sun published this week word ir - library of congress · hut on ugnln the country puwd throug arid...

THE SUN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 1900 4 iii veir nOOKS Continued Bntfith Poet an officer neatly dressed khaki poked his head Into a coroparunei In which there were ladle and removed hi hat when he perceived them Tho Ilocr cowl try was beautiful It wo ea r Ui tindrrstan why the lloer love IiU country The moun- tains of red rock and light reen rmsj foliowo each other in magnificent confusion as far a ono could fee The waterfalls leaded whit and Jubilant mm hone and many othe things contributed to n chango of opinion and to an approval of the Uoer Hide In tho war Mr Bavin take nidus warmly unii It l Hkelj that the Iloers will ilnd no fault with him a a champion lint Oen Huller will not Ilk Mr Davlis book Mr IavU deals very stren uijuily with that warrior and him ruth laisly to the catcuory which n unhappily adorim Mr Hlcliard Vhlteln knows his 1arti well a lid In Iarlf of Today n urv Company h writes about IHT with a charm apd brilliant1 that are worthy of the subject while Mr Aiuln- aitalann HUpplltw Innumerable iilitum tlin It U a delight to look at Tho ifovernmentn- macMon th Irk of the Kiiubourtcs hoi fashionable and her nrtUtlc life her past times and tho llfo of her lioulivurdi are nl here described with Juit that lltfhtnwa of touch and buoyant humor with a danh of cynlclMi that mark the author as himself somewhat o boulevardler lie Is always the amu and unprejudiced lookeron rather that crlilCH a when In speaking ol the boutorard restaurant ha fays main things are aver tha same llehtnwu anc- bri htn HS the former extendIng from tIe modi of service to the thing served Therein nothlni out of the way In the quality of th viand The market Is ill supplied with flsh great deep and the roost of the Parts kitchen sometimes product a longing for home that Is not purely patriotic Yet the French oook rarely falls to hold yot with the raaglo of kickshaws and If yoi choose your restaurant with Judgment you wll nod tho fro quite good enough for huinar- naturse dally food The one thing needful It to approach the table In the right spirit or all the majrlo goea for nought That spirit Is the spirit of expectation of lunging of desire fox thefioodlhlngsof the body and the wood humor which Is Its natural ei prcMlon The 1rcnoh man at h say makes no apology for enjoying victual and ho knows nothing of tho rather artificial humility of our forms of grace before meat Io doe pray that the food may ho sanctllled to and to the mot exaltfd- n rvlc It Is enough for him to have It n reabla to his palate Ho holds the Incorrig- ible pagan that the gratlfleitlons of rrnHO ore a legitimate as all others nnd that a Hot Chlteaubrland Is quite as muoh of an iiboolute good an the virtue of the Socrntlc Rysteni iood thing to eat bountiful tlillnc to look nt espwlnlly women the quickening appeal of music oratory nil ure the main parts of his scheme of life kcavenger In hi dargott will smack his lips over n claso of wine limed of Parln It he can fInd no better The moral It curries aa it goes down Is not exactly thank fiilnf s for the kindly fruits of the earth He feels only that It Is good to bo nllve or to put It inside out that when ono dies it Is for- a long time In rustic wine ho here anti there tho motto tony still be read beneath n faded lithograph wherein three citizens of Ihe time of fouls Philippe touch glasses In nn Arbor In spring They arc all nit dead now us lithography Itself but whllit they had their rliance they made tho canakln clink It wnn their national application of the text Let its eat and drink for tomorrow we die compassion of these people for those who devote their ontlro thought to riches and toll of ambition might make some of us pnuso Moet entertrtlnlngly too does Mr write of tho great panorama of tho boulevard that marvellously ineipenflvpimd entrancing continuous performance to which the looker mi can always purchase a at the modest price of a bock or a sherry cobbler for which lie l charged not morn than TOO per cent above cost Here Mr Castalgne shows UN pictures of pretty flower girls and cafe scavengers of an oldtlme heart or a dainty little work girl eating her frugal midday she trips along the crowded street one Illus- tration by an Ingenious process effect f hows u a crowd of sightseers at seen through the plate glass window of a art eliop Upon Montmartre Mecca of the Innocent provincial or the easily gulled tourist from Mr Whltelng eiponds a good deal of quiet satire that Is not undeserved wellmeaning and credulous literary men and WoOlen both have become mildly hysterical over thi hypothetical haunt of the poet and the artist How much wn have heard from thw amiable enthusiasts rf the TafA of tho head Rat or the It d AM or the CafA du otherwise the of Nothingness or tho of Death were never anything but showsgotten- up to amuse the stranger and the and painters who were supposed to haunt thorn existed rnlj In tho Imagination of the credulous visitor Alan and nlnck nay Whlteing It Is all moonnhlr In purest ray serene The Montmartre poet mostly nn even poorer lot In si Irlt than they art In purse and they will never fort nnjthltiif cio The writers nnd nrtl U of repute know noth log of tlioso cafes or nt n them oncn end tea thorn novr again Muntmartre Is not so much Clru- lMreet of Paris for Omb street was actually productive and It was at least Hlnrere Most of these poets nnd pRinter are hlrnply the failures of the schools masquerading as the onminir man They are put out of doors ON soon as they have to draw The contemplative rate payer in drink hi gliMi of beer and goes his way thajiking heaven he wan not born clever Tho luurlst lays out his tow francs In a copy of a song or of a volume write wellmeant but misguided letters native paper to ay that he has l vn at supper with the gods In Sport and Travel Kast and Wet l nctnan A Co that wellknown sportsman Mr Frederick rourteney Sclmn writes a wrics of entertainIng chnptiTt Tln- e rllor omH disrrllio his ndvpnturis In chas nf ml diiT and the mngnlllrcntly horned wild at of the Intirlor of Minor while tlio- IniNT n couple of hunting trlpt in the llorky Mountains Mr S IOHH Is morn tlianii HUTU big gimv llehntilnt- tlllgiiitoli orv r nnd haven vilun to the nadir Intcrxtod in fiwn- itn whlrli l qiilio ili tinct from thflr purely port minllke qiialtty When after a hard stalking In gi i a long Miot anti bngs hi gum ut share hl Mlnfartlun but n- fliul nit iiiial idiMiiirv in hi dr i riptlniis nf- wri in aud ptino met ivllh by Thn- anrlont iravnn route dating luuk to pn- Miihaiiiinidin lime by whiih In travdhil- priivide him with touch material for enter- taining otiMTratlnti Tim traveller IIUIIH wlih- u continuous Mronm i f rameN donki H and i iinle nil heavily Iniliu with mrr- fhandN KJIIIC kind anothen The ilcnui lowincod cain s urn nil tied head aud tall one behind th other tho front a rf anlmil carrying great Jniigng beK- anil tin long Mrltig bolng Invariabl n lUnilnutlve donkey tracldltM hy a Turk i red ft blue jacket mind white baggy trousers At Intervals along tho route are ciiinl wliT tr voler their noonday re t- iln anl bcfori again tii Turks go through their devotion inrh- nut taking off hoen anti HI reading hips arpet before him on which he kneel and frustrate himself tmirlilng thi ground re- wil dly with hi forehead prnjcrs- ulnriv oceuiy coin time and as the follow er or th Pophet nre mippo d to go through- Miiiii iMthir ties or seven times every da ii nomiwlist erioisly interfere nlth truveIers progress As an Instance of a mil i riistotn Mr Soloin mentionn the fat that from outh th add a th The Pal j hl t lot hi l tOe with J j t I The oat Ii II i 1 men h bOllard l low min I iI ant cal Car opts II j Ir mot th coo R- opy alI t I i Grin I I t sit t r hii 1 I A f I II I r 1 I I I d t r hOI take t t I whir hi t 0 The hiM c i 1k ry iIater the 1 over- sea thIns are t I A are dvo 1 s hunter stiirvit inns iIi t p thir way l l I h i start Imi The i I t tip < ¬ ¬ > > > < < > ¬ > > once when at a halt he had taken his Engll saddle off his horsos hack as one woul naturally do ho was much union Ishod to see Its Turkish master Immudlatcl- replftca and when intcrprotc asked time reason ho was told thn the hors was liable to catch cold If the was only remove l ft trlnutes and hut on ugnln The country puwd throug arid and parched and tin Inhabitant swarthier than Mahyn limit with a certain dlneM that them look like the descend ants of n ram burnt deep brow by etposuro for many fetiratloti to n torrid sun The average Han or cues nous of tho Interior of Asia Minor not Food Is icarco ant vllo In qimllty and while endeavoring to kiiji In hi nw- ibhnlein on tie roughly boarded hour of n empty room tho guest halile to be assallci- by l of kintn whllu tlie whole atiiiosphcr is poisoned with tlw olckeiiliig stench from thi opun pools In the yard below tho sleep- Ing rooms ihs village hcm es are of wooi and mini earli urroiindfd by u niall orchnn of iiiple ant apricot tri Flocks of tarn goats fn Urn law lineil thrive In cpltc o th sieiilo und forbidding i l ct of routi try i u Ihu various irnkl plants hit grov- iiiiiiig tlw tones Thiy w tendd l y uildl- iHiklng unkempt and nomiidic Yiiruk sliophinl live In of camelM hair matting Thougl rough In njipiarancB and Inr muvod from al- the aiiienltleii of clvllizeil life Uiey proved ti- tio dlgnltled and courteous In iiiantur and tiuvt failed to otTer tho bet cheer procurable nmli their rude surrounding They had probabl- liever before assisted at tho camping arrange of un European traveller and howo curiosUy and Interest as would U evinced by the Inhabitant of an kraa when by white men The aru however tar moro hotpttablo than the g n rullt of African vlllaiiurs and brought tho travi11 many small present of eggs and sweet anc our milk Kl Maly which was tho hunter central point U a town built on tho lower elop of a steep lull In the mlcUt of arid trerless tony mountains In which the wild gout abound Tho town Itself Is well watered b a copious stream nod lim HO fruli trees growing in tho gardens tin houses that at u tUJtonoa It looks like t veritable oasis in the desurt The Mreeta ri narrow and steep and roughly paved wit cobblestones and are unsultod for whee vehicles of any kind all merchandise Iwliu on the hacks of cnmolu and donkcjK The oro of large uuburnt bricks 01 of Bomu two and saute throo stories high