swipe my profits the swipes

SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes Pete Bruckshaw

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Post on 28-Jan-2022




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Pete Bruckshaw

Page 2: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Information DisclaimerAll Information provided is for knowledge purposes only, and doesnot constitute a legal contract between the author or any distributingparty, person or entity, and although every reasonable effort is madeto present current and accurate information, In no event shall the au-thor or any distributing party be responsible or liable directly or in-directly for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by, orin connection with, the use of or reliance on any such content,goods, or services available on or through any such channel.

Income DisclaimerIn no way does the information represented in this document consti-tute a representation of earnings, and as with any business, your re-sults may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity,business experience, expertise, and level of desire. The use ofinformation, products and services should be based on your own duediligence and you agree that the author or any distributing party isnot liable for any success or failure of your business that is directlyor indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information,products and services.


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JV Zoo Swipes............................................................4

Warrior Plus Swipes ................................................51

Clickbank Swipes...................................................177


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JV Zoo Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------{!Firstname_fix}...Upsell with Azon Upsell Ninja--------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you ready to upsell your customersjust like Amazon? You can do it with thissimple and easy to use plugin...

Azon Upsell Ninja

Azon Upsell Ninja allows you to selectitems for your own Amazon affiliatewebsite and upsell your customers -before Amazon gets to them!

With Azon Upsell Ninja, a search fromyour site returns all the relevantproducts on Amazon that you canupsell your customers with after theyselect a product to buy from you.

Find out more here:

Azon Upsell Ninja


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon And The Perfect Couple {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've not got round to startingan affiliate site with Amazon, thesetwo work great together.

First there's Covert Store Builder.It's the fast and easy way tocreate your Amazon site.

Find out more here:

Covert Store Builder

And there's Azon Upsell Ninja.With Azon Ninja you getthe most out of your customerswith next to no effort.

Check it out here:

Azon Upsell Ninja


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Cash In With Amazon In 2015 {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Chris Guthrie is probably theworld's top Amazon softwarecreator. He makes a full timeincome as an Amazon affiliate.

That means he knows exactlywhat other affiliates need toskyrocket their income. Thenhe goes right ahead andcreates it.

And this is Chris's best eversoftware collection:

Amasuite 3.0

It's a four in one packagethat will make earning moneyon Amazon faster and easierfor you.

Are you ready to kickstartyour income in 2014?

Then do it with this topquality software:

Amasuite 3.0


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------You Can QUADRUPLE Your Optin Rate{!Firstname_fix} [PLS,Empower MUST READ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------My optin rate went from 37% to 59%with just one change. It took me tenminutes to do it.

The wording was the same. It's aunique special offer that mostpeople see for the first time whenthey optin.

So what was the change?

I used just one of the squeeze pageoptions available right here.

Click below to find out more!

Funnel Kit

Emilis Strimaitis has just updated andexpanded his plugin to make it moreversatile than ever.

So why do Empower, PLS,DS Domination and other MLMpromoters really need to payattention to this?

Because you'll have noticed thatsome marketers refuse your offer.

Some say that they don't like thecompanies.


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Mostly that's not the case.

It's because if you're using the sameold squeeze pages that thesecompanies give you, you're missingout on MASSES of optins.

People get SICK of seeing them andunsubscribe in their hordes.

Look. Some people are on DOZENS ofother lists. So even if you find amarketer who will promote, chancesare people have seen that offer manytimes before.

To get maybe three or even four timesthe optins you get right now, youNEED your own squeeze page.

And if you have your own offer, watchthe conversions go crazy when youswap your old static squeeze pagewith something created with this:

Funnel Kit


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why Romantic Fiction Is Such A Big Earner{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you're thinking about writing fictionand you want to make great money,romantic fiction should be your firstchoice.

Done For You Romance Plots

Ryan Leonard paid a mere $60 to get a20,000 word romance 'novella' writtenand sold 250 copies in his first WEEK.

It's an amazing market

This genre, and this passive incomemethod ALSO comes with additionalbenefit where you just MIGHT end upwith a runaway viral success on yourhands.

Done For You Romance Plots

He's put everything he did into ablueprint that will guide you throughthe exact same process.

The site he used.

The script he used.

The exact same instructions he gave tohis outsourcer

How to get world-class romance covers


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created cheaply

And the promotional methods he used.

And you won't pay a fortune either!

Find out more here:

Done For You Romance Plots


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------All Your Graphics Problems Solved {!Firstname_fix}!--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to make money onlineyou need graphics to sell yourproducts or services.

Even if your graphic design isgood, you can't beat having alibrary of top quality designsthat you can dig into wheneveryou need them.

For me designing is one of themost time consuming things thatyou can do online.

That's why THIS is a Godsend:

Graphics Blackbox 2.0

Created by Jeremiah Villagomez,this is the best online graphicscollection I've ever seen. It'sendlessly adaptable whenever youneed a fast and easy solution toa design problem.

You can also adapt these designsto create your own pictures forresale! The sky's the limit with

Graphics Blackbox 2.0


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's How To Join The Top 1% Of Amazon ProfitMakers {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you struggled to even make $1 ofAmazon Commissions?

99% of people are in the same boat thatyou are.

Here's how to be in the successful 1%:

Azon Cash Code

Ryan Martin and Ed Mochrie havedesigned a course that will completelyrevolutionize the way that you buildAmazon Affiliate sites. Introducing...

Azon Cash Code

The material is written in a way thatanyone can understand - novice orexpert.

Ryan and Ed guide you step by stepthrough their fast and easystrategies, ensuring that you have allthe information to put together qualitysites that pull in the big cash.

There's more here:

Azon Cash Code


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Photoshop Masterclass {!Firstname_fix}. MINUS 24HOURS AND COUNTING--------------------------------------------------------------------------Tomorrow this great new course risesdramatically in price. So now's the time toget a bargain here:

Photoshop Masterclass

Marketer Matt Garrett has come up withthe best Photoshop course I've ever seen.He fast tracks you to the essential stuffand leaves out the rest.

If you want to make money online, you'llneed some graphics. Matt gives you thetools, tricks and templates to do just that.And he's condensed everything into just 3hours of training.

And if you want to SELL to people whomake money online, what could bebetter than mastering a skill - to sell aservice that they all NEED?

Bear this in mind though. As more peoplefind out about this great course, the dimesale price keeps going up.

As a result this isn't some burger andfries price. But it's still cheap.

And remember, you can get a free copyof Photoshop with the information I'mgiving you so you're saving on the biggest


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expense most of us had with Photoshopin the first place.

But the clock is ticking...

So if you want to save on this course youneed to act now and get it here:

Photoshop Masterclass


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------PS Course RAVE REVIEW {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------"Thanks. This is exactly what I waslooking for... and Im sure I speakfor a lot of people." - Adrian Smith

Praise for Matt Garrett's PhotoshopMasterclass is coming in thick andfast from satisfied buyers like Adrian.

Photoshop Masterclass

Matt's all killer no filler combination ofPhotoshop tools, tips and templates isgetting more praise than just about anymarketing product I've seen.

Matt promises to deliver 3 years ofcoaching in just 3 hours.

And with a refund rate of less than1% there are a LOT of happycustomers for Photoshop Masterclass.

Find out more here:

Photoshop Masterclass


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST CHANCE Cash In On Facebook And AmazonProfits {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pete Bruckshaw here with a final email onhow to combine the awesome traffic andsales power of Facebook and Amazon.

Here's how to createtargeted traffic to your offerssocial proof for your customersamazing Amazon profits!Ryan Martin shows you exactly how in

Amazon Annhilation

And you DON'T need

To sell anythingTo write loads of contentWordPress skillsTo stay on the right side of Google

Facebook has become essential formarketing and selling on the internet.If you're not using Facebook for yourbusiness now is a great time to start.

Here's how - and it's at a too-lowprice from here:

Amazon Annhilation


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------The Easy Way To Cash In On Facebook And AmazonProfits {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------You know that Facebook is the number onesocial media site. And Amazon is the topecommerce site.

Here's a way you can combine both tocreate

targeted traffic to your offerssocial proof for your customersamazing Amazon profits!

Ryan Martin shows you exactly how in

Amazon Annhilation

And you DON'T need

To sell anythingTo write loads of contentWordPress skillsTo stay on the right side of Google

Facebook has become essential formarketing and selling on the internet.If you're not using Facebook for yourbusiness now is a great time to start.

Here's how - and it's at a too-lowprice from here:

Amazon Annhilation


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Arbitrage Expert Shows You How To Cash In On EBay{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the best ways I've found to makemoney online is with eBay arbitrage. I'vemade thousands of dollars doing this so Ican assure you that it works.

Don Hoppe is the number one eBay experton arbitrage. He buys low and sells high -all on eBay.

eBay Arbitrage

In eBay Arbitrage Don shows youstep-by-step exactly how to find the besteBay arbitrage deals.

A lot has changed on eBay since I startedbut Don's guide is bang up to date withthe latest eBay relevant information.

eBay Arbitrage

Do your arbitrage deals the RIGHT wayand you don't even need to go out of thehouse to post anything! And - at last -you'll never be short of something to sell.

Find out how here:

eBay Arbitrage


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why This Is Great For Amazon Sellers {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------

You've probably heard about this already.

Covert Store Builder

So what makes it so special? And why shouldAmazon sellers be paying attention?

Because this produces some of the best affiliatesites I've ever seen. And unlike many otheraffiliate softwares, it's point and click simple.

Covert Store Builder

Covert Store Builder also has built in trackingto keep you up to date with your sales. And itautomatically picks the best selling products andfeatures them on your website!

And with Amazon, Facebook and AWeberintegration it's a must for the affiliate marketer.

Covert Store Builder is priced too low.

Get it here:

Covert Store Builder


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------NOW $19.95. I Paid $6000! So Why Am I Smiling?--------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you've learnt a little about makingmoney online by now, you'll know it's nearimpossible to make it without somementoring.

You'll need step by step training fromsomeone who's already successful.

Elite Email Marketing Academy

I've spent over $6,000 on mentorshipcourses. And every penny of that hasbeen worth it.

But what if you haven't got access tothat kind of money? Is there a way to gethigh quality coaching at a low price?

Bertus Engelbrecht is offering his exactsame $997 coaching system to you forjust $19.95.

Elite Email Marketing Academy

He promises to teach anyone how tobuild a list of 10,000 and earn $3,000 amonth in a VERY short time.

Find out more here:

Elite Email Marketing Academy


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------This Cost Me Over SIX THOUSAND BUCKS!--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've learnt a little about makingmoney online by now, you'll know it's nearimpossible to make it without somementoring.

You'll need step by step training fromsomeone who's already successful.

Elite Email Marketing Academy

I've spent about $6,500 on mentorshipcourses. And every penny of that hasbeen worth it.

But what if you haven't got access tothat kind of money? Is there a way to gethigh quality coaching at a low price?

Last week I told you about BertusEngelbrecht's Email Marketing Academy.

Bertus is offering his exact same $997coaching system to you for just $19.95.

Elite Email Marketing Academy

He promises to teach anyone how tobuild a list of 10,000 and earn $3,000 amonth in a VERY short time.

This isn't some pie in the sky idea. Iknow. Because I've done it myself.

Jump on this offer.


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Because not only is Bertus the realdeal, I know that he's not holding thisprice for long.

Find out more here:

Elite Email Marketing Academy


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Easy Affiliate Profits With IM BIG DOG {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Rich Lee is an expert affiliate marketerand wants to share his methods for freetoday.

I make most of my money from affiliatemarketing. This stuff WORKS.

Find out more from Rich here:

Easy affiliate profits


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----------------------------------------------------------EBay Auction Profit Avalanche LASTEMAIL----------------------------------------------------------Earlier this week I wrote to youabout Auction Profit Avalanche.

It´s a great product at a too low pricethat enables you to build a rock solid listof BUYERS with eBay.

As leads go it doesn´t get ANY betterthan that.

Auction Profit Avalanche

I'm writing from experience on this.Freebie seekers may never spend money.

But buyers... if they've bought once,there's every chance they'll buy againand again from you.

So when John Thornhill teams up withCarl Picot to discuss his rock solidunderground eBay list buildingstrategy it's time to pay attention.

Auction Profit Avalanche

Don't let it pass YOU by.

Find out more here:

Auction Profit Avalanche


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----------------------------------------------------------HOT NEWS On EBay Auction ProfitAvalanche {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Earlier this week I told you about Carl Picotand John Thornhill's new product.

It's about how to build the most valuabletype of subscribers list - a BUYERS LIST.And how to do it with one of the best andmost underused list building tools of all:eBay.

Auction Profit Avalanche

But what's actually IN Auction ProfitAvalanche?

It's a high quality video/audio/PDFpresentation by Carl and with John.Also added are multiple audiointerviews featuring John and hisbusiness partner Dave Nicholson.

Auction Profit Avalanche

This is a simple to apply methodthat can take your eBay andsubscriber list building to acompletely new level. And it'sselling for a TOO LOW price thatis for a limited time only.

Find out more here:

Auction Profit Avalanche


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----------------------------------------------------------Build A RED HOT EBay Buyers List WithTHIS {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------The most valuable leads in any businessare the BUYERS.

Auction Profit Avalanche

I'm writing from experience on this.Freebie seekers may never spend money.

But buyers... if they've bought once,there's every chance they'll buy againand again from you.

So when John Thornhill teams up withCarl Picot to discuss his rock solidunderground eBay list buildingstrategy it's time to pay attention.

Auction Profit Avalanche

eBay is a powerful buyer getting listbuilding weapon that many peopleignore. Don't let it pass YOU by.

Make money and create a buyers listthe fast and easy way with eBay.

Find out more here:

Auction Profit Avalanche


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------The Free Traffic Bible Is HERE {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------The one essential that you need onlinewhatever you're selling is traffic toyour offers.

When a marketing product on how to getmore visitors is released it's usuallyabout how there's this one platformyou MUST use.

