success in interactive marketing

Interactive Marketing The evolution of marketing... from mass communication to conversational engagement

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Post on 10-May-2015




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A practical guide to Success in Interactive Marketing. Master Inbound Marketing, Online Promotion, Social Media, Search Optimization and content creation. A great place to get started. Innovative new ideas and practical tips.


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The evolution of marketing... from mass communication to

conversational engagement

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Social Animals ................................................... 3

Future of Media ................................................. 4

The Party Principal : content vs. pitch ............. 5

How to connect with customers ........................ 6

The Big Idea ....................................................... 7

Community and 7 Ways to Go Viral .................. 8

What are people really looking for? .................. 9

Social Media at your Company ..........................10

Questions to ask your company ........................11

Success on Twitter .............................................12

Widgets ..............................................................13

PR and Conferences...........................................14

Search Guide .....................................................15

Mobile Platforms ..............................................16

Retention and Metrics ......................................17

Build it with APIs / Partnerships .....................18


The marketer is hosting a partyImagine the role of marketing as being less about crafting clever mass communications and much more a role of social director, who engages guests to participate, interact and share.

• Join people’s lives rather than intrude on them.

• Participate in open discourse.

• Make it fun, educational, informative.

• Contribute to the wealth of the whole first

• Respect and understanding is earned, not by pushing

messaging, but by standing for something real and

being consistent with integrity.

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Social AnimalsWe are social animals. Organic and interdependent.

Communities revolve around understanding and

self expression. They depend on the contributions of

members. Participation is the greater reward.

Marketing in this environment is not about peddling

- there is a much greater opportunity in terms of

developing enduring relationships which will deliver

dividends over time.


Emotional Connections vs. Data

Entertainment and Mutual gain vs. Messaging

Relationship vs. Transaction

It is remarkably difficult for companies to credibly evangelize their own products on social networks or communities.

Companies can start and host the conversation, but ONLY customers can evangelise with integrity.

The challenge in front of marketing now is to secure relationships with customers so that they in turn communicate about your company, brand or product.


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Future of MediaIf there is one over-arching and self-evident truth about the path of progress, it is that people eventually get what they want. No matter what. Inefficient, broken systems get replaced by something better. So let’s take a look at what’s broken:


Because people really don’t want irrelevant, pre-canned

messages thrown at them out of context, interrupting their

entertainment, the current linear advertising model is going

to BE broken.


Because people want to belong and participate, rather than

simply observe, social networks and interactive digital

content syndication will effectively replace broadcast media.

Its simply more rewarding to play than to watch


Marketing MUST become conversational – because no one

really wants to invest in a relationship with a loud- mouthed

robot, you know, given the choice....

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Entertainmentand Shows


Web ApplicationsMobile


Episodic features designed to develop

interaction andinterest


Video / SharedPictures


Social / Professional/ RelatedNews / Feedback LoopsInformational ServicesCommunity of Customers


MobileYouTube/VimeoCurrent TVLast FMandWidgetizedContent

LiveCastYouTubeBlippRever Portal News

Crowd Sourced ContentBlog CommunitiesBroadcast and Print



NewsTwitter / blogs

podcastsRSS etc.

SMS /Voice eBooks

SearchSearch Engines

Social BookmarksWikis

tal NewsPort


Affiliate MarketingVARS

Retail Channels


Brand Interact

Inform / Transact


Brand andMessaging





Paid SearchWeb


CatalogsDirect MailCoupons


The Party PrincipalYou must design and build your company’s external communications infrastructure to connect with all your constituencies. To do this you must invest more than mere money. You must participate and invite participation as if your were inviting people to a party. Don’t try to sell anything. Offer ideas, entertainment, inspiration, relevant information and community as currency. Invite people to share and most importantly, contribute. Participate in open communities on the web as a good citizen. The model below is essentially a customer model. There will be other groups, Investors, employees etc.

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7.0 Love / Blind Faith

6.0 Evangelism

5.0 Preferred

4.0 Valued

3.0 Known

2.0 Skeptical

1.0 Noticed

0.0 Unknown

-1.0 Misunderstood

-2.0 Distrusted/Disliked

Exclusive Club

Value Proposition: IDEAS

Common Objections






ReferralPrograms 4-5 Retention

Site and contentFeaturesEventsBlogsNews, RSS, Services

Opportunity: Build relevant audience by converting passive users to active users and focus on the needs of best perform-ing customers.