At night tho four entrances to tin bazaar are each guarded by a savngo dog at- tached to n long which allows him to range from side of tho street und seize any one by the leg who might attempt to pass These dog are most cffvotlvo ant save tht- expeiua of police After ueveral days of un- successful stalking In terrific heat beneath a force nun beating down upon the hare rocks living meanwhile upon o frugal dint of biscuits titled tips and water Mr Belous at last bagged a floe flveyoirold ram goat with a pair ol horn The next year IIP was moro successful nnd a photograph of tho heart of a big one horned gnat killed on the Mnlman Tech fonin one of the numerous lntere tlng Illustrations to thn volume If any city deserve a phce In Me srs J M Hent A Co Macmlllnnsl delightful Me dlmvnl Towns series It is Florence Mr Kd- tnund O ianlner In The Story of Florence has conblmid history and description HO skil fully thit the book will serve an n trustworthy guide to nil that Is worth se ing for thoe who have not vIMod yet the city of Dante of Olotto of Ilocoacdo mimi of Michelangelo whlln It will recall pleasant memories to thpso who already know tlio Qticon of the Arno Kevrrnl maps and miny welldrawn sketches Illustrate thin volume The Appletons publish a n w edition of David Ilnrurn with llluMratlons by Mr H West Cllnedlnst- We hove also received Alf ir A Mnynard Hal four Llpplncotts The Moving Finger Writes Ornce Denlo- IJtchfleM Putnamsl White Jacket dr tip World a Man of War Herman Melville Itana Kste A Cot TuHkegco Story nol Its Work Max- Dennett Thrasher iSinali Mnynard A Co Thn PixIe and Elaine StorliH A Morrison Dana Kstiw A to i Adventures In Toyhnd Fdlth lUng Hall Illnstratwi by Alice II Wooilirard Jamlcton- Hlgglns A Col The CruUe of the Pretty Polly W Clark Russell Mpplncottl An American OlrlV Trip to the Orient Around the World ChrltlneCoUhriin McXally A Co Women of the Bible fly eminent divines Illustrated Harpers The Very Young Man and tli Angel Child Kll a Armstrong Dodge i The Way of the World nnd Other Wayi- Katharino E Conway ipllot Publishing Company The Princes of Hearts Sheila E Kralne- Jamlefron Jllggla A Co Among the Great Maters of Music Walter Howlands mans Estcs 1 Co The Archbishop and th I idy Mrv- Pchuyler Crownlnshleld McCliire Phillip A Co April Sowing iertnule flail McClure Phillip A Uulrktiind White Small May nard V Co Patti and mat Ada Cambridge A- plrtous The Chevalier de St hens Alko llgen Jones A C A Co Tho Story of the Soldier Ilrnvet hug Oen iPirge A t S A retired Mint himself In Trmplr- II clinrd Ilu Ihberg upn trn inalser I9yiM id pommlti il siilcl l at III luiiiie- IRt Wet ThirtyMth stteet by ho nine himself ghtnf right a 32raliber n over had worked I an irii foundry Store sv ffj for Everybody Mall Order Spielilly usQ- iVlviovr Special T JL1 to Libraries L A HIIMAl IIAItliAIN X- ifll it tIllS KfXK A AOVAUS STANDARD DICTIONARY imlr Inrlilrnlaly lo Inndltn ijlhoii lcut nf rntf ihc of Aunip nf Ilifni cot J- ullKlnly InniiErd iithr i r III iKflnl cij l lion riBiilnr prlrf I til1 jf Kf4- iiO iIIfr theta t THEODORE ROOSEVELTS WORKS vilv doth almost rill instrd and liV S52J Illre in turner editions tI4Jo Ufsl xlllns inviH al pofuh irrr Our I if true O- Ihiiip wirm it r n IIH Vole if Ihr Iroplr IIH o 1nlifr uf 111 Kliip liAn IIH- I V IH i- gul ntf lvi tin Alt rntiKN AT innrsi JJ- Iur ntn rnlalncui reaL In tri 4ayv Milled lo any riMr v or llteratiiri m hook lonn ore required by an Ntnb ll Liberal lrin N for examination lrniuit trillion anti hnnnralil- treatment UBLISHER 1265 Broadway N wVork mippllnl no trr on hat subjrrt m utnc timks- AiiUd I set juu rrti puliiKriro tliclnnj rail and my tote of n- iUiit tc lliKKUS IIOOKSIIH- Iotn liilrhttt nirminecsm Kndanit It the all for a wa rud Ilk I I lon ho melt ran Inn hOI cain Itt That I url not I I lone f I frill For th Illotol1 th I tlublratol MAL KAN a D t I II I I 01 i I wlillc 1 I Tie I I M I IU o AUTHORS 0 dar SEEKING al- A IOOK oo wit WIle tAn In npr lulls elsewhere at- tractive isa t tic I tip Lps visIted carrie s tIe I Cot I Met lurs 1 t I lit t Ciii is Book It cart a tip cop fTP W a- 11ITION Iip p l p PIP SIlO i IItIiI 4- I 0 Mnniirrijtimi all hunctpt situ tutIq lor ilox sun I laps rasp Vlpemi > < > > ¬ < > < > < > <> > > < > Published This Week A Novel of Modem The Archbishop and the Lady Society BY MRS SCHUYLER CROWNINSHmLD am a Mrs Crowninshields novel is a remarkable There is a YO in the book Jeannetle L Gilder editor of the Critic Cloth J2mo 150 l Sowing BY GERTRUDE HALL There is not a problem here as large as a mans hand save that of how a maid anJ a man shall throuijh many ditlicultLs reach the goal they both desire Illustrated Cloth I2mo 150 Criminal and TrAmp The Powers That Prey Stories By jOSIAH FLYNT and FRANCIS WALTON A collection of stories of the under world the result of years of of and association with tramps and criminals Cloth I2mo Irish Folk arid Fairy- Tales Donegal Fairy Essays by Ian MacLaren j BY A series of the best of Irish folk and tales Illustrated with forty drawings by Gustave Verbeek Cloth J2mo 100 1 Doctrines of Grace BY DR JOHN WATSON- A series of essays on soins of the deeper prob lems of life CoM J2mo 150 McClure Co Publishers r STREET NEW YORK APPLETON COS NEW BOOK DAVID HA RUM ILLUSTRATED DAVID HARUM A STORY OF AMERICAN LIFE By HOWARD NOYES WESTCOTT Illustrated edition entirely reset with some seventy fullpage and text pictures by D West Clinedinst and other text designs by C D Farrand and a Biography of the Author by Forbes Heenmns mo gilt top uncut S2 00 In response to the many lnqultl which lavs shown a general desire for an Illus- trated edition of Divid Hirum the Messrs Appleton hive been able to arrange with the distinguished artist Mr U West Clinedinst who his beer peculiarly Interested- in the book and has accepted the commission with an enthusiasm ant perfect apprecia- tion which have produced the happiest and most sympathetic results Mr Cllnedinsts study of the character anJ his rendering of types show a comprehension of Mr West cotts creations and a quick sense of humor which wouU the lamented authorCUPIDS GARDEN- A Volume of Fiction by ELLEN THORNEYCROFT FOWLER author of The Farringdons etc With preface and a new portrait of the author I2mo doth SI50 This volume presents the author of Isabel Carnaby and The in a new light as the mistress of art of storytelling according to the French rather than the English school A situation an incident full of sliniticance beneath the surface a contrast becomes in her hands a theme for a charmin little tale which may move the reader to real emotion or to delight in the writers humor The hook as a whole represents the author In a lighter vein than The FarrinfMons It will appeal to all Miss Fowlers host of readers and increase their admiration of her versatility anti line talent MR GARLANDS BEST WORK THE EACLES HEART A Story of the West By HAMLIN GARLAND 12mo doth Si50 The Eagles Heart Is Mr Garlands best work considered as a story of sustained interest sttort characters and exciting incidents Cleveland Plain Dealer D APPLETON COMPANY Publishers New york By IRVING BACHELLER If I going to make something a It has I I A Novel for Trac Loers t I I 125 Stores lbs I 2 I A I I dons the I I BEN HOLD EN I i Thousand JjbUCIIOfl I 3ew tbHcatianL like sensaton Aprils ID I U ¬ < ¬ ¬ ° It M pimple it natural It Is very charming tt will ho vi Uly Tho Inventory that runi through It Uono of tlm irottl t wo ronipmlifr having read In recent flcllun The Woolrma- nIncli Kl U one of thorto men whouo- ncnualntanri mnkiv a mans stnto moro trrachnu UraoMsn 1aglc Its punKcnt liomoly jihllosophy Is leooinin is fntulllnr on tho lips of rend- ers a that nt Dnvirl Ilnriun llo lon Tmnrrif l I I read I > ¬ I2mo gold lottcrod on rod cloth gilt top SI50 LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY Boston I = HIM n i in wivi fins llutli hut nnil llonry rr nd Itiirei- irlrr In a llrlanrrr Strrrt Salcion- Soliinoii Uulilnonit n Kjiinuii kr tHr nt nn tnfi in lu urlitiiyeardlJ Mlchnnl to Hank viMinlay i ilfM Mt 3Ci boy led lu- iitlnr tore nijcur n M uml in h did riot mm at nwin lii failier hurried lo tin Imnl- ind that Michael liail not lioen ihoro II- n i iloii t Ilif Iolltv lii soul out an nlnrm Ink tar lioy Iubinuli7 K li IIHH lili otis honesty Hi tlie lnjy liavo tlic or thai nn MOI it pupil in cither TTAvlYSICAt AitlANCBnrr IICICN will tt IUII 72 4St M S TfccMtnv ure ot Ctuirarlr- rVO TH PHESDYTEIHAN CHUnCIU tlh n ml l 10Sn ana P M John D letln Otirlntlan K- BddTormrrtlnr M Torlotk l I lon n I th Ir nth hOI trURiou pal I rlr ar oral Illn emu and t the inn Ii I tip t lfl I tie y tip too ad I I 015 ill boy I ii rain I gu lctttr tip I Itiw Alt Invited < > < < > < r OH tratir unit a good an tirrail WllMAM IKX n lliitlcn in i nnMrcrraiinn A Ore been imnilrrinti if I rrrr trail no nuil tintttr strait llumiiT PniscoTT Siiirtoiiti- II iif nni trnuahrmlofDariil Hantm hliin HiMrti id imiili ailorable- MAIIV I UIIKIX- SUirnitrr tine fimM n rrnl hook he or flu Ihr rrnt In Irll il Hull llfy may rcnil ami fiijiy il ion So pa fr reail Kben- nlllen R SANOSTrtl in Ueellly I I I I our I I par tin our a it Ill Skein about p < llrlifliou Jloticro- RIV Oil TALAUnu- WIU IHI CII Al TlK IIANSOX PIACK- ilAI r lllV A r i IASTOIl- TOMOlllKllV MOUXIMi AT 1H3U ircIOC- Kpurucii OP mi HKAVKNLV HIST ITU AV 4Slh H itCh IAUUril MOUiiAN l I llfrtir a A M communion II A M lltiny haly cunnrnlun and vraion trthfI- trclur 4 I II ftrnlnc r fr sermon by John Wit llnm- iCiiiiicii or TMI IIKSSIAII suh L earner vSrr lr II A M The Krr KiKnirr I U will flubjret Nulhlnr hut 1raTta A sermon tot dlsroumitrd r plf Sunday Wcniol in uclocu In runllilly Inrlird- OIlACn CHURCh corner loib tb- frvlcr aA M A M and I M- All tlltlnf i f rrr ST JAMESS CHURCH VIM t and Uidltoa ar K VAlPOIr DI Ktclor U Mornltif Prayer Stimoo lIttler llA U SM lr firrmon bylUclor P U nn lUll II O I l 1 I A liES b II IPOh Its chalet Cnhraiire sy S t lie > > > > A Word Top Coatsa- nd you cant freeze In our Ox Frieze Broadway Box X V lined throughout with silk lust the J thing for comfort and good looks Fit as good as the best madeto measure The fashionable Rag- lans at 2000 to 3500 Money back if not perfectly suited BROOKLYN MAIIIK ISTELIHIKSCRM- INUTUIIR AIMANACTIIIS Sun itws C 41 Sun MIL 449 Moon rlwiI- IIGII HATKHTIIIS HAY SB I Hell IIIH- AnlT d FnlfiAV soc S Prnniylvanln Slidl llxmhurr Oct 21 S dl Mn Mcsilns Ott 17 S Iltlllb Irlncf Mnllh Aniwnp