t w i n r f m d l s id a il ^y n e i h i o stop when pennant...

T W IN -VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS FfiOM 1 , SEBIBGiES j Commissioner of Baseball Lan- I dis Declares O’Connell and | _ Dolan Ineligible After Hear- I ing Charges. | NBW YOEK, Oct. 1 OP)-^ommiB- I sionor K. M. Landii announced tonight I that Jimmy O'ConnoU and Coacli Coiy I DoIoq ot tbo Now York Nntional loaguo I boauboll elub hnd boon doclarod inoii* I glblofort1iiD“woTld-»oric»-«fter-tth«irgea- — I of bribery ogainst tbom bad booa ia- | vuatigatcd. JC Tho Busponsion wnn baaod upoa a con- B fcMion mado by O’ConnoU and ovidonco furniahed by Dolan aud followed by information furniahed by Hoinio Sand of tho Pbiladolphia National dub. ^ Snnd atatod that on Soptombor 27 ^ O'ConnoU bad ottorcd Mm -4S00 to throw tho gamo botwoon tho Giants ho I and tho PbiUics played in New York of on that day. BAfuses Offer. Sand TofuNod tho offor and immedi- atoly gnvo his information to Manager FJotchor of tho rhillicB who brought it to tlio attontion of Commiasionor Lan- = dis. Tho investigation in which Prea- 'ir idont Hoydlof of tho National loaguo, I , and officiala of tho Now York clnb alao I took part, foUowod. U Tho investigation, Commissionor Lan- ___ dis.Buid, tondodi_o_trnco_thq instigntion of tho schomo to Dolan, whoso testi- mony waa of a naturo to Indicato that eonelnaion. O’OonnoU’s eonfcssion alao montionod Catpain Frank rriach, Kosa Young and Ooorgo Kelly of tho Giants, but Com- Q hjr jnUsionor I/andi| aUtod tha^tho toati- mony of thcso men had convinced tho ' inregtisatiss eommitteo that tboy hod DO part la iho schDimr O 'OinnioU,“Ti ^ substltnto ontfielder, wiU bo tho only r‘ Giant playornoteUgiblo'forthc world’a ' •ories os Dolan ia a coach. 576,000 B®anty.” nC O'ConnoU, known as " th o #75,000 taMii beauty,” playod a prominent port in caso Now York's first victory ovor Pitta- arfjur burgh in their important aorics laat tho r wook by hitting a home m n whieh Twin sqorod whnt proved to bo tho winning atnto run. "lauR New York won the game from Phila- diiy’f delphift by a scoro of .1 to 1. Tho vie- Me tory cUnched the pennant for Now n shi York. Snnd, Philndelphia shortstop, Moor scorcd tho only run for his toam which W. ’ Hpcured but four hits off Bentley. ITo lonso .ilso hnd two putouts and ono assist hIi' w hut no errora. O’ConnoU played center mul 1 field for Now York and. mado a two- ;njj bnao hit. / "1 Landis talks. l„,ng. ' ’rinyer O’ConnoU'nml'Conch Dolnn of tho New York Nntionnl Icagno bnso- of il bnU cluh, hnvo been plncod on the in- .■IlRihlo list, n is nction wns takon by thn eommla»ion oa cvidcnco furnished }.v tbo oonfoRsinn of O ’Connoll and tho f,,ct --tT'Rtlmony of Dolan. - iOiWlST g JM E H j Itulil Twii Denunciation of Dawes by Sen- “ « ator May^ React Against Him ;'™' at. Meeting. ' ' . ______ llOii Don DES JfOINKS, Oct. 1 OP)—Town poll- cmo; tics, which hns hnrbored nn olemont of Tl division sinco Smith W. Brookhart wns cl nominated nnd cicetcd to tbo United ____ HtatCfl_8cn*ato..twQ_joara..flBo..withont, „„.i, tho full anpport of tho stato republi- ,1,.^ can organitailon, tonight wns chargcd .^vill Tvlth rtUOthPT Tinccrtainty arlsinjf from- the sonator’i latest differences with stnto pnrty loaders—hl« donuncintlon of ChorlM 0. Dnwes, rppnbUcon vleo presldontin! nominee. While membern of tho stato central committeo were prcpnrlnjf to meot hero tomorrow to discuss Brookhart’s de- II mand that Dawea withdraw from the Som tlcJsrt, snpporters of tho'son.-xtor dn- to 1 ellnpd to dlsensi the matter. Nolther deli trronp wonltl eomment for pnblleatlon ns I * *hn published reports thnf tho commit- dnt< toe might conalder o disnvownl of tho “ tr senator. ' - oloe Stnto Central Oommttteo Chnirman doii' . - Jl. n.-SnrqDlst ianod a. atatenettt um daring thnt any cnndldato who refnsfd end _ to snpport the natlorjil tleVct. of hla Wa! pnrtv did not merit tho support of Ms ro-o ' stnto party erganlratlon, bat added sop that this abonld not be intorproted oa stat meanlnc an effort wonld bo made at to* sup morrow’s enmmlttee meeting to cenrno slor th« ■enator. , fo? THE ONLY ASSOCh r F M LS^BD WtRU UaUBBR OP ------- '■ -------- ASaOCIATBP P11E88____________________ ALLEGED RUM RUNNER IW H I FACES DEATH FOR. . PIRACY 5 whooli r ’:.-, forth bnsobi tho hc the w bnsob colorf I I ll iriW^ Penm -whit< the I Th< coiobi - Thi pyaaw wavii AX JEROME PHATF. a Qerman- Amorican alleged bootleggor. is un- dor arroet at Havre, Franco, oa a * cliorgo of piracy, tho penalty for •• wlilch iB death. Tho Fronch doclaro bo Is tho “ master mind*’ in tbo 1 I of pirates who boarded tbe Fnmcb III atoamor Mulbouso off tbo coast of III Long laland and stolo bor entire w H $200,000 whiskey cargo. Pbaff asserts bo waa ia Canada at tho Ume and " know nothing of tho piracy. \mm[ .. oFtHfiyi: ;hlcago Precedent Doesn’t Af- tj feet Governor, He Tells Twin Falls Lawyer. ........... ^ ----------- tiiry nOISK, Oct. 1 M>)—PrMOdcnt cs cont iMished in tho Txicb-Leopold murder ed u ISO in Chicngo wns UHcd todny ns nn tho rgumont beforo the pardon board for g . 10 roloano of Molvin Blnckburn of win F.ills county, confined in tho into- prison, for itivoltintnry mnn- I^os( auRhlor. No nction aviih tnkon nt to- maj( iiy’s meeting. oral Mention of Iho Cliicago ciisji lirought , sharp retort from Oovornor C. C. " fooro, rhalrmnn of tho hoard,'ns O. V. Witham, nttornoy, 'plcndod for ro- ticu: •nso of tho boy who unintontioiuilly rran linvhU Kiri wifo. He is stiU undor aj:-, ,„i , ml tho incidents loading up to tho kill- . ig b.'Krin whon ho was about 18. "Thono two boys should h;ive In-cn angcd without nny nionkcywork, ’' | aajipc-d Ihu •’’t first mention 11 f tho l»ol.-L(’opold c.iso. U “ Howovor,’’ urgucd tlm -nttornoy, II 'tin- jirccfdcat has been net.” "V rs, hilt tho prcc'dont doo» not af- cct me.’’ .iocliircd the ' Rovornor- 'W hal ifl Iho uso of tho-pooplo of th‘ii r any olal<i spcndiiii: monoy lo conviot, law. violator and thon, uftor ho haa . 0..11 ill prison a litllo while, turn him ________________ Ind -IVE INITIATED INTO. o AMERICAN LEGION ORDER ^ r^T»-irfltid^.wnrrwl6ranff.-^lTQrfrom: rr:r Uihl, ono from Curry nnd two from I'win rulld, wcro initintod into the ‘•10 :ind 3’’'voiturn of Twin Falls nt I mooting and celebr.'ition held Wod- lomlay ovoning. Preceding tho initia- “PF •ion a banauct ,w.n holJL n t. tho..Eoff-. tpb •rsoa linU‘1 at which timo betweon 30 for ind '10 wcru in attondnnco. Larry con Ilodgin pri'sldod at this timo and A. Dornutti JoIin<ion .nt thu initiation cer- 'moav Tho.io lakon ‘into tho order, which H do^rrihod ns tho playground of tlie T aiiu’riran I.oginn, follow: O. 0. Pcoto tnil .nd-»,-I/.-HftrTOTn--t)f-DuhlrOflH'Cry' 1<T of Curry nnd C. L. DoLong nnd , Will,nr Uowl.crry of Twin Falls. Mar- JirHirCl.Timmi-innnrTf-lho ordur, who :lvcs nt Hallej', waa not present. WHEELER BACK IN HIS ' HOME STATE MONTANA IirLLTN’OS, Montana, Oct. I OP )— in Senator Whcclor of Montana, xoturned por to hia homo stato tonight in tlmo to I deliver a campaign address at DUlings rod ns independent vico prcsidontinl candi- ccn date. Ho told his audience ho hnd Jol "tried to koep tho faith" of provions ore oloetion promises in hla nntional careor, thi denounced tho pending -fedora! Indict- np) u m t Bgninit him na n-“ fmmeTip**and th! endoraed tho candidacy of Sonator Wahh, demoi:rat, MoataQa,.Trho soeks dui ro-electloa In Montana, In terras leas ro- "a sofved than thoso ho had usod la othor ha* stntes whllo nrplng LaFolletto ticket pei supporters to baek partieular eongrea- nd< slonal candidacies. Ro loft at midnight ofi fo? Bntte, pnrtniaghU speaklng totif. tal -...... . •— .... !- ■ - — hATED PRESS NEWSP D L S I -------- TWIN FALLS, mAHO, THUEHDAT iELs OFgovernme W^ STOPWHEN PENNANT w il WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 (/B—T h o t "As eels ot govornmont stopped todny transni • tho coronation corofnonics of king soball, an usurper wlip aftor 23 yonrs’ victori llo rodo into tho national capital at Smi] Bhead ot a wildly horaldod cablnot— snld tl tt Washington Senators, pennant win- roacho rs of tho Amorican loaguo. to bo nigh-ups in govornmont life J^ n e d to dou t to Join witb streot urchins in shout* was b g a hearty welcome to tho city's action soball heroes who woro esoofted in a actof, lorful woleomo homo procossion up possib mnsylvanla avonuo from tho peaco "W nnument to tho Ellipse south of tho rommi blto. Houao, where President Cool- ingly go extended an official greeting to Tiio 0 pbyerff. ' tuko Tho keynote of tho welcome home faahie lobratlon was sounded by tho prcai- ton a] 'nt, who In prosontlng Mnnngor Stan- It wa y Harris with a loving cup from tho lhat t tlzons of tho district, aanurod him that parad jCaoam_liail_won^iUb»-ftffoetion-6f- -ingt<ij 10 'homo tpwn’ constituency." For Thousandn of shouting fans, somo -I’l'nnn aving pennants, ethers waving hnts, way i id still othora too buay scrambling parad ir points of vantage to wavo anything, roproi rarmod nround tho oMlpso to hcnr tbo Amor resident. tionni iS ilf l TOLD ff TmilL lo Exploded Shells in Gun Seek With Which Major-Killed-N£ Self, Say Witnesses. Tii TAOOMA, Oct. 1 C<P)—Tho pistol ol ■lajor Alcxandor P. Cronkhlto frOTi ^ rhtcb, in Ma own hands, it ia assorted ijnfio dolenae, Ho met liia acatii In a oncly «pot. on-tlyj.Camp Lqwia mUi-. ury rcaervntlon alx years ngo now, ontalned no exploded shells when pick- ' d up a fow minutes afterward beside ho dead body, Georgo Root, Jr., of ieattlo, formor army companion of Rol- md H. Pothior, accused with Robort f'. ^osonbluth of tho murder of tho najor, testified this afternoon in fod- iral court whoro Pothior ia being tried. j, In response to qucstloalng as to why third lis memory fnllod him In cortain par- '>oth iculnrs, Root turned to the jury and Tankly admitted that bis testimony night hurt Pothior nnd tbat it was his Hult, ntontion to sny ns tlttlo aa poasiblo. > .h th I OF NIGH-PIES _______ n Indications Point to' Shortage L l of Supply for Home Consump- r tion; Most of Crop Sold. (, Twin Falla eounty reaidenta who Inst year saw thousands of tons of choice -I UP apples go to wanto in orcharda of this -r region nro likely to g^shor^of apples _ for homo consumption this yenr, ac* « cording to IndlcatlonB dlscloscd by can* ^ vass of tho situntion mado by buyers nnd othor persons intoreated in tho ^ horticultural Industry In tbls locality. ' Thero is gcnerni agreement thnt the ' lijilk of this season’a crop \n this dls* trict has pnssed out of tho growers’ liands, moat estlmatoa ns to.tho aizo of Iho erop putting maxiin^im total produc- .. tiou for tho district thia season nt 250 carlonds. Jonathan apples havo bocn sold thia aenson nt froTn_»4.T tn *.^0 lar por ton, and Delicious, of which not er.il more than 15 carlonds were produced, had commanded price of $100 per ton, and atal in smaU lots price of $2.75 to M.CS one per box for Delicious hns bcon offorod. mis Reports reaching bero this woek of J roductlon in prico of apples on mnrket nou ccntors woro decrlod Wednesday by coc Joha W. Ilnrdln, ownor of oxtonalvo T orcharda and warehouse fncllitlcs who nnd this season hns bocn engaged In buying ••j.ei npplea grown by othor orchnrdlats of jail this district. ----- , 1 " I bavo beard nothing of any re- due ductlon in price,”. Mr. Jlnrdln statod, Taj "and I am stlU offering tho prico I def havo paid for two weeka past of $50 wit per ton for Jonothens." Mr. Hardin wm nddod that be bad made unaneeessful the offort within tbe past few dnys to ob* had tala apples In thU district Ati SPARER IN TWIN FAL D A IL ^ AT MOKtnNO, OOTOBEB 2, 1024. TATWASHtNGTOTt^ AflNNERSGOMEHOME ■Pionc “ As tho head of an enterprise that StS inHncts somo bminefW In this tow n," jj.. r. Coolidgo anlil, “ I havo tho doubio tisfactloa o f wolcomlng homo the etorloua ball team.” __ Smiling ns he apoko, the prealdont Id thnt "when tho entire populritlon achod tho point of requiring the gnmo bo deacribod, play-by-plny, I began doubt wbotbor tho highest efficiency as being promotod. I cootomplated ' tlon of a vigorous diaclpllnnry chnr- itof, blit tho outcome mnkes it im- issiblo." 1 "W o n rc n wmowhat democratized immunity," be adilod, "but oiceed. — — gly hnppy over it." L L Tliojirosidont by leaving hia dcik to_ *1 |l iko part in'tlio ccromonles set tho ( J y ishion for tho Jay, for nil Wiuihlng- tn apparently swnnned to tho avenue. , was nboiit the fim t tlmo In history lat tho capital eity ovor stnged Us own arndo from Its own heroes, nnd Waah- igt<i3 -mftdo-thfl mo!ii of U. r; For well on to n. hundred yoars now I'nnsvlvania nvcnuo hnd been tho high'- •ay nf proeoRsIann nnd pngonnts—tho U3SC arado (jround on which proiiumably -prosentativo rross section of tho At morican peoplo hns oxpresood the na- ionnl nmotlons. iyiTFILEOTO FOfiCESCTli count CttMOS eek to Wlake Auditor Place ”“■! liny > -Name-of-Candidate_on .T.wo plotc Tickets in Idaho. tonec UOIBU, Oct. 1 OP)—Suit to forco J. d ° f Uunbar, auditor and recorder of for 1 Canyon couuty, to plico tho namo of icrty'Mlt<boll, f.andi'daU for eoagresa 'rom tho first diatrict on both tho pro- ^olg 'fcsslvo and dcmderatle b'aUota lh the dovt 'all olection, was filed in tho supremo tbo ; lourt today. Tbo caioii to tost tho law vhich stntes tliat a nnmo ean appear on >nly ono tiekot the 1 J. P. Popo, llonry Z. Johnson nnd " iVilllam hL Morgan/ appearing for tactl 'ilitchell, aak that Uuubar bo required .0 show causo vrhy the namo should not JO printed in loth tho bourboa nnd :hird party columns, conventions of )oth partiea selecting Mitchell as their louilneo for tho first congressional dls- T l Nntional interest i« centered on tho mlt, Innsmueb as Senator W. K. 13ornh O ,.H tho nominee of tho republicans nnd ' J lirogrcnsives nnd upon tho outcome of tho case wUl depend whether the Tdnho jonator will ho a cnndldato on both ildcota. “FolUicIaYis-nrfl watching'wlUi - •- interest tho move, nnd speculating whether ho will ilctlaro himself ro- Fli{ |iublican or progrrssivo should tho au- I [iromo court rulo tho hnmo can go on ^ r>iily ono ticket. ^ GONyfiill = ilEBIEi ---------- A Jury in District Court, for First "J, Time in Years, Finds Head- * gate Case Defendant Guilty. . c.io A. D. Boylan, Bnhl diatrict farmer, was Wodncsday found guUty by a jury tho in district court horo of interfering u^l -wiUv«a_licadgita-to-incToajio-lil»-own- Irrigatiort watff snpply Into last July. Tho verdict of conviction, which was rotiirnCH after brief dellborntlons, Is mn said lo bo tbo firat returned In a sitnl- of lar cnao In dlitrict court hero in sor- cr.ll yonrs, allhough rocourso has bcon had frequently in.thla district to tho . ' atato law tbat defines Ulegnl Interfcr- oneo with a hfadgato na nn indictable ,j misdemeanor. Judgment on tho verdict wUI bo pro- , ' nounced Saturday, Jbdgo W. A. Bab- cock linnouneed. - Pcnnlty under Idoho law la tlOO flRO and 10 days* term In jail an(I\ not to oToood .t^Ono finv nnd six month* ;n : j^iil- , Tho caso affoinit Boylan wa* eon- ductod by Proiocotlng Attorney J. W. f Taylor.- Doylaa^twti^lnff In Jda.ttffa, _!] defense, denied that he hnd tampered n with tho hetdgftte and rtatod tbat ho r wnA unnblo to cxzplola hew ebangea in r tho strnetare illoged by tho proiecutlon 1 hod boen mads. Hs was reprosonted by ^ Attorney Joha E . Davlea. ILLS COUNTY Y N E UliMHKn AimiT BUKKA.O __________________Qg CtHCUIiATIOtW. zra Meeker Going Qni Over Oregon Trail _ j I In Army Airplane onoer of Oz*Tcam Days L Starts From Washington to H Dayton to See Racos. VANCOirVtilV^nh., Oct. 1 (yp) . PI — I-:7.r;> Mockcr, Pn, pionoer who U | .TOMi'd on tho ol.l Oregon Trnll ll' with an ox tonm, Htartod from horo todav ill u» airplano for Dayton,' Ohio, willi Liontonant Oakley _ Kellv of the Unite.l Stnte.s unny. Heal Thev hc.ppod off at H:.’52. Tholr.first ache’dulod atop wnn at Uolso, Idaho. GIIC ThovintoMtU»d',.lo slay ovor niKht lit I’ocatoll.., Idaho. oip iSSEmlill " CAI IfSMIOIOS ---------------- ----------------------------------------- thn“rr --------- aoo.lni ;ase of Criminal Syndicalist Attracts Attention and Arous- es Governor’s Ire. S,'vc7, will,. --------- oontli UOISF:, Oc. 1 (/P>—A count mado fol- >wi:ig tho opening aessloii of tho quar- ^ .•rly mectluj; of thy state board of :irdoiiH toduy, showod C.T direct poti* .The ions for pardim from prison inmates „ mig nd boen prcHcnted together with appli- u, h!io :itions for two county repriovoB, ono agouu oiiiity pardon. Tho bonrd hoard 13 fid,t. tiMOs and ndjourned until Friday mora- nboul. UR at 10 o'clock without tnking nctlon. Ccm Notablo nmong tho cases henrd to- j,rot.-i ny wna that of A. 8. Kmbrce, criminal pcoj)]. yn.Ucaljsti w hoso npplicatlon wns com- make ilotcd in timo to bo considorod today, rcspo Fmbreo hns served throo years and tbo si our months of a ono to ten yoar son* oi onco and thin fact was on.; of tho mnke grounds upon which J. R. Smond and 8. c, D. Fairchild, representing him, argued ji^ for his rolooae. Mrs. Embreo and ono tion' 5f her children woro present. After tho enso had boon prosontod ^ ^rs■ TlmbrL^a flhd a r r gr~ N <?n[i~ T n t n i n - ------- Zolglor of Nampa, stood aroand the ^ovsrnor’s dcsk'nrglffg thd rcleaso of tho prisoner. Govornor Mooro Immedlatoly stnrted tnlklng about Chicngo publications Lhat, ho said, wcro seeking to Intimldato Ai tho board by threats. 'Ocl' "You aro getting nowhero by such tactics," tbo govornor said,, “ nnd as long as such publlcationa continuo this cano cannot' receive much consideration c''"’ l)v thla bonrd ns far ns I am eon- ________________ s:: Huge Airship Will E Start for Pacitic Coast injew Days n Flight of Shenandoah From Lakehurst, N. J., Decayed Until Oct. 6 or 7; Radio To Bc -Used in Plight. WASHINOTON, Oct. I <>P)— Tho .ir|iarturo of tho naval air cruiser Sben- . . andoah from Lakehurst. N. J., on her API cru.^s'country flight to tho Pacific coast will bo delayed until October 0 or 7, T it was announced todny at tho depart- ment. Final overhaul of tho engines Q nnd other preparation for tho flight ____ -noco«aitatc»-tlin drlny._______ _______________ About .^00 commercini and amateur _ radio stations will b» pressed into aor- vlcn to koep in touch with tho crnft, aa Hho proceeds west nnd on her roturn trip. Tho Shcnando.ih Is equipped with two <riinsmitt4>rs, ono of tho standard nnvy typo which mny send on either intermpted or contlnuou.,'wavo of from 2.10 to fldo kilncyclc.i, with nn average daylight rango of HOC miles and a night rnngo of from .'iOO to lOOO miles and the- othor nn nuxilinry transmitter 'v'*' uf«lng lintb tolophono h^d continuous .wai'£..wlilcL-wilLopctatQ-on-332_itiln-. evdrs. Tho rnngo of tho Intter set * whirh Is nf fho very latest typo hns ' ^ not boen necnratoly tested. Any Infor- . mntlon relative to phenomenal, quality of transmission, ctc., should bo 'sent bv letter to tho n.ivy communications snporintendcnt, navy department, It ' W . 1S said. This will bn of grnnt valuo In determining tho radio rnngo of tho Rhenandonb. . Tho dlriglblo will send dlspatchcs for , [’ distribution to tho press from Wnsh- liiKton dnring six thirty mlnuto perloda >' between 1:30 n. m. nnd 0 p. m. dally on thfl flight. , OONDTTION OF GOViniNOB ' _____OF ■WTOMINO ZS aUA.VIl niKVEN>-R, O et.'l (/W—Tho tio pondljlon of Governor W. R.-Roas ua! nf Wyoniir't; wns reported lato to- . sol nigbt an very cracc, no“lmprovo- 'bo ment hnvlng boon Jihown . through- the out fho day. Tho govornor Is suf- qn. fcring from complications thnt do* got vejoped following nn operation laat pn week- ' roi ° • FBIOB FtVS 0ENT8. ■raE---: ITHTEIi SHDOLD G01E1SEHE5 -T——m an— ' eal Need for Loyal Adher- ence to Fundamental Prin- ciples of American F 0 mi| 0 f Government, Says Senator. CALDWELL, Oct. 1 (iP)—Thoro U <nl need for loyal ndhoronco to tho tndajiii'ntnl prlncliilcu nf tho Ameri- ,n form of govornmont ’ns defined by n-rnnimtntlonr^Jitor^W —B.“ Bonih---------- oo.lnrcd tod.a'y whon hq spoko a t tbo illogo of Idaho to nn nudionco of stu. >nts nnd town people. Whilo ehnngcs may bo noodod at mos, tho sonator said, basicnlly thf. •Inciplo.s of tho Ntato and nationnl >vcrnni'>nls should not _ bo tinkered iih. Stato and local governmonta, ho nntliiued, aro needed as woll ns tho nn* onal Kovornmont, us eaeb has ita ihoro of UHofulnoss, Gives Waminff. The spoakor gavi* ivarnlng that It Is nilstako for tho fodoral qvcrnm ont 1 show u disposition to undertake man- i*ouu'n( (){ affairs outsido Its own lol.l. I’uroly stato affairs, ho assorted, lould bo loft to tho stnto govornmont. Courts, Mr. Rorah suld, nro tho first rot.-otors of the rights of tho common (•oi>lo. Uoforoiico lo tho agitation to lake thy..Uaited-atatoa'»uprcma-court --------- osponiiiblo to congress waa made by ho senator, who doclarod that tho pow* rs of thla oourl, undor tho constitution, unko for ffood-{fovornmont and”«boTilrt' 10 continued. A high tribute was paid to tho na- ;ion's collogoa, -wbicb, Senator Bomb laid, aro a factor, not only In intellcc* ;uul but In mornl education. '_____ ; ______ RESERVOIR DISTRICT’S ..... BOARD HOLDS SESSIONS American Falb reservoir diatrict di* rectors at a special nieotlng hero Wod- nosday adopted roaolutiona giving ef« - feet to lion on account of tho diatrict'■ bond issuo against land under varioua cnnal companies within tho diatrict in proportion to tho amount of storago wator contracted for by oach company. Thcso resolutions aro to bo cortifiod to county audltora to servo as basis for collection of futuro osaossmonta by tho district. Interest paymonta beginning Wodiiosd.ay will bo funded for throo yoars, nccording to contract for aalo of tho bonds. PflElEMRNS OFFUTyREB Aristide Briand Tells League Next Struggle May Be Based on Economic Reasons. GENKVA, Ott. 1 tm —A wuraing that wars based on oconomic reasons mny menace tho world in tho futuro waa issued by Aristldo Briand, many timea premier of France, todny when, . with that snmo firo of eloquonco dnd emo- tion which stirred his auditors at tho Wnshlngton naval confcronco ho callod upon all nations to approve tho protocol for pacific settlement of International > difiputcs, nnd pledged thero and thon - Frnnco’s ndheslon wllhout roscrvatlona whatsoovcr. __ _______ _ Numerous speakers gave tbcif views' at tho nfternoon aesslon whicb adjoura* od until 9:30 o’cloek In tho evoning, . but It wnn M. Drland who aroused the assembly with his worda in behalf ef Franco. Tho nmonded protocol of arbitratloa .nnd security occupied tbo attcHHoil "Of------ tho nssombly of tho loaguo nnd a gen* ernl rsport by Dr. Denes rod M. Polltlt, representing tho two commiaaiona whieli jointly framed tho document, accom* panled it, furnished an explanation of tho various charges made In the orig* innl protocol. "Men may a»y," raid the formor promior, "th at eeonomle wnrn are pos- • slblo becauao the interests of natIons_ may bo swayed b y 'tle eamo eoasldsra* tions aa tbo interests of solflsb iodlTld* ualfl, and that tinder the infloesee of selflah InUreaU the id^al and flnty may. bo a^scured'or m tlEted. Tomorrow _ therefore, having now settled poUtletl qnostlons the le«pie of natlenB a u t settle eompletety th* dlffl«tilt eeondmle problems. But Tmn^o wffi, be e rn ready to help la thsl» ■otntioiL'', '

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Page 1: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS

T W I N-V O U 7 . • N O . 163. . . . - -


C om m issioner of B aseball L an- Idis Declares O’Connell and |

_ Dolan Ineligible A fte r H ear- Iing C harges. |

NBW YOEK, Oct. 1 OP)-^ommiB- I sionor K . M. Landii announced ton igh t I th a t Jim m y O'ConnoU and Coacli Coiy I DoIoq ot tbo Now Y ork N n tional loaguo ’ I boauboll elub hnd boon doclarod inoii* I

— glblofort1iiD “woTld-»oric»-«fter-tth«irgea- — I of bribery ogainst tbom bad booa ia- | vuatigatcd. JC

Tho Busponsion wnn baaod upoa a con- B fcMion mado by O ’ConnoU and ovidonco ■ furniahed by Dolan aud follow ed by in form ation furniahed b y Hoinio Sand of tho Pbiladolphia N a tiona l dub . ^ Snnd ata tod tha t on Soptom bor 27 ^ O'ConnoU b ad ottorcd Mm -4S00 to throw tho gamo botwoon tho G iants ho I a n d tho PbiUics played in New York of on th a t day.

BAfuses Offer.Sand TofuNod tho offor and immedi-

atoly gnvo his inform ation to M anager FJotchor of tho rhillicB who b rough t it to tlio a tton tion of Commiasionor Lan- = dis. Tho investigation in w hich Prea- ' i r idont H oyd lo f of tho N a tiona l loaguo, I , and offic ia la o f tho Now York clnb alao I took p a r t, foUowod. U

Tho investigation, Commissionor Lan-___ dis.Buid, tondodi_o_trnco_thq instigntion

o f tho schomo to Dolan, whoso tes ti­mony waa o f a naturo to Ind icato tha t eonelnaion.

O ’OonnoU’s eonfcssion alao montionod C atpain F ran k rriach , Kosa Y oung and Ooorgo K elly of tho G iants, b u t Com- Q h jr

jn U sionor I/an d i| aU tod th a ^ th o toati- mony o f thcso men h ad convinced tho ' in r e g t is a t is s eommitteo th a t tb o y hod DO p a r t l a iho schDimr O 'OinnioU,“Ti ^ substltn to ontfielder, wiU bo tho only r ‘ G ian t p lay o rn o teU g ib lo 'fo rth c w orld ’a ' •ories os Dolan ia a coach.

