studieordning for ha international management - filethe aim of the study programme is to...

Studieordning for HA international management 1. Studieordningens rammebestemmelser Studieordningen for HA international management (2010) er udarbejdet af Studienævnet ved AU-HIH og godkendt af Dekanen for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet den Studieordningen træder ikraft den 01-09-2010 HA international management (Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration) giver ret til betegnelsen HA (im) (BA) Uddannelsen er tilknyttet censorkorpset for erhvervsøkonomi Uddannelsens faglige retning og vigtigste fagområder The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Management (colloqually HAim) is a further theoretical education the purpose of which is to give the students a broad and versatile view of the main problems of private and public companies. During the education and by means of exercises in business and socio-economic problems and by using social scientific theories and methods, the students should have achieved the ability, independently and by co-operating with others - to identify and define concrete problems regarding the individual company or groups of companies - to collect and analyze relevant data to illustrate the problem - to offer reasoned suggestions for solving or remedying identified problems based on systematization, application of theory and practical experience - as part of proposed solutions to analyze and assess consequences for both company and employees as well as for other groups involved inside and outside the company - to provide problems and results in a scientific context - to carry out financial and managerial tasks when solving the problems - to structure and develop his/her professional knowledge. Akademiske kompetencer og kvalifikationer Competence profile The aim of the study programme is to provide the graduand with immediate professional competences. Furthermore it aims at qualifying the graduand to further studies at master degree level in business economics. The BA in business administration; International Management (colloqually HAim) study programme will provide the students with professional qualifications in several different economic disciplines. The study programme must be competitive and qualitative in line with other economic bachelor study programmes in Denmark. A student with a bachelor in HAim should in several different economic subject areas be able to use the scientific methods and tools which is attached to the course. The student must be able to estimate the theoretical and practical issues and on the basis of his /her achieved knowledge and skills substantiate and choose the relevant models of analysis and the right solution to the problem at hand. The students at HAim make individual choices about the professional profile of their study programme as they are able to choose between different supplementary courses on 4th and 5th semester. Thus some students will specialise more in the disciplines of business economics while others will specialise in the areas of marketing or organisation. In general the HAim Bachelor study programme contributes in the development of the following competences. Competences: Intellectual competences A bachelor in HAim • Has knowledge and experience in arguing independently, analytically, critically and systematically. • Can understand, use and reflect on different theories, methods and practice. • Can work independently both individually as well as in cooperation with others. • Is capable of communicating the results of his / her own and others work in a clear language orally as well as written to different groups (professionals as well as laymen) and also enter into dialogue concerning professional issues with these groups. • Can identify his or her own learning needs and structure his or her own learning process in various learning environments. • Is able to acquire new knowledge in Danish and English, and pass on this knowledge both written and orally. Professional competences A bachelor in HAim • Has knowledge about the various economic theories, methods and subject areas. • Can combine his or her knowledge in the different economical subject areas with relevant insight from other subject areas such as management, law, mathematics and statistics. • Is capable of acquiring further relevant knowledge in the various economic areas (micro economy, macro economy, Page 1 of 22 StudieordningsGenerator 09-11-2010

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Page 1: Studieordning for HA international management - fileThe aim of the study programme is to provide the graduand with immediate professional competences. Furthermore it aims

Studieordning for HA international management

1. Studieordningens rammebestemmelser

Studieordningen for HA international management (2010) er udarbejdet af Studienævnet ved AU-HIH og godkendt af Dekanen for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet den Studieordningen træder ikraft den 01-09-2010 HA international management (Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration) giver ret til betegnelsen HA (im) (BA) Uddannelsen er tilknyttet censorkorpset for erhvervsøkonomi

Uddannelsens faglige retning og vigtigste fagområder The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Management (colloqually HAim) is a further theoretical education the purpose of which is to give the students a broad and versatile view of the main problems of private and public companies. During the education and by means of exercises in business and socio-economic problems and by using social scientific theories and methods, the students should have achieved the ability, independently and by co-operating with others - to identify and define concrete problems regarding the individual company or groups of companies - to collect and analyze relevant data to illustrate the problem - to offer reasoned suggestions for solving or remedying identified problems based on systematization, application of theory and practical experience - as part of proposed solutions to analyze and assess consequences for both company and employees as well as for other groups involved inside and outside the company - to provide problems and results in a scientific context - to carry out financial and managerial tasks when solving the problems - to structure and develop his/her professional knowledge.

Akademiske kompetencer og kvalifikationer Competence profile The aim of the study programme is to provide the graduand with immediate professional competences. Furthermore it aims at qualifying the graduand to further studies at master degree level in business economics. The BA in business administration; International Management (colloqually HAim) study programme will provide the students with professional qualifications in several different economic disciplines. The study programme must be competitive and qualitative in line with other economic bachelor study programmes in Denmark. A student with a bachelor in HAim should in several different economic subject areas be able to use the scientific methods and tools which is attached to the course. The student must be able to estimate the theoretical and practical issues and on the basis of his /her achieved knowledge and skills substantiate and choose the relevant models of analysis and the right solution to the problem at hand. The students at HAim make individual choices about the professional profile of their study programme as they are able to choose between different supplementary courses on 4th and 5th semester. Thus some students will specialise more in the disciplines of business economics while others will specialise in the areas of marketing or organisation. In general the HAim Bachelor study programme contributes in the development of the following competences. Competences: Intellectual competences A bachelor in HAim • Has knowledge and experience in arguing independently, analytically, critically and systematically. • Can understand, use and reflect on different theories, methods and practice. • Can work independently both individually as well as in cooperation with others. • Is capable of communicating the results of his / her own and others work in a clear language orally as well as written to different groups (professionals as well as laymen) and also enter into dialogue concerning professional issues with these groups. • Can identify his or her own learning needs and structure his or her own learning process in various learning environments. • Is able to acquire new knowledge in Danish and English, and pass on this knowledge both written and orally. Professional competences A bachelor in HAim • Has knowledge about the various economic theories, methods and subject areas. • Can combine his or her knowledge in the different economical subject areas with relevant insight from other subject areas such as management, law, mathematics and statistics. • Is capable of acquiring further relevant knowledge in the various economic areas (micro economy, macro economy,

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financing, accounting, sales, strategy and organisational theory). Practical competences A student with a bachelor in HAim has acquired competences to: • Enter into a professional teamwork with different professional groups dealing with practical issues as well as being able to use and communicate his or her general knowledge in that connection. • Work in a structured, independent, systematic way and with an overview – in respect of timeframes and quality demands. • Use his or her professional skills in connection with making qualified decisions as well as substantiate and defend them. • Participate in the planning and the completion of different forms of projects and innovation work in relation to the economical areas and use his or her professional skills specifically in that connection.