Oct S llinm IMJoii nmiilry NoUMbnyi Aug 17- s llflli lin pn ItiiiirMun Oct f K Iuupv M utiilt Port mi 1rliKr Oct l S flininrtlP Ui 1 nd NrwOilran Nor 4 S Clie rciUr Drlnnu llrltlmnr Nov 7 S VciiloU Thompwi Nnrlollf Nov S Irlnrtw Vorfnllc Nov A S lltntrnftor Plilladtlcbla Nor 8 Attnmn OUT- S Advance from Nrtv York at Colon 81 Camptnln from NPW Yolk nl Quftnilo n sAitrn rnoii POUNHN POUTS S M roilllf from london Inr Vcw Vntlc S Tnvr unto lif rbiiitrr Inr Nf w York S troop llvrp l lor w York Sn Jtnpif ol JMMR rOm Vnnroiivfr for Ynko hams OfTiJOINO STRAMSIIIIS- Etriiilii H l rr Wllhilm ILNnplti Hull muni Itjttirrl in- Minttou txitidm- iOlrdoiilun liverpool AIne JnmV- rsinliisn 1iittn lllliiur Clime llnvnn- llftmnnn Imrii o- lirlllh Prince Atcrnllna- 1olvcvp Norm llrall Varnhiw Ctiarlf lnn CJmu New or an- KMaria ThffMtanrrmrn- Flnancr Calm rnquoH ChatlrMon nn A M HICOAM- in mi A M- lino A M- in Oil AM 1 00 A M I nni A M i o A I ti P M- St LnuK Sitithunmon lit rmanlc LUrrixnl- Southvrark Aiitwup- Drliatw Prftotla nrrmiicla alb CharlrMon Alamo DalTriUin v or 13 7 nn A M 8 10 A M av 14 n in A M- 1030AM IM too VtHit Haiti m A M- in on innnAXI- IOCIM Ill in A M i nn M- II fin M I m 1 M I on I1 M I Oil M 1 run p M a on p si 1 on p M a no I S- Iin nn A M 1 nn p M 3 no p INCOMIXU NTKAllSHt- rTntlt frlni Iletrnl Iultpjld lirfmrn- Itlimt HiHolCltj- Poclialionlai hil lnn nd Sir n rA- ilbrMlur Hull U ri ol SATannit- hSnuthumptoa IJtrtnool- Nfw Of leans IS 00 M 3 0 P M 300PM- Ntuttilit nihralta- rirhimpiijnf llarrr- Nafonrhff Savannnh- Iruntla Ilemuiti Our Moiday 12 itatrnf Neh n kn rlmgow- Maavlam KoHruUra- Krleravln Hainburi- lltirlc flTrrpjnl- Ilillaitrlphta sin lll panta- lh n n Mhos Xrir Orlrant- Uur TuntavXer itelltn- llvftpool Dui WtdntiJay 14 3partn Prlnw Natilrt- 1armii 1ilna Ullhrm IV- dlriiDdiirk iyryvnrti33 pI- IISSrtiSllYOn Thursilny Nov loan al UncVtin M M hy the Her A W Atchltald 1 I mwlMrcl by the tIer Henry O Iiwlch- tIt II th Ilfv IWwin Munsfll P I to n Thfodnra Crosby Thur Jay Nov at St Pauls Church Koelewnoii by the lire In i Flltrlinrr Icier Stanford tliirvrr to Paultnt itmiglilrr nf Sir and SIts J O Clr- phanr lludalo and Ualklrn ropers pirate ropy A1RSIIAAUa Thir day Nnvrmbrr Win In Ihu lint tnltfd Prr bylerUn Church PhllaJilphla Pi by the Rev W 1 II IMzar- a sl trd by the tier lamci P ll Ill William J llanna IDII3IDl- lICrU At nabylnn I I on llmrMlay Nov lim Jinu lluljrr i 8 Mh yfnr nl Itflnllvcs and IrlrnJ are to the furrral- frvlrf at SI li rir Churrh Ilabylon on Monday Nov IS t inA M Cnrilatr- ll mffl triiln Irovlne IMaiiiriiyat AA- A M and lltltu h nv llm iklyn nt a2ft A M lily III Illdav N iv P inno Wil- liam IIIriiwu fnimrrly of 20 IMtk- imlv YIII nl ttr Mir John slid llitiy lirutvn aCed 4 f nrv- Sirilrr nnStlurdav Nov in itini nt K P M nl- It Tuft ar nisr St John p MritiUlyn Ill IK ml p Ivjtr- M ita Soy ISO at liT Iftilfnrr 3tl Wr l 1lli si H llncfdnn- 1hM ClaM IiUivril wff of lmli I II in- mrrrli aiidiltueMrr uf liif lair Paul V CirMr- In liri I41U far Iunfml Mrvlif nt rinD Churrh Vet Ilnilai nod 7Tlli t ilnMlnjnuruUij Nov 12 lani al c- i iAlt On Tnurvhy Nov oj near llattlr- Uyo Peel Lit lonalbin Kiljarncfd- M beats Iunrrl rrvlfff al Trinity rhurrh Nrwaih N SsiurrtAj Nnv ID at m A M Inttrmr- MrrlllirNTM llarkfivuV N J IMiiy l SuphU Kuphfniln t rtiw nl Itlehard Piul- Trrhunc In the 7d year nt lirr ate r rfiatthf rtMiltnreof tier ftonlnliv William Mol f SM Stale il llarkcixack N Monday Xm al 3J P S- IIIH KKXSIUO CKUCTKKVPrlfaio Mallun Harlem llallrond 41 mlnuirt ti Irura the rand Central llrput ORirr in Kail 42J nrnK niiis CI IETKUV- Omcr 1 23d u New Vor- kprrinl yiotirts WADED recovers In youthful color and PAUKEnS IIAHt HAISAU- lsnEUCOHNS tile curr tar 1A cU r tk1lt 4rrltmtnt On for Over- coats I UI3I r J 1800 101 I Gov d Oats Alna 7 e sat Ctei I an t A I t I al T 1 or A M to A Sr I no ti I DO 300 P M A 00 I T Oct cune 1or IIIUII r OY 3rOII SL I 1cknnI I Olub Due TMMrW fA OY 3 I Nov I r I nrln or 7 1 Sov 7 n Iollmon Nor lml M 7 or 7 Prlce Sor 7 nile OIl 8 I s II alu to II his sac 111 nat W1lIln lon J I fill II I I I unmet of 10 f I olr I Nor 0 I I I IA hon avtntl lit ° PAY 85 Sandy 1151 U Townsend Taunt Toda Malt p A ui at A Itbpus ilarw 12 Pin ii Him UPNO e1I 700 on M I t M 1 Ott Oct 7 7 27- 100uelc Oct 5 Ott Nov 3- Letnla ov 3- in lila Now S Nov 3 7 or a soc a Voc 7nx sn ox 7- AuIslan cew 1 None Oct Oct aflame flprdszz opI 0 Jet ov 7- Cnln it Pat so Nov F lamnstcs 8 SIt late Steele Martairt Comimping tip lied lou at 1 lilt It N < 1I1t1tl sun tb Coil the UIIP nt srinrod tom Fuui rust L pst U flnea the tie C best cora ¬ ¬ < < < < > > < < < > < > > A Sudden Winter- A very Summery Autumn now followed abrupt ly by Winter weather mid it is to the advantage of every titan und boy who has not already got his heavier suit or medium weight overcoat to know that he may be fitted out here in five minutes without the Custom Tailors twoweeks delay And besides the time nvcd there is the money uvcral dollars of it for clothing jut as good as ran he made Suits 10 to 30 Overcoats 10 to 35 Fulton St cor DeKalb Av Brooklyn CALEB V SMITH Manager Open Saturday till 10 P fL dn r h c1 t I is I c rcohljn rftftIflflt v ir oiffi4o KiL4o Co An IntrMltr Tram Iatch at St Andrf wiPla- nt the Crricent A C Yesterdays wrondit Imvoo with th who were out for score on tho Metro piililan lInks The wind was felt In the sreaUs fury at tlio Crwcent A f nmrso and In iiucncc nil tho nmlrliM in the second roiim- of the Ilevkle cup were poslponod except between T HoTcndcn and W 1 MiXonvlll- llovondeii won hy 3 up mid I to jilay Tin ollipr round will lo playod todny- An IntfKitine team match will lin ti diy al the St Androws bit Club between jilcked meinbern of the IMladelplila Coif dull Ionsiie antI the Metrufullinn iolf Afcsoclntlon It U II return iiwtcli tic Jletropolitnn rlayerr- havliiK ciiri d verv In the aprlnit Nearly nil of the 1lillndelplilaii were out for PractIce on the rit AtidrrvtH ytvlircSny ITOV I that thuy a fin Slany nf their wcins win In tho niluhlMirlioo1- of hn bUilt a n f the nf oni tin nvirato wort- wns very llr 1 his niak Mip of tin l wn lie iiriiiK will not n- kiiiwn until III 04 follnwM rl II M Fontt Phllocllimin iTIrki I II Iliiiilciii Phllaildphla Comlri M It AVrlK- hlIMlartrlphla CrlVil f I llni avir lluntlne- im T It Marklf PHI Mlc Jt i S Mati CrlrVft V MctawlfJ- IlillaitflPhla Point W p ssinllh ImilliigiJiT- nllry A J liallakirr Ihlliiir lhla Crlrkrl A II Mrriin Crook Plill irl hla- Tiavl iHlilfn I S Homrle Kaltflrld II II 1iuh llvltii toii Jr Im A M lUihWliH- M Andrew Julin Held Jr St Atnln A i ohtaiir Ardlr T M Mrntlf Mfnjrlztil II A i K Iiunty T Starker llnttr i ht An- iirr i I P llfr Valr There will In lv lv on a Klwhteen hole will In pliyod in lip inorntne In till the iiftrriiiHin thirc will IK nn einliteenlnilp Itt liill fnur oino 1 hi the iniiil of leiin nmtflie iihrnad hilt It l Ihellrnt Him1 It ha l eon trlid In thU- country lUcre will be a ala tlnin today at tlm Apn- wiiinls ioir wlnM Hnrry plays the let ball of Mnturlii llallou nnd the W K Ihe inalih will tin al lx Veiterday In a lice round Viirdin antI It K lnat- Milenlni lirnhnm Ir anti W I ThompMin- llii man who beat Trnvlt by 2 up The ror wa on I lie lilch old on neeount of Kale Fox will n team to llnltu Tiil to- day mutch one on there Is- Kr at speculation and there will nlso th on link of Mitropolltnn dilriot The nemlflnaty for the IfoniHI nip which reprtwints the hnmiilon hli of the Cort i lolf fluli wtn Mild one of lhi wn wiiloelyroiilwliit It reitilred iwi ntytlinvhiili I lie iilayid to the win between I I illiniutiii and K I1 Curler niul former l the victor thin other mntcli was bitwen II K Hrown I II Trak nnd llniwn won up TH wi won by Mr I l iferu willi a oore of n so SIH UH was won MM loliheld iiT nr l Today thero will ho u cnntet her nun amid nn nppninH- iln and puttlnc inntch for women fUr sriiEK T jnvrKTov- rrr thm n lltfrat the Snphnmnrrt After Thrrr Hard hoot IlUNTCTox Nov The tlin liouored- rphoin irefre hinnn COlIC pree which wn pulled oT toilcit by inonnliuht on ib gr fn In front of WithetviHrnn hill won by the fre hinen tiller tlirre llenily conUMid louts TIe cnmpii wai rrowdid with Hudent who swnnnefl llftefiidiijinnniiid nhlBrlnuIn whl h tho eonletant rtriiireled Tli mislti tints around the nrena wndlnc up their hoarJC ells of encouragement iiiul tin trolnecl llturrN- hittiinir In the inndo a wilrd tc- tc triK effet which wn Mill further tlf tr I K leitl tho- At ii i oclock W Coulter thiMiiho- morc HdituHniit was hd Into the I Kill iroMmnn riin iiitiiivif- ullnwed n inlniiti lItter amid till ihiiT or hi i Ipi innto4 V II cave tin uuii a few Insiriiciinn timid luciil the raw III their linnd M the word IIi iiiini drop e4 like a ln h anti till M lc that win almost i record brouker in the Huirt Although tlie Mijilio more tried every irlrl kti wti i kiinie the fr hinaii May with him rlueklly two rniindn of live mlnuti int inn wn a llnlli Mid It unit ihirt- llvi litfoli Kfllittts tnt hi MM lin- Iwerii the filM nJ hi oponent with rlim lh Irdr of both wn niitli d with mud ind tliey wciv badly tTitched W Ann MX ijeleaieil li Jii Ir in- In tho Ixnit vhlrh went for Ihris mlniiliw ih liiimr divided lb ran lileli when Coh niihiinori1 Iwvivywelijiii id II r- rre entereil thi IMlni- riny iiflviiita i fur I u romd Inn In the llnnl- Illltler fcllnlU III Ill llfliT llrlllK him for iii mlmiti hut winiiini a vlclnry- Jn lp nf the lung Ollrln of nnn h jiwtrd a firfdt t niirt- laik IttKil Toh ii ClilAKo- laiii lialv of Wilminiti ri win In trtn thf r tirl- a llnlv sis hf lorn i i IMIIi- iuniillv nt irl on Tliaiik 7 tic lay putty Jnrriify is mimi tlif Prior Ilililir Kantn ril Ch ruin lm rpfunil tn nit loik- iliClllnml ot Pituhurs A rluri In the Snaky City ntKil Mnntrv a lure i Ui rant San ty III vill ml il inlrv hf rrirUrt JMK- Iiii or Trunk Utn Mya Ie hn rrflifd nuurancea that Mciiuvrtri will mrtt MT In tli round hOOt nl- nlrani datriw tin l tifr init ol nrit mniKli In nl lh iTiJli ll lit rUht rharorljn liasI- TKIIII Iralnln- Arr rr rlira In ihlojty li a torah TH Iva l Plinrlilmfr It df ul limUr r hits I t iinl rul lf iri tlr In llnzlnnd llui rh- li MUlck dlral t Ihr n ml of Icfij Mriintrm- Ir islr Inm rirruuy In Umitin lit heal irli rtilutr ln nit inc It UnntAlal pnilMltr thai Ilir nroi iwd inatrli ti- calljnnlSinrllncnuhf lmdon I tryIng pull off 111 r rr nialrlYhf CaMlirr till mil Orr- in unlr Ihe latter Ihruuisldron Ilir- ult Crrflun nndi