576,000 B®anty.” nC“ O'ConnoU, known as " th o #75,000 taMii

b e au ty ,” playod a prom inent p o rt in caso Now Y o rk 's firs t vic tory ovor P itta- arfjur burgh in the ir im portan t aorics laat tho r wook by h ittin g a home m n whieh Twin sqorod w hnt proved to bo tho w inning atnto run. "lauR

New Y ork won the game from Phila- d iiy ’f delphift by a scoro of .1 to 1. Tho vie- Me to ry cUnched the pennant fo r Now n shi Y ork. Snnd, Philndelphia shortstop, Moor scorcd tho only run for his toam which W. ’ Hpcured b u t four hits o f f B entley. ITo lonso .ilso hnd two putouts and ono assist hIi' w hu t no errora. O ’ConnoU played center mul 1 field fo r Now York and. mado a two- ;njj bnao h it. / " 1

Landis ta lk s . l„,ng.' ’r in y e r O ’ConnoU'nml'Conch Dolnn

of tho New York Nntionnl Icagno bnso- of il bnU cluh, hnvo been plncod on th e in- .■IlRihlo list, n i s nction wns takon by thn eommla»ion oa cvidcnco furnished }.v tbo oonfoRsinn of O ’Connoll and tho f,,ct

--tT'Rtlmony of Dolan. -

iO i W l S T g J M E H j


D enunciation of D awes by Sen- “ « a to r May^ React A gainst Him ;'™' a t. M eeting.

' ' ‘ . ______ llOiiDon

DES JfOINKS, Oct. 1 OP)—Town poll- cmo;tics, w hich hns hnrbored nn olemont of Tldivision sinco Smith W. B rookhart wns cl nom inated nnd cicetcd to tbo U nited

____ HtatCfl_8cn*ato..twQ_joara..flBo..withont, „„.i,tho full anpport of tho s ta to republi- ,1,.can organita ilon , ton ight wns chargcd .^vill

Tvlth rtUOthPT Tinccrtainty a rls in jf from- the so n a to r’i la test d ifferences w ith stn to pn rty loaders—hl« donuncintlon o f ChorlM 0 . Dnwes, rppnbUcon vleo presldontin! nominee. “

W hile membern o f tho s ta to central committeo were prcpnrlnjf to m eot herotomorrow to discuss B ro o k h a rt’s de- IImand th a t Dawea w ithd raw from the SomtlcJsrt, snpporters o f tho'son.-xtor dn- to 1ellnpd to dlsensi the m atter. N olther delitrronp wonltl eomment fo r pnblleatlon ns I

* *hn published reports th n f tho commit- dnt<toe m ight conalder o disnvownl of tho “ trsenator. ' - oloe

Stnto Central Oommttteo Chnirman doii'. - Jl. n .-S n rqD ls t ia n o d a . a ta te n e ttt u m

d a rin g th n t any cnndldato w ho re fnsfd end_ to snpport the n a tlo rjil tleV ct. o f hla Wa!

pnrtv did not merit tho support o f Ms ro-o' stn to p a rty erganlratlon, b a t added sop

th a t th is abonld not be in to rp ro ted oa sta tm eanlnc an effort wonld bo m ade a t to* supm orrow ’s enmmlttee m eeting to cen r n o slorth« ■enator. , fo?


r F ML S ^ B D W tR U U a U B B R O P ------- '■--------

A SaO C IA T B P P11E88____________________



whoolir ’:.-, ■ f o r th


tho hc the w


I I ll iriW Penm


th e I Th<


Thip y a a w wavii

AX JEROME PH A TF. a Qerman- Amorican alleged bootleggor. is un- dor arroet a t H avre, F ranco , oa a * cliorgo of piracy, tho pen a lty fo r •• w lilch iB death. Tho F ronch doclaro bo Is tho “ m aste r mind*’ in tb o 1 Io f pirates who boarded tb e Fnm cb I I I atoamor Mulbouso o ff tbo coast o f I I I Long laland and stolo bo r en tire w H $200,000 whiskey cargo. P b a f f asserts bo waa ia C anada a t tho Ume and " know nothing o f tho piracy.

\mm[ ..o F tH f iy i :

;hlcago P receden t D oesn’t Af- tj feet Governor, He T ells Twin Falls Law yer. .. . . . . . . . . . ^

----------- tiirynOISK, Oct. 1 M>)—PrM Odcnt cs cont

iMished in tho Txicb-Leopold m urder ed u ISO in Chicngo wns UHcd todny ns nn tho rgumont beforo the pardon board for g . 10 roloano of Molvin B lnckburn of win F.ills county, confined in tho into- prison, for itivoltintnry mnn- I^os( auRhlor. No nction aviih tnkon nt to- maj( iiy ’s meeting. oralMention of Iho Cliicago ciisji lirought , sharp retort from O ovornor C. C. "

fooro, rhalrmnn of tho h o a rd ,'n s O.V. Witham, nttornoy, 'plcndod for ro- ticu: •nso of tho boy who unintontioiuilly rran linvhU Kiri wifo. He is stiU undor aj:-, ,„i , ml tho incidents loading up to tho kill- . ig b.'Krin whon ho was about 18."Thono two boys should h;ive In-cn

angcd without nny nionkcywork, ’' | aajipc-d Ihu •’’t f ir s t mention 11f tho l»ol.-L(’opold c.iso. U

“ Howovor,’ ’ urgucd tlm -nttornoy, I I 'tin - jirccfdcat has been net.”

" V rs , hilt tho p rcc 'dont doo» not af- cc t me.’’ .iocliircd the ' Rovornor- 'W h a l ifl Iho uso of tho-pooplo o f th‘ii r any olal<i spcndiiii: monoy lo conviot,

law . violator an d thon, u f to r ho haa .0..11 ill prison a litllo while, tu rn him

________________ In d


r^T»-irfltid^ .w nrrw l6ranff.-^ lT Q rfrom : r r : r Uihl, ono from Curry nnd tw o from I'win rulld, wcro in itintod into the ‘ •10 :ind 3 ’’ 'vo iturn of Tw in Falls nt I mooting and celebr.'ition held Wod- lomlay ovoning. Preceding tho initia- “ PF •ion a banauct ,w.n holJL n t . tho..Eoff-. tpb •rsoa linU‘1 a t which timo betweon 30 for ind '10 wcru in attondnnco. L arry con Ilodgin pri'sldod a t th is tim o and A. Dornutti JoIin<ion .nt thu in itia tion cer- 'm oav

Tho.io lakon ‘ into tho order, which H do^rrihod ns tho playground of tlie T aiiu’riran I.oginn, follow: O. 0. Pcoto tnil .nd-»,-I/.-H ftrTO Tn--t)f-D uhlrO flH 'Cry'1<T of Curry nnd C. L. DoLong nnd , Will,nr Uowl.crry of Twin F alls. Mar- JirH irC l.T im m i-innnrTf-lho ordur, who :lvcs nt Hallej', waa not present.


IirLLTN’OS, M ontana, Oct. I OP)— inSenator Whcclor of M ontana, xoturned porto hia homo s ta to ton igh t in tlmo to Ideliver a cam paign address a t DUlings rodns independent vico prcsidontin l candi- ccndate . Ho told his audience ho hnd Jol" t r ie d to koep tho f a i t h " o f provions oreoloetion promises in hla nn tional careor, th idenounced tho pending -fedora! Indict- np)u m t Bgninit him na n-“ fmmeTip**and th!endoraed tho candidacy o f Sonator ‘W ahh, demoi:rat, M oataQa,.Trho soeks duiro-electloa In M ontana, In te rras leas ro- " asofved than thoso ho had usod la o thor ha*stn tes whllo n rp lng L aF o lle tto tick e t peisupporters to b aek p a r tie u la r eongrea- nd<slonal candidacies. Ro lo f t a t m idnight ofifo? Bntte, p n rtn ia g h U speak lng totif. ta l

-...... . •—.... !- ■- —hATED PRESS NEWSP

D L S I-------- T W IN FALLS, m A H O , THUEHDAT

iELs OF governmeW STOP WHEN PENNANT wilWASHINGTON, Oct. 1 (/B—T h o t " A seels ot govornmont stopped todny transni • tho coronation corofnonics of kingsoball, an usurper wlip a fto r 23 yonrs’ victorillo rodo into tho national capital a t Smi]B head o t a w ild ly horaldod cablnot— snld tltt W ashington Senators, pennant win- roachors o f tho Amorican loaguo. to bonigh-ups in govornmont life J ^ n e d to dout to Join w itb streo t u rch ins in shout* was bg a h earty welcome to tho c ity 's actionsoball heroes who woro esoofted in a actof,lorful woleomo homo procossion up possibm nsylvanla avonuo from tho peaco " Wnnument to tho Ellipse south of tho rommiblto . Houao, where President Cool- inglygo extended an official g reeting to Tiio0 pbyerff. ' tukoTho keynote o f tho welcome home faahielobratlon w as sounded b y tho prcai- ton a]'n t, who In prosontlng Mnnngor Stan- I t wa y H arris w ith a loving cup from tho lh a t t tlzons of tho d istric t, aanurod him th a t paradjC aoam _liail_w on^iU b»-ftffoetion-6f- -ingt<ij 10 'hom o tp w n ’ constituency ." ForThousandn o f shouting fans, somo -I’l'nnn aving pennants, e thers w aving hnts, way i id still othora too buay scrambling parad ir points o f vantage to wavo anything, roproi rarm od nround tho oMlpso to hcnr tbo Amor resident. tionni

i S i l f lTOLD ff TmilL

lo Exploded Shells in Gun Seek W ith W hich M a jo r -K i l le d -N £ Self, Say W itnesses. Tii

TAOOMA, Oct. 1 C<P)—Tho pistol o l ■lajor A lcxandor P . Cronkhlto frOTi ^ rhtcb, in Ma own hands, i t ia assorted i jn f io dolenae, Ho m et liia acatii In a oncly «pot. on -tly j.C am p Lqwia mUi-. ury rcaervntlon alx years ngo now, ontalned no exploded shells when pick- ' d up a fow m inutes afterw ard beside ho dead body, Georgo Root, J r ., of ieattlo, form or arm y companion of Rol- md H. Poth ior, accused w ith Robort f ' . ^osonbluth o f tho m urder of tho najor, te s tified this afternoon in fod- iral court whoro Pothior ia being tried. j,

In response to qucstloalng as to why third lis memory fnllod him In cortain par- '>oth iculnrs, Root tu rned to the ju ry and Tankly adm itted th a t b is testimony night h u rt P oth ior nnd tb a t i t was his Hult, ntontion to sny ns tlttlo aa poasiblo. >.h th


_______ n

Indications Point to ' Shortage Ll of Supply for Home Consump- r tion ; M ost of Crop Sold. (,

Twin Falla eounty reaidenta who Insty ea r saw thousands of tons of choice -I UPapples go to wanto in orcharda of th is -rregion nro likely to g ^ s h o r^ o f apples _for homo consumption th is yenr, ac* «cording to IndlcatlonB dlscloscd by can* ^ vass of tho situntion mado by buyersnnd othor persons intoreated in tho ^ horticu ltural Industry In tb ls locality. '

Thero is gcnerni agreem ent th n t the ' lijilk of th is season’a crop \n t his dls* tr ic t has pnssed out o f tho grow ers’ liands, moat estlm atoa ns to .tho aizo ofIho erop p u ttin g maxiin^im total produc- . . tiou for tho d is tric t thia season n t 250 carlonds. Jona than apples havo bocnsold thia aenson n t froTn_»4.T tn *.^0 larpor ton, and Delicious, o f which not er.ilmore th an 15 carlonds w ere produced, hadcommanded price of $100 per ton, and atalin smaU lo ts price of $2.75 to M.CS oneper box fo r Delicious hns bcon offorod. mis

Reports reaching bero this woek of Jroductlon in prico o f apples on m nrket nouccntors woro decrlod W ednesday by cocJoha W. I ln rd ln , ownor of oxtonalvo Torcharda and warehouse fncllitlcs who nndth is season hns bocn engaged In buying ••j.einpplea grow n by othor orchnrdlats o f jailth is d is tric t.----- , 1

" I bavo beard no th ing of any re- dueductlon in p rice ,”. M r. J ln rd ln s ta tod , Taj" a n d I am stlU o ffe rin g tho prico I defhavo pa id fo r two weeka past o f $50 witp er ton fo r Jo n o th e n s ." Mr. H ardin wmnddod th a t be bad m ade unaneeessful the o ffo rt w ith in tb e p a s t few dnys to ob* hadta la apples In thU d is t r ic t Ati


D A I L ^A T M O K tnN O , OOTOBEB 2, 1024.


“ As tho h ead of an enterprise th a t S tS inHncts somo bminefW In th is to w n ," j j . . r. Coolidgo anlil, “ I havo tho doubio tisfac tloa o f wolcomlng homo theetorloua b a ll te am .” __Smiling ns he apoko, th e prealdont Id th n t " w h e n th o en tire populritlon achod tho p o in t o f requiring the gnmo

bo deacribod, play-by-plny, I began doubt w botbor th o highest efficiency

as being prom otod. I cootom plated ' tlon of a v igorous diaclpllnnry chnr- itof, blit tho outcome mnkes i t im- issib lo ." 1"W o n r c n wmowhat democratized im m unity ," be adilod, " b u t oiceed. — — gly hnppy over i t . " L LT lio jirosidont by leaving hia dc ik to_ *1 | l

iko pa rt in 't l io ccromonles set tho ( J y ishion for th o J a y , for nil Wiuihlng- tn apparen tly swnnned to tho avenue., was nboiit the f im t tlmo In history la t tho cap ita l e ity ovor stnged Us own arndo from Its own heroes, nnd Waah- igt<i3 -mftdo-thfl mo!ii o f U. r ; —For well on to n. hundred yoars now

I'nnsvlvania nvcnuo hnd been tho high'- •ay nf proeoRsIann nnd pngonnts—tho U3SC arado (jround on which proiiumably -prosentativo rross section of tho A t morican peoplo h n s oxpresood the na- ionnl nmotlons.


cou n tCttMOS

eek to Wlake A uditor Place ” “■!l in y >

-N a m e -o f-C a n d id a te _ o n .T.woplotc

T ickets in Idaho.tonec

UOIBU, O ct. 1 OP)—S uit to forco J. d ° f Uunbar, auditor and recorder of fo r 1

Canyon couuty, t o plico tho namo of ic rty 'M lt< bo ll, f.andi'daU fo r eoagresa 'rom tho f i r s t diatrict on bo th tho pro- ^olg 'fcsslvo an d dcm deratle b'aUota lh the dovt 'all olection, was filed in tho supremo tbo ; lourt today. Tbo c a io i i to to st tho law vhich stn tes tliat a nnmo ean appear on >nly ono t ie k o t th e 1

J . P. Popo , llonry Z. Johnson nnd " iVilllam hL Morgan/ appearing for tactl 'ilitchell, aak th a t Uuubar bo required .0 show causo vrhy the namo should not JO prin ted in l o th tho bourboa nnd :hird p a r ty columns, conventions of )oth partiea selecting M itchell as their louilneo fo r tho f i r s t congressional dls- T l

N ntional in te re s t i« centered on tho m lt, Innsmueb as Senator W. K. 13ornh O ,.H tho nom inee o f tho republicans nnd ' J lirogrcnsives nnd upon tho outcome of tho case wUl depend w hether the Tdnho jonator w ill ho a cnndldato on both ildcota. “ FolUicIaYis-nrfl w atching 'w lU i - •- in terest tho move, nnd speculating whether ho will ilctlaro h im self ro- Fli{ |iublican or progrrssivo should tho au- I [iromo court rulo tho hnmo can go on ^ r>iily ono ticket. ^

G O N y f i i l l =i l E B I E i

---------- A

Ju ry in D is tric t C ourt, for F irst "J, Time in Years, F inds Head- * g a te C ase D efendant Guilty.

. c.io

A. D. Boylan, Bnhl d ia tric t farmer, was Wodncsday found guUty by a jury tho in d is tric t court horo o f in terfering u l

-w iU v«a_licadgita-to-incToajio-lil»-own- Irrigatiort w a tff snpply Into last July.Tho v e rd ic t of conviction, which was rotiirnCH a fte r b r ie f dellborntlons, Is mn said lo bo tbo f ira t returned In a sitnl- of la r cnao In d litr ic t court hero in sor- cr.ll yonrs, allhough rocourso has bcon had frequently in .th la d is tric t to tho . ' a tato law tb a t defines Ulegnl Interfcr- oneo w ith a hfadgato na nn indictable ,j m isdemeanor.

Ju d g m en t on th o verd ict wUI bo pro- , ' nounced S a tu rday , Jbdgo W . A. Bab- cock linnouneed. - „

Pcnn lty under Idoho law la tlOO flRO and 10 days* te rm In ja il an(I\ n o t to oToood .t^Ono finv nnd six month* ;n : j^iil-, Tho caso affoinit Boylan wa* eon- ductod b y Pro iocotlng A ttorney J . W. f T aylor.- D o y la a ^ tw ti^ ln f f In Jda .ttffa , _ !] defense, denied th a t he hnd tampered n w ith tho hetdgftte and rta to d tb a t ho r wnA unnblo to cxzplola hew ebangea in r tho s trn e ta re illoged b y tho proiecutlon 1 hod boen mads. Hs was reprosonted by A ttorney Joha E . Davlea. ’



__________________Qg CtHCUIiATIOtW.

zra Meeker Going Qni Over Oregon Trail _ j I

In Army Airplaneonoer of Oz*Tcam Days L S tarts From Washington to H Dayton to See Racos.

V A N C O irV tilV ^n h ., Oct. 1 (yp) . P I— I-:7.r;> Mockcr, Pn, pionoer who U |.TOMi'd on tho ol.l Oregon Trnll l l 'with an ox tonm, Htartod from horo todav ill u» airplano for Dayton,'Ohio, willi Liontonant Oakley _Kellv of th e Unite.l Stnte.s unny. H e a l Thev hc.ppod off a t H:.’52. T holr.first ache’dulod atop wnn at Uolso, Idaho. GIIC ThovintoMtU»d',.lo slay ovor niKht lit I’ocatoll.., Idaho. o ip

iS S E m lill "CAI

I f S M I O I O S---------------- ----------------------------------------- th n “rr

--------- aoo.lni

;ase of Criminal Syndicalist A ttrac ts Attention and Arous- es G overnor’s Ire. S,'vc7,

will,.--------- oontli

UOISF:, Oc. 1 (/P>—A count mado fol- >wi:ig tho opening aessloii o f tho quar- ^.•rly m ectluj; o f thy s ta te board of :irdoiiH toduy, showod C.T d irec t poti* .The ions fo r pardim from prison inm ates „ mig nd boen prcHcnted together w ith appli- u , h!io :itions fo r tw o county repriovoB, ono agouu oiiiity pardon. Tho bonrd hoard 13 f id ,t . tiMOs and ndjourned until F riday mora- nboul. UR at 10 o 'c lock w ithout tnk ing nctlon. Ccm

Notablo nmong tho cases henrd to- j,rot.-i ny wna th a t of A. 8. Kmbrce, crim inal pcoj)]. yn.Ucaljsti w hoso npplicatlon wns com- m ake ilotcd in tim o to bo considorod today, rcspo

Fm breo hns served throo years an d tbo si our m onths of a ono to ten yoar son* oi onco an d thin fac t was on.; o f tho mnke grounds upon which J . R. Smond and 8. c, D. Fairch ild , representing him, a rgued ji for his rolooae. Mrs. Em breo and ono t io n ' 5 f her children woro present.

A fter tho enso had boon prosontod^^rs■ TlmbrL^a flhd ar rgr~N <?n[i~ T n tn in --------Zolglor o f Nampa, stood aroand the ^ovsrnor’s dcsk 'n rg lffg thd rcleaso of tho prisoner.

Govornor Mooro Immedlatoly stnrted tnlklng abou t Chicngo publications Lhat, ho said , wcro seeking to Intim ldato Ai tho board b y threats. 'Ocl'

"Y o u a ro getting nowhero by such ta c tic s ," tbo govornor said,, “ nnd as long as such publlcationa continuo th is cano cannot' receive much consideration c ' '" ’ l)v thla bonrd ns fa r ns I am eon-

________________ s : :

Huge A irship Will E

S t a r t fo r P acitic

C oast i n j e w D ays n

Flight of Shenandoah From Lakehurst, N. J., Decayed Until Oct. 6 or 7; Radio To Bc -Used in Plight.

WASHINOTON, Oct. I <>P)—Tho .ir|ia rtu ro o f tho naval a ir cruiser Sben- . . andoah from Lakehurst. N. J., on her API cru.^s'country flight to tho Pacific coast will bo delayed until October 0 or 7, T i t was announced todny a t tho d ep a rt­ment. F in a l overhaul o f tho engines Qnnd o ther preparation for tho f ligh t ____

-noco«aitatc»-tlin drlny._______ _______________About .^00 commercini and am ateur _

radio s ta tio n s will b» pressed into aor- vlcn to koep in touch w ith tho c rn ft, aa Hho proceeds west nnd on her roturn trip. Tho Shcnando.ih Is equipped w ith ” two <riinsmitt4>rs, ono o f tho s tan d ard nnvy typo which mny send on either in term pted or contlnuou.,'wavo of from 2.10 to fldo kilncyclc.i, w ith nn average daylight rango of HOC miles and a n igh t rnngo o f from .'iOO to lOOO miles and the- o thor nn nuxilinry tran sm itte r 'v'*' uf«lng lintb tolophono h^d continuous ‘ .wai'£..w lilcL-wilLopctatQ-on-332_itiln-. evdrs. Tho rnngo of tho In tter se t * whirh Is n f fho very la te s t typo hns ' not boen necnratoly tested. Any Infor- . mntlon re la tive to phenomenal, quality of transm ission, ctc., should bo 's e n t ‘ bv le tte r to tho n.ivy communications snporintendcnt, navy departm ent, I t ' W.1S said. This will bn of grnnt valuo ‘In determ ining tho radio rnngo of tho Rhenandonb. . „

Tho dlriglblo will send dlspatchcs fo r , [’ d istribu tion to tho press from Wnsh- liiKton d n ring six th irty mlnuto perloda >' between 1:30 n. m. nnd 0 p. m. dally on thfl fligh t. ,


n iK V E N > -R , O e t . ' l (/W—Tho tiopondljlon of Governor W. R.-Roas ua!nf W yoniir't; wns reported lato t o- . soln igb t an very cracc, no“lm provo- 'bom ent hnvlng boon Jihown . through- theout fho day. Tho govornor Is suf- qn.fcring from complications th n t do* gotvejoped following nn operation laa t pnweek- ' roi

° • FBIOB F tV S 0E N T 8.

■ r a E - - - :ITHTEIi SHDOLD G01E1SEHE5

- T — — m a n — ■ '

eal Need for Loyal A dher­ence to Fundam ental P rin ­ciples of American F 0 m i | 0 f G overnm ent, Says S e n a to r.

CALDWELL, Oct. 1 (iP)—Thoro U <nl need fo r loyal ndhoronco to tho tndajiii'ntnl prlncliilcu nf tho Ameri- ,n form of govornmont ’ns defined byn - rn n im tn t lo n r^ J i to r^ W —B.“ Bonih----------oo.lnrcd tod.a'y whon hq spoko a t tbo illogo o f Idaho to nn nudionco of stu .>nts nnd town people.Whilo ehnngcs may bo noodod a t

mos, tho sonator said, basicnlly thf. •Inciplo.s o f tho Ntato and nationnl >vcrnni'>nls should not _ bo tinkered iih. Stato and local governm onta, ho nntliiued, aro needed as woll ns tho nn* onal Kovornmont, us eaeb has ita ihoro of UHofulnoss,

Gives W aminff.

The spoakor gavi* ivarnlng th a t It Is nilstako for tho fodoral q v c rn m o n t

1 show u disposition to un d ertak e man- i*ouu'n( (){ a ffa irs outsido Its own lol.l. I’uroly s ta to a ffa irs , ho assorted, lould bo loft to tho stn to govornm ont. • Courts, Mr. Rorah suld, nro tho f irs t

rot.-otors o f the righ ts o f tho common (•oi>lo. Uoforoiico lo tho ag ita tio n tolake thy ..U aited -a ta to a '» u p rcm a-co u rt---------osponiiiblo to congress waa m ade by ho senator, who doclarod th a t tho pow* rs o f thla oourl, undor tho constitu tion , unko for ffood-{fovornmont and”«boTilrt'10 continued.

A high trib u te was paid to tho na- ;io n 's collogoa, -wbicb, S en a to r Bom b laid, aro a factor, not only In intellcc*;uul b u t In mornl education. '_____ ;______


A m erican F a lb reservoir d ia tric t di* rectors a t a special nieotlng hero W od­nosday adopted roaolutiona g iv ing ef« - fee t to lion on account of tho d ia tr ic t '■ bond issuo ag a in st lan d under varioua cnnal companies w ithin tho d ia tric t in proportion to tho am ount o f storago w a to r contracted for by oach company. Thcso resolutions aro to bo co rtifiod to county audltora to servo a s basis fo r collection of futuro osaossmonta by tho d is tric t. In te re s t paymonta beginning Wodiiosd.ay will bo funded fo r throo yoars, nccording to co n trac t fo r aalo o f tho bonds.


A ristide B riand T ells League N ext Struggle M ay Be Based on Economic R easons.

GENKVA, O tt. 1 tm — A w uraing th a t wars based on oconomic reasons mny menace tho world in tho fu tu ro waa issued by Aristldo B riand, m any timea prem ier o f France, todny w hen, . w ith th a t snmo firo o f eloquonco dnd emo­tion which s tirred his aud ito rs a t tho W nshlngton naval confcronco ho callod upon all nations to approve tho protocol for pacific settlem ent of In te rn a tio n a l > difiputcs, nnd pledged thero and thon - F rnnco’s ndheslon w llhout roscrvatlona whatsoovcr. __ _______ _

Numerous speakers gave tb c if view s' a t tho nfternoon aesslon w hicb adjoura* od until 9:30 o ’cloek In tho evoning, . b u t It wnn M. Drland who aroused the assembly w ith his worda in b eh a lf e f Franco.

Tho nmonded protocol o f a rb itra tlo a.nnd security occupied tbo attcHHoil "Of------tho nssombly o f tho loaguo nnd a gen* ernl rsp o rt by D r. Denes ro d M. P o llt l t , • represen ting tho two commiaaiona whieli jo in tly fram ed tho docum ent, accom* panled i t , furnished an explanation of tho various charges m ade In th e orig* innl protocol.

" M e n m ay a » y ," ra id th e form or promior, " t h a t eeonomle wnrn a re pos- • slblo becauao the in te re sts o f n a tIons_ may bo swayed b y 't l e eam o eoasldsra* tions aa tbo in terests o f solflsb iodlTld* ualfl, and th a t tinder th e in floesee o f selflah InU reaU the id^al a n d fln ty m ay. bo a ^scu red 'o r m t lE te d . Tom orrow _ therefore , hav ing now se ttle d poU tletl qnostlons th e le« p ie o f natlenB a u t settle eom pletety th* d lffl« tilt eeondmle problem s. B u t Tm n^o w ffi, be e r n ready to he lp la thsl» ■ o tn tio iL '', '

Page 2: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS

P a g o T w o . T W l i S T

" T ' - ^

/■ IM TO THE----------------- A A -S « l .C O M V W J « l 'n N l i M 6 - S

M O U S S f e , M H 6 R t K T S R I C A M t U E S t FRQUV T=RAHCE & tF E W > N omR . 9 S M r t \ B 5 \ - O F T M t u - s . t s m

VU'S'TORVa C X l S U4. . K M M JN tB . W O R W H 0 ? ' t m

S oW M E tM BVOOt> ' w K-T FU 5 V l» 'T H E M e w s O'F tV E K H ^ " 'g V 'T.

H G H T i l ”*? J L D . S i n i I H _ s ; IQ U O IS IID iS


Geneva M eeting Four C enturies J " ; , L a te r T han the Early-D ay E '.i!

ThoG atherings of Redmen to Knutc

niilonProm ote Peace.

,Tliia I______ tlio S

W ASIIINHTOX, Ocl. 1 W)— Ini.i.u .i. ludiuiiH b ea t tho league- of imtions to it b ; four conturioH. T hat ia whnt .1. iforni N. B. H ew itt o f the D urrnu of Amor- _ _ _

-----i*nn-« ithoology-«f-tho-Sm ithaoaiau-ln- n i l IBtUutiun hus dincovcrcd through ro- lU lU march of the “ Louffuo of tbo F ivo Na- I i l l ' liuiie, ” w hich hclil Rway in tho Now York coun try when • Amorica wan I young. Ho hun junt ro turned to Wiuh- 1 iogton from fu r th e r investigation of I tho OTganlxatJon, o f which a roainant exiat^ today in tiio prorinco of Ontari«

-----•ad-the-etete-of-New-YorJe,-----------------------------As tho Ja d U a a o f old le f t no w ritten M jlu

reeorda, U r. H e w itt had>to-d«poDd on trad ition , a s em bodied in ritu a l, for hi« m ain aonrco of in fonnation . So fa r ^ aa th e p r e te s t if eoneom od OOOO In- • diana a t B ro a tfo rd , in Ontario , keop alive tho lo a f^e , undor arrangem ent w ith th e C anadian {(‘‘vrrnm ont, and thrco amoll reaervationa in Now Y ork MI itn to more o r leaa cloaely follow tho old lea f^o T ef^latlooa. Thcao aro tho Onondaga Toserratlon near Syracuse w ith 5«5 la d ia n i ; th e Tonaw anda rea- e rra tio n , no ar A kron, w ith ^30 Indiana, many and tho T aacaro ra reaerra tio n , near jo leg Lewiston, w ith 370 Indiaao . nont

Tho prcaorvation o f peaco waa' the Ando objective o f th e Leapno of tho Pivo Na- Sarkj tiona. W omon occupied a pre-em inent India placo in its .B tru c ta re , a s d .n a tu ro liu - Afrle tlon, tho referendum , In itia tiv e and ro- stu to •all bad n p lace In i ts tnakcap. Thi

The U ohnw k , the Onondaga, tho Amet - O nrtdiv C aynfja and tho Seneca, tribe* he ld '

o f Iroqnoinn blood, oetablishcd th e natci! league, w ith a tnn ture constitution, and tion I p lanned to b r in g in to the fcdem tlon , incea fa tim e, all known tr lb ta o f men oa jjan, olliea. Verm

-------------------------- Jnclk' MORE REPORTS REACH »


W ASnTNGTON, Oct. 1 OP>~Tl>o . ^ polifirnl fiftinlicin in niiiMIr nml north wpstcm state* wn* nnder diseiiMion

— rnoflrtnv, n t thf* 'W hitr^oT nnm s” l*rrsl:--------TionfC 6olIi!g(‘~rfofttvtf7r’TnrtmiirTr*portir 1 ^ ® on tho outlook there.