It could beGoogleBingBanner AdsFacebookor more.

John Thornhill has tried all thosepaid advertising methods.

And FAILED at them all.

But what he knows more than mostabout is FREE traffic. And he'll showyou how it's done...

Simple Traffic Solutions

I know for a fact that Johnuses these free methods in his ownbusiness.

In fact he shows you his businessstats on this video right here:


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Simple Traffic Solutions

It's a 6,000 plus selling step-by-step videos and PDFs product.John is an excellent teacher andhis methods are very easy tofollow.

I got the original version of thisin 2013 and the latest version isfully updated,

I'm working my way through itright now and have alreadydiscovered a couple of gems thatI'll be putting to work in myown business.

Get it at a too low price here:

Simple Traffic Solutions


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Check out the Commission Machine {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------When you find a successful marketer,what do YOU do?

1. Do what they say?2. Do what they DO?

If your answer is 1, stop reading now.

If it's 2 you need to read this.

Michael Cheney has just re-released hisCommission Machine product for April2015. It's an internet marketingsuccess blueprint that I can personallyrecommend.

Because I'm using the same systemmyself.

Check it out here:

Commission Blueprint

Ready to wake up and smell the custard?

You know what to do...

Commission Blueprint


Page 30: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST CHANCE Stupidly Simple Arbitrage--------------------------------------------------------------------------This finishes in less than two hours.

So now is your last chance to grab yourdiscount copy of

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage

Phil's sales include:

27 “Minions” made $15.38 profit on each

18 Pan Sets with $17 + profit on each item

17 Bathroom tap sets $21 profit per sale

16 Bicycle lamps, $9 profit each

38 Pet accessories selling since last week

And a lot more besides. Amongst the goodstuff, Phil's got some niches where he sellsdigital service that are completely new to me.

You're getting the keys to the farm here!

Because not only does Phil clue you in onthe products to sell. He goes through thestupidly simple system step by step withyou.

Kickstart your online income here:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage


Page 31: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------The Clock Is Ticking On Stupidly Simple Arbitrage...--------------------------------------------------------------------------You've got till 8 tonight EST to grab thisbargain Amazon/eBay system.

To get your discount just enter the couponcode 5off when you're prompted at check out.

Go here to grab your discount copy.

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage

As a seller who began online making a fulltime income buying low and selling high onAmazon and eBay I'm always interested innew arbitrage ideas.

Phil's sales include:

27 “Minions” made $15.38 profit on each

18 Pan Sets with $17 + profit on each item

17 Bathroom tap sets $21 profit per sale

16 Bicycle lamps, $9 profit each

38 Pet accessories selling since last week

And a lot more besides. Amongst the goodstuff, Phil's got some niches where he sellsdigital service that are completely new to me.

You're getting the keys to the farm here!


Page 32: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Because not only does Phil clue you in onthe products to sell. He goes through thestupidly simple system step by step withyou.

Kickstart your online income here:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Just Half A Day Left [Amazon/EBay Special]--------------------------------------------------------------------------That's all there is till the discount offer onStupidly Simple Arbitrage disappearsaltogether.

To get your discount just enter the couponcode 5off when you're prompted at check out.

Go here to grab your discount copy.

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage

Here's the lowdown on this new system:

Phil Henderson rightly identifies physicalproduct arbitrage as a major source ofprofit. And he's spotted some other nichestoo, which he give you in the system called:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage

Phil's sales include:

27 “Minions” made $15.38 profit on each

18 Pan Sets with $17 + profit on each item

17 Bathroom tap sets $21 profit per sale

16 Bicycle lamps, $9 profit each

38 Pet accessories selling since last week

And a lot more besides. Amongst the good


Page 34: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

stuff, Phil's got some niches where he sellsdigital service that are completely new to me.

You're getting the keys to the farm here!

Because not only does Phil clue you in onthe products to sell. He goes through thestupidly simple system step by step withyou.

Kickstart your online income here:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage


Page 35: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------And now... SOLO AD Arbitrage is here!--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a great system for profiting withsolo ads. The good news is...

You DON'T need a listYou DON'T need a customer baseand this is IDEAL for newbies!

Pushed for time? Go here now:

Solo Ad Arbitrage

There's a dirty little secret that alot of solo ad sellers don't want youto know.

There's really not much difference inthe quality of solo ads.

It's easy to find a solo ad for 500clicks for about 200 dollars.

And then resell it for double thatamount or more!

But you need the right system in orderto do it. That's what Andrea Fultonand Jeremy Kennedy are bringing youright here:

Solo Ad Arbitrage

It's a two time WSO of the Day systemthat works like a charm.


Page 36: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

For a newbie who wants a start in thehighly lucrative solo ad game - thisis ideal.

Check it out here:

Solo Ad Arbitrage


Page 37: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Stupidly Simple Arbitrage DISCOUNTED. EndsTomorrow!--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here's the lowdown on this new system:

Phil Henderson rightly identifies physicalproduct arbitrage as a major source ofprofit. And he's spotted some other nichestoo, which he give you in the system called:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage

As a seller who began online making a fulltime income buying low and selling high onAmazon and eBay I'm always interested innew arbitrage ideas.

Phil's sales include:

27 “Minions” made $15.38 profit on each

18 Pan Sets with $17 + profit on each item

17 Bathroom tap sets $21 profit per sale

16 Bicycle lamps, $9 profit each

38 Pet accessories selling since last week

And a lot more besides. Amongst the goodstuff, Phil's got some niches where he sellsdigital service that are completely new to me.

You're getting the keys to the farm here!


Page 38: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Because not only does Phil clue you in onthe products to sell. He goes through thestupidly simple system step by step withyou.

Kickstart your online income here:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage


Page 39: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------A Stupidly Simple Amazon/EBay Profit System--------------------------------------------------------------------------Phil Henderson rightly identifies physicalproduct arbitrage as a major source ofprofit. And he's spotted some other nichestoo, which he give you in the system called:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage

Phil's sales include:

27 “Minions” made $15.38 profit on each

18 Pan Sets with $17 + profit on each item

17 Bathroom tap sets $21 profit per sale

16 Bicycle lamps, $9 profit each

38 Pet accessories selling since last week

And a lot more besides. Amongst the goodstuff, Phil's got some niches where he sellsdigital service that are completely new to me.

You're getting the keys to the farm!

Kickstart your online income here:

Stupidly Simple Arbitrage


Page 40: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Skyrocketing Your Profits {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------With advice from one of internetmarketing's major playersMichael Cheney.

Much of what Michael teachesone to one is included in this:

Commission Machine

All you need to do is buy it.

And USE it (but you knew thatalready).

Are you FINALLY ready to makemoney online?

Because if I'm making goodmoney out of this, don't you thinkthat this guy can show you somecash generating secrets too?

Commission Machine


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Storage Auction Secrets REVIEW {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Valuable and collectible items are always indemand on eBay. And a great way to find theseitems is in storage auctions.

It's written by Dr Bruno a long time Warriorand product creator who has the real worldexperience to back up his products.

Bruno trained as a lawyer at OxfordUniversity. Instead of becoming a lawyer hewent into business. Bruno's spent his lifeself employed.

A few months as a seventeen year oldsupermarket shelf stacker is the only timeBruno ever worked for The Man.

Bruno buys and coaches people about surplusstock so he knows his stuff about storageauctions.

This is designed for the newbie to makesense of storage auctions and get intoprofit fast.

This can be a profitable offline or onlinebusiness. It's ideal for selling on eBaybecause the kind of rare and valuable goodsthat Bruno shows you how to find are stillthe lifeblood of eBay.

Storage Auction Secrets is presented innine simple to follow step by step videos.You also get a PDF video transcript.


Page 42: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

The bonuses are:

EMAIL TIPS AND STORAGE PRO TUTORIALSAn additional course of emails that getsyou up to speed on ONLINE storage auctions.

30 DAYS MENTORING FROM DR BRuNOGet tutored by a natural teacher. If you'reserious about success in 2015 you need this.Bruno will charge for this kind of coachingsoon, so this is a real bargain.

SUCCESS MINDSET MP3The difference between the majority ofpeople who make it online and those whodon't comes down to belief and mindset.

You can't do any of this by yourself.

As well as mentoring you'll need somepositive thinking, which is why thisMP3 is so invaluable.

A word of warning: if you're outside the UK,Canada or America this guide is probably notfor you, because those are the areas thatBruno focuses on.

But if you're in the right place and youwant an interesting and profitable way tomake money on and offline, I recommendStorage Auction Secrets.

Check it out here:

Storage Auction Secrets


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------This NEVER Goes Out Of Style On EBay--------------------------------------------------------------------------Despite all the changes that eBay hasgone through, one thing remains constant.

eBay buyers love rare and collectibleitems. And a great place to find rareitems is in storage auctions.

Storage Auction Secrets

The guide covers the US, Canada andthe UK.

It's not all offline either. You'll alsofind out how to access storagelockers online.

Here's what you get

Nine step by step videosA PDF transcription

And some bonuses that are worth farmore than the cost of this course inthemselves.

Find out more here:

Storage Auction Secrets

This course is from a lifetime storageand surplus supplies expert Dr. Bruno.

He is offering free coaching with thissystem. And the Doc knows more about


Page 44: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

offline business, online business andeBay than most of the 'experts' everwill.

Bruno wants to concentrate on coachingrather than product support next year.

So this final offer, exclusive to mysubscribers (that's you!) will not bemade again to ANYONE after Fridaymidnight EST.

It's here - but not for much longer:

Storage Auction Secrets


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Etsy Profit Machine. My full review {!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's your last reminder about thenew course that Stuart Turnbull'scalling...

Your Etsy Profit Machine

This really does tick all of the boxes.It's an in depth yet easy to followcourse that shows you how to makesolid profits on Etsy.

Just click the link to find out moreand get full details.

Your Etsy Profit Machine


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------The BEST Way To Make Money Online {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Imagine if you had a completestep-by-step system teaching youhow to easily add thousands ofpotential buyers to a list.

Lemy Yu has done exactly that in hisnew system.

He's giving you everything you needto build list starting from zero tothousands of subscribers fast.

Guides, swipes, templates, andstep-by-step instruction.Everything.

He's essentially giving you the ListBuilding "easy" system.

You signed up to my list to makemoney online.

Here's how:

Automatic List System


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Prints Make Profits. LAST EMAIL {!Firstname_fix}.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's your final reminder for StuartTurnbull's long running eBay successsystem...

Prints Make Profits

This system ticks ALL the boxes...

If this sounds like the kind ofopportunity you have been searchingfor click the link to find out more.

Watch The Free Video Here

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why Prints Make Profits On EBay {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a business Stuart Turnbullstarted ten years ago that is still goingstrong for him:

Prints Make Profits


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Want 200+ A Day Free Visitors To Your Offer{!Firstname_fix}? Try THIS.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Ever since I started online marketing I'veread about free traffic. It does exist.

But usually it comes with a lot of hardwork. And if you value your time - theend result is not really free at all.But now there's an amazing newsoftware that really is a game changer.

To be honest I don't know if thissoftware will remain as effective inthe future.

But for now: the playing field is LEVEL.

Are you ready to play?

Download & get traffic free NOW


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL 1-Click Book Creation Kindle Template--------------------------------------------------------------------------This offer closes for good this week sonow's the time to get it.

It's from Russ Conway, Kindle expertand Microsoft Word ubermeister.

He's combined those two talents tocreate the easiest one click publishingsystem for Amazon Kindle that has everbeen seen.

Find out more here

--------------------------------------------------------------------------It's never been easier to sell like this on Amazon {!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you're still stuck for something to sellon Amazon, this could well be what you'relooking for.

It's a new product from Russ Conway.

Russ is an author and a 20 year veteranof getting the best from Microsoft Word.

He's combined those two talents tocreate the easiest one click publishingsystem for Amazon Kindle that has everbeen seen.


Page 50: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Find out more here--------------------------------------------------------------------------It's Never Been Easier To Sell Like This On Amazon{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a new product from Russ Conway.

Russ is an author and a 20 year veteranof getting the best from Microsoft Word.

He's combined those two talents tocreate the easiest one click publishingsystem for Amazon Kindle that has everbeen seen.

Not an author?

Think again.

If you buy PLR you can be up and runningwith Amazon Kindle products in a matterof minutes.

Find out more here


Page 51: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Warrior Plus Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazing low cost offer {!Firstname_fix} [$1.01 WSO]--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a great next-to-no-cost offer.

It includes under the radarexamples that I've never seenbefore.

One area the guide focuses onis second hand clothing. Itdetails how to buy second handclothes and reposition them asvintage clothing.

eBay Second Hand Gold Mine

This is just one example thatWarrior X (that's his WarriorForum name) is prepared todivulge for free. For the resthe's charging the princely sumof... one dollar one cent.

That's right! Just $1.01 to accessthis great guide.

eBay Second Hand Gold Mine


Page 52: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay's Hidden Second Hand Goldmine {!Firstname_fix}[$1.01 WSO]--------------------------------------------------------------------------I've just bought a great guide oneBay arbitrage that includesunder the radar examples thatI've never seen before.

One area the guide focuses onis second hand clothing. Itdetails how to buy second handclothes and reposition them asvintage clothing.

eBay Second Hand Gold Mine

This is just one example thatWarrior X (that's his WarriorForum name) is prepared todivulge for free. For the resthe's charging the princely sumof... one dollar.

That's right! Just $1 to accessthis great guide.

eBay Second Hand Gold Mine

There's a catch though. Theseare going VERY fast. So don'thang about if you want it.


Page 53: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Hpw to make $5 - $6k a month on Amazon{!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------It's normal for a lot ofmarketers to create intrigueand mystery on the sales page.

This is known as 'blind copy' -and there's nothing wrong withdoing that.

But just once it's great to getthe results and the methodused to achieve them rightup front on the sales page.

Like this:

Easy Retail Jackpots

ERJ is NOT about:

Website buidding or any hardto follow tech stuff.


