su10 eleanor

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  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    A Bad Case of Chocolate

    By Eleanor

    Vanilla White was a normal go-to-school kid, except for her obsessive love of

    chocolate. Her whole room was brown and white, and smelled of chocolate 24/7.

    Vanilla loved to be different, she had her own style. Everything she owned was either

    white or brown. She owned almost everything, brown or white, in the city of Chicago.

    She loved chocolate so much, she begged her mom to buy an apartment over the

    Hershey factory.

    One morning, Vanilla woke up to find herself flat as a piece of paper, and rectangular.

    She screamed and her mom came rushing in to find her daughter looking like a gigantic

    Hershey bar. Vanillas mom called Dr. Brown, who showed up right away. He askedVanilla a series of questions and only could come up with one solution, chocolate

    fever. She definitely doesnt have the mumps, measles, signs of chicken pox

    either. Dr. Brown told the Whites. Before he left, Dr. Brown gave Vanilla a blue

    sports drink. He then promptly left in his dark brown van.

    At least it was summer and Vanilla didnt have to face the problem of going to school.

    For if she went in the hot sun, she would melt for sure. As Vanilla drank the sports

    drink later that night, she started to tingle. The room around her was a blur and

    suddenly, she felt different, and she definitely was.

    She went to bed looking normal, and woke up just fine. Butwhen she looked in the

    mirror, she saw a huge bottle shaped reflection. Not again, she moaned.

    Soon, TV shows and news reporters flooded her neighborhood.

    She huddled in her room, behind her bookcase. A small figure approached her. A

    familiar aroma filled the air. It was a little girl, with a chocolate bar. The girl said,

    Have some.

    Vanilla reached for the bar and took a bite. Once again, Vanilla felt the tingly feeling.

    This time, she was normal! Can you believe, said Vanilla, that CHOCOLATE cured

    my chocolate problem? Im cured!

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    Diary of a Raindrop

    By Eleanor

    January 1

    Its that time of year again, New Years! My name is Rana and I am a raindrop.New Years is my favorite holiday. All the acid raindrops aiming is perfect. When allthe humans are outside, the acid raindrops fall onto the humans heads! The acidburns the hair right off and presto the humans are bald!

    Sincerely, Rana

    February 13

    Buying Valentines Day presents is very hard, especially when youre araindrop. For one thing, you have very few options. You can definitely cross clothesoff the list.

    The stores I like to go to for presents are: Rain-Mart, Sky Buy, and Cloudco.The thing is, in the sky, youll always meet new raindrops because water isEVERYWHERE!

    Sincerely, CrazedRana

    February 14

    My sweetheart, Rodney, gave me a water purifier for ValentinesDay! Only one problem. When I try to use it, the other raindrops get annoyed. Idont know why, it just sprays chemicals on us. Unfortunately, we are still in thecloud, as bored as ever. No Way! I scream. Rodney got us a ticket to leave thecloud! As we fall together in flat oval shapes, as all raindrops do at first, a bigger,

    heavier, meaner raindrop starts to block our path! We used all our weight to push himto the ground. SPLAT!

    Sincerely, ThankfulRana

    April 22

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    It is Earth Day and all of us raindrops are doing our part to save theplanet. Our teacher said, You must all create a project to go through in order to helpthe planet. Sally is making an aquifer, Rachel is making a water filter and me, well Imbeing me. Rain is recycled water after all.

    Sincerely, CleverRana

    April 30

    Clara Cloud, our home, said we are going on a trip! The thing is, shewont tell us where were going! Anyways, we are moving together, in a group, and weare packed together all the time.

    Sincerely, Cramped Rana

    May 10

    It turns out, we traveled to the desert! It is so hot here, snow clouds areafraid to visit. Some of my friends tried falling to the ground to see what it would belike. They got about halfway there and were so scared when they felt the temperaturethat they raced back to us.


    May 21

    Today were going to the Amazon Rainforest! Clara said we couldgo on our own and she would follow us. I chose to go in gas form. You move fasterthan in liquid or solid form. I raced with Sally, she won. Its not fair that she had a fan.

    Sincerely, Ripped-off Rana

    May 22

    Finally, were in the Amazon Rainforest! The rainfall in theAmazon is the most in the whole entire world! Almost everyone in the class chose totake the special field trip, including me, so we are in line to fall into the Amazon as wespeak. Its almost my turn!

    Sincerely, ExcitedRana

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    June 11

    Oh my! It is so cold up here! Clara said we cant turn on a heateror we will evaporate. Yay, were home! Land is over there. I better go see what hes up

    to. Land, I said, Did you know Im better than you? Oh, I dont think so. hereplied. Yup, I said, You dont cover as much of the earth as me and my group.

