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Study Team

Study Team

URS Australia Pty Ltd EIS Study Team

Chris Jack Project Director

Neil Weston Project Manager

Judy Cao Associate Environmental Scientist

Andrew Dudgeon Environmental Engineer

Justin Bell Environmental Engineer

Neil Benning Principal Engineer – Floodplain Management

Andy Homewood Associate Landscape Architect

Chani Lokuge Associate Environmental Engineer

Joe Duran Principal Hydrogeologist

Carla Davies GIS and Drafting

Brook Hambly GIS and Drafting

Specialist Studies

Alternatives Assessment Gary Smith, Senior Project Manager

URS Corporation

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Peter Dalglish, Principal Civil Engineer

URS Australia Pty Ltd

Statutory Planning Advice Michael England, National Practice Leader

HLA Envirosciences Pty Ltd

Geotechnical Investigations Grahame Wilson, Principal

Douglas Partners Pty Ltd

Groundwater Extraction Modelling Dr Noel Merrick

National Centre for Groundwater Management

accessUTS Pty Ltd

Groundwater Modelling Peer


Alan D Lasse

A D Lasse Hydrologic Consulting

Grand Junction, Colorado

Noise Assessment Steven Cooper

The Acoustic Group Pty Ltd

Aquatic Ecology Dr. Peggy O’Donnell

The Ecology Lab Pty Ltd

AvifaunaAvifauna Research & Services

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement i

Phil Straw

Study Team

Air Quality Modelling Kirsten Lawrence

Pacific Air & Environment Pty Ltd

Preliminary Hazard Assessment

Dean Shewring

Pinnacle Risk Management Pty Ltd

Health Risk Assessment Jackie Wright, Principal Environmental Scientist

URS Australia Pty Ltd

Orica BGC Project EIS Team

Lucy Archer Environmental Consultant – KBR

Barbara Campany Communications Manager – Orica

Robert Castagnini Engineering Project Manager – Orica

Paul Cornford Process Technology Manager – Orica

Dr Brian Dale Risk Consultant Orica

Bob Duthie Project Manager – Orica

Dr Gillian Eckert Environmental Consultant – KBR

Robert Evans Site Environment Engineer Orica

Geoff Fairey Plant Engineer – Orica

James Fairweather Manager, Environmental Projects – Orica

Garry Gately Corporate Occupational Hygienist – Orica

Bruce Gotting Site Environment Manager Orica

Dr John Lear Project Technical Manager Orica

Kate O’Connell Communications Consultant Orica

Graeme Richardson General Manager, BGC Project Orica

Roy Rose General Manager, Technology & Environment – Orica

James Stening Senior Environment Engineer – Orica

Janice van Reyk General Counsel – Orica

Louise Walker Environment Writer – Orica

Isabel Workman Technical Editor – KBR

David O’Donnell, Rebecca Dixon

and Debra Townsend

Mallesons Stephen Jaques

ii Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement


A ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics AC asphaltic concrete ACARRE Australian Centre of Advanced Risk and Reliability Engineering Ltd ADI Acceptable Daily Intake AHC Australian Heritage Commission AHD Australian Height Datum ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council ARI Average Recurrence Interval AS Australian Standard ASS Acid Sulphate Soils B BAT Best Available Techniques BGC Project Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project BIP Botany Industrial Park BLEP Botany Local Environmental Plan 1995 BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion BOD Biochemical (Biological) Oxygen Demand BoM Bureau of Meteorology C CAMBA China–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement CAPER NSW Clean Air (Plant and Equipment) Regulation 1997 CBD Central Business District CCBB Council of the City of Botany Bay CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CHC Chlorinated Hydrocarbon CLC Community Liaison Committee Cl2 chlorine CO carbon monoxide CO2-e carbon dioxide-equivalent COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COPC Chemical (Contaminant) of Potential Concern CPT Cone Penetration Test CTC carbon tetrachloride D DA Development Application dB(A) decibels (A range) DEC Department of Environment and Conservation (incorporating National Parks

and Wildlife Service (NPWS), Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Royal Botanic Gardens and Resource NSW).

DEH Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Heritage DG Director-General (usually with reference to DIPNR) DG Act Dangerous Goods Act 1975 DGRs Director-General’s Requirements DIPNR Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources DLWC Department of Land and Water Conservation (now DIPNR) DNAPL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid DUAP Department of Urban Affairs and Planning

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement i


E EC Electrical Conductivity EDC ethylene dichloride (or 1,2-dichloroethane) EHC Act Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985 EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMP Environmental Management Plan EMS Environmental Management System EP&A Act Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) EPA Environment Protection Agency of NSW EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) EPI Environmental Planning Instrument EPL Environment Protection Licence ERP Emergency Response Plan ESBS Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub ESD Ecologically Sustainable Development F FHA Final Hazard Analysis FM Act Fisheries Management Act 1994 (NSW) FRTR Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (US Govt) G GCP Groundwater Cleanup Plan GHG Greenhouse Gas GTP Groundwater Treatment Plant H ha hectare (1 ha = 10,000 square metres) HAZOP Hazard and Operability Studies HCB hexachlorobenzene HCE hexachloroethane HCBD hexachlorobutadiene HCl hydrogen chloride (forms hydrochloric acid on contact with water) HHRA Human Health Risk Assessment HIPAP 4 Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper No. 4 HIPAP 6 Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper No. 6 hr hour HRA Health Risk Assessment H2S hydrogen sulphide I IBC Intermediate Bulk Container ICI Imperial Chemicals Industry (ICI Australia is now Orica) IGAE Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment J JAMBA Japan–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement K kg kilogram km kilometre kW kilowatt kWh kilowatt hour

II Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement


L LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide LEP Local Environmental Plan LGA Local Government Area M m metre m3 cubic metre

mg milligram µg microgram mm millimetres MW megawatt MWh megawatt-hour N Na sodium NaOH sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) ng/m3 nanogram per cubic metre NCUA Notice of Clean Up Action NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council NOHSC National Occupational Health & Safety Commission NOx oxides of nitrogen NO2 nitrogen dioxide NO nitric oxide N2O nitrous oxide NPW Act National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service of NSW NRTC National Road Transport Commission NSW New South Wales NSWASSMAC NSW Acid Sulfate Soils Management Advisory Committee NT National Trust O Orica Orica Australia Pty Ltd O2 oxygen O3 ozone OLM Ozone Limiting Method P PASS Potential Acid Sulphate Soils PCA Primary Containment Area PCE tetrachloroethene (commonly called perchloroethylene) PCDD polychlorinated dibenzodioxin (or dioxin) PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofuran (or furan) PFM Planning Focus Meeting PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis PLC Programmable Logic Controller POEO Act Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 POEO Regs Protection of the Environment Operations Regulations 1998 POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants pphm parts per hundred million ppm parts per million PVC polyvinyl chloride Q QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement iii


R REF Review of Environmental Factors RF Act Rivers and Foreshores Act 1948 RO Reverse Osmosis RTA Roads and Traffic Authority S SCA Secondary Containment Area SEPP State Environmental Planning Policy SESPHU South East Sydney Public Health Unit SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance (independent lab) SIS Species Impact Statement SLOT Specified Level of Toxicity SOx oxides of sulphur SO2 sulphur dioxide SO3 sulphide SO4 sulphate SMS Stormwater Management Scheme SPC Sydney Ports Corporation SSU Steam Stripping Unit SWC Sydney Water Corporation SWMP Soil and Water Management Plan SWSOOS Southern and Western Suburbs Ocean Outfall Sewer (operated by Sydney

Water Corporation) T TAPM The Air Pollution Model TCDD tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin TCE trichloroethene (or trichloroethylene) TEQ Toxic Equivalency TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TMP Traffic Management Plan TOD Total Oxygen Demand TSC Act Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 U UNEP United Nations Environment Programme URS URS Australia Pty Ltd US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UTS University of Technology, Sydney V VC vinyl chloride VCM vinyl chloride monomer VOC Volatile Organic Compound VRA Voluntary Investigation and Remediation Agreement W WARR Act NSW Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act, 2001 WHO World Health Organisation WMP Waste Management Plan wt% percentage by weight X −

IV Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement


Y yr year Z − Greek Symbols µg microgram µS/cm microsiemens per centimetre (a measure of electrical conductivity, used to infer


Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement v

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Activated Carbon A form of carbon with a fine porous structure, which makes it highly adsorbent and therefore effective in removing organic or inorganic compounds from water or gas.

