table of contents · skin care diet & nutrients ... of natural ingredients scientists have been...


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Page 1: Table of Contents · Skin Care Diet & Nutrients ... of natural ingredients scientists have been unable to reach a consensus on what is the right (and wrong) way to treat everyday
Page 2: Table of Contents · Skin Care Diet & Nutrients ... of natural ingredients scientists have been unable to reach a consensus on what is the right (and wrong) way to treat everyday

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Table of ContentsIntroduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Skin & Environment ....................................................................................................................... 6 Weather and Your Skin .................................................................................................................. 7 Alcohol & Cigarettes ..................................................................................................................... 8 Chemicals ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Skin Care Diet & Nutrients ........................................................................................................ 11 Necessary Nutrients For Beautiful Skin .................................................................................. 12 Additional Essential Nutrients ................................................................................................... 16 Skin Types ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Normal Skin .................................................................................................................................. 20 Oily Skin ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Dry Skin ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Combination Skin ......................................................................................................................... 21 Sensitive Skin ................................................................................................................................. 21

Natural Facial Treatments .......................................................................................................... 22 Exfoliating Skin Routines ............................................................................................................ 23 Sea Salt Scrub ............................................................................................................................ 23 Coconut Sugar Exfoliate ......................................................................................................... 24 Relaxing Lavender Scrub ......................................................................................................... 24 Oats n’ Honey Facial Scrub .................................................................................................... 25 Exfoliating Papaya Mask .......................................................................................................... 26

Cleansing Routines ...................................................................................................................... 27 Organic Honey Face Wash ..................................................................................................... 27 Foaming Egg White Face Wash .............................................................................................. 28 Strawberry Lemon Cream Wash .......................................................................................... 29 Daily Almond Face Wash ........................................................................................................ 30 Stimulating Tomato Cleanser .................................................................................................. 31 Revitalizing Apple Mask ........................................................................................................... 32 Basic Cleansing Mask ............................................................................................................... 33 De-Puffing Coffee Mask .......................................................................................................... 34

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Toning Recipes ............................................................................................................................... 35 Refreshing Mint Toner ............................................................................................................. 35 Refreshing Watermelon Toner ............................................................................................... 36 Ginger Carrot Toner ................................................................................................................ 36

Moisturizing Routines ..................................................................................................................... 37 Moisturizing Avocado Mask ....................................................................................................... 37 Berry Moist Face Mask ................................................................................................................38 Hydrating Matcha Masque ......................................................................................................... 39 Soothing Cucumber Wash ......................................................................................................... 40 Luminous Carrot Mask ............................................................................................................. 41

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of natural ingredients scientists have been unable to reach a consensus on what is the right (and wrong) way to treat everyday skin problems. It is a widely accepted fact that tanning beds are brutal to the skin and should be avoided at all costs. We also know that sunscreen can literally be a lifesaver no matter how light or dark your skin tone is. Dermatologists remind us that regular skin checkups are essential if we want to catch early signs of skin cancer.

But when it comes to the most common skin problems-acne, wrinkles, sagging skin, spots, uneven skin tone-not even scientists can agree on the best course of action. Whether they are employed by beauty product manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies or proponents of natural ingredients scientists have been unable to reach a consensus on what is the right (and wrong) way to treat everyday skin problems.

You don’t have to be the woman (or man) who visits the spa monthly, enjoys weekly facials and scours the internet in search of the best skin care solutions to worry about the best way to keep your skin looking its best. As the largest organ in the body, healthy skin is crucial to both your outer appearance and your internal health. While we may only think of “healthy skin” in terms of the outer layer we can see, the skin is made up of multiple layers and sub layers which protect the body in different ways including:

It is a widely accepted fact that tanning beds are brutal to the skin and should be avoided at all costs. We also know that sunscreen can literally be a lifesaver no matter how light or dark your skin tone is. Dermatologists remind us that regular skin checkups are essential if we want to catch early signs of skin cancer.

But when it comes to the most common skin problems-acne, wrinkles, sagging skin, spots, uneven skin tone-not even scientists can agree on the best course of action. Whether they are employed by beauty product manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies or proponents

hen it comes to skin care most of us do what we can to keep skin free of blemishes, healthy, lustrous and out of danger.W

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Page 5: Table of Contents · Skin Care Diet & Nutrients ... of natural ingredients scientists have been unable to reach a consensus on what is the right (and wrong) way to treat everyday

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• Heat regulation. The skin contains a larger blood supply than it needs, which allows it to control energy loss through a variety of methods, which allows it to control the way heat is absorbed or exits the body.

• Water resistance allows the skin to retain certain nutrients, rather than having them washed out of the body.

• Storage & synthesis. The skin stores lipids and water, while also synthesizing vitamin D, which allows the body to absorb other essential nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and iron.

• Absorption. The skin absorbs oxygen, although minimally, vitamin D and even some medicines applied by cream or ointment.

• Excretion. Sweating is the primary excretion of the skin, but this can help remove unwanted or harmful toxins from the body. Through excretion the skin also can act as a secondary temperature control for the body.

It is these layers that must be maintained in order to help you look good and feel good. In fact, now that you know some of the functions the skin performs, you will know when your skin needs to be pampered to bring it back to optimal health.

Most skin problems that we deal with on a daily basis however are due to damage to the outer layer of the skin known as the epidermis. This is where acne makes an appearance as well as blackheads, wrinkles, flaky skin, large pores, oily skin, skin discoloration, blotches (also known as aging spots) and uneven skin. That is why any skin care routine you under-take must thoroughly tackle this outer layer of skin.

