syllabus for spanish 4620: survey of peninsular...

Primavera de 2010 Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620 1 Syllabus for Spanish 4620: Survey of Peninsular Literature Spring 2010 CRN: 23671 3 credits McDonald Center 110 M, W & F 12:00-12:50 pm Professor: Leonor Ceballos, Ph.D Office: 218 McDonald Office Hours: M, W and F 10:00 am-12:00 pm or by appointment Phone: (435) 634-2012 E-mail: [email protected] (best way to contact me) Prerequisite: Span 3060 Required Texts and Other Materials: 1. Paredes Méndez, Harpring and Ballesteros. Voces de España. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2005. 2. Libros de lectura obligada: El sí de las niñas (de Leandro Fernández de Moratín) Platero y yo (de Juan Ramón Jiménez) (consultar con la profesora antes de comprar la edición). 3. 3-punched binder for class materials and homework 4. Un buen diccionario: Larousse, Oxford o Collins. 5. Acceso a Internet. Páginas interesantes e importantes: - Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (versión digital): - Centro Virtual Cervantes: -

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Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


Syllabus for Spanish 4620:

Survey of Peninsular Literature

Spring 2010 CRN: 23671

3 credits

McDonald Center 110 M, W & F 12:00-12:50 pm

Professor: Leonor Ceballos, Ph.D

Office: 218 McDonald

Office Hours: M, W and F 10:00 am-12:00 pm or by appointment

Phone: (435) 634-2012

E-mail: [email protected] (best way to

contact me)

Prerequisite: Span 3060 Required Texts and Other Materials:

1. Paredes Méndez, Harpring and Ballesteros. Voces de España.

Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2005. 2. Libros de lectura obligada: El sí de las niñas (de Leandro

Fernández de Moratín) Platero y yo (de Juan Ramón Jiménez)

(consultar con la profesora antes de comprar la edición).

3. 3-punched binder for class materials and homework

4. Un buen diccionario: Larousse, Oxford o Collins.

5. Acceso a Internet. Páginas interesantes e importantes:

- Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española

(versión digital): - Centro Virtual Cervantes: -

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


6. Otras universidades: - Universidad Nacional de México:

- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: - Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao):

Course Description and Objectives:

Second semester survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature. This course focuses on the Spanish Literature in the Iberian Peninsular, Spain. Readings of masterpieces by great writers chosen from the 18th century

to the present will be examined through lectures, oral discussions, and written reports in Spanish. We will be using the help of videos and the

Internet to provide historical context to the readings in each class. There is a first semester of this Survey with authors and readings from the Medieval Ages to the 17th Century.

Students will gain an understanding of the major characteristics of

Spain’s literary movements, as they do when using traditional anthologies, yet they will additionally discover why these movements emerged and how this phenomenon relates to other cultural and

historical events of the time period. Students will not only study texts in relation to Spain’s various literary movements, they will also gain an appreciation for these movements as contributors to the nation-building

project and will learn how these currents are simultaneously expressions of this plan.

Class protocol:

Besides completing the assigned homework, students are required to

read the assigned pages and to prepare other materials for the class in advance. In class, students are required to be involved in the activities and they must show their preparation by participating in the

discussions, by asking relevant questions, being critical and analytical with the contents presented in class as well as by sharing their ideas and

opinions. Requirements for this class:

1. Participation and Preparation: 5% 2. Outlines 10%

3. Reports (2) 10% 4. Exams (3) 30%

5. Oral Presentation (1) 10% 6. Proyecto Final (1) 15% 7. Final Exam (1) 20%

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


Grading Scale:

93-100 = A 80-82 = B - 67-69 = D+

90-92 = A- 77-79 = C+ 63-66 = D 87-89 = B+ 73-76 = C 60-62 = D- 83-86 = B 70-72 = C- 0-59 = F

The following items will be used to determine your final grade:

a. Participation and Preparation: Spanish 4620 meets 3 times per week for a duration of fifty minutes. This participation grade is not

earned just by being “seated” in the class but by active participation. Also attendance is required and continuous absences in this class will affect your final grade. After 3 excused or unexcused

absences 1 point will be deducted from your final grade for each subsequent absent after 3. Students must come prepared to class

everyday to be able to follow the explanations and to participate in any discussion we may hold in relation to the texts read for the class. Reading assignments and literary theory should be covered previously

to the class period. For more information regarding "Policy for Absences Related to

College Functions", please read section 5.23 (ATTENDANCE) at the DSC Handbook.

