t-76.115 project review

T-76.115 Project Review RoadMappers Implementation 1 3.12.2003

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T-76.115 Project Review. RoadMappers Implementation 1 3.12.2003. Project status (15 min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics Used work practices (5 min) Completed work (15 min) presenting the iteration’s results demo Plans for the next iteration (5 min) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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T-76.115 Project Review

RoadMappersImplementation 1


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Project status (15 min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics

Used work practices (5 min) Completed work (15 min)

presenting the iteration’s results demo

Plans for the next iteration (5 min) Comments and questions (5 min)

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Status of planned goals of the iteration

Goal 1: Design core architecture OK

Goal 2: Design user interface on general level OK

Goal 3: Implement some basic use cases Mostly OK, GUI-module not implemented yet so visual demos are not possible

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Status of planned deliverables of the iteration

Base architecture of the GUI OK

Use cases: UC-01, UC-05, UC-06, UC-07, UC-08, UC-09, UC-10, UC-11, UC-12, UC-25

Use cases 1, 4-13, 15-16, 18-19, 21-22, 24-28, 30-31 have their underlying code implemented

GUI-module is not yet implemented Optional use cases: UC-02, UC-03, UC-04

UC-4 was implemented

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Realization of the tasks

Still had some estimation problems especially recarding implementation

The estimation was changed module based durin I1

Tasks like Personal Assignment vere hard to estimate as all seven members participate with their individual input

Addign up mistake in Weekly meetings plus one extra meeting

Architectural design was at first underestimated and never was updated

Several persons participating in the task GUI module not yet started Testing was not yet started SOME HOURS MAY STILL BE MISSING DUE


name done plan diff left

GE:Meetings (status/mentor) 7.00 7 0 0.00

PM:Plan the next iteration 2.50 5 -2.5 0.00

PM:Write progress report 7.50 5 2.5 0.00

PM:Project review and preparation

.50 10 -9.5 0.00

PM:Personal SE practice 32.50 14 18.5 0.00

PM:Other project management 12.00 5 7 0.00

DS:Architectural design 40.00 15 25 0.00

DS:Write/update tech. specs 12.50 15 -2.5 0.00

IM:GUI-module I1 8.00 20 -12 0.00

IM:Controller-module I1 16.50 8 8.5 0.00

TE:Report tests 5.00 5 0 0.00

DS: User interface design 26.00 28 -2 3.00

TE: Usability testing 24.00 24 0 0.00

TE: Usability test planning 9.50 10 -.5 0.00

GE: Meetings (customer) 3.50 1.5 2 0.00

GE: Meetings (internal) 45.50 28 17.5 0.00

IM:Model-module I1 6.50 12 -5.5 0.00

IM:Views-module I1 21.50 12 9.5 1.00

TE: Write the test plan 28.00 25 3 0.00

TE: Write and execute unit tests 3.00 10 -7 0.00

PM: Internal communication 3.00 5 -2 0.00

DS: Phase I1 use case UI design 5.50 8 -2.5 1.00

GE: Infra 8.50 10 -1.5 0.00

TE: Write test case specifications 1.50 3 -1.5 0.00

DS: Documenting user interface 5.50 5 .5 0.00

TOTAL 335.50 290.5 45 5.00

Realised tasks

Not started tasks

name plan

IM:File Operations -module I1 4

IM:Interface wrapping 4

TE: Fixing defects 5

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Working hours by person

PP Subtot

I1 I2 I3 DE Total

Pohjola 63 63 42 35 30 20 190Enbuska 28 28 47 45 40 30 190Karkkunen 48 48 42 35 40 25 190Latto 49.5 49.5 35.5 40 35 30 190


43 43 47 40 35 25 190

Sarmanne 36 36 39 45 40 30 190Siltanen 29 29 46 45 40 30 190Total 296.







  Real Plan DiffPohjola 29 42 -13Enbuska 40 47 -7Karkkunen 52 42 10Latto 63 35,5 27,5Saastamoinen 43 47 -4Sarmanne 56 39 17Siltanen 48 46 2Total 331 298,5 32,5

Realized hours in this iteration Plan in the beginning of I1 iteration

•Latto spent more time on the infastructure and as also a key player in the implementation

•Design and usability demanded little more than expected from Karkkunen

•Testing also demanded more than espected from Sarmanne

•Project manager’s needed effort was less than expected

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  PP I1 Subtot I2 I3 DE Total

Pohjola 66 29 95 35 35 35 200Enbuska 34 40 74 50 50 26 200Karkkunen 49 52 101 40 40 19 200Latto 54,5 63 118 32,5 30 20 200Saastamoinen 30 43 73 50 52 25 200Sarmanne 37 56 93 45 42 20 200Siltanen 44 48 92 45 43 20 200Total 314,5 331 646 297,5 292 165 1400

…New plan

•Total amount was updated to 1400 hours

•Trying to even up the efforts by distributing hours

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Quality metrics 1/2

Major problems in usability tests The functionality of the list of objects in the view is not clear to the user Hiding a set of objects is too difficult

Major problems in heuristic analysis The meaning of the filtering buttons is not clear The relationship between filtering buttons and the list of objects is not clear The meaning of the little triangles in the model is not clear Separating the columns 'other end' and 'role' is confusing

Usability problems

Catastrophic Major Minor Cosmetic Notice TotalUsability tests 0 2 5 3 0 10

Heuristic analysis 0 4 6 4 7 21

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Quality metrics 2/2

Testing has not yet fully started (will continue in the beginning of next iteration)

3 tests made 0 bugs found Tests only for Controller module All sources compile ok

I1 I2 I3 DE TotalReported 0 0Closed 0 0Open 0

Bug metrics

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Quality assessment

Not much to tell Unit test phase continues Implementation started late Tried to wait for the interface

