stpves - nys historic...

z '"5\ .1 dfraol,.- x . . s a l i s t W that »aa bltfily jsihiii Md jilw»y» ob»MflUrl MM** In ttta «?on»7 >• »!»•>/*•"• 0tNp*lMt» *M«* aw* thttud sjf«bUaa|i dMply dtploraMJRi tMll DMf^pl *)m wbaral 'jjj,. iv«*»* «Lf«aW * donolboldourpolll- In tba hlgb cstsam Mtft*ts»7 M4ord It tba* unlver- UliilolkMrwIilob onwcUlmtd ibair ^••mttcntitf land aslf-dtaytaf da- bs* ilnM soa paopJa bata laarnM 4|a»fraaabU feci that tba King la |Sf aM o»hraml domJnJoq Ibjafrank «ttd, 01a awy jt7»» pow p'WNr**' by tMbaJloi,tha wliaH»* Mlflsb aebaosss of the lordly »ra no* ao aagsr , not to rtadjr to id not to far|l»lng'1 taiaonalrolof *>» too- f.«ppo!nted laadan. ialNpaaa of r«paalL*an party' laid, no dad, baoanaa star- t prloelplaa, waa U. ory whlo> was aobatantlal jmbilo Bui 4» Mooar do tba pe«- tbatj tba Itadara ara rtiav for tba aaawopllab- afcda than tnair r •anttdanca iba- Ity gUaapUwato mlasjlVlnn., i Whahi ttf it tl|« •trangtb df polr M i o a w tigor, tt A Ira »nd,. tba gran* only aoabMa a a«r* gain new aooaarj thay grow "weary naturally* demand "run tba ma- j,ahWlatan<lba«lpJu«l nod lat tko ptfoplo hart] a law irnrdJteaaya- 4' who Way da-Ira f i iMtats) t* poaiflona of bonor and fifcB.MMy »t4 who bs?a alwaya PSSwiir Ui* ¥•( polltloal work- ^ M t » v k o m ^ b k p a r t y owaa, Ita Sm r»*ord aftd grand majorltlaa jifltn Ijaft | kaaoma alok and t Ikfjitor iubmMlug to tba sttotatlcjn of tbat "rary sa- waoj- having gakiad klgkloonon and aipasa- watftftl »ioir arrWato tt> tba right to ovar>rfda tha I ajfd vaanifast a stubborn itthtfon to konjlnaa to dlotata la if aioordanea with IWdoal 1 q U r W ,' natural that paopla should Mtlontof tboaa who, ba- it* aasuftta tka lordly alra m. No wondar ovarbaulad, da* it aid mlataka axpoa* Ifeavpfori not stranga thai dlaoontant, with r«| ofJBiaubloa-rqla. baa 44,0 ilnd broken out In rty anil daffa«|td tlfa of all whthava patient* 1**1. •:. •i'»/t+- .,;/•'. iii<v•••• oouoalU of thllpkrtr akould eeaW to be a aaarat eonclara Wherein tktTtlogptanand plotkow tnay Mm •eaore Jjialrewn lndifWoal, graetaat «t the airpanM and In daflanoa efwhat wonbjl be tba general wlah If allowed to be expreaaad. The «%• oktnlry wbloh the people Invented to dp tbielr kidding, guard their Inter- eetaainelkxeeuta'ihtlr will, baa been aalaeA bytkoaoVho were appointed to roasaxf and by them torned into an, enginelo defeat and destroy the paklle.gopd< ..i ,. •-.: -< •••..•.•.- <<. ; • The bonoai and dMnterested party taiknaglr Will flret aeek to learn tMk wfrh and aaratolly ttudy thekl^beet good of all before preeurolog to de- cide what ebould be door., If the party M to toooeed and eoutloue to roaloULo |U plreaent poalUon It muet Invito the cooperation, advjee, »MU- tUce, And aounarl 6Y tho^ v who«i Votoi njuat win Ita vlctorlea., :,\: ; . The f Wg baaka In I ho parpetoal •hide of prosperity and vlgjorduely ruirxjn] ibelr ea^tkJy heaven bt abeo- lute-ilJ; tbty gather In and divide (be "puMte plont>r;" but the great roaia of tbr common people, the veritable ''mfflbllle of aoolety " grovel In tha dL)gradatIbn of slavery 19 their own •erUnte whoOiay by day, sre fofglnaj new chains fof^belr unresist- ing kakda and feet. T&e. Uoty and dignity (of overy freemai^amnnds hbat bo iball rise np In hU n and helj^ dethrone all polllle rants, 1 [Many will cringe and before the King power which has so long held almost undisputed ,w l|-*- We war hot personally agajnst^tbe ffc^ored fbw who have ao long gatb- er«l Injtkegolden gain ofofflolal har- Iveata whioh of right belong to the many; bat wo do wage* war ag* Iu *> hat yarnlotous system of dividing up d eJlottlng out publle t>f^oea and OielaJ njonora kmoog a little Ring J eonsnltiiig or allowing have a, Wqrd to soy. We the polltloal aeaa of those professional pirates wbo dor Ifriend and fbn alike forever Intfulu Ike people f flouting In weir bontat aek, flag .of hypocrisy and > v deiHI 1 these; polltloal n to the rear, long enough, r them id learn a lltUe 4 then the people inoey tiaoft up sufficient epurage to Inolat in^ rafujagibg their own affairs meddlesome dfeUtlon of w who Iniojt the party Itboul ihe peopl iktb rafma iver id wb .yete is the dsbn ilghway; least ioda«tyi il.e> apf !»' rlikrfjit t^oaeW y asakff lt}f to own and run It for t MIltOB BDITOBIAIA JV ' Urs. Aaron Itolf, 0/ Llsljon, took. wKlU UeUebore, reeeo^ly, bynUeUke for 1 rhubarb, and dkra thr^e hours ^•?fcV*i^te.| fe;. , Thti fppMHtw* inilii4UJ ihti Qen^rtl GomiMildi will Inii elated pmidtet of Moxfco Vlth tbepfDl^ poet of a Alablo Rov^rnmont, t | i ..• ^^.'• •• • *. - : - • ^ " **«.j * • I ' i I .'• Thd XL l£# conf©rtti6« re^u«c» 'to elect t colored Ibithop, altbcnjgh tv Xhttit ir«i reported tb^ without a bhbop qttheir own color, the biackn cannot be kept In the church* , k ^Tho principal queatlOn iiowadayi ft, shall the people continue forcrcr to wearily turn the treadmill of poll- tka to that the fe# rln|r ruWr« may •elflahly gHnd thjilr political tfrlati while the great mart of tbff peoplfe «Und by and must content thamtelrea with admiring the gre*tne4.(?) and dliintereited goodocii(f) ot those who "floss the Machine?^ j '•• ,' In the assombly, ifaat fWrelay, "tlfa bill to make the amount written in on an Insurance policy the measure ordamafco In oaee of Are, was passed after a most rigorous fight on the pert of the oppositions; It remains with thd^ gOTcriior npw whether or not this megttul-e become a law. f « 1^U*ma j>4plrs asaert Chat * eonl tract has l>e«0|*igned by the gorenif cient of Nlcaramga #nd an Aworicaii company for the consiruction of a s^ilp cans! aoro#s the is^ratis.' \ I>iirlng lAst Week two colorctl men wKeadmitted to!the 1 Jury-box In ore; the flrtkirao such a con oessfon 10 modern ideas has be^n made, sljiolKeUarytand waf a States ^ AiiVdhk the >(iport^it ] ttcsisurcs recctitiy passed to \he gorernor, was the oloonlar^rirliie biiKintrpdiiced in the assembly by Mr.TWiis and put through the senerte by Mri nalbert Friday night about O.&k the Mgo na, loaded withhay for Ogdensbur was burned about four nkilef West of Morrlsburgt O^ ShoUti supposed to bare caught lo the liatfch from the pip^. V , r ,.,.•. The senate paised the lEopbtira bill forbiddljnig (Uvcriminatronj In railway rateji, with the clausejexemptiog •jtiraugh; frelghls stricken out. At tholama tlmeU refused 16 lubstftute the assembly Mil for its t>#*. •< f and turned MAynird Weis twmlnftid postniaaMIr general, .Taniee Longekeet ndlnister] to Turkey arid Darid J|..Jfty district judgeforTehnessea Tbo'MlnnesoU del^fatos tdthe Chicago Contention wire Instructed to support Senator Wftodotn; **rm of the ten deljsgainl areforBktlnee ' .the bou^tii^r-Hanlan' nice at Waahingtoii f past vyeeki wk» a farce; Courtney stepped rowing before gpinsr half the distance At the prindary elodtlbns in Bnyder county, Pa. t | jast wetrjkj presidential preferences W0re voted j by r^publi^ cans, Blaine: swept^tM county by about 1,000 majority The Illinois ItepubllcKn st'ato con- vent Jon adnjUltoii a compromise dele- gation frpm cjook younjy, and pasted a resolution declaring that Gran^ is Its choice for 4*re#ident by a vote of 386 to 307. j .... \ I {-• !•/ * v Biimarck, pac, Mify Keogh special! say tbat HIoux, undef 1Uln-i^-tUc-Face^ who killed Custer, lire now la short dls« tance ndtth of - tho VeiiWbtone, op- posite Fort' HMgh anxlbus to sur- render, Twtdoj not wist£ to give up tbtiir guds and ponies. Tbp& are not. In good huhior and hostility if threatened* j J , ( x ••». |; CineinnatU, 0., Hay- 13.4^ Thorp as Boyd, who! recently majlea fearful lekp into the |C|entucky tjlr^r, to-day Jumped Ihpm jtbe middlej or t h e 4ps* pcnuion bridge into the rjivir 94 feet. Only a small browd wftntslied the, feat, lie hir^eil twice iri the air and utrudk (he watejr with iltopeadand uhouldcri He was picked ub unhurt ritRBIDE^TlAL ESTIJIAm*• 'j . o ajcttrr 8at.E.(-Br Tii Uwaeacmtoltqs •1 Hew Tark ai aadtyDtartpfcjLf.of SSetro- •©II aU ibe H|rKytiftie^ Itru, or *u aayutn© ESaW in>r to r^ijuowtar detea^n^^wtvalsotJto wit: T > *• - * All that oaresl of Urnd in the toim of Gotirer B«4ir ( St. MwwnoJCOj. *L Y., ami batng tho •nm6 laiMii 4eeded by XL p. Benton and ciom©- 23.—Fort 70ft destitute initrumrofc In writin Tetumtntwz jpane 1 of the fOwn of ztofslefin mh o< | Don Cameron estimate* {tote on first baljlpt at 407J Is as foiiowa KaMlChaMtU Co»a*>ot|o«L^-. tew Toi vv t DUiTWSblS air J.erte. f t ta lltfols .>.- Uaonrl, rhantaa ...^ U r 12 lratata...;.4y..:.;fc.t** lorth OaroUaa...^..!! Total..,«...' Nsoestary id tana.*, v,.. - • »»^« 9r»ttt^CaLlka aisMmsi.ii TenassiasT J Tsxa<.,L.J..:./,, mwfiS&hki X LoQisrfafiqtw KsnfiokyF. Kcbrssfca. refrltorlta (>laht f S lis courlt mm 4 ..... 9 IS 16 6 : s r. H Mr. to4 6hoioe\...„.4... Tt T In a IkWrmort. x | ' il6fJ| D. S. liyi|do y ft\ CNgbonn «rf L:.L: and home /font A|hany^rj"a bfrief Vljllt. Mr S79 0l4ghoiia hm r^kently re Retired tlm aj^poiutWcnt of; actuary in ttie ii^oi* &M to Chicago from iaWal y tww» of] crodemnatlou.