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The Reading Lamp : Importance of Tafseer……. Pg. 3

Do you truly understand your Lord?……. Pg. 5

Lessons from Surah Maun.…..…. Pg. 6

Seminar Gems ...…… Pg. 7

The day of Judgment in the light of Juz Amma……….Pg. 9

Personal Reflections ..…… Pg. 10

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Allah azza wa jal says in the Qur’an, ���رك � ���وا آ��ب أ�� ��� إ��� ��ب #"�! و ���آ�� $ أو %ا ا

“(This is) a Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings, so that they may ponder* over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember.” [38:29]

It is the science of tafseer which is the fruit of ‘pondering over its verses’. Tafseer comes from the root letters fa seen ra, or fassara and means to explain, to discover, elucidate, to disclose (a hidden thing), and to interpret. In Uloom al-Qur’an (the sciences of the Qur’an), tafseer is defined to be, “the science by which the Qur’an is understood, its meanings explained, and its rulings derived.” It is the crux of Uloom al-Qur’an, even though Uloom al-Qur’an comprises many other branches.

Important of g t y á x x Ü


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G Many Muslims assume that learning the science of tafseer is not part of learning the Qur’an, when in fact tafseer is crucial to properly understanding the Qur’an itself. Without knowledge of tafseer, we can easily misunderstand the Qur’an. The science of tafseer is meant to explain to mankind the Book that has been revealed to them from Allah. Imam as-Suyooti rahimahullah gives three simple reasons on why tafseer is important:

1) Allah uses the most clear, eloquent, and concise language, and in doing so the meaning is clear to those who are well-grounded in the Arabic language, but not so clear to those who are not.

2) The Qur’an does not always mention the events or references for which each verse was revealed, but these must be known for the verse to be fully understood.

3) Some words may have multiple meanings, and it is the job of the person who does tafseer to ex-plain what is meant by the word.

Many scholars of the past shed light on the importance of tafseer as well. My favorite parable was given by Iyaas ibn Mu’aawiyah rahimahullah who said, “The example of a people who recite the Qur’an and do not know its explanation is like a group of people who have a written message from their king that comes to them during the night, and they do not have a lamp. Therefore, they do not know what is in the message. The example of one who knows tafseer is like a person who comes to them with a lamp and reads to them what is in the message.” Sa’eed ibn Jubayr rahimahullah also said, “Whoever recites the Qur’an and does not explain it, is like an ignorant person.” Also Imam Su-yooti, author of the monumental work in Uloom al-Quran al-Itqaan,

(The science of tafseer) is the most honorable of all sciences for three reasons. The first reason is with respect to its topic. It deals with the Speech of Allah, which contains every kind of wisdom and virtue. It contains pronouncements about what has passed, reports of what will happen and judgments concerning what happens between people. Its wonders never cease. The second reason is with respect to its goal. Its goal is to lead mankind to the firm Handhold of Allah, and to the true happiness, one that does not end. The third reason is with respect to the great need for this science. Every aspect of this religion and this world, in the near or distant future, is in need of the sciences of the sharee’ah and knowledge of the religion, and this knowledge can only be obtained through the understanding of the Book of Allah. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, in his book, An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’an, gives a beautiful parable on the relationship between Qur’an and tafseer. He says, “the Qur’an is like a treasure trapped in a glass receptacle; mankind can view and benefit from this treasure, but they are in need of tafseer, for tafseer acts like the key that unlocks the treasure, so that mankind can benefit from it to the greatest possible extent.”

*The word ‘yaddabbaru’ comes from the root dubr, and this means back (like the body part). So when one thinks, they get to the root, the core of something, the back or bottom of it. Also means to perform or execute the affair with thought or consideration, devise or plan the affair with thought or consideration, devise or plan the affair, regulate and Consequence, result. If you look at the word, you notice a shadda on the baa, and this means that this act is done over and over and over, it shows consistency and continuity. So the Qur’an was revealed for us to constantly

and consistently ponder, give thought, reflect, get to the core of its verses.