5- 7 RewardsCreate and manage status and evangelism rewards programs, community and special communications for these VIPs

2-4 CommunicationRelevant communication that relates to a value for the recipient rather than noise.Informational and conversational.Product announcement and featuresTrial offers, Direct Mail and Promotion

1. Get NoticedSponsorships, cause marketing, paid search, SEO, viral content, advertising and brand promotions that open conversations and invite interaction. The goal is to get permission to make contact and introduce the VALUE to that customer.

CONTENT DEVELOPMENT: Share ideas, Solve problems, make introductions, make friends, create community.



S / S








/ PR



















Managing Conversational RelationshipsDeveloping conversational relationships with customers is somewhat pointless unless there are systems in place to effectively interact with those customers. We have an approach that directs traffic towards zones in your website and within your organization. This methodology starts with the idea that the most important information is not demographic or transactional data, but that which defines the state of the relationship. The objective is to move customers up towards the top of the chart on the left.

Inactive untapped potential

Valued is the point where a transaction takes place. Be cautious of a tendency to label and categorize people. It is a hold-over from mass-marketing practices. De-mographics have little to do with effective relational marketing People play varying roles depending on their momentary relationship with the brand. The approach detailed here is about routing traffic, not labeling.

Watches and reads content

Will visit a site, request info, brochure

May share, depending on faith

Likely to share, depending on opportunity

Likely to share, depending on opportunity

Commentator: Shares and comments broadly

Commentator: Shares and complains broadly

Producers: Creates content on your behalf

Curators: Hosts of events, wikis, blogs etc.

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So what’s your Big Idea?One of the most important elements of effectively driving conversations is to have a theme - a position, a reason.

The conversations and opinions can sweep broadly, but in the end, everything people are talking about should circle the Big Idea. Everything (meaning your brand) must have real integrity with this central theme. The nature of this will determine your success. A weak, diluted idea will net weak results. An idea that has little integrity, may undermine your own brand.

This needs to be a big, big idea. Your organizing principal. The thing that makes you better or different.

• Provocative• Righteous • Amazing• Greatly improved

The big idea needs to be sustainably differentiated and needs a huge element of human emotion attached to it.It’s what everyone else ISN’T. It’s what the competition NEVER DOES, its the opposite of what everyone ALWAYS DOES. Your Big idea is central. If you don’t have it, practically everything is a waste of time...

• Educational• Entertaining• Cool• Game changing

Apollo 11 Moon Landing, July 1969. Courtesy of NASA

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What drives Community ?Each community has its own reason for being, it is a constantly growing and changing landscape that is impossible to define with any exactness. However, there are consistent organizing factors that fuel these communities:

EntertainmentBelongingShared PurposeParticipation and Ownership

We build on these fundamentals. Finding a successful formula that organically achieves sustainable growth is key to everything. Once that’s working, we continue perfecting the engine of adoption.

12+ M 60+ M

130+ M 3 M 4+ M

2+ M 200K

26+ M

26+ M

to go viral1. Communication Messaging

within communities and networks has driven virality for companies like Skype, Facebook, MySpace, and even Fax machines. Since you can’t communicate with others who have the tool until you get it, communication works to drive virality where the medium requires some sort of membership.

2. Invitations Make it easy for users to invite all their friends. Give the membership reasons to send messages to friends for something other than invitations to join. Possibly even make it hard for them not to. Email, IM, VM and community apps.

5. User Generated Content When you give people an opportunity to contribute

content, the result can be high levels of traffic. This

sort of traffic uniquely drives results in organic

search. YouTube, Wikipedia and Yelp are probably

the best examples of this.

6. Emotional Connections Countless Facebook and OpenSocial applications have taken advantage of surveys, comparisons and other fun games designed to drive virality. Big growth can be realized from getting users to input some data and gave them information about themselves (whether it be an IQ test, which sort of Superhero you are, or contact info on old friends).

