study guide for latin 2 national latin exam

Study Guide for Latin 2 National Latin Exam

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Study Guide for Latin 2 National Latin Exam. Nouns: . Declensions 1st ,2nd and 3rd 1st D2nd Mas2nd Neu3rd M/F 3rd Neu 4th M/F 4th Neu 5th a us/r um --- ---us ūēs ae īī is is ūs ūs eī ae ō ōī ī uī ūeī am umum em --- um ūem ā ō ōee ūūē - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Study Guide for Latin 2 National Latin Exam I. LANGUAGE Nouns: Declensions 1st ,2nd and 3rd 1st D 2nd Mas 2nd Neu 3rd M/F 3rd Neu 4th M/F 4th Neu 5th a us/r um --- --- us s ae is is s s e ae u e am um um em --- um em e e ae a s a s ua s rum rum rum um um uum uum rum s s s ibus ibus ibus ibus bus s s a s a s ua s s s s ibus ibus ibus ibus bus

Study Guide for Latin 2 National Latin Exam


Declensions 1st ,2nd and 3rd 1st D2nd Mas2nd Neu3rd M/F 3rd Neu 4th M/F 4th Neu 5tha us/r um --- ---us sae is is s s eae u eam umum em --- um em ee ae as a s ua srum rum rum um um uum uum rumss s ibus ibus ibus ibus busss as a s ua sss s ibus ibus ibus ibus bus

1 Nominative: -subject and predicate nominative2 Genitive: -possession (of, s, s); 3 Dative: -indirect object (to/for) verbs of giving, saying, showing, telling, entrusting4 Accusative: -direct object -duration of time: e.g. sex dis = for six days -extent of space: e.g. 10 feet deep -accusative-infinitive construction (Indirect statement)-object of the following prepositions: ad to, toward, near ante before, in front of circum -aroundin into, onto, against per -through post after, behindcontra -against inter-between, among prope -neartrns across ob on account of propter because of 5 Ablative: -ablative of means -no Latin preposition= by means of, with, by-ablative of time - no Latin preposition; e.g. in the summer, at dawn-ablative of agent w/passive verbs- use /ab = by-ablative absolute with the noun verbing/having been verbed-object of the following prepositions (SID SPACE)Sub -underSine withoutIn in, on Pr- on behalf of, forD- about, down from Ab/ away from, from Cum- with Ex/ out of, out from6 Vocative: -direct address used in questions and commands; oftenpunctuated with , ! or ?Pronouns: -personal: ego, t, ns, vs I/meYou/youWe/us You/youNomego t ns vsGen me tu nstrum vestrumDat mihi tibi nbs vbsAcc mt ns vsAbl mtnbs vbs -relative: qu, quae, quod who, which, whose, whom Nom Squ quaequodGen S cuius cuius cuiusDat S cui cui cuiAcc S quem quam quodAbl S qu qu quNom plqu quae quaeGen pl qurum qurum qurumDat pl quibusquibusquibusAcc pl qus qus qua Abl pl quibusquibusquibus -interrogative: quis, quid (uses ? mark) Who? what? Nom S quisquisquidGen S cuius cuius cuiusDat S cui cui cuiAcc Squem quem quidAbl S qu qu quNom pl qu quae quaeGen pl qurum qurum qurumDat plquibusquibusquibusAcc pl qusqus quaeAbl plquibusquibusquibus

-reflexive: me, tu, nostrum, vestrum, su - self (refers back to subject) me tu nostrumvestrum su of selfMihi tibi nbs vbs sibi to/for selfm t ns vs s selfm t nbsvbs sby/with/fromself

-demonstratives: hic, ille, isThis/these That/those He She It (also this/that)hic haechoc ille illa illud is eaidhuius huius huiusillius illius illius eiuseiuseiushuichuichuic ill ill ill e e ehunc hanc hoc illum illam illud eumeam idhc hc hc ill illill eee hhae haec ill illaeilla e eae eahrumhrum hrumillrum illrum illrum erumerumerumhs hs hs ills ills ills es es eshs hshaecillsillsilla es es eahs hs hs ills ills ills es es es

Adjectives: Declensions 1st ,2nd, 3rd (masc, fem and neuter) positive formFemMasNeu MasFemNeua us/rum -/is/e -/is/e -/eae is is isae am um um em em -/e ae a ssiarum rum rum ium ium iums s s ibusibusibusssa ssias s s ibusibusibus

-noun and adjective agreement = number, gender and case (dont have to match declensions) -interrogative: quot =how many -degrees: positive, comparative, superlative in all 3 declensionspositive: (tall) --altus, a, um (1st/2nd Decl) or (brave,strong)-- fortis, e (3rd Decl)comparative: (taller, more tall, rather tall) ----altior, altioris (all comparatives are 3rd declension) (M/F) ----altius, altioris (neuter)superlative: (tallest, very tall, most tall) altissimus, a um; fortissimus, a, um (all in 1st/2nd declension) variant superlatives: words which end in r errimus instead of issimus (celerrimus) words which end in l illimus instead of issimus (facillimus)