b. Homework and Outlines (varias): Students will hand in several

sets of homework previously discussed in class and several outlines

for the next day lecture. Also, as a help to study for their tests, it is required that students design these outlines for every time-period in the History of the Spanish Literature. I will pick up these outlines and

homework and grade them on a randomly basis.

c. Reports: Students will be required to write down one report per book read for this class (max. 3). I will grade these reports and give them back for exam preparation.

d. Exams (3) : There will be three in-class written tests (see Calendar for

specific dates), one upon concluding every section (time periods in the History of the Spanish Literature). The goal of these tests is to assess students’ ability to assimilate the material covered in class and the

reading assignments outside the classroom as well as analyze and interpret the text.

e. Oral Presentation (1): Students will present orally their draft version of one of their Final Project. The theme analyzed in their presentation

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


will be previously accepted by the professor. They will present some of the previous research, adding their own critical analysis. The oral part

will be the informal presentation of their final project and therefore, students will be able to show their enthusiasm for the chosen topic.

Visual aids are expected to ease the text and the topic to the rest of the students in the class. There will be a one-page final outline copy for all the students in the class. This presentation needs to be at least

10 minutes long and the DATES will be decided in class during the first weeks of the semester.

f. Final Project (1):

There will be a project (essay, performance, show, etc… ) towards the end of the semester consisting of three parts. The first part (no credit) is an outline of the topic to be studied in relation to a piece of work

from any of the periods/authors seen in class. This outline has to be approved by the professor in order to go on working. In this outline

the student has to state the title and pages of a literary work (narrative, poetry or drama), the theme or topic to be studied and at least three written secondary source for that study. After approbation,

the student has to prepare an informal approach to the text (see previous category d. Oral Presentation) and present it to the class. The final version of this essay is the final written paper. This written

part will need to be at least 4-5 pages long (bibliography counts in different page). There is no maximum length for this assignment.

g. Final Exam: the Final Exam in this class will be a comprehensive

exam consisting of questions about texts read in class, questions about time periods in the History of the Spanish Literature and critic response to some of these texts. Final Exam will be held according to

the Final Exam schedule and it may take from 1 to 2 hours.


No se admitirán “problemas tecnológicos” como excusa para entregar las tareas tarde

Late and Make-up Work: Any activities or assignments missed due to an

unexcused absence will receive a grade of 0. No late work will be accepted and no make-ups will be allowed. In the case of officially documented excused absences I will determine how the missed work

should best be accounted for.

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620



If you are a student with a medical, psychological or a learning difference

and requesting reasonable academic accommodations due to this

disability, you must provide an official request of accommodation to your

professor(s) from the Disability Resource Center within the first two

weeks of the beginning of classes. Students are to contact the center on

the main campus to follow through with, and receive assistance in the

documentation process to determine the appropriate accommodations

related to their disability.

You may call (435) 652-7516 for an appointment and further information

regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 per Section

504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Our office is located in the Student

Services Center, Room #201 of the Edith Whitehead Building.

Dmail: You are required to frequently check your dmail account. Important class

and college information will be sent to your dmail account, including DSC bills,

financial aid/scholarship notices, notices of cancelled classes, reminders of important

dates and deadlines, and other information critical to your success at DSC and in

your courses. If you don't know how to access your dmail account, go to and select "Dmail" from the left column. To locate your dmail

username and password, go to, and click on "Log in to student

services" (upper right corner).


34.1 Cheating: Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated at

Dixie State College, including but not limited to plagiarism on written

assignments, submitting other person's work as one's own, and cheating

on exams or quizzes. Teachers at Dixie State College may discipline

students proven guilty of academic dishonesty by:

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


34.1.1 Giving a failing grade on the specific assignment where dishonesty


34.1.2 Failing the student in the entire course,

34.1.3 Immediately dismissing and removing the student from the

course, and/or

34.1.4 Referring the student to Student Affairs, a committee which may

reprimand, place on probation, suspend, and/or expel the student.

STUDENT BEHAVIOR (Policy 3-34.2)

Disruptive Behavior: Teachers at Dixie State College have the right to

manage the classroom environment to ensure a good learning climate.

Toward this end, teachers (or college security) may dismiss and remove

disruptive students from individual class activities. If a student's

behavior continues to disrupt class activities, the teacher may dismiss

and cause the removal of disruptive students from their course.

POLICY ABOUT ABSENCES (from the College Student Handbook):


23.1 Regular and prompt attendance in classes and laboratory sessions is expected of

every Dixie State College student.

