fall 2006 crossroads mission newsletter

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  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    A fter walking the Grand Canyon from rimto rim in 17 hours as a warm-up, 80 yearold Bill Anderson embarked on his third longdistance ride for Crossroads Mission

    Bill started his amazing trek on June 19th, 2006at the U.S.-Mexico border at Andrade,California. He made it to the U.S.-Canadaborder and returned to the finish line here atCrossroads Mission on Tuesday July 10th. Itwas almost a month of daily long-distanceriding through sometimes harsh weather anddifficult terrains.

    Bills hope to raise awareness to homelessnessand raise funds for CrossroadsMission has been accomplishedthree times now. All of us here

    at Crossroads Mission areproud of Bill for his inspiringaccomplishments. Wecouldnt thank him enough.All we can say is Bill,

    God bless you!


    1) Bill during the trip.

    2) The clients andstaff welcomedBill back at CRM.

    3) Bill celebrated theend of his journeywith Bill EsmeierJr. (left) and KelbyCarley (right), who werehis backup crew.

    4) During the appreciationdinner held at Britain'sFarm on 7/16/06, theCrossroads Board ofDirectors memberspresented a plaque toBill. From left: RalphWilliams, Myra Garlit,

    Bill, Gene Dalbey, andCharles Craig.

    5) Bills wife Beryl was also awarded a commemorativescrapbook of the trip in appreciation of her support ofBills efforts to help Crossroads Mission.

    6) Beryl and Bill during the appreciation dinner.

    7) Bill and Roy Tyler talk over the phone with CaliforniaCongressman Duncan Hunter, who called tocongratulate Bill on his accomplishment.

    A special thank you to all those who donated toCrossroads in support of Bill and to The Sun, KYMA,KSWT, & Clear Channel Radio for their media coverage.

    Page 2 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission

    Bi l l Anderson Does i t Again !i l l Anderson Does i t Again !

    2 3



    6 7


  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Crossroads Mission Fall 2006 Page 3

    Seeing Daniel with a backpack and laptop on hand, walking into his graphicdesign class at Arizona Western College, you would never imagine he washomeless last year - but he was.

    Up until 8th grade, Daniel was your average teenager that worried about his

    grades and graduating middle school. He describes his life as wonder-years-like.His life changed when his mother separated from the man he thought was his fatherThey had to leave their good neighborhood and moved into a neighborhood thatexposed Daniel to gangs and drugs. Daniel stopped caring and started ditchingschool. Soon the ditching escalated to stealing, and beer runs until he finally droppout of school during his junior year in high school. By the time he was 19 years old

    Daniel had started using drugs.

    I was careless. I didnt care about my friends, my family or anything.only cared about the feeling I got when I got high. All the money I

    made I would use to get high, confesses Daniel. At first I wassmoking it, then I was slamming it(injecting it).

    It wasnt long before he found himself homeless. When I was

    high, I pushed myself away. I tried to fix my life by moving frCalifornia to here but it only got worst. Pretty soon I startedselling (drugs). He lived with friends but he alwaysoverstayed his welcome. I never took responsibility, nevepaid rent or anything and thats why they kicked me out, says.

    Now, at age 23 Daniel earned his GED with the help of Career and Academic Center, he completed the 120 dayresidential Recovery Program, and is now taking part in thetransitional housing for men program and living at theSerenity House. The GED was just the beginning of a newlife for Daniel. He is now a full time student at ArizonaWestern College and is much closer to God. Now Im

    committed to education and bettering myself. Im learniabout the responsibility of paying rent at the SerenityHouse. Before, I chose to go my own way, now I walkwith God. I have fear of being on the streets again. I wdrowning in my many sorrows, but today thanks to theMission I look forward to a better tomorrow.

    College and a Better Tomorrow for Daniel

    300 New Pi l low s!Thanks to Lance

    McLaren our clients and

    guests enjoyed theprivilege of sleeping on abrand new pillow! Lance

    collected and donated300 pillows as part of a

    project challenge for BoyScouts Troop #57. You

    too can make adifference through your

    fundraiser or specialdrive. Call Barbara

    Rochester to find outwhat you could do to

    help the needy and thehomeless. THANK YOU!