C. fl. Y'nst. S t. I/Oiii" n lito r, tnlil thn / preaident, dcm ocrata appa ren tly nro In ^ tho Jeirl ill Mi«fr>'iri now find n "troiig

.. f '^h t would ho niTC^B.iry to carry , th a t ata te fo r rcpuM ieana. N ebm ska nnd

Town nlnrt ar(>' «loulitfMl, ho sairl, w ith rrpublifftns holding; tho edge. Mr. Yo«t, ' who wnn n guost o f Mr. Coolidgo n t Tl lunrhron, naid .Tohn W. Pnvis, drmo- K3 cr.itir |>ri'J'i<]onfi;il r.-indidiifo. hnd tnfi'Io on litHo pains in the w(-»l as n risiilt jjf

• - -h j t Trr«^t'TTlp. ------- I — - Y

BEA D T H E D A IL T N E W a ------

Increase Your IE very bushol th a t you add to your ylcli

duclDg m eans not p rofit. Wo havo knowr bu ih rta p e r »cro on highly fortilixcd land fiim i produced less than hnlf th a t amoui grea tly increaso your yield if you will.

W in te r V etch is tho best quick fc rtiliic nipnta o f th e bean grower. Sow W inter Fall ju s t an soon us tbc crop comca off, duco a henvy grow th o f huroua to plow

• ~ lh o ' Spring . T c tch JB a-leK um c\tike clov I gumo th a n c ither of them. Youi can fill \ nnd hnnjUB.for ne* t year'i* crop \*y aowlr \ B 0 W \ a 5 T a E E t ^ A B rO S S IB L E ;----------

Darrow Bros. Seed



EW C W OF *W E S W T W \ P lM b A• _ n w » c s - \ ^ s v f f i e : r e R . . :m A A 4 - \

tOVJV'S . v t 6 U M ?,C E TQ W EtV

SHML rt J Jc u t

5) ^ 1 0 ^

' / ^ x v \ _____


TRACK TO THE COAST 'W A K H lN tiT O N , O rt . 1 M>>— TliP iiillii'rii I 'arifio coiiijiuny hiiii wun

____10 fn ihci P iirific coastlIlM I'oinpcllo pljin ti» iidiuirp control

r tlio Kl I’aso niid Houthowoatorn ^ nti’iu and through tho A rizona T'list- COHI11 railroad, onn o f i ts subsldinrics, to iiMtriict now I'xtoiisiona in M nricopu, D( unia iiiid Pinnl rntintlcs, A rizona, to-itlior with its proposed financing nr* o f iii;;i’iiiontB wero fjiven tho np. ovul o f tho in to rs ta tc commorco com* lusion. —Tho now construction o f tho A rizona istern w ill to tal approxim atoly 17B hoari ilon and will conhoct tho Bouthern hold itcific linea w ith tho A rizona E astern .Ilia connection, w ilh tho connection o f ,10 S o u th e rn P acific w ith th o Rock la n d .s y s te m , w ill c -onstitu to a d ir c c t lublo t r a ^ k ro u to f ro m Chicago and o f a iNNouri r iv e r t o r r l to r y to B ou thern Oai- danc o rn ia . w ero

1 ™ t- p

I D i ! S Mlilw aukee Exposition A ttended by R epresen ta tives of F o r­eign N ations.

m i l w a u k i : k . W in ., O c t. 1 (m—Alur.h of tho in lornationul waa given 10 national dairy s ^ w horo ith tho a rriva l o f reprcsontatlToa of lany natlooB . SoTcral coontrles aent elegations. Among tho m ost proml- on t foreign dairym en here a re C. A. .ndenon, Stockholm, Swodon; It. 8. nrkaria, K ahU a college, A m ritaar, id ia ; D. J . B etlef, P re to rio , Sooth frlea, and 0 . II. Buiaaon, O range Freo ta te , Sonth A frica.The n in th ann u a l m eeting o f tho

merican Dniry Science’ aaaociation, p ld^^-cl^m cctitm ^rith-the ahow, nom i'- - ated offieera to compete in an eloo* on to bo hold nex t month. Theae nom* icea aro P rofessor O. R. Reed, M lchl- an, and P rofcsaor 11. B. E llcnbcrger, ermont, fo r Preaident^! Profoasor II. J . iidklns, MaaaachUBCtta, and Profeasor r. M. Ragen. Cnlifornia, rico prcal- oats; ProfcHsora K. F . F ran ien ,. Ne- raskft, and R. K. Rosa, Now T o fk , fo r ilitor of tho D airy Science Journal.

Mr*. IT. J . Younga w ill e a te r, for irge or smnll parlies n t th e Jnatam ero on. Phono or 1207W.— adv.

A P P L E S llF o r * S a l e

a t our orcharda eigh t miles aoath - and two mUea east o f Tw in FoUa.

Three-fonrths m ile south of KUoB'a comer... See 0T7B sign on gate post oni loft.' ■■ ■

T. G eo rge 'H islop & Son"

Bean Yieldsylold over l i h a t y o u a ro now p r o ­ow n of b e a n y ie ld s n s h ig b qb 00 m d w h ile o th e r la n d on th e sam e lOunt th o aamo se aso n . You cnn 11-ilizcr known, It meols all require- e r Vetch on your bcon fields thia iff , w ater freely nnd it; w ill pro- jw down before plaatiiJ|(r tim e in clover and -n lfa lf.i, a stfenger le- n i l your soil w ith bolh nltrORen

jwlng Vetch now. ,------ -W B -H A V E T H B -8E B D .V '

d & Supply Co.P H O N B 8.


G U M P S — F. o 7 ^

\ T W e v io a v .ti v'S/ - c i ' h e s e \ i " v M = !re « . K U . ^

v s O N O l O N t N B N O R V O o V V R O S B e s s -

E X C 0 . \ ^ 1 « s s x o e v o o s v u T O w e *

M i n n e a s o u b w a s S t; v w t -

_ 6 \ ) T WBM S T K M b Ss A .u i N e v o w o v n .ys= V M m D U 'l A S O A R \N &I - T P I U M H N M T m d m e ' t m s .I \ c « i e « 0 \ = -JW E f

A U K t NtA E M i v t OM ^V. hII / J

i f l i F lJ E t t m L M M l

■ to toalrcl

om m lttee, in C harge Divulges "j™" D etails in S to re fo r Patrons of Elks’ M instreL

---------- Th

The poppioBt, nnappiOBt mlnatrol to.Darsal over eoon iti Twin Falla waa Qo«raid W ednesday n ig h t in tbo E lks torn- dlnnle. Tho men took o ff tbo ir coats Ind li nd vesta, collars w ere hastily discarded nd fo r two koura nnd a ha lf 30 moaf all ogOB and w alks of lifo aang, thin anccd, joked and mado m orry; they climj ero k id s again , and aa oagor to ro- our i earso as a youngster is to try oot hla vcrsi




------------------------ -meantake 1

The c want upon- tured folks

- ......... ' . —.meaCserve

- When right.

........................ - ' V , —

: V--------- ^


r N E W OH L i A N TIBM« r . l~ u U | —^

A. T H C T . t - : J i

8 - TW OJb B - l f c j Q , ;

J t - -------------wm c o - j i g r l B S V W N

ow a ir g u n . , o f m-» i* ttiiikppy-dniices- cknd lU-annppy —3ngs wore gono ovur tim e and again un* yits :il tho d irec to r bccamo oxhaustcd and “ W<a d ,to eall u hnlt. I f it w asn ’t fo r throiha t thoy would bo rehearsing yot. “ try

Tomorrow th e coiiiniitlco in chargoiromiBO to to ll whn aome of th e dif- nro i tm t «nnrnct?rrt'arenoTlfty 'lis“p u rp d « r iro lull to a cortnin ex ten t o f tho min- }uticilrcl fro lic—b ut mcro words cannot ^-ithorvb* nn ti medium o f description; It wore Till havo to bo seen to bo fully appro- A|;iatod. th is

Tho f i r s t p a r t m instrel Betting alono thoa ono o f gorgeous aplcndor. tho

T tidl ft n H um ber Flguree. - luct: The olio, o r aecond pa rl o f tho'«mln-

itrel, is a com bination of tho aamo homo th a t embolliahes tho f irs t p a r t Ti loorgcousncsa dominates. In tho In- p]Unn num bor. which is baaed on an old 8 a ti[ndian legond, opportunity nffordn it- {M ajiclf a roal d ram utle atmosphere th a t n in ; iHnga th e h earer to the vian.-iliration pif th^ lifo o f tfao early inhab itan t o f for t;hi)i homiaphero. Y et i t cloaca w ith a A %:limax th a t dlapela a ll aombcrncas from ^}ur minds, leav ing tho nudienco to tra*^erso tho In tervening apaco to tho land b :

3 a p p yAPPY th rift doesn’t me: ■ you want. It means d iught was what you waiite( ans-doing- without’ such rr :e them.

e only insurance against nt is knowing wares, adve] )n home furnishings, clot ed and described everywhe ks want, buy and are th ri atUowars -their . p rices— ve to the very limit of the

len you keep an eye on a< ht. You buy what you th:

Advertisements remo from buying—read i

-------------------------- V ------------ ^ ^ -------

[Ng , OCTQ.BER 2,1924..

S ^ '[/ " \ H V H N M lH C l T M E C V M O F N 0 .H > M H W 1M V »E R .1 W A t O V N a S t l M o \ X O W T O 0 0 (TM^MK N 0\) JkV-L FSOIA THIE '

O f ; ^ H C K W T iM lWV v ,e ^ 'r e . ' N o u r

C > ^ v w i i w w e ,W N H & H t W R . T H E — ' < 1 ^v v t e w ) c » » c ^ v o o H - F o v t K S « e M c i R v a w sS O ^ S O 6 0 t Bs J W E .e o u iA -v v M --

if mysUciam w ith lauKhtor aa a kuidc. W O a -A-nrt w ith tho laughtor tho audience ills through a hilarious balf Lour whilo ‘ W tist Goes E u a t" and atniggloa .hrough tho old ctistoms of th a t eoun- :ry of strango babilB. From tho fa r •uat wo ro turn to Amorica again and tro on tranccil w ith ^ b o v y of beautifu l njUds ill u ao'rfcF of torpSchoroan evo* lutions th a t charm tho oyo an d fill w ith gladaomo thoughts of when wo ‘“ *7 woro young and lived in tho ir world.

Aguin i t m igrates to a foreign shore,Ihis timo fo r tbq .gaio ty alono, and for tho nex t ha lf hour wo aro living In tho Bunslilno of m irth-and melody, ro. luc tan tly leav ing our noals a f to r two Iiours and a ha lf o f enjoyment th a t lios ,ion j boon oil too abort. igo7

T ickets aro going fast. —P la t fo r rcBorvod aouts will bo opened Jfl

S a tu rd ay m orning a t 10 o ’clock a t tbo ^ M ajestic drug atore, tho sbowa begin* cq n ing nex t Monday. aa

Proceeds o f thia show aro to bo usod «n for the b enefit o f tho E lks charity fund. ^ A w orthy caoso, a worthy ahow and C a w orthy cast. L o t’s all do onr shore. O


T h r i f tnean doing without what doing without what you

ted—and found wasn’t. It m ^ s t a k e s ^ 3 e f o r e • y o u - T ^ i s ^

;t buying wares you don’t vertised. You can depend lothes, foods you see pic- 'here. They are what other ^ ifty about.' Wide enjoy-

heir claims.

advertisements,-you -save think you buy.

nove the blindfold d them carefully

> S O M C T H lM J i- — ^ -------------------------------H > W \ N t T o j I E / -

r’ \m


<SL - r A • I k »—

ffOMAN TAKES M O bN SK O JB B a “ P iS S O N S , -W .-V a.," O e iT l “ TMiss Gladys Kuh, a T ucker county lopnty sheriff, arrived n t tho Parsons |ail early today and turnod ovor to Sheriff J . B. Close, two nllegcd moon* ih in e n s h e 'h a d captured on a lonely lountrj- road nt m idnight. Tho girl offi- !e r-ro ic o rtcd ^h er-p riB « n er« -4 a -a t-th e— - lo in t of a piatol, rem inding thom th a t ' ^ they h ad b o tte r be good bocanso “ a ivomnn would not bavo any b etto r sense than to s h o o t"

Engliah PoUtical Partl*9Polilicul parties hnd existed In Bng* * -

tsni) for 2ifb ycurs before the cxtes* lions of tlic HUirniKO, which cam e lo IfiGT and 188-i.

KEVER BE WITHOUT IT for fc■ s m e d ia l^ e a s a n iddeti, severe, colicky pains aad cn m p a in stomach a a d ImwcU. d e a J tr nausea and weak* ^ening diarrhoea. For children and m f grown-up useC H A M B E R L A I N ’SC O L I C a n d D I A R R H O E A •

R E M E D Y A very aecessaiy home remeily.

\ »

■ 1 ' 7 “

t ' ■'l a t —

ou■It ' ,

i s ^ — -----------



e y — 1 = = = = = — = = r ^

,ve-----— ■ -....... —*

------------------------ ---------------------------------


Page 3: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS

D E F i i MW B I F T H

:- ~ - S E n i[ SMSStbe I

_______ Mich........ • to bi

D epartm ent of A griculture toBhow

- Send^Them -to Any One P ro - viding They Pay th e T ran s- p o rta tio n . ■ iJm'"


00;)EN-, Oct. 1.—Thb Unltod Statoa jp! departm ont o f ngrlcultuxo, through tho

fo rest lo rrico , has some thouBaads of• door to givo away, according to an an-

nouncomont mado today by D U trict Poreator B. IT. Kntlodgo o f tlio intor- m onntaln d ia tr ic t lot b

Thoao’anim als nro p a rt o f th o Inrgo "■ hord o f mulo door, estim ated (\t ftYcr30.000 hond, found on tho K aibab na- tional forest in northern Arizonn on tho no rth aido of tho Grnnd Canyon

- of the- Colorado:— Thls“ nroa w a* ’a e f ------— aaidc_iia-Juaationiil-gomo-pre3OTY®-br IIF

President Roosevolt In lOOC, In ordor I I ■r to proBorvo tho deor hord which n t | l

th a t timo waa threatened w itll to ta l * ^extinction bocanso o f illegal hunting. ,

T hreatened -With S ta rra tlo n , | tJnder tho protoetion o f forest ran-

- .—-ffcra,-bowovur,-tho door hnvc"lBCTcaiod--------. in numbers to a point w herp*tho en ­

tire herd ifl throatonod w ith atarvntion and prom pt offorta ranst bo niado to p roduco i t to a 'nnm bor th a t can bo aup- *‘ rOi ported by tho vcROtatlon on tho Kai- b ab plateaiL H

To accomplish thifl tho fo rest sorvico • doslrea f ir s t to give n v a y aji mnny Fi d ro r oa possiblo. Tho oxponso fo tho applican t w ill bo crating nnd tranapor- ta tlon ehargos, a sum ostimntod to bo „ abont <35 po r animal. Young nnimala .' only w ill bo ahippod. Tho oatimatod ‘ w eight o f ono anim al c ra ted ia 250 poonda. Theao figures nro only approx- imato. F ina l figures m nat be socurod from tho fo rest aervico. '

Shipm ents w ill be confined to onat of the Biorra N evada and Coacado

■ m onntaina na tho introdnetion o f mulo doer into rcglona already inhabited b y ' " “ a Bubflpocies would rcanlt in a herd very ^

. in fe rio r to natlvo stock.K alb .1 , P l« t.a n .

Tho K aibab plaonua ia in a sparsely , aottlcd region cu t o f f from tho roat o f

' A rizona on tho aouth by tb e alrnqst im- pasaablo Grand Canyon o f th e Oolo- .n d o river. O a tho o tbor aidos i t ia

'* Burroundod by sonii-dcsort aroaa acroaa which b u t fow deor a ttem p t to pass.

— t-G onaetinentlr^he-deer-herd-eB -the-K aj- bab foroat is limitod in ita food aup*

' -ply to tbo Tegetation found only on tho plateau. '

. This lim ited food supply haa boon ro- r duced to tho atarvation poin t fo r tho

Inrgo numbor of deor now on tho K ai­bab foroat and officiala o f tho foroat sorvico fe a r th a t w intor w ill tnko a hoavy toll i f tho herd ia not roduccd immodiately. Giving door to ind iv idu­als and o rg an iu itlo f iB is tho ono w ay t h a t forest sorvice . 'officials hopo w ill holp solve th e problom. I f tbo num ber is n o t rodueod to tho sa fe ty po in t tho ontiro herd ia in danger o f ex tinction th ro u g h starvation .


in tonm tional bridge waa closed horo thia afternoon by orders o f tho M exi­can governm ont duo to establishm ent of a (]uarantino on nccount of the foo t and mouth disease' Fodoslriana l ia ly ' are lillnwcd to croRfl. T rainsj antomo- bries and all vehicles m uat bo d isin ­fected boforo thoy aro perm itted to

' paas into Moxico.

R em oving CeUing Stain$Rnln Bpot> oD the colllni; can be

removed w ith a lltilu unalaked time dissolved in alcohol, anya I’opular Science M onthly. Thc lln}^ la tbor- ouffhly aliukcn up with the alcohol on tll it crum bles Into a flne powder.Thc m ixture la then tiruahcd over tb« apota. W hen dry, the celling can b«

^ • p n lo te d

Ju s t the Thing.8li(‘ n'a» "Ol- of liiiisc llltio women

w ho iir.' iibvnvs U-kliiB f<ir RonictlilnR ' th a t will tiilif 111' tlK'lr luiHlinnils' Idle

♦ ."John ," nil'' x'll'l. “ I " l« h yon would inenil tti<‘ fnm i denr Inck."

‘'C-fiin'f." ri-|illi'<t -Tolm. nimklng llko nn nftp'-n " i’' ' ' ' »-fi*>ak-Inp nKU<-.’*

■'Oil. wc-ll. tlion. I Unnw iho very_____tliinK;..vaii_5:«»L!ii^'


H ighest Scottlah L akeScotland can tionat o f tho highest

• loeb In Brltnln. Loch' Colre-an-Loclian. ly ing 8.250 feet nbovo th e level o f tb e

• MO. R nglecd 's higheat shee t o f w ater U tbe Ucd T am , on □elvellyn, over2.000 f«*et ftlUlude.

^ H oosier F urniture Co.TW IN FALLS

H — :-----■ 1'. tiilK- ™ra I



AS WORK OF PA R TIES,,® ;' W A SraN G TO N , o « , . a MV-eon'- ;ial c aa iidn te , in a sta tem ent her* {holr loclared t h a t ‘ 'th e refusal o f tlto a t- folio brney general o f Lotilalana to place ond he_nam ca o f tJ»«-LoroUette-W hM le^ tuac. loctora on tho ballo t in th n t state, and ho dofinito .ro p art th a i cornea f ro m u “„ :' llch lgan th n t legal technionliticfl_nr$ n , . ,0 bo lUed by the tw o'poH lleal • ma- hliica to accomplish tho samo purpose, how how doaperato tho roactionarioa Q-both ef-the old p a rtie s consider tholr anso. *' h i

“ Tho legal arm o f- th o govornment «rop» rhich would bo tho most potent factor a helping the people to oxrpcss tholr dll freely a t tho p o lls ," continued tho en a to r’fl atatom ont, " la instinctivelyoing appealed b y tho reactionary .I'*"**’’orcoa which doniinato tho two old Momurties to holp de fea t tho ir free oxprea- runsion. WHe

‘B ut all o f these e ffo rts will evoctu- <” ntiiilly fa ll o f tho lr pruposo. Theso at- o f wcmpta to deprive tho people a t the bal- timo. ot box of tbe u tm ost freedom of choico M<■ to who ahall oxerciao tho lr delegated wheru thority will re ac t most dlnnBtroiialy. B’'” ”gninst thoso g u ilty of "trying to pro- tho iont tho fu llest oxpresaion of tho poo- "orlile 's w ill ." up n

( E G E l t E f P r !j E L L o i m i i


■rost and W illiam s, G ardeners, [™"' H arvest $ 2 5 0 0 Crop From f » Five Acres. t i""

buflh'---------- Th

F rost nnd W niini.i’, inarkc‘. gn-ddn- r.H, liriif a milo w e n <>f Twin " ’cel!1 !(l worth o f vo''•.'.ihl.M of: /ivo i “rrn o.‘ Ininl n t whol.'siil? pri" .Iff•ic.r hotbed, which .vis COO foo' l.mi; K'"'*'” lici nix fnet wido, m il inchuHn? a roltl rumo 125 foot long, thoy sold $2000 ■iirfh of p lants and early loltiico. Off *>0*' U'r hnlf ncro o f oarlv cabhujv ih w ^nin n.i; 4.200. . ■ huyiEnrly potatoes were nnothor mouov- ‘•'K '

inker. .They p lan ted . COO poundu of ;ood sec'l and sold $1200 worth of oarlv iihera. This waa a t tho rato of *;’o’o er acre. Mr. F ro st stroBses tho point / n th f p lanting o f good sood stock, llo El

Banish Wi \Drudgery I

Now comcs a spccial of: finest, most dopondablo of era within the easy react

No more drab days of dn tub. No longer is it nocesi with tho slow, monotonou power washer. For durii may choose any model

-------Hurley-Electric V

for an im payment

_ _______ ........................ .............. ...........................

and the balance in amounts ead

These aro tho most lliior.il t Thora h.ivo ovor beon offered. “] llurloy-Thor, peer of all electric into y our homo fo r so small a

The Thor is tho ncknowlodged I Amorica hnvo nceordod I t firn' ' e locttlc w aaher In th e ’country la

Como In and Ask 0a tc Hurloy-Tl

We wnnt y 6 i~ to le a rn '7 w " ' mnny poinls o f IIurley-Thor su »how you ita caso of ‘operation ncHij and dcpondnbility. Thero your-rcquirem onts perfectly. Cl nmy buy on surli romnrknble tc r


Itlini* yarn i hnve devrloped < * o n * i d - I ''

IN FALLS DAILY NEWS^7" 87.P^^ni. b a d .b e t te r p ay ' 5 centa e r ponnd fo r good sood than to tako « oer quality o f seed aa a g ift. ^On the ir ton)atoea tluiy roport n prof-

^ although SO i>er cent o f tho 3WH) ' lanta they aet wero offlictcd w ith tiir ellow' b ligh t. On ono-fourth ucn* * of heir enrly spud land thoy sowed a allow crop o f la tv lottuco and th is hp«- nd crop haa paid dividends to thc iiac_nf_t25£Lpor aero. ..They aru c n i . rtuslnstlc on colery and th in k th n t nil arly v o g o tab lc f pny woll. Mr. Prost rge« early p lan ting o f all voi'otnbloa,Imt-la to say, ju s t-a a -e n fly -n a -fro s t-w ill-----erm it. In add ition io thcir. vcgetnblc rops thoy employ from 40 to CO col- nlea_of booa_in_tho scheme o f things rhich help balnnco up tho inovitnbhi tiortconiingn o f somo of the vegetable ropa oaeh year-

Good Bean Yield,R. L. W right, liv ing near K null, ro-

nivivl nn averngo of 89 bushela of eanfl on 4S acres. Theso were tho lontann WhitoB, Ho employed 12-hour uns whon irrig a tin g th is erop and Mr. f rig h t th in k s th a t n bean crop enn be inturod w ith a n npproclnblo Bhortnpo f w nler i f It is applied a t tho proper Imo.

Mon aro busy nlong tho hiRlnvayn rhoro awoot clover and n lfa lfn hna rown tho ra n k e i^ cu tting tho crop for- Iio mnrkot. A mnn w ho 'Ia w illing to •ork, In tho courso o f lO hours, can pile p nil npprociublo nmount of the free- or-tho-tnklug crop. Usunlly they truck r-to-ftn-flgrred-upon-ccntm li«e»i-p«int- - •here i t is thrcahed. . -

A small am ount of fall plowing hn« oon finlHhed in tho vicin ity of Kilor.11 tlio Biilil d is tric t quite a num bor of armorfl • in tend to flow fnll w hent if - ho pressure o f ' nbcessnry fnll work

work ing up o f ___iie nnod bod fo r n nearly crop- ThiH ito rnah o t h arvesting cropa hns al- ray» nctod n i ^ dotorront to tho ex- I'nsivo sowing o f n fall w hent crtip on Iio trn rt.

Sticker F la t.Farm era say beana in tho Suckor flnt

alley nro shelling out aomo_gpod yioldr-.'ho nverago for tho fln t ‘w ill go 30 ushela.Tho Fairviow grnnge, west o f Bnhl hich Is a livo organisntion, ^ o t last •eek n t its regular semi-monthly meet- ig nnd tho ununl routine o f bufllncss ■ns carried through. A fter thifl n pro- rnm wns (jiven which was a decided uecess. A fto r tho program rofresli- lonts woro aerved. D uring tho business our a com m itteo was appointed to ob- nin bids from conl dealera In view of uying jo in tly for all.m om bera dosir- ng conl fo r tho eoming w inter.

Tho Episcopal "Guild' w i i r 'h o ld ' ft ummngo sale Saturday , Octobor 4, a t ho Big W hite Storo.—adv.


'ash day Forever!

offer which puts the of aU Electrio Wash-

ich of overy income.

drudgery over a waah essary to bo satisfied ious work of a hand iring this month you

-Thor ---------Washerinitial it of


in easy-to-spare ich month

I terms on which Hurloy- Think o f it! A genuine

trie w ashing niachinea, put a f ir s t paym ent—only 9 '.

Red loader. Uousewives' of first phico. Evory fourtb f la a Thorl ‘

to D emonstrate tho -Thor^■■youfsolf, first-hand , tho

auperiority. Wo w ant lo ion; ita m echanical aturdi- ?ro ia a modol hero to suit

Choose i t now—whllo you terms. Como In th ia wook I


.......... ................. ........... .. I nerivhi


y J

- 1__ 1 <•.. -

Copyright 1924

TSuits aHart SCi

—are here in the asked for by styl( greatest display ( ing that we have

• Prices are low, lasting satisfacti(


and Mei—for men who a; the last detail of


The Fall Bates-Street


Seattle Caps for

_______________F a Z / __ ______


O O I .L A

. n o S K , c o tto n ,

11 E L I

. ■ S iij jp o rte r s

Arm IJanilH IfiindkcrdiiefH


H l iI F I T J

■ u.^_ I I

924 Hart Schaffner & Marx ,

rhe Falland Oven

fromchattner &he cut and colors th; yle- and quality-exact r of men's and young re ever shown.V, measured by actual tion;s $35.00 to $65.

en's Furnisare no less particular

)f their (iress.■ Thenewest colors ai

‘ ISfna'lTons'in coat a styles; light weigh and knit vests; ?3.5'Shirts tha t fit righ der well, and give t of wear. They are correct shades, of cc sizes; $1.75 to $5, ar

______ for the fibres and 1

— — 3S-unusiTall j^ a rg i caps includes the piece tops, and th e ;

_____shades.^ Reasonab!$1.75 to $3.25.

L A R S , liiiin d o rc tl. .>^ort a n d

o n , H.hIo, f iliro , s ilk , wool jukI Kilknu

• iL T S , bo lt biickii'.s a n i j j i c l to g n u n s .

M e n ’.s J e w e l r y Si

r n d c r w o a r Sl

SU-opinj,' C iJ in u o n is Si

( r io v o r ' Ticrt

0 D H I I E NIT ISN’T nKiiiT, nniNo it bAu:

- 1: r ' I Vli.;i1 ll It.. .11.-.1 nn n

ING, OCTOBER 2, 1924.

i n ^

\ ■ - 1



^ —

IToats'• Marxthat are being . ■cting men; the ig men’s cloth- __ :

lal service and


shingsar in selecting


; and color com- t arid slip-over ght knit coats 3.50 to $11.ght; tha t laun- e the maximum ire here in the : course, and all and $5 to $7.50 d silks._________ ________rge-sel^iroh-of----- -- “ -----he new eight- le popular light ably priced a t ___ :___

i- s o f l .


in s .” ’ . ______

Si-arfH \

S h o es


S h e IA u i i ;

- ■ JPage-Tli^M

Page 4: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS

Today’s Spo:

r r P E c i s i r :_ S [ R I E 5 i r a [ l -

W alter Johnson O utstanding Figure in Games to - Open S a tu rd ay : S tra tegy Shifted u

o;Som ew hat. ‘!(i

_____ 11

NIC.W YOUK. Oct. 1 (/P)—W ith Wni- ie r Johnson, vrtpraii ae** of Wn»!ijnc- t i iu ’d nhurjj Bhtujtltij; cori'B, ns tho out. nliktidint; jiltcliinn mny bo tho tloeiNivo fiirtor in (ho HUJ'J w orlil’H tior- ii’fl bL-twci'ti till’ tjoiiiktari) and tho Nuw

..Y ork .OiimtB.________ ________ - -- -ti

ally th i' nioBt iiotcnt fiictor lii th o tliu- • nioiicl title niruj’Kli‘. . hnt w ith the iid- j.,

v i'n t o f tho 'livo ly llilll iinil thu Ualio Itothiiiii homo run i'rn, biiwolmll dlrntogy nhiftcil. I’itching, of rour«c, continued to fifiuro ijirRcly, but i t Iwih boon tho jj, Bpced and iwwor of iittaok thnl

----------- t1i«-ltwt-tlirt'(v-worJa-<'liiniil>*«««l*ii>-l.ivt-. -yjtlon bctWii»»*thc Ginnta nnd thtf Ynn- koo/i. •JoIilt',M c(;ruw won the iircniior liiiHcball crown in both ]021 und 1IIJ2 ^ from the Ynnkccd w ith tho I'ffct-tivo- (; nos# of his offcHHivc. H is huriiuR htiiff r , both y ra rs wiih riiti-d in ferio r to tho “ fivo Btnr” Ynnk corjis. Lnst yenr, q, it is truo, the u tte r collupno of tho _ G iant n)oun(}.5mc;i Ji.’i.itpjjotl tho victory, “ b u t tho miRhty biita o f the Hughmon eo woro tho mont potent influence. '*P

L o u lav e ly BalL nrThifl yoar, however, w ith a I m lively ‘o

ball, {litchlng mny como into llu own npftin. Tho’ "b iR fo u r” of tho Wash- injjton iitftff, Johnson, Znchnry, Mo- ••• ffridgo nnd M nrberry, p u t tho cluh in fron t, although i t wns attneklnR pow- Pf cr tb a t kopt it thcro in tlio final drive, on Supporter* of the Senators, flffurinR thoy havo the eilfto on tho G iants in *ho box, bollovo tw irling will cnrry ^

_______W ashingto n 'a firs t ponnnnt w inner totho grentoBt hnights in tho gnmo, but G ian t Bupportors nro oquolly confident th n t N ehf, llontloy, McQuillan n n j D aroes w ill o ffer a po ten t rebutta l.

