supporting classroom interaction with the tablet pc: lessons learned from classroom deployment...

Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington

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Page 1: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC:Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment

Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC:Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment

Richard AndersonProfessor of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Washington

Richard AndersonProfessor of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Washington

Page 2: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Classroom Presenter HistoryClassroom Presenter History

[2001] Development started at MSR as part of DISC (Now ConferenceXP)

[2002] Development continued at UWDeployment as a presentation tool in distance and standard classes

[2003] Extensions to supportclassroom interaction

[2005] Deployment in undergraduate courses as part of regular instruction

[2001] Development started at MSR as part of DISC (Now ConferenceXP)

[2002] Development continued at UWDeployment as a presentation tool in distance and standard classes

[2003] Extensions to supportclassroom interaction

[2005] Deployment in undergraduate courses as part of regular instruction

Page 3: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Today’s TalkToday’s Talk

Big question: Is there potential for fully integrating student devicesinto the classroom?

Classroom Presenter overview(See Classroom Presenter 3.0 at Demofest)

Classroom Deployments


Thoughts on sustainable deployments

Big question: Is there potential for fully integrating student devicesinto the classroom?

Classroom Presenter overview(See Classroom Presenter 3.0 at Demofest)

Classroom Deployments


Thoughts on sustainable deployments

Page 4: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

What Will The University Classroom Look Like … What Will The University Classroom Look Like …

If all students have computational devicesLaptops, Tablets, Ultra light tablets, PDAs, Cell Phones, Gameboys . . .

If the devices are all connected

If the devices are integrated intoclassroom instruction

If all students have computational devicesLaptops, Tablets, Ultra light tablets, PDAs, Cell Phones, Gameboys . . .

If the devices are all connected

If the devices are integrated intoclassroom instruction

Page 5: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Wide Range Of Potential Classroom ApplicationsWide Range Of Potential Classroom Applications




Accessing external resources

Note taking


Active learning

Peer communication




Accessing external resources

Note taking


Active learning

Peer communication

Page 6: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Device Enabled ClassroomDevice Enabled Classroom

Can the integrated use of student devices in the classroom enhance theeducational experience?

What have we learned from the Classroom Presenter project that will help us understand the broad question?

Can the integrated use of student devices in the classroom enhance theeducational experience?

What have we learned from the Classroom Presenter project that will help us understand the broad question?

Page 7: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Why Ask The QuestionsWhy Ask The Questions

Integrated use of devices in the classroom might improve education or address a collection of challenges

Students are going to be bringing computational devices to class – so lets figure out how to take advantage of them

“Co-opt student devices for an educational purpose”, S. Wolfman

Integrated use of devices in the classroom might improve education or address a collection of challenges

Students are going to be bringing computational devices to class – so lets figure out how to take advantage of them

“Co-opt student devices for an educational purpose”, S. Wolfman

Page 8: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Classroom PresenterClassroom Presenter

Distributed, Tablet PC based applicationInstructor, Display, and Student machines

Synchronized navigation of slide deck

Instructor ink distributed in real timeto all machines

Student SubmissionsSlides used to distribute activities to students

Student work sent to instructor

Instructor shows student work on thepublic display

Distributed, Tablet PC based applicationInstructor, Display, and Student machines

Synchronized navigation of slide deck

Instructor ink distributed in real timeto all machines

Student SubmissionsSlides used to distribute activities to students

Student work sent to instructor

Instructor shows student work on thepublic display

Page 9: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Classroom PresenterClassroom PresenterStudentStudent



Public Public DisplayDisplay

Page 10: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Classroom Presenter ProjectClassroom Presenter Project

Develop underlying technology around Tablet PC and wireless classroom

Deploy in university courses

Key limitations (wrt broad vision):Focus on instructor presentation and interaction with student devices

Focus on homogeneous device deployment, Tablet PCs

Unsustainable device modelDepartment owned tablets distributed at start of each class

Develop underlying technology around Tablet PC and wireless classroom

Deploy in university courses

Key limitations (wrt broad vision):Focus on instructor presentation and interaction with student devices

Focus on homogeneous device deployment, Tablet PCs

Unsustainable device modelDepartment owned tablets distributed at start of each class

Page 11: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Key ResultsKey Results

