surrey news - e.. xclusively jaguar

1 SURREY NEWS Newsletter of the Surrey Region of the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club Newsletter No. 162 Mar 2016 *** FORTHCOMING EVENTS *** (of particular interest to Surrey Region members) 19/20-Mar GRRC Members Meeting 20-Mar Int Jaguar Spares Day Stoneleigh Showground 06-Apr Techno Classica Essen 2016 17-Apr BTM Spring Saunter 21-Apr 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands 24-Apr JEC-Surrey Drive it Day 24-Apr London to Brighton Jaguar Run 02-May Oxshott Village Day 14-16-May Laon Weekend - 25th CIRCUIT HISTORIQUE DE LAON 14-May Brooklands 1940’s Re-lived 19-May 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands 21-May JEC Cotswold Festival @Sudley Castle 22-May JEC Cotswold Festival & Prescott Hill climb 22-May Brooklands classic breakfast 22-May Challengers Car Drive 2016 - Charity event, Guildford 05-Jun East Sussex JEC Jaguar Day, Herstmonceux Surrey Region Rogues Gallery - your committee

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of the

Surrey Regionof the

Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club

Newsletter No. 162 Mar

*** FORTHCOMING EVENTS ***(of particular interest to Surrey Region members)

19/20-Mar GRRC Members Meeting20-Mar Int Jaguar Spares Day Stoneleigh Showground06-Apr Techno Classica Essen 201617-Apr BTM Spring Saunter21-Apr 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands24-Apr JEC-Surrey Drive it Day24-Apr London to Brighton Jaguar Run02-May Oxshott Village Day14-16-May Laon Weekend - 25th CIRCUIT HISTORIQUE DE LAON14-May Brooklands 1940’s Re-lived19-May 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands21-May JEC Cotswold Festival @Sudley Castle22-May JEC Cotswold Festival & Prescott Hill climb22-May Brooklands classic breakfast22-May Challengers Car Drive 2016 - Charity event, Guildford05-Jun East Sussex JEC Jaguar Day, Herstmonceux

Surrey Region Rogues Gallery - your committee

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Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club Surrey Region Committee

Chairman & Regional JEC RepresentativeIan Dibbens, 07711 672099, [email protected]

Vice-ChairmanDoug Rodd, [email protected]

Treasurer & Membership SecretaryDavid Nockolds, 020 8684 0712, 07810 015953,

[email protected], tba

Currently Shared

Newsletter EditorGlenn Rees, 01932 348201, [email protected]

Committee membersChris Connor, 07754 756390, [email protected]


*** Editor’s Drivel – Glenn Rees ***

Its that time of the year when we are all itching to get ourcats out on the open road and blow away the winter blues.We’ve had a few days without rain but then came the coldicy weather with salt on the roads so its time to get on withsome serious servicing and planning the events we want togo to this year. I for one am already entered in 2 weekendrallies and 5 one day events, and that excludes myinvolvement with the BTM Outreach team, CSMA events and Shere HillClimb, isn’t retirement fun.

With no events to report on this time round , the newsletter is looking a bitthin. I know one or two of you are engaged in some serious restorations(other than a certain XK120 marathon) so how about a write up or progressreport.


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*** Chairman’s Chatter – Ian Dibbens ***

First of all I would like to thank everyone that attendedthe Annual General Meeting in the Bluebird Room on the18th February. It was nice to speak to everyone from alectern although I later found out it was not set up for usbut for a wedding the following day.

I was informed that this AGM was one of the quickest in the region’shistory, which either states that the committee are on the right track orthe members wanted to get back to the bar. I hope it is the former.

On the 20th February we held our Annual Dinner at Effingham GolfClub and although there were only 28 present at the evening, I hopeeveryone enjoyed themselves and also enjoyed the wonderful food. Iwould like to thank Caroline for arranging the flowers that evening, Ithink she did a wonderful display on each table.

