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  • 8/6/2019 Suzanna Coreia Reseach NCC Assignment MBA TBS







    MBA (1 ST YEAR)



    Impacts of crisis on organization and employees

  • 8/6/2019 Suzanna Coreia Reseach NCC Assignment MBA TBS



    Critical Incidence Stress Management (CISM)Crisis management: what HR manager can do in pre - and post-interventionsProvide psychological support thru Employee Assistance Program (EAP) andCritical Incidence Stress Debriefing (CISD)

    OBJECTIVE:On the 11 march 2011 Japan was by a tsunami followed by the biggest earthquake.Thisaffected all the major sectors in Japan and around the world including IT, aviation, banking,

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    real estate, tourism, outsourcing, telecommunication, etc which also had a major consequence mainly on the HR.This report discusses:1. Impact of the tsunami and earthquake on Japan and the world .2. The emerging challenges that the human resource management would face due to thisnatural disaster.3. Some strategies adopted by HR personnel to deal with theseChallenges sucessfully.

    RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:The data was collected just from the internet articles and book so that limited theexact numbers and figures.

    RESEARCH DESIGN: The study would evaluate the Challenges faced by HR before andafter tsunami in Japan. Consequently, the research is designed to achieve the objectives setout by the researcher.DATA COLLECTION: Since the research is a secondary data, the data has been collection

    from various articles newspapers, magazines and websites and based on previous researchand studies.

    DATA ANALYSIS: The data analysis has been done on basis of the data collected fromvarious articals newspapers, magazines and websites.


    This makes the organizations deal with the crisis in a better way and also find thebest possible solution.Innovative strategies have to be applied.Also to maximize the growth and pr ofit of an organization in the best possible way to

    effect the crisis period.

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    RESEARCH as defined by Trochim (2006) is the search for knowledge, or as any systematicinvestigation, with an open mind, to establish novel facts, usually using a scientific. ( Trochim,

    W.M.K, (2006). Research Methods Knowledge Base.)WHAT IS Human Resource Management?

    According to Stephan Bach (2005) , in Managing Human Resource: Personnel ma nagement

    in Transition stated that HRM refers to: " all those activities associated with the management

    of the employment relationship in the firm. The term 'employee relations' will be used as an

    equivalent terms as will the term 'labor management'."

    Alan Price (2007) in Human Resource Management in a Business Context stated that HRM

    is 'A philosophy of people management based on the belief that human resources are

    uniquely important in sustained business success. Allan price (2007) further stated that An

    organization gains competitive advantage by using its people effectively, drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives and that HRM is aimed at

    recruiting capable, flexible and committed people, managing and rewarding their

    performance and developing key competencies.

    Japan earthquake: Indian companies with Japan offices All Asian markets fell sharply after the quake report. Trading on the Japanese stock marketNikkei was halted. Indian markets also fell sharply as reports of the quake came in. Japan isone of India's largest trading partners with bilateral trade standing at over $10 billion. Here isa list of Indian companies with Japan offices.HCL Japan Ltd.- i-flex Solutions Ltd.- i GATE Global Solutions Limited- Infosys Technologies, Ltd.- Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited- Mind Tree Consulting Pvt. Ltd.- Nucleus Software Japan KK- Patni Computer Systems Ltd.- Pentasoft Technologies Limited- Polaris Software Lab Limited- Sasken Communication Technologi es Limited

    - Satyam Computer Services Ltd.- Tata Consultancy Services- Tata Elxsi Ltd.Wipro Limited- ZenSar Technologies Ltd.

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    The general staff at large in Japan

    The staff working in Tokyo office

    The staff working in the Sendai and north -eastern part of Japan where wasdirectly hit by the earthquake and tsunami

    Deceased staffs family

    Staff who lost their family members or homes

    Staff who work closely with the deceased staff

    RIPPLE EFFECT TAKES PLACE: the ripple effects left are:

    i. Victimsii. Workgroup friends, former co -worker iii. Region, Non-Acquaintances, Local Mediaiv. Family, Closest Friends, Witnesses, Co -workers and Supervisorsv. Organization, Other Workgroups, Managementvi. General Public


    i. Lost of livesii. Disruption of operations and business

    iii. Disruption to managementiv. Negative impact on employee moralev. Increased turnover and absenteeism


    i. Severity of response to trauma may vary from mild to severeii. Some people may not display any post -traumatic symptom stress at alliii. Time required to recover from trauma may vary tooiv. Severity of response to trauma may vary from mild to severev. Some people may not display any post-traumatic symptom stress at allvi. Time required to recover from trauma may vary too

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    i. Denialsii. Survivor blamingiii. Low productivityiv. Justification and explanation actionsv. Reluctance to take risksvi. Unquenchable thirst for Information

    POST-TRAUMATIC STRESSi. People who have direct personal experience, or witnessing eventii. People learning about the unexpected incident experienced by a family

    member or other close associateiii. People responsible for han dling the post-incident arrangement &



    i. Physiological effectsii. Emotional effectsiii. Cognitive effectsiv. Behavioral effectsv. Physiological Reactionsvi. Headachevii. Rapid or irregular heartbeatviii. Shortness of breathix. Increased blood pressurex. Muscle tensionxi. Loss of appetite

    xii. Poor or interrupted sleepxiii. Shaking, dizziness

    EMOTIONAL STRESS REACTIONS Feeling anxious and worried Feeling fearful and tearful Feeling helpless & guilty Irritability, agitation and anger Feeling hopeless, insecure

    PERCEPTUAL & COGNITIVEo Poor concentration, forgetfulness and confusiono Difficulty making decision or solving problemso Experiencing repeated images related to the trauma like

    nightmares, illusions, flashbacks or intrusive thoughts

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  • 8/6/2019 Suzanna Coreia Reseach NCC Assignment MBA TBS




    According to Burchill, James W, Good Crisis Management Plan:A factor thatdetermines how a company will withstand a crisis is its ability to prevent and torespond to the crisis.

    According to Burchill, James W, A good crisis plan is everything you need in oneplace so you dont have to search because you dont have time to search

    Questions to be asked for THE PREPATION PLAN:

    Has the COMPANY established any mechanism in responding critical incident?Developed a critical incident response plan yet?Any Business Continuity Plan (BCP)?Can the crisis management team activate in 2 hours?Can your staff respond to stress/crisis effectively?

    PRE-CRISIS INTERVENTION:Involve strengthening your organization by supporting your employees on adaily basisDevelop a Workplace Crisis Pro tocolArrange crisis training to help organizations better prepared to cope

    Involve strengthening your organization by supporting your employees on adaily basisDevelop a Workplace Crisis ProtocolArrange crisis training to help organizations better prepared to cope



    Manag eme nt

    Prep ara tio n

    Manag eme nt

    Evalua tio n

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  • 8/6/2019 Suzanna Coreia Reseach NCC Assignment MBA TBS



    It is a formal , highly structured and professionally recognized process for helping those involved in a critical incident

    To share experiences, vent emotions, learn about stress reactions and symptomsand provide psychological counseling if required

    CISD Process & Intervention:

    Needs to be timely (48-72 hours after the incidence ) Voluntary participation Confidential Provide avenue for those who need further help

    Benefits of CISD: Help establish supportive communication within the group of affected individuals Minimize occurrence of PTSD and effects of critical incidents on affected individuals Help management restore a sense of control, safety and normalcy within the affected


    Restore productivity

    Making Referral to EAP Consultant: People management consultation for crisis management and CISM Counseling service for the staff, colleagues, or families Referral to psychiatric treatment Provide Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing (CISD) or Crisis Care Program (short

    term EAP up to 3 months) for impacted staff


    1. Problem of Recruitment.2. Managing downsizing program appropriately.3. Talent management.4. Stress Management.

    1. Managing downsizing appropriately .y Hold special meetingsy Motivate the employees:y Offering challenging assignments and opportunitiesy Explain to them the importance of their existence iny Jobs

    y Initiate change by identifying key people:y Identify the achievers and reward them .

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    Talent Scenario during Recession : y Highly Productive:y Multi-Skilled :y Self-Managed and Self -Motivated :y Innovative and Out-of-the-Box thinkers y Clear Goals, Targets and Expectations y

    Balanced Work Environment :y Track Performance Goals and Provide Analysis :y Fair Evaluation of Performance :y Compensation to Maintain a Decent Lifestyle :

    . Stress Management.

    STRESS BUSTING: when a Tsunami or Earthquakes takes place during this period theemployees which is the major important factor of a company goes through lots of stress. Hence even this has to be taken care of by so me distressing methods likecounseling.

    De-stressing at workCoaching for productivity

    Reinforcing good performance.Motivating employees to new heights and peak performancelevels.Orienting new employees into the department or organization.Providing new knowledge to individuals about changes andtactics.

    Training a new skill for a new task that needs performing.Explaining the current or new standards and how they can be

    achieved.Setting priorities for effective time management with those

    employees who need it.Increasing the self confidence of employees about the task or

    new responsibilities and challenges.Conducting a performance review.

    Coaching is not innate skill but rat her it is learned. It occurs through ones life personally andprofessionally. From this perspective, coaching is and it can be one of the most importantfunctions managers perform because it communicates performance levels, expectations,and the importance of the tasks and responsibilities and it communicates a caring attitude.

    Jim Harter, Gallup, October 2008 News articles and research studies from firms includingGallup, Deloitte, Towers Perrin and many others confirm three common issues amongemployees are:1) Survivors guilt the employee might be going through a survivors guilt stress as he or she might have lost his or her loved one and may be unsuccessful in saving them.2) More work, less motivation stress can demotivate the employee

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    Strategic recognition programs:

    I. THE STRATEGY ADOPTED BY HR PERSONNEL TO DEAL WITH THESECHALLENGES.The recession is an opportunity for HR professionals to step and contribute strategically. Inthe classical strategy paradigm, we begin by looking at the ma cro-economic environment.Then we look at the micro -environment - what affects us and our competitors.Next, we establish which strategic factors HR influences directly. Finally, we drop down toour tactics. The recession is about the creative Human Resour ces Management. The HRMFunction is asked to bring new ideas, to change the HRM Processes and to develop or change the procedures. And this effort has to be cheap or it has to cut the costs of theorganization. The HRM Innovation is easy in times of the bu siness growth, but the recessionis not good for big innovative HRM Initiatives. Dave Gartenberg, Director HR of MicrosoftUK, reportedly said recently: In turbulent times more than any other, there is not only theopportunity but the need for HR to provi de leadership to the business. The ability to attractand retain workers when times are really tough requires leaders to be at their best. Manyfeel that issuing pink -slips and managing layoffs are the biggest challenges that HR faces

    today; but there is far less wisdom in this belief because the real challenge that confrontscorporate HR today is to utilize this period of recession as an opportunity.

    Finding opportunities during recession.

    HRM Innovations in RecessionThe recession is about the creative Human Resources Management . The HRM Functionis asked to bring new ideas, to change the HRM Processes and to develop or change the procedures. And this effort has to be cheap or it has to cut the costs of the organization. TheHRM Innovation is ea sy in times of the business growth, but the recession is not good for big innovative HRM Initiatives.On the other hand, the top management understands the effort to innovate the HRMProcesses better. The top management is in the search for the potential c ost savings and

    they count every single penny brought by the line management. The HRM Costs are usuallya very significant cost to the organization and the HRM Function has to be proactive. TheHRM Function has to focus on unpopular innovationsCONCLUSIONTo sum up we can say that the global financial recession which started off as a sub -primecrisis of USA has brought all nations including India into its fold. The GDP growth rate whichwas around nine per cent over the last four years has slowed since the last quarter of 2008owing to deceleration in employment, exportimport, tax -GDP ratio, reduction in capitalinflows and significantoutflows due to economic slowdown. In India, the impact of the crisis has been deeper thanwhat was estimated by our policy makers although it is less severe than in other emergingmarket economies. Since humans are an organization's greatest assets; without them,everyday business functions such as managing cash flow, making business transactions,communicating through all fo rms of media, and dealing with customers could not be completed. So when we are discussing thetopic of recession and recovery from recession, Human Resources Management plays avery vital role. Human Resource Management must be able to address the right k ind of demands related to Human Resource functions during the recession. Human ResourceManagement must play a highly proactive role in managing the issues of global recession byhelping organization to enhance their abilities to learn and collaborates, ma nage diversity,ambiguity and complexity. Human Resource Management is responsible to manage thehuman resource of thecorporate to maximize the productivity, efficiency at minimal cost and

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    maximize profit. During this global recession, Human Resource Manag ement is facing themany challenges and changes in organizational level, workplace and HR department levelitself. The challenges can be faced by HR Managers effectively if proper strategies areimplemented. The recession is the temporary economic climate of the business world. It willbe changed through more productivity at minimal cost and maximize profit at moderate priceof products in business. Hence we can now conclude that the hypothesis has proved truethat Global Recession has raised various emergi ng challenges for Human ResourcesManagers.

    BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Economics and Political Weekly Journal.2. International Labour Office (ILO), Global Wage Report 2008/093. Choudhari 2008, HRM Journal.4. Mujtaba, 2008, HRM Journal5. Kathleen Patterson & Gray Oster, HRM Journal

    6. Elango R, Chief Human Resources Officer, Mphasis.7. Global Wages Report 2009.8. DK Srivastav Global Head, HR, HCL. HRM Journals9. Government Of India official website.10.ILO website.11. Human Resources Management, -Diwedi.


    1. citeHR Human Resource Management, www.citehr.com2. Authorstream,