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Technical Reference SoftwareVersion 10.05 - July 2011

Production & Playout Server

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XT3 Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Software Technical Reference Manual Issue 10.05.D EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


COPYRIGHT EVS Broadcast Equipment – Copyr ight © 2011. Al l r ights reserved.

DISCLAIMER The in format ion in th is manual i s furn ished for in format ional use only and subjec t to change wi thout not ice . Whi le every ef for t has been made to ensure that the in format ion conta ined in th is user manua l is accurate , up- to-da te and re l iab le, EVS Broadcast Equipment cannot be held responsib le for inaccurac ies or er rors that may appear in th is publ ica t ion.

IMPROVEMENT REQUESTS Your comments wi l l he lp us improve the qua l i ty o f the user documentat ion. Do not hes i ta te to send improvement requests , or repor t any e r ror or inaccuracy on th is user manua l by e-ma i l to doc@evs. tv .

USER MANUALS ON EVS WEBSITE The la tes t vers ion of the user manual , i f any , and o ther user manuals on EVS produc ts can be found on the EVS down load center , on the fo l lowing webpage: ht tp : / /www.evs . tv /downloadcenter .

REGIONAL CONTACTS The address and phone number of the EVS headquar ters are usual ly ment ioned in the Help > About menu in the user in ter face. You w i l l f ind the fu l l l i s t o f addresses and phone numbers of local o f f i ces at the fo l low ing page on the EVS webs i te : h t tp : / /www.evs. tv /contacts .

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XT3 Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Software Technical Reference Manual Issue 10.05.D EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... I 1. EVS SOFTWARE .................................................................................................... 1

1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 EVS MAIN MENU ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.2.1 EVS Screen Layout ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2.2 Tips to Move Inside the EVS Software .................................................................................... 3 1.2.3 Starting an Application ............................................................................................................ 3 1.2.4 Commands Available from the Main Menu ............................................................................. 3

1.3 CONFIGURATIONS AVAILABLE ON XT3 ................................................................................... 4 1.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.3.2 Server Mode ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.3.3 General Principles ................................................................................................................... 5 1.3.4 Clip and Record Train Compatibility ........................................................................................ 6 1.3.5 Standard Configurations on 6U Servers .................................................................................. 7

Overview of Standard Configurations ..................................................................................................................... 7 Example: 4REC + 2PLAY ....................................................................................................................................... 8

1.3.6 2&3Phase SLSM Configurations on 6U Servers ..................................................................... 8 Overview of SLSM 2x Configurations ..................................................................................................................... 8 Overview of SLSM 3x Configurations ..................................................................................................................... 9 Example: 1SLSM 3PH + 1REC + 1PLAY ............................................................................................................... 9

1.3.7 Standard Configurations on 4U Servers ................................................................................ 10 Overview of Standard Configurations ................................................................................................................... 10 Example: 3REC + 1PLAY ..................................................................................................................................... 10

1.3.8 2&3Phase SLSM Configurations on 4U Servers ................................................................... 11 Overview of SLSM 2x/3x Configurations ............................................................................................................... 11 Example: 1SLSM 2PH + 2PLAY ........................................................................................................................... 11

1.4 AUDIO & VIDEO CHANNEL PARAMETERS (AVCFG) ............................................................. 12 1.4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 12 1.4.2 How to Modify A/V Channel Parameters ............................................................................... 13 1.4.3 Audio & Video Parameters Overview .................................................................................... 13

Lock Video Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Base Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Loop Rec .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Clip Capacity ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Video players ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Video recorders .................................................................................................................................................... 16 SLSM REC ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 Audio Format ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 Audio Type ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 Lipsync ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Audio Full Scale ................................................................................................................................................... 17 REC 1 on all REC ................................................................................................................................................. 17 3D ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18 3G/Dual ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Ancillary Mode ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Sample Rate Converter ........................................................................................................................................ 18

1.4.4 Channels Overview ............................................................................................................... 19 Type ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 CTRL.................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Port ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 REC ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Audio Tracks ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 Audio Monitoring (A. Mon.) ................................................................................................................................... 22

1.4.5 Dolby Audio Management ..................................................................................................... 23 Some Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Dolby configurations in XT3 Servers ..................................................................................................................... 23

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1.4.6 3 D & 1080p Management .................................................................................................... 24 3D Configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 24 1080p Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Principle ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 License Codes ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Codec Limitations ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Configurations in 3D/1080P .................................................................................................................................. 26

1.4.7 Hypermotion Management .................................................................................................... 30 Principles ............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Remote Panel Assignment ................................................................................................................................... 30

1.4.8 Embedded Audio Signals in Rec/Play ................................................................................... 31 1.5 MAINTENANCE MENU .............................................................................................................. 34

1.5.1 Advanced Parameters ........................................................................................................... 34 How to Modify Advanced Parameters ................................................................................................................... 35 Codecs Availability and Options Depending on the Video Standard and the Hardware ......................................... 35 Video Disk Block Size ........................................................................................................................................... 38 Operational Disk Size ........................................................................................................................................... 39 Rec HD-> SD Low Latency ................................................................................................................................... 39 Vertical Interpolator and Four Lines Interpolation .................................................................................................. 39

1.5.2 Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 40 How to Enter the Configuration Window ............................................................................................................... 40 How to Modify an Item in the Configuration Window ............................................................................................. 40 Hardware Revisions Area ..................................................................................................................................... 41 Software Releases Area ....................................................................................................................................... 42 Network Area ....................................................................................................................................................... 42 Video & Audio Area .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Ref & Phase Area ................................................................................................................................................. 45

1.5.3 RAID Configuration ............................................................................................................... 46 RAID Construction ................................................................................................................................................ 46 RAID Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 46

1.5.4 Options .................................................................................................................................. 47 Accessing the Options Menu ................................................................................................................................ 47 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Display ................................................................................................................................................................. 48 Expiration and Warning ........................................................................................................................................ 48 How to Enter New License Codes ........................................................................................................................ 48 How to Remove a License Code .......................................................................................................................... 49 How to Check Hardware Key (dongle) Information ............................................................................................... 49

1.5.5 Clear Video Disks.................................................................................................................. 50 1.5.6 Force Load Clips ................................................................................................................... 50 1.5.7 Phase Definition .................................................................................................................... 50

Standard Definition ............................................................................................................................................... 50 High Definition ...................................................................................................................................................... 51 Commands ........................................................................................................................................................... 51

1.5.8 Default Application ................................................................................................................ 52 How to Define a Default Application ..................................................................................................................... 52 How To Remove the Default Application .............................................................................................................. 52

1.5.9 Default Parameters ............................................................................................................... 53 Default Parameters for all Applications ................................................................................................................. 53

1.5.10 Default to VGA ...................................................................................................................... 55 1.5.11 TS Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 55 1.5.12 Set Time ................................................................................................................................ 55 1.5.13 Hardware Check / Raid Rebuild ............................................................................................ 55

Disk Errors and Disconnection ............................................................................................................................. 56 Disks Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................... 58 Rebuild Process ................................................................................................................................................... 59 Retrieving Logs .................................................................................................................................................... 60

2. BOOTWINS & ERROR MESSAGES .................................................................... 61

2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 61 2.2 INITIALIZING THE DISKS .......................................................................................................... 61 2.3 READING THE CONFIGURATION FILE ................................................................................... 62 2.4 INITIALIZING THE MICROCODE .............................................................................................. 64 2.5 DISK DATA RECOVERY ........................................................................................................... 65

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3. MONITORING ....................................................................................................... 66

3.1 SDTI NETWORK MONITORING ............................................................................................... 66 3.1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 66 3.1.2 Information Available on the Screen ..................................................................................... 66

Data Displayed ..................................................................................................................................................... 66 Background Color ................................................................................................................................................. 67 Text Color ............................................................................................................................................................ 67 Link Color ............................................................................................................................................................. 67 Possible Actions ................................................................................................................................................... 67

3.1.3 How to Disconnect a Machine from the Server ..................................................................... 68 3.2 SERVER MONITORING ............................................................................................................ 69

3.2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 69 3.2.2 SAS Raids and Disks Status ................................................................................................. 70

RAID Type............................................................................................................................................................ 70 RAID Status ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 External Array Status............................................................................................................................................ 71 Disk Status ........................................................................................................................................................... 71

3.2.3 Genlock and Timecode Status .............................................................................................. 72 Genlock Status ..................................................................................................................................................... 72 Analog LTC Status ............................................................................................................................................... 73 Timecode Statuses ............................................................................................................................................... 73

3.2.4 Timecode Monitoring on SD Recorders ................................................................................ 75 3.2.5 Timecode Monitoring on HD Recorders ................................................................................ 75 3.2.6 Log Management .................................................................................................................. 76

4. ASRUNLOG .......................................................................................................... 78

4.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 78 4.2 AS RUN LOG MECHANISM ...................................................................................................... 78 4.3 SERVER AS RUN LOG FILE ..................................................................................................... 79 4.4 AS RUN LOG FILE CONTENT .................................................................................................. 79

5. PROTOCOLS ....................................................................................................... 80

5.1 CONTROL PROTOCOLS .......................................................................................................... 80 5.2 MONITORING PROTOCOL ....................................................................................................... 83

6. POSSIBLE CLIP IDENTIFIERS ............................................................................ 84

6.1 LSM ID ....................................................................................................................................... 84 6.2 UMID .......................................................................................................................................... 84 6.3 VARID ........................................................................................................................................ 84

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XT3 Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Software Technical Reference Manual Issue 10.05.D EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


1. EVS Software

1.1 INTRODUCTION The EVS so f tware is used for con f igurat ion and maintenance operat ions. I t is a lso used to se lect wh ich app l icat ion to run, s ince EVS disk recorders have the abi l i ty to run var ious ded ica ted appl icat ions (Video Server , S low Mot ion …). When turn ing on the EVS mainf rame, the f i rs t s tep is the PC boot sequence, fo l lowed by the boot of the v ideo I /O boards, and f ina l ly the EVS sof t ware is s tar ted. I f a defau l t appl i cat ion has been p rev ious ly se lected , th is appl icat ion w i l l s tar t automat ica l ly af ter a few seconds i f no key is h i t . I f a defau l t appl ica t ion has not been def ined or i f the space bar is h i t , the system wi l l remain in the EVS main menu and wai t for the opera tor ' s next command.

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1.2.1 EVS SCREEN LAYOUT The fo l lowing screenshot h igh l ights the var ious areas on the main menu of the EVS appl icat ion. The var ious areas are shor t ly descr ibed in the tab le below:

# Area Descript ion

1. Appl icat ion window This window conta ins the l is t o f a l l appl i cat ions insta l led on the system.

2. T i t le bar The f i rs t l i ne of the VGA screen is the t i t le bar . I t conta ins the EVS sof tware rev is ion and current date and t ime.

3. Conf igurat ion windows The Conf igura t ion windows show the hardware conf igura t ion of the system.

4. Message window Messages a re d isp layed in th is space to prov ide more in format ion on the current se lect ion.

5 . Task bar The last l ine of the VGA screen is the task bar . I t conta ins a summary o f the keyboard con tro ls avai lab le .

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1.2.2 TIPS TO MOVE INSIDE THE EVS SOFTWARE • The ac t ive window is a lways shown w i th a double f rame.

• Press the UP ARROW , the DOWN ARROW or the TAB key to change the se lect ion ins ide the act i ve w indow.

• Press the <SPACE BAR> to toggle be tween pre- def ined va lues .

• Press ENTER to se lec t an i tem or to conf i rm an ent ry .

• Press ESC to go back to the p rev ious menu or to cancel an ent ry .

1.2.3 STARTING AN APPLICATION Select the appropr ia te appl ica t ion f rom the Appl icat ions l is t , then press ENTER to conf i rm the se lect ion.

1.2.4 COMMANDS AVAILABLE FROM THE MAIN MENU The UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys of the keyboard can be used to se lect an appl icat ion. The purp le l ine shows the current se lect ion . The b lack l ine shows the defau l t appl i cat ion. The ENTER key i s used to s ta r t the se lec ted appl i cat ion. Press F7 to make the current ly se lected appl ica t ion the new defaul t one. The defau l t appl i cat ion i s au tomat ica l ly s ta r ted every t ime the EVS program is entered . When the appl i cat ion curren t ly se lected is a l ready the defaul t appl icat ion, press ing F7 w i l l d i sable the de faul t appl icat ion and the sys tem wi l l remain in the EVS Main menu every t ime the EVS sof tware is launched. Press F8 to immedia te ly open the Channe l Conf ig window re la ted to the se lected appl icat ion. Press ALT + Q to come back to main menu. Press F9 to en ter the Maintenance menu. To ex i t the EVS sof tware and go back to the DOS prompt , press s imul taneous ly ALT + Q and conf i rm wi th ENTER . To resta r t the EVS sof tware f rom the DOS, s imply type RUN .

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1.3.1 INTRODUCTION This sect ion covers the SD/HD conf igurat ions ava i lab le on XT3 servers . Speci f ic conf igurat ions l inked to 3D or 1080p standards a re expla ined in the sect ion 1 .4.6 ‘3 D & 1080p Management ’ , on page 24.

1.3.2 SERVER MODE The XT3 server can work in two modes:

• LSM mode , when i t i s contro l led by the Remote Panel

• SpotBox mode , when i t is cont ro l led by indus t ry -s tandard p rotocols such as Sony BVW75, VDCP, Odet ics, DD35, EVS’ AVSP, IPDP, Edi tRec or L inX API . Depend ing on the mode, the number of recorder and p layer channe ls tha t can be opera ted may s l ight l y vary. The fo l lowing tab le shows the min imum and maximum number o f channels that can be operated in both modes :

6U 4U

LSM Spotbox LSM Spotbox

Max. # channels 6 6 4 4

Min. # REC 1 0 1 0

Max. # REC 6 6 3 4

Min. # PLAY 1 0 1 0

Max. # PLAY 5 6 3 3

Note Based on the above-ment ioned l imi ta t ions, some conf igura t ions descr ibed below are on ly avai lab le in LSM or SpotBox mode.

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1.3.3 GENERAL PRINCIPLES The fo l low ing genera l pr inc ip les apply to a l l conf igurat ions:

• The recorder channe ls (OUT connec tors ) are a lways ass igned f rom the r ight to the lef t .

• The p layer channels ( IN connec tors ) are a lways ass igned f rom the lef t to the

r ight .

• The pr imary l inks ment ioned in the tab les of th is sect ion correspond to the

upper connecto rs o f a codec module . o J8 fo r IN connecto rs o J7 fo r OUT connectors (J6 is a lso equ iva lent to J7)

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• The secondary l inks correspond to the midd le connectors o f a codec module: o J5 fo r IN connecto rs o J3 fo r OUT connectors

1.3.4 CLIP AND RECORD TRAIN COMPATIBILITY • Cl ips are compat ib le across a l l Mul t icam conf igurat ions inc luding Super LSM.

• Record t ra ins are a lso compat ib le as long as the number of record channels (cameras) is not increased in LSM mode. Example

o SuperLSM → 2CAM (Fx) : Record t ra ins are lost .

o 4CAM (Fx) → 3CAM (Cut ) : Record t ra ins are kept .

• Record t ra ins are a lways kept in Spotbox mode (a l l modes except LSM), even when the number of record t ra ins is increased.

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1.3.5 STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS ON 6U SERVERS This sec t ion deta i ls the avai lab le s tandard SD/HD conf igura t ions on XT3 6U servers.

