submission cover sheet -'t hesitate to email and ask for them. the...

LE GI S LATIVE A SSEM BLY F OR TH E AUS T RALIA N CAP IT AL TER RIT OR Y SEL ECT COMMITTEE ON AN I NDEPDENDE NT INTEGRI TY COMM I SSI ON 2018 M r Shane Rattenbury MLA (Chair), Ms El izabeth Lee MLA (Deputy Ch air) Ms Bee Cody MLA, Mrs Vi cki Dunne MLA, Mr Chris St ee l MLA Submission Cover Sheet Inquiry into an Independent Integrity Commission 2018 Submission Number: 03 Date Authorised for Publication: 4 September 2018

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Page 1: Submission Cover Sheet -'t hesitate to email and ask for them. The expensive and unlawful Kangaroo killing continued in 2018 leading to driving them to


SELECT COMMITTEE ON AN INDEPDENDENT INTEGRITY COMMISSION 2018 M r Shane Rattenbury MLA (Chair), Ms Elizabeth Lee MLA (Deputy Chair)

Ms Bee Cody MLA, Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA, Mr Chris Steel MLA

Submission Cover Sheet

Inquiry into an Independent Integrity Commission 2018

Submission Number: 03

Date Authorised for Publication: 4 September 2018

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Finlay, Hamish

From: Nora Preston < >Sent: Sunday, 26 August 2018 4:26 AMTo: Finlay, HamishCc: CommitteesSubject: ACIC UPDATES/additional Fw: SUBMISSION: TERMS OF REFERENCE Re:

Acknowledgement of additional submissions [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]Attachments: IMG_3210.JPG

Follow Up Flag: Follow upFlag Status: Flagged

We support ICAC Select Committees recommendations to be urgently legislated. If our further submissions are missing mentioned by the ICAC Select Committee at the bottom of the thread of emails below and you would like me to resubmit them to you, please don't hesitate to email and ask for them. The expensive and unlawful Kangaroo killing continued in 2018 leading to driving them to extinction. In 2018,1000 more killed than last year. This is shameful. Largest number of roos killed since culling began 10 years ago. This article once again falsely claims that the killing is for environmental reasons falsely claiming that the Kangaroos are causing the damages and effecting other species, when all the damage is caused by the Government, cattle, sheep, goats that are driving our native fauna and flora to extinction including our Kangaroos. Kangaroos maintain a healthy well balanced ecosystem. One of Canberra's largest ever kangaroo culls has finished

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One of Canberra's largest ever kangaroo culls has finished By Sally Pryor

More than 3200 animals were killed across multiple nature reserves.

In 2008 I submitted a Memorial City Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary to stop the Kangaroo killing that was not only educational but also a multi billion dollar tourist attraction.

I am attaching a photo of the map.

This Government was more than negligent for all of these years abusing taxpayers money on killing and the infertility program instead of using all that money to develop the Memorial City Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary.

For your information on Kangaroos Scientific reproductive biology please open this link: html#

The Auditor-General was asked to do an audit on the Kangaroo killing from 2004 to current, and to order to stop the killing in 2018, but refused to ignoring all of the evidence sent to her.

We recommend and urge that you immediately adopt this same action by the High Court


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in the ACT and to our Kangaroos to immediately stop the killing and hold this Government accountable for all the years that they have unlawfully killed Kangaroos for, and to refund all the taxpayers money back to us that they have fraudulently spent on Kangaroo killing and the infertility program. The Uttarakhand High Court has declared that the entire animal kingdom including aquatic life and birds have similar rights to humans. fbid=10156703341282139&id=26781952138 We have a lot of wastage in the ACT with unnecessary ongoing land releases for more housing, building developments when the ACT are over run by empty houses and buildings that no one can afford to buy or rent when the owner try to sell or rent because of unaffordability. Utilise all of these empty houses and buildings, convert them into useful, solar houses and buildings, house the homeless in all the wasted empty Government buildings. Affordability also relies on banning land and water rates, and newly introduced land taxes removing the life sentence placed on home owners for owning a home. ACLEI. I read their submission to the ICAC Select Committee which didn't appear to address their conditions of enquiry on whether or not ICAC should be formed. Instead their submission informed the ICAC Select Committee on what their powers are which was additional to just Police,

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including protection for whistle blowers, corruption, border security and notifying you that they have even more powers. When whistle blower victims ask for their protection and help to fight in Court, they merely wish you good luck with your fight and don't provide the help that you need such as pro bono legal representation.