--- faaiaa sire beginning thortoilMli irooeed at the fcrrogttnoe oT tho eyete* id proNaslttaaJiy dictatorial •I the liftle t o w s , U re- Wipllit to fbreiell the re* !ttjMopl« Wtilipurn irom po- ijdfOWei<thkfsW who.hatlng TiUtorJphetiieelvea and their t ^are lift nbthing but empty Ml4 beaty! burdens of taxa> goanjv \' t ;* M ' » .mFoaxciptiont; aspirin* and Blpg-feftderii have Ufsad the entire party iiiachlii- : *f terthiir peraoisl |Mtvane#fpent. «kay ^tf# |br years traded upott end C p i M f d h i t U popjalarlty of their tesfifa Wd tbe rich UrvoeU of per- « a ^ | t l « ttare atttsted^ howl weU Mg^hsWt^UlTatedltbe r^bflsidsof moHtleii Tb#r ba?ej made eotV|bifiaa> [^^llisjii of Whtdb tbey bare e^Mlty, allotted fctbong themeeim ^MslttUlffll?evljtee ft or traded off, all f#|!rtoatpoeltlops of] any importance |«tbie.eoonty t4om ^ear to year, and .#&#•«tlflafe fori yee.ts lu adfaoece— ^ ttrMl I*** h * f * ffMned^ plotted. 4 |AMfA attd "wMpulItd.* peeked A " ^illPeliaeed sauoosee, and all thees) ide/pleable> eeu oratislng de^de which go to whatjs commonly kiiown ^booe^is nime of <tf th* dir- of pilltH They hare a*d seraariW^I, orgenlaed and domtneorcd^ and ibe }>eoplo have kit tfaMs Have their own way rather !# eottt|nnil|y edntend. Hut the e now liislit upejn being heard, If the fortier prestige of the rutertj abeaild chance to puffer Of * the people's resistance l4lsW dljler<el>ia(len to dto Mftf Cktagrlssalj^al nomlnttlon ti^tW^tiey ean tbai>k own d^mlHeefkhgseltUhutjti for pleasant resulL | , - , | <( _ I p* toM> delt|di hltHaeif #ltb '^•AWtWtjeeodlfat^l Idea that'a' day of »Vr f^rtbliiiiiWNU'l^Ionto fa>*^ last io the I^Uei anil heartleee ones VH^: e aeoMripg ot thefr own lelflah d»* firjg- l%l^#at C^onglNiMloiral dlatricta Jn this State, 4woh #r| tleftldidly tor Blalie, have njanfullVj pMcMmad their Jo term I- nMton to;rdfoso to be bound by the dictatori4l InktrtktlonsWthe vTbird Tff Btftgrf and! will reflect tjbe aen- tl|pr.ents spd wishes o r their odnstltu* ta by voting tor the nomination of the t peopM) first choice, Jamfes O. Iljaftie. [Maby staunch republicans ih tile eojiniy are daily isklftg the qitestton i j w i j l our delegates to the Nktlpoal ^ventionaboad whom we sept to Vllck and thence t|> Chicago to work 4MI vote for the man of our cUole^y *Ht Ibey disregard the wish aakl will/or 4 vast majority of those whom they] represent f 1VHI,nhey alljow tiecbeelree to be booWt hand anU foot like)dumb driven cettlqand de[^rered f r l r by the ''Big King.' 1 JkMal |o t$ulh| merchandise, against tbi e<prea4ed dpsire and Inatruetion of Hi* peolMr | Will they {am*!? and eulsifvientN tubsolt to imperious and unjusttftlng dictation without a protest and I without a smuggle fl" general f oice of tho pobple d| m ' isr fosis to be bdught and #old or traded Or driven to Jot agatyrt the )nter^al|s ant| wlaheioi thos^ whoip they are sank to represpnt. If jthey are not thqrough dotiwerta to Hlng-Um and helbleeely sWijud and tied op by pure- ly iersonallaild selfish Intereete tbey (Xifijand tnl tluly represent their dU- trldt by caj*lijg their votes and In- fluejnee for Beh*)tor Blalnp t who U the obofbe of the ttpoblicejid of thl» Con- grtMlonel dlstriet by ,an'overwhelm- ing majority* .,. . | - : i ript If they Mglect 6r tMfusetd re- flect the sentiLenta of their eonetitu- ents they musL and will be held to a strlet responsibility** If (hty are not willing and datermlnbd to act in ec- ooraajioa w|th the well known and uiqUe«Mon*|d will of those whom [•they were splekted to reprfs/nt, then Itiwjould bo atI least msnlf and be- oclmjlng In ! tnem to resign a trust whl|sh tbey/josiaot otf will not fulfill Thalt sort of honest lndepcndonco t pcfo^lo wqijidl applaud, yhlle tbey lllseverult ckiidetnn tvny mlseepre- soitatton oiidpregard of their inter- dathaitkey sbajl exhibit thai ependeht j manhood which re- , *y it rejecting pf the oxd<fuiIvtJ c6m- mlAbeofthe sUte press jassocletion held! in Troy end attended by all the mem|berd, last vteck Tuesday, It waa 'agreed to have the meeting June 17 Wnd 18 In Hup) Hall, in Troy. \ Thb aise bill lUoIvin ijr patted tb^ llttihg _ the principle Of ade* tailed staajem«ti under oatn, of every persob's flropert{y; real aitfl porsonal, and I deductirJg, his What! the sena<U| w l l l ^ > l t h it re malnd to be seenle' /• . \ .(» '• ' < •li y - : ] r K *»* P ^ ^ r Wxk. JE. C b a W l l e r V f i ^ » Wij tKe first ballot at Cbloago are: Blaine, 305; Grant. 28* ? Sherman), 105;, Ed- munds, 35; Wishliurnea f3; Win- dom r JO ;-t-2891 for Orantj andi 4t37 against h(tu; lie prellolp Blaine's nomlnaUoo on tile sCconrf^aUot, / The n^gto nailc^nal repub^lcariiom- mlttee, jengaged | in promoting the nomination of ^rboe for v<ice presi- dent on tho republican ticket, has is- sued an Address fcfetlpg that Bruce should 4>JD sppporttod, not because be ie a negirb, but bedause bit record !• -consistetot. : -. I v ••!.'»•;.-.. -i*.. m's shoWf was Jk route from AJbany to Ufiea, last week, the car wblcb.contained the largest Upn- eee tool Pre about half way (Jjn the trip. The llloneea waa tjuite badly burned apd^early suffocated* Every- thing poisibW was done for the beast, but she died In Auburn., ' •. " T^he farjmilri of Lin^ Island testify that in spite of thd tons of rarls grcerVuseil last year botatotyugehave appeared already by] thoufikTids and are varying their program bv attack- ing the tjender /Iprouta before tbey appear above tbifrotind and ruining them, ,1 <N i pd this. eels and dee «4, A H r ^ T M E r ^ O t f U T H E I B O W X DOHMf f t ho republican party says' there iiius$ be no thlfd term, and the Ito- publlcan parttyl la its own bass."— Vvf^iee, [ I If! the pebple were not cheated, humbugged! driven^ and defraudod hy 4 prefMlonJal Ring politicians, < HhlfdVermdsttt M never would have lieen! born, I But certain political tricksters wfto taw and Mlt the reins of political rowpralttpplng from their hands, whioh ara calloused with con- tinuous offlcje-grabblng, determined > A correspondent sonde this -valua- ble contribution* aa a prophecy of "the way it will be if Blaine is nomL mated": A Chlfiaman, puazled to find the knotive power of the flan "•* * street cars, wh^ch ,are an underground cable, ex- "No pullee, no puaheel like b<|llee/^2h^ne* at %m&wt?i& It* B., hts lehulon H.Bonton by deed daud May 7ihLj8dt t snd rekrxJod May 14th, itm, in Liber Nt>. ^ C ojf dotxli at pace SS ao.. iss^BeglnnToffatthe iy known a* Alanton and dasaribed as follbwtJtis: Begianlnj & K. sornsr of a lotJorm- * * Toauism'tstore.lodand)raan!inj thence north f!° aSTW* # etuv^III tofthe centre of the n££ being alao A e ajW.leornkt- of a lot for«rerlyot> cupled by f. DeWel|theaee northcaiterly aiont* the Jihaof (Mtifl aiitd PewM lot and lota formeVly oocupietl hjr It ss^ k. HibaS, being aleo the een- tr« oUhe 1^.10 a btak* anil atone boned in ? l tl?2!! I tf^ 1 W ^r 1 ?*^ 0 ! 0 1 r0ifcA, r thence g. fP W $. 4 oha. tola hehflodk atake: thencea. W 9f W. lUchaj *n& 60 lka% taTthe place of be gufninf coatainibg Ai anil &H100 of an tand be the aamdaiofra o l>ate<l May *>.> . .- ^ LM * »tjterlSKir M Lkwre'ncc Co., ( hll#7 By LoBE^ZQiJilitii, Deputy-SheruT. HaitheaasVi^fOrF. Justly cciobrated . , : .. r ..,, jsf J .) I': 'I WI2BIR AN0 STiEIN WAY m 084100 of an aero of T HE rEOPLBT OJ York, to rertx York, to r« Naffr, reaidlnff at V. t k l l e n JCsffey cannot be e»ci ohn McDonald, a U Will T1IB STATE OF KEW ioDanaH and Nancy Mc- liiej'at*jr,awrenee Co. s. X*m ^iti«*raJd»,.whoee1 rorefnenta. realdenceasre ahkndrnwkncf ^ftsr dilleent in-|, -r. .- W f t * the petitionerJI •«/ •°*«? wl ' - , . , tdunaraed in a certain! GaH. Alao the wonderful uutpotnlna to be the laat 1 IVanet McDonald, latei ... , in the cdmitj of St. Law- renee, and atate Df ]Ne4 pcflc, deeeaeed, haa thia day made appiiGaUoa oar eotmty ef St. gncat in writing plroraia .awiren0ejto h mA ...,_. ^ L rejtfrdedasa Will of real and bemonkl &unk: i Yon are hereb^ oiled iofadpear before, the •aid surrogates, at I lm| o" o<funtj of St. Law- jthsx attrrogaie of aff aaidInatm aafcl, county, on the lk4h ^ * In the fo o'ciiea tend the probate cat aahl W tii vf n under the hand]and 1 rogatej at UOIIT In the ye eljrbt huajdreh \MSU T STEi Xne }tSt\iX sask IBAN ubltrii NDMi in (sonverceur. In 9i Juiy,lStfO,at 10 nodn, than And there ta at- lof ear said anr- |en(, in aaid county a toth day of of ou> Lord one thooaand eighty. t A.;Joiflf0Oir, Hnrrograie. •HHaBANDhi journal, paper* type aid lafeclianlcal execution otrictly tfrat-claaa. KmbloyM nareaaTa«8era t gfvoa no preaUums, bnt ieplmftj aoleiy upon its Mer- ita for aub#crii>tion». Whitti at the extremely lOvtpHeeof Sl.QOjjyVoatlhajgiTcn it exten- alre circulation. facM laetio odntaine a full re- port of the t ir(M,e ^W ° ' f he Jtlmira rarmera An Agricultural edjwe4|ly, at Kimtra, K. Y. AN isljA largo eirhi page Llub, the meat tho world. Ita re Jfew York and J»h great dare, Ternul^no tiers tn%. .IUU Addreafc 96 aaB fforta lladelph utlon of lu kind In ie markets, ^shieAy are prepared with lar a year, A club of ten, With oaah piym^nt dff tetrd3linra,entitiea the aender to a j ctatnt oo|»y. Specimen aunj- do USBAKDUAK. [IClmlra, N . V. Theae inatruwenu hire new dejl >m< the LKADINO HEED OR- uaeful modern E&IIANICA1V OKGIJINEtTfc The moat jronderfni matical llTejnilon of ihe age. WlllVevor or w< U with perfect^aae •' •• > s ' , SnRKT M(XHtC f MD4IC wear out. A etuid i-an open Pficon from |H to $oa »erate noois, HMWA ll^8TllTjJtrHNf4 AND ItTilN |n f grea< raVlcty. t^rleea alwaya aa low il is conai and honorable dealing. C*TAF<<KUJK8, rxleea and lnfermalioli in nnsvwf to corres- pondence promptly furnished. 