summer 2005 crossroads mission newsletter

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  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    By Myra E. Garlit, M.Ed., LISAC

    Executive Director

    The face coul d be

    anyone. It could be

    someone close to you. It

    could be a spouse, a son, adaughter, a grandchild, or a

    niece or nephew. It could be

    someone you dont know.

    The faces are here at the

    Mission. Loss of jobs ,

    divorce, separation,

    domestic violence, drugs, alcohol,

    gambling and mental i llness all can be

    contributing factors to those faces at the


    The stat istics are startling. Women

    and chi ldren at homeless sh elters are the

    fastest g rowing population. Homelessness

    and substance dependence are siblings tomisery and ho pelessness. I do not know

    one family , one indi vidual, who is not

    touched in some way b y alcoholism or

    drug addiction.

    We see these faces everyday. Most

    important ly, we see tho se faces co me

    alive with a spiritual foundation, hope for

    a better tomorrow, and d eterminati on to

    make the changes they need to make for a

    better quality of life. Through prayer,

    faith building, counseling, education,

    vocational and occupational skill building,

    and hard work lives are set back on track.

    We are happy to be celebratinggradu ation in this issue. Graduations for

    achieving a GED, completi ng one of the

    programs, being reunited with family

    members, restoration o f relatio nships, and

    obtaining a home and job are the success

    we see everyday among those many faces.

    Help u s, help those faces see the hope

    for to morrow and the possibility of

    gradu ating to a better quality of li fe! The purpose of Crossroads Mission is to help disabled, disadvantaged and disenfranchised individuals and fachieve a better quality of life. We are a 501(c)3, Private Nonprofit Organization serving the homeless, needy and poor of County without regard to race, color, national origin, religious background, age, sex or handicap. (Alternati ve formareasonable accommodations available upon request .) We depend on the contributions of concerned i ndividuals and organizAll contributions are tax-deductible. We are a member in good standing of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. We pwith the State of Arizona, DES, Yuma Community Food Bank & FEMA. We do not solici t in front of stores or door to door. Preport any impostors to us immediately.News for Our Partners is a quarterly publicat ion for the friends and supporters of Crossroads Mission. We welcome comabout the content of the newsletter. If there are issues you want to hear about, please let us know.

    Whos Face is it?


    C r o s s r o a ds M i s s io n

    is a member of the Association ofGospel Rescue Missions.

    News for Our PartnerNews for Our PartnerSummer 05 Crossroads Mission Vol. 8, Issue 2New Director: MakingCrossroads Your MissionC

    rossroads Mission has had 8 ExecutiveDirectors in 46 years. Now the 9th

    director for the first time is a woman,

    and she comes to the position ful l o f energy,excitement and valuable experience. Myra E.

    Garlit, M.Ed., LISAC, is that woman.On April 25, 2005, Myra was appointed by

    the Board o f Directors as the new Executive

    Director after Charlie Allen, the p rior Director,resigned for medical reasons.

    Myra has been a part of the Mission since

    1999, when she started as a v olunteer counselor.She worked exclusively with the A dult

    Probation Office Drug Court outpatient

    participants. She had been working for theYuma County Juvenile Court Center for

    nearly 15 years when the Treatment

    Directors position became vacantand she made the big decision to

    switch careers. It was a big

    decision because if I stayed atJuvenile Court, I would have just a

    few years to retirement . If I moved,

    I would add years to my reti rementage. I knew i f I didnt do it then, Id

    never t ake the opportunity, she says.

    Since then, Myra hasconcentrated in the improvement of

    the Recovery Program by

    adding evidence-basedservices, as w ell as

    improving the quality ofthe organizationsoverall operations.

    The change of

    working withadults i nstead

    of youth h ad

    a big impact

    on Myra. Working here has opened my eyesheart to the needs of the homeless and addicte

    had worked with the addicted at my former job

    but I did not have a clear understanding of thecycle o f addiction and the extent of the diseas

    did not realize what a major ro le mental healthplays in homelessness. I was l ike so many

    otherswhy cant they just get a job? I didn

    know that the majority of them suffer fro m sotype of mental il lness. I didnt see addiction

    as a disease.

    Now, as the Executive Director Myra hasmade i t her mission to make Crossroads Missieverybodys mission.

    She says, I have set many goals asExecutive Director but I want the

    community to know what a good j

    we do . I want the communi ty toknow that the Crossroads Missi

    more than a soup kitchen. I wa

    the Crossroads Mission tobecome a household name

    where people know what

    valuable resources are offereI bel ieve that Crossroads ha

    been hiding its light under

    bushel basket and its tifor the communit

    see what we ha

    offer in t he waservices and n

    just to thehomeless. want the


    to know

    Its yo


  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Open 24 hours a day,7 days a week

    Do you, or someone you knowhave an addiction problem?