7. Paid There have been several businesses that successfully grew by paying both new and inviting users. The economics can make this more difficult for media models than commerce models. However, it can drive a lot of new adoption and did for AllAdvantage and Paypal.

4. Platforms Consider Ebay: perhaps

the best example of a strong franchise where

use of a platform drives further adoption in a

virtuous cycle. Get your users to do something

that involves others in a way that engages them

to use the platform. Then get them involved in

building the community.

3. Widgets Reid Hoffman refers to this as “invading a community”. Rockyou, Slide, Photobucket and a host of others have done a great job here. Increased penetration in an existing community makes it more likely that a new user will see one of your widgets and want to get something similar. Increasing returns to scale means that the big get bigger faster. The challenge here is in effectively seeding distribution of widgets amongst opinion leaders and early adopters etc.


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What people are really looking for when they view viral content...The most common fallacy with viral content development is that with a small budget, it is possible to create a bit of content that results in millions of views overnight. The “Mentos and Coke” sensations can happen - but you’d be missing the bigger opportunity in that pursuit...

Recently, one search engine has quietly become the second most popular site for SEARCH on the internet: YouTube... it turns out that millions of people are looking for find out about things with video.

The opportunity is to take your product, service company or entertainment and to create content that people will want to watch and share. This content is widgetized, by which we mean it can be posted on people’s own sites and blogs and can can be distributed via Pod casts, which make the numbers of potential viewers rise exponentially.

• Don’t describe the benefits of the new vacuum, show them - or better yet let the viewer discover them

• Instead of just publishing a new cake recipe, create a humorous video detailing each step etc.

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How to get started with social media at your companyFor most companies, adopting Social media will be nothing short of a major change in operating procedure. The biggest mistake would be to launch a blog or two, and add a couple of community pages and perhaps a twitter page.

This is not a new media, it is in fact a new approach to integrating customers. We have social media thought leaders who can take your company through this process, and make it inspirational, fun and engaging.

1. Analysis of your company’s reputation and development of a proposal for a comprehensive program.

2. Definition of organizing principals 3. Management buy-in , internal briefings4. Systems, Processes and Materials5. Seminars and online resources/ systems and courses etc. 6. Monitor/ Manage/Track/Optimize


We are offering a monitoring and reporting service that will keep you informed of what is happening, areas of concern and adjust strategies.


• Company and product names• Key Industry Sites• Newsgroups• Key executives and Figureheads• Competitor companies and Brands• SERPs• Blogs / Micro blogs and Communities

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Questions to ask your company1. How do we control the message?

A: After spending considerable time and effort crafting a finely honed, targeted message, on the face of it interactive social media would appear to be a threat to that effort. Of course, there has always been information from customers that could contradict the marketing message of a given company, but never before has one voice had the power to amplify and repeat a message to so many. Truth is, you don’t control this media. But that does not mean it controls your company’s image either... Start with damage control. The worst damage comes from vocal critics. They need to be listened to, acknowledged and understood. It might be all it takes to fix the majority of these problems .

You can only supply information, value and learn. Digital media for the most part is not most effective as a broadcast medium. Open the channels, empower your people to connect and try not to dictate any terms. In the end, the customers will be your voice.

2. How do we measure the results

Digital marketing is infinately measurable. Metrics are key to understanding traffic, flows and motiva-tions. We can help.

3. How do we overcome cultural inertia?

Most new ideas require change - often the greatest challenge in the equation. The upside is that gener-ally speaking, once people get started with social media, it takes on a life of its own.

4. How do you empower everyone to engage responsibly? and how can you be

sure to comply with business conduct policies?

Our advice is not to push, but to empower. Not to monitor, but to educate and share experiences. An open discussion of what is going on may be an interesting and exciting way for people in your organi-zation to connect.

5. Will you give employees the choice to participate?

We find it helpful to remind our selves to keep the subject of the conversations fun, lively but produc-tive and focussed on the customer wherever possible.

6. What are the keys to maintaining credibility online?

Integrity, direct honesty and generally a lack of sales messaging.

7. Is there a formula for adding value to the conversation?

It is vital that there is an open, natural and un-forced flow to conversations. Links to information sites should be readily available so that points of contact can be light.

8. What do you do when the conversation turns critical?

Your people need to be trained and coached on how to handle these situations.

9. How do you clarify corporate versus personal participation?

The lines here are not black and white. We recommend that people have separate personal and company related accounts, where possible - but this is not always best.

10. How do you coach without dictating?

That is essentially the only way to pull it off.

11. How can you be transparent and honest about what the company is doing?

You should in fact go looking for controversial commentary.. regular search of social networks for key-words that relate to you products and services will turn up positive as well as negative information.

12. Are there policies in place to avoid violating privacy or confidentiality policies?

Acceptable practices should be similar to those in the workplace. A guide to online conversations could be distributed to clarify any areas of ambiguity.

13. How do we know we are succeeding?

The companies that see the greatest ROI by using social media will be the ones who focus on providing the best service instead of getting the most followers. We don’t care if you are social media famous– we care if we get value by using your goods and services. By listening and valuing our customers whether it’s via social media, the phone, or in person, we can foster sustainable brands that will always survive in the future.

14. What Communities should we focus on?

The results of keyword searches may is a good starting place for what should become a consistent meth-odology for finding the networks and communities that you should most actively participate in. Industry communities, specialized marketplaces, broad consumer and focussed niches should be blended and prioritized continually. You may even want to begin your own communities.

15. Are there systems in place to correct mistakes?

There will always be elements that are unpredictable. A knowledge base with links, ideas and coaching should be available to make it easier. Regular evaluations are vitally important.

16. How do you monitor what’s happening ?

Regular monitoring of key names, products and related terms will turn up commentaries which can be categorized and analyzed into a report that summarizes activities, sentiments and will direct social media activities. With this information we can define problem areas, and neutralize them and identify successes and support those.

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Success on TwitterGENERAL TIPS

- Its OK to follow and un-follow people you do not know on Twitter.

- To send a direct message to anyone (following or not) put an “@” before their ID.

- You can Direct Message people who follow you, its private (the world sees@ messages)

- Its OK to have multiple identities: Company, Personal, alterego etc.

- If you want to Re-Tweet a message, add “RT” before the name of the person who wrote it.

- Customer service and company accounts generally re-follow everyone, otherwise you don’t

have to follow anyone that follows you.

- Promoting others is a great way to participate in community

- The more commercial your intro/bio is, the fewer people are likely to follow you


Take time to sort through who’s following you. Be picky. Discard the purely promotional,

banal and grossly unrelated. Spend time finding interesting people to follow, and hope

they like you enough to follow you back. News sites and celebrities are probably not

going to follow you. If they are, nobody is reading it. Good followers are active, have a few

Re-tweets and seem to be generally engaged. Perhaps they have under 2,000 followers.

Following 20 people to follow a week, you will develop a solid following in 6 months or

so. Don’t automate this process. DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY MESSAGE PEOPLE WHO

FOLLOW YOU. If you do nothing, the account will be a sad, lonely thing that may mis-

represent your company’s efforts to be interactive.


Twitter Search is your friend. It will find the people who are talking about your product,

concerned with the problem domain it addresses (whether that’s running an agricultural

co-op or improving worker satisfaction or any other imaginable thing), people who just

might do business with you if they knew you existed. Search is a great way to find people

to follow. Broad single keywords around the subject are often best.


Birds sing in the morning. Unless you want to drive yourself crazy, you already have

regular times in the day when you check and process voicemail and email. Adding Twitter

to those same periods works surprisingly well because you’re already in “communication

mode” and squeezing in a few DMs and RTs (direct messages and retweeting tweets of

value) is easy while on hold returning a call.


Find a Twitter client that works for you, but watch for new tools. Tweetie and Tweetdeck

are popular. Twitter tools, services and products are coming out daily: once a month do a

“best Twitter client +[your OS] search just to stay in the loop.


Twitter searches are indexed by keywords and tags. The tags are by far the most effective.

Simply take a moment to consider the one or possibly two words that most people would

enter into the search box if they wanted to find out about the information you are giving.

