Ltd; Laurent Wouters, ONDRAF/NIRAS; Noël Vandenberghe, NVDB Consult (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Flavio Poletto

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016ACQ E-P1 New Acquisition TechnologiesSession Chairs: Fuad Somali and Michael Yates Location: Room C148Synopsis: New acquisition technologies and developments for land and marine seismic.

1:00 PM ...... A new low-frequency vibrator enhances blended vibroseis acquisition (ACQ E-P1.1) Zhouhong Wei, INOVA Geophysical (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhouhong Wei

1:25 PM ...... Improving acquisition efficiency with a situational awareness (SA) based SIMOPS management solution (ACQ E-P1.2) Gary Pemberton, Stuart Darling, and Emma McDonald, ION (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Stuart Darling

1:50 PM ...... Implementation of vibrator autonomous shooting in urban area: Case study from Kuwait (ACQ E-P1.3) Bader Al-Ajmi, Mishari Al-Awadi, and Khaled Salah, Kuwait Oil Company; Ding Dong, BGP Inc., CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bader Al-Ajmi

2:15 PM ...... Numerical modeling of seismic airguns and low-pressure sources (ACQ E-P1.4) Leighton Watson and Eric Dunham, Stanford University; Shuki Ronen, Totum Geophysical Solutions (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Leighton Watson

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... An unmanned aerial vehicle with vibration sensing ability (seismic drone) (ACQ E-P1.5) Robert Stewart, Li Chang, Srikanth Sudarshan, Aaron Becker, and Li Huang, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Robert Stewart

3:45 PM ...... A novel marine exploration method offering true 4-C 3D full-offset full-azimuth full-bandwidth seismic acquisition (Freecable) (ACQ E-P1.6) Luc Haumonté, Kietta (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Luc Haumonté

4:10 PM ...... Processing considerations for seismic data acquired with wave gliders towing a 3D sensor array (ACQ E-P1.7) Philippe Caprioli, and Nicolae Moldoveanu, WesternGeco; Bent Andreas Kjellesvig, WesternGeco AS; Edward Kragh, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Philippe Caprioli

4:35 PM ...... 3D seismic acquisition with decentralized dispersed source arrays (ACQ E-P1.8) Matteo Caporal, Gerrit Blacquiere, and Mikhail Davydenko, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Matteo Caporal

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016FWI E-P1 Methodology and Development 3Session Chairs: Khalid Miah and Yingcai Zheng Location: Room C141Synopsis: Efficiency and uncertainty analysis of FWI.

1:00 PM ...... Convexity of the quadratic Wasserstein metric as a misfit function for full-waveform inversion (FWI E-P1.1) Yunan Yang, Bjorn Engquist, and Junzhe Sun, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yunan Yang

1:25 PM ...... Uncertainty quantification for wavefield reconstruction inversion using a PDE-free semidefinite Hessian and randomize-then-optimize method (FWI E-P1.2) Fang Zhilong, Chia Ying Lee, Curt Da Silva, and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia; Tristan Van Leeuwen, Utrecht University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Fang Zhilong

1:50 PM ...... Domain decomposition method for efficient waveform inversion in strongly scattering media (FWI E-P1.3) Morten Jakobsen, University of Bergen; Ru-Shan Wu, University of California–Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Morten Jakobsen

2:15 PM ...... Ensemble source encoding full-waveform inversion with self-adaptive regularization (FWI E-P1.4) Haohuan Fu and Bingwei Chen, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Bingwei Chen

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Full-waveform inversion of passive seismic data for sources and velocities (FWI E-P1.5) Junzhe Sun, Zhiguang Xue, Tieyuan Zhu, and Sergey Fomel, The University of Texas–Austin; Norimitsu Nakata, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Junzhe Sun

3:45 PM ...... Parallel reformulation of the sequential adjoint-state method (FWI E-P1.6) Bas Peters and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia; Tristan Van Leeuwen, Utrecht University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bas Peters

4:10 PM ...... Withdrawn 4:35 PM ...... A nonlinear approach of elastic reflection waveform

inversion (FWI E-P1.8) Qiang Guo and Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qiang Guo

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.











MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016INT E-P1 Fault Detection and Enhancement MethodsSession Chairs: David Shorey and Robert Hull Location: C143/149Synopsis: The papers in this session illustrate poststack methods that enhance faults and fractures over the stratigraphic events. They also discuss methods of extracting the locations of these discontinuities.

1:00 PM ...... Fault detection using seismic attributes and visual saliency (INT E-P1.1) Abdulmajid Lawal, Suhail Al-Dharrab, and Mohamed Deriche, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; Ghassan Alregib and Muhammad Amir Shafiq, Georgia Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bo Liu

1:25 PM ...... A discontinuity detection strategy based on analytic and distance-weighted coherence (INT E-P1.2) Yongzhen Ji, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yongzhen Jia

1:50 PM ...... Withdrawn

2:15 PM ...... A modified edge detecting operator and its application (INT E-P1.4) Yuwei Wang, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yuwei Wang

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Structure-oriented plane-wave Sobel filter for edge detection in seismic images (INT E-P1.5) Mason Phillips and Sergey Fomel, The University of Texas–Austin; Ryan Swindeman, BHP Billiton (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mason Phillips

3:45 PM ...... Fault enhancement and visualization with 3D log-Gabor filter array (INT E-P1.6) Yingwei Yu, IHS Global Inc (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Russell Roundtree

4:10 PM ...... Seismic fault enhancement and skeletonization (INT E-P1.7) Jie Qi, Fangyu Li, Bin Lyu, Oluwatobi Olorunsola, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma; Bo Zhang, University of Alabama (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Jie Qi

4:35 PM ...... Enhanced fault imaging from seismic and geological model (INT E-P1.8) Sebastien Lacaze, Benoit Luquet, Thomas Valding, and Fabien Pauget, Eliis (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Sebastien Lacaze

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016NS E-P1 Shallow Seismic Statics, Inversion, and TomographySession Chairs: Lee Bell and Seth Haines Location: Room C150 Synopsis: Papers related to improving exploration-scale imaging by accounting for near-surface heterogeneity.

1:00 PM ...... Improving efficiency of traveltime tomography by stochastic optimization (NS E-P1.1) Mengyao Sun, Jie Zhang, and Wei Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sun Mengyao

1:25 PM ...... A layer-cell approach of near-surface first-arrival tomography (NS E-P1.2) Yukai Wo and Hua-wei Zhou, University of Houston; Furong Wu, Sichuan Geophysical Company of Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yukai Wo

1:50 PM ...... Near-surface adjoint tomography based on the discontinuous Galerkin method (NS E-P1.3) Wei Wang, Po Chen, and Steven Holbrook, University of Wyoming (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wei Wang

2:15 PM ...... Joint traveltime, waveform, and waveform envelope inversion for the near-surface imaging (NS E-P1.4) Zhiyang Liu and Jie Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhiyang Liu

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Surface-consistent refraction method: A new tool for automatic near-surface solutions (NS E-P1.5) Daniele Colombo, Federico Miorelli, Ernesto Sandoval-Curiel, and Diego Rovetta, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daniele Colombo

3:45 PM ...... Application of surface-consistent refraction method for near-surface corrections in desert environment (NS E-P1.6) Daniele Colombo, Ernesto Sandoval Curiel, and Diego Rovetta, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daniele Colombo

4:10 PM ...... The solution of complex near-surface problem using integrated velocity model building in southern Tian Shan foothills (NS E-P1.7) Jianbo Fei, Wei Yang, Zichuan Yang, Fubin Li, Yanqin Yan, Song Chen, Gang Zhou, and Qing Zhang, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jianbo Fei

4:35 PM ...... Application of deep near-surface refraction static model to Permian data (NS E-P1.8) Charles Diggins, Statics Rocks, LLC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Charles Diggins

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists


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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016BG E-P1 Borehole Measurements and Modeling 1Session Chairs: Peter Duncan and Tom Bratton Location: Room C141Synopsis: Borehole measurements, processing, analyses, and modeling for acoustic and resistivity.

8:00 AM ....... Simulation of monopole seismoelectric logging while drilling using dual source (BG E-P1.1) Haoran Ding, Zhiwen Cui, Jinxia Liu, Weiguo Lv, and Kexie Wang, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhiwen Cui

8:25 AM ....... Dispersion correction of borehole dipole shear data to enhance reservoir-fluid characterization (BG E-P1.2) Sheng-Qing Lee, Xiao-Ming Tang, Yuan-Da Su, and Chun-Xi Zhuang, China University of Petroleum–East (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shengqing Li

8:50 AM ....... Dispersion in sonic wave modes caused by global and local flow (BG E-P1.3) Elliot Dahl and Kyle Spikes, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Elliot Dahl

9:15 AM ....... Acoustic imaging away from the borehole using coherence-based migration (BG E-P1.4) Anna Przebindowska, Tim Geerits, and Doug Patterson, Baker Hughes; Olaf Hellwig, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Anna Przebindowska

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Joint inversion of logging while drilling multipole acoustic data to determine P- and S-wave velocities in unconsolidated slow formations (BG E-P1.5) Yuanda Su, Can Jiang, Chunxi Zhuang, Song Xu, and Xiaoming Tang, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiaoming Tang

10:45 AM ..... Improving the acquisition efficiency of acquiring borehole seismic data by recording optical distributed acoustic data on a wireline hybrid electrooptical cable (BG E-P1.6) William Borland, Richard Hearn, and Ali Sayed; Schlumberger Technology Company (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Rich Hearn

11:10 AM ..... Imaging of crosswell seismic and its application in fault recognition and reservoir cognition (BG E-P1.7) Wu Junjun, Chen Ce, Huang Jianhua, Qinghong Zhang, Yanpeng Li, and Yuanzhong Chen, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wu Junjun

11:35 AM ..... Channel characterization of drill string acoustic wireless telemetry using a novel high-precision integration algorithm (BG E-P1.8) Shubin Zeng and Jiefu Chen, University of Houston; Jianguo Liu, uWave Solutions (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shubin Zeng

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RC E-P1 MiscellaneousSession Chairs: Carmen Dumitrescu and Trevor Richards Location: Room C143/149Synopsis: Includes papers in use of processing, microseismic, or other methods to characterize reservoirs.

8:00 AM ....... Geomechanical modeling of microseismic depletion delineation (RC E-P1.1) Mark Mack, Frank Zhang, BT Lee, and Shawn Maxwell, Itasca IMaGE; Ted Dohmen and Craig Cipolla, Hess (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mark Mack

8:25 AM ....... Implementation of energy-based microseismic fracture model for geomechanical evaluation (RC E-P1.2) Neda Boroumand, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Neda Boroumand

8:50 AM ....... Q estimation with improved frequency-shift method based on generalized seismic wavelet (RC E-P1.3) Qian Wang, Jinghuai Gao, Hui Li, and Naihao Liu, Institute of Wave and Information (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qian Wang

9:15 AM ....... A comparison of methods for estimating Q (RC E-P1.4) Xiong Lei and Eugene Morgan, Pennsylvania State University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiong Lei

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Preconditioning single-point 3D seismic data for improved reservoir characterization in a Loess mountain area (RC E-P1.5) Wei Wang, Quansheng Liang, and Lixia Zhang, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co Ltd; Hongliu Zeng, Bureau of Economic Geology; Xiangzeng Wang, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co Ltd; Zhaohui Xu, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wei Wang

10:45 AM ..... The influence of CEC, salinity, mineralogy, and grain-size distribution on the stress-dependent petrophysical properties on reconsolidated mudrocks (RC E-P1.6) Mohab Dessouki, Michael Myers, and Lori Hathon, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Mohab Dessouki

11:10 AM ..... Sand bodies identification in reservoir outcrops using intensity from terrestrial laser scanner (RC E-P1.7) Jie Sheng and Zhan Liu, China University of Petroleum–East China; Qihong Zeng and Youyan Zhang, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jie Sheng

11:35 AM ..... Deep-learning methods for predicting permeability from 2D/3D binary-segmented images (RC E-P1.8) Nattavadee Srisutthiyakorn, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nattavadee Srisutthiyakorn

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.











TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPMI E-P1 Methods and ApplicationsSession Chairs: Joseph Dellinger and Denes Vigh Location: C148Synopsis: Presentations for seismic migration methods, theory and applications.

8:00 AM ......Withdrawn8:25 AM ...... Advantages of full anisotropic azimuthal PSDM

versus time-to-depth stretch, in the Woodford formation, Anadarko Basin (SPMI E-P1.2) Marianne Rauch-Davies and Andrew Pollack, Devon Energy; John Delaughter, formerly Devon Energy (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Marianne Rauch-Davies

8:50 AM ....... Application of RTM with deghosting on deepwater seismic data (SPMI E-P1.3) Wenbo Sun, Jinmiao Zhang, Zhenyu Zhu, Bin Weng, Yandong Wang, and Jicai Ding, CNOOC Research Institute (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wenbo Sun

9:15 AM ....... Least-squares reverse time migration based on first-order velocity-stress wave equation (SPMI E-P1.4) Qingyang Li, Jianping Huang, and Zhenchun Li, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qingyang Li

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Regularized least-squares reverse time migration of simultaneous-source data with adaptive singular spectrum analysis (SPMI E-P1.5) Chuang Li, Jianping Huang, and Zhenchun Li, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chuang Li

10:45 AM ..... Characteristic wave imaging in TTI media via compressed sensing (SPMI E-P1.6) Shao Yong Liu and Hanming Gu, China University of Geosciences; Bo Feng and Huzhong Wang, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shao Yong Liu

11:10 AM ..... Q compensation imaging in the local angle domain (SPMI E-P1.7) Gali Dekel, David Chase, Ronit Strachilevitz, and Zvi Koren, Paradigm (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Gali Dekel

11:35 AM ..... Strategies for imaging with Marchenko-retrieved Green’s functions (SPMI E-P1.8) Satyan Singh, University of the West Indies; Roelof Snieder, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Satyan Singh

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016TL E-P1 CO2 Monitoring and OBNSession Chairs: Cengiz Esmersoy and Daniel Ebrom Location: Room C150 Synopsis: CO2 monitoring studies. Ocean-bottom nodes and sensors.

