student's+guide+ +at4

Welcome to Adult Track! Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para você, que precisa estar preparado para se comunicar em inglês hoje, na sua vida profissional e pessoal. Sabemos o quanto o seu tempo é precioso e, por isso, você irá usar inglês desde o primeiro dia de aula, sempre em contextos e situações que se assemelham muito àquelas que aparecem no seu dia a dia. Sendo assim, você aprenderá o inglês da vida real, que você poderá usar para realizar tarefas desde as mais simples como receber um visitante estrangeiro até participar de uma reunião de negócios. O Adult Track é um curso inovador justamente por isso: você participará ativamente das aulas, trazendo as expressões e estruturas que você precisa e não apenas aquelas apresentadas pelo livro. Para garantir esse nível de personalização e a atualização permanente dos assuntos tratados no curso, além da sua contribuição, o Adult Track utiliza vários recursos complementares como filmes, documentários, artigos, sites e os materiais multimídia exclusivos da Cultura Inglesa, como atividades no quadro interativo, o e-Campus e o Culture World. O livro é apenas mais um desses recursos. Para acompanhar o curso com mais autonomia e tirar melhor proveito das aulas, preparamos este guia que apresenta a estrutura do curso aula a aula e reúne indicações de atividades, dicas de estudo e materiais de referência exclusivos. Este guia irá: 1. orientar seu estudo; 2. sugerir recursos extras de consolidação do que foi visto nas aulas; 3. oferecer ideias de como expandir o seu conhecimento; 4. identificar o que deve ser priorizado na hora da revisão; e 5. servir de apoio e referência caso você precise faltar às aulas. STUDENTs ADULT TRACK 4 Lesson 04 Lesson 03 Lesson 02 Lesson 01 Lesson 08 Lesson 07 Lesson 06 Lesson 05 Lesson 12 Lesson 11 Lesson 10 Lesson 09 TEST 1 Lesson 15 Lesson 14 Lesson 13 Lesson 20 Lesson 19 Lesson 18 Lesson 17 Lesson 24 Lesson 23 Lesson 22 Lesson 21 Lesson 28 Lesson 27 Lesson 26 Lesson 25 Lesson 31 Lesson 30 Lesson 29 TEST 2 Communicative Writing Language Reference APRESENTAÇÃO DAS SESSÕES DO GUIA Número da aula: O seu estágio é composto por 32 aulas, incluindo avaliações e momentos formais de feedback durante o curso. Communication Purpose: Aqui você encontra o foco do que será estudado em cada aula. Cada uma das aulas gira em torno de uma situação específica relacionada à vida real. O livro é apenas um dos muitos recursos usados para que esse objetivo comunicativo seja atingido, porque o conteúdo de cada aula é exclusivo da Cultura Inglesa. Consolidation: Aqui estão sugestões de atividades essenciais para a consolidação do que foi visto em sala de aula. Esses exercícios e tarefas retomam a língua que foi apresentada e praticada em sala através de contextos variados. Quanto mais tempo você conseguir se dedicar ao estudo do inglês fora das aulas, melhor e mais rápido será o seu desenvolvimento. Expansion: Quanto mais contato você tiver com o inglês, melhor! Você pode aproveitar o seu tempo livre e organizar momentos extras de estudo. Use essas dicas de como expandir a sua prática e a sua exposição ao idioma e acelere o seu aprendizado! COMO USÁ-LO Você pode acompanhar o conteúdo de cada aula clicando diretamente no número correspondente a ela. Para cada aula, você terá também um diálogo modelo com os itens trabalhados em aula. Clique neste símbolo para ser direcionado para o diálogo. O guia também apresenta modelos para as redações que você irá escrever. Clique neste símbolo para ir direto às instruções para escrever seu texto e ver um modelo de referência. Para voltar ao menu da primeira página, clique neste símbolo . A cada quatro aulas, você também encontra mais dicas de estudo para otimizar seu aprendizado. Não deixe de contar com a ajuda de seu professor em caso de dúvidas. Esperamos que, com esse material, você se torne cada vez mais independente e bem-sucedido no uso do inglês no seu dia a dia. Tenha um ótimo semestre!

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Page 1: Student's+Guide+ +AT4

Welcome to Adult Track!

Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para você, que precisa estar preparado para se comunicar em inglês hoje, na sua vida profissional

e pessoal. Sabemos o quanto o seu tempo é precioso e, por isso, você irá usar inglês desde o primeiro dia de aula, sempre em contextos e

situações que se assemelham muito àquelas que aparecem no seu dia a dia. Sendo assim, você aprenderá o inglês da vida real, que você

poderá usar para realizar tarefas desde as mais simples como receber um visitante estrangeiro até participar de uma reunião de negócios.