OVERVIEW OF STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS The table below shows the ava i lab le s tandard SD/HD conf igurat ions wi th a XT3 server 6U, and how the BNC connecto rs should be cabled:


#REC #PLAY Prim. Link

Second Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

1 0 REC 1

2 0 REC 2 REC 1

3 0 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

4 0 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

5 0 REC 5 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

6 0 REC 6 REC 5 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

0 1 PLAY 1

1 1 PLAY 1 REC 1

2 1 PLAY 1 REC 2 REC 1

3 1 PLAY 1 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

4 1 PLAY 1 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

5 1 PLAY 1 REC 5 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

0 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2

1 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 1

2 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 2 REC 1

3 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

4 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

0 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3

1 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 1

2 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 2 REC 1

3 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1






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EXAMPLE: 4REC + 2PLAY The BNC connecto rs to be used as recorder and p layer channe ls in a s tandard 4REC 2PLAY conf igura t ion need to be cab led as shown below:

1.3.6 2&3PHASE SLSM CONFIGURATIONS ON 6U SERVERS This sect ion de ta i l s the avai lab le 2 phase and 3 phase SLSM con f igurat ions in SD/HD on XT3 6U servers. In SLSM 2 Phase conf igurat ions , one SLSM recorder accounts for one log ica l channe l , but corresponds to two phys ica l channels . In SLSM 3 Phase conf igurat ions , one SLSM recorder accounts for one log ica l channe l , but corresponds to three phys ica l channe ls .

OVERVIEW OF SLSM 2X CONFIGURATIONS The table below shows the avai lab le SLSM 2 Phase conf igurat ions in SD/HD wi th a XT3 server 6U, and how the BNC connecto rs should be cabled:


2x #REC #PLAY Prim.

Link Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

1 0 1 PLAY 1 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 1 1 PLAY 1 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 2 1 PLAY 1 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

2 0 1 PLAY 1 REC 2, 2 REC 2, 1 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 3 1 PLAY 1 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

2 1 1 PLAY 1 REC 3 REC 2, 2 REC 2, 1 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 0 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 1 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 2 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

2 0 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 2, 2 REC 2, 1 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 0 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 1 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 0 4 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 PLAY 4 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

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OVERVIEW OF SLSM 3X CONFIGURATIONS The table below shows the avai lab le SLSM 3 Phase conf igurat ions in SD/HD wi th a XT3 server 6U, and how the BNC connecto rs should be cabled:



3x #REC #PLAY Prim.

Link Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

1 0 1 PLAY 1 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 1 1 PLAY 1 REC 2 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 2 1 PLAY 1 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 0 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 1 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 2 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 0 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

EXAMPLE: 1SLSM 3PH + 1REC + 1PLAY The BNC connec tors to be used as recorder and p layer channe ls in an SLSM conf igura t ion wi th 1SLSM 3PH + 1 REC + 1 PLAY need to be cabled as shown below:

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1.3.7 STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS ON 4U SERVERS This sec t ion deta i ls the avai lab le s tandard SD/HD conf igura t ions on XT3 4U servers.

OVERVIEW OF STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS The table below shows the ava i lab le s tandard SD/HD con f igurat ions w i th a XT3 server 4U, and how the BNC connecto rs should be cabled:


#REC #PLAY Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

1 0 REC 1

2 0 REC 2 REC 1

3 0 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

4 0 REC 4 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

0 1 PLAY 1

1 1 PLAY 1 REC 1

2 1 PLAY 1 REC 2 REC 1

3 1 PLAY 1 REC 3 REC 2 REC 1

0 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2

1 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 1

2 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 2 REC 1

0 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3

1 3 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 PLAY 3 REC 1


EXAMPLE: 3REC + 1PLAY The BNC connectors to be used as recorder and p layer channels in a s tandard 3REC 1PLAY conf igura t ion need to be cab led as shown below:

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1.3.8 2&3PHASE SLSM CONFIGURATIONS ON 4U SERVERS This sect ion de ta i l s the avai lab le 2 phase and 3 phase SLSM con f igurat ions in SD/HD on XT3 4U servers. In SLSM 2 Phase conf igurat ions , one SLSM recorder accounts for one log ica l channe l , but corresponds to two phys ica l channels . In SLSM 3 Phase conf igurat ions , one SLSM recorder accounts for one log ica l channe l , but corresponds to three phys ica l channe ls .

OVERVIEW OF SLSM 2X/3X CONFIGURATIONS The table below shows the ava i lab le SLSM 2 Phase and 3 Phase con f igurat ions in SD/HD w i th a XT3 server 4U, and how the BNC connectors should be cabled :




2x #REC #PLAY Prim.

Link Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

0 1 0 1 PLAY 1 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

0 1 1 1 PLAY 1 REC 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

0 1 0 2 PLAY 1 PLAY 2 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

1 0 0 1 PLAY 1 REC 1, 3 REC 1, 2 REC 1, 1

EXAMPLE: 1SLSM 2PH + 2PLAY The BNC connec tors to be used as recorder and p layer channe ls in an SLSM conf igura t ion wi th 1SLSM 2PH + 2 PLAY need to be cab led as shown below:

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Important Most parameters are fac tory p rese t , and should not be mod i f ied wi thou t adv ice of qual i f ied EVS staf f . Improper va lues fo r some parameters w i l l preven t the p roper operat ion o f the system. P lease refer to the parameters ’ char ts fo r correct va lues (See sec t ion 1.5.9 ‘De faul t Parameters ’ , on page 53) .

Each appl icat ion has i t s own set of parameters. When the user se lects an appl icat ion in the EVS main menu and press F8 (Parameters) , the A /V Channels Conf igurat ion window (a lso ca l led AVCFG) appears:

Th is window is used to def ine v ideo & audio channels , type and con f igurat ion of recorders, aud io format and audio-v ideo synchronizat ion parameter . A l l the parameters are descr ibed in th is sect ion.

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1.4.2 HOW TO MODIFY A/V CHANNEL PARAMETERS 1. From the EVS main menu, press F9 to open the Maintenance menu. 2. Select the ‘Channe l Parameters ’ i t em and p ress ENTER . 3 . Select the App l ica t ion to conf igure and press ENTER .

The A/V Channe l Conf ig window appears. 4 . Use the <TAB> key to move f rom one box to the next one. Some in format ion

about the cur rent parameter i s d isp layed in the INFO area. 5. Press <TAB> or the a r row keys to move across the d i f feren t parameters in the

window. 6 . When the des i red f ie ld i s se lected, mod i fy the parameter to i ts new value by

press ing the <SPACE BAR> or by en ter ing i t s numer ic va lue and then press ing ENTER to va l ida te.

7 . Press F3 to en ter the Advanced Parameters. 8 . Press F4 to save the current conf igurat ion. A d ia log Box appears to enter a

name. 9. Press F5 to load the l is t o f conf igurat ions prev ious ly saved. 10. Press ALT + Q to ex i t the A/V Channel Conf ig window. OR: 1. From the ‘Appl icat ion L is t ’ in the EVS main menu, se lect the appl icat ion to

conf igure and press F8. 2 . Cont inue f rom step 4.


Note: When Modi fy ing the va lue of a parameter in the Audio & Video Channel Conf ig , a lways press ENTER a f ter chang ing the va lue of a parameter to va l ida te the new choice. Check the channe ls tab le in the centre of the screen to make sure that the changes are re f lec ted there.

LOCK VIDEO CONFIGURATION Possib le va lues: Yes / No This i tem enab les/d isables the access to the mod i f icat ions of the nex t three i tems: Video Players, V ideo Recorders and Type fo r REC1. The v ideo con f igurat ion i s locked i f Opt ion Code 4 (Au thor ize v ideo conf igurat ion changes) i s no t ac t ive in the Opt ions L is t .

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BASE CONFIGURATION Possib le va lues: Replay -Only LSM Mul t icam LSM XT Server Sony XT Server DD35 XT Server Odet i cs XT Server Odet i cs F&K XT Server VDCP XT Server VDCP F&K XT Server AVSP XT Server IPDP XT SpotBox Sony XT SpotBox DD35 XT SpotBox Odet ics XT SpotBox Odet ics F&K XT SpotBox VDCP XT SpotBox VDCP F&K XT SpotBox AVSP XT SpotBox IPDP Video Delay 2-ch VTR The d i f feren t con f igurat ions appear accord ing to the l icense codes that have been enabled.

Secondary Controller

When you select a Spotbox con f igurat ion, you can def ine secondary contro l lers by press ing CTRL-F1 .

Limitat ions Some conf igura t ions ( * ) lead to the fo l lowing message to warn the users of the l imi ta t ions o f the se lected con f igurat ion: “Warning: your para l le l se lect ion is not fu l ly opera t iona l ”

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Paral lel Conf igurat ion

VDCP Odet ics DD35

Remote * * *

IPDirector * * *

VDCP, Odet i cs and DD35 pro toco ls a re s tandard protocols wh ich have not been developed to work in co l laborat ive mode. Each protoco l has i ts own workspace, so the ac t ions of the f i r s t cont ro l le r are no t a lways correc t ly in te rpre ted by the second con tro l ler .

LOOP REC This parameter enables/d isables the end less loop record ing in AVSP Server /Spotbox conf igurat ions. I t is fo rced to ‘Yes ’ in LSM conf igurat ions. Th is funct ion is appl ied to a l l recorder channe ls .

CLIP CAPACITY Possib le va lues: G loba l / Per Channe l This parameter a l lows select ing the record ing mode. In Global mode , the c l ip capaci ty is shared be tween the d i f fe rent record t ra ins. Example: When 3 record t ra ins are used, creat ing a c l ip o f 30 min on REC1 wi l l take 10 min of record ing capaci ty equal ly f rom each record t ra in . In Per Channel mode , the c l ip capaci ty is on ly re levant to the ind iv idual record t ra in . Example: 3 record t ra ins are used, creat ing a c l ip of 30 min on REC1 wi l l take 30 min of record ing capaci ty f rom the 1s t record t ra in , bu t wi l l not a f fect the record ing capaci ty of the other two record t ra ins. The de faul t va lue depends on the bas ic conf igurat ion:

LSM 2-ch VTR Slave/Server conf igurat ions

Video Delay

Global ( locked) Per Channe l Per Channe l Global ( locked)

VIDEO PLAYERS Range: [1…6] This parameter a l lows se lect ing the number of p layer channels of the app l icat ion and the assoc iated audio channels .

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VIDEO RECORDERS Possib le va lues in range: [1…6] This parameter a l lows select ing the number of RECORD channels of the appl icat ion. The par t i t ion of the d isk s to rage between these channels , and the associated aud io channels are automat ica l l y updated.

SLSM REC This parameter def ines the type of SLSM recorders . The parameter is on ly edi tab le i f a t least 2 channels are avai lab le to be used as SLSM recorders. Otherw ise, the parameter has the va lue “None” and is not ed i tab le . S ix types of record are avai lab le:

• None (Standard rate 50 /60 Hz)

• Single SD SLSM 3x A l ternate Par i ty – EVS mode (150/180 Hz)

• Single SD SLSM 3x Ident ica l Par i ty (150/180 Hz)

• Single HD SLSM 2x A l ternate Par i ty – EVS mode (100/120 Hz)

• Single HD SLSM 3x A l ternate Par i ty – EVS mode

• Double HD SLSM 2x Al ternate Par i ty – EVS mode

Note The fau l t to lerance on the d i f feren t phases of the super mot ion camera is +/ - 90% of one f ie ld . So there should be no delay between the d i f ferent phases when a l l equipments a re genlocked.

AUDIO FORMAT Possib le va lues: [Ana log (A) , AES/EBU (D) , Embedded (E) , Do lby E AES (DY), Dolby E Embedded (EY)] This parameter a l lows select ing the Audio format . When the Audio Format i s set to AES/EBU (D or DY) or Embedded (E or EY) , the analogue audio ou tpu ts ( i f ins ta l led on the server) are automat ica l l y ac t iva ted and can be used for addi t iona l moni tor ing. When the Audio Format i s set to Embedded (E or EY) , the d ig i ta l aud io (AES/EBU) outpu ts ( i f i ns ta l led on the server) are a lso act ive. For more in format ion on Dolby Audio Management , re fer to sec t ion 1.4 .5 ‘Dolby Audio Management ’ , on page 23 .

AUDIO TYPE Possib le va lues: [1 Track , 2 Tracks , 4 Tracks, 8 Tracks, 16 Tracks] This parameter a l lows select ing the type of audio (number of mono audio t racks associated to each v ideo channe l ) . The fo l lowing tab le speci f ies the audio types avai lab le for the var ious aud io formats:

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Audio Type

Analog (A) Digi ta l (D - DY)

Embedded (E - EY)

1 track X 2 tracks X X 4 tracks X X X 8 tracks X X 16 tracks X

LIPSYNC Range for PAL: From -41 ,458 ms to 14,708 ms 848 to 3544 (samples) Wi th 0 ms = 2838 Range for NTSC: f rom -34,625 to 12,125 ms 688 to 2932 (samples) Wi th 0 ms = 2350 The L ipsync parameter is the delay ( in ms) between v ideo and audio s ignals . A pos i t ive va lue means v ideo is ahead of audio . A negat i ve va lue means audio is ahead of v ideo. This parameter is a lso avai lab le f rom the Setup menu of the Remote when the Mul t icam app l ica t ion is s tar ted . Chang ing the L ipsync value in the Setup menu wi l l update i t in the EVS menu and v ice versa. CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROW changes the va lue per 1 ms step. CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW change the va lue per 5 ms step. The operator can a lso en ter d i rec t ly a va lue w i th the keyboard.

Note: This ad justment is done dur ing the RECORD process. A new Lipsync value wi l l app ly for the next recorded p ic tu res only .

AUDIO FULL SCALE Range of va lue : [10…30] dBu The audio fu l l sca le parameter ( in dB) speci f ies the maximum audio level for the analogue outputs on the server . I t a l l ows ind i rect l y de f in ing the head room, as the audio fu l l sca le is 4 dB h igher than the head room. As the defaul t va lue for the audio fu l l sca le is 22 dB, the defau l t va lue for the head room is 18. Change the va lue per 1 dBu step by p ress ing CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROW or per 3 dBu step by press ing CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW .

REC 1 ON ALL REC Possib le va lues: [Yes or No] Al l audio channels assoc iated to REC1 (CAM A) wi l l be automat ica l ly used for a l l o ther RECORD channels i f ‘Yes ’ is se lec ted.

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3D Possib le va lues: [OFF or ON] This parameter act ivates the 3D opt ion, us ing e i ther the 3G-SDI s tandard (only avai lab le wi th V3X boards) or Dual L ink . Th is op t ion makes i t poss ib le to use the server to record and p lay back 3D v ideo . The parameter is on ly d isp layed to users who have subscr ibed to one of the 3D opt ions ( l icense code 23 for 3D Dua l L ink, and l icense code 24 for 3D 3G) . When the 3D opt ion is se t to ON on EVS servers , a message in forms the user that the v ideo and p layer con f igurat ion wi l l automat ica l ly be adapted in to a compat ib le conf igura t ion . For more in format ion on the 3D feature, p lease refer to the sect ion 1.4.6 ‘3 D & 1080p Management ’ , on page 24.

3G/DUAL Possib le va lues: [OFF, 3G, Dua l ] This parameter def ines the in ter face the EVS server wi l l use wi th the 3D or 1080p standards. The Dual L ink in ter face consis ts of a pai r o f HD-SDI ser ia l l i nks and prov ides a b i t ra te of 2 .970 Gbi t / s . The 3G-SDI in ter face cons is ts o f a s ing le ser ia l l ink that prov ides 2.970 Gbi t /s . This parameter is not d isp layed when the se lec ted HD codec is 1080i or 720p, and the 3D parameter is on ‘OFF’ . When the parameter is d isp layed, the poss ib le va lues are as fo l lows:

• The ‘Of f ’ va lue i s avai lab le in a l l cases.

• The ‘Dual ’ va lue is on ly avai lab le for users who have subscr ibed to the l icense code 21 or 23 .

• The ‘3G’ va lue is only avai lab le for users who have subscr ibed to the l icense code 22 or 24 .

For more in format ion on the 3G and Dual L ink in ter faces used w i th 3D or 1080p standards, p lease re fer to the sect ion 1.4.6 ‘3 D & 1080p Management ’ , on page 24.

ANCILLARY MODE Possib le va lues: [20 b i ts or 24 b i t s ] This parameter def ines the encoding method used for Dig i ta l Audio . This parameter is so le ly appl icable in SD, a l low ing you to have the ou tput of the embedded audio in 20 o r 24 b i ts . In HD, i t is a lways 24 b i ts .

