summer newsletter 2015 st mikes preparatory school

the St. Michael’s Preparatory School Newsletter SUMMER 2015 St. Michael’s Preparatory School Present: ‘Thank You For The Music’ An enjoyable evening was had at The Stradey Park Hotel. Preparatory School pupils entertained us through song, narration and dances from throughout the decades. Prep 1 performed to us from the 1980’s, Prep 2 the 1970’s, Prep 3 the Rock and Roll era of the 1950’s and Prep 4 from the 1960’s. I’m sure that all who attended could relate in one way or another to the music. It certainly took me back! I’d like to thank the Preparatory staff in helping prepare the children for the concert, the parents for providing the wonderful costumes and to Miss. Selby and Mrs. Nicholas to whom this production would not have been possible without. Last but not least, I’d like to give an enormous thank you to our wonderful pupils who never fail to make me proud. It was a pleasure to have your support on the night and that of the PTA who always help and support the school, thank you. Photographs and a film of the show are available to view and purchase online from Please contact the school to access the photographs. A keepsake book is also being produced, which will be available to view on request. M Davies, Head of St. Michael’s Preparatory School

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Summer newsletter 2015 St Mikes Preparatory School


Page 1: Summer newsletter 2015 St Mikes Preparatory School

the St. Michael’s Preparatory School Newsletter

S U M M E R 2 0 1 5

St. Michael’s Preparatory School Present: ‘Thank You For The Music’

An enjoyable evening was had at The Stradey Park Hotel. Preparatory School pupils entertained us through song, narration and dances from throughout the decades. Prep 1 performed to us from the 1980’s, Prep 2 the 1970’s, Prep 3 the Rock and Roll era of the 1950’s and Prep 4 from the 1960’s. I’m sure that all who attended could relate in one way or another to the music. It certainly took me back! I’d like to thank the Preparatory staff in helping prepare the children for the concert, the parents for providing the wonderful costumes and to Miss. Selby and Mrs. Nicholas to whom this production would not have been possible without. Last but not least, I’d like to give an enormous thank you to our wonderful pupils who never fail to make me proud. It was a pleasure to have your support on the night and that of the PTA who always help and support the school, thank you. Photographs and a film of the show are available to view and purchase online from Please contact the school to access the photographs. A keepsake book is also being produced, which will be available to view on request. M Davies, Head of St. Michael’s Preparatory School

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Head Boy & Head Girl


Transition Buddies

House News

Many congratulations to Bryn who take the award of having most House Points this term. Individual girl with most House Points at ELC: Aimee Banner PP1. Prep: Monisha Premkumar P4. Individual boy with most House Points at ELC: Sulaiman Khawaja PP1. Prep: Joshua Evans P1.


Miah Morris and William Morgan as Head Girl and Head Boy this summer term. Miah and William along with the prefects worked diligently in the Open Day, Sports Day, Summer Fayre and Prep Concert.

Caleb Hughes, Rianna Evans, Arnav Goel and Lia Downes.

Each class has been given a challenge to collect 100 marbles during the term. The marbles are given to the pupils for acts of kindness, respect, tolerance and good behaviour. Once the jar is filled, the class decides their own reward for positive behaviour. These have included cooking, an afternoon at the beach and a sporting afternoon. Well done everyone.

Thank you our Transition Buddies Frankie Giannini, Andrea Davey, Sarah Rafique, Sam Williams , Janusz Rydewski and Harvey Davies in helping Pre-Prep 2 settle into the Prep Department in preparation for Year 3 this September.

“It has been a pleasure to take on the role this term and we’d like to wish everyone a happy summer.”

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Sports Day

Sports Day was a great success as always with Zamel Sharaiha and Ayaan Sheikh having been awarded Best Boy and Areeba Naveed and Megan Hopkins awarded Best Girl.

The winning house this year went to Bryn. The shield was presented to House Captains Janusz Rydzewski and Emily Locking in Prep 4.