Cardinal numbers 1-10; unus, duo, tres/tria, quattuor, quinque, sex, septem, octo, novem, decem 100 centum and 1000- milleRoman numerals 1-100: I (1), V(5), X(10), L(50), C(100), D(500), M(1000)Ordinals:1st-10th: primus, secundus, tertius, quartus, quintus, sextus, septimus, octavus, nonus, decimus

Adverbs: degrees: positive, comparative, superlative-positive forms-formation 1st/2nd: replace with = pulchr = beautifully-formation 3rd Decl:add ter or iter to the stem.- comparative: add ius to the base (any declension) e.g. fortius more bravely-superlative: add issim, errim or illim to the base e.g. fortissim = most/very bravely

-interrogatives:cur, (why?) ubi (where?) quomodo (how?) quando (when?)-irregulars: bene (well), optim (best) male (badly) pessim (worst)Conjunctions: aut, (or) et (and) quod (because)sed (but)ubi (when) neque, (and not/neither/nor), (both and) neque...neque (neithernor) autaut (eitheror) postquam; (afterwards) quamquam; (although) necnec (neithernor)

Enclitic: -ne (indicates a yes/no question do not use with question word like how, when, who, etc) -que (attach on the second of the 2 words/phrases; puer puellaeque (boys and girls) - cum (attach to pronouns-e.g. tcum = with you)

Verbs: Translations: Present: I verb; I do verb; I am verbingImperfect: I was verbing; I used to verb Future: I shall/will verbPerfect:I have verbed; I verbed; I did verbPluperfect: I had verbedFuture Perfect: I shall/will have verbed

Passive Verbs: Translations: Present, Imperfect, Future, Perfect, Pluperfect , Future Perfect Present: I am verbed; I am being verbedImperfect: I was being verbed; I used to be verbed;I was verbedFuture: I shall/will be verbedPerfect: I have been verbed; I was verbed Pluperfect: I had been verbedFuture Perfect: I shall/will have been verbed Subjunctive ActivePresent Imp Fut1/2;3/4 Prfct PluFut PerfI- -bam -b-am - -eram -erYou-s -bs-bis-s -ist -ers -eriss/he -t -bat-bit-et -it-erat -eritWe-mus-bmus -bimus-mus -imus -ermus -erimusYou -tis -btis -bitis tis-istis -ertis-eritisThey-nt -bant -bunt-ent-runt -erant -erintPassive presentimperfect fut1/2;3/4 perfect pluperfect, -(o)r-bar -bor -ar 4pp+sum 4pp + eram-ris -bris -beris -ris 4pp + es 4pp + ers-tur -btur -bitur -tur4pp+est 4pp+erat-mur -bmur -bimur-mur 4pp+sumus 4pp+ ermus-min -bmin -bimin /-min4pp+estis 4pp+ertis-ntur -bantur -buntur/-ntur4pp + sunt 4pp + erant

Imperatives -present active imperative singular and plural : = verb!1st 2nd 3rd 4th te te te te -negative imperative with noli, nolite + infinitive = dont verb!Infintives -present active infinitive= to verb -re -re -ere -re-present passive infinitive=to be verbed -r-r- -r-perfect active infinitive= to have verbeduse the 3rd principal part + ssee.g. amvisse-perfect passive infinitive=to have been verbed use the 4pp + esse e.g. amtus esse-future active =to be about to verbuse the 4pp+ rus + esse e.g. amatrus esse -infinitives in indirect statement (with accusative subject)


Present -ns, ntis = verbing e.g. amans, monens, veniens (3rd Decl)Perfect 4pp + us, a, um = having been verbed amatus, monitus, etc (1st/2nd Decl)Future4pp + rus, a, um = about to verb/going to verb (1st/2nd Decl)

Irregular verb:sum, esse, fu, futrus (to be): PresentImperfect Future Perfect Pluperfect Future Perfectsum eram er fu fueram fuerI am, was, will be, have been, had been,will have been es erserisfuistfuers fueris You are, were, will be, have been, had been,will have beenesterat eritfuitfueratfuerit He, is, was, will be, has been, , had been, will have beensumus ermus erimus fuimus fuermus fuerimus We are,were, will be,have been,had been,will have been estisertis eritis fuistis fuertis fueritis You are, were, will be, have been, had been,will have beensunt erant erunt furunt fuerant fuerint They are,were,will be, have been , had been,will have been

Irregular Verb: possum, posse, potu(to be able)I am able/canI was able/couldI will be able I have been able I had been ableI shall have been ablepossum poterampoter potu potuerampotuer potes poterspoterispotuistpotuers potueris potestpoteratpoterit potuit potuerat potuerit posumus potermuspoterimuspotuimuspotuermus potuerimus potestispotertis poteritis potuistispotuertis potueritis possuntpoterant poterunt poturuntpotuerant potuerint

Irregular Verb: Volo, Velle, Volui, Volutus I want I wanted I will want I have wantedI had wanted I shall have wantedvolvolbam volamvolu volueram voluer vs volbs volsvoluist voluers volueris vultvolbatvolet voluit voluerat volueritvolumus volbmus volmusvoluimus voluermus voluerimus vultis volbtisvoltis voluistisvoluertis volueritis volunt volbant volent volurunt voluerant voluerint

Irregular Verb: Eo, ire, ivi, itusI go I was goingI shall go I have goneI had gone I shall have goneebam b i ieram ier is bs bis st iers ieris it bat bitiit ieratieritimus bmusbimus iimus iermus ierimus itis btis bitis stisiertis ieritis euntbant buntirunt ierant ierint Present Imperatives:(Sing) (go!) (Plural) te (go!)