SAMPLE RATE CONVERTER Possib le va lues: [OFF or ON] This parameter is avai lab le wi th AES/EBU aud io fo rmat . I f th is parameter is se t to OFF, the user has to ensure that the s ignals are proper ly synchronized.

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1.4.4 CHANNELS OVERVIEW Channe ls input /output and name are automat ica l ly def ined accord ing to the parameters ente red in the f ie lds : Base conf igurat ion, V ideo Players, V ideo Recorders and SLSM Rec . The p layer channels are a l loca ted f i rs t (s tar t ing wi th OUT1) , then the record channe ls a re a l located (s tar t ing wi th IN1) .

Note: To modi fy the parameters inc luded in the “Channels ’ area ”, press F3 to enter the Advanced Conf igurat ion mode.

TYPE Possib le va lues: [Rec, Play, SLSM Rec, SLSM Rec. 1, SLSM Rec . 2, SLSM Rec. 3] This parameter is au tomat ica l ly se t accord ing to the set t ings of the p rev ious ones. I t def ines the type of channel and depends on the va lues of V ideo Players, V ideo Recorders and SLSM Rec .

CTRL Possib le va lues: [Sony, DD35, VDCP, VDCP F&K, Odet ics , Odet i cs F&K, Edi t Rec, AVSP, L inX, IPDP] This parameter de f ines which system or pro tocol cont ro ls the curren t channe l . This parameter is automat ica l ly set and not ed i tab le when the Base Conf igurat ion is se t to LSM or V ideo De lay.

PORT Range: [1 … 6] This parameter def ines the RS422 por t number that contro ls each channel . These f ie lds are no t avai lab le w i th LSM and Video Delay conf igura t ions .

Note: A s ing le Sony BVW ser ia l connect ion can cont ro l mul t ip le PGM channels which are ganged on an XT3 server . I t is there fore poss ib le to ass ign the same RS422 por t number (#n) , which corresponds to a Sony BVW protocol , to severa l PGM channe ls on the same XT3 server . A s ing le Odet ics or VDCP ser ia l connec t ion can contro l two PGM pa i red channe ls , in a F i l l and Key con f igurat ion, on an XT3 server . I t is therefore poss ib le to ass ign the same RS422 por t number (#n) , which corresponds to a VDCP or Odet ics p rotoco l , to the F i l l and Key p layer channels of one XT3 server . The f i rs t channel w i l l be ass igned as the F i l l channel and the second wi l l au tomat ica l ly be the Key channe l .

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REC For a p layer channe l , th is parameter def ines which record t ra in is the defaul t source . For a recorder channel , two parameters a re avai lab le:

• Record ing Capac i ty : (% Disk) Percentage of d isk space a l located to each channe l . Tota l o f a l l va lues mus t no t exceed 100%.

• Loop/No Loop: depends on the va lue of Loop Rec, prev ious ly descr ibed. Always forced to “Loop ” wi th the current vers ion.

AUDIO TRACKS The audio t racks a re l is ted f rom A1 up to A16:

• A1 to A16 IN: Mono aud io inpu ts o f the curren t channel .

• A1 to A16 OUT: Mono audio outpu t of the cur rent channe l .

Audio Format Possib le va lues: [Analog (A) , Dig i ta l AES/EBU (D) , Dolby E AES (DY) , Embedded (E) , Dolby E Embedded (EY)] The ava i lab le va lues depend on the type o f audio connectors def ined in EVS hardware conf igura t ion :

None 16 XLR Analog

16 XLR Dig i ta l 16 XLR Ana log + 8 XLR Dig i ta l 16 XLR Ana log + 16 BNC Dig i ta l 16 XLR Ana log + 4 DB15 Dig i ta l 4 DB15 Ana log + 16 BNC Dig i ta l 4 DB15 Ana log + 4 DB15 Dig i ta l

E - EY E - EY - A E - EY – D - DY E - EY - A – D - DY

Audio Channel

Range: [1 … 64 ] This parameter a l lows se lect ing each audio channel in the se lec ted audio format . In 16 aud io conf igura t ions, the PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP keys make i t poss ib le to nav iga te through the l i s t o f 16 audio channe ls .

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The va lues depend on the aud io format and ava i lab le connec tors :

Analog (A) Dig i ta l (D - DY)

Embedded (E - EY)

Embedded only n/a n/a 1 – 64 16 XLR Ana log 1 – 8 n/a 1 – 64 16 XLR Dig i ta l n /a 1 – 16 1 – 64 16 XLR Ana log + 8 XLR Dig i ta l 1 – 8 1 – 8 1 – 64 16 XLR Ana log + 16 BNC Dig i ta l or 16 XLR Ana log + 4 DB15 Dig i ta l

1 – 8 1 – 16 1 – 64

In an Embedded conf igurat ion , the audio outpu t is a lso sent in AES and Analogue formats. In an AES con f igurat ion, the audio ou tput is a lso sent in analogue format . The fo l lowing tab les speci fy the outputs the audio is sent to in the var ious audio formats at the same t ime.

None / 16 XLR D / 16 BNC D / 4 DB15 D + 16 XLR A 4 tracks PGM1 PGM2 Embedded E1 E2 E3 E4 E9 E10 E11 E12 AES D1 D2 D9 D10 D3 D4 D11 D12

Analog A1 A2 A5 A6 A3 A4 A7 A8 PGM3 PGM4 Embedded E17 E18 E19 E20 E25 E26 E27 E28 AES D5 D6 D13 D14 D7 D8 D15 D16

Analog PGM5 PGM6 Embedded E33 E34 E35 E36 E41 E42 E43 E44 AES


None / 16 XLR D / 16 BNC D / 4 DB15 D + 16 XLR A

8 tracks PGM1 PGM2 Embedded E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 AES D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16

Analog A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 PGM3 PGM4 Embedded E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 E30 E31 E32 AES


PGM5 PGM6 Embedded E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E39 E40 E41 E42 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 AES


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None / 16 XLR D / 16 BNC D / 4 DB15 D + 16 XLR A

16 tracks PGM1 Embedded E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 AES D1 D2 D3 D4

Analog A1 A2 PGM2 Embedded E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 E30 E31 E32 AES D5 D6 D7 D8

Analog A3 A4

PGM3 Embedded E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E39 E40 E41 E42 E43 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 AES D9 D10 D11 D12

Analog A5 A6

PGM4 Embedded E49 E50 E51 E52 E53 E54 E55 E56 E57 E58 E59 E60 E61 E62 E63 E64 AES D13 D14 D15 D16

Analog A7 A8

Audio Gain

Range: [ f rom -78dB to +23.5dB] This parameter a l lows the operator to adjust the audio gain fo r each audio t rack. The adjustments a re done by press ing CTRL-↓/↑ (±0.75dB s teps) or CTRL-←/→ (±6dB steps) . CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROW changes the va lue per 0.75 dB step. CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW change the va lue per 6 dB step.

AUDIO MONITORING (A. MON.) This parameter def ines the aud io moni to r ing outputs , se lec ts the type o f audio and a l lows adjust ing the audio gain fo r each channel .

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SOME DEFINITIONS Dolby Digi tal o r Do lby 5 .1 or AC-3 , is an aud io coding sys tem conta in ing up to 6 discrete channels of sound , w i th 5 channe ls fo r normal - range speakers (20 Hz - 20,000 Hz) (Right f ront , Center , Lef t Front , Right Rear and Lef t Rear) and one channe l (20 Hz - 120 Hz) for the LFE, or subwoofer . Dolby E is a pro fess ional coding system opt imized for the d is t r ibut ion of surround and mul t i channel audio through two-channel postproduct ion and broadcast ing in f rast ructu res, or for record ing sur round aud io on two aud io t racks of convent iona l d ig i ta l v ideo tapes, v ideo servers, communicat ion l inks, sw i tchers , and routers .

DOLBY CONFIGURATIONS IN XT3 SERVERS Case 1: The 5.1 audio s ignal is carr ied on 6 discrete PCM audio channels • Avai lab le on an XT3 in a l l con f igurat ions

• The audio can be analogue , d ig i ta l or embedded depending on the conf igura t ion

• In AES audio, i f the aud io is correc t ly genlocked to the v ideo, the sample rate conver ter can be swi tched of f .

Case 2: The 5.1 audio signal is coded in the two-channels Dolby E standard • Dolby E over AES/EBU l inks

o Set the conf igurat ion of the pai r o f channels carry ing the Do lby E s ignal to “DY” in the AVCFG. This has two ef fec ts :

• I t d i sables the sample ra te conver te r on the input channe ls

• I t fo rces a l l t rans i t ions to a hard cut . I f the sample rate conver ter i s act ivated and the audio con f igurat ion i s a mix between PCM audio over AES and Dolby E over AES, the sample rate conver te r wi l l on ly be appl ied to the PCM over AES s ignal .

• Dolby E Embedded in the SDI /HD SDI s t ream o Set the conf igurat ion of the pai r o f channels carry ing the Do lby E s ignal to

“EY” in the AVCFG. This wi l l force the t rans i t ion to a hard cut . o The sample rate conver te r parameter does not app ly to embedded aud io.

The Do lby E t rans i t ions w i l l be correc t as long as :

• the conf igura t ion is correct

• the AES st ream con ta in ing Dolby E is correct ly synchronized wi th the v ideo Dolby E t rans i t ions w i l l not be correct (2 f rames of mute at the t rans i t ions) i f the AVCFG is se t to E instead of EY or D instead o f DY. Audio ef fects (sc rub, s low mot ion) are not poss ib le in Do lby E. I f they a re used anyway , the audio wi l l be muted .

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1.4.6 3 D & 1080P MANAGEMENT

3D CONFIGURATION With the 3D feature, one or two phys ica l cameras wi l l record the same scene wi th a s l ight l y d i f ferent angle to mimic the angle d i f ference be tween the human eyes. The conf igura t ion is a l lowed through the codes 23 or 24 , and act ivated in the Channe ls Conf igurat ion screen v ia the 3D op t ion. See a lso the sec t ion ‘3D’ , on page 18.

1080P CONFIGURATION With the 1080p feature , one phys ica l camera makes i t poss ib le to get the progress ive image scan wi th a ver t ica l resolu t ion of 1080 p ixe ls . The conf igura t ion is a l lowed through the codes 21 or 22 , and act ivated in the AVCFG when you selec t the 1080p v ideo s tandard in the AVCFG main screen. See a lso the sect ion ‘V ideo & Audio Area ’ , on page 43.

PRINCIPLE The 3D and 1080p conf igurat ions can be used on XT3 servers , which are f i t ted wi th V3X boards, us ing one of the fo l lowing connect ion in ter faces:

• Dual L ink in ter face, that is to say two phys ica l channels ( recorders or p layers) seen by the EVS server as one log ica l channel . For each pa i r o f phys ica l channels , on ly one log ica l channel is ass igned in the Channe ls Conf igura t ion . Such conf igurat ions requi re the record and p layou t on synchronous channe ls .

• 3G inter face, that is to say a s ing le phys ica l channel that corresponds to the log ica l channe l .

Important The Dual L ink or 3G in te r face cor responds to the phys ica l connect ion on the rear pane l o f the EVS server . Whatever the in ter face used for the connect ion to the rear pane l , each log ica l 3D or 1080p channel uses both pr imary and secondary l inks of a codec modu le (COD A or COD B) on the corresponding V3X board .

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The fo l lowing screenshot represents the channel con f igurat ion fo r 3D 3G conf igura t ion :

LICENSE CODES The fo l lowing tab le summar izes the l icense codes requi red to use conf igurat ions based on 3D or 1080p s tandards, w i th a Dual L ink or a 3G inte r face:

Required l icense code 1080p Standard 3D Standard

Dual L ink 3G Dual L ink 3G

Code 21 √

Code 22 √

Code 23 √

Code 24 √

CODEC LIMITATIONS The 4-channel conf igura t ions in 3D, 1080p and 3D SLSM 3x are suppor ted nei ther wi th a l l codecs, nor w i th a l l codec pro f i les:

• Al l HD codecs a re implemented wi th the above-ment ioned conf igurat ions.

• SD codecs do not suppor t these conf igura t ions .

• AVC-In t ra 100 does not suppor t the 3D SLSM 3x conf igurat ion.

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• Among the Avid DNxHD® and Apple ProRes codec prof i les, on ly Av id DNxHD® 100 Mbps and Apple ProRes 422 LT suppor t these con f igurat ions .

CONFIGURATIONS IN 3D/1080P This sect ion deta i ls the conf igurat ions ava i lab le in 3D/1080p on XT3 servers.

Important When you ac t iva te o r deact iva te the 1080p v ideo s tandard us ing a Dual L ink in ter face , i t is h igh ly recommended to check and se t manual l y the des i red channel conf igurat ion in the Channe ls Conf igurat ion screen before you launch the requested app l icat ion.

Important Remark on 3D/1080p Configurations

With 3D/1080p conf igurat ions, a c lear d is t inc t ion should be made between:

• the number o f phys ica l channels connected to the BNC connecto rs of a codec module on the rear panel AND

• the l inks used on the corresponding codec module (COD A or COD B) o f the V3X board.

The number of phys ica l channe ls connected to the rear panel o f the EVS server depends on the in ter face used:

• Both connec tors o f a codec modu le ( for example IN1 and IN1B in REC) are connec ted wi th a Dual L ink in ter face.

• Only the p r imary connec tor of the codec module is connected ( fo r example IN1 in REC) wi th a 3G inter face.

Both pr imary and secondary l inks of the codec module (COD A or COD B) on the V3X board are used whatever the in ter face used for the connec t ion to the rear panel (Dua l L ink o r 3G).

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Available 3D/1080p Configurations on 6U Servers

Overview The tables below show the avai lab le 3D/1080p conf igurat ions wi th a XT3 server 6U. They show the l ink ass ignment at the level o f the codec modu le o f a V3X board.

Important Bear in mind that , even wi th a 3G inter face (s ing le l ink connected to the rear panel ) , bo th pr imary and secondary l inks of a codec module of the V3X board are used in 3D/1080p.

Wi th s tandard 3D/1080p cameras, the fo l lowing conf igura t ions are suppor ted in 3D/1080p conf igura t ions:


#REC #PLAY Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

Prim. Link

Second. Link

1 0 REC 1A REC 1B




0 1 PLAY



1 1 PLAY



2 1 PLAY



3 1 PLAY



0 2 PLAY





1 2 PLAY





2 2 PLAY





0 3 PLAY







1 3 PLAY







0 4 PLAY









Wi th SLSM 2Phase and 3 Phase cameras, the fo l lowing conf igura t ions are suppor ted in 3D/1080p conf igurat ions:





2x #REC #PLAY Prim.

Link Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

0 1 0 1 PLAY


1B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


0 1 1 1 PLAY



REC 1, 2A

REC 1, 2B

REC 1, 1A

REC 1, 1B

0 1 0 2 PLAY




2B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


1 0 0 1 PLAY


1B REC 1,

3A REC 1,

3B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


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Example 1: 3D/1080p Dual Link 2REC 2PLAY The BNC connec tors to be used as recorder and p layer channels in a 3D or 1080p Dual L ink conf igurat ion 2REC 2PLAY need to be cabled as shown below:

Note In an equiva lent conf igurat ion w i th a 3G inte r face, on ly the J8 connectors are cabled. However the pr imary and secondary l inks on the codec module of the V3X board are bo th used .

Example 2: 3D/1080p Dual Link 1SLSM 2Ph + 1REC+ 1PLAY The BNC connec tors to be used as recorder and p layer channels in a 3D or 1080p Dual L ink conf igura t ion 1SLSM 2x + 1REC + 1 PLAY need to be cabled as shown below:

Note In an equiva lent conf igurat ion w i th a 3G inte r face, on ly the J8 connectors are cabled. However the pr imary and secondary l inks on the codec module of the V3X board are bo th used .

