tafe sa detailed couse list 2012

Agriculture and Biology Course CRICOS Code National Code Duration Start Date Start Details Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus Certificate III in Laboratory Skills 073392G MSL30109 1 year February AUD$12,000 2 Semesters within 1 Year and Average Cost per Year of AUD$12,000 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices; communicate with other people; plan and conduct laboratory/field work; record and present data; contribute to the achievement of quality objectives; participate in laboratory/field workplace safety; perform aseptic techniques; perform microscopic examination; plus perform basic tests. • An IELTS score of 5.5 General or equivalent and • Satisfactory completion of Year 12 or overseas equivalent. Gilles Plains TAFE South Australia 2012 International Detailed Course Listing CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092B TAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 1

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TAFE South Australia Detailed Couse List 2012


Page 1: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Agriculture and Biology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Laboratory Skills073392GMSL30109

1 yearFebruary

AUD$12,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,000

Participate in environmentally sustainable workpractices; communicate with other people; planand conduct laboratory/field work; record andpresent data; contribute to the achievement ofquality objectives; participate in laboratory/fieldworkplace safety; perform aseptic techniques;perform microscopic examination; plus performbasic tests.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles Plains

TAFE South Australia 2012 International Detailed Course Listing

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 1

Page 2: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Agriculture and Biology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing075284GACM40410

1 yearFebruary

AUD$12,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,000

Veterinary reception; animal behaviour andtraining advice; working in animal care industry;animal handling; assisting with surgery; dailyclinic routines; clinical pathology techniques;coordinating theatre routines and carrying outnursing procedures for routine and morecomplicated surgery and providing veterinaryadvice to clients under supervision.

• An IELTS score of 6or equivalent

Gilles Plains

Diploma of Veterinary Nursing (Emergency andCritical Care)065334GRUV50404

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$20,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

Professional excellence; anatomy andphysiology; pharmacology; anesthesia; intensivecare; nutrition; animal diseases; diagnosticimaging; asepsis and hygiene; occupationalhealth and safety; prepare for emergencyresponse; perform emergency procedures tosustain life; provide nursing support for criticalcare patients.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles Plains

Diploma of Production Horticulture069726CRTE50303

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$22,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,000

This course aims to equip graduates with theskills and underpinning knowledge to: Carry outproduction operations on a horticultureenterprise; Operate and maintain plant andequipment and undertake general farmmaintenance; Plan and manage a sustainablehorticulture production system; Implement qualityassurance programs; Implement effectiveenvironmental practices; Supervise and managestaff and provide them with a safe workingenvironment; Prepare budgets and businessplans and manage finance.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Diploma of Horticulture047731KRTF50103

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$22,5004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,250

Undertaking this course will develop skills andknowledge in managing plant health, managinghorticultural trials, collecting and managing data,preparing reports, monitoring and managingsoils, managing plant cultural practices foramenity horticulture, developing strategies for themanagement of target pests and collecting andclassifying plants.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 2

Page 3: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Agriculture and Biology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Garden Design047678K40525SA

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$21,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

Prepare a garden design; prepare a landscapeproject design; recommend plants and culturalpractices; produce technical drawings; researchand experiment with techniques to producedrawings; prepare budgets and financial plans;develop self as designer; producecomputer-aided drawings; provide advice onpermaculture principles and practices; design anurban permaculture system; plan for theimplementation of permaculture works; applyadvanced plantsmanship to a professionalgardening standard; apply knowledge ofAustralian garden architectural styles and periodsto a professional garden design; design for theconstruction of garden features and drainage;plus survey and level sites.

Students must havethe necessaryacademic andpersonal qualities toundertake tertiarystudies as well as anIELTS score of 5.5.


Diploma of Environmental Management060016F40536SA

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$21,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

Undertaking this course will develop skills andknowledge in air and water quality; Australianflora and fauna identification; biology; ecology;energy management; environmental auditing andsystems and project management; environmentalissues; soil science; statistics; wastemanagement and wetland management.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Specialisingin Biological and Environmental Testing)073398BMSL50109

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$27,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,500

Communicate with other people; plan andconduct laboratory/field work; provide informationto customers; process and interpret data; uselaboratory application software; analyse data andreport results; apply quality system andcontinuous improvement processes; maintainlaboratory/field workplace safety; plus 12specialist electives in biological andenvironmental testing.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles Plains

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 3

Page 4: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Agriculture and Biology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Specialisingin Biotechnology)073399AMSL50109

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$27,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,500

Communicate with other people; plan andconduct laboratory/field work; provide informationto customers; process and interpret data; uselaboratory application software; analyse data andreport results; apply quality system andcontinuous improvement processes; maintainlaboratory/field workplace safety; plus 12specialist electives in biotechnology.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles Plains

Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Specialisingin Pathology Testing)073400BMSL50109

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$35,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$17,500

Communicate with other people; plan andconduct laboratory/field work; provide informationto customers; process and interpret data; uselaboratory application software; analyse data andreport results; apply quality system andcontinuous improvement processes; maintainlaboratory/field workplace safety; plus 12specialist electives in pathology testing.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles Plains

Diploma of Animal Technology075283GACM50110

1 yearFebruary

AUD$1,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$1,500

Working within an animal technology facility,carrying out institution containment and exclusionprocedures, preparing for and monitoringanaesthesia, conducting euthanasia, managingand maintaining health of research animals,providing enrichment, planning for and providingnutritional requirements, carry out simple andadvanced breeding procedures, providing care ofrodents, rabbits, common native mammals,freshwater fish and non-venomous reptiles,performing aseptic techniques, processing andinterpreting data, managing compliance,managing OH&S processes, carrying outpost-mortem examination of research animals,analysing and presenting research information,undertaking environmental field-basedmonitoring.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent

Gilles Plains

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 4

Page 5: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Scenery and Set Construction071809DCUF30307

26 WeeksJanuary

AUD$6,150 4 core units: Work effectively in the screen andmedia industries; carry out measurements andcalculations; use hand tools; participate in OHSprocesses; plus 6 specialist units and 2 electiveunits.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Certificate III in Footwear Production069259CLMT30707

1 yearJanuary

AUD$13,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

OH&S, quality standards, working in the TCFindustry, identifying materials, costing andestimating, stuff cutting, sewing uppers, finishingoperations, table-based operations, grading andcutting leather, hand lasting, assembling shoe byhand, foot anatomy principles, sewing leather byhand, producing design drawings. Studentsproduce Derby shoes, Oxford shoes and ankleboots.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Visual Arts and ContemporaryCraft053552GCUV40103

1 yearJanuary

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

Subjects for visual arts and contemporary craftmay include the development of skills inceramics, glass, painting, drawing, photography,digital imaging, printmaking, jewellery orsculpture. Other skills include: drawingtechniques; originating concepts; 2D and 3Ddesign; and researching and critically analysinghistory and theory.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 5

Page 6: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Costume for Performance071813GCUF40507

1 yearJanuary

AUD$12,1502 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,150

Make costumes; construct costume components;work effectively in a costume studio; participate inOHS processes; dress performers; modify,repair, maintain costume; apply art finishing;make costumes for dance and physical theatre;create theatrical millinery; construct hard and softcostume accessories; create patterns from blockto meet customer specifications; use sewingmachine; sew components; develop patternsfrom a block using basic pattern makingprinciples; draw and interpret a basic sketch;analyse individual fit and make patternalterations; plus modify patterns to create basicstyles.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Certificate IV in Scenery and Set Construction071810MCUF40607

1 yearJanuary

AUD$12,3002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,300

4 core units: source and apply entertainmentindustry knowledge; monitor a safe workplace;coordinate production operations; promote teameffectiveness: plus 10 elective units.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Certificate IV in Custom Made Footwear066124JLMT40407

