tech specs

Technical Specifications for the RECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION OF THE CHURCH BUILDING 1. Structural consolidation of church walls a. Installation of cracks monitoring devices. Install recommended cracks monitoring devices at known cracks per illustration. Record the installation date. Check all installations per 30 days, and photograph and log observations. If there is any change observed, record the date, location, measurement and direction of the movement. Photograph the change. Just continue monitoring without any action. If found again to have moved, then that particular crack is progressive or active. Refer the case to the technical person who conducted the DES. b. c. Wall consolidation by high-pressure flexible epoxy injection. Prior to any application, the process of product testing, selection and approval should be undertaken. Erect steel scaffolds at the area to be 1

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Technical Specifications for the


1.Structural consolidation of church wallsa. Installation of cracks monitoring devices. Install recommended cracks monitoring devices at known cracks per illustration. Record the installation date. Check all installations per 30 days, and photograph and log observations. If there is any change observed, record the date, location, measurement and direction of the movement. Photograph the change. Just continue monitoring without any action. If found again to have moved, then that particular crack is progressive or active. Refer the case to the technical person who conducted the DES.

b. Wall consolidation by high-pressure flexible epoxy injection. Prior to any application, the process of product testing, selection and approval should be undertaken. Erect steel scaffolds at the area to be consolidated. Comply with safety and health requirements for construction works. The injection shall employ air compressor equipment, electric drill, 25 to 30 meter plastic hose, regulated nozzle and approved epoxy solution. The recommended solution is Low viscosity Flexible epoxy for high pressure injection. For small cracks the consolidant can be directly injected into the crack. Brick or stone chips can be inserted to minimize the amount of consolidant material. For larger cracks, brick blocks or larger stone chips shall be sufficient inserts. If the wall section has many cracks and appears fragmented, consolidant must be penetrated deeper by drilling through the wall core from both sides of the wall and applying high pressure injection. In addition, stone or brick chip inserts can be combined with core injection. The following wall sections shall be consolidated using this consolidation technique.c. Wall consolidation by repairing cracks, repointing of walls. This refers to the application of cementitious epoxy gouting, repointing with lime:cement:sand mortar, or lime-based plastering. Cementitious epoxy solution should be calibrated to the strength of the stone or a weaker strength for weak stones and rubble core. Use 1 part hydraulic limed. Wall consolidation by providing top wall capping. Provide all church perimeter top wall with reinforced concrete capping for stabilizing and bridging fragmented wall sections. The wall capping shall have a thickness of 0.076 (3) reinforced with 8mm dia. 4 x 4 wire mesh. Procedure: Clean top of wall; remove loose stones, bricks and debris; (loose stones and brick blocks can be recycled) Construct formwork;

Install wire mesh reinforcement and dowels for bat screen installation;

Wet top of wall with potable water;

Apply brushed coat of Portland cement; Pour concrete (class A)

Allow to set

e. Wall consolidation by providing back wall supporting structure. Construct the additional structure per supplied plans and details. The new structure will help in stabilizing the back wall, which has registered a 0.35m lean outward.


f. Wall consolidation by providing left side wall (L-1) supporting structure/multi-purpose structure. The new structure will work as shoring device to the damaged L-1 wall. This structure will work together with the top wall capping and the wall consolidation works. Construct Gallery structure per supplied plans and details.Procedure:

Prepare site and safety enclosure;

Excavate for foundation; Fabricate and install steelwork;

Construct formworks;

Install electrical rough-ins;

Pour concrete on foundation, columns, beams and roof slab;

Construct floor slab; construct CHB curtain walls;

Install floor tiles;

Install doors and windows;

Undertake finishing works;

Install electrical fixtures;g. Rehabilitation of Choir loft and choir loft wall consolidation. The rehabilitation of Choir Loft will restore the functionality of the structure and will provide support for the damaged/deteriorated front wall.Procedure:

Prepare site and safety enclosure;

Dismantle damaged wood floor planks and frames; dispose of waste materials properly;

Erect scaffolds;

Construct new columns and footings, beams and floor slabs;

Undertake finishing works;

Clean and consolidate interior side of front wall, and repair cracks and window openings (procedure 1.b)

2.Removal and replacement of roof sheets and flashings (Recommended to be implemented during the dry summer months. Implement by bay sections. Do not remove entire existing roof sheets in one operation).