8:00 AM ....... Time-lapse monitoring of shallow subsurface in the Aquistore CO2 storage site from surface-wave analysis using a continuous and controlled seismic source (TL E-P1.1) Tatsunori Ikeda and Takeshi Tsuji, WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University; Mamoru Takanashi, Japan Oil, Gas Metal National Corp; Isao Kurosawa, JOGMEC Technology Research Center; Masashi Nakatsukasa, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp; Donald White, Natural Resources Canada; Kyle Worth, Petroleum Technology Research Centre; Brian Roberts, Geological Survey of Canada (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Tatsunori Ikeda

8:25 AM ....... Discriminating time-lapse saturation and pressure changes in CO2 monitoring from seismic waveform and CSEM data using ensemble-based Bayesian inversion (TL E-P1.2) Svenn Tveit and Trond Mannseth, Uni Research CIPR; Morten Jakobsen, University of Bergen (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Svenn Tveit

8:50 AM ....... Joint inversion of water velocity and node position for ocean-bottom node data (TL E-P1.3) Amir Amini, Hao Peng, Zhao Zhang, Rongxin Huang, and Jing Yang, CGG (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Amir Amini

9:15 AM ....... 4D compliant processing of OBN data: Case histories of the Atlantis and Thunder Horse fields, deepwater Gulf of Mexico (TL E-P1.4) Kenneth Craft, Carsten Udengaard, Chuck Keller, Michael Harkness, and David Gore, FairfieldNodal; Samarjit Chakraborty, Jean-Paul Van Gestel, and Qingsong Li, BP; Pierre Olivier Ariston, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kenneth Craft

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Time-lapse image registration using the stratigraphic-coordinate system (TL E-P1.5) Parvaneh Karimi and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin; Rui Zhang, University of Louisiana–Lafayette (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Parvaneh Karimi

10:45 AM ..... Application of deghosting for spectral matching in OBS-streamer 4D processing (TL E-P1.6) Zhiyuan Wei, Yi Xuan, and Rongxin Huang, CGG; Christian Theriot and Douglas Rodenberger, Shell Global; Mark Chang, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation; Scott Morton, Hess; Mehdi Zouari, Anadarko (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhiyuan Wei

11:10 AM ..... Permanent borehole sensors for CO2 injection monitoring – Hastings Field, Texas (TL E-P1.7) Richard Van Dok, Brian Fuller, Larry Walter, and Nick Kramer, Sigma3; Paul Anderson and Trevor Richards, Denbury Onshore LLC (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Richard Van Dok

11:35 PM .... Laboratory measurements monitoring supercritical CO2 sequestration using ghost reflections retrieved by seismic interferometry (TL E-P1.8) Deyan Draganov, Alex Kirichek, Karel Heller, and Ranajit Ghose, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Deyan Draganov

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016BG E-P2 Borehole Measurements and Modeling 2Session Chairs: Bikash Sinha and Jon McKenna Location: Room C141Synopsis: Borehole measurements, processing, analyses, and modeling.

1:00 PM ...... New advances in complex resistivity spectrum logging (BG E-P2.1) Ming Jiang, Shizhen Ke, and Zhengming Kang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ming Jiang

1:25 PM ...... Numerical simulation and field data analysis of an off-center quadrupole acoustic wireline tool (BG E-P2.2) Zhoutuo Wei, China University of Petroleum–East China; Hua Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhoutuo Wei

1:50 PM ...... Automatic denoising and detection of microseismic events using the synchrosqueezing (BG E-P2.3) Seyed Mostafa Mousavi, Charles Langston, and Stephen Horton, University of Memphis (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Seyed Mostafa Mousavi

2:15 PM ...... The application of back projection method in calculating stimulated rock volume (BG E-P2.4) Deyou Xu, Qiankun Zuo, Youcai Tang, Fenglin Niu, and Xiaobo Meng, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Deyou Xu

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Research of directional permeability inversion using flexural wave and its application (BG E-P2.5) Xu Xiaokai, Liufang Zhu, Jinyan Zhang, Liu Meijie, and Zhai Yong, SINOPEC Shengli Well Logging Company (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Xu Xiaokai

3:45 PM ...... The inverse Gaussian beam common-reflection-point stack imaging in crosswell seismic (BG E-P2.6) Yang Feilong, Chang’an University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yang Feilong

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016INT E-P2 Reconstruction, Restoration, and Fault Models Session Chairs: Gloria Eisenstadt and Yawen He Location: Room C143/149Synopsis: These papers discuss techniques to model faults and horizons to better understand the deformation they have undergone and to reconstruct the data to their undeformed state.

1:00 PM ...... Blind restoration of poststack 3D seismic data (INT E-P2.1) Yi Wang, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yi Wang

1:25 PM ...... Seismic interpretation of fault-related deformation using a numerical kinematic model (INT E-P2.2) Gabriel Godefroy, Guillaume Caumon, and Gautier Laurent, GeoRessources (UMR 7359), Université de Lorraine; Mary Ford, CRPG, (UMR 7358), Université de Lorraine (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Mary Ford

1:50 PM ...... Deformation zones of the active wall of the s-shaped strike-slip fault: Forward modeling and analysis (INT E-P2.3) Lin Kang, Kui Wu, Zhongqiao Zhang, Naichuan Guo, and Jianhua Fan, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Ltd, Tian Jin Branch (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Lin Kang

2:15 PM ...... Geological-surface reconstruction contained reversed structures based on spatial coordination transfer (INT E-P2.4) Santai Song, Bo Zhou, and Cai Lu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Qi Wang, Sichuan Geophysical Company of CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limit (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Cai Lu

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Interactive and stochastic complex geological-surface reconstruction based on sketch (INT E-P2.5) Xinyue Hu and Lu Cai, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Qi Wang, Sichuan Geophysical Company of CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limit (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Lu Cai

3:45 PM ...... Geometric approaches to three dimensional structural restoration (INT E-P2.6) Donald Medwedeff, Stan Jayr, and Peter Lovely, Chevron Energy Technology Company (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Stan Jayr

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.











TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RP E-P1 Fractures and Effective MediaSession Chairs: Zakir Hossain and Ravi Sharma Location: C150Synopsis: Experimental analysis and theoretical description of the scale dependent effects of fractures in porous rocks.

1:00 PM ...... Experimental study of fracture scale effect on P-wave velocity, amplitude, and anisotropy (RP E-P1.1) Da Shuai, Jianxin Wei, Bangrang Di, Pinbo Ding, Wenpeng Si, Lingling Wang, Jianyong Xie, Dongqing Li, and Chongna Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Da Shuai

1:25 PM ...... The estimation uniaxial stress from P-wave reflection coefficients (RP E-P1.2) Jinxia Liu, Zhiwen Cui, and Kexie Wang, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jinxia Liu

1:50 PM ...... Reflectivity of isotropic-fractured layer (RP E-P1.3) Anna Krylova and Gennady Goloshubin, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Anna Krylova

2:15 PM ...... Rock physics modeling in partially connected porous medium (RP E-P1.4) Xinfei Yan, Xiaoming Li, and Xian Wei, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina; Minghui Lu, Rock Physics Properties of the Jimusar Tight Oil Core Samples (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Xinfei Yan

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Introduction of upscaling methods derived from the simple averaging method and a comparison with the Backus method of upscaling (RP E-P1.5) Ezzedeen Alfataierge, Evgeny Chesnokov, and Yuliya Gorb, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Ezzedeen Alfataierge

3:45 PM ...... A new rock-physical modeling based on dynamic-equivalent-medium-approach (RP E-P1.6) Guo Zongbin, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Guo Zongbin

4:10 PM ...... Quasistatic finite-difference modeling of seismic attenuation and dispersion in frequency domain (RP E-P1.7) Jian-Lu Wu and Guochen Wu, China University of Petroleum–Huadong (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jian-Lu Wu

4:35 PM ...... Modeling and analysis of seismic wave dispersion in patchy-saturated reservoir based on frequency-dependent AVO inversion (RP E-P1.8) Shuo Pang, Cai Liu, Zhiqi Guo, Neng Lu, and Bonan Li, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shuo Pang

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPIR E-P1 Seismic Data Reconstruction 2Session Chairs: Dirk Verschuur and Yangkang Chen Location: Room C148 Synopsis: This session introduces some theoretical and practical advances in seismic data reconstruction algorithms.

1:00 PM ...... Improved principal component analysis for 3D seismic data simultaneous reconstruction and denoising (SPIR E-P1.1) Weilin Huang, Runqiu Wang, and Yanxin Zhou, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yangkang Chen, The University of Texas–Austin; Runfei Yang, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Weilin Huang

1:25 PM ...... A fast minimum weighted norm interpolation (SPIR E-P1.2) Xiao Pan, Shaohuan Zu, Fei Gong, and Siyuan Cao, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Xiao Pan

1:50 PM ...... Data denoising and interpolation using synthesis and analysis sparse regularization (SPIR E-P1.3) Lucas Andrade De Almeida, Michael Wakin, and Paul Sava, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lucas Andrade De Almeida

2:15 PM ...... 5D seismic data interpolation using low-rank radial function interpolation (SPIR E-P1.4) Wei Zhang BGP/CNPC; Hanlin Chen, Chinese Academy of Science; Bo Zhao and Jiguo Du, BGP/CNPC (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Wei Zhang

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... A local slope approach to multidimensional trace interpolation (SPIR E-P1.5) Kevin Hellman and Scott Boyer, Geotrace Technologies Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kevin Hellman

3:45 PM ...... Recovering the most from big gaps using least-squares inversion (SPIR E-P1.6) Shaohuan Zu, Xiao Pan, Gan Shuwei, and Hui Zhou, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Dong Zhang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Chunlin Xie, E&D Research Institute, Daqing Oilfield Company (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Shaohuan Zu

4:10 PM ...... A piecewise linear threshold model for five-dimensional interpolation of seismic data using POCS method (SPIR E-P1.7) Johana Pinilla, Adrien Etcheverlepo, and German Ojeda, Corporación Geológica Ares (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Johana Pinilla

4:35 PM ...... Withdrawn

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016ANI E-P1 Anisotropic Inversion and ModelingSession Chairs: Rodrigo Fuck and Nishant Kamath Location: Room C150Synopsis: This session includes papers on modeling, velocity analysis, and waveform inversion in anisotropic media.

8:00 AM ....... Anisotropic full waveform inversion using the second-order pseudo-acoustic wave equations (ANI E-P1.1) Huy Le, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Huy Le

8:25 AM ....... Full-waveform inversion with reflected waves for 2D VTI media (ANI E-P1.2) Sonali Pattnaik, Ilya Tsvankin, and Hui Wang, Colorado School of Mines; Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Sonali Pattnaik

8:50 AM ....... Gradient computation for VTI acoustic wavefield tomography (ANI E-P1.3) Vladimir Li, Hui Wang, Ilya Tsvankin, Esteban Diaz, Colorado School of Mines; Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Vladimir Li

9:15 AM ....... Sensitivity analysis of seismic anisotropy parameter estimation (ANI E-P1.4) Fuyong Yan and De-Hua Han, University of Houston; Xuelian Chen, China University of Petroleum; Samik Sil, Occidental Oil & Gas International (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fuyong Yan

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Anisotropy parameters estimation with local constrained tomography in adaptive grid (ANI E-P1.5) Jinjun Liu, Statoil (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jinjun Liu

10:45 AM ..... Fourth-order NMO velocity for P-waves in layered orthorhombic media vs. offset-azimuth (ANI E-P1.6) Zvi Koren and Igor Ravve, Paradigm (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zvi Koren

11:10 AM ..... Plane-wave least-squares reverse time migration in complex VTI media (ANI E-P1.7) Jinqiang Huang, Daojun Si, Zhenchun Li, and Jianping Huang, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jinqiang Huang

11:35 AM ..... A dynamic lattice method for elastic wave modeling and migration in TTI media (ANI E-P1.8) Xiaolin Hu, Xiaofeng Jia, and Wei Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiaolin Hu

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016FWI E-P2 Methodology and Development 4 Session Chairs: Jun Cai and Zhiyang Liu Location: Room C143/149Synopsis: Recent development of FWI with improved preconditioning strategy and integration.