8aU«i>uUion K"nr- antecd in efpry traiiaactipn. r * * I » ' f * . j J^po. it. c o r B T arr.,Xft^EHTOWfr, ... ";./|.-/ jTHEv t '... »! CITV 'CROCKERY STORE y is njow shocked with <he Most JCOMH.ETE AsSOliniEKT ;-; in lUortHetfc New Yo^k. : Mercha)idLse from all p^rls of the wj^rld how on ftxhiliitioh J and fdr sale at No. 12 pourtSt, ^atelrtown. No ^vhnce in prides 4s yet is n^ft TIME to $UY.*. UIH. MURREY; I Onjlei-s by mail ivill be prompflly anc) carefuliy attended to.. Scjiisfictiolh guarant Now Nib «'/ ahce departineiitk, -v i n ^ .<. ; A small perty of nfH tralltj, frcrtn gfyraco^e passed through our] vllU^e op Batufday last loo their ?Mtf *o the Cjjreat Wopds. Amoog tl^e fuuinberi Wp noticed the gnaial fa^o of lex »h^r- lit Weldrums d / i L I ^ iTbe Methodi^lsoci6^ I* about to commence the erpctioti of a church at Kent's Corners. BuMcient iumU have bien raised and Mr. E. II. Uulett, of tle^velton f has taken the contract toj balW H. ,. / . . j, ..; , . ,., , TbeUermon ftlcforri> Club is pros- p4rlng,todIt holds weekjly meetings which arp >yel! atjtended. I |. James Orahamj hanips4ifiaker f has r«n»oved to Can tin. Mebtedneaa.4 Mr - Jamoi Ke ' y hMtcbiiUly Uk. J ert out a pateut on his uev 1 side btr 11. B. Cline, tbb goriiM Kbdlonl of Agent T I C|ME|TSr[> '; i*t«*of thd ootintrk by railitoa<l and •tearuTHWl; alao Ocean fteamera and Kkctirah9ii TtokatJ. KtilI information i i r c n . ronpa a u d i : time tajbtea fumiKliwl.l bajrbnuo checked and |' j aleepbigj bertha aeciimlj V j . [ I Snforeijg^ cofintrjef fold at the low- 8 DRAI •t rat otiTomieiir. Open froiaria n l . - ' I ; TAKE Most D/rect atid[ THIC the llermon llouie, is lu Nevy Vjork foi* a feir days* f Henry" lopats after the interests of ttfe-house in ale ah* seoce. , f . u. ' i MJ- L v ,. , We.came <iear having a flro Bator 1 - day evening, as a result eft carolcss*] aeks. Mr. Lymah ILadd went Into Mt llealey's stol-o eiid behind the counter, took down several boxes of gloves and while footing at them popped flro from his pipe into one orttre boxes. \The boxes were're- placed on the shelf and sortie time af* tefwards smokd w*s discovered and on Investigation the ^t^ wis found. anA wheh discovered it ha4 burned through twp boxes of gldvert^and coriimunloatod to the shelf. Had tbi> occurred am}, hour or two Jater we we would no doubt have had another ftre to record. S. 8* **yk. to make use of sonal populaf It Grant, in ho £f* Hho ptioeMluie <he |h|ghest food or , mireaelflsb andk* , All the wealth M Wlloh Mia UUpf liaa fathered, backed ^ kf IhO jfrofcs^loi|al bollUctan cannotj etay lh«i rlelai llilt) of determined o\>\ MaUi^ 1 lo^ftloLr rc|le and one man C rtfJ Tha[des|rwatj ifiteriats of the pv^jihe tt1#at|aacirvd Hf his of tho rttte+n iami 4M Mtitojd wc*Ul» \>( prt^ 4 tilled Dlaselok* tto ell men cannot. port n^t afidfwl I no€ be always frit* 4eve4a#ay to makniry the importance 4M tae^eaae Ike dlahooest |%in* of a % *wr *IM polittoal Irtoksters. Tkp p^^piToad erlajtcwraey of wealth, pretmsioo of ptlliXil pre* Iloncjr (?) end |ead*Hhip Ml tbi a#lf-iovernmsat of tmd lh# fUghfit good of the &r*wvV4P •* fhu #r the r^opla supplaiAtbeaetf: •Hvoijiidr^w.wh il( Mwted of" tho wonderful per- of Hhe great soldier, df thereby regaining tholr rapldl* diminishing Influenoe with the peoldel i That little game is a favorite <r[c| With political "pro- liaaloneU/' 11 bha often been lucooee- ftilly played fpon the people, simply because the. great masses are honest and unsuspecting,, Hlmllar u thlmble rigging* 9 tactics are being drnpldyed at ihe preteu^ imre v in this county, for the sole pMrribse of staying the fast fkdlng glok)t <^f a little local ltlrtg. When one has ruled ao long/ they long and hanker fbr contlouanoe of power; foi political power gives position and fcflbonoe, and they pave the way to thfe 'Wbllo crib." 'Polit- ical Iloeaes^dle lUrd^and usually'^le game. 99 Willi the people bo humbug* ged, cheated land defraudod out at their rights td adeel rulers for them- [eeivee la the nosi Important <iueation Which now lagltatea the popular mlnde^ , ,i i. IJ DaP i The Hanoi detega-^one wj he he! any S&te hoee tiro far Wlmlom, If aMAifbr Ttumor iays Lord Ileacohsfleid Will sdon marry. _.!.'»•. f i . ^ Last Friday 3.0&0 emlgranta'krrlved at N. Y.ejlyj j. ^ Cotigrtis^loaai adjonmment; is not probable! before June 15r | % The s^ate dfugg^ats 9 association met injalyijacUse laat week, j s ! Hixty«lUr Arkansas rcfilge^saallcd tor Liberie, Saturday morning. / All e(Wf»strlan statue of Jackson haa beed upvelled at Naah?llJI|Os There ^ denials trotft QTIorida tbat that state ia solidforGrant The NMtfiaka Itepubllcans' elected a Ulalne d^legatfdn of six members. The t/jjtj. scnato, Saturday, con- firmed N. (r. Ordway, governor of I^kota. j; . , , ;| ;.-.,. The governor has nominated Char* lee M. Denhlaon of Utlca, fot canal appraisei | .^ j ( . ; - ; Th«3 association of centrsjl New York physicians Is In sessdon in Rochester. The DrljtishI parliament Opened, last Thursday and the queen's! speech was read and debated, f N The niiioifi republican conven- tion admitted from Cook county 66 Blaine-Wajlhburne and H Gr**t dele- gates, ^ : ,,.,\' i Nebraska! by t lllaino to 150 for delegatee td Chlcag senator. t>i Hanlsn Hki reoelted the $€,000 won from Courtney* and ha| con- tracted to rpw with Riley for a prise '( .''.•,." •'• , •'.-*> pold arrived ki C^Uebec laat Bandar and waa -tJire* JJlram Heed died 8uhday f Mar 16thr after a ibng and paljpful Illnejs; disease, cancer. , Iy M. Andrews died at the reel- detice of Abel AndrewsL her; father, May l^th, aged 33 yearn > , , here are more farmira patrontx log the cheese factories here this sea- SQoUbati usual.. y\ j '^ . The em migration to Jfrojit Lake ^oodjmenoed last Sunday. It 7111 be a great Sunday resort for ' our peopl* tbisi season ; Ospeci&jlly for ti^e lovers of pleasure. Tfce people havlotf decided! to ob- Decoration J>ay, on Sunday, 80tti, moat reapectfhNy request tixtms, chhrcbcf and schools to in honorllg the aacred memory rdead, I [. , T^HffS. lJe«Tel«on. ' • ] y 24—IVfc still hold oorowri in logs, pertaining to buslneas and seem to pe iniprovlttg ai cheese »P» I •• \ • \ \ hare sotiething n6#. in shape of a doublo stote, run by 0. M. Bell &'vCo„ and tiled with groceries, ci^cltery, hatsicaps, and a large line ot rtjjsdy nflulejclothing, mad* to lit efery body. The storo is a novelty In ihjs place.. 1 .:. j , • I.TS*. Wood»>lde # our porjulai 1 furni- ture dealer ia on hand with a large assortment of elegant furniture, also agent for the Hartford woven wire mattress; prqtujrd frapes a^ specialty. Snyder & Bmith, are doing a fine business lo thepgrocery line and run log aflrst claasrho^l. , Boine stir is belter niadh in poll- tic's jand everybody is considering the wnity of all earthjy ring*;, wit- ness ihe democratic triumph in Og* densllurg* ...... ; . # , ; Come over and help ul, is the cry of—jr. j' B. [ . ;; Paatavia. * MaV 2l—Lant Monday Mrs. Mart ha Iteedf wife Of Hiram Reed,of Canton, died jbf cancer of the breast. George' Gibbons moved into ! hi* new (etore yesterday. . • . */ / . WJ' E.Oook moves bis barneM phop ome Vll 1 WatcrtoNlTi tgi <ynce in] A.IUotlkrtna Ca1a Bank, to 4 p. pL Qhickest fcdute and Ogclcns- burg R. R, ktfw YoVkjCen^ tral; and Cbnqccting Ones. fenfr trinafer ar*Og- enabuMr, the unveitafity bt connection at Preaeotf Junction, a4d ihe inapecUon of bag- gave bylOiHtom llouab fflloiaia. 1 r * Omly*iv&chaitaA /rem uottvetnhur to Chicago, , iftvD lets cf^n\/€M t\ian by any other route. \ 'I fClegant Paaicngv>r]0»iWi learlng itOdvernetir »t j 13:54 p. m., and run througa to ttyraeuse miluoutL change, making direct and reliable oou>u'4tioB{Vriih h|iectal Chi- aaaengtu-jCokiih attached to train iverneur nt]13:54 p. m., a Syracuse m i thou tl change, i illeble ooieielUottiwiUi Hpec oago Kxpreaa Train for all point* Weft rectj ^rofc Trains leare GouT©s|nc|ir aaifollowa: OOIKO Waar UKI>[XAST DAT KXPRSKIS S:5| a. in., arriving at Water- town 10:10 a. aa. v Oawego I p. m. t Kome 1 :M, grraottae 1:4S p, m. v UlTceB;W.Litbany 6.HS r New York 10.-00 p. m. t BoeJiestSr yfi Svraciuo 6.1W p. ro. t Buffalo S.-00 p. m.« Itooleater ?ia Qiwego and Charlotte 4:4ft p. m., Buffalo *J<x> P* "»-. htupen- akin Bridge via -Oaweajo And JLeWiatown 7:40 p. in., NJaxara ralla7*o}. 4- n|troit7.-oaa. mJ apeoiaJ Cnioafo Kxtfreea 1294 p. m., arriving at Watertewn S:Sft p-lnvL Syijacuse 6:30 p. ni,, iRochester S:40 p.ra..Buffalo l 4 i:50 a. m. t Cleve-- landS^S a. m., Detroitp^ia nj., Tofedo 10:46a. jn., Chloajro 7:40 a. ml, ttoluihtma U:ao p. m.. Cr»o4nnatr5^9 p. nr M iadiknap^lu o.'Sft p. in. . Near^QrlL Bxpreaa iv& \K ml arriving at Wa- tertown Si»jLm, t Oaw*fofS^ftTp, m.. Borne 9:30, ByrwuaeOJVm^alOflOk ml, Albany 1:40 a. nn M Kew York 7:lfii; vaL Boatoh 9 ^ 1 m . L Waffner'* nrig Car* ttachsd at .Rochetterlto (BpediaT"€hicaro Bx- preaa, and run through tb CievoianuV Detroit, Uhicajra snd Cincinnati without change. I tSTKare alwaya lowJ anil lAkie t/hickerthsh py any other route. Baggkge dhcoked through. i Jti^Bc sure on^|cdtf at the office of k if. DODQK, \AbenL before pro- curing 7\cketi tkewMre} , ; \ Mr. Dodge la a«pple|l with through cocoon ticketa to all principal botita Weat--rirat f 8ec- dbnd and Third CJaae—Krhloli can be obtained of him just aa cheap' an (ti? any btbor routes , JL ' LI Watartowti, N. T. I It. T. F K ABT, Gen*! TidkelJ A r t a t . f I WiCrtbwn]N. Y.