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Available 3D/1080p Configurations on 4U Servers

The tables below show the avai lab le 3D/1080p conf igurat ions wi th a XT3 server 4U. They show the l ink ass ignment at the level o f the codec modu le o f a V3X board.

Important Bear in mind that , even wi th a 3G inter face (s ing le l ink connected to the rear panel ) , bo th pr imary and secondary l inks of a codec module of the V3X board are used in 3D/1080p.

Wi th s tandard 3D/1080p cameras, the fo l lowing conf igura t ions are suppor ted in 3D/1080p conf igura t ions:


#REC #PLAY Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

1 0 REC 1A REC 1B














Wi th SLSM 2Phase and 3 Phase cameras, the fo l lowing conf igura t ions are suppor ted in 3D/1080p conf igurat ions:





2x #REC #PLAY Prim.

Link Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

Prim. Link

Sec. Link

0 1 0 1 PLAY 1A PLAY 1B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


0 1 1 1 PLAY 1A PLAY 1B REC 2A REC 2B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


0 1 0 2 PLAY 1A PLAY 1B PLAY 2A PLAY 2B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


1 0 0 1 PLAY 1A PLAY 1B REC 1,

3A REC 1,

3B REC 1,

2A REC 1,

2B REC 1,

1A REC 1,


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PRINCIPLES The hypermot ion cameras can now be contro l led by the LSM Remote Panel . The camera is l inked v ia a RS422 o r LAN PC connector to the same XT3 server as the contro l l i ng Remote Pane l . In se tups inc luding a hypermot ion camera , the fo l lowing pr inc ip les apply :

• An XT3 server cannot contro l more than one hypermot ion camera.

• The hypermot ion camera is used wi th the c lass ica l channel conf igura t ions.

• Not a l l Mul t icam LSM conf igurat ions w i th severa l PGMs and severa l Remotes are suppor ted wi th in the curren t RS422 and channel conf igurat ion cons t ra in ts .

• I f the Recorder Mode se t t ing on the Remote Panel se tup (page 6 .4, F3) i s set to ‘Hypermot ion only ’ , an addi t ional menu is made avai lab le in the Main menu of the LSM Remote Panel .

REMOTE PANEL ASSIGNMENT In setups where severa l LSM Remotes and a hypermot ion camera are de f ined, the ass ignment of the var ious PGMs and hypermot ion camera to the Remote Panels i s automat ica l ly per formed as shown in the tab le below depending on:

• the number of PGMs in the se lected channe l con f igurat ion

• the se lec ted Remote Mode (Hypermot ion only or Hypermot ion + LSM)

• the number of Remote Panels avai lab le The fo l low ing tab le presents the poss ib le conf igurat ions:

# o f R e m o t e s 1 2 3 4

H y p e r m o t i o n M o d e

H y p e r m . O n l y

H y p e r m . + L S M

H y p e r m . O n l y

H y p e r m . + L S M

H y p e r m . O n l y

H y p e r m . + L S M

H y p e r m . O n l y

H y p e r m . + L S M

1 O U T N A R 1 : P G M 1 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 R 2 : h y p e r m .


2 O U T N A R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 R 2 : P G M 2 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 R 2 : P G M 2 R 3 : h y p e r m .


3 O U T N A R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 + P G M 3 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 + P G M 3 R 2 : h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : P G M 3 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : P G M 3 R 3 : h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 R 2 : P G M 2 R 3 : P G M 3 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 R 2 : P G M 2 R 3 : P G M 3 R 4 : h y p e r m .


4 O U T N A R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 + P G M 3 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 + P G M 3 R 2 : h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 + P G M 3 R 2 : P G M 4 + h y p e r m . O R R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : P G M 3 + P G M 4 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : P G M 3 + P G M 4 R 3 : h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : P G M 3 R 3 : P G M 4 + h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 + P G M 2 R 2 : P G M 3 R 3 : P G M 4 R 4 : h y p e r m .

R 1 : P G M 1 R 2 : P G M 2 R 3 : P G M 3 R 4 : P G M 4 + h y p e r m .

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‘PGM1+PGM2’ can represent the 2PGMs mode as wel l as the PGM/PRV mode.

Important The ce l ls w i th ‘NA’ correspond to impossib le conf igurat ions tak ing in to account the ex is t ing const ra in ts . In th is case, the Hypermot ion opt ion is not avai lab le in the operat ional menu even i f the Hypermot ion set t ing is set to ‘Yes ’ .

1.4.8 EMBEDDED AUDIO SIGNALS IN REC/PLAY Embedded audio is present on the mon i tor ing of the codecs in rec. In the Hardware Techn ica l Re ference manual , you can f ind schemas that show which v ideo s ignal is present on each of the BNC of a V3X inpu t /ou tput . The tables in th is sec t ion descr ibe which v ideo and embedded audio s ignals a re presen t on each BNC connector :

• In SD and HD conf igurat ions : o J1 is not connected. o J5 is not used.

• In 3D or 1080p Dua l L ink conf igura t ions : o The embedded audio i s only ava i lab le on the le f t eye (3D) or l ink 1

(1080p) . o No aud io i s avai lab le on J5 and J3 .

SD Codec in Rec BNCs Video Embedded Audio (if

present at input) Delay Phase

J8 SD Input Yes n/a n/a J6 SD-SDI loop of input J8 (IN1) Audio of J8 n/a n/a J7 SD-SDI loop of input (J8) Audio of J8 n/a n/a J3 SD-SDI loop of input (J8) Audio of J8 n/a n/a J1 SD-SDI or CVBS signal of J8 with OSD (not

connected) Audio of J8 only in SDI (not connected)

n/a n/a

J4 SD signal of J8 with OSD Audio of J8 n/a n/a

SD Codec in Play BNCs Video Embedded Audio

(depending on the avcfg configuration)

J8 n/a n/a J6 SD clean output Yes J7 SD clean output Yes J3 n/a n/a J1 SD-SDI or CVBS output with OSD

(not connected) Only in SDI

J4 SD output with OSD Yes

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HD Codec in Rec BNCs Video Embedded Audio (if

present at input) Delay Phase

J8 HD Input Yes n/a n/a J6 HD signal of J8 (IN1) Audio of J8 n/a n/a J7 HD signal of J8 Audio of J8 n/a n/a J3 SD downconverted signal of J8 Audio of J8 No* Adjustable J1 SD SDI or CVBS signal of J8 with OSD (not

connected) Audio of J8 only in SDI (not connected)

No* Adjustable

J4 HD signal of J8 with OSD Audio of J8 n/a n/a

* No delay if the Rec HD -> SD Low Latency setting is set to ‘ON’ in the Advanced Parameters window of the selected application in the EVS software.

HD Codec in Play BNCs Video Embedded Audio

(depending on the avcfg configuration)

J8 n/a n/a J6 HD clean output Yes J7 HD clean output Yes J3 SD downconverted output Yes J1 SD-SDI or CVBS output with OSD

(not connected) Only in SDI (not connected)

J4 HD output with OSD Yes

3D/1080p Dual Link Codec in Rec BNCs Video Embedded Audio (if

present at input) Delay Phase

J8 HD Input Left eye/link A Yes n/a n/a J6 HD signal of J8 (IN1) Audio of J8 n/a n/a J7 HD signal of J8 Audio of J8 n/a n/a J3 HD signal of J5 Right eye/Link B No n/a n/a J5 HD Input Right eye/Link B No n/a n/a J4 HD/SD signal of J8 with OSD Audio of J8 n/a n/a

3D/1080p Dual Link Codec in Play BNCs Video Embedded Audio

(depending on the avcfg configuration)

J8 n/a n/a J6 HD output Left eye / Link A Yes J7 HD output Left eye / Link A Yes J3 HD output Right eye / Link B No J5 n/a n/a J4 HD/SD output Left eye/Link A with OSD Yes

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3D/1080p 3G Codec in Rec BNCs Video Embedded Audio (if

present at input) Delay Phase

J8 3G Input Yes n/a n/a J6 3G signal of J8 (IN1) Audio of J8 n/a n/a J7 3G signal of J8 Audio of J8 n/a n/a J3 HD/SD signal of J8 Audio of J8 n/a n/a J5 n/a n/a n/a n/a J4 HD/SD signal of J8 with OSD Audio of J8 n/a n/a

3D/1080p 3G Codec in Play BNCs Video Embedded Audio

(depending on the avcfg configuration)

J8 n/a n/a J6 3G output Yes J7 3G output Yes J3 HD/SD output Yes J5 n/a n/a J4 HD/SD output with OSD Yes

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1.5 MAINTENANCE MENU The Ma intenance menu conta ins var ious op t ions to conf igure and check the system. These opt ions are descr ibed in de ta i l s in the nex t sect ions.

To se lect an opt ion, p ress the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys of the keyboard to h ighl ight the corresponding l ine and press ENTER or press the key correspond ing to the character between brackets . To go back to the App l ica t ion w indow, p ress ESC on the keyboard .


Important Most parameters are fac tory preset , and should not be mod i f ied wi thout adv ice of qua l i f i ed EVS s taf f . Improper va lues for some parameters w i l l prevent the proper opera t ion of the system. Please refe r to the parameters ’ char ts for cor rect va lues . (See sect ion 1 .5.9 ‘De fau l t Parameters ’ , on page 53)

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HOW TO MODIFY ADVANCED PARAMETERS 1. Press F9 to open the Maintenance menu. 2. Select the ‘Advanced Parameters ’ i tem and press ENTER. 3 . Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to se lect the parameter to

modi fy and press ENTER. 4 . Enter the des i red va lue, and then press ENTER. 5 . When a l l parameters are set , press ESC. A conf i rmat ion message i s d isp layed, press ENTER.



Codec Type SD MJPEG Standard SD IMX (D10) DVCPro 50

Bitrate 20-100 Mbps 30 ; 40 ; 50 Mbps 50 Mbps

Default : 30 Mbps Default : 30 Mbps Default : 50 Mbps

Recorded video lines

576 lines (L23-310 ; L336-623) default

608 lines (L7-310 ; L320-623)

576 lines (L23-310 ; L335-622)

592 lines (L15-310 ; L328-623)

608 lines (L7-310 ; L320-623)

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SD 525i


Codec Type SD MJPEG Standard SD IMX (D10) DVCPro 50

Bitrate 20-100 Mbps 30 ; 40 ; 50 Mbps 50 Mbps

Default : 30 Mbps Default : 30 Mbps Default : 50 Mbps

Recorded video lines

496 lines (L16-23 ; L278-525) default

512 lines (L7-262 ; L270-525)

480 lines (L23-262 ; L285-524)

480 lines (L23-262 ; L286-525)

512 lines (L7-262 ; L270-525)

HD 1080i/1080p 50Hz

Board V3X

Codec Type


HD MJPEG Standard

HD MPEG2 Intra



AVID DNxHD (10-bit)

Apple ProRes 422 LT

Apple ProRes 422

Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Apple ProRes 422 HQ (10-bit)


AVC Intra 100

120 Mbps

185 Mbps

185 Mbps

85 Mbps

120 Mbps

185 Mbps

185 Mbps

100 Mbps

111 Mbps

Bitrate (Mbps) 20-360 20-360 20-360 1-120 121-185 121-185 85 120 185 185 100 111

Default : Default : Default : Default: Default : Default : Default: Default: Default: Default: Default : Default :

100 100 100 120 185 185 85 120 185 185 100 111 Horizontal Resolution 960 960 960 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1440 1920

1152 1152 1152

1280 (default)

1280 (default)

1280 (default)

1372 1372 1372

1440 1440 1440

1536 1536 1536

1600 1600 1600

1920 1920 1920

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HD 1080i/1080p 59,94Hz

Board V3X

Codec Type


HD MJPEG Standard

HD MPEG2 Intra



AVID DNxHD (10-bit)

Apple ProRes 422 LT

Apple ProRes 422

Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Apple ProRes 422 HQ (10-bit)


AVC Intra 100

145 Mbps

220 Mbps

220 Mbps

102 Mbps

145 Mbps

220 Mbps

220 Mbps

100 Mbps

111 Mbps

Bitrate (Mbps) 20-360 20-360 20-360 1-145 146-220 146-220 102 145 220 220 100 111

Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default : Default : 100 100 100 145 220 220 102 145 220 220 100 111

Horizontal Resolution 960 960 960 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1280 1920

1152 1152 1152

1280 (default)

1280 (default)

1280 (default)

1372 1372 1372

1440 1440 1440

1536 1536 1536

1600 1600 1600

1920 1920 1920

HD 720p 50Hz

Board V3X

Codec Type


HD MJPEG Standard

HD MPEG2 Intra



AVID DNxHD (10-bit)

Apple ProRes 422 LT

Apple ProRes 422

Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Apple ProRes 422 HQ (10-bit)


AVC Intra 100

120 Mbps

185 Mbps

185 Mbps

85 Mbps

120 Mbps

185 Mbps

185 Mbps

100 Mbps

111 Mbps

Bitrate (Mbps) 20-360 20-360 20-360 1-120 121-185 121-185 85 120 185 185 100 111

Default : Default : Default : Default: Default : Default : Default: Default: Default: Default: Default : Default :

100 100 100 120 185 185 85 120 185 185 100 111

Horizontal Resolution 640 640 640 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 960 1280

768 (default)

768 (default) 768

960 960 960

1024 1024 1024



1280 (default)

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HD 720p 59,94Hz

Board V3X

Codec Type


HD MJPEG Standard

HD MPEG2 Intra



AVID DNxHD (10-bit)

Apple ProRes 422 LT

Apple ProRes 422

Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Apple ProRes 422 HQ (10-bit)


AVC Intra 100

145 Mbps

220 Mbps

220 Mbps

102 Mbps

145 Mbps

220 Mbps

220 Mbps

100 Mbps

111 Mbps

Bitrate (Mbps) 20-360 20-360 20-360 1-145 146-220 146-220 102 145 220 220 100 111

Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default: Default : Default:

100 100 100 145 220 220 102 145 220 220 100 111

Horizontal Resolution 640 640 640 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 960 1280

768 (default)

768 (default) 768

960 960 960

1024 1024 1024



1280 (default)

Note: The dynamic b i t ra te management sys tem modi f ies compress ion tab les for each recorded f ie ld to keep the b i t ra te of the encoded st ream as c lose as poss ib le to the ta rget . A h igher b i t ra te means be t ter p ic ture qual i ty and less s to rage capac i ty bu t a h igher bandwidth is requi red . Improper va lues can lead to exceed d isks per formance, causing f rozen p ic tures dur ing p layback.

Important Some v ideo formats a l lowed on XT3 hardware c reate c l ips tha t are not compat ib le wi th prev ious hardware. When an incompat ib le format is se lected, a warn ing wi l l be issued at the s tar t ing up of the appl icat ion . In addi t ion, the v ideo format in format ion d isp layed on the Shif t -F2 page of the Mu l t icam indicates any incompat ib le in format ion.

VIDEO DISK BLOCK SIZE [8 MB] This parameter ind icates the s ize ( in KB) o f da ta b locks to be recorded to or read f rom the d isks .

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OPERATIONAL DISK SIZE Range: [0…100] This parameter ind icates the percentage of the d isks actua l ly used to s tore the data. Rest r ic t ing access to the cent re par t o f the d r ives increases the per fo rmance of the system but decreases capaci ty .

REC HD-> SD LOW LATENCY Possib le Values: Of f / On This parameter preven ts the downconver ted output of the record channels f rom being de layed. This is very usefu l in setups inc luding h igh resolu t ion and low resolu t ion servers .