So what is coming up for the region – it is hoped that we will have aDrive it Day in place (See item on page 9) and I was hoping toannounce the venue for the Surrey Jaguar Day on the 3rd July. Al-though we are in advance talks with a venue, it is still to be confirmedand you can understand that I do not wish to say to much before this.

The committee will be meeting on the 24th March so if anyone wishesto join us and to see what we do and how we come to process the clubswork, they are more than willing to join us.

We are in this issue of the newsletter publishing the Draft minutes fromthe AGM so if anyone who attended has any views on the draft minutes,please let any of the committee know.

I hope that with the club season upon us that all the members cars arein fine fettle and that we will be seeing as many representing the clubat various events during the year.

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If anyone wants to discuss any subject, please contact me on either07711 672099 or through my email address which [email protected]

See you soon at Brooklands.Ian Dibbens


*** The Man Who Saved Jaguar ***

Sir John Egan was in the Napier Room at Brooklands Museum lastmonth for a sell out evening filled with Jaguar enthusiasts. A fascinat-

ing insight in to the British Car In-dustry of the early 70/80s and theturn around in Jaguar's fortunes totheir current standing today. SirJohn answered many questionsfrom the audience and signed cop-ies of his book - "The Man WhoSaved Jaguar".

This talk was organised by theBrooklands Trust Members talksteam. Photo by Tim Morris

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~~~<000>~~~*** Surrey Region AGM***

This years AGM on the 18th Feb. was well attended with 22 mem-bers and was one of the shortest to date! 35 minutes by myreckoning!For those that were unable to make the evening I have copiedbelow a draft set of minutes.


18TH Feb 20161/ PresentIan Dibbens, Lewis White, Jonathan Davies, Peter G Clarke, GlennRees, Keith Berner, Tony Young, David Martin, Ken Atkins, PeterClark, David Stimpson, Keith MacNeill, Geoff Pattinson, David Nock-olds, John Olley, Tony Mustoe, David Snelgrove, Bryan Dobson, MikeSimmons, Frederick Talbot, Andrew Bell & Chris Connor.

2/ Apologies For absenceDoug Rodd & Ray Wade

3/ IntroductionThe chairman, Ian Dibbens, welcomed those present and drew their at-tention to the copies of the agenda, minutes of the 25th Annual GeneralMeeting, the Financial Statement for the year ending 31st December2015.

4/ Minutes of the Twenty Fourth Annual General MeetingA motion for their acceptance as a true record of the proceedings wasproposed by Peter G Clarke, seconded by Lewis White and was carriedunanimously.

5/ Matters ArisingNone.

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6/ Chairman’s ReportWelcome to you all and I hope I do not bore you with my report.I was very honored last year to be asked to take the Chair of this Region,as I had only been in the club a few years, 5 – 6, but I had served on thecommittee for at least four of those.My first real duty of being Chairman was to make presentations to boththe outgoing Chairman (Lewis) and to the treasurer (Jonathan) who aftermany years serving the club were stepping down. This I did with greatpride.The clubs members were really busy during the year in not only attend-ing the monthly meetings here at Brooklands, especially the night wehad Rob Jenner, Chairman of JEC to come and talk to us but also for theannual visit of the SVVS in July 2015.I will not go into detail about the other events that the region attendedbut will quickly read them out and they are in no particular date ordereither

· White Lion (Hartley Wintney)· Drive it Day (Denbies Vineyard to the Onslow Arms, West Clan-

don)· Woking and Sam Beare Hospice Classic Car Show· Brooklands Double 12· JEC Sussex South Downs Run· Hanworth Classic Car Show – Bushey Park· JEC Sussex – Jags at Arundel Castle· Visit to Nigel Webb’s Mike Hawthorn Museum (organizer Chris

Connor)· Transport for Veterans – Dunkirk Little Ships· Capel Car Show· Cranleigh Classic Car Show· JEC Portsmouth Regional Day – Weald and Downland Open Air