Install safety enclosure/barrier for the construction area Erect scaffolds and access stairs

Install boom crane for hoisting roof materials

Provide workers with safety and health gears

Dismantle old roofing sheets per bay section

After items 3 and 4, proceed with the installation of new roof sheets (0.60mm x long-span pre-painted roof sheets, using j-bolt roof fastener with neoprene washer and applied with silicone sealant. Flashings, ridge rolls, valley rolls shall also be 0.60mm thickness. Color shall be dark maroon, subject to approval by NHCP-HPD. No gutter is recommended.3.Steel trusses re-structuring. Provide 16 mm diameter rebar with turnbuckle tension rod on Nave trusses; provide additional web members as recommended by the Structural Engineer who assessed the roof structures. Check truss mounting if adequate. Provide more secured mounting as necessary.


After4.Repair, refinishing of roof frames; provision of bat screens.


Clean (mechanical cleaning) trusses with steel brush and apply rust converter. Rust converter shall be applied in the afternoon and allow react and convert rust into iron phosphate overnight. Clean by brushing off rust residues and particles, and rinse with potable water. Allow to dry for three hours, and apply 2 coats of lead-zinc-iron primer or epoxy primer. Finish with 2 coats of epoxy top coats. Install bat screens at opening between the top wall and the roof sheet underside. Use pre-painted rebar as screen frames. Use 30 pound nylon fishing line to stich the screen to the rebar frames. Rebar frames shall be mounted to the rebar dowels that are provided, and to the nearest laced purlin.5.Provision of new electrical system. The new electrical system shall comply with the latest version of the National Electric Code of the Philippines.


Erect scaffolds and other temporary structures Install temporary electric power supply for use of building occupants

Always coordinate rehabilitation work schedule and power switching

Disconnect old power supply and transfer to temporary provisions

Remove old electrical wiring, devices and unwanted materials and installations

Install electrical rough-ins, wires, devices and fixtures per supplied electrical plans.

All electrical wirings and conduits shall be either run through existing conduits or new moulding-type conduits to be surface mounted on walls. No electrical lines shall be exposed outside the church building or freely hung overhead. All electrical lighting fixtures shall be LED type Test new electrical system, and implement correction or revision if necessary.6.Provision of church ceiling and ceiling frames. Restore false dome ceiling and flat transept ceiling. Ceiling material: pre-painted (beige) plain galvanized iron sheet, 0.50 mm thickness. Provide metal furring and hangers for the installation of the ceiling material. Cover the pendentives also with pre-painted (beige) galvanized iron sheet, 0.50 mm thickness.7.Provision of water cistern, water tank, pump and tower structureProcedure:

Remove old water supply lines to be replaced Construct water cistern per supplied plans and details Provide new stainless steel water tank, water tank structure and pipings Install electric power supply

Install electric water pump Remove old electrical wiring, devices and unwanted materials and installations Install electrical rough-ins, wires, devices and fixtures per supplied electrical plans. 9.Decommissioning of water tank; rehabilitation of old tower structure. The water tank and bell tower structure shall be retained, but it shall cease to function as water reservoir.


Drain the water content of the water tank

Remove all pipes and fittings, water pump

Clean tower structure, refine exterior surface with plain cement render, and paint with latex paint with color simulating the overcast color of the church wall (subject to color sampling and approval by NHCP-HPD 10.Cleaning and treatment conservation of wall surfaces


Prepare site, and erect scaffolding system (choose from modular steel scaffold system, good lumber, or bamboo poles). Ensure safety and health provisions for workers and structure itself when installing, using and removal of scaffoldings are concerned. Remove biological growth. (Dry/Mechanical Cleaning):Procedure:

Remove and cut branches and unwanted debris. Care must be taken not to damage the wall while using tools in removing unwanted materials.Materials:

a. Pruner (cutter)

b. Cross-cut handsaw; hacksaw with spare blades

c. Axe or bolo/knife

Remove soiling and collection of loose stones (surface cleaning)To remove remaining small roots and soiling on crevices.

To re-use the collected old stones for consolidation purposes.


a. Soft-bristle brush

b. Spade/trowel-(accumulated soil)

c. Old sack-(collected stones)

d. Masking tape or plastic tags-(loose decorative stones and ornamentation)

e. Round Up herbicide: Injection - 50% Round Up with ammonium sulfate; Spray benzalkonium chloride 20% Round Up with ammonium sulfate; available from Fertilizer suppliers or pest control companies

f. Hydrogen peroxide 20% by volumeProcedure:

Remove soil, dirt and biological surface growth with trowel and dispose waste material properly Conduct test areas for the different types of herbicide, and select which one yields the right result. Use the best formulation

Prepare herbicide mixtures in estimated quantities

Spray herbicide on tooled wall surfaces and allow to react for 15 minutes

Rinse treated wall surfaces with potable water

Repeat from Prepare herbicide to Rinse treated for the rest of the wall surfaces Jet washing (Wet cleaning)

Removal of accumulated soil at cracks and joints by adequate water pressure.