Does your skin care routine include a host of drug store or high end beauty products that include make up remover, toner, face wash, exfoliants, moisturizers, eye creams and blemish removers? If so you likely won’t be surprised to learn that more than 50% of Americans use at least 2 beauty products daily while 7% admitted using as many as 6 skin care products, including make up to cover up the blemishes. All told, it is estimated that British women spend £950 million on skin care products, while Canadian and American women spend a combined $35 billion on skin care products alone. Yet despite these staggeringly high numbers, women still do not have the skin they want.

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Why is that? The simple answer is that many of these products simply do not work as well as they claim. Of course beauty products are far cheaper and come with less risk than cosmetic surgery to correct these problems, but they are costing you money for doing nothing. The main problem with drug store or department store skin care products is that they simply don’t take into account the impact your diet and environment has on your skin.

Once you understand that it isn’t just the sun or the wind or the makeup that is causing your skin problems you will have a better understanding of why your skin care products are not working or have stopped working and why natural skin care routines will produce better results.

Skin & EnvironmentThe skin is the protective shell of the body, which means it puts up with a lot of damage in the form of cuts and scrapes, sun exposure, chemicals, infections, sweat and win. The impact the environment has on healthy skin cannot be understated, as we spend more of our lives outside of our home-which isn’t free of skin irritants, either-than we do inside it and therefore come into contact with dozens of chemicals, weather elements and germs that can cause or exacerbate skin problems.

When we talk about the environment most of us just think of the air we breathe in the context of skin, but the environment is just about every external substance or element you encounter can have a negative impact on your skin. In your home, your office and the great outdoors are filled with substances that will clog your pores, suck moisture from your skin and seep into your skin along with a variety of chemicals that contribute to acne and signs of aging.

Although many of these factors cannot be completely avoided, minimizing your interaction with those you can avoid will help you have healthy, glowing skin.

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Weather and Your SkinWeather and climate both can affect your skin if you don’t take preventative steps to limit its impact. The biggest weather factor is the sun. We, like all living creatures, need sun. The Vitamin D the skin absorbs helps us absorb other dietary nutrients more efficiently. But sitting out in the sun for hours on end is not the kind of sun your skin needs. In fact too much sun can contribute to that leather skin look that’s common after years and years of sunbathing.

Unfortunately the sun isn’t the only weather you have to worry about, because the wind can cause dry skin, windburn and chapped. The tricky thing about wind is that it can affect you in hot weather or cold weather, particularly strong winds. There are several weather factors at play when wind is involved. The first is the wind itself, whipping around and sucking moisture from your skin but the other factor that most of us pay little attention to is the debris flying about in the wind. Sand, saltwater and snow will whip across your skin and that friction is what we not so affectionately call, windburn.

Between sunblock and protective clothing during windy periods, you can greatly minimize the impact wind has on your skin health.

You may not have considered the role that the temperature itself can play in not just damaging the skin, but also altering your skin care routine depending on the weather. I don’t meant altering your routine from one day to the next, although it may be necessary with extreme weather fluctuations, but rather from one season to the next.

The good news is that a quick rub-down using a high level SPF can help prevent you from looking like a worn leather handbag and drastically reduce your risk of skin cancer. It is important to note here that the sun can be a factor even on a cloudy day so if you plan to be outdoors and exposed to the sun, SPF should be an essential part of your day.

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In the winter time when it is generally colder, the skin will require more moisture because cold air contains less moisture. Conversely in the summer time, depending on where you live, you might have to confront humidity which is probably more moisture than anyone’s skin requires. During these times your skin might be oilier, making it susceptible to acne and in desperate need for an oily skin care routine.

Keep your skin protected against extreme weather by:

• Using SPF regularly. The higher the SPF the more protection your skin is receiving. • Cover up when possible using a t-shirt, sarong, hat or umbrella to avoid direct sun expo-sure. • Lip balm will keep your lips protected against dry, chapped lips. • Keeping skin moisturized during cold weather.

Alcohol & CigarettesIf you are now, or have ever been a smoker then you’ve probably heard how smoking cigarettes pre-maturely ages a person. It’s true that if you can’t live without your nicotine sticks, you will look much older than the age on your driver’s license indicates. In fact many of the common skin problems you expe-rience may be directly due to your love of cigarettes including loose or sagging skin, pale or uneven skin tones, wrinkles and droopy skin and of course those telltale deep lines around the mouth.

The chemicals found in cigarettes have been found to reduce skin elasticity, which is partially responsible for giving skin that smooth youthful appearance. They also deprive the skin of oxygen-just think of that big cloud of smoke that surrounds your face as you inhale and exhale-which can contribute to loose or drooping skin and dull, lackluster skin.

While it is true that even non-smokers can (and do) experience these same skin problems, research indicates that those who smoke often suffer these effects much earlier than their non-smoking counterparts.

Premature signs of aging are a hallmark of cigarette smokers, so if the other harmful side

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effects won’t convince you of the benefits of quitting, consider how old you’ll look when you’re 50 or 60 or even 70 years old.

It isn’t just alcohol that will cause you to look old before your time; it is also too much imbibing during Happy Hour.

If you’ve ever tried to lose a few pounds then you probably have a pretty good idea of what alcohol does the body; steals the water and leaves you with nothing but bloating, dryness and redness. Well that is exactly what alcohol does to the skin as well.