8:00 AM ....... Matched source waveform inversion: Space-time extension (FWI E-P2.1) Guanghui Huang and William Symes, Rice University; Rami Nammour, Total Exploration Production (TEP) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Guanghui Huang

8:25 AM ....... Full-waveform inversion by multiscale temporal integration (FWI E-P2.2) Pan Deng, Wei Huang, and Hua-Wei Zhou, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pan Deng

8:50 AM ....... Applications of adaptive-matching filter in full-waveform inversion (FWI E-P2.3) Hejun Zhu, University of Texas–Dallas; Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hejun Zhu

9:15 AM ....... Staining algorithm for full-waveform inversion (FWI E-P2.4) Chunhui Hu and Qihua Li, University of Science and Technology of China; Xiaofeng Jia, University of California–Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chunhui Hu

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... A linearized Bregman method for compressive waveform inversion (FWI E-P2.5) Xintao Chai, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Mengmeng Yang, Philipp Witte, Rongrong Wang, Zhilong Fang, and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xintao Chai

10:45 AM ..... Accelerating Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion via improved preconditioning strategies (FWI E-P2.6) Wenyong Pan, CREWES–University of Calgary; Kristopher Albert Innanen and Wenyuan Liao, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Wenyong Pan

11:10 AM ..... Preconditioning FWI with the sparse additive inverse Laplacian correlation function (FWI E-P2.7) Paul Wellington, Romain Brossier, Okba Hamitou, Stephane Garambois, and Jean Virieux, Université Grenoble Alpes (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Paul Wellington

11:35 AM ..... Waveform inversion with exponential damping using a deconvolution-based objective function (FWI E-P2.8) Yunseok Choi and Tariq Alkhalifah, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yunseok Choi

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.











WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016PS E-P1 Ambient Processing and InterferometrySession Chairs: Leo Eisner and Charles Sicking Location: C141Synopsis: One person’s signal is another person’s noise. This session covers how we can take the noise that we would otherwise ignore and use it to describe something meaningful and useful about the subsurface.

8:00 AM ....... Anisotropic seismic-noise gradiometry with finite-difference stencil correction (PS E-P1.1) Sjoerd De Ridder and Andrew Curtis, University of Edinburgh (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Sjoerd De Ridder

8:25 AM ....... Local dispersion curve estimation from seismic ambient noise using spatial gradients (PS E-P1.2) Shihao Yuan, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris; Pascal Edme, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Shihao Yuan

8:50 AM ....... Multicomponent ambient noise crosscorrelation at Forties (PS E-P1.3) Jason Chang, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Jason Chang

9:15 AM ....... Extracting body waves from ambient seismic recordings (PS E-P1.4) Aaron Girard and Jeffrey Shragge, University of Western Australia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Aaron Girard

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Numerical modeling of ambient-noise seismic interferometry (PS E-P1.5) Simisola Arogundade, Wayne Pennington, Roger Turpening, and Roohollah Askari, Michigan Technological University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Simisola Arogundade

10:45 AM ..... Interferometry of a roadside DAS array in Fairbanks, AK (PS E-P1.6) Eileen Martin, Stanford University; Nathaniel Lindsey, University of California–Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory; Shan Dou, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Thomas Daley, Barry Freifeld, Michelle Robertson, and Craig Ulrich, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Anna Wagner and Kevin Bjella, US Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Eileen Martin

11:10 AM ..... Pitfalls of receiver coupling assessment using interferometry (PS E-P1.7) Sergey Yaskevich, Novosibirsk State University, Russia; Anton Duchkov, IPGG SB RAS; Igor Kerusov, LUKOIL (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Sergey Yaskevich

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SPNA E-P1 AlgorithmsSession Chairs: Robert Wiley and Meixia Wang Location: Room C148 Synopsis: Discussing various algorithms in noise attenuation and signal enhancement.

8:00 AM ....... Adaptive microseismic noise estimation and denoising (SPNA E-P1.1) Seyed Mostafa Mousavi and Charles Langston, University of Memphis (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Seyed Mostafa Mousavi

8:25 AM ....... Randomized-order multichannel singular spectrum analysis for simultaneously attenuating random and coherent noise (SPNA E-P1.2) Weilin Huang, Runqiu Wang, Yimin Yuan, and Yanxin Zhou, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Weilin Huang

8:50 AM ....... Signal distortion versus noise suppression in seismic data denoising (SPNA E-P1.3) Weichang Li, Aramco Research Center–Houston; Ke Chen, University of Alberta; Sven Treitel, TriDekon Inc. (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Weichang Li

9:15 AM ....... Streaming prediction-error filters (SPNA E-P1.4) Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin; Jon Claerbout, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Sergey Fomel

9:40-10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM ..... Restoration of seismic data based on alternating direction method and total variation theory (SPNA E-P1.5) Yu Sang, Liaohe Oilfield Company, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yu Sang

10:45 AM ..... Combining synchrosqueezed wavelet transforms and empirical mode decomposition for filtering seismic random noise (SPNA E-P1.6) Zeming Su, Qian Wang, and Jinghuai Gao, Institution of Wave and Information (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zeming Su

11:10 AM ..... Fast dictionary learning for multidimensional seismic denoising via sequential generalized k-means (SPNA E-P1.7) Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Yangkang Chen

11:35 AM ..... Adaptive rank selection for singular spectrum analysis via dip decomposition (SPNA E-P1.8) Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Wei Chen, Yangtze University; Shaohuan Zu, Weilin Huang, and Dong Zhang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Yangkang Chen

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016GM E-P1 Interpretive MethodsSession Chairs: Daniel DiFrancesco and Irina Filina Location: Room C141Synopsis: Presentations on applying interpretive methods.

1:30 PM ....... A simple method for computing an isostatic correction for geological interpretation (GM E-P1.1) Mark Odegard, Grizzly Geosciences (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mark Odegard

1:55 PM ....... Integrated geophysical joint inversion using petrophysical constraints and geological modelling (GM E-P1.2) Jeremie Giraud, Mark Jessell, Mark Lindsay, and Evren Parkyuz-Charrier, University of Western Australia; Roland Martin, Université Paul Sabatier (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jeremie Giraud

2:20 PM ........ Inversion of gravity gradiometry data using method of magnetic dipole localization (GM E-P1.3) Wu Guochao, Zhejiang University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Wu Guochao

2:45 PM ........ Joint iterative migration of surface and borehole gravity gradiometry data (GM E-P1.4) Le Wan, Muran Han, and Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Le Wan

3:10 PM ........ Investigation of boundaries of discontinuities using wavelet transform: Eastern part of Turkey (GM E-P1.5) Fikret Dogru, and Oya Pamukcu, Dokuz Eylul University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nisar Ahmed

3:35 PM ........ Inversion for wireframe surface geometry applied to the Cocagne Subbasin, New Brunswick, Canada (GM E-P1.6) Peter Lelievre and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Karl Butler, University of New Brunswick (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Colin Farquharson

4:00 PM ........ Predictive mapping using self-organizing maps: An example of mapping the midcontinent rift at depth (GM E-P1.7) Angela Carter-McAuslan and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Angela Carter-McAuslan

4:25 PM ........ Integrating a spatial salt likelihood map and prior petrophysical data into a gravity gradiometry inversion through fuzzy c-means clustering (GM E-P1.8) Thomas Rapstine, Yaoguo Li, and Jiajia Sun, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Thomas Rapstine

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016RP E-P2 Advanced Models Session Chairs: Mario Gutierrez and Nishank Saxena Location: Room C150Synopsis: Rock physics models for diagenetic and production changes, pore-pressure prediction, characterization of fractured media and frackability.

1:30 PM ....... Pseudo-Delta Log R method for pressure analysis of sedimentary rocks (RP E-P2.1) Yaping Zhu, Dan Ebrom, Giuseppe De Prisco, Sheila Noeth, and Jim Kalinec, Statoil (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yaping Zhu

1:55 PM ....... Rock-physics modeling of shale during smectite-to-illite transition (RP E-P2.2) Xuan Qin, De-Hua Han, and Fuyong Yan, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xuan Qin

2:20 PM ........ On the stress-shadow effects of multiple-stage hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs by using cohesive phantom node method (RP E-P2.3) Behnam Sobhaniaragh, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Behnam Sobhaniaragh

2:45 PM ........ Linking PP and PS time-strain observations to near borehole anomalies using a linear thermo-poroelastic model (RP E-P2.4) Jeremy Gallop, Ikon Science; Glenn Larson, Devon Canada Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jeremy Gallop

3:10 PM ........ Upscaled rock-physics templates for seismic reservoir characterization in thin-sand reservoirs (RP E-P2.5) William Marin Hernandez and Paola Newton, Rock Solid Images (RSI); Mario Di Luca, Pacific Exploracion y Produccion (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: William Marin Hernandez

3:35 PM ........ A novel velocity prediction approach in double-porosity media using the Biot-Rayleigh theory (RP E-P2.6) Zandong (Sam) Sun, Yonggang Yang, Dong Zhang, and Zhishui Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Dong Zhang

4:00 PM ........ Automatic 3D fracture plane identification with spatial constraints (RP E-P2.7) Qingfeng Xue, Yibo Wang, and Xu Chang, Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qingfeng Xue

4:25 PM ........ A novel approach comparison of curved pseudoelastic impedance in rock physics analysis (RP E-P2.8) Kadek Hendrawan, Indira Viantini, Suananda Yogi, and Sonny Winardhie, Bandung Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kadek Hendrawan

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.











WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SM E-P1 TheorySession Chairs: Hansruedi Maurer and Ge Zhan Location: C148Synopsis: Theoretical findings presented in this session will lead to new insights into seismic modeling.

1:30 PM ....... Anisotropic structural smoothing in the fast multipole framework (SM E-P1.1) Garret Flagg, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Garret Flagg

1:55 PM ....... Coupling a local elastic solver to a background acoustic model to estimate phase variation (SM E-P1.2) Bram Willemsen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alison Malcolm, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lucas Willemsen

2:20 PM ........ Theory and modeling of contant-Q viscoelastic TTI media using fractional derivatives (SM E-P1.3) Zhihao Qiao, Chengyu Sun, and Dunshi Wu, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Jian-Lu Wu

2:45 PM ........ Revisit the 1/l problem in rheological models for time-domain seismic-wave propagation (SM E-P1.4) Chang-Hua Zhang, Sinopec Tech Houston LLC; Zhinan Xie, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration; Dimitri Komatitsch, LMA, CNRS UPR 7051; Paul Cristini, MA, CNRS UPR 7051; Rente Matzen, Technical University of Denmark (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Chang-Hua Zhang

3:10 PM ........ Towards forward modeling beyond Zoeppritz’s: Full-wavefield modeling for inhomogeneous media (SM E-P1.5) Hussain Hammad and D. J. Verschuur, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hussain Hammad

3:35 PM ........ Solving fractional Laplacian viscoacoustic wave equation using Hermite distributed approximating functional method (SM E-P1.6) Jie Yao and Donald Kouri, University of Houston; Tieyuan Zhu, University of Texas–Austin; Fazle Hussain, Texas Tech University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Jie Yao

4:00 PM ........ The pseudoanalytical space-time method: Pseudoanalytical accuracy with a convolutional Laplacian (SM E-P1.7) Michael Franco, Franco Computational Solutions; Michael O’Brien, Allied Geophysics, Inc.; Xiaolei Song, BP (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Michael Franco

4:25 PM ........ A new QP-wave equation for 2D VTI media (SM E-P1.8) Guojie Song, Rong Huang, Jidong Tian, Yali Chen, Puchun Chen, and Yan Yang, Southwest Petroleum University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Rong Huang

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SVE E-P1 Applications and MethodsSession Chairs: Matthew Karazincir and Stephen Longshaw Location: Room C143/149 Synopsis: A varied selection of papers covering theoretical advances in velocity estimation and case histories.

1:30 PM ....... Case study: One application of automated traveltime tomography using early-arrival Gaussian packets in deepwater Gulf of Mexico (SVE E-P1.1) Yanwei Xue, Jun Tang, George Zhu, and Chuck Peng, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Yanwei Xue

1:55 PM ....... Velocity analysis for amplitude variation using Duffing chaotic system (SVE E-P1.2) Bo Wang, Yang Liu, Cai Liu, and Dian Wang, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Bo Wang

2:20 PM ........ Statistical inversion of variable salt velocity by neural network classification in the central Gulf of Mexico (SVE E-P1.3) Hongyan Li, Jarrod Hutson, Brian Weir, and Chuck Peng, Schlumberger; Betty Koechner, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Hongyan Li

2:45 PM ........ Refining velocity model within the salt section in Santos Basin: An innovative workflow to include the existing stratification and its considerations (SVE E-P1.4) Fernanda Gobatto, Alexandre Maul, Leonardo Teixeira, Gerardo González, and Lívia Falcão, Petrobras; María González, Paradigm ; Joao Teixeira Boechat, Petrobras (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: María González

3:10 PM ........ Basin-scale subsalt velocity model building through well and seismic data integration, guided by geology and rock physics: Examples from the central Gulf of Mexico (SVE E-P1.5) Jianchun Dai, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jianchun Dai

3:35 PM ........ Automatic stacking velocity estimation using sparse pseudoorthogonal radon transform (SVE E-P1.6) Huazhong Wang, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Huazhong Wang

4:00 PM ........ 5D tomography with full-azimuth coil data (SVE E-P1.7) Yanwei Xue, Jun Tang, Chung-Chi Shih, and Chuck Peng, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yanwei Xue

4:25 PM ........ High-resolution, wide-azimuth beam tomography for velocity model building (SVE E-P1.8) Alexander Popovici, Nick Tanushev, and Sean Hardesty, Z-Terra Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Alexander Popovici

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016EM E-P1 3D Modeling and Inversion AlgorithmsSession Chairs: Kerry William Key and Masashi Endo Location: Room C141Synopsis: This session contains three talks about 3D EM forward modeling algorithms followed by two talks on 3D magnetotelluric algorithms and three talks outlining new 3D CSEM algorithms.

