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  • 8/6/2019 Sun One Web SSO Config Guide


    Web SSO Configuration Guide

    Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents


    816-6901-10August 2003

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    Sun Microsystems, Inc.4150 Netw ork CircleSanta Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.

    Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, Solaris, Sun ONE, iPlanet, and all Sun, Java, and Sun ONE based trad emarks and logosare trad emarks or r egistered tradem arks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countr ies.

    UNIX is a registered trad emark in the Un ited States and oth er countries, exclusively licensed thr ough X/ Open Com pan y, Ltd.

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    Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous d roits rservs.

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    About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    What You Are Expected to Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Identity Server Documen tation Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Docum entation Conventions Used in This Manu al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Related Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Chapter 1 Setting Up Web Single Sign-on Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Need for Identity Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Sun ON E Iden tity Server 6.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Siebel 7.5 and Security Architectur e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Integration Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Sup ported Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Pre-requisites to Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Integration Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Known Issues and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Appendix A Relevant Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Appendix B Siebel Applications Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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    About This Guide

    This guide offers procedures to integrate SunTM ONE Identity Server 6.0 and Siebel

    7.5 to provide a Web Single Sign-on solution.This preface contains the following sections:

    What You Are Expected to Know

    Identity Server Documen tation Set

    Docum entation Conventions Used in This Manu al

    Related Information

    What You Are Expected to KnowThis book is considered to be an au xiliary manua l in the d ocumen tation seriesprovid ed with Sun ON E Iden tity Server 6.0 SP1. Its essential that you have

    experience in: Directory technologies

    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

    Sun ONE Directory Server

    Siebel app lica tions

    As you try to und erstand the concepts d escribed in this guide, you shouldreference the Sun ON E Identity Serverand the Sun ONE Directory Serverdocumentation.

    Identity Server Documentation SetThe Sun ON E Iden tity Server d ocumen tation set contains the following titles:

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    Documentation Conventions Used in This Manual

    6 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    Product Briefprov ides an overview of the Sun ON E Iden tity Server and itsfeatures and functions.

    Installation Guideprovides details on how to install and deploy the IdentityServer on Solaris, Linux and Windows 2000 systems.

    Administration Guide describes how to u se the Identity Server console as wellas manage u ser and service data via the comman d line.

    Programmers Guide docum ents how to custom ize an Iden tity Server systemspecific to your organization. It also includes instructions on how to augm ent

    the application w ith new serv ices using the pu blic APIs.

    Getting Started Guide documents how to use various features of Identity Serverto set up a simp le organization with id entities, policies and roles.

    J2EE Policy Agents Guide documents how to install and configure IdentityServer policy agents for application servers on a remote server. It also includestroub leshooting and information specific to each agen t.

    Web Policy A gents Guide documents how to install and configure IdentityServer policy agents for web servers on a rem ote server. It also includ estroub leshooting and information for these agents.

    Web SSO Configuration Guide (this guide) describes the steps for enabling WebSSO between Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 and Siebel 7.5 applications.

    TheRelease Notes file gathers an assortm ent of last-minu te information,includ ing a description of wh at is new in this release, known p roblems and

    limitations, installation notes, and h ow to rep ort problems.

    Documentation Conventions Used in This ManualIn this guid e, there are certain typograph ic and terminology conventions used tosimplify discussion and to help you better und erstand the ma terial. Theseconventions are described below.

    NOTE Be sure to check the Iden tity Server d ocumen tation w eb site forupdates to the release notes and for revisions to the guides. They areavailable at ated d ocum ents will be marked w ith a revision d ate.

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    About This Guide 7

    Typographic Conventions

    This book uses the following typograph ic conventions:

    Italic type is used w ithin text for book titles, new term inology, emp hasis, andword s used in the literal sense.

    Monospace font is used for samp le code and code listings, API and languageelements (such as fun ction nam es and class names), filenames, pathnam es,directory names, HTML tags, and any text that mu st be typed on the screen.

    Italic serif fontis used within code and code fragm ents to ind icate variableplaceholders. For examp le, the following comm and usesfilename as a variableplaceholder for an argum ent to the gunzip comman d:

    gunzip -d filename.tar.gz

    TerminologyBelow is a list of the general term s that a re used in the Sun ONE Iden tity ServerPolicy Agent documentation:

    Agent_Install_Diris a variable placeholder for the directory wh ere you haveinstalled the Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agent.