O Adult Track é um curso inovador justamente por isso: você participará ativamente das aulas, trazendo as expressões e estruturas que

você precisa e não apenas aquelas apresentadas pelo livro. Para garantir esse nível de personalização e a atualização permanente dos

assuntos tratados no curso, além da sua contribuição, o Adult Track utiliza vários recursos complementares como filmes, documentários,

artigos, sites e os materiais multimídia exclusivos da Cultura Inglesa, como atividades no quadro interativo, o e-Campus e o Culture World.

O livro é apenas mais um desses recursos. Para acompanhar o curso com mais autonomia e tirar melhor proveito das aulas, preparamos

este guia que apresenta a estrutura do curso aula a aula e reúne indicações de atividades, dicas de estudo e materiais de referência

exclusivos. Este guia irá:

1. orientar seu estudo;

2. sugerir recursos extras de consolidação do que foi visto nas aulas;

3. oferecer ideias de como expandir o seu conhecimento;

4. identificar o que deve ser priorizado na hora da revisão; e

5. servir de apoio e referência caso você precise faltar às aulas.


Lesson 04

Lesson 03

Lesson 02

Lesson 01

Lesson 08

Lesson 07

Lesson 06

Lesson 05

Lesson 12

Lesson 11

Lesson 10

Lesson 09


Lesson 15

Lesson 14

Lesson 13

Lesson 20

Lesson 19

Lesson 18

Lesson 17

Lesson 24

Lesson 23

Lesson 22

Lesson 21

Lesson 28

Lesson 27

Lesson 26

Lesson 25

Lesson 31

Lesson 30

Lesson 29



Writing Language Reference

APRESENTAÇÃO DAS SESSÕES DO GUIA Número da aula: O seu estágio é composto por 32 aulas, incluindo avaliações e momentos formais de feedback durante o curso. Communication Purpose:

Aqui você encontra o foco do que será estudado em cada aula. Cada uma das aulas gira em torno de uma situação específica relacionada à vida real. O livro é apenas um dos muitos recursos usados para

que esse objetivo comunicativo seja atingido, porque o conteúdo de cada aula é exclusivo da Cultura Inglesa. Consolidation: Aqui estão sugestões de atividades essenciais para a consolidação do que foi

visto em sala de aula. Esses exercícios e tarefas retomam a língua que foi apresentada e praticada em sala através de contextos variados. Quanto mais tempo você conseguir se dedicar ao estudo do inglês

fora das aulas, melhor e mais rápido será o seu desenvolvimento. Expansion: Quanto mais contato você tiver com o inglês, melhor! Você pode aproveitar o seu tempo livre e organizar momentos extras

de estudo. Use essas dicas de como expandir a sua prática e a sua exposição ao idioma e acelere o seu aprendizado!

COMO USÁ-LO Você pode acompanhar o conteúdo de cada aula clicando diretamente no número correspondente a ela. Para cada aula, você terá também um diálogo modelo com os itens trabalhados

em aula. Clique neste símbolo para ser direcionado para o diálogo. O guia também apresenta modelos para as redações que você irá escrever. Clique neste símbolo para ir direto às instruções

para escrever seu texto e ver um modelo de referência. Para voltar ao menu da primeira página, clique neste símbolo . A cada quatro aulas, você também encontra mais dicas de estudo para otimizar

seu aprendizado. Não deixe de contar com a ajuda de seu professor em caso de dúvidas. Esperamos que, com esse material, você se torne cada vez mais independente e bem-sucedido no uso do inglês no

seu dia a dia. Tenha um ótimo semestre!

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






Talking about what you do at work

Present Simple Present Perfect (for, since) Likes & dislikes

Global CB PI p. 54,55 - Reading and Speaking ex. 2 + Expand your vocabulary - job and work Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Vocabulary 1 - Jobs

e-Campus: Work Survey (MLA001114) e-Campus: Mr. Gonzales starts work at 9 am. (MLGB005325) e-Campus: What do you do at work? (MVAB005364) e-Campus: A day at the office (MLGB005334)

Global CB PI p. 54 - Vocabulary. Global CB PI p. 141 - Have Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 1A - Have Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 1A - Have

Talking about responsibilities at work

Question forms Linkers (so, because, but)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Vocabulary 2 - Work

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 2B - Modal Verbs e-Campus: Do I have to? (MLGB005433) e-Campus: Obligation/Necessity (GRU00053A) e-Campus: Obligation/Necessity (GRU00053B)

Global CB PI p. 57 - Grammar ex. 3 Global CB PI p. 140, 141 - Modal Verbs Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 2A - Modal Verbs

Talking about different ways to relax

Present Simple Gerund (-ing form) Likes & dislikes Leisure activities Making suggestions

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 3A - ing forms Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 3B - ing forms Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 6 - Mixed verb forms

Global CB PI p. 59 - Grammar ex. 1, 2 Global CB PI p. 58, 154 - Listening ex. 1, 2 e-Campus: People and Activities (MLA000421) e-Campus: Just relax (MVA005200)

Global CB PI p. 63 - Warm up ex. 1, 2 Global CB PI p. 63 - Reading ex. 1, 2 Global CB PI p. 63 - Language Focus

Sharing travelling experiences

Present Perfect Life experiences

Global CB PI p. 141 ex. 1, 2 Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 4A - Present Perfect Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Grammar 4B - Present Perfect have been and have gone e-Campus: Have you ever been in love (MLG002947)

Global CB PI p. 60 – Reading ex. 1, 2 e-Campus: Spectacular theme parks (MWP006188) Website 1:

Tip: Have you already started using a monolingual dictionary (English/English)? Generally, monolingual dictionaries have lots of examples, phrases and expressions. It is nice to read the definitions in English, because this is a good way of avoiding the use of Portuguese when learning new words.

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Sharing your work experience with a new


Present Perfect Past Simple Time expressions

e-Campus: Paul's interview (MLG000468)

Global CB PI p. 60 - Grammar ex. 1 Global CB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Vocabulary 3 - Work expressions e-Campus: My life has changed so much (MLA002054) e-Campus: Mr. Microsoft (MLG000082) e-Campus: My colleagues (MLGB005429)

Global CB PI p. 60 – Reading ex. 2 e-Campus: Past & Present (MLGB005431) e-Campus: For and since (MLG000467) Website:

Taking turns in conversations

Polite questions with Can, Could & May Turn-taking

Global CB PI p. 63 – Reading ex. 1, 2 Global CB PI p. 65 - Grammar ex. 1, 2 Global CB PI p. 65 - Vocabulary e-Campus: How to have a good meeting (MVAB005394)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Reading - the changing workplace Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Listening - Leisure and Lifestyle Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 5 > Vocabulary 3 - Work Expressions

Communicative Writing 1: Writing a CV

Curriculum vitae layout skills & personal qualities courses

Communicative Writing 1 (in case

you have not finished in class)

Global CB PI p. 64 - Writing skills: setting out a CV Global CB PI p. 64 - Language Focus: writing dates e-Campus: Talking about CVs and job interviews (MLAB005268)

Global e-WB PI > Listen on the move > Useful phrases > Work and leisure

Comparing and contrasting people’s

habits / lifestyles

Comparatives (adj + -er / more + adj) Used to (past habits) Adjectives to describe people & places

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Grammar 1A, 1B

Global CB PI p. 143 – Comparative and superlative adjectives e-Campus: Comparative adjectives (GRU00144A)

e-Campus: Our Holiday (MLG005175) e-Campus: Comparative adjectives: irregular adjectives (GRU00144C) e-Campus: Comparative adjectives: double comparatives (GRU00144E)

Tip: When we want to say something very important and complex in a meeting, for example, what do we normally do? We plan our speech previously. It can also happen when studying English, because a good way of feeling comfortable about speaking in class is practising mentally what you are going to say.

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Comparing and contrasting people’s jobs

and workplaces

Comparatives (as … as) Adjectives to describe people & places

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Grammar 2 Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Listening - Maths Teaching

Global CB PI p. 143 – Comparative adjectives (a bit, much, as…as) e-Campus: A change for the better (MLA005245)

e-Campus: News item: People who work in extreme places (NEWSBRIEEXTREMEPLACES01) Website:

Comparing ideas about career development

Present Simple Hopes & plans

Culture world: People and Society > Work > Professional Development > Comparing Ideas about Career Development (Listen to the other interviews and record your voice interviewing John)

e-Campus: Qualifying yourself for life (MLA004061) e-Campus: Exploring professional development plans (CWO3592)

e-Campus: The long-distance runner (MLA004165) Website:

Deciding on the best gadgets to buy

Superlatives Comparatives Describing gadgets

Global CB PI p. 70 - Grammar ex. 1, 2 Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Vocabulary 3

Global CB PI p. 142 – Grammar explanation Global CB PI p. 143 Comparative and Superlative adjectives; Superlatives e-Campus: Comparatives and superlatives (MLG001940)

e-Campus: Comparatives and superlatives (MLG001939) e-Campus: Who’s the fittest? (MLG003656)

Talking about e-shopping +

Communicative Writing 2: Advantages and

disadvantages of online shopping

Expressing advantages and disadvantages Linkers (Firstly, secondly, moreover, finally, however)

Communicative Writing 2 Global CB PI p. 76 - Writing skills: getting ideas Global e-WB PI - Writing tips e-Campus: Video 7: Taking an order over the telephone (MLGB006605)



Tip: We tend to speak to the same person in class. However, it is worth talking to different people as much as possible. Each one has got good and special contributions to share. This is a good opportunity to exchange experiences and learn new things.