Courts to be investigated for ordering victims who have applied for Personal Protection Orders in their absence, ignoring current Medical Certificates, to pay the reoffending Violent criminals thereby aiding and abetting them and their crimes paying them for their crimes to continue to reoffend and escalating reoffending violence. The link for the petition below is a Request for the Royal Commission to investigate on why violence is increasing, therefore all of these factors have to be investigated that not only includes Judges, but the Court registry who unlawfully remove evidence to give the violent reoffenders a squeaky clean record and Magistrates along with Mental Health who lie about the violent offenders not having a Mental Health file that the Court refuse to order to be sent to the Court. Mental Health are also responsible for the increase of violence by covering up for the reoffending violent criminals, including the Attorney General who refuses to step in and order the reversal of orders. Victims who have current Medical Certificates are ignored that clearly state the victim is unfit to attend court, or unfit to work, who are asking for dates to be vacated and adjourned ignored.

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There is a complaint process through the judicial council, the Principal Registrar and the ombudsman who are made up of court staff who obviously have a conflict of interest to be sitting there taking these complaints that is an abuse of taxpayers money and a waste of time who also refuse to vacate and adjourn and to reverse the orders made against the victims in their absence and the absence of a solicitor as they are repeatedly told they are still trying to find one. The Women’s Legal Centre should be equipped to provide all victims with free legal representation. Maybe this petition should be amended to include all of this. There are also AVO’s with DVO’s. The courts have to protect the victims, that is what they are paid to do but don’t, quite frankly they belong in prison. Urgently establish an independent group who will immediately intervene with Courts and reverse their dates and orders when they only listen to the reoffending Violent criminals and repeatedly make orders against the victims that also includes for want of prosecution for taking out a Personal Protection Order and being forced to repeatedly appeal the orders to pay the reoffending Violent criminals, orders that they should be making against the reoffending Violent criminals and not the victims. id=736466424&reply id=7367

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67041&utm medium=email&utm source=comment reply&utm campaign=319274&sfmc tk=%2fHnxNtrlv0NR9vEbzRXvyB1n1yirPF2riCWVTXm8XDvke6GZj9eUJD8mf2F8I8HF&j=319274&sfmc sub=57585723 I have also added in the Court information below a 7th complaint system, the JACS Committee in the Legislative Assembly who also can't do anything to intervene with a corrupt court who make unlawful orders. All of these complaint processes seem to be a a waste and abuse of taxpayers money and is definitely a corrupt process. To which I would also like to add that VOCAL, Women's Legal Centre and Law Firms need additional funding to properly and fully represent Applicants/Appellants in Personal Protection Orders where violence is involved who are Pensioners, low waged income earners, equivalent to Domestic Violence Orders. The annual land tax to replace the one off stamp duty when purchasing property is not acceptable. Removing the stamp duty was to assist home owners and should not be replaced with any land tax, annual or one off, that is continuing to add to hardships. The ACT wants to add to further financial hardships and homelessness by expecting us to pay for a 3rd federal member in the federal parliament, when the 2 members aren't doing their job failing to represent all of the public when asked to.

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Barr has added another member (Steele) into the ACT Legislative Assembly who was not voted in adding to further financial hardships. The Court complaint system is dysfunctional with 5 complaints sections set up that includes the Attorney General, with possibly a 6th Judiciary Commission and a 7th JACS Committee in the ACT Legislative Assembly with not one of them intervening and stopping the Courts unlawful orders made against innocent victims of multiple crimes and dismissing the Courts unlawful Orders to protect the innocent victims of multiple crimes from the Courts which the Courts are being paid to do committing misconduct, etc. with the Courts promoting reoffending violence and crimes, aiding and abetting violence and crimes. We need 1 (one) functional court complaint system that will intervene in the middle of and after unlawful orders are made when reported by victims in court cases once reported that will deal with the court registry and the judiciary complaints who will order the dismissal of the unlawful orders made to protect the innocent victims. Additional funding is required for VOCAL, Women's Legal Centre and Law Firms for Personal Protection Orders equivalent to Domestic Violent Orders to provide proper and full legal representation when violence is involved to Pensioners and low waged income earners, that also includes for innocent victims of crimes in other legal fights for Justice and vindication where the Court has unlawfully convicted their victims. Terms of reference:

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A select committee be established to inquire into the most effective and efficient model of an independent integrity commission for the ACT and that the committee make recommendations on the appropriateness of adapting models operating in other similarly-sized jurisdictions, as well as: (a) the personnel structure of the commission to ensure the appropriate carriage of workload; (b) governance and funding that delivers independence; (c) the powers available to a commission; (d) the educative functions of a commission; (e) issues regarding retrospectivity, including human rights, and the timeframes around which former actions can be assessed; (f) the relationship between any commission and existing accountability and transparency mechanisms and bodies in the ACT; and (g) any other relevant matter. I refer you to all of my submissions. ACIC to have the power to stop Kangaroo killing based on evidence such as that has been sent by me, and to order that all fictional reports made by the Government against Kangaroos and the status change of Eastern

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Grey Kangaroos as a controlled native species be removed from all Plans, Strategies, Acts, etc along with the removal of fines and convictions against animal activists who defend Kangaroos and other native wildlife in the Nature Conservation Act restoring Eastern Grey Kangaroos as endangered protected native species, with heavy fines and imprisonment for killing (see Wildlife Carers Group Animal Welfare and Management Strategy Submission that also shows huge amounts of taxpayers money being abused on the killing and infertility program that is driving them to extinction). Canberra was rated as the 2nd highest city of homelessness, and yet the Government showed complete negligence to the community by the Legislative Assembly Members being increased from 17 to 25 members, with the current budget adding more hardships, poverty, homelessness, with an increase of 20% to electricity and gas, 7% rates rise, that will be an average increase of $150 higher for owners of units, 3% water abstraction rise, utilities levy increasing by 5% annually, trams costing for planning minister Mick Gentleman's trip to North America last year that cost taxpayers $70,538, when it would have been cheaper to take a trip to

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Melbourne and try driving around dodging dangerous tram tracks that increase traffic congestion, cause accidents etc, trams to Woden cost of over $25 million with a possible total cost of $959 million, petrol increases that Canberra has the 3rd highest costs in Australia instead of decreasing petrol costs that should only cost 70 cents a litre, etc. ACIC to have the power to block finance and to stop the Government as mentioned above, including for trams and any other abuse of taxpayers money as per (g) that is destroying the bush capital and that is causing more hardships and poverty to the community. ACIC to have the power to investigate the DPP, Law Courts, ACAT - in breach of their professional duty to the consumers and complainants, etc, Solicitors/Barristers, the Government, Government Agencies, including the RSPCA that is another Government Agency, ICRC - in breach of their professional duty to the consumers, Consumer Affairs, Insurance, car registeration renewal, power and gas, etc as per (g). All Submissions to be published to show transparency by the Conservator of Flora and Fauna

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etc, for example on the Eastern Grey Kangaroos Controlled Native Species Management Plan and complying with the evidence in the submissions by rejecting the Plan and being prevented from approving any further death warrrants on the Eastern Grey Kangaroos, along with cancelling the current killing of Eastern Grey Kangaroos. ACIC to have the power to abolish land and water rates. Sincerely LADY NORA PRESTON - Independent Volunteer, began rehabilitating wildlife in the early 1980's Founding President - since 2004

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Honorary Member - since 2004 Animal Welfare Inspector -since 2004 WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP - (WCG) founded in 2004 PO Box 3509 WESTON CREEK ACT 2611

WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP is a VOLUNTARYINDEPENDE NT NON PROFIT COMMUNITY BASED GROUP with no Government funding -Independent - adj. 1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing. 2. Free from the control of another or others; self­reliant.

Website: http://wcg. awardsp (we've been unable to update this website, as hard as a few of us have tried, updates on Facebook and Wordpress, some on Twitter)


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13 We are also on Facebook, with photos included on the site, and become a friend. You can now follow us and join us on Twitter (not updated)

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Check out and become a friend. Support WCG. WCG is an independent, non profit, non government community based charity providing animal/wildlife care, rescue/rehabilitation and is also an animal/wildlife welfare group, providing protection for our wildlife/animals, run solely by volunteers, with no government funding, saving taxpayers money Aims and Objectives: To promote the general welfare and continued survival of native fauna and flora as an essential element of the environment, and

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specifically to undertake the specialised care necessary for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured native birds and other animals, to promote public awareness of the need to conserve existing wildlife species, and an understanding of their particular habitat and feeding requirements. Disclaimer: WCG and the author do not assume or accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for the accuracy or appropriate application of the information contained in this letter/email/blog/report/article.