- . JK. G. DOPGJE, AffeH (ibuverneur, K. T. g4S JM r LL__^—_4— /h BAND TRtwit : OF C IXWAY ;ri of Cats iiND CniCAGO. S atf one Oh TWBKKOdDRXBBJu tl MUM Bhortet tb Detroit than i by dw oth*T\Rout* TaAiwa # LBATa PaaaooTT JuKcn«> Aa FOLLOWd: , 1 -GOING WEIT. - • , , AYKXPrtKSSat l i s i . m., arrl^ln, BOIT next morning at Sao a. m., ami ext morning lit o evening at7i40 ina fdr the WSat D Ci wi m ft V6te of 215 for ranti lends six for the Maine ofti.OOOi IVlrtce from Engh welcomed the Governor General M)d Princess |Lo bine. t \^- yl:^ > delator dordfjq/of OWr^ ] H hi* to Edwards to-day. , BKIIS Ladd,,of llermon, and com- panltm recently returned from Cran- berry Lake With 90 lbs of trout. Wd cannot refrain from extending dur thanks and expressing pur admi- ral ioh for the noble and Independent position taken by your journals We lire tender a re pubMean fortnof gov- ernment and boast of the prlvllegea we bsjva of governi|ig ourselves. And yet 1 Hills a privilege too often uaurped and ignoiod by aeMlah and anscru lous tiolhieil Itlfgi We art told that our bolltioAere obrrupt; t^ad .inen bold high j^jfteoa, a^d make minister thailawe. What ia Ihe rea- son? A la Itlnot dae t<^ the fact that a few>MeadfagpoliiIclaris 7 ' are allow- ed tojjaihe the candidates for office ? And oy thlAt>ernle|oafs custom does not the itlfig-cursjedX peopl^tbe honest tilfttV of the sol), pay too dearly fatOtclrsubaorviency to tha small KingaK p 009 n o t t b e Rlig il way* aim to k<iep aU the fat otBbeel to themaelvek ? (What horny bai|dq|l» honeet farmer or iaechanio er knowix to be named by the offlce f The King lore J le too well toiaHict op- theirithe burden aad Mlity of laying Who ahajl r We thiit the time will now UjIWhen the peopfc in a mliiand aaspri thtir aadaiaot n u ^ o i a e i i by tte machiialtUl ta b J h ^ i J mlaU/jr between fRasoorr and BkqqavitLa,arriving at mtocKYiL^m s^Op. m. T\7'—L GOING&C45T: . DAY BXPBfcBfl at SttJT i m. arriving MovTaaAivat 7:10 a. m.,bentoeotih|r with ti for IBOBTOW, H*W Yokir|and«|ho W Mon>TAjwil NIGHT RXFBE88 at #^S p.m.,jai lfowTaaAiv at 9 r -00 p.laa.1 eonm tralna for Qua sac and IfoiaTLAKD/ HTeepIng otra through from Mowr^iaAi. to UOBBBC and jro^rt.A9f>. A m ^ XKD TftAIK st 10-4t a,lswtor statleRabb- tw'ee'n P a a a c o T T and JM^ptaAis, aririnn it Mo; p. in*, ootiaeetlng j arrfrii CMIOAOO next morning^ Khali train a *or the W !4tXBt> THAIK at 0 ^ > (n., for way atationa U *««.-*«*• »*• sana*.*" -*2j>ij fiiapUl i i ' fulohkeicf fa(i(oril4 fioikra and engine^, voita, ihg kret »es, un(%h\t\>\>Hcs ot allicindalat lov tUra ntf Balpli'l Onrijla and | t f w e Vata f<ir ; FaalUoixable Millinery iy|iarQrACKEffBfJBn v ' ~ " (SuecesfM>rtf hSw4 of bit chtlty that ahe haa on hind a Karate and rWoll Seleoted Stock ot! : & sky fo the ladies of h^nrernciir at ahe haa on hand a I, Well Selected Stock o !.• i !'• lnd VI- ~U \ MltUNERY qOODS j ^«.Ui. hlch ahie will aell at the rt Iror CLA ti pRicfcd o» I ^ } ' . . ghV wodld lie pl4aaed to have the Ijujlas call and exlynine atoca and prlcea before putchaalng alaewber4 j gftvJ * , .Ml Ii faat bocomioa; point* bf atu4>erioii{ berag a# marked flr*t inlrcMlucCion ran, in May M denly aprung ni trea of the count The inreniioti kei U.m of cool waUr oi THE ONLY ->II] tbat carried a body pan. thereby perfecj Ing it oqoaj on |atl aI poitant, the hOlaij f rota aeUling down leaf that covera the temperature only away with the nocei fact alone la moat p dence that the WhJU Invention In the mar AffenU will be Sup favorable term i'by County RiQhtitor lat f when the prate guaranteed. Forinty gSSyi Inventor and bAinirfe, Addreaa., CUILI>H a .ToN)ca, Faulkner A Co.) Uilca. R Y. f^ ATKU-LEAVED K< PAN Dalrymaa'a tavo^ite, 1U >ret all 6ih<4r inveatAona apparent that aiajee the Ithe WAter-Leavofi Milk J, the demand haa aud< in all tho great daily oen- np a continooaa olrcuU- 1 aides of Uia milk knd ia PAN AND COOLER NVKNTED J ater over the top (of peraturel m la aquaay i the tomperatur* \*. What la equa the milk room 14 im- Blatokamithlng , kept the milk by the irate*- of the pan. Thi even d by this invention doea of using. Ice, anil thia ive and ooncluaifje cvi- Item ia the only riarfeot with pant on tnimoat Inventor, at S100 each until Oct be raised. Satisfaction lation, address HITK, ^tentee. Mortey,rt.Y. .TTtr: j \ ^8UCOK9$oa lb J. D. EASTON.| MAMUrACTU^tR OH AND DIALER IN J^tL HOI^E-SHOEniGAlltlREPAIIUlTGA No. 28, Main Si, would reipectftilly announce and has purchased Anthon£ltlock % Gouvdrnenr. K that be M s Just retnrried fin>in JlefV V< i • »• *vrmmmHmt}$si "*" ' " ' JLji. rj- TIS LATSST HO TEE I4ADIES ARE SPEeiALL^nrVITEB TO CALL THELABGE AKB B^UTIITO A880ETkl»?6r WEBS GOODS, snka sA^iNa CLOTHE CAKBJtl6ft PE CUETAIKa CBE^O OOOBaNAPHmT AND GLOVES, LACES. , f , , FANCY BIB 1 GOO Da tuntpm$£ enrt HOUSEKEEPING LnrEKaHOsmyr > t i l v ® 2-ii^-? .^. PBINGEtt, ^ riUf-^g *•- -'Si ... *> r •- pi f fjK* t ? 3000 y&* Krhju, C1,J8, 9, aiwi 10 bentafperjrard j Ftoor %)U Clotln'afoU.._, price*;, VoJvel Kugs »t reduced p r i c A ; Wool MmU at radoqsd PftoKmi Door Mats at reduced prices. . J> . . ~\ s ''Hi GBMt CIAlri. 'It « OHI sapne all tralna for the WSet.1 GUT RXFRBftSat fM a HOIT same evening s< 10.-00 p. m. ( ami at 7 vfb a, m. t connecting 1 trains for the Weat, ing at ml % n'g at With :llave eiwnn inUilrenteril use tflthln the liat few rears. Snd ire the loaosl doiveitfenf, Borabl :and rotmlar, imon¥r>rmera and oiaera] of any waaon onittia>mf/Jkat. i|*pg *<> ^»« ^ r necured ATTARO* AMOOUT OF BTflCK ANI> FINIHIsKp WOKK bWro the recent ;ra^>ce> i i ^ of materials, I am able to{eilkt>AAT YKA&|$ ritJt E8. f'v \/\. I j \COMPLBI|E JUStoBTMBHT WF • I «. I ^ Invito special attention to the fact that t keepconafanUy ojn W l ' a ockkplete assortihent dV ^{ll hinds OTAXBVM A N D H r H I W C a . whloli enablee meijtodaplicau? o f match any broken; Y j»P B ^^ r J * l "*J ai w b 0 t r e i tt n ^x 0 fy^ r oontsmbiate pnro^iaaing anything- In our line, to j | j . ; CALL ANDjP^AMlNE STOCK AND OBT PBICH8. j "• All W0rk WARBAN!TE0 and None bit ihe BEST W0BE9EN Employed jsnOl* 0N CLINTOJW BTKI5ET, ' 1 OO0VEn^EUR, N. Y : far^»a-nis^amitta^ ' hlit4fU rt' "TiT [oNra&ate^* f Tlhie. QgdeuSbur*- to DeiriH, 20 hours< Timk " tl Chloato, 30 hours. an anoRTtar QOICKSWT J 1 . KOUTB T( Detroit* Chicago,|MiIwaukee AND ALL FOTirra w»sh«buTH*WaaT AJiji NoarH-vyay. ipnliirtati's Drawlif m*m Cars •;.. *; :• |0*DAtditAiKa* '; P^IlmaaV i'alatlal Sleeping CaH -i VW a O. R, B. 4enheot with ateamer NIGHt mAINS, Boa thxoughlfrom MONTktxaL. and PHBSCOTT JUNCTION to prrftoiTaiid cmcAQo without ehange. 1 I t^BNCgaa^ghecked Thaoaah from Oonaw^l iuaa ana not Subject to Qualom House examl-* aaUosU Askfbrand laee that ycter | Tickets road via D 1>ujna BAiLWajr, Ithe short, Une to s car-O. T, B4 ferry 8teaifaeafrBaNSIT leavea bufg tot Freacott, itl.-OO p. m. (noon) /rii.'finldnjsrht). boi&eoUnaMwUth Day Night Bxpreaa Traina I for the West. All ia oajB. ^ .LNSITMOkdenabura;*!. . iVr farthir PMUcutara apply at the dfflce of BaUwhy, corner of Fbrd aad rs Block, Ogdeusbuik, N. V. Kaaterit Aien^Ogdehaburg. knit amverneni. N. T. ,e—i -r- j jStf Oouve r, Woaklaaytolthe ivernenrJ that I hav pittnJthebaaemalPt lialaet. t ^ I- wbuld take lagan wno have (either er J *T\ r;* ,| w , * , thatl aaaponadeist I am ao. the niarket allotra, and t their batter la Uioveraear tniereatteoailofj aadsavar tar aa ta eatabliaha ET&0& the vicinity of oben}ed a Butter * >f Foaler'a Bar- butter a theiir ^^^2a^^^S rilj M1/ ifsSm HU" CM . 1 mil PLXTFORM 8PRINGI WACtoNS ri li5t#« >•»•«#< Hardware. b M A N a CIJTTIW $ •' * " 1 * . • nun KEKK It R K R B K ItEE KEE K H K B H K^ B it K£EK I j V . . . . . . . . . . j Of Every Dekcrlptiofi. STpVES HQWB ^ N D , TIN WARE. §cA AL|E-. iJ N ewoooat <. D. G. o I 3 AMMOTII AMMOTH MAMMOTH •*>< OAf^H, cAan, CASH, —o DB DKf DBI Hair «Mg^^ •v «v- .i;t*g >••- -^ t A' iv.t-:-^ -o I OOOW^TANSI CABPa^fBTOBMs "T; * *'fc \ 4fcArLA$TK|t BLOCK, V \ \: I *•. 6o Pieces CARPETS and prices than any ) •~s* UOtlVEBBBTJaV i^. T, . 4. , ,. - ! FLOO city re OIL CLOTHS tf u^yMtm !i n n f A i u ^ ^ s 1"; , ..,..*-y.4F-I^^fl 1 establishment ;v*? 50 pieces BliACK apd COLOREllt SILKS and SATiNB f for \ - Dresses, Dolmans* bacoues, r Trimmii^gs, etc*, etc., J ; ; - I , all at lower prices thaA ever known. S.1 HI: \ - \ •i 1 100 pieces NEW DRESS JFABRlts from the" lowesttodie- i highest grades ati prices''as cheap as. the : '' cheapest iiere or ekewhere. . 1 v K t fit. \ .. . ... ' Ladies' SACQUES, Ladies' CIRCULARS, ^aijies' LINEK Ui^TtfcS in > , great variety at loviiifst prices, t * .^ *, ..? J- 4 M H €. »^ u-. '• H •• $ ^'3 PARASOLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NoTioiA v of all kinds,'FANS, TIES,, •1 + '.V FISCHUKS, etp^ £tc. n i-il 'si •s ••• ).v> «':<?» •{ AOENTH r o l l } GO'S SCALES. Hr-"' \&m &±-m >h !!• ' r* i' ;t *4 dkiENTAtipowbfe^ CQ: » !.•'•• •' I'. Come, one, come all,-* Prices away*down and no to show goods. td&"Repcmt>er th6 ^ace>' ; -A- aa x v-'l •S -1 a. f3S •T- MAMHOTH */.. I. 3 v. Y**' >: 4.: o •v» '* ; K lj i-^T-n <r*)