Adsorption The attraction and adhesion of a layer of molecules from a liquid or gas to the solid surface with which it is in contact.

Air stripping Air is blown upwards through a falling column of contaminated water. The air ‘drives off’ the contaminants from the water, producing a dilute air stream containing organic vapours. This occurs in a structure called a stripping column.

Algae Simple organisms containing chlorophyll which live in aquatic habitats, or in locations with sufficient moisture on land.

Ambient Existing conditions to which people, plants and animals are exposed. Amphipod Small crustaceans, also known as freshwater shrimps, that feed by 'browsing'

i.e. moving over the surface of the sediment, consuming organic matter as they go.

Anticyclone Meteorological term, meaning winds spiralling out from a centre of high pressure.

Aquifer An underground geological formation that contains water and is capable of yielding water to a well or spring; a water bearing formation.

Artefact Man-made object. Arterial road Road which carries traffic from one region to another, forming principal avenues

of conveyance for metropolitan traffic movements. Atmospheric stability Refers to the atmosphere’s ability to mix and disperse a plume (or emission of

gas). Asphyxiant A gas or mixture which can displace the oxygen in an environment such that

respiration (breathing) cannot be supported. Basel Convention A convention at which Australia ratified an international treaty for the control of

trans-border movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal. Benthic Relating to the bottom of a water body such as a river, sea, lake or estuary. Bioaccumulation The build-up of a substance in the body of a living organism.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

A measurement of how much oxygen will be directly consumed by a particular sample of water through biological processes.

Biodiversity The variety of life forms, the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystems they form.

Bioregion A territory defined by a combination of biological, social and geographical criteria rather than by geopolitical considerations; generally, a system of related, interconnected ecosystems.

Bioremediation Removal of organic contamination by utilising naturally occurring or specifically engineered or introduced bacteria.

Biota Animal and plant life in a region. Biotic Involving biological activity. Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project

A group of activities, including the GTP, which Orica is undertaking to prevent contaminated groundwater flowing to Penhryn Estuary and Botany Bay, in order to meet the requirements of the NCUA.

Botany Industrial Park (BIP)

The BIP is occupied by various companies, including Orica, which have manufacturing facilities or operations there.

Bund A structure consisting of a base and walls designed to contain spillage/leakage from stored liquid materials, typically installed around storage

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement i

Glossary of Terms

tanks. Cadastral Showing property boundaries. Catchment The entire land area from which water (e.g. rainfall) drains to a specific

watercourse or waterbody. Central EDC Plume Composed of one plume (C1) which consists predominantly of EDC with

concentrations greater than 5,000 mg/L in the core of the plume, inferred to originate from the former EDC storage tanks on the BIP.

Chlorinated Hydrocarbon (CHC)

CHC is a generic term given to a range of chemical compounds, composed of chlorine, hydrogen and carbon. The groundwater below the BIP and nearby areas has been contaminated with CHCs. The main CHC contaminants in the groundwater are ethylene dichloride (EDC), carbon tetrachloride (CTC), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE) and vinyl chloride (VC).

Commissioning The final stage of the construction phase, comprising a series of tests and adjustments to demonstrate the required performance of equipment prior to handover to the operator.

Cone Penetration Test (CPT)

Test involving a 35 mm diameter rod with a cone tip being pushed into the ground, and measuring the end bearing resistance on the cone and the friction resistance on a separate sleeve behind the cone. The measurements can be compared to empirical charts to derive an interpretation of the stratigraphic sequence (i.e. layers of different soil and rock types) through which the cone tip has penetrated.

Confined aquifer An aquifer whose upper and/or lower boundaries are confined by an impermeable geologic formation.

Decommissioning The final stage of a development, involving the ceasing of operations, and the dismantling, removal and disposal of its component parts.

Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL)

DNAPLs are denser-than-water liquids, such as chlorinated hydrocarbon (CHCs), that may exist as interconnected droplets in the soil and/or groundwater. These substances are not very soluble in groundwater, so may exist for a long time slowly contaminating passing groundwater.

‘De novo’ synthesis Chemical reaction through which chemicals such as dioxins and furans can be formed by the recombination of destruction products following the destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons in a thermal oxidiser.

Deposition The build-up, over time, of a material in the air as it settles out of the air (e.g. onto soil).

Drawdown A lowering of the water table of an unconfined aquifer or the potentiometric surface of a confined aquifer caused by pumping from wells.

Dioxins Dioxins and furans are halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. There are 75 different dioxins, or polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), and 135 different furans, or polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Each different form is known as a ‘congener’. They are Persistent Organic Pollutants, which can bioaccumulate in the body, potentially leading to cancer.

Ecosystem An interdependent system of interacting plants, animals and other organisms together with the non-living (physical and chemical) components of their surroundings.

Ecologically Sustainable Development

Development that aims to meet the needs of the present community without compromising the ecological processes on which life depends for the benefit of future generations.

EDC Ethylene dichloride or 1,2-dichloroethane. The most common contaminant in the Botany groundwater. A manufactured chemical used commonly as a solvent and also used to make VC (vinyl chloride monomer) from which PVC (a common plastic) is manufactured.

II Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Glossary of Terms

Eight Part Test A test to analyse the significance of potential impacts of proposed developments on threatened species, populations and communities and/or their habitats as specified under Section 5A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Emergency Response Reaction by trained personnel and/or emergency services to an accident or emergency.

Endangered Species Those plants and animal species likely to become extinct unless action is taken to remove or control the factors that threaten their survival.

Endemic Species that naturally occurs in only one area or region. Environmental Impact Assessment

Formal and systematic evaluation of a proposal, to assess potential impacts on the environment and identify management measures to minimise such impacts

Environmental Management Plan

Control, training and management measures to be implemented in the construction and operation phases of a project in order to avoid, minimise or mitigate potential environmental impacts.

Ex situ External to the location. In the groundwater cleanup context, ex situ means cleanup of the water not in the ground.

Equipotential A line in a two dimensional groundwater flow field such that the total hydraulic heads (or pressures) are equal for all points along the line.

