student booklet hsc extension 2 english 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. scripts — radio,...

1 Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College The Entrance Campus Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018

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Page 1: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College

The Entrance Campus

Student Booklet





Page 2: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


HSC English Extension Course 2 Requirements

In the HSC English Extension Course 2 students develop a sustained composition, and document and reflect on this process. Students undertaking HSC English Extension Course 2 must complete the Major Work.

Major Work

This module requires students to work independently to plan and complete a Major Work in the form of an extended composition. It allows students to select an area of personal interest from their specialised study of English and develop their work in this area to a level of distinction. Students compose the Major Work as an extension of the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in the English (Advanced) and (Extension) courses. The Major Work is to be substantial. It may be imaginative, investigative, interpretive, analytical or any combination of these. The chosen form and medium must be appropriate to the nature of the task, the student’s interests and abilities and the resources available. To provide the basis for the Major Work, students undertake ongoing, systematic and rigorous investigation into their chosen area. This investigation process is documented in a journal that demonstrates the processes of inquiry, interprets, analyses and reflects on the knowledge and understanding gained, and explains the stages of the composition of the Major Work. The Major Work will be assessed internally as a process and externally as a product.

Page 3: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


English (Extension) Outcomes

These outcomes are derived from the English (Extension) objectives and the content of the Preliminary and HSC courses. They specify the intended result of student learning. Students will work to achieve the outcomes by responding to and composing highly complex texts in a variety of modes and media.

Preliminary Outcomes

A student understands how and why texts are valued in and appropriated into a range of contexts.

A student develops skills in independent investigation, involving particular texts and their manifestations in various forms, and within particular cultural contexts.

A student develops skills in extended composition in a range of modes and media for different audiences and purposes.

HSC Extension 1 Outcomes

A student distinguishes and evaluates the values expressed through texts.

A student explains different ways of valuing texts.

A student composes extended texts.

A student develops and delivers sophisticated presentations.

HSC Extension 2 Outcomes

A student develops and presents an extended composition which demonstrates depth, insight, originality and skills in independent investigation.

A student reflects on and documents own process of composition.

HSC English Extension Course 2 Objectives, Outcome and Content

The table below sets out the content of HSC English Extension Course 2 and illustrates the relationship among the objectives, outcomes and content.

English Extension Course 2


HSC English Extension Course 2 Outcomes

HSC English Extension Course 2 Content

Students will develop skills in extensive independent investigation.

1. A student develops and presents an extended composition that demonstrates depth, insight, originality and skills in independent investigation.

1. Students learn to develop and use skills in extensive independent investigation by:

1.1 autonomous, thorough and extensive investigation in a specialised field

1.2 monitoring, reflecting on and documenting their interpretation, analysis and composition in a journal

2.3 presenting aspects of investigation to specific audiences, in a range of modes.

Students will develop skills in sustained composition.

2. A student reflects on and documents own process of composition.

2. Students learn to reflect on and document their processes of composition by:

2.1 developing texts drawn from personal, affective, cognitive and other experiences, understanding and ideas

2.2 monitoring, reflecting on and documenting their process of inquiry in a journal

2.3 presenting aspects of composition to specific audiences, in a range of modes.

Page 4: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


The Major Work

Outcomes 1,2

The Major Work

The following must be read in conjunction with The Board of Studies document pertaining to

English Extension 2, that document should be used to clarify and explain the content of this


The Major Work is an extended work or a body of work not exceeding the prescribed word or time specifications. In

some cases students will include visual images as an integral part of the Major Work. These will not be assessed on their

artistic merit but on the contribution they make to the finished product.

Each work must be entirely original and must be completed without undue assistance from another person.

The Major Work can be presented in print, sound, film or multimedia.

This Module requires students to work independently to plan and complete a major work in the form of an extended

composition. It must be a substantial project and may be imaginative, investigative, interpretative, analytical or any

combination of these. The chosen form and medium must be appropriate to the nature of the task. There must be

systematic, rigorous and independent investigation which is documented.

Choice must be from the following:

Short Story – Print Medium

• Students complete a short story or a selection of stories within a 5000 – 6000 word limit.

• The word limit does not include the Reflection Statement.

• All appropriated or non-original material must be acknowledged in the Reflection Statement.

• Bibliographies are not required to be added to the short story.

• Where works have been cited or referenced, these should be cited as an addendum attached to the short story/ stories.

Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium

• Students develop a script of a complete work for the medium of

radio, film, television or drama. The intended performance time

for the script must be 20 – 30 minutes.

• Scriptwriting conventions appropriate to the medium should be


• All appropriated or non-original material must be acknowledged in the Reflection Statement and should be acknowledged as an addendum to the script.