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Finding out similarities and differences with

people you know

Short answers using auxiliaries, so, too, neither

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > U 6 > Vocabulary 5 > Finding things in common e-Campus: So, neither, nor (MLG002497)

e-Campus: Interested or not (MPR003469) e-Campus: Inversion with so, neither and nor (GRU00088C) e-Campus: Are they angry? (MPR003097)

Grammar Workout +

Helping out with technical problems

Imperative form Giving instructions Phrasal verbs & objects

Global CB PI p. 73 – Reading: The Luddites Global CB PI p. 73 – Grammar ex. 2

Global CB PI p. 143 Phrasal Verbs and objects Global e-WB PI > Watch > Unit 6 > Making contact

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 6 > Grammar 4 > Phrasal verbs and objects e-Campus: Using a cash machine (MLG006627)

Deciding on the best times to do things

Present Simple Plans for the future Time expressions

e-Campus: Prepositions of time (MLG001441)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Vocabulary 1 - Prepositions of Time Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Vocabulary 2 - Time Crossword

Global e-WB PI >Language Practice > Unit 7 > Vocabulary 3 - Time Expressions


Date: ____ /____ /____

Prezado aluno,

Converse com o seu professor para saber a data desta avaliação e peça dicas de como se preparar melhor para este dia. Lembre-se que o foco do teste é em aspectos

comunicativos e funcionais, e são baseados nos objetivos de cada aula ministrada. O teste tem duração de 60 minutos e é divido em três partes:

Listening (compreensão oral) = 10 pontos

Reading (compreensão escrita) = 10 pontos

Language in use (gramática e vocabulário) = 10 pontos

Total = 30 pontos* *O total da avaliação é convertido de 30 para 20 pontos.

Tip: While studying for the test, try not to spend a lot of time on one lesson only. Take some minutes to plan what you need to focus on, taking your main doubts into consideration. Think about the lessons you should practise more or less. In case you find some time, talk to your classmates to study together and practise the dialogues in pairs, reading them aloud.

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Talking about time

Time expressions Making suggestions

Global CB PI p. 80 - Vocabulary ex. 1 Global CB PI p. 81 - Reading

Website 1:

Website 2:

Talking about how long you have done things

Present Perfect (since x for) Talking about family & friends Talking about hobbies & interests

Global CB PI p. 79 - Grammar ex. 2 Global CB PI p. 145 - Present Perfect with for and since e-Campus: I’ve lived here for three years (MLG000826)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 1B - Present Perfect with for and since e-Campus: Present Perfect with for and since (MLG002855)

e-Campus: Then and now (MLG005473)

Reporting on the activities you have already done

Present Perfect (already x yet)

Global CB PI p. 145 - Present Perfect with yet and already ex. 2 Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 2 - Present Perfect with yet and already

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Grammar 3 - Present Perfect and Past Simple e-Campus: Present Perfect with adverbs of time (MLG002935)

e-Campus: Read two pieces of headline news and find the structures worked on in the last 2 classes.

Talking about your accomplishments

Present Perfect Past Simple Dealing with money

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Vocabulary 5 - Money, verb phrases e-Campus: Headline News: How Steve Jobs changed the main ideas of capitalism - band: easy (NEWSBRIStevejobs01)

e-Campus: A fair price (MLAB006432) e-Campus: A busy day at work (MLG005241)

e-Campus: Headline News: How Steve Jobs challenged the ideas behind capitalism - band: average (NEWSBRIStevejobs01)

e-Campus: Boost your self-esteem (MVA005490) e-Campus: Money troubles (MVAB004100)

Tip: “Better late than never” and “Actions speak louder than words” are two examples of proverbs. Little by little, try to use proverbs when speaking. They are usually interesting and they sometimes express better what you think than a long and complex sentence. In the EXPANSION chart of lesson 17, you can find two web links about proverbs.

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Getting by when shopping abroad

Going shopping Saying prices

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 7 > Vocabulary 5 - Money, verb phrases e-Campus: Headline News: How Steve Jobs changed the main ideas of capitalism - band: easy (NEWSBRIStevejobs01)

Global e-WB PI > Listen on the move > In Conversation > At the market e-Campus: Prices (MLA006810) e-Campus: Shopping (MLA000487) e-Campus: Going shopping (MVA004294)

e-Campus: Attitudes to shopping (MLG003668) Website 1:

Website 2:

Learning to manage your study time

+ Communicative Writing 3: Writing an argumentative


Present simple Giving opinions

Communicative Writing 3 Bring pictures / postcards of places you have been to. The pictures should preferably portray buildings.

e-Campus: Asking for a pay rise (MLAB005382) e-Campus: Negotiating with the boss (MLAB005380)


Talking about buildings and places

Passive voice Important/Historical places in a city Adjectives to describe places

e-Campus: Describing places (MLA006795)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 5 e-Campus: A tour of Dublin (MLA003584)

e-Campus: Shot on location in Britain – Web project (MWP006193)

Describing and comparing homes

There to be x Have (got) Talking about housing

e-Campus: In my room (MLG002663) e-Campus: My bedroom (MLA005228) Culture World: Lifestyles > Housing > Living spaces > Comparing housing preferences

Global CB PI p. 145 - Present perfect with for and since Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 1

e-Campus: Describing places (MVA006837)

Tip: Try to personalise what you learn. If you are studying the parts of the house, think of where you live. If you are learning vocabulary to describe people, think of how you would describe people in your family. Personalisation can help you better understand and memorise something new.