VERTICAL INTERPOLATOR AND FOUR LINES INTERPOLATION Possib le va lues: Of f / On This parameter enables or d isab les the in terpo lat ion processes. Select off to d isable the in te rpolat ion process, or on to enable the in terpo lat ion process se lected by the Four l ines interpolat ion pa rameter . An in terpola t ion process i s a imed at reduc ing the ver t ica l j i t te r o f the p ic tu res that is p resent dur ing s low-mot ion rep lays . This ver t ica l j i t ter is ac tual l y caused by a v io la t ion of the f rame par i t y when p lay ing back the p ic tures at less than 100 % speed. The process consis ts in re-bui ld ing new f rames to produce a more t ransparent resul t . These f rames have to be in terpo lated - that i s ca lcu la ted by making sui tab ly weigh ted averages of ad jacen t l ines . There are 2 in te rpolat ion modes: the 2- l ine in terpo lato r and the 4- l i ne in terpolator . The d isadvantage of th i s method i s that i t reduces the ver t i ca l resolut ion. This is par t icu lar l y t rue wi th the 4- l i ne in terpola tor . The user can choose be tween 3 modes: no interpolat ion: maximizes the ver t ica l bandwidth of the p ic ture but a ver t ica l j i t te r appears in “S loMo”. [set ' In terpola t ion va l idat ion ' to of f , whatever the va lue of 'Four l ines in terpo lat ion ' ] 2- l ine interpolator: reduces the ver t ica l j i t ter but the ver t ica l bandwidth is reduced. [set 'Four l i nes in terpola t ion ' to of f and ' In terpo lat ion va l idat ion ' to on] 4- l ine interpolator: the p ic ture is per fec t ly s teady but the ver t ica l bandwidth i s even more reduced. [set 'Four l ines in terpo la t ion ' to on and ' In terpolat ion va l ida t ion ' to on ]

Note: Al l VTRs use in terpola t ion in PLAY VAR mode.

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1.5.2 CONFIGURATION This funct ion is used to set the hardware conf igurat ion of the system (boards re lease numbers , por t set t ings…).

HOW TO ENTER THE CONFIGURATION WINDOW To ente r the conf igura t ion window, press F9 to open the Ma intenance menu, se lec t 'Conf igurat ion ' and press ENTER . A doub le f rame appears around the Conf igurat ion window, and the cursor b l inks next to one of the parameters in th is window par t .

HOW TO MODIFY AN ITEM IN THE CONFIGURATION WINDOW 1. Press the UP ARROW , DOWN ARROW , or <TAB> keys to se lect the des i red

i tem. 2. Press the <SPACE BAR> severa l t imes unt i l the correct va lue appears. 3 . Select another i tem to modi fy or p ress ESC to go back to the Maintenance


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HARDWARE REVISIONS AREA This area ind icates, board by board, the detected hardware ins ide the chass is . P lease re fer to the XT3 Technica l Reference Hardware manual fo r more in format ion about the hardware. Some p ieces of in format ion cannot be detected :

• Audio In /Out : def ines the aud io input and output connectors avai lab le f rom the rear pane l . o 16 XLR Ana log, o 16 XLR Dig i ta l , o 16 XLR Ana log + 8 XLR Dig i ta l , o 16 XLR Ana log + 16 BNC Dig i ta l o 16 XLR Ana log + 4 DB15 Dig i ta l o 8 XLR Ana log + 16 XLR Dig i ta l o None

• Video Ch.: the number o f avai lab le v ideo channels can be adjus ted.

Note: The order of the boards in th is l is t is the same as ins ide the mainf rame, f rom top to bo t tom. The rev is ion of a board located in the f ront par t o f the mainf rame is a lways wr i t ten on a whi te label on the le f t f ront end of the board.

Rev: A1 SN: 2307 V3X

Board revision Board serial number Board type

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This parameter d isp lays the vers ion number of Mu l t icam sof tware ins ta l led.


This parameter d isp lays the vers ion number and re lease date of HCT mic rocode insta l led .



Possib le va lues: [o f f / 1485Mbps Non-Relay] This parameter makes i t poss ib le to enable the SDTI opt ion and select the bandwidth of the network . On XT3 servers, there is one pai r o f SDTI connecto rs : XNet2 Non-Relay connec tors are used at 1485 Mbps. The SDTI c i rcu i t i s c losed only when the Mu l t icam sof tware is s tar ted.

Important The SDTI bandwidth must be ident i ca l on a l l XT3 servers connected to the XNet . I f one sys tem is con f igured wi th a d i f ferent bandwidth , i t w i l l b lock the ent i re ne twork . The Disk B lock Size parameter must be the same on a l l XT3 servers .

Net Name

The Net name def ines the mach ine name on the network. This name is user -def ined but cannot exceed 8 characters . Ente r ing a Network Name is no t mandatory because a ne twork number is a lso ass igned to the sys tem, but i t i s recommended to eas i ly ident i f y a l l se rvers connec ted to the XNet .

Net Number

Range: [1 … 29 ] The Net Number parameter de f ines the machine number on the network. This number is user-de f ined and must be unique for each system on the ne twork . When enter ing a new number i f th is number is a l ready ass igned to another machine, an er ror message w i l l warn the user .

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Possib le va lues: [Cl ient , Master , Server ] The type def ines the pr i v i leges o f the XT3 server on the SDTI network. One XT3 server on the network should be set to Server type. I f no server is def ined, XNet wi l l not be ac t iva ted. I f more than one server i s def ined, only the f i rs t one to connec t wi l l be the actua l server . Other XT3 servers on the network can be set e i ther to Master type i f they need to access c l ips f rom o ther servers , o r to Client type i f the i r c l i ps must be avai lab le on the ne twork but they don’ t need to access c l ips f rom o ther servers .

Al lowed to access the content of al l XT3 servers on the network

Can be accessed by other XT3 servers on the network




DB Size

Possib le va lue : [32000 c l ips ] This parameter def ines the s ize of the ne twork da tabase, i .e . the maximum number of c l ips that can be crea ted fo r the en t i re SDTI network.



This parameter a l lows select ing the v ideo s tandard :

• 625i 50.00 PAL (de fau l t f o r SD)

• 525i 59.94 NTSC

• 525i 59.94 NTSC Japan

• 1080i 50.00 PAL (de fau l t fo r HD)

• 1080i 59.94 NTSC

• 1080i 59.94 NTSC Japan

• 1080p 50.00 PAL

• 1080p 59.94 NTSC

• 1080p 59.94 NTSC Japan

• 720p 50.00 PAL

• 720p 59.94 NTSC

• 720p 59.94 NTSC Japan

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Aspect Ratio

In High Def in i t ion, th is parameter a l lows the user to se lec t the format of the image for the downconver ted ou tputs of the XT3 (not used in SD conf igurat ions ) .

4:3 L Box le t te rbox (de fau l t ) , the ent i re width o f the 16 :9 or ig ina l p ic ture is shown, but there are b lack panels hor izonta l ly above and below the p ic ture.

4:3 Crop the s ides of the 16:9 p ic ture are cu t o f f but the 4 :3 f rame is f i l led.

16:9 anamorphic , widescreen mode. The 16:9 p ic tu re area is squeezed hor i zonta l ly to f i t ins ide the 4 :3 space .

In Standard Def in i t i on, the parameter def ines the aspect rat io of the incoming v ideo feeds to adjus t the aspect rat io o f the g raphics when d rawing c i rc les in Target T rack ing and Paint ing modes , and for th i rd-par ty usage, and in Xedio fo r instance.

Char OUT

This parameter is on ly d isp layed on and appl icable to EVS servers w i th V3X boards . Poss ib le va lues: For J4 connector [HD or SD] (Defau l t SD). For J1 connecto r [CVBS or SDI ] (Defaul t CVBS) This parameter speci f ies the type o f ou tput moni to r ing on the J4 and J1 connec tors . You can choose to moni tor :

• in HD or SD on J4 connector

• in CVBS or SDI on J1 connecto r .


This parameter is on ly d isp layed on and appl icable to EVS servers w i th V3X boards . Poss ib le va lues: [HD or SD] (Defaul t HD) This parameter , which i s only d isp layed in Dua l L ink conf igura t ions, makes i t poss ib le to se lec t whether you want the J3 output in HD or SD.

SD Edge Enhancement

Range: [0 – 200%] (De faul t 66%) This parameter speci f i es the va lue o f the edge enhancer for the SD downconver ted outputs of the XT3 servers set in HD.

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Possib le va lues: [On o r Of f ] This parameter enables o r d isables the Aud io.


Ref Type Possib le va lues: [SD B lack Burst , HD Tr i -Level Sync] This parameter a l lows select ing the genlock re ference input between:

• SD Black Burst (de fau l t )

• HD Tr i -Leve l Sync (HD only)

Sync Mode

Possib le va lues: [Stud io mode, Resync mode] This parameter a l lows select ing the f rame synchronizer mode between:

• Studio mode: should be used when the v ideo input s igna ls are synchronized. (de fau l t )

• Resync mode: should be used when the v ideo inpu t s ignals are not synchronized. In th is case, they wi l l be re-synchronized on the d ig i ta l I /O board. Th is can cause a sh i f t o f up to 3 f i e lds be tween the var ious v ideo input s ignals .


Possib le va lues: [OK or BAD] This in format ion is au tomat ica l ly d isp layed. Th is parameter checks i f the Genlock input is va l id .


This parameter d isp lays the s tatus o f the LTC input o f the server , and the v ideo format cor responding to the incoming t imecode. Ex: “TC in 12 :24:45:09 PAL” or “TC in 12 :24:45:09 NTSC”. I f no va l id t imecode i s detec ted, the d isp lay wi l l show “TC in - - : - - : - - : - - Bad”.

Phase This parameter shows the va lue current ly set for the main v ideo phase of the d ig i ta l v ideo outputs . Re fer to the ‘Phase Def in i t i on ’ sec t ion fo r de ta i l s .

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RAID CONSTRUCTION At the f i rs t s tar t , the sof tware bui lds the ra ids us ing the fo l low ing set t ings :

• I f in ternal and external s torage are detected , both are used

• (5+1) ra id conf igurat ion wi th a max imum of 5 spares is used. F i rs t , a l l the ra ids are bui l t . The remain ing d isks are used as spare d isks . The const ruct ion of ra ids s tar ts wi th in te rnal ar rays and carr ies on wi th external ar rays. A ra id can be created across severa l hardware ar rays.

Note Only SAS dr i ves f rom EVS can be used as they a re speci f ica l ly conf igured to work wi th EVS v ideo servers.

RAID CONFIGURATION This funct ion, f rom the Maintenance menu, is used to le t the users change the RAID type.

Requested Configuration

This a rea is used to se lect the fo l low ing parameters .

Storage Type Possib i l i t ies are : In ternal on ly , Ex terna l + In terna l and Ex ternal on ly .

Number of Raids Enter the number o f ra ids you want to use.

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Raid Configuration Type Select the Raid conf igurat ion type. The sof tware is able to handle two ra id organizat ions:

• (4+1) : ra id o f 5 d isks

• (5+1) : ra id o f 6 d isks

Current Configuration

This area is used to d isp lay the se lected con f igurat ion bu t no parameter can be updated here. Refer to sect ion 3 .2 ‘Server Mon i tor ing ’ on page 69 for a descr ip t ion of each f ie ld .


ACCESSING THE OPTIONS MENU To en ter the Opt ions menu, open the Maintenance menu, then press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to h igh l ight the 'Opt ions ' l ine, and press ENTER . The Opt ions w indow appears as shown below:

INTRODUCTION This w indow is used to manage sof tware l icense codes for a l l app l ica t ions. Th is window only d isp lays the permanent codes you have subscr ibed to, as wel l as va l id or expi red temporary codes.

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To run par t icu lar appl i ca t ion sof tware and/o r speci f ic sof tware opt ions , not on ly the sof tware i tse l f i s requi red but a lso a l icense key, which i s un ique fo r every opt ion on every system. This l icense key can be temporary and be val id only unt i l a def ined deadl ine fo r demons trat ion purposes , or permanent wi th no t ime l imi t .

Example of l ine for a PERMANENT option

104 PERM Mult icam LSM Base 1 PLAY

Example of l ine for a TEMPORARY option

108 DEMO Mult icam LSM Base 5 PLAY

Example of l ine for a TEMPORARY option wi th From Date/To Date

109 01 /12 /05 to 31 /12 /05 Mult icam LSM Base 6 PLAY

DISPLAY In the Opt ions menu, the h igh l igh ted l ines show the va l id opt ions . The red l ine is the curren t l ine. Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to move ins ide the opt ions l is t . When temporary op t ions are p resent , the l imi t t ime for these is shown in the lower par t o f the Opt ions w indow. To go back to the Main tenance menu, press ESC.

EXPIRATION AND WARNING When a temporary l icense key i s about to expi re, the sys tem wi l l warn the operator . The warn ing i s d isp layed every t ime the EVS sof tware s tar ts , f rom 2 weeks befo re the expi rat ion da te. The fo l lowing message appears :

HOW TO ENTER NEW LICENSE CODES To enter new l icense codes, p roceed in one of the fo l lowing ways:

• I f you have rece ived a xxxxx.COD f i l e (xxxxx = ser ia l number of the server for which th is f i le has been calcu lated) f rom EVS, copy th is COD f i le on a USB key and press s imul taneously ALT+U keys. The l i cense codes wi l l be automat ica l ly read f rom the USB key and updated in to the system.


• You can a lso copy manual ly the xxxxx.COD f i le to the C: \ dr ive, then res tar t the EVS menu, en ter the Opt ions windows and press s imu l taneous ly ALT+F keys. The codes wi l l be read f rom the local f i le on the C: \ dr ive and updated in to the system.


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1 . Make sure the cursor b l inks in the 'Opt ion ' box in the lower par t o f the Opt ions windows.

2 . In the Val idat ion Code f ie ld , type the code corresponding to the se lected opt ion ( l i cense codes a re sent by EVS Technica l Suppor t Dpt) and p ress ENTER .

3 . Repeat th i s operat ion for the next l icense code. 4. You can check that the corresponding opt ions a re enabled by scro l l ing in to the

opt ions l is t .

HOW TO REMOVE A LICENSE CODE To remove a l i cense code, proceed as fo l lows: 1. Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to move ins ide the op t ions l is t

and se lec t the op t ion tha t must be removed. 2. When the opt ion i s se lected (whi te characters) , press s imul taneously

CTRL+DEL on the keyboard. 3 . Conf i rm the de let ion o f the opt ion w i th ENTER or cancel wi th ESC.

HOW TO CHECK HARDWARE KEY (DONGLE) INFORMATION When the Opt ions window is open, p ress s imul taneously ALT + I . A new window 'Opt ion In fo ' appears. The fo l lowing in format ion is avai lab le:

System ID: ID code of the hardware key. Th is in format ion is necessary for l icense code calcu lat ion. Factory se t t ing on ly .

User: User 's name. Th is in format ion i s a label and i s for in format ion only . Factory set t ing only .

Serial #: Ser ia l number o f the mainf rame. The S/N is a lso wr i t ten on the back p late of the mainf rame. Factory se t t ing on ly .

Chassis: Def ines the type o f mainf rame (6U). I f th is va lue i s wrong, audio and v ideo rou t ing ins ide the sys tem wi l l not work proper l y . Factory se t t ing on ly .

PSU Type: Def ines the type of CPU insta l led on the chass is : s tandard o r redundant (hswap) .

Limit t ime: Expi ry da te & t ime for temporary l i cense codes. This l ine does not appear when the permanent codes a re insta l led.

Key t ime: Curren t date & t ime of the hardware key d isp layed in a GMT+1 Time zone (Be lg ium Time) . This is the da te used to determine whether l imi t t ime for temporary l i cense codes has been reached or not . Factory set t ing on ly .

Press ENTER to go back to the Opt ions window.

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1.5.5 CLEAR VIDEO DISKS This funct ion is used to e rase a l l media f rom the RAID d isk a r ray .

Important: Caut ion: This wi l l def in i tely delete al l v ideo and audio data , including protected c l ip and record trains.

To c lear v ideo d isks, proceed as fo l lows: 1. Press F9 to open the Maintenance menu. 2. Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to se lect the Clear Video

Disks opt ion l ine and press ENTER. 3 . Conf i rm the de let ion w i th ENTER or cance l wi th ESC .

