tanner tools tutorial

Tanner Tools Tutorial S-Edit v13.0 Tutorial

Upload: melyssa-mosley

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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S-Edit v13.0 Tutorial. Tanner Tools Tutorial. Tanner Tools consists of the following. L-Edit: Layout editing. LVS: Layout vs. Schematic. S-Edit: Schematic Entry. T-Spice: Simulation. W-Edit: Waveform formatting. This is S-Edit. For creating new design go File->New->New design. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Tanner Tools Tutorial

S-Edit v13.0 Tutorial

Tanner Tools consists of the followingL-Edit: Layout editing

LVS: Layout vs. Schematic

S-Edit: Schematic Entry

T-Spice: Simulation

W-Edit: Waveform formatting

This is S-Edit

For creating new design go

File->New->New design

Enter design name and the folder name where you want to save your work.

Now go to Cell->New View

Hit OK to start with new cell schematic design

Levels of design in S-Edit● The highest level in the S-Edit design

hierarchy is the design file. Files contain modules, which can contain primitive objects or reference to other modules.

● A module can further have pages.● S-Edit has 2 viewing modes, Schematic

mode and Symbol mode. We can switch between 2 modes using the tabs in the tool bar or using a question mark (?).

Select tool Draw wire Label Node

For more help with S-Edit go to


Library file path:

…\Tanner EDA\Tanner Tools v13.0\Libraries\All\All.tanner

Click here toadd libraries

Browse the library file from the path above and hit OK

1. Select Devices.

2. Select NMOS.

3. Click Instance. Instance Cell window appears.

4. In Instance Cell window:

change Instance name

change L

change W

5. Click anywhere in drawing window to instance the NMOS device

6. In Instance Cell window, click Done

Some useful tips● To move an object: Press Alt, click the

object, and move it.● For zoom in and zoom out, use + and –.● To view/edit object properties, select

object and use CTRL+E.● Do not use space in your design names.● Do not use special characters in port


Vdd from library Misc

Gnd from library Misc

PMOS from library Devices

Input portOutput port

Vdd from library Misc

Vss from library Misc

Input portOutput port

Now we are ready to create a symbol for the schematic design

Create a symbol for the schematic design Create a symbol

for the schematic design