Hjemmel Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen, bekendtgørelse nr. 612 af 18. august 1998 om de erhvervsøkonomiske bacheloruddannelser (HA), UVM, se og forudsætninger

To be admitted to the study programme you must at least have passed a high school exam (equivalent to 12 years of school). The following requirements must also be met: Mathematics at “B” level (minimum 250 hours of instruction) History, Social subjects or Contemporary history equivalent to the Danish B level (minimum 150 hours of instruction). English at “B” level - - language qualifications comparable to an 'English B' level in Denmark can be documented as follows: English language qualifications obtained through at least 210 hours of English lessons in a non-Danish entrance examination. TOEFL test results of at least 560 (paper-based), or 220 (computer-based test) or 83 (internet-based test) IELTS test with a minimum score of 6.5 points ('English A' requires a score of 7.0 points) Cambridge/Oxford Certificate/Test in Advanced English C1 level" obtained by examination from a CEFR-validated English language course Passed entrance examination (“upper secondary school/high school”) or Bachelor’s degree taught in English. To obtain an assessment of your subject levels, you must provide official documentation of the total number of hours/lessons of teaching you have received in the specific, relevant subjects during your final three upper secondary/high school years, including course and examination descriptions. You should also provide syllabus and book list. Documentation must be submitted with your application. Danish students must fulfil one of the following requirements to be admitted to the HAim study programme: STX HF HHX HTX GIF/Supplementary Absorption Courses for exiles at upper secondary level In addition, you must have English at B level and Mathematics at B level together with 'Historie' at B level, 'Idehistorie' B, 'Samfundsfag' B, 'International økonomi' B or 'Samtidshistorie' B.

Denne uddannelse giver adgang til: Master programmes in Business Administration


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Page 3: Studieordning for HA international management - fileThe aim of the study programme is to provide the graduand with immediate professional competences. Furthermore it aims

2. Uddannelsens struktur

Prøveoversigt -

Modul/årsprøve Prøvetitel/censur Fagtype/bedømmelse Sem./ECTS

MathematicsKonstituerende og obligatorisk

1. sem.

1. årsprøve - Intern prøve med intern censur Bestået/ikke bestået 5 ECTS

Micro economicsKonstituerende og obligatorisk 1. sem.

1. årsprøve - Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

IT in BusinessKonstituerende og obligatorisk

1. sem.

1. årsprøve - Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Costing Theory and Capital BudgetingKonstituerende og obligatorisk

1. sem.

1. årsprøve - Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Basic Financial AccountingKonstituerende og obligatorisk

1. sem.

1. årsprøve - Intern prøve uden censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Statistics 1Konstituerende og obligatorisk

1. sem.

1. årsprøve - Intern prøve med intern censur Bestået/ikke bestået 5 ECTS

Statistics 2Konstituerende og obligatorisk

2. sem.

1. årsprøve - Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Macro economicsKonstituerende og obligatorisk

2. sem.

1. årsprøve - Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Financial Accounting Konstituerende og obligatorisk

2. sem.

1. årsprøve - Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Theory of Science and Methodology 1 Obligatorisk 2. sem.

1. årsprøve - Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Descriptive EconomicsKonstituerende og obligatorisk

2. sem.

1. årsprøve - Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Operations and Supply Chain Management Obligatorisk 2. sem.

1. årsprøve - Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Corporate FinanceKonstituerende og obligatorisk

3. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Theory of Science and Methodology 2 Obligatorisk 3. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Personal Development Obligatorisk 3. sem.

- Gradueret 5 ECTS

Management AccountingKonstituerende og obligatorisk

3. sem.

- Gradueret 5 ECTS

Project Management Obligatorisk 3. sem.

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- Gradueret 5 ECTS

Management Science ModelsKonstituerende og obligatorisk

3. sem.

- Gradueret 5 ECTS

Organisational Behaviour Obligatorisk 4. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

International Business Obligatorisk 4. sem.

- Gradueret 15 ECTS

Marketing Obligatorisk 4. sem.

- Gradueret 5 ECTS

Seminar in AccountingKonstituerende og obligatorisk

4. sem.

- Intern prøve uden censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Theory of Science and Methodology 3 Obligatorisk 5. sem.

- Gradueret 5 ECTS

Seminar in Marketing Obligatorisk 5. sem.

- Intern prøve uden censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Strategic Management and Innovation Obligatorisk 5. sem.

- Gradueret 5 ECTS

International Business Law Obligatorisk 6. sem.

- Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 10 ECTS

Bachelor Thesis Obligatorisk 6. sem.

- Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 20 ECTS

Elective courses (15 ECTS / 5. sem.)

Tech. Business Profile 1:3 - Business Factory Challenge

Valgfag 5. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Bestået/ikke bestået 5 ECTS

Tech. Business Profile 2:3 - Business Plan Valgfag 5. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Bestået/ikke bestået 5 ECTS

Tech. Business Profile 3:3 - Pervasive Computing

Valgfag 5. sem.

- Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Marketing Profile 1:3 Valgfag 5. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Marketing Profile 2:3 Valgfag 5. sem.