Successful classroom deploymentsRegular use throughout term

Computer Science coursesAlgorithms, Data Structures,Software Engineering

Analysis of deployments

Effective tool for achieving instructors’ pedagogical goals

Wide range of use

Successful classroom deploymentsRegular use throughout term

Computer Science coursesAlgorithms, Data Structures,Software Engineering

Analysis of deployments

Effective tool for achieving instructors’ pedagogical goals

Wide range of use

Page 12: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Deployment DetailsDeployment Details

Senior level algorithms class

Approx 20 students

Classroom set of HP TC1100 Tablet PCs

One tablet based lecture per week

Lecture – Activity modelAlternating lecturing with activities

Avg. 4 activities per lecture (50 min. classes)

4 min work time, 2 min discussion timeper activity

50% of class time associated with activities

Senior level algorithms class

Approx 20 students

Classroom set of HP TC1100 Tablet PCs

One tablet based lecture per week

Lecture – Activity modelAlternating lecturing with activities

Avg. 4 activities per lecture (50 min. classes)

4 min work time, 2 min discussion timeper activity

50% of class time associated with activities

Page 13: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Activity ExamplesActivity Examples

Page 14: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Pedagogical ContributionPedagogical Contribution

Incorporation of individual artifactsinto discussion

Contrast with Classroom Networks (“clickers”) which rely on aggregation of responses

Complementary approaches

Individual artifactsFree form answers, exploration

Unanticipated results and misconceptions


Ideal with pen based input

Incorporation of individual artifactsinto discussion

Contrast with Classroom Networks (“clickers”) which rely on aggregation of responses

Complementary approaches

Individual artifactsFree form answers, exploration

Unanticipated results and misconceptions


Ideal with pen based input

Page 15: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Individual Artifact ExamplesIndividual Artifact Examples

Page 16: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

What Technology ProvidesWhat Technology Provides

Digital domainSupport for archiving, distribution, and analysis

Integration with lectureAllows display with data projector

Efficiency Reducing overhead of distribution and collection

SimultaneityAll students work at once to increase contribution rates and to encourage independent contributions

Additional communication channelsEasier to express certain ideas

Overcomes communication barriers

Digital domainSupport for archiving, distribution, and analysis

Integration with lectureAllows display with data projector

Efficiency Reducing overhead of distribution and collection

SimultaneityAll students work at once to increase contribution rates and to encourage independent contributions

Additional communication channelsEasier to express certain ideas

Overcomes communication barriers

Page 17: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Technology ExamplesTechnology Examples

Page 18: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Classroom Presenter As A ToolClassroom Presenter As A Tool

Are lectures better when delivered with a chalk board or with PowerPoint?

Wrong question – both are tools, which can be used well, or badly

Classroom Presenter has been usedin class to achieve specificinstructional goals

It is possible to assess whether or not instructional goals are achieved

Assessing overall impact is muchmore difficult

Are lectures better when delivered with a chalk board or with PowerPoint?

Wrong question – both are tools, which can be used well, or badly

Classroom Presenter has been usedin class to achieve specificinstructional goals

It is possible to assess whether or not instructional goals are achieved

Assessing overall impact is muchmore difficult

Page 19: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Instructional Goals ExamplesInstructional Goals Examples

Page 20: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

High Rates Of Student SubmissionsHigh Rates Of Student Submissions

High rates of participation in Algorithms and Data Structures class (60 – 90 %)

No trends in participation rates Time in class or lecture in term

Submission was anonymous, so students weren’t required to participate

One incentive for students to participate was having their work displayed

High rates of participation in Algorithms and Data Structures class (60 – 90 %)

No trends in participation rates Time in class or lecture in term

Submission was anonymous, so students weren’t required to participate

One incentive for students to participate was having their work displayed

Page 21: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Importance Of Good Pedagogical PracticeImportance Of Good Pedagogical Practice

It is absolutely essential to base the use of technology in teaching on soundpedagogical principles

Classroom Presenter lessonsImportance of having specific goals for use of technology and the activities

Value of planning how to work with student results (and anticipating results)

Consideration of learning goalsLearning goals -> Assessing goals -> Activity design -> Lecture content

It is absolutely essential to base the use of technology in teaching on soundpedagogical principles

Classroom Presenter lessonsImportance of having specific goals for use of technology and the activities

Value of planning how to work with student results (and anticipating results)

Consideration of learning goalsLearning goals -> Assessing goals -> Activity design -> Lecture content

Page 22: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Does This Scale To 300?Does This Scale To 300?