    We o ffer a comprehensive d rug and

    alcohol recovery program that includesafe, monitored detoxification and

    individual counseling. Call 783-9362

    Ext. 22 for more information, o r visit uanytime, 944 S. Arizona Ave.

    The Recovery Program

    Page 2 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission



    41 years of age, Yvonneis entering into unknown

    territory: this 7 months isthe longest that shes been sober sinceshe was a teenager. She is getting toknow the new sober and sane Yvonne.

    Born and raised in Yuma, shebecame involved with gangs at a very

    young age. They (the gang) woulddrink beer and smoke pot at amembers house where the parentswould let the kids drink and smoke.

    Thats how I got started. I hadmy first blackout of drinking at age 11.It progressed as I got older. It never

    stopped. The first thing I snorted, I

    snorted when I was 14 - besidesmarijuana and alcohol, says Yvonne.

    I did manage to graduate HighSchool and I even got a full ridescholarship to U.S. InternationalUniversity in San Diego, California. Iwent a year but when I came home onsummer break I ended up getting deeperinto all the partying.

    At age 26 she got married andlater had a son. But, Yvonnesaddiction grew so much a part of herlife that she lost her husband, her son,

    her house, her relationships with her family, and evenher dogs. Thats when she decided she needed help

    and came to Crossroads Mission. By the time I camehere I had lost everything - even my own life. I wasscared. My mind was out there: not functioning. Icouldnt rationalize reality from paranoia. I went tojail and that gave me a wake up call. recalls Yvonne.

    I decided to come on my own because I neededhelp with drugs and alcohol. I came in like a zombie.I was taking so many medications I couldnt evenremember my own name sometimes. I never thoughtId regain my sanity and that my life could take a turn because Id failed so many times before. Everybodyelse had given up on me and I had too.

    I never realized that there was in small Yuma a

    rehab that could help me. I couldnt afford to go

    anywhere else. They took me in with open arms andtaught me the tools that I need to stay sober andsurvive, she says. I learned through the programthat God loves me and that He has hope for me.

    Yvonne is currently employed and lives intransitional housing for women and her relationshipsare slowly getting restored. Her long term plans aresomething that shes still working on, but they includeher own housing with a place for her son.

    Today, I have hope that I can stay sober. Ihave my friends here at the Mission and God. Hewalked me through the darkest hours and He is stillwith me!

    I never thought Id

    regain my sanity and

    that my life could take

    a turn because Id

    failed so many times...-Yvonne

    Yvonne:RegainingHer Sanity

    A success story...

    Saturday, August 20, 200Cocopah RV & Golf Resort

    SHOTGUN START at 7 AMIncludes Lunch Re freshments Availabl

    4-Man Scramble$1,000 1st Place Team Prize

    Contests for:Hole-In-One, Longest Drive

    & Closest to Pin

    Cost is $50.00 per Individual or $200.00per Te am (Non Refundable)

    Registration is limited onl y to 36 teams Registration Deadline is August 13, 200

    Teams must have a minimum handicaptotal of 60

    Indi viduals will be assigned to a team pto the event

    REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE ACocopah RV & Golf Resort Purcell Tire

    Western Warehouse Red Pon y Feed Supply & Crossroads Mission

    For more information call M ildred at(928) 726-0491 ext. 18

    Proceeds to benefit:CROSSROADS MISSION


  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    You Can HelCrossroads &Get a Tax

    Credit in 05D

    id you know that you can rece

    a state tax credit of up to $200when you donate to a non-profitorganization such as Crossroads

    Mission?Thats right! Thanks to A.R.S.

    Section 43-1088, a tax credit designeto help the working poor, you candonate up to $200 during the year an

    receive this amount back from Arizoas a tax refund when you itemize yo

    deductions. You do need to have pato Arizona at least the amount youdonate.

    Its not to early to plan ahead foryour 2005 income tax return. You cgive small amounts throughout the

    year. Why not start now? You canstart this July with a $40 contributio

    Crossroads. Then, continue your $4gifts from August through NovembeThat will add up to $200 and youll

    have the month of December left! Tmoney will come back to you througthe tax credit and it will go a very lo

    way at Crossroads Mission!For more information contact Bi

    Esmeier, Director of Development at(928) 783-9362, Ext. 19.

    Crossroads Mission Summer 2005 Page

    Ramon came to CrossroadsMission because he had to.After failing a drug test while

    on intensive probation, he was placedin the Drug Court program. But,Ramons ways had not changed and hewas arrested the same week he wasaccepted into the program. I figuredthat the first U.A. (drug test) in DrugCourt Id get a chance, says Ramon.

    That is when he was mandated to cometo the Drug & Alcohol RecoveryProgram at Crossroads Mission.