23.2 Attendance requirements are established by each instructor and such requirements

are enforced by the college.

23.3 An absence does not excuse a student from completing work missed.

23.4 It is the student's responsibility to find out which assignments are missed during an


23.5 Class Absences Related to College Functions

23.5.1 Attendance at class is an integral part of the learning process. Students who

are absent from class for any reason compromise their learning opportunities.

Students should make every attempt to register only for those courses for which

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


they have no scheduling conflicts that will interfere with their ability to complete

course requirements.

23.5.2 Students periodically may miss classes for various college-related

functions; including athletics, club events, or to fulfill the requirements of a

course or a program. These absences often conflict with the instruction,

assignments, and tests in courses. The college seeks to maintain reasonable

guidelines that will enable students to participate in college functions without

harming the integrity of the curriculum in the courses they miss or undermining

the responsibilities and authority of the instructors of these courses. These

guidelines are intended to foster an environment that is supportive and sensitive to

the roles and needs of both students and faculty.

23.5.3 Students who must miss class because of a college-sanctioned activity,

such as an athletic event, club activity, class assignment, or other approved event,

are responsible to assuring that their instructors have been notified and for

completing any missed assignments. Prior to the absence, students traveling with a club, team, or other

group on a college-sanctioned activity must request leave from their

instructors. Students involved in a club event or an activity related

to another course or program requirement must provide written

notification from the faculty or staff member supervising the

activity that explains the nature of the activity. This should include

a list of eligible students and be provided in advance of the

expected absence. By the second day of class, students with recurring

absences must provide each instructor written notification from the

appropriate department that includes a schedule of competition, the

names of those students on specific teams likely to travel, and the

dates and approximate times of departure and return to campus. So

that student participation in travel can be verified, the appropriate

department will be responsible for informing individual faculty of

changes to team rosters and travel schedules throughout the

semester. Students must arrange with the instructor to complete missed

instruction and/or coursework. One week prior to an absence, the student will meet with

the instructor to arrange a reasonable accommodation, if feasible,

to allow the students to complete any missed coursework and/or

exams. The instructor may require the student to submit work prior

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


to the due date if the student will be absent. It is the student's

responsibility to complete the Student Absence Schedule with the

instructor and abide by it. Students with recurring or frequent absences from a

course are required to check their schedules against the course

syllabus and provide a list of expected absences for the semester

by the second day of class. Upon reviewing the list, the instructor

may determine that the absences will interfere with the student's

ability to succeed in the course. If so, the instructor will

recommend that the student seek an alternative. If a student

chooses to remain in the course, it is the student's responsibility to

complete the Student Absence Schedule with the instructor and

abide by it.


Exchange emails and/or phone numbers with one or two classmates.

They can let you know what you missed if you are ever absent and they

can also pick up a copy of any handouts that may be distributed in class.

If you are absent you should see another student to get a copy of any

handouts you may have missed. Otherwise you can stop by my office

hours for handouts you may have missed when absent.


Use these contacts in case of absence or if you have a question regarding


Name: ______________ email: ________________________ phone: __________

Name: ______________ email: ________________________ phone: __________

Name: ______________ email: ________________________ phone: __________

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620



Mon, Jan 11 Classwork Starts

Wed, Jan 13 Last Day to Add Without a Signature

Mon, Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day

Tues, Jan 19 Drop fee begins ($10 per class)

Tues, Jan 26 $50 Late Registration/Payment Fee

Tues, Feb 2 Pell Grant Census

Tues, Feb 2 Last Day for Refund

Tues, Feb 2 Last Day to Drop without receiving a “W” grade

Wed, Feb 3 Courses dropped for non-payment

Fri, Feb 5 Last Day to Add Classes

Mon, Feb 15 President's Day

Mon, Feb 22 Mid-Term Grades Due

Fri, Mar 5 Last Day to Drop/Audit Classes

Mon-Fri Mar 8-12 Spring Break

Fri, Apr 2 Last Day for Complete Withdrawal

Thurs, Apr 29 Classwork Ends

Fri-Thurs, Apr 30-May 6 Final Exams

Fri, May 7 Commencement

Library, Computer Lab, Writing Center, Testing Center, and Tutoring Center

statements and links (as appropriate)

-Library -

-Computer Lab - ¡Error!

Referencia de hipervínculo no válida.

-Writing Center

-Testing Center -

-Tutoring Center -

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


Important Class Policies:

Set your cell phones on Vibrate only or Turn them off. No food or pop in class

No bad behavior will be allowed in this class

Please arrive on time to class !!!