    S1IS_Install_Diris a variable placeholder for the hom e directory where youhave insta lled Sun ON E Iden tity Server 6.0.

    References1. Secur ity Gu ide for Siebel eBusiness v7.5

    2. Technical note 0300: Quick Guide to Using Netscape LDAP Server with Siebel

    eBusiness App lications3. Sun ONE Identity Management White Paper

    Related InformationIn add ition to the d ocum entation p rovided w ith Sun ONE Identity Server, there

    are several other sets of docum entation that m ight be helpful. This section liststhese and additional sources of information.

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    Related Information

    8 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    iPlanet Directory Server Documentation

    iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 docum entation can be found a t

    iPlanet/Sun ONE Web Server Documentation

    iPlanet/ Sun ONE Web Server documentation can be found at

    Sun ONE Certificate Server Documentation

    Sun ON E Certificate Server documen tation can be foun d a t

    iPlanet Proxy Server Documentation

    iPlanet Proxy Server docum entation can be foun d at

    Other iPlanet Product Documentation

    Documen tation for all other Sun ON E servers and technologies can be found at

    Download Center

    Links to d ownload any of Suns Sun ONE/ iPlanet software are at

    Sun ONE Technical SupportTechnical Sup port can be contacted th rough

    Professional Services Information

    Professional Service can be contacted throu gh

    Sun Enterprise Services for Solaris Patches And SupportSolaris patches and su pp ort can be obtained through

    Developer Information

    Information on Sun ON E Iden tity Server, LDAP, the Sun ON E Directory Server,and associated technologies can also be foun d a t

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    Chapter 1

    Setting Up Web Single Sign-onSolution

    This guide describes the step s requ ired to enable Web Single Sign-On (SSO)betw een Siebel 7.5 and the Sun ON E Identity Server 6.0. Web SSO serv ices allow auser to access mu ltiple, distributed web-based app lications, services, or sitesdu ring a single session without having to reauthen ticate wh ile switching betweenapp lications or services.

    The topics covered in this documen t includ e:

    Need for Identity Management

    Integration Process

    Known Issues and Limitations

    Need for Identity ManagementToday, a typical business environm ent has nu merou s app lications and servicesdep loyed throughou t its enterprise. The iden tity information for each of theseapp lications and services is most likely mainta ined separately. If each comp onent

    man ages its own identities, identity information tend s to be widely distributed . Itruns on different operating systems, uses different rules and standards for security,and is owned and controlled by a widespread group of individuals. As thenum ber of components in an enterprise grows, distributed identity managementbecomes p roblematic for IT organizations as the size, cost, and mainten ance of theinfrastructure sky rockets, redu nd ancy increases, and security risks become aconcern.

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    Need for Identity Management

    10 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    The solution to th is problem lies in imp lementing a centralized iden tityman agemen t infrastru cture. If every app lication and service in an enterpr ise used

    the same ident ity managem ent infrastructure for managing the iden tities of theirusers, includ ing au thentication, authorization, roles and p olicies, then a lot of theproblems that IT organizations face today, includ ing increased cost, redu nd ancy,and security risks, could be alleviated. Such a centralized identity man agemen tinfrastructure, wh ich includ es directory services, access managem ent, identityprov isioning, and iden tity adm inistration, is what the Sun ON E IdentityManagement framework p rovides through its suite of prod ucts.

    Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0One of the core products in the Sun ON E Identity Management framework is theSun ON E Identity Server. It helps organizations man age secure access toweb-based r esources via access managem ent services that enable web singlesign-on, identity ad ministration, and d irectory services. Web single sign-on

    services allow a user to access mu ltiple, distributed web-based app lications,services, or sites dur ing a single session withou t the need for reauthent ication asthe user switches between comp onents. Since web single sign-on through SunONE Identity Server greatly enhances the overall user experience and solves one ofthe m ost complex IT problems, it is the focus of this integration w ith Siebel.

    Siebel 7.5 and Security ArchitectureSiebel 7.5 app lications, the latest release of Siebel eBusiness Ap plications, providemarket leading depth and breadth of functionality in sales, marketing, service, andpartner relationship man agement.