Removal of dirt on stones and preparation for application of disinfectant.


a. Pressure washer

b. Drum/plastic container

c. Hydrogen peroxide 20 vols.

d. Masking tape or plastic tags-(loose decorative stones and ornamentation)Procedure:

Jet spray all wall surfaces to be cleaned using the hydrogen peroxide 20 vols. To remove dirt from hard to reach cavities, cracks and corners

Allow wall to dry Chemical application (medium - large vegetation)

To accelerate the process of killing the plant growths


a. Horse syringe

b. Knapsack sprayer/hand spray

c. Round Up herbicide and ammonium sulfamate - (available Fertilizer or pest control suppliers)

d. Surgical gloves

e. Goggles & gas mask

f. Plastic bag & plastic/rubber straw

g. Measuring cup/Beaker/plastic spoon

h. Drill & drill bits (electric or manual)Procedure:

Follow standard NHCP-HPD procedure as herein illustrated Wall Consolidation by wall re-plasteringTo rectify (patch-up) the damaged portions caused by biological growth.

Materials:a. Hydraulic lime or quick lime - (Guanzon Lime, near 10th Ave., Grace Park, Caloocan City)

b. White cement

c. Sand (sieved)

d. Pale/bucket Wall treatment by application of water repellentTo provide water repelling capability of the wall


a. Acrylic emulsion

b. Paint sprayer and air compressor

c. Do not use jet sprayer


Mist spray wall surface with prepared solution about 3-5 passes to create a very thin layer of protective coat, without forming a film of the chemical solution Wall treatment by limewashingTo provide surface treatment and whitening of coral facing

Materials: LimewaterProcedure: Follow procedure on making limewash solution included in the technical documents Wall treatment by Mora Poultice

To provide surface cleaning treatment of stone surfaces with decorative or artistic details

Procedure: Follow procedure on making Mora Poultice solution included in the technical documents

Clean, repair and seal all wall ledges with color-matched cementitious epoxy grout.11.Repair and rehabilitation of doors and windows. Adopt the following methodology for the restoration and conservation of wooden doors, windows, balusters, calado panels and other wooden features of the church and convento: Dismantle Repair Replace Treat Refinish Reinstall


Preserve and retain as much as original materials of the object when applying the above methodology

It is easier to repair and correct all damage and deterioration when the object is dismantled from its installed statusProcedure:

Dismantle doors and windows and move them to a temporary work place near the original place of installation Determine average dimensions of door and window panels, and the door and window headers, opening, and height between window header and sill

Correct and adjust opening height and width to fit in tightly the rehabilitated door and window panels

For doors, retrofit door pivots to fit well to the existing sockets

All wood that interface with stone or masonry shall be treated with black coal tar

Use wood resin glue for all wood repairs and in-fills

Clean door and window panels with Stoddard solution (white spirit)

Apply wood preservative treatment (clear Solignum}

Apply finishing treatment of finishing oil and paraffin wax. Wood stain may be used to maintain a uniform color of all doors and windows Check and repair or replace door and window hardware as necessary

Reinstall doors and windows to fit in tightly into their original place of installation12.Cleaning and treatment conservation of wood altars, steel pulpit and lecterns, bronze bell. All conservation work on special items shall be prescribed and supervised by the Materials Research and Conservation Division (MRCD) of the NHCP. All cost of conservation work shall be borne by the Contractor. 13.Patch repair, cleaning and refinishing of church floor.


All broken tiles shall be replaced

All minor floor dents and cracks shall be repaired and sealed with color-matched cementitious epoxy grout. Coloring of grout shall be done by adding color oxide powder to the grout mix Apply clear liquid floor wax on the entire church floor area, excluding the marble floor finish14.Refinishing works. Refinishing works include: plastering work on reconstructed transept walls; repainting of additional columns cement plastered walls; repainting of bell tower structure; and, repainting of concrete arches. All paint colors shall match the color of adjacent wall material.15.Unforeseen works. These works are other works which are necessary but not included in the estimates and original scope of work.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE

RECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION OF THE CONVENTO (RECTORY BUILDING) 1. Removal/repair/replacement of roof sheets, flashings, gutters and downspouts. (Recommended to be implemented during the dry summer months)