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donolboldourpolll-In tba hlgb cstsam

M t ft* ts»7 M4ord U» It tba* unlver-UliilolkMrwIilob onwcUlmtd ibair

^••mttcnt i t f land aslf-dtaytaf da­bs* ilnM soa paopJa bata laarnM 4|a»f raaabU feci that tba King la

| S f a M o»hraml domJnJoq Ibjafrank «ttd, 01a a w y

j t 7 » » pow p'WNr**' by tMbaJloi,tha wliaH»*

Mlflsb aebaosss of the lordly »ra no* ao aagsr

, not to rtadjr to id not to far|l»lng'1

taiaonalrolof *>» too-f.«ppo!nted laadan.

ialNpaaa of r«paalL*an party' laid, no

dad, baoanaa star-t prloelplaa, waa

U. ory whlo> was aobatantlal jmbilo

Bui 4» Mooar do tba pe«-tbatj tba Itadara ara rtiav

for tba aaawopllab-afcda than tnair r •anttdanca iba-

Ity gUaapUwato mlasjlVlnn., i Whahi t t f

it tl|« •trangtb df polr M i o a w tigor, tt

A Ira »nd,. tba gran* only aoabMa a a«r*

gain new aooaarj thay grow "weary naturally* demand

"run tba ma-j,ahWlatan<lba«lpJu«l

nod lat tko ptfoplo hart] a law irnrdJteaaya- 4' who Way da-Ira f i iMtats) t* poaiflona of bonor and fifcB.MMy » t 4 who bs?a alwaya

P S S w i i r Ui* ¥ • ( polltloal work-^ M t » v k o m ^ b k p a r t y owaa, Ita

Sm r»*ord aftd grand majorltlaa jifltn Ijaft | kaaoma alok and t Ikfjitor iubmMlug to tba

sttotatlcjn of tbat "rary sa-waoj- having gakiad klgkloonon and aipasa-

watftftl »ioir arrWato tt> tba right to ovar>rfda tha

I ajfd vaanifast a stubborn itthtfon to konjlnaa to dlotata

la i f aioordanea with IWdoal 1 q U r W , '

natural that paopla should Mtlontof tboaa who, ba­

it* aasuftta tka lordly alra m. No wondar ovarbaulad, da*

it aid mlataka axpoa* Ifeavpfori not stranga thai

dlaoontant, with r«| ofJBiaubloa-rqla. baa 44,0 ilnd broken out In

rty anil daffa«|td tlfa of all whthava patient*

1**1. •:. • i '» / t+- .,;/•'. iii<v•••• oouoalU of t h l l p k r t r akould

eeaW t o be a aaarat eonclara Wherein t k t T t l o g p t a n a n d p l o t k o w tnayMm •eaore Jj ia lrewn lndifWoal, graetaat

«t the airpanM and In daflanoa e f w h a t wonbjl be tba general wlah If al lowed t o be expreaaad. T h e «%• oktnlry wbloh the people Invented to dp tbielr kidding, guard their Inter-eetaainelkxeeuta'ihtlr wil l , baa been aalaeA b y t k o a o V h o were appointed to roasaxf and by them torned into an, e n g i n e l o defeat and destroy the paklle.gopd< ..i ,. •-.: • -< •••..•.•.- <<. ; • The bonoai and dMnterested party taiknaglr Will flret aeek to learn tMk wfrh and aaratolly ttudy thekl^beet good of all before preeurolog to de­cide what ebould be door., If the party M to toooeed and eoutloue to roaloULo |U plreaent poalUon It muet Invito the cooperation, advjee, »MU-tUce, And aounarl 6Y tho^v who«i Votoi njuat win Ita vlctorlea., : , \ : ; .

The f Wg baaka In I ho parpetoal •hide of prosperity and vlgjorduely

ruirxjn] ibelr ea tkJy heaven bt abeo-lute-ilJ; tbty gather In and divide (be "puMte plont>r;" but the great roaia of tbr common people, the veritable ''mfflbllle of aoolety " grovel In tha dL)gradatIbn of slavery 19 their own •erUnte whoOiay by day, sre fofglnaj new chains fof^belr unresist­ing kakda and feet. T&e. Uoty and dignity (of overy freemai^amnnds

hbat bo iball rise np In hU n and helj^ dethrone all polllle rants, 1 [Many will cringe and before the King power which has so long held almost undisputed , w l | - * -We war hot personally agajnst^tbe ffc^ored fbw who have ao long gatb-er«l Injtkegolden gain ofofflolal har-Iveata whioh of right belong to the many; bat wo do wage* war ag*Iu*> hat yarnlotous system of dividing up

d eJlottlng out publle t>f oea and OielaJ njonora kmoog a little Ring

J eonsnltiiig or allowing have a, Wqrd to soy. We

the polltloal aeaa of those professional pirates wbo dor Ifriend and fbn alike

forever Intfulu Ike people f flouting In weir bontat aek, flag .of hypocrisy and >vdeiHI 1 these; polltloal n to the rear, long enough, r them id learn a lltUe 4 then the people inoey

tiaoft up sufficient epurage to Inolat i n ^ rafujagibg their own affairs

meddlesome dfeUtlon of w who Iniojt the party

Itboul ihe peopl

iktb rafma

iver id wb

.yete is the

dsbn ilghway;

least ioda«tyi il.e> apf

!»' rlikrfjit t^oaeW

y asakff lt}f to o w n and run It for t


' U r s . Aaron Itolf, 0 / Llsljon, took. wKlU UeUebore, reeeo^ly, bynUeUke for1 rhubarb, and dkra thr^e hours

^•?fcV*i^te.| fe;. , Thti fppMHtw* inilii4UJ ihti Qen^rtl GomiMildi will Inii elated pmidtet of Moxfco Vlth tbepfDl^ poet of a Alablo Rov^rnmont, t | i

..• ^ ^ . ' • •• • *. -:- • ^ " * * « . j * • I ' i I .'•

T h d XL l£# conf©rtti6« re^u«c» 'to elect t colored Ibithop, altbcnjgh tv Xhttit ir«i reported t b ^ without a b h b o p qttheir own color, the biackn cannot be kept In the church* ,

k Tho principal queatlOn iiowadayi ft, shall the people continue forcrcr to wearily turn the treadmill of poll-tka to that the fe# rln|r ruWr« may •elflahly gHnd thjilr political tfrlati while the great mart of tbff peoplfe «Und by and must content thamtelrea with admiring the gre*tne4.(?) and dliintereited goodocii(f) ot those who "floss the Machine?^ j '••

,' In the assombly, ifaat fWrelay, "tlfa bill to make the amount written in on an Insurance policy the measure ordamafco In oaee of Are, was passed after a most rigorous fight on the pert of the oppositions; It remains with thd gOTcriior npw whether or not this megttul-e become a law. f

« 1^U*ma j>4plrs asaert Chat * eonl tract has l>e«0|*igned by the gorenif cient of Nlcaramga #nd an Aworicaii company for the consiruction of a s ilp cans! aoro#s the is^ratis.' \

I>iirlng lAst Week two colorctl men wKeadmitted to!the1 Jury-box In

ore; the flrtkirao such a con oessfon 10 modern ideas has be n made, sljiolKeUarytand waf a States

^ AiiVdhk the >(iport^it ] ttcsisurcs recctitiy passed to \he gorernor, was the oloonlar^rirliie biiKintrpdiiced in the assembly by Mr.TWiis and put through the senerte by Mri nalbert

Friday night about O.&k the Mgo na, loaded withhay for Ogdensbur was burned about four nkilef West of Morrlsburgt O^ ShoUti supposed to bare caught lo the liatfch from the pip^. V , r , . , . • .

The senate paised the lEopbtira bill forbiddljnig (Uvcriminatronj In railway rateji, with the clausejexemptiog •jtiraugh; frelghls stricken out. At tholama tlmeU refused 16 lubstftute the assembly Mil for its t>#*. •< f •

and turned

MAynird Weis t w m l n f t i d postniaaMIr general, .Taniee L o n g e k e e t ndlnister] t o Turkey arid D a r i d J | . .Jf ty district judge for Tehnessea

T b o ' M l n n e s o U del^fatos t d t h e Chicago Content ion w i r e Instructed to support Senator Wftodotn; **rm of the ten deljsgainl are for Bktlnee '

. t h e bou^tii^r-Hanlan' nice at Waahingtoii f past vyeeki wk» a farce; Courtney stepped r o w i n g before gpinsr half the distance

A t the prindary elodtlbns in Bnyder county, Pa. t | jast wetrjkj presidential preferences W0re voted j by r^publi^ cans, Blaine: s w e p t ^ t M county b y about 1,000 majority

The Illinois ItepubllcKn st'ato con­vent Jon adnjUltoii a compromise dele­gation frpm cjook younjy , and pasted a resolution declaring that Gran^ is Its choice for 4*re#ident b y a vote of 386 to 307. j . . . . \ I {-• !•/ *

v Biimarck, p a c , Mify K e o g h special! say tbat HIoux, undef 1Uln-i^-tUc-Face^ w h o killed Custer, l ire n o w la short dls« tance ndtth o f - tho Vei iWbtone , op­posite Fort ' H M g h anxlbus to sur­render, Twtdoj not wist£ to g ive up tbtiir guds and ponies. Tbp& are not. In good huhior and hosti l i ty if threatened* j J ,( x••». |; CineinnatU, 0 . , Hay- 13.4^ Thorp as Boyd, who! recently m a j l e a fearful lekp into the |C|entucky tjlr^r, to-day Jumped Ihpm jtbe middlej or the 4ps* pcnuion bridge into the rjivir 94 feet. Only a small browd wftntslied the, feat, l i e hir^eil twice iri the air and utrudk (he watejr wi th i l t o p e a d a n d uhouldcri H e was picked ub unhurt


o a j c t t r r 8at.E.(-Br Tii Uwaeacmto l tqs

•1 Hew Tark ai aad tyDtartpfcjLf. of SSetro-•©II

aU i b e H|rKytiftie^

Itru, or *u aayutn© ESaW in>r to r^ijuowtar detea^n^^wtvalsotJto wit: T > *• - *

Al l that oaresl of Urnd in the to im of Gotirer B«4ir( St. M w w n o J C O j . *L Y., ami batng tho •nm6 laiMii 4eeded by XL p . Benton and ciom©-

23.—Fort 70ft destitute initrumrofc In writin

T e t u m t n t w z jpane 1 of the fOwn of ztofslefin mh o<

| Don Cameron est imate* {tote on first baljlpt at 407J Is as foiiowa KaMlChaMtU Co»a*>ot|o«L^-. t e w Toi vv t

DUiTWSblS air J.erte.

ft ta

l l t f o l s .>.-Uaonrl, rhantaa ...^ Ur12 lratata...;.4y..:.;fc.t** lorth OaroUaa. . .^ . . ! !

Total..,«...' Nsoestary

id tana.*, v , . . - • »» «


aisMmsi.ii TenassiasT J T s x a < . , L . J . . : . / , ,

mwfiS&hki X LoQisrfafiqtw KsnfiokyF. Kcbrssfca. refrltorlta

(>lahtfS lis courlt

mm 4 . . . . . 9

IS 16 6

: s

r. H Mr.

to4 6hoioe\...„.4... • • Tt T In a •

IkWrmort. x | ' il6fJ| D . S. l iy i |do

y ft\ CNgbonn «rf


and home

/font A |hany^rj"a bfrief Vljllt. Mr


0l4ghoiia h m r^kently re Retired tlm aj^poiutWcnt of; actuary in ttie ii^oi*

&M to Chicago from iaWal


of] crodemnatlou.---faaiaa sire beginning

thortoilMli irooeed at the fcrrogttnoe oT tho eyete*

id proNaslttaaJiy dictatorial •I the liftle t o w s , U re-Wipllit to fbreiell the re*

!ttjMopl« Wtilipurn irom po-ijdfOWei<thkfsW who.hatlng TiUtorJphetiieelvea and their

t^are lift nbthing but empty Ml4 beaty! burdens of taxa>

goanjv \' t ;* M ' » .mFoaxciptiont; aspirin*

and Blpg-feftderii have Ufsad the entire party iiiachlii-

:*f terthiir peraoisl |Mtvane#fpent. «kay ^tf# |br years traded upott end CpiMfdh i tU popjalarlty of their tesfifa Wd tbe rich UrvoeU of per-« a ^ | t l « ttare atttsted^ howl weU Mg^hsWt^UlTatedltbe r^b flsids of moHtleii Tb#r ba?ej made eotV|bifiaa> [ ^ ^ l l i s j i i of Whtdb tbey bare e^Mlty, allotted fctbong themeeim

^Msl ttUlf fll?evljteeft or traded off, all f#|!rtoatpoeltlops of] any importance |«tbie.eoonty t4om ^ear to year, and

.#&#•«tlflafe fori yee.ts lu adfaoece— ^ ttrMl I*** h*f* ffMned^ plotted. 4 | A M f A attd "wMpulItd.* peeked

A " ^illPeliaeed sauoosee, and „ all thees) ide/pleable> eeu

oratislng de^de which go to whatjs commonly kiiown ^booe^is nime of <tfth* dir-of p i l l t H They hare

a*d seraariW I, orgenlaed and domtneorcd^ and ibe }>eoplo have kit tfaMs Have their own way rather

!# eottt|nnil|y edntend. Hut the e now liislit upejn being heard, If the fortier prestige of the rutertj abeaild chance to puffer

Of * the people's resistance l4lsW dljler<el>ia(len to dto

Mftf Cktagrlssalj^al nomlnttlon t i ^ t W ^ t i e y ean tbai>k

own d^mlHeefkhgseltUhutjti for pleasant resulL | , - , | <(

_ I p* toM> delt|di hltHaeif #ltb '^•AWtWtjeeodlfat^l Idea that'a' day of

» V r f^rtbl i i i i iWNU'l^Ionto fa>* last i o the I Uei anil heartleee ones


e aeoMripg ot thefr own lelflah d»* firjg-

l%l^#at C onglNiMloiral dlatricta Jn this State, 4woh #r| tleftldidly tor Blalie, have njanfullVj pMcMmad their Jo term I-nMton to;rdfoso to be bound by the dictatori4l InktrtktlonsWthe vTbird

Tff Btftgrf and! will reflect tjbe aen-tl|pr.ents spd wishes or their odnstltu*

ta by voting tor the nomination of the t peopM) first choice, Jamfes O. Iljaftie. [Maby staunch republicans ih tile eojiniy are daily isklftg the qitestton i jwij l our delegates to the Nktlpoal ^ventionaboad whom we sept to Vllck and thence t|> Chicago to work 4MI vote for the man of our cUole y *Ht Ibey disregard the wish aakl will/or 4 vast majority of those whom they] represent f 1VHI,nhey alljow tiecbeelree to be booWt hand anU foot like)dumb driven cettlqand de[^rered frlr by the ''Big King.'1

JkMal |o t$ulh| merchandise, against tbi e<prea4ed dpsire and Inatruetion of Hi* peolMr | Will they {am*!? and eulsifvientN tubsolt to imperious and unjusttftlng dictation without a protest and I without a smuggle fl"

general f oice of tho pobple d | m ' isr fosis to be bdught and #old or traded Or driven to Jot agatyrt the )nter^al|s ant| wlaheioi thos^ whoip they are sank to represpnt. If jthey are not thqrough dotiwerta to Hlng-Um and helbleeely sWijud and tied op by pure­ly iersonallaild selfish Intereete tbey (Xifijand tnl tluly represent their dU-trldt by caj*lijg their votes and In-fluejnee for Beh*)tor Blalnpt who U the obofbe of the ttpoblicejid of thl» Con-grtMlonel dlstriet by ,an'overwhelm-ing majority* .,. . | - : i ript If they Mglect 6r tMfusetd re­flect the sentiLenta of their eonetitu-ents they musL and will be held to a strlet responsibility** If (hty are not willing and datermlnbd to act in ec-ooraajioa w|th the well known and uiqUe«Mon*|d will of those whom

[•they were splekted to reprfs/nt, then Itiwjould bo atI least msnlf and be-oclmjlng In ! tnem to resign a trust whl|sh tbey/josiaot otf will not fulfill Thalt sort of honest lndepcndonco t pcfo lo wqijidl applaud, yhlle tbey

lllseverult ckiidetnn tvny mlseepre-soitatton oiidpregard of their inter-

dathaitkey sbajl exhibit thai ependeht j manhood which re-

, *y it rejecting pf the oxd<fuiIvtJ c6m-mlAbeofthe sUte press jassocletion held! in Troy end attended by all the mem|berd, last vteck Tuesday, It waa 'agreed to have the meeting June 17 Wnd 18 In Hup) Hall, in Troy.

\ Thb aise bill lUoIvin

ijr patted tb^ llttihg _ the principle Of ade*

tailed staajem«ti under oatn, of every persob's flropert{y; real aitfl porsonal, and I deductirJg, his What! the sena<U| w l l l ^ > l t h it re malnd to be seenle' /• . \ .(» '• '<

• l i y - : ]rK *»* P ^ r

Wxk. JE. C b a W l l e r V f i ^ » Wij tKe first ballot at Cbloago a r e : Blaine, 305; Grant. 28* ? Sherman), 105;, Ed­munds, 3 5 ; Wishliurnea f 3 ; Win-dom r JO ;-t-2891 for Orantj andi 4t37 against h(tu; l i e pre l lo lp Blaine's nomlnaUoo on tile sCconrf^aUot, /

T h e n^gto nailc^nal repub^lcariiom-mlttee, jengaged | in promoting the nomination of ^rboe for v<ice presi­dent on tho republican ticket, has is­sued an Address fcfetlpg that Bruce should 4>JD sppporttod, not because be ie a negirb, but bedause bit record !•

-consistetot. : -. I v ••!.'»•;.-.. -i*..

m's shoWf was Jk route from AJbany to Ufiea, last week, the car wblcb.contained the largest Upn-eee tool Pre about half way (Jjn the trip. The llloneea waa tjuite badly burned apd^early suffocated* Every­thing poisibW was done for the beast, but she died In Auburn., ' •.

" T he farjmilri of Lin^ Island testify that in spite of thd tons of rarls grcerVuseil last year botato tyuge have appeared already by] thoufikTids and are varying their program bv attack­ing the tjender /Iprouta before tbey appear above tbifrotind and ruining them, , 1 <Ni

pd this.

eels and dee


AHr^TMEr^OtfUTHEIBOWX DOHMf f t ho republican party says' there

iiius$ be no thl fd term, and the Ito-publlcan parttyl la its own bass."— Vvf iee, [ I

If! the pebple were not cheated, humbugged! driven^ and defraudod hy4 prefMlonJal Ring politicians, <HhlfdVermdstttM never would have lieen! born, I But certain political tricksters wfto taw and Mlt the reins of political rowpralttpplng from their hands, whioh ara calloused with con­tinuous offlcje-grabblng, determined

> A correspondent sonde this -valua­ble contribution* aa a prophecy of "the way it will be if Blaine is nomL mated": A Chlfiaman, puazled to find the knotive power of the flan "•* * street cars, wh^ch ,are

an underground cable, ex-"No pullee, no puaheel

like b<|llee/^2h^ne* at


It* B. , hts wIfo. to l ehulon H.Bonton by deed d a u d May 7ihLj8dtt snd rekrxJod May 14th, itm, in Liber Nt>. C ojf dotxli at pace SS ao . .

iss^BeglnnToffatthe iy known a* Alanton

and dasaribed as fol lbwtJt is: Begianlnj & K. sornsr of a lot Jorm- * * Toauism'tstore. lodand)raan!inj thence north f!° aSTW* # e t u v ^ I I I tofthe centre of the n££ being alao A e ajW.leornkt- of a lot for«rerlyot> cupled b y f . DeWel | theaee northcaiterly aiont* the Jihaof (Mtifl aiitd P e w M lot and lota formeVly oocupietl hjr I t s s ^ k . HibaS, being aleo the een-tr« oUhe 1 ^ . 1 0 a btak* anil atone boned in ? l t l?2 ! ! I t f^ 1 W ^ r 1 ? * ^ 0 ! 0 1 r 0 i f c A ,r thence g. fP W $. 4 oha. tola hehflodk atake: thencea. W 9f W. lUchaj *n& 60 lka% taTthe place of be gufninf coatainibg Ai anil &H100 of an tand be the aamdaiofra o

l>ate<l May *>.>

. . - ^ L M * »tjterlSKir M Lkwre'ncc Co., ( h l l # 7 By LoBE^ZQiJi l i t i i , Deputy-SheruT.

HaitheaasVi^fOrF. Justly cciobrated . ,:..r..,, j s f J .) I': 'I


084100 of an aero of

TH E rEOPLBT OJ York, to rertx York, to r«

Naffr, reaidlnff at V. t k l len JCsffey

cannot be e»ci ohn McDonald, a U


T1IB STATE OF KEW ioDanaH and Nancy Mc-liiej'at*jr,awrenee Co. s. X*m ^iti«*raJd»,.whoee1

rorefnenta. realdenceasre ahkndrnwkncf ^ftsr dilleent in-|, -r. .-W f t * the petitionerJI • « / •°*«?w l ' - , . ,

tdunaraed in a certain! GaH. Alao the wonderful uutpotnlna to be the laat 1 IVanet McDonald, latei

... , in the cdmitj of St. Law-renee, and atate Df ]Ne4 pcflc, deeeaeed, haa thia day made appiiGaUoa oar eotmty ef St. gncat in writing plroraia

.awiren0ejto h mA ...,_. ^ L rejtfrdedasa Will

of real and bemonkl &unk: i Yon are hereb^ oiled iofadpear before, the

•aid surrogates, at I lm| o"

o<funtj of St. Law-d«

jthsx attrrogaie of aff aaidInatm

aafcl, county, on the lk4h ^ * In the fo o'ciiea

tend the probate cat aahl W tii vf n under the hand]and

1 rogatej at UOIIT

In the ye eljrbt huajdreh

\MSU T STEi Xne }tSt\iX

sask IBAN ubltrii NDMi

in (sonverceur. In 9i Juiy,lStfO,at 10

nodn, than And there ta at-l o f ear said anr-

|en(, in aaid county a toth day of

of ou> Lord one thooaand eighty. t A.;Joiflf0Oir, •



journal, paper* type aid lafeclianlcal execution otrictly tfrat-claaa. KmbloyM nareaaTa«8eratgfvoa no preaUums, bnt ieplmftj aoleiy upon its Mer­ita for aub#crii>tion». Whitti at the extremely lOvtpHeeof Sl.QOjjyVoatlhajgiTcn it exten-alre circulation. facM laetio odntaine a full re­port of the t i r ( M , e ^ W ° ' f he Jtlmira rarmera

An Agricultural edjwe4|ly, at Kimtra, K. Y.

AN isljA largo eirhi page

Llub, the meat tho world. Ita re Jfew York and J»h great dare, Ternul^no

tiers tn%. . IUU


96 aaB

fforta lladelph

utlon of l u kind In ie markets, ^shieAy are prepared with

lar a year, A club of ten, With oaah piym^nt dff tetrd3linra,entitiea the aender to a j ctatnt oo|»y. Specimen aunj-


USBAKDUAK. [IClmlra, N. V.

Theae inatruwenu h i r e n e w dej l >m<

the LKADINO HEED OR-uaeful modern


The moat jronderfni matical llTejnilon of i h e age. WlllVevor or w< U with perfect^aae

• ' • • • > s • ' ,


wear out. A etuid i-an open Pficon from | H to $oa »erate

noois, HMWA

ll^8TllTjJtrHNf4 A N D I t T i l N

|nfgrea< raVlcty.

t^rleea alwaya aa low i l is conai and honorable dealing. C*TAF<<KUJK8, rxleea and lnfermalioli in nnsvwf to corres­pondence promptly furnished. 8aU«i>uUion K"nr-antecd in efpry traiiaactipn. r

* * I » ' f * . j J^po. i t . c o r B T arr.,Xft^EHTOWfr, ... ";./|.-/ j T H E v t '...


y is njow shocked with <he M o s t JCOMH.ETE AsSOliniEKT

;-; in lUortHetfc New Yo^k.:

Mercha)idLse from all p^rls of the wj rld how on ftxhiliitioh

J and fdr sale at No. 12 pourtSt, ^atelrtown.

No ^vhnce in prides 4s yet is n ft TIME to $UY.*.