Each key word should be added to the end of the twitter message (tweet) and be preceded

by a hashtag “#”(number symbol). No space #TAGGING


While the average twitter user influences about 500 people a day, that’s a number that is

calculated based on everything they do in a day You might have a couple thousand people

following you on Twitter (1200 is an active/engaged user average) Only the crazies reads

it all. Your impact in a single message is likely to encompass only a few dozen people.

This is where the goal to create messages that are taken and passed along. When you see a

message preceded by RT, it has been copied or “re-Tweeted”. Several factors contribute to


• Create a headline

• Consider asking a question

• If it works, use a number (top 3 reasons men are late more than women)

• Make it provocative (see above example)

• Don’t take yourself or the subject too seriously

• Look for the humanity in the subject.


Find the right mix of Twitter topics to tweet, retweet and follow for your online brand. In

the same way you should be focusing your company’s blog, focus your company’s micro-

blog. This is particularly important once you hit the Dunbar Limit of people you follow:

there’s no way to comfortably absorb all the tweets that will appear in your personal

Twitter timeline. You need to focus.


Don’t market at people, talk with people. Whether it’s pointing out a good movie

(personal), steering a prospective customer to the right tool for what they want – be it

yours or a competitor’s, add value to the conversation. By all means share with them about

the things you’re passionate about, but listen to what they’re saying too.

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Stand-alone Widget Applications Because widgets are embedable, you can use them to create connections that are capable of being replicated all over the internet; across communities, blogs and forums, mobile platforms and desktops.

The right widget strategy, effectively implemented can drive an entire business model. You only have to look at the 150+M registered users of’s widgets to realize the power of this.

The essential secret to success with widgets is that like most things on the internet - it takes investment of time and imagination. Magnity has a great deal of experience with widget development: strategy, design, coding and distribution.


• Create widgets that are fun, useful, vital and/or cool.• Develop, test and refine User Interfaces• Seed distribution channels with user Blogs.• Use your registered users to drive deeper adoption.• Distribute via partner communities.

Instant on-board diagnosis

Impulsive Fun

Widgets can deliver INSTANT GRATIFICATION > no downloads, no registrations, no delay. If you can figure out how to deliver something with value immediately and deliver it like this, you will have effectively started a conversation based on solving a problem.

This widget allows you to choose an image of a politician to have fun vandalizing it and then puts it on a shirt for you. You start by choosing the politician to pick-on by hitting them in the face with a cream pie. Irresistible fun. Immediately finds an audience and closes the deal based on instant gratification.

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New Breed of Public RelationsThere is a new breed of Public Relations that goes beyond integrated marketing. Because the nature of media is changing, the opportunities, challenges and activities have changed also. We understand the opportunities around integrated digital marketing.

1. Pre-seed credibility with coverage by leading tech press.2. Create pre-launch buzz. 3. Get reviews by early adopters and key influencers.4. Blogger sites, both grass roots consumer and broadly

relevant industry opinion makers.5. Create links from stories and discussion groups from

media to build on search results.6. Build worldwide audience numbers through influencers.7. Find a voice with consumer-oriented mainstream media.8. Founder interviews build credibility and funding options.

Conferences and EventsMagnity has experience with taking clients to conferences. These conferences are very cost-effective, build credibility, extend a network of contacts for partnerships and associations and set the stage for funding options.

We help prioritize and plan conference attendance. In addition to technology conferences, we would add a mix of more specifi-cally relevant venues. It is possible to attend and present and/ or exhibit. We can help plan those decisions. The best way to attend one of these conferences is as a guest speaker. We have people that can effectively guide you through a conferences and even attend with you, making sure you get to connect with the right people.

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Effective search is VITALBuilding strong online brands is all about search optimizationand owning the right keywords and search terms – these can be built into every touch point.

Effective search optimization goes so far beyond Meta-tagging and back-link. A deeper strategic approach is required:

- Advantages of PPC /paid search to advance organic results- Importance of integrated key words across all digital media- Strategies that understand, anticipate and capitalize

on competitive positions.- Planning and managing paid search- Effective use of landing pages and sub-domains- Local vs. Global- Enhanced search with social networking and blogging

Site optimization for conversational marketingWe offer a range of comprehensive and pragmatic solutions to help you and your team to evaluate and optimize interfaces for usability, revenues and conversion objectives.