Museum· Camberley Car Show· JEC Southern Day at Brooklands (Pride and Joy winners for the

region were Peter Camden-Woodley and Adam Penfold· JEC Wiltshire Regional Day

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· Cobham Heritage Day

Some of these events had only 1 or2 members in attendance but quite afew had a good turnout.I was really pleased in the turnout for the JEC Southern Day at Brook-lands in August with over 30 cars from our region in attendance whichmade us the biggest region in attendance that day. I would also to thankGlenn and Keith for their sterling work in marshaling that day and to thecommittee in the work that went on prior to the day in conjunction withboth JEC and JEC Surrey/Hants RegionWe have already had invites from five shows to attend this year and theywill be published in the next newsletter.I hope you have all enjoyed this year and I hope to build on this firstyear in office with some (hopefully) visits to exciting premises whichare in the planning stage at the moment and also for the future, datesbeing planned for in 2017 as well.

7/ Treasurers ReportThe Treasurer David Nockolds presented the statement of accounts forthe year ending 31st December 2015 which showed a closing balance of£1296.67 compared to £1462.12 for the previous year, the total regionnet worth was £2446.67 including assets.A motion to approve the accounts was proposed by Jonathan Davies andseconded by John Olley and was carried unanimously.

8/ Membership ReportThe Membership Secretary David Nockolds reported that as of 30th De-cember 2015 the membership stood at 101.

9/ Election of Committee for 2015The Chairman advised that all the current members of the committeewere happy to offer themselves for re-election. A proposal for the re-election of the existing committee was proposed by Peter G Clarke andseconded by Tony Mustoe and was carried unanimously.The chairman mentioned that the committee now stood at 5 members,two more members would be appreciated should anyone wish to puttheir names forward.

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10/ Any Other BusinessThe Chairman mentioned that we had not yet secured a venue for ourregional day, we were unable to use Polesdon Lacey as in previousyears due to a clash with a NT event being held there. This prompted adiscussion from the floor as to other venues, some the committee haddiscussed and the others would be followed up on.The Chairman asked the members if they could suggest any suitablespeakers for future meetings.It was suggested that the route for this year’s Drive it Day, be the sameas last year, since it was most enjoyable and most people wouldn’t re-member it anyway!There was a general discussion about our regional website set up byChris Connor and articles were requested from the members for inclu-sion.The Chairman said he was looking forward to meeting members at theannual dinner this coming Saturday.

11/ ConclusionThe Chairman concluded the meeting by thanking the membership fortheir support, Lewis White then invited the floor to show their apprecia-tion for the efforts of the committee for the past year.

Meeting closed at 21:15 and adjourned to the bar.


*** Modern S type electronic handbrake Quick fix. ***

I got caught out a couple of weeks ago with my S type, which has anelectronic hand brake.When starting the car it beeps at me on start up. This is an indicator thatthe battery levels are low, I had ignored it a few times. Normally the carwould be able to start up, but would not allow me to release the handbrake,on these occasions I would turn it off and use the other Jag.On this occasion, the hand brake released so I was able to drive to whereI was going, when I returned to the car, the engine started up but would

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not release the hand brake. This time however I could not swap the carsover, I thought, Goodness me! what to do?I switched all electronic items off and increased the revs slightly, did thatfor about 10 mins, the fault did not clear on its own, I switched the engineoff and then started it up again. The handbrake fault reappeared, from thispoint I decided to call the RAC.I spent 10 minutes on the phone to the RAC man, He told me there was a2-3 hour wait and suggested I carry out the procedure I had already tried.I thanked him and retried, sods law the handbrake fault cleared, I drovehome. I cancelled my RAC call out and stuck the battery on charge.The moral of this story is to ensure your battery is in good condition, ifthe car beeps at you, charge it up.

David Nockolds


*** Drive it Day ***

The FBHVC Drive It Day is being held nationally on the 24th April.

Once again we will be starting at Denbies vineyard near Dorking andheading on a familiar route to our usual venue at The OnslowArms in West Clandon.

The plan is to gather at Denbies at 10:00 for a 10:30 start, arriving atThe Onslow Arms in time for a 12:00 sit down.