- Intern prøve med intern censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

Marketing Profile 3:3 Valgfag 5. sem.

- Ekstern prøve med beskikket censur Gradueret 5 ECTS

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Kassogram -

1. semester 2. semester 3. semester 4. semester 5. semester 6. semester

Mathematics 5 ECTS

Micro economics 5 ECTS

IT in Business 5 ECTS

Costing Theory and Capital Budgeting 5 ECTS

Basic Financial Accounting 5 ECTS

Statistics 1 5 ECTS

Statistics 2 5 ECTS

Macro economics 5 ECTS

Financial Accounting 5 ECTS

Theory of Science and Methodology 1 5 ECTS

Descriptive Economics 5 ECTS

Operations and Supply Chain Management 5 ECTS

Corporate Finance 5 ECTS

Theory of Science and Methodology 2 5 ECTS

Personal Development 5 ECTS

Management Accounting 5 ECTS

Project Management 5 ECTS

Management Science Models 5 ECTS

Organisational Behaviour 5 ECTS

International Business 15 ECTS

Marketing 5 ECTS

Seminar in Accounting 5 ECTS

Theory of Science and Methodology 3 5 ECTS

Seminar in Marketing 5 ECTS

Strategic Management and Innovation 5 ECTS

Elective courses 15 ECTS

International Business Law 10 ECTS

Bachelor Thesis 20 ECTS

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Page 6: Studieordning for HA international management - fileThe aim of the study programme is to provide the graduand with immediate professional competences. Furthermore it aims

3. Uddannelsens enkelte discipliner og prøver

1. Mathematics

Formål: The objective of the course: The objective of the mathematics course is to provide the students with knowledge about mathematical concepts and methods applied within financial/statistical subject areas as well as to make the students conversant with mathematical application to formulation and solution of financial/statistical problems. The purpose is not to teach finance/statistics, but instead use examples/assignments focusing on finance/statistics. Course background: The students must have mathematics at ‘B’-level (high school exam). However, this level is insufficient when attending many of the courses at the study programme. Thus, it is necessary to provide the students with sufficient mathematical skills within a number of subject areas significantly above a high school ‘A’-level.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with exercises

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

4 time(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Tilsyn: ja PC: ja

Bemærkning The examination is a four hour written assignment. All aids are allowed. The mark is either passed or non-passed. During the semester, the student can hand in 9 exercises for delivery. To be submitted to the exam, it is a presumption that the student (in due time) has handed in 2/3 corresponding with 6 exercises and that these 6 exercises have been approved. The reexamination is the same as the ordinary; however, in case only five students attend the reexamination, the students will be tested at an oral examination instead.

2. Micro economics

Formål: Course background: Together with the courses Business and Social Description, Macro Economics and parts of International Business, Micro economics constitutes the subject economics at the first four semesters of the HA study programme. The general purpose of economics is to provide the students with a number of analysis tools and theoretical models which can be used as overall understanding of how citizens, companies and public organisations act in society. The course Microeconomics is based on microeconomics theory corresponding to an introductory level typically used at universities both nationally and internationally. The purpose is to create a basic understanding of economic theories and models at individual, company and single market level.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with exercises

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

3 time(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Tilsyn: ja PC: ja

Bemærkning Written examination with aids (no electronic contact with the outside world). Duration: 3 hours Mark: The Danish 7-step scale.

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The reexamination is the same as the ordinary; however, in case only five students attend the reexamination, the students will be tested at an oral examination instead.

3. IT in Business

Formål: The objective of the course: To give the student an understanding of commercial information systems and the managerial tasks which they support in the company. Course background: Information technology in businesses, incl. the used information systems, will, of course, be basic knowledge for all HA students and form part of their further study at AU-IBT. Thus, it is important (as early as possible) to provide the students with a basic knowledge of concepts and methods attached to the company’s use of IT. The students must be able to apply the concepts and systems used to manage the company’s resources (Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP). The students must also be introduced to a very used teaching/learning method, i.e. the project work. This is carried out in groups where they will work with/examine phenomena and circumstances attached to the company’s information systems.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with exercises.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Valg indenfor udbudte emner

2 uge(-r) 20 minutter


Bemærkning A compulsory group assignment in groups of four students with subsequent individual oral examination which based on the group assignment tests the curriculum. To be able to sit for the oral examination, it is a prerequisite that the report is not obviously devoid of content. Mark: The Danish 7-step scale. At the re-examination, a new assignment based on a new problem must be prepared – it is possible to write the assignment individually.

4. Costing Theory and Capital Budgeting

Formål: The course consists of two modules: -Costing theory and decision making -Capital Budgeting COSTING THEORY AND DECISION MAKING BACKGROUND OF THE MODULE In general cost is defined as a sacrifice or giving up of resources for a particular purpose, measured by the monetary units that the company must pay for goods and services. Interest in costs stems from a company’s wish to carry out actions or activities (ex. producing a given volume of a product, supplying a given service etc.) using the fewest amount of resources and thereby the fewest costs. Understanding the cost structure of a company and being able to formulate relevant cost calculations is therefore essential when choosing among different alternative actions. The purpose of the module is to give students an introduction to cost theory and make them able to perform cost calculations relevant for short term decisions and to bring insight in the accounting basis of costing. CAPITAL BUDGETING BACKGROUND OF THE MODULE An investment may be described as a series of payments that will be due at different future points of time. The future payments may relate to a proposal to produce and sell a new product, a proposal to purchase new production facilities etc. The investment theory deals with problems and methods used to determine the profitability of a single investment and methods used to choose the best among alternative investments The purpose of this module is to make the students able to perform relevant investment analysis when choosing among alternatives having a longer time horizon. At the same time it is the aim of the module that students will be familiar with implementing and using investment models in Excel.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with tutorials

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Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

3 time(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Tilsyn: ja PC: ja

Bemærkning Exam: 3-hours written PC exam with all aids allowed. Mark: The Danish 7-step scale. Re-exam A new case report in groups (20 pages, max.) and a new individual oral exam, where the syllabus is tested by the report as a starting point.

