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Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Seattle · seattle, wa 98105 tax id 882790-1355 dci project 3023453 lot size. 4760 sf architect elizabeth a. maher, architect 4916 46th avenue south seattle, wa
Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Seattle · seattle, wa 98105 tax id 882790-1355 dci project 3023453 lot size. 4760 sf architect elizabeth a. maher, architect 4916 46th avenue south seattle, wa







5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 2


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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 3

Bryant Elementary

OmTown Yoga Miaposto Pizzeria Ventoux Roasters & Hart Coffee Fire Station No. 38

Calvary Cemetery

University Village QFC Safeway

Metropolitan Market

Northeast Public Library

PCC Natural Markets

Burke-Gilman Trail and Playground Park

Seattle Children’s Hospital

Ravenna Park

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 4   



Fire Station No. 38 Bryant Elementary


Apartment Building at 55th and 33rd

BUS ROUTES 65 University of Washington Jackson Park 74 Sand Point Lake City Northgate Downtown

View Opposite Site

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Aerial View   Looking West 

PROPOSAL Demolish existing 1270sf single family residence and construct a new 4-story build-ing with retail and residential on the first floor and residential above. Project includes 1 retail space, 6 SEDUs, 2 2BR apartments and 1 1BR ADA unit. Surface parking is provided off the alley for 4 cars.

ANALYSIS OF CONTEXT This site is located on 35th Avenue NE, a major north-south arterial thru the Bryant

and Wedgewood neighborhoods. It is also prominently visible from NE 55th Street. Thirty fifth Avenue NE connects this well-developed residential neighborhood to Uni-versity Village, the University of Washington, Light Rail and Downtown. The

immediate vicinity is a small local shopping hub with a coffee shop, restaurant, small businesses and apartments. The wider walkable neighborhood includes parks,

grocery stores, schools and other amenities. University Village is located less than 1 mile to the SW and the University approximately 2 miles away. All of these features make this site ideal for higher density housing and small scale retail. EXISTING SITE The site is a narrow lot located on the edge of the commercial hub next to the surrounding SF-5000 zone. It slopes up approximately 5’ from the street to the alley

and has a large fir tree on the NE corner.

5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 5  

DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Zone NC1-40, no overlays or ECAs Lot size 4,760sf (40’ x 118’) FAR 3.25 for mixed-use buildings 4,760sf x 3.25 = 15,470sf allowed, 8,386sf proposed Height Allowed: 40’ above average building grade plus: An additional 4’-0” allowed to accommodate 13’ retail height An additional 4’-0” allowed for shed roofs (48’ total above ABG) Actual: 43’-2” above Average Building Grade to top of shed roof Unit count: (1) Commercial unit @ 1040SF (6) SEDUs @ 320sf (3) 2 BR units @ 913sf (1) 1 BR unit @ 604sf Parking: 50% reduction because of frequent transit (1) commercial unit = 0 spaces (less than 1500sf) (6) SEDUs = 3 parking spaces (4) apartments = 4 parking spaces Total: 7 parking spaces/2 = 3.5, round up to 4 parking spaces Setbacks: See page 7 for a setback diagram

Street lot line: No setback required, eaves can project up to 3’-0” over lot line South side lot line:

No setback required, actual setback varies from 0’-0” to 7’-6” Rear lot line:

Residential setback requires a 15’-0” setback above 13’-0” from the centerline of an alley across from a residentially zoned lot

Actual: 16’-6” from alley centerline, 3’-0” overhang projects allowed 18” into setback North side lot line:

Residential setback requires a 15’-0” setback above 13’-0” from any side lot line abutting a residentially zoned lot Actual: 12’-6” to 15’-0” from lot line (adjustment request)

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 6

5515 35th Avenue Northeast

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 7 

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 9   


CONTEXT AND SITE CS1 Natural Systems & Site Features

Use natural systems and features of the site and its surroundings as a starting point for the project design

A. Energy Use B. Sunlight and Natural Ventilation (priority)

The site shape and zoning restrictions dictated that the building would be oriented along an East-West axis and biased to the south side of the property to minimize shading on the property to the north. We have positioned all the units to take advantage of the southern exposure and set the building back from the south property line to maximize glaz-ing. This will maximize daylight and reduce the need for artificial lighting. The windows will be selected to minimize solar gain.

D. Plants and Habitat There is an existing large fir tree on the northeast corner of the site. The development has been sited to preserve this tree. The residential entry courtyard will take advantage of the tree and we will select plants that will thrive in this shady NW environment.

CS2 Urban Pattern and Form Strengthen the most desirable forms, characteristics and patterns of the streets, block faces, and open spaces in the surrounding area.

A. Location in the City and Neighbor-hood (priority)

This project is located on a busy arterial street in a small neighborhood hub that is zoned NC1-40. It is connected along NE 55th street to the much larger neighborhood hub around the University Village development. This project will provide additional retail space to an already well established neighborhood hub as well as smaller, denser residen-tial options for people who wish to live in this neighborhood and enjoy the close proximity to UW and to the light rail link to downtown..