8:30 AM ....... Contraction preconditioner in finite-difference electromagnetic modeling (EM E-P1.1) Nikolay Yavich, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nikolay Yavich

8:55 AM ....... An oversampling technique for multiscale finite volume method to simulate frequency-domain electromagnetic responses (EM E-P1.2) Luz Caudillo Mata, Eldad Haber, and Christoph Schwarzbach, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Luz Caudillo Mata

9:20 AM ....... Three-dimensional vector finite-element electromagnetic forward modeling for large loop sources with complex shapes (EM E-P1.3) Jianhui Li, China University of Geosciences, IGG; Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Jianhui Li

9:45 AM ....... Full-Jacobian Gauss-Newton 3D marine magnetotelluric inversion (EM E-P1.4) Sebastien De La Kethulle De Ryhove and Rune Mittet, Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rune Mittet

10:10 AM ..... 3D minimum-structure inversion of magnetotelluric data using the finite-element method and tetrahedral grids (EM E-P1.5) Hormoz Jahandari and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hormoz Jahandar

10:35 AM ..... 3D CSEM inversion using a source-type finite-element approach (EM E-P1.6) Yonghyun Chung and Joongmoo Byun, RISE Lab, Hanyang University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yonghyun Chung

11:00 AM ..... MARE3DEM: A three-dimensional CSEM inversion based on a parallel adaptive finite element method using unstructured meshes (EM E-P1.7) Yuxiang Zhang and Kerry Key, University of California–San Diego (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yuxiang Zhang

11:25 AM ..... TTI inversion of marine CSEM data (EM E-P1.8) Kristian Hansen, Martin Panzner, Daniel Shantsev, and Rune Mittet, EMGS ASA (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kristian Hansen

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016INT E-P3 Miscellaneous Interpretation TopicsSession Chairs: Samuel Schon and Stan Jayr Location: Room C143/149Synopsis: This session covers a variety of interpretation topics from mapping hydrocarbons to modeling data to deep crustal studies.

8:30 AM ....... Is spectral decomposition suitable for 3D modeling of channels? (INT E-P3.1) Bradley Wallet, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Bradley Wallet

8:55 AM ....... Prediction of thin interbedded reservoir of fluvial facies based on AVO attribute analysis (INT E-P3.2) Pei Zhonglin, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pei Zhonglin

9:20 AM ....... The use of wavelet energy absorption to estimate hydrocarbon saturation in the north Lissie field of Wharton County, TX (INT E-P3.3) Jared Angelo, University of Louisiana–Lafayette (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jared Angelo

9:45 AM ....... Seismic inversion in complex frequency domain for the low component of model parameter (INT E-P3.4) Zhaoyun Zong, Xingyao Yin, and Kun Li, China University of Petroleum–Shandong (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Zhaoyun Zong

10:10 AM ..... Deep dissolution system for high-efficiency wells exploration in carbonate karst reservoir: A case study in Tazhong area (INT E-P3.5) Zandong (Sam) Sun, Peixuan Rui, and Lifeng Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Zandong (Sam) Sun

10:35 AM ..... Exploration vague of offshore Semai area in Indonesia? Changing exploration paradigm into pre-tertiary play based on drilling results, depositional environment, and geophysical data (INT E-P3.6) Oktariano Oktariano, Sunjaya Saputra, Dessy Dharmayanti, Aria Wibisono, and Muhammad Adib Sinto Baskoro, SKK MIGAS (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Oktariano Oktariano

11:00 AM ..... Every petroleum exploration survey is now a crustal survey: 3D Precambrian basement structures in the southern midcontinent of the United States revealed by reprocessing nodal exploration data (INT E-P3.7) Doyeon Kim and Larry Brown, Cornell University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Doyeon Kim

11:25 AM ..... Forward modelling of long-wavelength magnetic anomalies from the upper mantle (INT E-P3.8) Chijioke Idoko, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Chijioke Idoko

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.











THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016RP E-P3 Heavy Oils and Novel ExperimentsSession Chairs: Maxim Lebedev and Ludmila Adama Location: C150Synopsis: Detailed analysis of the properties of heavy oils and other complex fluids and advances in rock characterization measurements.

8:30 AM ....... Fluid and rock bulk viscosity and modulus (RP E-P3.1) Azar Hasanov, Manika Prasad, and Michael Batzle, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Azar Hasanov

8:55 AM ....... Rock-physics modeling of heavy oil sands (RP E-P3.2) Hemin Yuan and De-Hua Han, University of Houston; Weimin Zhang, Cenovus (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hemin Yuan

9:20 AM ....... Rock physics laboratory experiments on bitumen-saturated carbonates from the Grosmont Formation, Alberta (RP E-P3.3) Arif Rabbani, Oliver Ong, Xiwei Chen, and Douglas Schmitt, University of Alberta; Jason Nycz, Laricina Energy/Hellas 470; Ken Gray, Osum Oil Sands Corporation (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Nam Ong

9:45 AM ....... Ultrasonic P-wave velocity and density of heavy oil–toluene mixture (RP E-P3.4) De-Hua Han and Min Sun, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Min Sun

10:10 AM ..... Compressional velocity of heavy oil at high-temperature condition (RP E-P3.5) Min Sun and De-Hua Han, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Min Sun

10:35 AM ..... Using copropagating P-waves to extract nonlinear elastic characteristics of rock (RP E-P3.6) Xuan Feng and Cai Liu, Jilin University; Michael Fehler, Stephen Brown, and Daniel Burns, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; James Tencate, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Thomas L. Szabo, Boston University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xuan Feng

11:00 AM ..... An investigation of static and dynamic data using multistage triaxial tests (RP E-P3.7) Abdullah Bilal, Michael Myers, and Lori Hathon, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Abdullah Bilal

11:25 AM ..... Pore structure prediction for tight sandstone and verification with X-CT (RP E-P3.8) Xian Wei, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xian Wei

THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2016SM E-P2 ApplicationsSession Chairs: Alexey Stovas and Chen Hanming Location: Room C148 Synopsis: Seismic modeling is a tool which can be applied to solve a huge variety of problems. This session will show some examples.

8:30 AM ....... A constant fractional-order Laplacian viscoacoustic wave equation (SM E-P2.1) Hanming Chen and Hui Zhou, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yangkang Chen, University of Texas–Austin; Chunlin Xie, E&D Research Institute, Daqing Oilfield (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Hanming Chen

8:55 AM ....... Handling source and receiver scalars in land seismic data for virtual source applications to imaging and reservoir monitoring (SM E-P2.2) Dmitry Alexandrov, Saint Petersburg State University; Andrey Bakulin and Abdullah Alramadhan, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrey Bakulin

9:20 AM ....... Realistic signal-to-noise ratios for synthetic seismic data: Calibrating with measured noise and applications to waveform inversion (SM E-P2.3) Andrew Brenders and Joseph Dellinger, BP America Inc (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrew Brenders

9:45 AM ....... Fixed point algorithms for detection of parabolic events (SM E-P2.4) Fredrik Andersson and Marcus Carlsson, Lund University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Fredrik Andersson

10:10 AM ..... Simulation of elastic wave propagation in fractured media with multiscale finite elements (SM E-P2.5) Yongchae Cho, Maria Vasilyeva, Yalchin Efendiev, and Richard Gibson, Texas A&M University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yongchae Cho

10:35 AM ..... 3D traveltime calculation and raytracing based on multistencils fast marching methods (SM E-P2.6) Pengcheng Ding, Yang Guoquan, and Kai Zhang, China University of Petroleum–East China; Zhenchun Li, Zhenchun Li Company and China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Pengcheng Ding

11:00 AM ..... Parallel Huygens wavefront ray tracing (SM E-P2.7) Jorge Monsegny, Universidad Industrial de Santander (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jorge Monsegny

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016RC P1 Exploration and DevelopmentSession Chairs: Johannes Douma and Paul Anderson Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A variety of posters describing techniques for reservoir characterization ranging from exploration to development.

1:00 PM ...... Recognition of fluid properties of thin sand-shale interlayer reservoirs using prestack attenuation analysis (RC P1.1) Shengjie Li, Fengyao Yu, Xiaolong Zhang, and Feng Yang, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, University of China (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Shengjie Li ➤ Poster Station: 5A

1:25 PM ...... The interplay of AVO and attenuation in seismic monitoring CO2 (RC P1.2) Xiao Pan, Fei Gong, and Siyuan Cao, University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiao Pan ➤ Poster Station: 5B

1:50 PM ...... Detrital carbonate characterization through approach of seismic data in C block (RC P1.3) I Komang Andika Permana and Akhmad Miftah, PT Pertamina EP Cepu; Ramadan Sari and Abdul Haris, University of Indonesia (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: I Komang Andika Permana ➤ Poster Station: 5C

2:15 PM ...... Understanding the seismic disorder attribute and its applications (RC P1.4) Satinder Chopra, TGS; Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Satinder Chopra ➤ Poster Station: 5D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Rock type and permeability prediction using flow zone indicator with an application to Berkine Basin (Algerian Sahara) (RC P1.5) Sokhal Abdallah, Production Engineering and Development, SONATRACH; Ouadfeul Sid Ali, Algerian Petroleum Institute, IAP, Algeria; Samir Benmalek, Production Engineering and Development (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ouadfeul Sid Ali ➤ Poster Station: 5E

3:45 PM ...... An efficient approach to simultaneous smoothing and edge detection (RC P1.6) Saleh Al-Dossary, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Saleh Al-Dossary ➤ Poster Station: 5F

4:10 PM ...... Stochastic seismic inversion of seismic data from the Turaco field, Semliki basin, SW Uganda (RC P1.7) Joseph Sserunjogi and John Mary Kiberu, Makerere University Kampala (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Joseph Sserunjogi ➤ Poster Station: 5G

4:35 PM ...... Integrated approach to hydrocarbon prospect evaluation of the Vin field, Nova Scotia basin (RC P1.8) Onyinyechukwu Vivian Oguadinma, Nnaemeka Okoli, and Kingsley Ezenwaka, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Onyinyechukwu Vivian Oguadinma ➤ Poster Station: 5H

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SI P1 Tomography and InversionSession Chairs: Sergey Fomel and Kevin Woller Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A new method of tomography is presented with good examples. New methods in inversion and Q also are shown.

1:00 PM ...... The application of lame parameters prestack inversion in the prediction of CBM (SI P1.1) Yinping Dong, Handong Huang, and Jinwei Zhang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yinping Dong ➤ Poster Station: 10A

1:25 PM ...... 3D stereotomography applied to the deep-sea data acquired in the South China Sea: Part I — Theoretical foundation (SI P1.2) Kai Yang, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Kai Yang ➤ Poster Station: 10B

1:50 PM ...... 3D stereotomography applied to the deep-sea data acquired in the South China Sea, Part II: The real case study (SI P1.3) Kai Yang and Feng-Yuan Xing, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Feng-Yuan Xing ➤ Poster Station: 10C

2:15 PM ...... A new Q estimation method and its application (SI P1.4) Xiaotao Wen, Yaju Hao, and Shikai Li, State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Xiaotao Wen ➤ Poster Station: 10D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Reservoir characterization using poststack inversion and prestack simultaneous inversion: A case study in oil field development (SI P1.5) Xiaoyu Xi, Reservoir Geophysical Research Center (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiaoyu Xi ➤ Poster Station: 10E

3:45 PM ...... Enhancing seismic resolution by multiattribute analysis: A case study featuring the resolution of density (SI P1.6) K. John Fernando, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: K. John Fernando ➤ Poster Station: 10F

4:10 PM ...... Poststack impedance inversion using improved particle swarm optimization (SI P1.7) Xiaofei Cui, Xi’an Jiaotong University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xiaofei Cui ➤ Poster Station: 10G

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4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









4:35 PM ...... Application of a new elastic impedance equation based on Fatti approximation (SI P1.8) Guang Chen, Hui Zhou, Mingdi Liu, Yonghui Tao, and Minglu Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Guang Chen ➤ Poster Station: 10H

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016SPMI P1 Advances and Applications in Seismic MigrationSession Chairs: Xin Cheng and To be determined Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Poster session for advances and applications in seismic migration.