5. Basic Financial Accounting

Formål: The objective of the course: To give the students an understanding of the double entry bookkeeping principle and make the students able to prepare an income statement and a balance sheet with notes. The aim of the course is also to give the students a basis in order to benefit fully from the teaching in Financial Accounting. Course background: Basic Financial Accounting is established for students without prior knowledge about the company’s financial registration and reporting system. A basic knowledge of the principles of double entry bookkeeping, and end-of-period adjustments as well as preparation of financial statements, including an income statement, balance sheet and notes are essential prerequisites to obtain the utmost benefit of the teaching in Financial Accounting.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with tutorials

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

3 time(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Tilsyn: ja PC: ja

Bemærkning Exam: A 3-hours written exam with all aids allowed. Mark: The Danish 7-step scale. Re-exam: A 3-hours written exam with all aids allowed.

6. Statistics 1

Formål: The objective of the course: The objective is to give the student an understanding of probability theory and random sample theory as well as to make the student capable of determining confidence intervals for a mean value, a variance and a percentage, incl. being able to estimate whether certain hypotheses are fulfilled. Course background: The basis of the teaching is knowledge of the probability theoretical rules of arithmetic which apply to outcomes of one or more stochastic outcomes, including the standard probability distributions which are linked to description of stochastic tests producing outcomes of a discrete as well as a continuous nature. The distributions in question are: Hypergeometric, binomial, poisson, normal, t, F and χ2 distributions. The course examines random sample theory in the form of the methods for simple, random, stratified, cluster and systematic selection. Furthermore, the most common descriptive measures for central tendency, variation, disparities and distribution form within populations and random samples are examined as well. When preparing random sample results, both the inductive conclusion methods in the form of confidence intervals and the deductive conclusion methods in the form of hypothesis tests are used.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with exercises

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Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

2 uge(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Bemærkning Based on a given problem and an appertaining data set, the student must prepare a report which will be assessed passed/not- passed. The reexamination is an oral examination which is also assessed passed/not-passed.

7. Statistics 2

Formål: The objective of the course: The objective is to broaden the student’s knowledge of central statistical models with more variables and at the same time make the students capable of performing statistical analyses of connections between multiple variables. In addition, the student will learn to apply the financial methods to business economics cases as well as reflect on other people’s use of statistical methods. Course background: Many problems within business economics and social science generally concern populations and hypotheses regarding these. Thus, the necessary analyses require the use of statistical methods in connection with the collection of information, formulation of hypotheses and the analysis of these. The student must be able to demonstrate thorough understanding of the various methods taught, e.g. ANOVA analysis and regression analysis, as well as be able to apply the tools for relevant business economics problems. In order to be able to carry out an appropriate econometric analysis, the student must be able to describe data material, propose a relevant statistical model and perform relevant statistical tests. Based on a concrete analysis, the student must also be able to explain whether the hypotheses are fulfilled. In addition, the student must also be able to explain what conclusion may be drawn from the statistical analysis.

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with exercises.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

2 uge(-r) 20 minutter


Bemærkning A compulsory group assignment in groups of 2-4 students with subsequent individual oral examination (20 minutes) which based on the group assignment tests the curriculum. The students receive one mark according to the Danish 7-step scale. To be able to sit for the oral examination, the student must have handed in the group assignment on time. At the reexamination, a new assignment based on a new problem must be prepared and subsequently, an oral examination will take place – it is possible to write the assignment individually. In case five students or less attend the reexamination, the students may be tested at an oral examination instead.

8. Macro economics

Formål: Aims of the subject: The objective of this course is to give students a basic and in-depth knowledge and understanding of key parts of the social scientific problem within the national economic disciplines covering concepts such as income generation and general equilibrium, consumption, investment theory, economic policy in a closed economy, the aggregate supply and demand in the short term, medium term and long term, including the theory of inflation and initial conditions concerning. the open economy under different exchange conditions and reactions to the economy of the economic policy pursued by interference of fiscal and monetary policy. Course background: Macroeconomics, together with micro-economics and business and society description - make a total of 15 ECTS in the economic unit of the BA B programme, and consists of national economic micro-and macroeconomic theory as well as B&S.

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Page 10: Studieordning for HA international management - fileThe aim of the study programme is to provide the graduand with immediate professional competences. Furthermore it aims

Undervisningsform: Lectures supplemented with exercises.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

3 time(-r) Ingen Indlevering

Tilsyn: ja PC: -

Bemærkning 3-hour written exam, no aids allowed

9. Financial Accounting

Formål: The objective of the course: To make the student capable of creating financial reports of class A,B,C and D companies and create group, mother and daughter financial reports incl. Supplements and cash flow statement. The student should be able to discuss the valuation of the different items in the financial reports using the company accounts act and international accounting standards. Relations to other courses The course builds on the understanding of the financial account introduced in basic financial accounting. Course background: Financial reports are prepared by companies in order to provide information that is useful to others in making economic decisions. The course covers the financial statement, which contains information about the company’s earnings within a given period of time and about its economic position at the end of that period. This type of information is especially geared towards the capital market, which, on the basis of the statement, evaluates the profit return policy, the future earnings capacity and cash flows as well as the credit worthiness. The course covers the problems concerning the measurement of assets and liabilities and the recognition of revenue and expenses, which is supposed to lead to an informative balance sheet and income statement. In continuation of this, the course covers cash flow statements, and the consolidated statement (group accounts).

Undervisningsform: Lectures and exercises

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

4 time(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Tilsyn: ja PC: ja

Bemærkning 4 hour written exam with aids Re-exam A new 4 hour written exam with aids, if five or less students are evaluated, the written exam can be replaced with a 20 minutes oral exam without aids and without preparation.