    I was


    I didnt careabout my

    friends, my

    family or


    The Community Coalition to EradicateMethamphetamines from our Community

    presents a

    METH CONFERENCEOctober 19, 20068:30 AM - 3:30 PM

    At Yuma County Public Works4343 S. Avenue 5 1/2 E

    Registration begins at 7:30 AM.Lunch will be served FREE.

    RSVP at (928) 783-9362, Ext. 32

    Get involved! There will be keynotespeakers, information, and action

    committees formed.

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Page 4 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission

    By Renee McRayAdvisory Council Member, Crossroads Mission

    o it came to be with nothing but adream whispered in a night time

    prayer, dear Lord, show me a way tobring hope to those who have none, forthough I am weak, Thou art strong.

    A humble prayer, maybe but a softbreath spoken in love, a hope to givehope. From that whisper came a spark.So it was, that from a few dedicated soulsthe dream of a warm bowl of soup, a barof soap for a hot bath and the comfortonly found in salvation ignited the firethat is Crossroads Mission today.

    This is a dream realized by manyhands reaching out into the darkness,shining light into every dark corner,

    reaching out to guide and comfort thosethat are weak, weary and lost in theshadows. Crossroads Mission has grownto be what it is today by the prayers, andthe labor of love offered in manydifferent ways, by many different people,each one picking up the flame andcarrying it as far as they can go.

    Crossroads means to me that thoughI have no great financial means I can stillmake a difference in the lives of thoseless fortunate then myself. I can offer myvoice to help spread the word. I can offer

    the sweat off my brow. I can give thelove in my heart. Most importantly, I canshare the hope of salvation and I, too, canmake a difference.

    So I challenge you to join in thedream that has grown from a simpleprayer. Maybe you can only pray or offera few dollars, or cheer on theaccomplishments of another. Whateveryour gift may be remember that it onlytook a whisper to spark a flame and youtoo can make a difference.

    The Dream

    Thank you XiZeta Sorority

    Thanks to theladies of the Xi

    Zeta Sorority whocollected anddonated two

    baskets full ofsoap, deodorant,

    shampoo,toothbrushes, and

    more for use in

    both our shelters.

    A New MinistryFrom Crossroads Mission!

    When someone is hungry, has noplace to stay, or has lost hopeand control of their life, its hard tobelieve in a God of love. Matthew 25:45tells us that if we do something for thosein need, we are doing it for God Himself.

    People of many backgrounds cometo our doors when they are at acrossroads in their life. Our purpose isto help them achieve a better quality oflife. Because of this, we have createdHis Hands Extended Ministry as partof our commitment to God and to ourcommunity.

    Through this ministry we want to

    be an extension to the areas churches inhelping the poor and needy. Since theyare often the first point of contact forpeople in need, we are making ourservices available to them.

    Let us talk to you about our manyservices and programs. We would behappy to share with you one-on-one oreven to an entire congregation. Call ustoday at (928) 783-9362, Ext. 32, or visiour website at

    www.crossroadsmission.org. We wantto be a partner to the entire faithcommunity of Yuma. Together we canmake a difference and we can reachmore people for Christ.


    For holding the 3rd. AnnualGOLF SCRABBLE at

    Cocopah RV & Golf Resortto benefit Crossroads

    Mission! Thank you to all ofthe players and

    congratulations to all thewinners!

    There are numerous people, churches, organizations andbusiness that have helped us throughout the summer. We wato say THANK YOU to everyone. We couldnt possibly name yall but you are certainly in our hearts and in our prayers!

    Thank You To: For Their Support in:

    Arizona Western College Hosting the Day of ChampionsBlind Smart, Rick Butler Donation of blinds for our Detox meeting room

    Champion Church Providing a BBQ & ice cream social for us on 7/4/

    John Phipps Auctioneers Conducting our Live Auction on June 17

    Ken Rosevear, Chamber of Commerce Special speaker at our summer training

    Main Street Cinema Fundraising event with Cars & Nacho Libre movie

    NAACP - Yuma Collaboration and invitation to Juneteenth

    Tylers Taste of Texas, Roy Tyler Hosting our Live Auction on June 17

    Yuma Community Foundation Making a grant available to Crossroads Mission

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Crossroads Mission Fall 2006 Page 5

    Wor t hy Rec ogni t ions a t Crossroads

    To MYRA GARLIT:The Crossroads MissionBoard of Directors presenteda recognition award letter to

    Executive Director MyraGarlit during the PastorAppreciation Banquet.Myras performance asleader of the Mission wasapplauded by all the Boardmembers, who each signedthe recognition. Myra waspleasantly surprised. Way togo Myra!LEFT: Tom Mannan,Chairman of the Board,

    presents the award to Myra.

