style guide

The use of a halo on Franks head representing that he is a kind pure heart but that could not be less true. Channel 4 logo and the way it is positioned is for a specific purpose so it stands out against the brown mise-en- scene

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Style guide

The use of a halo on Franks head representing that he is a kind pure heart but that could not be less true.

Channel 4 logo and the way it is positioned is for a specific purpose so it stands out against the brown mise-en-scene

Page 2: Style guide

The image of the channel 4 logo is not their original style but they have changed it to fit the target audience as they are addressing a more female viewer.

The colours used throughout represent the personality of the characters through out the programme and the position in which they stand represent the characters personality.

The attire in which he characters are wearing for some of them represents the character they play within the programme also this is a sign that the programme if suitable for adults pointing out there target audience with the costume they have chosen to wear.

Page 3: Style guide

The way in with the characters are positions represents action and in the moment making you think if it was not a still shot then they would be dancing and singing

Mise-en-scene represents where the production is set showing the stage and the bright lights

The boy doing a wheely in his wheel chair represents disability is a positive way as it shows him to be having fun and getting involved with things that are some times seen as not accessible.

This image shows the relation

Page 4: Style guide

This shows the contract between the characters in the blue uniform and the ones in white shirts this shows that they stand out for a reason and everyone else is meant to fade in to the background.

The way in which the main characters are standing represents there mannerisms and the personality they have within the programme showing jay very slouched and scruffy looking where as will is very prim and proper in the way he is standing and the posture showing how he is throughout the film.

The slanted heading shows the attitude of the programme as it is not very sensible and concentrates on the mannerism of 4 teenage boys

Showing the cast in there uniform shows where the programme is set and shows what there target audience would be teenagers my age would see this as an appealing programme as they are similar ages and contain content that would be seen amusing to the viewer.

Page 5: Style guide

The way that they have put the images of the lost children on the great wall of China represents that there are thousand even millions of children missing .that can fill the who area of the great wall of china

Block stand out colour against the dull mis-en-scene the positioning of the channel 4 logo fits in with the criteria of the style guide bottom right hand corner always the same sixe.

The harsh dull colouration of the background represents the sadness and emotion that is in the documentary it is showing a serious topic that has effected may people giving off a negative representation of china the background colour shows this as it is very dull and negative looking.