    To und erstand the w eb single sign-on solution betw een Sun ON E Iden tity Server6.0 and Siebel 7.5, it is imp ortant to und erstand the security architecture of thisprod uct. Siebel 7.5 adheres to common ly accepted security stand ard s to facilitate

    the integration of the application into the customers business environm ent andsecur ity infrastructure. These indu stry-wide security standard s are used tosup port three authentication method s in Siebel 7.5. Each of these authen ticationmethods is briefly explained below.

    Native Database Authentication - In this method , the un derlying securitysystem of the d atabase verifies user creden tials for Siebel 7.5. Each u ser mu sthave a valid d atabase accoun t in ord er to access the Siebel application.

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    Integration Process

    12 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003


    This integration u ses Siebels LDAP Secur ity Ad apter in conjun ction w ith theLDAP authent ication mod ule of Sun O NE Identity Server. All user d ata andapp lication information for Siebel are stored in a relational database. Thisintegration u ses Sun ON E Iden tity Server and Siebel Security Adapter forauth entication only. To un derstan d how the users get logged onto their Siebelapp lication, even though they au thenticate to Sun ON E Iden tity Server, it isimportant to know how the Siebel Security Adapter works in conjunction with SunON E Iden tity Server.

    This Web SSO solution u ses the trad itional policy agent implementation m odel,wh ere a URL Policy Agent is installed on the w eb server hosting th e Siebelapp lication. All HTTP requests are intercepted by the agent, and in the absence ofan SSOToken, the user is redirected to th e Sun ON E Iden tity Server 6.0 login p agefor auth entication. Upon successful auth entication, the agent pop ulates apre-determ ined head er variable with the Siebel uid. The Siebel Web ServerExtenstion (SWSE) extracts this head er value and passes th e au thenticated u sers

    nam e to the authentication manager, a comp onent of the Siebel Object Manager.The security ad apter th en provides this user nam e to Sun O NE Directory Serverfrom w hich the users Siebel uid and database account are returned to theauth entication manager. Siebel Object Manager then u ses the returned da tabasecredentials to connect the user to the database to identify the user . Figure 1 depictsthe deploymen t architecture and SSO process flow.

    IBM H TTP ServerLimited Release2.0.30

    Servers run ning AIX 5L withMaintenan ce Level 1 or above


    Table 1-1

    Web Server Platform Agent Available?

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    Integration Process

    Chapter 1 Setting Up Web Single Sign-on Solution 13

    Figure 1-1 Deploym ent Architecture an d SSO Process Flow

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    Integration Process

    14 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    Pre-requisites to Integration

    Before you begin th e integration, make sure th at:

    Siebel and all of its required components, including the web server and theda tabase server, are installed and ru nning in the environm ent. For detailedinformation on how to d o this, please refer to the Siebel Bookshelf.

    Sun ONE Identity Server , including Sun ONE Directory Server , i s installed andrunning. For information on how to install these prod ucts, please refer to theSun ONE Identity Server produ ct documentation.

    Integration StepsOnce you have th e prod ucts mentioned above installed and runn ing, follow thesteps listed below to enable Web SSO betw een Siebel 7.5 and Sun ON E IdentityServer.

    1. Set up Sun ON E Directory Server 5.1 so that th e database accoun ts and theusers Siebel uid can be retrieved.

    Users in the Siebel database must correspond to u sers in Sun ON E DirectoryServer.

    Users in Sun ON E Directory Server must h ave attributes containing values forSiebel uid, password and database account. Attribute names must correspond

    to what is configured in the w eb server plug -in configuration file, eapps.cfg,and the Call Center configuration file, uagent.cfg. The web server plug-inconfigura tion file is located in $WEB_PLUGIN_HOME/bin d irectory on theweb server machine. The Call Center configuration file is located in$SIEBEL_HOME/siebsrvr/bin directory on the Siebel server machine. If youare using a Siebel app lication other than Call Center, make sure you look atthat p articular app lications configuration file rather than th e Call Centerconfiguration file.