1.5 YearsJanuary

AUD$19,5003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

Developing designs and making patterns forcustom-made footwear, preparing, cutting andsewing custom-made shoe components,assembling and finishing custom-made shoe,fitting custom-made footwear, planning andimplementing production, researching andapplying techniques for the design of wearableobjects, undertaking business planning.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 6

Page 7: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Costume for Performance071812JCUF50507

1.5 YearsJanuary

AUD$18,1503 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,100

Collaborate in a creative industry; coordinatecostume manufacture; work effectively in acostume studio; ensure a safe workplace; makeperiod costumes; make character costumes;make costumes for dance and physical theatre;create theatrical millinery; make costumes;design and construct costume corsetry andundergarments; realise costume; makepresentation; construct costume components;organise and monitor bump in/bump out; analyseindividual fit and make pattern alterations; plusmodify patterns to create basic styles.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Diploma of Scenery and Set Construction071811KCUF50607

1 yearFebruary

AUD$12,3002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,300

Core units: manage risk; ensure teameffectiveness; ensure a safe workplace;coordinate production operations; establish andmanage production requirements and resources;plus 14 electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration071808ELMF50408

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$26,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

10 core units including: explore and apply thecreative design process to 2D forms; explore andapply the creative design process to 3D forms;establish, negotiate and refine a design brief;select and apply drawing techniques and mediato represent and communicate the concept;produce technical drawings; research, analyseand apply colour for interior spaces; decorateresidential interiors; participate in environmentallysustainable work practices; determineoccupational health and safety implications ofinterior effects; evaluate site for interior designbrief; plus 18 elective units.

• An IELTS score of5.5

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 7

Page 8: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Applied Fashion Design andTechnology066122MLMT50307

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$22,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,000

Developing and presenting design concepts,evaluating designs, analysing influences onfashion design, analysing individual fit andaltering patterns. constructing complex blocks,contour draping, advanced constructionprocesses, marketing and merchandising plans,production planning, purchasing, qualityassurance, working with international supplychains, production costing.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Live Production, Theatre and Events(Technical Production)056795GCUE50303

3 YearsJanuary

AUD$24,0006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$8,000

Units in audio, lighting, staging, vision systems,use of hand tools and power tools, follow OH&S,source and apply entertainment industryknowledge, working with others, managing ownwork and learning, team leadership units, plustechnical workplace management classes.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Successfulcompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Presentation of anadequate portfolio ofartwork.

Applicants will berequired to assembleand present projectsyou have worked onfrom sound and/orvision systems, lightingor staging (usedrawings,photographs, designs,etc).

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 8

Page 9: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Arts (Acting)047582G40505SA

3 YearsJanuary

AUD$40,5006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,500

Skills covered are those required to work asprofessional actors in theatre, film, television andrelated industries including intensive study ofacting; voice (including singing); movement(including dance); and historical, theoretical andtechnical theatre elements. Theatre projectsdevelop throughout the course leading tofull-scale productions marketed to the public inthe third year.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalent

• Verified videotapefootage.

Entry to the AdvancedDiploma of Arts(Acting) is by verifiedvideotape. The panelwill assess yourpotential to train for acareer in theperforming artsindustry. Selectioncriteria will include:

• ability to takedirection

• ability to bespontaneous

• presence on the floor

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Designand Technology066123KLMT60307

3 YearsJanuary

AUD$33,0006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,000

Developing a fashion range, producing designsfor commercial production, evaluatingcommercial viability of designs, researching andevaluating processes and products, managingproduct development, managing fashion designprocesses, managing advanced patternmakingprocesses, negotiating and managing contracts,developing and implementing a sales andmarketing plan.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 9

Page 10: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Design for LiveProduction, Theatre and Events056798ECUE60103

3 YearsJanuary

AUD$36,0006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,000

Conceiving, developing and realising set,costume and/or props designs for a range ofcontexts which could include theatre, dance, liveevents, film, TV and festivals; collaborating withcolleagues on a range of projects in a number ofroles; establishing design briefs with Directors,Choreographers and other industry professionals;participating in industry secondments and workplacements; analysing performance outlines orscripts; making presentations; producingtechnical drawings; managing and developingbudgets; developing skills in leading teamseffectively and working successfully with a rangeof personalities, continuing to develop skills inscenic art, props and costume construction.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Applicants arerequired to assembleand present a portfolioof previous work andsupporting documents.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 10

Page 11: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Stage Management060097MCUE60303

3 YearsOrientation - last weekin January

Classes Commence -first week in February

AUD$36,0006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,000

Plotting and rehearsing cues; calling the show;stage managing productions and events;organising bump ins & outs; collaborating withothers to produce a project; team leadership;managing risk; technical, financial and workplacemanagement; and industry work placement; pluselectives in lighting, sound or vision systems.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Presentation of anadequate portfoliodemonstratingexperience.

You will be required toassemble and presenta portfolio containingevidence of previousrelated experience ineither professional ornon-professionaltheatre, events or arelated area. Evidencecan be in many formsincluding programswith your name in thecredits &/or cuesheets, runningsheets, prompt scriptsor

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 11

Page 12: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Arts and Design

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design047602G

3 YearsJanuary

AUD$38,4006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,800

Artistic and creative thinking; practical skilldevelopment in a range of media; studiodisciplines in ceramics, painting, drawing,photography, digital imaging, jewellery,printmaking and sculpture. Other skills include:art history and theory; drawing fundamentals;concept development; computer systemfundamentals; professional practice; materialstudies; digital graphics; contemporary artstudies; drawing for 3D design; OH&S; anddesign application. Many cross industry unitsincluded in the course contain explicit designcontent eg design solutions, product design andexhibition design. These units when co-deliveredbuild cross discipline skills and broaden thelearning experience.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Successfulcompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Presentation of anadequate portfolio ofartwork.

Applicants will berequired to assembleand present projectsyou have worked onfrom sound and/orvision systems, lightingor staging (usedrawings,photographs, designs,etc).

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

Bachelor of Dance Performance068701J

3 YearsJanuary

AUD$43,5006 Semesterswithin 3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$14,500

Contemporary dance technique; classical ballettechnique; repertory; dance vocationsecondment; acting; anatomy and kinesiology;biomechanics and fitness for dancers; careermanagement; commercial dance; composition;conditioning; critical studies; double work; historyof dance; multicultural studies; music; OH&S;production performance; technical productiondance; and theatre skills.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Satisfactoryperformance in anaudition.

Adelaide College ofthe Arts

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 12

Page 13: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Building and Furnishing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Building and Construction(Estimating)071800BCPC40308

1 yearFebruary

AUD$11,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

8 compulsory units and 7 elective units: Applybuilding codes and standards to the constructionprocess for low rise building projects; Identify andproduce estimated costs for building andconstruction projects; Produce labour andmaterial schedules for ordering; Apply structuralprinciples to residential low rise constructions;Apply structural principles to commercial low riseconstructions; Read and interpret plans andspecifications; Prepare and evaluate tenderdocumentation; Apply risk managementtechniques.

• An IELTS score of5.5 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Certificate IV in Building and Construction (SiteManagement)071802MCPC40508

1 yearFebruary

AUD$11,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

9 compulsory units and 6 elective units: Applybuilding codes and standards to the constructionprocess for low rise building projects; Manageoccupational health and safety in the building andconstruction workplace; Plan for building andconstruction work; Conduct on-site supervision ofbuilding and construction projects; Apply legalrequirements to building and constructionprojects; Apply structural principles to residentiallow rise constructions; Apply structural principlesto commercial low rise constructions; Read andinterpret plans and specifications, Promote teameffectiveness.