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How often do we belittle Surah Ikhlaas thinking that it is just something small for children to

memorize? This surah is actually equal to a whole third of the Qur’an. We might ask ourselves

how this surah could possibly make up that much when it is only made up of four short ayat. The

Qur’an is divided into three main categories: Tawheed, Ahkam (rulings), and stories. Surah

Ikhlaas does a quick summary on the Tawheed category of the Qur’an because it gives us infor-

mation about Allah.

What is the story behind the revelation of this short surah? The people were confused and they

wanted to know who Allah was, so this surah was an excellent opportunity to obtain this piece of

information. Allah revealed this surah to answer the questions that they had about their Lord.

The first ayah of this Surah is a commandment for the Prophet to say that their Lord is Ahad

which means the absolute One. Allah is unique and there is absolutely no one that is like Him. He

is better than all of the rest and He beats everybody. Wahid means one also, but Ahad is more

unique and the only one.

The second ayah tells us that Allah is As-Samad which means self-sufficient. Allah is the Master,

the leader who is perfect, the most Majestic, and the One who is sought after to help you in your

needs and wants. Allah is self-sufficient and He does not need anyone for anything, but we all

need Him and depend on Him for everything.

The first part of the third ayah tells us that Allah has no children and the second part tells us that

He has no parents. This disproves Christianity because Christianity teaches the belief in the trinity

which includes God having a child (Jesus (PBUH)).

The last ayah of Surah Ikhlaas says that there is absolutely no one who is equal or even compara-

ble to Allah. This ayah mentions the word “kufuwan” which means none that can be equal to. This

ayah also mentions the word “Ahad” because He is the One unlike any other and He is unique.

This is a very important surah that we should love because the only thing it talks about is Tawheed

and we need to know our Lord. How would we be able to worship and obey someone who we had

absolutely no knowledge on? One Sahabi loved this surah so much that he would recite it in every

single rak’ah. The Prophet said that because of his love for this surah, Allah loves him.

Do You Truly Understand

Your Lord?


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This surah is beautiful in its sim-

plicity and straight-forwardness.

Allah describes the characteristics

of a disbeliever and hypocrite in a

mere six ayat, but at the same time manages to re-

mind the muslims as well. In these ayat is a com-

mand from Allah to provide social services, but also

a greater command against hypocrisy. At first

glance, we may deem that this surah is only meant

for the kafir. But quickly, we come to the realization

that this surah is a subtle, yet effective reminder for

all. Allah asks us if we have seen the one who denies

the recompense. Immediately, we think of the kuffar

who have so clearly denied the resurrection. The rest

of the surah is a description of the characteristics of

the disbeliever. However, by the end of the surah,

one has to ponder: do I hold any of these characteris-

tics. And if I do, what can I do to remove that hidden

hypocrisy? And the answer is clear, alhamdulillah.

In these ayat are multiple answers to our dilemma.

Let's take a look!

Allah describes that disbeliever as one who

repulses the orphan harshly. When reading this ayah,

we usually don't relate it directly to ourselves,

maybe because we don't know many orphans, or

maybe because they already seem well taken care of.

However, listen to this: The Prophet (S) said, "The

best home among the Muslims is the one that treats

an orphan well. The worst home among the Muslims

is the one that treats an orphan poorly. I and the one

who cares for an orphan will be like these two in

Paradise." The Prophet (S) indicated his two fingers.

Subhanallah. So, if you ever have an opportunity to

help out an orphan, don't pass it up!

Another characteristic of the disbeliever is he

who does not urge the feeding of the poor. The re-

wards of feeding the poor are well-known and there

are a number of sins which can be repented for by

feeding the poor- this itself is an indication of the

worthiness of this deed. Set aside some part of your

money to give to the poor, make it a routine and be

consistent. This money that you spend for Allah's

sake will never go to waste and you will only see it

come up in your favor, whether now or later.

"So woe unto those performers of Salat

(hypocrites). Those who delay their Salat. Those

who do good deeds only to be seen (of men)." In

these ayat, the people who delay their salah are ad-

monished. Sometimes we find that when we go out

to islamic lectures/events, we are careful about pray-

ing our salat on time around other people. But when

we're chilling in our homes, we sometimes delay

until it's almost too late. Our salah is like a contract

we have with Allah, with five appointments through-

out the day that we need to reach to on time! Allah

takes care of us throughout the day, so let's pray

when it's time.