W hntover tho m erits o f the rivnl tw irling cotp", howovor, intorent w ill _ cen ter In tho ncliiovements of Johnson, probnbly tho only ball player of all tim e who r i ra ls In popolar esteem tho |

---------- 0 I th t~hiarv61, Christy M ntTiowTBon. Johnson, a public Idol, not only ■bccaTi86;'of hln .b r iin a h t 'p i n i n g ro- o rd over an 18-yenr span , b u t nlip bo- canso of h is nter)ln(; qualUioB nn a sportsm nn, w ill pitch tho f irs t ('nmo P*' f o r tho Benntors. Outsido of tho most in rnb id of G ian t partisnns, fnnn through* s= o o t tho country will roo t fo r him In unlnon th n t dny. Even tho tenno riva l' honors w ill bo lost in tho nil-vital ques­tion, " W lin t w ill Johnson do upon reaehlnf; tho Ronl of his ffreat c a r e e r t”

OMer HepM.Tho Sena to rs’ chief hopes, too, w ill

We Ask MenTo protcct their hairBy E dna Wallaco Hopper

I Kpi'ak fo r nil women when I n:iv th a t we w ant men to keep tlieir Inokn.

-------- -And, .abovx: nil, thc ir li:ilr. __________Tho women do Ihiit. Yon wmild

novcr furKivc uh if wu did n d . We b('K you to follow our ex/iriiph'.I---- -■— 1,1 — I Mv whole enreer on

w r■ •- !<rriirpti th f bc^t hair

lii'tji.H >>hi' knitiv., And I >i;ivc k>'|i( up ever.v

------------------fiti*T-rnr-llnin-t«-Y»^r*--------- . ,* — U.ftv«*-iH>v«*f-li(t<l____5>a’r lit ^nn.V

ruff. iTir.1 --.unT.r— :• toiirli o f >;r.iy. Now

rountlenB wcinien wlio use whnt I UH.- nre a ttaiiiin j; like ri'- .-ultH.

---- i n w nfiVrin;^- to women the l ; r ? r ')• \ huve foun.l. and iiii-ii an- u-.-h'oitie,

M.v lln ir Voiith I'ciuihiiii's iilnio-it tl ia t mnilorii Kciem-e knowH. I am Kure Dial m> orn' kiiowH auylliln^; f..r

, th e hair whieh <ioi-i what thi.i cniiilii- iKition ilcii-s,

1 ajijily it ivith an eyedrnjiper ili- _ ^ —rc(itlypta_U ic-iu:aJ(v-- A|’.(-lvii>t; -fnnir^

to the hair is riiliruloii^. 'T h e wlioje thinf* lien in Ihe t>c:ilp, in tin- ront-., and there niv Hair Voiifli noe--.

I t romb.’itH the harden 'd oil ;in'l d an d ru ff which stifli' tlie hnir rootu.I t tones nnd htiniii!:ites Die r-falii. H a ir thrives on sui'h a soil :ib fJow- crn tlirive bv like nictlio.in-

I b e lie v e ’th a t my H air Y-mtli ticnv eOJttbines tlio i;rc;iU'st h;iir h ilp s in Cxistenre.i I Iiavo never uiiytliini;oIno w liirli hriiut’ht ermiiiarnble r'c-iilt.-.' Sow I liavo p lam l it in c v r y dm;.' htore, on uvcry toile t counter. All wlio desire m ay obtnlii it. The nrviiie i> E dna W nllnro H opper’s H air Yoiitli.I t w ill umnzo nnd deliglit you. 1 att thoriru' every 'le.-ilcr to re turn the prlre to uny ono who rlaims the slightest disnppolntm cnt.

W rite mo fo r my lie-Mitv Honk ni;.l I 'l l Bend w ith it Kometh'inc else fo plense you. Kdnn Wnllnce Hopper, r.riO L ake Bhore Drivu, Chiengo. {Q

:;^^:>age:jonr TWI

ortmg-Ne^M i i i r St M E ISE B IE S '

N ationals T rim A m ericans a t s Chicago by Scorc of 10 to 7 ; ,

I F a s t Play. jI . --------- ! s

OHICAGO, Oct. I (/P>—n io Cubs of! i th e Natfonal luagno won tho f ir s t ganiLf ®

of llicir aeries w ith 'th o W hito 8 o i of , thu Ameriiiiin luagiie, 1ft to 7. Georgo [ (iranthnin, whosu error hint full giivo • tho W hite Sbx tho deciding gnme of ^ tho Herien, was- tho h a ttin g herq o f , to d a y 'h contest, llo smushed out n '

-hom er-in the th ird Inntng which Hent ••, tw o ruiinerti nliead_of him nnd mado it • ' ' onMy for. Ali’XaiT<ler. Wela nlso camo

thruu^U with IV Uomcr In thu fourth ‘ iiininf; w lien 'tho Cubs w ent on-n bnt-

- -ting r nmpnge.— 'fownrd th e f in ish A lcx-- ~ nnaer weakened und tho W hite S o x '- -kept p<>«king-nwny-(it-hlm-for-nll thelr-

runn. Lyons Htarted for tho American' liuiguorn nnd wns driven o f f tho hill in

tho th ird inning. Connnlly checked tho rnlly . b u t could not stop a lenew nl of

' tho a tta c k in tho fourth. Sheoly smnsh- ‘ ed two homers for tho WTiito Sox, tho ■■ ■firnt>'wUh~nol>oay“on''rm 'd' tlio 'iocond

with!, tw o mates on base.T h d Bcoro: E . IL E .

' W hito Sox .................................. 7 12 1; Cub.M ............................ ........ ....... 10 13 1

R a tto ries—nonnnlly^ Cvengros, Lover- o tto nnd Crouso; A lexander and H a r t­n e tt.

eontor nround tho big W estornor whoso spoed bnll hns fanned moro b a tto rs than nny o thor p itchor in tho gam e’s h is­to ry . I f Johnson, n fte r ono o f tho rnost snreosflfiil seasons ho hns over had , ean ca rry h is old stam ina nnd form Into tho sorles, W ashington’s chanccn will bo in tho nscendency. Johnaon, In his prim e, lias tw irled nnd won threo gnmes on suecessivo p lay ing dayn. Ho per­form ed th a t fe a t against Now T ork In 1£M)S. n i s arm conld n o t stan d such n s tra in now, b a t If ho Ib ablo to boar thn b ru n t o f tho S ena to rs’ mound work

• l l i r 'O la n U w llP fn ce “a d lf f lc n lF 'b a r - : r le r to break down. '

•Tohnson’s m ajo r league record over TR neasonn Is studded b y m arvelous nr.hlpvemenjs.

TOO LATE TO o L A s a m r” j

M O N EY TO LOAN nn farm and city p roperly . P. E. P o tte r, renl esta te and Insurance. j

Joe-K Says:Tlial the niennent man alive i’i

th{!. one who in generous wilh m oney th n t he has not had to HWWU for, nnd th a t ihe boy who i is a good fellow a t Bonio one e ls e ’H eipenjie wniild not work up into firs t cIiimh fertilizer.





P E IC E S :

U a t lu c e ............... ....................lOc. 30c-E ven ing .............. ir>c. -10c


“Feet of Clay”A C e c il D. D eM ille P r o d u c l io n

yiN FALLS DAILY NEWWS, T W IN -fa l ls , iDAH(


Won. Lost. Pet.San Krunclsco ......-.... 07 81 .M5 •

I S eattle ......91 8i .529’O ak lan d ----------------^'....94 8D .510iL oB A agolO i------------- 08 88 .614 ,,,

Ball Lako ........... ....... &2. 00 . . .COOVornon ......................... 90 92 .-185 {;

J I’ortlnnd ....................... 84 (try .408 f* ,Sacramonto 78“ 103------

j i -Sau rraD citeo u t Portland ..j)08tp0ncd;^- wHr - gr onnd, . — — ^

A t Ottkland: B,. H . E.t S<ilt L a k o .... - .......................0 13 2- O a lc la n d - ..................................... 5 7 .3• Batteries— O 'N oil, Singleton and ^■Fi'tors; Doehler and Head.

■ _ _ tcI A t S eattle: K. IL E.■Los A ngolc?.......................... — 4 12 -2ISeattlo ...................................... 0 10 1 f«

f I Batteries— Root, M yers, Ram say nnd if Spcncer; Jonkins, Su therland and E. f Baldwin.^ ______ F° !. A t Vernon: H. II. E. tlf Racramento - ............ .7............... 0 8 1f Vornon ........ — ...... .................. 4 .I 0

' Batteries—C. C anfiold and Koehler;^ , Bryiin-ftnd-H annnh.' —------- ----------- ; It ; ■-------- ■ , --------

A H arrington Ada,

~TKe EIW-big-

show for

benefit of

charity fund.


---- - . Majestic P}Prices 50c,

} ' M A T H raE AND^ A d ^ ts . 20c an d 30c.

I A First National Sp


NEY CHAPLIN and many oti groat players holp tho s tar bri

' this to you. Made for flappers from six to six- ty and 'thcir beaux. Sun-/'

{ shine for all in this—I with dram a and c o m c d y [ \^ S

j mixed in.''

Comedy Fo.-»tiire by On

“ B ig B usTwo Reels o



, FILER FOOTBALL GAMEi ■ -- ■ - I Btrunuoufl'wbrkou'ta havo been given

BO fa r thiB Wtiok by Coach Plastlno to1 his squad o f foo tball plajrors fo r thcir : f i r s t g am o 'o f ' th e aoason to bo playod ! F rid ay afte rnoon a t F iler, and accord*! ing -to roporta eomlng-in-frora th« prao-

tico field a t L incoln p a rk tho team-will bo in mucb b o tte r condition than i t

L 3tuLBJicnJt_inoLflnd_fffl8_dofcatQtl_bi. tho alomnl team n t tbo Lincoln • field Ihut F riday,

j M ue^ tim o bos boon spen t gineo then 5 in ntrongthoning the line, perfecting } aeria l play a n d p u ttin g tho backfiold

through a s t i f f courso of work doslgoed to mako thom h it tho lino harder and w ith g rea te r concentration. Twin Falls

2 in i ts f irs t gnmo goea up against a team 1 from a school mueh sm aller tban i t Is J b n t ono th a t has already won one gamo

th is ncnson from tho W endell team.A InTRO crow d of loo tera fiom 'Twin

F a lls high school is cxpectcd to nttond tho F ilor gam o nnd from Indications

1 W ednesday n largo numbor of Twin0 Fnlls football fans would also bo thore.

'--R E A D T H E T W IN T A L L B N E W a ^ ^

trel Frolic”W ams Production

iSDAY OCT. 6 AND 7n Sale Saturday atPharmacy—--------'c, 75c, $1


' Children, 10c

Spccial A ttraction

\ L U 1 1 ,B A N K / /id^ 1 ' ■

w i -

---- ■ “ WTTH---- ---------------

^ C o l le e n ii M o o re

\ . E ight big reals— —- ------- £uU--of- hap{Un»M-

j X \ and a . r io t of \ thrllbi.

a o n o l ^ H c t u 'T B .

ir Our Gang, E nU tled

u s in e s s ”jla of Fun. '


I,j a



_____________________ _--------------_______Twin Falls Leadint


I ■ - ^---------- ------------ -----------------

dS y l X ;n

i S

i TheWouwolKuppcnh.


Have Made___ ThiaJs_dee.i.<Jedlx.

Season, the English a t Kuppenheimer’s a the year in clothes. ( ed with Kuppe'nheii have no equal from i and the label assure

■ finest'Of tailoring’, wl of these English Suit conscious th at v o n r i

— -less;----^ ----------------They areliere read;

and OvercThis is real Overc

our large and superb and Top Coats offeri just yoiIr idea in a'C ity of styles we are i a wide choice, our as St. Andrews importe McGregor English 0

’2 0 * 2 5 'and !

SfING, OCTOBER. 2,1924.

i i i s ■

C o m p a n ying Clothing store - —

-------------------- "

¥ -C l _ _ J x ■M1924 n M B l ^

nheimer H SLITSie a Oig Hit :ly. ja_Kupp.enheimer_ _sh Models, d e s ire d 3 are the sensation of

Our racks are load- leimer Models, they n a style standpoint, - ires you of the very when you put on one aits you are perfectly ir auit-stylelis-iault^— —

' 4

ady for you to try’on

coats, Too ,srcoat weather, and rb stock of Overcoats'ers a_chance_to„find__rCoat, the multiplic- ■e showing gives you assortments include

rted fabrics and the C oats..

’3 0 ' 3 5$40

Page 5: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS


. . • ' Qci - ^ ^ ------ -pro

C h a m b e r o t C o m m e r c e B o a r d

— - R e c e i v e s " - 1 n v i t a t i o n t o L e n d I Z

A S u p p o r t - t o - C a m p a i n n f o r I ! "con

L o n g a n d S h o r t H a u l A o t . '«■IICJ

^ . . In v ita tio n to Twin F a lh Chninbcr of k'omtnorco to lontl ita nctivo nupport to

campalRn fo r adoption by conprcsa '^of tho moaauro known n» tlic Goodin;;

' loDR a n d aliort liaul bill w ill bo ro- I forrod to cbam bcr 0 / commorco dircct- .. I

- • - • o ra o t a r e g u la r m e e tin R n o x t T ueadxiy • Iovoninp, i t w as decidcd by a num ber of tho directoro who a tten d ed a confer- oneo W ednesday nftornoon in ebnmbor of conimereo officvit lioro -w ith J . A.Tord o f Spoknne, nnd 0 . B. O raff of

• —Boise, o ffic ia la of tho Intorm ountaln ' — Hato nssociation, by whom th is Invitn- tion wn« extended.. . A d v o c a te s o f ih c Q o o d ln p b i l l in th e 1 in te r m o u n ta in re g io n n ro u n i t l n p in an o f f o r t to a e c u re .a d o p tio n o f th o m eaiinro d n r in u th o com lnR s h o r t ROBSion o f con- I frrosH t lm ^ o n d s M a rc h 4 , n e x t, th a nsso- rn r c ia t io n o f f i c in ls a tn te d . T h o _ b ll l ,^ h l^ h , a t_ I s r e jn i r t l c d ' an m n rk ln R n lo n g s te p ohil

-■ to w a rd a t t a i n m e n t o f o n e o f th o m a in rcci ob jo c U v M o f lh o I n le r m o n n tn in H a lo ih a aB flocia tion . w a a in tro d u c e d in th o sen- nioi a to b y SenatoV F r a n k R . G ood ln f; oC \ Id n h o , a n d pasBed t h a t b o d y on M a y Jup 10, la n t , a n d t h e r e a f t e r ro fo r ro d in th o lo h o n so o f ro p rc se n tn tiv c fl to th o com m it-

- fco on in t e r s tn to n n d fo re lR n com m erce j In w h o ao fccopinff i t rem n ln o d w h en th o In n t aesRion a d jo u rn e d . '

A i f « c t s I n te r m o tm to ln ^ s l o o . <.r T h o m o a au ro p u rp o ses to ' a m en d th e w ir

in to r s ta to c o m m crcc a c t to p ro h ib i t t,.r com m on cn rrlo rR f ro m charR lnR o r to- ,j ],. co lv in R “ a n y R rc a te r c om poaiia tion in j{„. th o apRTORato f o r t r n n R p o r ta tlo n o f pas- jj,jj RonRora, o r o f l ik e k in d o f p ro p e r ty , f o r n B h o rte r t h n n f o r a lo n g e r d la tn n ro o v o r t h o Rnmo lin o o r r o u to in ■

• tho sam e direction, tho Rliortor boinp j,” ' included w ith in tho lonRcr dlBtanco” ‘’I nnd from chnrglnR “ any Rrenter com- pcnsntion an a throuRh rn to than thc nRRTCRnto of th e in term ediato ra te* .” '

A doption of tho measnro is o f par- ' J’ ticu la r intercd t to tho in term ountain re- ‘’"'1 R\on ,Ua ndvocalM nTRUC, fo r tho Ton- * ROn th a t i t wonld do aw ay w ith a ult- nation p e rm lttlnp cnntern or mldille- *'•*

^ w estern Rhlppern to ahip Roodn to tho P a c if ic coast fo r a lesser cbarRO than

_____ to destin a t.in n a ia -th f Jntcrm flnntaln.rc> J i lRion. "n '

- “ The object o f thia b in . " Wr; Ford sta ted " I r to prevent rcdtoration offho old diRcrimlnntory rn te to const Coi

u ^ l n t R from tho enst in order to froer.o hut ’ out w ntor com petition which ia crsoij- son

tnl to thifl p a r t o f th e conntry. Wo ' havo m ado a flRlit f o r m any years to AS abollnh th is diaerlm lnation nnd finally on M arch IB, 1018, won onr point. I a inco th a t tim o tho railronds have re- f f i pca ted ly souRht to npsel presen t condi- co> tlonfl nnd na a resu lt h.ive been din- for tn rb in c our buaineiiii, for, althoURh wc nn now have term inal ra tes . thCBo m ay bo fa t se t nsldo n t nny tim e 'a n d the conse- He

« quenen Ir th n t ns soon :ir nno rond petl- wh t io n ,is tu rned down nnother la f iled .” wn

On Totir o f Eottion. pinTho Tatorm cdlate R ate asM clntlon qui

- offlclnln v isited Tw in Fnlls In tho Ina fourso o f n fonr of lho interm ountnln <’li: roRlon fo r tho purpoBO of'dlscussInR w ith buslnnss men tho freiRht rn to sit- p:i; nation especially as I t Is a ffec ted by ert

--------t h e O o o d in p b l i l . - - .................. — - - — “««M r. Ford is secre ta ry of tho Spoknne —

Oliamber of Commrrco nnd M r. O rnff i«■ • Bocretnry o f tho BoIbo Chnmber o f Com­

merce.n ire e to rs of tho chnmber o f commerce

w hcrn ttendcd tho conference here Wed-• nesday nfternoon Ineluded P . T>. Alvord,

p residen t; flhnd L. ITodRin, .T. E. W hite, B. M. WilllnmB.


Th»-» « d d lag o f Mini Tlora-C hrlatU n- o n ? lm b e r ly , an^ Leon .Htenrns of

j^kW nshlnR ton , T>. C., took plnco here-------- r{i„«M**iftV,.Ja*tlcc-nf_tliD.Pcacc_KcaiiC'ly_

P a c k a r d o f flc ia tin R .

• Gas otl Stomach Man^C ause Appendicitis

C onstan t can rau!«fs inflamniaflfin wWch mav involv.' fli.- :iiiii<’iidir. Sim­ple Rlvrerine. liiirkDiorn hark. ote,. tin m ixed’ in Adlerikii. hel|H any eiiHe i;ns oa Ihe stoiiiaeh ia TRN' nii»iites. >fO!<t

____ .m cdlcU n^ ad t only nn 1iq\»c1 hutA dlerikii a r ts on lu n 'lT upper umT lower l,o«-el .lad i.'.novcs all pn, ntid poixonv K tr i'llea t f'>r nli-tln.ifo ron- ^ tipa tioa nn.l to KU-'nl

, . OirifiB,— Pii-her n ru i: C.‘nU‘any.—adv.

L O STA German Policc Dog; woU gray; coUar and Twin Falla licensp. Reward for , rocovcry or information

• leadinjr to recovery.


*■ ’ ■ ' - TWI]


M n . P lu m Mik«eeU S ues . Husband. J .• Hlff S ister and Brotlior-ln-Law to Sot 1

Aaldo Conveyancaa. 1

AllcRicg th a t hor-huahaiid , Will F. j Mikcsell, w ithout ho r knowledge or con- ,n-, acnt, in Novorabor, 1013, cxocute.l u kiii dccd_transforrlnB 100_acic»-of_X arw -I (.4^ laud 'on iho Salmon R iver projeet tliat w as community p roperty to h b fliiiter, Ocrtrudo M. MikcHoIl, and th a t the p.

T)roporty“Wtt8 la te r truneferrod b - tier- irudu MikcsoU lo F x a a k E . A tU , \U». Plum a Mlkcsell a ta r tc d su it in dintrict -i court horo W odnosdny to aot aalde the ; obnvoyaaces in question . Will F . Milu'- , . Hd). Gertrude M. MikCBcll and rrnnU j

-H.- A rts afo nam ed-dofcndarits in the ; : eomplalat in thia nction which was filed by Bwcelpy nnd fiweelo}-, attor- neys. • . lo

B O IS E llC T f DOGS USO l E T l


More Than Score of B est Ani- "■ -^ rn a lr in ^ R e g lo n 'E n te fJe ro m f ^

F le ld .T rla ls . ■----------- r il

Dojr" owned in tho Hoisc district enrried off most o f tho |iri:;rH offered I,'’'iL..thc.LrtiQut!iwa—Jauh(>—Fiold—'fiiiii -oliib’H fourth annual m'cut hold nenr receatly nenr J e ro m e ,'in -ivhich . more than iJO of thc b est doRM in tho inter- niounlain region eompeteil.

W. H. Van B uskirk wns thc predd- i'lR Ju'Iro nnd the decisions seemed to liieet n-ith tlio uppro.vnl o f tho-ffal- lery. "hi

Kollosvji)^' is ;i fliJWHwry a t the re- suU h: Fo

Opi-)i nll-UKc ovent fo r niiy pointed ' 1 or -M-tter rt'Kardless o f nf,'o or previous wins, firHt, Idnho Lady, Llewollyu set- te r bitch, A. T. Glcun, owner and hnn- dler, Bqisc; secand, A lfo rd ’s Suwibbo “ “ Hnp, pointer b itch , C. M. Willinms, Hoise, owner; M. C. Ware, handler; t l i ird , (e(|ual) HiRliT.-ind Prido, Llewel­lyn setter .Ior, .1. T . w m ian is , Boiae, ^ owner, M. C. W are, handler, nnd Dnn fl I'oncho', Enfflish Better, 0 . II. Steel- i Hiailh, Hansen, ow ner ,aiid handler. /

Bcrhy, open to a ll doRs wholpod oa * or a fte r Jnnuary ] . IJJi!.!: F irs t, Mit/.*', , Llewellyn setter,. L\ F . Sm ith, Boise, owner; M. C. W nro, handler; aecond, Hoiae Pohic, po in te r dOR, D r. K; U. Carpenter, Boise, ow ner and hnndlor; th ird (etianl) P o h ic 'a Bell Bap, pointer of h ltrh , A. T. Qloan, Boise, ownor nnd or linndler, nnd C ora 'a Lady B, EngllsU al, se tter. O. F. Denning. KLmbcrlvi ownor ^ nnd handler. ' t,c'S pee lttliftir Trrab se tte rs : ' F irs t, 'M e- Hi

Coy’B Mclvorrj- M ack, ,M. Izo tta Me- Gc Coy, Twin Falla, ow ner; M. C. Ware, Ct handler; second, M ack, J.. F. Christen- no sen, ^loshone, ow ner and liandler. Al

-------------------------- loiASKS JT7D0MENT O N OONTBAOT tu

FOB SA LE O F SALMON' I.AN1> th Fred LnBhonso o f llo llisto r Is do-

fendaat in a au it in s titu ted in diatrict an court hero by II . D. Rond of Tw in Fulls fo r judgm ent fo r approxlm atoly 40880 nn nccount of u co n trac t fo r snlo of fnrm land wcat o f H olllsto r by A. S. Ilwims to" XnShonso. Tlib contract, which waa en tered in to ia Ju ly , 1918, was la te r aasignod b y L.iSlionse to p la in tiff Road, who .asks $3025 dclin- r)uent luiymenta on tho contrnct, $3110 tnxes, $l!07.90 w a te r maintenance elinrRCs, ?2^80 w a te r riR ht purcliase .m d >".^0 on account of a note pivea in j„, paym ent for crops R row n on tho prop- erty in 1019. P la in t i f f Rend la repre- q ,u<iiitod.by.AttocBsy-£had.Xk-IIodR>o.-------

-------------------- -------------^

(71\ M j y

y L

A tR iN i o w H . v r s j r s T i n fi-oib o th c a s t a n d w e s t, rc p ro si

- M tyle-tffitlt*nfi''M Coiv w iti te r 1 tie-;. S e r tlic lii. \

A lsn s ] i l r l i ( l i< l : iS ';o r lm c n l cN i-\v- h i; ; \ i i r i c i y — s n n n 'i l i i i

liiii" fo t- < 'hil«|r<‘n ’s w<*!



Boise, Tell Alma and ObjoctB ofIn tcnnotllo te AsaoclaUoji. •

J . . \. Ford, !.ecrelary of the liiti rnu , R;ilo a«.iocintio» and tho Si>o- j j ’

kane I'liiuulier u f CouiuiiTi-e, . ;md . i»(.4totRC— 11: “ tfruff,—ffecK^Tiin? fTie j jBoi!*e ('lia inber-o r Coniiiiircc, tm Wed- iietiilay llight addressed the Twin Falln

J : i . l a i > - * ‘l t i l^ . i i - t h c - n im s - n n d - 0 b 3 c c t ! r — > nl tlie liileraied iale Biite jissoeintion.

Mr. Ford mudo u stronj; ajipe;il for |.fj aiil I'.Il'l ? iii>l“jrt o f the 'iV'Veaient.Wuc. -\vi tlie n late, ezplniiituR the work now I.eiiiK earried ou and itn iniiKirtaiiC'. ; !».- :lu< -eiitiri<'-iiitt.ruu>iiiiliiiii - eountry. -\vt i 'ljn iir ily , Ihe olijoct o f llie associa- lintl iis set forth by V'Oth Hpeiikerit Io provide for the (oinl eliiiiiaatiu 'i | ol disi-riiiilualory freiRht rates upoa f„j leeri'liniidin*? of ali k inds sliipped toij.^.]| ;iimI from the en tire territo ry kiiow njj^,| ;m llie iiiterniojiatnia country.

‘Hie iiaHHape of the tioodiaj; bill 'n L i„ ill - ?.ea;ite la«t diiring wiis_rL‘ferred to'-^j-j liy .Mr. I 'ord ;ls one of tlic Uio.hI i tn - ! . , , | |n irla iil ' hteph in itTe I'irIi^, th e i ie x f i’ li'ii; Klep \)eiii(' the jiUBwaRe of the b i l l 'Iiv ;1ii' Ikiiim . wlieli i l eoiny.n ii|i during ; |]< i *|’m- n ex t se ss io n . | ,.j-i- T h e o lil - t ia ie p ra c t ic e un Ihe j ia r t o f : ,-,1

.( iM iM 'o a tiiii 'iita l r a i l ro a d s in (-hnrRiiiK j ,,r<i'iviKhl_riitw»_£rum—eo altiu—pomtji—Iu :.h „

TT-n-rinr-l'nT lftr-rnrtT rr-T intnnr-rpnl—nTpfiT; o r f jre iite r llian tlie ra le n eh iirR ed j.,, I'.ie I’ai-iVie wu-< expliiiiieilt h r lie ;ivy i'X |ieiise lo Iliin e n t ir e t e r - | i „ r i l l rv jx iin te d ouf. ' ,];i

w iiiie n s a in l te r i now s ta n d rateK l to ih te r ro r i-.ilnt^ ":iii n o t lie l i i n h e r j ' _thi._a a rj;_ (in- r a te s to Ihe nm>-t, t l i e | | ^ j

'i t i 'l ie " (u .a d i lig b lit w ill f o r - ; j,,,, e v e r dll a w n y wilU th e rig lil o f l i i i 'j , , ; nv.id's to itp ji'’" ' r\iUni;K u fk in d now in e l'fe i-t to ll i e i i i le r s ta te e o ia iiie ree eoim aiBsioti am i s e rv e lo s ta b i l iz e r ;tilro :id rnleH fo r n il t im e . j,,

E x p e i i 'e s o f th e ’aHsoi'ial ion n re shn rvd in l>y tlie v a rio n s s ta le s eom- jirisin^; th e in le ra io n n tn in e o iin try . Mr, F o r d B ln led , Id n lio 'k sh a re l-eiiiK I ' p e r cvut o f th e e n t ir e un ic iiu t.

