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Page 1: Talcottvilk - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061742/1953-01-01/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · Page 4 -THE X.OWVILLE LEADER- -.Thursday, January 1, 1953 Miss Margaret Sawin,

Page 4 -THE X.OWVILLE LEADER- -.Thursday, January 1, 1953

Miss Margaret Sawin, Phila-delphia,' Pa., ,and Miss AnitaSawta, •Utica,. are visiting theirparents, ; Rev.- and Mrs. William.Sawin. . •

Douglas Herzig, a student a tClarkson College of Technology,

.. and Donald Herzig,. a student at• Albany College of Pharmacy,. arespending ; their vacations, with:.their parents, Mr* and Mrs. R. J.

• ' • H e r z i g . . . . •• ".'.""• • • •

•Mr^. and. -Mrs? David- Fairchildvisited Mr. Falrchild's parents,

. Mr. and Mrs. Harold - Fairchild,;

. over - the holidays, Mr. Fairchild

. will enter. Columbia University inFebruary as a graduate student.:

Rev; and Mrs. Richard Rising,.Cincinnati,. Ohio, arrived Fridayto visit Mrs. Rising's rparent's,.Mr, and-: Mrs. George. S. Reed.|Lieutenant (jg); William Reed of

-. Norfolk,. y.a.,. is spending two Iweeks: with-'his "parents/. Mr. andMrs; George S. Reed. .

..Rev...and Mrs. Hervey Brown,Southiiion,.spent Christmas with.their son in law and daughter,

• Mr.:and Mrs.. Henry Constantine, Iarid" their daughters, Misses Ruthand Evelyn Brown.

Miss-Clara,. Fear, a jriember-of.the faculty .•' a t New Canaan,Conn., arrived Wednesday to.spend the holidays with . her"mother, Mrs-Leon ,Fear. • •

Miss Mary Louise Back spentChristmas in Old Forge.

Walter Bateman, Syracuse, isvisiting his mother, Mrs. NiliesBateman.

Mr: w d Mrs. William Ralsten,' Waterto'wnf spent Chirtsmas eyewith Mr. Ralsteh's mother, Mrs.William Ralsten, who returned to•Wateftown. with-them for. Christ-:m a s . ' \ . " ' - . • " • " . .. _..

William MacKenzie, Canajoha-,rie, is' visiting his mother, Mrs.Arthur. MacKerizie,"

.". Mr, and. Mrs. William Fondaajid, son Robert have moved fromIliori' to art apartment in theFinn Block, 192 State, .'street'. • j-'" Mrs.' Arthur' Scharitz; will"- have jas holiday guests her daughters,Miss.;Janet.' Schdntz, Santa Bar-!bara, Calif., -'• and Miss' JaniceSehantz, "Washington, D. C, andher son Warren .Schantz of San-ta . Barbara, Calif.

. ;Mrs.-H-. H. Finn, Syracuse; isvisiting her parents/Mr. and Mrs.Harold Allen. Mr.. "Finn will joinliis wife for the Christmas week

: e n d - ' . ' ' . . • ' . " . ' IfJames Duffy, a sttftlent at

Princeton University; is spendinghis vacation at his home onShady Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs, George Dillon of.Cazenoviaj. with . their childrenKathleen, Thomas and'Sarah, ar-rived'Monday to spend a weekwith Mrs: Dillon's parents, Mr.and Mrs,. Gerald Nprtz.

Miss Patricia Miriotti,, a fresh-man at -Wells' College, is spend-ing her vacation with her mother.Mrs. Virginia Minotti. , /

Mrs. Bloss Billings and Richard,Billings, Utica,' arrived to. spendthe Christmas holiday with Mrs.

. Frank Scofiei'd-,V:

. " The Bible Glass of the Presby-terian Church . held a . covered.dish luncheon Wednesday at thehome of Mrs. • Miller Sherwood.

Miss Carolyn Virkler enter-

tained at a dessert bridge at herhome on Tuesday. . .

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Minick andson David of Freeville are visitingMrs, -Minnick's- parents, Mr. aridMrs, A.-Karl Arthur. ...:--"- Miss Janine Pichaut, Paris, Franee, visited . at - the home of Mr.and Mrs. Phillip H; • Fowler duringthe holidays..Miss Pichaut • is --theroommate of Miss-'Evelyn...Fowlerat Syracuse ..University where sheis studying - nursing under. a Full-hright scholarship. • . • . ' .

John. • .Schermerhorn, Syracuse,is spending the. holiday "week end•with his uncle,. John Dence. Mr.Schermerhorn is a- former resi-dent of. Lowville and the son ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. B. L.Schermerhorn.. ' • • - . - ' ' - .