Fauna The entire animal life of a region. First-Flush The first runoff water after rain over a defined surface. Flora The entire plant life of a region. Foraging Searching for food. Fugitive Emissions Emissions released to the air other than those from stacks or vents. Geotechnical Relating to the form, arrangement and structure of the geology Greenhouse Challenge Launched in 1995. A joint voluntary initiative between the Federal Government

and industry to abate greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse Effect Predicted global climate change resulting from build-up of certain gases, such

as carbon dioxide, within the Earth’s atmosphere, trapping heat from the sun, increasing global temperatures

Greenhouse Gas A gas that increases the atmosphere’s ability to trap heat, rather than lose the heat to space.

Groundwater Groundwater is the general term for water in the ground. Underground water bodies are known as aquifers.

Groundwater Embargo Area

Previously known as Groundwater Protection Zone 2. The area has been declared by DIPNR as a combined buffer zone around the exclusion area and incorporates localities with known or suspected contamination from past industrial activity.

Groundwater Extraction Exclusion Area

An area around the known contamination plumes originating from the BIP (previously known as Groundwater Protection Zone 1). Within this area DIPNR has declared that no groundwater extraction should take place (unless with DIPNR’s permission) until further notice.

Heritage A term referring to Aboriginal and colonial archaeological sites and material remains.

Huntsman Corporation Australia Pty Ltd

Manufacturer of surfactants located on the BIP.

Hydrology The study of the behaviour of water in the atmosphere, on the surface of the earth and underground.

Hydrogeology Scientific considerations relating to geological formations, soil, surface water,

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Glossary of Terms

and especially groundwater. Hydraulic conductivity A coefficient of proportionality describing the rate at which water can move

through a permeable medium (e.g. an aquifer). Hydraulic containment Measures taken to lower the potentiometric surface and/or water table and

effect hydraulic capture of the contaminant plume. The use of a line of extraction wells pumping water out of the ground to form an effective barrier. This stops the groundwater moving past the barrier and contains the plumes.

Hydraulic gradient The change in total head in an aquifer, with the change in distance in a given direction. The steeper the ‘slope’ of the groundwater, the faster it should flow.

Infiltration The process of water entering the soil. Infrastructure Basic structure of fixed capital items to support the operation of a facility, e.g.

roads, drains, utilities (water, gas). In situ In the context of groundwater cleanup, this refers to performing the cleanup in

the ground. Inter-generational equity Principle whereby the present generation should ensure that the health,

diversity and productivity of the environment is maintained or enhanced for the benefit of future generations

Isotainer A bulk liquids tank container (typically 20 m3) designed to prevent spills or leaks during frequent transport movements through robust design. Designed to fit standard ISO (International Standards Organisation) sizes for transport containers.

Key Threatening Process

As defined under Section 220F of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 as a process that ‘adversely affects two or more threatened species, populations or ecological communities or causes the listing of a species, population or ecological community as threatened’.

Lamella filter A filter made up of a series of inclined plates designed to assist in the sedimentation (settling) of particles from solution.

LA90 Noise level exceeded for 90% of the 15 minute interval. Leq Equivalent continuous sound level in dB(A), i.e. the constant sound level that

has the same acoustic energy as the original fluctuating noise for the same period of time.

Lithology The geological (physical) character of a rock or soil. Maximum ground level (MGL) concentration

The maximum predicted concentration of a species, measured (or calculated) at ground level, at any position in the region of investigation.

Megawatt-hour A unit of energy equal to one million watts of power operating for one hour. Mollusc Invertebrae having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell i.e.

oyster, mussel Northern Plume Comprises five separate plumes (N1, N2, N3, N4 & N5) consisting

predominantly of EDC with maximum concentrations between 100 mg/L and 200 mg/L originating from the northern end of the BIP.

Off-gas Gas containing VOCs generated by the air stripping process, and is treated in the thermal oxidiser.

Performance indicator A comparison of actual conditions with a specific set of reference conditions. They measure the 'distance(s)' between the current environmental situation and the desired situation (target): 'distance to target' assessment.

Persistent A chemical which doesn’t break down in the environment into safe chemicals. pH Measure of alkalinity or acidity of an aqueous solution. Paleochannel Ancient river or drainage feature which has been infilled by younger


IV Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Glossary of Terms

Phytoplankton Free-floating microscopic organisms suspended in the water column. They produce organic material by photosynthesis and are responsible for a large proportion of primary productivity in the ocean.

Piezometer A well with a short slotted screen for measuring a potentiometric surface or elevation of the water table. Also used for collecting groundwater samples at a discrete depth.

Plume (atmospheric) The trail leading from a source as it disperses through the atmosphere, like from a smoke stack.

Plume (groundwater) A mass of contaminated water extending outward from the source of the contamination, similar to smoke from a smoke stack.

PM10 PM10 refers to that fraction of total suspended particulates with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 10 µm (10 microns, or one hundredth of a millimetre).

Potentiometric surface An imaginary surface representing the total head (or pressure) of groundwater and defined by the level to which water will rise in a well.

Primary Containment Area (PCA)

The Primary Containment Area is defined in the NCUA as Block 2 of Orica Southlands.

Project Area The land extending from the north of the BIP to Penrhyn Estuary and Foreshore Beach.

Qenos Pty Ltd Joint venture company formed by the merging of the polyethylene businesses of Exxon Mobil and Orica.

Quenching In the context of the thermal oxidiser, the rapid reduction in temperature by the addition of large quantities of liquid by spraying it into a hot gas. The cooling primarily occurs through the evaporation of the liquid.

Ramsar Australia is a contracting party to the Ramsar Convention on wetlands. This obliges us to designate and protect wetlands of international significance.

Reactive Iron Barrier In situ technology for the treatment of chlorinated solvents and other contaminants in groundwater via chemical reduction

Recharge The addition of water to an aquifer. Remnant vegetation A small fragmented portion of the former dominant vegetation which once

covered the area before being cleared for human land use. Reverse Osmosis A process for the removal of dissolved ions from water in which pressure is

used to force the water through a semi-permeable membrane which will transmit the water but filter out most other dissolved materials.

Riparian Riverine. Pertaining to a river bank. Scrubbers Equipment that washes a gas stream with liquid to effect the removal of a

substance from the gas. For the off-gas oxidiser, the gas from the thermal oxidiser (after hydrogen chloride removal in the acid absorbing column) is scrubbed with a caustic soda solution to remove residual hydrogen chloride and chlorine.

Secondary Containment Area (SCA)

The area defined in the NCUA as “the location where the EPA approved contaminant containment works upgradient of Botany Bay and Penrhyn Estuary, for the interception and containment of contaminant plumes that have migrated or may migrate beyond the primary containment area, are carried out”.

Section 90 Permit Approval under the National Parks and Wildlife Act, regarding consent to knowingly destroy, deface or damage, or knowingly cause or permit such damage to an Aboriginal artefact or place.

Steam stripping Steam is injected through the groundwater and used to ‘drive off’ the contaminants from the groundwater, and then condensed into a liquid for

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement v

Glossary of Terms

subsequent disposal/destruction. Sound Power Level Logarithmic measure of the sound power in comparison to the reference level

0 dB. Southern Plumes Comprised of three separate plumes (S1, S2 & S3) inferred to be derived from

the former Solvents Plant and the former TCE Plant. Spoil Soil available for use in earthworks. Spot height The elevation (in m AHD) of a point on a map. Stockholm Convention An international treaty to which all signatory parties would phase out the use

and manufacture of persistent organic pollutants including dioxins and furans. Stratigraphy The distribution, deposition and age of rock and soil strata. Sub-arterial road Road which connects arterial roads to areas of development or carry traffic

directly from one part of a region to another. Subsidence Movement of a structure due to change in the structural properties of the

underlying material. The change in groundwater level could lead to movement (collapse) of the soil.