From: Cullen, Andrea Sent: Wednesday, 24 May 2017 3:34 PM To: 'wildlife carers [email protected]' Subject: Acknowledgement of additional submissions [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Lady Nora Preston Founding President Honorary Member Animal Welfare Inspector Wildlife Carers Group

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Dear Lady Preston, Select Committee on the establishment of an Independent Integrity Commission Further to my email below—thank you for forwarding 17 more submissions on 18 and 19 May 2017, on behalf of the Wildlife Carers Group in relation to the above. A summary of the submission(s) you have lodged is set out below: 1. SUBMISSION ICAC - Kangaroo killing—18 May 2017 [acknowledged by email 18 May 17]

1A. SUBMISSION ICAC - Domestic Animal Services (DAS)—18 May 2017



1D. SUBMISSION ICAC - Magistrates Court and Supreme Court—18 May 2017


1F. SUBMISSION ICAC – Mental Health—18 May 2017

1G. SUBMISSION ICAC – Government and agencies—18 May 2017

1H. SUBMISSION ICAC – Solicitors—18 May 2017

1I. SUBMISSION ICAC – Health Department - Ban Tobacco and save lives and money—18 May 2017

1J. SUBMISSION ICAC – Police—18 May 2017

1K. SUBMISSION ICAC – ICRC - land water rates—19 May 2017

1L. SUBMISSION ICAC – Light rail stage 2 to Woden (includes stage 1)—19 May 2017

1M. SUBMISSION ICAC – Taxes—19 May 2017

1N. SUBMISSION ICAC – Car registration and renewals—19 May 2017

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1O. SUBMISSION ICAC – Insurance—19 May 2017

1P. SUBMISSION ICAC – Additional re car registration—19 May 2017

1Q. SUBMISSION ICAC – Additional re police—19 May 2017

The submission(s) will be referred to members of the Committee for consideration. In the meantime, can I advise you that once a committee receives a submission it becomes the property of the Committee and must not be published, or otherwise circulated, until it is authorised for publication. Once authorised, the submission is posted on the Legislative Assembly website and is made publicly available. This process is completed as soon as possible. Once received by the Committee, the submission is covered by parliamentary privilege but any wider circulation, until the Committee has authorised the submission for publication, will not be protected by parliamentary privilege. I will advise you once the Committee has formally received the submission(s) and authorised them for publication. It is noted that decisions about authorisation rest with the Committee. More information about making submissions and appearing before a committee is available at: If you have any queries about these processes or any other matters regarding this inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me. Your interest in the work of the Committee is appreciated. Regards, Andrea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Andréa Cullen AGIA ACIS Committee Secretary—Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Committee Secretary—Select Committee on an Independent Integrity Commission ACT Legislative Assembly P 02 62050142 |

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<image001.jpg> The Office of the Legislative Assembly: Providing professional services and reliable, impartial advice to support, strengthen and promote the institution of parliament in the ACT.

From: Cullen, Andrea Sent: Thursday, 18 May 2017 4:09 PM To: 'wildlife carers [email protected]' Subject: RE: SUBMISSION ICAC - KANGAROO KILLING attention Dr Cullen [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Lady Nora Preston Founding President Honorary Member Animal Welfare Inspector Wildlife Carers Group Dear Lady Preston, Select Committee on the establishment of an Independent Integrity Commission Thank you for forwarding a submission on 18 May 2017, on behalf of the Wildlife Carers Group, in relation to the above. The submission will be referred to members of the Committee for consideration. In the meantime, can I advise you that once a committee receives a submission it becomes the property of the Committee and must not be published, or otherwise circulated, until it is authorised for publication. Once authorised, the submission is posted on the Legislative Assembly website and is made publicly available. This process is completed as soon as possible. Once received by the Committee, the submission is covered by parliamentary privilege but any wider circulation, until the Committee has authorised the submission for publication, will not be protected by parliamentary privilege. I will advise you once the Committee has formally received the submission and authorised it for publication. It is noted that decisions about authorisation rest with the Committee. More information about making submissions and appearing before a committee is available

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at: Authorised submissions (uploaded to the Assembly website) will redact residential and personal email/phone contact details. Routine practice is for names of submitters to remain on submissions (unless otherwise requested). If you have any queries about these processes or any other matters regarding this inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me. Your interest in the work of the Committee is appreciated. Regards, Andrea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Andréa Cullen AGIA ACIS Committee Secretary—Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Committee Secretary—Select Committee on an Independent Integrity Commission ACT Legislative Assembly P 02 62050142 |

<image001.jpg> The Office of the Legislative Assembly: Providing professional services and reliable, impartial advice to support, strengthen and promote the institution of parliament in the ACT.