Fero Ferre Tuli LatusI carryI carriedI shall carrt I have carried I had carried I shall have carriedfer ferbam feram tultuleram tuler fers ferbs fers tulist tulers tuleris fert ferbat feret tulit tulerat tuleritferimus ferbmus fermus tulimus tulermus tulerimus fertis ferbtisfertistulistis tulertistuleritis ferunt ferbant ferenttulrunt tuleranttulerint

PASSIVE: To be carried feror ferbar ferar ltus sum ltus eram ltus erferris (re) ferbris (re) ferris (re)ltus esltus ers ltus erisfertur ferbturfertur ltus est ltus erat ltus eritferimur ferbmur fermur ltus sumus ltus ermus ltus erimusferimin ferbmin fermin ltus estis ltus ertisltus eritisferunturferbantur ferentur ltus sunt ltus erantltus eruntPresent Imperatives:(sing) fer (bear!) (Plural) ferte (bear!)impersonal verbs: licet = it is permitted; placet it is pleasing (usually plus a dative)


-Geography: Roman world, e.g., Roma, Italia, Graecia, Britannia, Hispania, Germania, Aegyptus -Bodies of water: Mare Nostrum, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Black Sea -Rivers: Tiber River; Rhine River, Po River, Nile River, Rubicon River -Important Italian locations, e.g., Ostia, Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Brundisium, Apennine Mts -Provinces, e.g., Africa, Gallia, Asia Minor, -Major cities: Carthage, Troy, Athens -Islands: Sicilia, Creta

History:-Basic historical divisions:

Monarchy- 753BC-509 BC kings are highest ruling officials--Kings of Rome: 1. Romulus, 2. Numa Pompilius, 3. Tullus Hostilius, 4. Ancus Martius, 5. Tarquinius Priscus, 6. Servius Tullius, 7. Tarquinius Superbus Republic 509 BC-27BC consuls are highest officials--Early Roman heroes:Horatius, Cincinnatus, Mucius Scaevola--Prominent historical characters: Hannibal; Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Spartacus-- Major events of Roman history: Punic Wars, Caesar's conquest of GaulEmpire 27 BC -476 emperors are highest ruling officials--Prominent historical characters: Augustus, Marc Antony, Cleopatra

-Mythology: Olympians (Greek/Roman names) symbols, duties; founding of Rome, Romulus and Remus Olympians and associated myths, e.g., Daphne and Apollo, Arachne and Minerva; Major heroes, e.g., Hercules, Aeneas, Jason and Medea, Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus, Daedalus Monsters Medusa, Cyclops, Minotaur, Chimera Trojan war, e.g., Achilles, Hector, Ulysses, Helen The Underworld, e.g., Cerberus, Charon, Prosperina, Styx, Pluto

-Roman life: -city of Rome, e.g., Forum, Circus Maximus, Colosseum; Palatine Hill, Via Appia, Curia-basic housing, e.g., villa, atrium; triclinium, insulae-clothing, e.g., toga, tunica, stola;-Roman household, e.g., pater, mater, servus, filius, filia -meals, e.g., ientaculum, prandium, cena, culina -architectural structures and their functions: e.g., aqueduct, thermae (baths), circus, (chariot racing) amphitheater (gladiatorial battles), curia (senate house), theatrum (theater, stage performances) basilica, (law courts) III. LATIN IN USE

-Basic spoken phrases:

Salve, salvete helloQuid agis? How are you? / What are you doing?Quid est nomen tibi?What is your name? Vale, valete goodbyeIta vero, Yes! Minime, no!Quid est? What is it?Quis est? Who is it?Gratias tibi ago, Thank you Sol lucet, The sun is shiningQuota hora est? What time is it? Adsum,I am presentQuid novi? Whats new?Quaenam est tempestas? What is the weather?Surge, surgite Rise, get up Ignosce mihi Excuse me.Bene respondistiYou responded well

-Derivatives: English words based on Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes e.g., agriculture, aquarium, portable, lunar, octet ; sedentary, sorority, puerile, quadruped, introspection, omniscient, incredulous, benevolent

-Expressions, tempus fugit, (time flies) carpe diem Veni vidi vici, Summa cum laude, per annum, caveat emptor, status quo,

-Mottoes E pluribus unum, (one out of many) ad astra per aspera, ars longa, vita brevis-Abbreviations N.B., (nota bene= note well), a.m. i.e., A.D., et al, vs.,