We have 2 tables booked for a total of 20’ish people, please let Ianknow on the day if you wish to join us to confirm lunch numbers


*** E-Type found under hedge***E-Type found under a hedge sells for £58,000An E-Type that was recently discovered under a hedge and has beencausing such a stir in the classic market has sold at auction for just short

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of £60,000. The car in question is an early 3.8 litre flat floor fixed headcoupe so very desirable even though it will require extensive restoration.

Chris Routledge CEO of Coys Auction House had this to say ChrisRoutledge, CEO of international auctioneers COYS, said: “We wereencouraged by strong results achieved across the board and the numberof registered bidders joining us and bidding in the room – it’s alwaysgood to see the market is as active as ever.”

He added: “The derelict E-Type attracted attention from all four cornersof the world and bidders in a packed auction room and via telephonefought fiercely for it on Tuesday night. It ended up going to an Englishcollector and Beatles enthusiast who plans to slowly restore it to itsformer glory.”

The E-Type showed just 44,870miles on the clock and still had the lasttax disc on the windscreen which expired in November 1969. The car’sfirst owner in May 1963 was none other than Ivor Arbiter, who ownedDrum City and Sound City in London and was the designer of the ‘drop –T’ logo for The Beatles.

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It changed owners a couple of times between 1965 and 1967, when itmoved to its last owner Frank Riches, who raced it extensively at OultonPark, Brands Hatch and Blackbushe between 1967 and 1969. Frank burntout the clutch and instead of getting it fixed he put the car into storage ina lock up until the 1980s, he then moved it to his garden where isremained under a tarpaulin until the present vendor rescued it in 2015.

This is certainly going to be an interesting car and we look forward toseeing the results of who ever puts this car back on the road.

Article from JEC Online Magazine


*** Macmillan Cancer Support Classic Motor Show ***

Date: 10 July 2016 Times: 11.00am-4.30pmCar Information: All classics welcome. Clubs and individuals. All pro-ceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Support. Situated on the beautifulClandon Park Estate by kind permission of Robin, Countess of Onslow.Clandon Park entrance is off the A246/A25 between Merrow and WestClandon, Surrey.To register email [email protected] or telephone07932 869876All classics welcome, silver cup presented to judge's favourite, stalls,children's entertainment, hospitality serving hot and cold food, picnicarea, birds of prey display in arena, Ewbanks Auctioneers Antiques RoadShow, (bring your antiques/memorabilia along). Please support us bycoming along.Location: Clandon Park Estate, West ClandonPostcode:GU4 7AAContact Name: Gilly ChristianContact Address: Telephone Number: 01483 210102 Mobile Number:07702 090382

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~~~<000>~~~*** The story behind the Jaguar Leaper***

The Leaper, Jaguar’s famous leaping cat figure was synonymous withthe brand and adorned the front of Jaguars for decades. But, what’s thestory behind it and why did it disappear?

Miniature works of art

Car bonnet embellishments were originally popular back in the early20th century when cars had external radiator caps, where cooling liquidcould be poured. These caps could be made as unique as car designerscould make them and a lot of them were like miniature works of art thatwould show off the car’s identity.

Apparently, Sir William Lyons disapproved of an after market ornamenthe saw on an SS Jaguar Saloon and thought it looked like a cat shot offa fence. This inspired him to ask his employee, Bill Rankin, who was anamateur sculptor to design an official, better looking ornament. We be-lieve that Bill knew Frederick Gordon Crosby who was a skilled illustra-tor and expert at working with metal and he made a bronze prototype ofa big cat starting to leap into the air.

Based on this prototype, the Leaper was originally offered to the publicin 1938. This first version of the Leaper stayed until the Mk V saloonwent out of production in 1951.

A first generation Leaper. Photoby Nigel Thorley at our EasternDay in 2015

Four years passed before theLeaper pounced back onto new-ly produced Jaguar cars and theoriginal mascot changed mostdrastically in 1955 when theLeaper got reworked and ac-quired outstretched rear legs.

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This made it look like the predator cat had now leapt into mid air justbefore it attacked its prey. As all radiators were now hidden the Leaperwas fixed onto the bonnet.