When you consume too much alcohol your body is being robbed of fluids, electrolytes and important nutrients, which give your skin a bloated or swollen appearance. Those who regularly drink to excess will have a permanent ruddiness to their complexion due to the excess blood flow caused by alcohol consumption, which are a product of broken capillaries or dilated blood vessels.

The other problem with drinking too much is that it also cause flare ups of existing skin problems such as rosacea or acne. This is particularly true if you have chronically dry skin since alcohol dehydrates the skin, you might notice more dry flaky skin in the days following a drinking binge than you normally have. This does not mean that those with oily skin are save from the perils of alcohol; it just means it’ll take a solid binge (4 to 5 drinks per hour) to really dry out your skin.

A key to remember when you’re out enjoying a few cocktails with friends is that the more you drink the more damage you are doing to your skin.

Morita, A., Torii, K., Maeda, A., and Yamaguchi, Y. (2009). Molecular basis of tobacco smoke-induced premature skin aging. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 14(1): 53-5.


When I say “steal” I mean that the alcohol makes the kidneys work harder than normal to get rid of the extra water in your body, instead of sending that water to your organs where they can be hydrated. As the largest organ, your skin is more affected by alcohol than you may think. Let’s take what we know about properly hydrated skin; it looks fresh and bright, wrinkles are smoothed out so you look younger and it looks healthy and tinged with color. So too much alcohol will make your skin look grey and colorless and enhance the appearance of wrinkles.

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ChemicalsThe one thing that can do a ton of damage to skin that most of us never take into consideration is chemicals. Of courses we are all wary of chemical irritants in the form of household cleaners or cosmetic products made with harsh chemicals, but we so rarely think about the chemicals floating in the air around us. These chemicals may cause allergic reactions, skin breakouts and flare ups of existing skin problems. In fact you should probably worry more about these chemicals that are floating in the air than those you use to clean with, because they are more likely to be absorbed by the skin.

What types of chemicals are we referring to? Think of car, bus and truck fumes as an example. Being outdoors is unavoidable, even if it is just a small distance from your home or office to your car, but being aware of how often you come in contact with these chemicals can help you determine a proper diet and skin care routine to counteract the chemical effects on your skin. It is especially to remember these fumes if you live in a city with a large public transportation system as you are more likely to encounter large buses, and additional vehicles on the road in the form of cabs.

There are chemicals everywhere; the perfume or cologne you put on daily, air fresheners, facial cleansers, secondhand cigarette smoke, hairspray and air conditioners are just a few you probably encounter on a regular basis. Instead of thinking of these chemicals by their scientific names or primary purpose, you should think of these as more things that contribute to poor skin health.

The biggest problem with these chemicals is that they seep into the skin and clog up pores which can cause an acne flare up and can lead to scarring after a particularly bad breakout.

While these external factors cannot be avoided completely you can eliminate where possible by using natural ingredients to clean and freshen your home and vehicles.

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Mitigate the damage done by alcohol by drinking a glass of water between each drink; it will help reduce the number of drinks you consume and counteract the dehydrating effect of alcohol.

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You can avoid pesticides and herbicides in gardening, use cosmetics with natural ingredients and replace any chemicals with natural ingredients where possible. There are many ingredients found in nature that are effective cleaning agents for the home and the body, which will significantly cut down on the number of chemicals your skin has to fight off every day.

Skin Care Diet & NutrientsYou may be very concerned about having beautiful and healthy skin but have you altered your diet to reflect that concern? Most of us run to the nearest drug store or beauty counter in search of the next wonder cream, gel or serum that promises to make your skin glow and look younger than ever. That is just one part of a proper skin care diet.

What you eat and the nutrients you need make up the second and most important part of a proper skin care routine. What good will all those creams and cleansers do your face if your diet is contributing to dry, flaky, dull and uneven skin? For the best looking skin possible you need to treat your skin from the inside out.

Consider this; the skin is the largest organ in the body. It is responsible for absorbing nutrients like vitamin D as well as environmental toxins like car fumes and secondhand smoke that harm the skin. But even more than that, the skin is also a major exit for toxins that can’t make it out of the body any other way. So if your diet is filled with an excess of fat and sugar, it is using your skin as its way out. Between sweat and the filtering of other foods and drinks that go into your body, the skin does a lot of work that we don’t realize.

This is why it is so important to treat your skin through your diet as well as your daily cleansing rituals.

Think of what you eat on a regular basis. Does your diet contain a lot of processed foods? Sugar? Refined grains? Fried foods? If so, your diet is very likely contributing to your skin problems. For years scientists have told us that there is no link between our beloved chocolate and acne, but we do know that certain nutrients like vitamins A and C provide huge skin care benefits, so…what does that mean?

For one thing, it means that despite what the scientists are telling us about acne specifically, there is a link between your diet and your skin’s appearance.

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Necessary Nutrients For Beautiful Skin

When you consider how to best care for your skin you should always remember the statement above from the founder of modern medicine. Skin disorders have been linked to nutritional deficiencies for a long time, and as you can see on the chart below your diet plays a huge role in the look and health of your skin.

The best medicine for your skin problems is natural and derived from natural ingredients, so the best place to start is with your daily plate. Let’s talk about a few nutrients that are essential to healthy skin so you can see the evidence for yourself.

“Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.”~Hippocrates

Basavaraj, K.H., Seeman-thini, C. and Rashmi, R. (2010). Diet in Dermatology: Present Perspectives. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 55(3) 205-210. Russell RM, et al. Vitamin and trace mineral deficiency and excess. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th ed. Vol. 1. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2001. pp. 465–466.



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Vitamin A

As far as vitamins go, vitamin A is one of the most important in terms of how it affects the skin. Consider that a vitamin A deficiency can cause problems such as dry skin, hair and scalp . One of the leading causes of vitamin A deficiency is a protein deficiency, which should illustrate just how important a healthy well-balanced diet is to healthy, beautiful skin. But before we can truly understand the skin benefits of vitamin A it is important to understand a bit about the vitamin itself.

Vitamin A is an essential part of any diet as it provides a great many benefits, most notably healthy skin and eyes. Beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, is a well-known cancer fighting nutrient. In order to receive the skin benefits of vitamin A the body must convert it into retinoic acid, which is why so many skin care items contain some type of retinoid or retinol.

In fact, take a close look at many of the skin care items currently stuffed inside your medicine cabinet and you’ll see that most of them contain small amounts of vitamin A. Many of these skin care products carry a different name for vitamin A, including; Retinoids, Retinol, Retinol Acetate, 3-Dehydroretinol as well as a dozen variations.

Wrinkles and an uneven skin tone can be both prevented and treated with vitamin A. The retinoic acid binds to receptors in the skin which peels off the top layer of dead or dying skin, leaving an even skin tone and thicker underlying layers to smooth out existing wrinkles. Additionally retinoids are known to boost the protein known as collagen that is responsible for keeping skin springy and youthful.

The best part of naturally consuming vitamin A in your diet is that you don’t have to worry about sun degradation as you do with a topical application.

Get more vitamin A in your diet by adding the following vitamin A rich foods;

• Eggs• Liver• Sweet potatoes• Carrots• Kale• Red bell peppers• Milk• Spinach• Collard greens• Swiss chard

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which you probably know if you’ve ever been felled by the common cold. But what that means for your skin is that a diet rich in Vitamin C can help you fight signs of aging by stimulating the production of collagen which gives healthy skin that supple, young look. Strong and durable skin is a result of increased collagen production, protecting your skin against wrinkles, skin spots and can help reduce sunburn cells.

Then there is the oxidative stress that causes the skin to age prematurely in the form of skin discoloration, sagging skin, dull skin and a loss of elasticity; vitamin C protects the skin from this stress by offering up electrons that will diffuse those free radicals intent on damaging the skin.

It is important to note that while a diet rich in vitamin C foods is a great way to help keep the skin protected; using those same foods as part of your skin care regimen topically can prove even more effective. In fact it has been said that topical treatments of vitamin C provide up to eight times greater antioxidant protection than simple dietary intake.

By enjoying a well-balanced diet that includes vitamin C rich foods and enjoying some of the natural skin care routines in this book, you will give your skin a better chance at good health and glowing radiance.

Add any or all of the following vitamin C rich foods to your diet and help your skin battle the signs of aging;

Telang, P.S. (2013). Vitamin C in dermatology. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 4(2), 143-146.4

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• Brussels sprouts• Cucumber• Tomatoes

• Papaya• Broccoli• Bell peppers• Strawberries

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Vitamin E

If you have tried any and all skin care products on the market to help you fight signs of premature aging then you are probably well versed in the skin benefits of vitamin E. Vitamin E, unlike vitamin C, is almost exclusively responsible for protecting and repairing the skin. As a powerful antioxidant vitamin E should be viewed as the protector of the skin because it fights free radicals caused by smoking, overexposure to sun and pollution.

Vitamin E is best in its natural form because it can be quite heavy, so when combined in an oil or cream it can enhance breakouts. This is where it comes in handy to know what type of skin you have, which we will get to in just a few pages. You will find that an all-natural skin care routine with a few vitamin E rich ingredients can help you derive the skin benefits you desire without the nasty side effects.

Some vitamin E rich foods you might find helpful to add to your diet or your skin care routine include;

• Almonds• Sunflower seeds• Spinach• Avocado• Swiss chard• Peanuts• Asparagus• Olives

Vitamin B Complex

This is perhaps one vitamin that isn’t always thought of in terms of its skin care benefits, but it should. The B vitamins are actually several nutrients that perform different functions in the body that, collectively aid in the overall and vitality of the body. B vitamins are water soluble so the body does not hold on to them the way it does to other vitamins and nutrients. This means that we have to make a more concerted effort to get sufficient amounts of vitamin B through diet and even supplementation if necessary.

The ‘B’ in vitamin B complex should stand for ‘beauty’ because they collectively promote healthy skin, hair and nails to combat any damage caused by free radicals. A vitamin B deficiency can have a serious impact on your skin, causing dry and dull skin, a grey-ish complexion, wrinkles, acne, rashes and even dermatitis.

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Vitamin B 12 is responsible for preventing hyperpigmentation, which are what those dark spots on your skin are called. It also regulates pigment production to ensure hyperpigmentation doesn’t occur. Vitamin B5 can help minimize the appearance of acne spots by breaking down the acne-causing oils in the skin. Then there is vitamin B3 which acts as a Band-Aid for many skin problems by increasing oxygen intake, thereby reducing the severity and improving the appearance of many different skin conditions from eczema to blackheads and even rosacea.

Women taking oral contraceptives are at risk of vitamin B1 deficiency which is responsible for boosting the circulation of blood throughout the body. This boost in circulation is what gives skin that glowing, almost luminous, appearance.