Mr. f i r a f f n av e a i im n V r -if in te r e s t in g e x a iii |ile s o f w h a t ’in« li.'i n ;ie- .j. lo in p l is 'i e d l)v th e ns>.o('inli >11 to a n d c lo sed ■ w illi n str<nig |'1” » fo r :i'’- , , | | j th in r n d h u p p o rt by th e l.usinih-i a i i i l [ j n il o th e r in te r e s ts In thes,- | ,a r t - . |


Green volleys crowded w ith forests o f pine, mountnin rnnRes whwc peaks oro otornoUy w hite wilh'smi>\-. colossal glaciora and aw ift rushing . rivers—

A gaina t- th ia pia t«r<uguQ aad sconically------:tjonutlfu l baokgrouiid " T h e A la sk a n ," = n o rb o r t 'B ro h o n ’s productltm' b f W illis Goldbock’a adnptation «f Jnmea O liver j C urw ood’a powerful romance of tbe northw est unfolds ils drnuiatlc story of Alit«k.i— A m erica 's last frontier. The local prem iero of th is Pnrniaonnt p ie­tu ro took placo lust niRlif a t the Idnho theater.

The A lnakan will be shown the bnl- — ance of tho week. —

i OEPHEUM .I t waa inevitab le th a t Cnlleca Moore,

wlio crea ted such a sensntion in "F ln n i- ing Y o u th ” and “ P ain ted P eo p le ." bo th F ir s t N ational pictures, sliouM once ngain givo the screen nnotlier por­tra y a l o f tho roo,dcrn flapper.

And judRinR by ber reinntksililo char ac te rlza tlo u In the^e ]>ictures It was ulso inev itab le thn t her next p icture bo called ■‘ ‘The Perfect F In p p e r" : tlilR Is tho opus Bchedul" tn open at the Orphoum th ea te r today.

-zX -____ ___________ ;

j w \

iley's Ir o m t l i e I 'c i t i c r s n f ||1

o s c i i l i n ; ; tli<‘ Vi-t-y la t i - s t in e r WL'ui'. K .v t - f |» t i« i im l-v a l- ^

I o f p n i m h i r ] i r i c c t J ' s i y l i - s . j‘-l i i i i ^ n > f a l l t y [ K ‘s , i i i c l i i i l i i i ; ; l j

X e w i i i n - s r a . - l i i l ; i y . jl



-jl gaamiS■ " lot

E d ite d by M ra. E . B . W U llam aT elephono 31.3. >

------- - KU.Mrh. A. Iv, K lifc r w a n ’h o s le s s lo ih e

H a rm o n y elul> W o d n esd n y a fle rn o o n , I M l tnom hnr.- «t->irn ■tl'H . P . B a r g e r w on th e f a v o r fo r h igh

N tt.. C, II. H u rto n e n te r la in e . l th eW vduesd ity U ridge ehiU th in w ee k . 1I 'rir^- fc.r l.itjl, «,-ore w np w on bv M rs .i

-W ilbn r-H iH .- ' --------j

M rs. n . W . W ilso ir - -c n te r ta in e d th e ! -W tm ndniiK i-T liib - n t ' . - i 1 : ^ 0 " lu n c h eo n ;

I W 'l-dnesdiiy n l h e r hom e- bn EiK liIh; .n v i 'i i i ie n o r lh . C a v ers w e re la id fo r i

Ih af fo iir sm all In lile s , th e d e eo rn tio iis l I f o r eaeii tn h le I 'lirry iiig o u t n c o lo r; |f e lie tn e n f red m id w h ite . M rs, Isn ln-l j

I .aw ren e e . nnd M r». A, (!. I’enr.son v .e re q u e s ts nnd Mr.s. W ilso n w as as- ^iKl.•d in se rv in j; b y h e r d a iiK h ti'r , ' M rs. W illon I 'r i 'k . T lie iiM ial so e ia l j

I ;'.l'teruoO a fo llow ed • In iic h eo n . ' | —

: .Mrs. (ti-or>;e L in g wnn hosteN^i to th e 'I K im h e rly ifoad e ln b W e d n e sd a y 'n f t • j e rn o u n . ■ E loveii n ien iber:' nnsiverei! 10’ • ro l l r a i l w ith c u rr e n l e v e n ts . T li. ' | jp ro j:r ;iia w as in e h a rn o o f .Mrs, J . C.■ Horn, th e tn p i r - b e ingil*^ JI g.w/.UlP ' r i u l l l r r i a s l l e l i 'c l W onieM ," a n d Mrn. J e r e, L o n g i.tid .Mr-. W. .M. K islicr rea it , • lit iT i's tin j; l e p e r s i>ll lh e su b je c t , L a le l i t t th e a fte rn o o n .Mrs. LiiiR -<erve.|. d a in ty r e f re sh n ie n U .

j V an a n d .M irinia H iilln n ly n e e n te r ' j.L ailicd- ..W cdni;Kd;»v-.-e.vciiiag-—a t — th u ir -■ I..'llie on .Sixth .-I'veiii........ n s t in h ono rl o : D nrn iliy n a d l>oiiahl I’e te rs , w h o '^ j n r - V -nvinj; soon fo r O re c o n . ivh iT e '

Ih e v w ilt m a k e th e ir hom e , 'l l ie uve- ■ ii 'iij : w as sp e n t in g a m es a n d a l a la le h< n r te fre s lin ie n ts w ere >er»^'i1. |

FUNERALSM A .\‘lF t ) » — F u n e ra l se rv i ,-rs f , . r '

.M ar4 I ’ lizal.eDi M a n ifo r. U year-oM d a u K iite r o f .Mr. a n d .Mrs. .lo sep l, Xian- i fo r . w liose tra i ;ic d e a th o c ciirre il h e re

t'J 'liefiilay . w ill he 'Jiehl a l 2 o 'e looV ; [ t h i s n f le rn o o n a n d e r ausjiiceM o f th e j l . . I '. S, e hu reh in th e lil i i i ' ic S liird i-

\ : i n t rlia]>i-l, en riii 'r o f H lioslione s tr e e t a n d Sii-oik! nvenue so u th .

BANK CHANGES ITS NAME.\ti ie i id in e n t tn a r t i c le s o f in ro rpo -

- -fa t io\i - . . f — n . . . - 7J;,nk o f C a s tle fo rd .-liaiininR tlie nniiiy o f th n f in s t i tu t io n to th e .S i-cu rity S t a te l .n n k o f H uhl, h n s been filed in th e o f f ie e o f th e c o u n ty rec o rd e r lua-e. T h e b a n k , w lileli w a s e s ta b l ish e d a b o u t s ix yonra ago l it I 'a H tle fo rd , h a s r e c e n tly b e e n m oveil t o B u h l in a cc o rd a n ce w i th d ecis ion r e a c h e d b y ils b o a rd o f d ire c ln rs .



P H O N B 108.

Fall’s Fi Dresses

iS »

m - i

j f l . ‘III ■ _

m m i kf W m Kjul-* ,

11 '

HO, THURSDAY MORNIS I IN G , O C T O B E R 2 , 1 9 2 4 ;

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ,Tnoaday, September 30'. i.er

H. F . W irth fo a . J . WIdeberg, $.^00; = lot 1 . , block J IO ,r.'ISirtn-Fans.

M A R C E L ^ D CDRL LAST LONO KU a f te r a Golden Oiint Bb'ampoo.— o d ' '

tr your tiroporty la aestraM * u d U l^ ija rti* « d -in -th « ^ la te lH cd ~ y o B ’DflBfl-j vo.- ■ tjorer.

Brazil N ut

^ S A T U B,. ---------------- ---------------------SEE . 0Xni_W3

Hraiil Nul l‘iidj;e ....liraril Nul Ciiraniels

1 I'ruam llrawl .Nnls .....-Ura/.il Nul Uritll.' , ..Milk .........lale Mrn/il Nuls ...............

i Brazil N uts (sholled)

I H E . R B S T e 1

i iI ------------------ - --------------------------=

Call 3 3 3 -J N O T I

— L a d i e s - a n d - ^

W e w il l c a l l f o r n n d d e l i v e r s lu

I D A H O S H O E S HH ats Cleaned an


' S P E C ]For this wi

Motul Cup6 1 - l b c a n s ...................1 - l b . c a n .........................5 - l b . c a n .........................

Motul Mo)H a l f - g a l l o n c a n s .. O n e - g a l l o n c a n s ...

Motul Oils and Grea none in qualitu. Ask

J. A. Barretl2 5 0 M A IN N O R T H . P H O N ]

' inest Fash 's Greet Yoi

W c li j iv c j n s t r iT i 'iv c d l a t e s t c i i 'a

ilri-.s;.'-('s— lln -y iivc s n ia i - l i . f l l i a nsi-Jisu ii.

V<ui w ill !<ivr tin - s l c n t l c r l in e s

H illy liy ;i h i t »if a i-ajii*. a n e w s i

d a i 'i - n i i i c i . j i l e i i '•n li ie w h c i-e ii t h e

ar« . li 'V e l v — l le ^ M liiic S a t in s . | <'r t

- i ” l i l | f . . r — ;----------------------------------—

_ / ' / )• I h f siiK trl IfoiiiuD inii'.- i ln sN IJtill ir il l i f ir r

‘ 'i.liir .^— r o e u i i . l ib ic lj , n a \ y , n i s s e t . r o w s l l f i : u l t . r e i l lu -a id s . t 'H i i 'l ie s o f

a i i i l f n r ,

■ r i i i : i , o N ( ; t i n i c s aii<i t h e i : i

. X I ' 'U y - J - . 'H A J 0 1 I N U . _ u n d a r c . m e i I ’r ic e d t h e I ' . S . w a y — l ia i ’j.’a i n <1;$34.50 $29.50 $2 $14.98 down J

V.:i: Pago F ive ^

BDNPEO B B A T IT r SHOPPE. ^, Wo Invito ypu|,ln«po«U on-ond.-:W ek,._ii:i~ conic conipnrlsoM. JiiRt aronnd tho cor- ner from Rlloy*a.-Pliono 2Ta.~udv.-« • , -

FOR SALE00 head reg istered EamboulUut............. .......

Bhoop. P riced rlglit.

P h o n e - K im b e r l y - Z 8 - R 2 .- ---- -

ut Special ^

R D A Y-W IN D O W S ......... ...................................... ............ ^

30c lb,....................................................'..•10c lb.

40c lb. J 50c lb. - - 76c tb.

ed) In 10c Packagea

S R A M B O ’S

r i C E Call 333-J

- ^ e p r t l e n A e i i — = -s h o e s a n y p l a c e i n t h o c i t y , '

5 H I N E P A R L O R1 and Blocked


l A L Siveek onlyup Grease “................................ ..................$I......................... 20c......................... 80c

lotor Oils .........................................60c! .....................SI.20•eases are second to isk anybody who has e-products:----------------- ----

itt Auto Co.ONE 56. TWIN FALLS.

hions in m Here■ I 'ea tid iis i n i-N ip iis iu - ( 'a l l , jl n a n y w e h a v e simmi l\i ir t j*

in e s i)f t h e s e fn ie k .s , b r o k e n

V s le ( ‘ve o r a s l i g h t s m a r t

t h e s k i r l . X li‘‘ f a l ) r i e s

<‘i e | i e H a c k S a t i n s a m i

IfoiDii/ iiti.'is (llltl thf! - ___irr lur i/oiilhfitl Huch.

I'-^et. M a n y a r e s lu iw n w i t l i i!|

s o f (M iih rn iile ry a n d h e a d s jji

U r s s I A N A IU D IO I.S a r e [j

.m eu tii i j ;_ \v ii . i i t'n * (U ---fa v o r\-------- iij — —^i d ; i y — e v ( .ry < lay . ' |j$24.98 $19.75 I I to $ ^ q I

. ik_ _ ' I a t w j ' m r n - t;

Page 6: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS



aU B SC M lPT lO N R A T E S ' ~A........... *®-*9

f " S „ K - ; ; ; : : : : : : : : : : : ; - : : : x : : ; : : a "!!>■

! m onihi .......................................... . .eo niovmonth ...................... ...............................-won

jSS'raf ffi „„'.!


‘" f" " i ''\v .? « n “^ ro u c iu o t!? D ot.^ ln f“ «- llli!. S -a ro n ■ r p i . l l 4 A

:Er A F T n r\N -- iiH P « r-« is t^ i^ ^ T iv K H N5 ^ 5 5 5 2 5 2 E

m o r e X -ITE. T(

.. .......... . I-y........ F i- 'u '.„ I |I „ . I .if . ' K xl.'««inii In J tiN .l. ', »^iy<

t h : i . , i n Him I " ............. „

....... ........tw .'iitv vi-:.rs, iuicl llu- rlian.'iM :ir.- tl.i.t ii will bo U-iiKlb.’-i..:.! lw.-«iy y.-:.r. o.

_ Diorr vvill>iii , |‘ ‘,'------ TJ—,i,7.,V TO-—I'li'-tlia t—vrln‘11—ft-- j.nn;

r .-a rli '- 'l f i f i v . 1 i . - »v:.s ol.l m nf ii<mr <th h is ,.n.l, N..W ll.o n.m . o f f i f lv in „„„,, ,.™„li,i..,i ,■«., ln ..t t,,r,v:,„l »-„l, T, „ ...........................01..1.1v, H .'f i.r .' l»ni:, |» -rli:i|» Hii- m a " M Of ty r:M. lnok forwar.l w ilh a Tl.n Kus..u:ihh- ........... . of- r..;..’!.in« on.- '

1......1r.-.i. 'l l . r , . ................ it l if - i-

..................... .ly ...........Bill tnma , . r . l i o „ ..r l im , , .'V .-ry ,..t - « t 1

know., ii. .i,.li- h a l t «f il- T l" 'Bniiii- 7ic-i,-iilifip Itroun-MH tlia t lian mi (,„»i )eiifU.™i-il lit" ia til" la«t B «""atio ii a o r tw o , iin .l Ih now o iicn ilinK j,,'r n in .l ly t h . n .v o r to t h a t cn .l, ha« w ;.y encrn ion .-ly i...TOi.HO.|-,tho oxpo rioneo .

t h a t oan I..-’ (■r..w.le.l in to .m y I'u r- Uii«

tlc u h '.r to n n . . f yOiirs. -A ...an n.iwa.layH ran easily oon.o

<nt,; ......... wllh ton »r »M.« h'ln.lr.^il Himt in ,f t . a . n .a n y \n-oyU- uh l.in K ran.l- f n lh o r .'..u l.l. T r.iv o l a n .l conunun ioa- , ,,y t io n la k i ' l.iiii oa«11y ll .ro tic h o u t tlio > w o rld o r b r i n t th n w o rld tn h im . T lio ro " " ‘

t» 'innuunim ly ..iin iri! in tun-.huim u i u i a. *iid in f u r m a ti . .n .n n . l j - n a r . . .o n i in n l t l | . l l ; «

ention <.f •n'm ..faot«ro.l unn.ln, work.- o t ;ir t, oto.. loffothor will, tl.u nioatis woo o^ oiijoyin? them.

A fow yo-.r- of ord inary lifo may " v row bo .T :/v l,ti wilh oxporion.'o im ' pn tiililo ti> .1 Snlonioii n iij n Mothutt.' -j. lah ri.niM.iod. Tl.e l!f-> uf an al<-rl, .•hn1..t..ili«.'ul nnd hoa lthy poraon loInc au. fcir m..-t i,uri>ns.-H of .■xUt.'iu-o. j„ ^!i!i t.mi'll JH a lh(i..:<;iiul v.'arH wo.il.l *

• havo at iho ,.o:.k of nny for- JJ"m -r .•ivilt-/_-.li„n, J

_____ i" i;------------------------- jiaii

P A R E N T A L D E U N Q U E N O Y .

A ftor n.ii.l. Iiart.1. oritioism of pros- Tw cm day l.iuh s.-hool .-hildron. thoir

tl.oir .li«rou:ir.i of a i.lh ..ri'ynn.l th .'ir irrospo„Nibimy. tlio ti.lo a 1

_____flo;m .v.lu_li'.'.-U icuiiu:,,-if.-uul_iii--tlii:itfav.ir. al l.-asi in tho ir .b^fonno. \S'i

Jik 1ko% cn.sl an.l wosl. tho Nalioniil I 'r.iba tion Aas.i.-iation and various oth.-r • or>;aiii/.:ilions wl.o«o !i..-mborti Hv ouijhl I ., kt.ow ...11.-!. i.l.oilt tho Hiib- J " jo,-t. aro snyini: n..w .|o ito frni.ldy tl.at I,;i d.-lin.iuoni j.arrnt-. aro tho ohiof .-a.ihO of d.-lin.iuent rt.iUlron. 1‘ar.-nt« allow tl.o ir m inor .-hiUtr.-n to.> froo uko of is X^otor pnru: ]iar.'nlH do n.it know' how

— :— nnnri-iinjr7Tr7F^ni.i"ih.-irPT^ur,--irTTTiTS7 who aro Ihi-ir conijianit'tis or wli.-ro \ t h'-v L'» a t 'ii-r si-hoi..l iir in l-ar.'i.ta l n.'f;Iii;fn.'o i , :.l tho m o t of much J u v n ilo wrontr-.Joini:, nay th.-so unthorili.'H. .1:.

A ad tl. vi rv h.ri;.' ■•vt.-'nr It li trn -. ProlilitiK'i for tln-.r ,Hhortromii.«t. nn<l tli'tiial o f all .,tiliii;:H a r- m.l tho Boluli.m.i. Many oMr-indnlj;onl par- ent« fr.-.|....atly naj; and s,-old tho ir -a.

----- ^ r h i l d r t n - fn r th r - r rT T .- fn i i l t 't r r rn T 3 rn i» r t l ) - “ “b y th a t indiili:.'-.!'.-. An',! m a n y p a r. u nN w ho a ro nnjiiH ily , lr ii- t in lim it i**|' inu ' t l i i 'i r .•liil,d roa’« |.|.-a-.ur.i a . 't iv i t i . - i In d r iv e t l # b o y s nm l jcirln to >n.'ak out to f(.r l.id -I .'n r ..n , ;jj'

A K ontiin .' am i liv .-ly ia to r i’s t i n . t h o i j,,' c M ld r r n ’s pa^tim -* i a n d frlo n .U . - ; J ..ui f r a n k c o o p o ra l io n in p ro ia n t in f; t l .o i r [ ''> : l.'ix itin ia to (iiiod tim os. a d i 'f in i to mu- d .T s ta n ilin j ; n.s to Iho p<'rf.>rm auco ..f c o r tn in tasU .i a n d ll.o m n in to n a n ru o f tjrl •iniin 'l <li»<eii)lino. i.ro ' n . 'c c fu a ry i f |l> r . J o l .n n y a n .l M.-.ry a ro to b c p ro to c to d /VonrliiT^pTiT wiiT,^irnroy -aro-r.r.r>'miTifr — n n d inox{..T ioucc .l t o ro p o w ith n ion .', T ea ch o m n n d i- ro b n tlo n o fflco rn - a n ' I J ,. rio th in t»orl o f th ln R f o r tlio ri- iin^ u ;

. . . . .« tJ u c r a t lD ib - _ l t J i : .u j i _ la _ t l ic -p a rc u ta ^ . . . t«it

. "XdAhd’a L M uasx-B m

IJN J?’A J L i L .« J D A l L i X J N i l i W b ,

Breakfast Food I“ M atrlm pnlallv Sneaking” (


Kfy huaband Icnvon llghtit burning.'- IIo ’b tho o iectric . .com pany '« beat cuntomcr. . Kvory yonr ho wnntuaenough curn in t to_run «_fiict«ry. I f he ___niovL'ii out o f town jiublir u tility ntouk would drop 15 pointn.

Ilo turiiM o n -a lig h t ovorywJioro ho KOOK ur.iund tho houao Wi thu ovening.And ho novor turnK ono o f , thom out.

I f I d id n ’t follow him around aiidpnah tho d n rk .bu ttoua OKI ha.UBu_wauld____look iia though w.‘ worn having a party I'vrry night.

He anya th a t it look» ao choorful to have i> lot of lightu on, but I nover Iiotr.io-tluit-hc Hooma vory b righ t when the billa como.

Another (iivorito hn liil^o f hia is to ' lcavo the ligh t In tho collar or tl.o IcitrhoM on all -night. lie doea thia | about throo tiinim u wunk an.l about]i.neu a wook a neighbor or ii pnlicoinan ] wakoH IH up in tho middlo of lhu t.iglit ; ti toll ua nbout it.

Nothing mnkca H ugh ao unUappv. aa . to havo tho rioo’trio supply fa ir for a ! fow houra in tho .-vening. llo novor | knowa whal lo do to amune himsi'lf. j

Tomorrow: M y w lfo boglna oaktng' ' why r d o n 't Btart tlio furnaco firo.

~^We nHI)I-:.V—A. .1. Wilaon haa beon coh-

fin.-d to l.ia homo tho i.aal woulc on !ii.-o»nnl of aoriims illnons. | ___

Orvillo Cliri.Hloiihoraon of Joromo haa 'bo.-n hrre tho paat w ofk attunding toth.' bnain>-HH (<{ ther Idaho I‘ow.-r oon.- I l lpnnyrtntflnf»-th('-ptnoJ’'nfOooff;.--'RojK:

ET. !•’. M.-.Iollon ia horo from Kalt .

Lako for J, fow .lav s ' visil w ith . friond.H.

Misa Mau.lo rro.-m an wi.a ,in arrival , Thnraday from Cran.l .Junction, (.’oh,..' having boon called homo nn aroonnt of 3 0 ( tho MTii.Hs iJJaj-ss o f hor fufhur. il. O. ; 3 Kroonian, who is a p a tion t n t tho Twin _ Falls hospitnl. F

.Mrs.’ K. K. Duntli-r arrivod Sundnv 1 I] from l!.,iHO to apcml ll.n noxt fow wooka at tho h.,mc of hor dnughler, Mra. Dal- la.'t (Gordon. 1 Tl

CliarloH .Inckaoii hna resigned his positio,. a t tho Uollor ranch in order to aaaiat in w iring fo r hia brothor, John " ,, T. Jnckaon. wlio was injured ruecutly in an antomobile acciden t whilo on his wav lo ]{i.-hfiold to v is it hla daughter, i I '

Mra. Lara awnnaon nnd Mra. Troy Ihr.-1‘roslor ar.' roportod on tluj aick Hat .......thia wook.

Mra, Krnnk Rnrklm ltor, Mra. h. W. ' . Hooho.il anil Mra. ('. !•:. Johnaon a t - ' , tond.-d church aorvicea a t Twin Falls ' Snndny. ‘ ," '" r

jM-nt! y. MTTlurkfTaltor and daughtora,Iren.: and Iria. o f K iniborlv, apent Bun- t- ''" day h.-ro w ith frienda. 1 A

Mila K llingford, who iH omplo.vcd .sirii on a farcn no.-ir Iviinborly, spent Snndny a t tho homo o f h ia -uaron ta . Mr. aud n i .

J . E lliiig fm J. nuar.JU lIaiLdc____.Scott Jonoa and Oscar llannebawm

PTpoct to F tnrt on n han tin g tr ip n'cat .'Salunlay. Thov hnvo planned a two O*-'! wooks' tr ip which w ill lako them fnr | ^ baek intn tho .Sawtooth rango abovo for Salmon City. tho

W. II. Holler haa roturnod from a ',„ „ i n,‘V.Tiil d a y s ' buaineaa tr ip lo I’ortlnnd, (-„r, Ofogon. I , .

Tl.,- M. I. A. o f tho Kdon L, D. fi. ; .•hur.-li announco th o ir regular Sunday ' evening m eetings w ill s ta r t nbnut Octo- bcr r. and conlinno cvory fiiindav even-;*"" in gti.rnugh tho fall and w inter m ontha.! ti..

Otho Molonv, J . K. Haverm ale und lial Mi-1 Havern.aio woro business viaitora I ' a t Twin Tnlla M onday. j

J . T. Roborta, m anagor of tho co llect-' V ing d.'partinent o f tho C. \V. !c M. com- yl I pany, wns a buaineaa viaito r hero Mnn-lv.-ii ‘lay. • :Vii.

M rs. T ro y P re a b -r w a s ta k e n to th o ' T w in F a lla h o a p ita l S u n d a y , a u ffo r ln g • ' from a a,'voro a t t a c k o f a p p cn d ic itia . ] "

W, W. T hom paon o f R u p e r t , a fo rm o r ' »nf'ori,it<-n<U'nt o f th o K den acliools, w as "'lr' a Im.-iiM-... v is i to r h e ro M onilnv. ;i'-ri

Mr. a n d M rs. I-’r a n k F u lto n , M r. nnd i/i i • M n r - V - m t- . \ ty m r - n n t t - M n i . - A d d lo "C: t " { NS'il.ion a t te n d e d c h u rc h ao rv iccs n t ).,r T w in Fulla S u n d a y o v o n in g . 1-!.,

F a y S p e u c e r . th e n in o -y o a r o ld d a u g h - ; ' t.-r c f M r. a n d Mt s . K.1 S p c n e c f , wn>n-‘''*' l iv e n e a r H ills d a le , w a s ta k e n to tho T w iu F a lls l.i .s p itu l S a tu rd n y w hore sh i' w as o p o ra to d on fo r a j,p e n d ic itis . j .-rt< L at.-r r e p o r ts in d ic a to - th a t th e ch ild hal w ill ^pe .'d ily r e c o v e r . |,-r

lico rgo U ogora, m a n a g e r o f th e Id.-iho .n.ji I 'o w cr co m p an v h .-re a n d a l lln z c l lo n , j - is rocnv.-rinK fro m sm a llp o x . L ,,

Misa (ioldifi n o a i , h n s gono to Cald- ' " w oll, w horo aho w ill n lto n d th e n c m l 'j ,

7 ; i ; i tn r . 'a d .-n T v t7 n irT e .-» r.--------------------f***’\ 11. (i, Hav.-a nnd Sir. lialph weru ‘;>i l.tisinosa v iiitn ra a t Twin Falls Sat-lm>

-’irdnT;------------------------------------------------- 'S nMr. and Mra. (’. V. Kvcrit woro busi- ,ba

ii.-si visitora a t T w ia Falls Tueadnv. th.•Mr. an.l Mrs. K. K inder apent Bun-

.lav witl. frien.la a t Twin Falla.

Finding Lcttl R.id.um. , U aili.in . Is . . . . . . I,;m,iIv .- in r’"v,-.l in

. 1,1- ............ . II tm y -J .. . ' : of Its h r.» -:'’l'" ’'I'- M ills. .................... . a ; ; i . ,s . ni|.M il.-, |•a>s a xMiuT il. Ihl- 1:1. '.-irl-..I F\p.-rl- j, •'

I-'...............................ir ............... OII th.- IlM.T. can :.:uilly b o | ’' '^o.-n v.KIi ,h.- ur,aM,-.l m .r.l, iron- ^ ■ III.- has I,.-on .-aiis.-.I t-. :n,.-b a<rlil.-t.ls.In Miini. h istan i— :ur^- .if ' ”(hiorhm biiv.- .^ .,1 nm l r .- ’ ”llmvd lo ash.-s, s,. :li;t, th - Ins, Rl-

h 'l i in i ,T,iitii (I,, r. '- i r - i r l rn lI '" " ' ....................... .MS- Iflo m i e W i. l i ty u . , . lu c h ih c !o.-- » c - ; . t i-u rr- 'd - I-* h , i . iu „ . a sp.-.-l.-.lTv Von- |s l r n c i . - . t ..|.-,-ir..s,-..t.,- w ill lijrlii-ato Iho ""

>.pot w h.-n- th .- ra - lliiiit H.-m, T in- -loc-'■■"H........ u n ia .I - u l l I i ,1 lo iiir c.vlln- ' '................... ly (h - ......... . .,f « |,ii h uru

i" '..... I '-i . ^ i i i i _ i - ^ ^ ,

-----------O th « rw i* 9 ~ E n 8 a g « ii ---------------- iJ u d lu i i l i l n s .~a>.s I, luun ul,„ keeps

u c h ip on hla ah .,iil.] .-r c an n e v e r ho • d .-p.'iu le.l .m t.> Iio lp o u t- b y n irry lo K ' h'^ U tl.s.-mi a llcL .,f liri-u.>.<i|. —W ash liis- ' 1 um .S ta r ,__________________ _______ Irl]


T W l i N Jb’A J L L « , I J D A H U ,

THE HUMAN zo oL' _ fB fg. p . •& P t tc a t

7 4 1 1 1 1 1

"H o p o you have a good t in e , BUI." " B u t I ’m n o t going aw ny w ith tho fami " T h o n I know you w UL"

GoftiSLed JieJds_ Being Obtained On ip Roseworth Project H

to e300 Bushels of Grimm From

30 Acres Reported; Othor Farm ers Have Good Crops Now Being Threshed. ! Si

— i Tlio iJ.is-u-orth fa.niera ar.- harvoat. 1

ng a good crop o f accd, according lo thoi Liltlora th.-r.-. Not all of the Qrimm ' Doll ilfalfa in thresho .1 ynl, but aome heavv i a t 1 v-i-lds are roported. I Sum

F ry broth.-ra. on HO acr,-a of Orimm ' I*‘ ;hr.-she.i :Km buHhola of good .lualilv..... I, an averai;.- o f 10 bnshola, and tho '|,uri- (iritnm .-b-ana away vorv littlo . '

An.Uh.-r aalisfuotorv. Yield is r .'p o rt- ,-.1 th ,' J . I-:. S tat,-r ranch nenr Koae- j , ivorth. t-ni.th at.ll wosl the Roaoworlh . ‘ . Itore- - On 70 aoroa of soed land ho oh- ‘ lain.-.l a vi.-l.l o f nit.e bushels por acrc • , /j ,

A rt M.-r.-dilh iinintonlionnlly d.-m.m-j-i tJ alral.-.l iho n.orita o f culti\inti.>n for Ih.- wco sm-eoasful ijrowth of a lfa lfa a,-cil, nv • M 31) acrcB of hia fa rm tlja t liu.-i we.st o f . ner

the. cmnmuu. u lfa lfa and g e t . into, th i; . Orimm olass. ■

Ho. aecordinu'lv h.- pl..w.-,l th.' grniind ‘''r i for a g ra in .-rop but bi-f.,ro l.o k -i into . ' tho fiold to work tho croinid .lown, his ^ moiaturo had tak -n l.-.a\.- un.l 1„- w;.s .v.'h f..r.-.-d to w a t-r th.-o land. .Th.-u a ‘ .\ fa ir a tand of Ih - a lfa lfa ahowinn' up. Vir ami Ih - h-avy i.n-H.ir.- ..f >vork wilh Mo: acarcitv 'o t h.-lp all .-ombiii.-'l to .-aiiai-him to loave . ................ .. aland, andh.m- Ik- r.-porta a yi-hl o f nine and un.- lialf bu-ili.-ls p.T aiT.t o f uo.id .s.-cd.