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Describing what places to visit on a trip

Part 1

First conditional (Will, Can & Might)

Global CB PI p. 147 - First Conditional Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 7 e-Campus: Holiday paradise (MVA005199)

e-Campus: Getting a winter break (MLA001222)

Describing what places to visit on a trip.

Part 2 +

What to take on a trip

Travelling and tourism Making suggestions & recommendations

Culture World: Lifestyles > Travelling > Asking about and commenting on choice

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Vocabulary 6 e-Campus: Living in Italy (MLA003581)

e-Campus: On Business in Bermuda (MLA001730) Website:

Choosing a holiday destination

Second conditional e-Campus: Travelling in the UK (MVA004419) e-Campus: Travelling by plane (MVA005236) e-Campus: First and second conditional (MLG001399)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Grammar 2 e-Campus: Matching clothes, weather and travel plans (CWO4143)

Global e-WB PI > Language Practice > Unit 8 > Reading > Nomads Website:

Communicative Writing 4: Suggesting a place for

someone to visit

Describing places Making suggestions

Communicative Writing 4 e-Campus: Emergency landing (MLA003580)

e-Campus: IELTS Listening section 1: Visiting Australia - Task 1 (MEPI004574)

Tip: When doing a speaking activity, try to extend the conversation by asking follow-up questions. If your classmate says “I’ve worked there for a long time”, for example, you can ask him/her “How long have worked in this company?” – It helps you acquire fluency in the language.

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32 32




Grammar Workout +

Speaking on the Telephone

Talking on the phone e-Campus: On the phone (MLGB005359) e-Campus: Two phone calls (MLG006635)

Global e-WB PI > Listen on the move > In Conversation > On the phone

e-Campus: IELTS Listening section 1: Visiting Australia - Task 1 (MEPI004574)


(1) O objetivo principal desta aula é oferecer a possibilidade de você rever alguns objetivos e estruturas da língua vistas durante o curso. O professor é responsável por selecionar o conteúdo de acordo com a necessidade do seu grupo. Sugestões são bem vindas. Portanto, é possível negociar previamente com o seu professor que situações poderão ser revistas nesse momento. (2) Há uma atividade escrita de consolidação, cujo objetivo é permitir que você tenha uma visão global do conteúdo estudado neste nível. Esses exercícios ajudam a mapear as dúvidas e contribuem para um bom planejamento do que estudar para a última avaliação (aula 32). Este material encontra-se disponível com o professor.

Communicative Activity

Esta aula é um momento importante, pois aqui você terá a oportunidade de refletir sobre o seu desempenho ao longo do curso. O professor trará atividades comunicativas que exigirá o uso das estruturas estudas neste nível. Além disso, estas atividades lhe ajudarão a se preparar de alguma forma para a última avaliação (próxima aula).


Date: ____ /____ /____

O formato desta avaliação é similar ao Test 1, que foi realizado no meio do curso. Entretanto, neste momento há uma parte para avaliação de produção escrita, onde você terá que desenvolver, sem consulta aos materiais, uma redação. Esta composição escrita requererá o domínio do conteúdo e estruturas vistas nas quatro redações trabalhadas durante o curso. O teste tem duração de 100 minutos e é divido em quatro partes:

Listening (compreensão oral) = 10 pontos

Reading (compreensão escrita) = 10 pontos

Language in use (gramática e vocabulário) = 10 pontos

Communicative writing (produção escrita) = 10 pontos / Total = 40 pontos* *O total da avaliação é convertido de 40 para 30 pontos.

Tip: Don’t be disappointed if you could not do all the suggested activities in this guide! If you have some time before you start the next level, try to do (or redo) the exercises. This is a good way of being in contact with the language, revising the content and getting better prepared for the next steps.

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 7 – CW 1: Writing a CV. Task: You are interested in getting a new job in an English-speaking country. Write your curriculum vitae.

LESSON 12 – CW 2: Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. Task: The NY Times has invited readers to write about the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. You decide to send them your views on the subject.



1) Email address

2) Date of birth

3) Education and qualifications

4) Work Experience

5) Skills

6) Interests

7) Referees


Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 64 (check this page to see the complete version of the CV)

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT4 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 1

Observation: We do not write a CV in paragraphs. We divide the content into different categories. Below you find suggested headings to include in your document.

