surat ul-qalam

WALT: What are the bad characters of the disbelievers? What are the major and minor sins in Islam? SURAT-UL-QALAM: Verses (8-16) “The Bad Character Of The Disbelievers” PPT MADE BY: Jasmine Leanor D. Elizan PRESENTED BY : Jasmine Leanor D. Elizan & Shanzay Waheed ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY: Shanzay Waheed

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Page 1: Surat ul-qalam

WALT: What are the bad characters of the

disbelievers? What are the major and

minor sins in Islam?

SURAT-UL-QALAM: Verses (8-16)“The Bad Character Of The


PPT MADE BY: Jasmine Leanor D.


PRESENTED BY : Jasmine Leanor D.

Elizan & Shanzay Waheed


Shanzay Waheed

Page 2: Surat ul-qalam


(68:8) So do not listen to the disbelievers

(68:9) They would love it if you compromise and they compromise (The disbelievers

were willing to worship Allah if the Prophet and the Muslims would also worship

their idols)

(68:10) And do not obey any worthless person who swear or lies,

(68:11) He is always insulting people, going around spreading rumors and gossip

(68:12) and he prevents people from doing good. He is oppressive and sinful

(68:13) and on top of all that he is cruel, known for being a bad person, and


(68:14) Do not obey this person because he has a lot of money and children.

(68:15) When the Qur’an is read to him, he says, “This is old stories.”

(68:16) I will brand (with fire) on his nose.

Page 3: Surat ul-qalam

VOCABULARY (Workbook Page


Hammaz – The one who backbites.

Masha ‘in Banameem – The one who


Gheebah – Backbiting.

Nameemah- Gossip

Buht- Slander, Which is saying false

things about a person.

Kabeerah- Major Sin

Kaba’ir- Plural word for “Kabeerah”

Page 4: Surat ul-qalam

Several of the Quraysh leaders at the time of the

messenger of Allah (SWT) had these bad attributes.

Al Waleed ibn-ul-Mugheerah (Father of Khalid Ibn-ul-


The ayaat revealed referred to him as it was the most

common opinion among the scholars of Tafseer.

He used to be an enemy of Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) and the Muslims.

He was the one who claimed that the Qur’an is not the

book of Allah (SWT), rather than the stories of ancient


Page 5: Surat ul-qalam

These ayaat expose the evil manners of the

disbelievers at the time of the Prophet.

They show the clear difference between the great

manners of the Prophet and the manners of those who

believed in him.

Page 6: Surat ul-qalam
Page 7: Surat ul-qalam

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) struggled against

arrogant leaders of the disbelievers like other

Prophets before him did.

Prophets Nooh, Ibraheem, Musa, Isa and others

faced many evil enemies.

The enemies of Islam were usually evil, liars,

deceitful, immoral and hostile.

But not all non- Muslims are enemies of Islam.

Some non- Muslims are friendly and can be friends to


Some may choose to become Muslims themselves if they

receive the right education about Islam and get to know true

practicing Muslims.

Page 8: Surat ul-qalam

Sins in Islam are divided into Major and Minor


Major sins may lead a person to Jahannam if

he or she does not repent before death.

For every sin Allah (SWT) threatens it’s doers

with a punishment.

They are considered as Kabeera (Major Sin),

Kaba’ir (Plural Word).

Minor sins can easily be forgiven if they are

followed by: Isitighfar, Wudoo’, Prayers, or

other good deeds.

Page 9: Surat ul-qalam

Allah (SWT) Says in Surat-un-Nisaa’:

“If you avoid the forbidden great sins, We will forgive your small sins and

let you enter and honorable place.” [4:30]

Page 10: Surat ul-qalam

Worshipping Other than Allah (SWT)


Rudeness to Parents

Drinking Wine & Intoxicants



Dealing with Riba

Stealing the money of the Orphans.

The Ayaat 10-13 of

Surat Ul Qalam

describes some of the

major sins that Allah

(SWT) abhors.