W lnogar Brothers,W ino^ar br.ith.TS of Ib .-u o r th look

jll.OOd o ff i:ii) a.-r-s of r.rimm this 'J"' v..;,r. A six-lnish-l .-ivoraj;.- was thoir ' v irh l ..f f Ih- o n tir- KIO a.-r.'s, I.:i-; v.-ar Ih.-y touk ^Hi.oim o ff th -ir .-utir-

Ilf.n ac-ros and Ihia y.-ar th -v anti.-iiMt.' ,[,.r 'a Inrgor chcok nnd « iil. tl.-ir ‘ ll.oiui alr.-adv drawn in, o ff tho KU, aer.'. uf

C.rimm. th.-v h a \ - u fa ir >liu» ..r r.vil l<“ ! 'i / in g th -ir 'd r.-a ,n s . _ _ >l - 'T O m t . r «r.,w .'rs T if U.7sii;vur(:i.' ar-lar«.-ly ahipping ihrouirh th r ..... . as,,,-

Icialion in th - 11-ighbordhund uf j;gr..w^r*-bcintf .in le:.gu-..uiM, Ihisaorialion. I'iv.- and ...... half .-ar. w.-i.- lh<-niark.-li'.l last v.-ar thr.iUKh llitn farm in^’

l.-rs’ ori;ani7ati.)n, and on.- aad half carloads were aohi lo.-allv. .\ lari;-

1- r v i.h l i-. assnr.-d thia v-ar u iih ih.',„ 'a i ahowini; in in.-r.'ascd a.-rra^-r. ;j Th.' 1{o-rw.,rth Runcli rotiiiiatiy. Mik.- Ich.w doski. m anager, s.-nt lOg hoa.l of Ira ttio to th.' hill rango wilh the Ow.vh-- ' q

1,^1Nainin;; onlv aomo milk sto.-k of the afl In,ilk .Shorthorn typt- ou tho h-m - ranrh. "'h•HroclOTTrtranv-thi’ T^II .-’-lFr-f;l•ll• .■>u>< t|-:'“ • ,bar,■. ao al! .-atlle will I,.- muving !ii tho valloy shortly . : ' ,

Somo O n low .. i lti K. W. M ill-r. liv ing o n '-In lf mil- :

;" '-s t , 'f F ilrr. . .p -ra l-a a s i , a r r r Irart «»' ami has Hvo and or,- half a rrrs of it ia unions. His Y.'lluw I>ain-rs w-ut , ;

•L'.VI .:„-ks (u th - a r r r . o f m-dium iiiial- ',j‘ jilv aa.I his r.-d varirtv is not pullrd yi'l. '' jhiil h - th iak s .th.-v ar.' lark'rr an.l h r t - aly | l - r itiaii III- l'a iiv -rs. Sir. atid Mra. gn I MiHor with th - ir t» u small Imvs dn all ‘‘I" tl..- work ua Ihis littl.' farm, nad like th - work lia.-, T h -v -av thov will hrat ; the wag.' -.-ab',\ and lastly they a r- T ', thcir own ••b o ss ." T h rir nniua rr..,. ha.l f.inr wat.-rings thruugh th.- gruw-

- ‘I'K f^asun. . ________ ~ ■, a kt Tom Sp ik -r n f l in h j . rc|>orls a yield nii tflf . 'ight t>,tsh-K t.f red rl-'V.-r p.-r a.-r.- ia 'un l-n arr.-s. H - .-...Id this s.-ed fur *!:* '’"I |i.T i.u-hol anil Ih.. a iark.'t i-ai.u-hl hin. , • • •napp ing .” 11- m..vs h - suld t.,u a.'..n. , j;;.;

R clap ,e . i J,,;I l .^ W h u t .vou say to a honey- i;i '

ai.ton In i:ur..po? , i,.-,—.S h .--liiil iI r ilL i:a^ o u _ k tiv ts -- lK)w : iifrahl I ntn of lieaHlokncss. ‘

bu t y.Mi ougijt. to know Umt 'kivu la ih.- bost rotiiody fo r IlmU ;

I’urhupjt—b u t— llilnk of tho re turn M'V- .. _ -----------------------------------------

L U , T H U K B U A Y M U K N I N

By C. b . Batchelor hovm L o m i y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

p '“ '

_____ ______B.

time^ / b i l V i n H V l M LP l r e t i S V r B B r W l f l iK

m l / i » ' r l 'stud


¥ iK /f lH B y w H W tf lH i l M I llo R n l r - i l U i r l ^ U n E )U | | H of c<

I?k‘g«thm :tonetheatlv

W / i l i i 'H l ' l r l i lH i thinW l l . t iw . w

. bull1 ^ ^ ^ ................. ........... _ . . ^ . nre

ram lly."

______________________________________ tbia

CASTLEFORD~^” ( U .w 7 k f 6 r D — F ri,lay aftorwo'n" j’"!’ .Miaa E sthor M. E o h le of th o c o te u lM if , buronu of tho s ta to univcruity, will ad^ ' ilrcaa a public m ooting on nn trition . 6 po ' ctnl mualc haa boon nrrnngtd. In tho ® evening Mias K nh le will mcot w ith tho (rniiipfiro g irls nnd w ill endeavor U n to enroll ovory g irl in tho community who is ohl enough to join th e club.

Mi . an.l Jfrs. W osley K ing o f Kon- tueky aro v is itin g M r. ICing’s mother in W illowdalo d is tric t.

Sir. hnd >frs. A rth u r K leinkopf of Kdon. vifited Mr. and Mr«. R. R. Den- noy Sundny. ' of

.Mr. nnd Mra. H arry W ebber nn.l cou tho ir houao guoata, Missoa Della nnd Dolly Kcnrley of Loa Angelos, picnicked It 1: a t Hansen bridgo nnd Bhoshono falla ^ Bundny.

Paul Kngliah nnd Sidney Owenbv nr- nor rivo.l Thursdny from Itockvillu, ‘ Ore. ,,f , Mr. Kngliah re tu rn ed nfior a few duya „ ., viait w ith hia p aren ts, tbu Rev. nnd ‘ Mrs. Engliflh.

Mra. K. Z. T ay lo r is vory ill with pcnumonia.

A lbert Shoemako nnd W aller Frcnch, who have ju a l re tu rned from a trapping Irip in tho Tlircn Creeks country, report a threo d a y s ’ snow and rain tl’iere laat oyo wook. or>!

Mr. and Mra. F ra n k Kinnov woro din- Hoi ner gueats u t thu Charlem aiiorthousfl tlm

Mr. an d ’ Mrs. Honry W ebb hftvo ,„ r tnoV.'.T to tho -S k illo rn fi'in'tni, fohnerly Hti. farnio.l bv C. C. Rogers.

Vclmar Ornkboal wna a business via- itu r at Kimborly Mondny.

Mon.lav aflornoon a fncullT meeting waa hold a l tho P op la r d rove scho.d. <'nl

,\lra. A n h a iH in o a ntid Mrs. K. R. 'I Vlrioh w ere' Tw in Falls ahnppera on ,-ni

J _______________

KIMBERLY j;:''KIMBKRLY— R alph Hiitler and H.

M. Hiitiia;i woro in Twin Falls Halur- . .lav .,a bnsine.'-a. by

Mra. Hnchnnan nn,l <lnuchtor, Ka- Tit th.-r. visito.l th - d .'n ti-l iti^Twin Fnlla

M r . 'a n d Mra. K.' C. Tavlor nnd chil- dren woro dinner gueats on Sundav a t the h.,ni,' o f Mr. and Mra. W arren An- Rei .l.'rson. f

Mrs. Klla Thotniia and daivgUter s,...|it th ,' w .-ok-'n.l >vith rolativea inn.ihl. ,

Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. T . and daugh-'to r-w rro-fftterralT n-.l-at dih'tTi'r on Snn- r"*

.lav niglit n t th .' homo uf M>. and Mra.- ni[ W. A. L. Stowe. hlr

Miaa Atnolia Connell, who haa bocn not: visiting her aun t, -Mr". H a ttie Oegncr, i Ihc past aix w eeks, l. 'f t S.’iiurilav ' morn- „ f in;: for hor hnmo in Cincinnati, Ohio.

.Mr«. Rov K em p an.l Hona of Rock f'r.-.'k. and Mra. N ova Mc^itastor woro -h..|.ping in Twin F all- Saturd.av.

-• -f.'ua.plimetiting b.-r aon, Lloyd, in n il honor of his b irthday , M rs. Florence 1 W right on tcrta in .'.l a nunib.ir o f gueats wit a t dinnor on Ratttrdnv n ight. Th

, Thi- L ad ies’ Ai.l o f the .M. R. church

afl.-moon a t 'W ila o n hro lho rs’ stnre, whirl, ii.-tt.'il them I. n .-n t aum.—

-----M rr-and-M r.^Faj-fonlC '.Tn-irchnTrroTr'^.if Miirlaugh, w.-ro Kiniborlv shoppers ' Saturday nfternoon. fin

H arrv f’ovall drove ovor from Ha?,- w!i olton Satnrdav on bu«inoaa.' ,ii.

Mr. mill Mrs. Charles Oiinning and so,. . ,f Edon. wcro-ahopping in Krmher. " Iv Sntnrdnv. .

Mr, ;.nd Mra. Kenneth A nnett and .lauehtora uf Jerom o, viaitcd a l the L.II, Wal.l.‘ii homo Sundav.

-Mr. au.i Mra. J . Frank H enry, Mr. n'l _ a n a _ ilia - .\_ J^ - iV iU o n -ftn d -» o n ,-F ..l- <u.i

gnr. druv.' to M nrtaiigb Rundav to (U> si..-nd til.- day w ith Mr. and T frs. C. C.• •alien and fam ilv. ,

A large rrow.i gathi'rn.l a t thn hich '1.rli, i.l . ,„ |i i ,. r i ,.m .. ...... . n lj ln “i„ "■h.-ar Mr. Hanka, wim navo an in ter­esting b-cture on tho Kiibjert o f blin.l- nosa and ita causes, hc hav ing losl his bit

,?ilgiiL th rn u g h ..an A -» « p l4 > .io n -----. m in.', abont two yoara ago, M rM Innks

in a diatJint ro la tivo f.f-AbrftJinni-Lin- ...

Miaa W innifred Woodfred who hasboi'U ill tho p a s t fow d.ivs, rc turn ''d to *'

' h.-r work in Tw in F a lli 'Tucadav.O ne i,t th o m o a t p lc .isn n t a f f n ir s o f f" '

I fh.- f;.ll a .-ason w a a the su rp ria o im rtv ‘i"Kiv.-n in h o n o r o f M ra. P r a n k T a to a t th

I h .-r hom o T u e a d a v a f tr r n o o n b v h e r Im - ilr_ m . 'd ia to r e la t iv e s and f rie n d s . T h s 'I'l! ar[.'rnoOi7~\vaH ApijnT In ' Boclnt’ convo r- ' it..

an tio n n n d l.a to r r c f r ra b m e n ts w ere, a .-rved, cac h m e m b e r of t h o p a r ty con- ,1 i r ib u t in g to th o m onu . A ao t o f d ish c i ,,'JI w aa prosonto .1 fo J f r s . T .i te n s a to k e n "

. l .u £ - « a t« o m '- b y - tb o ^ p tM o n l. . Ul'

I N G , U C T U M K K Z , I t r ^ .

HOW TO CURB BABY BULLY. CSend Him to Coverttry la On* Method

T h a t la R«comirt«nded M 6 fT«o- tlv f Maana.

Siirely ih c /e jra a bo ao sndiler Blgbt thun ono eh n in ju lly ln g another. Peo- plo suy onaily: “Ob, le t thc&i.Qsbt il. ^ ou t; buyH w ill bo boys," nnd so on. —

Bul vt-ry o ften ,d illilrca ore noLliav- Ing u friendly kaock-ubout. Somo- B U tluK'fl It Ih n ciiKo o r ono small boy te r­rorizing bln fellows by sheer physical B t force. - • - - ' -

Mutlivra who m ake really serious, brow study of thu ir lltllo ones aro often np ,to a ugulnst-U .wbun ll t:ouicfl-loJoc£lllKJho. l.V L buliy bully to see Ihe e rro r of bis, way. dny,’ I don 't th ink it Is a lw ays thul a child “y tnkoH bin cue from lila paren ts, though, Ue ] of courae, wlllfulnoxH and Lullylns may ftne como th rough too iiiiicb bomo Icnlency.. .Moro c.fton Ihnn n.,t bnllying, U JUBt dowi the n^milt o f u kiddle finding his an as . k‘g«. unil mnHi'lcK nro a Uttle stronger thnn soMcbody (-Iso’s. Instead of tcnchlng him to npply tbc.so g ifts In i<j the rlKlit wny. kinilly friffnds nnd rel- , nllvoH nro rn lher npt to^Bmllo on his j ^ fentM until tho ohllil really doea not beliovo (lint hla « in -nslh ia tho only th ln c thn t niattors.

W bnt m il bo d<mo lo ru ro tho baby bully? W arnings. thraHtilngB, lectures nre probably UHoIphi. T hqre la only ... one plncc f<*r hlg nml llttio bullies ’ nlllto. T hai la “oovon try ." The child ^ <nm rtit-hallylng ' 8o m ^ '? l i^ > « ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ~ ' i w or plnym ato miial bo mu.le to feel th a t tho world n t larK.‘ hns n<> use fo r him. *

I knew n bnhy liully who tmden^^ent thia form (if i.tinlshnmn: for a month.Ilo omergo.l oiircd.. .

A bully nmy nctl—p.i'Imbly never “ will he bniiight to reason by tho ap- 8 ®®’ pllrnTlon' of Bnlnjrlnr-phyKirnl-8tT«ngtb.- ' but ho will Hwlftly como to his Benaefl T if th e llttU* worid he livoa In forcca ap him to live his llfu a to n e?-L o n d o n aloi Answers.

________________ tbo

HORNED TOAD BIGGEST BLUFFSwells Up and S qu irts Blood From IU r , “‘

Eyea. tjut I . Said to Be ’ Jj ,3

Allhmigli thv horned road, specimens of whk-h h a v c N x t W r rea.-hed tlila country. Is ono ..f tho i.ioal repulalvo ' j nnd-fornild«bh'-lo.)khiK of ull creatures,It Is roallly null.- harmloHa.

No milnial la n iin.ro tli.'roujjli ‘•bluff- p- cr." It onn Inllnle Us akin to tw ice ItB noriiuil HI7.0. prosi-ntln;; nn iipponrunco of oxtromo foroolty. Wlion It ia angry It hlaaos nnd riittloa Ha tall, whllo It IB fiirlhor on.hiw.'d w ith ll:<- uaronlalilng ^ iclft o f s.iiili'thit: blood fcom Its eyes. - i Acliinlly. IIHW.'V.T. tlio hnrn.'d tnnd la ? as In.-apnhlo .if Inlllotlni: Injury aa tbo ^ ..rdinary icnnh-n fro«. 3

Its nblllty Io omit bl.md from Its S ,-yoH witliuut dntiiak'o to tlioso tlollnito f .irisnna Iuih tnt.-ty otnKn.-d tho iiit.-n- . . t Moil of Kol.-niM-i. who l.nvo dlsoovorod that, the loyil .siiulrls blood a.s a safoly

-vnlM- Wl. .m - tlH ^ -m i------ ---in ro {a,.dialurlied J la [j1"'"I pr.'ssiiro rlsoM. lllllni: with blood ib.' liny pockols rmmd It.a oy.-a. As lb.- pr.-asuro In- cpi iiHoa tbo walls o f Ih.^s.- p-okols irlvo , way an.l tbo I1I0 ...I ali.i..la i'..rlh.Trl«ht- enln;: aw ay Ita .'tiomy.

Tlio I.I.u.d la allulilU nohl and 1 enua.'a ,. .-orluin an.ouii. of illai-omfort | tn th.' pors..n or nnlmul wlm>;i' skin It _ toti<-hos. T h .' horn.-.l toad ean a.iulrt Its bh.o.l ir. incir-s al Int.-rvals of fr.-m

z j : 1..,by th is ox lraonllnary iiioiin.s—I^.m.lon Tit-nita.


Resembles the Phe;)8.in t_Y oung Have „f,.Claws Instcnd of W lngt—Climbs

Trees and Swims. j,,------ to

Ju st ns aotn- roiii.>t.' npo la aiip- pn«r'd rn-cnmiRrf m iin- \V ilirih - ' (fniiii- nipod. a newly <ll«r..vor.‘d roi,iliinn bird links .[.•til7,.'ns . i f t h - n ir wltb Homo nniianl itbir.Tawl,^d on four h 'sa. *

In I'tH nailv.t .......Hat .-.'Mnin w atorsof Col.....l.ia an.l n ..llvla, Ifa .'^i.anlahnam.'. wli.-ti hnui.lly Int.'rpr.M.'d Ih "Htlnklni; plm asnnt." LIki- th. Amorl- cnn Bknnk. .-xph.rora Imvo tlttlo dllll- n il ty of boini: aw aro of Ita proxlmll.v. »th

II ia doKcrllx’.l na a b..mttlfiil b ln l chi w ith brown, wbllo nnd ..live iniiritlnga. P'"' Thoro la n tiift bnck of tho hond Qui whl.'h mnk.'a H i-.-.s-mlik' the plii-naani

Tho yoiin« hlriN h:ivo olawa Inal.-nd poi -f*f-wimr».— ,At—t b o - t J p - i m i r ' i i r - r h f * - ^ ■•olhow In th. win;; aro Iw.. Inr«e. firm. Ihiir'T-llko ho.>l;s. tnakliiK iho li-u wing aa iis.'fiii ns a Imn.l. With th is lly Ihi'y nro able lo rllm b tr.'.'s an.l ko grt from llmli to limb f..r all thu worid llko a .|iiatinipi'(l. Tlm.v np- nblo to up. Kwltn w ltb attai/la-.: lu'lllty nnd canaal.im'r;:o f..r ro....... Ion;; porioda. |ie■'Hio a .lu ll blfd Im:; none ..f ilioao

fHIillltlr.a. It la not w.'h-fuotod an,I Hsvfin,— T li'” r1a'x\-5--gmduhlly

dUai-p-ar and In tholr pliico wjnga In „.e In .. wnv abbr-vlat,-d . but .'n ilr-ly alml- fo,

b ir to tho win;:- ..f tho uvora;:o gamo t„ bird; ih'VL'lop. Qf

Tho b ln l Is l,oll.-v.-d to hc Ibo lono Biirvh.ir <if n tr ,-a t u-roiip .-f roi.lllinn birds lh a t .me.. Itibal.H.'d tho K lo b c .- j,,, ............................................ --------------------- r - T rj

............. - -K Jck-ilT tf-Bueket........... ..........• I-,-l .MUI .'^.'r li.-ar Ihe expr.'.';slon: on ■Kill; III.' hu.-l,i"-7 It arosi. In the

ila.vs o f III..

m ifuriiniato n '..|,..:-s a n - r kuM. |„.s-lns ilii-lr all Itl an nnavalllnk' effort to Ilnd fh< 11,.- p n - li.ua '‘.lnst." romiultted suicide.Tho sul.-l.lo [led a r.-i,.- to n b.-um In ■ hla Imt. 'i'frTHTTian.YlFi:- .111 n ir"up .' t ; : tun .od bi.ckot, ho W..UI.I ndjf.Kt tboC J J o ther end o f tho rop.> nroiin.j (,i, ,n.ck Whon nil wna ready ho almply klrked tb c bucke t.from um lcr hU fe c i.. _

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ...

■ ^ E vem i^ ^ Fairy Tale



BlIUo B row nla.w ent fo r c w alk . H& woro blB beat brown m i t a n d bla b t«w n 'stocklng-cap and be w en t f l n t • to call o if -Ackbar. tb e Uon |n th e koo.- “1 went to a Icncbeon tbo otber_______dny,” aaid Ackbar.

“You w en t to o n e T exclaim ed Bll-^ ^ .Ue B row nie. “You m ean you bad One one b e r e r . . .

"No," aa id Ackbar, "they took mo down in m y cage to a b ig luncheon In a biff hotel. Thoro wore m any m en at tbo luncheon and I w aa tbo gueat of bonor. q i

‘•It is t ru e thoy did n o t aak m a W l i t a t a tab lo w ith any of tbem but' ^I w as given good thinga to e a t and they said I wns a ‘maacoL' Thoy probably tb o u sb t I ’d b rin g tbem good luck,

“Anywny, tbey bad m e there a t tbe Inncbeon.”

“Well, w ell,” said BUllo Brownie,“th a t la astonishing news. Uowomuaod tboy wilt be to b c a r - tb a t^ la ----------Brow nleland."

Then he called on a fam ily o f g o a is^ • and tbey n il bonsted of th e ir g o n t e t » ^ j | ^ w hich tliey said were th e ir p ride and Joy.

H o also saw a littlo boy who led a goa t who w as pulling ulong n wagonIn^ whlcli- 'Iras-ano ther .iltU e-boy .-___________

T b e U ttle boy who led 'th o g o a t held / np his a rm s fo r th e hena to pass along tho road and then told th o goat to como along. Uo acted ju s t aa though ho w ere a pollcoraan ' direct­ing th e tm fflc upon tho fa rm I

E e also saw onoUier U ttle boy who w as pluylng policeman, too, a n d w bat fun ho w ns baWng, w arin g b l« arm # th is w ay and that.

BUllo n ex t callcd on a l l ttio girl who said sho loved h e r trow el alm ost more th an anything else., “I can weed around th e flower*

w ith It and I can tran sp lan t tlio flow* e'rs when thoy a re too closo to K e th e f |- ^ |^

“ I'm P re tty Gentle.”

to o th e r p n rts o f tho garden so th 4 t | t f wUl grow.” Hho Bald.

“I lovo my trowel almoBt m ore thnn anyth ing e lse bccnuso It helps m y gar-

' tlcn nnd I douriy idvo my gnrden."Thon n illlo HrAi^nle called upon

th ree cow s who w ere In a c ity park.“I t iB s tm ngo to SCO you hero .’’ BU­

llo Brownlo said. | "Moo, raoo." they answ ered . •'Yoa.

II is s tra n g e for us to bo here.“ Many outom obilcs pass a long tho

roads nnd many peoplo como to the pnrk.

" I t la d ifferent from onr q u ie t fa rm ‘ lif,'. n u t w-e help look n f te r tho ani- . rnals In .the 100 b y giving them m l l k ^ ^ ^ to drink nnd we have grow n usei^'^JpB to th e noise.

'jj^hcre .ia. nico gruaa hero ,- nnd a o ----- --we cannot complain.

"Moo, inoo, we cannot com plain.’' :Noxt B llllo called on Mr. Porcupine. ^"1 dou’t throw my quills," aalil Mr.

porouplno, “ bo you will try y ou r best to aeo th n t thn t gosalp nbout me doea not continue.

"1 cnn buck Into s c ren tu re and Htick my quills Into him . W hen doga chuae mo U»i» la w hat I do. B ut I'm p ro lly gentlo on tho whole, though my qullla mnko mc look dangerous.

“And to look dangeroua he lp s when ■imp-t»r“n^w lta~nnlm al T m d^hng-to d pond upon h is own wltB to keoPr.saft i » .

' f n in r hnrm r~“ ----------------- ^"1 onjoy a good m eal o f b a rk and

li-uvea und I am of th e R oden t fam ­ily. Just na a ra t la a rodent, o r , ground an im al.’’

An<l ilM'n Blllle cullod on som o cow i up..n n fnrm .

Thoao cows sen t a m essage by Bll­lle Hn.wiii.-.

" I ’loaM- toll people," they sa id , " th a t we thank ihOBo wbo bave drivon by u s in'^rnitnmobllps thtB” Bnmraor when ' ' we huve lieon going back tb th e bam fo r m ilking time, w ho have w aited tm* til we havo aucecoded In g e tting oul of Iholr wuy.

"Sona' people n re very im patien t anti uro In a^jch. a hu rry to ge t 00^” ^ th u t thoy will h it a poor cow an d j» t r y t o piiati her on.

"B ul nm ny have been kind a n d con* B ld em te - to -o s and to thoae wo aaad our thnnk-“.

“ To;i, teli thom th ^ t tho cow s nnlteIII aondlni; ihelr moo-moo tb n n k s to pooplo wh.> h.ive been kind to them ."

Blllle weiii bnck to B row nleland thon 10 loll of those ho had m et on his wulk.

__ UiviuuLgunti u .g ren t r t ts la n c o but h e ^hnd beon holpod. loo, along Iho-w ay by Kly-IHgh, the Klves' b ird who bad carrletl h im upon h is buck whon he hud long d istances to go betw een

' t t i . - ------------------ ------------------------

Page 7: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS


. ' ' 000,6c■ ' J ycant.


N EW T O R K T o c t. 1 M>)-8 tock« S ' . —Strong ; publio utlliticB hcna list 0 , 26 h i e h . -

- B o n d s ^ tc a d y ; ra il iRsncBlcad in Into in c t i v i t y . ______________ •_ Pro

Foreign oxchango—i'irm ; Bterling «PttiD _ gains about a ccnt.

Cotton—H igbor; bullish crop ^ncwB. Doc.

SuRnr—Eanjr; European Belling.Coffcfr—F irm ; trnde buying.

_ ^ Con^ ' OHICAGO, Oct. 1 M>)_Whcat—

^ la s y ; la rg er crop cstimatoB. LJ ? Corn—S teady ; bullish crop rc- “1

ports. _-• C a ttlo -S tc n d y to strong.

Hog#—H igher; strong demand. '

TWIN FALLS MARKETS ro i' ______ Soft

________________________ _____________ $1.48;Tlic»e DrtccB nro oDttiinert daily'

— -a t 4 - o »<!loek in - t lie -f tf te rnoon n n j b c r ^ nro I n i '^ e d to covcr only llic~ iv.“ Oilli erngo o f prices. Whero cortnm vcmbc

^ ileaTers for short periods o ffer more bcr $; ^ tlinn thc quoted prlco no o ffo rt li

made to Ineludo aucb quotations Q uotations nro offered tncrcly aa &Siiido to producers and should n^ t CHI 'oc acci'ptod aa reflecting oxtremuf hard

— ^f c ither h tgli or low priecs.__^J.4Q__________________________ ^11_____ ^ " Con

______ 2 yellOftti

• R E T A IL M ABKBTB. 3P a id to P rodacers Hyo

Tho T w in -T o lls m nikct* yeatorday nnrl«oro as follows; Tim

LlTOBtock CloxH ogs ......- -----------------------t0.6Q to 8.50O ow a--------------------------- $3.00 to #3.60H o lfc rB ................................................. «4.00etoers ------------------------- $4.00 to in.dO P 'Voal c a lv e s ------------------- *5.00 to $6.00 d j jL a m b s -------------------------------------- $8.00 -prndir

F ottU. receipl

f aoftvy l ie n s ------------------------,______ IBo "’’‘P""L ig h t^b en a------ Z Z Z H Z Z H 10s n«kot:BroUora f L c g b o m )_________ __ 11c to 1.0BroUorB (c o lo re d )__________ :.... .. 14c sand h

D a in . "k '* " round

B u tte rfa t, cream ery ........................... 35c i o/iB u tto rfu t, s ta tio n ................ ...............32o ■n-i.'rf,

— C o n n try -b u tto r ------------------------------ 40c- —L ,.XEgga (sh ippers) .......... ......................... 35cEggs (local Btoro) ______________ 35c ^

'WbBAt aad MIU Food. 30*^toW licat, bushel ............ .....................$1.32 EggiBraa, cw t, ......... .......- ........ —■ ILCO cases.Bran, 800-lb. l o U ______________ • U S Pou!

« S toek f o o d __________ ___________ 11.05 23Btock food. COO-lb. lota --------------- #1.«0 .

• -Potatoes, B nra l, cwt. ---------------- - M« ^-POB. B E A N a .

^ ^ o a n s . G reat Northern'.... $4.85 to $5.25 nm, gi ^ O N IO N a

mediuiOnions, c w t .-------------------------------- $1-50 Hjjht w

Sugar, W loloaala. mediuio « « « _____ _____________________ «o.(8 "B « . t ________ __________________ »l).28

packin $4.75 t

E B T A IL PBIOBS. down,V e;etab lea. to 0 ;

Tom uloa , lb____________________07 « .. Pot«too., Ib_______________________ 02« '> '"1 '”

H cud l . l t u c . ------------------------- lOo lo tu»Oabbago, l b . _____________________ 0«o SheeBoetk, b u n c h -------------------------------- lOo ceipts;Cauliflower, l b . ________________ _ 1SH« ito u n t

" ' I ' wr ' s w eightPlums, l b . --------------------------- _____ 06o *g 3Grapes, lb ------------------------- OSc to lOo ,

' Lcm onJ“S ' ' ' •“ I’'" ’o “ n°8°c«', --------»S« to Mo “” ■>ftnnnnns, lb. _____________________ 17e «WC8 c

• C an ta lo u p es________ - ___ ___lOo to 15o nors nW atermelons, l b . ______________ 02% e tlons.

D alrj., Creamery b u t t e r ----- ------------------ 1 - Me

Buhl ciUMo______________________ 2»oW l.eon.lii e h o c n --------------------------M .

