task one

Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

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Page 1: Task one

Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Task one


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


The purpose of this advert is to campaign against children having to drink dirty water in some parts of the world. The idea is that if you donate two pounds a month you can save lives by helping to fund water pumps for clean water for them to drink from.The picture is the first thing the audience would look at – it is black and white which makes it look depressing, which is how they want it to come across as then people will donate. Then there are three short phrases at the top of the advert are underlined and in bold which make them stand out then it catches the audiences eye straight away – after seeing all of this the audience will more than likely donate.


The aim of the whole advertisement is to get people to donate – this is to help people in other countries to stop drinking dirty water. Water Aid rely on donations so they can provide water pumps for people in the poorer areas. The aim of the picture being black and white is to make it looks sad and distressing to the audience so they can donate. With the bold writing the aim is to get the point across of the advert and they are doing this by making the writing bold and bright so its eye catching.

Creative Media Production 2012

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The are a few different techniques used in this advert, for example;

The colours in this advert are quite pale – there aren't any bright colours used as it isn't a ‘happy advert’ they are trying to make the audience feel sorry for the people so they have used quite cold colours.

The image they have used is a child looking sad trying to get water to have a drink. They have chosen that specific image as it fits well with the purpose of the advert as they wouldn’t have a happy looking child walking a dog as that isn't the point of the advertisement and wouldn’t fit well with the point they are trying to get across. They have made the image black and white to make it look more distressing and this will make the public feel sorry for the people who don’t have clean water to drink so hopefully they will donate, which is the point of the advert.

The text in this advert is clear, in a big font which is bold and underlined – this makes it eye catching to the audience. Rather than just having tiny text which they will just ignore, it is pulling the audience in so they will read it. They have used short but powerful sentences to get their point across.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Page 4: Task one


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Water Aid have helped many people in the past years. Through peoples donations, they have managed to put in many water pumps to give people clean water. One of their projects is a bridge water project in western Kenya –

‘PROPOSED PROJECT:The proposed Lunyu water project is situated in Shamoni village and it is a Kefinco hand dug well developed by installing 3M diameter concrete casing covered with 4inch concrete slab and installed a MARK II pump. The well was completed in the year 1993 and served the community well until 2004 when it got spoilt, the community found someone who impersonated that he can repair the pump instead he disappeared with the parts. The community then had no option other than go back to collect stream water for their domestic use’

They have also help many other places such as Wakukha in western Kenya this project is now also complete –

‘PROPOSED PROJECT:The proposed Wakukha water project is a community well that was done by Kenya Finland Company( Kefinco) in 1993 serial no. KA 42. The well is hand dug well installed concrete casings (calvates) of diameter 3ft, covered with a 4inch concrete slab and was fixed with a NIRA pump which got spoilt and the community could not find the spare parts locally and therefore forcing community members to go to the stream to get water for their domestic use and posing them to water borne diseases that has been experienced in this area because of poor water quality.

The community to access the stream, they have to go through a large sugarcane farm which exposes young girls and women to potential rapist an issue which need an intervention’

Water Aid’s current project is in Enyapora. In Enyapora they get their water from Nyapola spring whuch is 2k away and it dries up with the dry spells and so the water is not protected.

‘The Proposed Enyapora Community Well Water Project Rehab is a hand dug well which was done by KEFINCO in the year 1989. The well was fitted a pump. The pump served upto 2010 and got spoilt and eventually and could not be repaired since the Indian Mark II spare parts are not available locally. Since then, the community members have had to go back and get water from an unprotected Nyapola stream. Members of this community have expressed their wish of rehabilitating the well by installing an Affridev pump so as to help them access quality and safe water for their domestic use.’

Page 5: Task one


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Water Aid’s current project is in Enyapora. In Enyapora they get their water from Nyapola spring whuch is 2k away and it dries up with the dry spells and so the water is not protected.

‘The Proposed Enyapora Community Well Water Project Rehab is a hand dug well which was done by KEFINCO in the year 1989. The well was fitted a pump. The pump served upto 2010 and got spoilt and eventually and could not be repaired since the Indian Mark II spare parts are not available locally. Since then, the community members have had to go back and get water from an unprotected Nyapola stream. Members of this community have expressed their wish of rehabilitating the well by installing an Affridev pump so as to help them access quality and safe water for their domestic use.’

This is Water Aid’s total contributions and expenses graphs

Page 6: Task one


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


The purpose of this advert is to campaign against animal testing/cruelty. This advert is showing you what happens when cosmetics are tested on animals – they are showing you this as they want you to be aware of what goes on and to pursued you to buy ‘cruelty free’ products.


The aim of the advertisement is to prevent animal testing. They are showing a graphic image which will catch the audiences eye straight away. They will then most likely see the text of which they have put in capital letters and in a colour which makes it stand out. Then they have a fact underneath it about how many animals suffer ach year. After the audience has seen this they will most likely want to help prevent animal cruelty which is the point of the advert and that is the company who made the advert want from the audience.

