t he m odern looks to the place of ethics in an enterprise enterprise ethics refers to the notion...

THE MODERN LOOKS TO THE PLACE OF ETHICS IN AN ENTERPRISE Enterprise ethics refers to the notion that business and ethics are not separate - that business knowledge and ethical understanding are critical components of good decisions made at all levels of organizations.

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Enterprise ethics refers to the notion that business and ethics are not separate - that business knowledge and ethical understanding are critical components of good decisions made at all levels of organizations.

An enterprise ethics approach views individuals working in all areas of a company - for example , investor relations, marketing, operations or sales - as being responsible for ethics, and not just the people who have jobs related to ethics and compliance.


Every worker can take actions that embody the purpose, vision, values and ethical ideals of an organization and its stakeholders. Enterprise ethics are most often initiated by ethical leadership which connect the goals of the organization with those of the internal employees and external stakeholders.

Can take actions-может принять мерыEmbody-воплотитьStakeholders-заинтересованные стороны

ExampleToyota’s reputation for quality was largely built upon the fact that all assembly line workers were empowered to pull on the cord, which initiates the stoppage of the assembly line until an observed problem was resolved.

Observed-наблюдаемый Initiate-инициировать Stoppage-прекращение Empowered-уполномоченный Assembly line-сборочная линия

Zappos, the online clothes, shoes and accessories store, built their reputation for customer service in a similar fashion. The people answering the phones are expected to stay on the line with customers until problems are resolved and they have significant leeway in how to do this.

expected-ожидать, предполагать Significant leeway-значительная свобода

Enterprise ethics are about building and sustaining a culture where the company values are embodied by everyone in the company no matter where they sit in the organizational chart

Sustaining-поддерживающийOrganization chart-организационная структура

Ethical principles provide the foundations for various modern concepts for work, business and organizations, which broaden individual and corporate priorities far beyond traditional business aims of profit and shareholder enrichment.

Broaden-расширятьFar beyond-далеко за пределами

Ethical factors are also a significant influence on institutions and public sector organisations, for whom the traditional priorities of service quality and cost management must now increasingly take account of these same ethical considerations affecting the commercial and corporate world.


The modern concept of ethical organizations encompasses many related issues including:

corporate social responsibility (CSR) - or simply social responsibility

Encompasses-включает в себя

the 'triple bottom line' ethical management and leadership 'Fairtrade' globalization (addressing its negative effects)

sustainability social enterprise Triple bottom line-триединства

Fair trade-справедливая торговля Sustainability-устойчивость

Any other aspects of good modern leadership, management and organizations which relate to ethics, could be added to the list.

Ethics is a very broad area.

You will see very many different definitions and interpretations of the concept, and you should feel free to develop your own ideas about ethics in terms of meaning, composition, methods and implications.


A simpler broad definition of the word ethical is 'fair'. And 'fair' to fair-minded people, especially those affected by the situation. This is not a scientifically robust definition, but as you will see, when we peel back the layers of what is ethical, it's very difficult to be scientific and firm about what it all means.

Fair-minded-справедливыйAffected-пострадавшие от ситуацииScientifically robust-Научно обоснованный

Ethical business - as other ethical issues - are a matter of individual and collective judgment.


Ethical investment is a useful aspect for

considering ethical business, since large scale investment is ultimately subject to market forces, which largely reflect public opinion. As such ethical investment criteria and examples tend to be a good guide towards ethical attitudes of large sections of people and society, rather than the 'expert' views of leaders and gurus.

Reflect-отражать, размышлять Tend-тенденция Guide-руководить Attitude-отношения Gurus-достойный почтенный человек