It rattier dlDcult In set harklnc r any amount lust mm The Mlllr Mwrrn Prdlir Pamrr and Harry hli a vhMltilrd lo takr iarr the atljnnl SirtlriB Club l indnli last Mnriday n itrltrrrj until heal Monday 1almc- ny hr now In teller shut then tic has In rr and If slfrrv ful thll matrh declares that almrr slid Ware MII rnrpt fur nfiffn round for n r ADd a t t Or titxa Ware Is ralrd at ln- Mt 11011 gab thAt played tIIII I cn II rod 1 lIt t Ii o II r1c1 all I I Itrr 1 t nr l l alI holt I f tltloIlM I 1111 laI I ib3l Iii Rill h 2 fI rl o I I f I I I 10 I I II Jrk ttlIdl1 It t I oiihtr 1IeJ nuiil 111 I Iritip II 11 httiirl It rllrtllllrtvlarllII Ilk pg I mlllc spitted ur II a redon IIIHr siitdIxcr I I d ti I I I b night I I b m terry In 111 Combo oIl t can I I I All liii 4 low Ic I I I lenin ton aUtbtry V Ply SI tbrol I till lIet itt lit dpi s loot 4 hit I hi In at a thuv e I I I lip I hit II Ill s send I ins V Ii cIt usual PIll I hit 4 his a a elsIe t t tin t del eriti iii him r I I y Win ii1le was > i i bilehl tied hit ii I 11t a ofltclils a 1 tIp I err I uxi rna nI upihmiut bItS i siiIuiti re lls- piuhl liii to t lit I huh i in XIt lit t han Ins teheil t I lath t ti bat hi 1pistil hut si I err s iii Ii it teller S a h It the Sal seen Itemi rrnr itlulehi the bets Ill iou Pale has been C dll Ii mcci Mceorern ITS site hllivmund liii land > > > < > ¬ > < < > > < > < > < < > > role vxiroRv ITHIKTIC niirsA- aitralaila A A I Seek Alliance nlth- lorrrnlnu Mod of IT U Country Secretary Jame K Sullivan of the A A tj- IIM received a communlcntlon from tlie Secre- tary of tlm A A I of Aiwtrnlasli hlch will prohtuly aid In the i of a plan to frame a uniform set of to eovcrn nth letlff cnnti t ruth over the world When tliarlr Herbert Secretary of tho A A A was here- with the London A C team which compel In the Interiintional gain of wich n otlfire- wu outlined bisel on tIme Hiippoltlon tha t thin ln body would form nn alliance with the A A I but Mr Uerlicrt on fturnlnc home nuts unable lo riToet tip rreitf trend fivllni exUt between tl ritlilelle loider of the two countrioi Shortly afterward th Canadian Awoclntlon be with tlm A A t hut no dellnlti1 move ht been inco to oh till the cleared result of llllar rules Th iiHTeinl poimlirlH of luti ial eame4 render U inoi try Hiin over that Some thliitf fliniiM In dui to prevent from iMitii at n in foreign rfiiintrln In polo vanillin hiirdlt- rncliiu and wi ielit i more iliffcriiiie III the rule which einild In1 l of if n JerMandin OHM be niriviil helwwn the many KO- Vrmllli The AiiKiriliins RIP nn loi to Income with tin A A I for tlii o ami i th v urn nln oiklnc u hiillir i nnoctlon wlih KtiglMi A A A lim doe not aiiir far dlliii wlien Inlirnatlonid coninetliloTi will Hi lhli wlthiml llie blckvrlnir over IOlldllioll tllll il IHHII n feature of iiinletx In the Till nopo of Ilio rti l alliance I iimtnlniil follonlns- Mw HiifTii wxiis SHOUTS cirn lrn1i- nt IIIM rn srnrrr SVIINKV fct P tiutiiran Kii MffMri Amalrur Attitrtlt I nifi n inr lunc Stiuot irrritd Sin I the hunt ry llr illrrrtlcn nf tIle mrmlwrn slit In nriiirdanii wllli n rrfolutlnii- ia ril At thr hal nf niir Piiard nf Conlicl- to nililrro iin on thi ntllijirl- iur niri tltiillim niakf trovt lon for ttr mtimm motion nf alllaiirr with iiilnr ii nlon o Irolllni nmnlfiir nllili Ilic In ntlrr of the woiM- uml r nntllally In rrmrnt tie reed frflln- Khlrh ril t Aimrlrnn and nllilrlM- hll hue wnrld ly tlr rlr i r tie of an fiitual n- lliaarr K ndally do nr l iivr that touch ri nl fluId nun tlr Inltil hanil nf Ihr murrain N lr In all If rt nf norld hrtr IF toiipitr 4 tile liattnnnl Tlil may hr a mnrr or lr U niiao rl f tnf nl 1Itnlit hut HT iiroim r to Iftlnr fur IU nn unili nib n- Tlir nrnl In hr would wr think hr I ralrulihlr Ilr iipliillnlliiti of rule In CUM m tiark- iiililr tn nil unrlil oi r I ir iahii a common firfnltlon f an amntriir I II plot aa- niiininly lhat till caiiillr wr rlionM u r a IfnitI- rrli rill irr hnirirn lllinOnr irmfillii Pi1 Mm a TfiHil rlrrlr nr TdK r iunir fnr trr li t ut1ln- rnnlrtt and you a Thxit citrIc ut In many point tfar irrrattr similarity In OUIM than to tloii the ruglh A A A vlth wliini ty hue way vr rraNirrVliur nnalliainr Far ln lanrr wn- lim lust OuSt rr thr N 1 il shall f of arj nmlrriil uhlrh n n that wr will iii a Iradrn linilrrnrnt like nn IrMrl nf lirrr- tiifurr an olriiint In Airaln- vr rue imu ntjriiltfi in rxhniistiir ftnit lirn if rHrof rnlfs ti eovrrn lrirl WAlklns rain prtltliilK nlllrli r llopr to r trail inlrrtviL- Prrhiip In hear f jlurr n ninfrrrnrr lrftvr n- drlrenlr iiom the ci rnmr l nlipa in tloRlnnd Intrd Slates Canada Soul Aftim and Am- trnlaola innv hri atmnl ahunluto In rur ur rarmr and the cnrilurl of nirrtlrics Wild fralfinnl rrlne niul enl vishr hrllrvt Inc to lrI- Allllilll yinits It S MMIK- Slluneriiy Srrritary Amateur Athlrtlc Inlon ol AiiMrnlas- nvnr iifti r Jtif riiiviTi- ncll Idea 1lr l lli Iliiiir Amnnc M iy- nf Our YH hl inrn- Mefiiber of the Now Yorlc Iwirchmont- Atlrtntlr and lirr lar e ynclit ciubs fnr- MI tlni bivn eoiil Irrltif the iulviililllty- of IluiurtiiK tlm rulnof nieaiirenieni nnd Ine one that will In i way put n Ilinitnlloii to the freak style of I mill that U bilns built and Induce T ti turn silt vi l tint liter erviriMhn i cruini Tlie rue ho been in fonv for mniy yiiriMid li rn tiiroll wriioil will liri lie tn n Ivini of th Un k el the boat hnvi linen inero rmlim niiciiines and whnii lily are otitbiilt nriiiniiv ti nny one Tin miidirn i tt uiliain tian thinks heneoJi- in win rails i otlilnc n am e wltli u pleoo- of metal linltei Ilio bottjtit of he keel at the end 1 vhiili l i t i Md 1 a lmin of end All s TI nf iiiic haVP I ndnoil hi order to fit iiilvrii ui1 till of IIIITI iriiiint I t i ndil lie cellar root t 10 ill urea to tn witfr lilli until divldi iwn Till till tivo the linuili- on wlili h the wnit iri ilT ed IJnal ur mea irt I wh i Itonilui on iii ki dud Hiiti r liiit when nro rncini- ihiy over aid iniiid ot iillnc on vatir liri IliLtli tin kni Ivnil l thniuih- Iivo rnii tn I mall TIIt- inv iniHitri tv i a MUCI nn i thai rn Use Sil li- ThiII HII nn d ui lUcHilon- v ml u iii n ii whnt in rib i ln iad d vie i iiKiteiinn- oxlilil Hi d liiii b in r iincirith H- Mlia ir o witli o drmulit Nnw Ilier le- on ill sill r M lm IMI i ilianred IlLlilh- nnd it l uuileriod ilui nriiy of lhn who nr f a nww i for ynctiiH In m- wnt1 raInT fnv inbli xiid ow rj tin ritl h il u wliiih v a acini th loiincl oihVnchi lini nu A ilation nt l t tnonb I hi llriluli WH- Ifrntr i liy ri i cil i niitiiitiii wlilch con i lied wth D IK cr Oiiiruo 1 Witni liim 1if Ir A I Iayri C Nlciol on and Mhbik Tin rul K follows i ii 4D o SA Ilnrar rating I tnean liiiirth on load viiVr iiiie II mean i tniii liniiin i iltiln gIrth U I ln- iliTiri1 oviri th clrti COd tlin- kli wlrlli inil SA iiein ril iirei n lint il ll1tflM i til rill I tint III UNI of HIM lirih briiidih 7i ir cent of tlie ciiiln- tlrih timi th dini riice the chilli iiiil Sli irirth niul r cent of tlm of ili iriM i to hi divided by 2 l in nrdr to find the limar rnlmr If tlieovcrinnT ii iiiii nf th load wnler the eto4 I to be added In th load vn r line nininrriiiiiit llnai already liullt nr t In pi inpt thIs pro- vision thl tind yiir the new ml i to remain In fun for ilv Vhninrntk II lUprrlfd n IJf llnlllrdhr rnd of lljrch- Sptrtnl Iiv littilih li Till SIV- CilAsnow Vov o It l etix ctcd that Sham- rock II will b by the ind of Ntnrei mid will her tlrt trials on the Clyde chit lh middle uf April o t r Land In ilrriryi- nd matltri B Ul ire Sundy Si x Soc 11 Tbr ad ttUui ci imn will br luund a Ufful dlretlorr A4 is rules I till triPle I n- It rltr11 I nil I 10 lit I 1 I fillips Phil droll I lilt Pht I I Ullt I nil lit lull Lou I3 gl hell tIP iserut lii g nil ha tier ill houjgl c tai a hill ha I ih he > r rita P ri lilt itt iilits t tier snIl hell sip Ii suit mid tills IC Phil C berth C lOp irs let r epic r I lie eli iit t I Cult ct I ii- I i lIP pral I tie it ItO I till tiP it I cia nd sample a s I tie tie t PillS tulmnltv h hit 0 rant are Ill I Iii I S I jusv the s I phi < sur l call d- lii i till I at k jut sit t Iii i t tug I ill I I i iPTr 3 I s I I i 4 i stir tic ti lila r root I lee r pcI see tier I Ira S p I tutu lip el I s i oil t the coumu Ini d lint emi jibe teislngt fleet ¬ < > > < < > < > > > > > > > < > < < > > < < > > > ¬ < < > erf Til The In the Sharpe tratod will be potato unUr of all t nearly arid fl- Vcoachet ability a touch jlranla ought to have c ooaohe their Ito peculiar Plilft duced t the Ind Columb wldeapr suiting the aupi snapped of e that wh team Is if a hi- rl ht vri lilt ends ttm otho The Indl fully at onto roliimU that tin heat lol Sanford Indl physliuo- Ktand I eleven i year nc the New to Harvi- rea onab- conflictv The ot est toda Quakers majority in tInt RH- Ivaiila rnp thin has a KC been pro ff r this u m- Thouicli I producu t cannot iunurH u- cnnnot Knvton r think the ioa on w of Soldier Kniiitfwltl the It U nn- theles a over Penn IllVlll 1- CMeMftnler broke bottles of- Whothi In c I- ian fine thr- ernl slays rnnk eat a ten snvtv I bavn HiV lino i Other befor 11 allow H t v nattier Ktaliin- IndnlC In- arituid In- atiiLar fi re- In nmo t work hnv H local cli thought b- o IUK to iti ihiH K- playert h url n for I nsul wnn 1 to o nm- by it iir e- n M iimt- l r rer fip lit liilIS- niiii thrnu- linuue triii with llll- of llowdnl- a IIUl Li- ufnrnn rly- iriidi nirre veni play illi t vi n of th Iflielllid- nm who huh with Ynl heIr buck t fur the In years f until over I men of win half look buck lltns Iolie- luirt of who livi1 i the ion ill Coach Hy- rlt olitfi t th Varsi- iicnib an In which IICtlCH 111 1- Ilkulv I tbriVaruity- ateniont tc the team and HI iilii that if the In capiidH chime tt IxjthXVi l mnde by V Tln IIKIIil Ml n e i end PltlNfliT i IIHTO lifcen lag toe d n Hi- hlch has In- pr r m pr in in cr iljnti r- ahoir unkiu- nifldrratloo 4 WIT lOw Hg later sort iot Cli rate the emptl Ii Its iit lion over taxi 1rank tIn i hrkir hlil- iii omiihnru will I IiPlIl all Ill Iii reepuirem- of Imilixi rue I Its Ii- U ihtpt- ectil h rtil Pull ers itml th2e- lii sas4a 4 A enirahxi- Sparinig Ipit- Ti l ci 118 tOld Swnvx till nub I 11 le1OX tip sin alt s ti when 1 pIty ttr Colmipt- P tlOlI 111- 1tht IlI tilOpipt am atu- Iatisiidlc tik will It The rule tb- S Itudent shut lnemr it Ii un- I I I t ilrlrI oust afler ti tlullEe tOttct blue rJc ton Compels I ai s CI 3lt etiiIIlii7I- C hs P11C- CIdebaipd It <