This second version of the Leaper lived on for 14 years, on models in-cluding the Mk1, Mk2, Mk VIII, Mk IX, S-type, 240,340 and XK 150.

The third Leaper was a smaller scaled down version, which appeared onthe bonnet of the Mark X saloon in 1961.

This sleek and smaller version of the Leaper couldn’t be as easily fittedto the larger saloons and it disappeared with the arrival of the XJ sa-loons which took over from the 340,420 and 420G series.

The Leaper retires

To protect pedestrian safety, EEC safety laws on “the external projec-tions of motor vehicles” in the early 1990s stated that mascots and orna-ments should retract, bend or break off when subject to certain force.

Americans however, still demanded the famous Jaguar beast on theirbonnets and several versions were worked on for fitting in the US mar-ket — all in sprung safety guise. Car ornaments had to meet safety meas-ures to fit in with the EEC legislation and the later Jaguar mascotsfeatured a safety mechanism to allow the body of the Leaper to snap offshould it be hit.

The famous piece of car art however, eventually disappeared from Jag-uar cars in 2005.

The Leaper may have disappeared, but the legendary leaping cat designlives on in Jaguar’s logo today and it has become a badge on the boot ofall modern Jaguars including the brand new F-Pace.

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HURST PARKClassic Cars

We have pleasure in offering the following cars for sale

Mar 2016

JAGUAR XJ8 3.2Ltr (X-308) June2000: Sapphire Blue with Oatmealhide interior. 16” Starburst alloywheels. 83,000 miles recorded. Astaken in part-exchange.   £3,995

(This is a recent part exchange inpretty good order throughout, just abit too high on the mileage for us butit would suit a club enthusiastperfectly)

DAIMLER V8 4Ltr (X-308) 1998:Madeira Red with Oatmeal hide inte-rior. 16” Crown alloy wheels. Oneowner. 16,800 miles only from new!Air conditioning, electric sunshineroof and other usual refinements ofthis‘Top-of-the-range’model.£14,995



Hurst House157-169 Walton RoadEast MoleseySurrey KT8 ODX

Tel: +44 (0)1372 468487Mobile: +44(0)7799 473513Mobile: +44(0)7831 427380

E-Mail: [email protected]

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*** LOCAL DIRECTORY ***Please let the Editor have any similar information gained from personal experience.

Air ConditioningAuto Parts, Kingston Rd, Staines-upon-Thames, Staines, Middlesex TW18 1PE 01784 452568Autoair Conditioning Ltd., 10 Rapsley Lane, Knaphill. Woking, Surrey. GU21 2SN .01483480252

Batteries (including black rubber)CPC Battery Services, Chancery Gate Business Centre, 214 Red Lion Rd, Surbiton Surrey, KT67RA.020 88397 1813MANBAT (formerly ABS Batteries), Unit 2, Riverside Business Centre, Walnut Tree Close, Guild-ford GU1 4UG. 01483 504965. Discount for JEC members

Chromium Plating, Powder CoatingLondon Chroming Co. 735 Old Kent Road, London, SE15 1JL. 020 7639 6434.Sugiarto Electroplaters, 194 Hackney Road, London E2 7QL. 020 7739 5011.Woking Powder Coaters, 122 Connaught Road, Brookwood, GU24 0AS. 01483 799159.Isleworth Polishers & Platers, 273 High St. Brentford, TW8 0JL. 0208 5607440.

CoachworkCalbrook Coachworks, Eastwick Road, Great Bookham, Surrey, KT23 4DT. 01372 458000.DB Coachworks, Approach Road, Grand Drive, Raynes Park, London SW20. 020 8944 7757.OSC, Unit 1, 104 Leatherhead Road, Chessington, KT9 2HY. 020 8397 1144.Southern Classics, Unit 5, Twickenham Trading Estate, Rugby Rd, Twickenham, TW1 1DQ. 01932787636.Shepperton Body Works, 01932 567428.

