team a

TEAM A COLLOCATIONS FOR JOBS, CAREER AND WORK Job: a fulfilling job; a high-powered job; to apply for a job; a permanent job; a temporary job; to offer someone a job; a steady job; a demanding job; a dead-end job; a lucrative job; a rewarding job a full-time job, a part-time job; a nine-to-five job; working hours; flexitime; . TEAM B Work: to carry out work; to supervise work; to work closely with; to take on work; available to start work; to complete work; temporary work; permanent work; shift work; day shift; night shift; TEAM C Career: to wreck/ruin someone's career; to embark on a career; to have a career in (medicine); a brilliant career; a career takes off; a promising career; to climb the career ladder; her career lasted...; at the height/peak of your career; TEAM D Note: we say we have a job, NOT we have a work. TEAM E THINGS YOU MIGHT DO AT WORK Take charge of....; make appointments; keep appointments; answer the phone; field telephone calls; make reservations; give a presentation; make photocopies; arrange meetings; keep records; make lists; set goals; keep to deadlines; work in a team; be responsible for¿; clock in, clock out/off; Hand in your notice = to resign from the job TEAM F WORDS YOU MIGHT SEE IN A JOB ADVERTISEMENT Self-starter, pro-active, self-motivated, self-driven; methodical, systematic, organized; computer-literate: numerate; motivated; talented; team player. Nature of work: My work involves + noun (e.g. human contact, long hours, team work); My work involves + -ing (e.g. solving problems, travelling a lot, dealing with customers) NEXT CLASS : NEW INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENGLISH BOOK

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Page 1: Team a

TEAM ACOLLOCATIONS FOR JOBS, CAREER AND WORK          Job: a fulfilling job; a high-powered job; to apply for a job; a permanent job; a temporary job; to offer

someone a job; a steady job; a demanding job; a dead-end job; a lucrative job; a rewarding job a full-time job, a part-time job; a nine-to-five job; working hours; flexitime; .

TEAM B          Work: to carry out work; to supervise work; to work closely with; to take on work; available to start

work; to complete work; temporary work; permanent work; shift work; day shift; night shift; TEAM C          Career: to wreck/ruin someone's career; to embark on a career; to have a career in (medicine); a

brilliant career; a career takes off; a promising career; to climb the career ladder; her career lasted...; at the height/peak of your career;

TEAM D          Note: we say we have a job, NOT we have a work. TEAM ETHINGS YOU MIGHT DO AT WORK          Take charge of....; make appointments; keep appointments; answer the phone; field telephone calls;

make reservations; give a presentation; make photocopies; arrange meetings; keep records; make lists; set goals; keep to deadlines; work in a team; be responsible for¿; clock in, clock out/off;

           Hand in your notice = to resign from the job TEAM FWORDS YOU MIGHT SEE IN A JOB ADVERTISEMENT          Self-starter, pro-active, self-motivated, self-driven; methodical, systematic, organized; computer-

literate: numerate; motivated; talented; team player. Nature of work: My work involves + noun (e.g. human contact, long hours, team work); My work involves + -ing (e.g. solving problems, travelling a lot, dealing with customers)