Since there are many B vitamins you might find it easier to incorporate them into your diet and your beauty regimen;

• Eggs• Spinach• Sunflower seeds• Liver• Beans• Milk• Eggs• Avocado• Yogurt

Additional Essential NutrientsIn addition to the dietary nutrients that will heal, protect and nourish your skin there are plenty of other all natural ingredients that will aid in the fight against aging, free radicals and sun damage. The key to using these ingredients in your natural skin care routines is to identify two factors;

1. Your skin type2. Your biggest skin dilemma (breakouts, uneven skin tone, wrinkles etc…)

Once you know exactly what your skin needs, you can find the right combination of all-natural ingredients to keep skin clean, radiant and even.

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Sea Buckthorn Oil

Sea buckthorn berries grown on a shrub that is indigenous to Asia and Europe. The oil derived from sea buckthorn berries has been used to treat a variety of skin problems including sunburn, eczema and even radiation burns. But it is what is inside this oil that has beauty product manufacturers adding it to labels and touting its benefits.

In addition to these benefits sea buckthorn oil has also been proven effective for reducing fine lines, reducing sun spots, firmer skin and promoting the growth of new cells. When combined, the UV-blocking properties of both vitamin C and sea buckthorn oil are strengthened to prevent skin discoloration and skin cancer.

Kawamura, A., Ooyama, K., Kojima, K., et. Al. (2011). Dietary supplementation of gamm-linolenic acid improves skin parameters in subjects with dry skin and mild atopic dermatitis. Journal of oleo science. 60(12): 597-607.


Sea buckthorn oil contains the rare gem, palmitoleic acid, an Omega-7 fatty acid that gives skin that healthy, glowing look. Although Omega-7 does occur naturally in the skin, those found in the oil of sea buckthorn berries can give your skin a much needed boost for beauty and first-aid benefits. Omegas 3 (linolenic acid) and 6 (linoleic acid) are also found in this oil, which are responsible for healing, softening and smoothing dry, lifeless skin. Most importantly, combined, they prevent an excess of moisture loss in the skin.5

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• Heat regulation. The skin contains a larger blood supply than it needs, which allows it to control energy loss through a variety of methods, which allows it to control the way heat is absorbed or exits the body.

• Water resistance allows the skin to retain certain nutrients, rather than having them washed out of the body.

• Storage & synthesis. The skin stores lipids and water, while also synthesizing vitamin D, which allows the body to absorb other essential nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and iron.

• Absorption. The skin absorbs oxygen, although minimally, vitamin D and even some medicines applied by cream or ointment.

• Excretion. Sweating is the primary excretion of the skin, but this can help remove unwanted or harmful toxins from the body. Through excretion the skin also can act as a secondary temperature control for the body.

It is these layers that must be maintained in order to help you look good and feel good. In fact, now that you know some of the functions the skin performs, you will know when your skin needs to be pampered to bring it back to optimal health.

Most skin problems that we deal with on a daily basis however are due to damage to the outer layer of the skin known as the epidermis. This is where acne makes an appearance as well as blackheads, wrinkles, flaky skin, large pores, oily skin, skin discoloration, blotches (also known as aging spots) and uneven skin. That is why any skin care routine you under-take must thoroughly tackle this outer layer of skin.

Does your skin care routine include a host of drug store or high end beauty products that include make up remover, toner, face wash, exfoliants, moisturizers, eye creams and blemish removers? If so you likely won’t be surprised to learn that more than 50% of Americans use at least 2 beauty products daily while 7% admitted using as many as 6 skin care products, including make up to cover up the blemishes. All told, it is estimated that British women spend £950 million on skin care products, while Canadian and American women spend a combined $35 billion on skin care products alone. Yet despite these staggeringly high numbers, women still do not have the skin they want.

Rosehip Seed Oil

If you’ve ever taken a close look at some of your high end beauty products you’ve probably seen rosehip seed oil among the ingredients list, but with no clue why it’s important enough to make it into your beauty cream.

For starters the seeds from Chilean rose bushes are packed with three things essential to healthy skin: essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. Rosehip seed oil is known to hydrate itchy dry skin, decrease the appearance of dark spots and reducing fine lines and scars.

Unlike many healthy skin oils, rosehip seed oil is extraordinarily light making it a choice for those with oily or combination skin to add to their skin care routines. At a cellular level this oil helps rejuvenate skin so it looks younger and more energized. Rosehip seed oil is an important tool in the fight against signs of aging because it increased the production of elastin and collagen, which makes skin look supple, smooth and youthful.

Green Tea The word out is about the many health benefits of drinking green tea, but did you know that green tea can have a wonderful impact on your skin as well? One of the primary characteristics that makes green tea so appealing to the body is that it is packed full of antioxidants that can help mitigate the damage done to the skin by excess sun exposure, prevents wrinkles and reduces skin redness. These powerful antioxidants play a large role in green tea’s ability to keep your skin protected against cancer and skin tumors.

When applied topically, green tea leaves or Matcha green tea powder can help even out skin tone and slow down the production of excess skin that can lead to skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Now that you know some of the best natural ingredients to add to your daily skin care routines, it is time to talk about identifying your skin type and what to look for in skin care products and ingredients.

Oyetakin-White, P., Tribout, H. and Baron, E. (2012). Protective Mechanisms of Green Tea Polyphenols in Skin. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 560682.