    NOTE Although this docum ent describes only the steps to integrate SunON E Identity Server with Siebel Call Center 7.5 for Web SSO, it hasbeen validated against Call Center, eSales, ERM and eChann el.Valida tion against four distinct Siebel applications m akes this ageneric solution, wh ich can be u sed across all Siebel 7.5 eApp s1.

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    Integration Process

    Chapter 1 Setting Up Web Single Sign-on Solution 15

    2. Edit the parameters in th e web server p lug-in configuration file, eapps.cfg,residing on the w eb server machine to have the following values:

    3. Edit the param eters in the Call Center configuration file, uagent.cfg, asdescribed below. If you are using another Siebel application, make sure to editthe approp riate configuration file in a similar manner (see Append ix C).

    Code Example 1-1

    [defaults]AnonUserName = sadminAnonPassword = sadminAnonUserPool = 120StatsPage = _stats.sweHTTPPort = 8080

    HTTPSPort = 443EnableFQDN = FALSEFQDN = CHANGE_MEAnonSessionTimeout = 900GuestSessionTimeout = 300SessionTimeout = 900DoCompression = TRUESingleSignOn = TRUETrustToken = siebel2sunUserSpec = REMOTE_USER

    UserSpecSource = Header

    Code Example 1-2

    [LDAP]DllName = libsscfldap.soServerName = e450b.sunmde.comPort = 389BaseDN = "ou=People,"SharedCredentialsDN = "uid=sadmin,ou=People,"UsernameAttributeType = uid

    PasswordAttributeType = userPasswordCredentialsAttributeType = dbaccount;RolesAttributeType = siebelrole;SslDatabase =ApplicationUser = "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,"ApplicationPassword = netscape1;EncryptApplicationPassword = FALSE;EncryptCredentialsPassword = FALSESingleSignOn = TRUETrustToken = siebel2sun;UseAdapterUsername = FALSE

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    Known Issues and Limitations

    16 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    4. Install Sun One Identity Server Policy Agent, version 2.0 on the web serverhosting the Siebel app lication. For information on how to install this agent,please refer to the policy agents documen tation at

    http:/ / db/ coll/ S1_IdServ_60.5. Mod ify the file to allow the p olicy agent to set values in

    the HTTP header. The file is the configuration file for thepolicy agent. It is typ ically located in/etc/opt/SUNWam/agents/es6/config/_opt_SUNWam_servers_/ In th e file, mod ify the following p ropertiesas listed below:|uid

    6. Create policies in Sun ON E Iden tity Server 6.0 to allow/ deny access to yourSiebel app lication. The steps for creating policies are docum ented in th e SunON E Iden tity Server Administration Gu ide, which is located at

    Policies can be set on users, roles, or organizations. For this integration,policies have been set on the organization.

    7. Stop th e Web Server, Web Server Ad min, Siebel Server, and then th e GatewayServer. Restart them in the reverse order.

    To verify if the in tegra tion is successful, access the Call Center applicationURL. You will redirected to Sun ON E Iden tity Server login p age forauthentication and up on successful au thentication, you w ill be able to access

    the Call Center app lication.

    Known Issues and Limitations In Header mode, Siebel app let pop -up window hangs after logg ing in .You can

    work arou nd this by refreshing the brow ser.

    ;SiebelUsernameAttributeType =;UseRemoteConfig =

    Code Example 1-2

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    Known Issues and Limitations

    Chapter 1 Setting Up Web Single Sign-on Solution 17

    The integration has been validated in a Solaris environment with the browserInternet Explorer as the client program. The validation on an all Windows 2000

    environm ent is soon to follow.

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    Known Issues and Limitations

    18 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

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    Appendix A

    Relevant Configuration Files

    A total of four Siebel applications w ere validated against th is SSO solution: CallCenter , eSales, ERM, PRM (form erly know n as eChan nel). All Siebel app licationstested ar e assum ed to be version 7.5 build 15051.