Branding your own products,which can be time consumingand costly.

If making money on Amazonis your thing you really needto check this out:


Page 54: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Easy Retail Jackpots--------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW Way To Cash In On Amazon {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Just when you think you've seenit all - something special comesaround.

This is pulling in $5 - $6k amonth for Paul James on Amazon.

Here's how he does it:

Easy Retail Jackpots

Unlike some offers, Paul makesit crystal clear exactly whathe's doing on the sales page.

This is NOT about:

Website buliding or any hardto follow tech stuff.


Branding your own products,which can be time consumingand costly.

You can easily see how Paulgot to $6k in 30 days. Hisstats and method are righthere:

Easy Retail Jackpots


Page 55: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------$6,000 In 30 Days On Amazon {!Firstname_fix}!? FULLREVIEW--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Judging from the sales and feedbackI'm getting, you're loving PaulJames's new system...

Easy Retail Jackpots

For those of you still on thefence about ERJ here's my review:

In Easy Retail Jackpots Paulshows you his system for findingbargains in your local highstreet shops and reselling themon Amazon.

In the past this kind of systemhas been laborious.

But Paul shows you two simpleAndroid/iPhone apps that you canuse to check what products youcan make big profits with onAmazon. This takes most of thework out of searching forbargains and so is a bigimprovement more time consumingmethods.

Paul stresses in the guide thatthis is very much about productsthat you can pick up locally.


Page 56: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

People are often lazy aboutshopping and it's much easierfor them to pick up somethingwhen they're browsing Amazonrather than going to theirlocal store to buy a bargain.

That's what makes Paul'ssystem so good - and why he'sbeen banking a steady $6k - $7kper month with it.

If that sounds like somethingthat interests you, get ERJhere:

Easy Retail Jackpots


Page 57: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------$6,000 In Your First 30 Days On Amazon{!Firstname_fix}!?--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's an Amazon cash system that's simple and unique.

It's from Paul James and you can

Check it out here

Unlike other work-heavy Amazon courses, you DON’T have to:Spend a time and money branding your own products.Test the market a ton before you find a winner.Setup your own store.Build a website, buy a domain, hunt for traffic.

The way Paul has made $6,000+ in his first month doingthis is by:Finding items at Wal-Mart, Target, or ANYWHERE you shop.Using two “secret apps” to find big Amazon profits.Use Amazon for ALL of the shipping and fulfillment work.Pocket the 40%+ profits for himself.

And yes, you read that right, he made $6K in his firstthirty days of doing this.

Check it out here


Page 58: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL EMAIL Amazon Easy Retail Jackpots{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's your last reminder aboutPaul James's new system...

Easy Retail Jackpots

And in case you missed it here'sthe review from yesterday.

In Easy Retail Jackpots Paulshows you his system for findingbargains in your local highstreet shops and reselling themon Amazon.

In the past this kind of systemhas been laborious.

But Paul shows you two simpleAndroid/iPhone apps that you canuse to check what products youcan make big profits with onAmazon. This takes most of thework out of searching forbargains and so is a bigimprovement more time consumingmethods.

Paul stresses in the guide thatthis is very much about productsthat you can pick up locally.

People are often lazy about


Page 59: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

shopping and it's much easierfor them to pick up somethingwhen they're browsing Amazonrather than going to theirlocal store to buy a bargain.

That's what makes Paul'ssystem so good - and why he'sbeen banking a steady $6k - $7kper month with it.

If that sounds like somethingthat interests you, get ERJhere:

Easy Retail Jackpots


Page 60: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Stay Away From Bitcoin {!Firstname_fix}... Here's Why--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a fascinating offer from James Renoit.It's all about the new online currencies. Peopleare getting in at ground level right now andmaking a lot of money with them.

Check out James's proof here

Crypto Mania

Only thing is... all online currencies are notcreated equal. James knows about bigger andbetter opportunities that Bitcoin - includingFREE ones. And he's detailed them in his guide.

Want to know more? James explains it in detail.Scroll down to the video at the end of the salespage here:

Crypto Mania

This sounds like a VERY interesting opportunity.If you want to get in on it yourself, make sureyou get the best information from an unbiasedsource. Check out James's guide at this link:

Crypto Mania


Page 61: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL EMAIL for Crypto Mania {!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's the last email I'm sending out aboutthis cutting edge product from James Renoit.

It's all about the new online currencies. Peopleare getting in at ground level right now andmaking a lot of money with them.

Check out James's proof here:

Crypto Mania

Only thing is... all online currencies are notcreated equal. James knows about bigger andbetter opportunities that Bitcoin - includingFREE ones. And he's detailed them in his guide.

Want to know more? James explains it in detail.Scroll down to the video at the end of the salespage...

Crypto Mania

This sounds like a VERY interesting opportunity.If you want to get in on it yourself, make sureyou get the best information from an unbiasedsource. Check out James's guide at this link:

Crypto Mania


Page 62: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE'S What To Sell On EBay {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the main questions I get askedabout eBay is

"What do I sell?"

This product from Warrior College CEOanswers that question - ten times over.

eBay Product Sourcing

You'll find ten sources for productsto resell on eBay. CEO tells youexactly what to look for AND how toget it without spending any money!

Now you can learn from a Top RatedSeller with 100% positive feedback.It doesn't get ANY better than that.

Find out more here:

eBay Product Sourcing

You get over 50 pages of actionablestep by step content from a beenthere done that eBayer.

You DON'T have to live in the US todo this. You can sell most of theseproducts anywhere.

It's NOT a list of ten wholesalesources. This a how to source items


Page 63: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

guide, not a rehashed wholesale list.

And for the price of a burger andfries you get a product with lessthan a 1% refund rate!

Find out more from this link:

eBay Product Sourcing


Page 64: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------The Full Skinny On EBay Product Sourcing{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Buyers of eBay Product Sourcinghave been going crazy over thequality content offered at a bargainprice right here:

eBay Product Sourcing

It's been written by Warrior CollegeCEO. He's a Top Rated eBay Sellerwith 100% positive feedback.

You get over 50 pages of actionablestep by step content from a beenthere done that eBayer.

You DON'T have to live in the US todo this. You can sell most of theseproducts anywhere.

It's NOT a list of ten wholesalesources. This a how to source itemsguide, not a rehashed wholesale list.Find out more from this link:

eBay Product Sourcin


Page 65: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------eBay Product Sourcing {!firstname_fix}. FINAL EMAIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a final reminder from me onthis WSO - the one they're calling

eBay Product Sourcing

It's been written by Warrior CollegeCEO. He's a Top Rated eBay Sellerwith 100% positive feedback.

You get over 50 pages of actionablestep by step content from a beenthere done that eBayer.

You DON'T have to live in the US todo this. You can sell most of theseproducts anywhere.

It's NOT a list of ten wholesalesources. This a how to source itemsguide, not a rehashed wholesale list.Find out more from this link:

eBay Product Sourcing


Page 66: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking Forward To Monday {!Firstname_fix}?--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you answered no to that, here's agenuine alternative.

The video for Marketing With Alex Elitecauses some VERY extreme reactions.

Watch Alex's video now HERE

Most people love it, some people hate it.For me, this video has got the ring of truthto it - that's why it's so successful.

Watch Alex's video now HERE

And as Alex's family and parents are moreimportant than anyone else, that's whoAlex has featured in his video. Most of uscan identify with him on that.

Standard IM practice would be to havepraise from a bunch of gurus saying howgreat the product creator is.

The video's different - and effective.

Marketing With Alex Elite

It's a marketing lesson for all of us. Buthere's why you shoud get this.

You needa mentora workable step by step system


Page 67: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

So how do you choose the right system andthe right course?

Do what I do when I want to researchANYTHING. Google it.

If you're still on the fence about buyingMarketing with Alex Eliteopen a separate browser windowsearch for Marketing With Alex reviewthen search for Alex Jeffreys reviewAs with anything else if over 99% ofreviews are good chances are you'reon to a winner.

And that's what you'll find with Alexand Marketing With Alex.

Give yourself a kick start in 2015.

Forget the shiny objects and 'push buttonriches'. Get Marketing With Alex EliteHERE:

Marketing With Alex Elite


Page 68: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay And Amazon Combined = Big Bucks{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've been on my list for sometime, you'll have seen plenty aboutaffiliate marketing and info products.

But I know that for some of you thatjust doesn't float your boat.

Maybe what you REALLY want is tosell tangible physical goods for bigprofits - and have your customerslove your for it!

Then this offer could be for you...

eBay Juggernaut

Because you'll be selling on eBaythere's no need for a website. Andyou won't need any affiliateseither.

In eBay Juggernaut Sam Englandand Amy Harrop reveal some greatselling strategies for eBay includingAdvanced eBay arbitrageAmazon & eBay combinedRun your store on autopilotAnd much more.

eBay Juggernaut

I won't reveal too much about


Page 69: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

eBay Juggernaut here. But sufficeto say the Amazon/eBay strategiesalone are worth more that the priceof admission.

Sound good?

Check it out here:

eBay Juggernaut

Because old school is sometimesthe best.


Page 70: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Inside EBay Juggernaut {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Yesterday I told you about SamEngland and Amy Harrop'ssystem...

eBay Juggernaut

It's an all-bases-covered guide toselling physical products on eBayand Amazon.

But what's actually IN eBayJuggernaut? Well, amongst thestrategies covered you'll find:

Advanced eBay arbitrageMake money without buyingThe secret site to buy inventoryat bargain pricesAutopilot store set upStay within eBay's T & CsAmazon & eBay combinedRun your store on autopilotAnd much more.

eBay Juggernaut

The Amazon/eBay strategies alone areworth more that the price of admission.

Sound good?

Check it out here:


Page 71: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

eBay Juggernaut--------------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL EMAIL. EBay Juggernaut {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's the last email I'm sending outto you on this eBay Juggernaut offer.

If you've been on my list for sometime, you'll have seen plenty aboutaffiliate marketing and info products.

But I know that for some of you thatjust doesn't float your boat.

Maybe what you REALLY want is tosell tangible physical goods for bigprofits - and have your customerslove your for it!

Then this offer could be for you...

eBay Juggernaut

Because you'll be selling on eBaythere's no need for a website. Andyou won't need any affiliateseither.

In eBay Juggernaut Sam Englandand Amy Harrop reveal some greatselling strategies for eBay includingAdvanced eBay arbitrageAmazon & eBay combinedRun your store on autopilotAnd much more.

eBay Juggernaut


Page 72: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

I won't reveal too much abouteBay Juggernaut here. But to sufficeto say the Amazon/eBay strategiesalone are worth more that the priceof admission.

Sound good?

Check it out here:

eBay Juggernaut

Because old school is sometimesthe best.


Page 73: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Are You In On The EBay Gold Rush {!Firstname_fix}?LAST EMAIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is a great way of profiting fromsomething that eBay has in abundance.


It's a solid workable system for eBayprofits from an internet attorney andWarrior Forum veteran.

For this system you DON'T need

* a product* an eBay listing* to be an affiliate* ANY MONEY!

And trust an attorney to recommend asystem that's completely white hat andeBay approved.

Find out more here:

eBay Gold Rush

I've looked for a catch with this, and Ican't see one. The refund rate on over1000 copies speaks for itself...


It doesn't get any better than that.


Page 74: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

This is a fully updated version of aproduct that was released earlier thisyear. But as the Warrior Forum ischanging, the advert doesn't reflectthat. But take my word for it - this isbang up to the minute.

eBay Gold Rush


Page 75: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking Forward To Monday {!Firstname_fix}?--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you answered no to that, here's agenuine alternative.

The video for Marketing With Alex Elite hascaused some VERY extreme reactions.

Watch Alex's video now HERE

Most people love it, some people hate it.For me, this video has got the ring of truthto it - that's why it's so successful.

Watch Alex's video now HERE

And as Alex's family and parents are moreimportant than anyone else, that's whoAlex has featured in his video. Most of uscan identify with him on that.

Standard IM practice would be to havepraise from a bunch of gurus saying howgreat the product creator is.

The video's different - and effective.

Marketing With Alex Elite

It's a marketing lesson for all of us. Buthere's why you shoud get this.

When I last emailed on this I toldyou that you needa mentor


Page 76: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

a workable step by step systemSo how do you choose the right system andthe right course?

Do what I do when I want to researchANYTHING. Google it.

If you're still on the fence about buyingMarketing with Alex Eliteopen a separate browser windowsearch for Marketing With Alex reviewthen search for Alex Jeffreys reviewAs with anything else if over 99% ofreviews are good chances are you'reon to a winner.

And that's what you'll find with Alexand Marketing With Alex.

Give yourself a kick start in 2013.

Forget the shiny objects and 'push buttonriches'. Get Marketing With Alex EliteHERE:

Marketing With Alex Elite


Page 77: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why I recommend ECommerce Mastery{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------

eCommerce Mastery focuses on using eBayand Amazon to build a full timedropshipping business.

Why listen to Sam and Sean?

Sam is a coach and eCommerce expert whomakes a full time living from the methodshe teaches.

Sean is an eBay Platinum Powerseller who'sbeen making great full time money online forthe past 8 years.

These guys know their stuff. And they'resharing it all in eCommerce Mastery:

eCommerce Mastery

The refund rate on this is just 1%. A refundrate as low as THAT in the IM niche is VERYrare. That's a lot of happy people! Join themhere:

eCommerce Mastery


Page 78: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Arbitrage LAST EMAIL {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------The price of eBay Arbitrage is startingto go up as more and more people buyit. So this is my last email for thissystem - and your last chance to geta real bargain right here:

eBay Arbitrage FE

eBay arbitrage was the first way Ilearnt how to make money online. It'smade me over $30,000. So I'm glad toreport that eBay arbitrage is still aliveand well in 2014.

And here's the proof:

eBay Arbitrage FE

In case you're new to this, arbitrage isbuying low and selling high. You do yourbuying on eBay and your selling too -although you can easily and profitablywork Amazon into this system.