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Skin TypesIf you have no idea what type of skin you have, then you probably shouldn’t have any skin care products in your bathroom. Without knowing your skin type you cannot come up with a proper skin care regimen to treat your skin problems. Under certain circumstances we have all experienced oily skin or dry skin or even a combination of skin types, but overall we only have one skin type.

This doesn’t mean that over time due to diet, lifestyle and genetics, your skin type cannot change.

If your goal is to have healthy, vibrant and youthful looking skin your first step is to determine your skin type. Without this knowledge you may be using skin care products that exacerbate the problems that most plague your skin. For example you don’t want an excess of skin care products that dry your skin out if you have dry skin or an oil-heavy regimen if you have oily skin.

Skin test: Have a facial tissue handy and wipe your face. What that tissue reveals will help you determine your skin type.

Overall there are five basic skin types that have their own unique set of easily identifiable characteristics. Each skin type has a specific treatment and care plan to maximize its appearance.

The five skin types are:

1. Normal2. Oily3. Dry4. Combination5. Sensitive

You’ve probably heard one or more of these words mentioned in beauty advertisements to let you know if a particular product is intended for your skin type. So…how do you know your skin type? That’s the easy part; you perform a simple skin test first thing in the morning.

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Normal SkinIf your skin type is normal the tissue won’t reveal any oil at all. Normal skin is rarely too dry or too oily and often has few to no skin imperfections. Your pores will be barely visible and your complexion will often be described as radiant.

Treating normal skin: Use a mild cleanser two or three times each day and moisturize skin when it feels dry.

Dry SkinIf the tissue comes off clean but your skin feels tight and flaky, you have a dry skin type. When you smile or attempt to stretch your face, the skin will feel as though it is being pulled beyond what is comfortable.

Oily SkinOily skin will be noticeable by the spots of oil on the facial tissue. The oil will almost certainly correspond to the oiliest parts of the face; forehead, nose and cheeks. Your face will often feel excessively greasy, even if it only looks somewhat oily.

If you have oily skin you may have noticed enlarged pores, more pimples and blackheads than necessary given your skin care. One strange thing about oily skin is that the skin may appear dull or shiny. Treating oily skin: Use gentle facial cleansers and avoid scrubbing as you wash. Avoid popping pimples as this will increase the time it takes for them to heal. Avoid moisturizers that are very heavy and creamy because they will make skin appear very shiny and oily.

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Dry skin will often present with a dull complexion with near invisible pores. You may notice that your skin has less elasticity than you would like (regardless of age) and visible lines and red patches dotting your face.

Dry skin treatments: Dry skin types should make use of natural facial masks and quality moisturizers.

Combination Skin

Sensitive SkinSensitive skin will test as dry skin, leaving no marks on the facial tissue but feeling tight and dry. You will know if your skin is sensitive, in addition to dry, if it is easily irritated by normal skin care and cosmetic products.

You will notice that after using certain products or even sun exposure, your skin is red and scaly, feeling itchy, tingly and feels stretched very tight. Sensitive skin can be very fragile and requires the right combination of all natural and mild ingredients to treat your exact skin problems.

Sensitive skin treatments: Avoid alcohol based skin products and keep skin hydrated.

Combination skin is the most common skin type there is, and if you have this skin type your tissue will be oily in the nose and forehead regions (known as the ‘T-zone’) and clean as a whistle in the other areas. You may have shiny skin and excessively dilated pores and frequent blackhead appearances.

Combination skin treatments: Combination skin treatments typically involve a combination of treatments for oily, dry and normal skin types. If you find your combination leans more towards oily or dry, use treatments for those skin types.

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Natural Facial TreatmentsYou know your skin type and you know what type of routines will make your skin look its absolute best. But as we all know, not all skin types are created equal and this is especially true in terms of frequency. You don’t want to wash your face too often or too infrequently as that may do more damage and have the opposite effect you intend.

Then there are the other parts of a skin care routine; masks, toner, scrubs and moisturizer.

How often you need to rely on these skin care routines will be determined by your skin type as well as your lifestyle and level of physical activity. Even if you have oily or sensitive skin, for example, you will need to cleanse your face after physical activity even if it means more frequent skin care.

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Exfoliating Skin Routines

Sea Salt ScrubIngredients• ¼ cup Coarse sea salt• ¼ cup Almond oil

To Use:1. Combine sea salt and oil together in a jar until blended.2. Scoop out about half of the mixture and gently rub into face and neck in a circular motion. 3. Rinse with warm water until all mixture is removed.

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Coconut Sugar ExfoliateIngredients• ½ cup Brown sugar• ½ tsp. Vitamin E oil• ¼ cup Coconut oil• I Clean jar for storage

To Use:1. Mix ingredients well and place in storage jar. 2. Scoop out enough to fit on the tip of your fingers and rub gently in a circular motion. 3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel. 4. Store remaining scrub away from direct light.

Relaxing Lavender ScrubIngredients• ½ cup Almond oil• ½ tsp. Vitamin E oil• 1 cup White sugar• 15 drops Lavender essential oil• ¼ tsp. Vanilla bean• Clean glass or plastic jar with lid

To Use:1. Place all ingredients in a jar and stir until blended. 2. Use a spoon or your fingers to scoop out and rub on face and neck or body in a circular motion. 3. Rinse off with warm water until skin is smooth and free of scrub.