1:00 PM ...... A practical implementation of 3D TTI reverse time migration with multi-GPUs (SPMI P1.1) Guofeng Liu, China University of Geosciences–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Guofeng Liu ➤ Poster Station: 7A

1:25 PM ...... Optimization of the parameters in complex Padé Fourier finite-difference migration (SPMI P1.2) Marco Salcedo, Amelia Novais, and Jörg Schleicher, University of Campinas (Unicamp); Jesse Costa, Federal University of Para (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Marco Salcedo ➤ Poster Station: 7B

1:50 PM ...... 3D phase shift plus interpolation for hexagonally sampled seismic data (SPMI P1.3) Mohammed Shahabuddin and Wail Mousa, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wail Mousa ➤ Poster Station: 7C

2:15 PM ...... Staining algorithm in 3D reverse-time migration (SPMI P1.4) Lu Yang, University of Science and Technology of China; Xiaofeng Jia, University of California, Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lu Yang ➤ Poster Station: 7D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Reverse time migration using analytical wavefield and wavefield decomposition imaging condition (SPMI P1.5) Enjiang Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Yang Liu, CNPC Keylab of Geophysical Prospecting (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Enjiang Wang ➤ Poster Station: 7E

3:45 PM ...... Prestack-image based correlative least-squares reverse-time migration (SPMI P1.6) Xuejian Liu, Yike Liu, and Huiyi Lu, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Hu Hao, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xuejian Liu ➤ Poster Station: 7F

4:10 PM ...... Reducing under-sampling artifacts in 3D true-amplitude RTM angle gathers (SPMI P1.7) Yilong Qin, Marcel Nauta, and Scott Quiring, Acceleware Ltd (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yilong Qin ➤ Poster Station: 7G

4:35 PM ...... Reflected wave least-squares migration with correct image phase (SPMI P1.8) Huamin Zhou, Shengchang Chen, and Haoran Ren, Zhejiang University, China; Rushan Wu and Xiaobi Xie, University of California, Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Huamin Zhou ➤ Poster Station: 7H

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016TL P1 Processing Methods, DAS, Continuous, Feasibility, SteamSession Chairs: Cengiz Esmersoy and Thomas Davis Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Various topics including processing and interpretation methods, borehole DAS sensors, continuous monitoring, feasibility using a fast simulator, and steam chamber monitoring.

1:00 PM ...... New method for discriminating 4D time shifts in the overburden and reservoir (TL P1.1) Yi Liu, Børge Arntsen, and Martin Landrø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Joost Van Der Neut and Kees Wapenaar, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yi Liu ➤ Poster Station: 2A

1:25 PM ...... Inversion of continuous 4D seismic attributes to reveal daily reservoir changes (TL P1.2) Timothy Barker and Yang Xue, Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yang Xue ➤ Poster Station: 2B

1:50 PM ...... Time-shift correction of towed streamer 4D seismic data for complex reservoirs (TL P1.3) Zhen Zou, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Zhen Zou ➤ Poster Station: 2C

2:15 PM ...... A fast-track simulator to seismic proxy for quantitative 4D seismic analysis (TL P1.4) Colin MacBeth, Chong Geng, and Romain Chassagne, Heriot-Watt University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Colin MacBeth ➤ Poster Station: 2D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Time-lapse inversion of steam chamber in heavy oil reservoir (TL P1.5) Hemin Yuan and De-Hua Han, University ofHouston; Weimin Zhang, Cenovus (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hemin Yuan ➤ Poster Station: 2E

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

3:45 PM ...... 4D seismic spectral decomposition over a presalt carbonate reservoir: A feasibility study (TL P1.6) Marcos Grochau, Petrobras; Pavel Jilinski, GeoTeric (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hugo Garcia ➤ Poster Station: 2F

4:10 PM ...... Surface orbital vibrator (SOV) and fiber-optic DAS: Field demonstration of economical, continuous-land seismic time-lapse monitoring from the Australian CO2CRC Otway site (TL P1.7) Shan Dou, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Thomas Daley, Michelle Robertson, Todd Wood, and Barry Freifeld, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Roman Pevzner, Julia Correa, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Milovan Urosevic, and Boris Gurevich, Curtin University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Shan Dou ➤ Poster Station: 2G

4:35 PM ...... Multiparameter full-waveform inversion in the isotropic acoustic media with application to time-lapse seismic inverse problem (TL P1.8) Yinbin Ma, Musa Maharramov, Robert Clapp, and Biondo Biondi, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yinbin Ma ➤ Poster Station: 2H

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2016VSP P1 Data Acquisition and Processing MethodsSession Chairs: Brian Fuller and Richard Van Dok Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: This VSP session includes a significant representation of DAS VSP data acquisition tools in addition to innovative data processing methods for extracting important rock properties.

1:00 PM ...... Multicomponent distributed acoustic sensing (VSP P1.1) Ivan Lim Chen Ning, Center for Wave Phenomena; Paul Sava, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ivan Lim Chen Ning ➤ Poster Station: 8A

1:25 PM ...... Improving DAS acquisition by real-time monitoring of wireline cable coupling (VSP P1.2) Alexis Constantinou, Alireza Farahani, Theo Cuny, and Arthur Hartog, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Alexis Constantinou ➤ Poster Station: 8B

1:50 PM ...... Comparison of fiber-optic sensor and borehole seismometer VSP surveys in a scientific borehole: DFDP-2b, Alpine Fault, New Zealand (VSP P1.3) Alexis Constantinou, Schlumberger; Douglas Schmitt and Randolf Kofman, University of Alberta; Richard Kellett, GNS Science; Jennifer Eccles, University of Auckland; Donald Lawton, Malcolm Bertram, and Kevin Hall, CREWES/University of Calgary; John Townend and Martha Savage, Victoria University of Wellington; Stefan Buske and Vera Lay, Freie Universität Berlin; Andrew Gorman, University of Otago (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Alexis Constantinou ➤ Poster Station: 8C

2:15 PM ...... Approach to estimation of intrinsic attenuation by full-wavefield inversion of ZVSP data in combination with well logs (VSP P1.4) Anastasia Pirogova, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Boris Gurevich, and Roman Pevzner, Curtin University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Stanislav Glubokovskikh ➤ Poster Station: 8D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Feasibility of azimuthal anisotropy determination using P-wave reflection amplitude from a walkaround VSP (VSP P1.5) Ran Zhou, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.; Kary Green, Halliburton Energy Services; Janusz Peron, Halliburton; Bill Lyons, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Ran Zhou ➤ Poster Station: 8E

3:45 PM ...... An eikonal-based offset-to-angle transform for VSP walkaway data (VSP P1.6) Amit Padhi and Mark Willis, Halliburton Energy Services Group; Xiaomin Zhao, Halliburton International Inc (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Amit Padhi ➤ Poster Station: 8F

4:10 PM ...... Elastic modeling-based three-component VSP coordinate reorientation (VSP P1.7) Samuel Dy, Weiping Gou, Chang-Chun Lee, Wonkee Kim, and Priyanka Sadhnani, CGG (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Samuel Dy ➤ Poster Station: 8G

4:35 PM ...... Q inversion and comparative analysis among three methods for VSP data: CFS, SR, and AA (VSP P1.8) Yinting Wu and Guangming Zhu, Chang’an University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yinting Wu ➤ Poster Station: 8H

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016AVO P1 Inversion Methods and Case StudiesSession Chairs: Gabriel Gil and Gary Robinson Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A variety of papers with new inversion approaches and case studies.

8:00 AM ...... Zoeppritz-based nonlinear AVO inversion using AMDR-MCMC method (AVO P1.1) Xinpeng Pan, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xinpeng Pan ➤ Poster Station: 4A

8:25 AM ...... Traveltime and constrained AVO inversion using FDR PSO (AVO P1.2) Aayush Agarwal, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad; Kalachand Sain, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad; Shalivahan Shalivahan, Indian School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Aayush Agarwal ➤ Poster Station: 4B

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









8:50 AM ...... Facies-dependent AVO prediction: A framework for

prospect derisking in the Flemish pass and orphan basins (AVO P1.3) Nick Huntbatch, Alsing Selnes, and Neil Whitfield, Ikon Science; Ian Atkinson, Richard Wright, Deric Cameron, and David McCallum, Nalcor Energy (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nick Huntbatch ➤ Poster Station: 4C

9:15 AM ...... 2D seismic models and quantitative investigation of an undrilled Eocene fan complex (AVO P1.4) Nicholas Montevecchi, Ian Atkinson, Richard Wright, Deric Cameron, and James Carter, Nalcor Energy (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Nicholas Montevecchi ➤ Poster Station: 4D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Prestack gather flattening using segmental dynamic time warp (AVO P1.5) Feng Qian, and Lin Chen, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Feilong Zhang and Guangmin Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Feng Qian ➤ Poster Station: 4E

10:45 AM .... Effects of fracture density on P-wave reflection coefficients for shale/sand model with HTI anisotropy (AVO P1.6) Wei Huang, Pan Deng, and Hua-Wei Zhou, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Pan Deng ➤ Poster Station: 4F

11:10 AM .... Fluid identification of secondary carbonate reservoir based on iterative AVO inversion (AVO P1.7) Qiqi Ma, Zandong (Sam) Sun, and Lifeng Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Qiqi Ma ➤ Poster Station: 4G

11:35 AM .... AVO sensitivity factors of heavy oil reservoirs and the application on petrophysical property prediction (AVO P1.8) Xiang Xie, Jun Deng, Kui Wu, and Naichuan Guo, Bohai Petroleum Research Institute, Tianjin Branch of CNOOC Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xiang Xie ➤ Poster Station: 4H

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016INT P1 Case StudiesSession Chairs: Raymond Farrell and Susan Schultz Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: This session contains case histories from around the world (United States, North Sea, Libya, China, and New Zealand). It discuses a host of methods, including geometric attributes and direct hydrocarbon detection methods, using both seismic and gravity data. The papers concern both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.

8:00 AM ...... Variations of microseismic b-values and their relationship to 3D seismic structure in the Marcellus Shale: Southwestern Pennsylvania (INT P1.1) Yixuan Zhu and Thomas Wilson, West Virginia University; Peter Sullivan, Energy Corporation of America (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yixuan Zhu ➤ Poster Station: 6A

8:25 AM ...... Low-frequency seismic analysis and direct hydrocarbon indicators (INT P1.2) Bilal Ahmed Bhatti and R. James Brown, University of Stavanger (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Bilal Ahmed Bhatti ➤ Poster Station: 6B

8:50 AM ...... A full field static model of the RG-oil field, central Sirte Basin, Libya (INT P1.3) Abdalla Abdelnabi, Kelly Liu, and Stephen Gao, Missouri University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Abdalla Abdelnabi ➤ Poster Station: 6C

9:15 AM ...... Studies on sedimentation and diagenesis of Sinian dolomites with seismic data: A case from GS block of central Sichuan Basin, southwestern China (INT P1.4) Ping Yang, Bozhao Ding, Chang Fan, Xinhui Zhu, Yajing Wang, and Pei Yang, BGP Int’l (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ping Yang ➤ Poster Station: 6D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Facies control on lithology, TOC, and brittleness: Predicting lacustrine shale-gas sweet spots by using seismic data (INT P1.5) Hongliu Zeng, Bureau of Economic Geology; Xiangzeng Wang, Wei Wang, and Quansheng Liang, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Hongliu Zeng ➤ Poster Station: 6E

10:45 AM .... Geological analysis of predicting shallow gas in Daqing Placanticline with high precision gravity data (INT P1.6) Hui Yang, Baihong Wen, Ying Zhang, and Xiping Sun, RIPED (Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Baihong Wen ➤ Poster Station: 6F

11:10 AM .... Application of geometric attributes for interpreting faults from seismic data: An example from Taranaki basin, New Zealand (INT P1.7) Priyadarshi Chinmoy Kumar, AcSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Priyadarshi Chinmoy Kumar ➤ Poster Station: 6G

11:35 AM .... Interpretation of gas chimney in the Maari 3D field of southern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand (INT P1.8) Deepak Singh, Priyadarshi Chinmoy Kumar, and Kalachand Sain, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Deepak Singh

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TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016NS P1 Effects of Near-Surface Variability in SeismicSession Chairs: Daniele Colombo and Daryl Tweeton Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Papers related to near-surface variability and its effect on seismic measurements.

8:00 AM ...... A new strategy for absorption attenuation compensation in near-surface medium (NS P1.1) Ji Jie Song, Sinopec; Jin Ying Yu, Research Institute of Sinopec Northwest Oil Field Company; Meng Zhang, Geophysical Research Institute of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Company; Cheng Ye Yu, Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Company (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jie Ji Song ➤ Poster Station: 3A

8:25 AM ...... Enhancing seismic resolution by removing the weathering layer absorption (NS P1.2) Shanshan Zhang, Guofa Li, and Shanshan Zhu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Wenliang Zhu and Tongli Zhai, Dagang Oilfield (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Shanshan Zhang ➤ Poster Station: 3B

8:50 AM ...... The shallow-reflection wave-based static-correction method and its effect (NS P1.3) Lulu Zhang, Jianjun Xia, and Fanyong Kong, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jianjun Xia ➤ Poster Station: 3C

9:15 AM ...... Applying joint traveltime and waveform inversion to image the Sichuan Basin, China (NS P1.4) Ziang Li and Jie Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ziang Li ➤ Poster Station: 3D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... An efficient and robust method for automatic first arrival picking using under-sampled fast high resolution radon transform (NS P1.5) Arbab Latif and Wail Mousa, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Wail Mousa ➤ Poster Station: 3E

10:45 AM .... Super-trace residual statics estimation technology (NS P1.6) Xiaoqiao Ren, Xingyuan Zhou, Zhongping Qian, Guangkai Ma, Aijia Wang, Dongdi Cai, and Shuyun Zhu, BGP Inc (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Xiaoqiao Ren ➤ Poster Station: 3F

11:10 AM .... Estimating near-surface Q value based on the centroid frequency shift and integral area of the logarithmic spectral (NS P1.7) Mingchao Wang, Guofa Li, and Hao Zheng, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum; Tongli Zhai, Dagang Oilfield, PetroChina (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Mingchao Wang ➤ Poster Station: 3G

11:35 AM .... Tomographic inversion technique based on near-

surface investigation results (NS P1.8) Rui Diao and Guo-Chen Wu, China University of Petroleum–Huadong; Xin-Min Shang, Yong-Jun Rui, and Qing-Hui Cui, Geophysical Research Institute of Shengli Oil Field Branch (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Rui Diao ➤ Poster Station: 3H

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016ST P1 Seismic Filtering, Transformation, and ImagingSession Chairs: Paul Williamson and Mohamed Khalil Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: In these abstracts, the wavelet extraction, deconvolution, and data transformation are used to enhance the seismic signals and the final image.