10. Theory of Science and Methodology 1

Formål: The objective of the course: To provide the students with a basic understanding of how to deal with business economics problems from various perspectives influencing the final solution – and the importance of theory of science as well as the methodological approaches in this connection. In addition, the objective is to give the students an understanding and a capability of collecting and analysing data based on a qualitative approach to the solution of business economics problems. Course background: Theory of science basically refers to the reflection of science on producing valid knowledge while methodology covers the systematic effort to produce valid knowledge. All scientific methods are based on a number of scientific prerequisites. It is essential that economics students are given a strong basis in order to be able to accumulate knowledge for the solution of business economics problems. It is equally important that the students are able to assess the quality and value of the information to which they are presented in their professional lives. This requires the students to be

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capable of assessing the examiner’s methodological approach as well as the prerequisites and presumptions under which a study has been carried out, including which limitations this causes in relation to the accumulated knowledge. Furthermore, it is important that the students are provided with a more thorough analytical and user-oriented insight into the qualitative methods which business economists use to solve business economics problems. Thus, the course also focuses on the qualitative knowledge process. The course has a natural link to other courses focusing on formulating a problem, generating data as well as analysing and interpreting these data, i.e. creating knowledge within the business economics subjects. The course is also relevant in connection with seminar tasks and the bachelor project.

Undervisningsform: THE CENTRAL ISSUES OF THE COURSE: The course consists of the following main subjects: 1. An introduction to theory of science and methodology, including an introduction to the theory of science and its use, scientific paradigms, the existence and meaning of business cultures as well as methodological approaches. In addition, an introduction to formal requirements for seminars, projects, etc., including requirements for problem statements, curricula, etc. 2. An introduction to qualitative methodology, including formulation of business economics problems, qualitative research designs, qualitative data collection techniques, qualitative data analysis techniques as well as quality and validity criteria for assessment of different types of knowledge. Anchoring of AU-IBT’s strategic values: Close interaction with the business community: In the course, the student will be presented to a general real-life case. Company visits and guest lectures by key figures in the company will form a natural part of the case. The case provides the students with an excellent opportunity to put theory into practise, thus the course will be application-oriented.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål


Bemærkning Individual oral test, incl. preparation based on a mini-case. The reexamination is carried out as an individual oral test, incl. preparation, and is based on a number of questions from the curriculum.

11. Descriptive Economics

Formål: Descriptive economics forms together with Economics (Micro and Macro Economics) the foundation for the basic understanding of how an economy works. Where Economics I presents the theories, descriptive economics provides a description on how the institutions and the economic systems of a nation work. The course builds on Economics I and uses basic statistics to describe the economy.

Undervisningsform: Lectures and tutorials

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål


Bemærkning Individual oral examination (20 minutes) in the curriculum. The first ten minutes, the student is examined in the project and the underlying facts from the curriculum. The last ten minutes of the examination is carried out in the rest of the curriculum. One mark will be given. Re-exam: At the reexamination in August, the project can be used again and the examination is carried out as described above.

12. Operations and Supply Chain Management

Formål: Course background:

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Most companies face a constant pressure from changes in surrounding factors which constantly creates an adaptation need and an increasing task complexity. The consequence of the changes is an increased internal focus on coordinating cross-functional problem solving to meet the increased demands from customers and the company’s focus on cost control. In addition, the need to consider the produced added-value benefits throughout the production chain and not just in each individual company increases, thus focus is now directed towards the company as part of a network. The objective of the course: The objective of the course is to give students a broad insight into and understanding of the company’s position in the external network and then to relate this insight and understanding to build the company’s internal processes, systems and structures needed to deliver the desired benefits and products.

Undervisningsform: Lectures – assignments in tutorial lessons. In connection with larger assignments/cases, it may be necessary to place the lectures before and after two tutorial lessons. The chosen pedagogical method may vary depending on the number of students.

Undervisningssprog: English

Pensum: Brandon-Jones, Alistair og Slack, Nigel: Operations Management. Prentice Hall 2010.


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Skriftlig Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

3 time(-r) Alle sædvanlige


Tilsyn: ja PC: ja

Bemærkning A 3-hour individual, written examination without the use of external aids (Internet/email). Assessment: The Danish 7-step scale. Reexamination: A 3-hour individual, written examination. In case only five students or less attend the reexamination, the students will be tested at 20 minutes oral examination instead. The oral examination is without preparation time and will be based on an examination question.

13. Corporate Finance

Formål: The objective of the course: To make the student capable of valuating companies based on capital structure and risk based on portfolio, investment and option theory. Being able to optimize company capital structure and evaluating long term debt. Relations to other courses The course builds on the understanding of: Financial Accounting, Economics, statistic, Investments Course background: Optimization of company value through adjustments of capital structure, risk profile and investments are crucial tasks to maintain and increase competitive advantage and create possibilities to acquire or merge at profitable terms. The course makes the student capable of evaluation investment and finance decisions based on the consequences on company value.

Undervisningsform: Lectures and exercises

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

2 uge(-r) 20 minutter

Alle sædvanlige


Bemærkning A 25 page report + supplements and a well functional excel spreadsheet based on a case in the two courses management accounting and corporate finance. The report is made in groups of 3 – 4 students. Based on the report an individual 20 minutes oral exam in one of the courses is conducted. The examination course is revealed 24 hours before the exam. Re-exam A new case rapport in groups and a new oral exam. If less than 5 students attend the re-exam the case rapport and oral exam can be replaced with a 40 minutes oral exam in both courses.

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14. Theory of Science and Methodology 2

Formål: The objective of the course: To give the students an understanding and a capability of collecting and analysing data based on a qualitative approach to the solution of business economics problems. Course background: Methodology covers the systematic effort to produce valid knowledge. Both as “knowledge creator” and “knowledge user”, it is important to have knowledge of scientific assumptions and methodological approaches through which knowledge is created. These assumptions and methods are, namely, crucial to the quality of the knowledge created and its use in connection with the solution of business economics problems. Thus, it is important that the economics students are provided with a more thorough analytical and user-oriented insight into the qualitative methods which business economists use to solve business economics problems. The course therefore focuses on the quantitative knowledge process where the goal is to gain an understanding of the broad subject matter which the business economics covers. The course has a natural link to other courses focusing on formulating a problem, generating data as well as analysing and interpreting these data, i.e. creating knowledge within the business economics subjects. The course is also relevant in connection with seminar tasks and the bachelor project.