With conversational marketing the number of constituencies interacting with your site are likely to increase – it all gets more interesting, the challenges remain:

• Effectively connect people with the information they want for the stage of their relationship with the company.

• Routing flows and landing pages to optimize performance• Prioritize productive activities by users.• Achieve SEO goals.• Optimize site based on actionable metrics.• Perfect the elements that are driving adoption.

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New Revenue StreamsHow many agencies do you know of that monitor the effectiveness of what they do? Ask for sales figures? It is possible that the development of web applications, mobile technologies and solutions and embracing new approaches to customer relations will open doors to new revenue streams. We are an entrepreneurial agency that is geared towards helping to identify those opportunities.


• Systematize tracking and profitability of revenue streams to prioritize resources and UIs.

• Partnerships and revenue sharing deals.• Price point analysis and optimization.


• Co-promotions and advertising sponsors on promotional platforms.

• Explore ways to improve value to advertisers.• Sponsored content/ applications/ widgets and sub-sites.• Incentivise promotion of advertisers where it develops traffic.


• Develop credible sales platforms that motivate with interaction.

• Help to interface what’s learned in messaging with sales management.

Mobile PlatformsMobile Platforms already far out-number desktop computing devices, they are also set to take the lead as the most dynamic media for interaction. Many of the same principals apply, with the added benefits of knowing location and being able to incorporate features such as IM/Text Messaging, cameras, unique micro-payment options and geotracking...

Year-end 2009 outcomes are predicted as:

U.S. mobile subscriber penetration will exceed 90%, or 275 million people.

U.S. mobile revenues are on target to exceed $148 billion this year.

$45 billion of that will be just for data services, up from $23.2 billion in 2007.

2.3 trillion minutes of use (talk time).

1.7 trillion text messages.

U.S. customers are the most talkative in the world, with 829 talkminutes a year in 2008. Next is Canada, with 444 minutes persubscriber in the same period.

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Metrics are actually vital to conversations. Systems, processes and technologies can get as sophisticated as your requirements will allow. Its all changing constantly. There are some common sense rules to guide you:

1. Measure what’s important and measure it in a way that is usable: 2. Hypothesise customer life cycle3. Test, measure iterate and improve4. Target conversion metrics that are actionable

METRIC Conv. % Est.Value

Site Visits 100% $0.01Not Abandon 70% $0.05

Successful 1st 30% $0.25Viral Activity 5% $2.50

Refer 1+ users 3% $2.00Refer 10+ 0.2% $15.00

Minimum 2% $5.00Break Even 1% $30.00






Without effective retention and devices to excite users, real growth may be exponentially reduced. We can help to develop and execute on retention plans: • Making an emotional connection• Carefully planned and managed automation e-mails.• Planned events, changes, updates and news. • Merchandising and sales messages worked into real

value for customer.• RSS/ News feeds tied to updates on site.• Track impressions and CTR on Widgets.• Incentivised and paid referral programs.

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Beauty of APIsIncreasingly, companies are building products and services as composites of the products and services of others. In the digital world, this practice is rapidly accelerating.

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs are commonly published as a way to connect internet properties for everyone’s benefit. Its an open model that allow the free flow of information along web services. In the simplest terms, it means that parts of your site and community can be delivered in conjunction with components from other companies. The terms may be published along with the codes for access, so no negotiation is needed to make things work. The value of this can not be underestimated.

We can help you to understand the opportunities of APIs as part of your marketing strategy.

PartnershipsWith hundreds of potential partners on the web, effective channel marketing is based on building deep symbiotic relationships with the right partners.

We can help your management team to plan and prioritize these relationships so they go deeper than simply trading eyeballs and registered users:

• Match channels to revenue potential • Prioritize and define: users, channels and costs• Low hanging fruit • Partnership landing pages

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Integrated Marketing Campaigns

Social Media Planning and Implementation

Development of Web Sites and Web Applications

Public Relations

SEO/ Paid Search

Multimedia Content Development


Naming and Branding

Contact: David Shantz 415.455.0995 ext. 4011800 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94109