    At the beginning, the first 2weeks I would tell them that I didntneed the Mission because I could stayclean on my ownI was wrong,

    confused. I really did need theMission, recalls Ramon. I started tolearn. I surrendered. I knew that if Ileft I would go to Mexico or I would beput in prison. I knew that it would bemore suffering for my family.

    Ramon worked hard to battle theaddiction that had consumed half of hislife. At the age of 14 his family movedfrom San Luis to Yuma and he beganto experiment with methamphetamine.As he puts it, he was trying to fit in.

    That experimenting turned into a

    constant drug and alcohol use that lasted over 15years. Ramon is now 31 years old and he has beensober for over a year.

    At the Mission I learned to value and forgivemyself for my mistakes, my actionsto see life in adifferent color. I gained trust, he says. One of mygoals is to never, ever again touch that filth thatdestroyed so many years of my life and caused me somuch suffering. I want to live a happy and productive life and I want to get closer to God.

    Ramon rekindled his relationship with God while atCrossroads Mission. He even started going to a localChristian church and was baptized for the secondtime as a symbol of his recommitment to God.

    Now Ramon is self employed and owns acolorful food stand just west of Avenue C on 8thStreet. It is called Chagarro Chimichurris and he

    sells lots of delicious Mexican food and traditionalMexican flavored drinks like horchata, mango, coco,and hibiscus waters.

    Things are different for Ramon and he says thathe owes much of the change to Crossroads. Manypeople think that the Mission is a very low place and

    its really not like that. If someone has a problemwith drugs, and theres many people who do inYuma, the Mission can help you change your life.You find a lot of peace in that place. Sometimes Iwish I could go back and take a two week vacation inthere and forget about everything and concentrate on

    being better. Its a great place to be.

    I learned to valueand forgive myself for

    my mistakes, my

    actionsto see life in

    a different color.-Ramon

    Ramon:Forgiven& Valued

    A success story...

    1100 S. Maple Ave., YumaM-F 8:00-4:00, Sat. 8:00-12:00

    (928) 783-9362, Ext. 31

    GEDThe Crossroads

    Career & AcademicCenter offers avariety o f adult

    education courses anservices, all free of



  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Page 4 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission

    A spec ia l Thank

    Y ou goes ou t t o



    and GORYS

    BARBER &BEAUTY S HOP f o r t he i r sup po r t

    i n accep t i ng ou r re fer ra ls and

    p r ovid ing f r eeha i r cu t s .

    Top: Jo se & AngieCarrillo, Maria &Jesu s Avila. Bottom:Jesu s Carrill o &

    Jesu s Avil a

    An average family of 4 takes approximately 124 showers a month.

    Thats 1 shower each for 31 days. At Crossroads Mission theamount of showering that goes on is amazing!

    Just in the Mens Shelter our transient guests took514 showers in the month of February, 635 in

    March, and 870 in April. Thats 2,019showers in the last three months!

    But thats not all, we also let our guestsborrow our towels and we give them

    shampoo, soap, razors, toothbrushes,toothpaste, lotion, combs, and

    deodorant. We even give them a completechange of clothes i f they need it. Everything from

    underwear, socks, and shirt, to shoes, belt and hat! In themonth of February we gave out 300 razors, 280 in March, and

    310 in April. Thats 890 razors in three months.Though these figures are unimaginable for an average

    household, they dont tell the whole story of the many thingsthat go on at Crossroads Mission since they only represent our

    male guests. To get a complete picture we would have toinclude all the participants of residential programs such as

    the Recovery and Renewed Life Programs and all the guestsand residents of the Family Shelter and Serenity House.

    Thats why we want to thank you, our donors, formaking all the details happen. The next time you take a

    shower think of Crossroads Mission and pray for ourmany needs.

    Showers, razors & lots more...

    Top: A man gets a towel, shampoo in a small cup, an

    a bar of soap before taking a shower.

    You can help!Consider donating items from our shelters Wish List

    Toiletries f or men & women: Shampoo, conditioner Body soap Toothpaste Toothbrushes

    Combs Skin lotion Deodorant Razors Feminine hygiene i tems

    Cleaning & Laundry: Laundry soap Fabric softener Bleach All purpose cleaner

    General Supplies: Towels Twin size bedding Toilet paper Paper towels

    A special Thank You to

    For their support and inclusion in

    their talent search event.

    CONGRATULATIONSto the Winner of The Next Big

    Star contest!