Undervisningsform: Lectures and exercises supplemented with case work.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

- Fremlæggelse

Bemærkning Individual oral test based on a written report. The reexamination is carried out as an individual oral test, incl. preparation, and is based on a number of questions from the curriculum.

15. Personal Development

Formål: The objective of the course: The objective of this course is to provide the student with an understanding of and insight into the research-based literature relating to personal development. The student has the opportunity to reflect on own situation and put it into perspective in relation to future visions. In addition, the objective is to create an understanding of the difficulty and extent of personal development; it requires an insight into the ability to focus on concepts, such as the moment, values, feelings, perception, body and goals. Course background: The course background originates from the last 200 years’ industrialised development which has focused on the material growth where optimisation and rationalisation have been the answer to almost any question. This huge development from which only ¼ of the world’s population has benefited (unfortunately) has caused a number of crises and unbalances within areas such as: Finance, climate, poverty, war/terror, disease, food as well as a number of other non-sustainable areas. As a result, there is a great need for new paradigms in order to be able to understand the world, which is the actual course background. In recent years, there has been an increasing orientation towards other paradigms and values which are based on each individual’s understanding of own development as something which is not necessarily related to materialistic optimisation. By exploring these new paradigms/values, each individual is provided with the opportunity to freely choose the course of development which s/he finds best without making an automatic additional choice of the industrial thinking. Thus, the course background should be perceived as the opportunity to understand one’s own life, opportunities and development in relation to the local, national and global reality by which we are surrounded.

Undervisningsform: Tutorials, video, interaction, reflection and dialogue.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Individuel Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

- 20 minutter Forsvar

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Bemærkning Oral examination based on a written synopsis. The same applies to the reexamination.

16. Management Accounting

Formål: Financial management is a key feature of modern management regardless of organisation types. All companies - large and small, manufacturing or service and public and private - must use financial management if they are to act in an international competition, implement and evaluate strategic initiatives and ensure achievement of targets and optimal use of resources. Financial departments currently work with a variety of tasks such as cost estimates, analysis of business initiatives, monitoring and ad-hoc analysis for management. The economic system is a part of the information used by management in connection with establishing a basis for deciding the concrete decisions. Financial Management creates the foundation for business decision making and is crucial in this regard. The objective is to equip students with the tools to be used to perform the economic analysis as part of a company s decision processes. The subject is directly related to business management in supply chains, business operations planning models, marketing, finance and external accounting.

Undervisningsform: Lectures combined with tutorials

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

2 uge(-r) 20 minutter

Alle sædvanlige


Bemærkning A 25 page report + supplements and a well functional excel spreadsheet based on a case in the two courses management accounting and corporate finance. The report is made in groups of 3 – 4 students. Based on the report an individual 20 minutes oral exam in one of the courses is conducted. The examination course is revealed 24 hours before the exam. Re-exam A new case rapport in groups and a new oral exam. If less than 5 students attend the re-exam the case rapport and oral exam can be replaced with a 40 minutes oral exam in both courses.

17. Project Management





1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

18. Management Science Models

Formål: BACKGROUND: The background of the course is a need for systematic knowledge of a number of quantitative methods and models that are applied in solving managerial problems. These are models that are used to find optimal solutions to problems and models that are used to evaluate the consequences of given alternative courses of action. The need for this knowledge and the opportunities to use it are increasing with the advances of new edp technology. The aim of the course is to give the students an introduction to adaptation, construction, evaluation, and application of models within the area of Management Science.

Undervisningsform: Lectures and tutorials

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Undervisningssprog: English


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19. Organisational Behaviour

Formål: The objective of the course: To provide the student with an understanding of the organisational coherence in modern organisations. Course background: Organisational behaviour is one of the classical disciplines within management and understanding of organisations. Furthermore, it is essential in order to understand the human side of economic correlations in a company. The course aims to investigate the impact of individuals, groups and structures on behaviour within an organisation, and how this knowledge can be applied to make organisations work more effectively, e.g. improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and turnover and increase employee commitment and job satisfaction.

Undervisningsform: A series of lectures as well as exercise lessons.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål

2 uge(-r) 20 minutter

Alle sædvanlige


Bemærkning The exam consists of a compulsory written assignment in groups of four and an oral examination. The written paper serves as qualifier for the individual oral examination (20 min.) which will take its basis in the written paper and from there test the student in the entire curriculum. The basis for the test in the curriculum will be a question drawn by the student at the beginning of the exam. The student will receive one mark for the oral performance according to the Danish 7-step scale. Students who fail to obtain the mark 02 are required to sit for a reexamination which will take the form of the ordinary examination. The students have to prepare a new assignment in groups of four. In case only one student is attends the reexamination, an individual paper is accepted. The student will receive one mark for the oral performance according to the Danish 7-point scale. The date and time of the reexamination is determined by AU-IBT.

20. International Business





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21. Marketing




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22. Seminar in Accounting





1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

23. Theory of Science and Methodology 3





1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

24. Seminar in Marketing





1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

25. Strategic Management and Innovation





1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

26. International Business Law





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27. Bachelor Thesis





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Elective courses

Modulet består af følgende prøve(r):

1. Tech. Business Profile 1:3 - Business Factory Challenge

Formål: The aim of the course Business Factory Challenge (BFC) is to train the student in innovative processes in order to identify, analyse and solve problems concerning the start-up of a business. In other words the aim is to start on the business idea stage, where former analyses have made it probable that the idea has the required business potential for innovation and then work your way to the practical start-up situation. After the course the student will be able to work out a thought out and solid business plan which focuses on the starting-up situation and which covers major factors and risks of market-related, technological, resources-related and financial character in relation to a concrete business idea.