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT4 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 2


Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Say the advantages (mention examples)

Paragraph 3: Say the disadvantages (mention examples)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion


The internet has revolutionized people’s lives all over the world. People use the internet every day for their studies, to contact friends and family, and for pleasure. It has turned the world into a global village.

Using the internet has many advantages. First of all, you can send instant messages and contact people all over the world by email and in chat rooms. In addition, you can access huge amount of useful information for your studies or for research. Another important advantage is that you can download games, music, videos, films and other software, often for free.

However, there are also certain disadvantages in using the internet. Firstly, it can be dangerous to put personal information, such as credit cards details, online. Secondly, the internet is a good environment for hackers, who spread viruses as well as spyware. Finally, there are some websites that are unsuitable for children.

In conclusion, despite the disadvantages, the internet brings huge benefits to our lives. It is hard nowadays to imagine a world without the internet.


Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 76 – Listing points; Writing skills; Introducing advantages and disadvantages

*This text is adapted from Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 76 - Reading


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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 28 – CW 4: Suggesting a place for someone to visit. Task: A foreign friend is planning to visit you next holidays. It is his/her first time in your city and you decide to write an email describing where you live, giving suggestions and your impression about the place.

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT4 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 4


Hi Mariko,

How are you? I hope you are well. I’m so glad you are coming to stay with me next month. It will be great to see you again.

Let me tell you a bit about my town. It’s called Rajec and it’s in the north of Slovakia, near the Mala Fatra mountains. It’s not a large town (there are about 7,000 inhabitants), but it’s very old and beautiful. The main attraction of the town is the 16th-century Town Hall. There’s also a medieval square in the town centre, as well as lots of historical buildings. Outside the town there are also thermal baths, and a golf course and tennis courts.

The worst thing about Rajec is that it’s a bit quiet and there isn’t much to do at night. There’s no cinema, and there aren’t many bars and restaurants. But what I like best is the countryside around the town is that it’s wonderful to go walking there in the summer. There are mountains nearby, as well as a lake, where you can go fishing.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

Love, Aneta


Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 100 – Preparing to write; Describing a town

*This text is adapted from Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 100 - Reading

LESSON 22 – CW 3: Writing an argumentative text (giving your opinion). Task: Your teacher wants to listen to your opinion on one of these topics: (1) Schools and universities do not teach students enough about how to manage their time; (2) The love of money is the root of all evil. Choose one topic and write an argumentative text.* * Alternatively, you can write about a different topic. In this case, talk to your teacher.

Full name: Maria da Glória dos Santos (example given) AT4 – Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 3

Paragraph 1: Choose one general aspect to start exploring the topic and state your opinion on it.


“Life today is too fast and people don’t have enough time for what is important”

It is certainly true that for many people, especially in big cities, life today is too fast. People have too many things to do and spend all their time rushing from one place to another. We travel by car and plane, communicate by email and mobile phone, and get information immediately on the internet. Even our food nowadays is often fast food.

As a result of this, we save time but end up filling it with other things. We worry about work and our obligations, and consequently become stressed and ill. We spend our time earning more money and buying more and more things, and so we lack time for what is important. We rarely spend time with friends and family, or stop to relax and have some fun.

I believe it is important to realize that there are other things in life as well, apart from work and money. We should spend more time seeing our friends and family. We also need to think about relaxing and enjoying ourselves, even for a few hours a day. We need to find time to listen to music, read books for enjoyment, and enjoy our hobbies. We can’t let life pass us by.


Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 88

*This text is adapted from Global CB Pre-Intermediate p. 88 - Reading

Paragraph 2: Give example and evidences to support you opinion.

Paragraph 3: Come to a conclusion and suggest solutions.

Paragraph 1: Greet your friend and say how happy you are to welcome him/her.

Paragraph 2 / 3: Describe the place - use the questions on page 100 (Global CB)

to help you with ideas.

Paragraph 4: Close the email.


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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 02 – Talking about responsibilities at work.

A: You don’t work on Sundays, do you? B: No, I don’t have to work on Sundays. But I have to work on Saturdays. A: Really? That’s boring. B: Not really, because I can have a day off during the week, so… A: Can you choose any day you want? B: Yeah, but I must ask my boss before. A: What about the dress code? B: Well, I don’t have to wear a uniform, but I mustn’t wear t-shirts and jeans. A: Did you prefer your previous job? B: No, definitely not. I used to work shifts there.

LESSON 04 – Sharing travelling experiences (with colleagues).

A: Have you ever been abroad? B: I’ve taken my first trip overseas alone recently. A: Alone? Do you enjoy travelling on your own? B: Yes, I’ve always enjoyed travelling alone. A: Have you ever visited Japan? B: Actually, I’ve never been to a distant country, but my wife has been to Australia. A: Has the experience changed her? B: Definitely! Travelling has given her a new perspective in life.