This great new guide by Denis Balitskiyshows you step by step how to cash inwith eBay arbitrage.

Get it here:

eBay Arbitrage FE

It's essential to have the best


Page 79: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

software to stay on top of arbitragedeals. Amongst Denis's bonuses you'llfind an arbitrage searcher and freeunlimited sniper. This software willhelp you find the best deals - andmake sure you win.

eBay Arbitrage is on a dime sale -the price increases with each fewsales. It's cheap. But it's going upfast. So get a bargain here rightnow:

eBay Arbitrage FE


Page 80: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Cash In On EBay Arbitrage {!Firstname_fix}!--------------------------------------------------------------------------

In case you're new to this, arbitrage isbuying low and selling high. You do yourbuying on eBay and your selling too -although you can easily and profitablywork Amazon into this system.

This great guide by Denis Balitskiyshows you step by step how to cash inwith eBay arbitrage.

Get it here:

eBay Arbitrage FE

It's essential to have the bestsoftware to stay on top of arbitragedeals. Amongst Denis's bonuses you'llfind an arbitrage searcher and freeunlimited sniper. This software willhelp you find the best deals - andmake sure you win.

eBay Arbitrage is on a dime sale -the price increases with each fewsales. It's cheap. But it's going upfast. So get a bargain here rightnow:

eBay Arbitrage FE


Page 81: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Arbitrage 2014 {!Firstname_fix} LAST EMAIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------The price of eBay Arbitrage is startingto go up as more and more people buyit. So this is my last email for thissystem - and your last chance to geta real bargain right here:

eBay Arbitrage FE

In case you're new to this, arbitrage isbuying low and selling high. You do yourbuying on eBay and your selling too -although you can easily and profitablywork Amazon into this system.

This great new guide by Denis Balitskiyshows you step by step how to cash inwith eBay arbitrage.

Get it here:

eBay Arbitrage FE


Page 82: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Top Rated Seller Gives You His Top Ten BuyingSources {!Firstname_fix}!--------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the main questions I get askedabout eBay is

"What do I sell?"

This product from Warrior College CEOanswers that question - ten times over.

eBay Product Sourcing

You'll find ten sources for productsto resell on eBay. CEO tells youexactly what to look for AND how toget it without spending any money!

Now you can learn from a Top RatedSeller with 100% positive feedback.It doesn't get ANY better than that.

Find out more here:

eBay Product Sourcing

You get over 50 pages of actionablestep by step content from a beenthere done that eBayer.

You DON'T have to live in the US todo this. You can sell most of theseproducts anywhere.

It's NOT a list of ten wholesale


Page 83: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

sources. This a how to source itemsguide, not a rehashed wholesale list.

And for the price of a burger andfries you get a product with lessthan a 1% refund rate!

Find out more from this link:

eBay Product Sourcing


Page 84: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Health Supplement Tycoon FINAL EMAIL{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------This offer will be closing soon.

So this is the last email I'm sending out on

Health Supplement Tycoon

This system ticks all the boxes...

* It's a high demand product* You can brand it as your own* It's perceived to be high quality* It will build a good reputation for you* You can add more products too

Health Supplement Tycoon

The market for in demand health products isalways massive. Here's your chance to cornersome of the action. You don't need anyexperience or qualifications.

You don't need to be a real Doctor either!

Although the fact that this product is createdby on and offline business tycoon Dr. Brunomeans that you're in safe hands.

Go to this link for more:

Health Supplement Tycoon


Page 85: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazing EBay Health Profits {!Firstname_fix}!--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pete here with two new products to help withyour eBay and Amazon sales...

Here's a chance to get in on an evergreenmarket that's been a consistent strong selleron eBay ever since it started.

It's a step by step guide to selling privatelabel health supplements on eBay and Amazon.

Find out more here:

Health Supplement Tycoon

The market for in demand health products isalways massive. Here's your chance to cornersome of the action. You don't need anyexperience or qualifications.

You don't need to be a real Doctor either!

Although the fact that this product is createdby on and offline business tycoon Dr. Brunomeans that you're in safe hands.

Go to this link for more:

Health Supplement Tycoon


Page 86: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL EMAIL eBay Gold Rush {!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's your last reminder abouteBay Gold Rush - a solid workable systemfor eBay profits from an internet attorneyand Warrior Forum veteran.

For this system you DON'T need

* a product* an eBay listing* to be an affiliate* ANY MONEY!

And trust an attorney to recommend asystem that's completely white hat andeBay approved.

Find out more here:

eBay Gold Rush


Page 87: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Attorney discovers free eBay profits system{!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Think you've seen everything?

Here's a great way of profiting fromeBay traffic.

This is a solid workable system foreBay profits from an internet attorneyand Warrior Forum veteran.

For this system you DON'T need

* a product* an eBay listing* to be an affiliate* ANY MONEY!

And trust an attorney to recommend asystem that's completely white hat andeBay approved.

Find out more here:

eBay Gold Rush

I've looked for a catch with this, and Ican't see one. The refund rate on over1000 copies speaks for itself...


It doesn't get any better than that.


Page 88: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

This is a fully updated version of aproduct that was released earlier thisyear. But as the Warrior Forum ischanging, the advert doesn't reflectthat. But take my word for it - this isbang up to the minute.

eBay Gold Rush


Page 89: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Secrets Of The Big EBay Sellers Revealed{!Firstname_fix}!--------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the quickest ways to success onlineis to find out what the successful guys aredoing online...

And COPY them.

eBay expert Tobias Charles has just releaseda WSO which does just that. Tobias teachesfast and easy ways to spy on your competion.

That means you can ramp up your businessfast. And follow the roadmap to Powersellerstatus at the same time!

Check it out here:

eBay Niche Sniper

Tobias shows you how to find the bestproducts and source them WITHOUT drop-shipping.

His simple proven system promises to getyou to Top Seller status and guaranteesgreat sales and feedback.

eBay Niche Sniper

If you want to make major coin on eBay in2015 eBay Niche Sniper could be just whatyou need.


Page 90: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

And the price won't break the bank either!

Find out more here:

eBay Niche Sniper


Page 91: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Sell Your Own Physical Products On Amazon WithTHIS {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------As someone who's sold thousands ofproducts on Amazon there's one thingI know for certain.

You can't beat having your own productsto sell on Amazon. And if you can brandhigh quality products as your own - youdon't even have to create them yourself!

And now Dr. Bruno has created a step bystep video course on exactly how to dothat.

He's calling it...

Private Label Tycoon

When you combine your own products withthe done-for-you power of Amazon's FBAprogram, you're off to a great headstart online in 2015.

And the bonuses the Doc's offering?

Coaching and email mentoring to namebut two are worth far more than thecost of this WSO.

Find out more here:

Private Label Tycoon


Page 92: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes


This is at a too-low price. Bruno couldhave charged WAY MORE for this WSO.

There are marketers and coaches sellingsimilar information for hundreds, evenTHOUSANDS of dollars.

However the simple to follow no fluffpresentation and low cost makes this aunique offer.

If selling downloadable products justdoesn't do it for you, and you want abusiness selling your own real physicalproducts check this out now:

Private Label Tycoon


Page 93: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Become A Private Label Tycoon With Amazon{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------As someone who's sold thousands ofproducts on Amazon there's one thingI know for certain.

You can't beat having your own productsto sell on Amazon. And if you can brandhigh quality products as your own - youdon't even have to create them yourself!

And now Dr. Bruno has created a step bystep video course on exactly how to dothat.

He's calling it...

Private Label Tycoon

When you combine your own products withthe done-for-you power of Amazon's FBAprogram, you're off to a great headstart online in 2015.

And the bonuses the Doc's offering?

Coaching and email mentoring to namebut two are worth far more than thecost of this WSO.

Find out more here:

Private Label Tycoon


Page 94: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes


This is at a too-low price. Bruno couldhave charged WAY MORE for this WSO.

There are marketers and coaches sellingsimilar information for hundreds, evenTHOUSANDS of dollars.

However the simple to follow no fluffpresentation and low cost makes this aunique offer.

If selling downloadable products justdoesn't do it for you, and you want abusiness selling your own real physicalproducts check this out now:

Private Label Tycoon


Page 95: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Spy On Your EBay Competition With THIS{!Firstname_fix}! [Dimesale Rising Fast]--------------------------------------------------------------------------You're going crazy about the surefire profitmaking methods revealed here:

eBay Niche Sniper

Tobias Charles details his method of findingsuccessful high profit niches on eBay. Thenhe shows you how to copy and profit usingthe same system.

That means you can ramp up your businessfast. And follow the roadmap to Powersellerstatus at the same time!

Check it out now:

eBay Niche Sniper

Tobias shows you how to find the bestproducts and source them WITHOUT drop-shipping.

His simple proven system promises to getyou to Top Seller status and guaranteesgreat sales and feedback.

eBay Niche Sniper

The price on this is still VERY low.

But it's on a dimesale - the cost goes upwith every few sales - so to get this


Page 96: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

quality system at a bargain price youshould act now. Go to:

eBay Niche Sniper


Page 97: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL EBay Niche Sniper {!Firstname_fix}![Dimesale Rocketing!]--------------------------------------------------------------------------You read it right.

The price on this is going up. FAST.

So this is the last email you'll get on

eBay Niche Sniper

whilst it's still at a bargain price.

Tobias Charles details his method of findingsuccessful high profit niches on eBay. Thenhe shows you how to copy and profit usingthe same system.

That means you can ramp up your businessfast. And follow the roadmap to Powersellerstatus at the same time!

Check it out now:

eBay Niche Sniper

Tobias shows you how to find the bestproducts and source them WITHOUT drop-shipping.

His simple proven system promises to getyou to Top Seller status and guaranteesgreat sales and feedback.

eBay Niche Sniper


Page 98: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

The price on this is still VERY low.

But it's on a dimesale - the cost goes upwith every few sales - so to get thisquality system at a bargain price youshould act now. Go to:

eBay Niche Sniper


Page 99: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------CRAZY Results For The Easy Fast EBay Formula{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here it is...

Easy Fast eBay Formula

Remember - you DON'T need:

* ANY upfront money - you'll see why...* Drop shipping - this is low risk* A long wait - it works in 48-72 hours* Complex methods - it's fast and easy

This is

* Scalable - grow as fast as you like* Newbie friendly* Excellent for traditional eBayers too


Check it out here:

Easy Fast eBay Formula


Page 100: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Selling Without Stock OR Dropshipping{!Firstname_fix}!?--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's an eBay selling method that mosttraders are missing out on:

Easy Fast eBay Formula

You DON'T need:

* ANY upfront money - you'll see why...* Drop shipping - this is low risk* A long wait - it works in 48-72 hours* Complex methods - it's fast and easy

This is

* Scalable - grow as fast as you like* Newbie friendly* Excellent for traditional eBayers too


Check it out here:

Easy Fast eBay Formula


Page 101: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------PRICE INCREASING Fast Easy EBay Formula{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------With every sale the price of thisnew eBay system increases:

Easy Fast eBay FormulaSo if you want a bargain the timeto act is now. With Nicholas Walker'snew guide you DON'T need

* ANY upfront money - you'll see why...* Drop shipping - this is low risk* A long wait - it works in 48-72 hours* Complex methods - it's fast and easy

This is

* Scalable - grow as fast as you like* Newbie friendly* Excellent for traditional eBayers too

Find out more here:

Easy Fast eBay Formula

But remember. The clock is ticking...


Page 102: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL Fast Easy EBay Formula {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------The price is rising fast on this. I wantyou to get it at a bargain price.

So here's the last email on a great newsystem:

Easy Fast eBay Formula

If you want a bargain the time to actis now. With Nicholas Walker's newguide you DON'T need

* ANY upfront money - you'll see why...* Drop shipping - this is low risk* A long wait - it works in 48-72 hours* Complex methods - it's fast and easy

This is

* Scalable - grow as fast as you like* Newbie friendly* Excellent for traditional eBayers too

Find out more here:

Easy Fast eBay Formula

But remember. The clock is ticking...


Page 103: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Figure Secrets Of Amazon And EBay Success{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------"At least a dozen NEW Amazon/eBay product sources."

That's the verdict of Jordan Malik, Amazon expertand owner of FBAfinds.con on Dave Espino's newvideo collection.

In just a week this has become one of the mostsuccessful Amazon and eBay Warrior Special OffersEVER. Dave describes a system that's workable foranyone who's willing to try it.

Find out more here:

Amazon/eBay Product Sourcing Master Class

Dave has been a physical goods selling onlinego-to-guy since 1999. He's helped over 300,000students to success.

And now Dave's sharing his profit sourcingsecrets with you right here:

Amazon/eBay Product Sourcing Master Class

Let Dave show you how...

* To get Amazon working for you with FBA* He sold over $20,000 worth of legal drugs

on Amazon!* To use offline auctions for big bucks* To legally spy on top eBay Powersellers


Page 104: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

And much more.

This isn't some flimsy PDF pamphlet.

It's 4 hour video of training with info packed,actionable, cutting edge information.

Get it here now:

Amazon/eBay Product Sourcing Master Class


Page 105: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------33 Ways To Source Products On Amazon And EBay{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a great Warrior Special Offer frominfopreneur and eBay/Amazon expert Dave Espino.

Dave has been a physical goods selling onlinego-to-guy since 1999. He's helped over 300,000students to success.

And now Dave's sharing his profit sourcingsecrets with you right here:

Amazon/eBay Product Sourcing Master Class

This has been on the Warrior Forum for lessthan a week and it's already made WSO Of TheDay.

Let Dave show you how...

* To get Amazon working for you with FBA* He sold over $20,000 worth of legal drugs

on Amazon!* To use offline auctions for big bucks* To legally spy on top eBay Powersellers

And much more.


Page 106: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Amazon/EBay Product Sourcing {!Firstname_fix}.FINAL EMAIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a final reminder about the great newWarrior Special Offer from infopreneur andeBay/Amazon expert Dave Espino.