Undervisningsform: The course is based on project work and self-study. The students can get support from the associated supervisor and coach. Furthermore the students must independently seek knowledge within the specific innovation object’s professional area.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Selvvalgt emne Forsvar

Bemærkning BFC is carried out as an interdisciplinary group project where the group members have been assessed through a motivated application and through an appropriate Belbin profile. The innovation object can either be an idea/task from a student or an idea/task from an external business, originator or inventor. Each group will get a supervisor from AU-IBT and/or from Innovation Midtvest. The last-mentioned will participate in the exam.

2. Tech. Business Profile 2:3 - Business Plan

Formål: The aim of the course Business Plan is to train the student in innovative processes (entrepreneurial behaviour) in order to identify, analyse and solve problems concerning the innovation problematic. In other words the aim is to start on the idea stage, where you still do not know whether the idea/innovation has the required potential to entrepreneurship and then work your way to the business idea stage where you have made an analysis of whether the idea actually also has (or hasn’t) enough potential to support a start-up of a new business. After the course the student will be able to work out a thought out and solid business plan which covers major factors and risks of market-related, technological, resources-related and financial character in relation to a concrete innovation potential.

Undervisningsform: The course is based on project work and self-study. The students can get support from the associated supervisor and coach. Furthermore the students must independently seek knowledge within the specific innovation object’s professional area.

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Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

- Forsvar

Bemærkning Project report incl. individual oral defense.

3. Tech. Business Profile 3:3 - Pervasive Computing

Formål: New technology has entered our lives and is getting more and more integrated into our daily activities. Consumer and producer goods become intelligent. Social media, e.g. Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, etc., occupy our thoughts as channels of entertainment, news gathering and opinion formation. Applications will be moved from personal computers to the Internet, where we source the services that we need, when we need it. These possibilities are just the first step against information and communication technologies (ICT) becoming integrated in everything – or pervasive computing – which is the term used to describe this vision. This vision opens up tremendous perspectives for engineers, economists, marketers, communicators, business developers and many others. As ICT are integrated into everything, we will be able to locate and interact with everything everywhere.

Undervisningsform: The course will primarily be organized as cross-curricular project work fuelled by presentations given by guest lecturers, e.g. from the Alexandra Institute, business and industry, etc. The project work, which is guided by supervisors, is to center on a specific problem evoked by the vision of pervasive computing. For instance, a problem could be related to cloud computing: The impact on digital marketing, outsourcing, data security, data management, computing standards, etc. Students bring into the project work the methods and theories from their individual study programs.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Udleveret/stillet spørgsmål


Bemærkning The course is evaluated according to the 7-step scale through an individual oral exam conducted on the basis of a comprehensive written group report. A detailed project description specifying the objectives and specific requirements to the report will be made available in the beginning of the semester.

4. Marketing Profile 1:3

Formål: General competences: When finishing the course (modules 1, 2 and 3), the student must be able to demonstrate knowledge about, analyse and make decisions about companies’ internationalisation based on a supporting, relevant decision-making material. Specific competences: Module 1: 1. The student must be able to describe models/theories within marketing theory with emphasis on elements which the practical elements cause within the international dimension when making marketing planning. 2. The student must be able to describe how traditional export is planned, implemented and controlled. 3. The student must be able to make the marketing plan of export companies including coping with the mutual dependency between the research part of the plan and the action part as well as the extensive demands for market information. 4. The student must be able to specify the need for information and to carry out desk research before retrieval of primary data, cf. item 2 above.

Undervisningsform: Teaching methods will be lectures of relevant subjects, project work and discussion of articles.

Undervisningssprog: English

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1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Valg indenfor udbudte emner


Bemærkning Discussion paper with individual grading, presentation of initial report on group basis with subsequent individual examination with internal censorship. Evaluation of initial report takes place app. 1/3 into the semester.

5. Marketing Profile 2:3

Formål: General competences: When finishing the course (modules 1, 2 and 3), the student must be able to demonstrate knowledge about, analyse and make decisions about companies’ internationalisation based on a supporting, relevant decision-making material. Specific competences: Module 2: The aim of the subject is further 1. to give the student an application oriented insight into theories on both the consumer market and on the industrial market, 2. to apply relation models, trade marketing and branding 3. to apply and evaluate select qualitative research techniques 4. to provide the student with an understanding of how such methods can be integrated into a general market information retrieval strategy 5. to discover how the company’s own research may be combined with research requisitioned from outside the company.

Undervisningsform: Teaching methods will be lectures of relevant subjects, project work and discussion of articles.

Undervisningssprog: English


1Eksaminander Produkt Produktramme Varighed Forberedelse Hjælpemidler Grundlag

Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Valg indenfor udbudte emner


Bemærkning Discussion paper with individual grading, presentation of interim report on group basis with following individual examination with internal censorship. Evaluation of interim report takes place app. 2/3 into the semester.

6. Marketing Profile 3:3

Formål: General competences: When finishing the course (modules 1, 2 and 3), the student must be able to demonstrate knowledge about, analyse and make decisions about companies’ internationalisation based on a supporting, relevant decision-making material. Specific competences: Module 3: To practise the ability to discuss and assess problem-identification/analysis considerations within international marketing planning and make decisions within the area based on supportive, decisions-oriented information material. The objective of the course is furthermore to provide the student with knowledge about research and central theories within the subject area. In addition, the objective is to enable the student to give an account of this knowledge, use this knowledge in the terms of the issues related to the subject area as well as to formulate an account of the knowledge in a scientific way on completion of the course.

Undervisningsform: Teaching methods will be lectures of relevant subjects, project work and discussion of articles.