LESSON 06 – Taking turns in conversations.

A: That’s all! Thank you for coming and see you tomorrow! B: Excuse me. Could I just ask a question? A: Yes, please.

C: I don’t think I understood this. May I ask you about this project again? D: Of course.

E: Could I also mention the negative consequences? F: Yes, go ahead!

G: May I say something about the budget? H: Sure.

LESSON 01 – Talking about what you do at work.

A: What do you do? B: I’ve got a job as a photographer. A: How long have you had this job? B: I’ve been a photographer for more than 5 years. A: Do you have to wear specific clothes to work? B: It depends on the occasion. I can wear casual clothes for informal events, but I have to wear a suit for formal ones. A: Do you like your occupation? B: I love my job! It’s really interesting and I don’t have to wake up early every day.

LESSON 03 – Talking about different ways to relax.

A: Hey, Martha! What about playing volleyball at the beach? B: Well, maybe but I’m not very interested in volleyball, you know. A: Never mind! I’m open to suggestions. B: I find cards more relaxing. I really enjoy playing poker. A: Oh my! I’m not good at playing cards. What else do you suggest? B: Well, let’s go for a meal and chat. What do you think? A: Great idea! Chatting and eating are always good.

LESSON 05 – Sharing your work experience with a new boss.

A: How long have you been in this department? B: I’ve worked here for five years. A: Have you worked in other areas? B: I worked for the financial department when I started here. A: Why did you decide to change? B: I wasn’t very happy there. A: Have you ever worked in a different company? B: Yes, I have. I got my first job in a small shop when I was 17.

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 09 – Comparing and contrasting people’s jobs and workplaces.

A: You used to work in that hospital and now you work in your office, right? B: Yes, working in my own office is less stressful than working in a hospital. A: So your life is much calmer now. B: No, my life is as busy as it was there. But now I don’t work under pressure. A: Your job is more challenging than mine, I guess. B: It depends. Being a doctor is not as difficult as many people think. A: You may be right.

LESSON 11 – Deciding on the best gadgets to buy.

A: That mobile is the best phone I’ve ever seen in the market. B: Of course, it’s the most expensive one. A: But I prefer this smart phone because it has the best screen. B: OK, but look at this one! It has the fastest processor. A: Wow! And this is the most beautiful colour. I think I’ll buy it. B: Are you sure? The other ones are less expensive than this. A: Come on! It’s my birthday, I deserve it.

LESSON 14 – Helping out with technical problems.

A: Hey, can you help me? B: What’s wrong? A: The computer isn’t working again. B: Try shutting it down.

C: My PC broke and I lost some files and pictures. D: What a pity! You should always make a backup copy of your work.

E: Did you try to log on to the system? F: Yes, I did. I typed my username and password, but it didn’t work.

LESSON 08 – Comparing and contrasting people’s habits / lifestyles.

A: Look at Regina! She’s much fitter, isn’t she? B: That’s true! She’s happier too, I think. A: Happy people are usually healthier than unhappy ones. B: Yeah and she’s certainly more beautiful than her husband. A: He used to be a lot more handsome ten years ago.

C: What do you think of Belo Horizonte? D: It’s good, but Curitiba is more organised and secure than here. C: I know, but life is much more expensive there. D: You’re right and my house is a lot bigger here in BH. I can’t complain.

LESSON 10 – Comparing ideas about career development.

A: What’s your job? B: I’m a marketing supervisor. A: Do you think about your personal development? B: Yes, I like studying foreign languages. A: What about professional training? B: I’m planning to study abroad for 1 month. A: What are your plans for the future? B: I intend to do more training courses.

LESSON 13 – Finding out similarities and differences with people you know.

A: Jenny, long time no see you! I missed you! B: Me too! You look great! So tell me, how’s your life? A: I’m married now! B: So am I! And we have twin daughters. A: How nice! I don’t have kids yet. B: Oh, I see. We should meet up for dinner one day. A: Lovely! Peter can cook very well. B: My husband can’t. You’re so lucky! A: And I want to see your babies! B: Babies? They’re 7 years old, dear! Well, I don’t want to lose touch. A: Me neither!

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 17 – Talking about time.

A: I spend very little time with people I love. B: You shouldn’t spend a lot of time at work only.

C: My car has broken and I need to pay these bills at the bank. D: It’s a waste of time to go there. We can save time and use the online banking.

E: We need some spare time to relax. F: Let’s make some extra money and travel. We should enjoy life because time flies.

LESSON 19 – Reporting on the activities you have already done.

A: Darling, the water bill is due tomorrow. Don’t forget to pay it, please! B: No worries, I’ve already paid that.

C: I haven’t seen the photos yet. I’m so curious! D: I can show you on Monday after the lesson.