---------- hlRhflr


_______ _____________ upwar.

fo r F o rd o g Q ra ln Lower. ' bulk o--------- age eo

CHICAGO, Oct. 1 C4>>—Heavy sell- f-„tt ^ ing to realiM p ro fits achieved during ,

tho recent b ig advanco held down tho yenrlic w hea t m ark o t today dcspito new top r o ^ quotations on ryo nnd notwJth- ,.j,olrc s tand ing fn r th e r sLishlng of e s tim a te o f tho .world supply of exportable i,w b e a t Tho close in 'tb c whont markot w as easy n t tho same a« ycstorday'fl flnliih to 3-8c lower. December $1.41 1-2 to 1 .4i C-8 ,' and ICay $1.40 7-'8 to l'A7, ’fj;,. w ith corn vary ing from l - 2c decline to ^3 l c gain, oats 2 c lo 2 3-8o up and .pro- 1vlBlons a t Bc o ff to 15 to 17c ad^

" vnnco. to $10Although prlco declines in the wl\«at

m ark e t b rought nbout liberal frcah R^er__{hft m a A e t showed ntL evident.

tendency to reac t w henever valnes j,, bulged. Chiofly on tho downturns,- *Tport business dov«lopcd-aad i t .waa n .7 5 ;

said 2 ,000,000 bushels o f w heat nnd 1 ,000,000 bushels o f ryo wero taken today for sh ipm ent to Europe. Mean- wbJlo, a repo rt from ‘ he T Jn ited^ta to s n ,f,,tlv d epartm en t o f agricultnro wos m rren t w hich figured tho w orld supply ofw hcnt as 000 .000,000 bnsheis to 685,-

, 000,000 bnahols; aa compared w ith tho■frobabTo"lrfp6 r t re q n lro ro r t* -n f 610,- k « t-« -000,000 bushols to 175,000,000 bushels. «ngges B om ethlng of nn o ffse t w as an nnoffi- wools.

. , ^ a l estim ate hore th a t th e totnl domes- aro h(W f c V eld o f w hent-is-M «,000 ,000 , b u .h r .cltinn^

ngninot tho covernm ci.t enlimnte of a t Jl.. M4,000.000 bushels n m nnd. ngn. iiKiintf

TTnexpecto.l l.uoynney o f tho onts Mr j.rl'■ m arket liolped to riilly corn prices from K niHi

w eak n eu dno to n ro tu rn to summer- erable

" ■' TWIN-ko w oathor. Thoro wore also estimates w' hand th a t tho m orchantablo mtpplv I ]’ com th ia Boason wold bo only l,71ol- ^10,000 bnshols, tho smaUost amount in JKtant. • Tlio buoyancy of oats wa.n niiso- ^oted w ith word th n t o iportors hnd . ^irchasod 2,000,000 bushels o f oatA to- lc ly. I t waa contended in some qiur-ra th a t o a ts oro tho Bolo-romalning ^eap g ra in iit presont and is dcBtincd ^bo Qsod on a largo aealo oa a anbati- ^

to for corn dnd"" mill feed. cP ro v is i« s ,woro.-»trcngthenod by an -/)turn in tho prico of hogs. [

W lioit— Opon. H igh. Low. Close. f,'C............. 140>4 142Vj 140«< 14H4^y .....I4ny, 147% 145% 140!; ^Jy ......- 132 134% 132 133f;(, { |

............. 10D% 112TA' 107% n o w Iny ........ 110 ,110% 100% 112% —ly ........ I l l n s % iiO H 112%O a t» - STOI;e............. 52% 55% 52% 54%i«y ......50% 5D«; 50% 59


PORTLAND, Oct. 1 0P>—Wlieat— Tnk f t w hile. October $1.48, November .48; wcHtern wlilU*, October $h43Vj, 8T )vemb.‘r $1.43%-; hnrd w intor, Octo- r-U ^0r^ 'ovom bor-$1 .30% .OiriH—No. 2 w liilp“ f^?3 ^ . 1S:!>07~No^ w.'.lnimber $39..'j0; No. 2 g ray feed, Octo- Tui-mi r $37.50, November $37.50. - \v,...k'


CHICAGO, Oct. 1 (/P)—W hcnt—No. 2 rd $1.41 :-2 to 1.42; No. 3 hard N i’’.4Q l . - l . ^ . ________ _________ opcm;iCorn—No. 3 mixed $1.12 lo 1.13; No. stroiif; yellow $1.12 3-4 to 1.14. on pr<Onts—No. 2 whlto .'52 to 54 l-4c; No. tionB whito 49 3-4 to 52c. on a /iRyo—No. 2 $1.21 3-4 to 1.22 1-4. "ales ^n n r l c y - 83 to 0 4 c . .......................................PubTimothy s o o d -$4.75 to 6.35. loadinClover BCod—$15.50 t o -25. ^ptim iL.ird—$14.10. ^ions ;Rjbs—$15.25. A fur

--------- cuts }]POTATOES AND PaODUOB. enco <

3nrC A G 0. Oct. 1 M V -Potaloes— nding fa ir ; m arket s teady lo firm; leipls C3 cars; to tal Unltod Slatcfl pmentfl 721; M innesota and Norlh , ’®"V kotii Hacked Red R iver Ohioa $1 1.05; M innesota sacked nnd bulk "

id land Ohios 80 to 00c; sacked round . “ ““• ito $1 to 1.10; Wisconsin sacked m d w hites $1.05 to 1.15; bulk $1.10 1.20; few fancy shndo higher; Bouth °k o ta sacked E arly OhioB $1. ;lu llo r= H 5 g h o r; crenm cry-cxlras 30c;■ ndards 34c; ex tra firs ts 33 1-2 to '

firs ts 31 1-2, to 32 l-2c; seconds to 30 l-2c.

3gga—Unchanged; receipts 5465 ies.Poultry— Alive, higher; fowU 17 to l-2c; springs 24 l-2c; roosters 15 l-2c

t»rtPn»T.*WT» T.TTric*a"i*ftmr ^ 1’2*----------T ITsH

?O RTIiA N D ,. O cL.. 1 C«>>-^EogB - , s « od< minalljr steady ; roceipts 217; heavy Third igbt, 250 to 350 pounds, mcdt- Fonrtl

good nnd choico $9.50 to 10.50; u , 8. diom w eight 200 to 250 pounds dium, good aod eholco $9 to 10; lit w eight 100 to 200 pounds, eommon, dium, good and choico $0.50 to 10.40; ht lig h ts 130 to 160 pounds, common, dium, good ond eholco *8.75 to 10; Ct sking boga-ffmooth $7.30 to 8; rongb report- 75 to 7.60; alaughter plga 130 pounds lower im, medium, good and choice $7.50 oelling 9 ; feeder and stocker pigs 70 to onoeil

I pounda, common, medium good and lice 17 to 8.25; s o ft 'o r oily hogs and boughl a tin g plga excluded in qnotaUons. jnarkc ?heep and lam bs—L ow er; no re- ’ower. pts; lambfl ligh t and’ handy weight .unt Adams, $10.00 to 11..’50; dium, good valley, $8.50 to 11; heavy Ight 92 pounds up medinm to prime to 10; all wclghU culla and common "n e"" ' 50-to-aj-yoarU ngs-w others-m edlom - prime $8..50 io 8 ; w ethers, 2-year-olds J over, medium and prim e $5 to 8;08 eommon to choice $6 to 6.50; can­’s nnd cnll $1.50 to 4 ; above qnota- ns. except Inmbs, on shorn bnsi*. Bcrupi

---------- CnpiUOMAHA LIVBSTOOS. un\vh(

W A IIA , Oct. 1 M>)—n o f^ R e c e ip ts )0; fa irlv ac tive ; atendy to lOo f , :her; bulk bette r 100 ot 240 ponnd tchers $10 to 10.25; top $10.30; desir- In ICO to 100 pound weights $0.75 10; few sorted 190 pound wolRhtfi

ivard to $10-25; s tro ng weight botch-~$9.7B to 'Jo n s fT n in c pncKiHg'ii-(5wrto.0.25:-Bmooth-grados-ui>-to-$0.4r>|- ■ Ik o f nil sales $9.10 to 10.15; nvor- ’ cost TncBdav $9.r,Q-. w eight 202. “ f ■?attlft—Receipts O.'JOO; fed steers w. s tead v to wejik; severnl loads long , irllngs $11 to 11.15; top $11.25; mo- im w e igh t Btecrs $10.50 to 11.10; lire 1325 ponnd w eight $10.75; nnd \r, pound w elcht $10,35; fed heifers »: bnlk $0.25 to 10,65; gr.iss- cows, rlnxln, fers. cW ners and fn tte rs strong to cathcd ; b ip h rr:'b u U j nrt'd veals fully sten- n '0‘>"> :_*ti<!keri!_nnd_fe_edw,jttfiflkliD._tQ. ?>'■>• low er: bulk (jmss cows nnd heif- bu tlrc

$3.35 to .’!..^0; « inoecs and cntters 5 f) 'to 3.35: bolognns $3.25 to 3.65; orcd h letlejil vc.-il top $0.50; few upwards ‘ ” 1 "I $10; enrlv sales stockers nnd fPrd- rlnKcn $5.50 to ff.n.'). diovijl

?henp—Receipts 21.000; lambs 15 to »>' ul>lglM»M-balk-wftsUras-»13.to .ia ,g5H -tflClC-. it held a t $13..';0; nn tlv r" mnstlv •“ *‘1 « }.75 to 13; fed clipped $11.00 to Qunsti 75; sh eep-steady ; early 'trw o-top-$6 linmor 'ders 15 to 25n higher: enrly sales "tory stern feeding lambs $12 to 12,65; ding ewes $5 to 5.50; breeding ewes stlv full monlhed upwards to-$ff.RO. • Koei

---------- e r ofWOOL. • V sbelve

NORTON, Oet. 1 OP)—The Wool mar- t_«on tin n ei_ atto iig , _rcccat,_tradlng " rgestlng senrcltv of choice fine ols. Good fino Preneh eomblng line. ' held n t $1.3J to l.-IO per ponml,

.nn^O acJja lL -b lobd a ta rlc Ja .f id lin c Jl.nn fo I.n.-;. Foreign mnrkeU nr- "'*• "

lin talnlni: their tnnrgin nbove domes- prires. Mills seem lo bn more netive.

lin in g vn rn i hnve developed ennald- iWe nefiv ily . |


tlgd Ivou I RNO rv e / IConr n x t>. J A f l ■l o n g WM.K, ) i R S r U I ^

ieytJ* *y AiMf fl, <*» « , j.’jj]= ^ = = = ^ = = = = = S loiiriii

rO C K S S O M E H IG H E R ^ y

O N N E W Y O R K M A R K E T / ! : ! ^

lonod. Irregu la r D uring M om lng Sob- 3lon and Tlien Based O ff on P ro fit I Taking; Eegalnliig S trength o t Closo.j

STOCK M ARKET AVEEAOES. |Twenty Tvv..iny |,-,.,int

................ ! i i , , ; i ; | = =*.-i>ii.iy .......................10:;,ao . • • \I'.'k ;iKo .................. in ,.i: j -------k’li, l l '- 4 . .................. 104.i;!. M.l.T j ''"a :'V, 1!»:M .................... !UI.27 81.(10 | '

YOUK. Oc-t. 1 (yP)~Sturlj i.ricri : FC0 ^ 1 i rrrt;ti>,i r. .Ivvel.iiird inipr.-.Hsive ____ •■Oiicth aroinxl tiii.ld:ty :.nd c?.s<-,I I ' I'Ol, profit li.Uing leiiving eioHing (inot.v 1 laiildii

.UB irrcg.ib.rly liigl.er. Tr.-.dinK ,v,.m 1 a/lo.noxvlmt larRiT voliitne. the . la v ’s ''■•‘kvr>

Ica i-x.'cccling 000,000 slinros. 'Publioi.tio,, of r.'cord breaking car- tding slntifllicH and Chnirman G nrv 's the C. limiNfie survey o f stiM-1 trad .’ .;uiidl- AIM■ ns hr.,1 n biillwli effec-t on Hcnliment. ^’<>» t‘i fu rther cxti-titiioii of |>ri<'i' "K O lt

ts hnd lenipornrlly depressing influ- “I’ove !0 on tho oil Bhares, but eicoption- P**cum y good buying: eame inlo th is group - ^ = ring the afteriioon with 'th e result 'xt thc Pnn.Americnn iMsnes rinsed \ . out two poiuU hicher nnd o tl.er in- \ LOS loadcnli rerorded net goins ranging ii<vk k .m small frartionH to 1 1-2 points. I LOS Qooyanry of American Can. which boy ’n nped more th n t five points fo 134, "f?,o 8 ono of Ihe d n y ’s features, a renc- dale d n of one point, however, tnking lilnho, ICO a t the riofle. TTnlfed fitntes Steel nmon •elOB«>d-.'t-fl.-lii>;lier n t -108-7-S;- ;er hav ing tonchrd 100 3-H. nalclwin - 11"" )wod a net gain of nenrlv one point '122 7-8. ■ ' . • . '■

QOVBRNMBNT BONDS.NEW TORK. O ft. 1 W>—Llbi-rty nda closod:!-2«".............. *100.27 FH,la%nrrv^r.:...:::...:........ .................. io2:io-J'm V:i‘i;lond 4 l-4a 101.10 duinlyird 4 l-4s 102.3 jjiiestsarth 4 l-4a 102.198. Government 4 l-4s .........100.

SDOAE. f ,' S-EW: YORK, Oc-I. 1 W>)-Huw suRar " ’.-ndes steady and unchnnged lodny a t fl.Oa ”K'' '>f■ Cuban, dnty paid. No sales wero l’" ” ^*' (ortcd. Raw siig.ir fu tnres were ^ .tu rd rer under ronowed liipiidation nnd 'x ;,,. ling fo r European nccount, influ- l,erB w Jcd by tho deeline abroad. Prices rvenin iko 3 to 7 points, bu t trad e in terest lIoiiBtc Ight and p artia l rallies followed, the Mr- rket closing on e ''to six points net dispoBi rer. ' Dccembcr closod 4.00, M nrch 3.21.ly 8.30, Ju ly 3.88. ' j r ,3uying of rofined MiRar rontinued ily h:n n hnnd lo month bnsiM. Prices wcro p,.rt t< chnngcd a t 7.15 to 7..'irt for fino grnn- open.li, t e d . . ___________ ;----------- - — - rit.y>-Iflflnod fu tures wore nominnl. M'*n

_______________ day toClean C reature tho Snako.crcaturo In nai.in- la m or- -pj,■„«,']

•upuloualy ■'clean than the Bnake. ptivo spfclm ens booh ilic if kep t In whdk-Munio i-oAdltlou.'-. kii>> th c Dc- from < lit News. SticddiiiK of Uio skin In the Inn nntural provision lo rlil the en tire ' f ’'". eKUiiient of any soltlni; il.n t n.iKlvt j'“"Rth: ;ldoninjly tuko place d.irlnt; tbu m t - i f u curcfiil modo of llfo. liu t It In •Wy Ibnt one ever obsi-rvt-n n w »d nf .Ter( •pent th n t tiocs no t looK ns clean ns mnde ; aUlrfltl lU-neut' Pfhi^Lii'*!>Lk‘,‘.J'X?«rAllnl:-lO-l]it:.lilud-uL - _ L J . Ike. TIiohc w ltb Ki.iootli ^niU's Imvc hold g silky luster, while sin 'cles w ith f"tn_re

ifled Hcales ur a rule loi'U like vcl- t. T bero l. no Bllnio In ilio maUth i f , / ? of uny ineiiibtT of the scriK'nt tribe.

' --------------------------' iUnnHome In C athedral Tower. Snrah

Sloctrlcty \^lll hoou suppliiiit bawd <'‘1 o" iKlnK of the bells of Notn- Dame I l.edriil in I’nrlH an.l when llilii now | 'ithwl ooincH Into opcrntion the sn iyI towers nncl smoke-wroutl.eiLJlylnt; i_caco__ttrosses will bo d HolUu<lo‘ liihiiiilK>d'l jfrs . cly by bnls. owl.s nnd o ther roiiib- j Ogdon, •d Hpccles. Mme. H erbert Is it..- pr. B Mr.: npd probably tho last of tin- »«■’ d.niRht Kcrs of Notre Dnme. Like h.-r .mr- rnmo ivijl prototype, sbi' lives bluli nitilil ^) niaKHlve towern Umt crown ttio bl- IC -xaihedraLctL’iii-b >>f. J’jirig , t \ i.- t of n lotiR line of surcossors tn oaltnodn. tho bunrbbnck bell ringer ment' i m orfnH red-by-V Jrtor- lin g o 'In bl« blR bn. iry of tho old' cnihedrnl, ter. Mi

- aix yeiCare of Booki. j.i-l.Ir.

veep a chenilcnl du st" r In tbe draw- " of lhe library tnblo to polish '

•Ives nn.l n tin box «t Po-cnlled j „ „ m . kIc pnper elenner for Ibe bool;«. It hnme I noi neeessury fo spnntt ibe ImoIiK to- Fred •hrr-«r-nnt>-Hi.>lr-4-.iwii»-... l-jiy -tbo buBiacJ ,1< under Ironttnont - a i.apor to rh tlio lltlle Ma.|< n .i’- n( -vlled Jlth . nnd cr. .n o . t.I::.iin_- anil lln- ; tn tb r v - t- .> - r t i r - : rd c r s

« - u » ' ....... - d o n .l........... .. '“I'I"! p .a iK

■" I""-'.......... ' noro.T'■T ............... . "■


I a s s if ie d' N E C E N T P E R W O R D .

dvertisem ents under th is head a re 1 fa r devised of bringing th e need ol


iS^~SAl'.^:-^\;7a“ touril^t^~fi;2:lI ' , ,,„ndel, lock wheel, grin rnck. 5 5 2 ',,.,^ ., f tb Jivunue c:ii*t. | —KOIt s T f .l^ S tu d e b u k f r Ifght h is I ^'‘>1

iiriiiK; firs t cbiKS shapa; cm. b« s e e n . '" «■>' J » I J Seventh a venuo north. _ [ ‘ IJAHY (irand Chevrolet; onlv Ui k.kle Antomnrt._______________________ i.mi.oi'‘()U 8 ALK—Tordson tractor, i ^ w , r.,,, ■c linrrow. 0 . R. Knsley. Telephone 80.11)22 DODGI': sedan for snlo' reason- „„rth ll-; nlso beautiful Nnsl. sedan. S e t ^ . 77,

A.^nw,r_t._______ — ----------------rOK SALl-V-^ussell truck • ton, i-, n,l condition; having to .pilt on nC’ nnt (if hcnlth. W. N. Oilllland,. Bur-

W ANTED—AUTOMOBILBB l ^ h l t------ - ,•-------------- ------------------- ---- -— AU'WANTED—fie«’ernl good uced cnr» ,„irroj hn a . .WbitK Co.. Phone U7W . m „„„- ....... ' —P o ]

FOR BEN T—U N ru a N IS H E D i

i'O lt iMvNT—A n?w' modern busiiirtLs liMinH. 2:.x7.' foot, on eorner of I'OI nin strcot, fnr store, drug storo or plnmb kvrv. W rite Hox 314, (ilonns F errv . and b< aho', ■ m otorKOU HKNT— Double nm .rtm ent nt Colonial. _______________ ___ _____

Al*AltT.ME.NT for rent, $22..^0. 130urtl. nvenue enst. Phone 708.1. --------Folt 'R K N -t-riousekccping rooma ove Model Shoe Store. Fn.iuire Or- cum Ihcntcr. HK,= = = = = = = = . =

LOST—Last .if w eek .'sm nll boav.T , ok scarf. I'hoao 181W.L (,S T -O n jnaior hlKh I-lnygroiind. v ’s grav rout. Pl.oi.e OOllW. r. •t.'d ItKU-AHD for reeovt^ry of Aire- le doc stolen a t American Falls. nho. S^lnrdnv, September 20. Colored leh nnd doop tan ; long hair on loweriv._aiiiL_tail.__Ai.awcM ^ to _ n iin iu ..o f . '• " 'i^•am pus.' f.-l.-irk Travnlute, A m erican -nent, ills, Mnho. ^•iflh

J E R O M E ^ ^ ■

.IKUOMF.—Bill Baker is spending tbe •ok in Ilnlley nnd Kctchum. ‘.Mjb. -M . liishop waa- Lostejui on idnv .cvoniiig to n nnm ber o f her ieiiilH. Bridge wns the diversion nnd ^ 7 inly refrcHhuients werv si>rvi-d to SO ^ 3<) ests prcBCnt. BuhlMrs, C. A. Anderson nnd children i ’Oli inrned the last of the weok n f te r .n n Jvraey tended visit in Clovolnnd, Ohio. duclnsA gnod represei.tntioh of .lerome poo- :' nttonded the stn te seed show nt „ ondell. NotwithstnndinR the sho rt- ^ e of wnler Ihis venr the show wj.s re- ' rled to be up io stnndnrd. " AMrs. Ororge Lnnger and fam ilv w ere turdnv shoiipers in Twin Falls. ^nmplTho I'lensant Plniiis Soeinl elub mem- WA rs wero enlortnii.ed on R aturtlnv Bpnck oning at the homo o f Mr. and Mrs. iiiBfon. \v ., ClMr. nnd 'Mrs, Sterling Freem nn nre ■iposlng of Iheir household posses- ,ms nnd exp<-rt to leave in th e nenr tu re for Californin. where tbev w ill WA ike their home; WUI p^^r. and Mrs. Hnrrv Willev nnd fnm- cen t (

havo le f t for Boise, where thev ox- ,_____rt to mnke their fiitnro homo, a f te r ,-n.nn;; the pnst two years n ^ Falls_

Ntisn Berthn .Tonos returned on Run-V to Burley a f te r looking n fte r bus-‘SBi intercstB in .Terome. --------Miss M arv Langer was hostess nnnrsdny nfternoon lo tbe Country L ife _____lb. 1X)1Mrs, Andrew Anderson has re tu rned Rn„th llll Cnlifornia. whero she hns spen t sOd hV ' Inst three months w ith re la tives. ' - M.rs. G, A. Gillespie is spending a p o ig thy vnrntion with relntives in AI- nv, Missouri. FOIThe Rov Prnuts dellgh tf.illv en ter- n,, Ined Fridnv ovcning fnr the p.iblie .Terome. Sinrh prepnrntion had been

ide nnd n good program en.ioyed by (racler -PflO-cnrsti prrsrn t.-,------------1—7: ------ i'Ttubtr-T,. .T Trvon .lin^-iHsiumnl u f hia-liousi!_______ _Id goods nnd wil! lenve in th e nonr ---------tnre fn mnke their homo in Cali- Tl

Fre.i Otto nml fnmilv h n s 'n s the ir use cuest Mr. O tto ’s mother, Mrs. arles O tlo of rnsndejin, Cnl. 'V '"Miss Nnte G riffith , w ith the M isses T-'"'" rah nnd Mavbelle Giilhridge, ro turn- 1"' ’ ' on Sundnv 'to Boise whero thev nre '•I'loir

idvinjr n s ’ norsos. .tffer n v nra tion j ,.|l^." fh rebilivos in .Terome. . 1 j , , 1,Dr. K. P. P iper left llio last of Ihe | ...^ 'ek fnr a m onth's nbsenre in C hi-|

5 r r s ~ R ? ^ ” R7ed*hi.V r'et7rrnod''fr^m ! ’:don, where sho spent the summer. j ‘ 1‘‘ Mr. nnd Mrs. A rlhur KIdrod nnd tlio." iiRhter were week-en<l rnllors in Je- So ■PO from Twin Fnlls, nnd lookod harl sfer fnrmint: inferesfH nt FnlU Citv. ntnnv The funeral of Mrs, Mnrv Hr-mi.hill, ..s,, e 87. who died nt her home north of

V afternoon a t the home with in ter- "^*’‘'1'* ^nt in .Terome remeterv. ^rrs, irr-nip. ' ‘ f“ 1 bnd mndn her home with her dnueh- Bpnnsi ■. Mrs. Flirnbetb M nrlin, for the pnst aide."- : yeara and leaves a hoat of friends.Id.'H hor fwe dnuRhlers to mourn r nbsenre. <pbLMr. nndl Mrs, J . B. Dn;;Kelt have iposrd of their boldines sonth of “ J ’" ' romo nnd will mnke the ir fu tu re «mo In Gooding,Fred Vnrnum hns retnm ed from n " 'ok It8iaCfS_t.rir_lo_PoHtand^________ nil

---------:---------------- --------

Term fcr Morbid State Ifenrosla U _ tho modlcol to n n <le- x,.;,,,; rfblag "tt 'm brbld s ta te , e ltller fuuc- iDfil o r organic. NeuroscB uro claRSCd | ., d isordera of cinntlan. nu trition, licnl. ,,

rooption. rln iila tlo n . and ub *“nsnry


9 ADVERTISI.dJ_,PER_1NSEBTIQNL:^ ,a r e a l w a y s a l i v e a n d a c t i v e , a n d c

i o f a d v e r t i s e r s t o t h e a t t e n t i o n o f


FOU H A LK -K lectric hea te r. I'hoao ,:.'i,I. »|red..

i'^)l£ .SA LK ,'(JllK A P-Slldo tr<.a.ooa.^Krx.il .•onaition, Photio ;iHl. . '

FOK SA LK -C olgrove potato .lighor 1 good-Mlinpe, J,')!). Box 17;i, Ko({er»oii,Iiiiiii:______ __________________________<1IHFOlf SALK—Antomalic c i c c t r i c

a*lior nii.i riiij;or, i'.:);*i Fourlh avenn.' WA";

F O irs A M ;—COO tons of hnv, Kood ~ \v T ;u-n n-nii-r nnd Rood pliief in food. L. work., l.nri.i-n. Itoufo'-J.- ltim berly . ‘'AOT;FOIt HALi:—1‘errection oil hoi.ter- Hfll

buau 2U:tJ. _____ ____________________(nr Im,SM ALLlcKSTAURANl^dcrng"' good '- ‘I’'*"' isiness fo r aale. 221>-ahosho«o south. «AUTO windBhieldfl and door Killy’s, _ irrors, • plnte and window glasH. oon-B Paint Shop.1-Olt a ilA lN und potato tucRa. Wc ‘ ,MAl ivc tnem. Buy whoro you can «nvo. I,y ..■ji oncy. K. I). Kellogg, 304 Bocoud uvc-' 7^0. •io'iitrnh7-p. o rB o x 7.';4rD irrfn^.’icr-tw.~~“ " x S iV o'u aALK—Anvils, .bo ltnrgP bngB ,.'an«w ei umbing supplies, plIoyB, pipe, “ new News, id Bccond luind.” 1 25 H. f>. cicctric . - v t '^ otor with starting box; 1 1 H. P. ^ns r, , giue. Idaho .Tunk House, 152 Socoond •cnue soutb, across frofii Bales ground, p ' o louo 040. ' MAI--------------------------------------------------- ---- nlc Mo

FOE B B N T -rU B N lB H B D ,~ —' ymir.er,

HKATKI) HOO.M for ren t. Phono = =■ IJ .FOIt KKNT—Two-room f u r n l B h e d ____lartm eat: fiirn.ico heat. Call .182J. FIV] FOU KK.NT—Furnishod -room nnd cornur lard in modcru home. 410 Fourth "ale or H'ntic north. - =FOR K ENT-I.'urDUbed room, 62; ' ' cood avenue so rth . .FOR ■ RK N l'-^LIght nousckcei.lnj ' oms and front bed room. Close in

n u i K K .V r^ i room .furn iobcd apart•nt. Reasonable. Bnngnlow. Appl» ] _fUi Btrsrl ..nd Rccond nvc. eaat. 1 ^

' - =•• ' i FOR-FOE-HALB-^LIVEBTOCK furnlBl,

---------- — ------------------------------ phoneFOR HALE—200 bend o f bred owes; ~ ? o T

ill F riday or Saturday . E . P . Dunlap, furm,hono 1248W. _________________ _ per ncTOR 8A Lf>-200 bred owea. H ow ard ' tw o h)

'Dri'Oh, 3 .nilea south a n d 1% wcat ! southwcat corugr. o f BubL rb o n p .« a ro > uhl 3I3J.1. - 1 =yO R H A Ll^-B everal yc m n g QnerDBoy, \ _____TBoy eowa; all go d, healtby , pro- i lvxij icing cowa. Phoae 546-B5._________ j plo,


WANTKD—To rent, by experienced!•rmer, w ith lots o f help, good f a rm , ' ---------luipped. Box 12, caro >Jowa. ______ IWANTKD—500 pounds pears. J . M. --------

lackmnu. Tci 250J4. ; 8 H ^WANTKD—H eating stove. Address ' - I i i !

rnre Newa. ________________ O- 0- :vNANTt;i>—To borrow $aOOO fir« ij jO H N irtKBge on 40 arrcB. Pfconc SS3. I Trua WANTED—tjBBd fu m ltn ra and rog*.UI poy caah. Phone 405. A. H. V ia - ; HOME a t Co. . BWBB-------------------------------------------------------- 1 at-la

W A N T -P ota toes. npplcB and on- lops; *0180 bean*. CtirlotB. ^ T . D. . McCoy. Tci. 833J. - B l

FOE BALB—rU E N IT U E B | .. ('J; ' "0

FOR HALF^How-ard h o a li7 % n d '>nth Be.id malleable range. Pl.onc 137 i4J->urth avenue enst.......... ...............—


FOU RKNT-T.V wm?*ro7)mrnK "liouVo ---------Iluhl. $;;()l) buvs lonso; ren l on

luxo *r.n ,„.r month, fu rn ished ; ono | l^lae oek frnm First Nnl ional bnnk. W illj ado le;.!.c- for ear. Phone -M. W., 22.1,1 0 ' «

— - ---------------------Three Would Ge In H is Midst. I

...... tl. In llll' llrvi yri’do. wiih s tn ig | --------Ink' with Mililrnotlcin. T bo tenchei ; STUD] a- dnlni: hor liost to bolp blm | ^ea i ..'..n. If viiiriind -ovf-n lioneltfl nnd '

tliroo. hrm Tiinny would bo left?*' j ---------•loiivi-. li-iM’hor, I i-iin’t di> ‘.•m In pen- I______

Thon 1.0 nddod. -Mnytio 1 eould :. It In on.i.ly,- ! a .t••We!!. If von luul seven pleoos of ' = - ^

indy, nnd jrnvo yonr tiro tbor tbreo. |nv mnnv w nnld-v*...-bavi}^"_______ ------------••HoM inke 'em a ll; lii-’s hlRjter'n ..." enmo tho w istful proteHl. ISo (lie ten.'her triod ai;nln. " If you j .rl Koven p!m'.< nnd nto tb ree, how 1 . nnv a,m id vou havo .lo fl?” .McNIC“ Sr.ven •• I••Whv. I.ooii, If you n te three, yon ,o.ii:rn' t I...V.' 'Mfyj'ti ' i prr ,” ' } _"VeM, nm’am," cam e tb e p a tien t-j c - innse: “flm-e Inside nnd four o u t- i w do."—Brooklyn IJuyle. j

W orld’* M eanest M an. ,T b b wn.1 John Elives. Ho came by ' Twir honestly. Thou«b ber btistinnd lefl , - =

;r $5(H).000 b h m other prnctlrnlly | urvcd hors,.If tn cb-nth. Voung John ii« left S-.’.'iU,iKNi. n .- put up pro(.orly <*BM1 yver I......lull. When one of Ida ‘

.w nT -em ptr-h i—llv rtl -ln-'U lo «o u .„ioi«i,or. Mo i.opi nil biH own ; ---------■ •minis When ho hnd advnncod In _____a is ll.l U4IUJ Jo livo wKli biH f lo tv l^ p w ■ link- v.itb idm flvo -hlH inr^. which ; „ o f .■ -.lid u o . idl ll,. liud In llio w orld; i you -I In- !i(d tli.- Ition.'y for fi-i.r 'tonio- | Scco >' Oil"::i s ; . .j | ir llo diod, tof.vlrie an ; ------

. " j BBA

NG, OCTOBER 2, 1924.,

e i E N i s ir . A J g D ^ g O R I H m ' I

Id constitu te th e h e s t m eaitf of residen ts of South Idah*


FOR SALE—Potatoea, $1.50 a buoV - ed.. 5051111.KOK H A l/K -iIood . .lonathnu rulla: ome r.;i7K4..

h e l p W ANTED

<1IUL WANTKD fo r Koneral houBO.■rl<. i’hpiio WO..WA“N fl;i7 —Hidiool Kirl to work fo r nm and bOnrd. Phoao lOai.l. , .