1.5.6 FORCE LOAD CLIPS This funct ion is used when swapping d isks ar rays between XT3 servers. I f c l ips are saved to d isks , th is command forces the system to re- load the c l ips . To force loading o f c l ips , proceed as fo l lows : 1. Press F9 to open the Maintenance menu. 2. Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to se lect the Force Load

Cl ips opt ion l ine and press ENTER. 3 . Conf i rm the re load ing w i th ENTER or cancel wi th ESC .

1.5.7 PHASE DEFINITION This opt ion i s used to ad just the d ig i ta l phase of the main f rame.

STANDARD DEFINITION I f the REF TYPE (see Conf igurat ion windows) is set to ‘SD BlackBurst ’ , the phase def in i t ion window is as fo l lows:

The phase value fo r SD can be ad justed between - 12000 ns and +15000 ns by 37 ns s teps.

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HIGH DEFINITION I f the REF TYPE is set to ’SD BlackBurst ’ and i f the system is conf igured for HD, the phase def in i t ion window appears as fo l lows:

The main phase value fo r SD can be adjusted between - 12000 ns and +15000 ns by 37 ns s teps and the secondary phase value ( re lat i ve phase of the HD SDI outpu ts compared to the phase of the SD SDI ou tputs) can be ad justed be tween - 1000 ns and +1000 ns by 13.5 ns s teps I f the REF TYPE is set to ‘HD Tr i -Level Sync ’ , the phase de f in i t ion window is as fo l lows:

The main phase va lue fo r HD can be adjusted between - 30000 ns and +32000 ns by 13 .5 ns s teps and the secondary phase va lue ( re lat i ve phase of the SD SDI outpu ts compared to the phase o f the HD SDI outputs) can be ad justed be tween - 400 ns and +400 ns by 37ns s teps

COMMANDS • Press the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys to adjust the main phase

value by hal f p ixe l ( i .e . SD: 37 ns or HD:13.5 ns) s teps or t ype in the va lue in the Phase Value f i e ld .

• Press the CTRL+LEFT ARROW and CTRL+RIGHT ARROW keys to adjust the phase va lue by 1- l ine ( i .e . 1440 in SD; 2880 hal f p ixe l in HD 720p; and 3840 hal f p ixe l in HD 1080i ) s teps.

• Pres the <TAB> key to toggle between Main Phase and Secondary Phase f ie lds.

• Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to adjus t the secondary phase value by hal f p ixe l ( i .e . SD: 37 ns or HD:13.5 ns) s teps or t ype in the va lue in the Phase Value f i e ld .

• Press ENTER to save the new va lues and return to the Main tenance menu or press ESC to go back to the Maintenance menu wi thout sav ing the changes.

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Important note 1 : The SD phase is a lways adjus ted accord ing to the SDI outputs . In ternal CVBS outputs have a delay o f 48 x 37 nsec compared to the correspond ing SDI outputs .

Important note 2 : The in te rnal CVBS outpu ts cannot be used to feed d i rect ly a v is ion mixer or any equipment per forming v ideo ef fects , s ince the phase of the chroma subcar r ier is not ad justab le in ternal ly .

1.5.8 DEFAULT APPLICATION This opt ion is used to def ine the defaul t appl i cat ion tha t is automat ica l ly s tar ted by the sys tem. Every t ime the EVS sof tware is en tered , the de faul t appl icat ion is s tar ted a few seconds la ter . You can avo id the automat ic s ta r t by press ing the <SPACE BAR> o r the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys immediate ly when enter ing the EVS so f tware. I f no defau l t appl icat ion has been def ined , the system wi l l remain in the EVS so f tware . The de faul t appl icat ion i s shown aga ins t a b lack background in the App l icat ion window.

HOW TO DEFINE A DEFAULT APPLICATION • In the Appl ica t ion w indow, se lect the new de faul t appl icat ion us ing the

UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys and press F7 OR:

• Cal l the Maintenance menu wi th F9 and se lect ‘Defaul t Appl icat ion ’ , se lect the def ined appl i cat ion f rom the l i s t , and press ENTER o I f a defaul t appl icat ion was a l ready def ined , a message warns the opera tor

that i t w i l l be d isabled. The command can be conf i rmed wi th ENTER or cancel led wi th ESC .

o I f the command is conf i rmed, another message warns the operato r that a new de faul t appl icat ion has jus t been def ined.

HOW TO REMOVE THE DEFAULT APPLICATION • In the App l ica t ion window, se lect the appl icat ion that is the current defaul t

appl icat ion (b lue characters wi th b lack background) us ing the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys, and press F7 .


• Cal l the Maintenance menu wi th F9 and se lect ‘Defaul t Appl icat ion ‘ . Then select the curren t de faul t appl icat ion f rom the l is t and press ENTER. A message warns the operato r that the current defau l t appl i cat ion w i l l be d isabled. The command can be con f i rmed wi th ENTER or cancel led wi th ESC.

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1.5.9 DEFAULT PARAMETERS This command erases a l l cur ren t parameter se t t ings and resto res the defau l t facto ry set t ings for a l l appl ica t ions. When select ing th is opt ion, you a re asked to conf i rm the command or cancel i t .


Mult icam LSM

Replay Only LSM HD


00 LSM Custom 00 LSM Custom Y








08 Tr ip le LSM 08 R.O. Tr ip le LSM Y









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XT Spotbox**

XT server* * HD


00 Cus tom 00 Cus tom Y

01 XT SpotBox BVW75 01 XT Server BVW75 Y

02 XT SpotBox DD35 02 XT Server DD35 Y

03 XT SpotBox Odet ics 03 XT Server Odet ics Y

04 XT SpotBox VDCP 04 XT Server VDCP Y

05 XT SpotBox AVSP 05 XT Server AVSP Y

* (% per channe l ) . Ex: 50 /50 means 2 record channels , 50% of ava i lab le s torage for each channel . ** A l l Spotbox/Server l ines are s imi lar to the LSM Custom l ine

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1.5.10 DEFAULT TO VGA Between the PC boot and the I /O boot , the v ideo dr iver is loaded and the d isp lay is swi tched to one of the fo l low ing mode :

• VGA mode

• B&W video mode, a l lowing the VGA screen to be d isp layed on a s tandard compos i te v ideo mon i to r us ing the VGA↔BNC adapter prov ided wi th the un i t .

Note: At s tar t -up, the keys ' combinat ion ALT + <Backspace> on the keyboard is s t i l l ava i lab le for swi tch ing f rom one mode to the o ther .

1.5.11 TS CALIBRATION When the Touch Screen opt ion is insta l led, i t can be cal ib rated us ing th is command. I f the Touch Screen is not insta l led, a warn ing message is d isp layed.

1.5.12 SET TIME The Set T ime command a l lows adjust ing the system t ime & date. Example of t ime fo rmat : 22:58 :00 for 22 h 58 min 00 sec (24 hour d isp lay ) Example of date fo rmat (dd-mm-yyyy) : 24-10-2007 for Oc tober 24 , 2007 15-03-2008 for March 15, 2008

1.5.13 HARDWARE CHECK / RAID REBUILD The purpose o f th is too l is to check the hardware and to ver i fy the va l id i t y of the data recorded on the v ideo d isk ar ray. Af ter the se lect ion o f th is command f rom the Ma intenance menu, the sys tem automat ica l l y s tar ts the test p rocess. One af ter the other , the d i f fe rent s tages are d isp layed in the BOOT.H3X w indow. The test process i s complete when the H3X board i s in i t ia l ized .

Important: Hardware check is a lso used to rebui ld the v ideo and aud io in format ion af ter rep lac ing a fau l ty d isk.

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When one d isk of the v ideo ra id ar ray has susta ined er rors , the Mul t icam automat ica l ly d isconnects tha t d isk and uses the par i ty d isk to rebu i ld the miss ing data and prov ide the v ideo and audio da ta b locks to the app l ica t ion . The operator can thus cont inue work ing norma l ly and the message “!Raid ” appears on a l l moni to r ing outputs . A message is d isp layed each t ime a d isk is d isconnected :

• i f the fau l ty d isk i s a spare d isk :

"Warning: a spare disk has been disconnected. The system will operate normally on the remaining disks.

At the next opportunity please consider replacing the faulty disk. It can be identified in the Shift-F5 screen or in the EVS -

RAID configuration menu. [Enter]=Continue"

• i f the fau l ty d isk i s con ta ined in a RAID:

"Warning: a disk has been disconnected. The system will operate normally on the remaining disks. At the

next opportunity please consider replacing the faulty disk. It can be identified in the Shift-F5 screen or in the EVS -

RAID configuration menu. [Enter]=Continue"


When ex i t ing the Mu l t i cam appl i cat ion, a warn ing wi l l appear to remind the operator tha t one d isk was d isconnec ted, and inv i te h im to per form a hardware check to repai r the v ideo ra id. This is d isp layed even i f a spare d isk is ava i lab le:

• i f the fau l ty d isk i s a spare d isk : "Warning: a spare disk has been disconnected. At the next

opportunity please consider replacing the faulty disk. It can be identified in the Shift-F5 screen or in the EVS - RAID

configuration menu. [Enter]=Continue"

• i f the fau l ty d isk i s con ta ined in a RAID: "Warning: a disk has been disconnected. At the next

opportunity please consider replacing the faulty disk. It can be identified in the Shift-F5 screen or in the EVS - RAID

configuration menu. [Enter]=Continue"

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I f the Mul t icam is res tar ted wi thou t the RAID being rebui l t , the fo l lowing message is d isp layed dur ing the Bootwins:

• i f a spare d isk i s OK: [ Bad ] SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10H1J 0006 279GB 02 07

• i f no spare d isk is OK and the RAID is no more complete : [ Bad ] SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10H1J 0006 279GB 02 07 WARNING ! ! ! Tray XX is miss ing 1 d isk (s) to be complete

Then when en ter ing the Mul t icam, ano ther message appears , even i f a spare d isk is ava i lab le:

• i f the fau l ty d isk i s a spare d isk :

"Warning: a spare disk has been disconnected. The system will operate normally on the remaining disks. At the next opportunity please consider replacing

the faulty disk. It can be identified in the Shift-F5 screen or in the EVS - RAID configuration menu.


• i f the fau l ty d isk i s con ta ined in a RAID:

"Warning: a disk has been disconnected. The system will operate normally on the remaining disks. At the

next opportunity please consider replacing the faulty disk. It can be identified in the Shift-F5 screen or in the EVS - RAID configuration menu.


The opera tor can press ENTER and operate norma l ly on 4 d isks (conf igura t ion “4+1”) o r on 5 d isks (conf igurat ion “5+1 ”) or ex i t the sof tware and retu rn to EVS menu to run a Hardware Check.

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DISKS MONITORING The 1s t page o f Server Moni to r ing screen a l lows d isk mon i tor ing. Press Shi f t -F5 to access th is sc reen :

Refer to sec t ion 3.2 ‘Server Moni tor ing ’ on page 69 for a comprehensive descr ip t ion o f th is screen . In the Disk Status sec t ion, when ‘d isks ’ i s se lected, the screen ind icates the pos i t ion o f the d isks on the d isk ar ray and the s ta tus of each d isk. When ‘ ra ids ’ is se lected, the screen ind icates the ra id number each d isk be longs to.

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When a d isk is d isconnec ted, i t is o range and the RAID s tatus sect ion d isp lays the percen tage rebui l t a t the pos i t i on of the RAID number . When a d isk i s d isconnected but new media is s t i l l be ing recorded on the d isk ar ray, th i s number wi l l decrease unt i l the d isk is rep laced and the rebui ld p rocess s tar ts . The rebui ld is complete when th is number reaches 100%.

REBUILD PROCESS The XT3 server is capable of per fo rming a rebui ld process of the RAID. This process can happen e i ther whi le the Mu l t icam appl ica t ion is no t running (of f l ine process – rebui ld i s faster ) or whi le the Mul t icam appl icat ion is running (onl ine process – rebu i ld is s lower) .

Disconnection Process

As expla ined in the prev ious sec t ion , the sof tware wi l l d isconnect a d isk that does not behave as expected . Two op t ions are avai lab le for the operator :

• Replace the d isconnected d isk and res tar t the server o Star t the Mul t icam app l icat ion . The rebui ld process wi l l s ta r t automat ica l ly . o Star t a hardware check f rom the EVS menu and launch the rebu i ld . The

process s tar ts of f l ine. The opera tor can wai t for the rebui ld to be comple ted o r cancel i t ( that is to say pos tpone i t ) and s tar t the Mul t i cam appl icat ion, in which case the rebui ld car r ies on in onl ine mode.

• The operato r can a lso fo rce the d isk to be reconnected by s tar t ing the rebui ld process in the hardware check . The process s ta r ts o f f l i ne. The opera tor can wai t for the rebui ld to be completed or cance l i t and s tar t the Mul t icam appl icat ion, in which case the rebui ld car r ies on in onl ine mode.

Note: I f er rors are detected dur ing the rebu i ld process, a message appears af ter the rebu i ld is complete to warn the operator , and the ra id is no t considered as proper ly rebui l t . In th i s s tate , the system wi l l keep work ing on 4 d isks (4+1 conf igurat ion) or on 5 d isks (5+1 conf igura t ion) . I f you want to run on 5, or 6 , d isks again, you can t ry replac ing the d isk again and per form another rebu i ld , or c lear a l l c l i ps.

I f you don ’ t need to ret r ieve the c l ips or the record t ra ins, you don’ t need t o rebui ld the RAID. In th is case, se lect the “Clear Al l C l ips ” answer when the message wi th th is opt ion appears in the Hardware Check. I f you don ’ t rebui ld the RAID array or i f you don ’ t c lear c l ips , the XT3 wi l l keep running on 4, or 5 , d isks only , and you w i l l see a warn ing message appear ing every t ime you s ta r t or c lose the Mul t i cam appl i cat ion. Norma l opera t ion can be achieved on 4 , or 5 , d isks, but then, i f ano ther d isk fa i ls , the system wi l l hang and a l l v ideo and aud io data wi l l be de f in i te l y lost .

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Important: By defau l t , the onl ine rebui ld process takes up 10% of the d isk bandwidth. I f you want to change th is , con tact EVS suppor t .

RETRIEVING LOGS I f you suspec t that the d r ive d isconnec t ion in operat ion was no t due to a severe d isk fa i lure, but perhaps to the server being too p rompt to d isconnec t a dr i ve, you must run a hardware check immed iate ly af ter ending the sess ion dur ing wh ich the d isk was d isconnec ted. Don’ t rebui ld the RAID, but press s imul taneously the ALT+L keys to generate the log f i le C: \LSMCE\DATA\LOG\SCSI.LOG, and send th is f i l e to EVS for deta i led analys is . Note that th is p rocedure i s only va l id i f the dr ive is d isconnec ted dur ing operat ion , no t fo r a dr ive being d isconnected when boot ing the system.

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2. Bootwins & Error Messages

2.1 INTRODUCTION This sect ion o f the manual descr ibes:

• the sequences o f the system in i t ia l i zat ion and the er rors that migh t occur dur ing th is p rocess. These d i f ferent er ror messages wi l l a l low the EVS engineers to ident i fy qu ick ly the reason of a hardware problem and to prov ide the opera tor wi th a re levant so lut ion.

• the too l , ca l led EVS Disk Doctor , which makes i t poss ib le to recover the d isk data in case Mul t icam would no t succeed in read ing i t when the appl icat ion is s tar ted.

2.2 INITIALIZING THE DISKS The system in i t ia l izes the d isks one by one and the fo l low ing messages a re d isp layed as the process is go ing on:

Tray Vendor Model Serial Rev.Cap.Enc.At .

[ Bad ] SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10H1J 0006 279GB 02 07

<05-02> SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10HCH 0006 279GB 02 08

<05-03> SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10GWL 0006 279GB 02 09

<05-04> SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10J2X 0006 279GB 02 10

<05-05> SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10FQ1 0006 279GB 02 11

<05-01> SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10HPD 0006 279GB 02 12

here: [ Bad ] represents a d isconnected d isk <05-01> is used for d isk 1 of RAID 5.