Poem (s) – Print Medium

• Students write a suite of poems, a collection of poems or an extended poem up to a 3500 word limit. The word limit does not include the Reflection Statement.

• The suite of poems should be linked in theme and/or structure.

• The collection could develop a single concept or diverse concepts.

• All appropriated or non-original material must be acknowledged in the Reflection Statement.

• Bibliographies are not required to be added to the short story.

• Where works have been cited or referenced, these should be cited as an addendum attached to the short story/ stories.

Critical Responses – Print Medium

Students develop a critical response based on their independent

research into an area of special interest of their choice within a 4000

– 5000 word limit. The word limit includes the Reflection Statement.

This could take the form of:

• a critique of an author’s work, or

• an independent investigation into an aspect of language, or

• an independent investigation into the works of a particular historical period, or

• an independent investigation into a particular paradigm related to the study of English,

• or any other critical response approved by the teacher, which is an extension of the knowledge and understanding gained by the student in the English (Advanced) or English Extension 1 courses.

• All appropriated or non-original material must be acknowledged in the Reflection Statement. A bibliography is typically appropriate to the conventions of this form and, if included, should be attached to the major work.

Page 5: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


Performance Poetry – Sound Medium

• Students present an audio file of a complete poetry performance that must have a playing time of 8 – 10 minutes.

• The audio file may include music and/or sound effects, which will not be included in the running time.

• These effects will be noted for their contribution to the establishment of the internal context of the text, but the assessment emphasis will be on the substance of the performance poetry and the delivery.

• The student presenting the Major Work must be the principal performer, sole writer and sole director/producer.


• The performance poetry with Reflection Statement attached must be submitted to the school in PDF format with embedded audio file.

• The completed work should be directly and thoroughly tested for appropriate functionality before submission. It is strongly advised that the work be tested on the storage medium on a computer that has not been used during the production of the work to ensure that it performs as intended

• Titles and credits on the audio must not identify the student, any other students or the school except by candidate number and school number.

• All appropriated or non-original material be acknowledged in the Reflection Statement and should be acknowledged as an addendum to the poetry.

Radio Drama – Sound Medium

• Students present a complete radio drama.

• The drama must have a playing time of 10 – 15 minutes. The file may include music and/or sound effects, which will not be included in the running time.

• These effects will be noted for their contribution to the establishment of the internal context of the text, but the assessment emphasis will be on the substance of the radio drama and the delivery.

• The student must be the sole writer and sole director/producer.


• The radio drama with Reflection Statement attached must be submitted to the school in PDF format with embedded audio file.

• The completed work should be directly and thoroughly tested for appropriate functionality before submission. It is strongly advised that the work be tested on the storage medium on a computer that has not been used during the production of the work to ensure that it performs as intended

• Script writing conventions appropriate to the medium should be followed. BOSTES does not specify a particular format or style.

• Titles and credits on the audio must not identify the student,

any other students or the school except by candidate

number and school number.

• All appropriated or non-original material should be acknowledged in the Reflection Statement as an addendum to the Radio Drama.

Speeches – Sound Medium

• Students present a speech or combination of speeches.

• The speech or combination of speeches must have a playing time

of 15 – 20 minutes.

• The audio file may include music and/or sound effects, which will

not be included in the running time.

• These effects will be noted for their contribution to the

establishment of the internal context of the text, but the

assessment emphasis will be on the substance of the speech and

the delivery.

• The audience for the speech must be specified.

• The student presenting the Major Work must be the principal

performer, sole writer and sole director/producer.


• The speech(es) with Reflection Statement attached, must be

submitted to the school in PDF format with an embedded audio


• The completed work should be directly and thoroughly tested for

appropriate functionality before submission. It is strongly advised

that the work be tested on the storage medium on a computer

that has not been used during the production of the work to

ensure that it performs as intended.

• Titles and credits on the audio must not identify the student, any

other students or the school except by candidate number and

school number.

• All appropriated or non-original material should be acknowledged

in the Reflection Statement as an addendum to the speech or


Video - Visual Medium

• Students present a digital file, which has a playing time of 6 – 8 minutes.

• Students must also submit a print copy of the film script.

• The student presenting the Major Work must be the sole writer and director.


• The video must be submitted as a digital file in the format advised annually by the BOSTES.

• In addition, a typed video script must be submitted with the digital file.

• The completed work should be directly and

thoroughly tested for appropriate functionality

before submission. It is strongly advised that the

work be tested on the storage medium on a

computer that has not been used during the

production of the work to ensure that it performs as


• Scriptwriting conventions appropriate to the medium should be followed.

• Titles and credits on the video must not identify the student, any other students or the school except by candidate number and/or school number.