Dave has been a physical goods selling onlinego-to-guy since 1999. He's helped over 300,000students to success.

And now Dave's sharing his profit sourcingsecrets with you right here:

Amazon/eBay Product Sourcing Master Class

Let Dave show you how...

* To get Amazon working for you with FBA* He sold over $20,000 worth of legal drugs

on Amazon!* To use offline auctions for big bucks* To legally spy on top eBay Powersellers

And much more.

This isn't some flimsy PDF pamphlet.

It's 4 hour video of training with info packed,actionable, cutting edge information.

Get it here now:

Amazon/eBay Product Sourcing Master Class


Page 107: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------WAS $997 NOW $19.99.You Won't Make It OnlineWithout Doing THIS {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Is there anything you need to do onlinethat you're not doing? Maybe becauseit seems too confusing? Or too much hardwork?

The number one thing that people tellme they need to do but still aren'tdoing is building a list.

Elite Email Marketing Academy

A list of quality subscribers is THEquickest and best route to making moneyonline.

If you're not doing it you are SEVERELYlimiting your chances of financialsuccess.

Like most of us, you'll need a mentorto show you exactly how to list buildthe right way.

So here's the good news. Today I'mhooking you up with list buildingexpert Bertus Engelbrecht.

Bertus promises to teach anyone how tobuild a list of 10,000 and earn $3,000a month in a VERY short time.

This isn't some pie in the sky idea.


Page 108: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

I know. Because I've done it myself.This is the exact same material Bertusgives to his $997 coaching students.

But today you get the content for just$19.99.

It's a dime sale. But today theprice is frozen at $19.99. Get in nowhere:

Elite Email Marketing Academy

Listen. You do this and do it rightand you will succeed. And your profitswill grow as your list does.

Are you ready to get serious?

Visit this link now:

Elite Email Marketing Academy


Page 109: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------Inside Info On Gran's EBay Cash{!Firstname_fix} LAST EMAIL----------------------------------------------------------Word is that those of you who've alreadychecked out John Schwartz's new eBaysystem are loving it...

Grandmother's eBay Cash

But what's it actually about?

It's not some complex, hard toimplement method that'll cost you afortune to invest in.

It's the system that John's Wife'sGrandmother uses to bring a steadystream of cash into her Paypal accountvia the power of eBay.

It takes her just a few hours a week.

It's the kind of cash we can all dowith. Whether we're retired or not.

This is simple, easy to copy and you'llfind it at this link:

Grandmother's eBay Cash


Page 110: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------Want To Quadruple Your List Building{!Firstname_fix}!? 60% OFF ENDSTOMORROW----------------------------------------------------------How many times do you need to read somethingbefore you realize it's true?

"All successful sellers build customer andprospect lists on AND off the internet - orthey miss out on sales."

That isn't opinion. It's fact.

If you KNOW that to be true you need to seethis:

OptIn Links

It's the underground technology that'sQUADRUPLING Opt in Rates.

It's based on the same technology Frank Kern,Ryan Deiss and the other big name marketersuse to get great opt in rates.

Check it out here:

OptIn Links

Adding subscribers to multiple lists issomething that the top marketers do andordinary Joes miss out completely.

The ability to subscribe your customers toMULTIPLE lists at the same time theysubscribe to one list is another feature of


Page 111: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

OptIn Links.

Previously you had to do a lot of confirming,importing, etc.

Not now.

Check out the video here:

OptIn Links

----------------------------------------------------------Cash In On Virtual Currency With THIS{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------There is an amazing once in a lifetime opportunityin the new virtual currency market.


Page 112: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

But as is often the case you need to act fast. Makesure you're well informed BEFORE you take actionwith James Renouf's fascinating new guide.

Crypto Mania

This includes FREE opportunities too!

Want to know more? James explains it in detail.Scroll down to the video at the end of the sales pagehere:

Crypto Mania

If you want to get in on this, make sure you get thebest information from an unbiased source. Checkout James's guide at this link:

Crypto Mania

----------------------------------------------------------Need A Mentor {!Firstname_fix}? CheckTHIS Out [Sneak Peek]----------------------------------------------------------Bertus Engelbrecht's normally charges$997 for his coaching students to join


Page 113: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

his site. But not this time...

Elite Email Marketing Academy

Bertus has just given me access to theSilver level of his members only site.And I have to say I'm seriouslyimpressed with it.

He's a successful marketer whogenuinely walks the walk. Anddelivers big time with this program.

The standard of information offered,the advice given and the webinarmembers exclusives are up to thestandards that normally you only getin a high ticket program.

Elite Email Marketing Academy

I'm speaking from experience here.These are high ticket mentoringfeatures. All present and correct sothat you can learn and earn greatmoney online.

EVERY successful internet marketerthat I know has had some mentoringto make them successful. There areplenty of products to help you along.

But you can't get it from just a $7ebook.

Find out more here:


Page 114: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Elite Email Marketing Academy

----------------------------------------------------------[Done For You PLR] The Amazon TravelNiche Is HOT {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------If you're searching for a niche to sell inon Amazon, you've just found it.


Page 115: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Travel is always an evergreen high profitniche. It's growing too - as people travelto ever further out destinations forholiday breaks (Hint: a lot of thosetravelers have plenty of money tospend...).

And here's a chance to get all you needto profit from travel, and put your nameon everything! Because this is a PrivateLabel Rights package:

Affiliate PLR Travel Treasures

It's Eleanor Ruse's new Affiliate PLRPackage.

The package includes:Intro PDF18 Amazon Product Recommendations12 Clickbank Product Recommendations30 High Quality Product Reviews100s of Keywords100s of EMDs15 High Quality Website Graphics3 PLR eBooksTons of PLR Articles& a ton of awesome bonuses.

Affiliate PLR Travel Treasures

But, because it's a PLR package, you canbet Eleanor will limit the sales (sheusually does) so you need to act fast.It's on a dime sale so the sooner youget it the cheaper it will be.


Page 116: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------HERE'S Something Great For You To SellOn Amazon {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------If you're searching for a niche to sell inon Amazon, you've just found it.


Page 117: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Travel is always an evergreen high profitniche. It's growing too - as people travelto ever further out destinations forholiday breaks (Hint: a lot of thosetravelers have plenty of money tospend...).

And here's a chance to get all you needto profit from travel, and put your nameon everything! Because this is a PrivateLabel Rights package:

Affiliate PLR Travel Treasures

It's Eleanor Ruse's new Affiliate PLRPackage.

The package includes:Intro PDF18 Amazon Product Recommendations12 Clickbank Product Recommendations30 High Quality Product Reviews100s of Keywords100s of EMDs15 High Quality Website Graphics3 PLR eBooksTons of PLR Articles& a ton of awesome bonuses.

Affiliate PLR Travel TreasuresBut, because it's a PLR package, you canbet Eleanor will limit the sales (sheusually does) so you need to act fast.It's on a dime sale so the sooner youget it the cheaper it will be.


Page 118: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL Amazon PLR Offer{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------This is the last email I'm sending forthis Amazon PLR offer. Why?


Page 119: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Because the price will keep going upthe longer you leave it. So you need toact now to get a bargain.

Plus the offer will finish very soon tomake sure the PLR value stays high.

If you're searching for a niche to sell inon Amazon, you've just found it.

Travel is always an evergreen high profitniche. It's growing too - as people travelto ever further out destinations forholiday breaks (Hint: a lot of thosetravelers have plenty of money tospend...).

And here's a chance to get all you needto profit from travel, and put your nameon everything! Because this is a PrivateLabel Rights package:

Affiliate PLR Travel Treasures

It's Eleanor Ruse's new Affiliate PLRPackage.

The package includes:Intro PDF18 Amazon Product Recommendations12 Clickbank Product Recommendations30 High Quality Product Reviews100s of Keywords100s of EMDs15 High Quality Website Graphics3 PLR eBooks


Page 120: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Tons of PLR Articles& a ton of awesome bonuses.

Affiliate PLR Travel Treasures

But, because it's a PLR package, you canbet Eleanor will limit the sales (sheusually does) so you need to act fast.It's on a dime sale so the sooner youget it the cheaper it will be.

----------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL Cash In On The NEWCurrency {!Firstname_fix}... Here's How!----------------------------------------------------------Pete Bruckshaw here, with a final email foryou on this fascinating subject.


Page 121: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

James Renouf's Crypto Mania is on a dimesale. It's proving very popular, so the priceis rising fast. But you can still get a bargainprice on it right here:

Crypto Mania

It's all about the new online currencies.People are getting in at ground level rightnow and making a lot of money with them.

Only thing is... all online currencies are notcreated equal. James knows about biggerand better opportunities that Bitcoin -including FREE ones. And he's detailedthem in his guide.

Want to know more? James explains it indetail. Scroll down to the video at the endof the sales page here:

Crypto Mania

This sounds like a VERY interestingopportunity. If you want to get in on ityourself, make sure you get the bestinformation from an unbiased source.Check out James's guide at this link:

Crypto Mania----------------------------------------------------------FINALLY...Find You OWN Niche To Cash InOn {!Firstname_fix}. ENDS MIDNIGHT----------------------------------------------------------Because if you want to make great money online you reallyneed to specialize. I'm into plugins at the moment.


Page 122: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

What about you?

If you're not sure then I highly recommend this:

How To Find & Research a Profitable Niche Market

It's Reed Floren's top selling guide to finding out howto REALLY bring in the big money online.

Reed guarantees you'll find your niche in less that 24hours - or your money back.

And he's just added a great last minute bonus...

Membership of Reed's Secret Niche Marketing Facebookgroup. You'll be able to connect with like minded nichemarketers. Create Joint Venture Relationships. Andreceived additional training from Reed Floren & others.

IM is all about connecting with successful marketers -and LEARNING from them. This is a great opportunity foryou to do just that.

This is one of the best selling WSOs ever. Check outthe rave reviews here:

How To Find & Research a Profitable Niche Market

Don't hang around.

The clock is ticking...


Page 123: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------Attorney Discovers Free New EBay ProfitsSystem {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Think you've seen everything?


Page 124: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Here's a brand new way of profitingfrom eBay traffic.

This is a solid workable system foreBay profits from an internet attorneyand Warrior Forum veteran.

For this system you DON'T need

* a product* an eBay listing* to be an affiliate* ANY MONEY!

And trust an attorney to recommend asystem that's completely white hat andeBay approved.

Find out more here:

eBay Gold Rush

I've looked for a catch with this, and Ican't see one. The refund rate on over1000 copies speaks for itself...


It doesn't get any better than that.

There's just one thing. The peoplethat get in on this early are the onesthat will make the most money.

Get in here NOW:

eBay Gold Rush


Page 125: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------NEW System Cashes In On EBay With NOMONEY DOWN {!Firstname_fix}!?

----------------------------------------------------------You're going crazy over this greatnew system. It's a genuinely new way


Page 126: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

of making big profits from eBay.

And you don't need any investment todo it! That means

* no product* no eBay listing* no money!

It's from a Warrior Forum attorneyand is completely eBay approved andwhite hat.

In fact... eBay loves it!

Find out more here:

eBay Gold Rush

I've looked for a catch with this, and Ican't see one. The refund rate on over1200 copies speaks for itself...


It doesn't get any better than that.

There's just one thing. The peoplethat get in on this early are the onesthat will make the most money.

Get in here NOW:

eBay Gold Rush


Page 127: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------EBay Is BACK. Here's Why {!Firstname_fix}.FINAL EMAIL----------------------------------------------------------This is the last email I'm sendingon this great NEW eBay cash making


Page 128: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes


It has features like:

* Getting customers off eBay -and onto your own site

* Cashing in on CPA & affiliate offers* Building your list

If you can't see the value in that...well this is where I and many othermarketers make most of our money.

But you have to know EXACTLY where tolook - because it's not obvious. Andhow to do it and stay on the rightside of eBay.

Find out with THIS:

eBay Gold Rush

I've looked for a catch with this, and Ican't see one. The refund rate on over1200 copies speaks for itself...


It doesn't get any better than that.

There's just one thing. The peoplethat get in on this early are the onesthat will make the most money.

Get in here NOW:

eBay Gold Rush


Page 129: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------LAST CHANCE To Make Fast Cash OnEBay {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------

This is one niche that still brings in


Page 130: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

big eBay profits.

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

But you need to buy and sellcollectibles the RIGHT way on eBay.That's why I recommend that youlisten to Dave Espino.

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

Dave is an eBay expert, and thisvideo series is one of the best evereBay make money guides.

And Dave's free bonus guides areexcellent too. Check everything outhere:

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

----------------------------------------------------------DON'T Buy Solo Ads From THESE People{!Firstname_fix}!----------------------------------------------------------Solo ads are by far the best way ofgetting sales and building your


Page 131: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

business online.

Solo sellers send your own advertout to their list. Do this right andit can be VERY lucrative.

But the solo ad market is the WildWest right now. Unlike Amazon andeBay there's no one you can reportto if you're ripped off. And thereare a LOT of unscrupulous sellersout there.

So how can you be sure that youbuy only the best solo ads?

With this:

Solo Ad Black Book

It's IM veteran Matt Poc's bang upto date guide on the best - andworst - solo ad sellers.

With a detailed but easy to followgrading system, Matt shows youexactly who the best sellers are.

----------------------------------------------------------Has It REALLY Been A Good Week{!Firstname_fix}?----------------------------------------------------------If you answered no to that, here's agenuine alternative.


Page 132: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

The video for Marketing With Alex Elite hascaused some VERY extreme reactions.

Watch Alex's video now HERE

Most people love it, some people hate it.For me, this video has got the ring of truthto it - that's why it's so successful.

Watch Alex's video now HERE

And as Alex's family and parents are moreimportant than anyone else, that's whoAlex has featured in his video. Most of uscan identify with him on that.

Standard IM practice would be to havepraise from a bunch of gurus saying howgreat the product creator is.

The video's different - and effective.

Marketing With Alex Elite

It's a marketing lesson for all of us. Buthere's why you shoud get this.