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Crossroads Mission Summer 2005 Page 5

    KITCHEN FEB 05 MAR 05 APR 05

    Meals 8,678 7,721 8,158

    FAM. S helte r FEB 05 MAR 05 APR 05

    Bed Nights 720 872 951

    Individuals 48 55 51

    Children 22 24 29

    MENS Shelter FEB 05 MAR 05 APR 05

    Bed Nights 1,845 854 568

    Individuals 80 179 97


    Individuals 11 11 23

    Graduates 5 7 5


    Students 67 92 85Hours Studied 792.5 818.75 880.75


    Serenity House FEB 05 MAR 05 APR 05

    Bed Nights 251 275 259

    Individuals 10 9 10

    7 GEDs in the last 3 months.

    Giving FEB 05 MAR 05 APR 05

    Clothes 1,713 2,438 2,288

    Furniture20 19 20

    Memorial & Honorable Gifts

    In Memory Of The Kind Gift Of

    In Memory Of The Kind Gift OfBetty Hardy Charles & Sharon CraigEthel Colby Karen E. CampbellGeneva Thiel Charles & Sharon CraigHarold Sullivan Charles & Sharon CraigIda Warner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen ShadleIda Warner Charles & Sharon Craig

    Ida Warner Mr. & Mrs. Clifford HamiltonIda Warner Richard & Cyndee PaveyIda Warner Robert & Frances FigueroaJoseph Schroeder Charles & Sharon CraigLawrence "Whitey" Bryce Deser t Lakes Hom eo wne rs Assoc.Lawrence "Whitey" Bryce Larry & Shirley NelsonLawrence "Whitey" Bryce Paul & Ruth MooreMaurice Sexton Julia KeithNather Vander Wagen Deser t Lakes Hom eo wne rs Assoc .Ralph Sherman MaryRobert Brink Charles & Sharon CraigRuth Ferro Charles & Sharon CraigVeronica Peyree Dale M. Levine-Lunt


    In Memory Of The Kind Gift OfCushing Lord Howard & Lillian FurrowEarnest Gorman Howard & Lillian Furrow

    In Honor Of The Kind Gift Of

    Alpha Delta Kappa Elizabeth MoodyAunt Ardalls Birthday James & Linda Burkhardt

    Every effort is done to assure that all the names in thisMemorial & Honorable Gifts section are correct. W e apologize

    for any errors that may have occurred.

    Statistics for the Last 3 Months

    ...of Worship

    The Crossroads Singers Perform at

    the Yuma National Day of Prayer

    Under the direction of Sam

    Knight, Ministry Coordinator,the Crossroads Singers gave

    their first community performance atThe National Day of Prayer on May 5,

    2005.The choir, which is made up of

    participants of the Drug & AlcoholRecovery Program, is one of the many

    ways in which Crossroads encouragesnew lifestyles. Many of the participants

    have never been part of a worship team

    before. Now, they enjoy music, singing and performing. M

    importantly, they enjoy worshiping and praising God!The Singers have had previous performances at lo

    churches, and of course, at the Mission.

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2005 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Visit us at:

    Contact us tohelp orforhelp...

















    Ministry OpportunitiesChapel and Devotion Speakers,Special Presentations, ChurchEvents & Worship Teams

    Sam Knight

    (928) 783-9362, Ext. 35

    Public Relations

    & Special EventsFundraising Events, GroupPresentations, Gifts of Goods,Food, Services and Vehicles.

    Barbara Rochester

    (928) 726-0491, Ext. 17

    Special Projects& DevelopmentFinancial Stock & PropertyContributions, Planned Gifts &Charitable Trusts

    Bill Esmeier(928) 783-9362, Ext. 19

    Volunteer InvolvementIndividual, Church & CorporateVolunteer Groups, Service Clubs &Community Service

    Janet Ward

    (928) 726-0491, Ext. 10

    Career & Academic Ctr.(928) 783-9362, Ext. 31

    Family Shelter(928) 783-9362, Ext. 30

    Mens Shelter(928) 783-9362, Ext. 13

    Recovery Center(928) 783-9362, Ext. 22

    Serenity House (928) 783-5642

    Gene DalbeyChairman

    Charles CraigVice Chairman

    Sarah LydickSecretary

    Ralph WilliamsTreasurer

    Ema Lea ShoopPast Chairman

    Board of Directors:

    Lenora WerleyChairman

    Anthony Young

    Atilio Giangreco

    Bill Buster

    Bonnie Bean

    Caryl Stanley

    Cassandra Carranza

    Chuck Dodd

    Cindy Rosandi ch

    Dale Sandahl

    Devon Howard

    Francisco Galindo

    Frank Irr

    Frank Orendain

    Jayme Clark

    Joanne Stover

    Margene Johnson

    Mel Swanson

    Mike Friends

    Mildred McNeal

    Paul Bensel

    Paul Heebink

    Stewart Bradshaw

    Advisory Council:

    2ND CHANCEFind Quality Items at a

    Great Price!2291 E. Palo Verde St


    8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    Visit Our Thrift Store:






    Palo Verde St.



    To schedule a free pick upof your donations CALL:

    726-0491Ext. 20

    Chris Hoppstetter

    Dennis Krill

    Doug Mellon

    Joanne Jett

    John Wiser

    Rev. Rick Seltzer

    Tom Anderson

    Tom Mannan