Mr. and Mrs. -David Lum will.motor to Mexico to attend thewedding, of . Mr. Lurri's.' brother,Allen, Luna,'and'Miss--Lois Rose.,' Mr. arid Mrs.. .Paul . McCue leftSaturday for Stockbridge,. Mich.,to. visit.. Mrs, MeCue's. parents,Mr. and Mrs.. Clyde. S.ibley. Mr.and. Mrs: .McCue will.also visit- in-.Chicago,.. Ill.i and "will 'attend, a'family dinner on Christmas- day

• at Kalamazooy Mich. . • .• - - - . . .. Robert Lip ton . arrived from.New York city on. Wednesday tospend Christmas- With Mrs.-Lip/ton and their. two sons-. '

-Miss Elizabeth Nieol will SpendChristmas at her home in Ithaca.

Miss Dorothy Arthur, a mem-ber of the faculty, at Potsdam,is-visiting her ^parents, Mr. "andMrs. LeRoy Arthur. ""..

Mr., and Mrs. Louis- Camolli.and.two sons lelt 2. weeks ago onSunday for Florida to spend theholidays. '-•: '"' :• '.-. .'.. '.'-. " .-"• --, Miss Dorothy Walter, .and MissNina Hickman ' left Wednesda>for Remsen to spend the weekend with' Miss Walter's mother,Mrs. Mary.Walter.. . . . . .' .Mr. and Mirs.. Stanley".'Mathys•visited Mr.'Mathys's..parents, Mr;'and Mrs. Bernard. Mathys,' inBeaver Falls,'over the week'end.

Hr. arid Mrs. Earle Sehantz .leftfor. Rochester to' spend: the .week.end with -their sdn in law. anddaughter, Dr. and Mrs. Richart1,E. Robflak. They were accoriirparjied by Miss Grace Itotaryand Andrew Scharitz, a student"at Rochester Institute of Tech-nology. Deborah, six nipnth oldtwin- daughter of Dr. and Mrs.Kobilak, is a patient in Geneseehospital with a virus infection, '•

Janies O'Connell, a student atLehigh University, is spending hisvacation with his parents, Mr:and Mrs. Walter O'Corinell.

'Miss Vivian McGrath, Albany,is "visiting- her mother, Mrs.' Jos-eph McGrath. , " • • • • •

Mr.- and Mrs. -Henry Rich en-tertained over the holiday theirson, Howard Rich of Norwich,and their son in law and daugh-ter, Mr.- and' Mrs; Thomas Doyle

-and family of Schenectady. :

Mr. and Mrs.' John; McGrath ofEast Orange, N. J.," spent theweek end with their parents,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGrathand Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Woolseh-lager. - . - • . • : '

Mrs. D. J. Whelari had themisfortune last Wednesday" tofall on the sidewalk on Statestreet and break her leg|

Ruth" Gallup Voted •Worthy Matron ofDingo' Chapter, OJES

Dirigo Chapter 390 • OES heldits Christmas party and exchangeof gifts on Tuesday night, Dec.16th. Also the election of officersfor the ensuing year was heldand the following were elected:

Worthy Matron, Ruth Gallup;Worthy Patron, Albert Miller;Secretary, -. Mary . R. •• Kapfer;Treasurer, Mary Higby;. Conduc-tress, -Edith Watson; AssociateConductress; Ellen Blogett,

At the next regular meeting onJanuary • '6th .installation of •• offi-cers -trail, take place after a cov^ered' dish. s u p p e r . . , - .



Vowsgfiti i Wilson A. Terriffion Saturday

Mr- and '.Mrs. Eyerett -Hutch-ings, and ,: sons,. Cazenovia, spentSunday in.town,.. ;' ,'. .. :; . .

Mr. and"Mijs.. Jesse Carter, leftSunday for . Homestead, Florida,where they will, spend 2, months.

Mrs." RosieHayes and son Har-old, Mohawk Hill, called on.Mr..and" Mrs. Joseph* McGuire on

. S u n d a y . . . •" -.\'. ;: -••-"••• '• ••.-• ..-

Mr., and Mrs. Le Noire Wilsonspent- Sunday with Mr; -and Mrs.Harry. Ha^tman in. -PJew Post.. .-.. MrSi • Lillian- Burnharn •'spentChristmas •with Miss Mary Louise-Williams at Port Leyden.; Kayl'Youngs, the 1% weeks old'

-son. of Mr..' and.. Mrs." KennethY.bungs, is: in Rome> City Hospi-tal, where he underwent surgery-for intestinal condition.. -' ".• ;• '.-.-',

Rev^ and;'Mrs. Allan .Mitchellof Watertdivri spent "Tuesday.af-ternoon v?iih' Mr- and Mrs,.- PeterWaseoand family. . . . . .<: ••

The- 4-Hers held theif Christ-mas party "Tuesday evening atthe' school house. The young folks

j werit to homes and- sajng carols.Mrs. Gladys Youngs closed her..:

school'on Leyden Hill on Fridaywith a tree and a program.; Reci-.tation, music dialogues...' Parentsand neighbors, were guests andgifts were exchanged.,-.

•Mr., and:' Mrs.- -Robert Jonesentertained Christmas, day, Mr.and Mrs. Terry -Larkin and .twosons.pf-jTreeport, Mr. and. Mrs..Benjamin Jone§ and daughterBarbara:.of Turin, Miss Dell: Dal-:ton of Slew ^ork. "who is. a. •'fresh-air child', who spends.the summerwith the Jones'.. , ••-... Mr. .and Mrs; Charles Lee en-;tertained Christmas. Mr,..- and Mrs,;Harold Glo.Use, William Lee. JohnRobertsh'avv,. ,.Mr. and.• Mrs. .Mer-win Lee.and children, Mr. andMrs. Albert Myers...and son.- , •. •• The'Christmas exercises at the.Methodist church-- Friday night,was largely-attended, Mrs. OlneyFailing and: Miss Mildred Dens-low had charge of the'program,Christmas carols were; sung, reci-tation and dialogues by the child-ren. Miss Joan Wheeler and- Lou-ise Wason gave piano selections.-Misses. Gloria Moore*. Dia,ne;v.Solo-•Kian,.ean'Tanny played two piec-es on the clarinet. Rev. and Mrs.Robert Halmes showed, slides of.,the 'Littlest Angel". The childrenenjoyed Santa, Claus.TTie child-ren" received their giftsifroni thet r e e , - ;'" . " •. ..• ' •

St. Peter's Roman Catholicchurch, Lowville,; was the scene,for "the marriage of IVJiss JoyceMargaret Petrie, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Charles D. Petrie, ofLowville, and Wilson A. Terril*-lion, son of Mr. arid Mrs: JeanTerriilion,; Croghah. Rt. Rev. Mon-signor John A. Cotter performedthe nuptial mass and double ringceremony on Saturday at 10 a. m.

Miss Marie Feisthamel organ-'] ist, played the weding music.The church was decorated withChristmas .greens. .- : -

The bride, gien in marriageby- her father^ wore a bal-lerina length gown of white netover taffeta. With a" white taffetacape.- She wore a Juliet, cap andveil1 and carried a bouquet ofw h i t e ' . . c a r n a t i o n s - ^ •_ • • • • • • "'• - -Miss Loyola . : Petrie;.sister, of..the" bride, was maid of honor.She. wore a ballerina gown oflight blue .net over taffeta, With

(matching headdress, and. carried a"1 bouquet of • mixed flowers. Thebridesmaids were- Mrs. • AnnisHitchcock and Miss Frances J.Stevens, cousin Of the " bride,They both wore, ballerina lengthgowns of net over taffeta, withMrs.. * Hitchcock wearing nilegreen "" and : - Miss Stevens lightrose:. Their headdresses mdtched"their gowns aijd. they carried..bouquets-- of -mixed flowers. •.; '.-••,, Constance Petrie was her sis-ter's flOwer girl. She was gownedin yelldw taffeta,: "•matchingheaddress and carried a colonial

bouquet.The best man was James

Wolfe, Croghan, and the ushers'were James Terrillion,. Croghan,brother of the bridegroom, aridCharles Petrie, brother of thebride.

The bride's mother wore a |navy biue taffeta dress, navycessories and an orchid corsage. |The bridegroom's mother wore agray dress with winter white ac-cessories and. an orchid corsage.

Following the eeremoriy a wed-ding, breakfast was held at'.Hen-|ry's hotel, Lowville, for the paf-ty and both parents. 'A' reception. I.was held froin two to four, inthe afternoon at' the hotel.-The I"bride's table Was centered by a jcake surrounded with the. brides-maid's bouquets. ;Miss Joyce .Bail'ey,. Glenfield, poured.

•The., couple are • making their |home at -'37 Rjural avenue, Low-

The. ..bride is a .graduate 'ofLowviHeac|demy in 1951, aridfoi-the past several months : has.been employed by:j££rafts Foodscbmpariy. " T h e bridegroom, a.Igraduate of Father Leo Memor-ial School, in 1946, is a veteran'of three years: arid seven monthsin the U. S; Air FOrce. -He servedin Alaska and a year in Japan, |receiving his discharge Decemberi i t h : - - , • . . • ; . . ; • ''' • - , ; • -

' The'" bride Was' entertained- a t :variety, showers given:,by'-Mrs.Terxjilion, the" bridegrpOna's moth-.er. and Mrs.. Stevens, her aunt.