    The files involved a re the app lications ind ividua l configuration file and a filenamed eapps.cfg, which contains parameters u sed by th e Siebel Web Engine to

    control all Siebel app lications interactions w ith th e Web Engine.The relevant portions of the long app lication configuration files are the p ortionsthat fall und er the head ings "[Siebel]", "[SecurityAdap ters]", and "[LDAP]". So forCall Center, eSales, ERM and PRM you w ould need to make su re the sectionsunder the aforementioned headings containthe following:

    Code Example A-1

    [Siebel]Security Adapter= LDAP

    [SecurityAdapters]LDAP= LDAP

    [LDAP]DllName = libsscfldap.soServerName =

    Port = 389BaseDN = "ou=People,"SharedCredentialsDN = "uid=sadmin,ou=People,"UsernameAttributeType = uidPasswordAttributeType = userPasswordCredentialsAttributeType = dbaccount;RolesAttributeType = siebelrole;SslDatabase =ApplicationUser =

    "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,"ApplicationPassword = password1EncryptApplicationPassword = FALSEEncryptCredentialsPassword = FALSE

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    20 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    The file eapps.cfg has a head ing for each Siebel app lication, for example[callcenter], and [esales] as well as one named [defaults]. Anything specified underthe specified application will override what is specified in d efaults. For thepu rposes of this integration, the SSO sp ecific configuration was specified indefaults as given here:

    SingleSignOn = TRUETrustToken = siebel2sunUseAdapterUsername = FALSE;SiebelUsernameAttributeType =; UseRemoteConfig =

    Code Example A-2


    AnonUserName = sadminAnonPassword = sadminAnonUserPool = 10StatsPage = _stats.sweHTTPPort = 8080HTTPSPort = 443EnableFQDN = FALSEFQDN = CHANGE_MEAnonSessionTimeout = 900GuestSessionTimeout = 300SessionTimeout = 900

    DoCompression = TRUE

    SingleSignOn = TRUETrustToken = siebel2sunUserSpec = REMOTE_USERUserSpecSource = Server

    Code Example A-1

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    Appendix B

    Siebel Applications ConfigurationFiles

    To configure Web SSO for a Siebel 7.5 application, it is necessary to mod ify itsrespective configu ration file. The following table lists the configuration files of allthe Siebels applications for your easy reference.

    Table 1-2 Configura tion files for va rious Siebel applications

    Siebel Application Configuration File

    Siebel Call Center uagent.cfg

    Siebel eBriefings ebriefings.cfg

    Siebel eAuction esales.cfg

    Siebel PRM PartnerPortal scw.cfg

    Siebel PRM Webphone wpechan .cfg

    Siebel eCustomer ecustomer.cfg

    Siebel eEvents eevents.cfg

    Siebel eMarketing emarketing.cfg

    Siebel EmployeeRelationshipManagement


    Siebel eSales esales.cfg

    Siebel eService eservice.cfg

    Siebel eServiceWebphone


    Siebel eTraining etraining.cfg

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    22 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    The integration w as tested only w ith Siebel Call Center, Siebel eSales, SiebelEmployee Relationship Managem ent and Siebel Partner RelationshipManagement.

    Siebel Field Service sfs.cfg

    Siebel Marketing market.cfg

    Siebel Par tner Manager pmanager .cfg

    Siebel Sales siebel.cfg

    Siebel Sales for CE cssales.cfg

    Siebel Sales for Palm cssalesp alm .cfgSiebel Sa les WebPhone wpsa les .cfg

    Siebel Service service.cfg

    Siebel Service Webphone wpserv.cfg

    Table 1-2 Configurat ion files for var ious Siebel app lications

    Siebel Application Configuration File

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    native database 10security ad apters 11Web Single Sign-On 11

    CCertificate Server

    Documentation 8

    DDeveloper Information 8Documentation

    Certificate Server 8Proxy Server 8Web Server 8

    DownloadsSun ONE Software 8

    IIdentity Management 9

    Identity ServerRelated Product Information 7

    Identity Server 6.0 10Integration

    Issues and Limitations 16overview 12pre-requisites 14process 11

    steps 14Issues

    integration 16


    Limitationsintegration 16


    Supported 11

    Professional Services 8Proxy Server

    Documentation 8

    RReferences 7

    S i S

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    Section S

    24 Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents 2.0 Web SSO Configuration Guide August 2003

    SSecurity Architectur e

    Siebel 7.5 10Solaris

    Patches 8Support 8

    Sun ON ESupport 8

    SupportProfessional Services 8

    Solaris 8Sun ON E 8

    WWeb Server

    Documentation 8