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Oats n’ Honey Facial ScrubIngredients• ½ cup Oatmeal• 1 tsp. Nutmeg• 2 tbsp. Honey• 1 tsp. Dried lavender• 10 drops Tea tree essential oil• 1/3 tsp. Vitamin E oil• 13 drops Lavender essential oil

To Use:1. Break up the oats in a food processor or blender. Don’t run until it’s powdery or it won’t be as effective. 2. Place all ingredients including oats into a bowl or jar and stir until blended. 3. Add more honey if scrub seems too crumbled. 4. Place a good amount in the palm of your hand and carefully rub in into the skin on the face, neck or entire body. 5. Rinse with warm water.

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Exfoliating Papaya MaskIngredients• 2 tbsp. Raw honey• ½ cup Sugar• 1 Papaya, peeled and shopped

To Use:1. Place papaya in a food processor and blend until smooth. 2. Remove papaya puree to a bowl or jar and add in sugar and honey until blended. 3. Rub gently into face and neck until

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Cleansing Routines

Organic Honey Face WashIngredients• 1 tsp. Raw organic honey• Warm water• Clean, dry towel

To Use:1. Place honey in the palm of your hand and rub hands together. 2. Massage honey gently into skin, in slow circular motions. 3. Leave on for up to 10 minutes for deep pore cleansing. 4. Wash with warm water and pat dry. 5. Moisturize if necessary.

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Foaming Egg White Face WashIngredients• 2 Egg whites• 2 tbsp. Plain yogurt

To Use:1. Stir ingredients together with a wooden spoon. 2. Massage ingredients on your face and neck for 3 to 5 minutes. 3. Rinse off with warm water. 4. Pat area dry.


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Strawberry Lemon Cream WashIngredients• 1 tbsp. Raw honey• 2 tbsp. Plain yogurt• ¼ cup Mashed strawberries• 2 tbsp. Fresh lemon juice

To Use:1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mash together until blended. 2. Apply evenly all over face and neck. 3. Let sit 3 to 5 minutes for a deep cleanse, or massage for 2 minutes then wipe off with a warm, damp cloth. 4. Pat dry.

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Daily Almond Face WashIngredients• 2 tbsp. Milk (or cream)• 1/8 cup Ground almonds (coffee grinder works great for this)• 1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice

To Use:1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mix until blended. 2. Massage ingredients into your face and neck.3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. 4. Pat dry with a clean towel.

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Stimulating Tomato CleanserIngredients• 1 Tomato, ripe• 2 tbsp. Milk• 2 tbsp. Lemon juice

To Use:1. Place all ingredients into the bowl of a food processor. 2. Run until smooth. 3. Rub mixture gently onto face and neck for about 2 minutes. 4. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.

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Revitalizing Apple MaskIngredients• ½ tsp. Lemon juice• ½ tsp. Orange juice• 1 Apple slice, peeled• 2 tbsp. Plain yogurt• 1 tsp. Olive oil

To Use:1. Combine all ingredients into a food processor. 2. Pulse mixture until everything is blended but slightly pulpy. 3. Rub onto face and neck. 4. Leave on for up to 10 minutes. 5. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. 6. Save any remaining mixture in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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Basic Cleansing MaskIngredients• 2 - 4 tbsp. Bentonite clay• Water

To Use:1. Place clay into a shallow bowl. 2. Add enough water to form a paste. 3. Massage clay paste into face and neck until it is covered. 4. Leave mask on for 10 to 15 minutes or until clay is dry. 5. Use a warm damp cloth to remove clay.

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De-Puffing Coffee MaskIngredients• 3 tbsp. Plain yogurt• 2 tbsp. Pure cocoa powder• 1 tbsp. Honey• 2 tbsp. Fresh ground coffee

To Use:1. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl until blended. 2. Gently apply the mixture to face and neck and let it sit for 10 minutes. 3. Rinse mask off with warm water, gently massaging skin as you do so to exfoliate it. 4. Use any leftover mixture on arms, legs or feet.

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Toning Recipes

Refreshing Mint TonerIngredients• 1 tbsp. Himalayan sea salt• 1 cup Distilled water, heated to near boiling• 1 pinch of Epsom salt• 5 to 10 drops Mint essential oils

To Use:1. Add salt and Epsom salt to the warm water and stir until salts have dissolved. 2. Add essential oil and store in a spray bottle or a tightly sealed glass jar. 3. Spray on skin or use a cotton swab and gently wipe across face and neck.

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Refreshing Watermelon TonerIngredients• 4 tbsp. Watermelon juice• 4 tbsp. Distilled water• 2 tbsp. Vodka

To Use:1. Run watermelon through a blender and drain juice using a strainer to avoid seeds. 2. Stir all ingredients together and pour into a glass bottle. 3. Use cotton pad to rub toner over face and neck. 4. Store bottle in the refrigerator.

Ginger Carrot TonerIngredients• 4 to 6 Carrots, juiced• 5 to 10 drops Ginger essential oil• 1 pinch Epsom salt

To Use:1. Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. 2. Spritz face daily to tone skin.

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Moisturizing Routines

Moisturizing Avocado MaskIngredients• 2 tbsp. Raw honey• ½ tsp. Coconut oil• ½ ripe Avocado, pitted

To Use:1. Puree or mash avocado until creamy. 2. Add in remaining ingredients and blend. 3. Massage onto face and neck gently. 4. Let mask sit for 12 to 18 minutes. 5. Wipe with a warm, damp towel. 6. Pat dry.