Substation A premises where high-voltage supply is converted, controlled or transformed Sustainable Use The use of an organism, ecosystem or renewable resource at a rate within its

capacity for renewal Temperature inversion A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon where warm air gets

trapped beneath cold air, preventing circulation within the atmosphere. Terrestrial Of, or pertaining to the land Thermal oxidation Process of oxidising materials by raising the temperature of the material in the

presence of oxygen, and maintaining it at a high temperature for sufficient time to complete a reaction to carbon dioxide and water (and HCl where chlorinated hydrocarbons are present in the gas stream).

Threatened species A generic term for a plant or animal generally considered as vulnerable or endangered under various threatened species conservation laws. It is used to indicate that there is some level of threat as to the species viability in the wild.

Topographic Generally refers to a map showing lines of equal height (contours). Toxicity The degree to which a substance is harmful to human health. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)

Organic chemical with sufficiently low vapour pressure to become a gas at room temperature.

Water balance A method of reconciling all volumes entering or leaving a region, the root zone, or the groundwater system.

Water column A hypothetical cylinder of water from the surface of a water body to the bottom and within which physical and chemical properties can be measured.

Water table The top of the saturated zone where unconfined groundwater is under atmospheric pressure.

Weed Naturalised non-indigenous plant species that is undesirable in a specific location.

VI Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

ES Executive Summary

ES.1 Background to Botany Groundwater Cleanup (BGC) Project

From 1942 until 1998, ICI Australia Limited then a subsidiary of ICI plc of the UK manufactured a wide

range of chemicals on the Botany site now known as Botany Industrial Park (BIP). As a result of historical

manufacturing activities at that site, there is a legacy of groundwater contamination within the Botany

Sands Aquifer. This contamination occurred during a time when environmental consciousness, and

scientific knowledge about the potential impacts on the environment and standards, were less than they

are today. The operations that caused the contamination have long since been discontinued on the BIP.

In 1997 ICI plc sold its holding in ICI Australia, which was renamed Orica. In 1998 the BIP was subdivided

and is now occupied by various companies with manufacturing plants, including Orica. Orica retained

responsibility for environmental legacies at the site.

Orica has stated that it regrets the groundwater contamination caused in the past and that it is committed

to cleaning it up to prevent long-term environmental damage. Orica realises that many people are

concerned, and it is doing everything possible to address the groundwater contamination with the best

available technology.

Today, the groundwater contamination is present in several underground plumes, which have been

identified and are moving with the groundwater in a southwesterly direction toward Botany Bay. The most

concentrated of the plumes is centred beneath the Orica property known as Southlands, located on

McPherson Street, Banksmeadow.

If no action is taken to contain, recover and treat the contaminants in the groundwater, they will

increasingly pollute Penrhyn Estuary and possibly Botany Bay. Based on most recent monitoring, it is

estimated that high concentrations of contaminants could reach the upper extent of Penrhyn Estuary in

the first half of 2006. This would present potential risks to the recreational users in that area, the marine

environment and protected migratory shorebirds in Penrhyn Estuary.

The Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project (BGC Project) is urgently needed to prevent this from

happening. A key part of this project is the construction and operation of the Groundwater Treatment

Plant (GTP). The GTP requires approvals from relevant government authorities before construction and

operation can begin. These authorities will assess the proposal based on its merits and after considering

the responses received from the community.

The current project follows some 15 years of investigation, research and passive remediation. ICI

Australia, and later Orica, began investigating the contamination problem in 1989. Since that time, Orica

has been investigating and trialing a number of different remediation strategies under a Voluntary

Remediation Agreement (VRA) with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA). These strategies

have included bioremediation and reactive iron barriers.

In September 2003 the EPA issued Orica with a Notice of Clean Up Action (NCUA), which was amended

and consolidated in February 2004. The NCUA sets a framework and timeframe for Orica to contain the

contaminant plumes. Orica’s Groundwater Cleanup Plan (GCP), prepared in response to the NCUA,

resulted in the fast-tracking of a number of projects that focused on hydraulic containment. These include

interim containment and treatment, which is currently in operation.

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-1

Executive Summary

ES.2 Outline of the BGC Project

The broad objective of the BGC Project is to achieve hydraulic containment and reduction of the

contaminants in the groundwater in and around the BIP, to meet the requirements of the NCUA and stop

the plumes moving towards Penrhyn Estuary and Botany Bay. The Project Area is shown in Figure ES.1.

The key elements of the BGC Project are shown schematically in Figure ES.2, and involve:

the extraction of groundwater from the wells installed in the three containment lines (primary,

secondary and DNAPL);

transfer of groundwater via pipelines to the Groundwater Treatment Plant (GTP);

construction and operation of the GTP;

transfer of treated water via pipelines for reuse by process plants in the BIP or discharge to

Bunnerong Canal; and

installation of a discharge point into Bunnerong Canal.

The construction and operation of the GTP is a key part of the BGC Project.

Some of the infrastructure for the BGC Project has already been constructed, under approvals granted

earlier in 2004 by various government authorities as part of the interim containment works required to

enable Orica to meet its obligations under the NCUA. Other infrastructure will be constructed under

separate approvals.

ES.3 The Proponent

The proponent of the BGC Project is Orica Australia Pty Ltd (Orica). Orica is a major manufacturer of

industrial specialty chemicals, fertilisers, explosives and mining chemicals, and paints and consumer

products. Orica operates at several sites, including Botany, and employs some 1500 people in NSW.

ES.4 Planning Approvals Process

Under State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 – Remediation of Land (SEPP 55), the BGC Project

does not require development consent, because it is being undertaken to comply with the NCUA issued

by EPA. Instead, various elements of the BGC Project must be assessed under Part 5 of the Environment

Planning & Assessment Act (EP&A Act).

Activities assessed under Part 5 that are likely to significantly affect the environment are required to be

assessed in an environmental impact statement (EIS). Although only certain elements of the BGC Project

comprise an ‘Activity’ for the purposes of Part 5, the environmental impact of the overall BGC project is

assessed in this EIS. There are a number of determining authorities responsible for approving various

aspects of the BGC Project, as discussed in Chapter 6.

ES-2 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

In accordance with clause 73 of the Environment Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP&A

Regulation), the requirements for this EIS were sought from relevant government agencies. These

requirements, known as the Director-General’s Requirements (DGRs), have been addressed in this EIS.

The EIS will be publicly exhibited for a minimum of 30 days. The public exhibition period allows

stakeholders and the community to convey their views on the project to the determining authorities.

ES.5 Overview of the Project

The following is a high level overview of the key aspects of the BGC Project.

The project will use the proven technique of hydraulic containment to prevent the plumes moving

towards Penrhyn Estuary and Botany Bay.

The selected treatment technologies will achieve the critical timeline in the NCUA required to stop the


Selected treatment technologies to be used in the GTP are based on the use of best practice and

proven equipment, to achieve safe and effective destruction of the contaminants, and to control and

minimise emissions to air, including dioxins and furans.

The technology conforms to the principles of inherent safety, by minimising the inventory of

hazardous materials, and by operating at low pressures and low concentrations.