8:00 AM ...... An improved Markov chain Monte Carlo approach for wavelet extraction (ST P1.1) Saleh Al-Dossary and Jinsong Wang, Saudi Aramco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jinsong Wang ➤ Poster Station: 1A

8:25 AM ...... Optimized strategy for obtaining reservoir responses via proximity transformation (ST P1.2) Aayush Garg, Delft University of Technology; Dirk Verschuur, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Aayush Garg ➤ Poster Station: 1B

8:50 AM ...... Withdrawn9:15 AM ...... A robust deconvolution algorithm with sparsity

and lateral continuity constraints for nonstationary seismic data (ST P1.4) Yumin Zhao, Guofa Li, and Bei Li, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yumin Zhao ➤ Poster Station: 1D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... A set of descriptors for automatic classification of image points in seismic sections (ST P1.5) Susanne Taina Maciel and Ricardo Biloti, University of Campinas (Unicamp) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Susanne Taina Maciel ➤ Poster Station: 1E

10:45 AM .... Characteristics analysis and matching of surface seismic, VSP, and crosswell seismic data (ST P1.6) Cao Danping, Jihao Feng, Wenguo Sun, and Zhang Xunxun, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jihao Feng ➤ Poster Station: 1F

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









11:10 AM .... Feasibility of broadband estimation of acoustic impedances from first principles and band-limited seismic reflection data (ST P1.7) Animesh Mandal, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur; Santi Ghosh, National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI Library) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Animesh Mandal ➤ Poster Station: 1G

11:35 AM .... Subsalt imaging in the presence of salt body uncertainty based on focused summation (ST P1.8) Maxim Protasov and Dmitriy Kolyukhin, IPGG SBRAS (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Maxim Protasov ➤ Poster Station: 1H

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SVE P1 Applications and MethodsSession Chairs: Junru Jiao and Lianjie Huang Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A varied selection of papers covering theoretical advances in velocity estimation and case histories.

8:00 AM ...... Eikonal equation approach for seismic velocity tomography from microearthquake (SVE P1.1) Oliver Krueger, Jörn Kummerow, Anton Reshetnikov, and Serge Shapiro, Freie Universitat Berlin; Markus Häring, Geothermal Explorers Ltd.; Hiroshi Asanuma, National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Oliver Krueger ➤ Poster Station: 9A

8:25 AM ...... The high-precision tomography velocity inversion method with well control (SVE P1.2) Bokai Hu, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Bokai Hu ➤ Poster Station: 9B

8:50 AM ...... High-performance 3D first arrival traveltime tomography with upwind finite differences and shaping regularization (SVE P1.3) Pengcheng Ding, Yang Guoquan, Zhenchun Li, and Kai Zhang, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Pengcheng Ding ➤ Poster Station: 9C

9:15 AM ...... Second-order updating in shape optimization for salt segmentation (SVE P1.4) Taylor Dahlke, Robert Clapp, and Biondo Biondi, Stanford University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Taylor Dahlke ➤ Poster Station: 9D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... High-resolution velocity spectra by minimum semblance (SVE P1.5) Daniela Kamioka, Alexandre Camargo, Henrique Santos, Joerg Schleicher, and Maria Amelia Schleicher, University of Campinas (Unicamp) (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Daniela Kamioka ➤ Poster Station: 9E

10:45 AM .... Joint-migration inversion based on reflectivity-constrained velocity estimation (SVE P1.6) Shogo Masaya and D. J. Verschuur, Delft University of Technology (INT. AUD.:3) Speaker: Shogo Masaya ➤ Poster Station: 9F

11:10 AM .... 3D local angle-domain tomography based on PSTM in azimuthally anisotropic media (SVE P1.7) Yingxia Shang and Jiubing Cheng, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jiubing Cheng ➤ Poster Station: 9G

11:35 AM .... Deepwater fold-and-thrust imaging: A case study with joint inversion, tomography, and dense velocity analysis (SVE P1.8) Chung-Chi Shih, Luca Masnaghetti, Marco Mantovani, Luciana Luca, Kate Hayo, Tien-Huei Wang, and Zengbao Chen, Schlumberger; Eva Reid and Scott Langdale, OMV; August Lau, Project Consultant (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chung-Chi Shih ➤ Poster Station: 9H

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016ACQ P1 Land and Marine AcquisitionSession Chairs: Adrian Peinado and Jon Cocker Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Poster papers related to various aspects of land and marine acquisition.

1:00 PM ...... Influences of blending noises to weak signal (ACQ P1.1) Zhengjun Wang and Jianjun Xia, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Zhengjun Wang ➤ Poster Station: 5A

1:25 PM ...... Disributed principal component analysis for data compression of sequential seismic sensor arrays (ACQ P1.2) Bo Liu, Hilal Nuha, Mohamed Deriche, and Mohamed Mohandes, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; Faramarz Fekri, Georgia Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bo Liu ➤ Poster Station: 5B

1:50 PM ...... Offset design for deep targets: Kuwait example (ACQ P1.3) Adel El-Emam and Jarrah Al-Jenaie, Kuwait Oil Company; Amr Elsabaa, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Amr Elsabaa ➤ Poster Station: 5C

2:15 PM ...... An application of crooked wide line acquisition technique in complex mountainous region (ACQ P1.4) Liangxin Lu, Yong Xia, Tongzhe Ding, and Xinggang Liu, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Liangxin Lu ➤ Poster Station: 5D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

3:20 PM ...... The imaging resolution analysis for complex models applied in seismic survey design (ACQ P1.5) Baoqing He, Donglei Tang, Yongqing He, and Bo Long, BGP, CNPC; Xiaobi Xie, University of California–Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Baoqing He ➤ Poster Station: 5E

3:45 PM ...... Development and application of single-point land piezoelectric sensor (ACQ P1.6) Xin-Min Shang, Liping Liu, and Jian Guan, Shengli Geophysical Research Institute; Jun Zhu, Caty Photoelectric Technique Co. Ltd; Guang De Zhang, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Liping Liu ➤ Poster Station: 5F

4:10 PM ...... The direct arrival in blended data (ACQ P1.7) Zhenbo Zhang and Yihua Xuan, Shenzhen Branch CNOOC Ltd; Qiang Liu, Hongyu Sun, Yong Hu, and Liguo Han, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Hongyu Sun ➤ Poster Station: 5G

4:35 PM ...... Integrated workflow for modern 2D programs in frontier areas (ACQ P1.8) Milos Cvetkovic, Laurie Geiger, Richard Clarke, Cesar Arias, Oscar Ramirez, Steve Ward, and Tim Seher, Spectrum Geo Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Milos Cvetkovic ➤ Poster Station: 5H

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016PS P1 MicroseismicSession Chairs: Frantisek Stanek and Kit Chambers Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A collection of presentations covering recent work in microseismic/passive seismology.

1:00 PM ...... Microseismic location using differential back azimuths (PS P1.1) Rae Jacobsen, Abdulmohsen Alali, and Jamie Rich, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Rae Jacobsen ➤ Poster Station: 2A

1:25 PM ...... A competitive particle swarm optimization for nonlinear first arrival traveltime tomography (PS P1.2) Keurfon Luu, Mark Noble, and Alexandrine Gesret, MINES ParisTech, PSL - Research University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Keurfon Luu ➤ Poster Station: 2B

1:50 PM ...... Detection and location for microseismic events recorded by single-downhole acquisition with crosscorrelation method (PS P1.3) Xiaobo Meng, Haichao Chen, Fenglin Niu, Youcai Tang, and Qiankun Zuo, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Xiaobo Meng ➤ Poster Station: 2C

2:15 PM ...... Time-frequency denoising of microseismic data (PS P1.4) Jubran Akram, Zhangxin Chen, David Eaton, and Xiucheng Wei, University of Calgary (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jubran Akram

➤ Poster Station: 2D2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Revision of Wadati method for VP/VS determination in layered media (PS P1.5) Iga Pawelec, AGH University of Science and Technology; Dawid Szafranski and Leo Eisner, Seismik s.r.o. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Leo Eisner ➤ Poster Station: 2E

3:45 PM ...... Automatic S-wave picking based on time-frequency analysis for passive seismic applications (PS P1.6) Vassilios Karastathis, Theodoros Aspiotis, and Akis Tselentis, National Observatory of Athens; Nick Russill, Landtech S. A. (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Vassilios Karastathis ➤ Poster Station: 2F

4:10 PM ...... Microseismic network design in complex 3D velocity models (PS P1.7) Andreas Wuestefeld, Tina Kaschwich, and Kamran Iranpour, NORSAR (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andreas Wuestefeld ➤ Poster Station: 2G

4:35 PM ...... Withdrawn

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016RC P2 UnconventionalsSession Chairs: Manika Prasad and Zhishuai Zhang Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Collection of posters covering topics on unconventional, including microseismic.

1:00 PM ...... Microseismic and model stimulation of natural fracture networks in the Marcellus Shale, West Virginia (RC P2.1) Thomas Wilson and Timothy Carr, West Virginia University; B. J. Carney, Jay Hewitt, Ian Costello, and Emily Jordon, Northeast Natural Energy, LLC; Keith MacPhail, Natalie Uschner, Miranda Thomas, Si Akin, Oluwaseun Magbagbeola, Adrian Morales, Asbjoern Johansen, Leah Hogarth, and Kashif Naseem, Schlumberger (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Thomas Wilson ➤ Poster Station: 10A

1:25 PM ...... Microseismic energy density and event trend constraints on model DFN development for hydraulically fractured reservoirs: Marcellus shale, southwestern Pennsylvania, USA (RC P2.2) Thomas Wilson, West Virginia University; Peter Sullivan, Energy Corporation of America (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Thomas Wilson ➤ Poster Station: 10B

1:50 PM ...... Reservoir quality indicators from well logs and 3D–3-C seismic in the Marcellus Shale (RC P2.3) Fabiola Ruiz and Robert Stewart, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fabiola Ruiz ➤ Poster Station: 10C

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









2:15 PM ...... Geoelectric modeling-based estimation of shale resistivity to enhance water saturation calculation for a low-resistivity shaly sand formation in the Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam (RC P2.4) Pham Huy Giao, Asian Institute of Technology (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Pham Huy Giao ➤ Poster Station: 10D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Fluid flow paths discrimination in tight sand reservoir using the hydraulic flow unit approach with an example from the Algerian Sahara (RC P2.5) Sokhal Abdallah, Production Engineering and Development; Ouadfeul Sid Ali, Algerian Petroleum Institute, IAP, Algeria; Adel Bouguandoura, Exploration Division, Sonatrach; Benmalek Samir, Production Engineering and Development, Sonatrach (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Ouadfeul Sid Ali ➤ Poster Station: 10E

3:45 PM ...... Rock physics and AVO mapping of lithofacies and pore-fluid probabilities: Niger Delta (RC P2.6) Ibukun Olorunniwo, Sunday Olotu, Adekunle Adepelumi, and Moses Olorunniwo, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Sunday Olotu ➤ Poster Station: 10F

4:10 PM ...... Experimental study of scale-dependent velocity of heterogeneous media (RC P2.7) Chongna Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Jianxin Wei, CNPC Keylab of Geophysical Prospecting; Bangrang Di, Jianguo Zhao, Fei Gong, Feng Gao, and Haihao Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chongna Liu ➤ Poster Station: 10G

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPMUL P1 Matching, Imaging, and ISSSession Chairs: Paolo Mazzucchelli and Zhengwei Xu Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Learn of developments in matching in practice, issues related to migration/imaging, and further explorations of the inverse scattering series.

1:00 PM ...... Adaptive multiple subtraction by statistical curvelet matching (SPMUL P1.1) Truong Nguyen and Richard Dyer, PGS Exploration (UK) Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Truong Nguyen ➤ Poster Station: 8A

1:25 PM ...... Residual multiple attenuation based on adaptive amplitude fitting and signal matching (SPMUL P1.2) Cheng Nianfu and Qing Wang, QITeam International Pte. Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Cheng Nianfu ➤ Poster Station: 8B

1:50 PM ...... Reweighted least-squares reverse time migration in the presence of multiples (SPMUL P1.3) Chuang Li, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chuang Li ➤ Poster Station: 8C

2:15 PM ...... Imaging strategies using surface-related multiples for incomplete seismic data (SPMUL P1.4) Aparajita Nath, Delft University of Technology; Dirk Verschuur, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Aparajita Nath ➤ Poster Station: 8D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... Migration of multiples: An application to marine data (SPMUL P1.5) Yikang Zheng and Yibo Wang, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xu Chang, Academy of Sciences of China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yikang Zheng ➤ Poster Station: 8E

3:45 PM ...... A clear example of using multiples to enhance and improve imaging (SPMUL P1.6) Chao Ma and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston. (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Chao Ma ➤ Poster Station: 8F

4:10 PM ...... The impact of prerequisites (ghosts, source wavelet, and radiation pattern) on the inverse scattering series free-surface multiple-elimination algorithm (SPMUL P1.7) Jinlong Yang, SINOPEC Geophysical Research Institute; Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jinlong Yang ➤ Poster Station: 8G

4:35 PM ...... Incorporating a 3D point source in the ISS FSME for a 1D subsurface and its influence on the subsequent processing (SPMUL P1.8) Xinglu Lin and Arthur Weglein, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Xinglu Lin ➤ Poster Station: 8H

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2016SPNA P1 Case Study and AlgorithmSession Chairs: Adriano Gomes and Zhigang Zhang Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Noise attenuation real data examples as well as discussions of algorithms.