C. Relationship to the Block (priority) Despite being a mid-block site, this building will function in many ways like a corner site because of its visibility to both 35th Avenue NE and NE 55th Street and because it sits on the edge between the NC1-40 hub and the SF 5000 lots to the north and west. The 15' setback between this lot and the neighboring SF lot creates an opportunity to pro-vide a street level landscaped courtyard that highlights the large fir tree and helps buffer the transition from the smaller scale of the single family lots to the larger scale of the commercial hub. The east face of the building faces the street and contains a street level retail unit. The south side faces a parking lot and is visible to both 35th and 55th. We have worked to minimize the amount of concrete block firewall and to increase interest in the facade with modulation, glazing and material selection. The small amount of con-crete block firewall will be painted with a mural.

D. Height, Bulk, and Scale (priority) This building will be larger than the single family residences to the north. The existing buildings around this site are all significantly smaller in scale than is allowed by the zon-ing. We have worked with the neighbors to the north to create a building that addresses their concerns about privacy, noise and daylight. In order to maximize southern exposure for views and light as well as minimize the noise and privacy intrusions on the property to the north, we are requesting a 3' decrease in the 15' residential setback. This additional area would allow us to modulate the south facade which will help us create a better building for the neighborhood and allow more glazing for the residents. In addition, it will give us room locate the apartment hallways on the interior of the building rather than having them project into the setback as balco-nies. In reviewing the project with the neighbors to the north, they were very much in favor of eliminating balconies on the north side of the building. We have also worked to accommodate all the required building amenities on the 1st and 2nd floors which eliminates the need for a roof-top deck, stair tower, and elevator penthouse. This will de-crease the privacy intrusions and shadows on the neighboring property. The rear of the lot also faces SF zoned lots across and alley. The building is set back from the alley and diminishes in scale towards the rear to minimize the impact on those properties.

PUBLIC LIFE PL2 Walkability Create a safe and comfortable walking

environment that is easy to navigate and well-connected to existing pedestrian walkways and features.

A. Accessibility The entire ground floor and site is accessible despite a 5' change in grade from the street to the alley. All the residents of this project access the entry courtyard and building lobby via ramps.

PL3 Street-Level Interaction Encourage human interaction and activi-ty at the street-level with clear connec-tions to building entries and edges.

A. Entries (priority) The commercial entry is the only building entrance facing the street and is clearly connected to the street facing commercial unit via proximity, material selection and transpar-ency. The residential entry is recessed and elevated from street level. It is located on the side of the building. At the street level, pedestrians would see an inviting ramp and court-yard with a large existing fir tree and a semi-transparent bicycle storage building. Lighting, shade tolerant NW plantings, pedestrian scaled signage and paving will help create a welcoming environment for people either living in the building or visiting residents of the building.

PL4 Active Transportation Incorporate design features that facilitate active forms of transportation such as walking, bicycling, and use of transit

B. Planning ahead for bicycles This building is located on a frequent transit arterial and is required to have minimal parking. It is also within biking distance of the Burke Gilman Trail, UW light rail station, Uni-versity Village and UW, as well as countless neighborhood amenities such as grocery stores, libraries, parks and schools. Accordingly, the bicycle parking is located front and center in a small separate structure that helps form the entry courtyard to the residential units. It is accessible by ramp to both the street and the alley and provides very con-venient and secure parking for residents' bicycles. All car parking is located off the alley.

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 10   


DESIGN CONCEPT DC2 Architectural Concept Develop an architectural concept that will

result in a unified and functional design that fits well on the site and within its surroundings.

A. Massing (priority) The overall outline of this building is a simple rectangle with a single sloped roof. Both the east and west facades facing the street and alley respectively are very slender. The rising slope of the site towards the alley combined with the direction of the roof slope means the alley facade facing the opposing single family zone is minimized. The north and south facades run almost the length of the property and are designed to create visual interest and break down the apparent length into smaller masses using modulation and bump outs.

B. Blank walls The south façade is an interior façade but due to the parking lot to the south, is very visible from both 55th and 35th. Accordingly, we have minimized the extent of wall that is on the property line to the retail area only and the wall will be painted with a mural.

C. Secondary Architectural features D. Scale and Texture

Several elements contribute to the visual interest and depth of the building. Modulation is created both by bumping-out elements as well as by shifting the main mass of the building closer and farther from the property line. These elements also provide opportunities to vary either siding material &/or color. Additionally, in several locations the ground floor roof will provide a terrace for the units above. On the north side, abutting the residential zone, the ground floor is closer to the property line than the upper portions of the building and scaled more like a house. Also on the north, the bike storage area has also been designed to provide a more human scaled structure to the north side of the property, as well as to be a feature in the courtyard and provide visual interest .

DC3 Open Space Concept Integrate open space design with the design of the building so that each com-plements the other.

A. Building-Open Space Relationship Rather than occupying the majority of the first 13' of height in the 15' residential setback on the north side, we have chosen to give most of that area over to green space, bicy-cle storage and a courtyard to create a gracious entry sequence for the residential units from both the street and the alley. This also provides eliminates a large windowless wall facing the property to the north.

DC4 Exterior Elements and Finishes

Use appropriate and high quality ele-ments and finishes for the building and its open spaces.

B. Signage Signage for the building will be located on the overhang above the retail level.

C. Lighting Lighting will be designed to provide safe and secure access to the parking, courtyard, bicycle storage and entries. We also plan to provide lighting to highlight specific features of the building like the eaves and entries.

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 12

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 13  

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 15   

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 16  

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5515 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 : Streamline Design Review 17  

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 5515 35th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98112 : Streamline Design Review 19   


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 5515 35th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98112 : Streamline Design Review 21 


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