talita cumi cumi september 2015 important information for american donors new mailing address checks...

Talita Cumi September 2015 Important Information for American Donors NEW MAILING ADDRESS Checks go to: Talita Cumi 6920 Fair Oaks Blvd. Suite #105 Carmichael, CA. 95608 New Kids! Welcome Karen, age 5 and her big brother Jesus, age 6 A WARM thanks to all the ladies from South West Iowa who designed and labored over these beautiful quilts for the children. xoxoxoxoxoxox

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Talita Cumi September 2015

Important Information for

American Donors


Checks go to:

Talita Cumi

6920 Fair Oaks Blvd. Suite


Carmichael, CA. 95608

New Kids!

Welcome Karen, age 5 and

her big brother Jesus, age 6

A WARM thanks to all the ladies from South West Iowa who designed and labored over these beautiful

quilts for the children. xoxoxoxoxoxox

We had a great winter/summer

filled with friends who came to

Talita Cumi from as far as BC, Can-

ada to North Carolina, USA. Thank

you ALL for being an encourage-

ment and a blessing to our kids and

our staff.

Tia Janice Epp brought a team from

Nebraska. Thank you Mary, Renee

and Maddie for sharing your experi-

ence and preparation of a well

done workshop for our staff.

Tio Dylan and his friend Joel enjoyed

giving some fun soccer lessons.

Muchas Gracias for the joy you bring

to the kids at TC. Two years ago, Tio

Dylan designed and help build all the

renovations in the girls house.

Pastor Ed and Tia Diana Wallen, who

lived and served in Santa Cruz for 3

years, came back to treat the kids to

ice cream. Ed and Diane used to have

3 or 4 kids over to their house for din-

ner and ice cream every week.

HOSPITALITY is the law in


Talita Cumi’s Director, Zulma Hilda-

go (center) with her husband Jesus

and baby Andy invited us to a deli-

cious traditional Bolivian dinner.

Getting to spend time with this spe-

cial family was treat for all of us.

Visitors from sea to shining sea

Holland and Donnie Adams and Holly Glover

from North Carolina prepared a fantastic dis-

cipleship program on negative versus positive

attitudes. They followed up with hearts full of

gratitude, and working HARD. The kids en-

joyed demonstrating how to shake out the

bad attitudes and make room for a fresh start

everyday. The highlight was seeing how God

can take our lives and make something beau-

tiful out of it as represented in the tie dying of

white t-shirts.

Dr. Lauren Spears and Mr. Jon Charles met Angie on her first Christ-

mas at Talita Cumi, it would be Angie’s last Christmas as an orphan.

Lauren fell in love with Angie and soon began the process of adoption.

Shortly after that ,Jon married Lauren and joined the girls and adopt-

ed Angie as his own. Back in February they welcomed a new little

addition to their family with the birth of Isaiah Charles. Angie, Isaiah

and Lauren came back to Talita Cumi in July. Angie has grown into a

beautiful teenager. She is an expert tennis player, manages to do well

in her American school, and loves the Lord. The kids at TC were happy

to see her and she was great at getting into their soccer games and

chatting away in Spanish again. Talita Cumi has had only 2 adoptions

and it is wonderful to see how God is working in Angie Charles’ life and

her new family.

Tia Catherine Duncan Dyck and her husband of 8 months Jesse,

jumped back into the workings of TC. Catherine served as a year-long

volunteer as a SALTer with Mennonite Centre Committee 2 years ago.

Catherine and Jesse are now sponsors to Shirley. Having Catherine

back is a huge blessing and we appreciate Jesse’s skills as a mechan-

ical engineer and “fix it guy”.

Muchas Gracias

Step by Step! We are so happy to see how God is moving for-

ward in our newest little ones’ lives. The light in

Vita’s eyes tells it all. Four months ago she would

not look anyone in the eyes and preferred to be

alone and cried alot. Now she freely chats and

laughs and plays with

everyone, giving out

hugs generously. Hap-

py 4th Birthday Little


Juan P (below) has

calmed down in every-

way. This little guy is

learning his letters

now and starting to

read. Paired with his

determination to suc-

ceed there will be no

stopping him.


Requests Funds, especially with Christmas com-

ing and having to pay a mandatory

extra salary at the end of the year

Educator for the big kids

We need God’s Wisdom, strength and

patience everyday.

The future for the older kids who need

to find jobs before they leave TC

For all the kids to come to know their

heavenly Father and walk with the