    Oh yeah? he questioned. Yeah, I answered, I cover 71% of the earth and you onlycover 29%!

    I guess youre right he said. So I had won that fight. Well, time for bed!


    June 12

    The time has come for me to fall into the Pacific Ocean! I cantwait to see all of my friends and family. Here I go! Rana!, calls Clara, Come back up,its time to start over again! I guess thats what you get when youre last in line.

    Sincerely, Rana

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    Grown-up Rule # 111

    Rule: Wash Your

    Hands!By Eleanor

    Excuse: Youll get sick if you dont.

    Real Reason: If you dont wash

    your hands, your skin will comeoff! When you wash your

    hands, the soap you use soaks

    into your skin, gluing all the

    layers of skin together.

    Without washing your hands,

    you wouldnt have any skin!

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor



    By Eleanor

    Henrietta horse is too smart for the town of Hoofville, said Lizzie Horse.

    That statement is way too overstated.Said Flora Horse.She doesnt even realize she is toosmart or helpful.

    Oh yeah? asked Henry horse,Shes way too bossy

    Henrietta!, said Flora How NICE to seeyou!

    Hello everybody! said Henrietta.

    Yes, said Lizzie, It is such a beautiful day is it not?

    Actually, you couldve said its such a beautiful day, isnt it?

    Well, yes, I couldve said that, but I chose tosay it differently.

    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa,said Flora, No need to fight. Henrietta dear, why dontyougetyourselfa cupofteaoffmystove?

    Henrietta walkedinto the peach colored, appleshaped, house.

    Florasaid, Nowyouguysgoand Illhavealittle talkwith Henrietta ALONE.As thegroupwalkedaway, mumbling to themselves, Henrietta comesbackwitha cupoftea


    Henrietta,said Flora.I need to talkwithyou.

    Why?asked Henrietta.

    Flora replied, Well, you tend tobeabitbossyat times, andyouarealittlebraggyaboutyoursmarts.

    Whatareyou talkingabout?asked Henrietta.

    Well, Florastarted to reply.

    Then, Henryhorsemarchedinmakingasmuch noiseaspossible.

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    Thehoofcoatsare coming! Thehoofcoatsare coming! Thehoofcoatsare coming!heyelped.

    Everyone ranoutoftheirhouses, screamingat the topoftheirlungs. Finally, Henriettathought, I can take charge. Henriettaimmediatelysnappedorders towhomevershesaw.

    Take theseblocksandbuildawall,sheshouted,No, no notyou!

    Suddenly, allmovementand noisestopped. Itwaslike timehadfrozen. Hoofs clatteredagainst the dirt road, asanarmyofhorsesfledinto Hoofvilleby thehundreds. Theonein

    chargeworea redandblacksaddle. Henriettawalkedstraight up tohimandstartedchatteringaway. She told the chiefeverythingshe knew, andhewasso confused, hefainted.Now, all theother enemyhorseshad noleaderandwere taken downin theswishofa tail.

    Thankyou Henrietta! everyonehappilyshouted.

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    I Wanna New Costume

    By: Amelia and Eleanor

    Dear Earth Girl,

    Even though you just bought new costumes, I want a new one. The costumeyou bought me is all wrong. It is definitely NOT me. Please buy me a newcostume.

    Your unappreciated sidekick,

    Sky Breeze

    Dear Sky Breeze,

    The costumeswe just bought are fine. You just dont appreciate

    that I bought them without you. Why do you want anewcostumeanyways?

    Your questioned friend,

    Earth Girl

    Dear Earth Girl,

    I want a new costume that represents ME! The costume you bought me is tan!Im Sky Breeze, the sky is BLUE!

    Your annoyed sidekick,

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    Sky Breeze

    Dear Sky Breeze,

    If you dont like it, whydont you get anewone withyourown

    money? Good Luck.

    Youre Friend,

    Earth Girl

    Dear Earth Girl,I dont have enough money! Its not my fault, during the day I work at a gas

    station! By the way, you got to design your own costume. What about me??

    Your wondering sidekick,

    Sky Breeze

    Dear Sky Breeze,

    If you return the costume to Super-Mart, Bart will buy it back.

    Then you can buy a plain costume and I will help you decorate it.

    Your clever friend,

    Earth Girl

    Dear Earth Girl,

    Finally, a decent idea! Even greater, the costume YOU bought for me is toosmall!

    Thanks for agreeing with me,

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    Sky Breeze

    Dear Sky Breeze,

    Tomorrowat noon, meet meat thepark foradesigningparty.

    It will besomuch fun! Cant wait toseeyou!

    Yourexcited friend,

    Earth Girl

    Dear Earth Girl,

    Thanks soooo much for helping me! My brand new costume looksAWESOME! I just cant stop smiling!