• All appropriated or non-original material such as

images, music, programming equipment and

software must be acknowledged in the Reflection

Statement, and acknowledged in the credits AND as

an addendum to the print copy of the script.

Page 6: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


The Major Work – Digital media

• Digital media compositions can use a wide variety of digital tools to create interactive texts that explore a concept or notion.

• The digital file must have media content viewable within 20 minutes.

• The student presenting the Major Work must be the sole composer. All files and links are to be established and created by the


Presentation and technical requirements

• Students submit a digital media composition as a digital file in the format advised annually by the BOSTES.

• A hard copy of a flowchart/logic map/storyboard should be submitted with the Major Work to ensure markers assess the extent

of the student’s multimedia work.

• Students must submit technical specifications, as well as installation and running instructions with their Major Work.

• Titles and credits in the work or on the presentation medium must not identify the student, any other students or the school

except by candidate number and school number.

• All appropriated or non-original material such as images, music, programming equipment and software must be acknowledged

in the Reflection Statement and should be acknowledged as an addendum to the flowchart/logic map/storyboard.

• The digital media composition must be able to function directly from the digital file. Submitted work cannot be copied to a hard

drive to improve playback performance. The work should be designed for playback and interaction not requiring specialist

hardware or software such as high performance cards or software drivers.

• Any applications must run on current Apple Macintosh or Microsoft Windows operating systems directly from the storage


• The completed work should be directly and thoroughly tested for appropriate functionality before submission. It is strongly

advised that the work be tested on the storage medium on a computer that has not been used during the production of the

work to ensure that it performs as intended. The computer chosen should not have the authoring application installed

Extension 2



Term 1 Week 4

Addressing the proposal for the Major


Viva Voce H1, 2 20%


Term 2 Week 4

Impact of the independent

investigation on the Major Work

Report H1, 2 30%


Term 2 Week 10

Draft version of the Major Work and

Reflection on progress to date

Draft H1, 2 50%

Page 7: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


The Reflection Statement

Outcomes 1,2

The Reflection Statement

The Reflection Statement is composed at the end of the composition process and is a personal, critical

reflection on the process involved in completing the Major Work and on the completed product. The

statement must contain a minimum of 1000 words and no more than 1500 words.

Consult the Board of Studies English Stage 6 Syllabus and the earlier sections of this document for more


The Reflection Statement: Summarises the intention of the Major Work and the relationship it has with the extensive

independent investigation Must include an outline of the intended audience for the Major Work and the purpose for which it

was composed Supports the Major Work, explaining the relationships of concept, structure, technical and language

features and conventions Must explain the relationship the Major Work has to the English (Advanced) and Extension coursework –

this can include the work undertaken in the Preliminary year

Should explain the development of concepts during the process of composition, making the links clear between independent investigation and the development of the finished product

Should indicate how the student realised the concepts in the final product. May be written in either a formal or an informal register. The Reflection Statement may be bound separately or attached at the end of the Major Work.

Page 8: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


The Major Work Journal

Outcome 2

During the development of the Major Work students are required to keep a process journal.

The Major Work Journal must provide the following information:

• a written statement containing a clear statement of intention agreed to by the student and the teacher/school (See English Extension 2 Major Work Frequently Asked Questions)

• reflections pertaining to the development of the Major Work composition

The Major Work Journal documents the investigative process and the process of composition. The recording

of research and analysis, as well as critical, imaginative and speculative reflections, will assist students in

achieving course objectives and outcomes and in preparing for internal and external assessment tasks. (The

journal also has a role in establishing the authenticity of the Major Work.)

It may also include:

• method of approach

• evidence of research and questioning

• redrafts with reasons for any changes in direction

• examples or indications of stimulus material and reflections on them in relation to the development of the Major Work composition

• reflection on the extent to which intentions were achieved

• reflections on the finished product

• an annotated bibliography

The Major Work Journal has an important role in establishing the authenticity of the Major Work and must

be submitted with the Major Work.

• An ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RESOURCES which is correctly presented. Note: The annotated

bibliography is not included in the word limit.

• Your bibliography should be substantial and include sources of information, both written and human,

that you could use to support your process of investigation.

• Your bibliography should contain a variety of sources e.g. website, films, documentaries, novels, non-

fiction, newspaper and journal articles. You should consider a range of sources of information outside

the school.

• In this annotation you should briefly outline how this reading or viewing has contributed to your

investigation. If you read or view an item that proves not to be useful, include this experience as valid

part of the investigation process. Explain how and why you reached a “dead end” with this resource.

Page 9: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


HSC English Extension 2 Marking Guidelines

Page 10: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


Reflection Statement Marking Criteria • Explanation of the intended purpose and audience of the Major Work

• Explanation of the impact of the extensive independent investigation

• Explanation of the relationship of the Major Work to the knowledge, skills and understanding developed in English

(Advanced) and Extension courses.