IssuesWireless access

Device deployment

Cognitive load Reduce number of submissions

TA Mediation


Automatic clustering

Pedagogy scalingMaybe aggregation is appropriate for this scale

IssuesWireless access

Device deployment

Cognitive load Reduce number of submissions

TA Mediation


Automatic clustering

Pedagogy scalingMaybe aggregation is appropriate for this scale

Page 23: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

What Are The Costs?What Are The Costs?

Infrastructure Wireless + Data Projector

Instructor presentation device

Student devicesMandated student devices

Non-mandated devicesLaptop

Small form factor

Fixed installation

Infrastructure Wireless + Data Projector

Instructor presentation device

Student devicesMandated student devices

Non-mandated devicesLaptop

Small form factor

Fixed installation

Page 24: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

What Are The Other Costs?What Are The Other Costs?

Instructor preparationLoss of content coverageStudent idle timeBringing devices to class

PowerCarrying device

Desk real estateDistraction

DoodlingOutside communication

Instructor preparationLoss of content coverageStudent idle timeBringing devices to class

PowerCarrying device

Desk real estateDistraction

DoodlingOutside communication

Page 25: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Assessment Of Costs And BenefitsAssessment Of Costs And Benefits

BenefitsClassroom Feedback

Identified lack of backgroundConfirmed understanding of topic

PedagogyActive learning to convey particular points

EngagementWorking on problem instances to enhance interest

Broad contributionsStudent perceptionsClass structure

BenefitsClassroom Feedback

Identified lack of backgroundConfirmed understanding of topic

PedagogyActive learning to convey particular points

EngagementWorking on problem instances to enhance interest

Broad contributionsStudent perceptionsClass structure

CostsInstructor Device

Low (already in use)

InfrastructureLow (already available)

Student DevicesGrant supported (High)

Instructor PrepHigh (but should drop)

Loss of contentMinor

Idle timeMinor

Devices in classSetup cost for TA/Instr

Doodling and other appsMedium

CostsInstructor Device

Low (already in use)

InfrastructureLow (already available)

Student DevicesGrant supported (High)

Instructor PrepHigh (but should drop)

Loss of contentMinor

Idle timeMinor

Devices in classSetup cost for TA/Instr

Doodling and other appsMedium

Page 26: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Successful Sustainable DeploymentSuccessful Sustainable Deployment

Benefits must exceed costs

Benefits must accrue to those who pay the costs

Most promising deployment modelStudent owned devices

Benefits must exceed costs

Benefits must accrue to those who pay the costs

Most promising deployment modelStudent owned devices

Page 27: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Achieving SustainabilityAchieving Sustainability

Lowering costSupport a wide range of form factors, devices and platforms

Target devices students would otherwise have with them

Increasing benefit to studentsOther classroom applications

Value of having class resources digital

Lowering costSupport a wide range of form factors, devices and platforms

Target devices students would otherwise have with them

Increasing benefit to studentsOther classroom applications

Value of having class resources digital

Page 28: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Classroom ApplicationsClassroom Applications

Note taking

Digital Capture and Replay

Domain specific applicationsSimulations

External resourcesWeb



Note taking

Digital Capture and Replay

Domain specific applicationsSimulations

External resourcesWeb



Page 29: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Keys For The Device Enabled ClassroomKeys For The Device Enabled Classroom

Tablets will have a major role

Form factor and device cost is critical

Must include wide range of devices and platforms, including non-traditional computing devices

Must provide reliable,consistent connectivity

Low cost of entry

Integration across classroom applications

Tablets will have a major role

Form factor and device cost is critical

Must include wide range of devices and platforms, including non-traditional computing devices

Must provide reliable,consistent connectivity

Low cost of entry

Integration across classroom applications

Page 30: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering


For more information, contact Richard Anderson [email protected]

Acknowledgements;Support from MSR ERP, Collaboration with ConferenceXP group, UW Team, HP, Beth Simon and Ubiquitous Presenter, feedback and ideas from many users

For more information, contact Richard Anderson [email protected]

Acknowledgements;Support from MSR ERP, Collaboration with ConferenceXP group, UW Team, HP, Beth Simon and Ubiquitous Presenter, feedback and ideas from many users

Page 31: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation.Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft,and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation.MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

Page 32: Supporting Classroom Interaction With The Tablet PC: Lessons Learned From Classroom Deployment Richard Anderson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering