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Product Research

To help me create my own campaign about cancer, more specifically stomach cancer, I will research existing campaigns about the same topic. This will help me to create something different to what is already out there.The common theme between all of these different stomach cancer campaigns is the colour, purple. This could be because most cancers have a colour for their campaigns, for example breast cancer is pink. It could also be because there are meanings behind the colour purple, one being the effects on the mind and body, including uplifting spirits, calming the mind and nerves and increasing nurturing tendencies and sensitivity. Another common colour in those examples of stomach cancer campaigns is blue, this is probably because it is a calming colour. These are mainly examples of logos and posters, this was all that was available on stomach cancer, There are certain charities, like CORE, which are supported by Macmillan Cancer. This is to try and raise more awareness for the cancer by using an charity that focuses specifically on stomach cancer.

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Product Research

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Cancer Research

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Cancer Research

For this campaign, there were two versions of a poster, symptom cards and a leaflet. There were also adverts on the television that were launched for 4 weeks rather than the usual 6 weeks that other campaigns, such as breast cancer usually have. This was to help raise more awareness alongside the other techniques.

Posters: The first poster (top right in the previous slide) is there to tell people about the symptoms that could mean you have ‘OG’ cancer. By using a doctor on the poster, it shows the viewer that it is reliable and professional. They have used a scare tactic of putting the symptom in bold text, making that stand out as much as the doctor. By putting the reassurance that it might not be anything serious in smaller text, makes the viewer less paranoid but still cautious. This can be a useful tactic as if people were in any doubt, it would make them go to the doctor to get it checked out. I may not be a useful tactic as the target audience are older people and they therefore might be scared about anything remotely similar.

The second poster (below the first poster), is there to appeal to peoples sympathetic side. This is because they have a picture of a woman who was diagnosed ‘OG’ cancer, they have then advertised a campaign for pharmacy teams to have more information. This means that the pharmacies will know more about what to look for and what to do. This means that other people will be more aware as pharmacy teams will more knowledgeable and will therefore be able to pass on the information.

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Cancer Research

Symptom Cards: The symptom cards (along the bottom of picture slide and bottom left) can be found in magazines/adverts, in doctors surgery’s, pharmacies, charities etc. They let people know some of the signs that could lead to cancer, and make people get them checked out by the doctor. By making the text on the card short and to the point makes sure people will have time to read it when flicking through a magazine, for example. It also makes people think about whether or not they are actually affected by these symptoms or not.

Leaflets: The leaflets for this campaign (top left and top middle) are full of information about what ‘OG’ cancer is and other facts about it. It goes into more detail about what the symptoms are are ways to help deal with it if you already have it or know someone with it. This is very helpful for people who know some things about stomach cancer and those who don’t know anything.

Advert: This advert (middle) ran on TV earlier in 2015, for 4 weeks. This is a shorter amount of time for ‘Be Clear On Cancer’ adverts to run, usually they run for 6 weeks. This is probably because stomach cancer is one of the lesser known cancers as it doesn’t affect as many people as breast cancer does, for instance.

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Race For Life

Cancer research also run ‘Race for Life’. This is to raise money and awareness for all different cancers. There are different levels of difficulty so that it appeals to a wider audience of different ages and abilities. For example, with the 5k option, there are almost 200 locations in the UK that are doing this event. People enter to take part and then get sponsored, the sponsors go towards the charity and this is how people help. By doing the run, it makes people get more involved, brings together a community and raises more awareness.The race is for women only, this is so that women feel more comfortable, boys up to 12 years old are allowed to participate to include diversity within the race. The idea was created in 1994 by Jim Cowan. By 2006, it was the largest fundraising event in the UK. People do the race for all kinds of reasons, usually in memory of someone or for someone they know with cancer. To show why they were doing this, they will write the names of the people they are thinking of on the number on their back.

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Race for Life

This is an advert that ran this year for race for life. It was an advert that was trying to encourage more women to join in the run in order to raise more money.The ad shows groups of women getting ready for the ‘war’ against cancer, hence the name of the ad ‘ join the pink army’. They are trying to show that it is a war and that people need to join in order to fight.There is a woman talking over the ad, trying to get people more interested than just the video. Its like rallying the troops ready for war. This fits with the theme that goes throughout this ad. Its different to the other adverts they do, they are usually very positive and show people having fun when they’re doing the event in order to get more people to join, but now they are trying a different tactic to show how important the research is.

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Core: Gastro-Cycle

Gastro-cycle is run by the charity Core, this charity focuses on fighting all diseases of the liver, gut and pancreas. It helps them raise the money they need in order to try and uncover the causes of these diseases, find cures and improve patient outcomes. “In the past decade we have committed over £5,000,000 to fund ground-breaking, life-saving research and more than 200,000 people every year use Core’s impartial evidence-based information to take control of their condition.”

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Macmillan: Night In

Night In is a way of raising money without doing sport. There is one person hosting the night in, they would invite everyone they wanted to their home and set up a page on Macmillan Night In page. The page is there so that people can donate as much as they would like, Macmillan advertise ‘as much as you would spend on a night out’. This method of getting people to donate is different to most other donation schemes as it appeals to more people and it gives them a different night other than just going out. It also means that people will probably donate the same amount of money as on a night out as they aren’t actually going out.Macmillan offer all kinds of different ideas on their website in order to make the night more interesting and make people want to do it again.

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Skin Cancer

This is a skin cancer campaign that was launched in America last year. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the US as it is very sunny most of the time. The sun causes melanoma is usually a cancer of the skin that is caused by being exposed to too much sun, this is why it is important to wear sun cream, as it reduces this risk. By showing someone tanning, something that most people do to relax in the sun, it shows how easy it is for you to get the cancer. It then backs it up with the fact of how many people will be diagnosed. By putting the website address underneath the fact, it is telling people to go and look at the website, without actually telling them.

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Cancer Merchandise

These are some of the different types of merchandise that you can buy in order to donate and show your support for cancer awareness/research.They are all fairly simple but they stand out as they have interesting patterns and designs that make it more appealing for people to buy. The T-shirts use comedy in order to appeal to more people and make people remember it. The watch uses the ovarian cancer symbol in the middle of the watch and uses the teal colour on the watch band as well. This makes it stand out more and makes people more interested in learning about the cancer as not all of the other cancers have watches.The badge and the wrist bands are plain and simple. These advertise in a more subtle way and are easier to sell, meaning that there would be more donations.

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This was a national campaign launched in January and February 2015. The key message was to promote two of the most telling signs of oesophago-gastric cancers; ‘Having heartburn, most days, for 3 weeks or more could be a sign of cancer – tell your doctor.’ There was also ‘Food sticking when you swallow could be a sign of cancer – tell your doctor.’

The campaign focused on these two symptoms as these were the main two symptoms that had the most evidence of being linked to of ‘OG’ cancers, this is coming from research from Northern Oesophago-gastric Unit. It also focuses on men and women over 50 from lower socioeconomic groups, this is because this group are most at risk of developing the disease. This campaign has come around due to the fact it is the 4th most common type of cancer deaths in men and the 5th in women. The number of ‘OG’ cancers has risen over the last 17 year, around 6000 people are diagnosed with stomach cancer and 4000 people die from it each year. If the disease was detected within the early stages, the survival rate is around 75-87%, this would mean that around 1000 deaths could be avoided each year . This is why the campaign is so important as a quarter of the deaths that occur from this could be avoided each year.

Client Research

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Audience Research

For my audience research, I will create a questionnaire that uses qualitative and quantitative questions in order to get a different variant of answers to help me with my research. These questions will include things like how old the participant is, what their gender is, have they been affected by cancer etc. I will also create some questions for some interviews that will be done face to face. By using this method, I can get more lengthy answers, giving me more information to use for my research. This will help further my research and to give an alternate method of research methods. I could also make a focus group to show elements from my campaign and get feedback in order to improve or keep the same. This would help me to appeal to a wider audience of people.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 1:

The first question of my survey was, ‘What is your gender?’. The majority of people who took the questionnaire are female, about 60% are female an 40% male. This will impact my idea as stomach cancer affects both men and women, so both genders opinions and answers will be useful.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 2:

This question was, ‘What is your age?’. The results of this question tell me how many people from my target age range have taken part in the survey, there was only one person from this age range that took part. The other age ranges will help with some diversity within the results and the way I go about my campaign, however I will be mainly focusing on the results from the person from my target age range.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 3:

This question was, ‘Have you been affected by cancer?’ This helps me find out who and in what way, has been affected by cancer. For this part of my analysis, I have filtered the results to the one person in my age range, this person has been affected by cancer as they had a type of cancer. This means that her answers throughout the survey will help me in my campaign as I will have the view of someone who has suffered from cancer. By giving me the information I need, I can make my campaign more efficient in making people aware of stomach cancer.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 4:

This question was, ‘Rank the following options into which you think the most common causes of stomach cancer are. 1 being the most common.’This question helped me see how much or little people already knew about stomach cancer, this would help me focus on areas that need the most awareness raising. The real ranking order is the order it is currently in on the graph, however most people thought family history was the biggest cause of this cancer, this is in fact the rarest way to get stomach cancer, the most common being age. The woman that is within my target age range said that smoking was the most common cause, this is a top factor into stomach cancer, as is diet, which she put in second place. This shows me that, going by the results of this survey, people within the target age range need to be more aware of the risks/things that affect the chances of getting stomach cancer within this age range.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 5:

This question was, ‘Which of these options would significantly reduce the chances of getting stomach cancer? Choose three.’ This question was an extension on the previous question. It helped me see what people thought they could do in order to lower the risks of stomach cancer. Because most people thought that they were most at risk with it being in their family history, most people thought that checking their family history would help lower the risk. However, quitting smoking and having a healthy diet were the other two that were most popular, these are the correct answers as these are the top two ways to reduce the risk of stomach cancer. The third correct answer was limiting the consumption of certain foods, this was the least chosen answer. This proves that people need to be more educated in the risks of stomach cancer.The woman in my target age range got two out of three, she didn’t know about limiting the consumption of certain foods, this further proves that there needs to be more awareness.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 6:

This question let me know how much people personally knew about stomach cancer without any options to choose from.The results of this question tell me that the majority of people don’t know a lot about the cancer, however two know something. One of the two is a gastro nurse, so has the most knowledge in this area. The other is the woman within my target age group, she had a friend who had the cancer. This doesn’t meant that she will know as much as the gastro nurse, but she will probably have more of an idea than the other participants. This also probably helped her answer some of the answers throughout the questionnaire, but not all people within this age group will have a friend/prior knowledge of stomach cancer.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 7:

This question, ‘Did you know men are twice as likely as women to develop stomach cancer?’, is a fact that people should know but as the results show, the majority don’t. The fact that people don’t know this fact about stomach cancer is not helpful for raising awareness, proving that key facts that people should know aren’t being put across to people who should know. The woman within my target age group also didn’t know this fact, this is bad as even though she is less at risk of accumulating this cancer, she is still at risk and therefore needs to know all of the facts she can, even basic facts like this.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 8:

This question- ‘Do you think its fair that certain types of cancer get more coverage/awareness than other types?’, is there to get peoples thoughts and opinions on cancer and the coverage in the media of it and how important it I that all cancers get some coverage as anyone can be affected by it.Everyone that took the survey agreed that it is unfair that not all cancers are talked about . Someone made the point of charities focusing on the most common cancers as it affects a wider amount of people and therefore means there is ore money for the charities to help them. Another person said that all cancer should be treated the same, meaning there should be equal coverage of all cancers within the media. This would mean that people suffering with rarer cancers that perhaps didn’t know what they were before they had it, would be more aware of the signs that they have it or may have to get checked out by a doctor. This would probably help reduce cancer deaths as people would know what to look for and probably be able to catch it in the early stages.

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Questionnaire Results

Question 9:

This question- ‘What do you think that the best way to inform people of lesser known cancers would be?’, was to get people to think of the best ways in which to inform people of lesser known cancers.The feedback is all fairly similar; adverts, websites, magazine articles, leaflets etc. This would help raise awareness for all cancers, but I have to focus on stomach cancer and that specific audience, this is an older audience so I would have to think of, for instance, the magazines I would put the articles in. This would be so that I wasn’t putting it in magazines that weren’t appealing to my target audience.