Engine Machining/ Gearbox RepairsBensham Engineering Ltd., Bishop’s Road, West Croydon, CR0 3LD. 020 8684 8180/4126.Holman Engineering Co Ltd., Unit 6, Kings Rd Works, Kings Rd, Newhaw, Addlestone, KT153BG. 01932 353555

Jaguar SparesChris Coleman, 17 Devonshire Mews, London W4. 020 8563 0860.Classic Spares, Unit 4, Brook Road, Britannia Road, Waltham Cross, EN8 7NP. 01992 788424Doves Jaguar, 113 Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2 6PL. 020 8688 3656.Guy Salmon, Kingston House Estate, Portsmouth Road, Long Ditton, Surrey. 020 8398 4249/7646.H.A. Fox, 1 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey. 01483 570196. Discount for JEC members.The Jag Workshop, R/O 45, The Mall, Ealing, London, W5 3TJ, 0208 5630860

Jaguar Servicing and RepairsDoves Jaguar, 232 Selsdon Road, South Croydon, CR2 6PL. 020 8688 3656.Godwin Cars, Unit 1, Philpotts Yard, Beare Green, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4QU. 01306 713399.Guy Salmon, Portsmouth Road, Surbiton, KT6 5QG. 020 8398 8966.Ken Bell, Crooked Timbers, White Hart Lane, Wood Street Village, Guildford. 01483 852276.Surrey Jaguar Centre, 91 Canterbury Road, Croydon, CR0 3HH. 0208689 3333. Discount for JECmembers.

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XJ Motor Services, Lyne Lane, Chertsey, KT16 0AW. 01932 564441.The Jag Workshop, R/O 45, The Mall, Ealing, London, W5 3TJ, 0208 5630860

WinSpeed of Guildford, 148 Broad Street, Wood Street Village, Guildford, GU3 3BJ. 01483 537706,07831 164460.Conrico Service Centre, Hanworth Lane, Chertsey. KT16 9LA. 01932 567090

General Vehicle Servicing and RepairsB&M Motors, Unit 18, 193 Garth Road, Morden, SM4 4LZ. 020 8337 6006, 07957 886743.Claygate Auto Repairs, rear of 6A High Street, Claygate, KT10 0GJ. 01372 468474.G.T. McKenna, 86 Railway Road, Teddington, TW11 8RZ. 020 88943 3411.Leatherhead Motor Company, Units 1-4 Brook Way, Kingston Road, Leatherhead KT22 7NA.Hylands Garage, Eastwick Rd, Bookham, Surrey, KT23 4RQ. 01372 458389.Leonard Daborn Ltd, Garage, Chobham - Vehicle Repair & Servicing. JEC discount on MOTs. Tel01276 858340.Seat beltsFDTS Ltd in West Byfleet, Surrey 01932 342043 <[email protected]>Metal StockholdersOutlook Stockholders, Woodcote Grove Farm, Meadow Hill, Coulsdon, CR5 2QQ; 020 8668 9656.

Number PlatesAnglo European Radiators Ltd., 11b Haven Way, Farnham, GU9 9QU. 01252 717474.

Propeller ShaftsPropshaft Services, Central Way, Feltham, TW14 0RD. 020 8844 2265/7.

Radiator ServicesAnglo European Radiators Ltd., 11b Haven Way, Farnham, GU9 9QU. 01252 717474.Guildford Radiators Ltd., Unit 10, Littlemead Ind. Est., Cranleigh, GU6 8ND. 01483 277713.

Trailer Hire & Accessories, Towbar FittingThameside Trailers Ltd., Unit 23, Timsway, Staines, Middlesex, TW18 3JY. 01784 464655.The Trailer Centre, 24A Dearbarn Road, Guildford, GU2 8AT. 01483 566127.

Watling Engineers, 88 Parkstreet Village, A22 2LR, 01727 873661

TrimmingBrian Cates, [email protected] Services, Unit A10 Oakendene Industrial Estate, Bolney Road, Cowfold, West SussexRH13 8AZ. 01403 864111, Mobile 07810 372299.