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Post on 25-Aug-2020




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Page 1: SUN Published This Week Word ir - Library of Congress · hut on ugnln The country puwd throug arid and parched and tin Inhabitant swarthier than Mahyn limit with a certain dlneM that


Continued Bntfith Poet

an officer neatly dressedkhaki poked his head Into a coroparuneiIn which there were ladle and removed hi

hat when he perceived them Tho Ilocr cowltry was beautiful It wo ea r Ui tindrrstanwhy the lloer love IiU country The moun-

tains of red rock and light reen rmsj foliowoeach other in magnificent confusion as far a

ono could fee The waterfalls leaded whitand Jubilant mm hone and many othethings contributed to n chango of opinion

and to an approval of the Uoer Hide In tho war

Mr Bavin take nidus warmly unii It l Hkelj

that the Iloers will ilnd no fault with him aa champion lint Oen Huller will not Ilk

Mr Davlis book Mr IavU deals very strenuijuily with that warrior and him ruthlaisly to the catcuory which nunhappily adorim

Mr Hlcliard Vhlteln knows his 1arti well

a lid In Iarlf of Today n urv Companyh writes about IHT with a charm apd brilliant1

that are worthy of the subject while Mr Aiuln-

aitalann HUpplltw Innumerable iilitum tlinIt U a delight to look at Tho ifovernmentn-macMon th Irk of the Kiiubourtcs hoifashionable and her nrtUtlc life her pasttimes and tho llfo of her lioulivurdi are nl

here described with Juit that lltfhtnwa of touchand buoyant humor with a danh of cynlclMi

that mark the author as himself somewhat o

boulevardler lie Is always the amuand unprejudiced lookeron rather that

crlilCH a when In speaking ol

the boutorard restaurant ha faysmain things are aver tha same llehtnwu anc-

bri htn HS the former extendIng from tIe modi

of service to the thing served Therein nothlniout of the way In the quality of th viandThe market Is ill supplied with

flsh great deep and the roostof the Parts kitchen sometimes producta longing for home that Is not purely patrioticYet the French oook rarely falls to hold yotwith the raaglo of kickshaws and If yoichoose your restaurant with Judgment you wllnod tho fro quite good enough for huinar-

naturse dally food The one thing needful It

to approach the table In the right spirit or all

the majrlo goea for nought That spirit Is thespirit of expectation of lunging of desire foxthefioodlhlngsof the body and the wood humorwhich Is Its natural ei prcMlon The 1rcnohman at h say makes no apology for enjoying

victual and ho knows nothing of tho ratherartificial humility of our forms of grace beforemeat Io doe pray that the food mayho sanctllled to and to the mot exaltfd-n rvlc It Is enough for him to have It n reablato his palate Ho holds the Incorrig-

ible pagan that the gratlfleitlons of rrnHO

ore a legitimate as all others nnd thata Hot Chlteaubrland Is quite as muoh of aniiboolute good an the virtue of the SocrntlcRysteni iood thing to eat bountiful tlillnc

to look nt espwlnlly women the quickeningappeal of music oratory nil

ure the main parts of his scheme of lifekcavenger In hi dargott will smack

his lips over n claso of wine limedof Parln It he can fInd no better The moralIt curries aa it goes down Is not exactly thankfiilnf s for the kindly fruits of the earth Hefeels only that It Is good to bo nllve or toput It inside out that when ono dies it Is for-a long time In rustic wine ho here antithere tho motto tony still be read beneath nfaded lithograph wherein three citizens ofIhe time of fouls Philippe touch glasses Innn Arbor In spring They arc all nit dead nowus lithography Itself but whllit they had theirrliance they made tho canakln clink It wnntheir national application of the text Letits eat and drink for tomorrow we diecompassion of these people for those whodevote their ontlro thought to riches andtoll of ambition might make some of us pnusoMoet entertrtlnlngly too does Mrwrite of tho great panorama of tho boulevard

that marvellously ineipenflvpimd entrancingcontinuous performance to which the lookermi can always purchase a at the modestprice of a bock or a sherry cobbler for whichlie l charged not morn than TOO per cent abovecost Here Mr Castalgne shows UN picturesof pretty flower girls and cafe scavengersof an oldtlme heart or a dainty little workgirl eating her frugal midday she tripsalong the crowded street one Illus-

tration by an Ingenious process effectfhows u a crowd of sightseers at seen throughthe plate glass window of a arteliop Upon MontmartreMecca of the Innocent provincialor the easily gulled tourist from

Mr Whltelng eiponds a good dealof quiet satire that Is not undeserved

wellmeaning and credulous literarymen and WoOlen both have become

mildly hysterical over thi hypothetical hauntof the poet and the artist How much wnhave heard from thw amiable enthusiastsrf the TafA of tho head Rat or the It d AMor the CafA du otherwise the ofNothingness or tho of Death

were never anything but showsgotten-up to amuse the stranger and theand painters who were supposed to hauntthorn existed rnlj In tho Imagination of thecredulous visitor Alan and nlnck nay

Whlteing It Is all moonnhlr In purestray serene The Montmartre poet mostlynn even poorer lot In si Irlt than they art Inpurse and they will never fort nnjthltiif cioThe writers nnd nrtl U of repute know nothlog of tlioso cafes or nt n them oncnend tea thorn novr againMuntmartre Is not so much Clru-lMreet of Paris for Omb street was actuallyproductive and It was at least HlnrereMost of these poets nnd pRinter are hlrnplythe failures of the schools masquerading asthe onminir man They are put out of doorsON soon as they have to draw Thecontemplative rate payer in drink higliMi of beer and goes his way thajikingheaven he wan not born clever Tho luurlstlays out his tow francs In a copy of a song or

of a volume write wellmeant butmisguided letters native paper to aythat he has l vn at supper with the gods

In Sport and Travel Kast and Wetl nctnan A Co that wellknown

sportsman Mr Frederick rourteney Sclmnwrites a wrics of entertainIng chnptiTt Tln-e rllor omH disrrllio his ndvpnturis In chasnf ml diiT and the mngnlllrcntly horned wild

at of the Intirlor of Minor while tlio-IniNT n couple of hunting trlptin the llorky Mountains Mr S IOHH Is morntlianii HUTU big gimv llehntilnt-tlllgiiitoli orv r nnd havenvilun to the nadir Intcrxtod in fiwn-itn whlrli l qiilio ili tinct from thflr purelyport minllke qiialtty When after a hard

stalking In gi i a long Miot anti bngshi gum ut share hl Mlnfartlun but n-

fliul nit iiiial idiMiiirv in hi dr i riptlniis nf-

wri in aud ptino met ivllh by Thn-anrlont iravnn route dating luuk to pn-Miihaiiiinidin lime by whiih In travdhil-priivide him with touch material for enter-taining otiMTratlnti Tim traveller IIUIIH wlih-u continuous Mronm i f rameN donki H

and i iinle nil heavily Iniliu with mrr-fhandN KJIIIC kind anothen The

ilcnui lowincod cain s urn nil tiedhead aud tall one behind th other tho fronta rf anlmil carrying great Jniigng beK-anil tin long Mrltig bolng Invariabln lUnilnutlve donkey tracldltM hy a Turk i

red ft blue jacket mind white baggy trousersAt Intervals along tho route are ciiinlwliT tr voler their noonday re t-

iln anl bcfori againtii Turks go through their devotion inrh-nut taking off hoen anti HI reading hips

arpet before him on which he kneel andfrustrate himself tmirlilng thi ground re-wil dly with hi forehead prnjcrs-

ulnriv oceuiy coin time and as the follower or th Pophet nre mippo d to go through-Miiiii iMthir ties or seven times every da

ii nomiwlist erioisly interfere nlthtruveIers progress As an Instance of a mil

i riistotn Mr Soloin mentionn the fat that








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once when at a halt he had taken his Engllsaddle off his horsos hack as one woulnaturally do ho was much union

Ishod to see Its Turkish master Immudlatcl-replftca and when intcrprotcasked time reason ho was told thn

the hors was liable to catch cold If thewas only remove l ft trlnutes andhut on ugnln The country puwd throug

arid and parched and tin Inhabitantswarthier than Mahyn limit with a certaindlneM that them look like the descendants of n ram burnt deep browby etposuro for many fetiratloti to n torridsun The average Han or cuesnous of tho Interior of Asia Minor not