When I last emailed on this I toldyou that you needa mentora workable step by step systemSo how do you choose the right system andthe right course?

Do what I do when I want to researchANYTHING. Google it.


Page 133: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

If you're still on the fence about buyingMarketing with Alex Eliteopen a separate browser windowsearch for Marketing With Alex reviewthen search for Alex Jeffreys reviewAs with anything else if over 99% ofreviews are good chances are you'reon to a winner.

And that's what you'll find with Alexand Marketing With Alex.

Give yourself a kick start in 2013.

Forget the shiny objects and 'push buttonriches'. Get Marketing With Alex EliteHERE:

Marketing With Alex Elite

----------------------------------------------------------My Own 25 Minutes A Day Make MoneyMethod HERE {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------What's the simplest system thatmarketers make money online with?


Page 134: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

With this system you don't need tocreate products. And you can earn up to200% of the profits.

Whilst 60% is about average, 200% isnot an exaggeration.

It's a fact.

That method is affiliate promotion.

Find out more here:

Super Affiliate Jackpot

David Kirby has put together a stepby step guide on cashing in withaffiliate profits.

Most importantly he details a castiron list building system. Once youuse this you can go to yoursubscribers with offers again andagain.

Look. I'm doing this right now. Whywould I bother if this cash generationmethod wasn't lethally effective?

So for the price of a Big Mac meal,invest in your future here:

Super Affiliate Jackpot


Page 135: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------Amazon FBA. Step By Step To Profits{!Firstname_fix}!----------------------------------------------------------Here it is:


Page 136: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Amazon FBA Step By Step

You'll find out how to

Register as an Amazon sellerFind the right media itemsList your items for sale on AmazonPrice your items profitablyPrepare your products for FBADispatch you products to Amazon FBA

This 120 page guide is great contentat a bargain introductory price (it'sgoing up soon). Get it here:

Amazon FBA Step By Step

----------------------------------------------------------I COULD Have Got This For Nothing{!Firstname_fix}...----------------------------------------------------------In my last email I told you about a greatnew WSO I bought called 41 Email Tricks.


Page 137: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

But what's actually in it?

It's an interview with marketing veteranMatt Bacak and John Cornetta.

John is probably the fastest ever listbuilder in internet marketing. There areno secrets to his methods and no reasonwhy you can't copy him (I do).

But there ARE a lot of outside the boxstrategies that John uses. And you get41 of them here:

41 Email Tricks

This isn't some thrown together guide.It's over three hours of great content inaudio and video. Or read the PDF if youprefer.

----------------------------------------------------------Low Cost Quality Amazon Coaching{!Firstname_fix} RRP $97 SAVE $80----------------------------------------------------------If you're still struggling to make great moneyonline, here's something that will help.


Page 138: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Amazon Fast Track Coaching is a new 6part course designed to give you

* a red hot product* quality content* targeted traffic

Find out more here:

Amazon Fast Track Coaching

This isn't some thrown together report.

It's a full coaching course by Amazon and SEOexpert Chris Jones designed to get you makingmoney fast with Amazon.

You'll get seven step by step videos and actionplans. Follow them and you'll be ready tocreate profitable sites in seven days.

How many courses can promise you that?

----------------------------------------------------------The EBay/Amazon Plugin Cash Generator{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Here's a great new plug in from AliAnjamparuthi.


Page 139: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

It scans through the content of youraffiliate site to select keywordsautomatically. Each keyword is hyper-linked to mini affiliate stores withproducts from Amazon and eBay.

Watch the video now for a demo:

Instant Monetizer Plugin

You'll also get video tutorials sothat you know exactly what you'redoing, a PDF guide and free upgradesfor a year.

Find out more here:

Instant Monetizer Plugin

This has sold nearly 1,000.

And the refund rate?


That means a lot of people are veryhappy with this software...

Instant Monetizer Plugin

----------------------------------------------------------Get Laser Targeted Traffic To Your AmazonOffers With THIS {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Quality traffic.


Page 140: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

You can never have too much of it. Buthow do you get it to your Amazonoffers without

paying out a fortune?falling foul of a Google slap?

Warrior Faraaz has the answer...

Azon Authority Backlinks

This is a 100% white hat method ofgetting quality visitors to yourAmazon affiliate websites.

Faraaz has no sales page for this.Just a lot of positive comments fromsatisfied customers. Check out theproof here:

Azon Authority Backlinks

You don't need to know any complexSEO either. Just follow Faraaz'sinformation and join the satisfiedcustomers who are leveragingAmazon's power to win big affililatepaydays. Go now to:

Azon Authority Backlinks

----------------------------------------------------------The Easy And Fast Method To Make MoneyOn Amazon {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Why waste time trying to profit fromlow cost products on Amazon when you


Page 141: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

can cash in on high ticket items?

Affiliate sales on expensive productsmean more profits with less effort...

But only if you do it the RIGHT way.

You wanthigh pricedin demandquality itemsto make a killing as an Amazonaffiliate.

That's why I'm recommending

Amazon Treasures 2013

It contains no less that 440 $1,000 +items that haveat least a 4 star rating -for easy salesat least 5 reviews -all guaranteed genuineThere are also some great bonusesthat will make profiting on Amazoneven easier for you.

Why waste days, even weeks, lookingfor the right items to sell on Amazon?

Get all the facts at your fingertips.Right now. Right here:

Amazon Treasures 2013

This product has high sales, and


Page 142: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

the price is increasing all thetime but you can still get itat a bargain price if you act now...

Amazon Treasures 2013

----------------------------------------------------------YOUR OWN Product & Sales Funnel At ABargain Price {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------To make money with internet marketingyou need


Page 143: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

1. your own product: an ebook, videocollection or similar

2. a sales funnel: a series of offersfor new sign ups to your list.

Complete PLR Sales Funnel

I'd tell you that this is easy to do.

But the truth is it's not.

Products are well worth the effort.

About 50% of the time.

In my experience for every successfulproduct I create there's a 24 carat goldplated CLUNKER that flops.

Sales funnels require constant tweakingand testing.

Is all this worth it?

Yes. But it is time consuming.

What if you could get the entire processDone For You? What if this was pretested to work AND sold at an absolutebargain price?

And what if you got PLR rights toeverything and you could brand theproduct and funnel as your own?


Page 144: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Complete PLR Sales Funnel

That's exactly what Bertus Engelbrechtis offering. I've told you aboutBertus's mentoring program (morebelow in case you missed it).

Well this is another great offer.

Put it this way:

People pay hundreds, even THOUSANDSof dollars for good sales funnels. That'sbecause used properly they pay forthemselves many times over.

Combine that with a great product...

and PLR Rights...

And a price that puts the tin hat on theentire deal...

You've got an unbeatable offer. Butthis WON'T last forever. It's on adimesale. The price is going up allthe time.

Get it at a bargain price here:

Complete PLR Sales Funnel----------------------------------------------------------Sell Digital On EBay/Craigslist{!Firstname_fix} FINAL EMAIL----------------------------------------------------------Here's your last reminder on a chance toget some quality guides on selling digital


Page 145: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

products on eBay and Craigslist.

The price on these products is going upFAST because the more people buy thehigher the price. So get in now if youwant them at a reasonable price!

Sell Digital On eBay and Craigslist

I got my start online selling digital productson eBay. I'll never forget watching the salesand money come in on my breaks at work.My workmates couldn't believe I wasmaking money with a completelyautomated system!

Selling digital product on eBay is aliveand well in 2013. And Kate Leulla's justput out two great new products aboutselling on eBay AND Craigslist.

Sell Digital On eBay and Craigslist

Kate shows you the RIGHT way to selldigital products. Contrary to someopinions, you can do this and makea great profit on eBay and Craigslist.

But you need to be aware of thepitfalls. And learn the sellerstrategies that will put you ahead ofthe rest. Find out more from this link:

Sell Digital On eBay and Craigslist


Page 146: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------Amazon Niche Marketing LAST EMAIL{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------I've been getting a great response fromyou about Amazon Niche Nuke.


Page 147: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Chris Sorrell always delivers qualityproducts and this is no exception.

If you want truly consistent,slay-your-day job type income, Amazonis your very best bet.

Here's how a one time struggling newbiehit his first $1k month on Amazon andhas gone MUCH further since:

Amazon Niche Nuke

This product is bang up to date andbrand new from Chris Sorrell. Chriswrote 'Amazon Cash Clone' and reallyknows his stuff on Amazon marketing.

Many people try to harness the Amazonbeast and fail.

There are simple, but VITAL FORMULASbeing missed by the vast majority ofAmazon marketers and it's costing thema fortune and causing them to give up.

You must sell high priced items AND getbumps in your commission tier to succeed.

Learn exactly how to do it right here:

Amazon Niche Nuke

Along with his unique AmaNiche Triplexguide, Chris has also put together a hugeniche pack of 3 x 300 highly rated Amazon


Page 148: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

products between $200-$500 that you canstart promoting today!

It doesn't get any easier than that.

Grab it while it's under $10 here:

Amazon Niche Nuke

----------------------------------------------------------Amazon Niche Marketing Is A Goldmine{!Firstname_fix} - AND EASY----------------------------------------------------------You probably know that Amazon is huge,successful, and not going ANYWHERE...


Page 149: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

So if you want truly consistent,slay-your-day job type income, Amazonis your very best bet.

Here's how a one time struggling newbiehit his first $1k month on Amazon andhas gone MUCH further since:

Amazon Niche Nuke

This product is bang up to date andbrand new from Chris Sorrell. Chriswrote 'Amazon Cash Clone' and reallyknows his stuff on Amazon marketing.

Many people try to harness the Amazonbeast and fail.

There are simple, but VITAL FORMULASbeing missed by the vast majority ofAmazon marketers and it's costing thema fortune and causing them to give up.

You must sell high priced items AND getbumps in your commission tier to succeed.

Learn exactly how to do it right here:

Amazon Niche Nuke

Along with his unique AmaNiche Triplexguide, Chris has also put together a hugeniche pack of 3 x 300 highly rated Amazonproducts between $200-$500 that you canstart promoting today!


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It doesn't get any easier than that.

Grab it while it's under $10 here:

Amazon Niche Nuke

----------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL Marketing With Alex Elite{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Still on the fence about the Marketing With AlexElite program? Check out the testimonials of


Page 151: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

satisfied customers. And remember - many ofthem paid 97% MORE than the price you canpay today! Go to this link:

Marketing With Alex success stories

Alex has generated millions of dollars for studentsof his course. That's because his methods WORK.

Alex also tells the story of his early struggles andmassive success. It's moving, it's motivating -and you've never seen an IM video like it.


I've only bought a few IM products and services.This course is in the same class as informationI've spent thousands on.

So what about you {!firstname_fix}?

Do you want to flit from one to another push buttonproduct? Or are you ready to focus on a successsystem that will finally make you real money onlinein 2016?

----------------------------------------------------------Want 97% OFF The Most Successful IMCoaching Ever {!Firstname_fix}?----------------------------------------------------------If you want to make it online you're going to need


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1. a step by step course2. a mentor

I'm about to offer you both.

Alex Jeffries' Marketing With Alex has just beenreleased as an Elite version - and it's betterthan ever. Because Alex will provide you withcontinuous support THROUGHOUT the program.

Alex has generated millions of dollars for studentsof his course. That's because his methods WORK.

Marketing With Alex success stories

Alex also tells the story of his early strugglesand massive success. It's moving, it's motivating -and you've never seen an IM video like it.


I've only bought a few IM products and services.This course is in the same class as informationI've spent thousands on.

So what about you {!firstname_fix}?

Do you want to flit from one to another push buttonproduct?

Find out more HERE----------------------------------------------------------WAS $997 NOW $27. It's Happening...AGAIN {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------If you want to make it online you're going to need


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1. a step by step course2. a mentor

I'm about to offer you both.

Alex Jeffreys will provide you with continuoussupport THROUGHOUT the program.

Alex has generated millions of dollars for studentsof his course. That's because his methods WORK.

Marketing With Alex success stories

Alex also tells the story of his early strugglesand massive success. It's moving, it's motivating -and you've never seen an IM video like it.


I've only bought a few IM products and services.This course is in the same class as informationI've spent thousands on.

So what about you {!firstname_fix}?

Do you want to flit from one to another push buttonproduct? Or are you ready to focus on a successsystem that will finally make you real money online?Find out more HERE

----------------------------------------------------------Inside EBay Gold Digger: ESSENTIALADVICE {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Yesterday I told you about Jimmy Mancini'snew product eBay Gold Digger. Here's some


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important advice if you're consideringbuying this.

In eBay Gold Digger Jimmy goes in to detailabout the kind of products you can use hissystem with. He shows a product exampleof Fender guitar strings. Now anyone whoknows anything about guitars will knowthat you can't buy Fender strings for theprice that Jimmy quotes.

These are counterfeits and I don'trecommend that you resell them on eBay oryour account may get banned.

So do I still recommend eBay Gold Digger?Aside from that one proviso - yes.

eBay Gold Digger

What you CAN do is choose from the dozensof GENERIC unbranded products that youcan use eBay Gold Digger with. There's noneed for you to 'get round' eBay with thissystem. If you do it 100% legitimately it willstill work.

And the software Jimmy's offering as anupsell will make things a lot easier to finddeals for you too.

eBay Gold Digger

This is sold as a dime sale, meaning thatthe price goes up every few sales. Lasttime I looked the price wasRIDICULOUSLY cheap.


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But it won't stay that way for long.

----------------------------------------------------------{!Firstname_fix}...Sell Collectibles TheRIGHT Way On EBay----------------------------------------------------------One of the niches that still brings in big profits on eBayis collectibles.


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eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

But you need to buy and sell collectibles the RIGHTway on eBay. That's why I recommend that you listento Dave Espino.

