summary. integrated solid waste management stakeholder process summary and observations current...


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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework


Page 2: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations

Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion

Framework for Solid Waste Governance Update from 2007 Report Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices: Stakeholder Process

Report, SCORE report, and SCORE Reporting Recommendations

Page 3: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

Summary of Process GHG currency Centroid focus Recommendations (Appendix A)

MPCA Observations Significant changes necessary “Advisory group” helpful MPCA work focus has changed as a

result SW Governance needs improvement

Page 4: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

Solid waste performance for last 15 years: MSW generation increasing Recycling rates static Resource recovery decreasing Landfilling increasing

Private and public sector goals not aligned

Enforcement limited Cost structure not set up to achieve goals

Page 5: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

SW Governance fragmented A more effective system would provide:

Clarity Effective Tools Equity Accountability Balance

Legislature, local government, and private entities must discuss better governance

Strong regional authorities may help

Page 6: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

GHG is not the only factorFocus on resultsTransparencyMore bang for the buckVisible costs mean better decisionsEducation and incentives for better

behaviorPublic vs. private

Page 7: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

Telephone directoriesBeverage containersNon-residential recyclingCompostable plastic bagsOpen burning of garbageAdditional research needs

Page 8: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

Better incentives are needed ISWM Stakeholder Process work was

helpfulGovernance must be improvedMPCA will support the centroidsContinued local leadership is


Page 9: Summary. Integrated Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Process Summary and Observations Current Approach to Solid Waste Management Discussion Framework

Where are there gaps in governance? tools; incentives; accountability

What can we do to close the gaps? articulate the problem; create a vision

Do we want to/are we prepared to do that?

Is our workplan adequate to address the issue?

If so, how can we accomplish this together?