U I H . MURREY; I Onjlei-s by mail ivill be

prompflly anc) carefuliy attended to.. Scjiisfictiolh guarant




ahce departineiitk, -v i n ^ .<. ; A small perty of nfH tral ltj , frcrtn

gfyraco^e passed through our] vl lU^e op Batufday last loo their ?Mtf *o the Cjjreat Wopds. A m o o g tl^e fuuinberi Wp noticed the gnaial fa^o of lex »h^r-lit Weldrums d / i L I ^

i T b e M e t h o d i ^ l s o c i 6 ^ I* about to commence the erpctioti of a church at Kent's Corners. BuMcient iumU have b ien raised and Mr. E. II. Uulett, of tle^velton f has taken the contract t o j balW H. ,. / . . j, ..; , . ,., ,

T b e U e r m o n ftlcforri> Club is pros-p4rlng, tod It holds weekjly meetings which arp >yel! atjtended. I |.

James Orahamj hanips4ifiaker f has r«n»oved to Can t i n .

M e b t e d n e a a . 4 Mr- J a m o i K e ' y hMtcbiiUly Uk. J ert out a pateut on his uev1 side btr

11. B. Cline, tbb goriiM Kbdlonl of


• T I C|ME|TSr[> '; i*t«*of thd ootintrk by railitoa<l and

•tearuTHWl; alao Ocean fteamera and Kkctirah9ii TtokatJ. KtilI information i i r c n . ronpa a u d i : t ime tajbtea fumiKliwl.l bajrbnuo checked and |' j aleepbigj bertha aeci imlj V j . [

I Snforeijg^ cofintrjef fold at the low-

8 D R A I

•t rat otiTomieiir. Open froia ri a

n l • . - ' I ; T A K E

Most D/rect atid[


the llermon llouie, is lu Nevy Vjork foi* a feir days* f Henry" lopats after the interests of ttfe-house in ale ah* seoce. ,f . u. ' i MJ- Lv ,. , We.came <iear having a flro Bator1-day evening, as a result eft carolcss*] aeks. Mr. Lymah ILadd went Into Mt llealey's stol-o eiid behind the counter, took down several boxes of gloves and while footing at them popped flro from his pipe into one orttre boxes. \The boxes were're­placed on the shelf and sortie time af* tefwards smokd w*s discovered and on Investigation the ^t^ wis found. anA wheh discovered it ha4 burned through twp boxes of gldvert^and coriimunloatod to the shelf. Had tbi> occurred am}, hour or two Jater we we would no doubt have had another ftre to record. S. 8*


to make use of sonal populaf It Grant, in h o

£f* H h o ptioeMluie <he |h|ghest f o o d or

, mireael f l sb andk* , All the wealth M Wl loh Mia UUpf liaa fathered, backed ^ k f IhO jfrofcs^loi|al bollUctan cannotj

etay lh«i r l e l a i llilt) of determined o\>\ M a U i ^ 1 lo^ftloLr rc|le and one man

CrtfJ Tha[des|rwatj ifiteriats of the pv^jihe tt1#at|aacirvd H f his of tho

rttte+n iami 4M Mtitojd wc*Ul» \>( prt^ 4 t i l l e d Dlaselok* tto ell men cannot.

p o r t n^t afidfwl I no€ be always frit* 4 e v e 4 a # a y to makniry the importance 4 M tae^eaae Ike dlahooest |%in* of a

% *wr * I M polittoal Irtoksters. Tkp p ^ ^ p i T o a d erlajtcwraey o f wealth,

pre tms ioo o f ptlliXil pre* Iloncjr (?) end |ead*Hhip Ml t b i a#lf-iovernmsat of

tmd lh# fUghfit good of the



fhu #r the r^opla supplaiAtbeaetf:

•Hvoijiidr^w.wh il( Mwted o f"

tho wonderful per-of Hhe great soldier,

df thereby regaining tholr rapldl* diminishing Influenoe with the peoldel i That little game is a favorite <r[c| With political "pro-liaaloneU/' 11 bha often been lucooee-ftilly played fpon the people, simply because the. great masses are honest and unsuspecting,, Hlmllar uthlmble rigging*9 tactics are being drnpldyed at ihe preteu^ imrev in this county, for the sole pMrribse of staying the fast fkdlng glok)t < f a little local ltlrtg. When one has ruled ao long/ they long and hanker fbr contlouanoe of power; foi political power gives position and fcflbonoe, and they pave the way to thfe 'Wbllo crib." 'Polit­ical Iloeaes^dle lUrd^and usually'^le game.99 Willi the people bo humbug* ged, cheated land defraudod out at their rights td adeel rulers for them-

[eeivee la the nosi Important <iueation Which now lagltatea the popular mlnde , ,i i. IJ

DaP i The Hanoi detega- one wj he he! any

S&te hoee tiro

far Wlmlom, If aMAifbr

Ttumor iays Lord Ileacohsfleid Will sdon marry. _ . ! . ' » • . f i .

Last Friday 3.0&0 emlgranta'krrlved at N. Y.ejlyj • j. ^

Cotigrtis^loaai adjonmment; is not probable! before June 15r |

% The s^ate dfugg^ats9 association met injalyijacUse laat week, j s


Hixty«lUr Arkansas rcfilge^saallcd tor Liberie, Saturday morning. /

All e(Wf»strlan statue of Jackson haa beed upvel led at Naah?llJI|Os

T h e r e ^ denials trotft QTIorida tbat that state ia solid for G r a n t

The NMtfiaka Itepubllcans' elected a Ulalne d^legatfdn of six members.

The t/jjtj. scnato, Saturday, con­firmed N . (r. Ordway, governor of I^kota. j; . , , ; | ;.-.,.

The governor has nominated Char* lee M. Denhlaon of Utlca, fot canal appraisei | • .^ j ( . ; - ;

Th«3 association of centrsjl New York physicians Is In sessdon in Rochester.

The DrljtishI parliament Opened, last Thursday and the queen's! speech was read and debated, f N

The niiioifi republican conven­tion admitted from Cook county 66 Blaine-Wajlhburne and H Gr**t dele­gates, ^ : , , . , \ ' i Nebraska! by t lllaino to 150 for delegatee td Chlcag senator. t>i

Hanlsn Hki reoelted the $€,000 won from Cour tney* and h a | con­tracted to rpw wi th Riley for a prise

'( . ' ' .• , ." •'• , •'.-*> pold arrived ki C Uebec

laat Bandar and waa

-tJire* JJlram Heed died 8uhdayf Mar 16thr after a ibng and paljpful Illnejs; disease, cancer. ,

Iy M. Andrews died at the reel-detice of Abel AndrewsL her; father, May l^th, aged 33 yearn > , ,

here are more farmira patrontx log the cheese factories here this sea-SQoUbati usual.. y\ j ' ^ . The em migration to Jfrojit Lake

^oodjmenoed last Sunday. It 7111 be a great Sunday resort for ' our peopl* tbisi season ; Ospeci&jlly for ti e lovers of pleasure.

Tfce people havlotf decided! to ob-Decoration J>ay, on Sunday,

80tti, moat reapectfhNy request tixtms, chhrcbcf and schools to in honorllg the aacred memory rdead, I [. , T^HffS.

• lJe«Tel«on. ' • ] y 24—IVfc still hold oorowri in logs, pertaining to buslneas and seem to pe iniprovlttg ai cheese

»P» I •• \ • \ \ hare sotiething n6#. in shape

of a doublo stote, run by 0 . M. Bell &'vCo„ and tiled with groceries, ci^cltery, hatsicaps, and a large line ot rtjjsdy nflulejclothing, mad* to lit efery body. The storo is a novelty In ihjs place.. 1 • .:. j , •

I.TS*. Wood»>lde# our porjulai1 furni­ture dealer ia on hand with a large assortment of elegant furniture, also agent for the Hartford woven wire mattress; prqtujrd frapes a specialty.

Snyder & Bmith, are doing a fine business lo thepgrocery line and run log aflrst claasrho^l. ,

Boine stir is belter niadh in poll-tic's jand everybody is considering the wnity of all earthjy ring*;, wit­ness ihe democratic triumph in Og* densllurg* . . . . . . ; . # • , ; Come over and help ul, i s the cry of—jr. j' B .

[ . ;; Paatavia. • * MaV 2 l—Lant Monday Mrs. Mart ha

Iteedf wife Of Hiram Reed,of Canton, died jbf cancer of the breast.

George ' Gibbons moved into ! hi* new (etore yesterday. . • . */ / . WJ' E.Oook moves bis barneM phop


V l l

1 WatcrtoNlTi

tgi <ynce in] A.IUotlkrtna Ca1a Bank, to 4 p. pL

Qhickest fcdute

and Ogclcns-burg R. R, ktfw YoVkjCen^

tral; and Cbnqccting Ones.

fenfr trinafer ar*Og-enabuMr, the unveitafity bt connection at

Preaeotf Junction, a4d i h e inapecUon of bag-gave bylOiHtom llouab fflloiaia. 1 r *

Omly*iv&chaitaA /rem uottvetnhur to Chicago, , iftvD lets cf^n\/€M t\ian by any other route. \ 'I

fClegant Paaicngv>r]0»iWi learlng itOdvernetir » t j 13:54 p. m., and run througa to ttyraeuse miluoutL change, making direct and reliable oou>u'4tioB{Vriih h|iectal Chi-

aaaengtu-jCokiih attached to train iverneur nt]13:54 p. m., a Syracuse m i thou tl change, i illeble ooieielUottiwiUi Hpec

oago Kxpreaa Train for all point* W e f t rectj ^rofc Trains leare GouT©s|nc|ir aaifollowa:

O O I K O Waar U K I > [ X A S T DAT KXPRSKIS S:5| a. in., arriving at Water-

town 10:10 a. aa.v Oawego I K» p. m.t Kome 1 :M, grraottae 1:4S p, m.v UlTceB;W.Litbany 6.HSr New York 10.-00 p. m.t BoeJiestSr yf i Svraciuo 6.1W p. ro.t Buffalo S.-00 p. m.« Itooleater ?ia Qiwego and Charlotte 4:4ft p. m., Buffalo *J<x> P* "»-. htupen-akin Bridge via -Oaweajo And JLeWiatown 7:40 p. in., NJaxara r a l l a 7 * o } . 4 - n|troit7.-oaa. mJ

apeoiaJ Cnioafo Kxtfreea 1294 p. m., arriving at Watertewn S:Sft p-lnvL Syijacuse 6:30 p. ni,,

iRochester S:40 p. ra.. Buffalo l4i:50 a. m.t Cleve--landS^S a. m., D e t r o i t p ^ i a nj., Tofedo 10:46a.

jn . , Chloajro 7:40 a. ml, ttoluihtma U:ao p. m.. Cr»o4nnatr5^9 p. nrM iadiknap^lu o.'Sft p. in. .

Near^QrlL Bxpreaa iv& \K m l arriving at Wa-tertown S i » j L m , t Oaw* fofS^ftTp, m.. Borne 9:30, B y r w u a e O J V m ^ a l O f l O k ml, Albany 1:40 a. nnM Kew York 7:lfii; vaL Boatoh 9 ^ 1 m .

L Waffner'* nrig Car*

ttachsd at .Rochetterlto (BpediaT"€hicaro Bx­preaa, and run through tb CievoianuV Detroit, Uhicajra snd Cincinnati without change. I tSTKare alwaya low J anil lAkie t /hickerthsh py any other route. Baggkge dhcoked through. i Jti^Bc sure on^|cdtf at the office of k if. DODQK, \AbenL before pro­curing 7\cketi tkewMre} ,; \ Mr. Dodge la a«pple|l with through cocoon

ticketa to all principal botita Weat--rirat f 8ec-dbnd and Third CJaae—Krhloli can be obtained of him just aa cheap' an (ti? any btbor routes

, JL ' L I Watartowti, N. T. I It . T. F K ABT, Gen*! TidkelJ A r t a t . f I WiCrtbwn]N. Y.- .

