student project: go green

How Green Can You Become?

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How Green Can You Become?

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Why Should We


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The main reason for us to go green is…

to stop

Global Warming.

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“What gets us into trouble

is not what we don’t know

It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t

so.”--Mark Twain

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So what's Global Warming?

Global warming is a significant increase in the Earth's climatic

temperature at a decent speed as a result of the activities of humans.

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Effects of

Global Warming!

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Scene From The Inconvenient Truth

Solar radiation in the form of lightwaves passes through the atmosphere

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Earth’s temperature has risen about 1oF

in last centuries. The past 50 years of

warming has been attributed to human


Burning fuels such as coal, natural gas

and oil produces

greenhouse gases in

excessive amounts.

Greenhouse gases are

emissions that rise into the

atmosphere and trap the sun’s

energy, keeping heat from escaping.

The U.S. was responsible for 20% of global

greenhouse gases emitted in


During the past 100 years global sea

levels have risen 4 to 8 inches.

Most of the world’s

emissions are attributed to

the U.S. large-scale use of fuels in vehicles

and factories.Some predictions for local changes

include increasingly hot

summer and intense

thunderstorms. Damaging storms, droughts and related weather phenomena cause an increase in economic and health problems. Warmers weather provides breeding grounds for

insects such as malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

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The weather is changing!

More extreme weathers will strike and it is unpredictable.

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Glaciers and ice shelves around the world are melting!

An immediate result of melting glaciers would be a rise in sea levels. Even a modest rise could cause flooding problems for low-lying coastal areas. However, if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were melt, it would push sea levels up 10 meters and these areas would completely “drowned”. How could it be if the polar caps were melt? The sea level will increase another 68 meters!

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Let's get started!

To Green!

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One of the best way to go green -

Recycling"Recycling a ton of “waste” has twice the economic impact of burying it in

the ground. In addition, recycling one additional ton of waste will pay $101 more in salaries and wages, produce $275 more in goods and services, and

generate $135 more in sales than disposing of it in a landfill."

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First thing first, a little R & R & R

The aphorism is so tired it almost might seem like “reduce, reuse, recycle” should go without saying. But in fact, most of us have only really heard the last third of the

phrase, and they’re ranked in order of importance.

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Reducing the amount that we consume, and shifting our consumption to well-designed products and services, is the first step. Finding constructive uses for “waste” materials is next. And tossing it in the blue bin (garbage bin) is last. Through a balance of these three principals you can easily see your landfill-destined waste dwindle fast.

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How to green your water?

1. No drips – A dripping faucet can waste20 gallons of water a day.

2. New fixtures can improve water effectiveness.

3. Cultivate good water habits such as turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

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4. Harvest your rainwater – Rainwater can be used like regular water on your tap!

5. Reuse water, for example greywater can be used for watering plants.

6. Keep your eyes open – Report broken pipes, open hydrants, and excessive waste.

7. Take a shower instead of a bath. Bath will cost four times more energy.

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How to green your electric?

1. Cut down the lost of energyto minimum.

2. Reduce your use. Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) or LEDs. Turn off when they’re not needed, electronics that sleep/standby mode continue to pull a current.

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3. Installing an home alternative energy system. A solar electric system can provide all the energy.

4. Most energy consumed in home is in heating and cooling. Keep your house cool with natural ventilation instead of A/C as much as possible. Blocking sunlight can help lower your cooling load. Plant a tree, it will absorb a ton of CO2 over its lifetime. Shade provided by trees can also reduce your A/C bill by 10 to 15%.

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5. After cooling and heating, plug-in devises are the next biggest users of energy in your abode. When looking for new appliances, seek out the most energy-efficient models. Also look for Energy Star rated products.

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Green Your


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1. Easiest of all – Go rechargeable.

2. Buy with energy in mind – Always consider buying the most energy effective model.

3. Treat those battery right – Instead of tossing them away, recycle it . Buy rechargeable battery if possible. You can also recycle old electronics such as old cellphone.

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4. Extend use – we doesn't need to buy the latest gadget, older ones faithfully do their job well. Think twice before consider buying a new one.

5. Look for EPEAT. EPEAT is a new attempt at environmental certification for computers.

6. Buy a less toxic system – just look for products with RoHS logo.EPEAT, which stands for Electronic Product Environmental Assessment

Tool Sponsored Links RoHS,Restriction of Hazardous Substances

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Now let watch a trailerNow let watch a trailerThis trailer named …This trailer named …

An Inconvenient TruthAn Inconvenient Truth

From Al Gore

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If can’t work

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As a conclusion, after we have done this project, we realized that our earth is already seriously ill. We can’t just stand here and do nothing but hurt it more. We must take immediate, effective action to save our earth.

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In order to save our beautiful and peaceful earth, we need to obtain more knowledge so that we can use the effective way. Beside that, this project also let us realized the important of cooperate. When we doing this project, our relationship improve and we know more about the earth. We feel grate that we can do the project together happily.

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Group members:

Ng Wing Chun Lee Qian

Hiroki Takeuchi

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Bibliography from:

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