A systematic human health risk assessment undertaken in consultation with NSW Health as part of

the EIS indicates that the incremental risk from the operation of the GTP to the health of residents,

recreational users of areas surrounding the BIP, and BIP workers is negligible, even under worst case

scenarios. The analysis included an assessment of the potential impacts of long-term exposure to

trace levels of chemicals, such as dioxins, and found the human health impact to be negligible.

Groundwater will be treated to achieve a water quality suitable for reuse as process water for the BIP

and nearby users, thereby reducing the demand on Sydney’s townswater supply.

Emissions to atmosphere from the GTP will meet best practice, stringent air quality emission


The preliminary hazard analysis undertaken as part of this EIS concluded that the potential project

risks comply with the relevant DIPNR risk guidelines.

Preventing contaminants moving towards Penrhyn Estuary and Botany Bay will lead to an

improvement in the commercial, recreational and ecological activities in the foreshore area. Flora and

fauna are unlikely to be significantly affected.

The project incorporates an extensive monitoring program to assess the effectiveness of the hydraulic

containment throughout the project lifetime.

There is negligible land subsidence risk to residential or commercial structures as a result of the

contaminated groundwater extraction.

Energy efficiency measures have been taken into account to minimise greenhouse gas emissions.

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-5

Executive Summary

Even considering existing and proposed industrial and other developments in the area, no significant

cumulative impacts from the project were identified.

The project is consistent with the principles of Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD),

because it is designed to clean up past contamination legacies for the benefit of current and future

generations in the local communities.

The project will involve the implementation of a range of environmental management measures to

monitor and minimise the impact on the environment throughout the life of the project.

Measures will be put in place to minimise waste generation, and waste will be controlled via a

comprehensive waste management program.

The project will not generate unacceptable levels of noise or cause traffic congestion on local or

arterial roads. Visual impact will be low.

ES.6 Need for the BGC Project

The BGC Project is necessary to address the potential impacts of groundwater contamination on the

environment of Botany Bay and Penrhyn Estuary. Without the proposed containment and treatment, high

levels of the contaminants are likely to eventually discharge into Botany Bay.

Using best practice techniques and processes, the BGC Project seeks to:

achieve the required level of groundwater containment;

achieve the required reduction of the concentration of contaminants in the groundwater;

clean up the contaminant plumes;

minimise air emissions and generation of waste, according to ‘best practice’ design standards; and

undertake sufficient monitoring to identify changes in contaminant concentrations and spatial

distribution of the contaminants and groundwater levels, to optimise the effectiveness of the hydraulic


ES.7 Alternatives

In order to identify the best technical solution for handling the extracted groundwater, an extensive review

of the locations, treatment techniques and performance requirements was carried out. The following key

objectives were considered mandatory in assessing alternative technologies for treatment:

The technology must be proven and safe.

The technology must be able to handle a large volume of groundwater (up to 15 ML/day) with low

concentrations of contaminants (0.02% w/w).

The technology must be able to meet the air and water emission specifications.

ES-6 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

The technology must achieve a critical start-up timeline that stops the plumes in time.

For the BGC Project, best practice is required, particularly in relation to meeting strict air and marine

discharge standards and a high destruction efficiency of contaminants.

Orica reviewed available technologies and identified air stripping with thermal oxidation or steam stripping

as candidate technologies. These options were analysed by the international engineering consultants

Aker Kvaerner, and were found to be technically feasible. Orica further refined these reviews and

selected air stripping with thermal oxidation as its preferred option. The key reasons for this selection


its proven performance in groundwater treatment;

there is no intermediate storage of a hazardous, flammable liquid; and

the thermal oxidiser represents ‘Best Available Technology' as defined by the European Commission

and the United Nations Environment Program for the destruction of CHCs in this type of application.

An independent review by an international remediation expert from URS, carried out as part of the EIS,

identified three alternatives of equal ranking:

air stripping with thermal oxidation;

steam stripping with thermal oxidation; and

steam stripping with thermal pyrolysis (e.g. plasma arc)

This validated Orica’s choice of preferred technology.

The thermal oxidiser proposed will be designed to achieve greater than 99.99% contaminant destruction

efficiency and to satisfy the best practice air emission standards. The selected technology will meet

Australia’s obligations for the minimisation of dioxin and furan emissions under the Stockholm


The most suitable site for establishing the GTP was found to be the former Silicates Plant site within the

BIP. The logistics of transporting the huge quantities of groundwater (equivalent to 15 Olympic pools per

day) precluded off-site treatment options for the GTP. In addition, off-site treatment was not feasible

because there is no suitable existing plant that can treat the volume of groundwater required, and Orica

considered that it was not feasible to identify an off-site location for a new plant, and gain the relevant

approvals, in the required timeframe.

Similarly, it was not considered possible to send the extracted contaminants to an off-site facility, because

there is inadequate capacity available. The Basel Convention precludes sending the contaminants for

treatment and disposal overseas. Extended storage of the extracted contaminants would require

significant storage with associated increased risk. The Basel Convention requires destruction at the place

of generation where practical.

A number of options were considered for the management and disposal of the 15 ML/day of treated

groundwater. Reinjection into the aquifer is not preferred, as there are significant challenges in performing

this reliably without disturbing the aquifer and causing flooding. Discharge into the sewer system is not

feasible, because the sewer does not have adequate spare capacity. Reuse of the treated water by users

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-7

Executive Summary

on the BIP was identified as the preferred option, as it provides a sustainable outcome by reducing the

demand from Sydney Water supply. The excess volume that cannot be taken up for reuse would be

safely discharged to Botany Bay.

ES.7.1 ‘Do Nothing’ Option

The ‘do nothing’ option would mean that groundwater could not be extracted at the rates required (some

15 ML/day) to contain the plumes and to provide treatment of this volume of groundwater. It may be

possible to continue with the interim measure already in place, but this would be limited to 2 ML/day and

would not provide adequate long-term protection.

The ‘do nothing’ option would result in high levels of contaminants reaching Penrhyn Estuary and Botany

Bay, leading to:

a potential increase in the impact on the terrestrial and marine flora and fauna in the Foreshore

Beach and Penrhyn Estuary ecosystems, which could affect the migratory shorebirds;

a potential increase in the risks to human health for recreational users on the foreshore and within

Botany Bay, and potential diminished quality of life for residents and workers in the area; and

failure to achieve the aims of the NCUA.

The ‘do nothing’ option would be socially, environmentally and legally unacceptable.

ES.8 Project Description

ES.8.1 Extraction Wells and Pipelines

Groundwater will be extracted by a submersible pump suspended inside each well, discharging into the

transfer pipeline leading to the GTP. Extraction rates are designed to be adjustable, and responsive to

changes in groundwater flow patterns and reducing contamination levels over time.

Monitoring wells will be installed along the containment lines for sampling and measurement, to assess

and optimise the effectiveness of the hydraulic containment and extraction of the contaminant plumes.

The transfer pipelines are 150 mm in diameter and are designed to minimise potential points of leakage.

All aboveground pipelines are within Orica owned land. Underground pipes (used when crossing non-

Orica land) use dual-contained pipes for additional integrity and leak protection.

ES.8.2 Groundwater Treatment Process

A 3D visual simulation of the GTP is shown in Figure ES.3. The proposed process to treat the extracted

groundwater is shown in Figure ES.4. The GTP has been designed for continuous operation to treat up

to 15 ML/day for about 30 years. The process consists of four key stages.

ES-8 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

Feed Pre-Treatment

The extracted groundwater will be dosed with hydrochloric acid to minimise the potential for fouling in the

air strippers. The hydrochloric acid will be generated in the GTP off-gas treatment unit.