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The killing starts today 17/5/17. Daniel Iglesias stated on 16/5/17 on WIN NEWS TV if we have something to say to them to say and do it appropriately. We have been for decades all fallen on deaf ears. This is taxpayers money being abused and wasted on unnecessary violent killing and on committing fraud abusing their positions. This is criminal. They are repeatedly told of the facts, however, each year, they keep repeating the same fraudulent excuses for killing unnecessarily.

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We have the majority support to abolish the Eastern Grey Kangaroos Controlled native Species Management Plan and to stop the violent killing of Kangaroos with 31 Submissions out of 41 Submissions received. Only 10 Submissions supported the Plan, and yet the killing is still commencing today. I believe that I've been hearing firearm shots since approx 6am. I have 3 Petitions totalling 10,897 signatures telling them to stop the killing, and yet the killing is still starting today abusing taxpayers money with the killing based on fraudulent Plans, Acts, Strategies deceiving the media, the public about the kangaroos. 1. 2,386 signatures 2. 7.340 signatures 3. 1,171 signatures TOTAL = 10,897 Read more:,,

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I'm emailing you a few links to assist you. These links will have more links to assist you. The Submission Draft Animal Welfare and Management Strategy has been updated further with additional photos since the last Submission that I sent you. Can you assist and stop the killing asap please? I have copied Elizabeth into this email incase the committees email address bounces as it did in the past. 1. Kangaroos do not overpopulate. Their populations grow until they are in equilibrium with their environment and then stabilise (1, 2.) 2. When food is scarce (which is rare in this region) kangaroos simply stop breeding (3). 3. As admitted in the KMP itself (p12), kangaroos are a keystone species. This means that, at natural densities (which vary with climatic and seasonal variations), they are critical to maintaining all the other native plants and animals which share their habitat. Killing kangaroos is not protecting threatened species. It is further endangering them. 4. No base-line studies have ever been conducted in the ACT to determine how many kangaroos are needed to maintain healthy populations of other native species. 5. Female kangaroos do not mature (unless forced to it by extreme population depletion) until they are two years old, and give birth only once a year. There is also a high level (50-100%) of infant mortality. Consequently, the fastest a kangaroo population can grow (until it stabilises) is about 10% per year4. Even though the Government continues to kill kangaroos at a rate of 40% each year. The kangaroo slaughter is conducted at a time of year when, according to the KMP itself (p10-11), almost every mature female

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kangaroo has both a pouch young and a young at foot in her care. It is conducted under a code of practice which exists for the purpose of permitting acts of cruelty that would otherwise be prohibited by law (5). References: Arnold, GW, Grassia A, Steven DE & Weeldenburg JR 1991 Population ecology of western grey kangaroos in a remnant of wandoo woodland at Bakers Hill in southern Western Australia, in Wildlife Research 18 (5): 561-575 Coulson G, Alviano P, Ramp D, Way S 1999 The kangaroos of Yan Yean; history of a problem population in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 111(1): 121-130. Burnie, David, Don E. Wilson, 2001, in Animal, pp. 99–101. Peter B. Banks, Alan E. Newsome and Chris R. Dickman, 2000, Predation by red foxes limits recruitment in populations of eastern grey kangaroos, in Austral Ecology, 25(3) p283 ACT Animal Welfare Act, 1992, Section 20

The mass killing and infertility program is genetically altering the Kangaroos weakening the species and driving them to extinction. It is strongly recommended that under this Animal Welfare and Management Strategy that recognises animals as being sentient

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beings, that it is not in compliance with: 1. the violent Nature Conservation Act 2014

2. the violent Eastern Grey Kangaroos Draft Controlled Native Species Management Plan: Eastern Grey Kangaroos Draft Controlled Native Species Management Plan – Closes 24/3/17; RESPONSES TO DRAFT EASTERN GREY KANGAROOS CONTROLLED NATIVE SPECIES PLAN SUBMISSION FROM CONSERVATOR OF FLORA AND FAUNA AND MY RESPONSE, (shown first). 15/5/17 and ‘Earless Dragon

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scarcity previously coincided with kangaroo scarcity in ACT' 17 /5/17

'Earless Dragon scarcity previously coincided with kangaroo scarcity in ACT ... 'Earless Dragon scarcity previously coincided \\'1th kangaroo scarcity

in ACT. Don Fletcher, in "Population Dyna ...

RESPONSES TO DRAFT EASTERN GREY KANGAROOS CONTROLLED NATIVE SPECIES PLAN SU ... We await a response to my response. The unsigned correspondence from the Conservator of Flora and Fauna and my r ...