Undervisningssprog: English


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Gruppe Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig

Valg indenfor udbudte emner


Bemærkning Discussion paper with individual grading, presentation of final report on group basis with following individual examination with external censorship. Evaluation of final report takes place in the beginning of January.

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4. Studieordningens regelbestemmelser

Regler om 1. Årsprøve Der skal deltages i 1. årsprøverne inden udgangen af første år og prøverne skal bestås inden udgangen af andet år jf. eksamensbekendtgørelsen, bekendtgørelse nr. 867 af 19. august 2004 om eksamen ved universitetsuddannelser, VTU, §§ 22-25 se

Merit og fleksibilitet Studienævnet har mulighed for at godkende merit fra en dansk eller udenlandsk videregående uddannelsesinstitution, jf. eksamensbekendtgørelsen, bekendtgørelse nr. 867 af 19. august 2004 om eksamen ved universitetsuddannelser, VTU, § 35 se og uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen, bekendtgørelse nr. 612 af 18. august 1998, UVM, se

Til- og afmelding af prøver In the autumn of 2008 AU-IBT adopted course registration obligation on STADS Self-service for all students, see When students have completed their course registration AU-IBT will see to it that they will automatically become registered for all examinations related to the courses. This procedure was introduced to meet the requirements of the executive order on examination regulations. Fall semester online course registration via STADS Self-service takes place from the 1st to the 15th of June. Spring semester online course registration via STADS Self-service takes place from the 1st to the 15th of December. Subsequently, AU-IBT automatically registers the students for the examinations finishing each separate course. This means that the course registration replaces the exam registration which was previously done by the students via STADS Self-Service. It is the students’ responsibility to register for the right courses before deadline as otherwise AU-IBT cannot register them for the examinations. In case students would like to withdraw from an examination later on this is to be done via STADS Self-service. If they do not withdraw at least one week before the handing in of projects/reports or oral examinations it would count as an examination attempt.

Stave- og formuleringsevne Ved bedømmelsen af samtlige skriftlige prøver, uanset hvilket sprog prøven er aflagt på, indgår den studerendes stave- og formuleringsevne. Det faglige indhold vægter tungest, mens stave- og formuleringsevnen indgår modificerende i bedømmelsen af den samlede målopfyldelse. Ved bedømmelsen af samtlige mundtlige prøver, uanset hvilket sprog prøven afholdes på, indgår den studerendes mundtlige fremstillingsevne. Det faglige indhold vægter tungest, mens den mundtlige fremstillingsevne indgår modificerende i bedømmelsen af den samlede målopfyldelse.

Regler for større skriftlige afleveringer: Omfangsbestemmelser fremgår af beskrivelsen af det enkelte uddannelseselement. En normalside ved skriftlige afleveringer regnes som 2400 typeenheder (tegn plus mellemrum). Beregningen af normalsider omfatter tekst og noter, men ikke forside, indholdsfortegnelse og litteraturliste. Skriftlige afleveringer, der ikke overholder de angivne omfangsbestemmelser, kan ikke antages til bedømmelse.

Mulighed for brug af PC ved prøver Tilbydes brug af pc sker det efter Universitetets regler om brug af pc ved prøver se

Projektorienterede forløb: Mulighed for projektorienterede forløb fremgår af beskrivelsen af det enkelte uddannelseselement.

Dispensationer En dispensation er en afvigelse fra den eller de regler, der almindeligvis gælder for det pågældende område. Dispensation kan gives på baggrund af ansøgning til den myndighed, der har kompetencen til at give dispensation. Ansøgning om dispensation indgives til studienævnet. Hvis en anden myndighed har kompetencen, videresender studienævnet ansøgningen til rette myndighed (f.eks. dekan, rektor eller ministerium). En dispensationsansøgning skal være skriftlig og begrundet, og skal indgives hurtigst muligt. Hvis ansøgningen umiddelbart skal kunne behandles, skal den indeholde tydelig angivelse af, hvad det er for en regel der søges dispensation fra og hvad der ønskes opnået med dispensationen (f.eks. tilladelse til hjælpemidler, forlænget prøvetid, udsættelse af tidsgrænse). Ansøgningen skal vedlægges dokumentation for de usædvanlige forhold, der begrunder ansøgningen. Udokumenterede forhold kan sædvanligvis ikke tillægges betydning.

Anke og klage

If a student wishes to complain of the contents of an examination, a written complaint must be sent to AU-IBT’s director not later than 2 weeks after the day of the examination. Regarding the complaint procedure please refer to publication no. 1016 of 24 August 2010 concerning "tests and exams in business educations" from the Danish Ministry of Education (UVM) applying to the BDE, the GMM, the EDE, the ICM, the HA, the HAim and the TD study programmes. The rules for complaints apply to both written as well as oral examinations.

Appeal: Students who wish to appeal a decision must do so in writing, to AU-IBT's director, no later than two weeks after receiving the decision made by AU-IBT.

Om prøver De nærmere bestemmelser om hvordan, og i hvilket omfang, den studerende skal have deltaget i undervisningen ved prøveformen undervisningsdeltagelse fremgår af beskrivelsen af det enkelte uddannelseselement. Ved bedømmelsen af samtlige skriftlige prøver vil der blive lagt vægt på, at den studerende kan formidle en faglig problemstilling og disponere en akademisk opgave herunder opfylde formelle akademiske krav (referencer,

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citathåndtering, mv). Ved bedømmelsen af samtlige mundtlige prøver vil der blive lagt vægt på, at den studerende kan præsentere et fagligt stof, strukturere en mundtlig præsentation og indgå i en faglig konstruktiv dialog Alle prøvers resultater fremgår af eksamensresultatet (beviset) med deres ECTS-vægt. Der beregnes et gennemsnit med en decimal af alle graduerede bedømmelser. Hver bedømmelse indgår i beregningen med sin ECTS-vægt. Love og bekendtgørelser samt universitetets regler på uddannelsesområdet kan findes i Universitetets elektroniske regelsamling på

Udskrevet den 09-11-2010

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