tcl ill troubleshooting guide v1 1 1

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  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Troubleshooting Guide for ILL Customers

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Dear Customer,

    Tata Communications is committed to service excellence. We continuously make every

    effort possible to provide you, our customer, with superlative service.

    We believe that giving you details on every aspect of service provision is a necessary

    prerequisite towards achieving our service objective. It is also essential to equip you with

    abundant information relating to self help processes and trouble shooting procedures.

    This will go a long way in enabling you to enjoy uninterrupted services and have the

    wherewithal to resolve issues where necessary.

    This 'Troubleshooting Guide for ILL Customers'is one such document.

    Our intention is to make the content both easy to understand and clear in outlining the

    resolution steps.

    We welcome your feedback both for the content as well as for inputs regarding any

    resolution process outlined therein. You may write to us at

    [email protected]

    Thanking You


    Ram Mohan

    Vice President - Service Assurance

    Tata Communications Ltd.

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Troubleshooting Guide for ILL Customers

    1. Link down

    2. CRC errors

    3. Packet drops

    4. Link flapping

    5. Slow browsing

    6. Latency

    7. Website not opening

    8. Upload - download issue

    9. Low throughput

    10. Not able to send-receive email


    This 'Troubleshooting Guide for ILL Customers'is designed to facilitate your navigation to the

    relevant section from the contents table itself.

    In the corresponding section, you will see discrete steps and diagnostics prescribed. The

    outcome is documented as separate scenarios and the issue resolution /self help guide

    proceeds to outline steps in this manner till conclusion.

    It assumes that you have correctly identified the surface issue and proceeded to concerned

    section of the troubleshooting guide.

    In order to facilitate faster resolution please note :

    Customer is requested to check the power status on modem/router at affected site.

    Customer is requested to provide the make / model of modem /router status and LED

    indications on the respective equipments.

    Confirmation of the physical connectivity between modem /converter and router.

    Customer is requested to provide the access permission in case we need to depute field

    en ineer.

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Troubleshooting steps at Customer end

    Type Ethernet MMDS/ RF / Wi-Max Serial

    1. Ping the default gateway / LAN Interface IP address on

    router from a desktop in the LAN :

    (i) If not able to get a reply, check the internal LAN.

    (ii) If able to get reply : Ping the PE WAN IP address from

    the CE router.

    (iii) If there is no reply from the PE WAN IP then check the

    interface status on router >>> Viz. Down/Down or

    UP/Down. Follow process outlined below in given cases.

    4. Down/Down

    (Not connected) :

    Check the WAN

    cable connectivity

    till Mux , if possible.

    4. Down/Down

    (Not connected) :

    Check the WAN

    cable connectivity

    till IDU/POE,

    if possible.

    4. Down/Down :

    Check the connectivity

    ( V.35 cable) between

    modem & router.





    5. UP/Down

    ( Error disabled):

    Try to match the

    duplex/speed settings

    w.r.t CE end TCL MUX ;

    Also try shut/No shut on

    WAN interface on the

    CE router.

    5. UP/Down

    (Error disabled):

    Try to match the

    duplex/speed settings

    w.r.t TCL SS device:

    Also try shut/n o shut

    on WAN interface on the

    CE router.

    5. Admin Down :

    Unshut the WAN

    interface to make

    it up.

    Link down

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    6. Still not able to

    reach PE wan IP:

    Connect the laptop

    directly to the link

    (bypass CE Router).

    Assign CE WAN IP to

    laptop & DEF gateway as

    PE WAN IP & check

    the ping to PE wan.

    6. Still not able to

    reach PE wan IP:

    Connect the laptop

    directly to the link

    (bypass router).

    Assign CE WAN IP to

    laptop & DEF gateway

    as PE WAN IP & check

    the ping to PE wan.

    6. UP/Down:

    Convey this status to

    us &we ll take it


    for any media testing.

    7. Still no reply TCL will

    take it forward.

    7. Still no reply TCL will

    take it forward parallely.

    1. Ping to the DEFgateway / Router Ethernet IP address from desktop in the LAN :

    If not able to get a reply, check the internal LANRouter


    by TCL

    2. Able to get reply from CE router ethernet IP address but still no connectivity:TCL will check it further.

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Troubleshooting steps from Customer end

    Type Ethernet MMDS/ RF / Wi-Max Serial

    1. Make sure that there is no loose connection

    to the WAN interface.

    1. Check the V.35 cable

    connectivity between

    CE Router & Modem.

    2. Telnet to CE router and keep the logs of WAN interface status, showing

    CRC errors and reliability on WAN interface.


    3. Provide these logs with the timestamps as and when requested by TCL.

    Routermanagedby TCL

    Out of scope for customer led diagnostics : TCL to resolve.

    CRC - REL

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting steps from Customer end

    1. This problem arises mainly due to last mile issues like high utilization, duplex

    mismatch, port related issues etc.

    2. Check the link utilization graph on MRTG: check if there is any over-utilization.

    3. If the link is not overutilised: check speed/duplex setting if Ethernet port isused for WAN & also check for any loose connection in LAN.