Install safety enclosure/barrier for the construction area

Erect scaffolds and access stairs

Provide workers with safety and health gears

Dismantle old roofing sheets per bay section

Get rid of bats by fumigation or driving them away by force

Install temporary plastic or tarpaulin cover on open roof structure

Undertake cleaning and disposal of accumulated dirt and bat droppings

(Repair/re-structure/replace/treat/provide bat screens and eaves wood slats

Install new roof sheets (0.60mm x longspan pre-painted roof sheets, using j-bolt roof fastener with neoprene washer and applied with silicone sealant. Flashings, ridge rolls, valley rolls shall also be 0.60mm thickness. Color shall be dark maroon, subject to approval by NHCP-HPD. No gutter is recommended.2. Repair/re-structuring/replacement, treatment conservation of roof frames; provision of bat screensProcedure:

Repair, re-structure, replace existing wood components with hardwood, nuts and bolts and common wire nails, as necessary

Apply black coal tar treatment and/or brown Solignum on all wood surfaces, old and new components

Install PVC bat screens, treated wood nailers and hangers and teated wood slats Install bat screens to seal other openings for bat intrussion3. Revision and re-structuring of roof interfacing between convento roof and church roof. This recommendation is proposed, but there is an option to just rehabilitate the existing construction.Note: The recommended work would require additional church and convento roof frames, but would improve roof drainage capability4. Repair/replacement, treatment conservation and refinishing of wood ceiling, flooring, including ceiling and floor framesProcedure:

Repair, re-structure, replace existing wood components with hardwood planks, joists beams and nailers, or marine plywood or fiber cement board for all plain ceiling boards, as necessary

Apply black coal tar treatment and/or clear Solignum on all wood surfaces, old and new components

5. Cleaning and treatment conservation of stone and masonry walls and partitionsA. Procedure for exterior walls:

Prepare site, and erect scaffolding system (choose from modular steel scaffold system, good lumber, or bamboo poles). Ensure safety and health provisions for workers and structure itself when installing, using and removal of scaffoldings are concerned. Remove biological growth. (Dry/Mechanical Cleaning):Procedure:

Remove and cut branches and unwanted debris. Care must be taken not to damage the wall while using tools in removing unwanted materials.Materials:

d. Pruner (cutter)

e. Cross-cut handsaw; hacksaw with spare blades

f. Axe or bolo/knife

Remove soiling and collection of loose stones (surface cleaning)

To remove remaining small roots and soiling on crevices.

To re-use the collected old stones for consolidation purposes.


g. Soft-bristle brush

h. Spade/trowel-(accumulated soil)

i. Old sack-(collected stones)

j. Masking tape or plastic tags-(loose decorative stones and ornamentation)

k. Round Up herbicide: Injection - 50% Round Up with ammonium sulfate; Spray benzalkonium chloride 20% Round Up with ammonium sulfate; available from Fertilizer suppliers or pest control companies

l. Hydrogen peroxide 20% by volumeProcedure:

Remove soil, dirt and biological surface growth with trowel and dispose waste material properly

Conduct test areas for the different types of herbicide, and select which one yields the right result. Use the best formulation

Prepare herbicide mixtures in estimated quantities

Spray herbicide on tooled wall surfaces and allow to react for 15 minutes

Rinse treated wall surfaces with potable water

Repeat from Prepare herbicide to Rinse treated for the rest of the wall surfaces Jet washing (Wet cleaning)

Removal of accumulated soil at cracks and joints by adequate water pressure.

Removal of dirt on stones and preparation for application of disinfectant.


e. Pressure washer

f. Drum/plastic container

g. Hydrogen peroxide 20 vols.

h. Masking tape or plastic tags-(loose decorative stones and ornamentation)Procedure:

Jet spray all wall surfaces to be cleaned using the hydrogen peroxide 20 vols. To remove dirt from hard to reach cavities, cracks and corners

Allow wall to dry Chemical application (medium- large vegetation)

To accelerate the process of killing the plant growths


i. Horse syringe

j. Knapsack sprayer/hand spray

k. Round Up herbicide and ammonium sulfamate - (available Fertilizer or pest control suppliers)

l. Surgical gloves

m. Goggles & gas mask

n. Plastic bag & plastic/rubber straw

o. Measuring cup/Beaker/plastic spoon

p. Drill & drill bits (electric or manual)Procedure:

Follow standard NHCP-HPD procedure as herein illustrated Wall Consolidation by wall re-plasteringTo rectify (patch-up) the damaged portions caused by biological growth.