Food Is icarco ant vllo In qimllty

and while endeavoring to kiiji In hi nw-

ibhnlein on tie roughly boarded hour of nempty room tho guest halile to be assallci-by l of kintn whllu tlie whole atiiiosphcris poisoned with tlw olckeiiliig stench fromthi opun pools In the yard below tho sleep-Ing rooms ihs village hcm es are of wooiand mini earli urroiindfd by u niall orchnnof iiiple ant apricot tri Flocks of tarngoats f n Urn law lineil thrive In cpltc oth sieiilo und forbidding i l ct of routitry i u Ihu various irnkl plants hit grov-

iiiiiiig tlw tones Thiy w tendd l y uildl-

iHiklng unkempt and nomiidic Yiiruk sliophinllive In of camelM hair matting Thougl

rough In njipiarancB and Inr muvod from al-

the aiiienltleii of clvllizeil life Uiey proved ti-

tio dlgnltled and courteous In iiiantur and tiuvtfailed to otTer tho bet cheer procurable nmlitheir rude surrounding They had probabl-

liever before assisted at tho camping arrangeof un European traveller and howo

curiosUy and Interest as would U

evinced by the Inhabitant of an kraawhen by white men The aruhowever tar moro hotpttablo than the g n rulltof African vlllaiiurs and brought tho travi11many small present of eggs and sweet ancour milk Kl Maly which was tho hunter

central point U a town built on tho lower elopof a steep lull In the mlcUt of arid trerlesstony mountains In which the wild gout

abound Tho town Itself Is well watered ba copious stream nod lim HO frulitrees growing in tho gardens tinhouses that at u tUJtonoa It looks like tveritable oasis in the desurt The Mreeta rinarrow and steep and roughly paved witcobblestones and are unsultod for wheevehicles of any kind all merchandise Iwliu

on the hacks of cnmolu and donkcjK

The oro of large uuburnt bricks 01

of Bomu two and saute throo storieshigh At night tho four entrances to tinbazaar are each guarded by a savngo dog at-

tached to n long which allows him torange from side of tho street und seizeany one by the leg who might attempt to passThese dog are most cffvotlvo ant save tht-

expeiua of police After ueveral days of un-

successful stalking In terrific heat beneath aforce nun beating down upon the hare rocksliving meanwhile upon o frugal dint of biscuitstitled tips and water Mr Belous at last baggeda floe flveyoirold ram goat with a pair olhorn The next year IIP was moro successfulnnd a photograph of tho heart of a big onehorned gnat killed on the Mnlman Tech foninone of the numerous lntere tlng Illustrationsto thn volume

If any city deserve a phce In Me srs J M

Hent A Co Macmlllnnsl delightful Medlmvnl Towns series It is Florence Mr Kd-

tnund O ianlner In The Story of Florencehas conblmid history and description HO skilfully thit the book will serve an n trustworthyguide to nil that Is worth se ing for thoe who

have not vIMod yet the city of Dante of Olottoof Ilocoacdo mimi of Michelangelo whlln Itwill recall pleasant memories to thpso whoalready know tlio Qticon of the Arno Kevrrnlmaps and miny welldrawn sketches Illustratethin volume

The Appletons publish a n w edition ofDavid Ilnrurn with llluMratlons by Mr H

West Cllnedlnst-

We hove also receivedAlf ir A Mnynard Hal

four LlpplncottsThe Moving Finger Writes Ornce Denlo-

IJtchfleM PutnamslWhite Jacket dr tip World a Man of War

Herman Melville Itana Kste A CotTuHkegco Story nol Its Work Max-

Dennett Thrasher iSinali Mnynard A CoThn PixIe and Elaine StorliH A

Morrison Dana Kstiw A to i

Adventures In Toyhnd Fdlth lUng HallIllnstratwi by Alice II Wooilirard Jamlcton-Hlgglns A Col

The CruUe of the Pretty Polly W ClarkRussell Mpplncottl

An American OlrlV Trip to the OrientAround the World ChrltlneCoUhriinMcXally A Co

Women of the Bible fly eminent divinesIllustrated Harpers

The Very Young Man and tli Angel ChildKll a Armstrong Dodge i

The Way of the World nnd Other Wayi-

Katharino E Conway ipllot PublishingCompany

The Princes of Hearts Sheila E Kralne-

Jamlefron Jllggla A CoAmong the Great Maters of Music

Walter Howlands mans Estcs 1 CoThe Archbishop and th I idy Mrv-

Pchuyler Crownlnshleld McCliire PhillipA Co

April Sowing iertnule flail McClurePhillip A

Uulrktiind White Small May

nard V CoPatti and mat Ada Cambridge A-

plrtousThe Chevalier de St hens Alko llgen

Jones A C A CoTho Story of the Soldier Ilrnvet hug

Oen iPirge A t S A retired

Mint himself In Trmplr-

II clinrd Ilu Ihberg upn trn inalser I9yiMid pommlti il siilcl l at III luiiiie-

IRt Wet ThirtyMth stteet by ho nine himselfghtnf right a 32raliber n

over had worked I an iriifoundry


sv ffj for EverybodyMall Order SpielillyusQ-

iVlviovr Special

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ifll it tIllS KfXK A AOVAUSSTANDARD DICTIONARYimlr Inrlilrnlaly lo Inndltn ijlhoii

lcut nf rntf ihc of Aunip nf Ilifni cot J-ullKlnly InniiErd iithr i r III iKflnl cij llion riBiilnr prlrf I til1 jf Kf4-iiO iIIfr theta t


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Ufsl xlllns inviH al pofuh irrrOur

I if true O-Ihiiip wirm it r n IIH

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UBLISHER1265 Broadway N wVork

mippllnl notrr on hat subjrrt m utnc timks-

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It the

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In response to the many lnqultl which lavs shown a general desire for an Illus-

trated edition of Divid Hirum the Messrs Appleton hive been able to arrange withthe distinguished artist Mr U West Clinedinst who his beer peculiarly Interested-

in the book and has accepted the commission with an enthusiasm ant perfect apprecia-

tion which have produced the happiest and most sympathetic results Mr Cllnedinstsstudy of the character anJ his rendering of types show a comprehension of Mr West

cotts creations and a quick sense of humor which wouU the lamented

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i Thousand

JjbUCIIOfl I 3ew tbHcatianL

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It M pimple it natural It Is verycharming tt will ho vi Uly ThoInventory that runi through It Uonoof tlm irottl t wo ronipmlifr havingread In recent flcllun The Woolrma-

nIncli Kl U one of thorto men whouo-

ncnualntanri mnkiv a mans stnto morotrrachnu UraoMsn 1aglc

Its punKcnt liomoly jihllosophy Is

leooinin is fntulllnr on tho lips of rend-

ers a that nt Dnvirl Ilnriun llo lonTmnrrif l







I2mo gold lottcrod on rod cloth gilt top SI50LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY Boston


HIM n i in wivi finsllutli hut nnil llonry rr nd Itiirei-

irlrr In a llrlanrrr Strrrt Salcion-

Soliinoii Uulilnonit n Kjiinuii kr tHr nt nntnfi in lu urlitiiyeardlJ

Mlchnnl to HankviMinlay i ilfM Mt 3Ci boy led lu-

iitlnr tore nijcur n M uml in h did riotmm at nwin lii failier hurried lo tin Imnl-

ind that Michael liail not lioen ihoro II-

n i iloii t Ilif Iolltv lii soul out an nlnrmInk tar lioy

Iubinuli7 K li IIHH lili otishonesty Hi tlie lnjy liavo tlicor thai nn MOI it pupil in cither


72 4St M S TfccMtnvure ot Ctuirarlr-

rVO TH PHESDYTEIHAN CHUnCIU tlhn ml l 10Sn anaP M John D letln Otirlntlan K-

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nuil tintttr straitllumiiT PniscoTT Siiirtoiiti-

II iif nni trnuahrmlofDariil Hantmhliin HiMrti id imiili ailorable-

MAIIV I UIIKIX-SUirnitrr tine fimM n rrnl hook he or

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4Slh H itCh IAUUril MOUiiANl I llfrtir a A M communionII A M lltiny haly cunnrnlun and vraion trthfI-

trclur4 I II ftrnlnc r fr sermon by John Wit


iCiiiiicii or TMI IIKSSIAII suh L earnervSrr lr II A M The Krr

KiKnirr I U will flubjret Nulhlnr hut1raTta A sermon tot dlsroumitrd r plf SundayWcniol in uclocu Inrunllilly Inrlird-

OIlACn CHURCh corner loib tb-frvlcr a A M A M and I M-

All tlltlnf i f rrr

ST JAMESS CHURCH VIM t and Uidltoa arK VAlPOIr DI Ktclor

UMornltif Prayer Stimoo lIttler llA U

SM lr firrmon bylUclor P U


lUllII O





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A Word

Top Coatsa-nd you cant freeze In our Ox

Frieze Broadway BoxXV

linedthroughoutwith silk

lust theJ thing for

comfortand good


Fit as good as the best madetomeasure The fashionable Rag-

lans at 2000 to 3500 Moneyback if not perfectly suited



INUTUIIR AIMANACTIIISSun itws C 41 Sun MIL 449 Moon rlwiI-


AnlT d FnlfiAV socS Prnniylvanln Slidl llxmhurr Oct 21S dl Mn Mcsilns Ott 17S Iltlllb Irlncf Mnllh Aniwnp OctS llinm IMJoii nmiilry NoUMbnyi Aug 17-

s llflli lin pn ItiiiirMun Oct fK Iuupv M utiilt Port mi 1rliKr Oct lS flininrtlP Ui 1 nd NrwOilran Nor 4S Clie rciUr Drlnnu llrltlmnr Nov 7S VciiloU Thompwi Nnrlollf NovS Irlnrtw Vorfnllc Nov A

S lltntrnftor Plilladtlcbla Nor 8

Attnmn OUT-

S Advance from Nrtv York at Colon81 Camptnln from NPW Yolk nl Quftnilo n

sAitrn rnoii POUNHN POUTSS M roilllf from london Inr Vcw VntlcS Tnvr unto lif rbiiitrr Inr Nf w YorkS troop llvrp l lor w YorkSn Jtnpif ol JMMR rOm Vnnroiivfr for Ynko



EtriiiliiH l rr Wllhilm ILNnpltiHull muni Itjttirrl in-

Minttou txitidm-iOlrdoiilun liverpoolAIne JnmV-rsinliisn 1iittnlllliiur Clime

llnvnn-llftmnnn Imrii o-

lirlllh Prince Atcrnllna-1olvcvp Norm llrallVarnhiw Ctiarlf lnnCJmu New or an-

KMaria ThffMtanrrmrn-Flnancr CalmrnquoH ChatlrMon


in mi A M-

lino A M-

in Oil AM1 00 A MI nni A Mi o A

I ti P M-

St LnuK Sitithunmonlit rmanlc LUrrixnl-Southvrark Aiitwup-DrliatwPrftotla nrrmiiclaalb CharlrMonAlamo DalTriUin

v or 137 nn A M8 10 A M

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frlni Iletrnl Iultpjld lirfmrn-ItlimtHiHolCltj-Poclialionlai

hil lnn ndSir n rA-

ilbrMlurHullU ri olSATannit-hSnuthumptoaIJtrtnool-Nfw Of leans

IS 00 M

3 0 P M300PM-

Ntuttilit nihralta-rirhimpiijnf llarrr-

Nafonrhff Savannnh-Iruntla Ilemuiti

Our Moiday 12

itatrnf Neh n kn rlmgow-Maavlam KoHruUra-Krleravln Hainburi-lltirlc flTrrpjnl-Ilillaitrlphta sin

lll panta-lh n n


Xrir Orlrant-Uur TuntavXer


Dui WtdntiJay 143partn Prlnw Natilrt-

1armii1ilna Ullhrm IV-


iyryvnrti33pI-IISSrtiSllYOn Thursilny Nov loan

al UncVtin M M hy the Her A W Atchltald1 I mwlMrcl by the tIer Henry O Iiwlch-tIt II th Ilfv IWwin Munsfll P I to

n Thfodnra Crosby

Thur Jay Novat St Pauls Church Koelewnoii by the

lire In i Flltrlinrr Icier Stanford tliirvrrto Paultnt itmiglilrr nf Sir and SIts J O Clr-

phanr lludalo and Ualklrn ropers pirate ropy

A1RSIIAAUa Thir day NnvrmbrrWin In Ihu lint tnltfd Prr bylerUn ChurchPhllaJilphla Pi by the Rev W 1 II IMzar-a sl trd by the tier lamci P ll IllWilliam J llanna