JK. G. DOPGJE, A f f e H (ibuverneur, K. T. g4S JM r L L _ _ ^ — _ 4 — /h B A N D TRtwit :


;ri of Cats iiND CniCAGO. Satf one Oh


t l MUM Bhortet tb Detroit than i by dw oth*T\Rout*

TaAiwa#LBATa PaaaooTT JuKcn«> Aa FOLLOWd:

, 1 -GOING W E I T . - • , , AYKXPrtKSSat l i s i . m., arrl^ln, BOIT next morning at Sao a. m., ami ext morning lit o

evening at7i40 ina fdr the WSat

D Ci wi

m ft V6te of 215 for ranti lends six for the Maine

ofti.OOOi IVlrtce

from Engh welcomed the Governor General M)d Princess |Lo bine. t \^- yl:^

> delator dordfjq/of O W r ^ ] H


to Edwards to-day. , BKIIS Ladd,,of llermon, and com-panltm recently returned from Cran­berry Lake With 90 lbs of trout.

Wd cannot refrain from extending dur thanks and expressing pur admi­ral ioh for the noble and Independent position taken by your journals We lire tender a re pub Mean fortnof gov­ernment and boast of the prlvllegea we bsjva of governi|ig ourselves. And yet1 Hills a privilege too often uaurped and ignoiod by aeMlah and anscru lous tiolhieil It l fgi We art told that our bolltioAere obrrupt; t ad .inen bold high j jfteoa, a^d make thailawe. What ia Ihe rea­son? A la Itlnot dae t< the fact that a few>MeadfagpoliiIclaris7' are allow­ed tojjaihe the candidates for office ? And oy thlAt>ernle|oafs custom does not the itlfig-cursjedX peopl^tbe honest tilfttV of the sol), pay too dearly fatOtclrsubaorviency to tha small KingaK p 0 0 9 n o t t b e

Rlig il way* aim to k<iep aU the fat otBbeel to themaelvek ? (What horny bai|dq|l» honeet farmer or iaechanio

er knowix to be named by the offlce f The King lore

Jle too well toiaHict op-theirithe burden aad

Mlity of laying Who ahajl r We thiit the time will now UjIWhen the peopfc in a mliiand aaspri thtir

aadaiaot n u ^ o i a e i i by tte machiialtUl ta

b J h ^ i J mlaU/jr

between fRasoorr and BkqqavitLa,arriving at mtocKYiL^m s^Op. m.

T\7'—L GOING&C45T: . DAY BXPBfcBfl at SttJT i m. arriving MovTaaAivat 7:10 a. m.,bentoeotih|r with ti for IBOBTOW, H*W Yokir|and«|ho W Mon>TAjwil

NIGHT RXFBE88 at #^S p.m.,jai lfowTaaAiv at 9r-00 p.laa.1 eonm tralna for Qua s a c and IfoiaTLAKD/ HTeepIng otra through from Mowr^iaAi. to UOBBBC and jro^rt.A9f>. A m ^

X K D TftAIK s t 10-4t a , l s w t o r statleRabb-tw'ee'n P a a a c o T T and J M ^ p t a A i s , aririnn i t Mo;

p. in*, ootiaeetlng j

arrfrii C M I O A O O next morning^

Khali train a *or the W !4tXBt> THAIK at 0 ^ > (n., for way atationa

U • • • • • *««.-*«*• »*• sana*.*" -*2j>ij

fiiapUl i i '

fulohkeicf fa(i(oril4 fioikra and engine^, voita, ihg kret »es, un(%h\t\>\>Hcs ot a l l ic indalat l o v

tUra ntf Balpli'l Onrijla and | t fwe Vata f<ir

; F a a l U o i x a b l e M i l l i n e r y

iy|iarQrACKEffBfJBn v ' ~ "

(SuecesfM>rtf hSw4

of bit chtlty that ahe haa on hind a Karate and

rWoll Seleoted Stock ot! :

& sky fo the ladies of h^nrernciir at ahe haa on hand a I, Well Selected Stock o

!.• i !'•

lnd VI-

— ~ U \

MltUNERY qOODS j ^ « . U i .

hlch ahie will aell at the rt

Iror CLA ti pRicfcd

o» I ^

} • • ' . . ghV wodld lie pl4aaed to have the Ijujlas call

and exlynine atoca and prlcea before putchaalng alaewber4 j gftvJ


, .Ml I i faat bocomioa; point* bf atu4>erioii{ berag a# marked flr*t inlrcMlucCion ran , in May M denly aprung ni trea of the count

The inreniioti kei U.m of cool waUr oi T H E ONLY ->II]

tbat carried a body pan. thereby perfecj Ing it oqoaj on |atl aI poitant, the hOlaij f rota aeUling down leaf that covera the temperature only away with the nocei fact alone la moat p dence that the WhJU Invention In the mar

AffenU will be Sup favorable term i'by

County RiQhtitor latf when the prate guaranteed. Forinty

gSSyi Inventor and

bAinirfe, Addreaa.,

CUILI>H a .ToN)ca, Faulkner A Co.)

Uilca. R Y.


K< P A N Dalrymaa'a tavo^ite, 1U

>ret all 6ih<4r inveatAona apparent that aiajee the

Ithe WAter-Leavofi Milk J, the demand haa aud< in all tho great daily oen-np a continooaa olrcuU-1 aides of Uia milk knd ia


ater over the top (of peraturel m la aquaay i

the tomperatur* \*. What la equa

the milk room 14 im-

^± B l a t o k a m i t h l n g

, kept the milk by the irate*-

of the pan. T h i even d by this invention doea of using. Ice, anil thia

ive and ooncluaifje cvi-Item ia the only riarfeot

with pant on tn imoat Inventor,

at S100 each until O c t be raised. Satisfaction lation, address

HITK, ^tentee. Mortey, rt. Y.


j \ ^8UCOK9$oa l b J. D. EASTON.| M A M U r A C T U ^ t R OH AND D I A L E R IN J^tL


N o . 28, Main S i ,

would reipectftilly announce and has purchased

Anthon£ltlock% Gouvdrnenr. K

that be M s Just retnrried fin>in JlefV V<

i • »•

*vrmmmHmt}$si "*" ' " ' JLji. rj-









, f • ,


1 GOO Da

tuntpm$£ enrt HOUSEKEEPING

LnrEKaHOsmyr > t i l v ® 2-ii^-? . ^ .

PBINGEtt, ^ riUf-^g

*•- -'Si

... * > • r •- pi f f j K *

t ?

3000 y&* Krhju, C1,J8, 9, aiwi 10 bentafperjrard j Ftoor %)U C l o t l n ' a f o U . . _ , price*;, VoJvel Kugs »t reduced pr i cA; Wool MmU a t radoqsd PftoKmi Door Mats at reduced prices. . J> . . ~\ s ''Hi

GBMt CIAlri.

'It « O H I

sapne all tralna for the WSet.1

GUT RXFRBftSat fM a HOIT same evening s< 10.-00 p. m.( ami

at 7 vfb a, m.t connecting 1 trains for the Weat,

ing at ml


n'g at With

: l lave eiwnn inUilrenteril use tflthln the l iat few rears. Snd i r e the loaosl doiveitfenf, Borabl :and rotmlar, imon¥r>rmera and oiaera] of any waaon oni ttia> mf/Jkat. i | * p g *<> ^»« r

n e c u r e d A T T A R O * AMOOUT OF BTflCK ANI> FINIHIsKp WOKK b W r o the recent ;ra^>ce> i i ^ of materials, I am able t o { e i l k t > A A T YKA&|$ r i t J t E8.

f 'v \/\. I j \ C O M P L B I | E JUStoBTMBHT WF • I «.

I ^ Invito special attention to the fact that t keepconafanUy ojn W l ' a ockkplete assortihent dV ^{ll hinds OTAXBVM A N D H r H I W C a . whloli enablee meijtodaplicau? o f match any broken;

Y j»P B ^^ rJ * l "*J a i w b 0 t r e i t t n^x 0fy^r oontsmbiate pnro^iaaing anything- In our line, to

j | j . ; CALL A N D j P ^ A M l N E STOCK A N D OBT PBICH8.

j "• All W0rk WARBAN!TE0 and None bit ihe BEST W0BE9EN Employed

jsnOl* 0 N CLINTOJW BTKI5ET, ' 1 OO0VEn^EUR, N. Y : far^»a-nis^amitta^ ' hlit4fU

rt' "TiT [oNra&ate^* f Tlhie. QgdeuSbur*- to DeiriH, 20 hours< Timk " tl Chloato, 30 hours. an a n o R T t a r QOICKSWT

J 1 . KOUTB T(

Detroit* Chicago,|MiIwaukee A N D ALL FOTirra w»sh«buTH*WaaT AJiji

NoarH-vyay. ipnliirtati's D r a w l i f m*m Cars

•;.. *; :• • | 0*DAtd i tAiKa* '; P^IlmaaV i'alatlal Sleeping CaH


VW a O. R, B. 4enheot with ateamer

NIGHt mAINS, Boa thxoughlfrom MONTktxaL. and PHBSCOTT

JUNCTION to prrftoiTaiid cmcAQo without ehange. 1 I t^BNCgaa^ghecked Thaoaah from Oonaw^l i u a a ana not Subject to Qualom House examl-* aaUosU

Askfbrand laee that ycter | Tickets road via D 1>ujna BAiLWajr, Ithe short, Une to

s car-O. T, B 4 ferry 8teaifaeafrBaNSIT leavea bufg tot Freacott, itl.-OO p. m. (noon)

/rii.'finldnjsrht). boi&eoUnaMwUth Day Night Bxpreaa Traina I for the West. All ia oa jB. ^

.LNSITMOkdenabura;*!. . iVr farthir PMUcutara apply at the dfflce of

BaUwhy, corner of Fbrd aad rs Block, Ogdeusbuik, N. V. Kaaterit Aien^Ogdehaburg.

knit amverneni. N. T. ,e—i - r - j j S t f



Woaklaaytolthe ivernenrJ that I hav

pittnJthebaaemalPt lialaet.

t ^ I- wbuld take lagan wno have (either er

J*T\ r;* , |w ,* ,

that l aaaponadeist I am ao.

the niarket allotra, and t their batter la Uioveraear tniereatteoailofj

aadsavar tar aa ta eatabliaha


the vicinity of oben}ed a Butter

* >f Foaler'a Bar-butter

a theiir

^^^2a^^^S rilj M 1 /



. 1



ri li5t#«

> • » • « # <

H a r d w a r e .


•' * " 1 * . •

nun KEKK It R K R B K ItEE KEE K H K B H K^ B it K£EK

I j


. . . . . . . . . . j

Of Every Dekcrlptiofi.




§cA AL|E-.


N ewoooat

<. D. G.




OAf^H, cAan, CASH,

—o DB DKf D B I

Hair « M g ^ ^

•v «v- .i;t*g > • • -

- ^

t A'

i v . t - : - ^


I O O O W ^ T A N S I CABPa^fBTOBMs "T; * *'fc

\ 4 f c A r L A $ T K | t B L O C K , V \

\ :



6o Pieces CARPETS and • prices than any



UOtlVEBBBTJaV i ^ . T , . 4. , ,.

- !

FLOO city re

OIL CLOTHS tf u^yMtm !i n n f A i u ^ ^ s 1"; , ..,..*-y.4F-I^^fl 1 establishment


50 pieces BliACK apd COLOREllt SILKS and SATiNBf for \ - Dresses, Dolmans* bacoues,r Trimmii gs, etc*, etc., J ; ;

- I , all at lower prices thaA ever known.


HI: \ -




100 pieces NEW DRESS JFABRlts from the" lowest to die-i highest grades ati prices''as cheap as. the : '' cheapest iiere or ekewhere. .

1 v K

t fit. \ .. . . . . '

Ladies' SACQUES, Ladies' CIRCULARS, ^aijies' LINEK Ui TtfcS in > , great variety at loviiifst prices, t * .^ *, ..?





» • •

u-. '• H

• • $


PARASOLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NoTioiAvof all kinds,'FANS, TIES,, •1 + '.V

FISCHUKS, etp^ £tc.

n i-il ' s i

•s •••

).v> «':<?»

•{ AOENTH r o l l }



\&m &±-m


!!• '



;t *4

dkiENTAtipowbfe^ CQ: » ! . • ' • • •' I ' .

Come, one, come all,-* Prices away*down and no to show goods. td&"Repcmt>er th6 ^ace>'; -A-




•S -1

a. f3S •T-


*/.. I.

3 v.

Y**' >:

4.: o •v»

' * ; K lj-» i- T-n