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Possible Error Messages

I f a major er ror has been detected on a d isk, i t has been d isconnected . In th is case, the sys tem d isp lays one of the fo l lowing messages :

• i f a spare d isk i s OK: [ Bad ] SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10H1J 0006 279GB 02 07

• i f no spare d isk is OK and the RAID is no more complete : [ Bad ] SEAGATE ST9300603SS 3SE10H1J 0006 279GB 02 07 WARNING ! ! ! Tray XX is miss ing 1 d isk (s) to be complete

2.3 READING THE CONFIGURATION FILE After the d isk in i t ia l izat ion sequence, the system reads the con f igurat ion f i l e s tored on the d isk. Th is f i le conta ins the parameters which guarantee the coherence of main parameters o f the system f rom sess ion to sess ion. Those parameters are : d iskBlockSize and operat ionalD iskSize. The message "Read ing conf igura t ion f i le … p lease wai t " is d isp layed dur ing process.

If the Configuration File is Found on Disks

The parameters are d isp layed:

Configurat ion of user on disks

block s ize xxx kBytes yyy kBytes

nbr o f b locks aaa bbb

This tab le shows the parameters s to red on the system ( 'on d isks ' co lumn) and the ones f rom the EVS advanced parameters ( 'o f user ' co lumn). The values f rom both co lumns must be ident i ca l to use proper l y the system. I f no t , the system disp lays a warn ing message:

"A parameter incoherence has been detected " "Would you l ike to fo rmat the sys tem". Answer ‘Yes ' to format the A/V data saved on d isks. Answer 'No ' to go back to EVS main menu.

Important: I f you answer ‘Yes ’ and dec ide to format the system, a l l c l ips wi l l be c leared. This operat ion is instantaneous.

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If the Configuration File is not Found

A warn ing message appears :

"Your system is not formatted" "Would you like to format the system ? " .

Answer ‘Yes ’ to fo rmat the A/V data saved on d isks. Answer ‘No’ to go back to EVS main menu.

If Errors Occur While Reading the Configuration File

The fo l low ing message appears : "Error reading conf igura t ion f i le – s ta tus = [Err ] " . The type o f e r ror [Err ] can be:

1. Block error A disk er ror occurred whi le loading the conf igura t ion f i le to d isks. In th is case, the d isks have to be replaced by new ones.

2. Cache overf low error No more memory b locks are avai lab le f rom the memory cache.

3. Checksum error This er ror might occur when a d isk has been replaced but the da ta of th is d isk is not res tored. For so lv ing the prob lem, s tar t the Rebui ld data process.

4. Signature error The s ignature of the conf igurat ion f i l e is modi f ied or the f i le format i s modi f ied and then the f i le i s not compat ib le wi th the microcode. In th is case, se lect the Format command to correct the er ror .

I f the loading durat ion of the conf igurat ion f i l e is too long , a t ime-ou t er ror message appears : "READ CONFIGURATION ERROR: TIMED OUT – s tate = [ST]" . In th is case, reset the system and s tar t aga in the appl icat ion.

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2.4 INITIALIZING THE MICROCODE The f ina l s tep is the in i t ia l izat ion of the microcode. I f the f i rs t l ine of the appl ica t ion i s f lashing w i th the message "Disk #x has been d isconnected in opera t ion" , the system wi l l d isp lay the message: "Disk to be d isconnected: x" . The system w i l l work on 4 d isks . Raid funct ion i s tu rned of f . The message " In i t board : nb b locks of s i ze kBy tes. Audio:aud DiskUse:use%" is d isp layed. where

nb i s the number of b locks used on the system

size i s the s ize in kBytes of a b lock on a d isk

aud i s ON/OFF

use i s the operat iona lDiskSize in %

I f the sys tem must load tables (no c lear c l ips done in EVS main menu) , the message "Loading tab les …" wi l l appear . When the in i t i a l izat ion is complete, the system d isp lays the message "H3X board in i t i a l ized" and the system is ready. I f an er ror occurs , the message "ERROR (0xErr ) : H3X board not correct ly in i t ia l i zed" is d isp layed. The er ror (Err ) are deta i led in the fo l lowing sect ion.

Possible Errors

I f an er ror is detected whi le loading tab les , the fo l lowing message is d isp layed : " LOAD <TAB>LE ERROR – s ta te = [St ] " where ‘St ’ can be :

1. Block error A disk er ro r occurred whi le loading the tab le on hard d isks . Maybe a d isk fa i lu re. Replace d isks .

2. Cache overf low error

No more b locks ava i lab le in cache. Algor i thm problem. Contact EVS.

3. Checksum error This can occur i f a d isk has been replaced and data not rebui l t on i t . Rebui ld data on the d isk to c lear the message. I f no d isk has been rep laced, t ry to re-s tar t the server to c lear the er ror message. I f i t does no t resolve i t a f ter a few re -s tar t , a c lear c l ip w i l l be necessary.

4. Signature error The s ignatu re on the tab le f i le is not found in the header f i le . Try to re -s tar t the server to c lear the er ror message. I f i t does not resolve i t a f ter a few re-s ta r t , a c lear c l i p wi l l be necessary.

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I f the message " IN IT ERROR: TIMED OUT – s tate = [S t ] " is d isp layed, i t means the in i t i a l izat ion is no t complete . ‘S t ’ re fers to a pos i t ion in the code.

Note: Never forge t tha t to s tar t Mul t icam, the bootwins mus t success fu l l y in i t i a l ize the microcode. In tha t case, the message "HCTX board in i t i a l ized" i s d isp layed . In a l l o ther er ror case, the boo t sequence or in i t i a l izat ion phase is cancel led and mul t icam cannot be s ta r ted .

2.5 DISK DATA RECOVERY When Mul t icam is s tar ted, i t somet imes happens that the appl icat ion does no t succeed in reading the data s tored on the d isks. However , the data is s t i l l avai lab le on the d isks. The EVS Disk Doc tor has been deve loped to address th is issue . This too l a l lows recons t ruc t ing the da ta ( t ra ins and c l ips) s tored on the d isks. The tool scans each da ta b lock, ident i f ies the recorder on wh ich the data has been created and recons t ruc ts the whole audio and v ideo mater ia l . The c l ips wi l l a lso be recovered. However severa l over lapping c l ips wi l l be recovered as one s ing le long c l ip . Th is means that , in the schema below, the c l ips CD, EF and GH wi l l be recovered as one s ing le long c l ip fo r which the IN point w i l l be C and the OUT po int wi l l be H.

I f you want to use th is too l , p lease contac t the EVS suppor t .



Clip CD


Clip EF


Clip GH

Recovered clip

Recorded and recovered train

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3. Monitoring


3.1.1 INTRODUCTION The SDTI Network Mon i tor ing screen, ava i lab le v ia SHIFT-F4, enables more accura te moni tor ing of the SDTI network s tatus ( the screen background is b lack) .


DATA DISPLAYED Al l the mach ines are d isp layed in the log ica l connect ion order , i .e . the way they are e f fec t ive ly connected on the network. For each machine, the fo l lowing in format ion is d isp layed :

• net number + name

• ser ia l number

• main network conf igura t ion se t t ing (server , maste r or c l ient ) as def ined in the EVS appl icat ion.

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BACKGROUND COLOR The background color o f the da ta re lated to a g iven mach ine means :

• blue: ef fect i ve server

• grey: not current ly server

TEXT COLOR The co lor o f the text ind icates the v ideo network over load, based on how many SDTI network ma i lboxes are used:

• White: ok, less than 90% capaci ty

• Red (over 90%): r isk of network over load.

LINK COLOR The co lor of the l ink ind icates the phys ica l l ink s tatus be tween two mach ines :

• green: OK

• red: er rors

POSSIBLE ACTIONS • Press ing the Space bar pauses or resta r ts the mon i tor ing.

• Press ing Enter rese ts the coun ters .

• Press ing PgDn d isp lays a new sc reen wi th the in format ion of the l is t o f machines sor ted by ser ia l number wi th e r ror coun ters in format ion.

In operat ing cond i t ions, when a l l machines are connec ted, the CpLk (e lect r ica l qual i ty of the ne twork) and Frm (checksum on the packe ts) counters should not increase a t a l l . At the cont rary , the counters w i l l i ncrease dur ing d isconnec t ion /connect ion of / to the network.

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3.1.3 HOW TO DISCONNECT A MACHINE FROM THE SERVER The operato r has the poss ib i l i ty to d isconnect a machine f rom the XNet network . This can be use fu l when set t ing up an SDTI network or t roubleshoot ing an SDTI network issue. This is on ly poss ib le when us ing a XHub f rom vers ion 3 .03. To d isconnect a machine f rom the server , p roceed as fo l lows :

1. Press SHIFT-F4 to access the SDTI Network Moni tor ing screen.

2. Press CTRL-ALT-L to d isconnec t the XHub branch f rom the network. The fo l low ing warn ing is d isp layed:


The network branch you are connected on will be disconnected from the network.

All network actions will be disabled.

ESC: Cancel ENTER: Confirm

3 . Press ENTER to conf i rm that you want to d isconnect the XHub branch f rom the network.

On the SDTI Network Moni tor ing screen, the fo l lowing message in red fon t in fo rms that the machine is d isconnected and how i t can be connected again : “XHub branch d isconnected f rom the ne twork. Press CTRL-ALT-L to reconnect . ”

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3.2.1 INTRODUCTION The Server Moni tor ing sect ion is avai lab le by se lec t ing SHIFT-F5 in Mul t i cam. I t conta ins the pages shor t ly presented in the fo l lowing tab le. The page name in th is tab le a l lows you to d i rect ly jump to the cor responding page:

Page Nr

Page Name Descript ion

#1 SAS Raids and D isks Status

Gives in format ion on the d isks or ra ids f rom internal and/or external s torage .

#2 Genlock and T imecode S tatus

Gives in format ion on the genlock, analog LTC and t imecode s tatuses f rom the EVS server . Th is page is a lso used to set up how the t imecodes are managed in the t imecode jump tables.

#3 T imecode Moni to r ing on SD Recorders

Disp lays t imecode in fo rmat ion f rom SD recorders .

#4 T imecode Moni to r ing on HD Recorders

Disp lays t imecode in fo rmat ion f rom HD recorders .

#5 Log Management Al lows a user- f r iendly and easy management of the logs.

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3.2.2 SAS RAIDS AND DISKS STATUS The f i rs t page g ives in fo rmat ion on the d isks or ra ids f rom internal and/or externa l s torage.

RAID TYPE This f ie ld d isp lays the number of ra ids , the type of ra id ( “4+1 ” or “5+1”) and the number of spare d isks. This in format ion cannot be modi f ied.

RAID STATUS This represents each ra id by i ts number and uses a co lor code to d isp lay i ts s tatus. Refer to sect ion ‘Disk Sta tus ’ on page 71 for the s tatus descr ip t ion. When a ra id is rebui ld ing, the percentage rebu i ld is d isp layed ins tead of the ra id number . This va lue shows the progress of the rebui ld process . For more in format ion on the rebui ld , p lease go to sect ion ‘D isks Moni tor ing ’ , on page 58.

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EXTERNAL ARRAY STATUS This d isp lays the s ta tus o f each ex ternal a r ray and potent ia l a ler ts :

Status Meaning

OK No ale r t

PSU1!, PSU2! Problem wi th a power supply uni t

FAN1!, FAN2! or FAN3! Problem wi th a fan .

DISK STATUS This a rea p rov ides a representat ion of the d isks conta ined in the ex ternal and/o r in ternal ar rays, as we l l as the i r s tatus.

Color Code Raid Status

Light Grey OK: the d isk is connec ted in a ra id.

Red Disconnected: d isk phys ica l l y present but d isconnected by the so f tware.

Orange Rebui ld ing : the d isk is be ing rebui l t .

Green Spare: the d isk i s connec ted but i s no t inc luded in a ra id.

Grey dashes Not present : the d isk is not phys ica l ly connected to the hardware.

Based on the se lec t ion made in the Display f ie ld , two types of representa t ion can be d isp layed: d isks or ra ids. Users can change the opt ion by us ing the Space bar , - /+ keys, ↑ / ↓ keys, → / ← keys .

Disk Display

Th is represents each d isk by i ts number in the ar ray , or grey dashes i f not presen t , and uses a co lor code to d isp lay i ts s tatus. The ex ternal ar rays can conta in up to 24 d isks , wi th a min imum o f 5 d isks. The

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in ternal ar rays organizat ion can be as fo l lows: one ar ray of 6 d isks , on ar ray of 12 d isks, two arrays w i th 6 d isks each. Refer to sect ion ‘RAID Status ’ on page 70 for the s tatus descr ip t ion.

Raid Display

Th is represents each d isk by the ra id number i t i s inc luded in , or grey dashes i f not present , and uses a co lor code to d isp lay the d isk s tatus . Spare d isks are represented by the le t ters “sp”.

Highlight Raid

This f ie ld is used to se lect a ra id number and h ighl igh t the d isks belonging to that ra id w i th a l ight grey background.

3.2.3 GENLOCK AND TIMECODE STATUS The second page prov ides in fo rmat ion on the genlock, analog LTC and t imecode statuses f rom the EVS server . This page is a lso used to set up how the t imecodes are managed in the t imecode jump tables.

GENLOCK STATUS This sect ion, on the second page o f the Server Moni tor ing screen, d isp lays the curren t s tatus of the gen lock.

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ANALOG LTC STATUS This sect ion, on the second page of the Server Moni to r ing sc reen , speci f ies the curren t s ta tus o f the analogue LTC t imecode and speci f ies the number of dr i f ts detec ted compared to the genlock. The poss ib le s tatus va lues are the fo l lowing depending on the MTPC board used:

Status Descript ion

OK The t imecode i s incremented in a norma l way.

Drif t The t imecode received and the genlock are no t synchronous.

Bad The t imecode received is not correct . For example when an NTSC t imecode is received instead o f a PAL t imecode ( f req. er ro r ) , when there are d is turbances in the t imecode recep t ion (bad s ignal ) .

Lost No t imecode is ava i lab le.

TIMECODE STATUSES This sect ion, on the second page of the Server Moni to r ing screen, d isp lays the set t ings for managing and mon i tor ing the t imecode jump tables. Records are created in these tables when a break, or jump, in the t imecodes occurs in the recorded mater ia l . The records in the t imecode jump tables are then used to search for and man ipulate the v ideo mater ia l on the XT3 server . There are two t imecode jump tables :

• Timecode jump table fo r the LTC t imecodes

• Timecode jump tab le fo r the t imecodes speci f ied by the user in the V ITC set t ing on the f i rs t page of the Se tup screen.

LTC Descript ion Defaul t Values

LTC jumps Number of t imecode jumps calcu lated in the LTC t imecode jump table for the g iven recorder s ince the last s tar t o f the server .


LTC threshold

Number o f con t inuous t imecodes to be rece ived , af ter a break in LTC t imecodes in the recorded mater ia l , in order to create a new record in the LTC t imecode jump table .


Peak a lerts Number of peak a ler ts generated for the recorder s ince the las t s tar t o f the server . A peak a ler t is generated each t ime the peak l imi t spec i f ied in the Peak L im i t f i e ld is reached. In th is case, th is f ie ld i s automat ica l ly incremented by one.


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LTC Descript ion Defaul t Values

Peak l imits (sec)

Per iod of t ime ( in seconds) of cont inuous t imecodes af ter which a b reak in t imecodes in the recorded mater ia l wi l l generate a peak a ler t . When a peak a ler t is generated, the va lue in Peak Aler ts f i e ld is incremented by one .


Frequency alert

Number of f requency a ler ts genera ted for the recorder s ince the las t s tar t o f the server . A f requency a le r t i s generated when X t imecode jumps have been de tected in Y seconds . The X value is de f ined in the Frequency Number f i e ld . The Y value is def ined in the Frequency T ime f ie ld . In th is case, th is f ie ld i s automat ica l ly incremented by one.