Allah (swt) mentions the people who do good

deeds only to be seen by others and prevent even the

small kindnesses. Sometimes we get annoyed and

bothered when people ask us for the smallest favors.

Even when the favor would not harm or be disad-

vantageous to ourselves. When someone needs a

ride home or when they need to borrow an item, or

anything at all, we sometimes find ourselves getting

frustrated. Many times, we think that were we put in

a position where we had to give help, we would be

generous. But when we are actually tested with that,

unfortunately we find that we can be stingy. This

hypocrisy tends to fall out of our perception, but this

ayah is a beautiful reminder. Whatever charity we

give, or sacrifice we make, Allah is completely

aware of it. "They ask you what they should spend

in charity. Say: 'Whatever you spend with good

heart, give it to parents, relatives, orphans, the help-

less, and travelers in need. Whatever good you do,

Allah is aware of it." (2:215)

This short, beautiful surah reminds us of the

obligations we have, and warns us against hypoc-

risy. May we all heed this reminder. Ameen.

Surah�Ma’unSurah�Ma’unSurah�Ma’unSurah�Ma’un����I _xááÉÇá yÜÉÅ

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fâÜt{ YtÄtÖ

Authentic knowledge is the foundation of everything in Islam.

Allah (azza wa jal) wipes away the layers that blind you when you have knowledge

fâÜt{ Tutát It is of the manifestations of love, that you advise and correct the beloved out of genuine care and concern

for them, which is what we see here with Allah and his Messenger in this surah.

fâÜt{ UtÄtw By default, this dunya was never meant to be jannah for us..

fâÜt{ \Çá{|Üt{ Sometimes the hardest moments in your life are the ones filled with the sweetest moments of true iman.

fâÜt{ Tutát The disbelievers wonder how they will come to life again after they are buried in their graves. By burying

a seed and watching it grow, we are witnessing resurrection.

fâÜt{ [âÅtét{

Before you commit a sin, light a match and put your hand over it. If you can withstand the pain, go ahead

and disobey Allah.


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fâÜt{ `âàtyy|yxxÇ The best people are those who are of benefit to other people.

fâÜt{ TÄtÖ Our wealth is limited. Spend, so Allah will spend on you.

fâÜt{ T:Ätt The fear (taqwa) that we have of Allah is not only fear of His punishment, but also fear of disap-

pointing Him.

fâÜt{ TÄ@_tçÄ If we forget the akhirah, there will be no limit to our desires in this world.

fâÜt{ Yt}Ü Iman is fueled by knowledge, don't be overcome with emotions.

fâÜt{ Wâ{t True and sincere gratefulness to Alah for His blessings is to utilize the blessings (social services).

fâÜt{ TáÜ Allah commands us to exhort one another to truth and patience. If we are ignorant of the truth and

don't have the knowledge, how are we going to participate in establishing it.

15. Surah Fajr

One of the worst things we can do is not learn vicariously from the catastrophic mistakes of people

in the past ('Ad, Thamud) ... and if such serious signs cannot shake us and wake us then we are in a


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As we studied the 30th Juz, we came to realize that its main focus is on the Qiyya-

mah, the day when we will stand in front of our Lord to answer for everything that we

have done in this world. Qiyyamah will be the harshest day that any soul will ever wit-

ness. On this day, the only concern will be "Nafsi," "Myself". It will be such a day that

people will neglect their own prized possessions.

This back-breaking day, will begin with a trumpet

blown so loud that it will cause all that exists to come

to an end; except the Face of our Lord and whomever He

wills. The light from the sky will vanish, the sun will be folded,

and the stars will fall. The sky will split asunder, the seas will

be set on fire, the mountains will vanish as if they were a mirage, and the whole of

earth will be grounded to powder.

And once again there will come the deafening sound. All souls will be united with

their bodies, "man will flee from his own brother. And from his mother and his father.