-> Lack of interface hindered design Coders were slow starters

However Features to test tend to be either simple (maybe even too

simple to test) or complex enough to require some amount of time to

design and implement Most of the underlying code is now written

Functional area Coverage Quality Comments

The whole system 0 Not started



0 = nothing

1 = we looked at it

2 = we checked all functions

3 = it’s tested


= quality is good

= not sure

= quality is bad

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Software size in Lines of Code (LOC)

Prototype was generated not coded, part of this code can be used later Implementation started towards the end of iteration

Prototype of GUI PP I1 I2 I3 DETotal (NCLOC + COM) 0 2235Comments (COM) 0 173

PP I1 I2 I3 DETotal – Controller 0 1213Com – Controller 0 315Total – Model 0 1586Com – Model 0 857Total – Views 0 1221Com – Views 0 585Total 0 4020Comments 0 1757

Other Modules PP I1 I2 I3 DE

Total (NCLOC + COM) 0 4020

Comments (COM) 0 1757

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Changes to the project

Technical advisor left the project -> Customer acts in a double role GUI-module not implemented in this phase due time constraints

Gave us more time to implement the base code GUI-prototype will offer some reusable code later Customer agreed with this decision

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Risk management uses Riskit type approach The risk management group (Siltanen, Saarmanne, Enbuska) 22 risks were identified during the PP iteration 5 risks have materialized (ID, weight 1-100, rank)

Interface (R10, weight 30, #1) => New architecture Work sharing (R5, weight 28, #2) => Balanced in the next iterations Disagreements (R3, weight 25, #3) => Following the Quality Handbook and

Coding Conventions Server problems (R18, weight 24, #4) => Backups, internal deadlines,

planning the move beforehand Trapoli (R21, weight 24, #5) => The bug fixed

All of these have been reacted or the risks have been solved otherwise No new risks found

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Work practices

The planned practises were mostly used Some exceptions like refactoring will start in next iteration

Some missing practices were updated to he quality handbook No new plans at his moment Example: Usability testing

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Usability tests

Two usability tests were done during the iteration Two users with slightly different kind of skills

At usability laboratory (computer science buildind) Two members of our group

Marko Saastamoinen (experimenter) Sanna Karkkunen (making notes)

Methods used Test tasks and scenarios Thinking aloud Recording the tests Interview and discussion

Preparation, testing and analyzing took about 16 hours Results

10 usability problems were found two of the problems were major, no catastrophic problems at all improvements made and tested again in the next iteration

Positive experiences problems were quite different from the problems found with heuristic analysis valuable feedback from the users

Negative experiences a larger pool of users would have been useful to gather more problems

In the next iteration special emphasis will be put on testing the new functionalities, improvements made and users understanding of the model itself

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Results of the iteration

Technical Specification and Architectural Design (Samuel) Test plan (Mikko) User Interface Design Process (Sanna)

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Technical Specification and Architectural Design Architectural design process

Design meetings Individual design and documentation (=> technical specification)

Tasks were shared per module basis Integration of the modules

The basic architecture Four modules

GUI – communicates with users Controller – takes commands from the GUI and delegates them forward Model – keeps the internal model up to date Views – controls the individual views

The existing configurator and modelling tool Interface by COMET wrapped mostly into the Model module

Design priciples Design Patterns Flexibility against the GUI

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Example: Test Plan 1/2

What is tested Implementation of the system All funtional requirements Most of the non-functional requirements

What is not tested Some non-fuonctional requirements (1, 3, 11) Performance, resource usage, HW compatibility

Testing on three levels Unit testing System testing Acceptance testing

Phasing/Schedule I1, I2: unit and system I3: unit, peer and system DE: acceptance

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Example: Test Plan 2/2

Metrics Time used for testing Time used for fixing defects Total number of defects found Number of defects in each category Number of defects in each module Number of fixed defects Number of verified fixes Total number of test cases Number of test cases run Number of test cases passed

Other topics Item pass/fail criteria Suspension and resumption criteria Test deliverables Testing tasks Staffing, Responsibilities Environment, Risks

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User Interface Design Process

Designing the navigation model (I1) Designing the screens

Overall design (I1) Use cases of each iteration (I1-I3)

Designing the menus Menu bar (I1) Pop up menus (I3)

Designing the representation of the configuration model (I2) Designing the toolbars (I3)

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GUI Demo

Adding a component type Viewing the component type properties Filtering the configuration model Creating a new view Opening a PCML file as a graphical representation

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Plan for the next iteration

Goals refine architecture design user interface in

more detail implement remaining use

cases implement GUI-module test system

Deliverables GUI-module Use cases: 2, 3, 14, 17,

20, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33

Test report and test log User's manual Plus some updates

name effort responsible start_date finish_date

DS: Documenting user interface 3 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

DS: Phase I2 use case UI design 10 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

DS: User interface design 9 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

DS:Write/update tech. specs 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

GE: Infra 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

GE: Internal communication 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

GE: Meetings (Customer) 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

GE: Meetings (internal) 35 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

GE:Meetings (mentor) 7 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

IM: GUI-module I2 40 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

IM:Controller-module I2 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

IM:Model-module I2 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

IM:Views-module I2 10 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

IM:Write/update user manual 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

PM:Other project management 8 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

PM:Personal SE practice 14 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

PM:Plan the next iteration 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

PM:Project review and preparation

10 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

PM:Write progress report 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE: Regression testing 2 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE: Test case specification 20 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE: Test reporting 10 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE: Usability test planning 3 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE: Usability testing 18 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE: Write and execute unit tests 20 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE:Defect repoting 5 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

TE:Execute tests (system testing) 10 ALL 2003-12-04 2004-02-08

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Task/Weeks 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6UI designImplementationUnit testingSystem testing