• Evaluation of the relationships of concept, structure, technical and language features and conventions

Page 11: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


Extension 2 English – Draft Year Plan 2017/18

Week Topic Extra Detail

Term 4 - 2017


2 Introduction to course

3 Introduction to course / Purpose/ Journal

4 Discussion of interests/reading Major Works

5 Discussion of interests/reading Major Works

6 NESA Requirements/ Introduce Major Work concept – writing activities

NESA Guidelines

7 What is a Reflection Statement?/ What is a process journal? – writing activities


8 Research and writing Notes

9 Research and writing Notes

10 Research and writing

11 Research and writing

Term 1 2018

2 Feedback sessions on Viva Voce/ First Draft due Bibliography and Footnoting

3 Research, draft writing, journal entries Submit Journal to teacher

4 Assessment Task- Viva Voce- / Submit journal for close checking Viva Voce 20%

5 Drafting Major Work

6 Research and writing

7 Re-drafting Major Work

8 Research and writing Submit Journal to teacher

9 Research and writing

10 Journal


Term 2 2018

1 Draft of Major Work due /Use Journal to write draft Report Compose draft Report

2 Editing Draft of Report Edited first draft of Report

3 Polishing of Major work Polishing the Major Work

4 Assessment Task 2 - Report Report 30% Submit Journal to teacher

5 Draft 3 due

6 Reflection Statement Draft 1 due

7 “

8 Reflection Statement Draft 2 due

9 Completion of Major work and Final polishing of Reflection Statement

Major Work and Reflection Statement

10 Assessment Task 3 – Draft Major Work and Reflection Statement Draft Major Work and Reflection Statement 50% Submit Journal to teacher

Term 3 2018

1 Editing Reflection Statement Reflections statement, Journal entries

2 Editing Major Work Major Work,

3 Editing Major Work and Reflection Statement Journal entries

4 Final Draft of project published

5 Due date of Major Work, Reflection Statement and Journal *






Page 12: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH Major Work Contract

Student Name: _______________________________

I understand that:

1. This project for external assessment will be started in term 4 of the Preliminary Year at the

commencement of the course in Term 1 of the HSC Year. NESA due date is _____________


2. The Major Work must be all of my own work.

3. I must maintain a journal which includes detailed entries that demonstrate the process,

research, investigation, reflection and external advice that I have received.

4. Specialists may be consulted but such consultations must be recorded in my journal.

5. The journal must be submitted with the Major Work and the Reflection Statement.

6. I must adhere to the syllabus requirements regarding length and presentation.

Student’s signature: ______________________________________________

Teacher’s signature: ______________________________________________

Date: __________________________________

Page 13: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a





(1 = Unsatisfactory 5 = Excellent)

1. Documentation of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

2. Evidence of drafts/ works in progress 1 2 3 4 5

3. Independent investigation 1 2 3 4 5

4. Reflection of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

5. Presentation, organisation and effort 1 2 3 4 5

Other comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Student’s signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________




(1 = Unsatisfactory 5 = Excellent)

1. Documentation of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

2. Evidence of drafts/ works in progress 1 2 3 4 5

3. Independent investigation 1 2 3 4 5

4. Reflection of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

5. Presentation, organisation and effort 1 2 3 4 5

Other comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Student’s signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

Page 14: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a





(1 = Unsatisfactory 5 = Excellent)

1. Documentation of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

2. Evidence of drafts/ works in progress 1 2 3 4 5

3. Independent investigation 1 2 3 4 5

4. Reflection of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

5. Presentation, organisation and effort 1 2 3 4 5

Other comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Student’s signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________




(1 = Unsatisfactory 5 = Excellent)

1.Documentation of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

2.Evidence of drafts/ works in progress 1 2 3 4 5

3. Independent investigation 1 2 3 4 5

4.Reflection of process of composition 1 2 3 4 5

5.Presentation, organisation and effort 1 2 3 4 5

Other comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Student’s signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

Page 15: Student Booklet HSC EXTENSION 2 ENGLISH 2018 · 2020. 8. 20. · story/ stories. Scripts — Radio, Film, Television and Drama – Print Medium • Students develop a script of a


Extension 2 English Assessment Schedule

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Weighting

Date Term 1 2018

Week 4

Term 2 2018

Week 4

Term 2 2018

Week 10


Viva Voce –

addressing the

proposal for the

Major Work.

Written report –

the impact of the


investigation on the

Major Work.

Draft version of the

Major Work and

reflection on

progress to date.

Outcomes 1, 2 1, 2

1, 2

Skills in independent



10 10 25

Skills in sustained


5 5 15 25


15 25 50