1:00 PM ...... Conflicting dips and hard-rock environments: A CRS land data case study (SPNA P1.1) Jan Walda and Dirk Gajewski, University of Hamburg (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jan Walda ➤ Poster Station: 7A

1:25 PM ...... An edge-preserving frequency-offset algorithm for seismic data denoising (SPNA P1.2) Julian Gomez, Universidad Nacional De La Plata; Danilo Velis, Observatorio Astronomico (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Gabriel Gelpiu ➤ Poster Station: 7B

1:50 PM ...... Spectral whitening using single-trace singular value decomposition applied to vibroseis data (SPNA P1.3) Rafael Manenti and Milton Porsani, Universidade Federal Da Bahia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rafael Manenti ➤ Poster Station: 7C

2:15 PM ...... Random-noise attenuation by an amplitude-preserved time-frequency peak based on empirical wavelet transform predictive filtering (SPNA P1.4) Zhen Li and Jinghuai Gao, Volatility and Information Research Institute (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Zhen Li ➤ Poster Station: 7D

2:40 - 3:20 PM ...... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

3:20 PM ...... A hybrid PSOGSA-based inversion of noise corrupted seismic data using singular spectrum-based time slice denoising (SPNA P1.5) Shubham Kumar Priyadarshi and Saumen Maiti, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad; Rajesh Rekapalli and Ram Krishna Tiwari, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Shubham Kumar Priyadarshi ➤ Poster Station: 7E

3:45 PM ...... The method of surface-wave suppression based on image-feature transforms (SPNA P1.6) Zaijin Zhang, Junhua Zhang, Jin Hou, and Junlin Li, China University of Petroleum–East China; Hongxian Liang, Shengli Oilfield. (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Junlin Li ➤ Poster Station: 7F

4:10 PM ...... Comparison of the POCS and IHT methods for seismic data interpolation and denoising (SPNA P1.7) Benfeng Wang, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Benfeng Wang ➤ Poster Station: 7G

4:35 PM ...... A robust sparse radon transform in the mixed time-frequency domain (SPNA P1.8) Benfeng Wang, Tsinghua University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Benfeng Wang ➤ Poster Station: 7H

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016GM P1 Interpretation and Parameter DeterminationSession Chairs: Hongzhu Cai and Subba Yalamanchili Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Presentations on parameter determination, modeling, and interpretation.

8:00 AM ...... Estimating the magnetization direction of magnetic bodies through correlation between reduced-to-the-pole anomaly and the normalized source strength (GM P1.1) Chunfeng Rao, Peng Yu, Luo-Lei Zhang, Xuebin Hu, and Cheng Chen, State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Chunfeng Rao ➤ Poster Station: 3A

8:25 AM ...... Geophysical investigations of the Espanola basin, Rio Grande rift, northern New Mexico (GM P1.2) Christopher Harper, and Kyle McBride, University of Texas–Dallas; John Ferguson, University of Texas–Dallas; Scott Baldridge, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Larry Braile, Purdue University; Darcy McPhee, US Geological Survey; Nathan Keithline, College of William and Mary; Chloe Boucher, University of California–Santa Cruz; Kevin Mendoza, University of California–Merced (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Christopher Harper ➤ Poster Station: 3B

8:50 AM ...... 3D modelling of granite intrusions in northwest Tasmania using petrophysical and residual gravity data (GM P1.3) Esmaeil Eshaghi, Anya Reading, Michael Roach, and Matthew Cracknell, University of Tasmania; Mark Duffett and Daniel Bombardieri, Mineral Resources Tasmania (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Esmaeil Eshaghi ➤ Poster Station: 3C

9:15 AM ...... Two-dimensional joint inversion of seismic and gravity data with cosine similarity structural constraint (GM P1.4) Bo Shi, Peng Yu, and Chongjin Zhao, Tongji University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Bo Shi ➤ Poster Station: 3D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Magnetic, in situ, mineral characterization of Chelyabinsk meteorite thin section (GM P1.5) Ladislav Nabelek, Martin Mazanec, Simon Kdyr, and Gunther Kletetschka, Charles University in Prague (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Martin Mazanec ➤ Poster Station: 3E

10:45 AM .... Development of a squid-based airborne full tensor gradiometers for geophysical exploration (GM P1.6) Longqing Qiu, Liangliang Rong, Jun Wu, Yongliang Wang, Guofeng Zhang, Shiliang Wang, and Xiaoming Xie, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (INT. AUD.:3) Speaker: Longqing Qiu ➤ Poster Station: 3F

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016INT P2 New Interpretation MethodsSession Chairs: Kevin Woller and Tiancong Hong Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: This session contains a variety of new interpretation techniques. Waveform classification, seismic inversion, spectral decomposition, volumetric dip computations, display methods, and a technique to estimate fault activation are all included in this session.

8:00 AM ...... Statistical seismicity analysis methods for the detection of fault activation during fluid injection (INT P2.1) Thomas Goebel, California Institute of Technology; Fred Aminzadeh, USC; Jackson Haffener and Xiaowei Chen, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fred Aminzadeh ➤ Poster Station: 1A

8:25 AM ...... Improved seismic texture analysis based on nonlinear gray-level transformation (INT P2.2) Haibin Di and Dengliang Gao, West Virginia University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Haibin Di ➤ Poster Station: 1B

8:50 AM ...... Adaptive-phase k-means algorithm for waveform classification (INT P2.3) Chengyun Song, Zhining Liu, Zhiyong Li, and Guangmin Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Chengyun Song ➤ Poster Station: 1C

9:15 AM ...... A workflow using self-organized mapping to predict rock properties from seismic-reflection data (INT P2.4) Jorge Parra, Southwest Research Institute (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jorge Parra ➤ Poster Station: 1D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Seismic-sparse inversion in mixed domain utilizing fast matching pursuit algorithm (INT P2.5) Kun Li, Xingyao Yin, and Zhaoyun Zong, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Kun Li ➤ Poster Station: 1E

10:45 AM .... Reliability enhancement of mix-domain seismic inversion with bounding constraints (INT P2.6) Kun Li and Xingyao Yin, China University of Petroleum; Zhaoyun Zong, China University of Petroleum–Shandong (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Kun Li ➤ Poster Station: 1F

11:10 AM .... Progress on empirical-mode decomposition-based techniques and its impacts on seismic-attribute analysis (INT P2.7) Bruno Honorio and Alexandre Vidal, University of Campinas; Marcilio Matos, Pontificia Universidad Católica–Rio de Janeiro (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Bruno Honorio ➤ Poster Station: 1G

11:35 AM .... A comparison of alternative volumetric dip computations (INT P2.8) Megan Gunther and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Megan Gunther ➤ Poster Station: 1H

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016MS P1 New DevelopmentsSession Chairs: James Gaiser and Josh Curtis Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: New developments in processing, imaging, and interpretation of converted-wave seismic data.

8:00 AM ...... Wavelet distortion correction using shaping filter in the generalized S-transform domain (MS P1.1) Zijian Ge and Yiran Xu, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yiran Xu ➤ Poster Station: 9A

8:25 AM ...... Multicomponent joint static corrections (MS P1.2) Xufei Gong, Qizhen Du, and Qiang Zhao, China University of Petroleum–East China (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xufei Gong ➤ Poster Station: 9B

8:50 AM ...... 3D P- and S-wave separation and elastic reverse time migration (MS P1.3) Xiyan Zhou, Xu Chang, Yibo Wang, and Zhenxing Yao, Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS) (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiyan Zhou ➤ Poster Station: 9C

9:15 AM ...... Prestack depth-imaging application of PS-waves for carbonate reservoirs (MS P1.4) Jun Yang, BGP Inc; Bin Ning, Lei Zhang, and Yubo Yue, BGP Inc, CNPC; Yan Zhang, BGP, Inc (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Jun Yang ➤ Poster Station: 9D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... The ODR-dependent attribute analysis of HTI media based on full-azimthual gather: A synthetic study (MS P1.5) Peng Wang, Feng Zhang, Shuangquan Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, and Tuo Zhang, China University of Petroleum; Pengyuan Sun, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Tuo Zhang ➤ Poster Station: 9E

10:45 AM .... Anisotropic correction of split shear wave and attribute analysis in Luojia block (MS P1.6) Ruyi Zhang, Yan-Guang Wang, Zhiqiang Sui, Qingfeng Kong, and Yu Zhen Liu, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Ruyi Zhang ➤ Poster Station: 9F

11:10 AM .... Prestack joint inversion of PP- and PS-waves based on initial model constraint (MS P1.7) Jian Zhao, Zhongping Qian, Pengyuan Sun, Wenbo Zhang, Hongying Zhang, and Zengbo Wang, BGP, CNPC (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Jian Zhao ➤ Poster Station: 9G

11:35 AM .... Optimizing full-stacked PP-PS seismic data interpretation (MS P1.8) Eko Purnomo, Center of Seismic Imaging; Deva Ghosh, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Deva Ghosh ➤ Poster Station: 9H

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016NS P2 ApplicationsSession Chairs: Ben Sternberg and Steven Sloan Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A variety of papers, all related to environmental and engineering applications of near-surface geophysics.

8:00 AM ...... Integrated geophysical methods for detecting archaeological Han Dynasty tombs (NS P2.1) Li Man, East China Institution of Technology (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Li Man ➤ Poster Station: 6A

8:25 AM ...... Electromagnetic tunnel detection using a magnetic-dipole source in three-dimensional space (NS P2.2) John Neese, University of Houston (BK); David Jackson and Yingcai Zheng, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: John Neese ➤ Poster Station: 6B

8:50 AM ...... A transgressive sedimentary sequence assessment by multioffset GPR data (NS P2.3) Saulo Martins, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Ellen De Gomes, Federal University of Pará; Jandyr Travassos and Webe Mansur, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Saulo Martins ➤ Poster Station: 6C

9:15 AM ...... Full-waveform inversion of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data using pest (FWI-pest method) applied to utility detection (NS P2.4) Sajad Jazayeri and Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Seyed Jazayeri ➤ Poster Station: 6D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Electromagnetic Marchenko imaging in 1D for dissipative media (NS P2.5) Lele Zhang, Delft University of Technology; Evert Slob, Joost Van Der Neut, and Cornelis Wapenaar, Delft University of Technology, Delphi Consortium (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Lele Zhang ➤ Poster Station: 6E

10:45 AM .... 2D electrical resistivity imaging and seismic hazard assessment of building in Assiut New City, Egypt (NS P2.6) Mohamed Ebraheem, Mohamed Ramah, Awad Omran, and Rashad Sawires, Assuit University; Gamal Abdel Aal, Oklahoma State University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mohamed Ramah ➤ Poster Station: 6F

11:10 AM .... Electrical resistivity and induced polarization imaging for groundwater exploration (NS P2.7) Ahzegbobor Aizebeokhai, Kehinde Oyeyemi, and Emmanuel Joel, Covenant University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Philips Aizebeokhai ➤ Poster Station: 6G

11:35 AM .... Withdrawn

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016RP P1 Fluids, Rocks, and their InteractionSession Chairs: Seán Dolan and Elmira Chabyshova Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Theoretical and numerical investigations of porous rocks and application to reservoir characterization.

8:00 AM ...... Withdrawn8:25 AM ...... Investigation of upscaled rock-fluid interaction

devised from discrete and automated steady-state fractional flow methods in stratified assemblages (RP P1.2) Travis Ramsay, Halliburton (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Travis Ramsay ➤ Poster Station: 4B

8:50 AM ...... Analysis of seismic anisotropy parameters for sedimentary strata (RP P1.3) Fuyong Yan, De-Hua Han, and Xuelian Chen, University of Houston; Samik Sil, Occidental Oil & Gas International (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Fuyong Yan ➤ Poster Station: 4C

9:15 AM ...... Effect of fracture fill on frequency-and angle-dependent velocities and attenuation in fractured porous rocks (RP P1.4) Kong Liyun and Yan Zhang, RIPED, CNPC; Boris Gurevich, Curtin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Kong Liyun ➤ Poster Station: 4D

9:40 - 10:20 AM .... Technical Program Coffee Break

(located on Exhibit Floor)

10:20 AM .... Generalized squirt theory for an arbitrary viscoelastic pore fill and partial saturation (RP P1.5) Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Maxim Lebedev, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, and Boris Gurevich, Curtin University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Stanislav Glubokovskikh ➤ Poster Station: 4E

10:45 AM .... Classification of gas-rich lithofacies in continental shale formation based on bi-Langmuir model and SVM methods (RP P1.6) Shengjie Li and Feng Yang, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting (INT. AUD.:NA) Speaker: Shengjie Li ➤ Poster Station: 4F

11:10 AM .... A relationship between rock physics and nuclear magnetic resonance (RP P1.7) Zakir Hossain, ION (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Zakir Hossain ➤ Poster Station: 4G

11:35 AM .... Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) characteristics of oil and water in shale gas reservoirs of Longmaxi Formation in southeast Sichuan Basin, China (RP P1.8) Wang Liang, Yonghong Fu, Yiru Sima, and Liqiang Sima, Southwest Petroleum University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Wang Liang ➤ Poster Station: 4H

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016ANI P1 Modeling and AVO Analysis for TI and Orthorhombic MediaSession Chairs: Ilya Tsvankin and Vladimir Grechka Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: These papers discuss modeling and AVO-analysis methods for anisotropic media with TI and orthorhombic symmetry.