IDII3IDl-lICrU At nabylnn I I on llmrMlay Nov

lim Jinu lluljrr i 8 Mh yfnr nlItflnllvcs and IrlrnJ are to the furrral-

frvlrf at SI li rir Churrh Ilabylon onMonday Nov IS t inA M Cnrilatr-

ll mffl triiln Irovlne IMaiiiriiyat AA-A M and lltltu h nv llm iklyn nt a2ft A M

lily III Illdav N iv P inno Wil-

liam IIIriiwu fnimrrly of 20 IMtk-imlv YIII nl ttr Mir John slid llitiy lirutvn aCed4 fnrv-

Sirilrr nnStlurdav Nov in itini nt K P M nl-

It Tuft ar nisr St John p MritiUlyn IllIK ml p Ivjtr-

M ita Soy ISO at liTIftilfnrr 3tl Wr l 1lli si H llncfdnn-1hM ClaM IiUivril wff of lmli I II in-

mrrrli aiidiltueMrr uf liif lair Paul V CirMr-In liri I41U far

Iunfml Mrvlif nt rinD ChurrhVet Ilnilai nod 7Tlli t ilnMlnjnuruUij Nov12 lani al c-

i iAlt On Tnurvhy Nov oj near llattlr-Uyo Peel Lit lonalbin Kiljarncfd-M beats

Iunrrl rrvlfff al Trinity rhurrh Nrwaih N

SsiurrtAj Nnv ID at m A M Inttrmr-

MrrlllirNTM llarkfivuV N J IMiiy l

SuphU Kuphfniln t rtiw nl Itlehard Piul-Trrhunc In the 7d year nt lirr ate

r rfiatthf rtMiltnreof tier ftonlnlivWilliam Mol f SM Stale il llarkcixack NMonday Xm al 3J P S-

IIIH KKXSIUO CKUCTKKVPrlfaio MallunHarlem llallrond 41 mlnuirt ti Irura the

rand Central llrput ORirr in Kail 42J

nrnK niiis CI IETKUV-Omcr 1 23d u New Vor-

kprrinl yiotirtsWADED recovers In youthful color and

PAUKEnS IIAHt HAISAU-lsnEUCOHNS tile curr tar 1A cU

r tk1lt 4rrltmtnt


for Over-

coats I




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1cknnI IOlubDue TMMrW

fAOY 3

INov I

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nIollmon Nor

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PrlceSor 7


OIl 8




alu to


his sac111


W1lIln lon



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10 fI






IA hon avtntl




85Sandy 1151






A ui at A

Itbpus ilarw

12 Pin iiHim


e1I700 on

M I t M


OttOct 7


100uelc Oct 5Ott


Letnla ov 3-

in lila Now SNov 3


or asoc a


snox 7-

AuIslan cew1 None


aflame flprdszz opI 0

Jetov 7-

Cnln itPat so Nov F





SteeleMartairt Comimping



lou at1

lilt It N



tb Coil



nt srinrodtom

Fuui rust


Uflnea the tie C

best cora
















A Sudden Winter-

A very Summery Autumn now followed abrupt

ly by Winter weather mid it is to the advantage of every titan

und boy who has not already got his heavier suit or medium

weight overcoat to know that he may be fitted out here in five

minutes without the Custom Tailors twoweeks delay

And besides the time nvcd there is the money uvcral

dollars of it for clothing jut as good as ran he made

Suits 10 to 30 Overcoats 10 to 35

Fulton St cor DeKalb Av BrooklynCALEB V SMITH Manager Open Saturday till 10 P fL

dn r h c1 t I


I c

rcohljn rftftIflfltv


oiffi4o KiL4o Co

An IntrMltr Tram Iatch at St Andrf wiPla-nt the Crricent A C

Yesterdays wrondit Imvoo with thwho were out for score on tho Metro

piililan lInks The wind was felt In the sreaUsfury at tlio Crwcent A f nmrso and In

iiucncc nil tho nmlrliM in the second roiim-

of the Ilevkle cup were poslponod exceptbetween T HoTcndcn and W 1 MiXonvlll-

llovondeii won hy 3 up mid I to jilay Tinollipr round will l o playod todny-

An IntfKitine team match will lin

ti diy al the St Androws bit Club betweenjilcked meinbern of the IMladelplila Coif dullIonsiie antI the Metrufullinn iolf Afcsoclntlon

It U II return iiwtcli tic Jletropolitnn rlayerr-

havliiK ciiri d verv In the aprlnit Nearlynil of the 1lillndelplilaii were out for PractIceon the rit AtidrrvtH ytvlircSny

ITOV I that thuy a finSlany nf their wcins win In tho niluhlMirlioo1-of hn bUilt a n f the nfoni tin nvirato wort-wns very llr 1 his niak Mip of tinl wn lie iiriiiK will not n-

kiiiwn until III 04 follnwM

rl II M Fontt Phllocllimin iTIrki I

II Iliiiilciii Phllaildphla Comlri M It AVrlK-hlIMlartrlphla CrlVil f I llni avir lluntlne-

im T It Marklf PHI MlcJt iS Mati CrlrVft V MctawlfJ-

IlillaitflPhla Point W p ssinllh ImilliigiJiT-nllry A J liallakirr Ihlliiir lhla Crlrkrl A II

Mrriin Crook Plill irl hla-

Tiavl iHlilfn I SHomrle Kaltflrld II II1iuh llvltii toii Jr Im A M lUihWliH-

M Andrew Julin Held Jr St Atnln A

i ohtaiir Ardlr T M Mrntlf Mfnjrlztil II A

i K Iiunty T Starker llnttr i ht An-

iirr i I P llfr Valr

There will In lv lv on a Klwhteenhole will In pliyod in lip inorntne In till

the iiftrriiiHin thirc willIK nn einliteenlnilp Itt liill fnur oino 1 hi

the iniiil of leiin nmtflie iihrnadhilt It l Ihellrnt Him1 It ha l eon trlid In thU-country

lUcre will be a ala tlnin today at tlm Apn-

wiiinls ioir wlnM Hnrry playsthe let ball of Mnturlii llallou nnd the

W K Ihe inalih willtin al lx Veiterday In alice round Viirdin antI It K lnat-Milenlni lirnhnm Ir anti W I ThompMin-llii man who beat Trnvlt by 2 up The ror

wa on I lie lilch old on neeount ofKale

Fox will n team to llnltu Tiil to-

day mutch one on there Is-

Kr at speculation and there will nlso thon link of

Mitropolltnn dilriotThe nemlflnaty for the IfoniHI nip which

reprtwints the hnmiilon hli of the Corti lolf fluli wtn

Mild one of lhi wn wiiloelyroiilwliitIt reitilred iwi ntytlinvhiili I lie iilayid

to the winbetween I I illiniutiii and K I1 Curler niul

former l the victor thin othermntcli was bitwen II K Hrown I II

Trak nnd llniwn won up THwi won by Mr I l iferu willi

a oore of n so SIH UH was wonMM loliheld iiT nr l Today thero will

ho u cnntet her nun amid nn nppninH-iln and puttlnc inntch for women

fUr sriiEK T jnvrKTov-

rrr thm n lltfrat the Snphnmnrrt After ThrrrHard hoot

IlUNTCTox Nov The tlin liouored-rphoin irefre hinnn COlIC pree which wn

pulled oT toilcit by inonnliuht on ib gr fnIn front of WithetviHrnn hill won by thefre hinen tiller tlirre llenily conUMid loutsTIe cnmpii wai rrowdid with Hudent whoswnnnefl llftefiidiijinnniiid nhlBrlnuIn whl h

tho eonletant rtriiireled Tli mislti tintsaround the nrena wndlnc up their hoarJC ells

of encouragement iiiul tin trolnecl llturrN-hittiinir In the inndo a wilrd tc-t c triK effet which wn Mill further

tlf tr I K leitl tho-

At ii i oclock W Coulter thiMiiho-morc HdituHniit was hd Into the

I Kill iroMmnn riin iiitiiivif-ullnwed n inlniiti lItter amid till ihiiT orhi i Ipi innto4 V IIcave tin uuii a few Insiriiciinn timid luciilthe raw III their linnd M the word IIi iiiinidrop e4 like a ln h anti till M lc that

win almost i record broukerin the Huirt Although tlie Mijiliomore tried every irlrl kti wti ikiinie the fr hinaii May with him rlueklly

two rniindn of live mlnutiint inn wn a llnlli Mid It unit ihirt-llvi litfoli Kfllittts tnt hi MM lin-

Iwerii the filM nJ hi oponent with

rlim lh Irdr of both wn niitli d with mudind tliey wciv badly tTitched

W Ann MX ijeleaieil li Jii Ir in-In tho Ixnit vhlrh went forIhris mlniiliw ih liiimr dividedlb ran lileli when Cohniihiinori1 Iwvivywelijiii id II r-

rre entereil thi IMlni-riny iiflviiita i fur I u romd Inn In the llnnl-Illltler fcllnlU III Ill llfliT llrlllKhim for iii mlmiti hut winiiini a vlclnry-

Jn lp nf the lungOllrln of nnn h jiwtrd a firfdt t niirt-

laik IttKil Toh ii ClilAKo-laiii lialv of Wilminiti ri win In trtn thf r tirl-a llnlv sis hf lorn i i IMIIi-

iuniillv nt irl on Tliaiik 7 tic lay puttyJnrriify is mimi tlif Prior

Ilililir Kantn ril Ch ruin lm rpfunil tn nit loik-iliClllnml ot Pituhurs A rluri In the Snaky CityntKil Mnntrv a lure i Ui rant San

ty III vill ml il inlrv hf rrirUrt JMK-Iiii or

Trunk Utn Mya Ie hn rrflifd nuurancea thatMciiuvrtri will mrtt MT In tli round hOOt nl-

nlrani datriw tin l tifr init ol nrit mniKli Innl lh iTiJli ll lit rUht rharorljn liasI-

TKIIII Iralnln-Arr rr rlira In ihlojty li a torah

TH Iva l Plinrlilmfr It df ul limUrr hits I t iinl rul lf iri tlr In llnzlnnd llui rh-li MUlck dlral t Ihr n ml of Icfij Mriintrm-Ir islr Inm rirruuy In Umitin lit healirli rtilutr ln nit incIt UnntAlal pnilMltr thai Ilir nroi iwd inatrli ti-

calljnnlSinrllncnuhf lmdon I tryIng pull off111 r rr nialrlYhf CaMlirr till mil Orr-in unlr Ihe latter Ihruuisldron Ilir-

ult Crrflun nndi It rattier dlDcult In set harklncr any amount lust mmThe Mlllr Mwrrn Prdlir Pamrr and Harry

hli a vhMltilrd lo takr iarr theatljnnl SirtlriB Club l indnli last Mnridayn itrltrrrj until heal Monday 1almc-ny hr now In teller shut then tic has Inrr and If slfrrv ful thll matrh declares that

almrr slid Ware MII rnrpt fur nfiffn round for nr ADd a t t Or titxa Ware Is ralrd at ln-Mt






cn II rod1

lIt t Iio II r1c1



I Itrr


nr llalI



f tltloIlM I



I ib3l


h 2

fI rl oI


fI I


10 I


II Jrk ttlIdl1 It t I oiihtr1IeJ nuiil 111 I Iritip II


httiirl It






spittedur II a

redon IIIHr siitdIxcrI

Id tiI



b nightI

Ib m terry

In 111



t can I I I

All liii 4 low Ic I


I lenin tonaUtbtry

V PlySI tbrol

I tilllIet itt


s loot 4


I hi Inat a thuv e


I lip I hit

I I Ill s sendI ins V Ii cIt

usual PIll I hit 4 his

a a elsIe t

t tin tdel eriti iii him r I I

y Win ii1le




ibilehl tied hit ii I 11t a


1 tIp

I err I uxi rna nI

upihmiutbItS i

siiIuiti re lls-piuhl liii to

t litI huh

i in XIt litt

han Ins teheil tI lath t

ti bat

hi 1pistil hutsi


err siii

Ii it tellerS

a h

It the Sal

seen Itemi rrnr itlulehi the

bets Ill iou



C dll Ii mcci Mceorern

ITS sitehllivmund liii land




< >






> <








role vxiroRv ITHIKTIC niirsA-

aitralaila A A I Seek Alliance nlth-lorrrnlnu Mod of IT U Country

Secretary Jame K Sullivan of the A A tj-

IIM received a communlcntlon from tlie Secre-

tary of tlm A A I of Aiwtrnlasli hlch willprohtuly aid In the i of a planto frame a uniform set of to eovcrn nthletlff cnnti t ruth over the world When tliarlrHerbert Secretary of tho A A A was here-with the London A C team which compelIn the Interiintional gain of wich n otlfire-wu outlined bisel on tIme Hiippoltlon tha t thin

ln body would form nn alliancewith the A A I but Mr Uerlicrt on fturnlnchome nuts unable lo riToettip rreitf trend fivllni exUt between tlritlilelle loider of the two countrioi Shortlyafterward th Canadian Awoclntlon be

with tlm A A t hutno dellnlti1 move ht been inco to ohtill the cleared result of llllar rules ThiiHTeinl poimlirlH of luti ial eame4render U inoi try Hiin over that Somethliitf fliniiM In dui to prevent fromiMitii at n inforeign rfiiintrln In polo vanillin hiirdlt-rncliiu and wi ielit i more

iliffcriiiie III the rule which einildIn1 l of if n JerMandin

OHM be niriviil helwwn the many KO-Vrmllli

The AiiKiriliins RIP nn loi to Incomewith tin A A I for tlii o ami i th vurn nln oiklnc u hiillir i nnoctlon wlih