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

Dave is a long time eBay expert. This video series is oneof the best ever eBay make money guides.And Dave's free bonus guides are excellent too. Checkeverything out here:

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

----------------------------------------------------------Amazon Blog Riches: Sneak Peek{!Firstname_fix} PLUS BONUS----------------------------------------------------------I've had some great feedback from those of you who've bought KevinByrne's Amazon Blog Riches. You're blown away by the quality


Page 157: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

content and step by step instructions - the EXACT same stepsthat Kevin used to build HIS Amazon business.

Kevin has been very successful over the past few years makingbetween $3,000 & $6,000 per month recurring because he built asolid blueprint for himself out of everything he learnt.

Amazon Blog Riches

OK. I promised you a look inside Amazon Blog Riches. Because thisis such a good product I've made it VERY detailed. Here goes...!

The core book is built around 5 pillars and if you leave any one ofthese out it is certain that your sites will not be what you hopedfor.

SOME FEATURES INCLUDE1. Everything you need to know to get started2. Creating structure and strategy3. Selecting quality BUYING Keywords4. Defining COMPETITION strategy so that you can stay on page 15. Formatting your blog for search engine friendliness6. Creating the REQUIRED Pages for Google.7. Post Creation and SALES Copy for maximizing profits8. Safe from DE-INDEXING, following a specific TIME LINE.9. UNDERSTAND when and how to monetize10. Steps to install SEO friendly theme11. Steps for installing the REQUIRED PLUGINS for success12. Rank on page 1 with ON and OFF Page SEO13. Monthly Plan for success.14. Discover what domains rank better than others15. Discover how to select WINNING Amazon & CLICKBANK Products.16. DISCOVER how to INDEX your blog over night17. FOLLOW A LIVE EXAMPLE18. Discover sites you can link to for free to climb in rankings19. Discover how to create a link widget to make you the AUTHORITY.20. Discover what SEO Plugin will manage keywords and grow traffic.


Page 158: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

21. How to create TITLES that work for you and not against you.22. DISCOVER how to setup a free automated TRAFFIC system23. Follow the monthly guide to insure your sites are a success24. There are many more features, just take a look.

NOT ONLY... BUT ALSOKevin is giving you access to you his Facebook MASTERMIND Group.You will be able to interact with likeminded people and be apart of athriving community thus gaining in knowledge resulting in success.Kevin will also provide support within this group and help anyonealong the way.

Amazon Blog Riches

Remember, the quicker you buy, the cheaper the price, because thisis a DIME SALE.

----------------------------------------------------------The Ultimate Amazon Affiliate BloggingGuide {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Kevin Byrne has put together anexcellent 79 page guide to blogging


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with Amazon. The ebook coverseverything for the beginner to makea success out of Amazon affiliatemarketing.

Amazon Blog Riches

Kevin is passing on a system thatmakes him a LOT of money online. Hegives you step by step instructions soyou can follow in his footsteps.

Kevin is also giving you access to hisFacebook Mastermind Group where youcan interact and discuss every type ofproblem you have with him and thegroup. It's personal coaching on tap.

Amazon Blog Riches

Amazon Blog Riches has sold over1,000 copies. With a refund rate ofjust ONE PER CENT. That's a LOT ofsatisfied customers.

Are you ready to leverage themassive sales power of Amazon?

Your journey starts with one click:

Amazon Blog Riches----------------------------------------------------------OFFER ENDS MIDNIGHT! EBay GoldDigger & Bonuses {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------The clock is ticking... You've got tillmidnight to take advantage of my great


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bonus offer with eBay Gold Digger.

eBay Gold Digger

Did you know you can build a buyers listthe fast and easy way with eBay? JimmyMancini has brought out a great guide todoing just that. He also uses some of myfavourite product sources too.

There's a one time offer for some softwarethat will make Jimmy's method muchquicker to implement. It's not essential butit will save you a lot of time.

eBay Gold Digger

This is sold as a dime sale, meaning thatthe price goes up every few sales. Lasttime I looked the price wasRIDICULOUSLY cheap.

But it won't stay that way for long.

Remember. This offer ends atMIDNIGHT.

Go now to:

eBay Gold Digger

----------------------------------------------------------EXCLUSIVE! Profit With An EBayGoldmine {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Here's a subscribers only tip on how to usearbitrage in tandem with eBay Gold Digger


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(I've used this one myself).

eBay Gold Digger

When you use the eBay Gold Diggermethod for buying in demand products,snipe bid on the products you're biddingfor. When placing your snipe explain thatyou it'll be seven days after auction endtill you give the seller an address to ship itto. Tell them you'll be selling on to yourown customer.

If the seller refuses (most don't) just haveit shipped to your own address and sell onfrom there.

If you win the the bid place an auctionfor the same item. When the item hassold, just pass the delivery address on tothe original seller.

You've just gained time, cut down postalcosts and increased your profit!

IMPORTANT This HAS to be done witheBay Gold Digger to ensure that you makethe right product buying choices.

eBay Gold Digger

I've got a great bonus offer for thisproduct. Keep reading to find out more.

And eBay Gold Digger creator JimmyMancini is offering as an upsell somesoftware that will make it a lot easier to


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find deals for you too.

This is sold as a dime sale, meaning thatthe price goes up every few sales. It's stillVERY cheap.

But it won't stay that way for long.

Check it out here:

eBay Gold Digger

----------------------------------------------------------OFFER ENDS MIDNIGHT! Amazon BlogRiches + Bonus {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------You've got till midnight tonight toget Amazon Blog Riches with my


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bonus offer.

Amazon Blog Riches

Kevin Byrne has put together anexcellent 79 page guide to bloggingwith Amazon. The ebook coverseverything for the beginner to makea success out of Amazon affiliatemarketing.

Kevin is passing on a system thatmakes him a LOT of money online. Hegives you step by step instructions soyou can follow in his footsteps.

Kevin is also giving you access to hisFacebook Mastermind Group where youcan interact and discuss every type ofproblem you have with him and thegroup. It's personal coaching on tap.

Amazon Blog Riches

Amazon Blog Riches has sold over1,000 copies. With a refund rate ofjust ONE PER CENT. That's a LOT ofsatisfied customers.

Are you ready to leverage themassive sales power of Amazon?The clock is ticking... and yourjourney starts with one click:

Amazon Blog Riches


Page 164: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------The Simple 5 Step Amazon SuccessFormula {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Kevin Byrne earns four figures a month ineach Amazon niche he operates in. In


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Amazon Blog Riches Kevin details his fivestep success formula so that you can copyhis system.

If you want to make money as an affiliateof Amazon this could be just what you'relooking for. Check out the proof ofKevin's success here:

Amazon Blog Riches

Let Kevin get you to page one of Google sothat your Amazon business REALLY takesoff.

This is Penguin Proof, Panda Proof and anyother system that Google has thrown at it.

Amazon blog riches will sell for $67. Atthe moment you'll save nearly $57 if youbuy now. But this is a dimesale. The pricegoes up as sales increase. To get AmazonBlog Riches at a bargain price buy it nowfrom this link:

Amazon Blog Riches

----------------------------------------------------------Get in on the Pinterest profits ground floor{!firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------

This year Pinterest became the fastest growing social media site EVER.


Page 166: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Auto Pinterest Marketer

* Visits rocketed from 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 in January alone.* It gets more traffic than YouTube, Google+ and Twitter.* And Pinterest users spend an average of 15.8 minutes per VISIT on thesite.

This is similar visitor retention time to YouTube and Tumblr. It turns outthatpeople would rather look at images than read text. Who knew!?

Now is a great time to strike while the iron is hot with this brand new traf-ficsource. But how to do it?

Bertus Engelbrecht has found a way to auto leverage those massiveamountsof Pinterest traffic.Find out more here:

Auto Pinterest Marketer

----------------------------------------------------------Big Amazon profits... in the baby niche{!firstname_fix}!?----------------------------------------------------------Pete Bruckshaw here.

Once you've got kids you soon find out howexpensive they are. And it's only natural towant the best for your baby, if you've gotthe money to spend.

That's why an average of $4,294 is spent on


Page 167: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

each baby - for the first year!

The annual worth of the baby niche?

$15.89 BILLION.

Amazon affiliates are making big moneytargeting this highly profitable niche.

Michael Mac has put together an excellentpackage of information that you can use toprofit from the baby niche on Amazon.

Amazon Affiliate Baby Essentials

Reviews, videos and in depth keywordresearch have all been done for you.

This is a genuinely limited offer.

With over 350 copies sold and only 39remaining you'll need to be quick.

Find out more here now:

Amazon Affiliate Baby Essentials

----------------------------------------------------------Try this profitable eBay niche{!firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------

One of the niches that still brings in big profits on eBay


Page 168: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

is collectibles.

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

But you need to buy and sell collectibles the RIGHTway on eBay. That's why I recommend that you listento Dave Espino.

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

Dave is an eBay expert, and this video series is one ofthe best ever eBay make money guides.And Dave's free bonus guides are excellent too. Checkeverything out here:

eBay Your Way To Fast Cash

----------------------------------------------------------Resell on eBay with storage auctions{!firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------

Here's a great way to find genuine bargains that


Page 169: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

you can easily resell on eBay and elsewhere.

Storage auction profits

Dave Espino's been buying at storage auctionsfor over 11 years. His 4½ hour high qualitytraining shows you how to make money with theexact same methods.

PLEASE NOTE: This is only recommendedfor the US and Canada. The offer targeting inDave's course is so exact that, although themethods still work in other countries withstorage auctions, your results won't be as good.

Find out more here:

Storage auction profits

----------------------------------------------------------Alex Jeffreys Coaching WAS $997 NOW$27 {!firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------

Pete Bruckshaw here.


Page 170: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

If you're going to be successful on the internetyou need a workable system.

Not some 'push button' offer.

You need the step by step plan of someone who'sachieved real success.

That's where Alex Jeffreys' coaching course canhelp you.

Marketing With Alex

And at 97% off it might be the best offer I'veever sent you.

This offer is not available forever. Alex hasstressed that he'll take this off the marketsoon. So you need to act fast.

Why are you on my subscriber list?

Isn't it because you finally want to make itonline?

Then click the link below now!

Marketing With Alex

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Search For The Unsearchable On EBay{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a brand new eBay system that'sbang up to date in time for 2015.


Page 171: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Warrior Laulax has found a way ofsearching for products that don'tturn up on standard eBay searches.

Find out more here:

The eBay Cash Cow

This is a great way to take advantageof eBay's 'survival of the fittest'search method.

I have to admit I've not thought ofthis before.

eBay doesn't favour the 'mom and pop'traders like it used to. But Laulax'smethod leverages big profits fromthat system.

There's more at this link:

The eBay Cash Cow

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Monday {!Firstname_fix}? [Six Hours Left!]--------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you staring down the barrel of a nineto five week {!firstname_fix}?


Page 172: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

If so...


You're 'lucky' enough to HAVE a job!

Do you want more?

How about your own business sellingphysical products on eBay?

Because you've got till Monday.

That's when this doubles in price:

eBay Daily Cash

The special offer won't keep any longer.

You'll still get it at a great price.

But NEVER as cheap as tonight.

The low price ends forever at midnight.

It's here:

eBay Daily Cash

--------------------------------------------------------------------------This EBay Offer Is REALLY All About The Mentoring{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Some of you have 'missed the point' oneBay Daily Cash. I know that from a few of


Page 173: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

the emails I've received.

That's not your fault.

It's more the way the offer - excellent asit is - has been put together.

Because I believe that this should be rightup front:

The best thing about eBay Daily Cash is NOTthe product training.

It's the mentoring.

Seems you can't move online without runninginto internet marketing coaches these days.

eBay coaches?

Not so much.

That's why Dr Bruno's offer of FREE coachingwithout time frame limits isn't just a rarity.

It's unique.

eBay Daily Cash

This is your chance to work with Dr Bruno, aprofessional liquidation expert who routinelysources high value products for pennies onthe dollar.

He's used to evaluating products on the spot.

This is the coaching that the Doc's students


Page 174: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

are using to bank sales and profits daily,hence the name...

eBay Daily CashSo get off the fence now if you can see thevalue in this. The price doubles at midnight!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Special Offer Closes FOREVER At MIDNIGHT{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------You've got till midnight EST to grab thisgreat offer. That's right the price of


Page 175: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

eBay Daily Cash DOUBLES at midnight.

This is your last chance to get a bargainon this. Go to:

eBay Daily Cash

I know that many of you signed up to mylist because you want to sell physicalgoods on eBay. If that's you then youneed to see this.

It's a system used by Warrior Dr Bruno -an expert at finding low cost high valuegoods for reselling on eBay.

Check out the rave reviews here

This costs a bit more than the averageWSO. But as ever, you get what youpay for.

This ain't no flimsy PDF.

Here's what you get:

6 Step-By-Step Easy To Follow Videos

8 MP3 Transcripts

8 PDFsChoose your format and master thisthe way that's best for YOU.

Watch the video here to findout more


Page 176: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

And Dr Bruno's really over deliveringwith this...

Here are the bonuses you get witheBay Daily Cash.

* Full email mentoring support fromDr Bruno - Let an eBay expertguide you to success.

* Swap Meet Selling Secrets - Howto source brand new retail goodsthat are in massive demand on eBay.

* Book Sourcing Secrets - Where tofind high demand rare books tosell in your online business.

* Super Simple Drop Shipping - Aguide to success on Amazon andeBay.

* And continued free training oneBay, Amazon FBA and more!

Clickbank Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Is EBay DEAD {!Firstname_fix}? [No Opt In Video]--------------------------------------------------------------------------


Page 177: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

With all the fuss about the latest brightshiny objects and push button hype you'dbe forgiven for thinking so.

Auction Money Generator

But here today is a content packed no optin video with Gareth Kentish. He's an eBayPowerseller who'll tell you how heWorks for himselfLives in FranceOwns his house outrightMost of that's done with the power of eBay.

Auction Money Generator

eBay's changed a lot in the last few years.But Gareth's success and strategies areBANG UP TO DATE FOR 2016.