• An IELTS score of5.5 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 13

Page 14: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Building and Furnishing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Building and Construction(Building)073643ECPC40110

1 yearFebruary

AUD$11,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

12 compulsory units and 3 elective units: Applybuilding codes and standards to the constructionprocess for low rise building projects; Manageoccupational health and safety in the building andconstruction workplace; Select and prepare aconstruction contract; Identify and produceestimated costs for building and constructionprojects; Produce labour and material schedulesfor ordering; Select, procure and storeconstruction materials for low rise projects; Planfor building or construction work; Conduct on-sitesupervision of building and construction projects;Apply legal requirements to building andconstruction projects; Apply structural principlesto residential low rise constructions; Applystructural principles to commercial low riseconstructions; Manage small business finance.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Diploma of Building Design and Technology047667B40356SA

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$23,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

3D Computer Aided Drafting; commercialconstruction technology; commercial design;commercial documentation; commercialmaterials; digital rendering; drafting; projectadministration; environmental sustainablebuilding; and services and working drawings.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology071807FLMF50508

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$23,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

Design; drawing; furniture production and CAD;machinery; materials; and following OH&Sprocedures.

• An IELTS score of5.5

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 14

Page 15: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Business and Marketing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Business Administration068247DBSB30407

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$5,000 2 core units: develop keyboarding speed andaccuracy; participate in OHS processes; plus 11elective units: 7 units from financialadministration; general administration; IT use;and writing; plus 4 units from specified areas.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Advertising066582EBSB40107

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$5,000 This course is co-delivered with the Certificate IVin Marketing and has a focus on the practicalapplications of Advertising. Within this course,students gain an understanding of how televisioncommercials, radio, press and onlineadvertisements work. Students will alsoundertake research on consumer attitudes inrelation to promotions. Having a strong creativeside will allow you to express brands and theirdirection in the marketplace. Units covered mayinclude conducting pre-campaign testing;monitoring advertising production; schedulingadvertisements; profiling the market; analysingconsumer behaviour for specific markets; pluselectives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Business Administration068248CBSB40507

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

10 units; 5 units from general administration;information management; IT analysis and design;IT use, writing; 5 units from specified areas.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 15

Page 16: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Business and Marketing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Frontline Management066508DBSB40807

26 WeeksJanuary

AUD$5,000 4 core units: show leadership in the workplace;implement operational plans; monitor a safeworkplace; promote team effectiveness; plus 6electives generally from the following areas:customer service; general administration;information management; innovation;interpersonal communication; IT support;management; marketing; project management;relationship management; research; riskmanagement; workplace effectiveness; andwriting.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in International Trade066580GBSB41107

26 WeeksJanuary, April, July,October

AUD$5,000 4 international trade units from promotecompliance with legislation; researchinternational business opportunities; applyknowledge of import and export internationalconventions, laws and finance; prepare businessadvice on export Free on Board Value; preparebusiness advice on the taxes and duties forinternational trade transactions; plan forinternational trade; research internationalmarkets; market goods and servicesinternationally; implement international clientrelationship strategies; plus 6 elective units.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Marketing066584CBSB41307

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$5,000 This course is co-delivered with the Certificate IVin Advertising and has a focus on the theoreticalconcepts of marketing. This will serve as yourfoundation for further study in this field. Unitscovered may include making a presentation;profiling the market; analysing consumerbehaviour for specific markets; conductingmarket research; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 16

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Business and Marketing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Advertising066585BBSB50107

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

This course is co-delivered with the Diploma ofMarketing and has a focus on practicalapplications of Advertising. This course takes amore strategic view of advertising and will seeyou develop an entire promotional campaignincluding television and radio commercials andpress advertisements. Units covered may includecoordinating advertising research; developing amedia plan; creating mass print mediaadvertisements; creating mass electronic mediaadvertisements; evaluating and recommendingadvertising media options; developing anadvertising strategy and brief; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Business Administration068249BBSB50407

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$15,0003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

8 units; 5 units from financial administration;general administration; project management; 3units from specified areas.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Human Resources Management066511JBSB50607

1 yearFebruary, July

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

3 core units; manage human resources services;manage performance management systems;manage workforce planning; plus 5 elective unitsgenerally from the areas human resourcemanagement; learning and development; andworkplace relations.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of International Business066581FBSB50807

1 yearJanuary, April, July,October

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

5 international units from report on financesrelated to international business; analyse datafrom international markets; forecast internationalmarket and business needs; promote productsand services to international markets; profileinternational markets; analyse consumerbehaviour for specific international markets; buildinternational client relationships; buildinternational business networks; and 3 electiveunits.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 17

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Business and Marketing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Management066509CBSB51107

1 yearFebruary, July

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

5 core units from the following areas: customerservice; financial management; informationmanagement; learning and development;management; OHS; project management; riskmanagement; and workplace effectiveness; plus3 elective units generally from the followingareas: compliance; customer service; financialmanagement; franchising; human resourcesmanagement; learning and development;management; sustainability; and workplacerelations.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Marketing066587MBSB51207

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

This course is co-delivered with the Diploma ofAdvertising and has a focus on the practicalapplication of marketing concepts and will seeyou work on industry projects in a businessenvironment to gain practical, hands onexperience in a marketing role. Units coveredmay include identifying and evaluating marketingopportunities; establishing and adjusting themarketing mix; planning market research;interpreting market trends and developments;implementing and monitoring marketing activities;conducting a marketing audit; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Advanced Diploma of Management066510KBSB60407

1.5 YearsFebruary, July

AUD$15,0003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

3 core units: manage organisational change;provide leadership across the organisation;develop and implement strategic plans; plus 5elective units generally from the following areas:compliance; diversity; financial management;information management; management;marketing; OHS; recordkeeping; riskmanagement; and sustainability.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 18

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Business and Marketing

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Marketing066588KBSB60507

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$15,0003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

This course has a strategic focus in applyingmarketing concepts through industry projects.You will gain practical, hands on experience inmarketing, preparing you for a managementposition. Units covered may include managingthe marketing process; managing marketresearch; developing organisational marketingobjectives; developing a marketing plan; pluselectives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Advanced Diploma of Management (HumanResources)066512GBSB60907

1.5 YearsJanuary

AUD$15,0003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

6 core units: develop and implement diversitypolicy; manage human resources strategicplanning; manage organisational change; provideleadership across the organisation; contribute toorganisation development; develop andimplement strategic plans; plus 2 elective unitsgenerally from the following areas: compliance;financial management; information management;management; marketing; OHS; recordkeeping;risk management; and sustainability.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Advanced Diploma of Business071650MBSB60207

1.5 YearsJuly

AUD$15,0003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

This course has a strategic focus in applyingbusiness concepts. 8 units have been selectedfrom advertising, human resource management,management and marketing.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 19

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Children's Services071805GCHC30708

26 WeeksJanuary

AUD$9,500 11 core units: identify and respond to childrenand young people at risk; ensure the health andsafety of children; provide care for children;contribute to provision of nutritionally balancedfood in a safe and hygienic manner; work within arelevant legal and ethical framework; support thedevelopment of children; interact effectively withchildren; provide experiences to supportchildren's play and learning; developunderstanding of children's interests anddevelopmental needs; apply first aid; contributeto OHS processes; plus 4 electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Certificate III in Aged Care071806GCHC30208

26 WeeksFebruary, July

AUD$6,500 10 core units: support older people to maintaintheir independence; work effectively with olderpeople; provide support to people living withdementia; work effectively in the communitysector; provide support to meet personal careneeds; participate in the implementation ofindividualised plans; support individual health andemotional well being; follow safety procedures fordirect care work; deliver care services using apalliative approach; recognise healthy bodysystems in a health care context; plus 4 electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles PlainsNoarlungaPanoramaPort AdelaideSalisbury

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 20

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Dental Assisting047809DHLT31807

26 WeeksJanuary

AUD$9,550 Communicating and working effectively in health;complying with infection control policies andprocedures in health work; processing reusableinstruments and equipment in health work;participating in OH&S processes; preparing forand assisting with oral health care procedures;assisting with dental radiography; assisting withadministration in dental practice; communicateand work effectively in health; plus applying firstaid.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

The Certificate III inDental Assistingprogram is in highdemand domesticallyand internationally andplaces are allocated ona competitive entrybasis. Applicants withprior work experienceas a Dental Assistantor a similar role in thedental industry will befavourably considered.Students that are notoffered a place will bewaitlisted.