    4. For Serial Port, check if the reliability & CRC errors on it are decreasing& increasing respectively

    5. Prepare logs of the extended source based forward trace from Customer endto particular IP if drops are for particular IP address.

    6. Also prepare logs of reverse trace from destination end towards customerend (for Multihomed BGP customer)

    Routermanagedby Customer

    7. In case reverse path is not through TCL, make it through TCL & check again.

    Routermanaged byTCL

    As detailed above in the points 2, 5, 6 these are to be checked by customer.

    Packet drops

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting steps from Customer end

    1. This problem is mainly due to last mile issues like duplex

    mismatch, port related issues etc.

    2. For Serial Port, check if the reliability & CRC errors on it are decreasing

    & increasing respectively

    3. Check logs on CE router regarding speed/duplex if Ethernet port is used forWAN. Match the settings on CE router if they differ.

    4. Check if Earthing is ok.

    Routermanagedby Customer

    5. Check on CE router whether the CPU utilization of the router is well withinthe prescribed limit.

    Routermanaged byTCL

    As detailed above in the points 2 to be checked by customer.

    Link flapping

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting steps from Customer end

    1. Check the link utilization graph on MRTG : check if any over-utilization:

    If Yes, reduce the load.


    by Customer

    2. Check on CE router whether CPU utilization of the router is well within

    prescribed limit.

    Routermanaged byTCL

    As detailed above, Point no.1 to be checked by Customer.

    Slow browsing

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting steps from Customer end

    1. If the latency is for all destinations : Check the link utilization graph on MRTG :

    check if any over-utilization : If Yes , reduce the load.

    2. Also check on CE router whether the CPU utilization of the router is well within

    prescribed limit(less than 80%).

    3. If latency is to a particular IP: Prepare logs of the extended source based

    forward trace to particular IP to which facing latency

    4. Also Prepare logs of the reverse trace from destination end if drops are for

    particular IP address (In case of multihomed BGP customer)

    Routermanagedby Customer

    5. In case the reverse is not through TCL, make it through TCL & check.

    Routermanaged byTCL

    As detailed above in the point No. 1, 3, 4, these are to be checked by customer.


  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting steps from Customer End

    1. Link is UP & If none of the sites are opening:

    Check the reachability to DNS server: Share the Logs of source based Ping &

    trace to DNS server with TCL.

    2.If the issue is with particular IP/website:Check name resolution through DNS

    with the help of Nslookup:(i) If DNS resolving the name successfully :

    >> Trace the troubled IP/website with source being customer LAN & Share the

    logs with TCL.

    (ii) If DNS not resolving the name :

    >> Share the Nslookup logs & TCL will take it forward with its internal team.

    3. Telnet to that IP/website with particular port (80 , 443 etc) from PC & CE Router

    : To Check for any block at the distant end.

    4. If Ping/Trace/Nslookup/Telnet all okay to that IP/website:

    Download software TCP optimizer" & install it on one of the PC. Set the MTU

    setting as 1452 /1436 on that PC with the help of that software.

    After restarting the PC, check for reachability to that website. If portal is

    opening then keep that particular MTU setting on Router's LAN interface.

    Routermanagedby Customer

    5. In case there is still no reachablity, prepare laptop (TCP Optimizer software on

    it) with IP address as CE WAN IP & default gateway as PE WAN IP& check the

    reachability with different MTU setting on Laptop

    Routermanaged byTCL

    As detailed in the points. 2, 3, 4, 5, these are to be checked by the Customer.

    Website not opening

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting Steps from Customer End

    1. Check whether the link is Flapping or Not? >>>>For this refer Link

    flapping section

    2. Check for any Packet drops on the link? >>>>For this refer Packet

    drops section


    by Customer

    3. Also check for any latency on the link? >>>>For this refer

    Latency section

    Routermanaged byTCL

    Refer all above points and their respective link

    Upload Download

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting Steps from Customer End

    1. Check whether the link is Flapping or Not? >>>>For this refer Link

    Flapping section

    2. Check for any Packet drops on the link? >>>>For this refer Packet

    drops section

    3. Also check for any latency on the link? >>>>For this refer

    Latency section

    Routermanaged byTCL

    Refer all above points and their respective link

    Low - Throughput

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Type Troubleshooting steps from Customer End

    Routermanagedby Customer

    1. Keep the bounce back email/error message log ready : Share it with TCL

    Routermanaged byTCL

    1. Keep the bounce back email/error message log ready : Share it with TCL

    Not able to send receive mail

    As we come to the end of this 'ILL trouble shooting guide', We thank you for your time

    and attention. We hope you would have found the content helpful in recognizing and

    trouble shooting at your end in case such a need arises.

  • 8/8/2019 TCL ILL Troubleshooting Guide V1 1 1


    Thank You for Choosin

    It is our pleasure to partner with you.

    Tata Communications

    Tata Communications is committed to customer serviceand continuous improvement.