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Around the classes


Pre-Prep 1

Pre-Prep 2

Prep 1

It's hard to believe we have reached the end of another very busy term in the EarlyYears. Our theme has been Minibeasts and we have had an exciting time watching life cycles come to life through Colin the caterpillar and our amazing tadpoles, we have also learnt lots of interesting and unusual facts all about the creatures that live around us.

It has been another fun and exciting term in Pre-Prep 1. The children have enjoyed learning all about plants and were very enthusiastic to help set up the School Garden, where they have planted their own bean seeds and watched them grow. They were also very keen to go on a sculpture hunt on our trip to the Botanic Gardens.

It has been a really fun and busy term in Pre-Prep 2, with the children excited about their transition into the Juniors. They have been enjoying break times on the ‘Big Yard’. There have been many highlights this term, with Mexican food tasting, trip to the Botanic Gardens and an afternoon on the back field for being the first class in the ELC to fill their reward jar, to name but a few.

We have come to the end of another very busy term. The class particularly enjoyed the various activities, such as making Viking shields, exploring Rainforests and designing sculptures. The children have also excelled themselves in many extra- curricular activities such as chess, football, music, the Summer Concert they made wonderful 1980’s dancers and of course in summer sports, especially tennis and Sports Day.

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Around the classes

Prep 3

Prep 4

Prep 2

Lunchtime Questionnaire

Thank you to all who completed the lunchtime questionnaire. We have taken on advice and suggestions from parents. Each pupil will receive a revised menu with their report in preparation for next year. Please let us know if you have any further feedback. We value your opinion and thoughts.

The year has come to an end and I will be very sorry to let Prep 3 go. They have been such a dynamic class to teach, full of ideas and enthusiasm at all times. We have encountered much fun along the way with the highlight of our year definitely being our trip to Manor Adventure. I am sure that they will all take away super memories from this academic year.

Prep 2 have had a work and fun filled last term together. All the children worked extremely hard in preparation for their examinations and achieved well. They enjoyed their trip to the beach looking for salt water organisms and climbing rocks and were transported to India during our food tasting lesson. It only leaves me to thank you all for your support over the last year. It has been a pleasure teaching the class and I wish them the best for Prep 3 and a happy and sunshine filled summer to you all.

Prep 4 greatly enjoyed their induction day in the Senior School. They experienced an English, Mathematics and Science taster lessons and an afternoon of bowling. They are really looking forward to next year and are raring to go! Pupils were given a graduation disco due to all of their hard work and dedication throughout their time in Prep 4.

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Horse Riding


Sophie, Molly, Lottie, Hannah, Daisy and Megan ready for their ballet examination.

Ben’s Got

We were all very proud to support Ben Hanson & Groove Thing on getting to Britain’s Got Talent semi-finals.

Hannah & Megan Hopkins ride for Neath Pony Club Junior Team (under 12s) and their team have successfully qualified at Area level in Junior Mounted Games. They now progress to the Zone stage of The Prince Phillip Cup to be held at Taunton Racecourse during July. Their team has also had the prestigious honour of being invited to ride at the Royal Bath and West show on the 30th of May.

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SUMMER 2015 Other Events Tennis

Brass and Strings Concert Chess

Several players took part in the Netsima Neath & West Wales Chess Tournament, including; Jack Cummine; Taimur Khan; Emily Wyatt; Danny Lin; Joshua Evans; and Ibraham Ashraf. They did really well, with Jack Cummine taking runner up in the U11 section and the overall school score coming joint first with Oakleigh out of the nine schools that attended. This was thanks to the scores of Jack Cummine (4/5), Joshua Evans (3/5) and Danny Lin (3/5).


Congratulations to Joshua Hanson, Jack McCallion, Adi Santhosh, Dylan Fowles, Harvey Davies and William Morgan for being awarded a sports tie in competing in the Llanelli Schools Urdd Football.

We are extremely proud to announce that Rhea Makesar, Prep 2 was selected to play the WIMBLEDON OPEN 2015 at Wimbledon Park, Wimbledon. This is a tournament where they invite only the top 16 players of the UK to compete on grass courts of Wimbledon. Rhea played extremely well and reached the finals of the event. Many congratulations Rhea! Rhea came 2nd in the All British National Tennis championships (Grade 2: highest grade tournament Rhea can play at her age group). Playing in these finals is Rhea’s biggest achievement so far in the field of tennis.