Air Stripping

The volatile contaminants will be removed from the groundwater by air stripping, where air is blown

upwards through a falling column of groundwater in an enclosure. This produces an off-gas stream

containing the volatiles from the groundwater.

Off-Gas Treatment

The contaminants in the off-gas will be destroyed using thermal oxidation, where they react with oxygen

at high temperature to produce carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen chloride. The operating temperature

will be 1000°C, with a residence time of two seconds to achieve greater than 99.99% contaminant

destruction and to match world’s best practice for dioxin control. Natural gas will be used in the oxidiser to

maintain the required operating temperature.

The hot gases coming out of the thermal oxidiser will be cooled by generating steam in a waste heat

boiler and pre-heating the off-gas from the air stripping units (achieving some energy recovery), followed

by a rapid quench with weak acid to quickly reduce the temperature through the ‘de novo’ zone to

minimise the chance of dioxin formation.

The cooled gas will then pass through an acid absorbing column to produce weak hydrochloric acid (for

use in feed pre-treatment), then through a caustic scrubbing unit to remove any trace hydrogen chloride

or chlorine, before discharge through a stack about 20 m tall.

Stripped Water Treatment

Stripped water from the air stripping process will undergo iron removal (by the addition of caustic soda

and filtration) followed by removal of trace organic compounds (e.g. phenols) using activated carbon.

About 10 ML/day of this water will undergo further treatment using reverse osmosis (RO) to remove salt,

so that the water can be reused on the BIP and elsewhere. This will produce a salty wastewater stream of

about 2.5 ML/day.

The 5 ML/day of excess treated water that does not pass through the RO unit will be combined with the

2.5 L/day of salty wastewater. This combined stream will undergo further treatment to remove organic

acids (e.g. acetic acid) and ammonia. This water will then meet the ANZECC Marines Guidelines to allow

discharge into Botany Bay, via Bunnerong Canal and Brotherson Dock using a refurbished underground

pipeline and a newly constructed outlet.

In the event that the demand on the BIP is lower than predicted (e.g. during maintenance periods) the

unused water would also be diverted to Brotherson Dock via the discharge pipeline.

Orica will continue to seek additional users of the treated water and will expand the RO treatment

capacity as required.

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-11

Executive Summary

ES.8.3 Process Control

Groundwater extraction, transfer, treatment in the GTP and discharge will be operated as an integrated

process, with an automatic computer control system installed to ensure operation within design

parameters. The control system will be located within a dedicated Control Room, with operators based

permanently at the GTP to carry out regular inspections, and to respond to plant upsets.

A separate, high integrity safety shutdown system will be installed, so that in the event of an abnormal

condition being detected, the GTP would be shut down, isolating all feeds and stopping all discharges.

ES.8.4 Construction


The target construction completion date for the GTP is August 2005. The key milestones required to meet

this target, subject to approvals being obtained, are shown in Table ES.1.

Table ES.1 Construction timing

Timing Activity

February– April 2005 Civil foundations and structural steel works

May August 2005 Equipment, piping, instrumentation and electrical works

August October 2005 Plant commissioning and operation

Before starting construction of the GTP, minor demolition to clear and level the GTP site will occur.

The estimated construction workforce for the GTP is likely to range from about 28 at the start of

construction to a peak of around 115 over the nine month construction period.

ES.8.5 Decommissioning

Whilst the treatment of contaminated groundwater is expected to cease after approximately 30 years,

Orica may continue to treat groundwater from other sources, if available, to provide clean water to

industrial users. In the event that this activity is not pursued, the BGC Project and the GTP would be

decommissioned in consultation with the EPA.

ES-12 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

ES.9 Consultation

ES.9.1 Government Consultation

There has been extensive consultation with relevant authorities and agencies throughout the investigation

and assessment of the groundwater contamination issue since the early 1990s.

Consultation during the environmental impact assessment process included a planning focus meeting

with government agencies, and discussions with the following authorities:

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR);

Environment Protection Authority (EPA), part of Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC);

NSW Health;

South East Sydney Public Health Unit (SESPHU);

Council of the City of Botany Bay (CCBB);

Sydney Ports Corporation (SPC);

NSW Waterways Authority (now NSW Maritime Authority);

NSW Fisheries;

NSW Roads and Traffic Authority;

NSW Rail Corp; and

Sydney Water Corporation (SWC).

ES.9.2 Community Consultation

Orica has been engaged in community consultation regarding the groundwater contamination since it was

discovered, through an extensive program designed to inform all stakeholders of actions and activities

being undertaken and to provide the opportunity for effective comment and participation throughout the

process. The process utilises various communications channels including:

the Community Liaison Committee (CLC);

the Orica Botany Groundwater website, at;

quarterly newsletters distributed throughout the suburbs neighbouring the Orica site;

a regular Orica column in the Southern Courier newspaper presenting information on progress with

the project; and

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-13

Executive Summary

an on-site communications team contactable by telephone or email (with details regularly


Four EIS workshops were organised during the preparation of the EIS. Invitations to the workshops were

extended to all interested stakeholders, including members of the CLC, members of the local

communities, representatives of community groups, local industries and non-governmental organisations.

Aside from the EIS workshops, a number of meetings and teleconferences were conducted with specific

organisations (National Toxics Network, Greenpeace and the Council of the City of Botany Bay) to

understand the particular issues and concerns that they and their associated members may have about

the BGC Project, and to ensure that these issues were addressed in the EIS.

Under the Community Relations Plan developed for the BGC Project, consultation and communication

with the local communities will be maintained throughout the life of the project.

ES.10 Environmental Impact Assessment

Detailed scientific and environmental studies were undertaken by technical experts as part of this EIS to

enable the potential impacts of the BGC Project to be understood and assessed These studies are

included in the EIS as appendices. The findings of studies, assessment of impacts and the identification

of safeguards are presented in this EIS and are summarised below.

ES.10.1 Land Use

The BGC Project will be compatible with industrial development already existing in the Banksmeadow

industrial area and will not affect existing land uses within the Project Area. In addition, the successful

completion of the project could eventually lead to lifting of DIPNR’s current restrictions on use of the

groundwater in the area, and to an alleviation of concerns relating to recreational activities in and around

Foreshore Beach, which would have a positive impact on surrounding land uses and improved amenity.

ES.10.2 Geology, Soils and Geotechnical

Geotechnical studies indicate that the GTP site would provide suitable support for shallow foundations

and pavements. Assessment of soil at the GTP site found that concentrations of metals, hydrocarbons

and chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) are very low and that potential risks to human health and the

environment during or after construction are therefore considered to be negligible.

The potential for erosion and sedimentation during construction of the GTP and off-site infrastructure

would be minimised by employing a Soil & Water Management Plan before and during construction. Due

to the potential for acid sulphate soils (ASS) to be present within the BGC Project area, an ASS

Management Plan will be developed for implementation, should ASS be encountered during construction.

ES-14 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

ES.10.3 Hydrogeology

The operation of the BGC Project is designed to alter the existing groundwater flow regime so that

contaminated groundwater is contained before it enters Penrhyn Estuary and Botany Bay.

Computer modelling has been used to determine the optimal layout and operation of groundwater

extraction wells for the cleanup of the groundwater. The results of the modelling have illustrated that the

proposed groundwater extraction well network would be successful in satisfying the requirements for

hydraulic containment of the plumes as described in the NCUA.