Eastern Grey Kangaroos Draft Controlled Native Species Management Plan - C ... Email: [email protected] - link to website: The Eastern Grey

Kangarooo Controlled Native Species Manageme ...

3. the violent Code of Practice,

4. the Ethics Committee that allows violence and suffering


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5. the Kangaroo Management Plan

6. the ACT Kangaroo Managment Plan (ACT Government 2010) and subsidiary policy instruments

7. Draft ACT Pest Animal Management Strategy 2011-2021: 8. Draft ACT Native Grasslands Conservation Strategy – WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP Submission Draft

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ACT Native Grasslands Conservation Strategy closes 12 May 2017

WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP Submission Draft ACT Native Grasslands Conservation s ... WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP Submission Draft ACT Native Grasslands Conservation Strategy closes 12 May 2017. Chapter 3 ...

that is consistent with

9. the ACT Nature Conservation Stragegy 2013-23 (ACT Government 2013a)and

10. the 2005 Lowland Grassland Conservation Strategy that are all based on fraudulent reports on the Eastern Grey Kangaroos, etc.

finding the Government and


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their agencies to be in breach of the Animal Welfare and Management Strategy by enforcing heavy fines, criminal convictions, prison sentence to any offenders, including the Government and their agencies. It is highly recommended to ban the use of 1080 poison that causes a violent death and targets non targetted native wildlife, endangered species, domestic pets, etc. and children. ‘…There’s a lot of interference from non-targets taking baits, things like varanids [goannas], ravens, kangaroos, ants, and feral cats,” Dr Kreplins said….’. Click on this link for the full Report:

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29 The cost of the killing is huge and has a negative impact on society and native wildlife. The mass killing and infertility program is genetically altering the Kangaroos weakening the species and driving them to extinction. My proposed Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary has a positive impact on society and would be a multibillion dollar revenue raising program from the tourist industry. <image002.jpg>

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Click on this link to read the completed Wildlife Carers Group Submission DRAFT ANIMAL WELFARE AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY:


We await a response to my response to the

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Conservator of Flora and Fauna on the Eastern Grey Kangaroos Controlled Native Species Management Plan. The unsigned correspondence from the Conservator of Flora and Fauna and my response are below all of this information and the ‘link to this Report’.

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Out of 41 Submissions that were received , 31 Submissions opposed this Eastern Grey Kangaroos Draft Controlled Native Species Management Plan, only 10 Submissions supported this Plan.

A good enough reason not to go ahead with this Plan and to abolish it.

Unfortunately there are quite a few mistakes in this Canberra Times article and link below, probably more typo type mistakes leaving out the complete words etc. Spend on kangaroo contraceptive unlikely to end culling in Canberra


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Spend on kangaroo contraceptive unlikely to end culling in Canberra By Georgina Connery A kangaroo cull will go ahead for 2017, and authorities are doubtful investment in contraceptive trials will end...

More than 2,600 Kangaroos to be violently slaughtered in 2017 based on fraudulent flawed Acts, Plans. Strategies at The 12 sites to be closed for the conservation cull are Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, Mount Majura Nature Reserve and adjacent territory land, Kama Nature Reserve, Mount Painter Nature Reserve and adjacent territory land, The Pinnacle Nature Reserve and adjacent unleased land, Mount Mugga Mugga Nature Reserve, Isaacs Ridge Nature

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Reserves, …Callum Brae Nature Reserve, East Jerrabomberra Grasslands, West Jerrabomberra Nature Reserve, and Googong Foreshores. These violent killings are not culls, and are not for Conservation purposes with our Kangaroos being driven to extinction, weakening the species genetically altering our Kangaroos committed by over killing and the infertility program. This is criminal. Kangaroos maintain a healthy well balanced eco system.

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animals-expand-to-nsw-20170515-gw53iq.html To read the correspondence between the Conservator of Flora and Fauna and Wildlife Carers Group, click on this Link to read this full Report: LADY NORA PRESTON

Founding President Honorary Member

Animal Welfare Inspector


PO Box 3509

Page 37: Submission Cover Sheet -'t hesitate to email and ask for them. The expensive and unlawful Kangaroo killing continued in 2018 leading to driving them to


WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP is a VOLUNTARYINDE PENDENT COMMUNITY GROUP with no Government funding -Independent - adj. 1. Not governed by a foreign power; self­governing. 2. Free from the control of another or others; self-reliant.


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Page 38: Submission Cover Sheet -'t hesitate to email and ask for them. The expensive and unlawful Kangaroo killing continued in 2018 leading to driving them to