1:30 PM ...... Phase velocity error minimizing scheme for the anisotropic pure P-wave equation (ANI P1.1) Philipp Witte and Felix Herrmann, University of British Columbia; Christiaan Stolk, University of Amsterdam (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Philipp Witte ➤ Poster Station: 2A

1:55 PM ...... An acoustic eikonal equation for attenuating VTI media (ANI P1.2) Qi Hao, NTNU; Tariq Alkhalifah, KAUST (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Qi Hao ➤ Poster Station: 2B

2:20 PM ...... New moveout approximation for orthorhombic model (ANI P1.3) Shibo Xu, Alexey Stovas, and Qi Hao, NTNU (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Shibo Xu ➤ Poster Station: 2C

2:45 PM ...... Fourth-order NMO velocity for P-waves in layered orthorhombic media vs. phase azimuth (ANI P1.4) Igor Ravve and Zvi Koren, Paradigm (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Igor Ravve ➤ Poster Station: 2D

3:10 PM ...... Down- and up-going waves in tilted orthorhombic media in zero-frequency limit (ANI P1.5) Yuriy Ivanov and Alexey Stovas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yuriy Ivanov ➤ Poster Station: 2E

3:35 PM ...... A comparison of anisotropic parameterizations for Ti and orthorhombic media and their sensitivity with respect to qP velocities (ANI P1.6) Yanadet Sripanich and Sergey Fomel, University of Texas–Austin; Paul Fowler, WesternGeco (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yanadet Sripanich ➤ Poster Station: 2F

4:00 PM ...... Effect of anisotropy (lamination) on rock fracability for vertical transverse isotropic (VTI) unconventional reservoirs, a comparison between upper (Highstand system tract - HST) and middle (Transgressive system tract - TST) Woodford shale (ANI P1.7) Carlos Molinares and Roger Slatt, University of Oklahoma; Rafael Sierra, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Carlos Molinares ➤ Poster Station: 2G

4:25 PM ...... A novel method of joint inversion for six fracture elastic parameters (ANI P1.8) Xinpeng Pan, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Xinpeng Pan ➤ Poster Station: 2H

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016EM P1 Physics, Processing, and ModelingSession Chairs: Glenn Wilson and Stefan Helwig Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: This poster sessions covers a number of EM topics including analysis of EM physics as applied to exploration, new EM data processing techniques, and EM modeling studies.

1:30 PM ...... Vertical smoke rings: The transient response of a horizontal magnetic dipole (EM P1.1) Andrei Swidinsky and Misac Nabighian, Colorado School of Mines (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Andrei Swidinsky ➤ Poster Station: 8A

1:55 PM ...... Experimental study on seismoelectric interface response of wedge-shaped rock sample (EM P1.2) Rong Peng, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, Pinbo Ding, and Zichun Liu, China University of Petroleum–Beijing (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Rong Peng ➤ Poster Station: 8B

2:20 PM ...... Effective-medium modeling of the induced-polarization effect in multiphase artificial mineral rocks (EM P1.3) Wei Lin, Vladimir Burtman, and Michael Zhdanov, University of Utah; Masashi Endo, TechnoImaging; Shinichi Takakura, National Institute For Rural Engineering (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Wei Lin ➤ Poster Station: 8C

2:45 PM ...... Denoising of magnetotelluric data by polarization analysis in the discrete wavelet transform domain (EM P1.4) Rolando Carbonari and Rosa Di Maio, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; Luca D’Auria and Zaccaria Petrillo, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Rolando Carbonari ➤ Poster Station: 8D

3:10 PM ...... A denoising method for periodic CSEM data based on inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT), continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and overdetermined equations (ODES) (EM P1.5) Yang Yang, Central South University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yang Yang ➤ Poster Station: 8E

3:35 PM ...... Characterization of noise in airborne-transient electromagnetic data using Benford’s law (EM P1.6) Dikun Yang, University of British Columbia (INT. AUD.: 1) Speaker: Dikun Yang ➤ Poster Station: 8F

4:00 PM ...... Finite-element simulation of 3D CSEM data on unstructured meshes: An example from the East Coast of Canada (EM P1.7) Mariella Nalepa, Seyedmasoud Ansari, and Colin Farquharson, Memorial University of Newfoundland (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Mariella Nalepa ➤ Poster Station: 8G

4:25 PM ...... An efficient method for three-dimensional time-domain airborne EM modeling (EM P1.8) Xiuyan Ren, Changchun Yin, Yunhe Liu, and Jing Cai, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xiuyan Ren ➤ Poster Station: 8H

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SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program Sponsored by Sponsored by Geophysical Insights SEG Dallas 2016 Official Program

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016FWI P1 Methodology and Development 5Session Chairs: Yongzhong Wang and Pan Deng Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: Recent development of FWI algorithms and strategies.

1:30 PM ...... Time-domain full-waveform inversion using instantaneous phase with damping (FWI P1.1) Jingrui Luo, Xi’an University of Technology; Ru-Shan Wu, University of California–Santa Cruz; Fuchun Gao, Total E&P Research and Technology LLC (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jingrui Luo ➤ Poster Station: 5A

1:55 PM ...... Data-domain multiscale approaches for full-waveform inversion (FWI P1.2) Leornado Gomez, Reynam Pestana, and Daniel Revelo, Federal University of Bahia (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Leornado Gomez ➤ Poster Station: 5B

2:20 PM ...... The stepped multiparameter FWI of acoustic media in time-domain by l-BFGS method with illumination analysis (FWI P1.3) Jiang Lanjie, Zhang Guangzhi, Lu Liu, Song Jiajie, and Pei Zhonglin, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jiang Lanjie ➤ Poster Station: 5C

2:45 PM ...... Joint AVO and multiparameter full-waveform inversion (FWI P1.4) Jiang Lanjie, Zhang Guangzhi, Wang Huixin, Song Jiajie, and Pei Zhonglin, China University of Petroleum (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jiang Lanjie ➤ Poster Station: 5D

3:10 PM ...... Step length of full-waveform inversion based on linear search method in multisource domain (FWI P1.5) Shoudong Wang, China University of Petroleum–Beijing; Jianglong Chen, CNOOC Ltd (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Jianglong Chen ➤ Poster Station: 5E

3:35 PM ...... Spline envelope full-waveform inversion (FWI P1.6) Liguo Han, Yong Hu, Pan Zhang, and Lu Bai, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yong Hu ➤ Poster Station: 5F

4:00 PM ...... Multistep full-waveform inversion based on waveform-mode decomposition (FWI P1.7) Yong Hu, Liguo Han, Pan Zhang, Zhongzheng Cai, and Qixin Ge, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Yong Hu ➤ Poster Station: 5G

4:25 PM ...... Improvements to elastic full waveform inversion using cross-gradient constraints (FWI P1.8) Edgar Manukyan and Hansruedi Maurer, ETH Zurich; Andre Nuber, Institute of Geophysics (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Edgar Manukyan ➤ Poster Station: 5H

WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016MG P1 Case Histories and New DevelopmentsSession Chairs: Jose Arce and Jean Legault Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: A poster session with mix of case histories and new developments, featuring airborne and ground methods and physical properties.

1:30 PM ...... Induced-polarization effects in airborne electromagnetic data: Estimating chargeability from shape reversals (MG P1.1) Richard Smith, Laurentian University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Richard Smith ➤ Poster Station: 10A

1:55 PM ...... Breaking through the 25/30 Hz barrier: Lowering the base frequency of the HELITEM airborne EM system (MG P1.2) Graham Konieczny, Adam Smiarowski, and Phillip Miles, CGG (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Adam Smiarowski ➤ Poster Station: 10B

2:20 PM ...... Airborne geophysical survey of northeastern Burkina Faso: New insights into the mineral potential of the Birimian basement (MG P1.3) Nasreddine Bournas, Geoffrey Plastow, Zihao Han, and Ali Latrous, Geotech LTD; Douglas Pitcher, Geotech Airborne Ltd (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Nasreddine Bournas ➤ Poster Station: 10C

2:45 PM ...... Exploring for copper-gold deposits with time-domain electromagnetics in the Chapais-Chibougamau mining camp: Case history of a challenging variable environment (MG P1.4) Frederic Gaucher and Richard Smith, Laurentian University (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Frederic Gaucher ➤ Poster Station: 10D

3:10 PM ...... Three-dimensional electrical structures of Jiurui ore district in the middle-lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China from AMT inversion (MG P1.5) Chen Hui and Juzhi Deng, East China Institute of Technology; Changchun Yin, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Chen Hui ➤ Poster Station: 10E

3:35 PM ...... Complex resistivity of mineral rocks in the context of the generalized effective-medium theory of the IP effect (MG P1.6) Vladimir Burtman, Michael Zhdanov, and Wei Lin, University of Utah; Masashi Endo, TechnoImaging (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Vladimir Burtman ➤ Poster Station: 10F

4:00 PM ...... Helicopter-borne magnetic gradiometry for mineral exploration: Effects of system movement in flight (MG P1.7) Lindsay Upiter, and Claire Samson, Carleton University; Steve Balch, Triumph Instruments (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Claire Samson ➤ Poster Station: 10G

4:25 PM ...... Application of spectral element method for airborne EM modeling (MG P1.8) Xin Huang, Chuangchun Yin, Yunhe Liu, Xiaoyue Cao, Yongchao Lu, and Jing Cai, Jilin University (INT. AUD.: 4) Speaker: Xin Huang ➤ Poster Station: 10H

Audio- and/or videotaping of any portion of the Technical Program or workshop held in conjunction with SEG meetings is prohibited without prior consent of the SEG Board of Directors.

1 = Little or no detailed knowledge of general topic area2 = Heard of topic area but has no direct experience3 = Some knowledge and experience in topic area

4 = Significant knowledge and experience in topic area5 = Detailed knowledge and experience in topic area6 = Domain area specialists









WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2016SM P1 ApplicationsSession Chairs: Richard Gibson and Zedong Wu Location: Lobby D/CSynopsis: The poster session of seismic modeling applications will allow attendees to learn more about several techniques in detail in direct communication with the author.

1:30 PM ...... Reflectivity method for modeling the propagation of diffusive-viscous wave in dip-layered media (SM P1.1) Haixia Zhao, Jinghuai Gao, Jigen Peng, and Xiaokai Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong University (INT. AUD.: 5) Speaker: Haixia Zhao ➤ Poster Station: 7A

1:55 PM ...... Calibrating seismic fracture prediction using borehole image logs, application to the Mississippian limestone (SM P1.2) Stephanie Cook Abdulmohsen Alali, and Kurt Marfurt, University of Oklahoma; Matthew Pranter, University of Colorado (INT. AUD.: 2) Speaker: Stephanie Cook ➤ Poster Station: 7B

2:20 PM ...... An optimal staggered-grid finite-difference scheme using Taylor-series expansion with a minimax approximation for elastic wave modeling (SM P1.3) Hongyong Yan, and Lei Yang, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Hengchang Dai and Xiang-Yang Li, British Geological Survey (INT. AUD.: 6) Speaker: Hengchang Dai ➤ Poster Station: 7C

2:45 PM ...... Modeling 2D wave propagation in poroelastic media using locally one-dimension (LOD) implicit finite differences (SM P1.4) Ursula Iturraran-Viveros and Reymundo Itza, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Jorge Parra, Southwest Research Institute (INT. AUD.: NA) Speaker: Ursula Iturraran-Viveros ➤ Poster Station: 7D

3:10 PM ...... A pseudospectral scheme for SH-wave modeling of irregular free surface (SM P1.5) Jiong Liu, Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Jiong Liu ➤ Poster Station: 7E

3:35 PM ...... 3D superwide-angle one-way propagator and its application in seismic modeling (SM P1.6) Yunong Jiang, University of Science and Technology of China; Xiaofeng Jia, University of California–Santa Cruz (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yunong Jiang ➤ Poster Station: 7F

4:00 PM ...... Analysis of oscillational behaviors of waves in gas-pocket reservoirs via decoupling wavefields (SM P1.7) Pongthep Thongsang, University of Houston (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Pongthep Thongsang ➤ Poster Station: 7G

4:25 PM ...... A new time-space domain dispersion-relation-based implicit staggered-grid finite-difference scheme for scalar wave-equation modeling (SM P1.8) Wen Hu, University of Houston; Chaoshun Hu, Chevron Corporation; Yaning Liu, Rice University (INT. AUD.: 3) Speaker: Yaning Liu ➤ Poster Station: 7H