One consequence of the groundwater extraction will be a 15% reduction of the total groundwater

discharge into Botany Bay. The rate of groundwater discharge to Penrhyn Estuary will reduce, and the

contaminant levels in that discharge will eventually decline. It is likely that there will be no dry weather

flow in Springvale and Floodvale Drains.

Groundwater extraction and transfer via pipelines to the GTP will be managed and optimised through a

monitoring regime to minimise any potential impacts and to maintain the effectiveness of the hydraulic

containment and groundwater treatment.

Potential subsidence impacts have been assessed and are concluded to be negligible. Orica proposes to

monitor subsidence at relevant locations.

ES.10.4 Water Quality and Wastewater

Construction works will generate small quantities of wastewater from the commissioning of wells. This

contaminated groundwater will be collected by a licensed waste contractor and transferred to existing

bunded tanks prior to treatment at the BIP.

The GTP has been designed to achieve the water quality standards to enable reuse of the treated water

on both the BIP and by other users, and to ensure that there is no negative impact from the discharges of

excess water to Brotherson Dock.

Orica has identified demand for about two-thirds of the available treated water. Treatment capacity will be

installed to meet current reuse demand, with room for expansion to meet future requirements. Orica has

in-principle approval from the NSW Government to recycle and make the treated water available for sale

to other industrial users. Orica will continue to work with relevant authorities and other potential users of

the treated groundwater to maximise the level of reuse, thus reducing the demand on Sydney’s water


ES.10.5 Hydrology

Assessment of potential surface hydrology impacts determined that the GTP would have negligible effect

on current flood levels along Springvale Drain, both upstream and downstream of the site, up to the 1 in

100 year Average Return Interval (flood) event.

The treated water discharges to Bunnerong Canal will not result in any significant effects on flood levels.

There will be no detrimental effects on sediment transport and erosion in the canal.

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-15

Executive Summary

A Soil and Water Management Plan (SWMP) will be developed for the construction and operational

phases to minimise contaminated runoff from the site.

Potentially contaminated stormwater from the GTP site will be retained within either containment bunds or

the first-flush pit system, to prevent discharge during stormwater events. The retained stormwater (equal

to the volume from the first 15 mm of rain) will be analysed and treated before discharge into either the

GTP feed or the sewer.

All underground sections of the groundwater collection pipes have dual-containment and leak detection.

Regular inspection of the aboveground sections of the transfer pipes will ensure no uncontrolled

discharge of contaminated groundwater to the environment.

ES.10.6 Waste

A Waste Management Plan (WMP) will be developed prior to the construction and operation of the GTP

to optimise the reduction, recycling and reuse of waste materials during the project. The amount of waste

generated during the construction of the GTP will be small. Soil generated during construction of wells will

be collected, dewatered and analysed before disposal.

The principal solid wastes generated by operation of the GTP comprise the spent activated carbon (if it

cannot be regenerated) and dewatered solid waste (from the iron removal and organic acid and ammonia

removal units). Analyses will be undertaken to confirm whether these wastes are suitable for safe

disposal to landfill. Ongoing monitoring of the waste streams will be undertaken according to a program

developed in the WMP to ensure ongoing suitability for landfill disposal.

ES.10.7 Traffic and Transportation

The traffic associated with the construction and operation of the BGC Project will lead to very minor

increases on arterial and sub-arterial road traffic volumes, which are not considered significant. Local

roads will not be used. Therefore, any increases in traffic as a result of the project will not affect local

traffic or the availability of parking on local streets. Transport of the recovered waste EDC liquid,

temporarily stored at Terminals Pty Ltd’s facility at Port Botany, to the BIP will be undertaken using

designated access routes, in accordance with the Botany Local Environment Plan 1995.

ES.10.8 Energy and Greenhouse Gases

The overall design of the BGC Project incorporates energy efficiency design criteria while still achieving

best practice destruction efficiencies of the extracted contaminants. Energy use during the construction

phase, mainly of fuel, is not expected to be significant. The electrical energy use has been estimated to

be equivalent to about 22,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) a year. The operation of the thermal

oxidiser is estimated to be equivalent to about 33,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

ES-16 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

ES.10.9 Visual Impact Assessment

The BGC Project is located within an existing industrial development with large manufacturing plants that

include highly visible industrial features such as storage tanks, cooling towers, boiler stacks and

distillation columns.

Within this context, the GTP and associated off-site infrastructure will have a low level of visibility across

all elements of the BGC Project, during both construction and operation.

ES.10.10 Flora and Fauna

The project infrastructure is on developed areas with little native vegetation. Only the heavily disturbed

and contaminated Southlands site contains potential fauna habitats. Wells and an aboveground pipeline

will be located on Southlands. The site may become less boggy due to groundwater interception. The

threatened green and golden bell frog has been recorded on this site in the past, but no permanent

population is present.

Hydraulic containment will reduce groundwater entering Penrhyn Estuary and the eastern end of

Foreshore Beach. In addition, the existing dry weather flows in Floodvale and Springvale Drains, which

discharge into Penrhyn Estuary, are likely to stop. Little is known of the effects of interception of

groundwater on marine communities; however, it is predicted to lead to changes in the species of benthic

invertebrates that occur in the intertidal and subtidal areas close to shore. The single, sparse intertidal

seagrass bed may be at risk due to drying at low tide.

Penrhyn Estuary is the only feeding and roosting area for threatened and migratory shorebirds remaining

in northern Botany Bay. While the species of invertebrate prey are expected to change, the overall

abundance of invertebrates, and therefore potential food, is expected to be maintained. Shorebirds are

expected to adapt to the change in invertebrate prey species, as they are known to readily switch prey

due to their migratory habit.

Removal of groundwater may create conditions more favourable to saltmarsh than mangrove habitat.

Species composition of the existing saltmarsh is predicted to shift towards the more salt-tolerant species

such as Sarcornia, which provides a preferred roosting habitat for shorebirds. Monitoring will be

undertaken to assess impacts and the need for management.

ES.10.11 Heritage

The Project Area has been significantly previously disturbed, with no current or past evidence of any

Aboriginal relics or Aboriginal places. No known non-Indigenous heritage items will be affected.

ES.10.12 Air Quality

There is a significant buffer distance between the GTP site and nearby residential areas. This factor,

combined with dust control by limited water spraying during construction, will mean that dust emissions

from construction will not be expected to result in off-site nuisance impacts.

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-17

Executive Summary

The GTP will be designed to meet strict air quality emission limits matching the best performance from

around the world. In particular, the dioxin emission limits will equal the world’s strictest values.

To assess the impact of the GTP operation on ambient air quality, a detailed atmospheric dispersion

modelling study was undertaken. This indicated that, even if the GTP was operating at the maximum

allowable emission limits (worst case), the GTP would not be expected to have a significant impact on air

quality in the surrounding area. The maximum ground level concentration of oxides of nitrogen (NOx),

sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), particulates, chlorine (Cl2), hydrogen chloride (HCl) and

organics (including ethylene dichloride (EDC), vinyl chloride (VC) and benzene) are below the accepted

level for no impact.

Two abnormal (worst case) operating scenarios were considered, which involve the simultaneous failure

of numerous measurements, controls and trips This is estimated to occur once in 50,000 years. For both

these scenarios, there are no exceedances leading to health concerns.