    Congratulations to Thelma Franklyn forbeing awarded the Crossroads MissionsDove Award. Thelma works as a receptionistat the administration offices. She has beenvolunteering faithfully since 2002. She isvery professional and knows just who toconnect each caller to. Thelma has been

    volunteering in the community for more than10 years and we are proud to be included inher weekly schedule. Thank you Thelma! Itis through volunteers like you thatCrossroads Mission truly makes adifference. God bless you!PICTURE: Executive DirectorMyra Garlit (left) and TammyBayne, Human ResourceCoordinator (right) present flowers andthe Dove Award to Thelma (center).

    A Salu t e t o Thelm a, Out st and ing Volunt eer

    Demonstrating Outstanding Volunteer Excellence

    A specialrecognition andthank you to ourmany wonderfulvolunteers, withoutwhom we would nobe able to do allthat we do.



    On August 15th we had the honor of hostingan elegant banquet for the Pastors of ourcommunity at the Yuma Golf & Country Club.This unprecedented blessing was possiblethanks to an anonymous donor whosponsored the event. Thank you Friend,because of you our faith network is stronger,which makes our community also stronger.

    A Blessed Time at the Pastor

    Appreciation Banquet:

    Thank you also to Janet Jones StrAmbassadors (top, left), theCrossroads Choir (bottom, left), anDeidre & Danielle Craig (top) whoprovided the wonderful entertainme

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Upcoming Events:Upcoming Events:

    We invite you to share yourprayer requests with us on ourwebsite. You may also call us owrite to us. We will pray for theconstantly! Please rememberCrossroads Missions specialrequests: This Thanksgiving season

    That we may be ready to host the 3 dof Thanksgiving and that during thosedays, and the entire holiday season, may be able to reach out to thehomeless and the needy. Pray that tmay be willing to make changes in thlives that will result in a better quality life, and that they may find God.

    All the people involved withCrossroads MissionAll of our clients, guests, volunteers,Board members, staff, staff familymembers and donors.

    But thou, when thou prayest, enter into th

    closet, and when thou hast shut thy door

    pray to thy Father which is in secret; and

    Father which seeth in secret shall rewar

    thee openly. Matthew 6:6 (KJV)

    Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,

    faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 (NIV

    Page 6 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission

    You Can Receive an Arizona Tax Credit of Up to $400

    2006 will be gone shortly. It wont be long before we start filing our taxes for this year.Remember that A.R.S. Section 43-1088, designed to help the working poor, is still inplace. This allows you to donate up to $400 to Crossroads Mission and declare it as a tax credit on your state taxes

    Thats right! You can receive up to $400 back from Arizona as a tax refund when you itemize your deductions. Yo

    do need to have paid to Arizona at least the amount you donate.

    Its not to early to plan ahead for your 2006 income tax return. Remember the deadline: December 31, 2006.

    Send your donation along with this completed form today! For more information call Bill at (928)

    726-0491, Ext. 13. Remember the deadline: December 31, 2006.BILL ESMEIERFinance Director


    Participants Name: _______________________________________________________ Social Security # ____________________ Last Name First Name MI (For Tax Record

    Address: _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________ Phone # _______________

    The maximum Arizona State tax credit is $400 per year, which is determined on the base you established previously, in donating to charitable nonprofit organizations.These donations are pursuant to A.R.S. Section 43-1088. Donations must be postmarked or delivered to Crossroads Mission by December 31, 2006 to be claimed as acredit for this year. Participating donations will be used for covering general expenses of Crossroads Mission, a 501 C(3) organization. Our administrative costs are lessthan 10%.

