odern mouse master andrea “casty” castellan takes center ... · odern mouse master andrea...


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  • IDWpublishing.com • $39.99 US / $53.99 CAN

    Modern Mouse master Andrea “Casty” Castellan takes center stage for this deluxe edition of IDW’s Mickey Mouse #13-21! The Phantom Blot takes over a robot army in “Darkenblot,” an awesome science fiction epic; then Eurasia Toft brings Mickey and Goofy one step closer to Atlantis in “Dark Mines of the Phantom Metal”! Danger lurks around every turn!

    “These stories are great at showcasing characters we don’t see much of in America... [and are] fantastic for all ages.” –Bleeding Cool

    “A collection of different MICKEY MOUSE comics across various eras of the character that tells you absolutely why he and his comics have stood the test of time.” –Comicsverse

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    Fa c e b o o k : facebook.com/idwpubl ishingTw i t t e r : @idwpubl ishingYo uTu b e: youtube.com/idwpubl ishingTu m b l r : tumblr. idwpubl ishing.comI n s t a g r a m: instagram.com/idwpubl ishing

    ISBN: 978-1-68405-049-9 21 20 19 18 1 2 3 4 COVER ARTIST










    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Casty, 1967- author, illustrator. | Cavazzano, Giorgio, 1947- illustrator. | Wright, Bill, 1917-1984, illustrator.Title: Mickey Mouse : timeless tales / [by Andrea Casty Castellan, author, cover design, artist ; Giorgio Cavazzano, artist ; Bill Wright, artist].Description: San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing, [2016]Identifiers: LCCN 2016012057 | ISBN 9781631405808 (v. 1 : hardcover)Classification: LCC PN6728.M46 M53 2016 | DDC 741.5/973--dc23LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016012057

    G r e g G o l d s t e i n , P r e s i d e n t & P u b l i s h e rR o b b i e R o b b i n s , E V P/ Sr. A r t D i r e c t o rC hr i s R y a l l , C hi e f C r e a t i v e O f ficer & Edi tor - in -Chie fM a t t h e w R u z i c k a , C PA , C hi e f F in a n c i a l O f fi c e rD a v i d H e d g e c o c k , A s s o s s i a t e P u b l i s h e rL a u r i e W i n d r o w , S e n i o r V P o f S a l e s & M a r k e t i n gL o r e l e i B unj e s , V P o f D i g i t a l S e r v i c e sE r i c M o s s , S r . D i r e c t o r , L i c e n s i n g & B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t

    Te d A d a m s , F o u n d e r & C E O o f I D W M e d i a H o l d i n g s

    MICKEY MOUSE: TIMELESS TALES, VOLUME 3. JANUARY 2018. F IRST PRINTING. Al l contents , unless otherwise speci f ied, copyr ight © 2018 Disney Enterpr ises, Inc. Al l r ights reserved. The IDW logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Off ice. IDW Publ ish ing, a div is ion of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Editor ia l of f ices: 2765 Truxtun Road, San Diego, CA 92106. Any s imi lar i t ies to persons l iv ing or dead are purely coinc idental . With the except ion of artwork used for rev iew purposes, none of the contents of th is publ icat ion may be repr inted without the permiss ion of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Pr inted in Korea.IDW Publ ish ing does not read or accept unsol ic i ted submiss ions of ideas, stor ies , or artwork.

    Or iginal ly publ ished as MICKEY MOUSE issues #13–21 (Legacy #322–330) .

    Specia l thanks to Eugene Paraszczuk, Ju l ie Dorr is , Car lotta Quattrocolo, Manny Mederos, Chr is Tro ise, Roberto Sant i l lo , Cami l la Vedove, and Stefano Ambros io.

    Fa c e b o o k : facebook.com/idwpubl ishingTw i t t e r : @idwpubl ishingYo uTu b e: youtube.com/idwpubl ishingTu m b l r : tumblr. idwpubl ishing.comI n s t a g r a m: instagram.com/idwpubl ishing

    ISBN: 978-1-68405-049-9 21 20 19 18 1 2 3 4 COVER ARTIST










    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Casty, 1967- author, illustrator. | Cavazzano, Giorgio, 1947- illustrator. | Wright, Bill, 1917-1984, illustrator.Title: Mickey Mouse : timeless tales / [by Andrea Casty Castellan, author, cover design, artist ; Giorgio Cavazzano, artist ; Bill Wright, artist].Description: San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing, [2016]Identifiers: LCCN 2016012057 | ISBN 9781631405808 (v. 1 : hardcover)Classification: LCC PN6728.M46 M53 2016 | DDC 741.5/973--dc23LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016012057