Creative Media Production 2012

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There are many techniques used in this advert, for example;

This image which is quite simple comes across really powerful and fits well with the advert. They are getting their point across by showing you what happens to animals with a human, they are wanting to shock the audience. They then have a little image in the corner of a cosmetic product which is obviously animal tested so they are wanting the audience to think before they buy certain things.

The text in the advert stands out however the have it quite plain and simple to fit with the colour scheme. The is in a large font in capital letters which makes it easy to read for the audience and also it makes it eye catching.

With the whole advertisement the have the same range of colours they are quite dull pastel colours, but with the seriousness of the advert they have chosen the colours well as they wouldn’t exactly have bright colours as they are associated with, brightness and happiness which doesn’t fit.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Page 8: Task one


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

The EU has now introduced a testing ban on all cosmetics – it isn't the end of animal cruelty but at least something is being done about it. The law on July 11th is now that products aren't allowed to be tested on animals at all, and anything ingredients in the cosmetic product cant have been tested on animals either regardless of what country the in the world they have been tested in. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-29/labor-animal-cruelty-cosmetics-europe-animals/4920418

Page 9: Task one


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


The purpose of this campaign is to vote conservative for the general election they are using a harsh persuading technique in the advert to try to get you to vote.


Like the purpose the aim of the advert is to get you to vote for them, This advert uses a persuading technique ‘Vote conservative or ill kill this kitten’ you are being pushed into voting for them – you know no kitten will die but it’s a harsh way to get you to vote and it most likely works.

Creative Media Production 2012

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The techniques used in this advert are harsh persuading techniques ‘Vote Conservative or ill kill this kitten’ – they kitten will not die but they are trying to use a harsh persuading technique to try and get you to vote for them, and it will most likely work.

In this advert they have used the Conservative colours so you will be able to recognise who it is and also it very eye catching as they have used bright colours to attract the public and they have also you clear text to get there point across, they haven't included lots of text saying why to vote for them they have a few simple words which will keep the public interesting rather than walking past the advert as they don’t want to read a massive chunk of text.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Page 11: Task one


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

The advert obviously worked for the conservatives as they were voted in and David Cameron become prime minister, so their adverts seem to be notice by the public. As I said before no one wants to read paragraph after paragraph of text saying why the public should vote for that particular party, the conservatives just had a simple few words.

Page 12: Task one


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


The purpose of this advert is to ‘Kick racism out of football’. They have though about the advert well, associating the kicking out with football and showing

that they want no more racism.


The aim of this advert is to not have racism associated with football anymore, and making this advert is a campaign against racism.

Creative Media Production 2012

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There are quite a few different techniques used in this advert, first of all they have used bright colours to make it stand out and catch peoples attention, however when it shows the ‘racism’ text it out out on its own from the other text and not associated with it – which is what they want to happen in ‘real life’.

The text that they have used is clear and the whole campaign has a clear message. The text is bold and stands out however the word racism is in a different colour in a different font, being separated from the other text.

The colours they have used go well as they have bright colours on one side and then outside of the box they have racism on its own in a white font and black background putting it on its own as they don’t want it to happen anymore.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Page 14: Task one


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Years ago there used to be a lot of racism in football – there still is but not as much, the footballers themselves are also included; in 2012 John Terry was involved in a racism case with Anton Ferdinand after calling him a name and was taken to court over it. There is still racism around in football – maybe there always will be but it isnt as bad as it was in the past.

Page 15: Task one


Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


The purpose of this advert is that it is campaigning against global warming, it is making the reader aware of what is happening in the world. They have made everything in the advert fit quite well together, as the image and the text both go hand in hand – the text says ‘before it changes you’ and the image is a man who has turned into an animal.


The aim of this is to make people aware and to help prevent global warming. Through out this advert dark/serious colours have been used as the advert is on a serious matter.

Creative Media Production 2012

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There are a few techniques used in this advert, the text for instance stands out on the dark background and catches the readers attention straight away as it is bold and in capitals, they use this technique so the reader can spot it easily, its easy to read and it gets the message across as it feels like someone is shouting the message at you.

The image fits well with the text the text says ‘before it changes you’ and the image is a man changing into an animal, it makes more sense it being like this compared to just an average image of some animals, it actually makes it seen more real.

Throughout the advert the advert they have used the same kind of colour scheme of which is quite dark but it makes the advert more serious as using bright colours would make it look a bit childlike and ‘happy’.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Page 17: Task one


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Latest research shows that the world is getting colder – not warmer. Six years ago scientists were sure that by 2013 the ice caps would have melted but they still haven't, however last year we had a very warm summer and now that its winter the weather is getting worse – in America the snow is extremely bad with some temperatures at -30.