e. Hydraulic lime or -(Guanzon Lime, near 10th Ave., Grace Park, Caloocan City)

f. White cement

g. Sand (sieved)

h. Pale/bucket Wall treatment by application of water repellentTo provide water repelling capability of the wall


d. Acrylic emulsion

e. Paint sprayer and air compressor

f. Do not use jet sprayer


Mist spray wall surface with prepared solution about 3-5 passes to create a very thin layer of protective coat, without forming a film of the chemical solution

Wall treatment by limewashing

To provide surface treatment and whitening of coral facing

Materials: Limewater

Procedure: Follow procedure on making limewash solution included in the technical documents

Wall treatment by Mora Poultice

To provide surface cleaning treatment of stone surfaces with decorative or artistic details

Procedure: Follow procedure on making Mora Poultice solution included in the technical documents

Clean, repair and seal all wall ledges with color-matched cementitious epoxy grout.6. Provision of wood floor battens at selected areas. Proposed work is optional and applicable only to floor planks that have narrow spaces between planks. The purpose of the battens is to seal these spaces. Procedure:

The battens shall be installed (glued and nailed) on the underside of the floor planks. The spaces between the planks shall be provided with wood in-fills and wood resin glue7. Repair/replacement, treatment conservation and refinishing of exterior wood sidings and battens8. Dismantling/repair/rehabilitation/replacement and refinishing of doors and windows, jambs, headers, sills, transoms, calado panels, stairs, balustrades, ventanilla windows, and hardware9. Provision of new electrical power and lighting system; removal of old electrical wiring, lighting fixtures and devices. Per assessment of the existing electrical system of the convento, the total rehabilitation and replacement of the system is recommended.Procedure:

Provide temporary electrical connection for use of the building occupants

Implement rehabilitation work per section/circuit Always coordinate with the parish priest or the parish administration office regarding schedule of works and power switching

Disconnect old power supply and transfer to temporary provisions

Remove old electrical wiring, devices and unwanted materials and installations

Install electrical rough-ins, wires, devices and fixtures per supplied electrical plans.

All electrical wirings and conduits shall be either run through existing conduits or new moulding-type conduits to be surface mounted on walls. No electrical lines shall be exposed outside the church building or freely hung overhead

All electrical lighting fixtures shall be LED type Test new electrical system, and implement correction or revision if necessary.10. Provision of new water cistern, water tank, pump, water tower and new plumbing system; removal of old plumbing system. Materials:

Reinforced concrete lined with ceramic tiles for water cistern;

steel angular bars painted with epoxy primer and top coats for water tank tower;

Stainless steel fabricated water tank;

G. I. pipe for water supply piping;

Brass fittings

Water pump and motor11. Provision of portable fire extinguishers. Six Portable fire extinguishers, type ABC, are recommended, and located per Electrical Plans12. Rehabilitation of the volada floor and floor frames. The existing floor slab may be retained per end user request, or be restored to the original construction of hardwood floor planks.

Restoration procedure:13. Patch repair work on partitions, stairs. These minor repair and restoration works shall be implemented also as necessary works, in order to prevent further deterioration or damage.14. Pest control. This work shall be implemented in conjunction with Item No. 2 of this Technical Specifications.15. Unforeseen works. These works are other works which are necessary but not included in the estimates and original scope of work.Technical Specifications for theRECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Provision of bollards along the faade (church and convent). Bollards shall be installed as protective buffer devices for the landmark buildings situated on a very hazardous location at the edge of a very busy street. Refer to the bollard drawing details for dimensions, materials and placements.2. Replacement of masonry front fences with steel grilled fences and gates. This will create a pleasing see-through view of the church complex, which will increase visual appreciation of the historic landmark.3. Cleaning and clearing of site. This work will improve the environment of the church complex and will increase visual impact of the restored landmark4. Landscaping and greening. The left side and the right side lawn can be developed for various church activities and a venue for livelihood projects of the parish. This will pave the way for continuous use and maintenance.5. Provision of multipurpose shed. Recommended for livelihood projects workshops. This is a simple and light structure made of CHB walls; Columns shall be 4 diameter pipe, schedule 40. Roofing shall be 0.50mm pre-painted CGI; Floor slab with plain cement finish. Refer to plans and details.Technical Specifications for theRECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTIFIED VISTA POINTS (Implementing agency: Municipality of Santa Barbara, Iloilo)1. Provision of paved platform, floor pavement signage and protective bollards for vista points along street sidewalks. A small platform at or part of the street sidewalk, with attractive signage that suggests that this point is a perfect spot for viewing the towns beautiful panorama and green environment and historic heritage. The spot that is located on street corner shall be protected by 4 bollards.2. Development of outdoor caf or kiosk to be operated by government employees cooperative organization (lawn at the Police Station in the Town Hall compound)PAGE 7