Frequency: Number

Number o f t imecode jumps detected for the recorder af ter which a f requency a ler t can be generated .


Frequency Time

Per iod of t ime ( in seconds) a f ter which a f requency a ler t can be generated.


VITC Defaul t


VITC jumps Number of t imecode jumps calcu lated in the VITC t imecode jump table for the g iven recorder s ince the last s tar t o f the server .


VITC threshold

Number o f con t inuous t imecodes to be rece ived , af ter a break in V ITC t imecodes in the recorded mater ia l , in order to create a new record in the VITC t imecode jump table .


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3.2.4 TIMECODE MONITORING ON SD RECORDERS The 3 r d page of the Server Moni tor ing sect ion d isp lays the fo l low ing in format ion:

• LTC t imecode on the XS server

• VITC t imecode on the var ious recorders

3.2.5 TIMECODE MONITORING ON HD RECORDERS The 4 t h page of the Server Moni tor ing sect ion d isp lays the fo l low ing in format ion:

• LTC t imecode on the XT3 server

• VITC or HANC t imecodes on the var ious recorders

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3.2.6 LOG MANAGEMENT The 5 t h page o f the Server Moni to r ing sec t ion d isp lays a menu dedicated to log management . This page a l lows a user - f r iendly and easy management of the logs where log f i l es can be accessed f rom a remote computer whi le the Mul t icam is s t i l l in use.

Log File Types

The le f t co lumn d isp lays i tems re lated to microcode. The r igh t co lumn d isp lays those of the Mul t icam. Each i tem has two assoc iated log f i les :

• a regu lar log f i l e

• a log f i l e logging on ly e r rors

Criticality Levels

Each i tem has a cr i t ica l i t y leve l that can be modi f ied:

• The lowest and defau l t l evel o f cr i t ica l i t y is ‘Cr i t i ca l ’ , where the log is l im i ted to record ing c r i t ica l and impor tant commands.

• An in termediate level is ‘Normal ’

• The h ighes t level is ‘Debug’ wh ich bas ica l l y records every command. This h ighest level shou ld never be chosen wi thout adv ice of qual i f ied EVS staf f .

The de faul t va lue for a l l i tems i s “Cr i t i ca l ” . A help screen can be reached by press ing SHIFT+F1 .

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Extracting Log Files

This screen a lso of fe rs the abi l i ty to ext ract log f i les when the Mul t i cam is running. On th is page of the Server Moni tor ing sect ion , press ing E ex t rac ts the log f i les instant ly so that a user can access them through a common FTP c l ient appl icat ion f rom a remote computer . The ext racted f i les are located in C: \LSMCE\DATA\LOG. The i r name sta r ts wi th an underscore : The regu lar log f i le “Mul t icam_Database. log” i s renamed “_Mul t icam_Database . log” once ex t racted when the app l ica t ion is runn ing.

Note: You can ext ract logs f rom the XNet Mon i tor for any server running on the XNet network. For more in format ion , re fer to the XNet Moni to r manual .

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4. AsRunLog

4.1 PURPOSE An As Run Log i s a f i le which logs what has been ef fec t ive ly p layed on a channel and when. The As Run Log wi l l have a format such as an EDL. The purposes o f us ing As Run Log can be:

• to produce b i l ls for adver t is ing agency

• to moni tor what has ef fect ive ly been p layed ou t in case of e r rors dur ing t ransmiss ion

• to be used as a point o f re ference when subjects a re p laced on a websi te a f ter they have been p layed on a i r .

The As Run Log is genera l ly s tar ted before a p roduct ion and s topped a f ter the produc t ion . Th is a l lows you to have an As Run Log f i l e wi th on ly the events of the curren t produc t ion .

4.2 AS RUN LOG MECHANISM The As Run Log mechan ism is not an au tomat ic process. I t must be t r iggered by a s tar t command on the EVS v ideo server and is handled th rough the PC LAN por t o f the MTPC board of the EVS server . The As Run Log func t ion can be ac t iva ted or deact iva ted f rom the VGA screen o f an EVS server o r f rom the Play l is t Panel o f IPDi rector . Refer to the P lay l is t Panel user manua l o f the IPDi rector su i te fo r more in format ion on the IPDirecto r As Run Log funct ion. The As Run Log is a character i s t ic o f a channel . When i t is act iva ted f rom the EVS server , the server generates an event channel log f i le , the server As Run Log, and s tores i t on the server local s torage (C: \mu l t icam\asrunlog\p layerX, where X is the number of the corresponding p layer f rom 1 to 6) . Th is f i le wi l l con ta in a l l the opera t ions wh ich have been done on the channe l s ince the As Run Log mechanism has s tar ted. When i t is ac t iva ted f rom IPDirec tor , the f ina l As Run Log f i l e is crea ted in two d i f fe rent s teps:

• Firs t , the EVS v ideo server generates the server As Run Log.

• Second ly , a conf igurable merger appl i cat ion can analyze the server As Run Log f i le and format i t i n the f ina l As Run Log format . I t can ret r ieve the As Run log f i les f rom each p layer and merge them to p rov ide a s ing le f i le per EVS server per day .

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4.3 SERVER AS RUN LOG FILE The As Run Log is a characte r is t ic o f a channe l . One f i le is c reated per day per p layer , even i f the process is s tar ted and s topped severa l t imes a day. Up to 10 As Run Log f i l es a re kept per p layer , which cor responds to 10 days. The last c l i p wh ich s ta r ted the day before i s inc luded at the beginning of the even t sect ion of the cur rent day i f th is c l i p is p layed out over midnight and no s top command is rece ived dur ing the curren t day. The server As Run Log f i l e is named as fo l lows: YYYYMMDD_XTNUM_XTNAME_XTSERIAL_PLAYER_X_PLAYERNAME where

• YYYYMMDD is the f i le creat ion da te

• XTNUM is the user number of the EVS server on the XNET (as def ined in evs.exe)

• XTNAME is the name o f that EVS server (as def ined in evs .exe)

• XTSERIAL is the ser ia l number of the EVS server

• X is the number corresponding to the p layer ( in case of a PGM/PRV the number of the PGM is considered)

• PLAYERNAME is the name of the p layer as de f ined in the SHIFT-F2 sc reen of the Mu l t icam.

4.4 AS RUN LOG FILE CONTENT The As Run Log f i l e conta ins

• a header wi th a l l the in fo rmat ion re la ted to the channel : EVS server name and ser ia l number , channel name and PGM number

• an event sect ion wi th a l i ne for each even t p layed out . Events inc lude p layout of t ra ins and p layout of b lack c l ips . The fo l low ing in format ion wi l l be recorded in the f i le fo r each e lement p layed out to a i r : on-a i r date, on-a i r t ime, on-a i r durat ion ( to ta l durat ion o f the c l ip even i f a t rans i t i on ef fect is present) , Name, Var ID, UmID, LSM ID, TC IN , TC OUT, end date, end t ime.

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5. Protocols

5.1 CONTROL PROTOCOLS These protocols a l low the EVS v ideo server to be contro l led by exte rnal dev ices.

Sony BVW75 Protocol

This protocol a l lows the server to be seen as a VTR by the contro l l ing dev ice. On a p layback channel , a l l usua l t ranspor t commands (p lay , P layVar , pause, goto t imecode, s top , e tc…) a re suppor ted. On a record channel , on ly Rec and Stop commands are suppor ted . This protocol is the s implest one but does not suppor t c l ip management . I t should be used when the contro l l ing dev ice does not suppor t the XtenDD35, Odet ics or Louth VDCP protocols (ex: ed i t cont ro l lers , NLE app l icat ions, some v ideo swi tchers, VTR cont ro l lers , e tc . ) . EVS has a lso adapted the behavior of spec i f i c commands:

• REC: when a REC command is sent to a p layer channe l , th is channe l wi l l re turn in E2E mode on i t s defaul t record t ra in . I f the defau l t recorder channel associated to that p layer is curren t ly s topped, i t w i l l jump to the last recorded p ic ture and pause .

• EJECT: i f the p layer channel is not yet in E2E mode when the command is sent , i t w i l l re turn to E2E mode on i ts defaul t record t ra in (s imi lar to rece iv ing a REC command) . I f the p layer channel is a l ready in E2E mode, i t w i l l swi tch to the nex t recorder channel avai lab le (ABC…A…). This is for example usefu l wi th a BVE edi t cont ro l ler to a l low the edi tors to se lect the record t ra in they want to work wi th .

Refer to the EVS Sony Protoco l documentat ion for more deta i ls .

EditRec Protocol

Edi tRec protocol a l lows the EVS server to be contro l led by one ed i t ing console , l ike Sony BVE2000, BVE9100, Sony Plug In Edi to r swi tcher in ter face o r Edi tware Fast rack. Th is protocol name has been used to d i f fe rent ia te i t f rom the a l ready ex is t ing “Sony BVW” protoco l that is l imi ted in EVS server to the “read-only ” command subse t . Edi tRec protocol imp lements a l l Sony BVW protocol commands requi red for l inear edi t i ng . Refer to Edi tRec documentat ion for more deta i ls .

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XtenDD35 Protocol

This protocol is based on the Sony BVW75 protoco l for a l l s tandard t ranspor t commands. I t has extended commands so tha t i t suppor ts c l ip management : us ing th is protocol , the contro l l ing dev ice can create , name, recal l and delete c l ips. This protocol can be used wi th Thomson/GVG XtenDD range of sw i tchers, and wi th DNF ST300-EVS and 4040CL-EVS con tro l lers . EVS deve loped custom commands to propose a l l the featu res of fered by the server . EVS has a lso adapted the behavior o f speci f ic commands , such as for the Sony BVW75 protocol . Refer to the EVS XtenDD35 Pro toco l documentat ion for more deta i ls .

Odetics Protocol

This protocol is based on the Sony BVW75 protoco l for a l l s tandard t ranspor t commands. I t has extended commands so tha t i t suppor ts c l ip and p lay l is t management : us ing th is protocol , the contro l l i ng dev ice can crea te, name, recal l and de lete c l ips, but i t can a lso manage p lay l is ts . This protocol can be used wi th many d i f fe rent contro l dev ices and au tomat ion sof tware, inc luding DNF ST300 and 4040CL contro l lers . EVS deve loped custom commands to propose a l l the featu res of fered by the server . EVS has a lso adapted the behavior o f speci f ic commands , such as for the Sony BVW75 protocol . A speci f ic Odet ics F i l l & Key mode is avai lab le . I t a l lows the contro l ler to contro l two channels (F i l l&Key) instead of one w i th one ser ia l . When the con tro l ler loads a “F i l l ” c l i p , the EVS server automat ica l ly loads the associa ted Key c l ip on the second channel and manages the per fect synchronizat ion of b oth channels dur ing the browsing and p layou t The F&K c l ip assoc iat ion can be done by IPDirector or VDCP Cus tom command. I f no c l ip associat ion is done , the server fo l lows the camera mapping (ex: i f the F i l l c l ip 111A/02 is loaded on Channe l 1 , the server wi l l l oad the c l ip 111B/02 as Key) . Refer to the EVS Odet i cs Protocol documentat ion for more de ta i l s .

VDCP Protocol

This protocol is a more complex pro tocol main ly used by automat ion sys tems but a lso by v ideo swi tchers . I t is based on s tandard Louth VDCP protocol , and can handle c l ips as we l l as p lay l is ts . A speci f ic VDCP Fi l l & Key mode is avai lab le. I t a l lows the cont ro l ler to contro l two channels (F i l l&Key) instead of one w i th one ser ia l . When the con tro l ler loads a “F i l l ” c l i p , the EVS server automat ica l ly loads the associa ted Key c l ip on the second channel and manages the per fect synchronizat ion of both channels dur ing the browsing and p layou t The F&K c l ip assoc iat ion can be done by IPDirector or VDCP Cus tom command. I f no c l ip associat ion is done , the server fo l lows the camera mapping (ex: i f the F i l l c l ip 111A/02 is loaded on Channe l 1 , the server wi l l l oad the c l ip 111B/02 as Key) .

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Refer to the EVS VDCP Protoco l documentat ion for more deta i ls .

AVSP Protocol

AVSP is a propr ie tary ser ia l protocol g iv ing qui te fu l l access to EVS v ideo server resources:

• s imul taneous mu l t i -por t cont ro l f rom one ser ia l l ink @115kbps .

• dynamic channe l conf igurat ion inc lud ing mixed channel for e f fect (audio and /or v ideo)

• play l is t management inc luding t ra in ( record in p rogress) wi th or w i thout f ixed delay

• t imel ine management inc luding t ra in ( record in progress) wi th or wi thout f i xed delay

• star t /s top mode and GPI condi t ional events

• s low-mot ion c l ips

• extended channel and c l ip s ta tus repor t ing

• ganged channels contro l

• dupl icat ion o r move of c l i ps among network EVS v ideo servers

• auto-backup to XFi le

• metadata management (1 name + 3 keywords of 12 bytes each)

• This p rotocol is used fo r o ther EVS products in ter faced to the server , l ike AIRBOX, A IREDIT , EDIT2AIR and by th i rd-par ty par tners for spec i f ic appl icat ions.

IPDP Protocol

For more in fo rmat ion on how the IP Di rector appl ica t ion contro ls the EVS v ideo server , re fer to the IP Di rector Technica l Re ference manual and User manual .


The L inX Appl icat ion Programming Inte r face is an in tegra ted API used to contro l the EVS fami ly v ideo servers through IP connect ion. I t i s proposed to EVS par tners in order to develop app l icat ions in teract ing wi th EVS servers. This API exposes a s imp l i f ied v iew of the v ideo server and i t s func t ional i t i es and h ides fu ture under ly ing changes in the server a rch i tecture. To be as open as poss ib le to poten t ia l users , the API implements mul t ip le layers to iso late a l l OS dependent par ts in lower layers and prov ide an in ter face to many programming language in the upper layers ( C, C++, C#) . Refer to the EVS L inX documentat ion fo r more deta i ls .

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A SNMP agent i s ava i lab le in a l l the EVS products to moni tor the s tatus of the dev ice /sof tware. The Source MIB is proposed to EVS par tners in order to develop moni to r ing app l ica t ions in terac t ing wi th EVS systems. Refer to the EVS SNMP Documentat ion for more deta i ls .

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6. Possible Clip Identifiers

6.1 LSM ID The LSM ID is a c l ip iden t i f ie r based on the EVS v ideo server s t ructu re. The LSM ID is made up o f 3 d ig i ts and 1 le t ter , for example 112B, where the d ig i ts and le t te r represent the fo l lowing e lements in the server s t ructu re:

The d ig i ts af ter the LMS ID correspond to the Net Number of the server on which the c l ip i s s tored, i .e . the EVS v ideo server ID on the XNet ne twork. They are not par t o f the LSM ID.

6.2 UMID The UmID is an 8-bytes ID wi th f ixed leng th. I t is used for the unique c l ip ident i f icat ion on the SDTI network. By defaul t , a l l the p rotocols access and ident i fy the c l ips v ia the UmID.

6.3 VARID The Var ID is a 32-bytes ID wi th var iab le length and format . I t can only be used in the VDCP protocol . When th is protocol uses the Var ID, the fo l low ing Var ID parameters need to be set up:

• Length (8 bytes, 32 bytes )

• Format (ASCII , b inary)

• Uniqueness level ( loca l = server level , g lobal = ne twork leve l )

• Protocol v is ib i l i ty ( l is t o f Net Numbers of the servers) For more in format ion on the parameters, re fer to the ‘RS422 Protocol Set t ings ’ page in Mu l t icam Conf igurat ion manual .

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Note The Var ID a l lows a redundant arch i tec ture where the Var ID can be ident ica l on two d i f fe rent servers . A l l servers can s tay on the same SDTI network. Consequent ly , th is does not requ i re a fu l l rep l ica t ion of the XNet network. Wi th the UmID, the fu l l rep l icat ion was necessary as th is c l ip ID has to be unique on the XNet network.

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