Gilles Plains

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 21

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Dental Assisting061930GHLT43007

1 yearJanuary

AUD$12,9502 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,950

Certificate III core competencies and 3compulsory units: Implement and monitorinfection control policy and procedures;contribute to OHS processes; communicate withclients and colleagues to support health care;plus 4 elective units.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Successfulcompletion of theCertificate III in DentalAssisting.

The program is in highdemand domesticallyand internationally andplaces are allocated ona competitive entrybasis. Applicants withprior work experienceas a Dental Assistantwill be given firstpreference.

Gilles Plains

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 22

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Children's Services (Early childhoodeducation and care)071803KCHC50908

2 YearsCroydon & Noarlunga -February, July

Gilles Plains -February

AUD$26,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

13 core units: establish and maintain a safe andhealthy environment for children; foster physicaldevelopment in early childhood; foster socialdevelopment in early childhood; supportemotional and psychological development inearly childhood; foster cognitive development inearly childhood; foster children's language andcommunication development; manage children'sservices workplace practice to addressregulations and quality assurance; establish andimplement plans for developing cooperativebehaviour; plan and implement inclusion ofchildren with additional needs; organiseexperiences to facilitate and enhance children'sdevelopment; gather, interpret and useinformation about children; design, implementand evaluate programs and care routines forchildren; work in partnership with families toprovide appropriate care for children; plus 5electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

CroydonGilles PlainsNoarlunga

Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing)061784BHLT51607

1.5 YearsFebruary, July

AUD$21,7503 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$14,500

Contemporary clinical nursing skills (basic tocomplex), communication, medicationmanagement, clinical placements, critical thinkingand reflective analysis.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• Ability to meet thephysical demands ofnursing work,particularly therequirements ofmanual handling.

Gilles PlainsNoarlungaPort Adelaide

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 23

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Dental Technology047676AHLT50507

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$34,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$17,000

Maintaining an effective health work environment;complying with infection control policies andprocedures in health work; contributing to OH&Sprocesses; organising personal work prioritiesand development; organising workplaceinformation; constructing models; constructingcustom impression trays; constructing registrationrims; articulating models and transferring records;constructing simple complete removable acrylicdentures and appliances; constructing immediatedentures; constructing removable acrylic partialdentures; constructing cast metal alloy removablepartial denture framework; constructing crownand bridge structures; coining alloy structures;taking tooth shades; constructing fixedrestorations; constructing orthodontic appliances;constructing thermoformed bases andappliances; constructing oral splints; repairingand modifying dentures and appliances; applyingfirst aid; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalentand

• A written test in thehome country isrequired.

Gilles Plains

Diploma of Aromatherapy068423DHLT51407

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$23,2004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,600

Analysing health information; assessing healthconditions; planning and providing aromatherapytreatments using a range of essential oils andtechniques for clients with specific needs such asaged care, palliative care, women and children;developing professional expertise; reflecting andimproving on professional practice; implementingand monitoring compliance with legal and ethicalrequirements; maintaining an effective healthwork environment; managing a practice; plusselected electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Port Adelaide

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 24

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Remedial Massage056211DHLT50307

2 YearsFebruary, July

AUD$23,3084 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,654

Analysing health information; assessing healthconditions; planning and providing remedialmassage treatments using a range of techniques;specialised remedial massage treatments; plusselected electives for example, working withathletes; developing professional expertise;reflecting and improving on professional practice;implementing and monitoring compliance withlegal and ethical requirements; maintaining aneffective health work environment; and managinga practice.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Port Adelaide

Diploma of Reflexology067555MHLT51707

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$23,2004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,600

Working within a reflexology framework;preparing for, providing, monitoring andevaluating reflexology treatments; anatomy andphysiology; communicating effectively withclients; using specific health terminology; makingreferrals to other health care professionals;following safe work practices; infection control;applying first aid; working effectively with others;communicating and working effectively in health;implementing and monitoring compliance withlegal and ethical requirements; maintaining aneffective health work environment; developingprofessional expertise; reflecting and improvingon professional practice; managing a practice;plus selected electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Port Adelaide

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 25

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Community and Health

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Oral Health (DentalHygiene)073245G40633SA

2 YearsFebruary

AUD$56,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$28,000

Dental Hygienists are employed in public, privateand specialist dental practice where theycollaborate with Dentists and other dental careworkers. They are responsible for providingpreventive and therapeutic dental hygiene care.This involves the provision of evidenced baseddental hygiene treatment including the taking ofmedical histories, patient examination, hygienetreatment sequencing, patient education, fissuresealants, restoration polishing, professional toothwhitening, splinting of mobile teeth, removal ofsutures, exposing and interpreting intra-oralradiographs, administering local anaesthesia,placing temporary restorations and usingtherapeutic agents including fluoride to prevent orcontrol oral disease and the non-surgicalmanagement of periodontal conditions includingroot surface debridement. This is accomplishedwhile complying with OHS&W policy and infectioncontrol protocols in the role of a dental operator.The Dental Hygienist also provides services toresidents of aged care and supported residentialfacilities and contributes to the oral healthawareness of other health care providers.

• An IELTS score of6.5 Academic and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Gilles Plains

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 26

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Education and Languages

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in English Proficiency071648E40622SA

26 WeeksFebruary, July

AUD$6,200 Students will learn to use Listening, Speaking,Reading and Writing skills with support in orderto: develop and document a learning plan; readand write a range of straightforward formal andinformal letters or emails and formatted texts foremployment; read and write a range of straightforward informational instructional and othertexts; engage in casual conversation andstraightforward spoken transactions; give andrespond in detail to a range of straightforwardinstructions and verbal descriptions; present oralinformation on everyday topics.

• An IELTS score of4.5 General orequivalent and

Adelaide City

Certificate III in Library/Information Services047697GCUL30104

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$5,000 Acquiring and processing resources for access;analysing and organising information; collecting;communicating ideas and information;contributing to promotional programs andactivities for clients and processing orders;planning and organising activities; solvingproblems; using mathematical ideas; usingtechnology and working with others and in teams.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in English Proficiency071370G40623SA

26 WeeksFebruary, July

AUD$6,200 Students will learn to use Listening, Speaking,Reading and Writing skills with support in orderto: give oral presentations for further study oremployment; read and write texts for researchpurposes; research and evaluate pathwaysoptions, design a learning plan; analyse andparticipate in complex conversations in variouscontexts; participate in a range of interactionsand group activities for further study; analyse andproduce a range of texts relevant to further study;undertake straight forward research tasks; readand analyse instructional and/or advisory texts.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 27

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Education and Languages

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Teaching English to Speakersof Other Languages (TESOL)063685M40540SA

13 WeeksFebruary, April, July

AUD$3,335 Language teaching/learning methodologies; aminimum of 6 hours of supervised and assessedpractice teaching ESL (English as a SecondLanguage) learners at a variety of levels; basicgrammar; lesson planning; use and adaption ofcommercial texts; use of authentic materials;preparation of teaching materials; development oflistening, speaking, reading and writing skills;pronunciation; cross cultural factors in theclassroom; error analysis and correctiontechniques; syllabus design, evaluation andtesting; assessment of language proficiency.