.N’T !■:l * - ( i i r l . f o r ifenerul ho.iHO^rk. f a l l - n r . 127- T:im 's tfoei:-----------------------A (iK N i‘H -W rite , fo r f T T T 'T S c X 11 .Mndison “ Bc'ttor M a d e " ahirt*t-Lai*{c_uianuftttit.ir«ir lo-wonrer.—N«----------------liitnl or experifi.ro required Many ra $100 wookly und bouuH. .Mnuxv^ illa. 502 HroiMlwny; New Ynrk.


.MAUCICLMNC dofio n t yonr lioiue* e.^pi.rienood oiiernlor. Ou]l .Plipno *

A.NVIWK iv i i i i l ln K T o '^ T i 'l 'iBWer nnd ^ive nddress. W. .L, caro

A^ITKNTION, Ueo Men. QiwntltT 5 gallon cnns su itnb lo for honeyi

nsonnblo price. W ill trade fo r honoy.(1. Fargo. Phono 450._____________

MATKRNITV N U R S IN G -M rs. M la- a Morgnn. Phono 837J,• 1ATKR.NiTV uurshiK. Mrs. K. J . ' lir-er. I’houp 5 t{lR.J.


FIV E ROOM houBO and fiv e acret» rnur of M aurice a n d E lliab e th , fo* le or ront. C. J . P o tera . -


WANTKD—To ren t 10 ncrca w itk )od building; m ust bu good lan d t ill pay cash ren t; p o rt In advance, lione .9 ,'.2 .


FOR SALE—:i-room plastered l.ouso^ rnlslicd. Tn.iuIre 13-10 fitirA v e . E. of ' ’ 'one i:i35 W._________________________^^)R HALK—Fancy corncr 42 ncro

.rm, rost $250 acrcs, sacrifice $135 :r iirre. Lica perfec tly , extra. Water, . - . vo milca uunt llnzultou on alato hich*tt> r~ Aira re H»— NoTi-itoBident, ---------------.re News. __.


to r” l l l 'iN T - lM 'ao rrB '^ floT crca ' to ? plowed, balance p aa tu n nnd a lfalfa .. Twin Fulla trac t, Innuiro F ran k iu j[le ,J?2« to_2 . __ __________________


lA D L. HODOIN— Rooma 12 sod I I P 'rs l , N ational B onk Bldg. Pbone &0. HALL, over Cloa Book ««tore.

>HN W. QEABAM — Law yer. Bank *Truat Building. Phone 035-R.SHEE B. W ILTON— Lawyer.OMEE O. MILLS—O ver City Cafa.^ B L E Y ft SW EBLBY — A tto rn e n at-law. Practico la a ll courta. Twl»Falla. Idaho.__________

'^BUSINESS DiRECTORY . . . . . . . . .W ELDINQ.

Acetylene welding, ou to tp rln in uiaoi rnctory a ty le .” au to wheels mndo un« paired. General blaekamlthing; nti4 )od work. Alt work g.inruntce<i, lone 524. G. U. Self. 2.'0 K.-cotid 'o tkr— ................ ■■ ■ ----------------‘----------- - -


[.AOESM ITH — U A O H IN i: S E O : ^ Blacksmilba, welders, boHer m oken, machiaiats, m anufacturera supplica of nil kinda; n scn ts Altman-TaylorAUahinery tin, .. K rangcl-M acbine-C a.^-------------i? lioo»-ia02.^8l0-320-8ccond-«vT>.-tt— ----------


rUDEBAKEE BEEVIOB—Lionel A.Dean. Wo correct all S tudobaker troubles^ liiO Second Avenue W ett.


TNDOW O L A S S -W in d ahiolda, cabl. aut work. Moon’a Bhop. Phoae I.


A E B tE O 'T E A N S rE E -A N D -S T O * . * '---- 'AOE CO. Coal and wood. Phone 143. lO ZlBE fR A N S F E E 0 0 . Phono &4JI.Crating . S to rage ond U U erty coal, cNIOHOLS T B A N arE E “ ^ T O E A S l i —Onrbage hauled dolly . Phoao 2 0a ■

---------- a n n r.^ P B P A T tiT p /^ ---------------------- --------

TOI PA LLS BHOB B B P A iarN O ,“l » —-------------W.tShoBhone. Ph. 898. Real lealber.□ot^lycar heels. W’ork gnaran teo i.5YAL SHOE RBPA — >'MeTcra, Prop. 130 Second Bl. 8,'TV ln Falla. Wr also ra rry new ah ^^


a i BTATB VU LO A N IZnfO 0 0 .—120 Seeond ave, weat. Goodrear o a fM lUsr t l r ^ .^ _ V u ie ,p t , t ,g . _________


3W M ETHOD E '0 0 F S r r 0 id ”*hinai|>~roofs mode, llko now. L e t u you nn estimate- C lark Sm ith, SIO Becond ave. E., Tw tn Folia, •Idaio.

b b X S 't h b TW IN F A L i w w i w k V

........._ . .. Scvea *• -

Page 8: T W I N r F M D L S ID A IL ^Y N E I H I O STOP WHEN PENNANT wnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W I N-VOU 7. • NO. 163. ... - - I H I O PUyEiS


^ C i R t O i O E i :______ wl

-------------- ------------ --------------- ,lp

F o u r M e n C h a r g e d W i th D e • fO;

s p o i l in g G e n e r a l S t o r e a t

. K n u ll t o G o o n T r i a l F o l lo w - “

in g P o s t p o n e m e n t . '______ I'f--------- Of

Hu<1 DttviH, noy ^rrlnt.vrc, Tknuoll • Cavc'inlcr nml Ocofkc WiiUorn Jr. Ei

clmrKi'd witli rolihcry of tlio KPiioriil, Hlnrc a t Knnll lant Au);iiNt, will go n n 'O .

. . . trifil-iii-diatrict-CO urt_Im re. tndny, :io-| . rorclin)' tn inclinitionn WodiKtHdny n-lion Jiiiijji' W. A. Halicock, Ik.iik’iI an order I

_______ fmL-iulj|iocna m lling la .ciglit-w itnoim i^^—lonl^moiiy in tlirsitod Uy Uu>'

di'fi'nsi’. Thn witnpflXM tluiM to l)p; <;il)i-d iu arc Kloyil KoIiit Ib, Kd Iliirt,!

Ci!.rri.-I.l, AiHh- riv j.n , Ik-n HIk-i;,, v o r ll., Ric'vo WllliN, J . C. Moore, 'J’iiotna.H tTavcndor and Mm. Tlminan (•,, Cavcmirr,- jiiircntH of Itiissoll

____ _ iliT^ otif »i __________ -i-thT rial ill tlm i-nKi' wan ]i'iHl]iiinfc|- tin-

l i r . l ' o f tlio woi'lc n-lion <lcf<‘n«.' r<)i:n-f,„| »<■! Nii]ibiiii(t('d II itnrtDr'n c'<'rllfirrt(<‘ ' ,1 to tlio if f t 'o l Hull Ciivoudor wns ntnl iinaMi' lo nppcar in conrt. i

Tlio d>-fonil:iiitn, witli Hii> oxooiition j tin <>f (^iW nilcr, wlio fnmiHlicd l>ond, liav.iiH i lii'cii lii’ld j)rin(iniT« in tho ronnty jn il, fit Jmt.- fiinri' flicir iirrosf iit KoRorfion a • .r. «hort timo :if(or tho robliorv o f thc«|K nnil 8toro. ' • B I

Dofonso Oonfldont. {

<’:ivi'ndi'r wn.H rc' iirrrnl I'll folloivini; hix ri-lc:i.n‘ im liail on oharj^p of inir-l. I tii-iiiation in roblii'ry of V. \V. .Ncal.-j ' K nnll (lifltrivt farm er, i-oiiiinitteil on> tho ’ii;;h\vny north of Knull a fowj }iiom":i*.s bi'fori! tlio Knnll atoro w ai rol.lioif. Hu was roloiim'il Mnlnn'()umtly '"■'I on tlii.s charKi'.' j

All four o f tho dofoinlatitH. iic'enr<l-j in;,' to «horiff.’» and poHcc office rn .! ''" ' More iin|iliciiti‘d not only in tlio ro ll-’ ’’" licry of till' Knull . Htore jinil o f Mr. M**' Koali', lint on tlio Humo n ish t utiirti'rl'

....— t h r i r —n lc h r 's -n p c rn ttn iis^ l.y - rol.unrk'V"’*tho niiio l.ukp« ISoulevarrl K*'o''''ry in Tw in KallH. Y-'

W. I ’. Outlirin nnrt John I‘. Kotlmrok. j.* . . . ..atlofMoyii tho dofend.nntn niirrri^*'______ thn ir n rrr^ t. huvp confitlputly p.r|irnim-a

confidcnco th n t they will bo ncqnittoil *■*' - - - -B t ' tr in ir nnrt Itaye-ftiuHirlpfj' thn l H he

•VronfC tnen Aro hold for tho robbory.Till' r.THo for tho fitato njininst tho jt,

Tolibor HiiHiii'ol* will bo eondnctod by Proneenlin ;' A ttornoy J. W. Taylor.

‘ircnrin jj o f arK«mont Iiy attorneyi) on niotiiin fo r now trin l in Ihe eaHe . j '

' o f John W. Adkinn, ponvi.-tod lasi;,^^, weok of voliiiitary manjilant;'‘*''f i " ' ciiniioeli<iii w ith tho donth last June of rriini'iM '0 MarKUroRiiin, IlaH'jne, anil neiiloticocl to ,orvo ono to len yourn in ' tho s ta te jirifton, i^ nrlic’dtiled to j ~ jiriTi'ili' opeiiinj; n f the Iria l in tho rnlibory oa.Hen IhiH niorninK- OoniiBel, fo r A dkins iiIhc havo filod nnti.-o o f nj>i'i’al to lho .^talo unjiromo I'uurl. |

WltnCMM In U quor Caso. Iiidicalioii of briof ]iroeooiliiii;i in

th.' Iria l o f i:,e a lla 'e .l roblier.i was H<cti‘ iii tlie f a i t tliat .Iiidtje IJabenek.' r<Ti'niii;j un ord i'r'T or »iil>pi’on:» of do-' f.'ii.Hi' witiioKsi i in (he oa-e of O lintnn, Hciwniaii o f Ca'-ilofnril, ehart;ed w ilh ; v i.ilati'in of llio li.pior law.s, »i't I'Vi.lay i\i xt lls Mu- U\t iJjiil illIh.'it Hrfr.nJin wifnes-iiM falle.lliii(, rourt im.l.T llll- Hiibixienn ismie,!

^ If you ne£ we have ilWe are in your old t

- - loons or SThe “GE

- “ G o es a lo:

J. A. BA2 5 0 M a i n .

1 ' - - ' J

— jw x iB iit— ' TWII

Police Seek Thievea M Who Took Costly Fur h From Expriss'Wagon

Officers Work on Possible So- lutiotf* to Baffling .Problem ' Presented by . Loss of Ooat.

Twin Fnlln pollco Wodnoaday woro nl^~worlc‘ on duos looking towflrd tho _ npprohonslon o f tho porson 'or persona . who Atolo from a n oxpross company dolivory w o(^n horo thia wbi)k d“ fu r ooat ownoil by Mrs. E. A. Waltorfl and valuoil u t $200. WrnppingB in which tho eont lind lioon sont hero by n con- eorn In P ortland o t which I t hud boon nont to bo rotnodolod, woro fdun^ on j Twin Fnlle bhsohnll field by O fficer *If. U. Dutz. i

9ovora\ poiwvWo solutions to the \ jiroblom wore boing worked out by tho : n> officoTB. j t ’,

ENGINEER STARTS SUIT «■--------- h o

O. IL Mull Anks for $300 as Balance i>< • D tio .on Ooptrnct fo r.D ra in ag e Sya-'

I tom on Isaac Boom Fnrm.. \

! niinrloH If. Mnll, rnntrnclinR. .ciigiv! ^ncor, - infltitiitrd sn it in -d is tr ic t c o \ i r t 'i ‘! : liorc Woilnofldixy nRainst Iiwnn Boom j nnd tho TVin Palis Cannl conipnny,, nuking jmlKinont for S.100 cinimcd ns ' tho bnlanco duo on account of ponHtrH'c-

♦ ion n f n drninnfjo system List Ju ly on ', fnrni proporty wost o f Bnhl o^vji'M bv ,; ncciii. Tho work which, n p co re ljn^ t’n '!'tho-romplalntriMvolvn<Tnirp6i7Htur<' of. tMDI.ni), nil bu t 'MdO of %vhich is ml- i j m ilted to Iiavo boen p.tiil, wns perform - ' i e.l inidor contrnct entered into by the I''n jjinR or w ith tbo cnnal eompany, t h o i '’' I eon trnct boing prcdicfited on nn ngreo- 1 I"' ! nieiit between tho cnnnl eompanv nnd ■'■i l lh o Innd owners. The eomplaint -wns i« . filoil bv Attorne.vs Aslier H. WiNon and 1 j .r. P.Tiil Thoman. • j

I BIG ELECTRIC C M T R A C T sI" '! — IA m orican K lectric Cniit;;nny Norx.M Com- ■ ,,i

I plotlon of W ork on Th-eo L t k .* Jobs; ij.Two Here and One nt Flier. ,,,

! Tliroe of (ho larKcst eleetrioal con- ' t r a c t s in Twin r’alls for Home timo nro; 'ra p iil ly nearing oomjilofioii, l.y ih..) j .\n ierioan ICIeclrii- ('onipany, it w fis',,, i aiiiioiiiieed Wedni'.Hdny ovi.ning, . The t„ joiinlrai'tH. saiil to_,riyal .tlioav .mnilc : iliiriiig tlie liniim days of IPID and I I'.'lIO. are on biiildinKS for tho Twin ' l-'alls Food and Ico company, tho Kin- 1, ; iio;r—W hnlrsalr-rom panj^ nnd the Ivin- (.

ney Seed cimipany of Filor. Tho Twin V KallH I'Voil and Tee company eontract, F it is sniil, is probnbly tJio Inrge.nt le t b

jXiir-Momo timo in southern tdnho andI I'ombined horsenower used in Ilm vn- _

rlouK n io tn n r ls 'o r r r t'OO;----------------^ -------- ---------------------- tl

itl Ihis ease inrbido Jorry Kmory, Ted r.nierj*. Hoy Si-arbnugh, Uud I.owis, Mi'rrUi Oinyboal, Velmar firavboal, .lohn'N-ol.to, 1{. W. fiai-or, I’a iil 'N ew - <•- man. Mrs. (!liiilon Mowmiin, F rnnk j

;now iiian , Itlioiln HowuHin, H enry Oray- ^I lioal ami lion Ulil.

Thp N ew t'U by tke p«rm aaenl u vum lni; el*«a*«. y

, 1 - n . ■ . . . ■ . -


J O S E P H T . IH a s A s s u m e d

; ^ L A V E R IN G'! C a l l a t A m e r i c a n £ 1! a t R e s i d e n c e , 4

; P H O N I

led-a-tir nawit.1 a position t< tire's on a se 3emr-BalioonsENERAL” Cco n g w a y to m a k e

ARRETT AUI A v e . N o r t l^



Marked Change Comes' £ In Weather Conditions

Forocast for. ThoxsdaV: F a ir . L.■------- ’ iai

Blustry wind, and decidedly cooler day tlnio tem pornturo char- • ucterizcd wenther conditions th a t I?l ciuno - Wodnesdny ii» a d is tin c t v i niiuiS 'irrriim imiiunlumiifiJK 'of^lwS o r threo dnya proccdiog. Mer-

—cw ry 's lop Tcnelv fo r tbo d ay ytZA I rocordiid u t” “ th e . Bovommcnt

w enther ob ie rv o r 's sta tio n hero a t I ' B-t ab<)vo, a ”doellno of 20 degrees 1 under T uesday 's mnximum, whilo •

low for tho 24-hour poriod n t 48 .ibovo reprcHontod' nn advnnco o f .10 degroes. '

j ------------------ ------ . . wt ANNOUNCEM ENTS ofi ---- 1I T he i'rpsbytcrinn L ad ies ' A id w»^l' In ioet this nfternoou a t 2:H0 wit1t Mrs. jF . W. H arder, lans Poplar nvonuo.I .Ml ladies of the congregntion nre

nskod lo makt* n Bpeeial o ffo rt to a t; h o n d this m eeting ns business of im-

I jKirtaiu'o is to bo trnnshcted.

I T h .' <'atholio W onion's longuo, will ^ jiiioo t tilin • n flornoon a t - :3 0 o 'clock ■ilt tho.lionic n f'M rs.-H nsan Mncuuloy, '

Tliird nvonuo north. AH momt>ors an- retiiiestod to bo present, ,,

--------- I'Till' I'yl Ilinn .‘'isto rs fliicinl cliil) wil! Ii

'n ie .-t Friday, October 3, nt 12 p. ni. at tho homo of Mrs. Jnm es Woodhead,

! 7 'iJ Socnn«l avenuo wcat, Hring vour '--------------------------------------------------

: The Itoyal .Veighbors .>f Amoricn will f Hioot nt tho Odd Fellows hnll F riday

;i’vetiing, October H, a t 8 o ’clock, lie- j' I fn'Mhiiionts wili he .served at tlie elosel,. lo f tho m ^i'llng nnd n Inrge atti'udniioe | is desired. I ^

' Tho Mothmlist I .ad ios’ Aid snciotyj I w ill hold it l general mooting in th.-| N jclitirch pnrlors this nftornoon a t ■J;no.jl(

I Thero will be n reception in h onorjb of the Kov. jiiid Mrs. Humidirey i a ] Q lb '' MetliinSisl vUutvU jMiTUvTrt Frii\;vy| I'voiiing, O.'tobvr :i. to whioh nil teach ­ers ,'iad tiowe.-mers aro oordinlly in- •’

• v ito r l. "

') The Neiglil.ors o f. W .iodoraft will I meot in ImsinoHs Henion F riday , Oi‘- ' to lior a, n l H i>, m. Thero will also! ont.-rlninmfiit-iiii<l-r.>fr<>flhm*‘iit-. — pI --------- _ JI .'S. rounlar mooting of tho Amorican d

l.o^ion nuxiliary will be hold n t .S ti• f.’clock th is evening ' in 'tliu Bnsinoss t: I W om en’s club. M rs. Ori* Crydor, Mrs, _ , F. i'. BeelTe atul Mrs. A. 0. Sm ith will " t bo hostesses.1 ------ ^ -------^ D A N C m Q ^ Q B S E S BTONE P _____

- r n r c o . cin::-TT.-T:'-i-</p)—Thiriy-«.i<- trn in rd tlnnfing^. lioracB o t - Ihtt-rAl G.

' Uarm-s cireiiH. vnluod a t $100,000 were liiirned to death in a fire wliioh de-

'« stroyod Iho car in which they were be- ing transporled from (Iliiflo to Willow. |

• Cnl.. oarly this morning. Tho firo was | Ji'teoviTcil four miles north of this r ity .

I f your property U desirable aud U |I udvortiied in tho clasilflod—yoiiTl d a d I

y o o r bnyer.

K R I V A N E .K id C h a r g e o f t h e '

i T H E A T E R . |E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y o r | i

4 2 1 F i f t h N o r t h

N E 2 9 2

K=rOr useiL=

to trade in et of Bal-s.' -.......’ord Tiret e f r i e n d s ”

UTO CO.P h o n e 5 6

__________________ ___________________

II .........


■BIREVJ^TIES''Oa L egal Bnslneea .’A ttorney r ra n k

L. Stephan w as in B orloy on legal boa- in u u Wednesday.

i o V l« lt « L o n T i w u - M n , VlrgU Jf l?iOrcfi .lo ft .W.odnQBdoy .oTcnliig -ior a — viait a t Long Boach, OaL - . - - -

To v is i t In s S T S ^ ^ ' l j r . - a n d Mrs. «. L .. T . W right J o f t .Wodneaday ovealnR

fo r -a fow d a y s ' v is it In S alt L ake ,......

B otom s to Ida lio FoUft—Jo c k iWagnor P> loft W ednesday m orning fo r his homo pi ill Iduho Fnlls, a f te r n v is it w ith h ii ^ p a ren ts 'jn Twin Frtya.- . ............— , h

■ O a W ay to O aU fom ia--M r. nnd Mrs.W. II. Knria lo ft Wodnosdny by woy Mo f P ortland fp r Californin, whero thoy ti

1 expect to apond thfi w intor. • rill' ------ 1------ t

Called to SeatU o—Mra. F. B. Lind- |,.. say lo ft W ednesday m orning for.Scatllo i^ in rMponsc to telegram tolling of the. v [. 'sorious illho'sa o f hor dnughtor.

On Buainesa T rip —C. K. Rowcliffo vof the I’nlnco Clcnt>ing arjd Tailoring j

. company, lo ft W ednesday evonliig on in fow d ay s’ btislneas tr ip to S a lt Luke, t

' Conc ltTdw V iftit^M iaa. A lm ira Dun-1 \ can, guost for u few days a t tho home- , o f Mr. and . rrH. W : A, Van Kiigolen, r I'.'fl We.lncsdny evening, ro turning to .

I! h.'r home in S a lt Lnke.it ------- -------I, Jo in s H uaband a t P aul—Mrs. E. M. ir Vaiiiioy lo ft W ednesday m orning for- -Pnuir vhP^c-B^lO -.will jo lirb o V liiishatVd'

nn.l m ake her homo .fljrlng th a sugar11 factory cam paign.'

TakOfi Oftarge o f Theater—J or«i>U K rivflnek haa tnken chargo of tho Lnv- .Ting theater, it wns nnnounccd Wc<l-

''’ ■iiesdny evening, and succeeds Howard I H.'ibiii. who is leav ing for Pocatollo.

Vj Vlfllt M other Hcr<K-Mr. nnd i f rs . A. o | N'. Quick of K ansns City, on the way >. j t o Los Angolos, whoro they expect to

i mako thcir homo in tho fu tu re ,.hnve iri boen here fo r two weeks v isiting Mrs.' a] Q uick’s mothor, Mra. Lucy Moore.

EepnbUcan Womon to M oet—The Ro-J publican W omen'a club of Twin Fnlls

will meet n t tho Justam ero Inn this evening nt 8 o 'clock. A spccinl pro-

j[ gram 'bf music has been prepared. The . r.'imblieaii plalform will bo diseussod.

'• Back Frora Convontion—Mrs. Kennedv- Parknrdr'.Mn<.- M firyT.-N’ortoiiT^rrgnTr

J . W all and Mrs. W. 9. CnmpboII ro­'i liirned W ednesday from N ampa where

tUey uttond<'d 111.' stnto. convention o£ tho D aughters o f tho A nieritan Hevo-

*. ________ - __________________11 iiuntiiiimiiri------------------------------------

------ - - . ............................... ....- ----- ......... ............ •"

H ig h -€S u b s ta

i Gossards—the u I —fit and satisfac—=ztlliSd0felTOgr^-ll

discontinued nun . styles—you prob


.Mo,I.-I T i j n .............................

1 r i 7 : i ..............................l i . j i.Mcui.'i : is n , .................. (;.5(

g .M ...Irt 'X III ...........

g .M .j.li'l i;7 (l .............................. S .'il

p . .M '.ii.'l I i7 7 ............................. R s rf i .Nio.l.'i 7 ; i . ') ..............................,s.ri(

'g These are fine brbcl J pert corsetierre in at B flesh reducers, elasti P newest models for f£

1 “Another 1


A n advanco prescutaUon o f numbers• from the K lk s '. m instrel to bo offered ■ fo r tho approvtii o f the pnblie a t per­

form ances n o z t M onday and 'Tuoaday,I ia ono o f tbo inducomonts hold o u t to

xnomberi o f tho ordor. to a ttend Twin F a lls lodgij’a f ir s t m flfltlng-of-tho aeft-

_ snn th is nvpnlng a t TrhlcJi. l t - l a - h 0jc ( l |R largo rep resen ta tion of tho member- -

' sh ip w ill' bo on hand .___ ..A nother indueem ont is hold o u i in *

iho shaoo o f a handsomo aitendaDco r p rize and besides th is , th e committee0 promises, refroahm ents w ill be aorvod.1 ■■' , lu tion . '

I. Home F rom B akor Cwek—M r. andr Mrsi kenns Sm ith nnd their l ittle dnugh* ^ y te r, V irg in ia , and Mrs. B. B. W illiams e• re turnod Wodnosday ovoning from a

ton d a y s ' v la lt to tho Sm ith ram m erI- homo on B aker creek. Mr. Sm ith aupor- e ntcuded th e buibling of a now cabin Q. whilo tlioro. - •

W ill Shoot S aturday—" A d '’ Toppor- 'o w etn of Snn Antonio, Texas, who is ex- g poctcd to givo nn exhibition o f ahoot- n ing hero noxt Rnturd.ny, will appoar a t D. tho gmi olub grounda-beginning .at 4 - o 'eloek.—An-iAiiisual-dogreo-of-intorost:I- ia h is-perfntm ance fo r tho'V- renson th a t tie ls prob.'i'bly tho forem ost

expert w itb n riflo In the world.;o ■ - ■ —

" - A t - r - . --ir

; The PoppyV. Home-Madef. M^cemeat’■ E o ttd y /to r the Pio That J, Made Home Famous.I”is Varney, tho Live Oandy

Man. •10II. , 133 Shoshono North

' Pho;ie 1500

^ F rench P a s try and Fancy Cokes ■0 A lw ays in Stock.

G r a d e C o r a n t ia l R e d uultimate in corset stj action guaranteed—C( fkerfet-ings-^re^bisol^e ambers. These Gossan 3bably can find just tl

S'l'Kl) ON SAl.K

7.r,0 ■ $ 5 . 0 ' 0 7.Si

li.o o 5 . 0 0 . u n f ) ...

c .n o 5 . 0 0 -I). 5 0 -------------6 j 5 0 — 20f>—

6 . 5 0 I-'*!-' ■■■

S.fjO 6 . 5 0 'I’" ' ' •

6 . 5 0 •

o cIT ^ r^ er ia l^ x n d \ attendance. Corselettes, w .Stic girdles, atliletic corse fall are shown in this fini

Package frorf r M e r c a n f i l^ C o n

SriNG, OCTOBER 2, 1924.t ■ r '

n w a n THE P A IL T NEW B. ®

■ New Gift P rizes, $1 to $ 5) A ll «xceptignal 'n ia e a and aeao z ) th ing differen t.


0 • SAVE T O tJB '- ------------- 1---------0 M A O A z n r e sI. W e B ny Them


(1 Across From th s Salea O ronods ^

A Nation-W ldo O rganixatlon

n 1- 11-1 ..... ................. - - -

fitorea In E v e ^ S ta to

- T. f , WittMS---------Variety StoreALUMINUMWARE SALE

SATURDAY2 -quart PercoIatorB '2 ‘/a-quart W a te r P itchers IVa-quart EIco Boilers 83/4-<luart Colanders B-quart W ater P alls 10-quort, D ish Pans 10 >/i-quart Boasters

’ > v '

a e S c l e ^ . •ONLY / f

Being a, membor of 0 . M. a bnTlngfor 800 stores enablos a s to seU a t ____

thoso low prices.

W atch Our W indow s __

■'b ®

r s e t s a t

a c t i o n s

style and comfort -comprise most of l4en=sizeS‘-and-not-R=- ards-are in present the one for your


; . : .....................$ D.UO $ 7 . 5 0

1 ......... lU.UO 7 . 5 0

I .....................- 1 2 .- .0 8 . 5 6

----------- 9 . 5 0 “ '! ...................... . i s . o n 1 2 : 5 0

■jii ..................... l i i .O ii- 6 . 5 0

■ '7 ..................... s .r ,( ) ' 5 . 0 0 ^ 1

Y prrtty corscts. Ex;, wrap-arounds, rubber 'sets and brassieres in :ine department.

Iffl Booth’s”)mpany