t he humane society of the united states… the complete guide for dog care

The humane society of the united states… The complete guide for dog care Book b y: marion.s.lan e By: ca rlyonjewell Room: Mrs. Butzin and Mrs.Tagerson Main Idea is : the heath and care for your dogs . And if you have all the supplies to have a dog. The dieses a nd sy mptom s and all the things that a do g needs Hope y ou gu y’s a re not to busy to enjoy a little show … because I g ot on e for you !

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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T he humane society of the united states… The complete guide for dog care . Book by: marion.s.lane By: carlyonjewell Room: Mrs. Butzin and Mrs.Tagerson Main Idea is : the heath and care for your dogs . And if you have all the supplies to have a dog. The dieses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The human society of the united states The complete guide for dog care

The humane society of the united states The complete guide for dog care Book by: marion.s.laneBy: carlyonjewell Room: Mrs. Butzin and Mrs.Tagerson Main Idea is : the heath and care for your dogs . And if you have all the supplies to have a dog. The dieses and symptoms and all the things that a dog needs

Hope you guys are not to busy to enjoy a little show because I got one for you!

What texture dog food, to feed your dog or dogs ?.There are 3 main kinds of dog food to feed your dog. In each of these foods there are pros and cons , pros and cons are arguments for or against a type or issue .

For example a pro and con is like a cause and effect like a guy crashed his car it caused him to go to the e.r .

Canned food , pros : most portable , very convenient ,most appealing to owners. cons : most expensive, uneaten, messiest for dogs with a beard or long hair.Semi moist food, pros and cons Pros : light weight very portable ,no mess for dogs with long fur. Cons : contain many preservative's and including sugar , moderately expensive.

Dry food , pros and cons Pros least expensive , will not spoilCons : least portable unless fed from an earlier age .

The three main diseases your dog can get

The three dieses' I chose because I thought that these ones are the ones that dogs mostly . Diesis's earlier symptoms Distemper


Rabies's Watery discharge , loss of appetite, deppresion, chills fever.

Fever loss of appetite , vomiting , runny nose, sneezing, coughing, weezing, and trouble with breathing.

Behavior change, paralyzes in jaw , and seizures LOOK OUT ANY DOG ANY WHERE CAN GET THESE THREE MAIN DIESESS !!!

Worms and healthiness Worms- have to do with dogs because most dogs love to play in the dirt or mud . Well worms lay eggs in the dirt and the dirt may carry some eggs in it . So that is why you need to keep your dog healthy and clean . Or he/she will get a worm .There are 4 types of worms , type worms , whip worms , hook worms and round worms .Healthiness all dogs are not 100% clean every second of everyday what are they doing for that minute , second, hour, or day? Probably rolling in dirt, or digging at mud, even sleeping in dirt.But do the owner or the dog know what is in that mud, or dirt, or sand? Worms and worm eggs . Yuck right . Well the worms can crawl on to the dog and slither inside the dog . After this , the dog will most likely rub on a carpet. Or maybe get sick from the worm laying eggs and crawling inside the dog.

I know you are probably thinking what does worms have to do with dogs well I will tell you . Worms are what gets inside a human or a dog when you eat dirt or things that a worm can touch or they can lay their eggs on it . That is why you keep you and your dog healthy and clean

Its the clean and cute dog, or the dirty and stinky worms you decide Did you know that dogs can be just as cute and funny as a human!http://animal.discovery.com/tv-shows/americas-cutest-pet/videos/americas-cutest-dog.htmWell they can be as cute and funny and , and here is my prove good luck trying to deny this you cant !!! And you probably wont . After you see thisThis is like so cute They are so funny I told you they were as cute and funny as we could be 5Review of what I just taught you.There are three types of texture of dog food , dry food, semi moist food , and canned food . For each of these types of food there are the pros and cons.

The three major diesis's are hepatitis rabies's , and distemper , they all have earlier symptoms to know if the dog has these.

Some dogs get worms . Thats why you have to keep your dog healthy, so your dog dont get the worms, and there are 4 types of worms type worms , whip worms round worms and hook worms.And last dogs can be as cute and funny as a human, even if they are not trying .6 Resource slide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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