Carmarthenshire Primary Schools Tennis Mini Orange Girls Rhea Makesar, Areeba Naveed, Rebecca Morgan and Annie Babar came 1st in the Carmarthenshire competition. They went on to play in the South Wales Final and took silver medals. Well done!

Mini orange boys Joshua Hanson, Dylan Fowles, Aditya Santhosh & Taimur Khan. Mini green boys Jack Cummine, Arnav Goel, William Morgan & Aryan Chaudhry. Congratulations to all who took part.

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Manor Adventure Prep 3 visited Manor Adventure, Llanwrtyd Wells earlier this term. Pupils had a fantastic experience, which included fencing, kayaking, abseiling, rock climbing, raft building to name just a few!

To celebrate the love of learning French, pupils from Nursery to Prep 4, with the help & support of the School Council organised a

day of ‘French’ activities, including a French Breakfast!

Une Journée Française

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Prep Graduation Disco Prep 4 were excited to have their ‘Graduation Disco’ at the end of term and were given a class photograph as a memento of their time in the Prep School. Many thanks to the School Council who helped fund the afternoon. Best wishes to you all for your future wherever it may take you.

Travelling Book Fair The Preparatory School was pleased to have another visit from the Travelling Book Fair this term. Thank you to everyone who helped to benefit the school by buying lots of books. The school earned £300 commission, which has been spent on new books for the Prep library areas.

Other Events 100% Attendance Many congratulations to the following pupils for gaining 100% attendance this term: Harry Lewis, Ashwin Yoganathan, Rohan Mitra-Flynn, Vismith Prabhu, Jasmin Yoganathan, Ayaan Sheikh, Megan Hopkins, Alfie Williams, Richard Zheng, Zamel Sharaiha, Jonathan Onions, Hannah Hopkins, Steffan Urquhart, Vindya Prabhu, Monisha Premkumar, Holly Robinson, William Morgan & Harvey Davies. Please be kindly reminded that it is the parents’ responsibility to notify the school of absences. Parents should apply for time off during the school term in advance, which is at the discretion of the Headteacher. Forms are available on request.

Student of the Week has been awarded to: Rory Blyth Arjun Ubhee Daisy Vranjes-Thomas Megan Hopkins Taimur Khan Griffith Cundy Richard Zheng Saif Babar Aryan Chaudhry Tabitha Percy Sophie Locking Yuvraj Dale Megan Coldrick Surina Dale Rohan Nair Rhys Francis Aimee Banner Frankie Giannini Louis Lawes Congratulations to you all.

Head’s Hearts have been received by: Tabitha Percy Katie Hanson Ayaan Sheikh Arjun Ubhee Vindya Prahbu Alfie Williams James Lester Sai Delavaye

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Classes for 2015/2016 Nursery/Reception Mrs. Rees-Davies Year 1 Mrs. McLavy-Davies Year 2 Miss. Arthur Year 3 Mrs. Sharaiha & Mrs. Davies

Year 4 Mrs. Bennett & Ms. Rees Year 5 Mrs. Richards Year 6 Mrs. Dooley

Contact us!

St. Michael’s School Bryn Llanelli SA14 9TU Tel: 01554 820325 Email: [email protected]

Out of School Club Holiday club will be open this summer on

Thursday 9th July, Tuesday 14th & Thursday 16th July and Monday 20th – Thursday 23rd July.

Please contact the After School Staff at the ELC to book a place or telephone the school office.

Opening Hours: 8.30am – 4.30pm 07949 398665

Save the Date!

Autumn Term

Thursday 3rd September 2015 – Wednesday 9th December 2015

Half Term

Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October 2015

Welcome Evening

Drop in and meet the teachers in their classrooms on Wednesday 9th September 2015 between 3.30-5.00pm

Mrs. Suzanne vanHooijdonk leaves us at the end of this term after 7 years service in the school to take up a new post. I’d like to wish her every success for the future. She’ll be missed dearly.