And from his wife and his children. Each one of them, that Day, will have enough con-

cern (of his own) to make him indifferent to the others." The Lord of all will come with

the angels in rows; all spirits will stand in front of Him with their records laid open. Hell

will be set ablaze and Paradise will be brought near. At that time, each soul will know

what it has brought forth and none will be able to speak or to present any excuse ex-

cept with His permission. Everyone will be questioned about what they indulged in this


There will be faces that day beaming, laughing and rejoicing. They are the ones who

will be told "Enter you, then, among My (honoured) slaves, "And enter you My Para-

dise!" Then there will be faces dust-stained; Blackness will cover them, they will say

"Woe unto me! Would that I were (mere) dust!".

Sources; Surah At-Takweer, Al-Fajr, A'basa, An-Naba and At-Takaathur.

The day of Judgement In the light of Juz ‘Amma


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Personal Reflections

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One of the things that I liked about Tayybah is the many

activities that they held. For example they had the back-

pack project where students could fill backpacks with

school supplies so that they could be sent to children who

may not have those things. They also asked quick ques-

tions and they gave special prizes to those who answered

them correctly. Tayybah also had some funny moments

which helped me feel at home such as when they were

introducing the next class by having a funny conversa-

tion. They also sold Tayybah products including mugs

and shirts which they had the instructor wear. Another

thing that I really liked about Tayybah was the DELI-

COUS cupcakes that they sold. I have to admit, that is

one thing which Tayybah had which Durbah sometimes

doesn’t but overall, Durbah wins ☺.

In the eyes of a Durbite:


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July 31, 2009. Friday. TAIJ!!! (Thank Allah it is Jumm’ah)

These were my thoughts, in that order as I sat at my desk at work. After a day of mind-numbing work, I was ready to rush home. By the time the clock hit 4:00pm, struggling to keep my focus on work and clearly failing, I thought of the relaxing evening and weekend ahead of me. Sleep. Re-laxation. No work. Just rest.

And then I received the phone call that changed it all. My sister, Ayesha.

“As’Salaamu Alaykum, Sarah, what are we doing tonight.”

“Wa Alaykum As’Salaam, Ayesha, I don’t know about you buddy, but I am going to sleep a.s.a.p.”

“There’s this thing St. John’s. It sounds cool. It’s called Touched By An Angel.”.

“Oh yeah, I heard about it, but I’m really, REALLY tired.”

“Come on man! It’s all religious and it looks interesting. Noting to lose. You can sleep on the weekend. It’s free. Let’s go.”

“But… But my sleep… Ugh fine.”

Judging from the title, I figured it was something about the Archangel Jibraeel (AS). It sounded interesting, but my tired mind wasn’t warming up to the idea of sacrificing its rest to a seminar that I wasn’t even going to complete.

Subhan Allah. When I arrived to the St. John’s University campus, I had no idea where Bent Hall was located. Cov-ered in the rain, my skirt saturated with water, I was des-perate to find the building. Then I saw the balloons, pink and filled with helium. “The sisters must’ve put these up,” I thought. Allahu Alim, I still don’t know if they did, but Al-humdulillah, if it wasn’t for those balloons, I would have been stuck in the rain a lot longer.

\à ãtá




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My fatigue. What fatigue? As soon as I entered the building, I saw the crowds of Mus-lim brothers and sisters. Instantly my mind found its peace. The relaxation I sought from going home was found at a place I had previously dismissed. Subhan Allah, I don’t know how or why, but I suddenly felt cool and alert, ready to focus on the semi-nar.

Because of the amazing knowledge and sporadic humor of Shaykh Shpendim (I still don’t know what his name means despite the various Google searches), the serene atmosphere, and the intensity of the Surahs, I became hooked.

A fact about myself: I am someone who pauses and reflects. I don’t usually make split-second decisions.

Immediately after the conclusion of the Friday night edition, I signed up. I committed not only the weekend at hand, but also the weekend after. To what? Not rest or relaxa-tion. I committed to being at SJU from 10am to 7pm, Saturday and Sunday.

What can I say? When it’s your naseeb, it’s your naseeb. Not even you can deprive yourself of it. Alhumdulillah, Allah had a better weekend planned for me.

Touched By An Angel was my first AlMaghrib seminar, but it will not be the last, insha Allah. I’ve already signed up for Fiqh of Love, and I can’t wait. Will I see you there?

Fiqh of ♥

...Marriage in Islam...

October 23,24,25, 30

November 1st

Enroll online:


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