    Thanks again, your grateful sidekick,

    Sky BreezeDear Sky Breeze,

    Youre welcome. YourcostumelooksGREAT! Imgladyou like it!

    Your SUPER friend,

    Earth Girl

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    Lumpy, Raw, Fluffy, Greasy,

    Delicious Food

    By Eleanor and Lewis

    The weather today is varied, as there may be a snack foodstorm,

    full of crackers and cheese, in between lunch and dinner. First, for

    breakfast, there will be a steamy, sticky bun storm, blowing from the

    west, closely followed by honey nut cheerios, falling from milk filled

    clouds which will eventually fall as well. Finally, to wrap it all up, will be,

    waffles followed by sprinkles of butter.

    Lunch today starts out with sizzling fish sticks coming from the

    east. Slimy cheeseburgers will blow in at 45 mph! Runny watermelons

    will take over the town as they start growing EVERYWHERE! In toilets,

    flowers, couches, computers, be prepared to get squirted by the

    squishy juice.

    For dinner, there will be a hearty helping of moldy chicken. Eat up

    or you wont get any soggy pizza! Even better, lastly, there will be

    fuzzy lasagna, cooked by the meow caf in the ooey, gooey tomato

    soup, filled clouds. MMM! MMM!

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor



    Everyone is her friend

    Loves kittens

    Even long trips are fun for her

    Always there to lend a helping hand

    Never gives up

    Over 6 trophies she has received



    Bubbly, tiny, friendly, silly

    Daughter of Therese and Donnie

    Lover of beautiful baby animals

    Who feels happy, excited, and very nervous

    Who finds happiness in singing

    Who needs as many friends as possible

    Who gives love to all

    Who fears the dark

    Who would like to see exactly where she was born

    Who enjoys dancing and being in plays

    Who likes to wear fancy clothes, pink, and jeans

    Resident of New Castle

  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor



  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


  • 8/9/2019 Su10 Eleanor


    II jjuummppeeddoonnttootthheeoolldd,, ccrreeaakkiinnggbbeeddaannddccoovveerreeddmmyysseellffwwiitthhsshheeeettss..

    TThheeddoooorrkknnoobbttuurrnneeddccrrrreeeeaakk..II llaayytthheerreeffrroozzeennwwiitthhffrriigghhtt.. LLiittttlleeRReedd

    ccaammeeiinnttootthheerroooomm.. SShheellooookkeeddaattmmeeaannddssttaarrtteeddttooccoommeettoowwaarrddssmmee..II wwaass




    AAhhII ssaaiidd,, AAlllltthheemmoorreettoosseeeeyyoouuwwiitthh..

    GGrraammmmyy,,sshheessaaiidd,, WWhhaattllaarrggeeeeaarrssyyoouuhhaavvee..

    AAhhII ssaaiidd,, AAlllltthheemmoorreettoohheeaarryyoouuwwiitthh..

    BBuuttGGrraammmmyy,,sshheessaaiidd,, WWhhaattbbiiggtteeeetthhyyoouuhhaavvee..

    AAnnddII,, wwiitthhoouutttthhiinnkkiinngg,, ssaaiidd,, AAlllltthheemmoorreeffoorrmmeettooeeaattyyoouuwwiitthh!!aannddII

    lleeaappeeddffoorrhheerr.. UUnnffoorrttuunnaatteellyy,, sshheewwaassffaasstteerrtthhaannmmeeaannddeessccaappeeddffaasstteerrtthhaann

    aacchheeeettaahh.. SShheeccaalllleeddaawwooooddssmmaannttookkiillllmmeebbuuttwwhheennhheeggoottttootthheehhoouussee,, hhee

    rraannaawwaayywwiitthhffrriigghhtt.. TThheeddoooorrssttaarrtteeddttooccrreeaakkooppeennaannddtthheerreessttooooddnnoonnee

    ootthheerrtthhaann,, tthheerreeaallGGrraammmmyy!!

    NNoowwsshheewwaassnnoottoovveerrllyyjjooyyeeddttoosseeeeaawwoollffwweeaarriinngghheerrccllootthhiinngg.. TThhiissGGrraammmmyy

    wwaassiinnsshhaappee,, ffoorrwwhheennII ssttaarrtteeddttooggrroowwll,, sshheekkiicckkeeddmmeeddoowwnn!!SSoooonneennoouugghh,,

    sshheehhaaddmmeeaallllttiieeddttooaattrruucckkggooiinnggttootthheemmiiddddlleeooffnnoowwhheerree!!WWhhaattsshheeddiiddnnttkknnooww,, iisstthhaattII hhaaddeeaatteennaallllhheerrffoooodd!!