    G r e g G o l d s t e i n , P r e s i d e n t & P u b l i s h e rR o b b i e R o b b i n s , E V P/ Sr. A r t D i r e c t o rC hr i s R y a l l , C hi e f C r e a t i v e O f ficer & Edi tor - in -Chie fM a t t h e w R u z i c k a , C PA , C hi e f F in a n c i a l O f fi c e rD a v i d H e d g e c o c k , A s s o s s i a t e P u b l i s h e rL a u r i e W i n d r o w , S e n i o r V P o f S a l e s & M a r k e t i n gL o r e l e i B unj e s , V P o f D i g i t a l S e r v i c e sE r i c M o s s , S r . D i r e c t o r , L i c e n s i n g & B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t

    Te d A d a m s , F o u n d e r & C E O o f I D W M e d i a H o l d i n g s

    MICKEY MOUSE: TIMELESS TALES, VOLUME 3. JANUARY 2018. F IRST PRINTING. Al l contents , unless otherwise speci f ied, copyr ight © 2018 Disney Enterpr ises, Inc. Al l r ights reserved. The IDW logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Off ice. IDW Publ ish ing, a div is ion of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Editor ia l of f ices: 2765 Truxtun Road, San Diego, CA 92106. Any s imi lar i t ies to persons l iv ing or dead are purely coinc idental . With the except ion of artwork used for rev iew purposes, none of the contents of th is publ icat ion may be repr inted without the permiss ion of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Pr inted in Korea.IDW Publ ish ing does not read or accept unsol ic i ted submiss ions of ideas, stor ies , or artwork.

    Or iginal ly publ ished as MICKEY MOUSE issues #13–21 (Legacy #322–330) .

    Specia l thanks to Eugene Paraszczuk, Ju l ie Dorr is , Car lotta Quattrocolo, Manny Mederos, Chr is Tro ise, Roberto Sant i l lo , Cami l la Vedove, and Stefano Ambros io.

    Fa c e b o o k : facebook.com/idwpubl ishingTw i t t e r : @idwpubl ishingYo uTu b e: youtube.com/idwpubl ishingTu m b l r : tumblr. idwpubl ishing.comI n s t a g r a m: instagram.com/idwpubl ishing

    ISBN: 978-1-68405-049-9 21 20 19 18 1 2 3 4 COVER ARTIST










    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Casty, 1967- author, illustrator. | Cavazzano, Giorgio, 1947- illustrator. | Wright, Bill, 1917-1984, illustrator.Title: Mickey Mouse : timeless tales / [by Andrea Casty Castellan, author, cover design, artist ; Giorgio Cavazzano, artist ; Bill Wright, artist].Description: San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing, [2016]Identifiers: LCCN 2016012057 | ISBN 9781631405808 (v. 1 : hardcover)Classification: LCC PN6728.M46 M53 2016 | DDC 741.5/973--dc23LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016012057

    G r e g G o l d s t e i n , P r e s i d e n t & P u b l i s h e rR o b b i e R o b b i n s , E V P/ Sr. A r t D i r e c t o rC hr i s R y a l l , C hi e f C r e a t i v e O f ficer & Edi tor - in -Chie fM a t t h e w R u z i c k a , C PA , C hi e f F in a n c i a l O f fi c e rD a v i d H e d g e c o c k , A s s o s s i a t e P u b l i s h e rL a u r i e W i n d r o w , S e n i o r V P o f S a l e s & M a r k e t i n gL o r e l e i B unj e s , V P o f D i g i t a l S e r v i c e sE r i c M o s s , S r . D i r e c t o r , L i c e n s i n g & B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t

    Te d A d a m s , F o u n d e r & C E O o f I D W M e d i a H o l d i n g s

    MICKEY MOUSE: TIMELESS TALES, VOLUME 3. JANUARY 2018. F IRST PRINTING. Al l contents , unless otherwise speci f ied, copyr ight © 2018 Disney Enterpr ises, Inc. Al l r ights reserved. The IDW logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Off ice. IDW Publ ish ing, a div is ion of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Editor ia l of f ices: 2765 Truxtun Road, San Diego, CA 92106. Any s imi lar i t ies to persons l iv ing or dead are purely coinc idental . With the except ion of artwork used for rev iew purposes, none of the contents of th is publ icat ion may be repr inted without the permiss ion of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Pr inted in Korea.IDW Publ ish ing does not read or accept unsol ic i ted submiss ions of ideas, stor ies , or artwork.

    Or iginal ly publ ished as MICKEY MOUSE issues #13–21 (Legacy #322–330) .

    Specia l thanks to Eugene Paraszczuk, Ju l ie Dorr is , Car lotta Quattrocolo, Manny Mederos, Chr is Tro ise, Roberto Sant i l lo , Cami l la Vedove, and Stefano Ambros io.

