surah al qasas

SURAH AL QASAS ص ص ق ل ا ورة س

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Page 1: Surah al qasas


القصص سورة

Page 2: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Purpose of Quranic stories.

• Political Approach/Policy of Pharaoh ----- discrimination, class system

• Genocide of Israelites – Sibti

• Allah’s Sunnah --- Favor the oppressed and weak, rehabilitate them and eradicate oppressors

and arrogant

Page 3: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Role of Musa(AS)’s Mother ---- Tawakul Ilallah

• Role of Musa(AS)’s Sister ---- Intelligence, wit, Protecting the brother, taking care of mom --- A caring,

nourishing sibling

• Pharaoh's scheme and his destiny ---- Allah’s scheme for Musa(As)’s protection and training.

Page 4: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Reward of Mohsineen -- Wisdom and knowledge -- Hukum implies wisdom, understanding and

power of judgment

• Both religious and worldly knowledge. The Prophet Moses became familiar with the teachings of

Deen through his contact with his parents, and with the sciences prevalent in Egypt by virtue of his

training as a prince in the king's palace.

Page 5: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Supplication ---- Ayah 16, 17 ---- Accidental murder and Repentance

• Supplication ---- Ayah 21

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  َّر ِح�ي ِحل َّر�+ا ال ِح, ْلو َّر- ْلل ا َّر ِح! ِح.ي "� ِح َّر� ِح�� َّر�

Page 6: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• Musa(AS)’s journey to Madyan --- Helping two women’s at the well.

• Modest women ---- Avoiding the crowd, waiting instead of jumping in between crowd of men --- not a

sexist but modest, dignified approach

• Dialogues between Musa(AS) and two women’s --- To the point talk, code of conduct

• Supplication Ayah 24 --- Tawakul Ilallah

• Modest walk -- Character of those women and noble & gentle behavior of Musa(AS) - Role Models

  ٌر� ِح-ي َّر� ٍر� ْلي َّر1 ْل ِح! َّر�ي َّرل ِح�ا َّر� ْلل َّر2 َّر'ا� َّر�ا ِحل ِح��ي ِح�ا ِح�� َّر�

Page 7: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4:• Musa(AS)’s journey back to Egypt with his family ---- Role of a wife to support Husband’s struggle

in establishment of Deen ---- Receiving prophet hood

• Pharaoh's order to Haman to build a tall palace so he can meet Musa’s God --- An unserious

attitude to befool his subjects --- Taunting and comedy in order to suppress effect of Truth

• Russia’s same claim during launch of Sputnik aircraft --- Fatality of Russia and Pharaoh

• Pharaoh will lead his nation/ followers towards Hell fire on the day of Judgment

Page 8: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5:• Surah Qasas --- Detail events description of Historical stories in Quran are proof of Rasollah’s

Prophet hood.

• Attitude of people who rejected Truth is always same --- Following their lusts

• Purpose of admonition --- Awakenment from negligence, Follow the Guidance, take heed

Page 9: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 6:• Five characteristics of the People of Book who submit and convert to Islam ---- steadfastness,

patience, they repel evil with good, spend from which Allah provided them, when they hear any

vain talk, they turn away from it.

• Two meanings of Guidance --- Change in heart and mind, inclination towards acceptance of Islam

--- Directing towards the object point/goal after Iman

Page 10: Surah al qasas

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Reason/Excuse of surcease towards guidance --- Fear of losing political hold and economical

tranquilness --- We have the same excuse today.

• Nothing in this world is enduring ---- Adornments of this world are temporary

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 7:• One who is running after this world will be arraigned at the day of Judgment (forcibly)

• Ask for Good both Here and Hereafter -- What do we want and with whom we are impressed?

• Worshipper and one who is being worshipped other than Allah both are slave of their own desires.

• First question with Polytheist will be about Shirk and second about Prophet hood.

• Negation of Shirk ---- Rationale on Almightiness of Allah through system of this universe.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 8:• Example of Qaroon --- Allah bestowed him with His blessing but his behavior is arrogance and self


• Admonishment to Qaroon --- Do not exult, Spend your wealth in Allah’s way , don’t abject others,

Fulfill the rights of fellow human beings, Allah has bestowed you with His blessing now you be

obedient to Him and serve humanity , adopt the path of moderation, use the wealth, skills and

resources Allah provided Here and Hereafter

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Creating or causing social in equality is Fasad Fil Ardh --- Not fulfilling rights of Human beings

• Crime of Qaroon --- Ingratitude, arrogance, inequity, dishonesty and corruption

• My skills, my accomplishment, my proficiency, my experience --- We have to avoid this attitude.

• Dot be boastful of your capabilities, beauty, adolescence, achievements of kids or spouse

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Desire of seeking this world after spotting glitter and high life of others --- Evaluate our selves

• Success in Hereafter will be the real success = Iman + Righteous deeds + patience

• We have to check our level of patience and contentment --- What success we want?

• Knowledgeable person is the one who act upon his knowledge.

• System of distribution of Sustenance --- Will of Allah, only Allah knows the wisdom

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 9:• Fasad Fil Ardh = Not fulfilling rights of Allah and Human beings.

• The best blessing and mercy is blessing of Quran --- Evaluate your self before Quran and after

Quran --- How can we appreciate and honor this blessing?

• Allah’s enjoinment to Rasolallah(SAW) and us --- Evade from Shirk, obedience towards Allah's

commands, Conveying the message of Islam to others

• Leaving the responsibility of Dawa is supporting unbelievers.