They include false

oaths, backbiting,

gossip, aggression.

These are examples

of the Major sins that Al

Waleed Ibn ul

Mugheerah used to do.

Page 11: Surat ul-qalam

The kuffar of the Qureysh were looking for any way to get

the Messenger of Allah (SWT) to compromise his beliefs.

They even offered to worship Allah (SWT) if they

worshiped their idols. ( But Allah (SWT) didn’t allow him to

do so.)

A Muslim must hold strong to his or her faith and not leave

it all.

Allah (SWT) only accepts Islam as His true and final

religion. He says:

“Surely the true faith to Allah is Islam.”

[3:19] “ And whoever desires a faith

other than Islam, it shall not be

accepted from him, and in the

Hereafter he shall be one of the

losers.” [3:85]

Page 12: Surat ul-qalam

Rasoolullah (PBUH) and early Muslims

were great examples in holding on their

religion and refusing to compramise it.

Bilal when he was tortured under the hot

sun of Makkah with a heavy rock on his

chest. He never compromised his religion

even when he was near death.

Changing a part of Islam is not allowed.

(PAGE D49).

Page 13: Surat ul-qalam

“A;ishah said: The Messenger of Allah said: “He who

innovates something in this matter [ of our religion] that is

not of it will have it rejected.”

Page 14: Surat ul-qalam

Every Muslim must care about others and help them get


Tearing people down, hurting their feelings and harming

them in any form are all evil actions according to Islam.

Gheebah or backbiting and Nameemah or gossip,

involve spreading bad news about others and these

always make the community worse.

They cause people to disrespect and even hate each

other. Because this kind of talk is hurtful to others and to

the community in general, Allah (SAW) made it haram

and a major sin.

Hammaz mean the one who backbites and masha on

banameem means the one who gossips. Although both

acts are major sins in Islam most Muslims still tend to fall

Page 15: Surat ul-qalam

“Allah (SWT) Linked Geehbah to the disgusting act of eating

one’s dead brother’s flesh.”

“And do not spy nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat

the flesh of his dead brother? Indeed you detest that; and be careful of (your duty

to) Allah, surely Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [49:12]

Page 16: Surat ul-qalam

Once Rasoolullah (PBUH) said:

Once Rasoolullah (PBUH) asked his companions. “Do you know what is

gheebah?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He then replied, “To

mention your brother in any way that is hurtful or disliked by him.” The messenger

of Allah was asked again, “ What if the information was true?” He answered, “If it is

true you have made gheebah and if it is not you have committed buht ( slander,

which is saying false thing about him, and that is even worse).” (Muslim)

Page 17: Surat ul-qalam

The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said:

“ A person who spreads gossip will not enter Paradise.”


This means that it is

a major sin and the

person who is involved

in nameemah or

gossip will not go into


Instead he will be put

into hell for a period of

time for that evil deed.

The messenger of

Allah (PBUH) got to

see the punishment in

the the night of Isra ul

Miraj in hell, He saw

some people with

copper fingernails

tearing at their faces

and chests. When he

asked about them, he

was told they were the

people who used to do

gheebah and insult


Page 18: Surat ul-qalam

1.) Gheebah – Backbiting

2.) Namman- A person who


3.) Kaba’ir- Plural word for


4.) Hammaz- The one who


5.) Kabeerah- Major Sin.

Page 19: Surat ul-qalam

A.) Slide 16

B.) Slide 9

1.) These ayaat expose the evil manners of the disbelievers at the time of the Prophet.They show the clear difference between the great manners of the Prophet and the manners of those who believed in him.

2.) Slide 10.

3.) They even offered to worship Allah (SWT) if they worshiped their idols. ( But Allah (SWT) didn’t allow him to do so.)

4.) Major. They will be sent to Hell for a period of time and will have copper fingernails tearing at their faces and chests.

5.)Nameemah & Gheebah, By Noor telling ayah that Sarah is rude & selfish and by saying tht she didn’t like her and by