KtiglMi A A A lim doe not aiiirfar dlliii wlien Inlirnatlonid coninetliloTiwill Hi lhli wlthiml llie blckvrlnir overIOlldllioll tllll il IHHII n feature ofiiinletx In the Till nopo of Ilio rti

l alliance I iimtnlniil follonlns-

Mw HiifTii wxiis SHOUTS cirn lrn1i-nt IIIM rn srnrrr SVIINKV fct Ptiutiiran Kii MffMri Amalrur Attitrtlt

I nifi n inr lunc Stiuot irrritdSin I the hunt ry llr illrrrtlcn nf

tIle mrmlwrn slit In nriiirdanii wllli n rrfolutlnii-ia ril At thr hal nf niir Piiard nf Conlicl-

to nililrro iin on thi ntllijirl-iur niri tltiillim niakf trovt lon for ttr mtimm

motion nf alllaiirr with iiilnr ii nlon oIrolllni nmnlfiir nllili Ilic In ntlrr of the woiM-uml r nntllally In rrmrnt tie reed frflln-Khlrh ril t Aimrlrnn and nllilrlM-hll hue wnrld l y tlr rlr i r tie of an fiitual n-lliaarr K ndally do nr l iivr that touch ri nlfluId nun tlr Inltil hanil nf Ihrmurrain N lr In all If rt nf norld hrtr IF

toiipitr 4 tile liattnnnl Tlilmay hr a mnrr or lr U niiao rl f tnf nl 1Itnlithut HT iiroim r to Iftlnr fur IU nn unili nib n-

Tlir nrnl In hr would wr think hr I

ralrulihlr Ilr iipliillnlliiti of rule In CUM m tiark-iiililr tn nil unrlil oi r I ir iahii

a common firfnltlon f an amntriir I II plot aa-niiininly lhat till caiiillr wr rlionM u r a IfnitI-rrli rill irr hnirirn lllinOnr irmfillii Pi1 Mm

a TfiHil rlrrlr nr TdK r iunir fnr trr li t ut1ln-

rnnlrtt and you a Thxit citrIc ut In manypoint tfar irrrattr similarity In OUIM than to tloii

the ruglh A A A vlth wliini t y hueway vr rraNirrVliur nnalliainr Far ln lanrr wn-

lim lust OuSt rr thr N 1 ilshall f of arj nmlrriil uhlrh n n that wr williii a Iradrn linilrrnrnt like nn IrMrl nf lirrr-tiifurr an olriiint In Airaln-vr rue imu ntjriiltfi in rxhniistiir ftnitlirn if rHrof rnlfs ti eovrrn lrirl WAlklns rainprtltliilK nlllrli r llopr to r trail inlrrtviL-Prrhiip In hear f jlurr n ninfrrrnrr lrftvr n-

drlrenlr iiom the ci rnmr l nlipa in tloRlnndIntrd Slates Canada Soul Aftim and Am-trnlaola innv hri atmnl ahunluto Inrur ur rarmr and the cnrilurl of nirrtlrics Wildfralfinnl rrlne niul enl vishr hrllrvt Inc to lrI-

Allllilll yinitsIt S MMIK-

Slluneriiy Srrritary Amateur Athlrtlc Inlon olAiiMrnlas-

nvnr iifti r Jtif riiiviTi-ncll Idea 1lr l lli Iliiiir Amnnc M iy-

nf Our YH hl inrn-Mefiiber of the Now Yorlc Iwirchmont-

Atlrtntlr and lirr lar e ynclit ciubs fnr-MI tlni bivn eoiil Irrltif the iulviililllty-

of IluiurtiiK tlm rulnof nieaiirenieni nndIne one that will In i way put n Ilinitnlloii tothe freak style of I mill that U bilns built andInduce T ti turn silt vi l tintliter erviriMhn i cruini Tlie rue ho beenin fonv for mniy yiiriMid li rn tiiroll wriioilwill liri lie tn n Ivini of th Un k el theboat hnvi linen inero rmlim niiciiines andwhnii lily are otitbiilt nriiiniiv ti nny oneTin miidirn i tt uiliain tian thinks heneoJi-in win rails i otlilnc n am e wltli u pleoo-

of metal linltei Ilio bottjtit of he keel atthe end 1 vhiili l i t i Md 1 a lmin of endAll s TI nf iiiic haVP I ndnoil hi orderto fit iiilvrii ui1

till of IIIITI iriiiint I t i ndil lie cellarroot t 10 ill urea to tn witfr lilliuntil divldi iwn Till till tivo the linuili-on wlili h the wnit iri ilT ed IJnal urmea irt I wh i Itonilui on iii ki dud

Hiiti r liiit when nro rncini-ihiy over aid iniiid ot iillnc onvatir liri IliLtli tin kni Ivnil l thniuih-

Iivo rnii tn I mall TIIt-inv iniHitri tv i a MUCI nn i thai

rn Use Sil li-

ThiII HII nn d ui lUcHilon-v ml u iii n ii whnt in

rib i ln iad d vie i iiKiteiinn-oxlilil Hi d liiii b in r iincirith H-Mlia ir o witli o drmulit Nnw Ilier le-on ill sill r M lm IMI i ilianred IlLlilh-nnd it l uuileriod ilui nriiy of lhn whonr f a nww i for ynctiiH In m-

wnt1 raInT fnv inbli xiid ow rjtin ritl h il u wliiih v a acini thloiincl oihVnchi lini nu A ilation nt

l t tnonb I hi llriluli WH-Ifrntr i liy ri i cil i niitiiitiii wlilch coni lied wth D IK cr Oiiiruo 1 Witniliim 1if Ir A I Iayri C Nlciol on and

Mhbik Tin rul K followsi ii 4D o SA

Ilnrar rating

I tnean liiiirth on load viiVr iiiie II meani tniii liniiin i iltiln gIrth U I ln-iliTiri1 oviri th clrti COd tlin-kli wlrlli inil SA iiein ril iirei n lint

il ll1tflM i til rill I tint III UNI ofHIM lirih briiidih 7i ir cent of tlie ciiiln-tlrih timi th dini riice thechilli iiiil Sli irirth niul r cent of tlm

of ili iriM i to hi dividedby 2 l in nrdr to find the limar rnlmr IftlieovcrinnT ii iiiiinf th load wnler the eto4 I to be addedIn th load vn r line nininrriiiiiit llnaialready liullt nr t In pi inpt thIs pro-vision thl tind yiir the newml i to remain In fun for ilv

Vhninrntk II lUprrlfd n IJf llnlllrdhrrnd of lljrch-

Sptrtnl Iiv littilih li Till SIV-CilAsnow Vov o It l etix ctcd that Sham-

rock II will b by the ind of Ntnreimid will her tlrt trials on the Clyde chitlh middle uf April

o t r Land In ilrriryi-nd matltri B Ulire Sundy Si x Soc 11 Tbr ad ttUui ci

imn will br luund a Ufful dlretlorr A4






I n-



nil I 10



1 I



I lilt Pht

I I Ullt



lit lull



gl hell tIP iserut lii g

nil ha tier ill houjgl

c tai a hill ha I ih

he >

rrita P

ri liltitt iilits

t tiersnIl





tills IC Phil C

berth ClOp

irslet repic r

I lie

eli iit

t I Cult ct I ii-



lIP pral I tie itItO

I till tiP it I cia ndsample

a sI tie


t PillS tulmnltv






Iii I


I jusvthe



sur l call d-

lii i till

I at k jut sit t Iii


tug I ill

I I iiPTr

3 I


I i 4i stir tic

tilila r root I lee

r pcI see tierI Ira S


I tutulip el I s i


t the

coumu Ini dlint

emijibe teislngt fleet



> >


















< <





< <



TheIn theSharpetratodwill bepotatounUr

of all tnearlyarid fl-Vcoachetabilitya touchjlranlaought tohave cooaohetheir ItopeculiarPlilftduced tthe IndColumbwldeaprsuitingthe aupisnapped

of ethat whteam Is

if a hi-

rl ht vrililt endsttm othoThe Indlfully at


that tinheat lolSanford



eleven iyear nc

the Newto Harvi-rea onab-conflictv

The otest todaQuakers

majorityin tInt RH-Ivaiila rnpthinhas a KCbeen proff r this u


Thouicli I

producu tcannotiunurH u-


Knvton r

think theioa on w


It U nn-theles aover PennIllVlll 1-CMeMftnlerbrokebottles of-

WhothiIn c I-

ian fine thr-ernl slaysrnnk eat

a ten snvtv

I bavn

HiV lino iOther

befor 11

allow H t v

nattierKtaliin-IndnlC In-

arituid In-

atiiLar fire-

In nmo t

work hnvH local clithought b-o IUK toiti ihiH K-

playert hurl n forI nsul

wnn1 to o nm-by it iir e-

n M iimt-l r rer fiplit liilIS-

niiii thrnu-linuue triiiwith llll-

of llowdnl-a IIUl Li-ufnrnn rly-

iriidinirre veniplay

illit vi n of thIflielllid-nmwho huhwith YnlheIr buck t

fur theIn years f

until over I

men of winhalf lookbuck

lltns Iolie-luirt ofwho livi1 i

the ion illCoach Hy-rlt

olitfi tth Varsi-iicnib an

In whichIICtlCH 111 1-

Ilkulv ItbriVaruity-ateniont tcthe teamand HI iiliithat if theIn capiidHchime t tIxjthXVi l

mnde by V


n ei


PltlNfliT i

IIHTO lifcenlag toe d

n Hi-

hlch has In-pr rm pr in in

cr iljnti r-

ahoir unkiu-nifldrratloo







rate the


Ii Its


lion over


1rank tIn


hrkir hlil-iii omiihnru


I IiPlIl allIll



of Imilixi

rueI Its

Ii-U ihtpt-ectil h rtilPull ers

itml th2e-lii sas4a4



Sparinig Ipit-

Ti l

ci 118

tOld Swnvx



I 11 le1OX





when 1

pIty ttr

Colmipt-P tlOlI 111-1thtIlI tilOpipt

am atu-Iatisiidlc

tikwill It

The rule tb-

S Itudent shutlnemr it Ii


I I I t ilrlrIoust aflerti tlullEetOttct blue rJcton Compels

I ai s CI

3lt etiiIIlii7I-C hs P11C-

CIdebaipd It