• An IELTS score of6.5 in each macroskillor TOEFL of 575+ andTOEIC of 815+

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseas equivalent

• Interview

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Library/Information Services064262DCUL40104

1 yearJanuary

AUD$10,0002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

Acquiring and processing resources for access;analysing and organising information;cataloguing; collecting; communicating ideas andinformation; maintaining service areas; planningand organising activities; providing promotionprograms and activities for clients; resources andequipment; solving problems; using mathematicalideas; using technology and working with othersand in teams.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Interpreting and Translating048973F40445SA

1 yearJanuary

AUD$11,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

The aim of this course is to train bilingualstudents in the role, theory, ethics and practice ofinterpreting. The course will also provide studentswith an introduction to the process of translationto provide a solid basis for further translationstudy. Languages offered vary each year.Subjects may include: · interpret dialogues ·effective communication · bicultural aspects inthe communication process · translate texts fromone language into another language · oral andwritten English skills · develop contextuallanguage skills within Australian society ·business documents · local and tourismknowledge

• Reached thestandard of bilingualcompetency; English -IELTS 6.0 (AcademicPreferred) with aminimum score of 6.0in the speaking andlistening bands OREnglish bridgingcourse with a Creditgrade and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 28

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Education and Languages

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of English Proficiency073831A40634SA

26 WeeksFebruary, July

AUD$6,420 Students will improve their language, researchand critical skills by: increasing their knowledgeof Australian English usage; conductingacademic and professional reading and research;employing critical thinking and assessingarguments; using speaking and listening foracademic and professional purposes; writingacademic and professional texts.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Library/Information Services064261ECUL50104

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$20,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,000

Analysing and organising information;cataloguing and classifying material; collecting;communicating ideas and information; describing,developing and improving systems andprocesses to increase access to information;developing the collection; maintaining andmodifying technology applications and promotionand consultation with client groups; planning andorganising activities; solving problems; teamleadership; using mathematical ideas; usingtechnology; and working with others and inteams.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 29

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Electrical and Electronics

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Computer Systems Equipment066206GUEE30207

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$13,2002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,200

Selecting, installing, setting up, testing, faultfinding, repairing and maintaining computerequipment for use in data storage, in computernetworks and in engineering measurement,analysis and control; PC fault finding and repair;solving simple networking problems such asrouter and server DHCP faults; setting upwireless networking components; fault findingnetwork cabling, multimedia devices, andexternal access devices.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Certificate III in Electronics andCommunications066207FUEE30907

1.25 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$16,4503 Semesterswithin 1.3 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,654

Testing, commissioning and maintainingelectronic parts and subsystems as used incommunications, robotics, audio/video and otherelectronics equipment; constructing, testing andfault finding analogue and digital electroniccircuits; finding and repairing faults in powersupplies; carrying out repairs of predictable faultsin electronic equipment; plus electives incommunications and audio.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Diploma of Computer Systems Engineering066208EUEE50107

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$19,8003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,200

Selecting, installing, commissioning andmaintaining computer equipment, networks andsystems; administering computer networks;installing multiple servers on a single network;commissioning computer systems; interfacingcomputers and networks to microprocessorcontrolled devices; programming in C, C++and/or assembly language; plus supervisory unitssuch as implementing and monitoring OH&Sprocedures and managing effective workplacerelationships.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 30

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Electrical and Electronics

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Electronics and CommunicationsEngineering066203KUEE50507

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$19,8003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,200

Developing, testing, commissioning andmaintaining electronic parts and subsystems asused in communications, robotics, audio/videoand other electronics equipment; constructing,testing and re-designing analogue, digital and RFelectronic circuits; designing software formicroprocessor interfacing; using computersimulation and CAD tools; plus electives incommunications and audio.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Advanced Diploma of Electronics andCommunications Engineering066205GUEE60207

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$26,4004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,200

Designing, developing, testing, commissioningand maintaining electronic parts and subsystemsas used in communications, robotics, audio/videoand other electronics equipment; constructing,testing and designing advanced analog, digitaland RF electronic circuits; designing softwareand hardware for microprocessor interfacing;analysing performance of wireless systems;using computer simulation and CAD tools;managing electronic projects; plus electives incommunications and audio.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Advanced Diploma of Computer SystemsEngineering066204JUEE60407

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$26,4004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,200

Designing, installing, validating, evaluating andadministering computer equipment and systems;managing risk, estimating and managing projectsand providing technical advice; redesigning andcommissioning computer systems; developingdesign briefs for computer systems projects;managing, designing and developing computersystem projects; advanced skills in assembling,installing and commissioning personal computersand networks; interfacing microcontrollers topersonal computers and networks; programmingin C, C++ and assembly language; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 31

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Electrical and Electronics

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Associate Degree in Electronic Engineering066407J

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$30,8004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$15,400

Using advanced mathematical skills to solveproblems in electronics; Solving engineeringproblems involving motion and laws ofelectromagnetism; Designing and testing ofsoftware related to practical engineeringapplications; Designing, developing, testing,commissioning and maintaining electronicsystems as used in electronics equipment;designing and testing of advanced analog, digitaland RF electronic circuits; designing softwareand hardware for microprocessor interfacing;using computer simulation and CAD tools;managing electronic projects.

• An IELTS score of6.0 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12and Year 12Mathematics oroverseas equivalent.

Applicants may also berequired to undertakean assessment and/ora bridging coursewhich would ensurethey were notdisadvantaged againstother learners.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 32

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CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

General English 40064265A

40 WeeksContinuous

AUD$12,400 Introduction to studying in Australia; Speaking,Pronunciation and Oral Presentations; Listeningand Discussion; Reading and Writing Skills;Extension Studies: eg Pronunciation, GrammarExtension, Preparation for IELTS

Elementary and above.Not beginners –assessment on arrivalfor class placement.

This course isapproved by theNational ELTAccreditation Scheme(NEAS). The EnglishLanguage Centre,TAFE South Australiais accredited by NEASto deliver this course.

Adelaide City

English for Academic Purposes 10073621M

10 WeeksApril, October

AUD$3,100 Introduction to studying in Australia at tertiarylevel; Academic Writing and Reading Skills;Speaking, Pronunciation and Oral Presentations;Tutorial-style group discussions; Listening,note-taking skills and auditing award courselectures. Successful completion of the courseand a positive exam result give direct entry tomost TAFE SA award courses.

An IELTS score of 5.0or equivalent.

This course isapproved by theNational ELTAccreditation Scheme(NEAS). The EnglishLanguage Centre,TAFE South Australiais accredited by NEASto deliver this course.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 33

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CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

English for Academic Purposes 20064266M

20 WeeksFebruary, July

AUD$6,200 Introduction to studying in Australia at tertiarylevel; Academic Writing and Reading Skills;Speaking, Pronunciation and Oral Presentations;Tutorial-style group discussions; Listening,note-taking skills and auditing award courselectures. Successful completion of the coursegives direct entry to most TAFE SA awardcourses.

An IELTS score of 4.5or equivalent.

This course isapproved by theNational ELTAccreditation Scheme(NEAS). The EnglishLanguage Centre,TAFE South Australiais accredited by NEASto deliver this course.

Adelaide City

English for Commercial Cookery and Bakery(20 weeks)064263C

20 WeeksFebruary, July

AUD$6,200 Introduction to studying in Australia inCommercial Cookery and Bakery courses;Academic Writing and Reading Skills; Speaking,Pronunciation, Specialist Cookery vocabularyand Oral Presentations; Observations of awardcourse cooking sessions; Kitchen Hygiene, FoodHandling. Successful completion of the coursegives direct entry to related award courses atCertificate III level at Regency Campus of TAFESA

An IELTS score of 4.5or equivalent.

This course isapproved by theNational ELTAccreditation Scheme(NEAS). The EnglishLanguage Centre,TAFE South Australiais accredited by NEASto deliver this course.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 34

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Engineering and Transport

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations074650JRII20209

26 WeeksJuly

AUD$7,500 5 core units: participate in environmentallysustainable work practices; communicate in theworkplace; work safely and follow OHS policiesand procedures; conduct local risk control andeither maintain and monitor site quality standardsor comply with site work processes/procedures(Coal); plus 4 electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


Diploma of Geoscience047679J12277SA

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$26,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

Acts and regulations; introduction to computercommunications; applied operations forspreadsheets; basic and advanced operations inword processing; basic mineralogy; computerhardware fundamentals; drilling operations;environmental management; extractiveoperations; field project in geoscience; fieldproject organisation; geochemistry; geological -history and processes; geology - economic /hydro / structural / petroleum / and soils andengineering; geophysics; geoscience - dataprocessing / drafting / and surveying; introductorymathematics; managing grievances and disputes;mining operations field camp and field campsupport; petrology; presenting reports; researchproject in geoscience; scientific database andspreadsheet applications; statistics; methods ofsampling; and work placement.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

O'Halloran Hill

Diploma of Engineering - Technical066120BMEM50205

1.5 YearsJanuary

AUD$19,5003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

Prepares candidates for self-directed applicationof fundamental mechanical engineeringknowledge and skills learned either in awork-based or simulated work environment. Thisqualification recognises the capacity for initiativeand judgement across a broad range of technicalfunctions.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 35

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Engineering and Transport

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Automotive Technology067818DAUR50205

2 YearsJanuary and July

AUD$31,4004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$15,700

It is industry's intent that this qualificationconcentrates on the acquisition of skills andknowledge in current technology which isadvancing at an exceptional rate in modernvehicles. This qualification includes theCertificate III in Automotive MechanicalTechnology (Specialising in Light Vehicle) andthe Certificate IV in Automotive Technology andprepares candidates well for working in a modernmechanical workshop.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Students willundertake eitherCertificate III inAutomotive Specialist(Croydon campusonly) OR one of thefollowingspecialisationsassociated to theCertificate III inAutomotiveMechanicalTechnology tocomplete the Diplomaof AutomotiveTechnology;

· Specialising in LightVehicle (Croydon andElizabeth campusonly)

· Specialising in HeavyVehicle MobileEquipment (O'Halloran

CroydonElizabethO'Halloran Hill

Advanced Diploma of Engineering066121AMEM60105

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$26,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

Application of basic scientific principles; design ofmachines; dynamics and electrical systems;mechanical components; project; pumpingsystems; quality; human resource management;selection of engineering materials and heattreatment processes; and statistical methods.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 36

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Engineering and Transport

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design066308A40604SA

2.5 YearsJanuary

AUD$32,5005 Semesterswithin 2.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,000

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 37

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Food and Wine

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Meat Processing (MeatRetailing)066115KMTM30807

26 WeeksMarch

AUD$8,275 13 core technical units: prepare specialised cuts;assess carcase/product quality; calculate yield ofcarcase or product; manage stock; meetcustomer needs; provide advice on nutritionalrole of meat; merchandise products and services;prepare and produce value-added products; cure,corn and sell product; assess and sell poultryproduct; locate, identify and assess cuts; prepareprimal cuts; meet customer needs andexpectations; plus 3 elective technical units.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Certificate III in Hospitality (CommercialCookery)064601ASIT30807

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$14,3702 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$14,370

Working with colleagues and customers; workingin a socially diverse environment; followinghealth, safety and security procedures;developing and updating hospitality industryknowledge; developing cost-effective menus;organising and preparing food; presenting food;receiving and storing kitchen supplies; cleaningand maintaining kitchen premises; using basicmethods of cookery; preparing, cooking andserving food for food service; preparingappetisers and salads; preparing stocks; saucesand soups; preparing vegetables, fruit, eggs andfarinaceous dishes; selecting, preparing andcooking poultry; selecting, preparing and cookingseafood; selecting, preparing and cooking meat;preparing hot and cold desserts; preparingpastries, cakes and yeast goods; implementingfood safety procedures; preparing foodsaccording to dietary and cultural needs; dealingwith conflict situations; coaching others in jobskills; following workplace hygiene procedures;providing first aid; preparing, cooking and servingfood for menus; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Barossa ValleyMount GambierRegency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 38

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Food and Wine

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Hospitality (Patisserie)070791FSIT31107

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$14,3702 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$14,370

18 core units: organise and prepare food; presentfood; receive and store kitchen supplies; cleanand maintain kitchen premises; use basicmethods of cookery; prepare hot and colddesserts; prepare, cook and serve food for foodservice; develop and update hospitality industryknowledge; prepare and produce pastries;prepare and produce cakes; prepare andproduce yeast goods; work with colleagues andcustomers; work in a socially diverseenvironment; deal with conflict situations;implement food safety procedures; coach othersin job skills; follow health, safety and securityprocedures; follow workplace hygieneprocedures; plus 6 elective units.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Certificate IV in Hospitality (CommercialCookery)064602MSIT40407

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$23,6253 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$15,750

Monitoring catering revenue and cost;establishing and maintaining quality control offood; developing and implementing a food safetyprogram; controlling and ordering stock;monitoring work operations; implementing andmonitoring workplace health, safety and securitypractices; leading and managing people;interpreting financial information; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Certificate IV in Hospitality (Patisserie)064599ASIT40707

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$23,6253 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$15,750

Preparing and displaying products including:Gateaux; Desserts; French Pastries; YeastGoods; Chocolates; Petits Fours; SpecialistCustoms and/or Occasions; Showpieces; andsupervisory subjects including: planning andmonitoring catering revenue and costs; leadingand managing people; OH&S; plus electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Diploma of Food and Wine Management andOperations062573E40595SA

1 yearFebruary

AUD$10,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

Students are given the opportunity to apply wine,food and tourism knowledge to management andmarketing planning and development, strategicplanning and promotion, problem solvingstrategies for wine and food enterprises, creativemarketing possibilities, research and planning

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Barossa Valley

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 39

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Food and Wine

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Food Science and Technology059817E40531SA

2 YearsJanuary

AUD$26,7604 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,380

Planning and managing new food productresearch and development; manufacturing foodand beverage products; packaging and analysingthese products; manufacturing and processingedible fats and oils; confectionery; dairy productsincluding cheese making; brewing beer, jams andpreserves and winemaking; identifying thebiochemical properties of food and performingmicrobiological tests that are carried out in thefood industry.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Diploma of Meat Processing066125GMTM50107

2 YearsMarch

AUD$27,7604 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,880

4 core units: participate in OH&S risk controlprocess; facilitate hygiene and sanitationperformance; manage own work performance;facilitate quality assurance process; plus 6technical units.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Diploma of Meat Processing (Meat Retailing)066126GMTM50207

2 YearsMarch

AUD$27,7604 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$13,880

4 core units: participate in OH&S risk controlprocess; facilitate hygiene and sanitationperformance; manage own work performance;facilitate quality assurance process; plus 6technical units.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Diploma of Food Processing (Specialising inBaking)074263JFDF50103

2 YearsFebruary, July

AUD$28,8704 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$14,435

4 core units; monitor the implementation ofoccupational health and safety policies andprocedures; monitor the implementation of qualityand food safety program; present and applyworkplace information; use basic mathematicalconcepts; plus 25 specialist electives.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 40

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Food and Wine

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality (Specialisingin Commercial Cookery)073389CSIT60307

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$34,9944 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$17,497

29 core units; provide quality customer service;manage quality customer service; work withcolleagues and customers; work in a sociallydiverse environment; deal with conflict situations;interpret financial information; manage financeswithin a budget; prepare and monitor budgets;manage physical assets; manage financialoperations; develop and update legal knowledgerequired for business compliance; coach othersin job skills; recruit, select and induct staff; rosterstaff; lead and manage people; monitor staffperformance; manage workplace diversity;receive and store stock; control and order stock;monitor work operations; develop and implementoperational plans; develop and implement abusiness plan; establish and conduct businessrelationships; develop and manage marketingstrategies; follow health, safety and securityprocedures; follow workplace hygieneprocedures; implement and monitor workplacehealth, safety and security practices; establishand maintain an OHS system; plus 18 electivesspecialising in commercial cookery.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Must be 18 years ofage or above atcommencement ofcourse start date.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 41

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Food and Wine

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality (Specialisingin Patisserie)073390KSIT60307

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$34,9944 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$17,497

29 core units; provide quality customer services;manage quality customer service; work withcolleagues and customers; work in a sociallydiverse environment; deal with conflict situations;interpret financial information; manage financeswithin a budget; prepare and monitor budgets;manage physical assets; manage financialoperations; develop and update legal knowledgerequired for business compliance; coach othersin job skills; recruit, select and induct staff; rosterstaff; lead and manage people; monitor staffperformance; manage workplace diversity;receive and store stock; control and order stock;monitor work operations; develop and implementoperational plans; develop and implement abusiness plan; establish and conduct businessrelationships; develop and manage marketingstrategies; follow health, safety and securityprocedures; follow workplace hygieneprocedures;; implement and monitor workplacehealth, safety and security practices; establishand maintain an OHS system; plus 18 electivesspecialising in patisserie.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Must be 18 years ofage or above atcommencement ofcourse start date.

Regency Park

Packaged Qualification in Meat Processing andRetailingsee below

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$29,7604 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$14,880

Certificate III Prepare specialised cuts; assesscarcase/product quality; calculate yield ofcarcase or product; manage stock; meetcustomer needs; provide advice on nutritionalrole of meat; merchandise products and services;prepare and produce value-added products; cure,corn and sell product; assess and sell poultryproduct; locate, identify and assess cuts; prepareprimal cuts; meet customer needs andexpectations; maintain personal equipment; applyhygiene and sanitation practices. DiplomaParticipate in OH&S risk control process;facilitate hygiene and sanitation performance;manage own work performance; facilitate qualityassurance process; plus 6 technical units

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 42

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Hair and Beauty

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Hairdressing Salon Management072863AWRH50109

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$32,3804 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$16,190

Functions at this level include the self-directedapplication of a broad range of knowledge andskills, and the provision of leadership and supportto colleagues through the development andmanagement of human resource developmentinitiatives. The salon manager at this level mayfocus on building the business, leading anddeveloping the team, developing andimplementing marketing activities, and ensuringall occupational health and safety requirementsare maintained.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 43

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Hospitality and Tourism

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Packaged Program in Hospitality and Eventssee below

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$32,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$16,000

ADVANCED DIPLOMA: Developing and updatingfood, beverage and wine knowledge; provision offood and beverage service; gaming services;sales, marketing and promotion; leading andmanaging people; managing finances within abudget; managing workplace relations; planningand establishing systems and procedures;preparing and monitoring budgets; rostering staff;developing and implementing marketing andbusiness plans; developing and maintaining legalknowledge required for business compliance;managing financial operations; managingphysical assets; preparing and monitoringbudgets; accommodation services; managinghuman resources; and managing food andbeverage operations. DIPLOMA: Developing anevent concept; preparing a sponsorship proposal;managing special events; providing on-sitemeeting/event management services; developingand updating event industry knowledge;managing risk; leading work teams; managingmeetings; preparing budgets and financial plans;law; managing spectators at an event orprogram; using advanced features of computerapplications; developing and updating eventindustry knowledge; managing projects;developing a marketing plan; developing andimplementing a leisure and recreation tourismstrategy; and managing volunteers.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Enrolment commencesat the Certificate IIIlevel and continuesthrough to theAdvanced Diploma.The final semestercompletes therequirements for theDiploma of Events.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 44

Page 45: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Hospitality and Tourism

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Packaged Program in Hospitality and Tourismsee below

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$32,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$16,000

ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF HOSPITALITY:Developing and updating food, beverage andwine knowledge; provision of food and beverageservice; gaming services; sales, marketing andpromotion; leading and managing people;managing finances within a budget; managingworkplace relations; planning and establishingsystems and procedures; preparing andmonitoring budgets; rostering staff; developingand implementing marketing and business plans;developing and maintaining legal knowledgerequired for business compliance; managingfinancial operations; managing physical assets;preparing and monitoring budgets;accommodation services; managing humanresources; and managing food and beverageoperations. ADVANCED DIPLOMA OFTOURISM: Developing and updating tourismindustry knowledge; researching, assessing anddeveloping tourism products; researching tourismdata; managing tourism operations; and tourplanning.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Enrolment commencesat the Certificate IIIlevel and continuesthrough to theAdvanced Diplomalevels.

Regency Park

Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Travel Sales)065845FSIT30207

39 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$8,700 Understanding the tourism industry; destinationstudies; preparing quotations; operating anautomated reservation system; constructingairfares; processing travel related documentation;customer service; communication skills;occupational health and safety; officeprocedures.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 45

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Hospitality and Tourism

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate III in Hospitality064595ESIT30707

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$8,955 This certificate builds on Certificate II skills andknowledge to carry out tasks such as preparingand serving drinks at a bar and tables, preparingand serving espresso coffee, providing receptionor front desk services, providing housekeepingand room services, providing gaming servicesand serving food, wine, cocktail and otherbeverages at tables. This will assist students towork in restaurants, hotels/pubs, motels, cateringoperations, clubs, cafés and specialist coffeeshops.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Certificate IV in Tourism065846ESIT40207

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$12,6002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,600

Understanding the Tourism Industry, VirtualEnterprise experience, Tourism Sales,Destination Products, Tour Planning andOperations, Tourism Marketing Activities,Financial Information, Safety and Security OnlineReservation system.

• An IELTS score of5.5 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Hospitality064597CSIT40307

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$16,8052 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$16,805

This certificate provides students with the skillsand knowledge to carry out tasks such assupervising the operation of a bar ,restaurant,coffee shop supervising activities of a front deskor reception, supervising restaurant andbanqueting services, providing stock orderingand control, budgeting and financial control,supervising and managing gaming operations.This will assist students to manage and supervisestaff in restaurants, hotels/pubs, motels, cateringoperations, clubs, cafés and specialist coffeeshops.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

Diploma of Tourism065847DSIT50107

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$18,9003 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,600

Understanding the tourism industry; humanresource management; financial management;marketing; risk management; projectmanagement tourism research; businesstechnology; customer service; communicationskills; occupational health and safety, officeprocedures.