Gareth's put together a membership siteutilizing his step by step system - thisisn't just another ebook. The trainingvideos and PDFs will help you to followin Gareth's footsteps. And you'll also getsupport from Gareth himself AND theother members.

Think this is some $97 a monthmembership site? It's not.

Gareth is practically giving this away.

You'll see what I mean HERE:

Auction Money Generator


Page 178: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL CALL EBay Auction Money Generator{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------The response to Gareth Kentish's newproduct and membership site has been


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VERY positive from all buyers. If you'restill on the fence about it - now's a goodtime to decide.

Auction Money Generator

Gareth's an eBay Powerseller who'll tellyou how heWorks for himselfLives in FranceOwns his house outrightMost of that's done with the power of eBay.

Auction Money Generator

eBay's changed a lot in the last few years.But Gareth's success and strategies areBANG UP TO DATE FOR 2013.

Gareth's put together a membership siteutilizing his step by step system - thisisn't just another ebook. The trainingvideos and PDFs will help you to followin Gareth's footsteps. And you'll also getsupport from Gareth himself AND theother members.

Think this is some $97 a monthmembership site? It's not.

Gareth is practically giving this away.

You'll see what I mean HERE:

Auction Money Generator


Page 180: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Turbo Charge Your EBay Listings.LAST EMAIL{!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's your final reminder on this


Page 181: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

great new simple to learn salestechnique for eBay.

If you're selling online you NEED tobe doing this:

Turbo Charge Your eBay Listings

Roger Fenwick identifies sevenpsychological buying triggers that leadto massive cash creation on eBay.

And of course they will work likegangbusters on Amazon and on yourown website too.

If you're ready to take the hike upto Powerseller status on eBay, Irecommend you check out

Turbo Charge Your eBay Listings

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Simple technique skyrockets your eBay sales--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a simple to learn sales techniquethat will supercharge your sales andcrush your competition.


Page 182: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

If you're selling online you NEED tobe doing this:

Turbo Charge Your eBay Listings

Roger Fenwick identifies sevenpsychological buying triggers that leadto massive cash creation on eBay.

And of course they will work likegangbusters on Amazon and on yourown website too.

If you're ready to take the hike upto Powerseller status on eBay, Irecommend you check out

Turbo Charge Your eBay Listings

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Turbo charge your eBay listings with THIS--------------------------------------------------------------------------Sales letter?



Page 183: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Doesn't matter.

The crucial part of any selling online isthe words.

Roger Fenwick has nailed this process ina guide he's calling

Turbo Charge Your eBay Listings

Roger identifies seven psychologicalbuying triggers that lead to massivecash creation on eBay.

And of course they will work likegangbusters on Amazon and on yourown website too.

If you're ready to take the hike upto Powerseller status on eBay, Irecommend you check out

Turbo Charge Your eBay Listings

--------------------------------------------------------------------------EBay Guru Speaks Out! Last Email {!Firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's your last reminder on thisexcellent eBay arbitrage productfrom Brett Walker.


Page 184: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

I've done eBay arbitrage myself and Iknow how profitable it can be.

Find out for yourself here:

eBay Guru Speaks Out

But Brett! Are you sure you're notgiving away the farm here?

Brett is giving you secrets aboutthe actual products you should sellto make it big with his methods.

Check it out at this link:

eBay Guru Speaks Out

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Where To Get All The eBay Inventory You'll Ever Need{!firstname_fix}--------------------------------------------------------------------------That's the promise of the eBay Guru.Brett Walker (for it is he) makes


Page 185: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

his money from buying and selling oneBay.

Find out for yourself here:

eBay Guru Speaks Out

But Brett! Are you sure you're notgiving away the farm here?

Brett is giving you secrets aboutthe actual products you should sellto make it big with his methods.

Check it out at this link:

eBay Guru Speaks Out

----------------------------------------------------------Find YOUR Niche On EBay {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Niche finding and domination is one ofthe best routes to selling success forbeginners and intermediate users of eBay.


Page 186: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Learn from a qualified eBay instructorand let Deb's information give you theedge on your competition.

Fishing For Niches

----------------------------------------------------------Brigitte Still Has Her EBay Secrets{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Thrift shop buying can make a good secondor even main income for you.

The eBay thrifting expert is Brigitte Martinez.

Thrift Store Goldmines

In Brigitte's ebook Thrift Store Goldmines,she shows you exactly where to buy vintageproducts and how to sell them for big profitson eBay.

Do this properly with Brigitte's advice.

Find out more here:

Thrift Store Goldmines----------------------------------------------------------DOMINATE Adsense. KILL IT OnFacebook. Watch THIS {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Here's someone I've not featured before becauseuntil recently he's been off my radar. His name's


Page 187: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Jeremy Schoemaker and what he doesn't know aboutInternet Marketing isn't worth knowing.

Shoe In Money

Before Jeremy made the system public, he ownedone of the biggest money making blogs in theworld.

He totally dominated Adsense and made a killingon Facebook.

He's also been featured in the New York Times,Chicago Tribune, Forbes.com and Tech Crunch,not to mention publishing his autobiography thisyear.

But NOW, he's putting the system up for grabsfor ANYONE who wants it.

Check out the new video he posted about it:

Shoe In Money

And if you think this is something you'veseen before, you're mistaken.

This works.

It's been tried, tested, and it's relevant foranybody who wants to make money online.Watch it in action here...

Shoe In Money


Page 188: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

----------------------------------------------------------FINAL EMAIL EBay Arbitrage{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------

Here's my final promotion for eBayAuction Arbitrage.

Don Hoppe is the number one eBay experton arbitrage. He buys low and sells high -all on eBay.

eBay Arbitrage

In eBay Arbitrage Don shows youstep-by-step exactly how to find the besteBay arbitrage deals.

Don's guide is bang up to date withthe latest eBay relevant information.

eBay Arbitrage

Do your arbitrage deals the RIGHT wayand you don't even need to go out of thehouse to post anything!

Find out how here:

eBay Arbitrage----------------------------------------------------------$20,000 A Month List Building... With EBay{!Firstname_fix}!?----------------------------------------------------------Finding and KEEPING your customers oneBay is a difficult thing to master. That's


Page 189: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

why I'm so impressed with Ben Doyle'seBay list building system.

eBay is still a great source of qualitytargeted traffic. With Ben's system, youdon't just sell to customers on eBay.

You get them OFF eBay and buying fromyou over and over again!

Seeing how Ben uses the automated powerof list building with eBay is a real eyeopener. Here's the proof:

Auction List Building

This system enables you to siphon eBay'scustomers into your own customer databaseso you can now email them with promotionsand send them to ANY website and ANYoffer you choose to promote.

Now you can leverage eBay in a way thatwill benefit YOU and YOUR businessinstead of getting assaulted by theirfees and policy's.

The best part?

Ben promises that you can get this systemup and running on autopilot in less thattwo hours.

Auction List Building


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----------------------------------------------------------How To Turn A One-Time EBay Sale IntoThousands Of Dollars {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------One of the great things about onlinemarketing is that it's geared towards


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retaining customers rather than sellingthem something once and then losing them.

What about you? Do you know how valuablea buying customer is and how much easier itis to sell to a buyer instead of a browser?

In contrast, customer retention has alwaysbeen something I've struggled with on eBay.

Not anymore. Because there's a great newproduct that shows you how to make thevery best of your buyers...

Auction List Building

This is Ben Doyle's new book and I'm prettysure it's going to change the way you runyour eBay business - FOREVER.

This system enables you to siphon eBay'scustomers into your own customer databaseso you can now email them with promotionsand send them to ANY website and ANYoffer you choose to promote.

Auction List Building

Now you can leverage eBay in a way thatwill benefit YOU and YOUR businessinstead of getting assaulted by theirfees and policy's.

The best part?

You can have this system set up in the nextfew hours and it only needs to be set up once.


Page 192: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

The rest is automatic!

Now, Ben has said that this offer is onlyavailable for a limited time because he doesn'twant too many people copying what he does.

So my advice is to check this out as soon asyou possibly can.

Auction List Building

----------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL Turn A One-Time EBay SaleInto Thousands Of Dollars {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------I've been getting some great feedback frombuyers of Auction List Building.


Page 193: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

But creator Ben Doyle has told me the priceis going up soon, so this is my last email topromote it.

One of the great things about onlinemarketing is that it's geared towardsretaining customers rather than sellingthem something once and then losing them.

What about you? Do you know how valuablea buying customer is and how much easier itis to sell to a buyer instead of a browser?

In contrast, customer retention has alwaysbeen something I've struggled with on eBay.

Not anymore. Because there's a great newproduct that shows you how to make thevery best of your buyers...

----------------------------------------------------------Cash In On EBay/Cellphone Arbitrage{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------To sell on eBay you're going to need a niche.


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What about reselling the world's most in demandelectronic product - the cellphone?

Resell Cells

Most of us want the latest and best cellphone.We're all too ready to ditch our latest phonefor the brand new bells and whistles model.

As a result there is a massive market in usedcellphones. Enough to create a FULL TIMEbusiness when you harness the power of eBay.

This is a great product from a marketer who'sbeen there, done that and keeps doing it!

Want proof? Watch the video here:

Resell Cells

Ross of Resell Cells also offers his unique60 day offer: He'll give you 60 days emailsupport AND a 60 day money back guarantee withResell Cells. Go to:

Resell Cells

----------------------------------------------------------FINAL EMAIL EBay Cellphone Offer----------------------------------------------------------This is the final email I'm sending you aboutResell Cells. The price is $12 off at themoment, but this offer will not last forever.


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Get it here:

Resell Cells

Most of us want the latest and best cellphone.We're all too ready to ditch our latest phonefor the brand new bells and whistles model.

As a result there is a massive market in usedcellphones. Enough to create a FULL TIMEbusiness when you harness the power of eBay.

This is a great product from a marketer who'sbeen there, done that and keeps doing it!

Want proof? Watch the video here:

Resell Cells

Ross of Resell Cells also offers his unique60 day offer: He'll give you 60 days emailsupport AND a 60 day money back guarantee withResell Cells.

The clock is ticking... Get it now!

Resell Cells

----------------------------------------------------------INSIDE Secrets Of Selling On Amazon{!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------I'm getting some great feedback from you about


Page 196: SWIPE MY PROFITS The Swipes

Alfredo L. Morales' Amazon course.

Secrets Of Selling On Amazon

It's a 12 module training series that shows youhow to sell used books, sell new goods via retailarbitrage, and of course, sell new goods directfrom wholesalers.

And that's just the beginning...

Find out more here:

Secrets Of Selling On Amazon

----------------------------------------------------------Full Course! Secrets Of Selling On Amazon----------------------------------------------------------I know a lot of you were sorry to miss the ProvenAmazon Course when it was on discount.


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Here's another Amazon course that I highlyrecommend.

Secrets Of Selling On Amazon

This is Alfredo L. Morales 'FBA Sellers Ascent'.Alfredo is a full time Amazon seller and trainer.He really covers everything in his course. Itdoesn't just involve one idea.

With Alfredo you can find the direction you wantto go in - and he'll guide you to making moneywith it. Step by step.

Serious about earning a living with Amazon?

Check out Alfredo's course here:

Secrets Of Selling On Amazon

----------------------------------------------------------LAST EMAIL Amazon Secrets Course {!Firstname_fix}----------------------------------------------------------Pete Bruckshaw here, with a final reminder aboutAlfredo L Morales' high quality Amazon course. Itcovers everything you need to know aboutmaking big money on Amazon with a business ofyour own.

And once you've decided on the direction you'regoing in Alfredo will take you in the rightdirection - step by step.

Secrets Of Selling On Amazon


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Serious about earning a living with Amazon?

Check out Alfredo's course here now:

Secrets Of Selling On Amazon

----------------------------------------------------------Beat EBay's Best Match And Make BigProfits {!Firstname_fix}!----------------------------------------------------------What's the one area that's made the biggest change toeBay selling within the last five years?


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For me it's the Best Match search system.

eBay Best Match Code CRACKED!

Simply put, Best Match is all about survival of thefittest. The biggest and most successful sellers arenow top of the searches on eBay.

Good news for buyers? Maybe.

But DEFINITELY bad news for the newbies and Momand Pop sellers who made eBay a success in the firstplace.

But beginners and newbies CAN fight back and makea success of eBay trading. This guide shows you how -step by step:

eBay Best Match Code CRACKED!

And it's right up to date for 2012. So you can be surethese strategies are working right now.

And take a look at some of the bonuses you'll get!

Find out more here:

eBay Best Match Code CRACKED!

----------------------------------------------------------EBay Seller {!Firstname_fix}? You Need ToRead This.----------------------------------------------------------Earlier this week I told you about a

guide to beating eBay's Best Match


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search system.

eBay Best Match CRACKED!

If you sell on eBay this is importantinformation.

Here's why.

Last month I searched eBay andAmazon for a new computer. 17 of thetop 25 results were from Top RatedSellers. Judging from the adverts, 22of the 25 sellers were running full timeprofessional businesses.

Five years ago, the full timeprofessionals were in the minority.Small time sellers accounted for mosteBay listings - and they got right to thetop of the searches too.

The newbie and Mom and Pop friendlymarketplace that got most of usexcited about eBay has all but gone.The Best Match search system meansthat the big players now dominateeBay searches.

Most of us don't search beyond page 1in an eBay search. If you sell in acompetitive niche most browserswon't even SEE your auction.

But there is a way back for the littleguy.


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The Best Match search system can bebeaten.

And this guide shows you how:

eBay Best Match CRACKED!

----------------------------------------------------------{!Firstname_fix}. Learn What You NEED ToKnow From Brigitte...----------------------------------------------------------

The eBay thrifting expert is Brigitte Martinez.

In Brigitte's ebook Thrift Store Goldmines, she shows youexactly where to buy vintage products and how to sell themfor big profits on eBay.

This can be a great second or even main income for you.But do it properly with Brigitte's advice.

Find out more here:

Thrift Store Goldmines


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