    Amount: ______________________ Check Number: ________________

    MAIL TO: Crossroads MissioP.O. Box 1161, Yuma, AZ 85366-116

    These are the next major events that we have planned, orthat will benefit Crossroads Mission. Be a part of them!

    Sep. 27, 20066 - 8 PMFamily Shelter

    Free Parenting Classes, Open to the PublicBe a better parent! Sign up today. Class meets every Wed. &Fri. for 3 weeks. Call Jenny Hilpert at 783-9362, Ext. 19

    Sep. 30, 20068:30 - 9:30 AMCivic Center

    8th Annual Blessing of the BikesHosted by 3-Bros Cycles. Events to follow blessing will be aPoker Run, Auction, 50/50 Drawing. $10 Poker Run, $25 for all.

    Oct. 27, 2006Starting at 6 PMCrossroads Mission

    Crossroads Mission Harvest FestivalA time for fun with prizes, candy, activities, and games. All is freeand is open to the public.

    Oct. 28, 2006Sign in 10 AMBobbys Harley Davidson

    Sober Riders MC Yuma Crews Run For Shelter VHigh hand, low hand, and 50/50 raffle prizes. Live band, goodfood and great fun! Last hand drawn at 4 PM at Lutes Casino.

    Nov. 7, 2006

    All Day

    Election Day

    Exercise your freedom and vote!

    Nov. 21-23, 200610 AM - 1PMCrossroads Mission

    3 Days of Thanksgiving CelebrationOur biggest event of the year! We will serve delicious feasts tohundreds of men, women, and children. All is free, open to public.

    Dec. 22, 2006Starting at 7 PMCrossroads Mission

    Homeless Memorial DayAn event to remember all those who have died homeless orbecause of their addiction.

    Dec. 23-25, 200610 AM - 1 PMCrossroads Mission

    3 Days of Christmas CelebrationBesides serving delicious feasts, we will also give out gifts to thechildren on Christmas Day.

    Jan 19-21Starting at 10 AMDowntown Yuma

    Lettuce Days FestivalLook for our booth on Saturday Jan. 20 at the festival, where wewill be selling fresh salads for only $2.00!

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    Crossroads Mission Fall 2006 Page 7

    What your gifts made possible





    Meals 7,519 7,677 7,67

    Family Shelter

    Bed Nights 593 740 1,12

    Individuals 41 24 26

    Children 20 25 18

    Mens Shelter

    Bed Nights 726 695 886

    Individuals 130 122 146

    New Life Recovery Program

    Program Enter 20 23 21

    Graduates 4 6 14

    Career & Academic Center

    Students 56 54 65

    Hours Studied 575.5 538.5 669.2

    GEDs 1 1 1

    Serenity House

    Bed Nights 212 210 248

    Individuals 7 7 8

    Harmony House * NEW!*

    Bed Nights 0 0 90

    Individuals 0 0 3


    Clothes 1,205 1,141 770

    Furniture 31 63 30

    Every effort is done to assure that all the names in this Memorial & Honorable Gifts

    section are correct. We apologize for any errors that may have occurred.

    Memorial GiftsIn Memory Of The Kind Gift OfBill Edwards .................Bonnie J. Edwards

    David Tollestrup...........Larry & Shirley Nelson

    David Tollestrup...........Norman & Priscilla Jacobson

    Doug Hardin.................Terri L Frazier/Full Circle Health

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......Alma Rosalie Morgan

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......Brian Whitney

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......James & Judith Marks

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......Louie & Helen Kehl

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......Mrs. Clinton Morris

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......N Richard & Margaret JohnsonL.O. "Peter" Power.......Phillip & Deborah Townsend

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......Roberta Crowder

    L.O. "Peter" Power.......SG & HL Boskovich

    Richard Colby ..............SG & HL Boskovich

    Richard Howard ...........Charles & Sharon Craig

    Richard Stallworth........Charles & Sharon Craig

    2ND CHANCE Thrift Store

    2291 E. Palo Verde StOPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY

    8:00 AM - 3:00 PM






    Palo Verde St.