• An IELTS score of5.5 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 46

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Hospitality and Tourism

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Events065651ESIT50207

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$17,2503 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

Understanding the event industry; eventconcepts; event staging; selecting event venuesand sites; conference programs; registrationprocesses; on-site event registration; on-siteevent management; in-house functions andevents; coordinating marketing; makingpresentations; workplace operations; managingpeople; managing projects; managing finances;writing business documents; communicationskills; business technology; office procedures;OH&S; customer service; and productknowledge.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Advanced Diploma of Tourism065652DSIT60107

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$25,2004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$12,600

Understanding the tourism industry; tourplanning; tour wholesaling; tourism research;product knowledge; human resourcemanagement; marketing; financial management;writing business documents; businesstechnology; legal requirements for tourismmanagement, project management; businessplanning; risk management, presentations;workplace operations; spreadsheets, databasemanagement, customer service; communicationskills; occupational health and safety, officeprocedures.

• An IELTS score of6.0 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 47

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Hospitality and Tourism

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Advanced Diploma of Events065848CSIT60207

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$23,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$11,500

Understanding the event industry; eventconcepts; event staging, selecting event venuesand sites; conference programs; registrationprocesses; on-site event registration; on-siteevent management; in-house functions andevents; obtaining and managing sponsorship;event proposals and bids; coordinatingmarketing; making presentations; public relations;marketing strategies; event trends; managingprojects; workplace operations; managingpeople; managing finances; writing businessdocuments; communication skills; businesstechnology; office procedures; OH&S; customerservice; product knowledge; logistics; legalrequirements for event management; riskmanagement; spreadsheets; and databasemanagement.

• An IELTS score of6.0 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality064594FSIT60307

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$24,5603 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$16,373

Managing physical assets; managing financialoperations; recruiting, selecting and inductingstaff; leading and managing people; monitoringstaff performance; developing and managingmarketing strategies; plus electives

• An IELTS score of6.0 Academic orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Regency Park

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 48

Page 49: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Information Technology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate II in Information Technology047606DICA20105

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$5,250 Foundation employment and general computingskills including using a computer; understandingthe IT workplace environment; operating a varietyof applications including word processing,spreadsheets and databases; internet, email andthe operating system environment; installingsoftware; basic understanding of whatcomponents make up a computer and how theywork together.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 11or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate III in Information Technology047724JICA30105

26 WeeksJanuary, July

AUD$5,250 A range of introductory technical skills to supportinformation technology activities in the workplaceat advanced IT user or introductory technicalsupport levels including writing documentation forusers; selecting, installing and configuring andoperating system environment; diagnostic testing;OH&S as it relates to the information technologyindustry; providing advice to clients. Specialistsubjects are available for Networks and SoftwareApplications streams. Please note: Somespecialised subjects may differ betweencampuses. Contact campuses for details.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Information Technology(Programming)047652JICA40505

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$10,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

Teaches a broad range of skills in softwaredevelopment including: Web page development -using XHTML and JavaScript; Desk-topapplication development - using C#.NET andJava with business and game based projects;Database skills - using SQL, mySQL and Oracle;Systems Analysis and Design - using ObjectOriented approaches with UML, Requisite Proand Rational Rose; Industry preparation – Teamsoftware development using Subversion andproject management covering PMBOK and usingMicrosoft Project; and Personal Development –identification of personal skills, industryemployment analysis and ethical conduct in theworkplace.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 49

Page 50: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Information Technology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Certificate IV in Information Technology(Multimedia)047650MICA40805

1 yearJanuary, July

AUD$10,5002 Semesterswithin 1 Yearand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

This course teaches a broad range of skills in thedesign and development of multimediaproductions and websites including: Design anddevelopment of websites with multimediacontent; Design and development of multimediaproductions; Image capture and download, imageediting and manipulation; Graphic design anddigital illustration; 2D animation; Managingmultimedia projects; A number of otherspecialised technical skills are taught.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Certificate IV in Information Technology(Networking)060020KICA40405

1.5 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$15,7503 Semesterswithin 1.5 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

Skills, knowledge and application to be effectivein network management including determiningand confirming client business expectations andneeds; creating scripts for networking;automating processes; developing andpresenting a feasibility report; creating technicaldocumentation; installing network hardware to anetwork; installing software to networkedcomputers; installing and configuring a network;installing and maintaining a server; monitoringand administering network security; supportingsystem software; locating equipment, system andsoftware faults; maintaining ethical conduct; andmanaging simple projects. A number of otherspecialised technical skills are taught.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 50

Page 51: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Information Technology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Information Technology (SoftwareDevelopment)047683BICA50705

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$21,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

This course teaches a broad range of skills insoftware development including: Web pagedevelopment - using XHTML, AJAX, J2EE (JSP,Servlets), .NET(ASP, C#), Open Source (PHP,mySQL) and including security aspects such asSSL and digital certificates; Mobile applicationdevelopment - using J2ME (java midlets) andC#.NET with business and game based projects;Database skills – advanced database designusing open source products DBDesigner andmySQL , use of XML, ensuring businesscontinuity through database recovery under Linux(Centos); Systems Design - using ObjectOriented approaches with UML and designpatterns; and Industry preparation – Qualitymanagement of software, strategic planning anda group software development project.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Diploma of Information Technology (Multimedia)058126GICA50905

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$21,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

This course teaches a broad range of skills in thedesign and development of Multimediaproductions and websites including: Design anddevelopment of websites with multimediacontent; Integration of database with websites;Design and development of multimediaproductions; Image capture and download, imageediting and manipulation; 2D animation andanimation programming; 3D modeling andanimation; Recording and editing audio; Videoproduction including lighting, studio setup andonline shooting; Video editing; Video postproduction and special effects; DVD authoring;plus Managing complex multimedia projects

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 51

Page 52: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

Information Technology

CourseCRICOS CodeNational Code

DurationStart DateStart Details

Fee AUD$ Skills Covered Entry Requirements Campus

Diploma of Information Technology (WebsiteDevelopment)060019CICA50605

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$21,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

This course teaches a broad range of skills inwebsite development including: * eXtensibleHypertext Markup Language (XHTML) *Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) * JavaScriptProgramming * File Transfer Protocol (FTP) *Visual and Interface Website Design Techniques* Web Authoring using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3* 2D Animation and ActionScript Programmingusing Adobe Flash CS3 * Image and GraphicManipulation using Adobe Photoshop CS3 *E-Commerce Website Development includingPayment Systems * PHP Programming andDatabase Integration with SQL * Analysis ofTechnical, User and Client Requirements forWebsites * Website Documentation and Planning* Website Accessibility, Testing and Validation *Information Technology Project Management *Ethical Conduct, Copyright and PrivacyRequirements

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Advanced Diploma of Information Technology(Network Security)073401AICA60208

2 YearsJanuary, July

AUD$21,0004 Semesterswithin 2 Yearsand AverageCost per Yearof AUD$10,500

Building an Intranet; configuring an internetgateway; communications; cost management;developing system infrastructure design plans;guiding the application of project integrativeprocesses; human resources management;installing and managing complex networks;managing network security; preparing disasterrecovery and contingency plans; designing andbuilding an enterprise local area network;installing and maintaining valid authenticationprocesses; procurements and scope; producingnetwork/communication design; qualitymanagement; risk management; and troubleshooting and resolving network problems.

• An IELTS score of5.5 General orequivalent and

• Satisfactorycompletion of Year 12or overseasequivalent.

Adelaide City

Further Information

TAFE South Australia also operates the only Government owned ELICOS (English language) Centre in South Australia.

Contact Details

CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 52

Page 53: TAFE SA Detailed Couse List 2012

TAFE South Australia InternationalLevel 2, 120 Currie Street

Adelaide 5000

Phone: +61-8-8207 8279

Fax: +61-8-8207 8283

Email: [email protected]


CRICOS Provider Name Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology trading as TAFE South Australia CRICOS No 00092BTAFE SA International Course Information phone +61-8-8207 8279 email [email protected] Build Date 07 October 2011 Page 53