E: Where is Susan’s message? I can’t see it. F: She hasn’t sent the email yet, but I’ve already sent her another message.

LESSON 21 – Getting by when shopping abroad.

A: Excuse me. Can I help you, sir? B: I’m just looking, thanks.

C: How much are those glasses? D: They’re £120.50. *one hundred twenty pounds and fifty p+ E: Ok, I’ll have them.

F: Darling, it’s €50 *fifty euros+, what do you think? G: Oh, that’s quite expensive. H: That’s true. I’ll leave it.

LESSON 15 – Deciding on the best times to do things.

A: I’m planning to visit you soon, dear. B: How nice! The best time to come here is in spring. A: I’m on holidays in October. Is it spring in Brazil this time? B: Yeah. The temperature is good to go to the beach and the tourist attractions aren’t too busy. A: I intend to stay at the beach in the morning and afternoon. I want to get tanned! B: And then we can go clubbing at night. Let’s party! A: Not every night, you mean. I’m not young anymore. B: Come on! Can I call you back on Monday to confirm it?

LESSON 18 – Talking about how long you have done things.

A: Are you from Italy? B: No, I’m not. I’ve lived in Italy since I was a child, but I was born in the Czech Republic. A: Oh, that’s why your Italian is good. You’ve been in touch with the language for a long time. B: My grandparents are Italian and I’ve always liked the language. A: Is your wife Italian too? B: Yes, she is. A: How long have you been married? B: We’ve been married since 2001. A: Why do you want to move to a different place? B: We’ve had this flat for more than 10 years and it’s also really old.

LESSON 20 – Talking about your accomplishments.

A: I’ve been to Brazil recently. I lived there for 3 years. B: What was your first job when you got there? A: Well, I left Chile with a tight budget on a Tuesday, and I got a job as a waiter on a Friday. B: Have you learned a lot about Brazilian culture? A: I think so. I’ve learned the language and how to prepare some of their typical food. B: Really? Do you know how to prepare caipirinha, for instance? A: Yes, I do. I’ve already prepared caipirinha and chimarrão, and I’ve cooked a delicious feijoada for a couple of friends too. B: So, you could earn money as a chef now in Chile, what do you think?

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

LESSON 24 – Describing and comparing homes.

A: What’s your house like? B: I live in a comfortable flat near Ibirapuera. A: Do you like it? B: I love my place. It’s quite big, very light and it has a great view. A: How many bedrooms are there? B: There are two bedrooms, a combined kitchen and living room and two bathrooms. A: Is there a utility room? B: Oh yes, it’s got a nice utility room and a balcony too. A: Is the building new? B: No, it’s quite old, but I find the flat fantastic anyway.

LESSON 26 – Describing what places to visit. - Part 2 + What to take on a trip.

A: What are you planning to bring? B: I’m not sure, but I want to take a couple of trousers and some t-shirts. A: Don’t bring a lot of trousers because it’s really hot in Madrid at this time. B: Well, I think I’ll pack some shorts then. A: That’s good! It’s really sunny too. B: So I’ll need sunglasses and hats. A: OK! Remember to pack light and comfortable clothes. B: Should I pack formal clothes as well? A: I’m afraid we’re not going to any special event.

LESSON 29 – Speaking in the telephone.

A: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Bell, please? B: Just a second, please. I’ll put you through. ... B: Sorry to keep you waiting, but I’m afraid he’s not here now. A: Never mind. I’ll call him later.

C: Hi, I’m calling you about the email you sent me yesterday. D: Oh, I know. So have you decided yet?

LESSON 23 – Talking about buildings and places.

A: Santos is one of the oldest cities in Brazil, isn’t it? B: That’s true. It was founded in 1546 by Brás Cubas. A: It’s a lovely place and it has some historical buildings such as the Coffee Museum. B: In the past, coffee prices were negotiated in this building. A: The Coffee Museum is near the port, where lots of products are imported and exported every day. B: You can also visit the beach and the largest beachfront garden in the world. A: Some other cities near Santos are often visited in summer. Guarujá is my favourite!

LESSON 25 – Describing what places to visit on a trip. – Part 1

A: What about going to London next December? B: December? If you go there in October, it’ll be cheaper. A: Cheaper and warmer. You’re right! B: We’ll have a discount if we buy the flight tickets this month.

C: You can stay at your uncle’s house if you travel to Florianópolis. D: I don’t know. I don’t think he remembers me. C: Come on! Of course he does. If you talk to him on the phone, he might recognise your voice.

LESSON 27 – Choosing a holiday destination.

A: If you were on holidays now, where would you go? B: I would travel to Punta Cana to swim with the dolphins.

C: Are you going to stay at your stepmother’s house? D: Unfortunately, but I would stay in a five-star hotel if I had the money.

E: If I went to New York, I would see all musicals on Broadway. F: Really? You are a real musicals fan!

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Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

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