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    Table of Contents

    The Twelve Buttons of Napoleon... 7From Italian Topolino #1073, 1976 Writer and Artist: Romano Scarpa Inker: Sandro Zemolin Colorist: Digikore Studios Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Joe Torcivia

    Dogs of War .................................... 42From Italian Topolino #2822, 2009 Writer and Artist: Marco Palazzi Colorist: Disney Italia Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: David Gerstein

    The Same Old Story ...................... 43From Mickey Mouse Sunday comic strip, 1939 Writer: Merrill De Maris Artist: Manuel Gonzales Inker and Letterer: Ted Thwaites Colorist: Digikore Studios

    Dark Mines of the Phantom Metal......45From Italian Topolino #2880, 2011 Writer and Artist: Andrea “Casty” Castellan Inker: Michele Mazzon Colorists: Disney Italia with Nicole and Travis Seitler Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Jonathan H. Gray

    Goofy Gift ...................................... 82From Australian Mickey Mouse #3, 1953 Artist and Letterer: Dick Moores Colorist: Digikore Studios

    The Weregoof’s Curse ................... 83From Italian Topolino #1102, 1977 Writer and Artist: Romano Scarpa Inker: Sandro Del Conte Colorist: Digikore StudiosLetterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Thad Komorowski

    Egg-shell-ent ................................ 118From British Mickey Mouse Annual #1, 1930 Writer, Artist, and Letterer: Wilfred Haughton Colorist: Digikore Studios

    A Goofy Look at Fear ................. 119From Dutch Donald Duck #44/2004 Writer: Jos Beekman Artist: Michel Nadorp Colorists: Sanoma with Nicole and Travis Seitler Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Jonathan H. Gray

    Darkenblot .................................... 121From Italian Topolino #2840-2842, 2012Writer: Andrea “Casty” CastellanArtist: Lorenzo PastrovicchioColorists: Disney Italia with Nicole and Travis SeitlerLetterers: Nicole and Travis SeitlerTranslation and Dialogue: Jonathan H. Gray

    Their Master’s Voice ................... 149From Mickey Mouse Sunday comic strip, 1953Writer: Bill WalshArtist and Letterer: Manuel GonzalesColorist: Digikore Studios

    To The Minute ............................. 184From Polish Kaczor Donald #8/2012Writer: Francois CorteggianiArtists: Daan Jippes and Ulrich SchroederColorist: Digikore StudiosLetterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler

    Double Chaser ............................. 216From Mickey Mouse #33, 1953Artist and Letterer: Paul MurryColorist: Digikore Studios

    Rain, Rain, Go Astray ................ 217From Brazilian Zé Carioca #1105, 1973Artist: Jack BradburyInker: Steve SteereColorist: Digikore StudiosLetterers: Nicole and Travis SeitlerDialogue: Joe Torcivia

    Mortgage Misery ........................ 225From Norwegian Donald Duck & Co. #32/2015Writer: Lars JensenArtist: Joaquín Cañizares SanchezColorist: Digikore StudiosLetterers: Nicole and Travis SeitlerDialogue: Lars Jensen and David Gerstein

    The Magnificent Doublejoke .... 231From Italian Topolino #2535, 2004 Writer: Andrea “Casty” Castellan Artist: Massimo De Vita Colorists: Disney Italia with Nicole and Travis Seitler Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Thad Komorowski

    Stormy Weather .......................... 267From Mickey Mouse Sunday comic strip, 1951 Writer: Bill Walsh Artist: Manuel Gonzales Colorist: Digikore Studios

    Early To Bid ................................ 269From Swedish Kalle Anka & C:o #37/1997 Writer: David Gerstein Artists: Jorge David Redo and César Ferioli Colorist: Digikore Studios Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler

    A Goofy Look At Cooking ........ 279From Dutch Donald Duck #10/2003 Writer: Pascal Oost Artist: Michel Nadorp Colorist: Digikore Studios Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Jonathan H. Gray

    The Mouse Collector .................. 281From French Le Journal de Mickey #2998, 2009 Writer and Artist: Noel Van Horn Colorist: Digikore Studios Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler

    Mynah Mistake .......................... 291From Mickey Mouse Sunday comic strip, 1952 Writer: Bill Walsh Artist: Manuel Gonzales Colorist: Digikore Studios

    The Clones of Channel 3000 ...... 293From Italian Topolino #3000, 2013 Writer and Artist: Andrea “Casty” Castellan Colorists: Disney Italia with Nicole and Travis Seitler Letterers: Nicole and Travis Seitler Translation and Dialogue: Jonathan H. Gray

    Fancy! ........................................... 323From British Mickey Mouse Annual #12, 1941 Writer, Artist, and Letterer: Wilfred Haughton Colorist: Digikore Studios

    Adieu ............................................ 324From British Mickey Mouse Annual #10, 1939 Writer, Artist, and Letterer: Wilfred Haughton Colorist: Digikore Studios

  • ~7~ Originally published in Topolino #1073 (Italy, 1976)

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