The GTP will be continuously monitored for a range of process parameters to ensure optimum

performance, including air stripper flows and temperatures and thermal oxidiser temperature, quench and

scrubbing performance. Air emissions will be continuously monitored for key measurements including HCl

and EDC. Periodic laboratory analysis will validate the performance. The human health impacts of air

emissions from the GTP are assessed in the human health risk assessment chapter (Chapter 24).

ES.10.13 Preliminary Hazard Analysis

The risk associated with the GTP has been assessed and compared against the DIPNR risk criteria

through the process of a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). This analysis shows that the risk complies

with DIPNR guidelines for tolerable fatality, injury, irritation and societal risk. The impact on the

cumulative risk in the Botany/Randwick Industrial Area from releases is also acceptable. These

conclusions apply to risks both on-site (neighbouring industrial facilities) and off-site (residential areas

and other sensitive receivers).

The primary reasons for the low risk levels are the low inventory of hazardous material, low pressures

and concentrations, and the distance to nearby facilities and residences.

The risk associated with the wells and pipelines is negligible because the materials are non-hazardous.

The system is designed to minimise the chance of leaks.

The PHA will be reviewed throughout the project design stage via the HAZOP methodology and updated

in the Final Hazard Analysis.

ES.10.14 Human Health Risk Assessment

Risks to human health associated with the construction and operation of the GTP have been evaluated

using a systematic, standardised approach as outlined in guidance provided by enHealth (2002). This

includes the identification of key issues, evaluation and quantification of exposure, evaluation and

quantification of hazards or chemical toxicity, and the characterisation of risk.

The calculation of risks was based on highly conservative assumptions developed in consultation with

DEC and NSW Health.

ES-18 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

The prescribed human health risk assessment is very detailed, providing a systematic review of many

aspects of the BGC Project, the surrounding areas and key aspects associated with chemicals that

require evaluation. The health risk assessment provided an evaluation of incremental risk to human

health associated with the BGC Project, including the long-term impact of trace levels of dioxins emitted

from the GTP. While the study shows the impact of this project on community health, it cannot effectively

review the wider community health status, since this is dependent on many individual factors, including

age, family history (genetic make-up) and lifestyle choices such as sports, diet and consumption of drugs

(particularly tobacco and alcohol).

The exposure routes considered a range of scenarios, such as residents living near the BIP, school

children, workers on- and off-site, and users of the nearby athletics field. Emissions from the BGP Project

were conservatively evaluated under worst case (abnormal) operating conditions.

The assessment indicates that incremental risk to the health of residents, recreational users of areas

surrounding the BIP, and workers from the operation of the GTP is negligible for both short- and long-

term exposure to all emissions.

Operational conditions (assessed for normal and worst case scenario releases) have been based on

estimated emissions from the GTP. These emissions are expected to be conservative, and once the GTP

is operational, should be monitored and re-evaluated against the assumptions used in the health risk


ES.10.15 Socio-Economics

The construction phase of the BGC Project is expected to have short-term direct positive impacts on the

local economy, through the injection of capital investment of $86 million and the creation of 53 full-time

equivalent jobs (with a peak of 115 jobs for two months) over the construction period. A team of 10 skilled

process operators will be employed on the GTP. There is also an associated increase in potential

household spending and demand for goods and services in the local area. Construction activities will also

generate indirect jobs, which in turn have induced effects that will filter through the economy.

The BGC Project will have the significant positive benefit of avoiding the discharge of the contaminant

plumes into Penrhyn Estuary, in turn avoiding the significant potential impacts on the commercial,

recreational and ecological activities within the area. As an additional benefit, the quality of the treated

groundwater will be such that it can be reused by BIP and nearby users, thereby reducing the demand on

the Sydney’s water supply, a particular benefit in the current drought conditions.

ES.10.16 Noise

A noise study has been carried out by an independent acoustic noise consultant to ensure that the BGC

Project will comply with statutory and BIP noise requirements. The GTP will be located within the BIP and

will comply with the stringent noise emission criteria set down in the Environmental Protection Licence

issued by the EPA to Orica. The GTP will be subject to further noise evaluation during the detailed design

stages, and noise testing will be undertaken during commissioning to verify that all noise criteria are met.

The statutory requirements for occupational noise exposure level will also be complied with. The GTP will

be designed in accordance with BIP engineering requirements for cumulative effects of additional plant on

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-19

Executive Summary

the BIP. While no specific operational noise criteria apply to the associated off-site infrastructure, such as

extraction wells and pipelines, these will also to be covered by the GTP noise design goals.

Construction activities for the BGC Project are not anticipated to result in any significant noise impact at

sensitive receptors. Similarly, noise impacts are not anticipated as a result of traffic arising from either the

construction or the operation of the BGC Project, given the relatively small amount of additional traffic that

will be generated when compared with the existing traffic levels on Denison Street and the surrounding

road network.

ES.10.17 Cumulative Impacts

The potential cumulative impacts of the BGC Project with existing and proposed major developments in

the Botany area have been considered. No significant cumulative impacts have been identified.

Therefore, the potential cumulative effect of the BGC Project with other existing or proposed

developments in the area is considered to be low.

ES.11 Environmental Management

An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be developed and implemented for the BGC Project, in

accordance with the management and monitoring measures set out in this EIS, statutory requirements

and the conditions of approval for the BGC Project. The EMP will incorporate the mitigation measures

discussed in the EIS.

Environmental monitoring will be a fundamental component of both the construction and operation EMPs

for the BGC Project. Orica has committed to undertake regular environmental performance reporting, and

will investigate the establishment of an independent monitoring process with community representation to

provide stakeholders with assurance of the performance of the project.

Implementation of the environmental management and monitoring requirements identified in the EIS will

ensure that the impact on the physical, social and economic environments of the BGC Project will be


ES.12 Ecologically Sustainable Development

The BGC Project is focused on the principles of ESD, because it is designed to clean up the legacy

groundwater contamination for the benefit of current and future generations in the local communities.

ES.13 Project Justification

The BGC Project is designed to meet the requirements of the NCUA, by achieving hydraulic containment

of the plumes to prevent discharge from the groundwater into Penrhyn Estuary and Botany Bay, and to

remove and destroy the contaminants safely and effectively.

Hydraulic containment is a proven technique for groundwater cleanup. The selected treatment

technologies to be used in the GTP are based on best practice and proven equipment to achieve effective

ES-20 Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary

destruction of the contaminants, and to control and minimise emissions to air, including dioxins and


The treatment technologies have also been selected to ensure that the groundwater treatment achieves a

water quality that meets a combination of relevant standards for reuse as process water, thereby reducing

demand on Sydney’s townswater supply.

The BGC Project also incorporates an extensive monitoring program, to continually assess the

effectiveness of the containment and treatment throughout the project lifetime.

While the BGC Project will have significant environmental benefits, it is recognised that it will also have

some unavoidable environmental impacts. These are relatively minor, and have to be balanced against

the impacts that would occur if the containment and treatment were not implemented and uncontrolled

groundwater contaminant discharge occurred. A range of mitigation measures has been identified to

minimise the impact on the environment. The environmental performance of the BGC Project will be

monitored to ensure that the adopted environmental standards are met and maintained.

Based on the assessment in this EIS, undertaking the BGC Project in the manner proposed is justifiable,

taking into consideration potential environmental, health, economic and social impacts and the principles

of ESD.

Botany Groundwater Cleanup Project – Environmental Impact Statement ES-21