Tyres, Wheel Balancing including knock-onsGuildford Tyre Co. Ltd., 62 Markenfield Road, Guildford, GU1 4PE. 01483 239994/504660/506873.K&P Tyres, 169 Chessington Road, West Ewell, Surrey. 020 8393 2338.Leatherhead Motor Company, Units 1& 4 Brook Way, Kingston Road, Leatherhead KT22 7NA,01372 363787Martins Tyres, Brentmoor Road, West End, Woking, GU24 9QG. 01276 856846.Merityre Ltd., Unit 2, Leatherhead Ind. Est., Station Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. 01372 379529.Merityre Ltd, 1 New Parade, Great Bookham, KT23 4RQ. 01372 452111Newdigate Tyres, Rusper Road, Newdigate, RH5 5BE. 01306 631799.

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Vehicle TransportationHR Transportation, Phone Richard on 07889 178882 or John on 07710 971444. Covered or opentransportation within UK and Europe.

X300 Clock Repair

Sidmaster LCD Repair Specialists,, 01594 516174, 07580 171717

DisclaimerThe above suppliers of goods and services are recommended in good faith and arebased on personal experiences of Surrey Region members, but neither the Surrey Re-gion nor the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club can accept any responsibility should any disputearise.

Please mention where you saw the advert when contactingany of our advertisers.

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Provisional list of events that JEC-SR & BTM members may be interested infor remainder of 2016Not all dates have been confirmed, so please check any dates before commit-ting to entering

17-Mar 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands19/20-Mar GRRC Members Meeting20-Mar Int Jaguar Spares Day Stoneleigh Showground06-Apr Techno Classica Essen 201617-Apr BTM Spring Saunter21-Apr 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands24-Apr JEC-Surrey Drive it Day24-Apr London to Brighton Jaguar Run02-May Oxshott Village Day14-16-May Laon Weekend - 25th CIRCUIT HISTORIQUE DE LAON14-May Brooklands 1940’s Re-lived15-May Valence School Hill Climb Demonstration and car show19-May 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands21-May JEC Cotswold Festival @Sudley Castle22-May JEC Cotswold Festival & Prescott Hill climb22-May Brooklands classic breakfast22-May Challengers Car Drive 2016 - Charity event, Guildford05-Jun East Sussex JEC Jaguar Day, Herstmonceux05-Jun London to Brighton Classic Car Run05-Jun Woking & Sam Beare Classic Car Show (Date TBC)12-Jun BTM Sussex Tour16-Jun 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands18/19-Jun Brooklands Double 1223-26-Jun Goodwood Festival of Speed26-Jun 11:00 Hanworth Classic Car Show03-Jul JEC - Southern regional day TBC8-10-July Le Mans Classic16-Jul Claygate Flower & Village Show - Classic Cars 201621-Jul 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands24-Jul JEC Isle of Wight Regional Day24-Jul Brooklands Retro Jumble & BTM Classic Car Show26-Jul Ripley Vintage & Classic Car meet (Date TBC)30-Jul Brooklands Reunion07-Aug BTM Kent tour14-Aug Cranleigh Car Show18-Aug 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands

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20-Aug Capel Classic Car & Bike Show27/28-Aug Wings & Wheels at Dunsfold Park28/29-Aug Knebworth Classic Motor Show03-Sep Camberley Car Show04-Sep Shere Hill Climb9/11-Sep Goodwood Revival10-Sep Cobham Heritage Day15-Sep 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands17/18-Sept Surrey Classic Vehicle Gathering - Tilford's Rural life Centre(Date TBC)09-Oct Int Jaguar Spares Day Stoneleigh Showground20-Oct 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands30-Oct 07:45 Brooklands classic breakfast13/15-Nov NEC Classic Car Show17-Nov 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands15-Dec 20:00 JEC-SR Noggin & Natter at Brooklands

Please note there are many JEC & Jaguar related events listed on the main JECwebsite, also, please let me know of any you would like mentioned and if anydates are incorrect. - Glenn


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