Stephanie 'Tokas Beeonjies Bride ofRichard Alexander December 26

Mr. arid Mrs. j^phn Rhone andj son Kevin, Syracuse,, arid Fred-i erlck Rhone, Buffalo, spentJ Christmas- week* end with their' parents, Mr. and Mrs. FredRihbrie. - '. "•' '" .; '.. '•; [ " "'-".. Captain and Mrs., Marvin-Shueand son Michael, Mouijt Kisco,are spending, several days withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F kS h u e . . ' •- -';'--": . '••'•'

• In a double ring cerempriy, MissStephanie Elizabeth- Tokas andRichard Glair Alexander were, un-ited in a nuptial Mass at 9 a.m. on.Friday, December. 26,. with the.Rt.Rev, Monsgr. John Cotter, perform-ing the ceremony. Mr Alexander isthe son of Mr. Clair Alexander ofL o w v i l l e / , ' ; • • . - " •

Miss Marie Feisthamel, organistplayed the wedding -music, arid

i:Mrs. rLeonard Harris sang." :" - - '-.-'•i . The • bride, given in marri-[age by her brother, Michael Tokasof Schnectady, wore a,-white sat-in gown, . having, a fitted bodicewith..:a-seeded-pearl neckline, andlong sleeves coming to points overthe hand.. The hooped;skirt Jiad along trairtj and her net veil wasattatched. to a half crown of seedpearls. She carried. a bouquet ofwhi:te';pompoms. '• . •'," . - •'

Miss' Helen iThisse^ was maid. ofhonor. She wore a strapless graynet gown over taffeta with a: goldleaf design through the material,and a stole.Of gra^net. She carrieda colonial bouquet of assorted; flo-wers. Her headress was of match-ing flowers.. • • . .. • - - • . - - .

Milton H. Russum was. best manand. Stanley Duflo • and. ArthurMartin were the ushers. •• ..

Mrs.. Alexander, stepmother ofthe "bridegroom wore a green dressblack accessories and a yellowrose corsage. " '..

Follovyirig the ceremony a wedd-ing breakfast was given for imm-ediate families and the bridal par-ty at Henry's HoteL A receptionwas held..from tw.0 to: four in theafternoon at. the. home . of. ..thebridegroom, Church st* Lowville.Mrs. Clintori.Alexander poured.atthe punchbowl. .,

For her travelling, outfit to NewYor:k City.the bride'chose an,aquasuit with black accessories. Upontheir return they will live on Statestreet. ' .' -. ... "•'."-'": • "'

. Mrs. .Alexander is a graduateof Draper High school,.. Schenec-tady. and. Oswego. State Teachers

[College and. is second-grade teach-

er, at Lowville Academy and Cen-tral .School. Mr. -Alexander is a -.graduate of Lowville academy;att:-ejided. Lehigh Uuiversity, follow- .ing service in World Warll.

The bride was honored at twoshowers- given -by Mrs: -Milton.Russum. and Miss Thisse, and.Mrs::-Gerald Allen, aunt of the; bride-groom; and a party by St. The-r e s e ' s G u i l d . - ; " . - . • .. . - • - . •

Ariiong'the out-of-town, relatives"of the bride who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Michael'Takas,- Sclienectady, Mr. arid Mrs,John Fobs, Johnstown, • and Mr,.and Mrs. Vincent J. Lhite, Scheri-

•ectady. . . • • ' - : ' " •-.

IMenL. ThisseTeacher,

Engaged toMr. and* Mrs.. Henry H. Thisse,.

Park avenue, Lowyille,. have ari-jiounced the erigagemeiit of .theirdaughter, Helen. Louise, to RobertC. Johnson, son-of Mr. and Mrs,James N, Johnson, Mtoridge.

Miss Thisse is a graduate.of Syr-acuse .Uniye'rsiiy and is a member

j of'the Lowyilie Academy faculty^.Mh." Johnson attended the New

York State College of Applied Arts.and. Sciences at Mpr.risville. He .nc>w ttiariages his father's poultryfarin at Elbridge,

.Mrs . T. W.. Brown: is spending"ten days in New; York city withher son * and family, Mr. andMrs1. Thomas M. Brown, and herbrother in law and sister, Mr.and Mrs." Elmer Jacabiis, isfewark,.New Jersey. • : . . . . . ' . . - -

Miss Margaret Boshaft, who>has been spending . some timewith Kef brother and family,Mr. and Mrs.: Gerald Boshart,.has returned to her home in.WatertoWn.' •: . :'.*