(subject to change) (ésta es una guía a seguir para mayor facilidad y eficacia en la

clase de 4620. En el caso de que hubiera algún cambio siempre se indicará en la clase con la aprobación de la



Lunes 1/11/10

-Presentación del curso. -Presentación de la profesora

y de los estudiantes.

Leer: “El siglo XVIII” (p. 199-202)


Miércoles 1/13/10

“Los siglos XVIII y XIX: El progreso hacia la

modernidad” (p. 199-202)

Leer: Biografía de Tomás de Iriarte y sus fábulas (p. 227-230)

Viernes 1/15/10

Tomás de Iriarte y sus fábulas (p. 227-230)

Leer: Biografía de Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra

de teatro: “El sí de las niñas” (p. 232-285) -Hacer el esquema (outline) del

siglo XVIII

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


Lunes 1/18/10

Día Feriado—MLK No hay clases

Leer: Biografía de Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra

de teatro: “El sí de las niñas” (p. 232-285)



1/20/10 -Entregar el Esquema #1

Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra de teatro:

“El sí de las niñas”

Acto I (p. 232-249)

Leer: Biografía de Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra

de teatro: “El sí de las niñas” (p. 232-285)

Viernes 1/22/10

Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra de teatro: “El sí de las niñas”

Acto II (p.249-267)

Leer: Biografía de Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra de teatro: “El sí de las niñas” (p.


-Escribir reporte de “El sí de las niñas”


1/25/10 -Entregar Reporte #1

Leandro Fernández de Moratín y su obra de teatro:

“El sí de las niñas”

Acto III (p. 267-285)

Repasar todo el siglo XVIII




Repaso para el Examen #1 Estudiar para el Examen #1



Examen #1 (el siglo XVIII)

Leer: El Siglo XIX (p. 287-292)

Lunes 2/1/10

El siglo XIX (p. 287-292)

Leer: Biografía de Mariano José de Larra y su artículo: “Casarse

pronto y mal” (p. 299-307)


Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620




Mariano José de Larra y su

artículo: “Casarse pronto y mal” (p. 299-307)

Leer: Biografía de José Zorrilla y

extractos su obra de teatro: “Don Juan Tenorio” (p. 309-421) **Sólo los extractos indicados

por la profesora!!


2/5/10 José Zorrilla y extractos su obra de teatro: “Don Juan Tenorio” (p. 309-421)


Leer: Biografía de José Zorrilla y

extractos su obra de teatro: “Don Juan Tenorio” (p. 309-421)

**Sólo los extractos indicados por la profesora!!

-Hacer el esquema #2 (el siglo XIX)


2/8/10 -Entregar el Esquema #2

José Zorrilla y extractos su obra de teatro: “Don Juan

Tenorio” (p. 309-421)


Leer: Biografía de Gustavo

Adolfo Bécquer y su leyenda “Los ojos verdes” (p. 424-430)




Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer y su leyenda “Los ojos verdes” (p.


Leer: Las Rimas de Gustavo

Adolfo Bécquer (p.430-432)

Viernes 2/12/10

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer y sus Rimas (p.430-32)

(Pre-San Valentín!!)

Leer: Biografía de Rosalía de Castro y su poema “Orillas del Sar” (p.434-39)

Lunes 2/15/10

“Día de los Presidentes”

No hay clase

Leer: Biografía de Rosalía de Castro y su poema “Orillas del

Sar” (p.434-39)




Rosalía de Castro y su poema “Orillas del Sar” (p.434-39)

Leer: Biografía de Benito Pérez

Galdós y extactos de su novela “Doña Perfecta” (hand-outs de

la profesora Ceballos)



Benito Pérez Galdós y

extactos de su novela “Doña Perfecta”

Leer: Biografía de Benito Pérez

Galdós y extactos de su novela “Miau” (hand-outs de la profesora Ceballos)

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620



2/22/10 Mid-term grades

Benito Pérez Galdós y

extactos de su novela “Miau”

Leer: Biografía de Leopoldo

Alas, “Clarín” y su cuento “Cambio de luz” (p.488-97)


Miércoles 2/24/10

Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” y su cuento “Cambio de luz” (p.488-97)

Leer: Biografía de Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” y su cuento “Cambio de luz” (p.488-97)

Viernes 2/26/10

Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” y su

cuento “Cambio de luz” (p.488-97)

Repasar para el Examen #2

Lunes 3/1/10

Repaso para el Examen #2 (el siglo XIX)

Estudiar para el examen #2 8



Examen #2 (siglo XIX)

Leer: “Siglo XX -1898-1936” (p.


Viernes 3/5/10


Leer: Biografía de Miguel de Unamuno y su obra: “El Marqués de Lumbría” (p. 506-

516) -Preparar las presentaciones


Lunes 3/8/10



Miércoles 3/10/10


Viernes 3/12/10


Lunes 3/15/10

Presentaciones Orales


Miércoles 3/17/10

Presentaciones Orales

Leer: Biografía de Miguel de Unamuno y su obra: “El

Marqués de Lumbría” (p. 506-516)

Viernes 3/19/10

Miguel de Unamuno y su obra: “El Marqués de

1. Leer: Poesías y extractos de otras obras de Miguel de

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620


Lumbría” (p. 506-516)

Unamuno (hand-outs de la

profesora Ceballos) 2. Leer: Biografía de Antonio Machado y sus poemas (p.533 –


Lunes 3/22/10

Miguel de Unamuno y su poesía

Antonio Machado y sus poemas (p.533 – 536)

Leer: Biografía de Antonio Machado y sus poemas (p.533 – 536)


Miércoles 3/24/10

Antonio Machado y sus poemas (p.533 – 536)

Leer: Biografía de Juan Ramón Jiménez y su novela Platero y yo



Juan Ramón Jiménez y

Platero y yo

Leer: Biografía de Juan Ramón

Jiménez y su novela Platero y yo

Lunes 3/29/10

Juan Ramón Jiménez y Platero y yo

Leer: Biografía de Juan Ramón Jiménez y su novela Platero y yo

-Escribir Reporte #2



3/31/10 -Entregar Reporte #2

Juan Ramón Jiménez y Platero y yo

Repasar para el examen #3

Viernes 4/2/10

Repaso para el Examen #3

Estudiar para el Examen #3

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620




Examen #3

Leer: Biografía de Federico

García Lorca y extractos de su obra de teatro “La Casa de Bernarda Alba”


Miércoles 4/7/10

Federico García Lorca,


Leer: Biografía de Federico García Lorca y algunos de sus

poemas (hand-out de profesora Ceballos)



Federico García Loca, poeta!

Leer: “La guerra civil: 1936-

1939” (p. 623-8)

Lunes 4/12/10

La Guerra Civil 1936-1939

Leer: Biografía de Ana María Matute y su cuento “Los de la

tienda” (p. 640-46)


Miércoles 4/14/10

Ana María Matute y su

cuento “Los de la tienda” (p. 640-46)

Leer: Biografía de Ana María Matute y su cuento “Los niños

buenos” (hand-out de la prof. Ceballos)

Viernes 4/16/10

Ana María Matute y su

cuento “Los niños buenos”

Leer: Biografía de Manuel Rivas y su cuento “La lengua de las

mariposas” (p. 691-699)

Lunes 4/19/10

Manuel Rivas y su cuento

“La lengua de las mariposas” (p. 691-699)

Leer: Biografía de Alberto

Méndez y su cuento “Los girasoles ciegos” (handout de la prof. Ceballos)


Miércoles 4/21/10

Alberto Méndez y su cuento “Los girasoles ciegos”

(handout de la prof. Ceballos)

Leer: Biografía de Alberto Méndez y su cuento “Los girasoles ciegos” (handout de la

prof. Ceballos)

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620




Alberto Méndez y su cuento

“Los girasoles ciegos” (handout de la prof. Ceballos)

Repasar para el examen final



Repaso para el Examen Final

Repasar para el examen final 16

Miércoles 4/28/10

Repaso para el Examen Final




12:30 -2:30 p.m

Primavera de 2010

Prof. Leonor Ceballos Span 4620



Nombre ___________________________________________________

1. Participación y Preparación (5%)

Participación Activa ______ (50 pts.)

2. Outlines (4) (10%)

Esquema #1 _______ (50 pts.)

Esquema #2 _______ (50 pts.)

3. Reports (2) (10%)

Reporte #1 _______ (50 pts)

Reporte #2 _______ (50 pts)

4. Exámenes (3) (30%)

Examen #1 ______ (100 pts.)

Examen #2 ______ (100 pts.)

Examen #3 ______ (100 pts.)

5. Presentación Oral (10%)

______ (100 pts.)

6. Proyecto Final (15%) _______ (150 pts.)

7. Examen Final (1) (20%)

_______ (200 pts.)

TOTAL _________ (1000 pts)