    50% OFF

    To schedule a f ree p ick upof your donat ions CALL:

    726-0491 Ex t . 18

    Bring in this newsletter to our store to receive a 50% off discount on anyONE ITEM in the store, excluding furniture. This offer is in appreciation ofour newsletter subscribers. The newsletter must have been addressed and

    mailed to the purchaser. Only copies with valid mailing labels and postalmarkings will be accepted. This coupon expires 11/30/06.

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2006 Crossroads Mission Newsletter


    The purpose of Crossroads Missionto help disabled, disadvantaged adisenfranchised individuals afamilies achieve a better quality of lWe are a 501(c)3, Private Nonprofit Organization serthe homeless, needy and poor of Yuma County wit

    regard to race, color, national origin, religious backgroage, sex or handicap. (Alternative format and reasonaccommodations available upon request.) We depenthe contributions of concerned individuals organizations. All contributions are tax-deductible. are a member in good standing of the AssociatioGospel Rescue Missions. We partner with the StaArizona, DES, Yuma Community Food Bank, FEMCenpatico of Arizona. We do not solicit in front of sor door to door. Please report any impostors toimmediately. News for Our Partners is a quapublication for the friends and supporters of CrossroMission. We welcome comments about the content onewsletter. If there are issues you want to hear aplease let us know.

    Vis i t us a t : w w w.c rossroadsmiss ion .o rg

    Contact ustohelp orfor help...

    Ministry OpportunitiesChapel and Devotion Speakers,Special Presentations, Church Events& Worship Teams

    Sam Knight

    (928) 783-9362, Ext. 35

    Public Relations& Special EventsFundraising Events, GroupPresentations, Gifts of Goods, Food,Services and Vehicles.

    Barbara Rochester

    (928) 726-0491, Ext. 17

    Special Projects

    & DevelopmentFinancial Stock & PropertyContributions, Planned Gifts &Charitable TrustsBill Esmeier

    (928) 726-0491, Ext. 13

    Volunteer InvolvementIndividual, Church & CorporateVolunteer Groups, Service Clubs &Community Service

    Janet Ward

    (928) 726-0491, Ext. 20

    Career & Academic Ctr.

    (928) 783-9362, Ext. 31

    Harmony House

    (928) 783-5492

    Family Shelter(928) 783-9362, Ext. 30

    Mens Shelter(928) 783-9362, Ext. 13

    Recovery Center(928) 783-9362, Ext. 22

    Serenity Housing

    (928) 783-5642

    Tom Mannan, ChairmanDennis Krill, Vice Chairman

    Board of Directors:Mike FriendsChairman

    Alan BrownAnthony Young

    Betty DeNiseBill BusterBonnie BeanCaryl StanleyDale SandahlDevon Howard

    Frank IrrFrank OrendainJoan DayJoanne StoverLenora Werley

    Lynette ToepferMike SheltonPaul BenselPaul HeebinkRenee McRayStewart Bradshaw

    Advisory Council:

    Gene Dalbey


    Charles Craig

    Chris Hoppstetter

    Ema Lea Shoop

    Jerry Wright

    Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    Do you know someone with an addiction problem?

    W E C A N H EL P !We offer a comprehensive drug and alcohol recovery program

    that includes safe, monitored detoxification and individualcounseling. Call 783-9362, Ext. 22 for more information, or visit

    us anytime, 944 S. Arizona Ave.

    The New Life Recovery Program


    U.S. POSTA

    PAIDYuma, AZPermit No. 1

    Over 45 Years of Service 1959-2004

    P.O. Box 1161 . Yuma, AZ 85365-1161

    You Can Help Us

    This Thanksgiving

    Sarah Lydick, SecretaryDoug Mellon, Treasurer

    Joanne Jett

    John Wiser

    Mario Ybarra

    Ralph Williams

    Rev. Rick Seltzer

    Tom Anderson

    The 3 Days of


    November 21-2310 AM - 1 PM

    Be a part of our biggest event ofthe year. You can help us by

    volunteering one day, or all threedays. Positions in cooking,

    serving, hostess, cleaning,and more are still vacant.Get your whole family or

    group involved. Youll find ita blessing to be a

    blessing!Call Jan today

    to sign up:(928) 726-0491

    Ext. 20

    RESCUEMember of the Association of Gospel

    Rescue Missions. www.agrm.org