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Berry Moist Face MaskIngredients• ¼ Strawberries (oily skin) or blueberries (all other skin types)• 2 tbsp. Plain yogurt• 1 Egg white• 2 tsp. Raw honey

To Use:1. Place all ingredients into a food processor and run until smooth. 2. Let mixture sit for about 10 minutes in the refrigerator. 3. Apply to face and neck, leave on for 10 minutes. 4. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. 5. Add moisturizing lotion if needed.

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Hydrating Matcha MasqueIngredients• 3 tbsp. Matcha Green Tea Powder• 2 tbsp. Raw honey• 5 tbsp. Plain yogurt

To Use:1. Place all ingredients into a food processor and run until smooth. 2. Let mixture sit for about 10 minutes in the refrigerator. 3. Apply to face and neck, leave on for 10 minutes. 4. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. 5. Add moisturizing lotion if needed.

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Soothing Cucumber WashIngredients• ½ Cucumber, peeled and chopped• 1 tbsp. Greek yogurt (plain)

To Use:1. Place chopped cucumber into a food processor until it is mushy. 2. Mix cucumber and yogurt by hand until blended. 3. Gently rub mixture onto face and neck. 4. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. 5. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

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Luminous Carrot MaskIngredients• 3 Carrots, cooked and mashed• 3 tsp. Raw honey

To Use:1. Combine honey and mashed carrots together until a thick paste forms. 2. Slather mixture onto face, neck and hands. 3. Leave on for 10 minutes. 4. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. 5. Watch for the instant glow!

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20% VITAMIN C:Invaluable to the brightness and texture of your skin. Vitamin C is critical for the production of collagen, helping to maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress protecting you from sun spots, redness, dullness and wrinkles.

SKIN SUPER OILS (ORGANIC ROSEHIP OIL & ORGANIC SEA BUCKTHORN OIL): These oils are used around the world for their powerful healing properties. When combined with Vitamin C, all three ingredients exist harmoniously to combat free radicals, promoting deep hydration, leaving the skin more full and smooth thereby reducing wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

RESISTEM (PLANT STEM CELLS): Protects against stress-related aging while promoting skin detoxification by removing damaged proteins and other cellular waste.

HYALURONIC ACID (BOTANICAL): Allows skin to retain more moisture while simultaneously increasing elasticity and firmness.

GREEN TEA EXTRACT: The catechins contained in green tea are a potent antioxidant which contribute to the overall anti-inflammatory, and anti-irritant benefits of this ancient health and beauty secret.

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Smells AMAZINGBy Colin Madigan & Vanessa Crespo(Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)

The smell is so amazing. It really does smell like fresh delicious oranges. I’ve also noticed that this serum is thinker than other stuff I have used. I’m just totally in love with this product and have been using it at night and in the mornings. My skin feels so soft and lovely. This leaves my skin with a nice radiant, natural look. It will make your skin feel so refreshed and rejuvenated. Don’t even let the price sawy you away. It’s pretty decent and you know what…you get what you pay for.

Very surprised! By A. Hockenberry

I am always surprised when skincare products actually work. It seems like products have such crazy claims these days, but this one actually lives up to them! Within two weeks it faded some old acne scars and evened out some uneven skin texture that I had been struggling with for over a year. I am very impressed with this serum. I think I just found my new Holy Grail!!

What Customers Are Saying…

Vitamin C Serum is working for me…I like it! By Betsy NJ “BetsyNJ”(NJ USA)

I am really seeing a pleasant improvement in my skin this spring since I started using Valentia EVEN GLOW SERUM. It kind of magically evened out my skin tone within a week or so-and I am no spring chicken either, I see those dark spots and skin discoloration definitely a lot less already. My skin actually looks a bit smoother too and has a bit of a glow which is a big bonus. I just don’t have that exhausted appearance and my skin seems to reflect the light better.

Solid GOLD!!By Connie Gruning(Vista, CA USA)

I am so impressed with Valentia Skin Care’s New Even Glow Serum. From the 20% Vitamin C in this Serum to all the added ingredients. I love this Valentia Serum! LOVE, love, LOVE!! First, this is the most unique serum I’ve tried. It smells delicious!!

Next, it’s a much thicker consistency than I’ve seen in other serums.

My skin isn’t shiny or sticky. Dark Spots disappearing!! It’s my main goal in life! Banish age spots and well drop fifty pounds. But, one thing at a time.

This is worth it’s weight in GOLD!!

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What Customers Are Saying…

EVENS SKIN TONE: Vanquish dark spots and skin discoloration, replacing uneven and ill-textured skin with smooth, wrinkle-free skin that leaves you looking flawless and ageless.

INCREASES GLOW & RADIANCE: Revitalize your skin with essential fatty acids that leave skin smooth and radiant. Smooth skin capable of reflecting light will give your skin a youthful glow and a brilliant shine for that well-rested and refreshed look.

ABSORBS RAPIDLY: Moisturizes skin due to the capacity of the hyaluronic acid to absorb water, thereby increasing fluid between cells, giving your skin a smoother and younger appearance. This intense water absorption means no more dry, peeling or cracked skin, even in extreme weather.

BOOST COLLAGEN PRODUCTION: Rosehip Seed oil increases collagen production so your skin retains the elasticity responsible for a youthful appearance and prevents skin sagging associated with aging. Enjoy smooth and supple skin that takes years off your appearance.

REDUCES WRINKLES & FINE LINES: Reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles with the help of Vitamin C and Sea Buckthorn oil. Special ingredients plump up the skin, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles in the skin so it is smoother, clearer and younger.

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